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Someone hasn't claimed their Sammy Star

Sammy the Hamster

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*trumpet plays* I have good news. For the first time in almost 2 years my award the Sammy Star is being passed out! This is also very special, because the real Sammy the hamster died in November and this is the first award being passed out since that day. So with out further delay I present this Sammy Star to.....The Biggest Fan of Fuzzy for the ingenious idea of having a Hampsterdance Reunion!


^that is a post from one of my previous topics


Congrats TBFOF! Come here to collect your Sammy Star

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*trumpet plays* I have good news. For the first time in almost 2 years my award the Sammy Star is being passed out! This is also very special, because the real Sammy the hamster died in November and this is the first award being passed out since that day. So with out further delay I present this Sammy Star to.....The Biggest Fan of Fuzzy for the ingenious idea of having a Hampsterdance Reunion! 


^that is a post from one of my previous topics


Congrats TBFOF! Come here to collect your Sammy Star

You know that old saying... you snooze, you lose.

*grabs Sammy Star and scurries at top speed into the darkness*

Heeeee, heeee, heeee, heeee........

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*trumpet plays* I have good news. For the first time in almost 2 years my award the Sammy Star is being passed out! This is also very special, because the real Sammy the hamster died in November and this is the first award being passed out since that day. So with out further delay I present this Sammy Star to.....The Biggest Fan of Fuzzy for the ingenious idea of having a Hampsterdance Reunion! 


^that is a post from one of my previous topics


Congrats TBFOF! Come here to collect your Sammy Star

You know that old saying... you snooze, you lose.

*grabs Sammy Star and scurries at top speed into the darkness*

Heeeee, heeee, heeee, heeee........

*pulls Horatio back* Wait here with that, Horatio. :lol:

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*trumpet plays* I have good news. For the first time in almost 2 years my award the Sammy Star is being passed out! This is also very special, because the real Sammy the hamster died in November and this is the first award being passed out since that day. So with out further delay I present this Sammy Star to.....The Biggest Fan of Fuzzy for the ingenious idea of having a Hampsterdance Reunion! 


^that is a post from one of my previous topics


Congrats TBFOF! Come here to collect your Sammy Star

No. I am having computer troubles/hardly ever come to Dixie.

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you're very welcome. thanks for the awesome idea :D

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