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The Meritorious Fire

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['Nother update. ... cuz I got carried away with writing this one, now imma go work on werewolfin'. =D]


Chapter Twenty-Three

Where is he, per se?


Karaast ignored the pain surging through his body as he persistently flapped his wings, flying through the air shortly after he had taken a beating from a Werewolf.


His eyes scanned the scenery for signs of his target, which was complicated by the fact he was chasing a shape shifter; He could be looking for anything.


No more than thirty seconds had passed before Karaast landed atop a building, panted, and tried to see or hear any sign of Arranay. She couldn’t have gotten far, with her lack of flying skill, not to mention carrying the weight of Phyro. But again, this is a shape shifter...


Karaast sighed, his panting slowed as he caught his breath. Once more he listened carefully, but this time, he heard a short grunting noise, followed by a faint impact. Karaast promptly flew over to where he heard it.


Arranay was found in her Elvin form, in a kneeling position that looked like she was stabbed...?

Karaast unhesitantly grabbed her by her clothing, and lifted her to eyelevel.


"Where is Phyro?!"


Karaast demanded, a look of death in his eyes and small flames visible in his mouth as he spoke.


"... Put... me down..."


Karaast threw her to the ground,


"I don't have time for this, Tell me where you put him!"


"He... stabbed me..."


"I will, too, if you don’t tell me where he is!"


"He... left me here... ran over there..."


She weakly gestured off to the side, Karaast wordlessly sprinted off where Arranay motioned.

Arranay laughed under her breath, struggled to her feet, and walked the opposite direction of where she told Karaast that Phyro was. He was naive enough to believe her.




Karaast’s voice boomed from behind Arranay a few seconds later. Startled, she turned around, to see that Karaast was sprinting back in her direction, with some very nasty-looking claws out. Before Arranay could react, Karaast lunged and slashed at Arranay, and managed to make more than just a small scratch behind her knees. She let out a screech of pain and toppled over, now immobile.


“You tell me where he is or your life will come to an end here and now!â€


Arranay laid in a very discomforted stance, as vital muscles in her legs had been torn, not to mention various other wounds and cuts she had. She mostly sat there and cried and groaned. Karaast was growing very impatient, especially since she mostly appeared to be stalling him for time.


“I don’t have all day, now.â€


She sniffled, grunted and tried to speak.


“He… He went that way… Th… th-that’s all I know, he ran off…â€


She motioned to where she was walking moments before.




Karaast stepped over to Arranay,


“The way I see it… You’re in a lot of pain right now…â€


Arranay nodded.


“… and If I just healed you, you’d join up with your werewolf friend and just come and cause trouble for us. Just know that I’m not the merciless dragon you may take me to be.â€


Karaast continued, and grabbed Arranay by her neck, who was indeed objecting to Karaast’s actions. Karaast extended his claws, they pierced through her neck. Karaast pulled out sharply and ripped out a few body parts, grabbed Arranay’s limp body with the other hand, turned around and threw it as hard as he could. The impact would finish her off.


Karaast watched Arranay fly, she hit the corner of a building and bounced off to the side, landed with a thud and left a streak of blood on the ground some odd six feet long. Undoubtedly dead. He turned around, not proud of what he had just done.


Karaast strode off to where Arranay mentioned, having two directions in which Phyro could have gone. He shouldn’t be far, he had taken quite a beating from Tahmores. … Come to think of it, He… did take the kind of impacts that could kill a human. Phyro needs to be found, he could die if not treated.


Karaast took a breath, and called out Phyro’s name. He didn't want to take much time doing this; He himself was hurting and rather tired from fighting futilely and making his escape.


[Lovely mental image. =D]

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[Aww. ;-; I still liked Arranay...


But yay! It's more!]

[but she was BAD! =o Not everyone is cool. S'like, people who you think are cool really arent. I bet'choo thought Qill was cool at first, too. but she wasnt.


Maybe some other stuff.]

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[Aww. ;-; I still liked Arranay...


But yay! It's more!]

[but she was BAD! =o Not everyone is cool. S'like, people who you think are cool really arent. I bet'choo thought Qill was cool at first, too. but she wasnt.


Maybe some other stuff.]

[but I have a sort of soft spot for bad guys. Arranay, Sephiroth, the Clockwork Nazi...]

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  • 1 month later...



[i has the next chapta.]


Chapter Twenty-Four

The Meritorious Fire


Anzi arranged Diego’s body into a more comfortable position, unable to do much but help him recover for himself. She looked him over, trying to think of how further to help him, but a heavy impacting noise startled her. Anzi turned around, and looked down to see Arranay in a very disturbing condition. It looked like she was stabbed and cut more than just a few times, and looking at the side of a nearby small building, she was just smashed into it. Anzi couldn’t help but wonder what did that to her, but her concentration was cut off by her feline eyes seeing something move not too far from her.


… Phyro?


Anzi called for him, he immediately froze and looked at his surroundings in a rather wild manner. He darted off in what appeared to be a random direction, or what would be a suitable hiding place.


“Phyro…? … Karaast! I found Phyro!â€


Phyro responded to this by jumping out from the shadows of a building, throwing something at Anzi, and immediately ran off somewhere else.

Anzi gasped at seeing a small knife flying through the air at her…! He threw herself off to the side, the blade landed atop the castle with a faint tinging sound. Anzi looked over to where she saw Phyro, but saw no signs of life there.


Anzi still didn't have much of anything to do aside from watch for Phyro and do what she can with Diego… But now she has a knife. Improvising with it, she cut off some of Diego’s visibly unneeded clothing and tied them into bandages for him.

Why Phyro had thrown a knife at Anzi was beyond her; Maybe that wasn’t Phyro?




Karaast continued striding through a small town he confronted Arranay in, to no success in finding Phyro. Considering this area wasn’t especially rural, he shouldn’t draw attention to himself by calling Phyro… He quietly continued through the streets, finding it quite eerie how there were, indeed, many buildings and homes, but no signs of life anywhere.

Perhaps they had… all been killed off already, seeing how there’s a large number of Torrask’s within walking distance of this town… Or maybe they had all fled the area upon finding such a threat. Judging by the look of things, this place has been idle for more than 24 hours. Towns aren’t supposed to be this still.


Karaast couldn’t shake the feeling that there was still something here, despite there are no physical signs of activity or life… Something is there. He can only hope its Phyro.


A good ten solid minutes had passed of Karaast sneaking around the buildings, feeling that he shouldn’t call out for Phyro. Karaast decided to head back to Anzi, remembering that she was stuck on the top of the base of operations for their enemy; Should they find her, there’s nothing stopping them from killing her.


Karaast jumped atop a building, and scanned the area for the castle. It was some distance away, but there nonetheless. He jumped off the building, and sprinted over in the direction of the castle.

Buildings passed as Karaast sped through the streets, he watched ahead as the edge of town drew closer. Something obscured his vision, what appeared to be a large figure stepped out in Karaast’s path.


Karaast and Phyro crashed into each other, hit the ground and scrambled to their feet, before both of them stood up, staring at each other.


“Phyro! There you are!"


"Get away from me!"


Phyro responded, waved his hand in front of Karaast, as if it were a half-hearted attempt to whack Karaast, Phyro turned around and ran, obviously pained and fatigued from a fight not too long ago.


“Where are you going, Phyro?â€


Karaast asked, striding behind Phyro. He didn’t respond. Annoyed, Karaast picked up his pace, and got in front of Phyro, and stopped him.


“Calm down. Whats wrong?â€


Phyro had a strange look in his eyes, he was panting, and acted rather nervous.


“I… I don’t know…â€


“Then you haven’t any reason to be acting up like this.â€


“Acting up? You don’t even know me! I’ve never even seen you before!â€


“True, we haven’t had much of an opportunity to properly meet, but that time will come. As for right now, Anzi is rather worried about you, so-“




“… Anzi? I trust you know her?â€


“… no…?â€


“Well, She sure seems to know you well. AS I was saying, She is more than likely concerned for you, and she’s back at the castle, I was just heading that way to go check on her. Why don’t you come along?â€


“Castle? What’s going on?â€


Karaast paused and thought for a moment. Phyro did, indeed, take quite a beating from Tahmores, He may be mentally ill now, or have… some form of amnesia? It looks like he has no recollection of what just happened not ten minutes ago.


“… You don’t remember… the Torrask’s, Tahmores, you being a huge Dragon… Arranay…?â€


Phyro hesitated, and shook his head.


“… I can only hope your memory will come back to you, but for now, the both of us do need medical attention, seeing how You’re in no condition to be doing much of anything, and I’ve been running around looking for you the past twenty minutes or so… Lets just go back to the castle for now, then?â€


“Do you mean that big… building off that way, with all the blue things around it?â€


Phyro pointed to behind Karaast, who turned around to see the castle, with a large number of Torrask’s surrounding it.


“Anzi! Phyro, Come on!â€


Karaast took flight immediately, leaving the confused Phyro behind.


“Phyro, Come on! We have to go and help Anzi! … Can you fly?â€


“I don’t know, let me find out…â€


Karaast watched Phyro try multiple times to jump in the air and flap his wings, but had no success.


“Great. Phyro, Stay out of sight, I’ll be right back!â€


Karaast turned around and sped off toward the castle, noticing that the Torrask’s were climbing the castle walls. They must know that Anzi was there. Karaast kept his eyes fixed on the castle, strategizing how to handle the situation, but noticed that a number of these Torrask’s were heading toward Karaast, or just into the empty town for Phyro, or to find Arranay.


What to do? Anzi is hopelessly surrounded, Phyro is defenseless, Diego is unconscious, and Karaast is the only one who could help any of them against countless Torrask’s, a werewolf, and various other mechanisms available to them.


Karaast continued toward the Castle, hoping that the Torrask’s had not gotten to Anzi before he could. There was a chance that Diego must be left behind. These people seemed more determined to get Phyro, or any of the other Draenno’s under their control.


[Oh noes. on many levels.]

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[... is Horatio the only one that caught I updated? O_o]

[*hits the rest of the group with a hamster-sized feather pillow*]

[-pwnwhacks the rest of the group with a flaming pillow. =D -]

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[... is Horatio the only one that caught I updated? O_o]

[*hits the rest of the group with a hamster-sized feather pillow*]

[-pwnwhacks the rest of the group with a flaming pillow. =D -]

[*pwns you with a flaming lead pillow*]

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  • 2 weeks later...
[im so gonna update this. sometime. >_<]

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


[You see, Laddy, I actually update my stories when I say I do. :lol: ]


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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[im so gonna update this. sometime. >_<]

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


[You see, Laddy, I actually update my stories when I say I do. :lol: ]


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

[but you never say you do, therefore you never update. Mneh.]

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[im so gonna update this. sometime. >_<]

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


[You see, Laddy, I actually update my stories when I say I do. :lol: ]


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

[but you never say you do, therefore you never update. Mneh.]

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


[You don't read the TAWPEEKS where I say I'm gonna update.


Laddy-face. :lol: ]


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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[im so gonna update this. sometime. >_<]

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


[You see, Laddy, I actually update my stories when I say I do. :lol: ]


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

[but you never say you do, therefore you never update. Mneh.]

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


[You don't read the TAWPEEKS where I say I'm gonna update.


Laddy-face. :lol: ]


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

[Well. uh. have YOU even read the rest of this Tawpeek? >_>; ]

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  • 3 months later...

[Okay. F'real.


I went and wrote some more.


and the last chapter is NOT named The Meritorious Fire, thats one of the next ones. The last one I renamed to 'The Manifold' lacking a better word 'cause I was on a volcabulary low at that time.




Imma update now. with the chapter I jus' finished writing.


so hang on. imma post it now.]

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Chapter Twenty-five

Friend or foe?


Injured and confused as he may be, Phyro would know to stay out of sight. Karaast could only pray for the safety of himself and Phyro, but Anzi and Diego, for that matter.


Karaast beat his wings fiercely, pain surging through his body with each flap. He was exhausted, but was the only one to save his friends.


"Anzi! I'm coming!"


He struggled to call out to Anzi to at least give her assurance of safety.


Karaast thought of what may happen when, or if, this is resolved. He feared for his own safety, his stamina is dangerously low and he was pushing his exhausted body to dangerous limits.


Karaast landed very ungracefully atop the castle, and immediately collapsed, nigh unable to move.


"Diego...! Get up!"


Karaast said, finding himself rather useless.


Anzi tried to help and reached down and shook Diego, calling his name to get his attention.


"He's not moving... He's still out, Karaast! What do we do?!"


Anzi announced, rather frightened by the Torrask cries sounding from every direction.


"I don't know, Anzi!"


Karaast shouted back, frustrated and exhausted.


Between the two of them, an abnormally large black feather floated down, catching their attention.




Phyro strode through the small town, uneasy by the hostile cries from behind him. This is indeed a town, but where is the populace? There was no sign of life anywhere... just old, abandoned buildings.


Phyro stepped inside one of these buildings. It looked like it used to be a tavern. Panting, he pressed himself against the wall, concealing himself in shadows. He looked out the door-less entry, screeching cries coming through the open space. Unfamiliar memories flooded back to him, running as fast as he could from a number of strange creatures, sounding not unlike these. Phyro cowering in fear, at the mercy of a black metallic humanoid… entity, memories like these were not too pleasant but kept coming at him.


“It looks like you’ve got yourself in quite a situation this time, lover-boy.”


Phyro gasped, and turned to his right, where a voice came from. He saw nothing. Nothing but the blackened shadows of the abandoned tavern.

A catgirl with somewhat foreign attire stepped out of the darkness off to the side, wielding a broadsword.


“Your little blue friends wont get to you; You’re my kill…”


Qill sharply informed Phyro, glancing out the windows and doorways.


“… And who are you?”


Qill sighed,


“Don’t play stupid with me. You know very well who I am.”


Phyro looked at her, skeptical. He vaguely recalled seeing her somewhere before, and recognizing her voice, and perseverance in… harming him in any way possible.


“… Whatever. I wont object to some protection.”


Qill rolled her eyes, and pointed her sword at Phyro’s neck.


“You’re not safe. Even if Im here. … Especially if I'm here.”


Unphased by Qill’s actions and words, Phyro gave her an odd look and pointed at her,


“Arent… you…”


“Yeah, Anzi’s sister. I expect shes dead by now, so once Im through with these… ‘Torrasks’ as you call them, You wont have any protection…”


Qill interrupted, looking out the windows once more as if expecting someone or something to happen.

Confused, Phyro decided it best to stand still and not speak.


[Yay for me, I figured out how to get everyone out of the certain situation of inevitable doom. n_n]

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  • 2 months later...

[okay. I have about two-thirds a page of the next chapter written out. but Im thinking that this will be the last one, if not Really close to the last chapter. and if I decide against making this a series, it'll be the first story I'll have actually finished. n_n]


[i was thinking about making it a series to have the other parts elaborate on the rest of the Draenno, the rest of the survivors from Eytens village, like Karaast and Diego and a few other guys that arent making appearences here. I dunno.]

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[okay. I have about two-thirds a page of the next chapter written out. but Im thinking that this will be the last one, if not Really close to the last chapter. and if I decide against making this a series, it'll be the first story I'll have actually finished. n_n]


[i was thinking about making it a series to have the other parts elaborate on the rest of the Draenno, the rest of the survivors from Eytens village, like Karaast and Diego and a few other guys that arent making appearences here. I dunno.]

*likes the series idea alot* :D

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