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ok first of all DUMBLEDORE IS NOT DEAD! he planned his death! or his look alike death. When S*a*E kills him he just flys back this is a bit of stuff from the dumbledoreisnotdead site.


(blue means that it is a book quote)


This site was created for Harry Potter fans who were just as upset as I was upon first reading the new book, to help them understand and feel better about the mysterious "death" of Dumbledore. Think of this site as Half-Blood Prince therapy.


While of course only J.K. knows for sure, at least we can comfort ourselves with the possiblity that there's more going on at the end of Half-Blood Prince than meets the eye.


I don't think finding these clues is wishful thinking. We know J.K. intentionally hides many clues in her books, daring her readers to be what our friends at Wizarding World Press call "HP Sleuths", uncovering the details of the mystery she so masterfully weaves into the fabric of the Harry Potter books.


If you need more convincing that J.K. hides clues in her books, using actual quotes from the book, as we will be doing throughout this website, take a look at this non-Dumbledore-death-related example: (page numbers from US edition/UK edition)


This left Harry, Ron and Hermione to share a table with Ernie. They chose one nearest a gold-colored cauldron that was emitting one of the most seductive scents Harry had ever inhaled: Somehow it reminded him simultaneously of treacle tart, the woody smell of a broomstick handle, and something flowery he thought he might have smelled at the Burrow. (HBP pg 183/174)


"You recognized it, I suppose, by its distinctive mother-of-pearl sheen?" "And the steam rising in characteristic spirals," said Hermione enthusiastically, "and it's supposed to smell differently to each of us, according to what attracts us.." (HBP pg 185/176)


"Hang on," a voice said to Harry's left ear and he caught a sudden waft of that flowery smell he had picked up in Slughorn's dungeon. He looked around and saw that Ginny had joined them. (HBP pg 192/182)


There, in the span of approximately nine pages, J.K. has laid out clues that Harry likes Ginny, and we know now that in the course of the book he does come to that conclusion.


On this site we'll discuss the various clues all throughout Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince that will help us get through the tragedy at the end of the book.


And while we do this, we will be declaring our love and admiration for Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, and stand together with Harry in declaring that we're "Dumbledore's man" (or woman), never giving up on him, and never forgetting what he means to Harry, Hogwarts and us.


As Harry so poignantly reminded us upon Scrimgeour's insistance that Dumbledore was dead:


"Such loyalty is admirable, or course," said Scrimgeour, who seemed to be restraining his irritation with difficulty, "but Dumbledore is gone, Harry. He's gone." "He will only be gone from the school when none here are loyal to him," said Harry, smiling in spite of himself. (HBP pg 648/604)


1. Dumbledore's Big Chill


Harry and Dumbledore are up on the top of the tower underneath the Dark Mark. Harry is wearing his invisibility cloak, Dumbledore ordered him to put it on before they mounted their brooms to ride to the top of the tower. Harry hears footsteps and looks around, but Dumbledore orders him with a gesture to retreat. Harry draws his wand and backs away:


The door burst open and somebody erupted through it and shouted, "Expelliarmus!" Harry's body became instantly rigid and immobile, and he felt himself fall back against the tower wall, propped like an unsteady statue, unable to move or speak.(HBP pg 584/545)


It's interesting to note that things are happening so fast, even Harry is momentarily confused:


He could not understand how it happened -- Expelliarmus was not a Freezing Charm -- Then, by the light of the Mark, he saw Dumbledore's wand flying in an arc over the edge of the ramparts and understood... Dumbledore had wordlessly immobilzed Harry, and the second he had taken to perform this spell had cost him the chance of defending himself. (HBP pg 584/545)


Why did Dumbledore freeze Harry? Harry was already invisible to their attackers and in no danger.


The only explanation could be that Dumbledore already knew, had already planned, that he would die this night (or appear to die), and not only did he not want Harry to become involved and possibly be injured himself, he needed Harry to be a witness, to be able to tell everyone else what happened.


Dumbledore might have also promised Snape that he would make sure that Harry would not be able to interfere, knowing how Harry feels about Snape and what Snape was about to have to do.


The supposition that it was Dumbledore's plan to do this all along is supported by the fact that he acted so quickly to do it, almost without thinking, when Draco burst in on the scene.


Harry's own assumption that the Freezing Charm was done by Dumbledore is supported by the fact the curse lifted when Dumbledore left the tower minutes later.

2. Let's All Play Dead Together


While Dumbledore is trying to talk Draco out of killing him, Dumbledore proposes an interesting way out for Draco:

"I can help you, Draco." "No, you can't," said Malfoy, his wand shaking very badly indeed. "Nobody can. He told me to do it or he'd kill me. I've got no choice." "He cannot kill you if you are already dead. Come over to the right side, Draco, and we can hide you more completely than you can possibly imagine." (HBP pg 591/552)


Dumbledore then offers to expand his mother in the protection, and even Lucius when he gets out of Azkaban.


This is very interesting, isn't it? Draco doesn't take him up on it, but Dumbledore is saying he has ways that could make it appear that Draco died when he really hadn't. Doesn't that sound exactly like what we suspect that Dumbledore has planned for himself?



UK Edition Missing Important Text!



The UK edition of Half-Blood Prince is missing some text that is included in the American edition, and it's text that is very important to this clue!


This is the text as it appears in the UK edition:


"He told me to do it or he'll kill me. I've got not choice." "Come over to the right side, Draco, and we can hide you more completely than you can possibly imagine. What is more, I can send members of the Order to your mother tonight to hide her likewise. Your father is safe at the moment in Azkaban...when the time comes we can protect him too...come over to the right side, Draco...you are not a killer..." Malfoy stared at Dumbledore. (HBP UK Edition pg 552)But this is the same passage from the American edition (text missing from the UK edition highlighted):


"He told me to do it or he'll kill me. I've got no choice." "He cannot kill you if you are already dead. Come over to the right side Draco, and we can hide you more completely than you can possibly imagine. What is more, I can send members of the Order to your mother tonight to hide her likewise. Nobody would be surprised that you had died in your attempt to kill me -- forgive me, but Lord Voldemort probably expects it. Nor would the Death Eaters be surprised that we had captured and killed your mother -- it is what they would do themselves, after all. Your father is safe at the moment in Azkaban...When the time comes we can protect him too. Come over to the right side, Draco...you are not a killer..." Malfoy stared at Dumbledore. (HBP US Edition pg 591)


Both of the ommissions are directly related, they are about having Draco appeared to have died, so it would seem the ommisions are intentional.


Did J.K. include those lines originally, and then decide she had gone too far and made the clue too transparent and obvious? Is it possible she decided to remove them, but the lines got accidentally included in the American edition anyway?


3. Fawkes doesn't try to save Dumbledore


We've seen Fawkes come in at the last moment and save Harry's life in Chamber of Secrets:


As Harry trembled, ready to close his eyes if it turned, he saw what had distracted the snake. Fawkes was soaring around its head, and the basilisk was snapping furiously at him with fangs long and thin as sabers -- Fawkes dived. His long golden beak sunk out of sight and a sudden shower of dark blood spattered the floor. (CoS pg 318/234)


And he also saved Dumbledore in Order of the Phoenix:


... one more jet of green light had flown at Dumbledore from Voldemort's wand and the snake had struck -- Fawkes swooped down in front of Dumbledore, opened his beak wide, and swallowed the jet of green light whole. He burst into flame and fell to the floor, small, wrinkled and flightless. (OotP pg 814/719)


We know Fawkes was nearby the tower, as he shows up after Dumbledore's "death". So, why didn't Fawkes come to save Dumbledore this time?


I think the fact that he didn't makes it possible to believe that Dumbledore didn't want his life to be saved, and this supports the theory that it was Dumbledore's plan all along to "die" up on that tower that night.


(the next one i think is the biggest)


4. The Flying Avada Kedavra


As soon as I read the description of exactly what happened the moment that Snape killed Dumbledore, little red flags were popping up in my brain, but I didn't pay attention to them at first. This was actually the very first clue that alerted me to this whole thing.


Every other time we've seen the Avada Kedavra performed, the victim simply falls over dead:


He was screaming so loudly that he never heard the words the thing in the chair spoke as it raised a wand. There was a flash of green light, a rushing sound, and Frank Bryce crumbled. He was dead before he hit the floor. (GoF pg 15/19)


From high above his head, he heard a high, cold voice say, "Kill the spare." A swishing noise and a second voice, which screeched the words to the night: "Avada Kedavra!" A blast of green light blazed through Harry's eyelids, and he heard something heavy fall to ground beside him. Cedric was lying spread-eagled on the ground beside him. He was dead. (GoF pg 638/553)


However, in Half-Blood Prince, when Snape curses Dumbledore with the same spell, Dumbledore violently flies up and away from the tower:


Snape raised his wand and pointed it directly at Dumbledore. "Avada Kedavra!" A jet of green light shot from the end of Snape's wand and hit Dumbledore squarely in the chest. Harry's scream of horror never left him; silently he was forced to watch as Dumbledore was blasted into the air. For a split second, he seemed to hang suspended beneath the shining skull, and then he slowly fell backward, like a great rag doll, over the battlements and out of sight. (HBP pg 596/556)


Why would this application of the Avada Kedavra be so different from every other time we've seen it?


Perhaps his spell was different because even though those were the words Snape said, he didn't perform the killing curse at all. Remember all the importance this book gave to "nonverbal" spells? Perhaps Snape said Avada Kedavra, but the curse he was really thinking, the nonverbal one, was a different curse, one that only made it appear that Dumbledore was dead.


Even the title of the chapter this all takes place in is suspicous, "The Lightning-Struck Tower". Even though this is the name of the ominous tarot card that Trelawney was worried about back on page 543/507 in chapter 25, is it possible that J.K. is hinting here that the spell was not Avada Kedavra, just some green lightning sparks for show?


Thats all i have for this post so ill post some more later


(please post this Horatio!) :D

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I didnt think he really died, but did take into consideration He did need to get out of Moldy-Voldy (Nickname I gave to Voldemort.) 's way for the big shoot-out and the OK corral, aka, conclusion of story, being between Harry and Moldy-Voldy.


So something needs to happen to Dumbledore sometime. in order for there to be an expected conclusion.


That, and (Take into note, I only read about a paragraph of the first post. I'll probably read it tomorrow when im real bored.) Rowling said 'There will be seven books', And did not specify if she planned on eight or more. We know that there will be at least seven. And if Harry can use magic and stuff out of school sometime (Forgot when that legal age was.) then he can get back at Dudly and people he dun' like. legally.


Im just rambling, mostly, so you need not pay too much attention to my post.


Anyway, I also think that like in the third book/movie of HP, Scabbers was of somewhat great importance and turned out to be an animagis or whatever they're called.

I think...

Trevor the toad is an animagis. =D I have my doubts that toads live at least six years. Can't be more than that.

So Trevor is probably gonna have some significance or other, I'm thinking...


And since Harry's prophecy (What about Neville's prophesy in the ministry of magic, huh? Anyone look at that?) stated there were two kids born on the same day and one of them was cool and the other wasnt or something. So if its a 50/50 chance of Harry or Neville being supa-spiffy, and will take out Moldy-Voldy in the end...


My theory is that the seventh book will be titled: Neville Longbottom, and the Chamber of Commerce.

or something. with Trevor on the cover. killing Moldy-Voldy while Neville is getting pwned by death-eaters or Malfoy-people. and Harry got killed by then trying to take out Horcruxes.

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I didnt think he really died, but did take into consideration He did need to get out of Moldy-Voldy (Nickname I gave to Voldemort.) 's way for the big shoot-out and the OK corral, aka, conclusion of story, being between Harry and Moldy-Voldy.


So something needs to happen to Dumbledore sometime. in order for there to be an expected conclusion.


That, and (Take into note, I only read about a paragraph of the first post. I'll probably read it tomorrow when im real bored.) Rowling said 'There will be seven books', And did not specify if she planned on eight or more. We know that there will be at least seven. And if Harry can use magic and stuff out of school sometime (Forgot when that legal age was.) then he can get back at Dudly and people he dun' like. legally.


Im just rambling, mostly, so you need not pay too much attention to my post.


Anyway, I also think that like in the third book/movie of HP, Scabbers was of somewhat great importance and turned out to be an animagis or whatever they're called.

I think...

Trevor the toad is an animagis. =D I have my doubts that toads live at least six years. Can't be more than that.

So Trevor is probably gonna have some significance or other, I'm thinking...


And since Harry's prophecy (What about Neville's prophesy in the ministry of magic, huh? Anyone look at that?) stated there were two kids born on the same day and one of them was cool and the other wasnt or something. So if its a 50/50 chance of Harry or Neville being supa-spiffy, and will take out Moldy-Voldy in the end...


My theory is that the seventh book will be titled: Neville Longbottom, and the Chamber of Commerce.

or something. with Trevor on the cover. killing Moldy-Voldy while Neville is getting pwned by death-eaters or Malfoy-people. and Harry got killed by then trying to take out Horcruxes.

and hermione saves the day.

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I didnt think he really died, but did take into consideration He did need to get out of Moldy-Voldy (Nickname I gave to Voldemort.) 's way for the big shoot-out and the OK corral, aka, conclusion of story, being between Harry and Moldy-Voldy.


So something needs to happen to Dumbledore sometime. in order for there to be an expected conclusion.


That, and (Take into note, I only read about a paragraph of the first post. I'll probably read it tomorrow when im real bored.) Rowling said 'There will be seven books', And did not specify if she planned on eight or more. We know that there will be at least seven. And if Harry can use magic and stuff out of school sometime (Forgot when that legal age was.) then he can get back at Dudly and people he dun' like. legally.


Im just rambling, mostly, so you need not pay too much attention to my post.


Anyway, I also think that like in the third book/movie of HP, Scabbers was of somewhat great importance and turned out to be an animagis or whatever they're called.

I think...

Trevor the toad is an animagis. =D I have my doubts that toads live at least six years. Can't be more than that.

So Trevor is probably gonna have some significance or other, I'm thinking...


And since Harry's prophecy (What about Neville's prophesy in the ministry of magic, huh? Anyone look at that?) stated there were two kids born on the same day and one of them was cool and the other wasnt or something. So if its a 50/50 chance of Harry or Neville being supa-spiffy, and will take out Moldy-Voldy in the end...


My theory is that the seventh book will be titled: Neville Longbottom, and the Chamber of Commerce.

or something. with Trevor on the cover. killing Moldy-Voldy while Neville is getting pwned by death-eaters or Malfoy-people. and Harry got killed by then trying to take out Horcruxes.

That's optimistic.


I have serveral theories about Dumbledore's "death". But I'm far to lazy to write them all out. Maybe later.

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I would disagree, dumbledore is really dead, he got too confident, thought he could protect himself , the avada kedavra is blocked, but the energy involved is still presen, and throws him from teh tower. fawkes does not intervene because dumbledore didn't bring him along. remember, in the HP world, pheonixs have no precognitive abilites.

I would say harry is being stupid, as far as voldemort knows, ginny and harry are together. and I don't think harry is quite that hard a person for her not to provide any leverage over him.

although I could be wrong, but, it woulld be adark ending indeed if he triumphed by closing himself to all contact with others.

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I'd like to make a point;

The spoilers as you claim they are at the top are lies as Rowling has already told us;

1) Hogwarts not reopening for next year

2) All about Harry, Ron and Hermonie searching for the Horcruxes

3) She hasn't even WRITTEN THE BOOK YET! only the last chapter. Honestly.


That may be so, but also she wrote outlines for each book when she got to the second one

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I believe that these spoilers are only the comforts of children. Face it. A character got keelyoudeaded. We all know someone's gonna triumph, with or without Dumbledore. With all the suprises that J.K. Rowling has ever had, I wouldn't be suprised if Harry got killed by Voldemort near the very end, even. Not likely, but I wouldn't be too suprised.

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I'd like to make a point;

The spoilers as you claim they are at the top are lies as Rowling has already told us;

1) Hogwarts not reopening for next year

2) All about Harry, Ron and Hermonie searching for the Horcruxes

3) She hasn't even WRITTEN THE BOOK YET! only the last chapter. Honestly.


That may be so, but also she wrote outlines for each book when she got to the second one

She had the plots written out in that small London Cafe, before she even got the first one to print.

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I didnt think he really died, but did take into consideration He did need to get out of Moldy-Voldy (Nickname I gave to Voldemort.) 's way for the big shoot-out and the OK corral, aka, conclusion of story, being between Harry and Moldy-Voldy.


So something needs to happen to Dumbledore sometime. in order for there to be an expected conclusion.


That, and (Take into note, I only read about a paragraph of the first post. I'll probably read it tomorrow when im real bored.) Rowling said 'There will be seven books', And did not specify if she planned on eight or more. We know that there will be at least seven. And if Harry can use magic and stuff out of school sometime (Forgot when that legal age was.) then he can get back at Dudly and people he dun' like. legally.


Im just rambling, mostly, so you need not pay too much attention to my post.


Anyway, I also think that like in the third book/movie of HP, Scabbers was of somewhat great importance and turned out to be an animagis or whatever they're called.

I think...

Trevor the toad is an animagis. =D I have my doubts that toads live at least six years. Can't be more than that.

So Trevor is probably gonna have some significance or other, I'm thinking...


And since Harry's prophecy (What about Neville's prophesy in the ministry of magic, huh? Anyone look at that?) stated there were two kids born on the same day and one of them was cool and the other wasnt or something. So if its a 50/50 chance of Harry or Neville being supa-spiffy, and will take out Moldy-Voldy in the end...


My theory is that the seventh book will be titled: Neville Longbottom, and the Chamber of Commerce.

or something. with Trevor on the cover. killing Moldy-Voldy while Neville is getting pwned by death-eaters or Malfoy-people. and Harry got killed by then trying to take out Horcruxes.

and hermione saves the day.

no, Trevor teh toad is saving the day. Hermoine is. um. the new headmistress of Hogwarts or something.

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