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The Meritorious Fire

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[Last night, i was up till... um... a lot of late, digging up old files form my compy's first harddrive. (This is my third harddrive. that. that i'm on.) I found archives of one of my favorite RPs, from 4 or 5 years ago. It was very spiffy. -nods- I had planned to write it into a story like most RPs I do, But it. well, For the same reason I mysteriously vanished form this board, (moving, new computer, siblings moving out) I had a lot of things to do that werent on my compy and I forgot about the board here for a year or two. maybe four. The point being, I didnt write that story thing, and found the archives and rediscovered much spiffiness.]


[This is my 2nd best RP ever, And will be put into a handy-dandy story thing here. =D]


[so. Once I decide if it'll have sections, chapters or what, or write more than four words of it -kicks MS Word- i'll post some of it here.]

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[The problem with this RP is, (i forgot if I said this in previous post. o-o I'll say it again, if not.) This RP is not finished. A few years ago, I lost contact with the other person, while Neomailing on that one website is my only remaining way of trying to get this RP going again. Persistantly neomailing, This person has internet, and signs on once or twice weekly. And has responded on rare occasion.]


[by the time I get the prologue up, I might have some communication established between us. <.< the... the other person.]

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[w00t, the 1 and a half page introduction is finished. o_o;]


The Meritorious Fire

[i made a spiffied title! =D]

Eyten Anhei awoke one morning, from his taunting subconscious persistently giving him the same nightmare. He sighed, sat up in his feather bed, and glanced out his window. Bright orange rays were breaking over the horizon; the sun would be visible soon.


Knowing he would need to get up some time, Eyten sleepily turned over and stepped off of his bed. After getting a change of clothing, Eyten walked out of his bedroom door to see both of his parents up already.


“Eyten, I was just about to go get you. Your mother here has apparently caught some disease… I need to keep watch over her for now, But meanwhile could you go on to, eh, what was his name… The village shaman, whatever his name is. Tell him to get here soon.â€


Eyten acknowledged, and glanced at his ill mother, who did not appear at the peak of healthiness.


Eyten walked outside to see the usual folk hurrying to their next task, the usual hustle and bustle about the village. Self-sustaining, This small town contained no more than 35 people.


Having lived here all his life, Eyten strode over toward where he knew the village shaman to be, in somewhat of a hurry to cure his parent. As he approached, He saw that most of the townsfolk were gathered around the shaman’s home…?


Eager to investigate, Eyten picked up speed and approached.


His mother was not the only one diseased.




By the next day, there were only three people in this village that were not diseased. Eyten’s father being one of them, Another was known as Tahmores, The third is Anommess. Having received word from a nearby kingdom that this plague that has been spread across the land has a remedy- though if not acted upon soon, its victims may die.


Anommess, being a rather agile athletic person, had found out what the cure was- Dragon’s Blood.


Warriors from all around came and hunted down dragons in this time of need, and collected as much blood as they could…


Eyten’s village was administered several liters of Dragon Blood, with which the remaining people anxiously drank as instructed.


Even the three that were not diseased drank of it, just to make sure…


Regardless of its fairly bitter taste, Everyone was quite pleased with the medicinal effect the Dragon Blood had on their bodies. Everyone had gotten back on their feet, but only for a short while…


Multiple Dragons were slain to obtain enough blood to supply the kingdom this village was under. The several liters of Dragon blood that was given to this village was drained from the dragons head…


Carrying with it, Traces of the Dragon’s genetic substances. DNA particles and all.


This blood, with the genetic properties, acted as a serum upon these mortal bodies…




The village’s inhabitants all grew strangely lethargic, less active, as their moments of human life slipped away…


Three days later, The people awoke from their sleep, to find themselves in different bodies…


Darker and thicker skinned, Winged, Tailed, Some scaled, Every person had at least one draconic characteristic.


These dragon-human hybrids were something new. Fire-breathing, Enhanced senses, More combat capability, They were quite different.


Their vain efforts to adapt to this lifestyle were brought to an end one fateful day…


[so its a story based on the life of human-dragon hybrids and their misadventures in trying to fit in or make use of themselves. <.<; Fairly spiffy.]

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[w00t, the 1 and a half page introduction is finished. o_o;]


The Meritorious Fire

[i made a spiffied title! =D]

Eyten Anhei awoke one morning, from his taunting subconscious persistently giving him the same nightmare. He sighed, sat up in his feather bed, and glanced out his window. Bright orange rays were breaking over the horizon; the sun would be visible soon.


Knowing he would need to get up some time, Eyten sleepily turned over and stepped off of his bed. After getting a change of clothing, Eyten walked out of his bedroom door to see both of his parents up already.


“Eyten, I was just about to go get you. Your mother here has apparently caught some disease… I need to keep watch over her for now, But meanwhile could you go on to, eh, what was his name… The village shaman, whatever his name is. Tell him to get here soon.â€


Eyten acknowledged, and glanced at his ill mother, who did not appear at the peak of healthiness.


Eyten walked outside to see the usual folk hurrying to their next task, the usual hustle and bustle about the village. Self-sustaining, This small town contained no more than 35 people.


Having lived here all his life, Eyten strode over toward where he knew the village shaman to be, in somewhat of a hurry to cure his parent. As he approached, He saw that most of the townsfolk were gathered around the shaman’s home…?


Eager to investigate, Eyten picked up speed and approached.


His mother was not the only one diseased.




By the next day, there were only three people in this village that were not diseased. Eyten’s father being one of them, Another was known as Tahmores, The third is Anommess. Having received word from a nearby kingdom that this plague that has been spread across the land has a remedy- though if not acted upon soon, its victims may die.


Anommess, being a rather agile athletic person, had found out what the cure was- Dragon’s Blood.


Warriors from all around came and hunted down dragons in this time of need, and collected as much blood as they could…


Eyten’s village was administered several liters of Dragon Blood, with which the remaining people anxiously drank as instructed.


Even the three that were not diseased drank of it, just to make sure…


Regardless of its fairly bitter taste, Everyone was quite pleased with the medicinal effect the Dragon Blood had on their bodies. Everyone had gotten back on their feet, but only for a short while…


Multiple Dragons were slain to obtain enough blood to supply the kingdom this village was under. The several liters of Dragon blood that was given to this village was drained from the dragons head…


Carrying with it, Traces of the Dragon’s genetic substances. DNA particles and all.


This blood, with the genetic properties, acted as a serum upon these mortal bodies…




The village’s inhabitants all grew strangely lethargic, less active, as their moments of human life slipped away…


Three days later, The people awoke from their sleep, to find themselves in different bodies…


Darker and thicker skinned, Winged, Tailed, Some scaled, Every person had at least one draconic characteristic.


These dragon-human hybrids were something new. Fire-breathing, Enhanced senses, More combat capability, They were quite different.


Their vain efforts to adapt to this lifestyle were brought to an end one fateful day…


[so its a story based on the life of human-dragon hybrids and their misadventures in trying to fit in or make use of themselves. <.<; Fairly spiffy.]

[spiffy! ^^]

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[Wee, People think its spiffy.]


[This was originally the storyline for a RPG Message board I made (One of the first four, all of which failed miserably.) So once I get some character introductions, there'll be a standard and the message board this was based on, some people were writing fanfics about it. <.< You can too if you feel like it. once... once I post what happened to the peoples.]

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Chapter One

It begins...


Eyten strode with ease through his muscle-packed body of draconic proportions back toward his cottage, or what remained of it, at its roof had been accidentally burned down several times. However, His was not the only roof that was scorched.


He looked off to the northwest, now being not twenty feet away from his home, to see two humans walking toward their village.


A thought hit Eyten almost immediately- He and his people were all draconic. If these two people saw this, well… Nothing good would come out of the result.


But what could he do?


If he goes off to scare them away, they will tell the governing areas about this and there will be warriors and bounty hunters on Eyten’s village. Eyten will not have enough time or stealth to tell everyone to hide. If he hides himself, The other people don’t know about this…


Eyten’s mind raced for what to do, until his draconic part of his mind kicked in…


Just kill them…


If they are both killed, Neither of them can tell the surrounding areas.


Eyten smirked deviously, and made use of his muscle build and sprinted across the terrain toward the two humans, Who now looked rather fearful. Eyten lunged, extended his black claws, and struck.


By stabbing in vital areas, one human fell while the other one attempted to run.


Eyten would not let this human escape, for the sake of the remainder of his village.


He ran after this human, sprinting as fast as he could, but the fact this human had someone a head-start could not be helped.


Eyten turned his attention away from this human, to the scenery for a split second. Another village was coming into view. If Eyten chased the human into the village, Who knows how many people would see him. He had to chase down and kill this human immediately- But in a way that wouldn’t draw attention do him. But how?!


Eyten noted the distance between him and this human- Within three feet. Eyten reached out a vicious clawed hand, it was just beyond his reach. Eyten then put both his legs together and kicked off the ground as hard as he could, and lunged through the air, in hopes of grabbing this human…


He felt something touch his fingertips- He immediately curled his hand into a grasping fist, expecting to grab human flesh, but a small piece of cloth was all he had grabbed, while his clawed hands pierced into his palm- where human flesh should have been.


Eyten saw one last thing he could do- Fire.


He took a large breath in, and released it, along with secreted substances available to the insides of his mouth- combining with large fixtures of breath, created a large flame.


A massive fireball discharged from him, which burned anything within at least six feet of it.


This human fell to the ground, lifeless or exhausted Eyten had no time to confirm. He was more occupied with the distance between him and the village, and the fact that his discharge of flame brought some audible vocalizing with it. He had made quite a roar in the process of torching, and more to the point, His fire had created a large smokestack from burnt grass and other such things nearby.


Having no reason to stick around for the aftermath of a large pillar of smoke and a scorched human, Eyten used the energy remaining in his body to sprint back to his village and hide at all costs.

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[Keep it coming! This is great!]

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[Hey look, It's up tonight. But its shorter than usual. o-o;]


Chapter Two





He was immediately awoken by a booming voice unfamiliar to him, as he sprang up in a frenzy from his bed.


“What?! Where? I’ll take ‘em all out! They won’t get my… my… archery set… Wha… What are you doing here?â€


Eyten blankly stared at another dragon-human in his bedroom doorway, and mused what he had just said.


“Eyten, What did you do yesterday that may or may not have invoked the wrath of humans upon our little village here?â€


A distinctive fear he hoped would never come had struck at his heart.


“I didn’t do… any… …Why do you ask?â€


“Your father whom has not been mutated as yourself has informed us that a neighboring village…â€


Eyten closed his eyes in despair upon hearing these words. All night long he had dreaded this, and indeed it had come.


“… had seen one of us and found them hostile, as ‘One of us has killed its inhabitants’. By using fire. Upon further inquiry, your father found out this death had occurred at the time you had mysteriously disappeared for a moment or two yesterday. And get this- your father’s wanting for information has invoked those humans to send bounty hunters and warriors to come and remove us from this region by force. Killing or evicting, Nothing good is coming out of this and pretty much the whole village sees that you have cost us our location, if not more.â€


A moment’s silence, as Eyten gathered all this information and pieced it into logic, having just woken up.




The remainder of this day did not go well for Eyten. Absolutely no one seemed to like him anymore.


Regardless of what he was doing, all he received was rejection and denial.


“You know, I do have a logical explanation for all this.â€


He persisted in trying, but no one would listen.


Rather displeased, Eyten retired that night to his bedroom, and contemplated the recent events that have cost them so much…


Until stress had overcome until he had fallen asleep.


Only for another rude awakening in the morning- But this time… It was not one of his fellow dragon-human hybrids…

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[May need some moddin'.]


Chapter Three

The Pursuit


A surprise attack, all that Eyten could guess this was a part of. Eyten’s eyes opened to a massive fire burning in what used to be the roof of his home.


Like the morning before, He jumped up in a frenzy calling out random words. Now in a mad panic, Eyten ran out the door of his bedroom and out the door of his home, to see, again, what he had most dreaded seeing…


Armored humans were invading with various weapons, surprise attacking all of the draconic beasts they found. Burning down buildings, stabbing through the carapaces of draconic skin, and shooting down refugees with flame arrows.


Eyten holding responsibility for this event, sprung into action.


He snuck up behind a random human, with claws extended, and with a simple quick motion, brought his right hand up to pierce a long claw through the underside of the humans jaw- cutting through flesh and ultimately slicing the jugular vein of this human’s head.


Being taken out by internal bleeding and otherwise fatal conditions, Eyten left this human for dead, and continued strategizing for his next target.


A swipe of claws- a throat is cut. A blast of fire, A human is scorched. A simple closure of knuckles, a neck is snapped…


Heading for his fifth target, Eyten realized something…


There were many draconic humans such as himself, that appeared to be missing.


He looked around himself, He estimated at least fifteen were in some way, shape or form brutally slaughtered. Though the casualty count of humans was higher, Eyten realized there was not much chance of him surviving alone…


Eyten turned around in somewhat a panic, to see a well-armored human before him, seconds away from striking.


He saw a massive sword rapidly coming his way…


Thinking fast, Eyten moved his right hand in the path of this sword. Impacting it at the right angle will slow it down, moreover, if he directs the slowed blade in the right direction, or rather, toward thicker parts of his carapace skin, he would take no damage.


Doing so, Eyten moves his right hand in the path of the blade, edges it in the correct direction, and it forced into the lower part of his thumb- He took no damage.


“Your edge is dull.â€


Eyten commented tauntingly as he jumped up and kicked the human in the armor, forcing him backward. Once on its back, This human could not do much.


Eyten used the broadsword in his hand, lifted it up, and smashed it down toward this human in, well, vital areas. Hearing a loud smash, Eyten inspected this blade- There was now a large crack in the center. He could not use it for much longer.


Eyten ‘carelessly’ threw it behind him, to hit a human that was approaching. Regardless of who it was, It was hostile.


Eyten looked around himself- There were still humans there. ‘Aah, How many of them are there?!’ He thought to himself, and figured it best to retreat.


He then found himself darting along forest terrain with a bloodthirsty human chasing after him. Taking consideration he used to be one, He decided it best not to continue killing off all humans. He had a bad enough reputation, in his mind…


Amid his distracting thoughts, Eyten carelessly took one flawed step, and…


His ankle was entangled in tree roots, causing him to trip, fall… This would cost him time.


His body rapidly descended. Eyten’s eyes widened in increasing fear upon what lay before him- Stone.


His fast descent led to his smashing the front of his head on a rock- Immediately, Blinding pain rushed through his body, Which would have been more than he could bear, had he not have been knocked out soon afterward.


[Which is bad, you know. <.<;]

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[May need some moddin'.]


Chapter Three

The Pursuit


A surprise attack, all that Eyten could guess this was a part of. Eyten’s eyes opened to a massive fire burning in what used to be the roof of his home.


Like the morning before, He jumped up in a frenzy calling out random words. Now in a mad panic, Eyten ran out the door of his bedroom and out the door of his home, to see, again, what he had most dreaded seeing…


Armored humans were invading with various weapons, surprise attacking all of the draconic beasts they found. Burning down buildings, stabbing through the carapaces of draconic skin, and shooting down refugees with flame arrows.


Eyten holding responsibility for this event, sprung into action.


He snuck up behind a random human, with claws extended, and with a simple quick motion, brought his right hand up to pierce a long claw through the underside of the humans jaw- cutting through flesh and ultimately slicing the jugular vein of this human’s head.


Being taken out by internal bleeding and otherwise fatal conditions, Eyten left this human for dead, and continued strategizing for his next target.


A swipe of claws- a throat is cut. A blast of fire, A human is scorched. A simple closure of knuckles, a neck is snapped…


Heading for his fifth target, Eyten realized something…


There were many draconic humans such as himself, that appeared to be missing.


He looked around himself, He estimated at least fifteen were in some way, shape or form brutally slaughtered. Though the casualty count of humans was higher, Eyten realized there was not much chance of him surviving alone…


Eyten turned around in somewhat a panic, to see a well-armored human before him, seconds away from striking.


He saw a massive sword rapidly coming his way…


Thinking fast, Eyten moved his right hand in the path of this sword. Impacting it at the right angle will slow it down, moreover, if he directs the slowed blade in the right direction, or rather, toward thicker parts of his carapace skin, he would take no damage.


Doing so, Eyten moves his right hand in the path of the blade, edges it in the correct direction, and it forced into the lower part of his thumb- He took no damage.


“Your edge is dull.â€


Eyten commented tauntingly as he jumped up and kicked the human in the armor, forcing him backward. Once on its back, This human could not do much.


Eyten used the broadsword in his hand, lifted it up, and smashed it down toward this human in, well, vital areas. Hearing a loud smash, Eyten inspected this blade- There was now a large crack in the center. He could not use it for much longer.


Eyten ‘carelessly’ threw it behind him, to hit a human that was approaching. Regardless of who it was, It was hostile.


Eyten looked around himself- There were still humans there. ‘Aah, How many of them are there?!’ He thought to himself, and figured it best to retreat.


He then found himself darting along forest terrain with a bloodthirsty human chasing after him. Taking consideration he used to be one, He decided it best not to continue killing off all humans. He had a bad enough reputation, in his mind…


Amid his distracting thoughts, Eyten carelessly took one flawed step, and…


His ankle was entangled in tree roots, causing him to trip, fall… This would cost him time.


His body rapidly descended. Eyten’s eyes widened in increasing fear upon what lay before him- Stone.


His fast descent led to his smashing the front of his head on a rock- Immediately, Blinding pain rushed through his body, Which would have been more than he could bear, had he not have been knocked out soon afterward.


[Which is bad, you know. <.<;]

[Very. *eats some popcorn*]

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Chapter Four

The aftermath


Possibly five years later…


Having lost track of time, due to what he highly suspected to be a case of Amnesia, Phyro, A human-dragon hybrid, approached a forest edge, to see open space ahead.


Having had a case of Amnesia, being his only sensible explanation for what happened to him, Phyro had forgotten any title or name he used to have. Combining the words Fire and Pyro, His new title was created, as he searches the world for his identity.


Through his travels, He had been seen by mortal humans several times. As a result, He has multiple bounty hunters after him. Under constant pursuit, Phyro could never stay in one place for more than three days.


Piecing the information he has gathered together, For still unknown reasons, One of the more determined bounty hunters had commissioned magicians and chemists to procreate new species’ of creatures, all of which were formidable opponents.


Having matured over the years, Phyro stood at 6’4, now at age fifteen. The broad muscular wings protruding from his shoulder blades now had plating that Phyro made for that purpose, getting tired of holes punctured in them and various scratches. Custom ore-made blades covered the far ends, lightweight, sharp, allowing him to slash at opponents with them, also enabling him to fly without too much difficulty.


The bright sun shone overhead and put a blinding light in Phyro’s eyes, causing them to contract, as he stepped out of the treetops’ shading.


Upon his vision adjusting to the change of light, Phyro saw a hill in the distance, at the foot of it was a small village.


Phyro stopped to think for a moment,


“What might I need from a place like this?â€


He could try and get some weaponry. Armor would help. He wouldn’t mind having some, well… cooked food for once.


Toying with the possibilities, Phyro smirked and continued into the village area, upon seeing size-limited smokestacks, which were a sign of a forgery of sorts.


He could only hope this forgery’s stock was unique to others, as he desperately needed armor to defend himself, but any human found him hostile and would not work for him, only try to get rid of him, and the finished armors were only fit for humans. Phyro’s massive body was too big.


He sighed, and snuck in through shadows of buildings, peering around corners, trying to maintain secrecy as he navigated through the cottages and various other structures. Phyro tried to hide his bright red eyes lest he draw attention to himself.


[Here is where that RP dealie started. O_o]


He glanced to the left, where the rather tall hill overlooking this village was, to see a shadowy figure at the top.


Phyro pressed himself against the wall of the building and carefully watching this being from a safer location.


It was coming his way.



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[Well, In a situation like that, fighting back would indeed be necessary. o_o;]

[Like what? Still cool, by the way.]

[situation of a bunch of raving idiots coming and burning down your hometown. <.<;]

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[Well, In a situation like that, fighting back would indeed be necessary. o_o;]

[Like what? Still cool, by the way.]

[situation of a bunch of raving idiots coming and burning down your hometown. <.<;]

[Oh, then yes.]

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[This story is awesomer than Flip's flips!]

[Nearly everything is awsomer than flio flops. u_u


It's awsomer than a grilled-cheese sammich!]

[Yes, flip flops aren't all that awesome. But Flip the Hamster's flips are like. Unbelievably awesome.]

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[before I hit 3½ pages, I figured i'd stop the chapter. xD]


Chapter Five

The Katastophy’s


The mysterious figure in the distance was mostly a silhouette, the light differences between the direct sunlight and the blackened shadows could not let Phyro make out a visible image.


As the approaching entity drew nearer, Phyro’s heart sank upon the thought of he was probably sighted. Though to his surprise, This being walked behind a building, out of view from Phyro’s position.


Relieved, Phyro loosened tension and silently sighed.




Alarmed, Phyro turned around to see a feline-like face peeking over the corner of the building a figure had disappeared behind a short moment ago.


"I'm Anzi, what’s your name?"


'She', judging by voice and appearance as she sociably approached, asked inquisitively.


His alarmed behavior led to small puffs of smoke occasionally tracing from his nose.


Finding this highly attractive, in addition to draconic body features, and high muscle mass, Anzi became rather flirtatious.


"... Phyro."


He uncomfortably admitted.




Anzi spoke in somewhat a different tone of voice. Phyro shifted positions, discomforted.


“What are you doing around a place like this?â€


Phyro’s mind raced for an excuse to get away from the weird cat-lady, and figured he’d just tell her the truth. It was convincing enough.




He attempted to turn around and walk off, but Anzi was too fast for him to do so.


“Retreating, now? Do you live around here?â€


“I doubt it. … And yes, retreating. Due to common sense. I believe you would too, if you were hunted and constantly being tracked down for homicide purposes.â€


Innocently, and supposedly caringly, Anzi inquired.


“Hunted…? By what?â€


Annoyed, Phyro replied,


“You don’t want to know.â€


Anzi smirked, an idea had come to her head.


“Well, If you’re being hunted, Then you’d best hide!â€


She then carelessly grabbed Phyro by his left wing, and began dragging him off toward where she had come from.


“You can stay at my place!â€


Judging by her flirtatious behavior moments before, Phyro wasn’t so sure he thought highly of this idea…


“Hey hey, Easy on the wings. Your little clawed hands aren’t doing them much good.â€


Wordlessly, Anzi used her other hand to grasp Phyro’s left arm, and continued ‘dragging’ him along with a gloved hand.


“How well do you get along with other boys?â€


“Who said I did?â€


Phyro decided it best not to harm a female person, regardless of relationship or situation, and tried to cooperate.


A split second of silence, about enough time for a grin to take over Anzi’s feline-like face, until she said,


“So you don’t, huh… Well, I guess you’re gonna have to stay in my room!â€


Having no objection to this, Anzi continued leading Phyro along, as the whole Dragging concept wasn’t working out so well.


Phyro’s facial expression changed to that of discomforted, upon not knowing what to expect, mainly…


“I do hope you don’t mind sociability or large houses…â€


Anzi commented, while leading Phyro to a large ladder that led upward to a very massive treehouse.


“What’s with all these questions, might I ask?â€


“I happen to have a big family.â€


The first thing that came to mind was a large room full of over-flirtatious Anzi’s, though before dwelling too much on the thought, Phyro shook his head and stood before Anzi.


“Come on now.â€


Anzi continued leading Phyro up the ladder, into a very large front room, which contained multiple large male cat-humans, resembling Anzi in some ways. They all in unison had glared at the intruder than Anzi had brought into their house.


“Don’t mind my brothers, They happen to be very territorial.â€


Anzi spoke in a quieted voice as she hurried along, with Phyro’s wrist in her hand, leading him off to the right.


Phyro’s last glance at the room behind him was at a human-cat similar to others, except for the fact it was much bigger than the others, and strangely enough, had a pair of wings. One being torn while a scar was very visible on one of this being’s eyes. It had growled fairly intimidatingly at Phyro as he passed.


The attempt at dragging Phyro along restarted, as Anzi lead Phyro to a smaller room, having a smaller, female cat in it.


“Must I be dragged this whole time?â€


“No, But you may have a concussion now.â€


Confused, Phyro asked,




“Well, You’re still talking, so you’re not dead yet.â€


Anzi made a motion with her arms that would have thrown something, but Phyro was a bit more massive and heavy than she had anticipated. She had ‘thrown’ Phyro toward one of the three or four beds in the room.


“Sleep now, You probably need some rest.â€


“I don’t really have a need for any rest right now.â€


“Yes, You-“


Anzi was interrupted by a thud, followed by loud laughter coming from behind Phyro.


Evidently, The other cat person that was in the room had fallen over laughing.

She had sat up after a short moment, and looked at Phyro.


“Tiny winged fluffball is Anzi’s new boyfriend!? Ahahaahhhaaa!â€


Rather enraged, Anzi spoke loudly enough to be heard over the laughter.


“Qill, He’s not my boyfriend!â€


“Nor am I fluffy!â€


Phyro added.


Qill sat up straighter to reveal four wings larger than Phyro’s. She struck a boisterous stance.


“Tiny wings!â€


Phyro rolled his eyes and turned around to face Anzi.


“I’ll take care of Qill for now. I really think you need some sleep.â€


[Anzi are teh creepy sometimes.]


[And yes, Katastrophy is that cat-persons family name. Which is expanded on next chapter. This one turned out much longer than I thought it would.]


[And this whole flirty-dealie was NOT my idea. It was the other person. Probably because she knew I had all those idiot girly people after me when I didnt want a girlfriend. >_o]

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[This story is awesomer than Flip's flips!]

[Nearly everything is awsomer than flio flops. u_u


It's awsomer than a grilled-cheese sammich!]

[Yes, flip flops aren't all that awesome. But Flip the Hamster's flips are like. Unbelievably awesome.]

[Oooooh! You said Flip's flips! I read it and thought you wrote "flip flops". XD]

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[This story is awesomer than Flip's flips!]

[Nearly everything is awsomer than flio flops. u_u


It's awsomer than a grilled-cheese sammich!]

[Yes, flip flops aren't all that awesome. But Flip the Hamster's flips are like. Unbelievably awesome.]

[Oooooh! You said Flip's flips! I read it and thought you wrote "flip flops". XD]

[Yeah. And you were the one that said Flio Flops. o_o;]

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Chapter Six



“I don’t have time for sleep, for all I know any of the bounty hunters after me could be in that village not too far away!â€


Upon Phyro saying the words Bounty Hunter, Anzi and Qill both looked rather alarmed and looked around, as if expecting to see one charging after them.


Upon not seeing anything out of the ordinary, Phryo heard form behind him,


“Don’t scare me like that, Jeez…â€


and Anzi commented,


“Seriously now. You’re in a house full of outlaws. I think we know how to handle ourselves.â€


“… Either way…â€


Phyro looked around himself.


“Do you suppose there’s a different room I could stay in?â€


“It’s here or outside. Unless you want to try with my brothers there…â€


Anzi smiled tauntingly. Phyro looked rather displeased, but tried to hide it. Though his attempt failed…


“Brutus! Get in here a minute!â€


Within seconds, A massive male cat-human person had come through the door to Anzi’s room.


“Can you bring in one of the other beds from the back room?â€


“I thought you had an extra one in here already…?â€


Brutus commented in a gruff, deep voice.


“Ah, That’s right. Well, Come here a moment…â€


Anzi led him to a corner of the room.


“Can you stick this in the wall, in a securely fashion?â€


Unquestioningly and obediently, Brutus took the spear Anzi handed to him and forced it into the wall about seven feet high.


“Perfect! Thank you!â€


Anzi hugged him, as he left the room.


She then picked up one of the additional beds in the room, and put it in the corner.


“Qill. Curtain.â€


Qill reached under her bed, and pulled out a long curtain and tossed it to Anzi, who then draped it over the large spear.


“There! Another, room for you, Phyro.â€


[Where the original content of that happening was: Anzi:hehehe...*poofs another bed way over on the other side of the room then poofs a wall*Happy?Another room! Yup. o_o; I thought my little edit was a bit more realistic.]


Phyro’s eye twitched at the persistence of Anzi at getting Phyro in the same room as a bed, and her.


He reluctantly walked over to the ‘room’ that Anzi put together for him, and sat down on the bed there.


Anzi giggled admiringly,


“Well, Be grateful you’re cute, or I would have probably killed you.â€


She then walked out of the room for whatever purposes she had.




Qill spoke between coughs, as she smirked and turned the page of a book she was reading.


Ignoring her, Phyro intentionally scorched parts of the wall near him to make his mark, and felt more comfortable with the scenery.


Qill had sighed, and continued reading, as Phyro listened to a muffled conversation in a nearby room.


“Who is that freak of nature in your room, Anzi!?â€


When a quieter, more familiar voice spoke,


“A really hot guy I found in the village.â€


A brief silence.


“Aah, You… You tend to frustrate me, Anzi…â€


A discomforted silence took the environment for a moment.


“I need to go kill something.â€


The deeper male voice spoke, and then the sound of doors opening and closing took place, and the silence was then broken by another turning of a page by Qill, who was apparently used to such conversations between Anzi and her brothers.


Phyro was musing with the thoughts of what might this family’s history contain, Why are they in this misused treehouse, where are the parents, and why are they all, as Anzi put it, ‘A family of outlaws’… What had they done? Might they have had some part in what had happened in Phyro’s history…?


His thoughts were broken by his eyes detecting swift, but familiar movement he saw out a nearby window. It had familiar shades of blue, but this was not comforting to Phyro.


Phyro though, was apparently not the only one who had seen it. Qill then threw down the book she was reading, and darted through the door, and shouted,


“INTRUDER!!! My guess is a new bounty hunter! Somebody get Brutus!â€


A crash of wooden objects, followed by alarmed cries of cat-like voices. Anzi came rushing into the room where Phyro was, who was looking out the window in alarm.


“Anzi! Do you know what it looked like?â€


“How am I supposed to know?â€


A deadening thought came to Phyro’s mind.


“If it’s one of those Torrask’s… That’s one of the creatures trying to hunt me down! I’ve a well estimation that its capable of taking out your whole family here…!â€


[This is the first (maybe second.) RP that I used Torrask’s in. I use them often.]


“Not if I can help it!â€


The shadowed figure zoomed by the window once more, this time both Phyro and Anzi saw it move by.


Anzi then hurriedly pulled another female cat-human out by the leg from underneath Phyro’s bed.


“How did you get there?!â€


“Thing in window! Must kill!â€


Anzi explained in a few words to a cat-person that looked very similar, if not identical to Anzi. The two then crashed out through the window, drawing swords from inside their clothing that could conceal several items. The two began chasing after it.




Phyro called out of the window, louder than he thought he would have.


The two ignored him and continued chasing after the intruder.

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[This story is awesomer than Flip's flips!]

[Nearly everything is awsomer than flio flops. u_u


It's awsomer than a grilled-cheese sammich!]

[Yes, flip flops aren't all that awesome. But Flip the Hamster's flips are like. Unbelievably awesome.]

[Oooooh! You said Flip's flips! I read it and thought you wrote "flip flops". XD]

[Yeah. And you were the one that said Flio Flops. o_o;]

[...Shut up.]

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[before I hit 3½ pages, I figured i'd stop the chapter. xD]


Chapter Five

The Katastophy’s


The mysterious figure in the distance was mostly a silhouette, the light differences between the direct sunlight and the blackened shadows could not let Phyro make out a visible image.


As the approaching entity drew nearer, Phyro’s heart sank upon the thought of he was probably sighted. Though to his surprise, This being walked behind a building, out of view from Phyro’s position.


Relieved, Phyro loosened tension and silently sighed.




Alarmed, Phyro turned around to see a feline-like face peeking over the corner of the building a figure had disappeared behind a short moment ago.


"I'm Anzi, what’s your name?"


'She', judging by voice and appearance as she sociably approached, asked inquisitively.


His alarmed behavior led to small puffs of smoke occasionally tracing from his nose.


Finding this highly attractive, in addition to draconic body features, and high muscle mass, Anzi became rather flirtatious.


"... Phyro."


He uncomfortably admitted.




Anzi spoke in somewhat a different tone of voice. Phyro shifted positions, discomforted.


“What are you doing around a place like this?â€


Phyro’s mind raced for an excuse to get away from the weird cat-lady, and figured he’d just tell her the truth. It was convincing enough.




He attempted to turn around and walk off, but Anzi was too fast for him to do so.


“Retreating, now? Do you live around here?â€


“I doubt it. … And yes, retreating. Due to common sense. I believe you would too, if you were hunted and constantly being tracked down for homicide purposes.â€


Innocently, and supposedly caringly, Anzi inquired.


“Hunted…? By what?â€


Annoyed, Phyro replied,


“You don’t want to know.â€


Anzi smirked, an idea had come to her head.


“Well, If you’re being hunted, Then you’d best hide!â€


She then carelessly grabbed Phyro by his left wing, and began dragging him off toward where she had come from.


“You can stay at my place!â€


Judging by her flirtatious behavior moments before, Phyro wasn’t so sure he thought highly of this idea…


“Hey hey, Easy on the wings. Your little clawed hands aren’t doing them much good.â€


Wordlessly, Anzi used her other hand to grasp Phyro’s left arm, and continued ‘dragging’ him along with a gloved hand.


“How well do you get along with other boys?â€


“Who said I did?â€


Phyro decided it best not to harm a female person, regardless of relationship or situation, and tried to cooperate.


A split second of silence, about enough time for a grin to take over Anzi’s feline-like face, until she said,


“So you don’t, huh… Well, I guess you’re gonna have to stay in my room!â€


Having no objection to this, Anzi continued leading Phyro along, as the whole Dragging concept wasn’t working out so well.


Phyro’s facial expression changed to that of discomforted, upon not knowing what to expect, mainly…


“I do hope you don’t mind sociability or large houses…â€


Anzi commented, while leading Phyro to a large ladder that led upward to a very massive treehouse.


“What’s with all these questions, might I ask?â€


“I happen to have a big family.â€


The first thing that came to mind was a large room full of over-flirtatious Anzi’s, though before dwelling too much on the thought, Phyro shook his head and stood before Anzi.


“Come on now.â€


Anzi continued leading Phyro up the ladder, into a very large front room, which contained multiple large male cat-humans, resembling Anzi in some ways. They all in unison had glared at the intruder than Anzi had brought into their house.


“Don’t mind my brothers, They happen to be very territorial.â€


Anzi spoke in a quieted voice as she hurried along, with Phyro’s wrist in her hand, leading him off to the right.


Phyro’s last glance at the room behind him was at a human-cat similar to others, except for the fact it was much bigger than the others, and strangely enough, had a pair of wings. One being torn while a scar was very visible on one of this being’s eyes. It had growled fairly intimidatingly at Phyro as he passed.


The attempt at dragging Phyro along restarted, as Anzi lead Phyro to a smaller room, having a smaller, female cat in it.


“Must I be dragged this whole time?â€


“No, But you may have a concussion now.â€


Confused, Phyro asked,




“Well, You’re still talking, so you’re not dead yet.â€


Anzi made a motion with her arms that would have thrown something, but Phyro was a bit more massive and heavy than she had anticipated. She had ‘thrown’ Phyro toward one of the three or four beds in the room.


“Sleep now, You probably need some rest.â€


“I don’t really have a need for any rest right now.â€


“Yes, You-“


Anzi was interrupted by a thud, followed by loud laughter coming from behind Phyro.


Evidently, The other cat person that was in the room had fallen over laughing.

She had sat up after a short moment, and looked at Phyro.


“Tiny winged fluffball is Anzi’s new boyfriend!? Ahahaahhhaaa!â€


Rather enraged, Anzi spoke loudly enough to be heard over the laughter.


“Qill, He’s not my boyfriend!â€


“Nor am I fluffy!â€


Phyro added.


Qill sat up straighter to reveal four wings larger than Phyro’s. She struck a boisterous stance.


“Tiny wings!â€


Phyro rolled his eyes and turned around to face Anzi.


“I’ll take care of Qill for now. I really think you need some sleep.â€


[Anzi are teh creepy sometimes.]


[And yes, Katastrophy is that cat-persons family name. Which is expanded on next chapter. This one turned out much longer than I thought it would.]


[And this whole flirty-dealie was NOT my idea. It was the other person. Probably because she knew I had all those idiot girly people after me when I didnt want a girlfriend. >_o]

[That's what I was reminded of when I was reading it. I still find that completely hillarious...]

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[-screams- =o Continuity error! I seem to be missing an RP archive. ... I get to make stuff up! =D]

[i was wondering when you mensioned being hunted by them...


And yes, you used them in the Werewolf thing (Which you need to write more of. Did you forget, or is this one replacing it?), but it's okay. They coo', homie.]

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[This story is awesomer than Flip's flips!]

[Nearly everything is awsomer than flio flops. u_u


It's awsomer than a grilled-cheese sammich!]

[Yes, flip flops aren't all that awesome. But Flip the Hamster's flips are like. Unbelievably awesome.]

[Oooooh! You said Flip's flips! I read it and thought you wrote "flip flops". XD]

[Yeah. And you were the one that said Flio Flops. o_o;]

[...Shut up.]

[<.< No.]

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[before I hit 3½ pages, I figured i'd stop the chapter. xD]


Chapter Five

The Katastophy’s


The mysterious figure in the distance was mostly a silhouette, the light differences between the direct sunlight and the blackened shadows could not let Phyro make out a visible image.


As the approaching entity drew nearer, Phyro’s heart sank upon the thought of he was probably sighted. Though to his surprise, This being walked behind a building, out of view from Phyro’s position.


Relieved, Phyro loosened tension and silently sighed.




Alarmed, Phyro turned around to see a feline-like face peeking over the corner of the building a figure had disappeared behind a short moment ago.


"I'm Anzi, what’s your name?"


'She', judging by voice and appearance as she sociably approached, asked inquisitively.


His alarmed behavior led to small puffs of smoke occasionally tracing from his nose.


Finding this highly attractive, in addition to draconic body features, and high muscle mass, Anzi became rather flirtatious.


"... Phyro."


He uncomfortably admitted.




Anzi spoke in somewhat a different tone of voice. Phyro shifted positions, discomforted.


“What are you doing around a place like this?â€


Phyro’s mind raced for an excuse to get away from the weird cat-lady, and figured he’d just tell her the truth. It was convincing enough.




He attempted to turn around and walk off, but Anzi was too fast for him to do so.


“Retreating, now? Do you live around here?â€


“I doubt it. … And yes, retreating. Due to common sense. I believe you would too, if you were hunted and constantly being tracked down for homicide purposes.â€


Innocently, and supposedly caringly, Anzi inquired.


“Hunted…? By what?â€


Annoyed, Phyro replied,


“You don’t want to know.â€


Anzi smirked, an idea had come to her head.


“Well, If you’re being hunted, Then you’d best hide!â€


She then carelessly grabbed Phyro by his left wing, and began dragging him off toward where she had come from.


“You can stay at my place!â€


Judging by her flirtatious behavior moments before, Phyro wasn’t so sure he thought highly of this idea…


“Hey hey, Easy on the wings. Your little clawed hands aren’t doing them much good.â€


Wordlessly, Anzi used her other hand to grasp Phyro’s left arm, and continued ‘dragging’ him along with a gloved hand.


“How well do you get along with other boys?â€


“Who said I did?â€


Phyro decided it best not to harm a female person, regardless of relationship or situation, and tried to cooperate.


A split second of silence, about enough time for a grin to take over Anzi’s feline-like face, until she said,


“So you don’t, huh… Well, I guess you’re gonna have to stay in my room!â€


Having no objection to this, Anzi continued leading Phyro along, as the whole Dragging concept wasn’t working out so well.


Phyro’s facial expression changed to that of discomforted, upon not knowing what to expect, mainly…


“I do hope you don’t mind sociability or large houses…â€


Anzi commented, while leading Phyro to a large ladder that led upward to a very massive treehouse.


“What’s with all these questions, might I ask?â€


“I happen to have a big family.â€


The first thing that came to mind was a large room full of over-flirtatious Anzi’s, though before dwelling too much on the thought, Phyro shook his head and stood before Anzi.


“Come on now.â€


Anzi continued leading Phyro up the ladder, into a very large front room, which contained multiple large male cat-humans, resembling Anzi in some ways. They all in unison had glared at the intruder than Anzi had brought into their house.


“Don’t mind my brothers, They happen to be very territorial.â€


Anzi spoke in a quieted voice as she hurried along, with Phyro’s wrist in her hand, leading him off to the right.


Phyro’s last glance at the room behind him was at a human-cat similar to others, except for the fact it was much bigger than the others, and strangely enough, had a pair of wings. One being torn while a scar was very visible on one of this being’s eyes. It had growled fairly intimidatingly at Phyro as he passed.


The attempt at dragging Phyro along restarted, as Anzi lead Phyro to a smaller room, having a smaller, female cat in it.


“Must I be dragged this whole time?â€


“No, But you may have a concussion now.â€


Confused, Phyro asked,




“Well, You’re still talking, so you’re not dead yet.â€


Anzi made a motion with her arms that would have thrown something, but Phyro was a bit more massive and heavy than she had anticipated. She had ‘thrown’ Phyro toward one of the three or four beds in the room.


“Sleep now, You probably need some rest.â€


“I don’t really have a need for any rest right now.â€


“Yes, You-“


Anzi was interrupted by a thud, followed by loud laughter coming from behind Phyro.


Evidently, The other cat person that was in the room had fallen over laughing.

She had sat up after a short moment, and looked at Phyro.


“Tiny winged fluffball is Anzi’s new boyfriend!? Ahahaahhhaaa!â€


Rather enraged, Anzi spoke loudly enough to be heard over the laughter.


“Qill, He’s not my boyfriend!â€


“Nor am I fluffy!â€


Phyro added.


Qill sat up straighter to reveal four wings larger than Phyro’s. She struck a boisterous stance.


“Tiny wings!â€


Phyro rolled his eyes and turned around to face Anzi.


“I’ll take care of Qill for now. I really think you need some sleep.â€


[Anzi are teh creepy sometimes.]


[And yes, Katastrophy is that cat-persons family name. Which is expanded on next chapter. This one turned out much longer than I thought it would.]


[And this whole flirty-dealie was NOT my idea. It was the other person. Probably because she knew I had all those idiot girly people after me when I didnt want a girlfriend. >_o]

[That's what I was reminded of when I was reading it. I still find that completely hillarious...]

[its CREEPAY. <.< I wants to shoot them sometimes.]


[bTW, In addition to the Audrey person, I'm adding one of the other hopeless flirts who is of somewhat importance in Werewolf Four. or Five. forgot which. But you havent read that yet, ssooo...]

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[-screams- =o Continuity error! I seem to be missing an RP archive. ... I get to make stuff up! =D]

[i was wondering when you mensioned being hunted by them...


And yes, you used them in the Werewolf thing (Which you need to write more of. Did you forget, or is this one replacing it?), but it's okay. They coo', homie.]

[Mensioned? Hunting? Where? What does that have to to with RP archives? (I found it, BTW. I forgot to scroll down some more and thought it ended in the middle of the archive file. >_< It made me feel dumb.)]


[Yeah. Thats when they're most defined and described. aaaannnnndd I needed some kind of creepy critter to use. so Torrask's worked.]


[i didnt forget. Half the time when i'm trying to write this, I have the WErewolf file open, occasionally looking at it and absolutely nothing comes to mind of what to put next.]

[until about two days ago, I figured out what i'll do next, but dunno what after that.]


[Hehe. You called me a Homie.]

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[-screams- =o Continuity error! I seem to be missing an RP archive. ... I get to make stuff up! =D]

[i was wondering when you mensioned being hunted by them...


And yes, you used them in the Werewolf thing (Which you need to write more of. Did you forget, or is this one replacing it?), but it's okay. They coo', homie.]

[Mensioned? Hunting? Where? What does that have to to with RP archives? (I found it, BTW. I forgot to scroll down some more and thought it ended in the middle of the archive file. >_< It made me feel dumb.)]


[Yeah. Thats when they're most defined and described. aaaannnnndd I needed some kind of creepy critter to use. so Torrask's worked.]


[i didnt forget. Half the time when i'm trying to write this, I have the WErewolf file open, occasionally looking at it and absolutely nothing comes to mind of what to put next.]

[until about two days ago, I figured out what i'll do next, but dunno what after that.]


[Hehe. You called me a Homie.]

[Yes. I DID.


And it says up there that Phyro-Man says that he's hunted by the tacos, or however you spell it. *points near the end of chapta six*]

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Chapter Seven

Bounty Hunters


The Torrask had come to a halt in front of the house, and looked as if it were to climb up the ladder to the house, but Anzi and her sister, Phyro supposed, had caught up to it.


The large reptilian creature glared at the two oncoming felines, and stood in an attack-ready stance.


Both Anzi and her yet unnamed sister had slashed at the Torrask in unison, though their blades hit, they did not cut. The Torrask liquefied itself and reformed into an undamaged shape.


“That won’t work against them! I’ve tried everything, I don’t-“


“Shut up!!â€


Anzi called after him, as she and her sister both oddly gestured with their hands until large blasts of sub-zero ice had discharged at the Torrask. The effect completely froze the Torrask, but also Anzi and her sisters hand’s were frozen in place.


Within seconds, the two began trying to break off the ice, while they did not realize the Torrask had again liquefied, and slithered out through the ground and cracks in the ice.


“I don’t think you can stop it!â€


Phyro’s vocalizing caught the Torrask’s attention.


Phyro cursed, and hid behind the wall, evading sight from the window.


But within seconds, The sapphire liquid had slithered up the wall and into the room Phyro was in. Phyro made a dash to the other side of the room, though the Torrask, half-solidified, had grabbed at Phyro’s leg.


Clinging to the floor, Phyro dug his claws into the wood, and tried to pull himself out of his nemesis’ grasp.


The first time Phyro was glad to see Anzi, she had dove through the window, and began smashing her ice-covered hands into the Torrask’s solidified body parts, until the ice had broken. Her sister followed, and did likewise. Upon not doing much damage, The Torrask glanced at them, annoyed.


Not long afterward, Anzi’s eight brothers streamed through the door and surrounded Phyro and the Torrask that had attached itself to Phyro’s limb.


Closely evading various attacks from the cats, The Torrask slithered away from them, out the window and off in the distance.




Anzi struck a victorious stance, standing near Phyro, rather helpless on the ground, having nine hostile felines now surrounding him.


“That’s not the last you’ll see of it, Anzi, I assure you.â€


“Sssssooooooooo, We’ll just kick its butt again!â€


Anzi replied encouragingly.


Phyro sighed,


“I don’t think any of you know what they’re capable of, are you?â€


“I wouldn’t mind listening.â€


Anzi’s still unidentified sister commented.


“You saw that it had liquefied, right?â€


She nodded.


“It’s commonly a defensive move. With which, they still control their bodies, so they independently slither around. Defying gravity along the way. It had slithered up the wall of your house here, likewise, It is capable of going up someones leg or something, making its way towards its victims head, where it will access any available opening it finds. It prefers ones mouth. From there, It has two options… Kill the victim there and then, or tamper with its mind into controlling it to the Torrask’s will. Controlling motions and actions and such.â€


Few of the felines looked interested.


“They also have ineffective psychic abilities, enabling them to weaken their opponent for easier access. This is rarely used, and isn’t very strong. Either way, Torrask’s can move rather fast, regardless of environment. Older, more experienced Torrask’s have the ability to shapeshift, into complex or simple shapes, though they are always identifiable by texture and color. They are mostly muscle, and have collapsible exo-skeletons, and are surprisingly strong for their size.â€


Anzi imitated the sound of snoring.


“What an enemy to be hunted by…â€


Anzi’s sister commented,


“And that isn’t the only thing that wants me dead.â€


“And why do they want to kill you?â€


“Who cares?â€


Qill commented, offensively.


“If I knew, I’d tell you…â€


Annoyed by Anzi’s uninterested behavior, Phyro reached up and whacked the nearest body part within reach.


“I’m awake, I’m listening.â€


Anzi changed stature. Qill looked rather annoyed.


Phyro had attempted to do likewise to Qill, of the whacking of hand, but she had caught his wrist first and dug her claws into his wrist. With her other hand, She snapped her fingers and her eight brothers growled threateningly.


“Wanna try that one again?â€


Qill smirked.


Phyro expressed his annoyed mood to Qill silently.


He then took advantage of a gap between the massive cats, and exited through it and left the room, agitated.


“Hey, Person! Don’t leave!â€


Anzi chased after him.


“Anzi, There are ten hostile beings in there. I have to need to stay here if they want to kill me. It’s more than two, A threat to me.â€


Phyro had lead Anzi outside, as he picked a direction at random and strode off that way.


Anzi squinted from the light change.


“Well, You can’t stay out here forever…!â€


She said, trying to convince him to stay in her house.


“No. I can’t. Nor can I stay in there.â€


“Umm…. What are those?â€


Phyro turned around, to see Anzi pointing up in the sky.


“Pr… Clouds. Ever heard of them?â€


“Clouds look like people, now? Wait a minute… BOUNTY HUNTERS!!â€


Anzi dashed inside, and spread the word to her family.


Phyro spotted ten flying black images in the sky, hovering overhead, as one of them led the others downward, descending rapidly.


In a panic, Phyro hid underneath the Treehouse, and concealed himself behind his large wings.


“I saw one of the Katastophy’s around here. ‘Must be in that house.â€


The nine then infiltrated the house, as Phyro listened to resistant fighting back, screams, swords crashing and impacting various objects.


Phyro focused his attention toward his wings, He had trained himself over the years to sit completely still, and his wings would take in the environment and eventually grow to camouflage with the surroundings, rendering him very hard to spot.


After a few moments, ten bounty hunters came out of the now silent tree house.


It appeared that quite a battle had taken place, many of them had scratched armor and their weapons still drawn.


Three of the hunters had large sacks, of sorts, which were moving from inside, Phyro could only guess they contained Anzi and her two sisters.


“Xilgo, Why didn’t we kill these ones?â€


“I can’t kill a woman, You know that. Besides, They have a price on their heads. We’ll come back and get the dead ones after we get these three locked up.â€


Somewhat worried for their safety, Phyro found himself creeping along the ground, eventually swiped at one of the sacks making a large slit in it, big enough to spill out the contents.


Qill tumbled out of the cut Phyro had given her, and immediately began thrashing around in a frenzy.


Taking advantage of her distraction, Phyro released Qill’s sisters, and uncovered himself, and began torching the nearest Bounty Hunter.


It let out a cry of surprise, and immediately threw himself to the ground and tried to extinguish the flame.


“Get him!â€


Six of the bounty hunters ran over to Phyro, while the other four tried to handle Anzi and her siblings.


A familiar sound, a large blast of ice encased two bounty hunters in ice.


Phyro jumped off the ground, attempted to fly upward, occasionally slashing with his claws, kicking at one of them, dodging a sword, and blowing fire at his adversaries.


[before I hit 4½ pages, I’ll stop this chapter. xD]

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Chapter Seven

Bounty Hunters


The Torrask had come to a halt in front of the house, and looked as if it were to climb up the ladder to the house, but Anzi and her sister, Phyro supposed, had caught up to it.


The large reptilian creature glared at the two oncoming felines, and stood in an attack-ready stance.


Both Anzi and her yet unnamed sister had slashed at the Torrask in unison, though their blades hit, they did not cut. The Torrask liquefied itself and reformed into an undamaged shape.


“That won’t work against them! I’ve tried everything, I don’t-“


“Shut up!!â€


Anzi called after him, as she and her sister both oddly gestured with their hands until large blasts of sub-zero ice had discharged at the Torrask. The effect completely froze the Torrask, but also Anzi and her sisters hand’s were frozen in place.


Within seconds, the two began trying to break off the ice, while they did not realize the Torrask had again liquefied, and slithered out through the ground and cracks in the ice.


“I don’t think you can stop it!â€


Phyro’s vocalizing caught the Torrask’s attention.


Phyro cursed, and hid behind the wall, evading sight from the window.


But within seconds, The sapphire liquid had slithered up the wall and into the room Phyro was in. Phyro made a dash to the other side of the room, though the Torrask, half-solidified, had grabbed at Phyro’s leg.


Clinging to the floor, Phyro dug his claws into the wood, and tried to pull himself out of his nemesis’ grasp.


The first time Phyro was glad to see Anzi, she had dove through the window, and began smashing her ice-covered hands into the Torrask’s solidified body parts, until the ice had broken. Her sister followed, and did likewise. Upon not doing much damage, The Torrask glanced at them, annoyed.


Not long afterward, Anzi’s eight brothers streamed through the door and surrounded Phyro and the Torrask that had attached itself to Phyro’s limb.


Closely evading various attacks from the cats, The Torrask slithered away from them, out the window and off in the distance.




Anzi struck a victorious stance, standing near Phyro, rather helpless on the ground, having nine hostile felines now surrounding him.


“That’s not the last you’ll see of it, Anzi, I assure you.â€


“Sssssooooooooo, We’ll just kick its butt again!â€


Anzi replied encouragingly.


Phyro sighed,


“I don’t think any of you know what they’re capable of, are you?â€


“I wouldn’t mind listening.â€


Anzi’s still unidentified sister commented.


“You saw that it had liquefied, right?â€


She nodded.


“It’s commonly a defensive move. With which, they still control their bodies, so they independently slither around. Defying gravity along the way. It had slithered up the wall of your house here, likewise, It is capable of going up someones leg or something, making its way towards its victims head, where it will access any available opening it finds. It prefers ones mouth. From there, It has two options… Kill the victim there and then, or tamper with its mind into controlling it to the Torrask’s will. Controlling motions and actions and such.â€


Few of the felines looked interested.


“They also have ineffective psychic abilities, enabling them to weaken their opponent for easier access. This is rarely used, and isn’t very strong. Either way, Torrask’s can move rather fast, regardless of environment. Older, more experienced Torrask’s have the ability to shapeshift, into complex or simple shapes, though they are always identifiable by texture and color. They are mostly muscle, and have collapsible exo-skeletons, and are surprisingly strong for their size.â€


Anzi imitated the sound of snoring.


“What an enemy to be hunted by…â€


Anzi’s sister commented,


“And that isn’t the only thing that wants me dead.â€


“And why do they want to kill you?â€


“Who cares?â€


Qill commented, offensively.


“If I knew, I’d tell you…â€


Annoyed by Anzi’s uninterested behavior, Phyro reached up and whacked the nearest body part within reach.


“I’m awake, I’m listening.â€


Anzi changed stature. Qill looked rather annoyed.


Phyro had attempted to do likewise to Qill, of the whacking of hand, but she had caught his wrist first and dug her claws into his wrist. With her other hand, She snapped her fingers and her eight brothers growled threateningly.


“Wanna try that one again?â€


Qill smirked.


Phyro expressed his annoyed mood to Qill silently.


He then took advantage of a gap between the massive cats, and exited through it and left the room, agitated.


“Hey, Person! Don’t leave!â€


Anzi chased after him.


“Anzi, There are ten hostile beings in there. I have to need to stay here if they want to kill me. It’s more than two, A threat to me.â€


Phyro had lead Anzi outside, as he picked a direction at random and strode off that way.


Anzi squinted from the light change.


“Well, You can’t stay out here forever…!â€


She said, trying to convince him to stay in her house.


“No. I can’t. Nor can I stay in there.â€


“Umm…. What are those?â€


Phyro turned around, to see Anzi pointing up in the sky.


“Pr… Clouds. Ever heard of them?â€


“Clouds look like people, now? Wait a minute… BOUNTY HUNTERS!!â€


Anzi dashed inside, and spread the word to her family.


Phyro spotted ten flying black images in the sky, hovering overhead, as one of them led the others downward, descending rapidly.


In a panic, Phyro hid underneath the Treehouse, and concealed himself behind his large wings.


“I saw one of the Katastophy’s around here. ‘Must be in that house.â€


The nine then infiltrated the house, as Phyro listened to resistant fighting back, screams, swords crashing and impacting various objects.


Phyro focused his attention toward his wings, He had trained himself over the years to sit completely still, and his wings would take in the environment and eventually grow to camouflage with the surroundings, rendering him very hard to spot.


After a few moments, ten bounty hunters came out of the now silent tree house.


It appeared that quite a battle had taken place, many of them had scratched armor and their weapons still drawn.


Three of the hunters had large sacks, of sorts, which were moving from inside, Phyro could only guess they contained Anzi and her two sisters.


“Xilgo, Why didn’t we kill these ones?â€


“I can’t kill a woman, You know that. Besides, They have a price on their heads. We’ll come back and get the dead ones after we get these three locked up.â€


Somewhat worried for their safety, Phyro found himself creeping along the ground, eventually swiped at one of the sacks making a large slit in it, big enough to spill out the contents.


Qill tumbled out of the cut Phyro had given her, and immediately began thrashing around in a frenzy.


Taking advantage of her distraction, Phyro released Qill’s sisters, and uncovered himself, and began torching the nearest Bounty Hunter.


It let out a cry of surprise, and immediately threw himself to the ground and tried to extinguish the flame.


“Get him!â€


Six of the bounty hunters ran over to Phyro, while the other four tried to handle Anzi and her siblings.


A familiar sound, a large blast of ice encased two bounty hunters in ice.


Phyro jumped off the ground, attempted to fly upward, occasionally slashing with his claws, kicking at one of them, dodging a sword, and blowing fire at his adversaries.


[before I hit 4½ pages, I’ll stop this chapter. xD]

[zomg suspence! :o]

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Chapter Eight]



Upon taking out three of the bounty hunters by now, One of them, being rather frustrated with the outcome of this battle, jumped up and slashed at Phyro with a long sword.


He let out what sounded like a half human scream and a half dragon roar, as he gripped the wound and came to the ground, But did not stop fighting back. He continued slashing with one hand as he gripped his would with the other, until one bounty hunter had smashed the hilt of their sword into Phyro’s head.


He had fallen over, rather defenseless now.


Distracted by Phyro’s cry of pain, Anzi looked over at him, covering her ears, where the nearest bounty hunter did likewise to her as they did to Phyro- The fell over, severely weakened.


Upon the painful tearing off of a wing, Qill let out a high-pitched screech, which was put to a stop by Anzi’s unidentified sister’s head smashing into Qill’s, knocking them out out.


Blades of grass were burning before Phyro as he persisted, very weakened, but not defeated.


Before he could do anything about it, Phyro found himself chained to the tree their house was built upon.


He struggled against the grip, though he progressively weakened, until he could barely move anymore.


As a last stand, Phyro shot out one last shot of fire at Xilgo, who effortlessly dodged it and used the last arrow in his crossbow, and shot it at Phyro.


His arm severely wounded now as well, Phyro let out a pained screech, which turned out more of a draconic roar.


His various cuts and wounds, that were no longer accessible to his hands, bled until Phyro had passed out from blood loss…


Silence… Void… Darkness…


Phyro’s eyes flickered open as he phased in and out of conscience, only seeing darkness before him, Phyro attempted to focus his eyes. He heard heavy breathing, no more than three feet away.


There was a pair of large red eyes, watching him.


Phyro sighed, and commented to it,


“Just kill me now.â€


Having multiple unbeatable forces against him, And now a massive creature of unknown nature was staring at him, more than likely another bounty hunting creature.


Though to Phyro’s surprise, The eyes turned in confusion.


Phyro tried to adjust his eyes for the light setting, and after a moment or two, He saw a rather large beast in front of him that somewhat resembled a black lion, but with… feathered ears, rather massive paws, a rather long tail, and a steel collar chained to the wall around its neck, as if it was imprisoned along with him.


Phyro tried to back away, or at least shift to a more comfortable position, only to find he was well-chained too.


He did, however, notice that he was well-bandaged, as if someone had brought him here. For what reason, Phyro did not know, but it seemed he was placed with this odd beast for a reason.


The creature had stepped closer to him when it saw him move, but slowly stepped back into the shadows.


The beast was apparently trying to draw Phyro’s attention to something…


Which turned out to be an arrow on the ground. It was splintered and bent, and had small bloodstains on it.


The beast had picked up the arrow in its mouth and dropped it near Phyro, as if expecting him to do something with it.


It then growled and roared as if trying to say something. This was apparently not a natural creature… It had then grabbed at the chains that bound Phyro to the stone wall, and tugged on them. It pulled harder, and harder… Eventually a large booming crash, and the chains that were attached to Phyro had snapped. Though to his surprise, The beast did not attack.


“And what do you want me to do with the arrow?â€


Phyro asked, but then realized that the beast apparently could not speak.


The beast sat down, and pulled at the chains around its neck.


Upon realizing what it may be trying to tell him, Phyro grabbed the arrow, and inched over to the base of the chains.


The beast sat there and watched him encouragingly.


Phyro began trying to pick the lock with the arrow, assuming that was the only thing left to do.


After a short moment of trying to unlock it, The arrow did not help. Phyro tossed it aside and used his remaining claws to try and get the lock off.


The large beast impatiently pulled on the chain again, while Phyro was working with it. His claw had broken off.


“Hold still, will you?â€


Phyro said, as the beast sat down on the ground again, creating a loud thud as it did so.


After another five minutes or so, A loud click broke the silence of the room, and the lock came free.


The beast anxiously stepped away from it, and let out a loud victorious roar.


Phyro stepped back, unnerved. He wondered if he did the right thing or not.


The beast flicked its ears comfortably, and turned around so its back was turned to Phyro.


The beast roared again, growing impatient. Upon Phyro’s confused reaction, The beast turned around, nudged his arm, and turned its back toward Phyro again.


He figured it wanted him to mount it.


Phyro jumped up, and climbed on to the large, furry beast’s back.


Previously concealed wings erupted from the beast’s back, as it lowered its head, slammed into the wall, creating a large hole in it. It dashed out, roaring, at full wingspan.


Phyro, startled, grabbed at the beast’s neck and grasped on so he wouldn’t fall off.


The beast flew around, high above the ground, as if looking for something. Phyro, too, glanced down, to see him about 50 feet high.


The beast then abruptly stopped in mid-air, and descended in a dive, straight for one of the buildings. Phyro grasped harder, trying to stay with this creature.


At the last second, the creature pulled up and landed on the top of a building, as it then smashed its head into the roof, creating a large hole in it. The two jumped down, as several humans were inside, doing what, Phyro did not know, but a few of them were then trampled.


The beast lead Phyro to a large cage, which contained a small sparkling entity, Phyro could not quite make out…


Phyro noticed the beast was shielding him from several weaponries, being fired at them, with the creature’s wings. As it did this, it used its head once more, to break the nearby cage, containing the sparkling entity of sorts.


Upon grabbing it in its… muzzle, The beast reared back and flew out of the hole it had created earlier, as Phyro once more, thought if he had done the right thing by releasing the creature.


The creature reared back once more, in mid-air, tossing the sparkly thing up in the air, so Phyro could catch it.


Upon doing so, seeing apparent value in it, The beast pointed with a clawed hand at an indent in its back shaped like the oddly shiny stone.


Phyro put it in- A perfect fit. It was a key to something, as the creature Phyro was riding on began to… well, change colors. Within moments, It appeared that the outer texture of the beast had shattered…?


[Zomg explosions of doom.]

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Chapter Eight]



Upon taking out three of the bounty hunters by now, One of them, being rather frustrated with the outcome of this battle, jumped up and slashed at Phyro with a long sword.


He let out what sounded like a half human scream and a half dragon roar, as he gripped the wound and came to the ground, But did not stop fighting back. He continued slashing with one hand as he gripped his would with the other, until one bounty hunter had smashed the hilt of their sword into Phyro’s head.


He had fallen over, rather defenseless now.


Distracted by Phyro’s cry of pain, Anzi looked over at him, covering her ears, where the nearest bounty hunter did likewise to her as they did to Phyro- The fell over, severely weakened.


Upon the painful tearing off of a wing, Qill let out a high-pitched screech, which was put to a stop by Anzi’s unidentified sister’s head smashing into Qill’s, knocking them out out.


Blades of grass were burning before Phyro as he persisted, very weakened, but not defeated.


Before he could do anything about it, Phyro found himself chained to the tree their house was built upon.


He struggled against the grip, though he progressively weakened, until he could barely move anymore.


As a last stand, Phyro shot out one last shot of fire at Xilgo, who effortlessly dodged it and used the last arrow in his crossbow, and shot it at Phyro.


His arm severely wounded now as well, Phyro let out a pained screech, which turned out more of a draconic roar.


His various cuts and wounds, that were no longer accessible to his hands, bled until Phyro had passed out from blood loss…


Silence… Void… Darkness…


Phyro’s eyes flickered open as he phased in and out of conscience, only seeing darkness before him, Phyro attempted to focus his eyes. He heard heavy breathing, no more than three feet away.


There was a pair of large red eyes, watching him.


Phyro sighed, and commented to it,


“Just kill me now.â€


Having multiple unbeatable forces against him, And now a massive creature of unknown nature was staring at him, more than likely another bounty hunting creature.


Though to Phyro’s surprise, The eyes turned in confusion.


Phyro tried to adjust his eyes for the light setting, and after a moment or two, He saw a rather large beast in front of him that somewhat resembled a black lion, but with… feathered ears, rather massive paws, a rather long tail, and a steel collar chained to the wall around its neck, as if it was imprisoned along with him.


Phyro tried to back away, or at least shift to a more comfortable position, only to find he was well-chained too.


He did, however, notice that he was well-bandaged, as if someone had brought him here. For what reason, Phyro did not know, but it seemed he was placed with this odd beast for a reason.


The creature had stepped closer to him when it saw him move, but slowly stepped back into the shadows.


The beast was apparently trying to draw Phyro’s attention to something…


Which turned out to be an arrow on the ground. It was splintered and bent, and had small bloodstains on it.


The beast had picked up the arrow in its mouth and dropped it near Phyro, as if expecting him to do something with it.


It then growled and roared as if trying to say something. This was apparently not a natural creature… It had then grabbed at the chains that bound Phyro to the stone wall, and tugged on them. It pulled harder, and harder… Eventually a large booming crash, and the chains that were attached to Phyro had snapped. Though to his surprise, The beast did not attack.


“And what do you want me to do with the arrow?â€


Phyro asked, but then realized that the beast apparently could not speak.


The beast sat down, and pulled at the chains around its neck.


Upon realizing what it may be trying to tell him, Phyro grabbed the arrow, and inched over to the base of the chains.


The beast sat there and watched him encouragingly.


Phyro began trying to pick the lock with the arrow, assuming that was the only thing left to do.


After a short moment of trying to unlock it, The arrow did not help. Phyro tossed it aside and used his remaining claws to try and get the lock off.


The large beast impatiently pulled on the chain again, while Phyro was working with it. His claw had broken off.


“Hold still, will you?â€


Phyro said, as the beast sat down on the ground again, creating a loud thud as it did so.


After another five minutes or so, A loud click broke the silence of the room, and the lock came free.


The beast anxiously stepped away from it, and let out a loud victorious roar.


Phyro stepped back, unnerved. He wondered if he did the right thing or not.


The beast flicked its ears comfortably, and turned around so its back was turned to Phyro.


The beast roared again, growing impatient. Upon Phyro’s confused reaction, The beast turned around, nudged his arm, and turned its back toward Phyro again.


He figured it wanted him to mount it.


Phyro jumped up, and climbed on to the large, furry beast’s back.


Previously concealed wings erupted from the beast’s back, as it lowered its head, slammed into the wall, creating a large hole in it. It dashed out, roaring, at full wingspan.


Phyro, startled, grabbed at the beast’s neck and grasped on so he wouldn’t fall off.


The beast flew around, high above the ground, as if looking for something. Phyro, too, glanced down, to see him about 50 feet high.


The beast then abruptly stopped in mid-air, and descended in a dive, straight for one of the buildings. Phyro grasped harder, trying to stay with this creature.


At the last second, the creature pulled up and landed on the top of a building, as it then smashed its head into the roof, creating a large hole in it. The two jumped down, as several humans were inside, doing what, Phyro did not know, but a few of them were then trampled.


The beast lead Phyro to a large cage, which contained a small sparkling entity, Phyro could not quite make out…


Phyro noticed the beast was shielding him from several weaponries, being fired at them, with the creature’s wings. As it did this, it used its head once more, to break the nearby cage, containing the sparkling entity of sorts.


Upon grabbing it in its… muzzle, The beast reared back and flew out of the hole it had created earlier, as Phyro once more, thought if he had done the right thing by releasing the creature.


The creature reared back once more, in mid-air, tossing the sparkly thing up in the air, so Phyro could catch it.


Upon doing so, seeing apparent value in it, The beast pointed with a clawed hand at an indent in its back shaped like the oddly shiny stone.


Phyro put it in- A perfect fit. It was a key to something, as the creature Phyro was riding on began to… well, change colors. Within moments, It appeared that the outer texture of the beast had shattered…?


[Zomg explosions of doom.]

[Aww. It's esploding. I liked it. ;_;]

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Chapter Eight]



Upon taking out three of the bounty hunters by now, One of them, being rather frustrated with the outcome of this battle, jumped up and slashed at Phyro with a long sword.


He let out what sounded like a half human scream and a half dragon roar, as he gripped the wound and came to the ground, But did not stop fighting back. He continued slashing with one hand as he gripped his would with the other, until one bounty hunter had smashed the hilt of their sword into Phyro’s head.


He had fallen over, rather defenseless now.


Distracted by Phyro’s cry of pain, Anzi looked over at him, covering her ears, where the nearest bounty hunter did likewise to her as they did to Phyro- The fell over, severely weakened.


Upon the painful tearing off of a wing, Qill let out a high-pitched screech, which was put to a stop by Anzi’s unidentified sister’s head smashing into Qill’s, knocking them out out.


Blades of grass were burning before Phyro as he persisted, very weakened, but not defeated.


Before he could do anything about it, Phyro found himself chained to the tree their house was built upon.


He struggled against the grip, though he progressively weakened, until he could barely move anymore.


As a last stand, Phyro shot out one last shot of fire at Xilgo, who effortlessly dodged it and used the last arrow in his crossbow, and shot it at Phyro.


His arm severely wounded now as well, Phyro let out a pained screech, which turned out more of a draconic roar.


His various cuts and wounds, that were no longer accessible to his hands, bled until Phyro had passed out from blood loss…


Silence… Void… Darkness…


Phyro’s eyes flickered open as he phased in and out of conscience, only seeing darkness before him, Phyro attempted to focus his eyes. He heard heavy breathing, no more than three feet away.


There was a pair of large red eyes, watching him.


Phyro sighed, and commented to it,


“Just kill me now.â€


Having multiple unbeatable forces against him, And now a massive creature of unknown nature was staring at him, more than likely another bounty hunting creature.


Though to Phyro’s surprise, The eyes turned in confusion.


Phyro tried to adjust his eyes for the light setting, and after a moment or two, He saw a rather large beast in front of him that somewhat resembled a black lion, but with… feathered ears, rather massive paws, a rather long tail, and a steel collar chained to the wall around its neck, as if it was imprisoned along with him.


Phyro tried to back away, or at least shift to a more comfortable position, only to find he was well-chained too.


He did, however, notice that he was well-bandaged, as if someone had brought him here. For what reason, Phyro did not know, but it seemed he was placed with this odd beast for a reason.


The creature had stepped closer to him when it saw him move, but slowly stepped back into the shadows.


The beast was apparently trying to draw Phyro’s attention to something…


Which turned out to be an arrow on the ground. It was splintered and bent, and had small bloodstains on it.


The beast had picked up the arrow in its mouth and dropped it near Phyro, as if expecting him to do something with it.


It then growled and roared as if trying to say something. This was apparently not a natural creature… It had then grabbed at the chains that bound Phyro to the stone wall, and tugged on them. It pulled harder, and harder… Eventually a large booming crash, and the chains that were attached to Phyro had snapped. Though to his surprise, The beast did not attack.


“And what do you want me to do with the arrow?â€


Phyro asked, but then realized that the beast apparently could not speak.


The beast sat down, and pulled at the chains around its neck.


Upon realizing what it may be trying to tell him, Phyro grabbed the arrow, and inched over to the base of the chains.


The beast sat there and watched him encouragingly.


Phyro began trying to pick the lock with the arrow, assuming that was the only thing left to do.


After a short moment of trying to unlock it, The arrow did not help. Phyro tossed it aside and used his remaining claws to try and get the lock off.


The large beast impatiently pulled on the chain again, while Phyro was working with it. His claw had broken off.


“Hold still, will you?â€


Phyro said, as the beast sat down on the ground again, creating a loud thud as it did so.


After another five minutes or so, A loud click broke the silence of the room, and the lock came free.


The beast anxiously stepped away from it, and let out a loud victorious roar.


Phyro stepped back, unnerved. He wondered if he did the right thing or not.


The beast flicked its ears comfortably, and turned around so its back was turned to Phyro.


The beast roared again, growing impatient. Upon Phyro’s confused reaction, The beast turned around, nudged his arm, and turned its back toward Phyro again.


He figured it wanted him to mount it.


Phyro jumped up, and climbed on to the large, furry beast’s back.


Previously concealed wings erupted from the beast’s back, as it lowered its head, slammed into the wall, creating a large hole in it. It dashed out, roaring, at full wingspan.


Phyro, startled, grabbed at the beast’s neck and grasped on so he wouldn’t fall off.


The beast flew around, high above the ground, as if looking for something. Phyro, too, glanced down, to see him about 50 feet high.


The beast then abruptly stopped in mid-air, and descended in a dive, straight for one of the buildings. Phyro grasped harder, trying to stay with this creature.


At the last second, the creature pulled up and landed on the top of a building, as it then smashed its head into the roof, creating a large hole in it. The two jumped down, as several humans were inside, doing what, Phyro did not know, but a few of them were then trampled.


The beast lead Phyro to a large cage, which contained a small sparkling entity, Phyro could not quite make out…


Phyro noticed the beast was shielding him from several weaponries, being fired at them, with the creature’s wings. As it did this, it used its head once more, to break the nearby cage, containing the sparkling entity of sorts.


Upon grabbing it in its… muzzle, The beast reared back and flew out of the hole it had created earlier, as Phyro once more, thought if he had done the right thing by releasing the creature.


The creature reared back once more, in mid-air, tossing the sparkly thing up in the air, so Phyro could catch it.


Upon doing so, seeing apparent value in it, The beast pointed with a clawed hand at an indent in its back shaped like the oddly shiny stone.


Phyro put it in- A perfect fit. It was a key to something, as the creature Phyro was riding on began to… well, change colors. Within moments, It appeared that the outer texture of the beast had shattered…?


[Zomg explosions of doom.]

[Aww. It's esploding. I liked it. ;_;]

[it didnt die]. o_o]

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[As to prove the thingy didnt die, I'll post the next chapter for Kat.]


Chapter Nine



Phyro shielded his eyes for a moment, until he realized he was falling from about 40 feet in the air.


He found himself falling along side a human girl, who appeared to be unconscious, and had long black hair, similar to that of the beast that was in her place seconds before.


Upon awakening from her inactive state, This girl immediately spread out large, black wings, again, similar to that of the beast that was once there, as she grabbed Phyro’s hand, and caused the both of them to stop falling.


After a rather awkward moment, The two stopped falling, and landed on the ground among a quiet, night city.


“Thank you for helping me…â€


The girl commented with a bow, as she then looked up at Phyro, he being about a foot taller.


Phyro gestured a ‘your welcome’ in ways.


“Eh… Might I ask how you ended up being the large black… creature you were not too long ago…?â€


“That is my other form. I need this,â€


She pointed to the sparkling stone, now on a string around her neck.


“in order to stay in a human form. That knight had taken it from me.â€


“… Right.â€


She got a facial expression of realization,


“Oh! How rude of me!â€


She bowed once more.


“I am Nika… What is your name?â€


She asked with a smile. She didn’t seem bothered by the fact he was abnormally large, draconic, or an apparent outlaw.


“… Phyro.â€


“Well… Phyro… When I had found you, You were tied to a tree in a rather distant area, almost dead. I had helped you out as best I could, until some bounty hunter knights had come and captured both of us. Might I ask, What were you doing chained to a tree?â€


“Trying to stop them from getting… some of my other friends.â€


“Well, Do you need to go somewhere?â€


Phyro thought for a moment.


“Probably, but-“


She clasped her hands together, pleased.


“I can take you there!â€


She then sat down on the ground.


“Now, Where is Probably?â€


[i bet some 'a you were reminded of that one alien lady on that one show. Teen titans or whatever its called. o_o]


After a moment of trying to tolerate Nika’s unusual behavior, Phyro commented,


“Well, Where would captured… outlaws… be taken? Or rather, Those knight bounty hunters that were after us…â€


“We were just at the prison. The one we were locked up in?â€


She looked rather annoyed.


“Alright, Can we go back there? I’ll need to get some people out.â€


“I can take you there sure, Can you help me up?â€


Without really thinking about it beforehand, Phyro took Nika by her outstretched wrists and effortlessly pulled her up, he being rather muscular, and she being very light.


“Right then. Let’s go. … Can you fly?â€


“Unskillfully. I’ll do what I can.â€


“Just practice often as you can. Follow me, then…â€


With that, Nika expanded the large black wings that she somehow kept hidden behind her back, and flew upward and off northeast. Phyro kicked himself off the ground to try and get a better start, and unstably followed Nika as best he could.


In a rather loopy manner, Phyro swayed occasionally off course, but made his way toward where Nika had lead him to.


“Right… We need a way to sneak in here… I’ve an idea.â€


With that, Nika, being rather prepared for such situations resourcefully, pulled out somewhat rusted handcuffs, a leash of sorts, and handed them to Phyro.


“Put these on.â€


Obediently, Phyro did as he was told to, as Nika put on a large coat to cover her wings and identity, as Phyro intentionally scratched himself in various places, folded and crumpled parts of his wings that he didn’t use often enough, inasmuch it appeared that he was a captured outlaw of sorts.




Nika then ‘harshly’ lead Phyro into the prison doors, leading a ‘reluctant’ Phyro behind, as she asked one of the Prison Guards which way it was to the Outlaw Prison.


Upon receiving direction, She then opened the double doors and strode through them, with Phyro close behind.


Nika gasped, and covered her eyes.


“What is it?â€


Phyro whispered to her.




She waved her hand in a roundabout manner.


“They’re all dead!â€


Phyro beheld the scenery around him, seeing large and small cages full of various creatures, none of which were moving. A majority of them looked broken and injured, most of them showed no signs of life.


Phyro looked down at Nika, who was now crouching down in fear.


“Come on…â€


Phyro nudged her.


“Just ignore them.â€


“You are just like the people who run this place!â€


Nika pushed Phyro’s hand away from her body, and with small tears running down her face, she ran off further down the corridor, fixed straight ahead, not looking at anything else.


Phyro sighed, rather annoyed once more, as no one really understood him. Such carnage and macabre was all too familiar to Phyro- He was used to seeing it.




Anzi gasped, and looked up.




Much to her dismay, she instead saw a human girl approaching them, looking rather displeased.


“Oh, Hanging time, Right?â€




“Aren’t you going to hang us?â€


Nika sniffled.




“In that case…â€


Anzi jumped up and shook the bars of the cage that imprisoned her.


“Get me out of here!â€


She yelled, possibly too loud.


“Anzi, Stop it, You’re going to get us killed earlier.â€


“Anzu, We’re getting out of here.â€


“You said than ten minutes ago, and look where we still are…â€


“Shut up. … Out, please.â€




Nika approached the cage, and unlocked it, about the same time the doors to the room they were in had opened…


“Eh, We… We were just leaving…â€




While inspecting the various caged creatures, finding himself somewhat interested in them, Phyro was interrupted by an unfamiliar voice…


“What’re you doing here? Identify yourself!â€


Phyro sighed, not necessarily wanting this to happen.


“No one you will remember...â€


With that, Phyro jumped upward, covered his body with his large wings, and faded from view within a second.


“What the...!â€


Alarmed, the guard set to run off elsewhere and report an intruder, but a blast of flames coming from Phyro had pretty well immobilized him.


Now on top of one of the cages, Phyro hid himself from view upon hearing vigorous activity in the next room.


He heard multiple sets of footsteps rushing into the room, and recognized voices of distinguishable guards of the prison, all inspecting the scenery carefully.


Though it was rudely interrupted by a loud crashing noise, followed by several cries of fear from the guards, a beastly roar, which Phyro could only assume was another prison break.


[Jeez, I gotta stop making chapters so long.]

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[As to prove the thingy didnt die, I'll post the next chapter for Kat.]


Chapter Nine



Phyro shielded his eyes for a moment, until he realized he was falling from about 40 feet in the air.


He found himself falling along side a human girl, who appeared to be unconscious, and had long black hair, similar to that of the beast that was in her place seconds before.


Upon awakening from her inactive state, This girl immediately spread out large, black wings, again, similar to that of the beast that was once there, as she grabbed Phyro’s hand, and caused the both of them to stop falling.


After a rather awkward moment, The two stopped falling, and landed on the ground among a quiet, night city.


“Thank you for helping me…â€


The girl commented with a bow, as she then looked up at Phyro, he being about a foot taller.


Phyro gestured a ‘your welcome’ in ways.


“Eh… Might I ask how you ended up being the large black… creature you were not too long ago…?â€


“That is my other form. I need this,â€


She pointed to the sparkling stone, now on a string around her neck.


“in order to stay in a human form. That knight had taken it from me.â€


“… Right.â€


She got a facial expression of realization,


“Oh! How rude of me!â€


She bowed once more.


“I am Nika… What is your name?â€


She asked with a smile. She didn’t seem bothered by the fact he was abnormally large, draconic, or an apparent outlaw.


“… Phyro.â€


“Well… Phyro… When I had found you, You were tied to a tree in a rather distant area, almost dead. I had helped you out as best I could, until some bounty hunter knights had come and captured both of us. Might I ask, What were you doing chained to a tree?â€


“Trying to stop them from getting… some of my other friends.â€


“Well, Do you need to go somewhere?â€


Phyro thought for a moment.


“Probably, but-“


She clasped her hands together, pleased.


“I can take you there!â€


She then sat down on the ground.


“Now, Where is Probably?â€


[i bet some 'a you were reminded of that one alien lady on that one show. Teen titans or whatever its called. o_o]


After a moment of trying to tolerate Nika’s unusual behavior, Phyro commented,


“Well, Where would captured… outlaws… be taken? Or rather, Those knight bounty hunters that were after us…â€


“We were just at the prison. The one we were locked up in?â€


She looked rather annoyed.


“Alright, Can we go back there? I’ll need to get some people out.â€


“I can take you there sure, Can you help me up?â€


Without really thinking about it beforehand, Phyro took Nika by her outstretched wrists and effortlessly pulled her up, he being rather muscular, and she being very light.


“Right then. Let’s go. … Can you fly?â€


“Unskillfully. I’ll do what I can.â€


“Just practice often as you can. Follow me, then…â€


With that, Nika expanded the large black wings that she somehow kept hidden behind her back, and flew upward and off northeast. Phyro kicked himself off the ground to try and get a better start, and unstably followed Nika as best he could.


In a rather loopy manner, Phyro swayed occasionally off course, but made his way toward where Nika had lead him to.


“Right… We need a way to sneak in here… I’ve an idea.â€


With that, Nika, being rather prepared for such situations resourcefully, pulled out somewhat rusted handcuffs, a leash of sorts, and handed them to Phyro.


“Put these on.â€


Obediently, Phyro did as he was told to, as Nika put on a large coat to cover her wings and identity, as Phyro intentionally scratched himself in various places, folded and crumpled parts of his wings that he didn’t use often enough, inasmuch it appeared that he was a captured outlaw of sorts.




Nika then ‘harshly’ lead Phyro into the prison doors, leading a ‘reluctant’ Phyro behind, as she asked one of the Prison Guards which way it was to the Outlaw Prison.


Upon receiving direction, She then opened the double doors and strode through them, with Phyro close behind.


Nika gasped, and covered her eyes.


“What is it?â€


Phyro whispered to her.




She waved her hand in a roundabout manner.


“They’re all dead!â€


Phyro beheld the scenery around him, seeing large and small cages full of various creatures, none of which were moving. A majority of them looked broken and injured, most of them showed no signs of life.


Phyro looked down at Nika, who was now crouching down in fear.


“Come on…â€


Phyro nudged her.


“Just ignore them.â€


“You are just like the people who run this place!â€


Nika pushed Phyro’s hand away from her body, and with small tears running down her face, she ran off further down the corridor, fixed straight ahead, not looking at anything else.


Phyro sighed, rather annoyed once more, as no one really understood him. Such carnage and macabre was all too familiar to Phyro- He was used to seeing it.




Anzi gasped, and looked up.




Much to her dismay, she instead saw a human girl approaching them, looking rather displeased.


“Oh, Hanging time, Right?â€




“Aren’t you going to hang us?â€


Nika sniffled.




“In that case…â€


Anzi jumped up and shook the bars of the cage that imprisoned her.


“Get me out of here!â€


She yelled, possibly too loud.


“Anzi, Stop it, You’re going to get us killed earlier.â€


“Anzu, We’re getting out of here.â€


“You said than ten minutes ago, and look where we still are…â€


“Shut up. … Out, please.â€




Nika approached the cage, and unlocked it, about the same time the doors to the room they were in had opened…


“Eh, We… We were just leaving…â€




While inspecting the various caged creatures, finding himself somewhat interested in them, Phyro was interrupted by an unfamiliar voice…


“What’re you doing here? Identify yourself!â€


Phyro sighed, not necessarily wanting this to happen.


“No one you will remember...â€


With that, Phyro jumped upward, covered his body with his large wings, and faded from view within a second.


“What the...!â€


Alarmed, the guard set to run off elsewhere and report an intruder, but a blast of flames coming from Phyro had pretty well immobilized him.


Now on top of one of the cages, Phyro hid himself from view upon hearing vigorous activity in the next room.


He heard multiple sets of footsteps rushing into the room, and recognized voices of distinguishable guards of the prison, all inspecting the scenery carefully.


Though it was rudely interrupted by a loud crashing noise, followed by several cries of fear from the guards, a beastly roar, which Phyro could only assume was another prison break.


[Jeez, I gotta stop making chapters so long.]

[Huzzah! She's not esploded! *huggs her* n_n]

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[As to prove the thingy didnt die, I'll post the next chapter for Kat.]


Chapter Nine



Phyro shielded his eyes for a moment, until he realized he was falling from about 40 feet in the air.


He found himself falling along side a human girl, who appeared to be unconscious, and had long black hair, similar to that of the beast that was in her place seconds before.


Upon awakening from her inactive state, This girl immediately spread out large, black wings, again, similar to that of the beast that was once there, as she grabbed Phyro’s hand, and caused the both of them to stop falling.


After a rather awkward moment, The two stopped falling, and landed on the ground among a quiet, night city.


“Thank you for helping me…â€


The girl commented with a bow, as she then looked up at Phyro, he being about a foot taller.


Phyro gestured a ‘your welcome’ in ways.


“Eh… Might I ask how you ended up being the large black… creature you were not too long ago…?â€


“That is my other form. I need this,â€


She pointed to the sparkling stone, now on a string around her neck.


“in order to stay in a human form. That knight had taken it from me.â€


“… Right.â€


She got a facial expression of realization,


“Oh! How rude of me!â€


She bowed once more.


“I am Nika… What is your name?â€


She asked with a smile. She didn’t seem bothered by the fact he was abnormally large, draconic, or an apparent outlaw.


“… Phyro.â€


“Well… Phyro… When I had found you, You were tied to a tree in a rather distant area, almost dead. I had helped you out as best I could, until some bounty hunter knights had come and captured both of us. Might I ask, What were you doing chained to a tree?â€


“Trying to stop them from getting… some of my other friends.â€


“Well, Do you need to go somewhere?â€


Phyro thought for a moment.


“Probably, but-“


She clasped her hands together, pleased.


“I can take you there!â€


She then sat down on the ground.


“Now, Where is Probably?â€


[i bet some 'a you were reminded of that one alien lady on that one show. Teen titans or whatever its called. o_o]


After a moment of trying to tolerate Nika’s unusual behavior, Phyro commented,


“Well, Where would captured… outlaws… be taken? Or rather, Those knight bounty hunters that were after us…â€


“We were just at the prison. The one we were locked up in?â€


She looked rather annoyed.


“Alright, Can we go back there? I’ll need to get some people out.â€


“I can take you there sure, Can you help me up?â€


Without really thinking about it beforehand, Phyro took Nika by her outstretched wrists and effortlessly pulled her up, he being rather muscular, and she being very light.


“Right then. Let’s go. … Can you fly?â€


“Unskillfully. I’ll do what I can.â€


“Just practice often as you can. Follow me, then…â€


With that, Nika expanded the large black wings that she somehow kept hidden behind her back, and flew upward and off northeast. Phyro kicked himself off the ground to try and get a better start, and unstably followed Nika as best he could.


In a rather loopy manner, Phyro swayed occasionally off course, but made his way toward where Nika had lead him to.


“Right… We need a way to sneak in here… I’ve an idea.â€


With that, Nika, being rather prepared for such situations resourcefully, pulled out somewhat rusted handcuffs, a leash of sorts, and handed them to Phyro.


“Put these on.â€


Obediently, Phyro did as he was told to, as Nika put on a large coat to cover her wings and identity, as Phyro intentionally scratched himself in various places, folded and crumpled parts of his wings that he didn’t use often enough, inasmuch it appeared that he was a captured outlaw of sorts.




Nika then ‘harshly’ lead Phyro into the prison doors, leading a ‘reluctant’ Phyro behind, as she asked one of the Prison Guards which way it was to the Outlaw Prison.


Upon receiving direction, She then opened the double doors and strode through them, with Phyro close behind.


Nika gasped, and covered her eyes.


“What is it?â€


Phyro whispered to her.




She waved her hand in a roundabout manner.


“They’re all dead!â€


Phyro beheld the scenery around him, seeing large and small cages full of various creatures, none of which were moving. A majority of them looked broken and injured, most of them showed no signs of life.


Phyro looked down at Nika, who was now crouching down in fear.


“Come on…â€


Phyro nudged her.


“Just ignore them.â€


“You are just like the people who run this place!â€


Nika pushed Phyro’s hand away from her body, and with small tears running down her face, she ran off further down the corridor, fixed straight ahead, not looking at anything else.


Phyro sighed, rather annoyed once more, as no one really understood him. Such carnage and macabre was all too familiar to Phyro- He was used to seeing it.




Anzi gasped, and looked up.




Much to her dismay, she instead saw a human girl approaching them, looking rather displeased.


“Oh, Hanging time, Right?â€




“Aren’t you going to hang us?â€


Nika sniffled.




“In that case…â€


Anzi jumped up and shook the bars of the cage that imprisoned her.


“Get me out of here!â€


She yelled, possibly too loud.


“Anzi, Stop it, You’re going to get us killed earlier.â€


“Anzu, We’re getting out of here.â€


“You said than ten minutes ago, and look where we still are…â€


“Shut up. … Out, please.â€




Nika approached the cage, and unlocked it, about the same time the doors to the room they were in had opened…


“Eh, We… We were just leaving…â€




While inspecting the various caged creatures, finding himself somewhat interested in them, Phyro was interrupted by an unfamiliar voice…


“What’re you doing here? Identify yourself!â€


Phyro sighed, not necessarily wanting this to happen.


“No one you will remember...â€


With that, Phyro jumped upward, covered his body with his large wings, and faded from view within a second.


“What the...!â€


Alarmed, the guard set to run off elsewhere and report an intruder, but a blast of flames coming from Phyro had pretty well immobilized him.


Now on top of one of the cages, Phyro hid himself from view upon hearing vigorous activity in the next room.


He heard multiple sets of footsteps rushing into the room, and recognized voices of distinguishable guards of the prison, all inspecting the scenery carefully.


Though it was rudely interrupted by a loud crashing noise, followed by several cries of fear from the guards, a beastly roar, which Phyro could only assume was another prison break.


[Jeez, I gotta stop making chapters so long.]

[Huzzah! She's not esploded! *huggs her* n_n]


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Chapter Ten

The Hunters


Phyro bided his time as the count of prison guards decreased, ferocious roars and cries continually sounded throughout the corridor.


A few minutes of doing this, A familiar crashing noise echoed around, followed by screams of very familiar voices…


Phyro parted his wings, to make a small space to peek through, to see what was going on.


Falling debris, stones and other miscellaneous objects were falling and being launched about here and there, with three cat-human hybrids running around uncontrollably, in a mad panic.




Phyro called out, mainly to get her attention, as he jumped down from on top of one of the cages, now visible.




She replied, and ran over to him, and promptly glomped him.


“Now, as glad as we are to see each other, Would you be so kind as to get off of me?â€




Anzi replied, grinning.


“Anzi, We need to get out of here, preferably before more guards come and find us.â€


“Anzi, He’s right. Get off.â€


Phyro effortlessly pried Anzi off of him.


“Hey! What are you doing?â€


Anzi demanded of Phyro.


“Anzi, stop goofing around. We really need to go soon, before more guards come.â€


Phyro, however, Was not paying attention to what they were arguing about. He was preoccupied looking over a familiar creature inside the cage he was on top of- An ally of the Torrask’s. Another creature that was hunting him down…


“Right, Phyro?â€


“Of course. Come on, Anzi.â€


Phyro stepped off toward a large hole in the wall, that resembled one that Nika would have made, and only heard one set of footsteps.


Phyro turned around to see Anzu and Qill gawking at him in disbelief, and Anzi, swaying in her position, in a swooning manner, with an intoxicated grin on her face.


“See? I told you he loved me.â€


Anzi spoke to her sisters, as Phyro slapped his forehead upon realizing he had done something incredibly stupid, by not knowing beforehand what he was agreeing to.


[No, This definitely did NOT happen to me. <.< Not even last week. -cough- Of course not.]


Phyro then strode off, out the convenient hole in the wall available to them, in hopes of Anzi, Anzu and Qill following him.


After waiting outside for a short moment, Anzi came out in a rather romanced manner.


“So, Are we going back to you guys’ Treehouse?â€


Anzi awoke from her swooned behavior.


“Are you kidding? No! We can’t go back there now! Cats never return for their dead! And besides, The Bounty hunters know where it is!â€


“You have a point there…â€


A long moment’s silence.


“Well… Now what?â€


“Obviously, We find a different place to stay!â€


‘Wander around like a lost kid like I always do…’ Phyro thought to himself, as he mindlessly wandered away from Anzi, who was rejoining with her sisters.


“Anzi, I really don’t think he meant it. He wasn’t listening.â€


“Shut up! At least I’ve been able to keep this guy for more than twelve hours.â€


Somewhat offended by this, Qill stopped walking, and stared at Anzi. Fighting back tears, memories flooded back to Qill about her not-too-distant past, and her previous relationship.


[its time for stuff I made up! =D]


Upon meeting the cat of her dreams, Qill had done everything she could to get a successful relationship out of her new fiancé. And being cooperative, He had agreed to marriage, which was the best thing, in Qill’s mind, that had ever happened to her. Only come to find that in his mind, the benefit was someone to give him attention, and the financial merge. Qill had truly loved someone, who didn’t care, let alone love her back. The two had been divorced within twelve hours, leaving Qill very heartbroken, and her ex to be no different, which saddened Qill even more. Since then, she has been aggressive and loathsome to males and romantic relationships.


[All too common.]


Amid their revisiting of memories and past happenings, The meaningful moment was interrupted by a strange change of atmosphere. The air seemed somewhat lighter…


“Something’s coming!â€


Phyro spoke as he strode along the ground toward them, though more of easily bouncing off the ground, as if the gravity had been lightened considerably.




While floating an inch or two off the ground, Phyro explained,


“Do you remember seeing that weird black creature in the cage next to me, back at the prison?â€






Anzu and Qill answered, but Anzi was caringly looking Phyro over, paying close attention.


“Another one is near. I don’t know how, but they have some way of altering the gravity within about five-hundred feet radius of their location. Being near one… well, They just mess with Gravity a lot.â€


As he finished the last few words, The gravity harshly increased, and Phyro slammed into the ground uncomfortably.


“One of the bounty hunting creatures that apparently want me dead.â€


Qill struggled to stand up.


“I’ll make you dead right now!â€


She drew her sword and staggered over to Phyro, while he and Anzi were pinned to the ground from the increased gravity.


“You’re with us. They want you dead. So, Less trouble for both of us if I kill you right now!â€


“QILL! Don’t do it!â€


Anzi cried out, desperate.


Phyro, too, struggled to stand up, but ended up in an uncomfortable kneeling position.


“Hey, I’m not complaining against Qill.â€


Anzu said, comfortably sitting down, but under pressure as well.


“What did I ever do to you?!â€


Phyro shouted at her, not seeing the point of his early death.


Before Qill could respond, The gravity intensely lightened on Phyro, at the same time a large, metallic black creature jumped out from behind a building, and rammed into Phyro’s back, forcing him into Qill’s body, knocking her back.


This creature then jumped upward, upon having altered gravitational setting, and landed on the roof of one of the buildings to watch below what was happening.


“Hey you!â€


Qill shouted, and grabbed Phyro by the back of his shirt.


“Yeah you!â€


She pointed at the black creature on a rooftop.


“You want him? Take him! I’ll even kill him for you if you want!â€


Resembling somewhat a spherical mechanism with biological features, the creature waved one of its limbs about as the gravity in the area changed direction, sending Anzi hurdling off towards a random allyway, as she flailed her limbs around madly trying to grab on to something. Qill had then risen up into the air, supported by the gravity of the area, with a firm grasp on Phyro, with a sword in her other hand.


Just as Qill was about to draw her blade closer to Phyro’s neck, The gravity changed once more, pulling Phyro and Qill away from each other, as if Phyro was being defended by the gravitational creature.


“What?! I want to kill him!â€


“Why do you want me dead? I saved your life!â€


After saying this, Phyro tried to recall if he had actually done so. Nika had, perhaps…


“You? You saved me? No! That girl had saved me, not you, loser! I hate you! You had lead those bounty hunters right to us!â€


“I lead Nika to you, and don’t even know those bounty hunters! And if you keep this up, I’ll kill you, too!â€


Phyro shot back at her, which was responded to by rather displeased swinging of limbs and swords, as Phyro was being dragged along the ground by gravity, to follow its manipulator, which was leading Phyro around the corner of a building, out of sight.


At the same moment, Anzi came running back toward them.


“Wheres Phyro!?â€


Anzi demanded, looking around wildly.


Boredly, Anzu pointed around the corner where Phyro was dragged off to, as Anzi sprinted off in that direction to find Phyro suspended in mid-air, unable to move from the gravity.


“Anzi! Get over here!â€


Phyro called out, somewhat panicked.


Anzi then madly swung a sword of her own at the gravitational creature, only to find it impervious to her attack.




Phyro called out, as Anzi closely avoided being hit by a rather large staff of an additional creature, that resembled more of a humanoid, with mechanical properties but resembled a biological creature in ways.


[Jeez, The point of this chapter was to be about two pages so I could climax to a better part of the story. XD Now its five pages and I haven’t gotten to what I was trying to get to.]

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Chapter Ten

The Hunters


Phyro bided his time as the count of prison guards decreased, ferocious roars and cries continually sounded throughout the corridor.


A few minutes of doing this, A familiar crashing noise echoed around, followed by screams of very familiar voices…


Phyro parted his wings, to make a small space to peek through, to see what was going on.


Falling debris, stones and other miscellaneous objects were falling and being launched about here and there, with three cat-human hybrids running around uncontrollably, in a mad panic.




Phyro called out, mainly to get her attention, as he jumped down from on top of one of the cages, now visible.




She replied, and ran over to him, and promptly glomped him.


“Now, as glad as we are to see each other, Would you be so kind as to get off of me?â€




Anzi replied, grinning.


“Anzi, We need to get out of here, preferably before more guards come and find us.â€


“Anzi, He’s right. Get off.â€


Phyro effortlessly pried Anzi off of him.


“Hey! What are you doing?â€


Anzi demanded of Phyro.


“Anzi, stop goofing around. We really need to go soon, before more guards come.â€


Phyro, however, Was not paying attention to what they were arguing about. He was preoccupied looking over a familiar creature inside the cage he was on top of- An ally of the Torrask’s. Another creature that was hunting him down…


“Right, Phyro?â€


“Of course. Come on, Anzi.â€


Phyro stepped off toward a large hole in the wall, that resembled one that Nika would have made, and only heard one set of footsteps.


Phyro turned around to see Anzu and Qill gawking at him in disbelief, and Anzi, swaying in her position, in a swooning manner, with an intoxicated grin on her face.


“See? I told you he loved me.â€


Anzi spoke to her sisters, as Phyro slapped his forehead upon realizing he had done something incredibly stupid, by not knowing beforehand what he was agreeing to.


[No, This definitely did NOT happen to me. <.< Not even last week. -cough- Of course not.]


Phyro then strode off, out the convenient hole in the wall available to them, in hopes of Anzi, Anzu and Qill following him.


After waiting outside for a short moment, Anzi came out in a rather romanced manner.


“So, Are we going back to you guys’ Treehouse?â€


Anzi awoke from her swooned behavior.


“Are you kidding? No! We can’t go back there now! Cats never return for their dead! And besides, The Bounty hunters know where it is!â€


“You have a point there…â€


A long moment’s silence.


“Well… Now what?â€


“Obviously, We find a different place to stay!â€


‘Wander around like a lost kid like I always do…’ Phyro thought to himself, as he mindlessly wandered away from Anzi, who was rejoining with her sisters.


“Anzi, I really don’t think he meant it. He wasn’t listening.â€


“Shut up! At least I’ve been able to keep this guy for more than twelve hours.â€


Somewhat offended by this, Qill stopped walking, and stared at Anzi. Fighting back tears, memories flooded back to Qill about her not-too-distant past, and her previous relationship.


[its time for stuff I made up! =D]


Upon meeting the cat of her dreams, Qill had done everything she could to get a successful relationship out of her new fiancé. And being cooperative, He had agreed to marriage, which was the best thing, in Qill’s mind, that had ever happened to her. Only come to find that in his mind, the benefit was someone to give him attention, and the financial merge. Qill had truly loved someone, who didn’t care, let alone love her back. The two had been divorced within twelve hours, leaving Qill very heartbroken, and her ex to be no different, which saddened Qill even more. Since then, she has been aggressive and loathsome to males and romantic relationships.


[All too common.]


Amid their revisiting of memories and past happenings, The meaningful moment was interrupted by a strange change of atmosphere. The air seemed somewhat lighter…


“Something’s coming!â€


Phyro spoke as he strode along the ground toward them, though more of easily bouncing off the ground, as if the gravity had been lightened considerably.




While floating an inch or two off the ground, Phyro explained,


“Do you remember seeing that weird black creature in the cage next to me, back at the prison?â€






Anzu and Qill answered, but Anzi was caringly looking Phyro over, paying close attention.


“Another one is near. I don’t know how, but they have some way of altering the gravity within about five-hundred feet radius of their location. Being near one… well, They just mess with Gravity a lot.â€


As he finished the last few words, The gravity harshly increased, and Phyro slammed into the ground uncomfortably.


“One of the bounty hunting creatures that apparently want me dead.â€


Qill struggled to stand up.


“I’ll make you dead right now!â€


She drew her sword and staggered over to Phyro, while he and Anzi were pinned to the ground from the increased gravity.


“You’re with us. They want you dead. So, Less trouble for both of us if I kill you right now!â€


“QILL! Don’t do it!â€


Anzi cried out, desperate.


Phyro, too, struggled to stand up, but ended up in an uncomfortable kneeling position.


“Hey, I’m not complaining against Qill.â€


Anzu said, comfortably sitting down, but under pressure as well.


“What did I ever do to you?!â€


Phyro shouted at her, not seeing the point of his early death.


Before Qill could respond, The gravity intensely lightened on Phyro, at the same time a large, metallic black creature jumped out from behind a building, and rammed into Phyro’s back, forcing him into Qill’s body, knocking her back.


This creature then jumped upward, upon having altered gravitational setting, and landed on the roof of one of the buildings to watch below what was happening.


“Hey you!â€


Qill shouted, and grabbed Phyro by the back of his shirt.


“Yeah you!â€


She pointed at the black creature on a rooftop.


“You want him? Take him! I’ll even kill him for you if you want!â€


Resembling somewhat a spherical mechanism with biological features, the creature waved one of its limbs about as the gravity in the area changed direction, sending Anzi hurdling off towards a random allyway, as she flailed her limbs around madly trying to grab on to something. Qill had then risen up into the air, supported by the gravity of the area, with a firm grasp on Phyro, with a sword in her other hand.


Just as Qill was about to draw her blade closer to Phyro’s neck, The gravity changed once more, pulling Phyro and Qill away from each other, as if Phyro was being defended by the gravitational creature.


“What?! I want to kill him!â€


“Why do you want me dead? I saved your life!â€


After saying this, Phyro tried to recall if he had actually done so. Nika had, perhaps…


“You? You saved me? No! That girl had saved me, not you, loser! I hate you! You had lead those bounty hunters right to us!â€


“I lead Nika to you, and don’t even know those bounty hunters! And if you keep this up, I’ll kill you, too!â€


Phyro shot back at her, which was responded to by rather displeased swinging of limbs and swords, as Phyro was being dragged along the ground by gravity, to follow its manipulator, which was leading Phyro around the corner of a building, out of sight.


At the same moment, Anzi came running back toward them.


“Wheres Phyro!?â€


Anzi demanded, looking around wildly.


Boredly, Anzu pointed around the corner where Phyro was dragged off to, as Anzi sprinted off in that direction to find Phyro suspended in mid-air, unable to move from the gravity.


“Anzi! Get over here!â€


Phyro called out, somewhat panicked.


Anzi then madly swung a sword of her own at the gravitational creature, only to find it impervious to her attack.




Phyro called out, as Anzi closely avoided being hit by a rather large staff of an additional creature, that resembled more of a humanoid, with mechanical properties but resembled a biological creature in ways.


[Jeez, The point of this chapter was to be about two pages so I could climax to a better part of the story. XD Now its five pages and I haven’t gotten to what I was trying to get to.]

[it's still good. *laughs at Arkcher's problem with fangirls*]

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Chapter Ten

The Hunters


Phyro bided his time as the count of prison guards decreased, ferocious roars and cries continually sounded throughout the corridor.


A few minutes of doing this, A familiar crashing noise echoed around, followed by screams of very familiar voices…


Phyro parted his wings, to make a small space to peek through, to see what was going on.


Falling debris, stones and other miscellaneous objects were falling and being launched about here and there, with three cat-human hybrids running around uncontrollably, in a mad panic.




Phyro called out, mainly to get her attention, as he jumped down from on top of one of the cages, now visible.




She replied, and ran over to him, and promptly glomped him.


“Now, as glad as we are to see each other, Would you be so kind as to get off of me?â€




Anzi replied, grinning.


“Anzi, We need to get out of here, preferably before more guards come and find us.â€


“Anzi, He’s right. Get off.â€


Phyro effortlessly pried Anzi off of him.


“Hey! What are you doing?â€


Anzi demanded of Phyro.


“Anzi, stop goofing around. We really need to go soon, before more guards come.â€


Phyro, however, Was not paying attention to what they were arguing about. He was preoccupied looking over a familiar creature inside the cage he was on top of- An ally of the Torrask’s. Another creature that was hunting him down…


“Right, Phyro?â€


“Of course. Come on, Anzi.â€


Phyro stepped off toward a large hole in the wall, that resembled one that Nika would have made, and only heard one set of footsteps.


Phyro turned around to see Anzu and Qill gawking at him in disbelief, and Anzi, swaying in her position, in a swooning manner, with an intoxicated grin on her face.


“See? I told you he loved me.â€


Anzi spoke to her sisters, as Phyro slapped his forehead upon realizing he had done something incredibly stupid, by not knowing beforehand what he was agreeing to.


[No, This definitely did NOT happen to me. <.< Not even last week. -cough- Of course not.]


Phyro then strode off, out the convenient hole in the wall available to them, in hopes of Anzi, Anzu and Qill following him.


After waiting outside for a short moment, Anzi came out in a rather romanced manner.


“So, Are we going back to you guys’ Treehouse?â€


Anzi awoke from her swooned behavior.


“Are you kidding? No! We can’t go back there now! Cats never return for their dead! And besides, The Bounty hunters know where it is!â€


“You have a point there…â€


A long moment’s silence.


“Well… Now what?â€


“Obviously, We find a different place to stay!â€


‘Wander around like a lost kid like I always do…’ Phyro thought to himself, as he mindlessly wandered away from Anzi, who was rejoining with her sisters.


“Anzi, I really don’t think he meant it. He wasn’t listening.â€


“Shut up! At least I’ve been able to keep this guy for more than twelve hours.â€


Somewhat offended by this, Qill stopped walking, and stared at Anzi. Fighting back tears, memories flooded back to Qill about her not-too-distant past, and her previous relationship.


[its time for stuff I made up! =D]


Upon meeting the cat of her dreams, Qill had done everything she could to get a successful relationship out of her new fiancé. And being cooperative, He had agreed to marriage, which was the best thing, in Qill’s mind, that had ever happened to her. Only come to find that in his mind, the benefit was someone to give him attention, and the financial merge. Qill had truly loved someone, who didn’t care, let alone love her back. The two had been divorced within twelve hours, leaving Qill very heartbroken, and her ex to be no different, which saddened Qill even more. Since then, she has been aggressive and loathsome to males and romantic relationships.


[All too common.]


Amid their revisiting of memories and past happenings, The meaningful moment was interrupted by a strange change of atmosphere. The air seemed somewhat lighter…


“Something’s coming!â€


Phyro spoke as he strode along the ground toward them, though more of easily bouncing off the ground, as if the gravity had been lightened considerably.




While floating an inch or two off the ground, Phyro explained,


“Do you remember seeing that weird black creature in the cage next to me, back at the prison?â€






Anzu and Qill answered, but Anzi was caringly looking Phyro over, paying close attention.


“Another one is near. I don’t know how, but they have some way of altering the gravity within about five-hundred feet radius of their location. Being near one… well, They just mess with Gravity a lot.â€


As he finished the last few words, The gravity harshly increased, and Phyro slammed into the ground uncomfortably.


“One of the bounty hunting creatures that apparently want me dead.â€


Qill struggled to stand up.


“I’ll make you dead right now!â€


She drew her sword and staggered over to Phyro, while he and Anzi were pinned to the ground from the increased gravity.


“You’re with us. They want you dead. So, Less trouble for both of us if I kill you right now!â€


“QILL! Don’t do it!â€


Anzi cried out, desperate.


Phyro, too, struggled to stand up, but ended up in an uncomfortable kneeling position.


“Hey, I’m not complaining against Qill.â€


Anzu said, comfortably sitting down, but under pressure as well.


“What did I ever do to you?!â€


Phyro shouted at her, not seeing the point of his early death.


Before Qill could respond, The gravity intensely lightened on Phyro, at the same time a large, metallic black creature jumped out from behind a building, and rammed into Phyro’s back, forcing him into Qill’s body, knocking her back.


This creature then jumped upward, upon having altered gravitational setting, and landed on the roof of one of the buildings to watch below what was happening.


“Hey you!â€


Qill shouted, and grabbed Phyro by the back of his shirt.


“Yeah you!â€


She pointed at the black creature on a rooftop.


“You want him? Take him! I’ll even kill him for you if you want!â€


Resembling somewhat a spherical mechanism with biological features, the creature waved one of its limbs about as the gravity in the area changed direction, sending Anzi hurdling off towards a random allyway, as she flailed her limbs around madly trying to grab on to something. Qill had then risen up into the air, supported by the gravity of the area, with a firm grasp on Phyro, with a sword in her other hand.


Just as Qill was about to draw her blade closer to Phyro’s neck, The gravity changed once more, pulling Phyro and Qill away from each other, as if Phyro was being defended by the gravitational creature.


“What?! I want to kill him!â€


“Why do you want me dead? I saved your life!â€


After saying this, Phyro tried to recall if he had actually done so. Nika had, perhaps…


“You? You saved me? No! That girl had saved me, not you, loser! I hate you! You had lead those bounty hunters right to us!â€


“I lead Nika to you, and don’t even know those bounty hunters! And if you keep this up, I’ll kill you, too!â€


Phyro shot back at her, which was responded to by rather displeased swinging of limbs and swords, as Phyro was being dragged along the ground by gravity, to follow its manipulator, which was leading Phyro around the corner of a building, out of sight.


At the same moment, Anzi came running back toward them.


“Wheres Phyro!?â€


Anzi demanded, looking around wildly.


Boredly, Anzu pointed around the corner where Phyro was dragged off to, as Anzi sprinted off in that direction to find Phyro suspended in mid-air, unable to move from the gravity.


“Anzi! Get over here!â€


Phyro called out, somewhat panicked.


Anzi then madly swung a sword of her own at the gravitational creature, only to find it impervious to her attack.




Phyro called out, as Anzi closely avoided being hit by a rather large staff of an additional creature, that resembled more of a humanoid, with mechanical properties but resembled a biological creature in ways.


[Jeez, The point of this chapter was to be about two pages so I could climax to a better part of the story. XD Now its five pages and I haven’t gotten to what I was trying to get to.]

[it's still good. *laughs at Arkcher's problem with fangirls*]

[Oh shuddup. <.<]

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Chapter Eleven

Empty Recollection


“The LehnVak! The… The one with the stick! Whatever you do, don’t let the staff touch you at all!â€


“Right, I got it…â€


Anzi replied, and began whacking it in various places very unskillfully with her sword.


“Nevermind him, Get your siblings to take care of the NuvKhal, the… the Gravity freak. [Look, I made these names up when I was ten. <.<] I’ll distract the LehnVak.â€


“I don’t think they’re gonna help…â€


She glanced over at Anzu, who was sitting down reading a book once more.


“Ah look, but Qill is coming to help!â€


Anzi announced, as Qill came rushing over to them with her sword drawn. Though instead of attacking their adversaries, Qill began slashing and attacking at Phyro.


“Hey! What are you doing?!â€


“We want you dead!â€


Qill shouted at Phyro, whom tried to slash once more, but the staff of a LehnVak had come in Qill’s way, as her sword collided with it. Within one second, Her sword had disintegrated into nothing.


Qill yelled in frustration, and jumped up on to the LehnVak’s back, and began scratching and biting it.


“Give me my sword back!!â€


she persistently demanded, as all that Phyro could do was watch as the LehnVak had swung its staff around uncontrollably, and hit Qill on the side, knocking her off.


Having seen what the staff had done to Qills sword, and heeding Phyro’s warning, Anzi was very displeased about this.




Anzi lunged at the LehnVak, stabbed a large opening in what was presumably its head, as blood and sparks of electricity had splattered out. Afterward, Anzi did likewise to the NuvKhal, though she estimated wrongly and did not take it down.


“Jeez, You can’t find its weak spot…?â€


Phyro walked over to it, pried open a sheet of metal and ripped out a lime green… object. The NuvKhal promptly fell over, defeated.


Anzi was already over at Qill, checking her over if she was okay.


“Phyro! What happened to her?â€


“She isn’t hurt, as you can see, All the staff does is disintegrate inanimate objects or drain the life force and energy out of a living entity. Qill is severely weakened, and is mostly stunned right now. When she wakes up, she’ll find that she no longer has skill or strength in what she used to. We either get it back from this LehnVak, or re-train Qill.â€


Anzi sniffled.


“So… So she isn’t dead?â€


“No, she just needs a day or two of rest.â€


Phyro glanced down at Qill, with a blank stare on her face, as she lay completely still, sprawled about on the ground.


“How did you get there?â€


Phyro commented to Anzu, who was now at Qills side. Phyro apparently just did not see her before now.


Anzu mournfully picked up Qill’s motionless body and put it over her shoulder, and walked away.


Anzi sniffed again.


“Come on. We need to go. Now.â€


“Now it’s a good idea…â€


Phyro muttered to himself as he obediently followed Anzi, following Anzu into the city.


Without saying a word, Anzu and Anzi walked into an empty stone building with few windows.


“Just out of curiosity, do you know what is in here or where we’re going…?â€


Phyro asked, as it appeared they had walked into a random building.


“This is the house where we grew up…â€


Anzi spoke in a hushed voice, a tear rolling down her face. Anzu had placed Qill on a table, and sat down next to Anzi, and hugged her sympathetically.


Phyro did not know how to react to this situation, as far as he knew, He never had a loved one to lose.


“This place must mean a lot to you. It would not be any better for this place to be destroyed by my hunters… I had better leave.â€


Phyro silently walked out the door, and looked up at the dark nighttime sky. This city was so silent and inactive. It made him wonder if anyone really lived here anymore… Did he used to live here?


‘Why does everything want to kill me…?’


Phyro thought to himself as he wandered around the city, occasionally sitting down in a dark allyway, and persisted in his trying to remember his past.

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Chapter Eleven

Empty Recollection


“The LehnVak! The… The one with the stick! Whatever you do, don’t let the staff touch you at all!â€


“Right, I got it…â€


Anzi replied, and began whacking it in various places very unskillfully with her sword.


“Nevermind him, Get your siblings to take care of the NuvKhal, the… the Gravity freak. [Look, I made these names up when I was ten. <.<] I’ll distract the LehnVak.â€


“I don’t think they’re gonna help…â€


She glanced over at Anzu, who was sitting down reading a book once more.


“Ah look, but Qill is coming to help!â€


Anzi announced, as Qill came rushing over to them with her sword drawn. Though instead of attacking their adversaries, Qill began slashing and attacking at Phyro.


“Hey! What are you doing?!â€


“We want you dead!â€


Qill shouted at Phyro, whom tried to slash once more, but the staff of a LehnVak had come in Qill’s way, as her sword collided with it. Within one second, Her sword had disintegrated into nothing.


Qill yelled in frustration, and jumped up on to the LehnVak’s back, and began scratching and biting it.


“Give me my sword back!!â€


she persistently demanded, as all that Phyro could do was watch as the LehnVak had swung its staff around uncontrollably, and hit Qill on the side, knocking her off.


Having seen what the staff had done to Qills sword, and heeding Phyro’s warning, Anzi was very displeased about this.




Anzi lunged at the LehnVak, stabbed a large opening in what was presumably its head, as blood and sparks of electricity had splattered out. Afterward, Anzi did likewise to the NuvKhal, though she estimated wrongly and did not take it down.


“Jeez, You can’t find its weak spot…?â€


Phyro walked over to it, pried open a sheet of metal and ripped out a lime green… object. The NuvKhal promptly fell over, defeated.


Anzi was already over at Qill, checking her over if she was okay.


“Phyro! What happened to her?â€


“She isn’t hurt, as you can see, All the staff does is disintegrate inanimate objects or drain the life force and energy out of a living entity. Qill is severely weakened, and is mostly stunned right now. When she wakes up, she’ll find that she no longer has skill or strength in what she used to. We either get it back from this LehnVak, or re-train Qill.â€


Anzi sniffled.


“So… So she isn’t dead?â€


“No, she just needs a day or two of rest.â€


Phyro glanced down at Qill, with a blank stare on her face, as she lay completely still, sprawled about on the ground.


“How did you get there?â€


Phyro commented to Anzu, who was now at Qills side. Phyro apparently just did not see her before now.


Anzu mournfully picked up Qill’s motionless body and put it over her shoulder, and walked away.


Anzi sniffed again.


“Come on. We need to go. Now.â€


“Now it’s a good idea…â€


Phyro muttered to himself as he obediently followed Anzi, following Anzu into the city.


Without saying a word, Anzu and Anzi walked into an empty stone building with few windows.


“Just out of curiosity, do you know what is in here or where we’re going…?â€


Phyro asked, as it appeared they had walked into a random building.


“This is the house where we grew up…â€


Anzi spoke in a hushed voice, a tear rolling down her face. Anzu had placed Qill on a table, and sat down next to Anzi, and hugged her sympathetically.


Phyro did not know how to react to this situation, as far as he knew, He never had a loved one to lose.


“This place must mean a lot to you. It would not be any better for this place to be destroyed by my hunters… I had better leave.â€


Phyro silently walked out the door, and looked up at the dark nighttime sky. This city was so silent and inactive. It made him wonder if anyone really lived here anymore… Did he used to live here?


‘Why does everything want to kill me…?’


Phyro thought to himself as he wandered around the city, occasionally sitting down in a dark allyway, and persisted in his trying to remember his past.

[Poor Phyro. ;_; *hug*]

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[Poor Phyro. ;_; *hug*]

[Yes. Its depressing or something. <.<]

[He should join the mafia. They could protect him.]

[Ooh, Phyro can join teh Kat mafia! You had one of those, right?]

[Yep! But Grim and I are currently the only members. ._.;;; But Phyro would be welcome. We'd could protect him real good like.]

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[Poor Phyro. ;_; *hug*]

[Yes. Its depressing or something. <.<]

[He should join the mafia. They could protect him.]

[Ooh, Phyro can join teh Kat mafia! You had one of those, right?]

[Yep! But Grim and I are currently the only members. ._.;;; But Phyro would be welcome. We'd could protect him real good like.]

[A-hem. What about Mmmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?]

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[Poor Phyro. ;_; *hug*]

[Yes. Its depressing or something. <.<]

[He should join the mafia. They could protect him.]

[Ooh, Phyro can join teh Kat mafia! You had one of those, right?]

[Yep! But Grim and I are currently the only members. ._.;;; But Phyro would be welcome. We'd could protect him real good like.]

[A-hem. What about Mmmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?]

[What about you?]

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[Poor Phyro. ;_; *hug*]

[Yes. Its depressing or something. <.<]

[He should join the mafia. They could protect him.]

[Ooh, Phyro can join teh Kat mafia! You had one of those, right?]

[Yep! But Grim and I are currently the only members. ._.;;; But Phyro would be welcome. We'd could protect him real good like.]

[A-hem. What about Mmmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?]

[What about you?]

[-fwap- Im in yo' mafia too, person! >(]

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Chapter Twelve

Phyro’s Injury


Phyro walked in the door to Anzi’s old home, and looked about the scenery to find Qill still inactive, and Anzu, sitting in a corner, reading a book as usual, while Anzi sat down, uncomfortably seated, thinking about pretty well everything. Her eyes lit up to see Phyro walking through the door.


“Anzi, Its about four in the morning. Think you ought to get some sleep?â€


Anzi smiled, sleepily and agreeably. She sat up, hugged Phyro affectionately, and walked over to a bed and collapsed on it. Phyro turned to face Anzu, and told her likewise.


“Sleep is for the weak. Besides, This book is better.â€


Not disagreeing, Phyro silently left the house once more and returned with a piece of wood, with which he extended a claw and wrote a note to Anzi on it.


He carved into the wood the following text, to the best of his knowledge, ‘I have left to dwell elsewhere. This place is important to you, I know, and nether of us want it destroyed. … Like my past…’


Phyro placed it on the table next to Qill, who he did not expect to see up any time soon, and then departed to find another place to rest, regardless of the dangers of the world.




Qill yawned, upon waking up, to find herself abnormally exhausted. She felt like she hadn’t slept in days, but nonetheless sat up and looked around to see a piece of wood sitting next to her.


Upon reading it, she thought aloud to herself,


“Finally, Destruction-boy left…â€


Not expecting to hear Qill’s voice for a long time, Anzi immediately awoke and looked over at Qill.


“Qill! You’re awake! … What did you say?â€


Anzi walked over to the table and tried to interpret what Phyro had written.


“What?! He left! He’s going to get himself killed out there alone!â€


Anzi then ran out the door, and immediately began calling Phyro’s name, searching for him all around.


After a good ten minutes of no success in finding Phyro, Anzi sat down under a tree, and sighed, ‘There goes another one…’


She looked around, until she had heard a cough of sorts, which fit Phyro’s voice. Her ears perked up,




She more carefully looked around, as a LehnVak zoomed by, rather agile, apparently following Phyro’s voice. Anzi narrowed her feline eyes and saw Phyro sitting down next to a tree, rather idle.


Anzi jumped up onto the back of the LehnVak, and reached for her sword, to find she did not have it with her. Just like Qill when she was attacked…!


Anzi jumped off, narrowly avoiding the swinging of its staff, as she jumped up and whacked its head with her fists, to find that its head lowers to reveal a similar lime green object like what Phyro had pulled out of the NuvKhal.


Anzi reached in, grabbed the rather slimy green object… and ripped it out. The same thing happened- The LehnVak fell to the ground, lifeless.


Anzi then sprinted over to Phyro, rather relieved to find him, but upon seeing him closer, she gasped and covered her mouth with her hands…


Phyro was in a heap of body now, in a puddle of blood, he appeared to have several broken bones, more cuts and bruises than Anzi cared to count, with multiple parts of his wings torn and broken, rendering them unusable. Being barely alive, Phyro weakly coughed in his uncomfortable position, and continued breathing at a slow pace.


Anzi wordlessly rushed to his side, and tried not to breathe due to a rather foul stench in the air. She scooped her arms underneath Phyro’s injured body, as he twitched painfully. She put all her strength into lifting up his body, upon multiple tries had managed to do so and put his blood-dripping body on her back, struggle against the weight, and slowly make her way back to her home.


Anzi eventually made her way back to the building.


“Are you okay?â€


Anzu asked,


“It’s his blood, not mine.â€


“Is he dead?â€


Qill anxiously asked.


“Not completely…â€


Qill then cursed under her breath, still not necessarily liking Phyro for any reason.


Anzi gathered up bandages and other medical miscellaneous’, and shuddered at the thought of binding his bones back together.


“Ooh! Broken bones! Let me do it!â€


Qill suggested, followed by an evil cackle.


Phyro weakly grunted, while Anzi looked over his body, trying to decide how his body is to be mended.


“I think… his arm… goes like this…â€


Anzi said to herself, as she placed Phyro’s arm in the position she decided would be best, as he let out a quiet moan of pain.


Upon repeating the process, Anzi eventually mended all she could, ignoring Phyro’s twitching, moaning and grunting, and ignoring Qill’s jeers and suggestions of how to heal him.


“There. Now what?â€


Anzi spoke, not necessarily expecting a response from Phyro or anyone else in the room, and then leaned down over Phyro.


“Are you alive?â€


An odd question, but nonetheless, Phyro grunted in response.


“Good! Now, you get some sleep!â€


Anzi grinned at various thoughts going through her head.


“… Pervert.â€


Anzu muttered to Anzi, seeing what she was doing.


Anzi sighed,


“He’s heavy, and I smell of elf.â€


Anzi re-noticed all the blood that covered her body, and the odd stench she was bringing into the building.


“I need a shower,â€


Anzi walked over to an old tattered door.


“Tell me when he wakes up.â€


She closed the door behind her, and did as she said she would.


A few hours later, Phyro began stirring and had attempted to sit up.


“Hey, You’re up!â€


Anzi commented as she walked over to him, with different clothing on, and now less bloodstained.


“Not all the way…â€


Anzi ignored his comment, and hugged him affectionately. Phyro’s back had then cracked horribly, rendering him immobile for a longer time, as Phyro suspected that Anzi did this purposefully, for superiority.


“So… How is Qill?â€


Phyro asked Anzi.


“See for yourself, moron.â€


Qill shot at Phyro from the other side of the room, glaring at him. Phyro ignored her and asked Anzi once more.


Anzi looked at Qill longingly, as if she missed her before all this had happened. Phyro thought it best to change the subject. He then moved his backbones in place, and jumped to his feet.


“I’m alright!â€


“Are you sure?â€


After Anzi asked this, Phyro collapsed once more on the ground, causing great pain to himself from broken bones and otherwise wounds.




Anzi grinned.


“Oh, That’s what I thought.â€


“You make that sound like a good thing.â€


Phyro commented as he struggled to get back on to the bed Anzi had put him on.


Anzi continued grinning to herself, thinking about who-knows-what.


“What are you grinning at?â€


“Oh, Nothing…â€


Anzi said, still smiling.


“Wow, I stink…â€


Phyro said to himself, commenting on his medical condition, but Anzi finished his comment by saying,


“… at fighting.â€


And continued grinning innocently.




“I broke a fang to save you.â€


Anzi opened the side of her mouth to point to a broken tooth in her mouth. She seemed proud of his, however.


“What, Now you can take on a VohnLa and survive its poisons? Had you not noticed I’m poisoned here?!â€


“Poisoned?! What!â€




Anzi panicked.


“Aah! Poisoned! Quick! We need to find a cure!â€


Anzi made another attempt to lift Phyro and carry him, but this time did not work out so well, as Anzi toppled over with Anzi on top of her.


“Um… Give me a hand, here, will you? Anzu? Qill?â€


She reached her hand out helplessly as Anzu turned the page of one of her books, and Qill sat there, smirking, watching them.


[Qill be teh dumb. >( ]

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Chapter Twelve

Phyro’s Injury


Phyro walked in the door to Anzi’s old home, and looked about the scenery to find Qill still inactive, and Anzu, sitting in a corner, reading a book as usual, while Anzi sat down, uncomfortably seated, thinking about pretty well everything. Her eyes lit up to see Phyro walking through the door.


“Anzi, Its about four in the morning. Think you ought to get some sleep?â€


Anzi smiled, sleepily and agreeably. She sat up, hugged Phyro affectionately, and walked over to a bed and collapsed on it. Phyro turned to face Anzu, and told her likewise.


“Sleep is for the weak. Besides, This book is better.â€


Not disagreeing, Phyro silently left the house once more and returned with a piece of wood, with which he extended a claw and wrote a note to Anzi on it.


He carved into the wood the following text, to the best of his knowledge, ‘I have left to dwell elsewhere. This place is important to you, I know, and nether of us want it destroyed. … Like my past…’


Phyro placed it on the table next to Qill, who he did not expect to see up any time soon, and then departed to find another place to rest, regardless of the dangers of the world.




Qill yawned, upon waking up, to find herself abnormally exhausted. She felt like she hadn’t slept in days, but nonetheless sat up and looked around to see a piece of wood sitting next to her.


Upon reading it, she thought aloud to herself,


“Finally, Destruction-boy left…â€


Not expecting to hear Qill’s voice for a long time, Anzi immediately awoke and looked over at Qill.


“Qill! You’re awake! … What did you say?â€


Anzi walked over to the table and tried to interpret what Phyro had written.


“What?! He left! He’s going to get himself killed out there alone!â€


Anzi then ran out the door, and immediately began calling Phyro’s name, searching for him all around.


After a good ten minutes of no success in finding Phyro, Anzi sat down under a tree, and sighed, ‘There goes another one…’


She looked around, until she had heard a cough of sorts, which fit Phyro’s voice. Her ears perked up,




She more carefully looked around, as a LehnVak zoomed by, rather agile, apparently following Phyro’s voice. Anzi narrowed her feline eyes and saw Phyro sitting down next to a tree, rather idle.


Anzi jumped up onto the back of the LehnVak, and reached for her sword, to find she did not have it with her. Just like Qill when she was attacked…!


Anzi jumped off, narrowly avoiding the swinging of its staff, as she jumped up and whacked its head with her fists, to find that its head lowers to reveal a similar lime green object like what Phyro had pulled out of the NuvKhal.


Anzi reached in, grabbed the rather slimy green object… and ripped it out. The same thing happened- The LehnVak fell to the ground, lifeless.


Anzi then sprinted over to Phyro, rather relieved to find him, but upon seeing him closer, she gasped and covered her mouth with her hands…


Phyro was in a heap of body now, in a puddle of blood, he appeared to have several broken bones, more cuts and bruises than Anzi cared to count, with multiple parts of his wings torn and broken, rendering them unusable. Being barely alive, Phyro weakly coughed in his uncomfortable position, and continued breathing at a slow pace.


Anzi wordlessly rushed to his side, and tried not to breathe due to a rather foul stench in the air. She scooped her arms underneath Phyro’s injured body, as he twitched painfully. She put all her strength into lifting up his body, upon multiple tries had managed to do so and put his blood-dripping body on her back, struggle against the weight, and slowly make her way back to her home.


Anzi eventually made her way back to the building.


“Are you okay?â€


Anzu asked,


“It’s his blood, not mine.â€


“Is he dead?â€


Qill anxiously asked.


“Not completely…â€


Qill then cursed under her breath, still not necessarily liking Phyro for any reason.


Anzi gathered up bandages and other medical miscellaneous’, and shuddered at the thought of binding his bones back together.


“Ooh! Broken bones! Let me do it!â€


Qill suggested, followed by an evil cackle.


Phyro weakly grunted, while Anzi looked over his body, trying to decide how his body is to be mended.


“I think… his arm… goes like this…â€


Anzi said to herself, as she placed Phyro’s arm in the position she decided would be best, as he let out a quiet moan of pain.


Upon repeating the process, Anzi eventually mended all she could, ignoring Phyro’s twitching, moaning and grunting, and ignoring Qill’s jeers and suggestions of how to heal him.


“There. Now what?â€


Anzi spoke, not necessarily expecting a response from Phyro or anyone else in the room, and then leaned down over Phyro.


“Are you alive?â€


An odd question, but nonetheless, Phyro grunted in response.


“Good! Now, you get some sleep!â€


Anzi grinned at various thoughts going through her head.


“… Pervert.â€


Anzu muttered to Anzi, seeing what she was doing.


Anzi sighed,


“He’s heavy, and I smell of elf.â€


Anzi re-noticed all the blood that covered her body, and the odd stench she was bringing into the building.


“I need a shower,â€


Anzi walked over to an old tattered door.


“Tell me when he wakes up.â€


She closed the door behind her, and did as she said she would.


A few hours later, Phyro began stirring and had attempted to sit up.


“Hey, You’re up!â€


Anzi commented as she walked over to him, with different clothing on, and now less bloodstained.


“Not all the way…â€


Anzi ignored his comment, and hugged him affectionately. Phyro’s back had then cracked horribly, rendering him immobile for a longer time, as Phyro suspected that Anzi did this purposefully, for superiority.


“So… How is Qill?â€


Phyro asked Anzi.


“See for yourself, moron.â€


Qill shot at Phyro from the other side of the room, glaring at him. Phyro ignored her and asked Anzi once more.


Anzi looked at Qill longingly, as if she missed her before all this had happened. Phyro thought it best to change the subject. He then moved his backbones in place, and jumped to his feet.


“I’m alright!â€


“Are you sure?â€


After Anzi asked this, Phyro collapsed once more on the ground, causing great pain to himself from broken bones and otherwise wounds.




Anzi grinned.


“Oh, That’s what I thought.â€


“You make that sound like a good thing.â€


Phyro commented as he struggled to get back on to the bed Anzi had put him on.


Anzi continued grinning to herself, thinking about who-knows-what.


“What are you grinning at?â€


“Oh, Nothing…â€


Anzi said, still smiling.


“Wow, I stink…â€


Phyro said to himself, commenting on his medical condition, but Anzi finished his comment by saying,


“… at fighting.â€


And continued grinning innocently.




“I broke a fang to save you.â€


Anzi opened the side of her mouth to point to a broken tooth in her mouth. She seemed proud of his, however.


“What, Now you can take on a VohnLa and survive its poisons? Had you not noticed I’m poisoned here?!â€


“Poisoned?! What!â€




Anzi panicked.


“Aah! Poisoned! Quick! We need to find a cure!â€


Anzi made another attempt to lift Phyro and carry him, but this time did not work out so well, as Anzi toppled over with Anzi on top of her.


“Um… Give me a hand, here, will you? Anzu? Qill?â€


She reached her hand out helplessly as Anzu turned the page of one of her books, and Qill sat there, smirking, watching them.


[Qill be teh dumb. >( ]

[Anzi toppled over with Anzi on top of her?]

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[Poor Phyro. ;_; *hug*]

[Yes. Its depressing or something. <.<]

[He should join the mafia. They could protect him.]

[Ooh, Phyro can join teh Kat mafia! You had one of those, right?]

[Yep! But Grim and I are currently the only members. ._.;;; But Phyro would be welcome. We'd could protect him real good like.]

[A-hem. What about Mmmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?]

[What about you?]

[-fwap- Im in yo' mafia too, person! >(]

[*fwapped* Blarg! x_X


Hey, if you're in the mafia, then you shouln't fwap you Da Boss! I should shoot 'choo, fool!]

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Chapter Twelve

Phyro’s Injury


Phyro walked in the door to Anzi’s old home, and looked about the scenery to find Qill still inactive, and Anzu, sitting in a corner, reading a book as usual, while Anzi sat down, uncomfortably seated, thinking about pretty well everything. Her eyes lit up to see Phyro walking through the door.


“Anzi, Its about four in the morning. Think you ought to get some sleep?â€


Anzi smiled, sleepily and agreeably. She sat up, hugged Phyro affectionately, and walked over to a bed and collapsed on it. Phyro turned to face Anzu, and told her likewise.


“Sleep is for the weak. Besides, This book is better.â€


Not disagreeing, Phyro silently left the house once more and returned with a piece of wood, with which he extended a claw and wrote a note to Anzi on it.


He carved into the wood the following text, to the best of his knowledge, ‘I have left to dwell elsewhere. This place is important to you, I know, and nether of us want it destroyed. … Like my past…’


Phyro placed it on the table next to Qill, who he did not expect to see up any time soon, and then departed to find another place to rest, regardless of the dangers of the world.




Qill yawned, upon waking up, to find herself abnormally exhausted. She felt like she hadn’t slept in days, but nonetheless sat up and looked around to see a piece of wood sitting next to her.


Upon reading it, she thought aloud to herself,


“Finally, Destruction-boy left…â€


Not expecting to hear Qill’s voice for a long time, Anzi immediately awoke and looked over at Qill.


“Qill! You’re awake! … What did you say?â€


Anzi walked over to the table and tried to interpret what Phyro had written.


“What?! He left! He’s going to get himself killed out there alone!â€


Anzi then ran out the door, and immediately began calling Phyro’s name, searching for him all around.


After a good ten minutes of no success in finding Phyro, Anzi sat down under a tree, and sighed, ‘There goes another one…’


She looked around, until she had heard a cough of sorts, which fit Phyro’s voice. Her ears perked up,




She more carefully looked around, as a LehnVak zoomed by, rather agile, apparently following Phyro’s voice. Anzi narrowed her feline eyes and saw Phyro sitting down next to a tree, rather idle.


Anzi jumped up onto the back of the LehnVak, and reached for her sword, to find she did not have it with her. Just like Qill when she was attacked…!


Anzi jumped off, narrowly avoiding the swinging of its staff, as she jumped up and whacked its head with her fists, to find that its head lowers to reveal a similar lime green object like what Phyro had pulled out of the NuvKhal.


Anzi reached in, grabbed the rather slimy green object… and ripped it out. The same thing happened- The LehnVak fell to the ground, lifeless.


Anzi then sprinted over to Phyro, rather relieved to find him, but upon seeing him closer, she gasped and covered her mouth with her hands…


Phyro was in a heap of body now, in a puddle of blood, he appeared to have several broken bones, more cuts and bruises than Anzi cared to count, with multiple parts of his wings torn and broken, rendering them unusable. Being barely alive, Phyro weakly coughed in his uncomfortable position, and continued breathing at a slow pace.


Anzi wordlessly rushed to his side, and tried not to breathe due to a rather foul stench in the air. She scooped her arms underneath Phyro’s injured body, as he twitched painfully. She put all her strength into lifting up his body, upon multiple tries had managed to do so and put his blood-dripping body on her back, struggle against the weight, and slowly make her way back to her home.


Anzi eventually made her way back to the building.


“Are you okay?â€


Anzu asked,


“It’s his blood, not mine.â€


“Is he dead?â€


Qill anxiously asked.


“Not completely…â€


Qill then cursed under her breath, still not necessarily liking Phyro for any reason.


Anzi gathered up bandages and other medical miscellaneous’, and shuddered at the thought of binding his bones back together.


“Ooh! Broken bones! Let me do it!â€


Qill suggested, followed by an evil cackle.


Phyro weakly grunted, while Anzi looked over his body, trying to decide how his body is to be mended.


“I think… his arm… goes like this…â€


Anzi said to herself, as she placed Phyro’s arm in the position she decided would be best, as he let out a quiet moan of pain.


Upon repeating the process, Anzi eventually mended all she could, ignoring Phyro’s twitching, moaning and grunting, and ignoring Qill’s jeers and suggestions of how to heal him.


“There. Now what?â€


Anzi spoke, not necessarily expecting a response from Phyro or anyone else in the room, and then leaned down over Phyro.


“Are you alive?â€


An odd question, but nonetheless, Phyro grunted in response.


“Good! Now, you get some sleep!â€


Anzi grinned at various thoughts going through her head.


“… Pervert.â€


Anzu muttered to Anzi, seeing what she was doing.


Anzi sighed,


“He’s heavy, and I smell of elf.â€


Anzi re-noticed all the blood that covered her body, and the odd stench she was bringing into the building.


“I need a shower,â€


Anzi walked over to an old tattered door.


“Tell me when he wakes up.â€


She closed the door behind her, and did as she said she would.


A few hours later, Phyro began stirring and had attempted to sit up.


“Hey, You’re up!â€


Anzi commented as she walked over to him, with different clothing on, and now less bloodstained.


“Not all the way…â€


Anzi ignored his comment, and hugged him affectionately. Phyro’s back had then cracked horribly, rendering him immobile for a longer time, as Phyro suspected that Anzi did this purposefully, for superiority.


“So… How is Qill?â€


Phyro asked Anzi.


“See for yourself, moron.â€


Qill shot at Phyro from the other side of the room, glaring at him. Phyro ignored her and asked Anzi once more.


Anzi looked at Qill longingly, as if she missed her before all this had happened. Phyro thought it best to change the subject. He then moved his backbones in place, and jumped to his feet.


“I’m alright!â€


“Are you sure?â€


After Anzi asked this, Phyro collapsed once more on the ground, causing great pain to himself from broken bones and otherwise wounds.




Anzi grinned.


“Oh, That’s what I thought.â€


“You make that sound like a good thing.â€


Phyro commented as he struggled to get back on to the bed Anzi had put him on.


Anzi continued grinning to herself, thinking about who-knows-what.


“What are you grinning at?â€


“Oh, Nothing…â€


Anzi said, still smiling.


“Wow, I stink…â€


Phyro said to himself, commenting on his medical condition, but Anzi finished his comment by saying,


“… at fighting.â€


And continued grinning innocently.




“I broke a fang to save you.â€


Anzi opened the side of her mouth to point to a broken tooth in her mouth. She seemed proud of his, however.


“What, Now you can take on a VohnLa and survive its poisons? Had you not noticed I’m poisoned here?!â€


“Poisoned?! What!â€




Anzi panicked.


“Aah! Poisoned! Quick! We need to find a cure!â€


Anzi made another attempt to lift Phyro and carry him, but this time did not work out so well, as Anzi toppled over with Anzi on top of her.


“Um… Give me a hand, here, will you? Anzu? Qill?â€


She reached her hand out helplessly as Anzu turned the page of one of her books, and Qill sat there, smirking, watching them.


[Qill be teh dumb. >( ]

Wonderful! not to be nitpicky, but...

Anzi toppled over with Anzi on top of her.

that don't make no sense.

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Chapter Twelve

Phyro’s Injury


Phyro walked in the door to Anzi’s old home, and looked about the scenery to find Qill still inactive, and Anzu, sitting in a corner, reading a book as usual, while Anzi sat down, uncomfortably seated, thinking about pretty well everything. Her eyes lit up to see Phyro walking through the door.


“Anzi, Its about four in the morning. Think you ought to get some sleep?”


Anzi smiled, sleepily and agreeably. She sat up, hugged Phyro affectionately, and walked over to a bed and collapsed on it. Phyro turned to face Anzu, and told her likewise.


“Sleep is for the weak. Besides, This book is better.”


Not disagreeing, Phyro silently left the house once more and returned with a piece of wood, with which he extended a claw and wrote a note to Anzi on it.


He carved into the wood the following text, to the best of his knowledge, ‘I have left to dwell elsewhere. This place is important to you, I know, and nether of us want it destroyed. … Like my past…’


Phyro placed it on the table next to Qill, who he did not expect to see up any time soon, and then departed to find another place to rest, regardless of the dangers of the world.




Qill yawned, upon waking up, to find herself abnormally exhausted. She felt like she hadn’t slept in days, but nonetheless sat up and looked around to see a piece of wood sitting next to her.


Upon reading it, she thought aloud to herself,


“Finally, Destruction-boy left…”


Not expecting to hear Qill’s voice for a long time, Anzi immediately awoke and looked over at Qill.


“Qill! You’re awake! … What did you say?”


Anzi walked over to the table and tried to interpret what Phyro had written.


“What?! He left! He’s going to get himself killed out there alone!”


Anzi then ran out the door, and immediately began calling Phyro’s name, searching for him all around.


After a good ten minutes of no success in finding Phyro, Anzi sat down under a tree, and sighed, ‘There goes another one…’


She looked around, until she had heard a cough of sorts, which fit Phyro’s voice. Her ears perked up,




She more carefully looked around, as a LehnVak zoomed by, rather agile, apparently following Phyro’s voice. Anzi narrowed her feline eyes and saw Phyro sitting down next to a tree, rather idle.


Anzi jumped up onto the back of the LehnVak, and reached for her sword, to find she did not have it with her. Just like Qill when she was attacked…!


Anzi jumped off, narrowly avoiding the swinging of its staff, as she jumped up and whacked its head with her fists, to find that its head lowers to reveal a similar lime green object like what Phyro had pulled out of the NuvKhal.


Anzi reached in, grabbed the rather slimy green object… and ripped it out. The same thing happened- The LehnVak fell to the ground, lifeless.


Anzi then sprinted over to Phyro, rather relieved to find him, but upon seeing him closer, she gasped and covered her mouth with her hands…


Phyro was in a heap of body now, in a puddle of blood, he appeared to have several broken bones, more cuts and bruises than Anzi cared to count, with multiple parts of his wings torn and broken, rendering them unusable. Being barely alive, Phyro weakly coughed in his uncomfortable position, and continued breathing at a slow pace.


Anzi wordlessly rushed to his side, and tried not to breathe due to a rather foul stench in the air. She scooped her arms underneath Phyro’s injured body, as he twitched painfully. She put all her strength into lifting up his body, upon multiple tries had managed to do so and put his blood-dripping body on her back, struggle against the weight, and slowly make her way back to her home.


Anzi eventually made her way back to the building.


“Are you okay?”


Anzu asked,


“It’s his blood, not mine.”


“Is he dead?”


Qill anxiously asked.


“Not completely…”


Qill then cursed under her breath, still not necessarily liking Phyro for any reason.


Anzi gathered up bandages and other medical miscellaneous’, and shuddered at the thought of binding his bones back together.


“Ooh! Broken bones! Let me do it!”


Qill suggested, followed by an evil cackle.


Phyro weakly grunted, while Anzi looked over his body, trying to decide how his body is to be mended.


“I think… his arm… goes like this…”


Anzi said to herself, as she placed Phyro’s arm in the position she decided would be best, as he let out a quiet moan of pain.


Upon repeating the process, Anzi eventually mended all she could, ignoring Phyro’s twitching, moaning and grunting, and ignoring Qill’s jeers and suggestions of how to heal him.


“There. Now what?”


Anzi spoke, not necessarily expecting a response from Phyro or anyone else in the room, and then leaned down over Phyro.


“Are you alive?”


An odd question, but nonetheless, Phyro grunted in response.


“Good! Now, you get some sleep!”


Anzi grinned at various thoughts going through her head.


“… Pervert.”


Anzu muttered to Anzi, seeing what she was doing.


Anzi sighed,


“He’s heavy, and I smell of elf.”


Anzi re-noticed all the blood that covered her body, and the odd stench she was bringing into the building.


“I need a shower,”


Anzi walked over to an old tattered door.


“Tell me when he wakes up.”


She closed the door behind her, and did as she said she would.


A few hours later, Phyro began stirring and had attempted to sit up.


“Hey, You’re up!”


Anzi commented as she walked over to him, with different clothing on, and now less bloodstained.


“Not all the way…”


Anzi ignored his comment, and hugged him affectionately. Phyro’s back had then cracked horribly, rendering him immobile for a longer time, as Phyro suspected that Anzi did this purposefully, for superiority.


“So… How is Qill?”


Phyro asked Anzi.


“See for yourself, moron.”


Qill shot at Phyro from the other side of the room, glaring at him. Phyro ignored her and asked Anzi once more.


Anzi looked at Qill longingly, as if she missed her before all this had happened. Phyro thought it best to change the subject. He then moved his backbones in place, and jumped to his feet.


“I’m alright!”


“Are you sure?”


After Anzi asked this, Phyro collapsed once more on the ground, causing great pain to himself from broken bones and otherwise wounds.




Anzi grinned.


“Oh, That’s what I thought.”


“You make that sound like a good thing.”


Phyro commented as he struggled to get back on to the bed Anzi had put him on.


Anzi continued grinning to herself, thinking about who-knows-what.


“What are you grinning at?”


“Oh, Nothing…”


Anzi said, still smiling.


“Wow, I stink…”


Phyro said to himself, commenting on his medical condition, but Anzi finished his comment by saying,


“… at fighting.”


And continued grinning innocently.




“I broke a fang to save you.”


Anzi opened the side of her mouth to point to a broken tooth in her mouth. She seemed proud of his, however.


“What, Now you can take on a VohnLa and survive its poisons? Had you not noticed I’m poisoned here?!”


“Poisoned?! What!”




Anzi panicked.


“Aah! Poisoned! Quick! We need to find a cure!”


Anzi made another attempt to lift Phyro and carry him, but this time did not work out so well, as Anzi toppled over with Anzi on top of her.


“Um… Give me a hand, here, will you? Anzu? Qill?”


She reached her hand out helplessly as Anzu turned the page of one of her books, and Qill sat there, smirking, watching them.


[Qill be teh dumb. >( ]

[Anzi toppled over with Anzi on top of her?]

[Oh thank you Kat and Cheesemaster! I resisted and was hoping someone would catch that!!! *hands Kat the Super Catnip Award... totally edible and hands Cheesemaster the Cheese Whiz award! * ]

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Chapter Twelve

Phyro’s Injury


Phyro walked in the door to Anzi’s old home, and looked about the scenery to find Qill still inactive, and Anzu, sitting in a corner, reading a book as usual, while Anzi sat down, uncomfortably seated, thinking about pretty well everything. Her eyes lit up to see Phyro walking through the door.


“Anzi, Its about four in the morning. Think you ought to get some sleep?â€


Anzi smiled, sleepily and agreeably. She sat up, hugged Phyro affectionately, and walked over to a bed and collapsed on it. Phyro turned to face Anzu, and told her likewise.


“Sleep is for the weak. Besides, This book is better.â€


Not disagreeing, Phyro silently left the house once more and returned with a piece of wood, with which he extended a claw and wrote a note to Anzi on it.


He carved into the wood the following text, to the best of his knowledge, ‘I have left to dwell elsewhere. This place is important to you, I know, and nether of us want it destroyed. … Like my past…’


Phyro placed it on the table next to Qill, who he did not expect to see up any time soon, and then departed to find another place to rest, regardless of the dangers of the world.




Qill yawned, upon waking up, to find herself abnormally exhausted. She felt like she hadn’t slept in days, but nonetheless sat up and looked around to see a piece of wood sitting next to her.


Upon reading it, she thought aloud to herself,


“Finally, Destruction-boy left…â€


Not expecting to hear Qill’s voice for a long time, Anzi immediately awoke and looked over at Qill.


“Qill! You’re awake! … What did you say?â€


Anzi walked over to the table and tried to interpret what Phyro had written.


“What?! He left! He’s going to get himself killed out there alone!â€


Anzi then ran out the door, and immediately began calling Phyro’s name, searching for him all around.


After a good ten minutes of no success in finding Phyro, Anzi sat down under a tree, and sighed, ‘There goes another one…’


She looked around, until she had heard a cough of sorts, which fit Phyro’s voice. Her ears perked up,




She more carefully looked around, as a LehnVak zoomed by, rather agile, apparently following Phyro’s voice. Anzi narrowed her feline eyes and saw Phyro sitting down next to a tree, rather idle.


Anzi jumped up onto the back of the LehnVak, and reached for her sword, to find she did not have it with her. Just like Qill when she was attacked…!


Anzi jumped off, narrowly avoiding the swinging of its staff, as she jumped up and whacked its head with her fists, to find that its head lowers to reveal a similar lime green object like what Phyro had pulled out of the NuvKhal.


Anzi reached in, grabbed the rather slimy green object… and ripped it out. The same thing happened- The LehnVak fell to the ground, lifeless.


Anzi then sprinted over to Phyro, rather relieved to find him, but upon seeing him closer, she gasped and covered her mouth with her hands…


Phyro was in a heap of body now, in a puddle of blood, he appeared to have several broken bones, more cuts and bruises than Anzi cared to count, with multiple parts of his wings torn and broken, rendering them unusable. Being barely alive, Phyro weakly coughed in his uncomfortable position, and continued breathing at a slow pace.


Anzi wordlessly rushed to his side, and tried not to breathe due to a rather foul stench in the air. She scooped her arms underneath Phyro’s injured body, as he twitched painfully. She put all her strength into lifting up his body, upon multiple tries had managed to do so and put his blood-dripping body on her back, struggle against the weight, and slowly make her way back to her home.


Anzi eventually made her way back to the building.


“Are you okay?â€


Anzu asked,


“It’s his blood, not mine.â€


“Is he dead?â€


Qill anxiously asked.


“Not completely…â€


Qill then cursed under her breath, still not necessarily liking Phyro for any reason.


Anzi gathered up bandages and other medical miscellaneous’, and shuddered at the thought of binding his bones back together.


“Ooh! Broken bones! Let me do it!â€


Qill suggested, followed by an evil cackle.


Phyro weakly grunted, while Anzi looked over his body, trying to decide how his body is to be mended.


“I think… his arm… goes like this…â€


Anzi said to herself, as she placed Phyro’s arm in the position she decided would be best, as he let out a quiet moan of pain.


Upon repeating the process, Anzi eventually mended all she could, ignoring Phyro’s twitching, moaning and grunting, and ignoring Qill’s jeers and suggestions of how to heal him.


“There. Now what?â€


Anzi spoke, not necessarily expecting a response from Phyro or anyone else in the room, and then leaned down over Phyro.


“Are you alive?â€


An odd question, but nonetheless, Phyro grunted in response.


“Good! Now, you get some sleep!â€


Anzi grinned at various thoughts going through her head.


“… Pervert.â€


Anzu muttered to Anzi, seeing what she was doing.


Anzi sighed,


“He’s heavy, and I smell of elf.â€


Anzi re-noticed all the blood that covered her body, and the odd stench she was bringing into the building.


“I need a shower,â€


Anzi walked over to an old tattered door.


“Tell me when he wakes up.â€


She closed the door behind her, and did as she said she would.


A few hours later, Phyro began stirring and had attempted to sit up.


“Hey, You’re up!â€


Anzi commented as she walked over to him, with different clothing on, and now less bloodstained.


“Not all the way…â€


Anzi ignored his comment, and hugged him affectionately. Phyro’s back had then cracked horribly, rendering him immobile for a longer time, as Phyro suspected that Anzi did this purposefully, for superiority.


“So… How is Qill?â€


Phyro asked Anzi.


“See for yourself, moron.â€


Qill shot at Phyro from the other side of the room, glaring at him. Phyro ignored her and asked Anzi once more.


Anzi looked at Qill longingly, as if she missed her before all this had happened. Phyro thought it best to change the subject. He then moved his backbones in place, and jumped to his feet.


“I’m alright!â€


“Are you sure?â€


After Anzi asked this, Phyro collapsed once more on the ground, causing great pain to himself from broken bones and otherwise wounds.




Anzi grinned.


“Oh, That’s what I thought.â€


“You make that sound like a good thing.â€


Phyro commented as he struggled to get back on to the bed Anzi had put him on.


Anzi continued grinning to herself, thinking about who-knows-what.


“What are you grinning at?â€


“Oh, Nothing…â€


Anzi said, still smiling.


“Wow, I stink…â€


Phyro said to himself, commenting on his medical condition, but Anzi finished his comment by saying,


“… at fighting.â€


And continued grinning innocently.




“I broke a fang to save you.â€


Anzi opened the side of her mouth to point to a broken tooth in her mouth. She seemed proud of his, however.


“What, Now you can take on a VohnLa and survive its poisons? Had you not noticed I’m poisoned here?!â€


“Poisoned?! What!â€




Anzi panicked.


“Aah! Poisoned! Quick! We need to find a cure!â€


Anzi made another attempt to lift Phyro and carry him, but this time did not work out so well, as Anzi toppled over with Anzi on top of her.


“Um… Give me a hand, here, will you? Anzu? Qill?â€


She reached her hand out helplessly as Anzu turned the page of one of her books, and Qill sat there, smirking, watching them.


[Qill be teh dumb. >( ]

[Anzi toppled over with Anzi on top of her?]

[Oh thank you Kat and Cheesemaster! I resisted and was hoping someone would catch that!!! *hands Kat the Super Catnip Award... totally edible and hands Cheesemaster the Cheese Whiz award! * ]

[*gnaws on it* :3]

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[Poor Phyro. ;_; *hug*]

[Yes. Its depressing or something. <.<]

[He should join the mafia. They could protect him.]

[Ooh, Phyro can join teh Kat mafia! You had one of those, right?]

[Yep! But Grim and I are currently the only members. ._.;;; But Phyro would be welcome. We'd could protect him real good like.]

[A-hem. What about Mmmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?]

[What about you?]

[-fwap- Im in yo' mafia too, person! >(]

[*fwapped* Blarg! x_X


Hey, if you're in the mafia, then you shouln't fwap you Da Boss! I should shoot 'choo, fool!]

[but if you do, You'll only have 2 people on yo' Mafia. o_o]

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Chapter Twelve

Phyro’s Injury


Phyro walked in the door to Anzi’s old home, and looked about the scenery to find Qill still inactive, and Anzu, sitting in a corner, reading a book as usual, while Anzi sat down, uncomfortably seated, thinking about pretty well everything. Her eyes lit up to see Phyro walking through the door.


“Anzi, Its about four in the morning. Think you ought to get some sleep?â€


Anzi smiled, sleepily and agreeably. She sat up, hugged Phyro affectionately, and walked over to a bed and collapsed on it. Phyro turned to face Anzu, and told her likewise.


“Sleep is for the weak. Besides, This book is better.â€


Not disagreeing, Phyro silently left the house once more and returned with a piece of wood, with which he extended a claw and wrote a note to Anzi on it.


He carved into the wood the following text, to the best of his knowledge, ‘I have left to dwell elsewhere. This place is important to you, I know, and nether of us want it destroyed. … Like my past…’


Phyro placed it on the table next to Qill, who he did not expect to see up any time soon, and then departed to find another place to rest, regardless of the dangers of the world.




Qill yawned, upon waking up, to find herself abnormally exhausted. She felt like she hadn’t slept in days, but nonetheless sat up and looked around to see a piece of wood sitting next to her.


Upon reading it, she thought aloud to herself,


“Finally, Destruction-boy left…â€


Not expecting to hear Qill’s voice for a long time, Anzi immediately awoke and looked over at Qill.


“Qill! You’re awake! … What did you say?â€


Anzi walked over to the table and tried to interpret what Phyro had written.


“What?! He left! He’s going to get himself killed out there alone!â€


Anzi then ran out the door, and immediately began calling Phyro’s name, searching for him all around.


After a good ten minutes of no success in finding Phyro, Anzi sat down under a tree, and sighed, ‘There goes another one…’


She looked around, until she had heard a cough of sorts, which fit Phyro’s voice. Her ears perked up,




She more carefully looked around, as a LehnVak zoomed by, rather agile, apparently following Phyro’s voice. Anzi narrowed her feline eyes and saw Phyro sitting down next to a tree, rather idle.


Anzi jumped up onto the back of the LehnVak, and reached for her sword, to find she did not have it with her. Just like Qill when she was attacked…!


Anzi jumped off, narrowly avoiding the swinging of its staff, as she jumped up and whacked its head with her fists, to find that its head lowers to reveal a similar lime green object like what Phyro had pulled out of the NuvKhal.


Anzi reached in, grabbed the rather slimy green object… and ripped it out. The same thing happened- The LehnVak fell to the ground, lifeless.


Anzi then sprinted over to Phyro, rather relieved to find him, but upon seeing him closer, she gasped and covered her mouth with her hands…


Phyro was in a heap of body now, in a puddle of blood, he appeared to have several broken bones, more cuts and bruises than Anzi cared to count, with multiple parts of his wings torn and broken, rendering them unusable. Being barely alive, Phyro weakly coughed in his uncomfortable position, and continued breathing at a slow pace.


Anzi wordlessly rushed to his side, and tried not to breathe due to a rather foul stench in the air. She scooped her arms underneath Phyro’s injured body, as he twitched painfully. She put all her strength into lifting up his body, upon multiple tries had managed to do so and put his blood-dripping body on her back, struggle against the weight, and slowly make her way back to her home.


Anzi eventually made her way back to the building.


“Are you okay?â€


Anzu asked,


“It’s his blood, not mine.â€


“Is he dead?â€


Qill anxiously asked.


“Not completely…â€


Qill then cursed under her breath, still not necessarily liking Phyro for any reason.


Anzi gathered up bandages and other medical miscellaneous’, and shuddered at the thought of binding his bones back together.


“Ooh! Broken bones! Let me do it!â€


Qill suggested, followed by an evil cackle.


Phyro weakly grunted, while Anzi looked over his body, trying to decide how his body is to be mended.


“I think… his arm… goes like this…â€


Anzi said to herself, as she placed Phyro’s arm in the position she decided would be best, as he let out a quiet moan of pain.


Upon repeating the process, Anzi eventually mended all she could, ignoring Phyro’s twitching, moaning and grunting, and ignoring Qill’s jeers and suggestions of how to heal him.


“There. Now what?â€


Anzi spoke, not necessarily expecting a response from Phyro or anyone else in the room, and then leaned down over Phyro.


“Are you alive?â€


An odd question, but nonetheless, Phyro grunted in response.


“Good! Now, you get some sleep!â€


Anzi grinned at various thoughts going through her head.


“… Pervert.â€


Anzu muttered to Anzi, seeing what she was doing.


Anzi sighed,


“He’s heavy, and I smell of elf.â€


Anzi re-noticed all the blood that covered her body, and the odd stench she was bringing into the building.


“I need a shower,â€


Anzi walked over to an old tattered door.


“Tell me when he wakes up.â€


She closed the door behind her, and did as she said she would.


A few hours later, Phyro began stirring and had attempted to sit up.


“Hey, You’re up!â€


Anzi commented as she walked over to him, with different clothing on, and now less bloodstained.


“Not all the way…â€


Anzi ignored his comment, and hugged him affectionately. Phyro’s back had then cracked horribly, rendering him immobile for a longer time, as Phyro suspected that Anzi did this purposefully, for superiority.


“So… How is Qill?â€


Phyro asked Anzi.


“See for yourself, moron.â€


Qill shot at Phyro from the other side of the room, glaring at him. Phyro ignored her and asked Anzi once more.


Anzi looked at Qill longingly, as if she missed her before all this had happened. Phyro thought it best to change the subject. He then moved his backbones in place, and jumped to his feet.


“I’m alright!â€


“Are you sure?â€


After Anzi asked this, Phyro collapsed once more on the ground, causing great pain to himself from broken bones and otherwise wounds.




Anzi grinned.


“Oh, That’s what I thought.â€


“You make that sound like a good thing.â€


Phyro commented as he struggled to get back on to the bed Anzi had put him on.


Anzi continued grinning to herself, thinking about who-knows-what.


“What are you grinning at?â€


“Oh, Nothing…â€


Anzi said, still smiling.


“Wow, I stink…â€


Phyro said to himself, commenting on his medical condition, but Anzi finished his comment by saying,


“… at fighting.â€


And continued grinning innocently.




“I broke a fang to save you.â€


Anzi opened the side of her mouth to point to a broken tooth in her mouth. She seemed proud of his, however.


“What, Now you can take on a VohnLa and survive its poisons? Had you not noticed I’m poisoned here?!â€


“Poisoned?! What!â€




Anzi panicked.


“Aah! Poisoned! Quick! We need to find a cure!â€


Anzi made another attempt to lift Phyro and carry him, but this time did not work out so well, as Anzi toppled over with Anzi on top of her.


“Um… Give me a hand, here, will you? Anzu? Qill?â€


She reached her hand out helplessly as Anzu turned the page of one of her books, and Qill sat there, smirking, watching them.


[Qill be teh dumb. >( ]

[Anzi toppled over with Anzi on top of her?]

[Yes. ._. Go away.]

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Chapter Twelve

Phyro’s Injury


Phyro walked in the door to Anzi’s old home, and looked about the scenery to find Qill still inactive, and Anzu, sitting in a corner, reading a book as usual, while Anzi sat down, uncomfortably seated, thinking about pretty well everything. Her eyes lit up to see Phyro walking through the door.


“Anzi, Its about four in the morning. Think you ought to get some sleep?â€


Anzi smiled, sleepily and agreeably. She sat up, hugged Phyro affectionately, and walked over to a bed and collapsed on it. Phyro turned to face Anzu, and told her likewise.


“Sleep is for the weak. Besides, This book is better.â€


Not disagreeing, Phyro silently left the house once more and returned with a piece of wood, with which he extended a claw and wrote a note to Anzi on it.


He carved into the wood the following text, to the best of his knowledge, ‘I have left to dwell elsewhere. This place is important to you, I know, and nether of us want it destroyed. … Like my past…’


Phyro placed it on the table next to Qill, who he did not expect to see up any time soon, and then departed to find another place to rest, regardless of the dangers of the world.




Qill yawned, upon waking up, to find herself abnormally exhausted. She felt like she hadn’t slept in days, but nonetheless sat up and looked around to see a piece of wood sitting next to her.


Upon reading it, she thought aloud to herself,


“Finally, Destruction-boy left…â€


Not expecting to hear Qill’s voice for a long time, Anzi immediately awoke and looked over at Qill.


“Qill! You’re awake! … What did you say?â€


Anzi walked over to the table and tried to interpret what Phyro had written.


“What?! He left! He’s going to get himself killed out there alone!â€


Anzi then ran out the door, and immediately began calling Phyro’s name, searching for him all around.


After a good ten minutes of no success in finding Phyro, Anzi sat down under a tree, and sighed, ‘There goes another one…’


She looked around, until she had heard a cough of sorts, which fit Phyro’s voice. Her ears perked up,




She more carefully looked around, as a LehnVak zoomed by, rather agile, apparently following Phyro’s voice. Anzi narrowed her feline eyes and saw Phyro sitting down next to a tree, rather idle.


Anzi jumped up onto the back of the LehnVak, and reached for her sword, to find she did not have it with her. Just like Qill when she was attacked…!


Anzi jumped off, narrowly avoiding the swinging of its staff, as she jumped up and whacked its head with her fists, to find that its head lowers to reveal a similar lime green object like what Phyro had pulled out of the NuvKhal.


Anzi reached in, grabbed the rather slimy green object… and ripped it out. The same thing happened- The LehnVak fell to the ground, lifeless.


Anzi then sprinted over to Phyro, rather relieved to find him, but upon seeing him closer, she gasped and covered her mouth with her hands…


Phyro was in a heap of body now, in a puddle of blood, he appeared to have several broken bones, more cuts and bruises than Anzi cared to count, with multiple parts of his wings torn and broken, rendering them unusable. Being barely alive, Phyro weakly coughed in his uncomfortable position, and continued breathing at a slow pace.


Anzi wordlessly rushed to his side, and tried not to breathe due to a rather foul stench in the air. She scooped her arms underneath Phyro’s injured body, as he twitched painfully. She put all her strength into lifting up his body, upon multiple tries had managed to do so and put his blood-dripping body on her back, struggle against the weight, and slowly make her way back to her home.


Anzi eventually made her way back to the building.


“Are you okay?â€


Anzu asked,


“It’s his blood, not mine.â€


“Is he dead?â€


Qill anxiously asked.


“Not completely…â€


Qill then cursed under her breath, still not necessarily liking Phyro for any reason.


Anzi gathered up bandages and other medical miscellaneous’, and shuddered at the thought of binding his bones back together.


“Ooh! Broken bones! Let me do it!â€


Qill suggested, followed by an evil cackle.


Phyro weakly grunted, while Anzi looked over his body, trying to decide how his body is to be mended.


“I think… his arm… goes like this…â€


Anzi said to herself, as she placed Phyro’s arm in the position she decided would be best, as he let out a quiet moan of pain.


Upon repeating the process, Anzi eventually mended all she could, ignoring Phyro’s twitching, moaning and grunting, and ignoring Qill’s jeers and suggestions of how to heal him.


“There. Now what?â€


Anzi spoke, not necessarily expecting a response from Phyro or anyone else in the room, and then leaned down over Phyro.


“Are you alive?â€


An odd question, but nonetheless, Phyro grunted in response.


“Good! Now, you get some sleep!â€


Anzi grinned at various thoughts going through her head.


“… Pervert.â€


Anzu muttered to Anzi, seeing what she was doing.


Anzi sighed,


“He’s heavy, and I smell of elf.â€


Anzi re-noticed all the blood that covered her body, and the odd stench she was bringing into the building.


“I need a shower,â€


Anzi walked over to an old tattered door.


“Tell me when he wakes up.â€


She closed the door behind her, and did as she said she would.


A few hours later, Phyro began stirring and had attempted to sit up.


“Hey, You’re up!â€


Anzi commented as she walked over to him, with different clothing on, and now less bloodstained.


“Not all the way…â€


Anzi ignored his comment, and hugged him affectionately. Phyro’s back had then cracked horribly, rendering him immobile for a longer time, as Phyro suspected that Anzi did this purposefully, for superiority.


“So… How is Qill?â€


Phyro asked Anzi.


“See for yourself, moron.â€


Qill shot at Phyro from the other side of the room, glaring at him. Phyro ignored her and asked Anzi once more.


Anzi looked at Qill longingly, as if she missed her before all this had happened. Phyro thought it best to change the subject. He then moved his backbones in place, and jumped to his feet.


“I’m alright!â€


“Are you sure?â€


After Anzi asked this, Phyro collapsed once more on the ground, causing great pain to himself from broken bones and otherwise wounds.




Anzi grinned.


“Oh, That’s what I thought.â€


“You make that sound like a good thing.â€


Phyro commented as he struggled to get back on to the bed Anzi had put him on.


Anzi continued grinning to herself, thinking about who-knows-what.


“What are you grinning at?â€


“Oh, Nothing…â€


Anzi said, still smiling.


“Wow, I stink…â€


Phyro said to himself, commenting on his medical condition, but Anzi finished his comment by saying,


“… at fighting.â€


And continued grinning innocently.




“I broke a fang to save you.â€


Anzi opened the side of her mouth to point to a broken tooth in her mouth. She seemed proud of his, however.


“What, Now you can take on a VohnLa and survive its poisons? Had you not noticed I’m poisoned here?!â€


“Poisoned?! What!â€




Anzi panicked.


“Aah! Poisoned! Quick! We need to find a cure!â€


Anzi made another attempt to lift Phyro and carry him, but this time did not work out so well, as Anzi toppled over with Anzi on top of her.


“Um… Give me a hand, here, will you? Anzu? Qill?â€


She reached her hand out helplessly as Anzu turned the page of one of her books, and Qill sat there, smirking, watching them.


[Qill be teh dumb. >( ]

[Anzi toppled over with Anzi on top of her?]

[Oh thank you Kat and Cheesemaster! I resisted and was hoping someone would catch that!!! *hands Kat the Super Catnip Award... totally edible and hands Cheesemaster the Cheese Whiz award! * ]

[-raises hand- Can I have a stupid name mishap award? o_o]

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Chapter Twelve

Phyro’s Injury


Phyro walked in the door to Anzi’s old home, and looked about the scenery to find Qill still inactive, and Anzu, sitting in a corner, reading a book as usual, while Anzi sat down, uncomfortably seated, thinking about pretty well everything. Her eyes lit up to see Phyro walking through the door.


“Anzi, Its about four in the morning. Think you ought to get some sleep?â€


Anzi smiled, sleepily and agreeably. She sat up, hugged Phyro affectionately, and walked over to a bed and collapsed on it. Phyro turned to face Anzu, and told her likewise.


“Sleep is for the weak. Besides, This book is better.â€


Not disagreeing, Phyro silently left the house once more and returned with a piece of wood, with which he extended a claw and wrote a note to Anzi on it.


He carved into the wood the following text, to the best of his knowledge, ‘I have left to dwell elsewhere. This place is important to you, I know, and nether of us want it destroyed. … Like my past…’


Phyro placed it on the table next to Qill, who he did not expect to see up any time soon, and then departed to find another place to rest, regardless of the dangers of the world.




Qill yawned, upon waking up, to find herself abnormally exhausted. She felt like she hadn’t slept in days, but nonetheless sat up and looked around to see a piece of wood sitting next to her.


Upon reading it, she thought aloud to herself,


“Finally, Destruction-boy left…â€


Not expecting to hear Qill’s voice for a long time, Anzi immediately awoke and looked over at Qill.


“Qill! You’re awake! … What did you say?â€


Anzi walked over to the table and tried to interpret what Phyro had written.


“What?! He left! He’s going to get himself killed out there alone!â€


Anzi then ran out the door, and immediately began calling Phyro’s name, searching for him all around.


After a good ten minutes of no success in finding Phyro, Anzi sat down under a tree, and sighed, ‘There goes another one…’


She looked around, until she had heard a cough of sorts, which fit Phyro’s voice. Her ears perked up,




She more carefully looked around, as a LehnVak zoomed by, rather agile, apparently following Phyro’s voice. Anzi narrowed her feline eyes and saw Phyro sitting down next to a tree, rather idle.


Anzi jumped up onto the back of the LehnVak, and reached for her sword, to find she did not have it with her. Just like Qill when she was attacked…!


Anzi jumped off, narrowly avoiding the swinging of its staff, as she jumped up and whacked its head with her fists, to find that its head lowers to reveal a similar lime green object like what Phyro had pulled out of the NuvKhal.


Anzi reached in, grabbed the rather slimy green object… and ripped it out. The same thing happened- The LehnVak fell to the ground, lifeless.


Anzi then sprinted over to Phyro, rather relieved to find him, but upon seeing him closer, she gasped and covered her mouth with her hands…


Phyro was in a heap of body now, in a puddle of blood, he appeared to have several broken bones, more cuts and bruises than Anzi cared to count, with multiple parts of his wings torn and broken, rendering them unusable. Being barely alive, Phyro weakly coughed in his uncomfortable position, and continued breathing at a slow pace.


Anzi wordlessly rushed to his side, and tried not to breathe due to a rather foul stench in the air. She scooped her arms underneath Phyro’s injured body, as he twitched painfully. She put all her strength into lifting up his body, upon multiple tries had managed to do so and put his blood-dripping body on her back, struggle against the weight, and slowly make her way back to her home.


Anzi eventually made her way back to the building.


“Are you okay?â€


Anzu asked,


“It’s his blood, not mine.â€


“Is he dead?â€


Qill anxiously asked.


“Not completely…â€


Qill then cursed under her breath, still not necessarily liking Phyro for any reason.


Anzi gathered up bandages and other medical miscellaneous’, and shuddered at the thought of binding his bones back together.


“Ooh! Broken bones! Let me do it!â€


Qill suggested, followed by an evil cackle.


Phyro weakly grunted, while Anzi looked over his body, trying to decide how his body is to be mended.


“I think… his arm… goes like this…â€


Anzi said to herself, as she placed Phyro’s arm in the position she decided would be best, as he let out a quiet moan of pain.


Upon repeating the process, Anzi eventually mended all she could, ignoring Phyro’s twitching, moaning and grunting, and ignoring Qill’s jeers and suggestions of how to heal him.


“There. Now what?â€


Anzi spoke, not necessarily expecting a response from Phyro or anyone else in the room, and then leaned down over Phyro.


“Are you alive?â€


An odd question, but nonetheless, Phyro grunted in response.


“Good! Now, you get some sleep!â€


Anzi grinned at various thoughts going through her head.


“… Pervert.â€


Anzu muttered to Anzi, seeing what she was doing.


Anzi sighed,


“He’s heavy, and I smell of elf.â€


Anzi re-noticed all the blood that covered her body, and the odd stench she was bringing into the building.


“I need a shower,â€


Anzi walked over to an old tattered door.


“Tell me when he wakes up.â€


She closed the door behind her, and did as she said she would.


A few hours later, Phyro began stirring and had attempted to sit up.


“Hey, You’re up!â€


Anzi commented as she walked over to him, with different clothing on, and now less bloodstained.


“Not all the way…â€


Anzi ignored his comment, and hugged him affectionately. Phyro’s back had then cracked horribly, rendering him immobile for a longer time, as Phyro suspected that Anzi did this purposefully, for superiority.


“So… How is Qill?â€


Phyro asked Anzi.


“See for yourself, moron.â€


Qill shot at Phyro from the other side of the room, glaring at him. Phyro ignored her and asked Anzi once more.


Anzi looked at Qill longingly, as if she missed her before all this had happened. Phyro thought it best to change the subject. He then moved his backbones in place, and jumped to his feet.


“I’m alright!â€


“Are you sure?â€


After Anzi asked this, Phyro collapsed once more on the ground, causing great pain to himself from broken bones and otherwise wounds.




Anzi grinned.


“Oh, That’s what I thought.â€


“You make that sound like a good thing.â€


Phyro commented as he struggled to get back on to the bed Anzi had put him on.


Anzi continued grinning to herself, thinking about who-knows-what.


“What are you grinning at?â€


“Oh, Nothing…â€


Anzi said, still smiling.


“Wow, I stink…â€


Phyro said to himself, commenting on his medical condition, but Anzi finished his comment by saying,


“… at fighting.â€


And continued grinning innocently.




“I broke a fang to save you.â€


Anzi opened the side of her mouth to point to a broken tooth in her mouth. She seemed proud of his, however.


“What, Now you can take on a VohnLa and survive its poisons? Had you not noticed I’m poisoned here?!â€


“Poisoned?! What!â€




Anzi panicked.


“Aah! Poisoned! Quick! We need to find a cure!â€


Anzi made another attempt to lift Phyro and carry him, but this time did not work out so well, as Anzi toppled over with Anzi on top of her.


“Um… Give me a hand, here, will you? Anzu? Qill?â€


She reached her hand out helplessly as Anzu turned the page of one of her books, and Qill sat there, smirking, watching them.


[Qill be teh dumb. >( ]

[Anzi toppled over with Anzi on top of her?]

[Oh thank you Kat and Cheesemaster! I resisted and was hoping someone would catch that!!! *hands Kat the Super Catnip Award... totally edible and hands Cheesemaster the Cheese Whiz award! * ]

SWWWOOOOOOTS! There are some spelling errors in there. I will point some out for Kat Points or Awards...

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[Poor Phyro. ;_; *hug*]

[Yes. Its depressing or something. <.<]

[He should join the mafia. They could protect him.]

[Ooh, Phyro can join teh Kat mafia! You had one of those, right?]

[Yep! But Grim and I are currently the only members. ._.;;; But Phyro would be welcome. We'd could protect him real good like.]

[A-hem. What about Mmmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?]

[What about you?]

[-fwap- Im in yo' mafia too, person! >(]

[*fwapped* Blarg! x_X


Hey, if you're in the mafia, then you shouln't fwap you Da Boss! I should shoot 'choo, fool!]

[but if you do, You'll only have 2 people on yo' Mafia. o_o]

[Three, including Phyro. And before him, that's all we had, so we'll manage.]

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Chapter Twelve

Phyro’s Injury


Phyro walked in the door to Anzi’s old home, and looked about the scenery to find Qill still inactive, and Anzu, sitting in a corner, reading a book as usual, while Anzi sat down, uncomfortably seated, thinking about pretty well everything. Her eyes lit up to see Phyro walking through the door.


“Anzi, Its about four in the morning. Think you ought to get some sleep?â€


Anzi smiled, sleepily and agreeably. She sat up, hugged Phyro affectionately, and walked over to a bed and collapsed on it. Phyro turned to face Anzu, and told her likewise.


“Sleep is for the weak. Besides, This book is better.â€


Not disagreeing, Phyro silently left the house once more and returned with a piece of wood, with which he extended a claw and wrote a note to Anzi on it.


He carved into the wood the following text, to the best of his knowledge, ‘I have left to dwell elsewhere. This place is important to you, I know, and nether of us want it destroyed. … Like my past…’


Phyro placed it on the table next to Qill, who he did not expect to see up any time soon, and then departed to find another place to rest, regardless of the dangers of the world.




Qill yawned, upon waking up, to find herself abnormally exhausted. She felt like she hadn’t slept in days, but nonetheless sat up and looked around to see a piece of wood sitting next to her.


Upon reading it, she thought aloud to herself,


“Finally, Destruction-boy left…â€


Not expecting to hear Qill’s voice for a long time, Anzi immediately awoke and looked over at Qill.


“Qill! You’re awake! … What did you say?â€


Anzi walked over to the table and tried to interpret what Phyro had written.


“What?! He left! He’s going to get himself killed out there alone!â€


Anzi then ran out the door, and immediately began calling Phyro’s name, searching for him all around.


After a good ten minutes of no success in finding Phyro, Anzi sat down under a tree, and sighed, ‘There goes another one…’


She looked around, until she had heard a cough of sorts, which fit Phyro’s voice. Her ears perked up,




She more carefully looked around, as a LehnVak zoomed by, rather agile, apparently following Phyro’s voice. Anzi narrowed her feline eyes and saw Phyro sitting down next to a tree, rather idle.


Anzi jumped up onto the back of the LehnVak, and reached for her sword, to find she did not have it with her. Just like Qill when she was attacked…!


Anzi jumped off, narrowly avoiding the swinging of its staff, as she jumped up and whacked its head with her fists, to find that its head lowers to reveal a similar lime green object like what Phyro had pulled out of the NuvKhal.


Anzi reached in, grabbed the rather slimy green object… and ripped it out. The same thing happened- The LehnVak fell to the ground, lifeless.


Anzi then sprinted over to Phyro, rather relieved to find him, but upon seeing him closer, she gasped and covered her mouth with her hands…


Phyro was in a heap of body now, in a puddle of blood, he appeared to have several broken bones, more cuts and bruises than Anzi cared to count, with multiple parts of his wings torn and broken, rendering them unusable. Being barely alive, Phyro weakly coughed in his uncomfortable position, and continued breathing at a slow pace.


Anzi wordlessly rushed to his side, and tried not to breathe due to a rather foul stench in the air. She scooped her arms underneath Phyro’s injured body, as he twitched painfully. She put all her strength into lifting up his body, upon multiple tries had managed to do so and put his blood-dripping body on her back, struggle against the weight, and slowly make her way back to her home.


Anzi eventually made her way back to the building.


“Are you okay?â€


Anzu asked,


“It’s his blood, not mine.â€


“Is he dead?â€


Qill anxiously asked.


“Not completely…â€


Qill then cursed under her breath, still not necessarily liking Phyro for any reason.


Anzi gathered up bandages and other medical miscellaneous’, and shuddered at the thought of binding his bones back together.


“Ooh! Broken bones! Let me do it!â€


Qill suggested, followed by an evil cackle.


Phyro weakly grunted, while Anzi looked over his body, trying to decide how his body is to be mended.


“I think… his arm… goes like this…â€


Anzi said to herself, as she placed Phyro’s arm in the position she decided would be best, as he let out a quiet moan of pain.


Upon repeating the process, Anzi eventually mended all she could, ignoring Phyro’s twitching, moaning and grunting, and ignoring Qill’s jeers and suggestions of how to heal him.


“There. Now what?â€


Anzi spoke, not necessarily expecting a response from Phyro or anyone else in the room, and then leaned down over Phyro.


“Are you alive?â€


An odd question, but nonetheless, Phyro grunted in response.


“Good! Now, you get some sleep!â€


Anzi grinned at various thoughts going through her head.


“… Pervert.â€


Anzu muttered to Anzi, seeing what she was doing.


Anzi sighed,


“He’s heavy, and I smell of elf.â€


Anzi re-noticed all the blood that covered her body, and the odd stench she was bringing into the building.


“I need a shower,â€


Anzi walked over to an old tattered door.


“Tell me when he wakes up.â€


She closed the door behind her, and did as she said she would.


A few hours later, Phyro began stirring and had attempted to sit up.


“Hey, You’re up!â€


Anzi commented as she walked over to him, with different clothing on, and now less bloodstained.


“Not all the way…â€


Anzi ignored his comment, and hugged him affectionately. Phyro’s back had then cracked horribly, rendering him immobile for a longer time, as Phyro suspected that Anzi did this purposefully, for superiority.


“So… How is Qill?â€


Phyro asked Anzi.


“See for yourself, moron.â€


Qill shot at Phyro from the other side of the room, glaring at him. Phyro ignored her and asked Anzi once more.


Anzi looked at Qill longingly, as if she missed her before all this had happened. Phyro thought it best to change the subject. He then moved his backbones in place, and jumped to his feet.


“I’m alright!â€


“Are you sure?â€


After Anzi asked this, Phyro collapsed once more on the ground, causing great pain to himself from broken bones and otherwise wounds.




Anzi grinned.


“Oh, That’s what I thought.â€


“You make that sound like a good thing.â€


Phyro commented as he struggled to get back on to the bed Anzi had put him on.


Anzi continued grinning to herself, thinking about who-knows-what.


“What are you grinning at?â€


“Oh, Nothing…â€


Anzi said, still smiling.


“Wow, I stink…â€


Phyro said to himself, commenting on his medical condition, but Anzi finished his comment by saying,


“… at fighting.â€


And continued grinning innocently.




“I broke a fang to save you.â€


Anzi opened the side of her mouth to point to a broken tooth in her mouth. She seemed proud of his, however.


“What, Now you can take on a VohnLa and survive its poisons? Had you not noticed I’m poisoned here?!â€


“Poisoned?! What!â€




Anzi panicked.


“Aah! Poisoned! Quick! We need to find a cure!â€


Anzi made another attempt to lift Phyro and carry him, but this time did not work out so well, as Anzi toppled over with Anzi on top of her.


“Um… Give me a hand, here, will you? Anzu? Qill?â€


She reached her hand out helplessly as Anzu turned the page of one of her books, and Qill sat there, smirking, watching them.


[Qill be teh dumb. >( ]

[Anzi toppled over with Anzi on top of her?]

[Oh thank you Kat and Cheesemaster! I resisted and was hoping someone would catch that!!! *hands Kat the Super Catnip Award... totally edible and hands Cheesemaster the Cheese Whiz award! * ]

SWWWOOOOOOTS! There are some spelling errors in there. I will point some out for Kat Points or Awards...

[*gives Cheesey 14 points*]

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Chapter Twelve

Phyro’s Injury


Phyro walked in the door to Anzi’s old home, and looked about the scenery to find Qill still inactive, and Anzu, sitting in a corner, reading a book as usual, while Anzi sat down, uncomfortably seated, thinking about pretty well everything. Her eyes lit up to see Phyro walking through the door.


“Anzi, Its about four in the morning. Think you ought to get some sleep?â€


Anzi smiled, sleepily and agreeably. She sat up, hugged Phyro affectionately, and walked over to a bed and collapsed on it. Phyro turned to face Anzu, and told her likewise.


“Sleep is for the weak. Besides, This book is better.â€


Not disagreeing, Phyro silently left the house once more and returned with a piece of wood, with which he extended a claw and wrote a note to Anzi on it.


He carved into the wood the following text, to the best of his knowledge, ‘I have left to dwell elsewhere. This place is important to you, I know, and nether of us want it destroyed. … Like my past…’


Phyro placed it on the table next to Qill, who he did not expect to see up any time soon, and then departed to find another place to rest, regardless of the dangers of the world.




Qill yawned, upon waking up, to find herself abnormally exhausted. She felt like she hadn’t slept in days, but nonetheless sat up and looked around to see a piece of wood sitting next to her.


Upon reading it, she thought aloud to herself,


“Finally, Destruction-boy left…â€


Not expecting to hear Qill’s voice for a long time, Anzi immediately awoke and looked over at Qill.


“Qill! You’re awake! … What did you say?â€


Anzi walked over to the table and tried to interpret what Phyro had written.


“What?! He left! He’s going to get himself killed out there alone!â€


Anzi then ran out the door, and immediately began calling Phyro’s name, searching for him all around.


After a good ten minutes of no success in finding Phyro, Anzi sat down under a tree, and sighed, ‘There goes another one…’


She looked around, until she had heard a cough of sorts, which fit Phyro’s voice. Her ears perked up,




She more carefully looked around, as a LehnVak zoomed by, rather agile, apparently following Phyro’s voice. Anzi narrowed her feline eyes and saw Phyro sitting down next to a tree, rather idle.


Anzi jumped up onto the back of the LehnVak, and reached for her sword, to find she did not have it with her. Just like Qill when she was attacked…!


Anzi jumped off, narrowly avoiding the swinging of its staff, as she jumped up and whacked its head with her fists, to find that its head lowers to reveal a similar lime green object like what Phyro had pulled out of the NuvKhal.


Anzi reached in, grabbed the rather slimy green object… and ripped it out. The same thing happened- The LehnVak fell to the ground, lifeless.


Anzi then sprinted over to Phyro, rather relieved to find him, but upon seeing him closer, she gasped and covered her mouth with her hands…


Phyro was in a heap of body now, in a puddle of blood, he appeared to have several broken bones, more cuts and bruises than Anzi cared to count, with multiple parts of his wings torn and broken, rendering them unusable. Being barely alive, Phyro weakly coughed in his uncomfortable position, and continued breathing at a slow pace.


Anzi wordlessly rushed to his side, and tried not to breathe due to a rather foul stench in the air. She scooped her arms underneath Phyro’s injured body, as he twitched painfully. She put all her strength into lifting up his body, upon multiple tries had managed to do so and put his blood-dripping body on her back, struggle against the weight, and slowly make her way back to her home.


Anzi eventually made her way back to the building.


“Are you okay?â€


Anzu asked,


“It’s his blood, not mine.â€


“Is he dead?â€


Qill anxiously asked.


“Not completely…â€


Qill then cursed under her breath, still not necessarily liking Phyro for any reason.


Anzi gathered up bandages and other medical miscellaneous’, and shuddered at the thought of binding his bones back together.


“Ooh! Broken bones! Let me do it!â€


Qill suggested, followed by an evil cackle.


Phyro weakly grunted, while Anzi looked over his body, trying to decide how his body is to be mended.


“I think… his arm… goes like this…â€


Anzi said to herself, as she placed Phyro’s arm in the position she decided would be best, as he let out a quiet moan of pain.


Upon repeating the process, Anzi eventually mended all she could, ignoring Phyro’s twitching, moaning and grunting, and ignoring Qill’s jeers and suggestions of how to heal him.


“There. Now what?â€


Anzi spoke, not necessarily expecting a response from Phyro or anyone else in the room, and then leaned down over Phyro.


“Are you alive?â€


An odd question, but nonetheless, Phyro grunted in response.


“Good! Now, you get some sleep!â€


Anzi grinned at various thoughts going through her head.


“… Pervert.â€


Anzu muttered to Anzi, seeing what she was doing.


Anzi sighed,


“He’s heavy, and I smell of elf.â€


Anzi re-noticed all the blood that covered her body, and the odd stench she was bringing into the building.


“I need a shower,â€


Anzi walked over to an old tattered door.


“Tell me when he wakes up.â€


She closed the door behind her, and did as she said she would.


A few hours later, Phyro began stirring and had attempted to sit up.


“Hey, You’re up!â€


Anzi commented as she walked over to him, with different clothing on, and now less bloodstained.


“Not all the way…â€


Anzi ignored his comment, and hugged him affectionately. Phyro’s back had then cracked horribly, rendering him immobile for a longer time, as Phyro suspected that Anzi did this purposefully, for superiority.


“So… How is Qill?â€


Phyro asked Anzi.


“See for yourself, moron.â€


Qill shot at Phyro from the other side of the room, glaring at him. Phyro ignored her and asked Anzi once more.


Anzi looked at Qill longingly, as if she missed her before all this had happened. Phyro thought it best to change the subject. He then moved his backbones in place, and jumped to his feet.


“I’m alright!â€


“Are you sure?â€


After Anzi asked this, Phyro collapsed once more on the ground, causing great pain to himself from broken bones and otherwise wounds.




Anzi grinned.


“Oh, That’s what I thought.â€


“You make that sound like a good thing.â€


Phyro commented as he struggled to get back on to the bed Anzi had put him on.


Anzi continued grinning to herself, thinking about who-knows-what.


“What are you grinning at?â€


“Oh, Nothing…â€


Anzi said, still smiling.


“Wow, I stink…â€


Phyro said to himself, commenting on his medical condition, but Anzi finished his comment by saying,


“… at fighting.â€


And continued grinning innocently.




“I broke a fang to save you.â€


Anzi opened the side of her mouth to point to a broken tooth in her mouth. She seemed proud of his, however.


“What, Now you can take on a VohnLa and survive its poisons? Had you not noticed I’m poisoned here?!â€


“Poisoned?! What!â€




Anzi panicked.


“Aah! Poisoned! Quick! We need to find a cure!â€


Anzi made another attempt to lift Phyro and carry him, but this time did not work out so well, as Anzi toppled over with Anzi on top of her.


“Um… Give me a hand, here, will you? Anzu? Qill?â€


She reached her hand out helplessly as Anzu turned the page of one of her books, and Qill sat there, smirking, watching them.


[Qill be teh dumb. >( ]

[Anzi toppled over with Anzi on top of her?]

[Oh thank you Kat and Cheesemaster! I resisted and was hoping someone would catch that!!! *hands Kat the Super Catnip Award... totally edible and hands Cheesemaster the Cheese Whiz award! * ]

SWWWOOOOOOTS! There are some spelling errors in there. I will point some out for Kat Points or Awards...

[*gives Cheesey 14 points*]

Mostly just capitalization, but, "nether" is wrong. It is all bolded.

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Chapter Twelve

Phyro’s Injury


Phyro walked in the door to Anzi’s old home, and looked about the scenery to find Qill still inactive, and Anzu, sitting in a corner, reading a book as usual, while Anzi sat down, uncomfortably seated, thinking about pretty well everything. Her eyes lit up to see Phyro walking through the door.


“Anzi, Its about four in the morning. Think you ought to get some sleep?â€


Anzi smiled, sleepily and agreeably. She sat up, hugged Phyro affectionately, and walked over to a bed and collapsed on it. Phyro turned to face Anzu, and told her likewise.


“Sleep is for the weak. Besides, This book is better.â€


Not disagreeing, Phyro silently left the house once more and returned with a piece of wood, with which he extended a claw and wrote a note to Anzi on it.


He carved into the wood the following text, to the best of his knowledge, ‘I have left to dwell elsewhere. This place is important to you, I know, and nether of us want it destroyed. … Like my past…’


Phyro placed it on the table next to Qill, who he did not expect to see up any time soon, and then departed to find another place to rest, regardless of the dangers of the world.




Qill yawned, upon waking up, to find herself abnormally exhausted. She felt like she hadn’t slept in days, but nonetheless sat up and looked around to see a piece of wood sitting next to her.


Upon reading it, she thought aloud to herself,


“Finally, Destruction-boy left…â€


Not expecting to hear Qill’s voice for a long time, Anzi immediately awoke and looked over at Qill.


“Qill! You’re awake! … What did you say?â€


Anzi walked over to the table and tried to interpret what Phyro had written.


“What?! He left! He’s going to get himself killed out there alone!â€


Anzi then ran out the door, and immediately began calling Phyro’s name, searching for him all around.


After a good ten minutes of no success in finding Phyro, Anzi sat down under a tree, and sighed, ‘There goes another one…’


She looked around, until she had heard a cough of sorts, which fit Phyro’s voice. Her ears perked up,




She more carefully looked around, as a LehnVak zoomed by, rather agile, apparently following Phyro’s voice. Anzi narrowed her feline eyes and saw Phyro sitting down next to a tree, rather idle.


Anzi jumped up onto the back of the LehnVak, and reached for her sword, to find she did not have it with her. Just like Qill when she was attacked…!


Anzi jumped off, narrowly avoiding the swinging of its staff, as she jumped up and whacked its head with her fists, to find that its head lowers to reveal a similar lime green object like what Phyro had pulled out of the NuvKhal.


Anzi reached in, grabbed the rather slimy green object… and ripped it out. The same thing happened- The LehnVak fell to the ground, lifeless.


Anzi then sprinted over to Phyro, rather relieved to find him, but upon seeing him closer, she gasped and covered her mouth with her hands…


Phyro was in a heap of body now, in a puddle of blood, he appeared to have several broken bones, more cuts and bruises than Anzi cared to count, with multiple parts of his wings torn and broken, rendering them unusable. Being barely alive, Phyro weakly coughed in his uncomfortable position, and continued breathing at a slow pace.


Anzi wordlessly rushed to his side, and tried not to breathe due to a rather foul stench in the air. She scooped her arms underneath Phyro’s injured body, as he twitched painfully. She put all her strength into lifting up his body, upon multiple tries had managed to do so and put his blood-dripping body on her back, struggle against the weight, and slowly make her way back to her home.


Anzi eventually made her way back to the building.


“Are you okay?â€


Anzu asked,


“It’s his blood, not mine.â€


“Is he dead?â€


Qill anxiously asked.


“Not completely…â€


Qill then cursed under her breath, still not necessarily liking Phyro for any reason.


Anzi gathered up bandages and other medical miscellaneous’, and shuddered at the thought of binding his bones back together.


“Ooh! Broken bones! Let me do it!â€


Qill suggested, followed by an evil cackle.


Phyro weakly grunted, while Anzi looked over his body, trying to decide how his body is to be mended.


“I think… his arm… goes like this…â€


Anzi said to herself, as she placed Phyro’s arm in the position she decided would be best, as he let out a quiet moan of pain.


Upon repeating the process, Anzi eventually mended all she could, ignoring Phyro’s twitching, moaning and grunting, and ignoring Qill’s jeers and suggestions of how to heal him.


“There. Now what?â€


Anzi spoke, not necessarily expecting a response from Phyro or anyone else in the room, and then leaned down over Phyro.


“Are you alive?â€


An odd question, but nonetheless, Phyro grunted in response.


“Good! Now, you get some sleep!â€


Anzi grinned at various thoughts going through her head.


“… Pervert.â€


Anzu muttered to Anzi, seeing what she was doing.


Anzi sighed,


“He’s heavy, and I smell of elf.â€


Anzi re-noticed all the blood that covered her body, and the odd stench she was bringing into the building.


“I need a shower,â€


Anzi walked over to an old tattered door.


“Tell me when he wakes up.â€


She closed the door behind her, and did as she said she would.


A few hours later, Phyro began stirring and had attempted to sit up.


“Hey, You’re up!â€


Anzi commented as she walked over to him, with different clothing on, and now less bloodstained.


“Not all the way…â€


Anzi ignored his comment, and hugged him affectionately. Phyro’s back had then cracked horribly, rendering him immobile for a longer time, as Phyro suspected that Anzi did this purposefully, for superiority.


“So… How is Qill?â€


Phyro asked Anzi.


“See for yourself, moron.â€


Qill shot at Phyro from the other side of the room, glaring at him. Phyro ignored her and asked Anzi once more.


Anzi looked at Qill longingly, as if she missed her before all this had happened. Phyro thought it best to change the subject. He then moved his backbones in place, and jumped to his feet.


“I’m alright!â€


“Are you sure?â€


After Anzi asked this, Phyro collapsed once more on the ground, causing great pain to himself from broken bones and otherwise wounds.




Anzi grinned.


“Oh, That’s what I thought.â€


“You make that sound like a good thing.â€


Phyro commented as he struggled to get back on to the bed Anzi had put him on.


Anzi continued grinning to herself, thinking about who-knows-what.


“What are you grinning at?â€


“Oh, Nothing…â€


Anzi said, still smiling.


“Wow, I stink…â€


Phyro said to himself, commenting on his medical condition, but Anzi finished his comment by saying,


“… at fighting.â€


And continued grinning innocently.




“I broke a fang to save you.â€


Anzi opened the side of her mouth to point to a broken tooth in her mouth. She seemed proud of his, however.


“What, Now you can take on a VohnLa and survive its poisons? Had you not noticed I’m poisoned here?!â€


“Poisoned?! What!â€




Anzi panicked.


“Aah! Poisoned! Quick! We need to find a cure!â€


Anzi made another attempt to lift Phyro and carry him, but this time did not work out so well, as Anzi toppled over with Anzi on top of her.


“Um… Give me a hand, here, will you? Anzu? Qill?â€


She reached her hand out helplessly as Anzu turned the page of one of her books, and Qill sat there, smirking, watching them.


[Qill be teh dumb. >( ]

[Anzi toppled over with Anzi on top of her?]

[Oh thank you Kat and Cheesemaster! I resisted and was hoping someone would catch that!!! *hands Kat the Super Catnip Award... totally edible and hands Cheesemaster the Cheese Whiz award! * ]

SWWWOOOOOOTS! There are some spelling errors in there. I will point some out for Kat Points or Awards...

[*gives Cheesey 14 points*]

Mostly just capitalization, but, "nether" is wrong. It is all bolded.

I have this horrible habit of writing of always capitalizing stuff after commas. x_O

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Chapter Twelve

Phyro’s Injury


Phyro walked in the door to Anzi’s old home, and looked about the scenery to find Qill still inactive, and Anzu, sitting in a corner, reading a book as usual, while Anzi sat down, uncomfortably seated, thinking about pretty well everything. Her eyes lit up to see Phyro walking through the door.


“Anzi, Its about four in the morning. Think you ought to get some sleep?â€


Anzi smiled, sleepily and agreeably. She sat up, hugged Phyro affectionately, and walked over to a bed and collapsed on it. Phyro turned to face Anzu, and told her likewise.


“Sleep is for the weak. Besides, This book is better.â€


Not disagreeing, Phyro silently left the house once more and returned with a piece of wood, with which he extended a claw and wrote a note to Anzi on it.


He carved into the wood the following text, to the best of his knowledge, ‘I have left to dwell elsewhere. This place is important to you, I know, and nether of us want it destroyed. … Like my past…’


Phyro placed it on the table next to Qill, who he did not expect to see up any time soon, and then departed to find another place to rest, regardless of the dangers of the world.




Qill yawned, upon waking up, to find herself abnormally exhausted. She felt like she hadn’t slept in days, but nonetheless sat up and looked around to see a piece of wood sitting next to her.


Upon reading it, she thought aloud to herself,


“Finally, Destruction-boy left…â€


Not expecting to hear Qill’s voice for a long time, Anzi immediately awoke and looked over at Qill.


“Qill! You’re awake! … What did you say?â€


Anzi walked over to the table and tried to interpret what Phyro had written.


“What?! He left! He’s going to get himself killed out there alone!â€


Anzi then ran out the door, and immediately began calling Phyro’s name, searching for him all around.


After a good ten minutes of no success in finding Phyro, Anzi sat down under a tree, and sighed, ‘There goes another one…’


She looked around, until she had heard a cough of sorts, which fit Phyro’s voice. Her ears perked up,




She more carefully looked around, as a LehnVak zoomed by, rather agile, apparently following Phyro’s voice. Anzi narrowed her feline eyes and saw Phyro sitting down next to a tree, rather idle.


Anzi jumped up onto the back of the LehnVak, and reached for her sword, to find she did not have it with her. Just like Qill when she was attacked…!


Anzi jumped off, narrowly avoiding the swinging of its staff, as she jumped up and whacked its head with her fists, to find that its head lowers to reveal a similar lime green object like what Phyro had pulled out of the NuvKhal.


Anzi reached in, grabbed the rather slimy green object… and ripped it out. The same thing happened- The LehnVak fell to the ground, lifeless.


Anzi then sprinted over to Phyro, rather relieved to find him, but upon seeing him closer, she gasped and covered her mouth with her hands…


Phyro was in a heap of body now, in a puddle of blood, he appeared to have several broken bones, more cuts and bruises than Anzi cared to count, with multiple parts of his wings torn and broken, rendering them unusable. Being barely alive, Phyro weakly coughed in his uncomfortable position, and continued breathing at a slow pace.


Anzi wordlessly rushed to his side, and tried not to breathe due to a rather foul stench in the air. She scooped her arms underneath Phyro’s injured body, as he twitched painfully. She put all her strength into lifting up his body, upon multiple tries had managed to do so and put his blood-dripping body on her back, struggle against the weight, and slowly make her way back to her home.


Anzi eventually made her way back to the building.


“Are you okay?â€


Anzu asked,


“It’s his blood, not mine.â€


“Is he dead?â€


Qill anxiously asked.


“Not completely…â€


Qill then cursed under her breath, still not necessarily liking Phyro for any reason.


Anzi gathered up bandages and other medical miscellaneous’, and shuddered at the thought of binding his bones back together.


“Ooh! Broken bones! Let me do it!â€


Qill suggested, followed by an evil cackle.


Phyro weakly grunted, while Anzi looked over his body, trying to decide how his body is to be mended.


“I think… his arm… goes like this…â€


Anzi said to herself, as she placed Phyro’s arm in the position she decided would be best, as he let out a quiet moan of pain.


Upon repeating the process, Anzi eventually mended all she could, ignoring Phyro’s twitching, moaning and grunting, and ignoring Qill’s jeers and suggestions of how to heal him.


“There. Now what?â€


Anzi spoke, not necessarily expecting a response from Phyro or anyone else in the room, and then leaned down over Phyro.


“Are you alive?â€


An odd question, but nonetheless, Phyro grunted in response.


“Good! Now, you get some sleep!â€


Anzi grinned at various thoughts going through her head.


“… Pervert.â€


Anzu muttered to Anzi, seeing what she was doing.


Anzi sighed,


“He’s heavy, and I smell of elf.â€


Anzi re-noticed all the blood that covered her body, and the odd stench she was bringing into the building.


“I need a shower,â€


Anzi walked over to an old tattered door.


“Tell me when he wakes up.â€


She closed the door behind her, and did as she said she would.


A few hours later, Phyro began stirring and had attempted to sit up.


“Hey, You’re up!â€


Anzi commented as she walked over to him, with different clothing on, and now less bloodstained.


“Not all the way…â€


Anzi ignored his comment, and hugged him affectionately. Phyro’s back had then cracked horribly, rendering him immobile for a longer time, as Phyro suspected that Anzi did this purposefully, for superiority.


“So… How is Qill?â€


Phyro asked Anzi.


“See for yourself, moron.â€


Qill shot at Phyro from the other side of the room, glaring at him. Phyro ignored her and asked Anzi once more.


Anzi looked at Qill longingly, as if she missed her before all this had happened. Phyro thought it best to change the subject. He then moved his backbones in place, and jumped to his feet.


“I’m alright!â€


“Are you sure?â€


After Anzi asked this, Phyro collapsed once more on the ground, causing great pain to himself from broken bones and otherwise wounds.




Anzi grinned.


“Oh, That’s what I thought.â€


“You make that sound like a good thing.â€


Phyro commented as he struggled to get back on to the bed Anzi had put him on.


Anzi continued grinning to herself, thinking about who-knows-what.


“What are you grinning at?â€


“Oh, Nothing…â€


Anzi said, still smiling.


“Wow, I stink…â€


Phyro said to himself, commenting on his medical condition, but Anzi finished his comment by saying,


“… at fighting.â€


And continued grinning innocently.




“I broke a fang to save you.â€


Anzi opened the side of her mouth to point to a broken tooth in her mouth. She seemed proud of his, however.


“What, Now you can take on a VohnLa and survive its poisons? Had you not noticed I’m poisoned here?!â€


“Poisoned?! What!â€




Anzi panicked.


“Aah! Poisoned! Quick! We need to find a cure!â€


Anzi made another attempt to lift Phyro and carry him, but this time did not work out so well, as Anzi toppled over with Anzi on top of her.


“Um… Give me a hand, here, will you? Anzu? Qill?â€


She reached her hand out helplessly as Anzu turned the page of one of her books, and Qill sat there, smirking, watching them.


[Qill be teh dumb. >( ]

[Anzi toppled over with Anzi on top of her?]

[Oh thank you Kat and Cheesemaster! I resisted and was hoping someone would catch that!!! *hands Kat the Super Catnip Award... totally edible and hands Cheesemaster the Cheese Whiz award! * ]

SWWWOOOOOOTS! There are some spelling errors in there. I will point some out for Kat Points or Awards...

[*gives Cheesey 14 points*]

Mostly just capitalization, but, "nether" is wrong. It is all bolded.

I have this horrible habit of writing of always capitalizing stuff after commas. x_O

So do I! :lol:

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Chapter Twelve

Phyro’s Injury


Phyro walked in the door to Anzi’s old home, and looked about the scenery to find Qill still inactive, and Anzu, sitting in a corner, reading a book as usual, while Anzi sat down, uncomfortably seated, thinking about pretty well everything. Her eyes lit up to see Phyro walking through the door.


“Anzi, Its about four in the morning. Think you ought to get some sleep?â€


Anzi smiled, sleepily and agreeably. She sat up, hugged Phyro affectionately, and walked over to a bed and collapsed on it. Phyro turned to face Anzu, and told her likewise.


“Sleep is for the weak. Besides, This book is better.â€


Not disagreeing, Phyro silently left the house once more and returned with a piece of wood, with which he extended a claw and wrote a note to Anzi on it.


He carved into the wood the following text, to the best of his knowledge, ‘I have left to dwell elsewhere. This place is important to you, I know, and nether of us want it destroyed. … Like my past…’


Phyro placed it on the table next to Qill, who he did not expect to see up any time soon, and then departed to find another place to rest, regardless of the dangers of the world.




Qill yawned, upon waking up, to find herself abnormally exhausted. She felt like she hadn’t slept in days, but nonetheless sat up and looked around to see a piece of wood sitting next to her.


Upon reading it, she thought aloud to herself,


“Finally, Destruction-boy left…â€


Not expecting to hear Qill’s voice for a long time, Anzi immediately awoke and looked over at Qill.


“Qill! You’re awake! … What did you say?â€


Anzi walked over to the table and tried to interpret what Phyro had written.


“What?! He left! He’s going to get himself killed out there alone!â€


Anzi then ran out the door, and immediately began calling Phyro’s name, searching for him all around.


After a good ten minutes of no success in finding Phyro, Anzi sat down under a tree, and sighed, ‘There goes another one…’


She looked around, until she had heard a cough of sorts, which fit Phyro’s voice. Her ears perked up,




She more carefully looked around, as a LehnVak zoomed by, rather agile, apparently following Phyro’s voice. Anzi narrowed her feline eyes and saw Phyro sitting down next to a tree, rather idle.


Anzi jumped up onto the back of the LehnVak, and reached for her sword, to find she did not have it with her. Just like Qill when she was attacked…!


Anzi jumped off, narrowly avoiding the swinging of its staff, as she jumped up and whacked its head with her fists, to find that its head lowers to reveal a similar lime green object like what Phyro had pulled out of the NuvKhal.


Anzi reached in, grabbed the rather slimy green object… and ripped it out. The same thing happened- The LehnVak fell to the ground, lifeless.


Anzi then sprinted over to Phyro, rather relieved to find him, but upon seeing him closer, she gasped and covered her mouth with her hands…


Phyro was in a heap of body now, in a puddle of blood, he appeared to have several broken bones, more cuts and bruises than Anzi cared to count, with multiple parts of his wings torn and broken, rendering them unusable. Being barely alive, Phyro weakly coughed in his uncomfortable position, and continued breathing at a slow pace.


Anzi wordlessly rushed to his side, and tried not to breathe due to a rather foul stench in the air. She scooped her arms underneath Phyro’s injured body, as he twitched painfully. She put all her strength into lifting up his body, upon multiple tries had managed to do so and put his blood-dripping body on her back, struggle against the weight, and slowly make her way back to her home.


Anzi eventually made her way back to the building.


“Are you okay?â€


Anzu asked,


“It’s his blood, not mine.â€


“Is he dead?â€


Qill anxiously asked.


“Not completely…â€


Qill then cursed under her breath, still not necessarily liking Phyro for any reason.


Anzi gathered up bandages and other medical miscellaneous’, and shuddered at the thought of binding his bones back together.


“Ooh! Broken bones! Let me do it!â€


Qill suggested, followed by an evil cackle.


Phyro weakly grunted, while Anzi looked over his body, trying to decide how his body is to be mended.


“I think… his arm… goes like this…â€


Anzi said to herself, as she placed Phyro’s arm in the position she decided would be best, as he let out a quiet moan of pain.


Upon repeating the process, Anzi eventually mended all she could, ignoring Phyro’s twitching, moaning and grunting, and ignoring Qill’s jeers and suggestions of how to heal him.


“There. Now what?â€


Anzi spoke, not necessarily expecting a response from Phyro or anyone else in the room, and then leaned down over Phyro.


“Are you alive?â€


An odd question, but nonetheless, Phyro grunted in response.


“Good! Now, you get some sleep!â€


Anzi grinned at various thoughts going through her head.


“… Pervert.â€


Anzu muttered to Anzi, seeing what she was doing.


Anzi sighed,


“He’s heavy, and I smell of elf.â€


Anzi re-noticed all the blood that covered her body, and the odd stench she was bringing into the building.


“I need a shower,â€


Anzi walked over to an old tattered door.


“Tell me when he wakes up.â€


She closed the door behind her, and did as she said she would.


A few hours later, Phyro began stirring and had attempted to sit up.


“Hey, You’re up!â€


Anzi commented as she walked over to him, with different clothing on, and now less bloodstained.


“Not all the way…â€


Anzi ignored his comment, and hugged him affectionately. Phyro’s back had then cracked horribly, rendering him immobile for a longer time, as Phyro suspected that Anzi did this purposefully, for superiority.


“So… How is Qill?â€


Phyro asked Anzi.


“See for yourself, moron.â€


Qill shot at Phyro from the other side of the room, glaring at him. Phyro ignored her and asked Anzi once more.


Anzi looked at Qill longingly, as if she missed her before all this had happened. Phyro thought it best to change the subject. He then moved his backbones in place, and jumped to his feet.


“I’m alright!â€


“Are you sure?â€


After Anzi asked this, Phyro collapsed once more on the ground, causing great pain to himself from broken bones and otherwise wounds.




Anzi grinned.


“Oh, That’s what I thought.â€


“You make that sound like a good thing.â€


Phyro commented as he struggled to get back on to the bed Anzi had put him on.


Anzi continued grinning to herself, thinking about who-knows-what.


“What are you grinning at?â€


“Oh, Nothing…â€


Anzi said, still smiling.


“Wow, I stink…â€


Phyro said to himself, commenting on his medical condition, but Anzi finished his comment by saying,


“… at fighting.â€


And continued grinning innocently.




“I broke a fang to save you.â€


Anzi opened the side of her mouth to point to a broken tooth in her mouth. She seemed proud of his, however.


“What, Now you can take on a VohnLa and survive its poisons? Had you not noticed I’m poisoned here?!â€


“Poisoned?! What!â€




Anzi panicked.


“Aah! Poisoned! Quick! We need to find a cure!â€


Anzi made another attempt to lift Phyro and carry him, but this time did not work out so well, as Anzi toppled over with Anzi on top of her.


“Um… Give me a hand, here, will you? Anzu? Qill?â€


She reached her hand out helplessly as Anzu turned the page of one of her books, and Qill sat there, smirking, watching them.


[Qill be teh dumb. >( ]

[Anzi toppled over with Anzi on top of her?]

[Oh thank you Kat and Cheesemaster! I resisted and was hoping someone would catch that!!! *hands Kat the Super Catnip Award... totally edible and hands Cheesemaster the Cheese Whiz award! * ]

SWWWOOOOOOTS! There are some spelling errors in there. I will point some out for Kat Points or Awards...

[*gives Cheesey 14 points*]

Mostly just capitalization, but, "nether" is wrong. It is all bolded.

I have this horrible habit of writing of always capitalizing stuff after commas. x_O

[You should stop doing that.]

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[May need vague moderation.]


Chapter Thirteen

Qill’s Darker Side


“Anzi, Calm down. Due to draconic body parts I have, I’m mostly immune to its fatal effects. It has a paralysis effect every few minutes, and makes me immensely weaker for a few days. Perfect timing for it, too.â€


Phyro explained, glancing at Qill, who was intently listening, devising some form of plan.


“Ah, Okay…â€


A short moment of silence.


“So would you mind getting off of me?â€


“I would if I could. Paralysis?â€


“Oh yeah… …â€


After a few moments, Phyro regained his strength temporarily and sat himself up, and eventually stood up next to Anzi.




Qill commented, smirking as she watched Phyro weaken.


“Would you shut up…â€


Phyro looked away, and sighed in agitation.


“I’m almost starting to wish that LehnVak had taken your life, as well…â€


“That’s not something that someone who is frequently paralyzed would want to say…â€


Qill said as she stood up, and got up in Phyro’s face, or at least tried to, considering he was quite taller.


Phyro’s breathing got heavier as he intentionally expelled small flames from his nostrils, as he extended his claws behind his back, ready to attack. Likewise, Qill put her hand over her sword and smirked tauntingly.


Phyro spread his wings out to a wider span, revealing the blades on his wings, as he breathed deeper, creating larger flares, as he growled at Qill.


“Ooh, I’m so scared…â€


Qill commented, bearing her fangs.


Just before Phyro was about to strike, losing his tolerance, Anzi stepped between them and pushed them away from each other.


“Play nice, children…â€


Phyro twitched, and fell over, paralyzed once more due to the toxins in his body, just before Anzi reached over and had caught him in mid-air.


“Hey now, You’re going to hurt yourself standing up. Sit down!â€


Anzi set Phyro down on the ground in a sitting position, leaning against a wall.


“I would if I could, Anzi…â€


Anzi stood up, and looked over at Qill.


“Qill, Anzu… I’m heading out for a while. And when I come back, I expect to see Qill and Phyro alive.â€


“What about burnt to a crisp?â€




Anzi strode out the building in a hurry, leaving Phyro open and vulnerable to whatever Qill may do.


She smirked more deviously, and looked over at her sister.


“Anzu, Would you object if I were to-“


“Do whatever, as long as you keep quiet.â€


Anzu replied before Qill could finish, intently staring at the book before her, reading it excitedly.


Phyro did what he could to hide his fearful look as Qill approached him with a drawn blade, as she leaned down next to his immobile body, placing her sword on his neck.




Qill spoke, wanting to put an end to what he was doing, and was just about to pull her sword away in a motion that would have cut Phyro’s throat, but Phyro had interrupted her attack,




Phyro replied, finding he was no longer paralyzed, as he curled his hand into a fist and punched at Qill in the face, causing her to drop the blade, and fall over with a bleeding nose.


Seizing the opportunity, Phyro grabbed at her sword and blew fire on it, careful not to set the building ablaze as well, until the sword was hot enough, as Phyro placed one of his remaining claws on the edge, and pressed it to the sword, and moved it around until the edge had melded into a very dull edge.


Phyro tossed aside the metal stick, which used to be Qill’s sword, as he weakly stood up, and instantly remembered about all the broken bones in his body, and the multiple, but bandaged, wounds in various places.


Supporting himself by the wall, Phyro half-stood up, facing Qill, sustaining great pain as he panted.


Qill sat up, one hand covering her bloody nose.


“You’ve got nerve, kid. I’ll give you that.â€


“Great, then. We’ll call it a truce.â€


“Oh no, I’m not done with you, yet…â€


Qill grinned demonically as she approached Phyro, both of them somewhat struggling to stand.


“Hey lovebirds, Mind keeping it down?â€


Anzu commented from behind her book, as she continued reading. Qill glared at her, and approached Phyro, whom defensively took a breath in and prepared to torch Qill, but she just looked at him tauntingly, not touching him. Phyro, Who had not caught on to the strategy beforehand, then half-exhaled, and fell over, paralyzed, entirely defenseless before Qill.


‘Perfect timing…’


Phyro thought to himself as he helplessly felt Qill arrange his body around next to the wall, inasmuch he was now mostly upside-down, with every broken limb bent, causing him great pain as she leaned on his twisted body, in a supposedly relaxed manner.


As if she had just remembered to do so, Qill perked up once more and began unbandaging Phyro’s various wounds that Anzi had attempted to take care of. But all Phyro could do was sit there, and sustain ever-increasing pain as Qill took the strands of cloth that were somewhat bloodstained, and used them to bind Phyro so that when he would regain his strength, he couldn’t move.


Upon tying his wrists together, Qill figured his legs were too damaged to be of much use regardless of if they were tied down or not, considering Phyro had somewhat draconic limbs that would not move in the direction necessary for Phyro to stand without help of someone else, or his arms.


After checking him over to ensure the most discomforted position possible, Qill stepped aside and pushed Phyro down on to the ground, and comfortably sat down on his crumpled body.


After a short moment or two of this, Phyro felt his muscles regain vitality, as he struggled against Qill’s weight, blinding pain, and the bandages that were tying his limbs to where he could not use them where they should be closing his wounds.


Phyro clenched his fists together, and gnashed his jaws together, trying to suppress cries of pain and frustration in his helpless position.


Phyro felt bones in his body cracking and sustaining increasing pressure as time passed, almost to the point where he could bear it no more…


“Qill! You pervert, What are you doing?â€


An incredulous voice sounded from over in Anzu’s direction, who was peering over the top of her book to see Qill sitting on top of Phyro in unnecessary positions.


“I’d have figured that whole Jared and you thing would have put a stop to that kind of behavior!â€


Phyro felt muscles tense in Qill’s… body, as the name Jared was mentioned.


“It’s not what it looks like, Anzu!â€


Qill tried to explain as she stood up, leaving Phyro on the ground, still unbandaged and injured.


“And don’t you go talking about… about… him… like that…!â€


Qill’s voice wandered as she spoke, drifting off into various memories.


“Either way, Would you care to explain why Phyro there is in such a position? I thought Anzi had fixed up his wounds there.â€


Qill looked very agitated.


“He… Well, I… That’s… the point!â€




Anzu raised an eyebrow, as she set aside her book and walked over to Phyro and began untying him.


“Hey! What are you doing!â€


“What were you doing, Qill? He’s got broken bones, here!â€


“I know!â€


“Anzu… Tame your siblings sometime, will you?â€


Phyro commented as he freely moved his limbs now, as he felt himself much, much more pain tolerant of his wounds as opposed to before.


[i found parts of this to be fairly humorous. <.<]

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[May need vague moderation.]


Chapter Thirteen

Qill’s Darker Side


“Anzi, Calm down. Due to draconic body parts I have, I’m mostly immune to its fatal effects. It has a paralysis effect every few minutes, and makes me immensely weaker for a few days. Perfect timing for it, too.â€


Phyro explained, glancing at Qill, who was intently listening, devising some form of plan.


“Ah, Okay…â€


A short moment of silence.


“So would you mind getting off of me?â€


“I would if I could. Paralysis?â€


“Oh yeah… …â€


After a few moments, Phyro regained his strength temporarily and sat himself up, and eventually stood up next to Anzi.




Qill commented, smirking as she watched Phyro weaken.


“Would you shut up…â€


Phyro looked away, and sighed in agitation.


“I’m almost starting to wish that LehnVak had taken your life, as well…â€


“That’s not something that someone who is frequently paralyzed would want to say…â€


Qill said as she stood up, and got up in Phyro’s face, or at least tried to, considering he was quite taller.


Phyro’s breathing got heavier as he intentionally expelled small flames from his nostrils, as he extended his claws behind his back, ready to attack. Likewise, Qill put her hand over her sword and smirked tauntingly.


Phyro spread his wings out to a wider span, revealing the blades on his wings, as he breathed deeper, creating larger flares, as he growled at Qill.


“Ooh, I’m so scared…â€


Qill commented, bearing her fangs.


Just before Phyro was about to strike, losing his tolerance, Anzi stepped between them and pushed them away from each other.


“Play nice, children…â€


Phyro twitched, and fell over, paralyzed once more due to the toxins in his body, just before Anzi reached over and had caught him in mid-air.


“Hey now, You’re going to hurt yourself standing up. Sit down!â€


Anzi set Phyro down on the ground in a sitting position, leaning against a wall.


“I would if I could, Anzi…â€


Anzi stood up, and looked over at Qill.


“Qill, Anzu… I’m heading out for a while. And when I come back, I expect to see Qill and Phyro alive.â€


“What about burnt to a crisp?â€




Anzi strode out the building in a hurry, leaving Phyro open and vulnerable to whatever Qill may do.


She smirked more deviously, and looked over at her sister.


“Anzu, Would you object if I were to-“


“Do whatever, as long as you keep quiet.â€


Anzu replied before Qill could finish, intently staring at the book before her, reading it excitedly.


Phyro did what he could to hide his fearful look as Qill approached him with a drawn blade, as she leaned down next to his immobile body, placing her sword on his neck.




Qill spoke, wanting to put an end to what he was doing, and was just about to pull her sword away in a motion that would have cut Phyro’s throat, but Phyro had interrupted her attack,




Phyro replied, finding he was no longer paralyzed, as he curled his hand into a fist and punched at Qill in the face, causing her to drop the blade, and fall over with a bleeding nose.


Seizing the opportunity, Phyro grabbed at her sword and blew fire on it, careful not to set the building ablaze as well, until the sword was hot enough, as Phyro placed one of his remaining claws on the edge, and pressed it to the sword, and moved it around until the edge had melded into a very dull edge.


Phyro tossed aside the metal stick, which used to be Qill’s sword, as he weakly stood up, and instantly remembered about all the broken bones in his body, and the multiple, but bandaged, wounds in various places.


Supporting himself by the wall, Phyro half-stood up, facing Qill, sustaining great pain as he panted.


Qill sat up, one hand covering her bloody nose.


“You’ve got nerve, kid. I’ll give you that.â€


“Great, then. We’ll call it a truce.â€


“Oh no, I’m not done with you, yet…â€


Qill grinned demonically as she approached Phyro, both of them somewhat struggling to stand.


“Hey lovebirds, Mind keeping it down?â€


Anzu commented from behind her book, as she continued reading. Qill glared at her, and approached Phyro, whom defensively took a breath in and prepared to torch Qill, but she just looked at him tauntingly, not touching him. Phyro, Who had not caught on to the strategy beforehand, then half-exhaled, and fell over, paralyzed, entirely defenseless before Qill.


‘Perfect timing…’


Phyro thought to himself as he helplessly felt Qill arrange his body around next to the wall, inasmuch he was now mostly upside-down, with every broken limb bent, causing him great pain as she leaned on his twisted body, in a supposedly relaxed manner.


As if she had just remembered to do so, Qill perked up once more and began unbandaging Phyro’s various wounds that Anzi had attempted to take care of. But all Phyro could do was sit there, and sustain ever-increasing pain as Qill took the strands of cloth that were somewhat bloodstained, and used them to bind Phyro so that when he would regain his strength, he couldn’t move.


Upon tying his wrists together, Qill figured his legs were too damaged to be of much use regardless of if they were tied down or not, considering Phyro had somewhat draconic limbs that would not move in the direction necessary for Phyro to stand without help of someone else, or his arms.


After checking him over to ensure the most discomforted position possible, Qill stepped aside and pushed Phyro down on to the ground, and comfortably sat down on his crumpled body.


After a short moment or two of this, Phyro felt his muscles regain vitality, as he struggled against Qill’s weight, blinding pain, and the bandages that were tying his limbs to where he could not use them where they should be closing his wounds.


Phyro clenched his fists together, and gnashed his jaws together, trying to suppress cries of pain and frustration in his helpless position.


Phyro felt bones in his body cracking and sustaining increasing pressure as time passed, almost to the point where he could bear it no more…


“Qill! You pervert, What are you doing?â€


An incredulous voice sounded from over in Anzu’s direction, who was peering over the top of her book to see Qill sitting on top of Phyro in unnecessary positions.


“I’d have figured that whole Jared and you thing would have put a stop to that kind of behavior!â€


Phyro felt muscles tense in Qill’s… body, as the name Jared was mentioned.


“It’s not what it looks like, Anzu!â€


Qill tried to explain as she stood up, leaving Phyro on the ground, still unbandaged and injured.


“And don’t you go talking about… about… him… like that…!â€


Qill’s voice wandered as she spoke, drifting off into various memories.


“Either way, Would you care to explain why Phyro there is in such a position? I thought Anzi had fixed up his wounds there.â€


Qill looked very agitated.


“He… Well, I… That’s… the point!â€




Anzu raised an eyebrow, as she set aside her book and walked over to Phyro and began untying him.


“Hey! What are you doing!â€


“What were you doing, Qill? He’s got broken bones, here!â€


“I know!â€


“Anzu… Tame your siblings sometime, will you?â€


Phyro commented as he freely moved his limbs now, as he felt himself much, much more pain tolerant of his wounds as opposed to before.


[i found parts of this to be fairly humorous. <.<]

[so did I. XD Hey, if he's in the mafia, we're supposed to protect him. So...somebody needs to go beat up Qill. I hope that won't be a problem.]

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[May need vague moderation.]


Chapter Thirteen

Qill’s Darker Side


“Anzi, Calm down. Due to draconic body parts I have, I’m mostly immune to its fatal effects. It has a paralysis effect every few minutes, and makes me immensely weaker for a few days. Perfect timing for it, too.â€


Phyro explained, glancing at Qill, who was intently listening, devising some form of plan.


“Ah, Okay…â€


A short moment of silence.


“So would you mind getting off of me?â€


“I would if I could. Paralysis?â€


“Oh yeah… …â€


After a few moments, Phyro regained his strength temporarily and sat himself up, and eventually stood up next to Anzi.




Qill commented, smirking as she watched Phyro weaken.


“Would you shut up…â€


Phyro looked away, and sighed in agitation.


“I’m almost starting to wish that LehnVak had taken your life, as well…â€


“That’s not something that someone who is frequently paralyzed would want to say…â€


Qill said as she stood up, and got up in Phyro’s face, or at least tried to, considering he was quite taller.


Phyro’s breathing got heavier as he intentionally expelled small flames from his nostrils, as he extended his claws behind his back, ready to attack. Likewise, Qill put her hand over her sword and smirked tauntingly.


Phyro spread his wings out to a wider span, revealing the blades on his wings, as he breathed deeper, creating larger flares, as he growled at Qill.


“Ooh, I’m so scared…â€


Qill commented, bearing her fangs.


Just before Phyro was about to strike, losing his tolerance, Anzi stepped between them and pushed them away from each other.


“Play nice, children…â€


Phyro twitched, and fell over, paralyzed once more due to the toxins in his body, just before Anzi reached over and had caught him in mid-air.


“Hey now, You’re going to hurt yourself standing up. Sit down!â€


Anzi set Phyro down on the ground in a sitting position, leaning against a wall.


“I would if I could, Anzi…â€


Anzi stood up, and looked over at Qill.


“Qill, Anzu… I’m heading out for a while. And when I come back, I expect to see Qill and Phyro alive.â€


“What about burnt to a crisp?â€




Anzi strode out the building in a hurry, leaving Phyro open and vulnerable to whatever Qill may do.


She smirked more deviously, and looked over at her sister.


“Anzu, Would you object if I were to-“


“Do whatever, as long as you keep quiet.â€


Anzu replied before Qill could finish, intently staring at the book before her, reading it excitedly.


Phyro did what he could to hide his fearful look as Qill approached him with a drawn blade, as she leaned down next to his immobile body, placing her sword on his neck.




Qill spoke, wanting to put an end to what he was doing, and was just about to pull her sword away in a motion that would have cut Phyro’s throat, but Phyro had interrupted her attack,




Phyro replied, finding he was no longer paralyzed, as he curled his hand into a fist and punched at Qill in the face, causing her to drop the blade, and fall over with a bleeding nose.


Seizing the opportunity, Phyro grabbed at her sword and blew fire on it, careful not to set the building ablaze as well, until the sword was hot enough, as Phyro placed one of his remaining claws on the edge, and pressed it to the sword, and moved it around until the edge had melded into a very dull edge.


Phyro tossed aside the metal stick, which used to be Qill’s sword, as he weakly stood up, and instantly remembered about all the broken bones in his body, and the multiple, but bandaged, wounds in various places.


Supporting himself by the wall, Phyro half-stood up, facing Qill, sustaining great pain as he panted.


Qill sat up, one hand covering her bloody nose.


“You’ve got nerve, kid. I’ll give you that.â€


“Great, then. We’ll call it a truce.â€


“Oh no, I’m not done with you, yet…â€


Qill grinned demonically as she approached Phyro, both of them somewhat struggling to stand.


“Hey lovebirds, Mind keeping it down?â€


Anzu commented from behind her book, as she continued reading. Qill glared at her, and approached Phyro, whom defensively took a breath in and prepared to torch Qill, but she just looked at him tauntingly, not touching him. Phyro, Who had not caught on to the strategy beforehand, then half-exhaled, and fell over, paralyzed, entirely defenseless before Qill.


‘Perfect timing…’


Phyro thought to himself as he helplessly felt Qill arrange his body around next to the wall, inasmuch he was now mostly upside-down, with every broken limb bent, causing him great pain as she leaned on his twisted body, in a supposedly relaxed manner.


As if she had just remembered to do so, Qill perked up once more and began unbandaging Phyro’s various wounds that Anzi had attempted to take care of. But all Phyro could do was sit there, and sustain ever-increasing pain as Qill took the strands of cloth that were somewhat bloodstained, and used them to bind Phyro so that when he would regain his strength, he couldn’t move.


Upon tying his wrists together, Qill figured his legs were too damaged to be of much use regardless of if they were tied down or not, considering Phyro had somewhat draconic limbs that would not move in the direction necessary for Phyro to stand without help of someone else, or his arms.


After checking him over to ensure the most discomforted position possible, Qill stepped aside and pushed Phyro down on to the ground, and comfortably sat down on his crumpled body.


After a short moment or two of this, Phyro felt his muscles regain vitality, as he struggled against Qill’s weight, blinding pain, and the bandages that were tying his limbs to where he could not use them where they should be closing his wounds.


Phyro clenched his fists together, and gnashed his jaws together, trying to suppress cries of pain and frustration in his helpless position.


Phyro felt bones in his body cracking and sustaining increasing pressure as time passed, almost to the point where he could bear it no more…


“Qill! You pervert, What are you doing?â€


An incredulous voice sounded from over in Anzu’s direction, who was peering over the top of her book to see Qill sitting on top of Phyro in unnecessary positions.


“I’d have figured that whole Jared and you thing would have put a stop to that kind of behavior!â€


Phyro felt muscles tense in Qill’s… body, as the name Jared was mentioned.


“It’s not what it looks like, Anzu!â€


Qill tried to explain as she stood up, leaving Phyro on the ground, still unbandaged and injured.


“And don’t you go talking about… about… him… like that…!â€


Qill’s voice wandered as she spoke, drifting off into various memories.


“Either way, Would you care to explain why Phyro there is in such a position? I thought Anzi had fixed up his wounds there.â€


Qill looked very agitated.


“He… Well, I… That’s… the point!â€




Anzu raised an eyebrow, as she set aside her book and walked over to Phyro and began untying him.


“Hey! What are you doing!â€


“What were you doing, Qill? He’s got broken bones, here!â€


“I know!â€


“Anzu… Tame your siblings sometime, will you?â€


Phyro commented as he freely moved his limbs now, as he felt himself much, much more pain tolerant of his wounds as opposed to before.


[i found parts of this to be fairly humorous. <.<]

[so did I. XD Hey, if he's in the mafia, we're supposed to protect him. So...somebody needs to go beat up Qill. I hope that won't be a problem.]

[i dunno if I told everyone already or not, but this is still an incomplete RP archive i'm writing from. The other RP person lost internet connection a good four years ago, and only now i've established some form of contact. Im tryin to get it back up. e_e so I dunno if Qill shall be keelingyoudead'ed or not. Phyro doesnt like her very much.]

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[May need vague moderation.]


Chapter Thirteen

Qill’s Darker Side


“Anzi, Calm down. Due to draconic body parts I have, I’m mostly immune to its fatal effects. It has a paralysis effect every few minutes, and makes me immensely weaker for a few days. Perfect timing for it, too.â€


Phyro explained, glancing at Qill, who was intently listening, devising some form of plan.


“Ah, Okay…â€


A short moment of silence.


“So would you mind getting off of me?â€


“I would if I could. Paralysis?â€


“Oh yeah… …â€


After a few moments, Phyro regained his strength temporarily and sat himself up, and eventually stood up next to Anzi.




Qill commented, smirking as she watched Phyro weaken.


“Would you shut up…â€


Phyro looked away, and sighed in agitation.


“I’m almost starting to wish that LehnVak had taken your life, as well…â€


“That’s not something that someone who is frequently paralyzed would want to say…â€


Qill said as she stood up, and got up in Phyro’s face, or at least tried to, considering he was quite taller.


Phyro’s breathing got heavier as he intentionally expelled small flames from his nostrils, as he extended his claws behind his back, ready to attack. Likewise, Qill put her hand over her sword and smirked tauntingly.


Phyro spread his wings out to a wider span, revealing the blades on his wings, as he breathed deeper, creating larger flares, as he growled at Qill.


“Ooh, I’m so scared…â€


Qill commented, bearing her fangs.


Just before Phyro was about to strike, losing his tolerance, Anzi stepped between them and pushed them away from each other.


“Play nice, children…â€


Phyro twitched, and fell over, paralyzed once more due to the toxins in his body, just before Anzi reached over and had caught him in mid-air.


“Hey now, You’re going to hurt yourself standing up. Sit down!â€


Anzi set Phyro down on the ground in a sitting position, leaning against a wall.


“I would if I could, Anzi…â€


Anzi stood up, and looked over at Qill.


“Qill, Anzu… I’m heading out for a while. And when I come back, I expect to see Qill and Phyro alive.â€


“What about burnt to a crisp?â€




Anzi strode out the building in a hurry, leaving Phyro open and vulnerable to whatever Qill may do.


She smirked more deviously, and looked over at her sister.


“Anzu, Would you object if I were to-“


“Do whatever, as long as you keep quiet.â€


Anzu replied before Qill could finish, intently staring at the book before her, reading it excitedly.


Phyro did what he could to hide his fearful look as Qill approached him with a drawn blade, as she leaned down next to his immobile body, placing her sword on his neck.




Qill spoke, wanting to put an end to what he was doing, and was just about to pull her sword away in a motion that would have cut Phyro’s throat, but Phyro had interrupted her attack,




Phyro replied, finding he was no longer paralyzed, as he curled his hand into a fist and punched at Qill in the face, causing her to drop the blade, and fall over with a bleeding nose.


Seizing the opportunity, Phyro grabbed at her sword and blew fire on it, careful not to set the building ablaze as well, until the sword was hot enough, as Phyro placed one of his remaining claws on the edge, and pressed it to the sword, and moved it around until the edge had melded into a very dull edge.


Phyro tossed aside the metal stick, which used to be Qill’s sword, as he weakly stood up, and instantly remembered about all the broken bones in his body, and the multiple, but bandaged, wounds in various places.


Supporting himself by the wall, Phyro half-stood up, facing Qill, sustaining great pain as he panted.


Qill sat up, one hand covering her bloody nose.


“You’ve got nerve, kid. I’ll give you that.â€


“Great, then. We’ll call it a truce.â€


“Oh no, I’m not done with you, yet…â€


Qill grinned demonically as she approached Phyro, both of them somewhat struggling to stand.


“Hey lovebirds, Mind keeping it down?â€


Anzu commented from behind her book, as she continued reading. Qill glared at her, and approached Phyro, whom defensively took a breath in and prepared to torch Qill, but she just looked at him tauntingly, not touching him. Phyro, Who had not caught on to the strategy beforehand, then half-exhaled, and fell over, paralyzed, entirely defenseless before Qill.


‘Perfect timing…’


Phyro thought to himself as he helplessly felt Qill arrange his body around next to the wall, inasmuch he was now mostly upside-down, with every broken limb bent, causing him great pain as she leaned on his twisted body, in a supposedly relaxed manner.


As if she had just remembered to do so, Qill perked up once more and began unbandaging Phyro’s various wounds that Anzi had attempted to take care of. But all Phyro could do was sit there, and sustain ever-increasing pain as Qill took the strands of cloth that were somewhat bloodstained, and used them to bind Phyro so that when he would regain his strength, he couldn’t move.


Upon tying his wrists together, Qill figured his legs were too damaged to be of much use regardless of if they were tied down or not, considering Phyro had somewhat draconic limbs that would not move in the direction necessary for Phyro to stand without help of someone else, or his arms.


After checking him over to ensure the most discomforted position possible, Qill stepped aside and pushed Phyro down on to the ground, and comfortably sat down on his crumpled body.


After a short moment or two of this, Phyro felt his muscles regain vitality, as he struggled against Qill’s weight, blinding pain, and the bandages that were tying his limbs to where he could not use them where they should be closing his wounds.


Phyro clenched his fists together, and gnashed his jaws together, trying to suppress cries of pain and frustration in his helpless position.


Phyro felt bones in his body cracking and sustaining increasing pressure as time passed, almost to the point where he could bear it no more…


“Qill! You pervert, What are you doing?â€


An incredulous voice sounded from over in Anzu’s direction, who was peering over the top of her book to see Qill sitting on top of Phyro in unnecessary positions.


“I’d have figured that whole Jared and you thing would have put a stop to that kind of behavior!â€


Phyro felt muscles tense in Qill’s… body, as the name Jared was mentioned.


“It’s not what it looks like, Anzu!â€


Qill tried to explain as she stood up, leaving Phyro on the ground, still unbandaged and injured.


“And don’t you go talking about… about… him… like that…!â€


Qill’s voice wandered as she spoke, drifting off into various memories.


“Either way, Would you care to explain why Phyro there is in such a position? I thought Anzi had fixed up his wounds there.â€


Qill looked very agitated.


“He… Well, I… That’s… the point!â€




Anzu raised an eyebrow, as she set aside her book and walked over to Phyro and began untying him.


“Hey! What are you doing!â€


“What were you doing, Qill? He’s got broken bones, here!â€


“I know!â€


“Anzu… Tame your siblings sometime, will you?â€


Phyro commented as he freely moved his limbs now, as he felt himself much, much more pain tolerant of his wounds as opposed to before.


[i found parts of this to be fairly humorous. <.<]

[so did I. XD Hey, if he's in the mafia, we're supposed to protect him. So...somebody needs to go beat up Qill. I hope that won't be a problem.]

[i dunno if I told everyone already or not, but this is still an incomplete RP archive i'm writing from. The other RP person lost internet connection a good four years ago, and only now i've established some form of contact. Im tryin to get it back up. e_e so I dunno if Qill shall be keelingyoudead'ed or not. Phyro doesnt like her very much.]

[i was talking more about me bashin' her with a Claymore a few times, or something like that. >_>;;;]

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[May need vague moderation.]


Chapter Thirteen

Qill’s Darker Side


“Anzi, Calm down. Due to draconic body parts I have, I’m mostly immune to its fatal effects. It has a paralysis effect every few minutes, and makes me immensely weaker for a few days. Perfect timing for it, too.â€


Phyro explained, glancing at Qill, who was intently listening, devising some form of plan.


“Ah, Okay…â€


A short moment of silence.


“So would you mind getting off of me?â€


“I would if I could. Paralysis?â€


“Oh yeah… …â€


After a few moments, Phyro regained his strength temporarily and sat himself up, and eventually stood up next to Anzi.




Qill commented, smirking as she watched Phyro weaken.


“Would you shut up…â€


Phyro looked away, and sighed in agitation.


“I’m almost starting to wish that LehnVak had taken your life, as well…â€


“That’s not something that someone who is frequently paralyzed would want to say…â€


Qill said as she stood up, and got up in Phyro’s face, or at least tried to, considering he was quite taller.


Phyro’s breathing got heavier as he intentionally expelled small flames from his nostrils, as he extended his claws behind his back, ready to attack. Likewise, Qill put her hand over her sword and smirked tauntingly.


Phyro spread his wings out to a wider span, revealing the blades on his wings, as he breathed deeper, creating larger flares, as he growled at Qill.


“Ooh, I’m so scared…â€


Qill commented, bearing her fangs.


Just before Phyro was about to strike, losing his tolerance, Anzi stepped between them and pushed them away from each other.


“Play nice, children…â€


Phyro twitched, and fell over, paralyzed once more due to the toxins in his body, just before Anzi reached over and had caught him in mid-air.


“Hey now, You’re going to hurt yourself standing up. Sit down!â€


Anzi set Phyro down on the ground in a sitting position, leaning against a wall.


“I would if I could, Anzi…â€


Anzi stood up, and looked over at Qill.


“Qill, Anzu… I’m heading out for a while. And when I come back, I expect to see Qill and Phyro alive.â€


“What about burnt to a crisp?â€




Anzi strode out the building in a hurry, leaving Phyro open and vulnerable to whatever Qill may do.


She smirked more deviously, and looked over at her sister.


“Anzu, Would you object if I were to-“


“Do whatever, as long as you keep quiet.â€


Anzu replied before Qill could finish, intently staring at the book before her, reading it excitedly.


Phyro did what he could to hide his fearful look as Qill approached him with a drawn blade, as she leaned down next to his immobile body, placing her sword on his neck.




Qill spoke, wanting to put an end to what he was doing, and was just about to pull her sword away in a motion that would have cut Phyro’s throat, but Phyro had interrupted her attack,




Phyro replied, finding he was no longer paralyzed, as he curled his hand into a fist and punched at Qill in the face, causing her to drop the blade, and fall over with a bleeding nose.


Seizing the opportunity, Phyro grabbed at her sword and blew fire on it, careful not to set the building ablaze as well, until the sword was hot enough, as Phyro placed one of his remaining claws on the edge, and pressed it to the sword, and moved it around until the edge had melded into a very dull edge.


Phyro tossed aside the metal stick, which used to be Qill’s sword, as he weakly stood up, and instantly remembered about all the broken bones in his body, and the multiple, but bandaged, wounds in various places.


Supporting himself by the wall, Phyro half-stood up, facing Qill, sustaining great pain as he panted.


Qill sat up, one hand covering her bloody nose.


“You’ve got nerve, kid. I’ll give you that.â€


“Great, then. We’ll call it a truce.â€


“Oh no, I’m not done with you, yet…â€


Qill grinned demonically as she approached Phyro, both of them somewhat struggling to stand.


“Hey lovebirds, Mind keeping it down?â€


Anzu commented from behind her book, as she continued reading. Qill glared at her, and approached Phyro, whom defensively took a breath in and prepared to torch Qill, but she just looked at him tauntingly, not touching him. Phyro, Who had not caught on to the strategy beforehand, then half-exhaled, and fell over, paralyzed, entirely defenseless before Qill.


‘Perfect timing…’


Phyro thought to himself as he helplessly felt Qill arrange his body around next to the wall, inasmuch he was now mostly upside-down, with every broken limb bent, causing him great pain as she leaned on his twisted body, in a supposedly relaxed manner.


As if she had just remembered to do so, Qill perked up once more and began unbandaging Phyro’s various wounds that Anzi had attempted to take care of. But all Phyro could do was sit there, and sustain ever-increasing pain as Qill took the strands of cloth that were somewhat bloodstained, and used them to bind Phyro so that when he would regain his strength, he couldn’t move.


Upon tying his wrists together, Qill figured his legs were too damaged to be of much use regardless of if they were tied down or not, considering Phyro had somewhat draconic limbs that would not move in the direction necessary for Phyro to stand without help of someone else, or his arms.


After checking him over to ensure the most discomforted position possible, Qill stepped aside and pushed Phyro down on to the ground, and comfortably sat down on his crumpled body.


After a short moment or two of this, Phyro felt his muscles regain vitality, as he struggled against Qill’s weight, blinding pain, and the bandages that were tying his limbs to where he could not use them where they should be closing his wounds.


Phyro clenched his fists together, and gnashed his jaws together, trying to suppress cries of pain and frustration in his helpless position.


Phyro felt bones in his body cracking and sustaining increasing pressure as time passed, almost to the point where he could bear it no more…


“Qill! You pervert, What are you doing?â€


An incredulous voice sounded from over in Anzu’s direction, who was peering over the top of her book to see Qill sitting on top of Phyro in unnecessary positions.


“I’d have figured that whole Jared and you thing would have put a stop to that kind of behavior!â€


Phyro felt muscles tense in Qill’s… body, as the name Jared was mentioned.


“It’s not what it looks like, Anzu!â€


Qill tried to explain as she stood up, leaving Phyro on the ground, still unbandaged and injured.


“And don’t you go talking about… about… him… like that…!â€


Qill’s voice wandered as she spoke, drifting off into various memories.


“Either way, Would you care to explain why Phyro there is in such a position? I thought Anzi had fixed up his wounds there.â€


Qill looked very agitated.


“He… Well, I… That’s… the point!â€




Anzu raised an eyebrow, as she set aside her book and walked over to Phyro and began untying him.


“Hey! What are you doing!â€


“What were you doing, Qill? He’s got broken bones, here!â€


“I know!â€


“Anzu… Tame your siblings sometime, will you?â€


Phyro commented as he freely moved his limbs now, as he felt himself much, much more pain tolerant of his wounds as opposed to before.


[i found parts of this to be fairly humorous. <.<]

[so did I. XD Hey, if he's in the mafia, we're supposed to protect him. So...somebody needs to go beat up Qill. I hope that won't be a problem.]

[i dunno if I told everyone already or not, but this is still an incomplete RP archive i'm writing from. The other RP person lost internet connection a good four years ago, and only now i've established some form of contact. Im tryin to get it back up. e_e so I dunno if Qill shall be keelingyoudead'ed or not. Phyro doesnt like her very much.]

[i was talking more about me bashin' her with a Claymore a few times, or something like that. >_>;;;]

[........ So?]

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[May need vague moderation.]


Chapter Thirteen

Qill’s Darker Side


“Anzi, Calm down. Due to draconic body parts I have, I’m mostly immune to its fatal effects. It has a paralysis effect every few minutes, and makes me immensely weaker for a few days. Perfect timing for it, too.â€


Phyro explained, glancing at Qill, who was intently listening, devising some form of plan.


“Ah, Okay…â€


A short moment of silence.


“So would you mind getting off of me?â€


“I would if I could. Paralysis?â€


“Oh yeah… …â€


After a few moments, Phyro regained his strength temporarily and sat himself up, and eventually stood up next to Anzi.




Qill commented, smirking as she watched Phyro weaken.


“Would you shut up…â€


Phyro looked away, and sighed in agitation.


“I’m almost starting to wish that LehnVak had taken your life, as well…â€


“That’s not something that someone who is frequently paralyzed would want to say…â€


Qill said as she stood up, and got up in Phyro’s face, or at least tried to, considering he was quite taller.


Phyro’s breathing got heavier as he intentionally expelled small flames from his nostrils, as he extended his claws behind his back, ready to attack. Likewise, Qill put her hand over her sword and smirked tauntingly.


Phyro spread his wings out to a wider span, revealing the blades on his wings, as he breathed deeper, creating larger flares, as he growled at Qill.


“Ooh, I’m so scared…â€


Qill commented, bearing her fangs.


Just before Phyro was about to strike, losing his tolerance, Anzi stepped between them and pushed them away from each other.


“Play nice, children…â€


Phyro twitched, and fell over, paralyzed once more due to the toxins in his body, just before Anzi reached over and had caught him in mid-air.


“Hey now, You’re going to hurt yourself standing up. Sit down!â€


Anzi set Phyro down on the ground in a sitting position, leaning against a wall.


“I would if I could, Anzi…â€


Anzi stood up, and looked over at Qill.


“Qill, Anzu… I’m heading out for a while. And when I come back, I expect to see Qill and Phyro alive.â€


“What about burnt to a crisp?â€




Anzi strode out the building in a hurry, leaving Phyro open and vulnerable to whatever Qill may do.


She smirked more deviously, and looked over at her sister.


“Anzu, Would you object if I were to-“


“Do whatever, as long as you keep quiet.â€


Anzu replied before Qill could finish, intently staring at the book before her, reading it excitedly.


Phyro did what he could to hide his fearful look as Qill approached him with a drawn blade, as she leaned down next to his immobile body, placing her sword on his neck.




Qill spoke, wanting to put an end to what he was doing, and was just about to pull her sword away in a motion that would have cut Phyro’s throat, but Phyro had interrupted her attack,




Phyro replied, finding he was no longer paralyzed, as he curled his hand into a fist and punched at Qill in the face, causing her to drop the blade, and fall over with a bleeding nose.


Seizing the opportunity, Phyro grabbed at her sword and blew fire on it, careful not to set the building ablaze as well, until the sword was hot enough, as Phyro placed one of his remaining claws on the edge, and pressed it to the sword, and moved it around until the edge had melded into a very dull edge.


Phyro tossed aside the metal stick, which used to be Qill’s sword, as he weakly stood up, and instantly remembered about all the broken bones in his body, and the multiple, but bandaged, wounds in various places.


Supporting himself by the wall, Phyro half-stood up, facing Qill, sustaining great pain as he panted.


Qill sat up, one hand covering her bloody nose.


“You’ve got nerve, kid. I’ll give you that.â€


“Great, then. We’ll call it a truce.â€


“Oh no, I’m not done with you, yet…â€


Qill grinned demonically as she approached Phyro, both of them somewhat struggling to stand.


“Hey lovebirds, Mind keeping it down?â€


Anzu commented from behind her book, as she continued reading. Qill glared at her, and approached Phyro, whom defensively took a breath in and prepared to torch Qill, but she just looked at him tauntingly, not touching him. Phyro, Who had not caught on to the strategy beforehand, then half-exhaled, and fell over, paralyzed, entirely defenseless before Qill.


‘Perfect timing…’


Phyro thought to himself as he helplessly felt Qill arrange his body around next to the wall, inasmuch he was now mostly upside-down, with every broken limb bent, causing him great pain as she leaned on his twisted body, in a supposedly relaxed manner.


As if she had just remembered to do so, Qill perked up once more and began unbandaging Phyro’s various wounds that Anzi had attempted to take care of. But all Phyro could do was sit there, and sustain ever-increasing pain as Qill took the strands of cloth that were somewhat bloodstained, and used them to bind Phyro so that when he would regain his strength, he couldn’t move.


Upon tying his wrists together, Qill figured his legs were too damaged to be of much use regardless of if they were tied down or not, considering Phyro had somewhat draconic limbs that would not move in the direction necessary for Phyro to stand without help of someone else, or his arms.


After checking him over to ensure the most discomforted position possible, Qill stepped aside and pushed Phyro down on to the ground, and comfortably sat down on his crumpled body.


After a short moment or two of this, Phyro felt his muscles regain vitality, as he struggled against Qill’s weight, blinding pain, and the bandages that were tying his limbs to where he could not use them where they should be closing his wounds.


Phyro clenched his fists together, and gnashed his jaws together, trying to suppress cries of pain and frustration in his helpless position.


Phyro felt bones in his body cracking and sustaining increasing pressure as time passed, almost to the point where he could bear it no more…


“Qill! You pervert, What are you doing?â€


An incredulous voice sounded from over in Anzu’s direction, who was peering over the top of her book to see Qill sitting on top of Phyro in unnecessary positions.


“I’d have figured that whole Jared and you thing would have put a stop to that kind of behavior!â€


Phyro felt muscles tense in Qill’s… body, as the name Jared was mentioned.


“It’s not what it looks like, Anzu!â€


Qill tried to explain as she stood up, leaving Phyro on the ground, still unbandaged and injured.


“And don’t you go talking about… about… him… like that…!â€


Qill’s voice wandered as she spoke, drifting off into various memories.


“Either way, Would you care to explain why Phyro there is in such a position? I thought Anzi had fixed up his wounds there.â€


Qill looked very agitated.


“He… Well, I… That’s… the point!â€




Anzu raised an eyebrow, as she set aside her book and walked over to Phyro and began untying him.


“Hey! What are you doing!â€


“What were you doing, Qill? He’s got broken bones, here!â€


“I know!â€


“Anzu… Tame your siblings sometime, will you?â€


Phyro commented as he freely moved his limbs now, as he felt himself much, much more pain tolerant of his wounds as opposed to before.


[i found parts of this to be fairly humorous. <.<]

[so did I. XD Hey, if he's in the mafia, we're supposed to protect him. So...somebody needs to go beat up Qill. I hope that won't be a problem.]

[i dunno if I told everyone already or not, but this is still an incomplete RP archive i'm writing from. The other RP person lost internet connection a good four years ago, and only now i've established some form of contact. Im tryin to get it back up. e_e so I dunno if Qill shall be keelingyoudead'ed or not. Phyro doesnt like her very much.]

[i was talking more about me bashin' her with a Claymore a few times, or something like that. >_>;;;]

[........ So?]

[so it really has nothing to do with the story. If Phyro want to kill her, yay, and if he doesn't, also yay. I just gotta go find out where she is now so I can pwn her and get it over with.]

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  • 2 weeks later...
[Heeeeeey. *pokes Arkcher with the Claymore* Write things.]

[@_@ Too much going on right now. Once again, I have 5 million 12 and a half things to do, this being one of them.]


[Trying to avoid that whole stressing out and just exploding thing that I ended up doing like last time this happened, but uh, trying to avoid it isnt working out so well. o_<;[


[i'll get to writing this when I can though. :D]

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[Heeeeeey. *pokes Arkcher with the Claymore* Write things.]

[@_@ Too much going on right now. Once again, I have 5 million 12 and a half things to do, this being one of them.]


[Trying to avoid that whole stressing out and just exploding thing that I ended up doing like last time this happened, but uh, trying to avoid it isnt working out so well. o_<;[


[i'll get to writing this when I can though. :D]

[sowwy. *glomp* You don't have to write this when you have more inportant things to do.]

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[Heeeeeey. *pokes Arkcher with the Claymore* Write things.]

[@_@ Too much going on right now. Once again, I have 5 million 12 and a half things to do, this being one of them.]


[Trying to avoid that whole stressing out and just exploding thing that I ended up doing like last time this happened, but uh, trying to avoid it isnt working out so well. o_<;[


[i'll get to writing this when I can though. :D]

[sowwy. *glomp* You don't have to write this when you have more inportant things to do.]

[but the thing is, None of it's really important, they're just things that I want to do a lot, and there are more of them than writing this. <__< ]

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[Heeeeeey. *pokes Arkcher with the Claymore* Write things.]

[@_@ Too much going on right now. Once again, I have 5 million 12 and a half things to do, this being one of them.]


[Trying to avoid that whole stressing out and just exploding thing that I ended up doing like last time this happened, but uh, trying to avoid it isnt working out so well. o_<;[


[i'll get to writing this when I can though. :D]

[sowwy. *glomp* You don't have to write this when you have more inportant things to do.]

[but the thing is, None of it's really important, they're just things that I want to do a lot, and there are more of them than writing this. <__< ]

[Whatevs. Just do it when you have time.]

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[Heeeeeey. *pokes Arkcher with the Claymore* Write things.]

[@_@ Too much going on right now. Once again, I have 5 million 12 and a half things to do, this being one of them.]


[Trying to avoid that whole stressing out and just exploding thing that I ended up doing like last time this happened, but uh, trying to avoid it isnt working out so well. o_<;[


[i'll get to writing this when I can though. :D]

[sowwy. *glomp* You don't have to write this when you have more inportant things to do.]

[but the thing is, None of it's really important, they're just things that I want to do a lot, and there are more of them than writing this. <__< ]

[Whatevs. Just do it when you have time.]

[That, I will do. =D]


[it'll probably be sometime soon as today, i got some of my spriting projects out of the way, so I have less things to be working on. n_n So i might have the next chapter up tomorrow or something. considering its 12:30 midnight right now, I wanna go sleep.]

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[Heeeeeey. *pokes Arkcher with the Claymore* Write things.]

[@_@ Too much going on right now. Once again, I have 5 million 12 and a half things to do, this being one of them.]


[Trying to avoid that whole stressing out and just exploding thing that I ended up doing like last time this happened, but uh, trying to avoid it isnt working out so well. o_


[i'll get to writing this when I can though. :D]

[sowwy. *glomp* You don't have to write this when you have more inportant things to do.]

[but the thing is, None of it's really important, they're just things that I want to do a lot, and there are more of them than writing this. <__>

[Whatevs. Just do it when you have time.]

[That, I will do. =D]


[it'll probably be sometime soon as today, i got some of my spriting projects out of the way, so I have less things to be working on. n_n So i might have the next chapter up tomorrow or something. considering its 12:30 midnight right now, I wanna go sleep.]

Going to sleep is good. :lol:

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[Heeeeeey. *pokes Arkcher with the Claymore* Write things.]

[@_@ Too much going on right now. Once again, I have 5 million 12 and a half things to do, this being one of them.]


[Trying to avoid that whole stressing out and just exploding thing that I ended up doing like last time this happened, but uh, trying to avoid it isnt working out so well. o_<;[


[i'll get to writing this when I can though. :D]

[sowwy. *glomp* You don't have to write this when you have more inportant things to do.]

[but the thing is, None of it's really important, they're just things that I want to do a lot, and there are more of them than writing this. <__< ]

[Whatevs. Just do it when you have time.]

[That, I will do. =D]


[it'll probably be sometime soon as today, i got some of my spriting projects out of the way, so I have less things to be working on. n_n So i might have the next chapter up tomorrow or something. considering its 12:30 midnight right now, I wanna go sleep.]

[Fwee! :D]

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

[... You know, Maybe I should have less stories going on. Today, i got three chapters into a whole new story, seperate to this and Werewolf... i was thinking about posting it, but i already have fairly abbridged versions of MF here and Werewolf (Yeah, they're somewhat abbridged. the full-length spiffy ones shall be put into book things that people gimmie a dime for. or some other yet-undetermined amount of moneys.) in addition to my new thingy. currently untitled. Then theres the other three stories im writing that I havent posted here... Good gravy, 5 stories to be writing, and here I am wasting my time on beating the same levels over and over on Sonic Heroes of the Gamecube.]


[in short, i am now a rambling idiot.]

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[... You know, Maybe I should have less stories going on. Today, i got three chapters into a whole new story, seperate to this and Werewolf... i was thinking about posting it, but i already have fairly abbridged versions of MF here and Werewolf (Yeah, they're somewhat abbridged. the full-length spiffy ones shall be put into book things that people gimmie a dime for. or some other yet-undetermined amount of moneys.) in addition to my new thingy. currently untitled. Then theres the other three stories im writing that I havent posted here... Good gravy, 5 stories to be writing, and here I am wasting my time on beating the same levels over and over on Sonic Heroes of the Gamecube.]


[in short, i am now a rambling idiot.]

[i'm entered in two story contests, need to write up a background for an RP character, and have about three other stories I'm working on just because I can. I also play DDR religiously. Dun feel bad. XD]

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  • 2 months later...

[Good news. progress. thing.]


[in the process of moving, i have a lot of time without internet connection, but a lappy to write stuff on. After about a week of writing, im about one chapter away from finishing this story here. -parties-


The problem is, i left stuff out. I forgot to record a vital part of the RP as it happened a few years back, so i have the before and after part of that section of the story, I just left it out altogether.




The story was gonna be about 30 chapters long, but i think its ending at about 23. Right now im on 21, i think. Another large writers block keeping Anzi from doing anything cool in the 'shootout at the OK corral', aka the big finale. So its relatively boring. I might add some more content before the ending, since i want ti more than 23 chapters, Or i could just keep writing since theres a lot of stuff unexplained at the end.


Anyway, The ending part isnt going so well, considering im about 10 pages after the RP ended. I lost contact with the other end, with whom im still trying to reestablish contact so we can continue.


Imma go get a new chapter and post it. yay.]

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[Good gravy, 13 was the most recent chapter here?! I thought it was like 16.]


[ah well. Heres 14. and to make up for the absence in writing i'll throw 15 in there, too.]


Chapter Fourteen

A New Beginning


“Qill, Shut up, calm down and leave Phyro alone. You don’t want Anzi to see you doing, well, that to him…â€


Anzu said with a smirk as she walked over to a large bench-like seat, yawned, and laid down.


Qill shot a menacing glare at Phyro whom was smiling victoriously.


This odd moment was interrupted by a rather constant screaming sound that was heard as its producer approached- Within seconds, A rather frightened Anzi ran in the door of the house, as she threw herself into a corner of the building, no longer screaming, but crouched down, apparently hiding.


“Phyro! You… people…! Get down and hide!â€


Phyro did as he was told and sat down in a corner as Anzi was, as Phyro looked out the window to see three LehnVak’s passing by, searching the street intently for Anzi, apparently.


“Oh, Please…â€


Qill looked agitated.


“If Dragon-boy here is really all that, and puts up with these guys often, then we might as well get them out of the way.â€


With that, Qill took a breath in, in preparation to loudly call the LehnVak’s into the building.


“Qill! NO!â€


Anzi shouted in a panic, and realized she was the one who had spoken loudly.


Three LehnVak’s came in through the door, waving their staffs around as they did so.


Phyro took the opportunity given to him, and jumped up, pried off a metal plating that covered a LehnVak weak spot. (That almost rhymes.) Without hesitation, he ripped it out and jumped over to the next one and repeated the process, just in time to stop it from slashing its staff at Anzu.




Anzi cried out as she tackled down the one remaining LehnVak, as it countered her attack and kicked her into a wall.




Phyro called out upon seeing her get smashed into the wall, putting a cracking indention in which.


The LehnVak’s attention was drawn toward Phyro now, as it lunged for him, while he tried to block its attack with his wings.


A costly mistake.


Phyro then felt a familiar, but not enjoyable sensation as all energy and willpower was drained from his body almost instantly as the staff impacted his neck. Mostly lifeless, Phyro fell to the ground, completely numb and paralyzed.


Rather angered by this, Anzi decided to get vengeance upon this action against her, well, friend. She then did as Phyro would, by prying off the metal plating, and ripping out the core. The LehnVak then fell over, lifeless upon removal of vital parts.


Anzi ran over to Phyro, who was now showing no signs of life- He had no pulse, nor was he breathing.


“Oh, Come on… Don’t be dead.â€


Anzi spoke in a tone of voice she was not expecting to come from her mouth.


She repeatedly checked for signs of life, ignoring what was behind her, of Qill, anxiously checking from a distance if he was dead.


“Whoa. What the…. Anzi, Look!â€


Qill pointed out, as Anzi reluctantly glanced at where Qill was pointing- The LehnVak she had just taken down was still inactive, but there were five wisps of white energy floating about its body.


Watching in curiosity, Each of the five entities slowly floated in different directions- Three out a window, one to Qill and one to Phyro.


It appeared they were restoring the stolen energy and power from the LehnVak’s victims.


Phyro twitched, and began breathing slowly, while Qill was breathing deeply, enjoying the sensation of having her body complete again.


“Phyro! Phyro!!! Wake up!â€


Anzi shouted, gently shaking his body. Phyro moaned quietly, blinked one eye open and looked around inactively.


“I’m up, I’m up…â€


Anzi made some comment of joyous manner in a language unfamiliar to Phyro, as she hugged him happily.


“You’re alive!â€




Phyro weakly responded, Now having a reason to be glad about this for once.


“Those LehnVak things are capable of draining someones life away if they are given the opportunity. Whoever’s behind all these critters chasing after me certainly likes using LehnVak’s…â€


Anzi kicked the lifeless adversary nearby, followed by a not necessarily intimidating insult, something along the lines of ‘Stupid evil thingy’.


Phyro looked about himself, to see that Anzi was still trying to show the LehnVak she meant some damage, Anzu had gone back to sleep, and Qill was confusedly checking over her body, seeing that she had regained what was lost.


After a short moment of this, Anzi got tired of kicking it, and resumed her task of hugging the life out of Phyro.


“Hey… I see you haven’t been affected by that odd ‘poison’ of yours.â€


Phyro dwelled on that thought for a moment, trying to ignore Anzi that now had a death-grip on Phyro’s body. He had, indeed, not found himself paralyzed.


Anzi gasped at herself, apparently upon thinking about something.


“Come on, No more being alone.â€


Anzi told him, leading him outside enthusiastically.




“I feel the need to protect you now, so Count me in as a personal guardian.â€


“You’re what?!â€


Phyro responded, rather taken by surprise.


Anzi stood still, grinning at him. Phyro didn’t see much of a point in disagreeing or resisting her offer.


Chapter Fifteen

A new bounty hunter


“Great! That’s all decided and taken care of then… Wait here.â€


She took a step toward the house, hesitated, and turned around,


“On second thought, you come with me.â€


She finished and grabbed Phyro’s wrist, and once again attempted the dragging him along method of transportation. Likewise, Phyro tolerantly walked nearby.


“Who does the what now?â€


“Wherever you go, I go too. … Without them.â€


She commented as they walked through the doorway. Upon hearing this comment, Qill sat up attentively.


â€What? He’s leaving? Yes! … ‘Shame I didn’t get to kill you, though.â€


Qill commented from the corner of the room, as Anzu dropped her book and looked up at Anzi.


“… Why’re you going with him?â€


Anzi hesitated.




She stalled for time to think of an excuse other than she found Phyro highly attractive. This was obvious to everyone in the room.


“He can’t protect himself. Yeah. You remember that whole Lehn-whatsit incident that he got in to?â€


“I was hopelessly outnumbered!â€


“… But still…â€


Anzu shrugged,


“Do as you wish. Farewell.â€


She then continued reading.


“Bye bye.â€


Qill called out at Anzi led Phyro out the door, Anzi, brimming with glee, and Qill with a disturbingly satanic grin about her face. The mentality and message had effectively been given to Phyro; This was not the last time they would meet. Moreover, Next time would not be all too pleasant.


Wordlessly, Phyro watched Qill and Anzu disappear behind the door, tagging along behind Anzi who was hurriedly walking along, pulling Phyro by his arm, as usual.


They continued walking around aimlessly, both of them looking in various directions around the city.


“Ssssooo, uh… Master, Where are we headed to?â€


Anzi said as she slowed, Phyro stopped completely.


“… ‘Master’?â€


“You heard meâ€


An awkward moment of silence followed, the two of them staring at each other. Both of them with completely different things in mind.


“Anyway, I usually spend my time wandering around, looking for a secure place to hide out. It never really works, so I remain on the move searching for where my adversary is coming from.â€


“Excellent. Our first mission! To find where all the things are coming from! … How are we going to do that, though, Pull one off of the road and ask it?â€


“If you can understand their language, that’s about all there is to do.â€


“Alright then.â€


She took a step forward, then stopped again.


“… Which way do we go?â€


Phyro looked about the scenery around them.


“Good question.â€


“… Let’s go… That way.â€


Anzi pointed in a random direction, and started walking toward it. Phyro began to follow.


After a good twenty minutes of walking around, Phyro sighed, and gazed off in the distance, lost in thought. A few somewhat sympathetic moments later, Anzi worked up the courage to talk to him again.


“… Phyro?â€


Somewhat startled, he looked over at her.


“… Why… exactly, are they after you?â€


“… I really don’t know. I can only assume they want me to do something for them. Every time they pursue me, they put me near death, but, as you can see, I’m still alive. They tend to save my life every time I’m on the verge of dying. I really don’t know what they’re doing.â€


“… Well, We need to go find out then!â€


Anzi commented suggestively, as they continued walking along. After a good hour or so of wandering about, Anzi then spoke her mind.


“I’m getting a bit tired of walking, can we take a rest?â€


Wordlessly, Phyro sidestepped toward towards Anzi, took her by the wrist, lifted her into the air and placed her on his back rather effortlessly, and kept on walking with Anzi’s arms around his neck, riding along with him.


As Phyro continued walking around, they came to scenery of a wide field on the edge of a forest. Phyro came to a sudden stop, staring at the ground.


“… What is it?â€


Anzi commented, and tried to see over Phyro’s shoulder.


“… Torce.â€




“In short, it has significant relation toward the Torrask’s. Here is some on the ground. There are some nearby.â€


A rustling in nearby tall grass caught his attention.


“Get down.â€


Phyro said, quietly, firmly. Anzi released her arms from Phyro’s neck; fell to the ground, effectively keeping herself as low as possible. Phyro silently stepped toward the forestry brush…



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[Good news. progress. thing.]


[in the process of moving, i have a lot of time without internet connection, but a lappy to write stuff on. After about a week of writing, im about one chapter away from finishing this story here. -parties-


The problem is, i left stuff out. I forgot to record a vital part of the RP as it happened a few years back, so i have the before and after part of that section of the story, I just left it out altogether.




The story was gonna be about 30 chapters long, but i think its ending at about 23. Right now im on 21, i think. Another large writers block keeping Anzi from doing anything cool in the 'shootout at the OK corral', aka the big finale. So its relatively boring. I might add some more content before the ending, since i want ti more than 23 chapters, Or i could just keep writing since theres a lot of stuff unexplained at the end.


Anyway, The ending part isnt going so well, considering im about 10 pages after the RP ended. I lost contact with the other end, with whom im still trying to reestablish contact so we can continue.


Imma go get a new chapter and post it. yay.]


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[Good news. progress. thing.]


[in the process of moving, i have a lot of time without internet connection, but a lappy to write stuff on. After about a week of writing, im about one chapter away from finishing this story here. -parties-


The problem is, i left stuff out. I forgot to record a vital part of the RP as it happened a few years back, so i have the before and after part of that section of the story, I just left it out altogether.




The story was gonna be about 30 chapters long, but i think its ending at about 23. Right now im on 21, i think. Another large writers block keeping Anzi from doing anything cool in the 'shootout at the OK corral', aka the big finale. So its relatively boring. I might add some more content before the ending, since i want ti more than 23 chapters, Or i could just keep writing since theres a lot of stuff unexplained at the end.


Anyway, The ending part isnt going so well, considering im about 10 pages after the RP ended. I lost contact with the other end, with whom im still trying to reestablish contact so we can continue.


Imma go get a new chapter and post it. yay.]


[backwards, that would be [.eeeeehW] . ... just so you know.]

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[Good news. progress. thing.]


[in the process of moving, i have a lot of time without internet connection, but a lappy to write stuff on. After about a week of writing, im about one chapter away from finishing this story here. -parties-


The problem is, i left stuff out. I forgot to record a vital part of the RP as it happened a few years back, so i have the before and after part of that section of the story, I just left it out altogether.




The story was gonna be about 30 chapters long, but i think its ending at about 23. Right now im on 21, i think. Another large writers block keeping Anzi from doing anything cool in the 'shootout at the OK corral', aka the big finale. So its relatively boring. I might add some more content before the ending, since i want ti more than 23 chapters, Or i could just keep writing since theres a lot of stuff unexplained at the end.


Anyway, The ending part isnt going so well, considering im about 10 pages after the RP ended. I lost contact with the other end, with whom im still trying to reestablish contact so we can continue.


Imma go get a new chapter and post it. yay.]


[backwards, that would be [.eeeeehW] . ... just so you know.]

[backwards, that would be [.wonk uoy os tsuj ... . [Wheeeee.] eb dluow taht ,sdrawkcaB]. Yaaaay.]

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[... MAybe if I post another chapter, the topic will be more active.


might as well try it.]


Chapter Sixteen

The Illusionist


Contrary to what was imagined, a small rabbit hopped out of the grass, looked at its surroundings, saw Phyro, but calmly waddled away.


“Rabbits waddle? I thought the bounced… jumped… thing.â€


Anzi commented as she stood up, looking at the creature. She stepped toward it, and saw that it saw Anzi as more of a threat than Phyro, as it began hopping away hurriedly.


“Bye bye bunny!â€


Anzi called out, grinning, as she walked back over to Phyro and sat down next to him. Though much to their surprise, the rabbit followed Anzi back to Phyro.


“This critter is a bit odd.â€


Anzi looked down at the rabbit that was sniffing its surroundings as if trying to identify these newcomers. Finding it annoying, she reached over and whacked it upside the head, and began humming some random tune in her head happily.


Disturbed by this, the rabbit jumped back a step or two, looked at Phyro and Anzi uncertainly. After id had apparently made a decision in its head, the creature rapidly grew about four feet, but now resembling a humanoid. Within one second, all traces of the rabbit being there had gone.


“What was that all about?!â€


The rabbit-person shouted at Anzi, stepped over to her and whacked her back upside the head.


“What the…â€


Phyro commented as he stared at this apparently genderless human…? Anzi stood up as tall as she could, (which was still about chest-high in comparison to Phyro.) pointing out that she was in fact taller than this shapeshifter. In response to this, the shapeshifter grew an additional five feet or so.


“In case you hadn’t noticed, im a shapeshifter.â€


“Wow. Who cares? I’m a catgirl. That guy there is a draconic hybrid of unknown origins.â€






“Without regard to what species we are…â€


The shapeshifter began as it assumed the physical form of Anzi. It appeared to be a flawless mirror image of her.


“What do you two think you’re doing in this, my territory?â€


“What does it look like we’re doing?â€


“Attacking random creatures that approach you.â€


The shapeshifter replied, giving Anzi a cold glare.


“We’re traveling through. I’m the guardian of my master over there,â€


she pointed to Phyro.â€


“And we’re on a secret mission!â€


Anzi finished, and stuck her tongue out at the shapeshifter.


“Great. Care to tell me what you two are really doing?â€


“Cant tell you that. You might be a spy of…â€


She cut off and stared at the forestry behind the shapeshifter.


“What, One of these things?â€


It then shifted into the form of a LehnVak. Then formed a Torrask.


“Or perhaps... one of these?â€


She mockingly said as she formed a poorly imaged version of Phyro.


“I don’t look that bad…!â€


“Sure you don’t.â€


The shapeshifter then assumed what appeared to be its standard body, a female elf, relatively overdressed with various silk materials and other gaudy clothing, along with a handful of poorly concealed weaponry.


“Um… Over there. The. Stuff.â€


With eyes widened, Anzi pointed toward where she was staring, which appeared to be, and sounded like a small group of Torrask’s, and a LehnVak or two. The shapeshifter calmly turned around, and watched the figures draw closer.


“Guardian to the rescue!â€


Anzi called out as she stepped in front of Phyro.


“Anzi. I can take care of myself this time.â€




“Can you see what’s in there?â€


Phyro asked Anzi or the shapeshifter, as Anzi was blocking him from moving. It was well within Phyro’s power to get around Anzi, but he didn’t want to risk injuring his friend.


“Either some of those lehn-thingies, Torr’s, or evil bunny person minions.â€


Anzi replied to him, giving the shapeshifter another uneased, cold look. In response to this, she shrugged.


“I don’t know what they are.â€


She continued standing still, impatiently waiting for the creatures to emerge from the unusually high forestry shrubs, brush and small trees.


“Whatever. I’ll go find out. You stay here.â€


Anzi walked over to where the movement was, and immediately ran back upon seeing what was coming.


“We’ve got Torr company!â€


Phyro struck fighting stance, Anzi protectively stood in front of him, as the shapeshifter snickered at seeing the small, weak catgirl try to protect the large, muscular draconic being.


“You guys make it sound like these Torr’s are a threat.â€


“Phyro here has a near-death experience with those guys! And those lehn-whatsits!â€


“Heh… Watch and learn.â€


The shapeshifter laughed, struck battle stance and lunged at the enemies as they emerged from the forest.


The shapeshifter turned into a Torrask, and wrapped her own arms around the adversary Torrask’s limbs, and swung them around as weapons, knocking out the other Torrask’s, until they were all apparently unconscious. The two LehnVak’s that remained ran over to the shapeshifter, as she use a Torrask as a shield to block the LehnVak’s staff, which immediately vacuumed the Torrask as if it were air, into the staff. The Shapeshifter formed back into her elven form, jumped amazingly high for her kind, bashed the LehnVak’s head in, causing its jugular weak point to fling out of its case. Incredibly fast, the shapeshifter ran over to the last LehnVak, grabbed its staff, As she pulled part of it toward the airborne weak point of the other LehnVak. Upon contact, both of the LehnVak’s seemed to evaporate. The familiar white wisps of absorbed energies from the LehnVak were now hovering in the air.


“I think… this one is mine.â€


The shapeshifter spoke to herself as she touched one of the few energies, as she regained the absorbed strength in her arm.


“Melda, siinghet tedel ne.â€


She then incanted a spell of sorts, and the remaining energy wisps entered her body, using the energy of other people and adding it to her own.


Pleased with the result of her taking out six Torrask’s and two LehnVak’s all on her own, she walked back to Phyro and Anzi.


“Did those two LehnVak’s explode?â€


“No, they evaporated. If they absorb the Krana of another LehnVak, their internal mechanisms overload and destroy themselves.â€


“Wait, wait, those are just robots?â€




“Dude. How do you know all this stuff? And why aren’t you dead from that staff contact?â€


“If you’re agile enough, you can move their staff into absorbing something else, before they take your own energy.â€


The shapeshifter smiled, and stood before Anzi and Phyro, and an odd silence fell over the trio.


[Creepy lady. of oddness. who was thus yet unnamed.]

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[... MAybe if I post another chapter, the topic will be more active.


might as well try it.]


Chapter Sixteen

The Illusionist


Contrary to what was imagined, a small rabbit hopped out of the grass, looked at its surroundings, saw Phyro, but calmly waddled away.


“Rabbits waddle? I thought the bounced… jumped… thing.â€


Anzi commented as she stood up, looking at the creature. She stepped toward it, and saw that it saw Anzi as more of a threat than Phyro, as it began hopping away hurriedly.


“Bye bye bunny!â€


Anzi called out, grinning, as she walked back over to Phyro and sat down next to him. Though much to their surprise, the rabbit followed Anzi back to Phyro.


“This critter is a bit odd.â€


Anzi looked down at the rabbit that was sniffing its surroundings as if trying to identify these newcomers. Finding it annoying, she reached over and whacked it upside the head, and began humming some random tune in her head happily.


Disturbed by this, the rabbit jumped back a step or two, looked at Phyro and Anzi uncertainly. After id had apparently made a decision in its head, the creature rapidly grew about four feet, but now resembling a humanoid. Within one second, all traces of the rabbit being there had gone.


“What was that all about?!â€


The rabbit-person shouted at Anzi, stepped over to her and whacked her back upside the head.


“What the…â€


Phyro commented as he stared at this apparently genderless human…? Anzi stood up as tall as she could, (which was still about chest-high in comparison to Phyro.) pointing out that she was in fact taller than this shapeshifter. In response to this, the shapeshifter grew an additional five feet or so.


“In case you hadn’t noticed, im a shapeshifter.â€


“Wow. Who cares? I’m a catgirl. That guy there is a draconic hybrid of unknown origins.â€






“Without regard to what species we are…â€


The shapeshifter began as it assumed the physical form of Anzi. It appeared to be a flawless mirror image of her.


“What do you two think you’re doing in this, my territory?â€


“What does it look like we’re doing?â€


“Attacking random creatures that approach you.â€


The shapeshifter replied, giving Anzi a cold glare.


“We’re traveling through. I’m the guardian of my master over there,â€


she pointed to Phyro.â€


“And we’re on a secret mission!â€


Anzi finished, and stuck her tongue out at the shapeshifter.


“Great. Care to tell me what you two are really doing?â€


“Cant tell you that. You might be a spy of…â€


She cut off and stared at the forestry behind the shapeshifter.


“What, One of these things?â€


It then shifted into the form of a LehnVak. Then formed a Torrask.


“Or perhaps... one of these?â€


She mockingly said as she formed a poorly imaged version of Phyro.


“I don’t look that bad…!â€


“Sure you don’t.â€


The shapeshifter then assumed what appeared to be its standard body, a female elf, relatively overdressed with various silk materials and other gaudy clothing, along with a handful of poorly concealed weaponry.


“Um… Over there. The. Stuff.â€


With eyes widened, Anzi pointed toward where she was staring, which appeared to be, and sounded like a small group of Torrask’s, and a LehnVak or two. The shapeshifter calmly turned around, and watched the figures draw closer.


“Guardian to the rescue!â€


Anzi called out as she stepped in front of Phyro.


“Anzi. I can take care of myself this time.â€




“Can you see what’s in there?â€


Phyro asked Anzi or the shapeshifter, as Anzi was blocking him from moving. It was well within Phyro’s power to get around Anzi, but he didn’t want to risk injuring his friend.


“Either some of those lehn-thingies, Torr’s, or evil bunny person minions.â€


Anzi replied to him, giving the shapeshifter another uneased, cold look. In response to this, she shrugged.


“I don’t know what they are.â€


She continued standing still, impatiently waiting for the creatures to emerge from the unusually high forestry shrubs, brush and small trees.


“Whatever. I’ll go find out. You stay here.â€


Anzi walked over to where the movement was, and immediately ran back upon seeing what was coming.


“We’ve got Torr company!â€


Phyro struck fighting stance, Anzi protectively stood in front of him, as the shapeshifter snickered at seeing the small, weak catgirl try to protect the large, muscular draconic being.


“You guys make it sound like these Torr’s are a threat.â€


“Phyro here has a near-death experience with those guys! And those lehn-whatsits!â€


“Heh… Watch and learn.â€


The shapeshifter laughed, struck battle stance and lunged at the enemies as they emerged from the forest.


The shapeshifter turned into a Torrask, and wrapped her own arms around the adversary Torrask’s limbs, and swung them around as weapons, knocking out the other Torrask’s, until they were all apparently unconscious. The two LehnVak’s that remained ran over to the shapeshifter, as she use a Torrask as a shield to block the LehnVak’s staff, which immediately vacuumed the Torrask as if it were air, into the staff. The Shapeshifter formed back into her elven form, jumped amazingly high for her kind, bashed the LehnVak’s head in, causing its jugular weak point to fling out of its case. Incredibly fast, the shapeshifter ran over to the last LehnVak, grabbed its staff, As she pulled part of it toward the airborne weak point of the other LehnVak. Upon contact, both of the LehnVak’s seemed to evaporate. The familiar white wisps of absorbed energies from the LehnVak were now hovering in the air.


“I think… this one is mine.â€


The shapeshifter spoke to herself as she touched one of the few energies, as she regained the absorbed strength in her arm.


“Melda, siinghet tedel ne.â€


She then incanted a spell of sorts, and the remaining energy wisps entered her body, using the energy of other people and adding it to her own.


Pleased with the result of her taking out six Torrask’s and two LehnVak’s all on her own, she walked back to Phyro and Anzi.


“Did those two LehnVak’s explode?â€


“No, they evaporated. If they absorb the Krana of another LehnVak, their internal mechanisms overload and destroy themselves.â€


“Wait, wait, those are just robots?â€




“Dude. How do you know all this stuff? And why aren’t you dead from that staff contact?â€


“If you’re agile enough, you can move their staff into absorbing something else, before they take your own energy.â€


The shapeshifter smiled, and stood before Anzi and Phyro, and an odd silence fell over the trio.


[Creepy lady. of oddness. who was thus yet unnamed.]

[Yaaaaay! *air giutar*]

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  • 2 weeks later...

[in celebration of me getting a new compy, imma post another chapter.]


Chapter Seventeen



“Oh! How terrible of me, I never introduced myself. My name is Arranay. I assume you are Anzi, and you are Phyro?â€


Phyro nodded, and Anzi gave Arranay an uneasy look.


“Well, in consideration that you guys cant take out a few of those Torrask’s, I’d think it best that I went along with you. In this ‘secret mission’ of yours.â€


“Nope! No way! We’re full! No more people coming! No no no! We’re going now.â€


Anzi interrupted and began shoving Phyro along.


“Come on.â€


“No no, she might come in handy.â€


Phyro stopped Anzi.


“We cant trust her? Shapeshifter? Hello? She could be like… a Torr or a Lehn thing in disguise! You ever wonder how she knows so much about them?â€


“Torrask’s can shapeshift, yes, but cant grow in size and their color never changes. They’re always that sapphire color, 24/7. She isn’t blue. As for a LehnVak… if one were to absorb an illusionist…â€


“Exactly! I still don’t like her!â€


The two whispered and quietly argued over the matter for a few moments, as Arranay stood a few feet away, confusedly watching them try to conclude something.


“Why not?â€


“Because! She’s… its just wrong!â€


Frustrated, Phyro turned to face Arranay.


“Arranay, Are you evil?â€


“You idiot!â€


Anzi told him.


“Odd question…â€


Arranay replied with a smirk.


“I assure you I am not. To prove this…â€


She continued, pulling up the sleeve of her left arm, pointing near her shoulder.


“There would be a darkness scar around here somewhere. An emblem found on each Torrask, LehnVak and their superiors. Not even a shapeshifter like myself can hide them or get rid of them.â€


“See, Anzi?â€


“Superiors?! There are rulers over those things?â€


“Well duh, someone has to issue orders of patrolling the area that Phyro here is in.â€


Phyro began pondering new thoughts that had come to him from this statement.


“Do we really have to bring her?â€


Anzi asked Phyro, prodding him.


“Unless we find a reason not to, we need another fighter.â€


“What? Unless we find a reason not to?! I can give you about fifty reasons not to!â€


“Shut up, she’s coming with us.â€


Phyro gestured to Arranay to follow him, who gladly did so, as Anzi drooped her head low and followed behind Phyro.


After a few moments of walking, Phyro glanced over at Anzi, deciding she needed some words of comfort.


“Now what’s wrong with having another person come along with us?â€


“Im being replaced as your guardian!â€


“No you’re not. And, I never agreed to that whole guardian thing to begin with."


[Who else thinks its a bad idea? -raises hand-]

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[in celebration of me getting a new compy, imma post another chapter.]


Chapter Seventeen



“Oh! How terrible of me, I never introduced myself. My name is Arranay. I assume you are Anzi, and you are Phyro?â€


Phyro nodded, and Anzi gave Arranay an uneasy look.


“Well, in consideration that you guys cant take out a few of those Torrask’s, I’d think it best that I went along with you. In this ‘secret mission’ of yours.â€


“Nope! No way! We’re full! No more people coming! No no no! We’re going now.â€


Anzi interrupted and began shoving Phyro along.


“Come on.â€


“No no, she might come in handy.â€


Phyro stopped Anzi.


“We cant trust her? Shapeshifter? Hello? She could be like… a Torr or a Lehn thing in disguise! You ever wonder how she knows so much about them?â€


“Torrask’s can shapeshift, yes, but cant grow in size and their color never changes. They’re always that sapphire color, 24/7. She isn’t blue. As for a LehnVak… if one were to absorb an illusionist…â€


“Exactly! I still don’t like her!â€


The two whispered and quietly argued over the matter for a few moments, as Arranay stood a few feet away, confusedly watching them try to conclude something.


“Why not?â€


“Because! She’s… its just wrong!â€


Frustrated, Phyro turned to face Arranay.


“Arranay, Are you evil?â€


“You idiot!â€


Anzi told him.


“Odd question…â€


Arranay replied with a smirk.


“I assure you I am not. To prove this…â€


She continued, pulling up the sleeve of her left arm, pointing near her shoulder.


“There would be a darkness scar around here somewhere. An emblem found on each Torrask, LehnVak and their superiors. Not even a shapeshifter like myself can hide them or get rid of them.â€


“See, Anzi?â€


“Superiors?! There are rulers over those things?â€


“Well duh, someone has to issue orders of patrolling the area that Phyro here is in.â€


Phyro began pondering new thoughts that had come to him from this statement.


“Do we really have to bring her?â€


Anzi asked Phyro, prodding him.


“Unless we find a reason not to, we need another fighter.â€


“What? Unless we find a reason not to?! I can give you about fifty reasons not to!â€


“Shut up, she’s coming with us.â€


Phyro gestured to Arranay to follow him, who gladly did so, as Anzi drooped her head low and followed behind Phyro.


After a few moments of walking, Phyro glanced over at Anzi, deciding she needed some words of comfort.


“Now what’s wrong with having another person come along with us?â€


“Im being replaced as your guardian!â€


“No you’re not. And, I never agreed to that whole guardian thing to begin with."


[Who else thinks its a bad idea? -raises hand-]

[*doesn't raise hand* Of course, you're the author and know what's going on, so if you say it's a bad idea, then it probably is, but oh well! :D]

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[in celebration of me getting a new compy, imma post another chapter.]


Chapter Seventeen



“Oh! How terrible of me, I never introduced myself. My name is Arranay. I assume you are Anzi, and you are Phyro?”


Phyro nodded, and Anzi gave Arranay an uneasy look.


“Well, in consideration that you guys cant take out a few of those Torrask’s, I’d think it best that I went along with you. In this ‘secret mission’ of yours.”


“Nope! No way! We’re full! No more people coming! No no no! We’re going now.”


Anzi interrupted and began shoving Phyro along.


“Come on.”


“No no, she might come in handy.”


Phyro stopped Anzi.


“We cant trust her? Shapeshifter? Hello? She could be like… a Torr or a Lehn thing in disguise! You ever wonder how she knows so much about them?”


“Torrask’s can shapeshift, yes, but cant grow in size and their color never changes. They’re always that sapphire color, 24/7. She isn’t blue. As for a LehnVak… if one were to absorb an illusionist…”


“Exactly! I still don’t like her!”


The two whispered and quietly argued over the matter for a few moments, as Arranay stood a few feet away, confusedly watching them try to conclude something.


“Why not?”


“Because! She’s… its just wrong!”


Frustrated, Phyro turned to face Arranay.


“Arranay, Are you evil?”


“You idiot!”


Anzi told him.


“Odd question…”


Arranay replied with a smirk.


“I assure you I am not. To prove this…”


She continued, pulling up the sleeve of her left arm, pointing near her shoulder.


“There would be a darkness scar around here somewhere. An emblem found on each Torrask, LehnVak and their superiors. Not even a shapeshifter like myself can hide them or get rid of them.”


“See, Anzi?”


“Superiors?! There are rulers over those things?”


“Well duh, someone has to issue orders of patrolling the area that Phyro here is in.”


Phyro began pondering new thoughts that had come to him from this statement.


“Do we really have to bring her?”


Anzi asked Phyro, prodding him.


“Unless we find a reason not to, we need another fighter.”


“What? Unless we find a reason not to?! I can give you about fifty reasons not to!”


“Shut up, she’s coming with us.”


Phyro gestured to Arranay to follow him, who gladly did so, as Anzi drooped her head low and followed behind Phyro.


After a few moments of walking, Phyro glanced over at Anzi, deciding she needed some words of comfort.


“Now what’s wrong with having another person come along with us?”


“Im being replaced as your guardian!”


“No you’re not. And, I never agreed to that whole guardian thing to begin with."


[Who else thinks its a bad idea? -raises hand-]

[*doesn't raise hand* Of course, you're the author and know what's going on, so if you say it's a bad idea, then it probably is, but oh well! :D]

*just sits and watches* :lol:

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[in celebration of me getting a new compy, imma post another chapter.]


Chapter Seventeen



“Oh! How terrible of me, I never introduced myself. My name is Arranay. I assume you are Anzi, and you are Phyro?â€


Phyro nodded, and Anzi gave Arranay an uneasy look.


“Well, in consideration that you guys cant take out a few of those Torrask’s, I’d think it best that I went along with you. In this ‘secret mission’ of yours.â€


“Nope! No way! We’re full! No more people coming! No no no! We’re going now.â€


Anzi interrupted and began shoving Phyro along.


“Come on.â€


“No no, she might come in handy.â€


Phyro stopped Anzi.


“We cant trust her? Shapeshifter? Hello? She could be like… a Torr or a Lehn thing in disguise! You ever wonder how she knows so much about them?â€


“Torrask’s can shapeshift, yes, but cant grow in size and their color never changes. They’re always that sapphire color, 24/7. She isn’t blue. As for a LehnVak… if one were to absorb an illusionist…â€


“Exactly! I still don’t like her!â€


The two whispered and quietly argued over the matter for a few moments, as Arranay stood a few feet away, confusedly watching them try to conclude something.


“Why not?â€


“Because! She’s… its just wrong!â€


Frustrated, Phyro turned to face Arranay.


“Arranay, Are you evil?â€


“You idiot!â€


Anzi told him.


“Odd question…â€


Arranay replied with a smirk.


“I assure you I am not. To prove this…â€


She continued, pulling up the sleeve of her left arm, pointing near her shoulder.


“There would be a darkness scar around here somewhere. An emblem found on each Torrask, LehnVak and their superiors. Not even a shapeshifter like myself can hide them or get rid of them.â€


“See, Anzi?â€


“Superiors?! There are rulers over those things?â€


“Well duh, someone has to issue orders of patrolling the area that Phyro here is in.â€


Phyro began pondering new thoughts that had come to him from this statement.


“Do we really have to bring her?â€


Anzi asked Phyro, prodding him.


“Unless we find a reason not to, we need another fighter.â€


“What? Unless we find a reason not to?! I can give you about fifty reasons not to!â€


“Shut up, she’s coming with us.â€


Phyro gestured to Arranay to follow him, who gladly did so, as Anzi drooped her head low and followed behind Phyro.


After a few moments of walking, Phyro glanced over at Anzi, deciding she needed some words of comfort.


“Now what’s wrong with having another person come along with us?â€


“Im being replaced as your guardian!â€


“No you’re not. And, I never agreed to that whole guardian thing to begin with."


[Who else thinks its a bad idea? -raises hand-]

[*doesn't raise hand* Of course, you're the author and know what's going on, so if you say it's a bad idea, then it probably is, but oh well! :D]

[Well, uh. that means. you're wierd.]

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  • 4 weeks later...

[Okay, its hightime for another update.]


[Now just as a pointless note: a LOT of stuff happened between the last chapter and this one in the RP archive; A lot of malconclusive, insignificant wandering around, fighting Torrask's and bickering over Arranay's identity. I saved myself some time and just skipped over it. It might be in the finished, published version of this. since... its NOT at prime condition when viewed for free at a message board. ;D]


[Dont expect an update for a while after this, the next two chapters is where the whole thing just falls apart in a horrible conclusion to the story. Also, just as a side note, this will be one of something like 5 parts of a Series, each part of it in the same timeline but from a different characters' perspective. the... the other survivors from Phyro's village. considering you'd think some of them would have enough sense to not get killed off, or to run before that happened. Dunno how many for sure, but this isnt the end of the whole story.]


[i'll shut up and post Chapta 18!]


Chapter Eighteen

A dark scar



Anzi looked away, still agitated.


“Anzi, I’d never replace you.â€Â


“… really?â€Â


With a sniffle, Anzi turned back to Phyro, who immediately tried to think of a less meaningful thing to say, in order to avoid an awkward situation that could lead to that romantic thing that Anzi was so fond of putting the two of them in.


“… Yeah.â€Â


Was about all he could think of to say. Arranay looked over at the two and silently gestured gagging.




Anzi shouted with a tackling hug, of sorts, affectionately latching on to Phyro’s body.


As Phyro attempted to pry her off of his body, he looked over to his right, to see Arranay dragging a dead Torrask along by its tail.


“Hey, where’d that come from?â€Â


Phyro asked, pointing at the Torrask.


“I went and killed a group of four of them while you two lovebirds were swooning with each other. ‘Made me sick, I had to go kill something.â€Â


Anzi promptly reached over and whacked Arranay.


“We did nothing of the sort.â€Â


Arranay didn’t look at them, just continued walking and smiling.


“… Ssh.â€Â


Phyro stopped walking, and looked toward the forest they were walking nearby.


“Torrask’s. … Arranay, go get ‘em.â€Â


Doing as she was told, Arranay used her dead Torrask and swung it about herself to use it as a club of sorts, smashing the other Torr’s with it. It worked quite effectively; Torrask’s are quite powerful against each other.


“Well, with that taken care of, we go where they came from and hope we find something. … Hey look, I found something.â€Â


Phyro said as he looked off in to the forest and saw some Torrask’s wandering around inside of it. He immediately darted off into the woods, faster than what would be expected of him. Arranay likewise changed into a cheetah, or something that looked like one. Anzi looked at Arranay in her feline form and noticed an odd set of spots forming an emblem of sorts on her left shoulder. Before she could be sure of this, Arranay had already run off. Anzi looked down at nearby Torrask’s, reluctantly turned one over on its side, to see a similar mark on its left shoulder.


“…! PHYRO!!!â€Â


Anzi jumped into the nearest tree and lunged from branch to branch, tree to tree, making her way through the forest, trying to get to Phyro to tell him about this.


She eventually came to a small clearing of trees that contained some odd thirteen Torrask’ in it, six LehnVak, Two similar creatures that appeared to be a greener version of a LehnVak, and one of the Nuhvok-Kal, the being that controls the gravity near it. At one end of this clearing was Phyro and Arranay, whom was still smiling as she always was, standing next to Phyro, who was trying to develop a strategy to take on this force. Should Anzi tell Phyro about Arranay’s Dark Scar now? If she did, Arranay would attack them making it two people against nineteen opposing creatures. If she waited, Arranay will still have a chance to attack or lead them into a trap.


She could just stay where she is and hide from the situation, but what if Arranay attacks, seeing that Anzi isn’t there? Phyro would be taking these creatures on by himself!


Anzi had no choice but to wait until after this battle was won, so she jumped out of the tree and began taking out the LehnVak’s by impacting their heads to where their… weak point was exposed. Something Anzi didnt consider, though, was that the other seventeen creatures would all attack Anzi as soon as she did this.


And that’s what happened.


[Oh Emm Gee.]

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[Does anyone even read this topic anymore? ._. ]


[well, I guess Horatio does, considering he reads everything on the board. I'd hazard a guess that doing that could get pretty wierd.]

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[Does anyone even read this topic anymore? ._. ]


[well, I guess Horatio does, considering he reads everything on the board. I'd hazard a guess that doing that could get pretty wierd.]

Reading everything is fun! I hope you continue this.

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[Does anyone even read this topic anymore? ._. ]


[well, I guess Horatio does, considering he reads everything on the board. I'd hazard a guess that doing that could get pretty wierd.]

[i read it! It just didn't say it had any new posts until now.


And I liked Arranay. ;_; Aww.]

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[in celebration of me getting a new compy, imma post another chapter.]


Chapter Seventeen



“Oh! How terrible of me, I never introduced myself. My name is Arranay. I assume you are Anzi, and you are Phyro?â€


Phyro nodded, and Anzi gave Arranay an uneasy look.


“Well, in consideration that you guys cant take out a few of those Torrask’s, I’d think it best that I went along with you. In this ‘secret mission’ of yours.â€


“Nope! No way! We’re full! No more people coming! No no no! We’re going now.â€


Anzi interrupted and began shoving Phyro along.


“Come on.â€


“No no, she might come in handy.â€


Phyro stopped Anzi.


“We cant trust her? Shapeshifter? Hello? She could be like… a Torr or a Lehn thing in disguise! You ever wonder how she knows so much about them?â€


“Torrask’s can shapeshift, yes, but cant grow in size and their color never changes. They’re always that sapphire color, 24/7. She isn’t blue. As for a LehnVak… if one were to absorb an illusionist…â€


“Exactly! I still don’t like her!â€


The two whispered and quietly argued over the matter for a few moments, as Arranay stood a few feet away, confusedly watching them try to conclude something.


“Why not?â€


“Because! She’s… its just wrong!â€


Frustrated, Phyro turned to face Arranay.


“Arranay, Are you evil?â€


“You idiot!â€


Anzi told him.


“Odd question…â€


Arranay replied with a smirk.


“I assure you I am not. To prove this…â€


She continued, pulling up the sleeve of her left arm, pointing near her shoulder.


“There would be a darkness scar around here somewhere. An emblem found on each Torrask, LehnVak and their superiors. Not even a shapeshifter like myself can hide them or get rid of them.â€


“See, Anzi?â€


“Superiors?! There are rulers over those things?â€


“Well duh, someone has to issue orders of patrolling the area that Phyro here is in.â€


Phyro began pondering new thoughts that had come to him from this statement.


“Do we really have to bring her?â€


Anzi asked Phyro, prodding him.


“Unless we find a reason not to, we need another fighter.â€


“What? Unless we find a reason not to?! I can give you about fifty reasons not to!â€


“Shut up, she’s coming with us.â€


Phyro gestured to Arranay to follow him, who gladly did so, as Anzi drooped her head low and followed behind Phyro.


After a few moments of walking, Phyro glanced over at Anzi, deciding she needed some words of comfort.


“Now what’s wrong with having another person come along with us?â€


“Im being replaced as your guardian!â€


“No you’re not. And, I never agreed to that whole guardian thing to begin with."


[Who else thinks its a bad idea? -raises hand-]

[*doesn't raise hand* Of course, you're the author and know what's going on, so if you say it's a bad idea, then it probably is, but oh well! :D]

[Well, uh. that means. you're wierd.]





And it's taken you how long to figure that out?]

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[Zomfg. There are creepy symbols on the chapter up there. and I dunno why.]

[ :lol::lol::lol:

I thought you had done that. :lol::lol: ]

[No, sometimes it does that when copied directly from MS Word. I'll try fixin' it.]


[and Kat, there were just some kitty dots on her shoulder that may or may not really mean anything, if you think about it. But from about that point is where I pretty much started makin' stuff up as I went.]

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[Zomfg. There are creepy symbols on the chapter up there. and I dunno why.]

[Yeah, sometimes that happens when you copy and paste something from Word. I dunno why.]

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[Zomfg. There are creepy symbols on the chapter up there. and I dunno why.]

[Yeah, sometimes that happens when you copy and paste something from Word. I dunno why.]

[i didn't really have trouble reading it through the symbols.]

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[Ok, lets try that chapter again. see if it doesnt symbolize at me again.]


Chapter Eighteen

A dark scar



Anzi looked away, still agitated.


“Anzi, I’d never replace you.â€


“… really?â€


With a sniffle, Anzi turned back to Phyro, who immediately tried to think of a less meaningful thing to say, in order to avoid an awkward situation that could lead to that romantic thing that Anzi was so fond of putting the two of them in.


“… Yeah.â€


Was about all he could think of to say. Arranay looked over at the two and silently gestured gagging.




Anzi shouted with a tackling hug, of sorts, affectionately latching on to Phyro’s body.


As Phyro attempted to pry her off of his body, he looked over to his right, to see Arranay dragging a dead Torrask along by its tail.


“Hey, where’d that come from?â€


Phyro asked, pointing at the Torrask.


“I went and killed a group of four of them while you two lovebirds were swooning with each other. ‘Made me sick, I had to go kill something.â€


Anzi promptly reached over and whacked Arranay.


“We did nothing of the sort.â€


Arranay didn’t look at them, just continued walking and smiling.


“… Ssh.â€


Phyro stopped walking, and looked toward the forest they were walking nearby.


“Torrask’s. … Arranay, go get ‘em.â€


Doing as she was told, Arranay used her dead Torrask and swung it about herself to use it as a club of sorts, smashing the other Torr’s with it. It worked quite effectively; Torrask’s are quite powerful against each other.


“Well, with that taken care of, we go where they came from and hope we find something. … Hey look, I found something.â€


Phyro said as he looked off in to the forest and saw some Torrask’s wandering around inside of it. He immediately darted off into the woods, faster than what would be expected of him. Arranay likewise changed into a cheetah, or something that looked like one. Anzi looked at Arranay in her feline form and noticed an odd set of spots forming an emblem of sorts on her left shoulder. Before she could be sure of this, Arranay had already run off. Anzi looked down at nearby Torrask’s, reluctantly turned one over on its side, to see a similar mark on its left shoulder.


“…! PHYRO!!!â€


Anzi jumped into the nearest tree and lunged from branch to branch, tree to tree, making her way through the forest, trying to get to Phyro to tell him about this.


She eventually came to a small clearing of trees that contained some odd thirteen Torrask’ in it, six LehnVak, Two similar creatures that appeared to be a greener version of a LehnVak, and one of the Nuhvok-Kal, the being that controls the gravity near it. At one end of this clearing was Phyro and Arranay, whom was still smiling as she always was, standing next to Phyro, who was trying to develop a strategy to take on this force. Should Anzi tell Phyro about Arranay’s Dark Scar now? If she did, Arranay would attack them making it two people against nineteen opposing creatures. If she waited, Arranay will still have a chance to attack or lead them into a trap.


She could just stay where she is and hide from the situation, but what if Arranay attacks, seeing that Anzi isn’t there? Phyro would be taking these creatures on by himself!


Anzi had no choice but to wait until after this battle was won, so she jumped out of the tree and began taking out the LehnVak’s by impacting their heads to where their… weak point was exposed. Something Anzi didnt consider, though, was that the other seventeen creatures would all attack Anzi as soon as she did this.


And that’s what happened.


[... Well, the preview post didnt show any.]

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[Oh, by the way, I've made some progress in repairing the broken storyline here. The next two (i think) chapters are done. ... ssssooo Im gonna post one of them! =D]


[Wow, this chapters a lot longer that I remember it being.]


Chapter Nineteen

The inner dragon


Phyro tackled down a Torrask, extended his claws and expanded his wings, and repeatedly tried to strike the Torrask underneath him, but it was too evasive and kept liquefying. Upon hearing a strange roaring sound to the left, he turned to see that Arranay had transformed herself into a quite large, full-grown dragon, in response to Anzi being attacked, and to better fight the opposing forces.


Upon seeing this dragon standing high, roaring into the sky to make its presence known among its adversaries, Phyro seemed to lose balance in trying to keep a Torrask still, as he fell over, staring at this Dragon.


He had no idea what was really happening, a completely new fearful sensation had overcome him, as if he had known this dragon was truly wicked. He continued staring at this huge dragon, a fear had awakened within him, and he truly did not know what to do.


Though holding still long enough, just to look as something, with a liquefied Torrask right next to him, was one of the most costly mistakes he had done in his life…


The worst that could happen just did, as the Torrask used its second most powerful weapon, and had slithered along Phyro’s body, and entered his body through his mouth.


Once he had come to realization of what just happened to him, he realized that one of two things will now happen. One, The Torrask will kill him from inside of his body, or Two, the Torrask will seize control of his mind and control him to do the Torrask's will, whatever it may be.


Phyro immediately stood up, gagging and choking, trying to stop the Torrask from taking him, and trying to get the attention of the fearsome dragon in front of him, or to get Anzi who was already hopelessly outnumbered and surrounded.


Rather odd gurgling sounds came from Phyro as he tried to cry out for help, as he continued coughing. A brief flash of light followed by a screech of pain from Anzi indicated that a LehnVak had just struck her with its staff. Arranay was the last standing fighter in this group… Phyro tried to watch her fight on, but finding it difficult to breathe complicated this simple task.


Everything began to tint to a blue color, as he watched Arranay change back into her elven form, now with the opponents behind her as if she was their leader.


This was all that Phyro could see before he blacked out. Dead or alive, he did not know, but this was not a good situation.






“Do you have him yet?â€


“Yes. And his pansy of a guardian.â€


“… What? Guardian?â€


“Phyro had some obsessive bimbo ‘guardian’ as she called herself, supposedly to protect him. Looks more like a passionate fangirl to me.â€


“I have no need for her then. Where is Phyro?â€


“Right here behind me. A Torrask has him controlled, this should ease things up a bit.â€




“Tahmores… Are you really sure all of this is necessary?â€


“Arranay, we’ve been over this too many times already. What we do or how it is done is not mine or your decision. Disobedience of the dark ones cannot result for the better. We must convert to them or be forever destroyed.â€


“Yes, Arranay. Its foolproof. Need I explicate our plans once again to you?â€


“… What exactly are we going to do with this creature?â€


“Use it to establish a base of operations better than this ruddy old castle. Townsfolk nearby will find suspicious activity here someday, we need to move elsewhere.â€


“And this one draconian elf can build us a base alone?â€


“We’re using his inner power, which I assume is not yet known to him considering he’s not used it against us yet, to take over Central Baeluux, capitol of this region. If he can subdue that area, surely he can guard it for us while we build our headquarters.â€


“But what of-“


“All in good time. All will be explained to you, perhaps you can understand when it is done.â€


Arranay sighed in irritation, shook her head and turned around, and walked out of the room, signaling for Phyro to follow her. The Torrask inside made it so.


Arranay strode along the corridors of a relatively small castle in which this, a dark operation was to take place. Phyro was an incredibly powerful entity, he simply did not know he had it, let alone how to use this power. Arranay thought to herself, if she understood right, Tahmores was forced by The Defilers, said to be the two most wicked entities to have ever existed, to use Phyro and his power as a weapon to dominate the kingdoms round about, rise to enough power to take control of the entire continent through warring and strife. Ultimately seizing the world, this would be one of many worlds that The Defilers have corrupted.


Phyro, the key element for this operation, had been under heavy pursuit since his species was discovered. Even after hiring about a dozen bounty hunters, Phyro remained elusive. The Defilers had lent Tahmores a supplement of Torrask’s, and the resources to create the mechanisms known as LehnVak, LekoroVak, and Nuhvok-Kal. It took them some odd eight years to catch Phyro, but it has been done now, and this plan can take place and be over with.


Arranay led Phyro to a large, durable stone and ore room that appeared to be a room designed for combat training, and improving on skills thereof and the like. Here, Arranay began to try and find the power within Phyro, find out as much as she can about it, and teach Phyro how to use it.




An all-too familiar situation, Anzi sat down in the cold metal cage she was put in, trying to regain her lost energy and power that was absorbed from her. As far as she knew, she was in this cage awaiting an executioner to come and kill her, or perhaps she is just incarcerated to stay out of the way, so she wont stop these villainous people from doing whatever it is they plan on doing to Phyro.


Hours passed, nothing happened. A few rats and mice passed by, just out of reach of Anzi, who was growing quite hungry.


Was it some sort of isolation treatment or if she was just forgotten, Anzi didn’t know.

Anzi could often hear draconic roars, on occasion it was followed by generic vocalizing of Phyro. No response ever came from Anzi trying to call back to him.


It was some odd two days before anything really happened.


Anzi looked around her surroundings, a dark room in a stone castle of sorts with a tiny window higher than she would ever have hopes of jumping to. Anzi grew excited upon hearing activity on the other side of the wall that divided her cage from outside.


Brief scratches, occasional knocks and quiet discussion among about three people could be heard as they apparently tried to decide where on this wall, something should happen. After a few moments of silence as Anzi tried to decide if these beings were hostile or friendly, she decided to remain silent for the time being.


A loud impacting crash noise caused her to jump, followed by another crash as the wall was giving way as the people outside were trying to break in.


“Diego, Fire again!â€


A grunt of acknowledgement followed by a sound that was very similar to Phyro breathing fire. A few seconds later, Another crashing sound, and small fractions of rocks began falling from the wall. Another crash, a beam of moonlight had broken through small spaces through the stone.


“One last time, Come on!â€


One last impacting crash, and several rocks came off of the wall, as a silhouetted figure burst through the wall. As it turned its head, quite eerie yellow eyes peered at Anzi from the darkness.


[:o Zomfg. Or rather, to use Kats words, Oh Em Gee.]

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[Zomfg. There are creepy symbols on the chapter up there. and I dunno why.]

[Yeah, sometimes that happens when you copy and paste something from Word. I dunno why.]

[i didn't really have trouble reading it through the symbols.]

[Neither did I, it's just annoying.]

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[Zomfg. There are creepy symbols on the chapter up there. and I dunno why.]

[Yeah, sometimes that happens when you copy and paste something from Word. I dunno why.]

[i didn't really have trouble reading it through the symbols.]

[Neither did I, it's just annoying.]

[-pokes Kat- D'joo see that before that post, there was another chapta?]

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[Zomfg. There are creepy symbols on the chapter up there. and I dunno why.]

[Yeah, sometimes that happens when you copy and paste something from Word. I dunno why.]

[i didn't really have trouble reading it through the symbols.]

[Neither did I, it's just annoying.]

[-pokes Kat- D'joo see that before that post, there was another chapta?]

[Now I did.


And Arranay is still evil. ;_; But then there was Anzi not being dead and the use of Kat words, and almost all was good again.]

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  • 1 month later...

[Ok, i last posted Chapta 19, but i've already finished 21 and im working on chapta 22. I'll update as soon as occasion allows.


... 'cuz... im MOVING. =o


and we've mostly unpacked from in our house over there, but we dont have internet access yet. Once we do, i'll post the stories and stuff. right now im at the university public compies for usage of the public people of publicity. and this monitor is very small and the keyboard is in a different layout and its confusing.]

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[Ok, i last posted Chapta 19, but i've already finished 21 and im working on chapta 22. I'll update as soon as occasion allows.


... 'cuz... im MOVING. =o


and we've mostly unpacked from in our house over there, but we dont have internet access yet. Once we do, i'll post the stories and stuff. right now im at the university public compies for usage of the public people of publicity. and this monitor is very small and the keyboard is in a different layout and its confusing.]

[Moving? Again? Didn't you just move at some not-very-long-ago time?]

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[Ok, i last posted Chapta 19, but i've already finished 21 and im working on chapta 22. I'll update as soon as occasion allows.


... 'cuz... im MOVING. =o


and we've mostly unpacked from in our house over there, but we dont have internet access yet. Once we do, i'll post the stories and stuff. right now im at the university public compies for usage of the public people of publicity. and this monitor is very small and the keyboard is in a different layout and its confusing.]

[Moving? Again? Didn't you just move at some not-very-long-ago time?]

[ :lol: I am glad you asked that question. Arkcher just moved not too long ago, was what I thought, but then I thought I just might be crazy, so I figured I would see if someone else asked. Thank you for asking! :lol: ]

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[Ok, i last posted Chapta 19, but i've already finished 21 and im working on chapta 22. I'll update as soon as occasion allows.


... 'cuz... im MOVING. =o


and we've mostly unpacked from in our house over there, but we dont have internet access yet. Once we do, i'll post the stories and stuff. right now im at the university public compies for usage of the public people of publicity. and this monitor is very small and the keyboard is in a different layout and its confusing.]

[Moving? Again? Didn't you just move at some not-very-long-ago time?]

[ :lol: I am glad you asked that question. Arkcher just moved not too long ago, was what I thought, but then I thought I just might be crazy, so I figured I would see if someone else asked. Thank you for asking! :lol: ]

[You're welcome? XD]

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[um... no.


That was this time, too. My family takes for blasted ever to do anything, like, move, so last august when we decided we were moving... just last week did we unpack the stuff in the house im in now. xD And we're still not done yet. for example, We have yet to find that big pack of toilet paper that was bought shortly before we moved. Oh the humanity of it all or something. anyway.


Im on my f'real Lappy now, which is connected to ye olde internete here now, so I can update the story stuffs now! -parties-]

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Chapter Twenty

The final rite


“Alright, I think the Torrask in Phyro here is no longer needed. I don’t think he’s going anywhere.â€


Tahmores commanded as Torce, the substance that Torrask’s are made of (and is what liquefied Torrask’s are) began tracing out from Phyro’s unconscious body. The torce formed a Torrask, which then crawled away.


Rather discomforted, Phyro awoke and opened one eye, finding himself in quite immense pain. He looked around himself to find that he was chained to a wall. A rather large, bulky human was standing freely in front of him.


“Greetings, Phyro. I haven’t much a desire to go through lengths of explaining what you’re doing here, why you’re here, so on and so forth. Getting straight to the point, I need you to do just one thing for me…â€


“I can’t easily do anything right now considering I’m chained to a wall.â€


Phyro interrupted.




The man said, smirking.


“All I want you to do is release yourself from that wall. Oh escape from this castle if you can, I just need you to free yourself of those chains.â€


Phyro found this a very odd request.


“What do you want me to do that for?â€


“Honestly now, There’s no need explaining such things to you if you’ll just be out of here in a short time.â€


“Well, you’re going to tell me anyway!â€


Phyro demanded, putting himself as close to the human as he could, threateningly, just he soon realized he was only two feet away from the wall. The man quietly laughed at Phyro, said nothing, and watched him expectantly. Frustrated, Phyro took in a large breath, waited for a second for the man’s reaction, which was nothing. Phyro exhaled, ejecting a secretion from his mouth that created a very large flame.


Once the fire dispersed, Phyro saw the human had just stepped back to avoid the flame. Letting out a loud cry of frustration, and pushed against the chains as hard as he could, using his arm’s muscle to full capacity. The futile effort left him tired, but more frustrated. A rather constant shout sounded as he struggled against the chains as hard as he could. His yelling changed into a rather intimidating dragon-like roar, as he ran out of breath, struggling and roaring.


After about three minutes of this same thing, Phyro completely lost control, roared very loudly, sounding more like a dragon than ever. He pushed against the chains as hard as he could once more, to see that each chain link had snapped, as small pieces of metal flew in every direction. Feeling quite invigorated, Phyro lunged at the human before him, much faster than human reflexes, and curled his large fingers around the human’s entire body, gripping it completely.


“I’ve escaped. Try stopping me now.â€


Phyro vocalized, but his ears heard different. In some entirely new language he had just spoken, though the same mentality had come across. Phyro’s eyes widened somewhat at this discovery, as he looked down in realization of what he just did.


As opposed to the humanoid body he was used to, he saw a massive dragon body with dark green scales. Regardless of his remarkable new figure, Phyro felt a somewhat familiar sense of fear within himself; He seemed to have a fear for dragons, which is what he now was. Phyro’s best estimation of how big he was now would be some odd eighteen feet tall. (This would explain how he could pick up a human in the palm of his hand.) Apparently, this human wanted Phyro to be angered enough that he would break free of these chains, but the only way he could do so was to use his inner dragon. But… Why did this human want Phyro to be so powerful? He was obviously far beyond the control of Humans…




Anzi focused her eyes, trying to see through the darkness, despite her senses were somewhat clouded by hunger and loneliness.


The figure there was a large humanoid, it had large draconic wings, and apparently a long tail. It looked VERY similar to Phyro.


“Phyro…? Is that you?â€


“Phyro? Who’s that?â€


Anzi continued looking at this creature, confused. Another creature very similar to this one peered around the broken wall, followed by a third Phyro that walked in. From shock upon a thought that had come to her, Anzi cursed and stepped back.


“Phyro! They cloned you! Aaaaaugh!â€


Anzi began panicking and fretting around in her cage.


“Calm down, cat-lady. You seem to know of one similar to us. Where is it?â€


“I don’t know, I was going to ask you.â€


“… What are you locked up for?â€


A different one asked.


“I don’t know, really, my best guess is to keep me from interfering with whatever they’re doing to Phyro.â€


“That sounds like something the Defilers would do.â€


One of them told its allies, and walked over to the cage bars, grabbed two of them and pushed them apart with some effort, creating a large enough space for Anzi to fit through.


As Anzi stepped through the space that the Phyro-person made for her, she noted an outstretched hand from one of the newcomers.


“I’m Karaast. This here is Diego, That’s Ashitakaze. You are?â€


“Anzi. Thanks for helping me out.â€


Anzi replied, shaking the hand in front of her.


“Uh… Do you guys have any idea what’s going on here?â€


“Phyro, as you call him, is, supposably, a Draenno like ourselves. Our best guess of what is going on, is that the Defilers’ underlings, or the people running this place, Are provoking Phyro to unleash his inner dragon, which, if harnessed, would give these the Defilers a power that could, over time, seize control of this world. We need to stop this from happening, save Phyro, and get out of here, and/or kill off these goons that are working for the Defilers.â€


“Oh. That explains that. … Just so you know, They’ve got a bit more manpower than you may have anticipated. Just the four of us may not be able to take on that epitome of testosterone, that shapeshifter and whoever else they may have hiding throughout this castle.â€


“… Admittedly, we had not taken that into consideration.â€


“That’s why you need the mind of a woman on your team.â€


“And now we do. Any second now, Phyro will have-“


Diego was cut off by a loud draconic roar toward the center of the castle.


“Perfect timing. Let’s go.â€



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Ohh, teh suspense is killing me! great story so far! however, how does one pronounce Draenno? Also, there is a hidden bad word in one of the names! :o

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Chapter Twenty-One

The end draws near...


“Yes, you’ve pretty well realized you can change into a dragon. This can come useful for me…â€


“Not if I can help it!â€


Phyro cut him off in the draconic language again, and threw Tahmores against a distant wall.


“Accaia Artemis!â€


Tahmores cried out as he flew through the room, heading toward the wall. Very shortly after this was incanted, a beam of very bright moonlight shone through the window, and in front of Tahmores’ path. As the light touched Tahmores, his body instantly transformed into that of a werewolf, massive enough to endure the pending impact, and durable enough to last a long combating fight, easily foreseeable in the near future.


“Phyro! Phyr- Oh my…â€


Anzi called out as she entered the room along with Ashitakaze, Diego and Karaast, upon seeing him in the form of a rather large dragon. As he turned his attention over to her, his mentality of anger had dispersed; He was comforted and calmed. Resulting in nothing supporting his dragon shape.


Phyro felt dizzy as his body began downsizing, and becoming more of an elf. Within rather short seconds, he was no different than he was before. He immediately saw that this was not to his advantage; Tahmores stood some thirty feet away, in the form of a lycanthrope.


Analyzing the situation, Phyro looked at the room around him, somewhat disoriented and confused. His train of thought was interrupted by Anzi hugging him affectionately.


“This is not the time for reunison, Anzi. We’ll celebrate later.â€


Phyro whispered to Anzi.


“Have you seen Arranay?â€


Anzi asked to Phyro, as the two realized that the Draenno were not well acquainted yet. The two turned their heads’ over to the trio, all of whom looked confused.


“One of you is a disguised shapeshifter. We can either find out which one by force, or you, Arranay, can expose yourself.â€


Anzi announced as she approached the Draenno. They looked among themselves, expecting each other to do something.


“… Are you-“


“That will have to wait, Phyro.â€


Anzi interrupted Phyro from asking them something, with her eyes still fixed on the trio. Upon seeing no response, Anzi pulled up her left sleeve and showed them her full shoulder.


“One of you should have a darkness scar in this area. Whoever does is not of us.â€


Diego and Karaast willingly rolled up their sleeves, visibly showing their shoulders, while Ashitakaze looked for a reason not to do so.


“Arranay, give it up. We have you this time.â€


“I beg to differ, Anzi…â€


The disguised Arranay shifted into her standard form, and approached Anzi.


“I find that I have the upper hand this time.â€


She taunted with a smirk, and motioned to behind Anzi, who then turned around to see a werewolf, inches from striking Phyro who had his guard down.


“NO! Phyro!â€


Anzi shouted, trying to get to Phyro and protect him, but Arranay immediately grabbed one of Anzi’s arms, and put a knife to her throat, at the same time that Phyro turned around, apparently not knowing beforehand that the beast was so close. He jumped backward, and caught Tahmores’ arm that was heading his direction rather rapidly.


“Phyro, Watch out!â€


Karaast cried out as he and Diego ran toward Phyro to aid him in taking on the wolf opposing him.


“No! … Help!â€


Arranay pressed the blade to Anzi’s neck, to get her to remain silent, or die right then and there.


“Diego, Get Anzi!â€


Karaast commanded as he joined in with Phyro in trying to fight back against the werewolf.


Diego discharged a shot of fire, carefully aimed toward Arranay’s head, which still had Anzi captive. In response to this, Arranay pulled her knife away from Anzi in a motion that would have cut her throat, as the two divided and threw themselves to the ground. Arranay had made a half-hearted attempt to kill Anzi there, though her blade had apparently just slightly penetrated Anzi’s neck, not enough to hit vital parts. Nonetheless, Anzi kneeled on the ground with a hand on her neck.


Arranay immediately vocalized an incantation of sorts, loud and clear, as if to call someone.


“Silence yourself, Traitor!â€


Diego shouted at Arranay whilst lunging at her to forcibly keep her down. His tackling impact knocked the wind out of Arranay, who was then rather shaken by a sudden impact, but fought back by shape shifting at random trying to shake Diego off of her.


Phyro pushed back at Tahmores’ arm to the best of his ability at the time, only to find that the werewolf was stronger than he was. Karaast tackled the beast down to try and buy some time for Phyro, though the massive wolf only stepped back a foot or so, unshaken, and grabbed the thrashing Draenno with a very sharp-clawed hand, gripping through his thick skin, and throwing Karaast off. While Tahmores was occupied with Karaast, Phyro swiped his own clawed hand at Tahmores’ head; To his surprise, Tahmores didn’t see it coming and took a cut to his eye, while howling in pain and stepping back, holding his head in one hand, his other arm flailing around uncontrollably.


Not being one for giving up easily, Tahmores squinted his eyes, despite the bloody mess on the side of his head, and fought back, making a punch at Phyro’s abdomen, causing him to wince it pain briefly, Tahmores then grabbed at Phyro’s neck, lifting him high in to the air, squeezing unnecessarily hard, then forcibly threw him in to the stone floor, making a small crater in the solid rock, cracks running through it visibly.


Anzi looked around, realizing she was in minimal pain, and obviously not dead yet. She saw Karaast and Phyro struggling immensely with a werewolf, and Diego trying to keep Arranay down by himself. In response to this Arranay would shift in to various creatures; Elephant, tiger, wolf, ape, her Elvin form, along with various other creatures, though Anzi analyzed the situation for which of these situations needed her help the most.


A strange screeching sound echoed through the castle from behind Anzi, she immediately looked to see what it was… And saw a horde of Torrask’s coming their way.


Anzi then stood up, deciding that she was the only one available to take this force on. She saw Arranay doing this multiple times; it shouldn’t be too hard… although she could have just commanded them to cooperate… Either way, Anzi readied herself for battle, in spite of the fact that her chances of victory are not looking well.


Upon making an impromptu battle-cry, as she ran head-on with the opposing Torrask force, she instinctively dodged a flying puddle of Torce. She realized that she must keep her mouth closed at all costs.


Anzi reached for her sword, but quickly realized that it was gone.


...This battle may be harder than anticipated.


[Oh noes D=]

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Chapter Twenty-One

The end draws near...


“Yes, you’ve pretty well realized you can change into a dragon. This can come useful for me…â€


“Not if I can help it!â€


Phyro cut him off in the draconic language again, and threw Tahmores against a distant wall.


“Accaia Artemis!â€


Tahmores cried out as he flew through the room, heading toward the wall. Very shortly after this was incanted, a beam of very bright moonlight shone through the window, and in front of Tahmores’ path. As the light touched Tahmores, his body instantly transformed into that of a werewolf, massive enough to endure the pending impact, and durable enough to last a long combating fight, easily foreseeable in the near future.


“Phyro! Phyr- Oh my…â€


Anzi called out as she entered the room along with Ashitakaze, Diego and Karaast, upon seeing him in the form of a rather large dragon. As he turned his attention over to her, his mentality of anger had dispersed; He was comforted and calmed. Resulting in nothing supporting his dragon shape.


Phyro felt dizzy as his body began downsizing, and becoming more of an elf. Within rather short seconds, he was no different than he was before. He immediately saw that this was not to his advantage; Tahmores stood some thirty feet away, in the form of a lycanthrope.


Analyzing the situation, Phyro looked at the room around him, somewhat disoriented and confused. His train of thought was interrupted by Anzi hugging him affectionately.


“This is not the time for reunison, Anzi. We’ll celebrate later.â€


Phyro whispered to Anzi.


“Have you seen Arranay?â€


Anzi asked to Phyro, as the two realized that the Draenno were not well acquainted yet. The two turned their heads’ over to the trio, all of whom looked confused.


“One of you is a disguised shapeshifter. We can either find out which one by force, or you, Arranay, can expose yourself.â€


Anzi announced as she approached the Draenno. They looked among themselves, expecting each other to do something.


“… Are you-“


“That will have to wait, Phyro.â€


Anzi interrupted Phyro from asking them something, with her eyes still fixed on the trio. Upon seeing no response, Anzi pulled up her left sleeve and showed them her full shoulder.


“One of you should have a darkness scar in this area. Whoever does is not of us.â€


Diego and Karaast willingly rolled up their sleeves, visibly showing their shoulders, while Ashitakaze looked for a reason not to do so.


“Arranay, give it up. We have you this time.â€


“I beg to differ, Anzi…â€


The disguised Arranay shifted into her standard form, and approached Anzi.


“I find that I have the upper hand this time.â€


She taunted with a smirk, and motioned to behind Anzi, who then turned around to see a werewolf, inches from striking Phyro who had his guard down.


“NO! Phyro!â€


Anzi shouted, trying to get to Phyro and protect him, but Arranay immediately grabbed one of Anzi’s arms, and put a knife to her throat, at the same time that Phyro turned around, apparently not knowing beforehand that the beast was so close. He jumped backward, and caught Tahmores’ arm that was heading his direction rather rapidly.


“Phyro, Watch out!â€


Karaast cried out as he and Diego ran toward Phyro to aid him in taking on the wolf opposing him.


“No! … Help!â€


Arranay pressed the blade to Anzi’s neck, to get her to remain silent, or die right then and there.


“Diego, Get Anzi!â€


Karaast commanded as he joined in with Phyro in trying to fight back against the werewolf.


Diego discharged a shot of fire, carefully aimed toward Arranay’s head, which still had Anzi captive. In response to this, Arranay pulled her knife away from Anzi in a motion that would have cut her throat, as the two divided and threw themselves to the ground. Arranay had made a half-hearted attempt to kill Anzi there, though her blade had apparently just slightly penetrated Anzi’s neck, not enough to hit vital parts. Nonetheless, Anzi kneeled on the ground with a hand on her neck.


Arranay immediately vocalized an incantation of sorts, loud and clear, as if to call someone.


“Silence yourself, Traitor!â€


Diego shouted at Arranay whilst lunging at her to forcibly keep her down. His tackling impact knocked the wind out of Arranay, who was then rather shaken by a sudden impact, but fought back by shape shifting at random trying to shake Diego off of her.


Phyro pushed back at Tahmores’ arm to the best of his ability at the time, only to find that the werewolf was stronger than he was. Karaast tackled the beast down to try and buy some time for Phyro, though the massive wolf only stepped back a foot or so, unshaken, and grabbed the thrashing Draenno with a very sharp-clawed hand, gripping through his thick skin, and throwing Karaast off. While Tahmores was occupied with Karaast, Phyro swiped his own clawed hand at Tahmores’ head; To his surprise, Tahmores didn’t see it coming and took a cut to his eye, while howling in pain and stepping back, holding his head in one hand, his other arm flailing around uncontrollably.


Not being one for giving up easily, Tahmores squinted his eyes, despite the bloody mess on the side of his head, and fought back, making a punch at Phyro’s abdomen, causing him to wince it pain briefly, Tahmores then grabbed at Phyro’s neck, lifting him high in to the air, squeezing unnecessarily hard, then forcibly threw him in to the stone floor, making a small crater in the solid rock, cracks running through it visibly.


Anzi looked around, realizing she was in minimal pain, and obviously not dead yet. She saw Karaast and Phyro struggling immensely with a werewolf, and Diego trying to keep Arranay down by himself. In response to this Arranay would shift in to various creatures; Elephant, tiger, wolf, ape, her Elvin form, along with various other creatures, though Anzi analyzed the situation for which of these situations needed her help the most.


A strange screeching sound echoed through the castle from behind Anzi, she immediately looked to see what it was… And saw a horde of Torrask’s coming their way.


Anzi then stood up, deciding that she was the only one available to take this force on. She saw Arranay doing this multiple times; it shouldn’t be too hard… although she could have just commanded them to cooperate… Either way, Anzi readied herself for battle, in spite of the fact that her chances of victory are not looking well.


Upon making an impromptu battle-cry, as she ran head-on with the opposing Torrask force, she instinctively dodged a flying puddle of Torce. She realized that she must keep her mouth closed at all costs.


Anzi reached for her sword, but quickly realized that it was gone.


...This battle may be harder than anticipated.


[Oh noes D=]

[Her battle cry should have been "Drain the lizards!"]

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Chapter Twenty-One

The end draws near...

[Her battle cry should have been "Drain the lizards!"]

[Naw. It was more of an "AAAAAAAAAAAAUGH." She didnt think of draining the lizards of precious bottley fluids. xD (I bet Lexxy-man knows of that reference.) ]

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Chapter Twenty-One

The end draws near...

[Her battle cry should have been "Drain the lizards!"]

[Naw. It was more of an "AAAAAAAAAAAAUGH." She didnt think of draining the lizards of precious bottley fluids. xD (I bet Lexxy-man knows of that reference.) ]

[Next time I'm in a fatasy game, I'm gonna make a request to the GM that we fight a dragon, just so I can say that.]

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Chapter Twenty-One

The end draws near...

[Her battle cry should have been "Drain the lizards!"]

[Naw. It was more of an "AAAAAAAAAAAAUGH." She didnt think of draining the lizards of precious bottley fluids. xD (I bet Lexxy-man knows of that reference.) ]

[Next time I'm in a fatasy game, I'm gonna make a request to the GM that we fight a dragon, just so I can say that.]

[... And then lose some weight. xD]

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well,m unless you're some kind of Ubervampire. it might not work so well..

You ever think of being nice to the dragons?

id' think a little air support would go a long way against most baddies.

Air support... what type air support would you be needing.

*puts on goggles and scarf*

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Chapter Twenty-One

The end draws near...

[Her battle cry should have been "Drain the lizards!"]

[Naw. It was more of an "AAAAAAAAAAAAUGH." She didnt think of draining the lizards of precious bottley fluids. xD (I bet Lexxy-man knows of that reference.) ]

[Next time I'm in a fantasy game, I'm gonna make a request to the GM that we fight a dragon, just so I can say that.]

[... And then lose some weight. xD]

[What are you talking about? I don't see any typos. >.>;;]

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well,m unless you're some kind of Ubervampire. it might not work so well..

You ever think of being nice to the dragons?

id' think a little air support would go a long way against most baddies.

[Actually, I do try that. It doesn't end well, most of the time. ._.;;;


Me: Dragon! Lets be friends!

Dragon: ...*fire breath*]

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  • 3 months later...

[so, Okay. Guys.


I went and bumped this topic to announce that I still havent forgotten about this story either. XD what, i have three or four going on the site here? jeez.


If this is on the front page of the forum, i'll be reminded more often and actually update it. Im gettin there.]

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[Man, Im fickle today.


I annoyed myself by leaving this unfinished, I ended up rewriting chapta 22, which I just posted a while back.


See the rather drastic changes here, the not-so-very-great one and the pretty good one.


Heres the f'real chapta twoty-two.]


Chapter Twenty-Two

Get back here!


More effectively than she could have hoped for, Anzi ‘whacked’ one of the Torrasks heads, knocking it backward slightly, she reached back behind it during its temporary stun and grabbed the back of its head, and paralyzed it with its shared vulnerability to its upper neck like other reptilian creatures. Anzi quickly looked around herself to analyze the situation more fully, and noticed that this Torrask she had in her hands had a Torraskan Blade, as Phyro had once mentioned. Seeing how Torrask’s were effective weapons against each other, Anzi tried pulling the scimitar-resembling blade from the Torrask’s body, to no success.


After biting it a few times, the blade came off, and Anzi had a weapon. One quite effective against her enemies, to boot. [A flaw there would be that by the time Anzi would have paralyzed that one Torrask, about three of them would have had the opportunity to have her killed by that moment.]


A single swift horizontal slash ended up cutting four Torrask’s in half, as she continued fending the remaining hundred or more with the blade, mostly just swinging it around for fun in the process of doing so.


Karaast responded by scrambling to his feet, and lunged back to Tahmores, who, as Karaast failed to see, was ready for the blow. Tahmores effortlessly swung his arm in Karaast’s path, knocking him off to the side once more.


Tahmores let out a fairly loud roar, and slammed a fist again into the cringing Phyro, who let out his own roar, the familiar half-human, half-dragon sound. Phyro was still unable to move due to previous blows, Tahmores relentlessly kicked Phyro, picked him up off the ground, put a few more punches in, and threw him across the room, and turned around to attack the predictable Karaast.


Diego managed to slash across Arranay’s face with his rather sharp claws, causing her to bleed more than a little bit. In reaction, she shifted into a Draenno herself, and promptly laid a well-aimed punch into Diego’s head, knocking him out.


Arranay stood up, changed back to her elven form, waved her hand in the air, which was seen by Tahmores. It would seem that this was to signal something. Tahmores nodded, and watched both Karaast struggle to his feet once more, and Arranay run over to the crumpled body of Phyro, grab him carelessly, and run off in the form of a Draenno once more.


Out the corner of her eye, Anzi saw Phyro being dragged along the ground by what must have been Arranay, no one else would be doing so in the careless and hurried fashion.


“That’s MY job…â€


Anzi spoke under her breath, threw the Torraskan blade to her side, stabbing through the head of a Torrask about to attack her. Anzi immediately sprinted off after Arranay, thoughts running through her head of how much she loathed her…


Karaast spat out the amount of blood that had come to his mouth, having taken damage sufficient. He kept his eyes fixed on the slowly approaching werewolf, while devising his next move. At the last possible second, he did so, kicking off the ground with the energy he had left to use, shot out a large stream of fire on his adversary to distract him if not more, and promptly spread his wings and flew over to Diego, picked him up, and flew after Anzi.


Anzi thought of how Arranay had deceived them and got them to play right into her hands, how she had covered her ‘darkness scar’ after saying such was impossible, how she came and replaced Anzi by earning Phyro’s trust…


This anxiety and tension only further fueled Anzi’s motivation, her speed picked up, and she came to a side-door of the castle, to see Arranay use the Draenno way of starting off flight, kicking off the ground with the familiar wingspan, Arranay soon rose out of sight.


“Not fair!â€


Anzi shouted out, standing just outside the door, pointing at the ascending Arranay. A few seconds followed before Anzi felt an arm grab her from the side, and she found herself flying in the air with Karaast and Diego.


Hurriedly, Karaast landed atop the very castle they escaped from, and dropped Diego and Anzi rather ungracefully.


“Take care of him! I’ve got to go!â€


Karaast said, and turned around in mid-air and took of, surprisingly fast, in the direction of where he last saw Arranay.


Anzi stood, rather shaken, looking at the writhing, injured Diego. She didn't have any medical tools or any way of healing him…!


[queue chase scene! w00t!]

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