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hey everyone.Lauren is back. yey...


im back here to say hello. and NEVER EVER EVER EVER make it to high school. the first day of skool is one of the worst in my history(and we all kno how truly insane i am.)

first days are ALWAYS bad but it was the most overwhealming day EVER.


its not so bad but for the first month i would have killed to be back in middle skool.


i visited the middle skool on the first day and we say kids waiting for there bus that was really late and me and my friends started screaming "fail 8th grade on purpose" over and over again.


its been over a month of skool now. ive gotten over the fact that i have like no friends in my classes, only see my Bff for like 3 minutes a day and only have 20 minutes of lunch with all my other friends.


the workload is getting heavier. which stinks.

i joined GSA(gaySTRAIGHTalliance)


i stay after everyday too. since skool is rite down the road i can walk home whenever i want. i stayed till 5:30 today and a soccer chick gave me and my 3 friends pizza. it was chill.


im a guidence Horr again this year but group isnt so bad cuz i get to chill with mona and all these upperclassmen with reputations that chill with my brother. the only downside. its not co-ed :C


im still the single loser ive always been. my 2 BFFs Claimed theyd be lost if i got a boyfriend. haha. i luv them.


me and my friends named ourselves. being one group is like power. were tight as ####. we're not ALOWED to fight. if the smallest thing starts we all work it out together. we're called The Circle. we all take so much pride in it. its 9 girls and 4 guys. we say the guys are like "add-ons" since most of thme are boyfriends which can be in or out depending on the day.


the circle has subgroups. since we all dont hang out together all the time. theres ALOT of subgroups. im in 8 of them.

TDG,STDs,EmoSquad,Boobs,Elizabeths,Smashed, and deleted.


i dont even kno how many subgroups there are. alot are unnamed but still there. i luv being part of the circle cuz were like a family. i luv my friends i depend on them for life. even if im havin a horrible day i feel better knowing that ill see parts of the circle after skool.


i guess when it all comes down to it highschool is okay. its not wut i thot it would be. id been waiting for the first day of highschool since i was 6 and there was nothing like crushed hope when i came home and cried untill my eyes were dry. i had so many dreams,hopes, expectations. NOTHING can brace u for it. it was crazy.




everything else in life(haha like there IS anything else) is normal, i guess.

my parents still drive me insane.

i havnt cut in months.

my ipod is dying.

my wall is move covered in posters.

im still angry.

im still sad.

ive been happier lately tho.

i have over stressed myself to a breaking point yet.

i need a dress for homecoming.

my head hurts as always.



im not used to be up so late(11:30)

i get up at 5:30. its horrible.

and now even on the weekends its hard to sleep past 7 and stay up past 12.

wut happened to me? i was the girl that didnt sleep when i slept over ur house and famous for sleeping into the LATE afternoon. now im a Horr to my School. ugh. i disapoint myself. wut ELSE is knew. hahha


this place seems dead....


this smilie = LUV >>> :blink:



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hey everyone.Lauren is back. yey...


im back here to say hello. and NEVER EVER EVER EVER make it to high school. the first day of skool is one of the worst in my history(and we all kno how truly insane i am.)

first days are ALWAYS bad but it was the most overwhealming day EVER.


its not so bad but for the first month i would have killed to be back in middle skool.


i visited the middle skool on the first day and we say kids waiting for there bus that was really late and me and my friends started screaming "fail 8th grade on purpose" over and over again.


its been over a month of skool now. ive gotten over the fact that i have like no friends in my classes, only see my Bff for like 3 minutes a day and only have 20 minutes of lunch with all my other friends.


the workload is getting heavier. which stinks.

i joined GSA(gaySTRAIGHTalliance)


i stay after everyday too. since skool is rite down the road i can walk home whenever i want. i stayed till 5:30 today and a soccer chick gave me and my 3 friends pizza. it was chill.


im a guidence Horr again this year but group isnt so bad cuz i get to chill with mona and all these upperclassmen with reputations that chill with my brother. the only downside. its not co-ed :C


im still the single loser ive always been. my 2 BFFs Claimed theyd be lost if i got a boyfriend. haha. i luv them.


me and my friends named ourselves. being one group is like power. were tight as ####. we're not ALOWED to fight. if the smallest thing starts we all work it out together. we're called The Circle. we all take so much pride in it. its 9 girls and 4 guys. we say the guys are like "add-ons" since most of thme are boyfriends which can be in or out depending on the day.


the circle has subgroups. since we all dont hang out together all the time. theres ALOT of subgroups. im in 8 of them.

TDG,STDs,EmoSquad,Boobs,Elizabeths,Smashed, and deleted.


i dont even kno how many subgroups there are. alot are unnamed but still there. i luv being part of the circle cuz were like a family. i luv my friends i depend on them for life. even if im havin a horrible day i feel better knowing that ill see parts of the circle after skool.


i guess when it all comes down to it highschool is okay. its not wut i thot it would be. id been waiting for the first day of highschool since i was 6 and there was nothing like crushed hope when i came home and cried untill my eyes were dry. i had so many dreams,hopes, expectations. NOTHING can brace u for it. it was crazy.




everything else in life(haha like there IS anything else) is normal, i guess.

my parents still drive me insane.

i havnt cut in months.

my ipod is dying.

my wall is move covered in posters.

im still angry.

im still sad.

ive been happier lately tho.

i have over stressed myself to a breaking point yet.

i need a dress for homecoming.

my head hurts as always.



im not used to be up so late(11:30)

i get up at 5:30. its horrible.

and now even on the weekends its hard to sleep past 7 and stay up past 12.

wut happened to me? i was the girl that didnt sleep when i slept over ur house and famous for sleeping into the LATE afternoon. now im a Horr to my School. ugh. i disapoint myself. wut ELSE is knew. hahha


this place seems dead....


this smilie = LUV >>> :blink:



I know a Lauren that joined the GSA in my school. Would "graffiti all over the front against bush" and a smashed truck out front sound familiar to you?

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Hi Lauren. I'm gonna be sooooo bad in high school. Cuz I'm a slacker that gets good grades anyways. So that won't work in high school for me. At least it's good you haven't cut yourself and you're somewhat happier.


Just don't stop insulting people. Cuz it's funny.

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hey everyone.Lauren is back. yey...


im back here to say hello. and NEVER EVER EVER EVER make it to high school. the first day of skool is one of the worst in my history(and we all kno how truly insane i am.)

first days are ALWAYS bad but it was the most overwhealming day EVER.


its not so bad but for the first month i would have killed to be back in middle skool.


i visited the middle skool on the first day and we say kids waiting for there bus that was really late and me and my friends started screaming "fail 8th grade on purpose" over and over again.


its been over a month of skool now. ive gotten over the fact that i have like no friends in my classes, only see my Bff for like 3 minutes a day and only have 20 minutes of lunch with all my other friends.


the workload is getting heavier. which stinks.

i joined GSA(gaySTRAIGHTalliance)


i stay after everyday too. since skool is rite down the road i can walk home whenever i want. i stayed till 5:30 today and a soccer chick gave me and my 3 friends pizza. it was chill.


im a guidence Horr again this year but group isnt so bad cuz i get to chill with mona and all these upperclassmen with reputations that chill with my brother. the only downside. its not co-ed :C


im still the single loser ive always been. my 2 BFFs Claimed theyd be lost if i got a boyfriend. haha. i luv them.


me and my friends named ourselves. being one group is like power. were tight as ####. we're not ALOWED to fight. if the smallest thing starts we all work it out together. we're called The Circle. we all take so much pride in it. its 9 girls and 4 guys. we say the guys are like "add-ons" since most of thme are boyfriends which can be in or out depending on the day.


the circle has subgroups. since we all dont hang out together all the time. theres ALOT of subgroups. im in 8 of them.

TDG,STDs,EmoSquad,Boobs,Elizabeths,Smashed, and deleted.


i dont even kno how many subgroups there are. alot are unnamed but still there. i luv being part of the circle cuz were like a family. i luv my friends i depend on them for life. even if im havin a horrible day i feel better knowing that ill see parts of the circle after skool.


i guess when it all comes down to it highschool is okay. its not wut i thot it would be. id been waiting for the first day of highschool since i was 6 and there was nothing like crushed hope when i came home and cried untill my eyes were dry. i had so many dreams,hopes, expectations. NOTHING can brace u for it. it was crazy.




everything else in life(haha like there IS anything else) is normal, i guess.

my parents still drive me insane.

i havnt cut in months.

my ipod is dying.

my wall is move covered in posters.

im still angry.

im still sad.

ive been happier lately tho.

i have over stressed myself to a breaking point yet.

i need a dress for homecoming.

my head hurts as always.



im not used to be up so late(11:30)

i get up at 5:30. its horrible.

and now even on the weekends its hard to sleep past 7 and stay up past 12.

wut happened to me? i was the girl that didnt sleep when i slept over ur house and famous for sleeping into the LATE afternoon. now im a Horr to my School. ugh. i disapoint myself. wut ELSE is knew. hahha


this place seems dead....


this smilie = LUV >>> :blink:



I know a Lauren that joined the GSA in my school. Would "graffiti all over the front against bush" and a smashed truck out front sound familiar to you?



haha no... ?!


lol u coulda just asked me wut skool i went to.....


yea... haha




Mega Wolf-Yea i Was Always Like that too. most of my teachers are pretty easy. most classes i have like 2 quizes a week and a test every 2 weeks. but some are even easier then that.

the only thing is i have a bad habbit. cheating. ive been doing it since i can remember taking tests.

i used to be really bold about it in elementary skool. i would change the answers and swear the teacher marked them wrong. 6th grade i used notes cuz all my teachers were like blind. 7th grade i peaked alot. 8th grade i was probably most honest and now we share answers if we can(but only in like 2 classes)


haha i was at a band festival at my skool tonite and the judging was going on but i was being fake cocky saying how hott i was(cuz i met a kid that liked me) and someone told me to be quite and when they turned away i was like "shut the &($^ lardbutt!" but it was quietly, they didnt hear me. lol

id never stop insulting people. im a witch. i can admit it. if i dont like someone i make it obvious, and if i have alot of good reasons to then i make them know it. ####, im even mean to my parents. no wonder i get smacked so much!! haha

im like 2 different people all the time:

1. quite keeps to myself looks sad and tired all the time.

2. loud, outspoken, screaming at people.


it depends on the day. and the time. u'd never find me being mean 1st period of anything.im all "mmm its 7:45 am... dont talk to me"


im now wondering wut all my "curses" are gonna be translated to..


Why don't you edit yourself, then there will be no wondering! :lol: Horatio




Edited by Horatio
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Hi Lauren. I'm gonna be sooooo bad in high school. Cuz I'm a slacker that gets good grades anyways. So that won't work in high school for me. At least it's good you haven't cut yourself and you're somewhat happier.


Just don't stop insulting people. Cuz it's funny.


Try getting on other message boards sometime. I've made a hobbie out of the insulting.

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hey everyone.Lauren is back. yey...


im back here to say hello. and NEVER EVER EVER EVER make it to high school. the first day of skool is one of the worst in my history(and we all kno how truly insane i am.)

first days are ALWAYS bad but it was the most overwhealming day EVER.


its not so bad but for the first month i would have killed to be back in middle skool.


i visited the middle skool on the first day and we say kids waiting for there bus that was really late and me and my friends started screaming "fail 8th grade on purpose" over and over again.


its been over a month of skool now. ive gotten over the fact that i have like no friends in my classes, only see my Bff for like 3 minutes a day and only have 20 minutes of lunch with all my other friends.


the workload is getting heavier. which stinks.

i joined GSA(gaySTRAIGHTalliance)


i stay after everyday too. since skool is rite down the road i can walk home whenever i want. i stayed till 5:30 today and a soccer chick gave me and my 3 friends pizza. it was chill.


im a guidence Horr again this year but group isnt so bad cuz i get to chill with mona and all these upperclassmen with reputations that chill with my brother. the only downside. its not co-ed :C


im still the single loser ive always been. my 2 BFFs Claimed theyd be lost if i got a boyfriend. haha. i luv them.


me and my friends named ourselves. being one group is like power. were tight as ####. we're not ALOWED to fight. if the smallest thing starts we all work it out together. we're called The Circle. we all take so much pride in it. its 9 girls and 4 guys. we say the guys are like "add-ons" since most of thme are boyfriends which can be in or out depending on the day.


the circle has subgroups. since we all dont hang out together all the time. theres ALOT of subgroups. im in 8 of them.

TDG,STDs,EmoSquad,Boobs,Elizabeths,Smashed, and deleted.


i dont even kno how many subgroups there are. alot are unnamed but still there. i luv being part of the circle cuz were like a family. i luv my friends i depend on them for life. even if im havin a horrible day i feel better knowing that ill see parts of the circle after skool.


i guess when it all comes down to it highschool is okay. its not wut i thot it would be. id been waiting for the first day of highschool since i was 6 and there was nothing like crushed hope when i came home and cried untill my eyes were dry. i had so many dreams,hopes, expectations. NOTHING can brace u for it. it was crazy.




everything else in life(haha like there IS anything else) is normal, i guess.

my parents still drive me insane.

i havnt cut in months.

my ipod is dying.

my wall is move covered in posters.

im still angry.

im still sad.

ive been happier lately tho.

i have over stressed myself to a breaking point yet.

i need a dress for homecoming.

my head hurts as always.



im not used to be up so late(11:30)

i get up at 5:30. its horrible.

and now even on the weekends its hard to sleep past 7 and stay up past 12.

wut happened to me? i was the girl that didnt sleep when i slept over ur house and famous for sleeping into the LATE afternoon. now im a Horr to my School. ugh. i disapoint myself. wut ELSE is knew. hahha


this place seems dead....


this smilie = LUV >>> :blink:



I know a Lauren that joined the GSA in my school. Would "graffiti all over the front against bush" and a smashed truck out front sound familiar to you?



haha no... ?!


I wasn't sure if we could here or not. Horatio?



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  • 3 weeks later...
HighSkool is No Fun.

Its Not Fun to Kiss Ur BFFs and GEt Sick Either.


but i Carried Around Boxes For 3 Hours and i GeT a SHirt Now.




TomOrroW, Im Writing my XMAS List.


YEY JESUS LUVS ME. hahaha not.

Oh yay. A shirt. :lol:

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I thought HS was ok, of course, the rampage kid once told me to calm down, and that's saying something. You have that one? that kid noone dares ignore because they might attack at any moment?

perhaps not, larger schools would probably keep that type seperated, and nowadays probably drug them too. but enough about lifestyle pharmacology, I got enough of that at summer camp the other year. (unfortunealty, I had to carry the medical chest, the kid took so many pills the camp medic didn't want to try and keep track of them.)

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I thought HS was ok,  of course,  the rampage kid once told me to calm down, and that's saying something. You have that one? that kid noone dares ignore because they might attack at any moment?

perhaps not, larger schools would probably keep that type seperated, and nowadays probably drug them too. but enough about lifestyle pharmacology, I got enough of that at summer camp the other year. (unfortunealty, I had to carry the medical chest, the kid took so many pills the camp medic didn't want to try and keep track of them.)

The sadness is the kid was taking all those pills in the first place.

It makes me think of the school that gives the kids mountain dew and sugar cookies on the break and then tells the parents the kids need drugs to suppress the hyperactivity.

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HighSkool is No Fun.

Its Not Fun to Kiss Ur BFFs and GEt Sick Either.


but i Carried Around Boxes For 3 Hours and i GeT a SHirt Now.




TomOrroW, Im Writing my XMAS List.


YEY JESUS LUVS ME. hahaha not.

Oh yay. A shirt. :lol:


hey thats actually a PRESENT to me. i dont get Jack **** anymore.




umm... why?

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HighSkool is No Fun.

Its Not Fun to Kiss Ur BFFs and GEt Sick Either.


but i Carried Around Boxes For 3 Hours and i GeT a SHirt Now.




TomOrroW, Im Writing my XMAS List.


YEY JESUS LUVS ME. hahaha not.

Oh yay. A shirt. :lol:



umm... why?


Because I have cooties.


Lyke duh.

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HighSkool is No Fun.

Its Not Fun to Kiss Ur BFFs and GEt Sick Either.


but i Carried Around Boxes For 3 Hours and i GeT a SHirt Now.




TomOrroW, Im Writing my XMAS List.


YEY JESUS LUVS ME. hahaha not.

Oh yay. A shirt. :lol:


hey thats actually a PRESENT to me. i dont get Jack **** anymore.


Yaaaaaay for presents! =D

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