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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Thank you for being a part of this creative forum.


Guidelines that will help the writers, artists and audience, will be if each person start their own topic.  For instance, Horatio is the author of a story called Life in the Air.  He would list his name and title of his story in the topic and description and then all the chapters of this particular story would be under this topic.  This way the readers could follow an entire story in one topic.  If Horatio wanted to start another story, then he could start another topic.


Hopefully this will help readers enjoy the writings of our friends.  Stories, poems, lyrics, plays and any other written works will be greatly appreciated!


Thank you and please begin your writing, I look forward to all the stories.



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Thank you for being a part of this creative forum.


Guidelines that will help the writers, artists and audience, will be if each person start their own topic.  For instance, Horatio is the author of a story called Life in the Air.  He would list his name and title of his story in the topic and description and then all the chapters of this particular story would be under this topic.  This way the readers could follow an entire story in one topic.  If Horatio wanted to start another story, then he could start another topic.


Hopefully this will help readers enjoy the writings of our friends.  Stories, poems, lyrics, plays and any other written works will be greatly appreciated!


Thank you and please begin your writing, I look forward to all the stories.



<font color='#0000FF'>i hope not, i enjoy feedback</font>

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Does that mean that if anyone wants to comment, they will not be able to post in that topic, ie only the author can contribute :penguin  ???  :penguin ?

Good question.  Replies and comments will be appreciated, but I would ask that we do not stray to far from the story.  This way the author knows how much we appreciate their work and gives them incentive to continue, but we do not distract them from their work.

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thank you, horatio!
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Does that mean that if anyone wants to comment, they will not be able to post in that topic, ie only the author can contribute :penguin  ???  :penguin ?

Good question.  Replies and comments will be appreciated, but I would ask that we do not stray to far from the story.  This way the author knows how much we appreciate their work and gives them incentive to continue, but we do not distract them from their work.

Thank you! at last now people want just drone on about other things between the chapters of my story.

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  • 2 weeks later...
hey! my primrose story is gone! oh, wait, nevermind.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Does that mean that if anyone wants to comment, they will not be able to post in that topic, ie only the author can contribute :penguin  ???  :penguin ?

Good question.  Replies and comments will be appreciated, but I would ask that we do not stray to far from the story.  This way the author knows how much we appreciate their work and gives them incentive to continue, but we do not distract them from their work.

Thank you! at last now people want just drone on about other things between the chapters of my story.

Which is why you are no longer posting in your story here.  I see.


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<font color='#348781'>

Good question.  Replies and comments will be appreciated, but I would ask that we do not stray to far from the story.  This way the author knows how much we appreciate their work and gives them incentive to continue, but we do not distract them from their work.

Thank you! at last now people want just drone on about other things between the chapters of my story.

Which is why you are no longer posting in your story here.  I see.


My computer carshed ergo I was not able to post.</font>

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Good question.  Replies and comments will be appreciated, but I would ask that we do not stray to far from the story.  This way the author knows how much we appreciate their work and gives them incentive to continue, but we do not distract them from their work.

Thank you! at last now people want just drone on about other things between the chapters of my story.

Which is why you are no longer posting in your story here.  I see.


My computer carshed ergo I was not able to post.

I am so sorry to hear your computer crashed!  That must have been awful! We are glad to see you back!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Question. Is there a limit as to whats IN the story or pictures, whatever? For example, One i was thinking of posting has a tendency to be rather violent. A few 'people' getting killed off, 'Cant go one chapter without using some kind of magic or spell, (it seems some people are against that) Censored profanity (Heh.) Aaannndd.... Um... o_o;; More violence. And a few things that tend to be rather gross. (as in, icky gooey gross stuff. o_o; ) Such as, A huge critter monstor thing that seems to be made of only, slimy wierd long tentacles, constricting and... Some other stuff.


There could be a rating next to the title of the topic or in the description? ( ex. PG, PG-13, Y, Y-7) And theres be the reasons WHY that rating is there...?


Just wondering. o_o


As you might've noticed, Im a rather violent person. n_n;

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Question. Is there a limit as to whats IN the story or pictures, whatever? For example, One i was thinking of posting has a tendency to be rather violent. A few 'people' getting killed off, 'Cant go one chapter without using some kind of magic or spell, (it seems some people are against that) Censored profanity (Heh.) Aaannndd.... Um... o_o;; More violence. And a few things that tend to be rather gross. (as in, icky gooey gross stuff. o_o; ) Such as, A huge critter monstor thing that seems to be made of only, slimy wierd long tentacles, constricting and... Some other stuff.


There could be a rating next to the title of the topic or in the description? ( ex. PG, PG-13, Y, Y-7) And theres be the reasons WHY that rating is there...?


Just wondering. o_o


As you might've noticed, Im a rather violent person. n_n;

We want to keep things here "family friendly".  That does not mean that everything needs to be sugar-coated, but there should be reasonable care taken to make sure that if a child reads something on here that it will not upset them.  Discussing someone being killed may not be a problem as long as the description of it is not overly detailed or disgusting.  It is a judgement call and I guess the moderators will review what is submitted and determine if it is okay.

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Question. Is there a limit as to whats IN the story or pictures, whatever? For example, One i was thinking of posting has a tendency to be rather violent. A few 'people' getting killed off, 'Cant go one chapter without using some kind of magic or spell, (it seems some people are against that) Censored profanity (Heh.) Aaannndd.... Um... o_o;; More violence. And a few things that tend to be rather gross. (as in, icky gooey gross stuff. o_o; ) Such as, A huge critter monstor thing that seems to be made of only, slimy wierd long tentacles, constricting and... Some other stuff.


There could be a rating next to the title of the topic or in the description? ( ex. PG, PG-13, Y, Y-7) And theres be the reasons WHY that rating is there...?


Just wondering. o_o


As you might've noticed, Im a rather violent person. n_n;

We want to keep things here "family friendly".  That does not mean that everything needs to be sugar-coated, but there should be reasonable care taken to make sure that if a child reads something on here that it will not upset them.  Discussing someone being killed may not be a problem as long as the description of it is not overly detailed or disgusting.  It is a judgement call and I guess the moderators will review what is submitted and determine if it is okay.

Yes, Alright. There never was much detail to it. Thanks for the info then.


'We got mods for a reason. -hugs Sheena and Hotario- :D And admins. Yay.

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  • 5 weeks later...
Question. Is there a limit as to whats IN the story or pictures, whatever? For example, One i was thinking of posting has a tendency to be rather violent. A few 'people' getting killed off, 'Cant go one chapter without using some kind of magic or spell, (it seems some people are against that) Censored profanity (Heh.) Aaannndd.... Um... o_o;; More violence. And a few things that tend to be rather gross. (as in, icky gooey gross stuff. o_o; ) Such as, A huge critter monstor thing that seems to be made of only, slimy wierd long tentacles, constricting and... Some other stuff.


There could be a rating next to the title of the topic or in the description? ( ex. PG, PG-13, Y, Y-7) And theres be the reasons WHY that rating is there...?


Just wondering. o_o


As you might've noticed, Im a rather violent person. n_n;

We want to keep things here "family friendly".  That does not mean that everything needs to be sugar-coated, but there should be reasonable care taken to make sure that if a child reads something on here that it will not upset them.  Discussing someone being killed may not be a problem as long as the description of it is not overly detailed or disgusting.  It is a judgement call and I guess the moderators will review what is submitted and determine if it is okay.

Yes, Alright. There never was much detail to it. Thanks for the info then.


'We got mods for a reason. -hugs Sheena and Hotario- :D And admins. Yay.

Thanks Arkcher!


*returns huggles*


:D  :D  :D

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
With that 'additional help' in the desctiption of this topic...


Who can help with thinking up the start of the story im writing now? x__x;

You could have the main person running away from a monster, or something. That's always fun to both write and read!

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...
hiya :D ,

          wotz up i am so bord and i was wording if you cod send me load and loads of stories ans poems about this plz plz







Hello NoAnGel, I am so sorry that I missed this.  Welcome to HampsterDance Boards.  We are happy to see you here and hope that you return.  Please take a look around the Stories forum and read as many stories as you can.  We have some phenomenal authors and the stories are excellent.


Here is a little tip:


If you would like an avatar, the image beneath your name, here are the directions...

    Go to the upper left hand corner, click on Your Control Panel,

    Click on Personal Info

    Click on Avatar Options

    Look at all the pictures in the Avatar Gallery, when you find one you


    Click on Add This Avatar To My Profile.


Voila, you now have a picture beneath you name.


You can change your avatar never or daily... there is no limit.



Hope to see you return.


Welcome and again, I apologize for missing your post.





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  • 7 months later...
  • 1 month later...
Try as far away from a fast food resturant as possible. *goes to Paris and then Berlin*

*is shocked by the WHite McDonalds on the Champs-Elyesee* *is even more shocked in Berlin with a McDonalds near the Old Berlin wall* *finds sanctitude in Vatican City* *realises this is on Christian soil* *chucks self off it*

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  • 9 months later...
Try as far away from a fast food resturant as possible. *goes to Paris and then Berlin*

*is shocked by the WHite McDonalds on the Champs-Elyesee* *is even more shocked in Berlin with a McDonalds near the Old Berlin wall* *finds sanctitude in Vatican City* *realises this is on Christian soil* *chucks self off it*

*is shocked to see TGHL is shocked*

I thought you knew there were about four Mcdonald's along the Champs-Elysee*

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Try as far away from a fast food resturant as possible. *goes to Paris and then Berlin*

*is shocked by the WHite McDonalds on the Champs-Elyesee* *is even more shocked in Berlin with a McDonalds near the Old Berlin wall* *finds sanctitude in Vatican City* *realises this is on Christian soil* *chucks self off it*

*is shocked to see TGHL is shocked*

I thought you knew there were about four Mcdonald's along the Champs-Elysee*

WHOA! When was the last time Horatio revived an old topic? Heh. :lol:

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Try as far away from a fast food resturant as possible. *goes to Paris and then Berlin*

*is shocked by the WHite McDonalds on the Champs-Elyesee* *is even more shocked in Berlin with a McDonalds near the Old Berlin wall* *finds sanctitude in Vatican City* *realises this is on Christian soil* *chucks self off it*

*is shocked to see TGHL is shocked*

I thought you knew there were about four Mcdonald's along the Champs-Elysee*

WHOA! When was the last time Horatio revived an old topic? Heh. :lol:

*wonders how I did that*

*checks coffee cup to make sure there is something in there*

Yes, I am awake... I have no idea what happened.

*steps into the office of Dr. Wolf the Psychiatrist*

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Try as far away from a fast food resturant as possible. *goes to Paris and then Berlin*

*is shocked by the WHite McDonalds on the Champs-Elyesee* *is even more shocked in Berlin with a McDonalds near the Old Berlin wall* *finds sanctitude in Vatican City* *realises this is on Christian soil* *chucks self off it*

*is shocked to see TGHL is shocked*

I thought you knew there were about four Mcdonald's along the Champs-Elysee*

WHOA! When was the last time Horatio revived an old topic? Heh. :lol:

*wonders how I did that*

*checks coffee cup to make sure there is something in there*

Yes, I am awake... I have no idea what happened.

*steps into the office of Dr. Wolf the Psychiatrist*

*puts on glasses rims*


Have you been feeling different lately, Horatio?

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Try as far away from a fast food resturant as possible. *goes to Paris and then Berlin*

*is shocked by the WHite McDonalds on the Champs-Elyesee* *is even more shocked in Berlin with a McDonalds near the Old Berlin wall* *finds sanctitude in Vatican City* *realises this is on Christian soil* *chucks self off it*

*is shocked to see TGHL is shocked*

I thought you knew there were about four Mcdonald's along the Champs-Elysee*

WHOA! When was the last time Horatio revived an old topic? Heh. :lol:

*wonders how I did that*

*checks coffee cup to make sure there is something in there*

Yes, I am awake... I have no idea what happened.

*steps into the office of Dr. Wolf the Psychiatrist*

*puts on glasses rims*


Have you been feeling different lately, Horatio?

*sits in a big cushy chair*


Well Dr. Wolf... let me think.

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Try as far away from a fast food resturant as possible. *goes to Paris and then Berlin*

*is shocked by the WHite McDonalds on the Champs-Elyesee* *is even more shocked in Berlin with a McDonalds near the Old Berlin wall* *finds sanctitude in Vatican City* *realises this is on Christian soil* *chucks self off it*

*is shocked to see TGHL is shocked*

I thought you knew there were about four Mcdonald's along the Champs-Elysee*

WHOA! When was the last time Horatio revived an old topic? Heh. :lol:

*wonders how I did that*

*checks coffee cup to make sure there is something in there*

Yes, I am awake... I have no idea what happened.

*steps into the office of Dr. Wolf the Psychiatrist*

*puts on glasses rims*


Have you been feeling different lately, Horatio?

*sits in a big cushy chair*


Well Dr. Wolf... let me think.

Okay, just remember... this is run by the hour. :lol:

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Try as far away from a fast food resturant as possible. *goes to Paris and then Berlin*

*is shocked by the WHite McDonalds on the Champs-Elyesee* *is even more shocked in Berlin with a McDonalds near the Old Berlin wall* *finds sanctitude in Vatican City* *realises this is on Christian soil* *chucks self off it*

*is shocked to see TGHL is shocked*

I thought you knew there were about four Mcdonald's along the Champs-Elysee*

WHOA! When was the last time Horatio revived an old topic? Heh. :lol:

*wonders how I did that*

*checks coffee cup to make sure there is something in there*

Yes, I am awake... I have no idea what happened.

*steps into the office of Dr. Wolf the Psychiatrist*

*puts on glasses rims*


Have you been feeling different lately, Horatio?

*sits in a big cushy chair*


Well Dr. Wolf... let me think.

Okay, just remember... this is run by the hour. :lol:

Do you take other forms of payment besides cash? Visa perhaps?

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Try as far away from a fast food resturant as possible. *goes to Paris and then Berlin*

*is shocked by the WHite McDonalds on the Champs-Elyesee* *is even more shocked in Berlin with a McDonalds near the Old Berlin wall* *finds sanctitude in Vatican City* *realises this is on Christian soil* *chucks self off it*

*is shocked to see TGHL is shocked*

I thought you knew there were about four Mcdonald's along the Champs-Elysee*

WHOA! When was the last time Horatio revived an old topic? Heh. :lol:

*wonders how I did that*

*checks coffee cup to make sure there is something in there*

Yes, I am awake... I have no idea what happened.

*steps into the office of Dr. Wolf the Psychiatrist*

*puts on glasses rims*


Have you been feeling different lately, Horatio?

*sits in a big cushy chair*


Well Dr. Wolf... let me think.

Okay, just remember... this is run by the hour. :lol:

Do you take other forms of payment besides cash? Visa perhaps?

Yes. But there's a fee for credit. :lol:

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Try as far away from a fast food resturant as possible. *goes to Paris and then Berlin*

*is shocked by the WHite McDonalds on the Champs-Elyesee* *is even more shocked in Berlin with a McDonalds near the Old Berlin wall* *finds sanctitude in Vatican City* *realises this is on Christian soil* *chucks self off it*

*is shocked to see TGHL is shocked*

I thought you knew there were about four Mcdonald's along the Champs-Elysee*

WHOA! When was the last time Horatio revived an old topic? Heh. :lol:

*wonders how I did that*

*checks coffee cup to make sure there is something in there*

Yes, I am awake... I have no idea what happened.

*steps into the office of Dr. Wolf the Psychiatrist*

*puts on glasses rims*


Have you been feeling different lately, Horatio?

*sits in a big cushy chair*


Well Dr. Wolf... let me think.

Okay, just remember... this is run by the hour. :lol:

Do you take other forms of payment besides cash? Visa perhaps?

Yes. But there's a fee for credit. :lol:

How about a check? :huh:

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Try as far away from a fast food resturant as possible. *goes to Paris and then Berlin*

*is shocked by the WHite McDonalds on the Champs-Elyesee* *is even more shocked in Berlin with a McDonalds near the Old Berlin wall* *finds sanctitude in Vatican City* *realises this is on Christian soil* *chucks self off it*

*is shocked to see TGHL is shocked*

I thought you knew there were about four Mcdonald's along the Champs-Elysee*

WHOA! When was the last time Horatio revived an old topic? Heh. :lol:

*wonders how I did that*

*checks coffee cup to make sure there is something in there*

Yes, I am awake... I have no idea what happened.

*steps into the office of Dr. Wolf the Psychiatrist*

*puts on glasses rims*


Have you been feeling different lately, Horatio?

*sits in a big cushy chair*


Well Dr. Wolf... let me think.

Okay, just remember... this is run by the hour. :lol:

Do you take other forms of payment besides cash? Visa perhaps?

Yes. But there's a fee for credit. :lol:

How about a check? :huh:

Fee for that too. :lol:

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  • 4 months later...

Feeeeeeeee... FffeeeeeEEeeEEeeeEEEEEEeeeee...


What're you doing?


Fee! Isnt that the sound that um, eyeballs make?

Feeee, FeeeEEeeeEEEEEeee!


(In other words, topic re-re-rebumped.)

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Feeeeeeeee... FffeeeeeEEeeEEeeeEEEEEEeeeee...


What're you doing?


Fee! Isnt that the sound that um, eyeballs make?

Feeee, FeeeEEeeeEEEEEeee!


(In other words, topic re-re-rebumped.)

Eyeballs go fee, sure!



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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
BLUUAARRGHBLUUH BLUHBLUH. o_o; Just thought i'd 'bump' this topic. or rectivate it with random wierd words such as BLUUAARRGHBLUUH BLUHBLUH. o_o

*~*THe Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*\


Like this post.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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*~*The Grand ILlusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


This is one random topic. :lol:


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Asronomy Domine*~*

S'more like, this is one bumped topic.


OOH. Snap.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


<.< When you hear 99.9% of the school saying "Ooh Snap"...


-Throws Arkcher in the Meat Grinder-


*~*the Psychedelic Luau8~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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-Throws Arkcher in the Meat Grinder-


Didn't Arkcher die the last time you threw him into the Meat Grinder???????? :blink:

*~*The Gradn illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


I was just throwing away the corpse so the cops dun catch meh. :ninja:


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy domien*~*

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BLUUAARRGHBLUUH BLUHBLUH. o_o; Just thought i'd 'bump' this topic. or rectivate it with random wierd words such as BLUUAARRGHBLUUH BLUHBLUH. o_o

*~*THe Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*\


Like this post.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Shuddup. o_o; I was high.

on duct-tape fumes. or something.

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  • 4 months later...

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