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sorry i haven't posted

Sammy the Hamster

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Sorry I haven't posted in a couple of weeks. I have tons of homework. Just thought I'd keep you updated. Well, now I gotta go study for a science test!

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Sorry I haven't posted in a couple of weeks. I have tons of homework. Just thought I'd keep you updated. Well, now I gotta go study for a science test!


Yes, I know how the whole tons-o-homework thing goes :rolleyes: Hope it doesn't get too annoying.

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  • 2 weeks later...

o it has unfortunatley. you see i'm taking hs credit classes and i'm still in 8th grade, so i have roughly 2-3hrs of hmwk a night :( thats why i love the weekends and i try to get togther with as many friends as possible which is why i'm not on much

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o it has unfortunatley. you see i'm taking hs credit classes and i'm still in 8th grade, so i have roughly 2-3hrs of hmwk a night :( thats why i love the weekends and i try to get togther with as many friends as possible which is why i'm not on much

We love when you just poke your smiling face in for a post or two. :D

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Sorry I haven't posted in a couple of weeks. I have tons of homework. Just thought I'd keep you updated. Well, now I gotta go study for a science test!

I think I know the answer to your quiz in your siggy. This:

Sammy i loved u! August 17, 2002- November 1, 2004

Smile your on Candid camera :)

I am Sammy I fought evil with my cuteness power!

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o it has unfortunatley. you see i'm taking hs credit classes and i'm still in 8th grade, so i have roughly 2-3hrs of hmwk a night :( thats why i love the weekends and i try to get togther with as many friends as possible which is why i'm not on much

Ohh. Me too. What classes? I'm taking art, math, french and science advanced classes.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Cheesemaster..u got the quiz thing right! have a sammy star!

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o yes i forgot to reply to TBFOF...i'm taking an advanced math (lol its a suprise cuz i stink at math) um...an advanced social studies, computer, and spanish!

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