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Ch. 1

 Soulmay, Otter, Arkcher, Horatio, and Mega Wolf


"Soulmay!" yelled Otter, Soulmay's best friend.

"Hi Otter!" she yelled back.

"Hey guys!" called 3 voices. It was their friends; Arkcher, Horatio, and Mega Wolf. What all of these friends had in common was their super powers, theycould talk, and they were in the form of animals, with the exception of Soulmay. Arkcher and Horatio were hamsters. Arkcher had quite an unbelievable power of amazing accuracy with bows and arrows. He also could create magical arrows. Horatio had an airplane, and he had splendid repair powers. Not only that, sometimes she could heal anyone instantly. Otter could swim at a super speed, 3000 MPH with a 1 ton boat. Mega Wolf was the fastest on land, air, sea, ect. and had extremely pretty wings. Soulmay was almost a human girl, only she had powers to posess magical items. Those magical items were not known to her yet. All she had was a sort of pointy sword and a wooden sheild.

"Let's go to the Spider Cave, explore! With all of your powers and my expertees with the sword and sheid, the monsters there don't stand a chance!" said Soulmay, with the idea just jumping in her head. She just thought of it on the spot. Spider Cave was the cave near town where monsters lived, such as the Durigians and the Serpoders.

"But the adults said never to go there!" replied Arkcher.

"I'm sure ready! I mean, my weapon would be the force of my bodyslam and my teeth could work, too!" yipped Mega Wolf, in a peaceful way.

"If any of us get hurt, I can heal them." said Horatio.

"I guess it's unanimous, I know Arkcher really wants to go. See that adventurous look in her eyes?" laughed Otted.

"Okay, let's go then!" replied Arkcher.


Ch. 2

 Spider Cave


Right when they got inside, they saw a Triooken. It was bunny-shaped, with snake skin. It had spines runing down it's back, it had the tail of a rat, with spikes on it's tail. The main problem was it was the same size as Soulmay.

Suddenly, it tried to attack Soulmay. When it got too close to the group, Mega Wolf ran it over, 107 times in that split second. That last time, though, she tripped over the dead corpse and got bruised. Just a bruise.

They walked further into the cave. They saw something up ahead. From the shape, they knew it was probably some horrible moster.

"Stop," whispered Arkcher,"let me shoot it with a partly freeze arrow." She took aim, as best as she could so it's head would be the only unfrozen part, that way they could speak with it if it's language was English. As usual, a perfect aim.

They walked over to it quietly as possible, in case there were other monsters sleeping nearby. When they got to it, it turned out to be a Masonashian. Most spoke English, but not too fluently.

"We heard there's treasure in this cave. Where might it be hidden, Masonashian? And what it your name?" asked Otter, as that was what most adventurers seeked when they went to the cave. But not one had ever returned.

"Me neem es Tru'ken. De treeser os weeth our boss. Our boss es et da end of da keev, ef you goo leeft froom heeere, den street, you geet der eesy."trembled Tru'ken.

"We will unfreeze you, if you don't attack. If you attack, we kill you, okay?" said Horatio.


They got a flame arrow and unfroze him, and left him there after that.

"Well, we went left. But from here, if we go straight, we could be walking one or two days. Maybe even three if we get lots of delays." noted Soulmay.

"Yeah, but the treasure's well worth it. And if there is too much to carry we could easily come back for more later. In one round trip, it should take us about one week. So it might take us a month if there's loads of treasure." replied Otter.

After that day, another day passed by, and nothing had happened. They were just a few kids with strange powers walking together in a dimly lit cave. But on the third day, things changed.

"Hey, guys! I think I see a very distant wooden door! Maybe that's where there boss is!" squeaked Horatio excitedly. He had been sitting on Mega Wolf's back along with his plane and Arkcher the whole time, otherwise they would slow them down a bunch. A hamsters legs couldn't go too far anyways. Not only that, they didn't want to waste Horatio's plane gas.

"Are we all ready for this? Do you think we're strong enough for the boss? He seems awfully strong." quivered Soulmay. She had been nervous about meeting the boss since they were told about it, but now she wasn't just being fearful of meeting him. She was fearful of death.

"Well, I think we're ready. Horatio, airplane loaded with magical missiles we made?" asked Arkcher. He had made magical arrowheads and Horatio attatched them to the missiles.

"Yeah! They look like they could defeat any boss, no matter how strong!" replied Horatio.

"Well, I'm ready. I'll fly above and use the force of it like I'm a missile, if I really need to." said Mega Wolf, sounding a little too relaxed.

"Okay, then let's go..." quaked Otter.

Soulmay was going to have her first adventure...



Ch. 3, Sartu'ken


They were five steps away from the door. Four steps. Three steps. Two steps. One. The door was locked shut with a cheap combination lock with three numbers.

"Don't bother solving it. I'll just ram over the door. That's much, much more fun. Horatio, fly the plane off my back. Arkcher, ride in the passengers seat." ordered Mega Wolf.

"Okay, fine." replied Horatio and Arkcher in unison.

Right after, they all heard a deep moan.

"He sounds tired. I guess it'll be easier to beat him." guessed Otter.

"Now's the best time Mega Wolf." said Soulmay, almost monotonously.

Mega Wolf rammed right into the door, and stopped right when she knew it had fallen(which was in about a split second).

When they entered, they saw the beast. It was the size of a small child, about three feet tall. This thing had a very slim body. It had green, jade colored scales. when it opened it's eyes, they were a piercing red. It had a sword, very similar to Soulmay's, only it was alot more evil looking.

"So, you are the children Tre'ken told me were approaching." it said in a suprisingly deep voice."Did you actually believe that, I, Sartu'ken, was dimwitted and had stupid henchmen?"

"We sure thought you'd be taller." blurted out Arkcher.

"Look who's talking, stupid little hamster."replied Sartu'ken.

"You shutup. We're here to fight you for the treasure, as the others have!" yelled Otter.

"What 'others'? All but one group has been past my henchmen," he shot at them,"and they didn't come out alive."

Arkcher and Horatio snuck up behind him. The other three watched and were ready to pounce if Sartu'ken noticed early.

"Ahh! Pain!"He had been struck by a fire arrow and ice arrow at the same time.

Otter and Mega Wolf were too shocked to move, but then, Soulmay took action and cut off the creatures leg and one arm.

"I will die, but I will die with honor! You are not normal children, you have odd powers. Had you been kids who were of no importance, just lost children, I would have been shamed. But now I will give you the key to the back room, where the most powerful sword of all time, the Flame Sword, lies within it. The adolescent who cut off my limbs gets it. The reason is because I know you have great swordman tecniques that would be necessary for your journey to find the other objects. They are the Earth Sheild and the Water Glove. The Water Glove gives you the power to lift many things, in case you were wondering. You must keep that sword safe, many are searching for it. That is why you must get the other two objects. If you just stay in your town, you are putting your family in danger. Have these friends of yours with you, because they can help you alot. Now, here is the key, get the sword. After the chosen one gets the sword, say your goodbyes to your families." said Sartu'ken.


 On Their Way To The Forests


"I have a strange feeling. It's like that dude back there is following us in spirit and he's telling me something very important. He's telling us where to go. He's telling me that we should go to the forest to get armor for all five of us." said Otter.

"Lets listen then. But we have to get across the plains and they go on for 99173 miles, so we have to be extremely patient." replied Soulmay, who was looking at the sword, admiring it.

"When we went to town, I brought along my 900x Growth Capzulez For 2 Minutes™so I could carry you on my back in cleared out areas, so we can get there in a matter of seconds. I even created seats for you guys for the ride." grinned Mega Wolf.

"Cool! But I have a feeling the wind will kill us!" Arkcher said in repsonse to Mega Wolf.

"I can make a magic protective sheild. Since I can only hold it a few seconds, this is a perfect situation for it!" Horatio squeaked.

"You guys, I never told you this, but I can morph into any animal I touch, can fight with a slingshot, and can make things change shape,age,etc. by touching it. Sorry I never told you, but I never really had a need to. So if I want to become a wolf with wings I just have to touch wolf's fur and I can transform into Mega Wolf. I'll probably take a few seconds more though, because my transformation makes me near the speed of the animal, but not exactly." said Otter.

"Okay, lets save the capsules for later. I don't want to waste them. Otter, touch my fur, change yourself and the others into my rare wolf species. Change them back as soon as we get there." Mega Wolf commanded.

Otter went over to Mega Wolf, held on to her fur, and concentrated really hard. Suddenly, Otter started changing into a wolf. Not only that, she was a wolf with wings.

The new wolf Otter walked over to the others. "Touch my fur now. Don't worry. It won't hurt. Just touch my fur."

They walked over to her and held on. They too, began to transform. Each had their own unique features, but they had undoubtedly changed. They had changed into the canine species.

They ran towards the woods. They ran away from the plains. They were running away from their homes.

As they reached the woods a split second after, they realized they probably wouldn't be home any day soon.

Ch. 5

   Wikéa Twendal

"Okay, I'm the real Mega Wolf, just to let ya know. I'm gonna do a head count, to make sure we're all here."

"Let's see, me, 1,2,3,4. There's only 4 of us! Uh-oh, who's missing? Let's see, we have the small wolves, Horatio and Arkcher. Now, is it Soulmay or Otter we're missing?"

"I'm Otter! Soulmay's missing! We've got to find her! Quick!"

"How will we do that? For all we know, she could have flown hundreds of miles off course!"exclaimed Arkcher.

"It's our duty to protect her and make sure she is always safe from all those villains that want the sword to take over the world! We have to find her, or else we all might be enslaved!"squeaked Horatio.

Just then, a man in black robes walked out of the forest. The only part of his body visible was his head. His dark blue hair fell down to his shoulders in a tangled mess. His eyes looked like an icy grey. His thick eyebrows wer furrowed, making them look even bushier. His pale lips were pursed. He had a small mustache, thin, and as well groomed as his hair was.



Chapter to be continued

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Guest Honey3

That was absolutely wonderfull I'm waiting 4 the rest with anxiousness!!! :))  :)  :cool:  :upside:  :eat  :P


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Ch. 5

  Wikéa Twendal

"Okay, I'm the real Mega Wolf, just to let ya know. I'm gonna do a head count, to make sure we're all here."

"Let's see, me, 1,2,3,4. There's only 4 of us! Uh-oh, who's missing? Let's see, we have the small wolves, Horatio and Arkcher. Now, is it Soulmay or Otter we're missing?"

"I'm Otter! Soulmay's missing! We've got to find her! Quick!"

"How will we do that? For all we know, she could have flown hundreds of miles off course!"exclaimed Arkcher.

"It's our duty to protect her and make sure she is always safe from all those villains that want the sword to take over the world! We have to find her, or else we all might be enslaved!"squeaked Horatio.

Just then, a man in black robes walked out of the forest. The only part of his body visible was his head. His dark blue hair fell down to his shoulders in a tangled mess. His eyes looked like an icy grey. His thick eyebrows wer furrowed, making them look even bushier. His pale lips were pursed. He had a small mustache, thin, and as well groomed as his hair was.

"I know where your friend is. You must follow me, no questions asked, if you want to find out where she is. Agreed?" asked the mysterious stranger.

"Agreed."all four said at the same time, although they didn't know why this man was so intent on keeping things to himself. They had no idea what his name was, why he knew where Soulmay was.


Meanwhile, Soulmay was in some lake in the forest. It was extremely clean, although it was in the middle of the forest. She was clueless, had no idea why she had somehow gotten to the lake. Not only that, she was transformed back into a human. She saw that the sword was a few feet away on land, and it had a strange shine. Soulmay had no idea why it was glowing like that. I suppose since I don't know where the others are, I should stay here and just swim around in the lake, she thought,I wonder if they're even searching for me. What if they never find me? What if they don't even try to search, and just turn back, leaving me to this quest? No, they would never do that! I know they are my friends, I should never doubt them, how stupid of me. She went further into the lake and started swimming. This lake, this lake seemed, seemed, almost seemed magical. As she swam, she got a tingling sensation that se had never felt before. It made her forget about the rest of the world, nobody could stop this happiness, nobody. Then, all of a sudden, Soulmay heard a voice.

"Love with the enchantment I put on the lake, eh, Soulmay? Typical! All the spells I ever put on things always work. You're wondering how I know your name, right? Well, that question will be answered. I can read minds. I know what has happened to you in the past few days. A lot to happen to a pretty 15 year old girl in less than a week, isn't it Soulmay?"

"Who...who are you?"said Soulmay in bewilderment.

"Wikéa Twendal's the name! Best faerie of all, I reckon. Thats why they kicked me out of the village, I s'pose. Of course, I've been using my powers since I was born! Used them especially when I was annoyed at Trontéo Dricket. He was one that always liked to tick people off. I am only 139 years old. But as a faerie, that's not old at all! In fact, that's like a 17 year old for us. Just got kicked out last month for making Dricket's wings say 'The Dumbest Faerie Ever To Exist'. He deserved it. I told him to shut up, because he kept saying that I was a filthy little pebble brain. I warned him. But he kept on saying it. So I cursed his wings. He was in the faerie hospital for an entire week! They couldn't find a counter-curse, they kept changing it by accident to things like, 'I Puke Every Day At One'o'Clock', or, 'Bock, Bock, I'm a Chicken!', and my personal favorite, 'Wikéa Twendal Rocks!'. Oh yes, your friends will come here accompanied by Rocko, my boyfriend. He said that if I must leave, he must come with me. He's just sweet like that. I changed his look so he looked like a human, so as not to scare them. When he returns, I'll change him back. By the way, his hair might be messy, and he needs his mustache to be shaved, so I'll just change that too with his consent. By the way, I am sure that you'll want to see my appearance before they come."

"Yes, yes I would like that. I've never seen a faerie before."replied Soulmay.

"Here I am!"Wikéa Twendal suddenly became visible. She was the size of a human, but she haad wings. Her bright red hair shone beautifully in the sunlight. Ther was a streak of white hair in the front. Her dress was made of a silky material, which was just about as red as her hair. I had a white streak down the middle.

"You're the most beautiful creature I've ever seen in my life, Wikéa!"cried out Soulmay.

Wikéa blushed. Her bright green eyes brightened. "Well, that was a nice compliment!"She laughed."That was kind of a jumpy compliment, it seemed sudden."

It was Soulmay's turn to blush. "Sorry, I guess I never had really guess how pretty a faerie would be."

All of a sudden, there was a rustle in the bushes.


To be continued...

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Guest Honey3

That was wonderful you have a great talent 4 this!!! :))


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"Here I am!"Wikéa Twendal suddenly became visible. She was the size of a human, but she haad wings. Her bright red hair shone beautifully in the sunlight. Ther was a streak of white hair in the front. Her dress was made of a silky material, which was just about as red as her hair. I had a white streak down the middle.

"You're the most beautiful creature I've ever seen in my life, Wikéa!"cried out Soulmay.

Wikéa blushed. Her bright green eyes brightened. "Well, that was a nice compliment!"She laughed."That was kind of a jumpy compliment, it seemed sudden."

It was Soulmay's turn to blush. "Sorry, I guess I never had really guess how pretty a faerie would be."

All of a sudden, there was a rustle in the bushes.

"Hello, my sweet Wikéa!"

"Hiya Rocko! You get her friends here safely? You didn't scare them too much, I hope. They must be frightened by that hair of yours. You need it combed out with magic. And lets get rid of that mustache."

"Okay, now if you're gonna do that, change me back first."

All of a sudden, the same man who had been in the black robes transformed. He was now in blue jeansand a red shirt with holes on the back of his shirt for his wings. There were many slits in his shirt, showing that he had some strong abs. His hair was combed down so his hair was wavy, tangless, and much, much cleaner looking than before. His mustache was gone.

Soulmay suddenly said,"Er, you guys, hate to break it to ya, but I'm just wondering where my fr-"

"Soulmay!" All of a sudden the other four were racing towards her and hugging her. Well, the way a wolf, otter, and hamsters could hug.


To be continued....................again...............

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"Here I am!"Wikéa Twendal suddenly became visible. She was the size of a human, but she haad wings. Her bright red hair shone beautifully in the sunlight. Ther was a streak of white hair in the front. Her dress was made of a silky material, which was just about as red as her hair. I had a white streak down the middle.

"You're the most beautiful creature I've ever seen in my life, Wikéa!"cried out Soulmay.

Wikéa blushed. Her bright green eyes brightened. "Well, that was a nice compliment!"She laughed."That was kind of a jumpy compliment, it seemed sudden."

It was Soulmay's turn to blush. "Sorry, I guess I never had really guess how pretty a faerie would be."

All of a sudden, there was a rustle in the bushes.

"Hello, my sweet Wikéa!"

"Hiya Rocko! You get her friends here safely? You didn't scare them too much, I hope. They must be frightened by that hair of yours. You need it combed out with magic. And lets get rid of that mustache."

"Okay, now if you're gonna do that, change me back first."

All of a sudden, the same man who had been in the black robes transformed. He was now in blue jeansand a red shirt with holes on the back of his shirt for his wings. There were many slits in his shirt, showing that he had some strong abs. His hair was combed down so his hair was wavy, tangless, and much, much cleaner looking than before. His mustache was gone.

Soulmay suddenly said,"Er, you guys, hate to break it to ya, but I'm just wondering where my fr-"

"Soulmay!" All of a sudden the other four were racing towards her and hugging her. Well, the way a wolf, otter, and hamsters could hug.


To be continued....................again...............

??? Did we all just jump into the water at you...? 8)

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I can't think right now......

It happens, Right now im writing a contribution story for a few of my favorite websites... such as here, My website, and um. That other place. o_O.   Havent signed up there yet though :laughing

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I can't think right now......

It happens, Right now im writing a contribution story for a few of my favorite websites... such as here, My website, and um. That other place. o_O.   Havent signed up there yet though :laughing

And some of those other websites Horatio editted out for me. Cant forget those. :laughing

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I can't think right now......

It happens, Right now im writing a contribution story for a few of my favorite websites... such as here, My website, and um. That other place. o_O.   Havent signed up there yet though :laughing

And some of those other websites Horatio editted out for me. Cant forget those. :laughing

lol, i think to get over the writers block, i will start another story and mayb it will inspire me to continue this story.

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I can't think right now......

It happens, Right now im writing a contribution story for a few of my favorite websites... such as here, My website, and um. That other place. o_O.   Havent signed up there yet though :laughing

And some of those other websites Horatio editted out for me. Cant forget those. :laughing

lol, i think to get over the writers block, i will start another story and mayb it will inspire me to continue this story.

I would link to other sites with ideas to get rid of writers block, But seeing horatios not allowing simple titles of the sites, It wont be happening. I can always copy things or suggest for you though.

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I can't think right now......

It happens, Right now im writing a contribution story for a few of my favorite websites... such as here, My website, and um. That other place. o_O.   Havent signed up there yet though :laughing

And some of those other websites Horatio editted out for me. Cant forget those. :laughing

lol, i think to get over the writers block, i will start another story and mayb it will inspire me to continue this story.

I would link to other sites with ideas to get rid of writers block, But seeing horatios not allowing simple titles of the sites, It wont be happening. I can always copy things or suggest for you though.

sheena always let titles slip by. :P i mean, watch this. i can't even say i like the website @#$%%!#@%. and i cant even describe it. that is if i say the name. its a fun MMORPG. it has bad graphics.


Horatio Edited Out My Describing And The Website Name. Can I Just Say It's A Fun MMORPG?

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I can't think right now......

It happens, Right now im writing a contribution story for a few of my favorite websites... such as here, My website, and um. That other place. o_O.   Havent signed up there yet though :laughing

And some of those other websites Horatio editted out for me. Cant forget those. :laughing

lol, i think to get over the writers block, i will start another story and mayb it will inspire me to continue this story.

I would link to other sites with ideas to get rid of writers block, But seeing horatios not allowing simple titles of the sites, It wont be happening. I can always copy things or suggest for you though.

sheena always let titles slip by. :P i mean, watch this. i can't even say i like the website @#$%%!#@%. and i cant even describe it. that is if i say the name. its a fun MMORPG. it has bad graphics.


Horatio Edited Out My Describing And The Website Name. Can I Just Say It's A Fun MMORPG?

WOW! Only editted out my website and not the describing!  :laughing

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I can't think right now......

It happens, Right now im writing a contribution story for a few of my favorite websites... such as here, My website, and um. That other place. o_O.   Havent signed up there yet though :laughing

And some of those other websites Horatio editted out for me. Cant forget those. :laughing

lol, i think to get over the writers block, i will start another story and mayb it will inspire me to continue this story.

I would link to other sites with ideas to get rid of writers block, But seeing horatios not allowing simple titles of the sites, It wont be happening. I can always copy things or suggest for you though.

sheena always let titles slip by. :P i mean, watch this. i can't even say i like the website @#$%%!#@%. and i cant even describe it. that is if i say the name. its a fun MMORPG. it has bad graphics.


Horatio Edited Out My Describing And The Website Name. Can I Just Say It's A Fun MMORPG?

WOW! Only editted out my website and not the describing!  :laughing

Yes, That is an interesting Edit, horatio. But we still love you. :laughing


What I do is look at other peoples stories. when i have writers block.

I look for situations even close to the one we cant think fo something for, See how they handled it, And try to copy it. Or, I just take a loong break from writing, next month i probably think of something. Or do both! Just look at other stories, And think of something.

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As readers, when the wolf author has writer's block, we send micicles.

:laughing          :laughing      :laughing

*thinks, micicles sound like a good deal!*

:laughing                     :eat                 :laughing

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  • 1 month later...
noooooooo even tho i recieved the micicles i still have the writers block! better luck tomarrow

Another thing i like doing is getting on meh video games here. Depending on what type you have, You get some really good ideas out of them.

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  • 4 weeks later...
<font color='#FF7F00'>"Here I am!"Wiké¡ Twendal suddenly became visible. She was the size of a human, but she haad wings. Her bright red hair shone beautifully in the sunlight. Ther was a streak of white hair in the front. Her dress was made of a silky material, which was just about as red as her hair. I had a white streak down the middle.

"You're the most beautiful creature I've ever seen in my life, Wik顦#33;"cried out Soulmay.

Wiké¡ blushed. Her bright green eyes brightened. "Well, that was a nice compliment!"She laughed."That was kind of a jumpy compliment, it seemed sudden."

It was Soulmay's turn to blush. "Sorry, I guess I never had really guess how pretty a faerie would be."

All of a sudden, there was a rustle in the bushes.

"Hello, my sweet Wik顦#33;"

"Hiya Rocko! You get her friends here safely? You didn't scare them too much, I hope. They must be frightened by that hair of yours. You need it combed out with magic. And lets get rid of that mustache."

"Okay, now if you're gonna do that, change me back first."

All of a sudden, the same man who had been in the black robes transformed. He was now in blue jeansand a red shirt with holes on the back of his shirt for his wings. There were many slits in his shirt, showing that he had some strong abs. His hair was combed down so his hair was wavy, tangless, and much, much cleaner looking than before. His mustache was gone.

Soulmay suddenly said,"Er, you guys, hate to break it to ya, but I'm just wondering where my fr-"

"Soulmay!" All of a sudden the other four were racing towards her and hugging her. Well, the way a wolf, otter, and hamsters could hug.


To be continued....................again...............</font>

Eh when the move happened did ea in wikea turn into chinese letters?

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  • 2 weeks later...

<font color='#FF7F00'>"Here I am!"Wiké¡ Twendal suddenly became visible. She was the size of a human, but she haad wings. Her bright red hair shone beautifully in the sunlight. Ther was a streak of white hair in the front. Her dress was made of a silky material, which was just about as red as her hair. I had a white streak down the middle.

"You're the most beautiful creature I've ever seen in my life, Wik顦#33;"cried out Soulmay.

Wiké¡ blushed. Her bright green eyes brightened. "Well, that was a nice compliment!"She laughed."That was kind of a jumpy compliment, it seemed sudden."

It was Soulmay's turn to blush. "Sorry, I guess I never had really guess how pretty a faerie would be."

All of a sudden, there was a rustle in the bushes.

"Hello, my sweet Wik顦#33;"

"Hiya Rocko! You get her friends here safely? You didn't scare them too much, I hope. They must be frightened by that hair of yours. You need it combed out with magic. And lets get rid of that mustache."

"Okay, now if you're gonna do that, change me back first."

All of a sudden, the same man who had been in the black robes transformed. He was now in blue jeansand a red shirt with holes on the back of his shirt for his wings. There were many slits in his shirt, showing that he had some strong abs. His hair was combed down so his hair was wavy, tangless, and much, much cleaner looking than before. His mustache was gone.

Soulmay suddenly said,"Er, you guys, hate to break it to ya, but I'm just wondering where my fr-"

"Soulmay!" All of a sudden the other four were racing towards her and hugging her. Well, the way a wolf, otter, and hamsters could hug.

They rested a couple of days and then they packed up and were ready to set off again.

Soulmay spoke up."We thank you so much, Wikea. Would you ttwo..er.. like to come with us?" She said meekly.

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"Here I am!"Wiké¡ Twendal suddenly became visible. She was the size of a human, but she haad wings. Her bright red hair shone beautifully in the sunlight. Ther was a streak of white hair in the front. Her dress was made of a silky material, which was just about as red as her hair. I had a white streak down the middle.

"You're the most beautiful creature I've ever seen in my life, Wik顦#33;"cried out Soulmay.

Wiké¡ blushed. Her bright green eyes brightened. "Well, that was a nice compliment!"She laughed."That was kind of a jumpy compliment, it seemed sudden."

It was Soulmay's turn to blush. "Sorry, I guess I never had really guess how pretty a faerie would be."

All of a sudden, there was a rustle in the bushes.

"Hello, my sweet Wik顦#33;"

"Hiya Rocko! You get her friends here safely? You didn't scare them too much, I hope. They must be frightened by that hair of yours. You need it combed out with magic. And lets get rid of that mustache."

"Okay, now if you're gonna do that, change me back first."

All of a sudden, the same man who had been in the black robes transformed. He was now in blue jeansand a red shirt with holes on the back of his shirt for his wings. There were many slits in his shirt, showing that he had some strong abs. His hair was combed down so his hair was wavy, tangless, and much, much cleaner looking than before. His mustache was gone.

Soulmay suddenly said,"Er, you guys, hate to break it to ya, but I'm just wondering where my fr-"

"Soulmay!" All of a sudden the other four were racing towards her and hugging her. Well, the way a wolf, otter, and hamsters could hug.

They rested a couple of days and then they packed up and were ready to set off again.

Soulmay spoke up."We thank you so much, Wikea. Would you ttwo..er.. like to come with us?" She said meekly.

Thank you for continuing this story... it is one of my favorites!

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"Well if you don't mind us coming..."Wikea said, flashing her bright smile.

"Yeah, agreed."Rocko said, nodding his head.

"We wouldn't mind at all! I mean, you helped us so much!" Soulmay replied.

Just then, a filthy looking hobo with a beer bottle in his hand appeared.

"That's not cool, man. I'm gonna teach you a lesson!"he yelled at a tree.

"Er... right. He's had one too many booze."Arkcher laughed.

"I should fix him up and make him sober."Wikea waved her hand. The hobo kept on yelling at the tree.

"I guess he's insane."Mega Wolf said, raising an eyebrow.




Anyhow I don't know why a hobo came along I'm just going to work around that idea.

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"Well if you don't mind us coming..."Wikea said, flashing her bright smile.

"Yeah, agreed."Rocko said, nodding his head.

"We wouldn't mind at all! I mean, you helped us so much!" Soulmay replied.

Just then, a filthy looking hobo with a beer bottle in his hand appeared.

"That's not cool, man. I'm gonna teach you a lesson!"he yelled at a tree.

"Er... right. He's had one too many booze."Arkcher laughed.

"I should fix him up and make him sober."Wikea waved her hand. The hobo kept on yelling at the tree.

"I guess he's insane."Mega Wolf said, raising an eyebrow.

Anyhow I don't know why a hobo came along I'm just going to work around that idea.

Maybe he's *shuts trap and lets Mega Wolf go her own way*.

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WHOA! You're that excited about the hobo? :lol:


Anyhow I can't write a big chunk, the blah blah blah is in the sign up topic Otter made and an addition to that is I can only be on til my brother comes home. So I will start and I might need to stop in mid-sentence.

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"Well if you don't mind us coming..."Wikea said, flashing her bright smile.

"Yeah, agreed."Rocko said, nodding his head.

"We wouldn't mind at all! I mean, you helped us so much!" Soulmay replied.

Just then, a filthy looking hobo with a beer bottle in his hand appeared.

"That's not cool, man. I'm gonna teach you a lesson!"he yelled at a tree.

"Er... right. He's had one too many booze."Arkcher laughed.

"I should fix him up and make him sober."Wikea waved her hand. The hobo kept on yelling at the tree.

"I guess he's insane."Mega Wolf said, raising an eyebrow.

"Well... we should help him. Knowing that there's water here, he might start yelling at it, then he'll fall in and drown." Horatio suggested.

"Well, how do you suppose we'll do that?" Rocko asked.

"I know! I know!"Wikea shouted."I can lift him up with magic, knowing he's insane he'll think he's on an aeroplane or something."

"That'll have to do."Otter said, staring at the hobo questioningly."Maybe I should turn him into a bird so he thinks he really is one, and you can guide him to where he's going."

"Even better. We'll have to get him somewhere safe, before he does damage to himself."Mega Wolf laughed.


(K so its not a big chunk but I'm lazy and I don't want to continue today :lol: )

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WHOA! You're that excited about the hobo? :lol:


Anyhow I can't write a big chunk, the blah blah blah is in the sign up topic Otter made and an addition to that is I can only be on til my brother comes home. So I will start and I might need to stop in mid-sentence.

We understand! :mellow:

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I always at least try to keep track of this topic. I think your an excellent writer.


Me, I started writing another sotry about a month ago. Im almost done with it, But it went a different direction than I expected. It has some not-necessarily-kid-proof stuff in it. (too violent) If i tried posting it here, It'd take a while for Horatio or HK to be modding it all out. (Its about 30 pages) So i wont bother with it. Im still, yes, STILL trying to think of an introduction to one of the other stories... that i was gonna post here. Theres a lot of cool ideas and stuff, But i cant think of any characters to add, nor can I think of a beginning to it. Other than that, Its all good xD

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I always at least try to keep track of this topic. I think your an excellent writer.


Me, I started writing another sotry about a month ago. Im almost done with it, But it went a different direction than I expected. It has some not-necessarily-kid-proof stuff in it. (too violent) If i tried posting it here, It'd take a while for Horatio or HK to be modding it all out. (Its about 30 pages) So i wont bother with it. Im still, yes, STILL trying to think of an introduction to one of the other stories... that i was gonna post here. Theres a lot of cool ideas and stuff, But i cant think of any characters to add, nor can I think of a beginning to it. Other than that, Its all good xD

I would like to read your story as I think that you are an excellent writer! :D

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I would like to read your story as I think that you are an excellent writer! :D

Alright... Once i get around to finishing with writing it, i'll try posting it. And you'll be needing to mod around some parts of it. But anyhow. I'll go finish it up and see about posting later on. maybe today. Woohoo.

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I always at least try to keep track of this topic. I think your an excellent writer.


Me, I started writing another sotry about a month ago. Im almost done with it, But it went a different direction than I expected. It has some not-necessarily-kid-proof stuff in it. (too violent) If i tried posting it here, It'd take a while for Horatio or HK to be modding it all out. (Its about 30 pages) So i wont bother with it. Im still, yes, STILL trying to think of an introduction to one of the other stories... that i was gonna post here. Theres a lot of cool ideas and stuff, But i cant think of any characters to add, nor can I think of a beginning to it. Other than that, Its all good xD

Thank you so much! I personally don't think I'm that great but since a lot of people are saying that I'll at least try to believe them. :D I would love to read your stories some time!

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"Well... we should help him. Knowing that there's water here, he might start yelling at it, then he'll fall in and drown." Horatio suggested.

"Well, how do you suppose we'll do that?" Rocko asked.

"I know! I know!"Wikea shouted."I can lift him up with magic, knowing he's insane he'll think he's on an aeroplane or something."

"That'll have to do."Otter said, staring at the hobo questioningly."Maybe I should turn him into a bird so he thinks he really is one, and you can guide him to where he's going."

"Even better. We'll have to get him somewhere safe, before he does damage to himself."Mega Wolf laughed.

"We're fairly close to the Woodlands Witch. We'll take you guys there." Rocko said. "I'm sure she can get this guy sane."

"I hope so. This guy is starting to freak me out. Seriously."Arkcher replied, as the hobo started giggling and poking the surface of the water.


(major shortness)

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"We're fairly close to the Woodlands Witch. We'll take you guys there." Rocko said. "I'm sure she can get this guy sane."

"I hope so. This guy is starting to freak me out. Seriously."Arkcher replied, as the hobo started giggling and poking the surface of the water.


(major shortness)

Short and excelent!!! ^_^

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Thank you so much! I personally don't think I'm that great but since a lot of people are saying that I'll at least try to believe them. :D I would love to read your stories some time!

Your sotries here are excellent for public internet like so, I've seen much worse... (Look on the bright side of things. You actually use proper capitalization and proper grammar.)


The story im writing itself may or may not be good though... Its better than some storylines of mine, But hey. Its pretty much a werewolf, 23 years from now.

And as i've said before, It'll need moderating. Excess violence.

(I dont think it'll go well with HK seeing a wolf tear out a still beating heart from a human. Nor clawing through their lungs to suffocate them in somewhat a violent manner. Like i said, It'll need moderating. Cuz i dont know if i could do that myself... But hey, I find writing somewhat fun. I dont often care what happens. Just write. Woohoo. And this isnt a story with a happy ending or conclusion. There isnt much any of that in here. Sssoooo yeah.)


I'll post it once i finish. At least Horatio would see it.

And i think this would be the most violent or dark story i've written. So after this, if i continue writing, YOu wont hafta put up with as much.

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Your sotries here are excellent for public internet like so, I've seen much worse... (Look on the bright side of things. You actually use proper capitalization and proper grammar.)


The story im writing itself may or may not be good though... Its better than some storylines of mine, But hey. Its pretty much a werewolf, 23 years from now.

And as i've said before, It'll need moderating. Excess violence.

(I dont think it'll go well with HK seeing a wolf tear out a still beating heart from a human. Nor clawing through their lungs to suffocate them in somewhat a violent manner. Like i said, It'll need moderating. Cuz i dont know if i could do that myself... But hey, I find writing somewhat fun. I dont often care what happens. Just write. Woohoo. And this isnt a story with a happy ending or conclusion. There isnt much any of that in here. Sssoooo yeah.)


I'll post it once i finish. At least Horatio would see it.

And i think this would be the most violent or dark story i've written. So after this, if i continue writing, YOu wont hafta put up with as much.

This will be a good test for me. You see I am a hamster who will not go to a violent movie and will read over the violent, tear out the guts and blood words. You, Arkcher, are giving me a good test. Hope that I can pass.

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It shouldnt be too hard, its in bits and parts, either that or a lot of it in one part of it you can edit, rather than the whole thing itself. It might have to wait till tomorrow or monday, i have a rather tight shcedule today. ... starting about two hours, So i'll be writing. until... i finish it...


Another side note: I have another online friend whom i talks to on IMs, Who read wolfy stories like this all the time. I send the story over to them after i write some of it, and they proofread for accuracy. and the correction of the occasional grammar error or typo (ie i forgot how to spell possession or whatever it is. and i persistantly capitalize words after a comma... ._.) So its kind of shared credit. After the edit/proofreading, It jumped from 10 to 12 pages. Sssoooo yeah. (This perticular person goes to RPG message boards that do the really long and detailed posts, while right now they're in a torture chamber from what i hear. So they added some violent-ness. and killed off a character or two o-o)


Sssoooo i'll stop posting here and get on with teh story. Woohoo.

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Your sotries here are excellent for public internet like so, I've seen much worse... (Look on the bright side of things. You actually use proper capitalization and proper grammar.)

Yeah I find that more people will try and read your story if it's understandable. I personally cannot really understand a run on sentence like,

dey whent to lay dwon on the grass shelly said"hey how are you" dereck replied"im fine i missed you" and they went to sleep the next morning they woke up


And it goes on and on. That really gets hard to read and people can't follow very well, so they eventually give up reading.o_O. Since this is HampsterDance, a-kid safe message board, I can't do the blood gushing everywhere innards showing and all that. Even though that comes from my own imagination, that makes my stomach turn. But it's still really fun to read stuff like that.

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Yeah I find that more people will try and read your story if it's understandable. I personally cannot really understand a run on sentence like,

dey whent to lay dwon on the grass shelly said"hey how are you" dereck replied"im fine i missed you" and they went to sleep the next morning they woke up


And it goes on and on. That really gets hard to read and people can't follow very well, so they eventually give up reading.o_O. Since this is HampsterDance, a-kid safe message board, I can't do the blood gushing everywhere innards showing and all that. Even though that comes from my own imagination, that makes my stomach turn. But it's still really fun to read stuff like that.

Good that on that quote, they didnt mispell anything while talking. :lol:

I dont have things THAT violent in the story, well.... ITs just violent, Not gorey. Its usually described quickly and without too much detail, and not often leaving something half-alive with body parts missing or exposed. Cuz thats just really gross.


And Horatio, If i post it and you cant edit around something effectively, Then tell me or something and let me know what part you'r at and i'll try to help water it down with yeh.

Edited by Horatio
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Would it help if i were to post the story on the boards here in individual sections? I have chapters in it, (they're usually 2-3 pages each, about 14 capters so far) so i can post those one at a time (like two daily or so) so you wont have the whole thing to take care of at once. Would that work?

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Would it help if i were to post the story on the boards here in individual sections? I have chapters in it, (they're usually 2-3 pages each, about 14 capters so far) so i can post those one at a time (like two daily or so) so you wont have the whole thing to take care of at once. Would that work?

Whatever is easiest for you! :D

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  • 2 weeks later...
"We're fairly close to the Woodlands Witch. We'll take you guys there." Rocko said. "I'm sure she can get this guy sane."

"I hope so. This guy is starting to freak me out. Seriously."Arkcher replied, as the hobo started giggling and poking the surface of the water.

As they followed Rocko, they halted. There was some sort of presence nearby. As they stopped, a twig broke. "Was that any of you?"Soulmay asked."Something doesn't seem right." There were mumbles of no, not me, and things like that.

Just then, a......

[to be continued...muhahahahaha]

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As they followed Rocko, they halted. There was some sort of presence nearby. As they stopped, a twig broke. "Was that any of you?"Soulmay asked."Something doesn't seem right." There were mumbles of no, not me, and things like that.

Just then, a......

[to be continued...muhahahahaha]
















Keep on going please the story is wonderful I mean it really truely!!! ^_^

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PLEASE CONTINUE! SUSPENSE!*Twitch twitch* CAN'T HANDLE SUSPENSE! HELP ME BY CONTINUEING PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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As they followed Rocko, they halted. There was some sort of presence nearby. As they stopped, a twig broke. "Was that any of you?"Soulmay asked."Something doesn't seem right." There were mumbles of no, not me, and things like that.

Just then, a......

[to be continued...muhahahahaha]

creature appeared! It was completely menacing, it had an evil presence surrounding it. It's batlike wings were of a dark purple shade, but the rest of it's body and its face was completely covered in a dark cloak, with a symbol on it that appeared to have been made by blood.


(more suspense, but I'll help you imagine this creature with an illustration, but not a very good one I might add)


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creature appeared! It was completely menacing, it had an evil presence surrounding it. It's batlike wings were of a dark purple shade, but the rest of it's body and its face was completely covered in a dark cloak, with a symbol on it that appeared to have been made by blood.


(more suspense, but I'll help you imagine this creature with an illustration, but not a very good one I might add)

Le gasp! ITs sir meta-knight from teh Kirby stuff! O_o Only he grew about 4 feet taller. xD

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creature appeared! It was completely menacing, it had an evil presence surrounding it. It's batlike wings were of a dark purple shade, but the rest of it's body and its face was completely covered in a dark cloak, with a symbol on it that appeared to have been made by blood.


(more suspense, but I'll help you imagine this creature with an illustration, but not a very good one I might add)

"Careful..."Wikea whispered."I've seen im around before. I've exitted the forest to the Draconis Inn to get a bottle of whiskey on a couple of occasions, and both times I saw this man. He goes by the name of Trent. He is one of the last creatures called Ehendrois(eh-hen-droys). They are like demigods, they only live so long but they have abnormal strength. Don't wanna mess with them."

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"Careful..."Wikea whispered."I've seen im around before. I've exitted the forest to the Draconis Inn to get a bottle of whiskey on a couple of occasions, and both times I saw this man. He goes by the name of Trent. He is one of the last creatures called Ehendrois(eh-hen-droys). They are like demigods, they only live so long but they have abnormal strength. Don't wanna mess with them."

"For one thing, what were you doing in a bar?"Otter asked. As he spoke, the Ehendroi known as Trent approached, and he appeared to only be about three feet tall. He had looked taller from a distance.

"Ehem, forgot to mention his height."Wikea whispered.

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"For one thing, what were you doing in a bar?"Otter asked. As he spoke, the Ehendroi known as Trent approached, and he appeared to only be about three feet tall. He had looked taller from a distance.

"Ehem, forgot to mention his height."Wikea whispered.

Go write write go go write write gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo




....Write so more!!! ^_^

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"For one thing, what were you doing in a bar?"Otter asked. As he spoke, the Ehendroi known as Trent approached, and he appeared to only be about three feet tall. He had looked taller from a distance.

"Ehem, forgot to mention his height."Wikea whispered.

"You mean to say,"Mega Wolf said,"that this short man has scary strength?"

"Yep."Wikea replied plainly.

"This guy is weird. Jeez, first we find this crazy guy, and now we run into a man who is a super short behind-kicking demigod type thing?"Soulmay said."When will this end?"

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  • 3 weeks later...
"You mean to say,"Mega Wolf said,"that this short man has scary strength?"

"Yep."Wikea replied plainly.

"This guy is weird. Jeez, first we find this crazy guy, and now we run into a man who is a super short behind-kicking demigod type thing?"Soulmay said."When will this end?"

Well, You seem to have Ended your writing. I shall quote Kat now, And say 'ker-bump' and Bump this topic. And make MW continue writing. -threatens MW with no micicles for about 5 minutes if she refuses to keep writing- >_>; You can get away with it though if you got writers block. I do. o_o

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Well, You seem to have Ended your writing. I shall quote Kat now, And say 'ker-bump' and Bump this topic. And make MW continue writing. -threatens MW with no micicles for about 5 minutes if she refuses to keep writing- >_>; You can get away with it though if you got writers block. I do. o_o

Ahh! Forgot about this topic.

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"You mean to say,"Mega Wolf said,"that this short man has scary strength?"

"Yep."Wikea replied plainly.

"This guy is weird. Jeez, first we find this crazy guy, and now we run into a man who is a super short behind-kicking demigod type thing?"Soulmay said."When will this end?"

"Um, I hope soon, but I can't promise anything."Rocko said.

"Well things I think are getting weirder. This Trent guy is getting closer."Horatio replied.

"Ok... that can't be good."Arkcher said plainly.

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  • 3 months later...
"Um, I hope soon, but I can't promise anything."Rocko said.

"Well things I think are getting weirder. This Trent guy is getting closer."Horatio replied.

"Ok... that can't be good."Arkcher said plainly.

"Who goes there?" the Trent dude said.

"Nobody of importance. We're merely here to find the Woodlands Witch.", sighed Soulmay, as Otter smirked at him. But then Mega Wolf elbowed her.

"Not going to do you much good. She moved her residence." Trent did not take down his hood. But he seemed to be glaring, as everyone was staring at him.

"But... what shall we do then with this drunk guy? He seems very out of it still." was what Arkcher said, staring quite dismally at the Ehendroi.

(HAH! I continued! Cuz the leprechaun made me do it.)

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"Who goes there?" the Trent dude said.

"Nobody of importance. We're merely here to find the Woodlands Witch.", sighed Soulmay, as Otter smirked at him. But then Mega Wolf elbowed her.

"Not going to do you much good. She moved her residence." Trent did not take down his hood. But he seemed to be glaring, as everyone was staring at him.

"But... what shall we do then with this drunk guy? He seems very out of it still." was what Arkcher said, staring quite dismally at the Ehendroi.

(HAH! I continued! Cuz the leprechaun made me do it.)

Curse them leprechauns e_e

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"Who goes there?" the Trent dude said.

"Nobody of importance. We're merely here to find the Woodlands Witch.", sighed Soulmay, as Otter smirked at him. But then Mega Wolf elbowed her.

"Not going to do you much good. She moved her residence." Trent did not take down his hood. But he seemed to be glaring, as everyone was staring at him.

"But... what shall we do then with this drunk guy? He seems very out of it still." was what Arkcher said, staring quite dismally at the Ehendroi.

(HAH! I continued! Cuz the leprechaun made me do it.)

Trent threw off his cape, which normally an Ehendroi does not do.


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Trent threw off his cape, which normally an Ehendroi does not do.


Wait, Who said Metaknight >.>?


w00t for teh kirby-ness. n.n

-glomps MetaKnight- n__n!


MetaKnight: Geet offa me. Else I shall keelingyoudead. >.>;

Meh: No. >.>

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Wait, Who said Metaknight >.>?


w00t for teh kirby-ness. n.n

-glomps MetaKnight- n__n!


MetaKnight: Geet offa me. Else I shall keelingyoudead. >.>;

Meh: No. >.>

(Everyone said Metaknight at once. Fer some odd reason. Back to the story. Specially for you. Wee a sentence of story or two!)


"Hiya Metaknight! Why the heck are you here?" asked Arkcher.


(You know Metaknight. Really well. In this.)

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(Everyone said Metaknight at once. Fer some odd reason. Back to the story. Specially for you. Wee a sentence of story or two!)


"Hiya Metaknight! Why the heck are you here?" asked Arkcher.


(You know Metaknight. Really well. In this.)

o_________o; Okay then. >.>

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  • 3 months later...
Metaknight replied,"I was searching for you, Arkcher."

"Why?",asked Arkcher.


[Now to think of a reason! What is it?]

He wanted to borrow a video game?

[Yes. Sorta.]

"I wanted to play SSBM against you,"he replied,"and that is all."

"What?!"exclaimed Arkcher. "You were searching for me all this time to play SSBM against me?"

"I have been practicing! I think I can beat you now." was his next answer.

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Metaknight replied,"I was searching for you, Arkcher."

"Why?",asked Arkcher.


[Now to think of a reason! What is it?]

He wanted to borrow a video game?

[Yes. Sorta.]

"I wanted to play SSBM against you,"he replied,"and that is all."

"What?!"exclaimed Arkcher. "You were searching for me all this time to play SSBM against me?"

"I have been practicing! I think I can beat you now." was his next answer.

:lol: LOL :lol:

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Metaknight replied,"I was searching for you, Arkcher."

"Why?",asked Arkcher.


[Now to think of a reason! What is it?]

He wanted to borrow a video game?

[Yes. Sorta.]

"I wanted to play SSBM against you,"he replied,"and that is all."

"What?!"exclaimed Arkcher. "You were searching for me all this time to play SSBM against me?"

"I have been practicing! I think I can beat you now." was his next answer.

:lol: LOL :lol:


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Metaknight replied,"I was searching for you, Arkcher."

"Why?",asked Arkcher.


[Now to think of a reason! What is it?]

He wanted to borrow a video game?

[Yes. Sorta.]

"I wanted to play SSBM against you,"he replied,"and that is all."

"What?!"exclaimed Arkcher. "You were searching for me all this time to play SSBM against me?"

"I have been practicing! I think I can beat you now." was his next answer.

:lol: LOL :lol:


*loves these PTMY's*

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Metaknight replied,"I was searching for you, Arkcher."

"Why?",asked Arkcher.


[Now to think of a reason! What is it?]

He wanted to borrow a video game?

[Yes. Sorta.]

"I wanted to play SSBM against you,"he replied,"and that is all."

"What?!"exclaimed Arkcher. "You were searching for me all this time to play SSBM against me?"

"I have been practicing! I think I can beat you now." was his next answer.

:lol: LOL :lol:



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Metaknight replied,"I was searching for you, Arkcher."

"Why?",asked Arkcher.


[Now to think of a reason! What is it?]

He wanted to borrow a video game?

[Yes. Sorta.]

"I wanted to play SSBM against you,"he replied,"and that is all."

"What?!"exclaimed Arkcher. "You were searching for me all this time to play SSBM against me?"

"I have been practicing! I think I can beat you now." was his next answer.

:lol: LOL :lol:


*loves these PTMY's*

As do I. :):D

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Metaknight replied,"I was searching for you, Arkcher."

"Why?",asked Arkcher.


[Now to think of a reason! What is it?]

He wanted to borrow a video game?

[Yes. Sorta.]

"I wanted to play SSBM against you,"he replied,"and that is all."

"What?!"exclaimed Arkcher. "You were searching for me all this time to play SSBM against me?"

"I have been practicing! I think I can beat you now." was his next answer.

:lol: LOL :lol:




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Metaknight replied,"I was searching for you, Arkcher."

"Why?",asked Arkcher.


[Now to think of a reason! What is it?]

He wanted to borrow a video game?

[Yes. Sorta.]

"I wanted to play SSBM against you,"he replied,"and that is all."

"What?!"exclaimed Arkcher. "You were searching for me all this time to play SSBM against me?"

"I have been practicing! I think I can beat you now." was his next answer.

:lol: LOL :lol:





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Metaknight replied,"I was searching for you, Arkcher."

"Why?",asked Arkcher.


[Now to think of a reason! What is it?]

He wanted to borrow a video game?

[Yes. Sorta.]

"I wanted to play SSBM against you,"he replied,"and that is all."

"What?!"exclaimed Arkcher. "You were searching for me all this time to play SSBM against me?"

"I have been practicing! I think I can beat you now." was his next answer.

:lol: LOL :lol:






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Metaknight replied,"I was searching for you, Arkcher."

"Why?",asked Arkcher.


[Now to think of a reason! What is it?]

He wanted to borrow a video game?

[Yes. Sorta.]

"I wanted to play SSBM against you,"he replied,"and that is all."

"What?!"exclaimed Arkcher. "You were searching for me all this time to play SSBM against me?"

"I have been practicing! I think I can beat you now." was his next answer.

:lol: LOL :lol:








Did I do it right? :)

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As they followed Rocko, they halted. There was some sort of presence nearby. As they stopped, a twig broke. "Was that any of you?"Soulmay asked."Something doesn't seem right." There were mumbles of no, not me, and things like that.

Just then, a......

[to be continued...muhahahahaha]

creature appeared! It was completely menacing, it had an evil presence surrounding it. It's batlike wings were of a dark purple shade, but the rest of it's body and its face was completely covered in a dark cloak, with a symbol on it that appeared to have been made by blood.


(more suspense, but I'll help you imagine this creature with an illustration, but not a very good one I might add)


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Metaknight replied,"I was searching for you, Arkcher."

"Why?",asked Arkcher.


[Now to think of a reason! What is it?]

He wanted to borrow a video game?

[Yes. Sorta.]

"I wanted to play SSBM against you,"he replied,"and that is all."

"What?!"exclaimed Arkcher. "You were searching for me all this time to play SSBM against me?"

"I have been practicing! I think I can beat you now." was his next answer.

:lol: LOL :lol:








Did I do it right? :)

My brain hurts right now so I'll get back to you on that later. :D

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Metaknight replied,"I was searching for you, Arkcher."

"Why?",asked Arkcher.


[Now to think of a reason! What is it?]

He wanted to borrow a video game?

[Yes. Sorta.]

"I wanted to play SSBM against you,"he replied,"and that is all."

"What?!"exclaimed Arkcher. "You were searching for me all this time to play SSBM against me?"

"I have been practicing! I think I can beat you now." was his next answer.

:lol: LOL :lol:








Did I do it right? :)

My brain hurts right now so I'll get back to you on that later. :D

Okay. Thank ye. :)

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Keep going! MW is it OK if I make a story after fineshing a few I am already writing a tad like this? Is that OK?  Please?

Why not, I don't have a problem, as long as you don't do something like copy and paste the story and just change the names. :lol:

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Metaknight replied,"I was searching for you, Arkcher."

"Why?",asked Arkcher.


[Now to think of a reason! What is it?]

He wanted to borrow a video game?

[Yes. Sorta.]

"I wanted to play SSBM against you,"he replied,"and that is all."

"What?!"exclaimed Arkcher. "You were searching for me all this time to play SSBM against me?"

"I have been practicing! I think I can beat you now." was his next answer.

:lol: LOL :lol:








Did I do it right? :)



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Metaknight replied,"I was searching for you, Arkcher."

"Why?",asked Arkcher.


[Now to think of a reason! What is it?]

He wanted to borrow a video game?

[Yes. Sorta.]

"I wanted to play SSBM against you,"he replied,"and that is all."

"What?!"exclaimed Arkcher. "You were searching for me all this time to play SSBM against me?"

"I have been practicing! I think I can beat you now." was his next answer.

-glare- I take you on any day, blue masked midget.

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Metaknight replied,"I was searching for you, Arkcher."

"Why?",asked Arkcher.


[Now to think of a reason! What is it?]

He wanted to borrow a video game?

[Yes. Sorta.]

"I wanted to play SSBM against you,"he replied,"and that is all."

"What?!"exclaimed Arkcher. "You were searching for me all this time to play SSBM against me?"

"I have been practicing! I think I can beat you now." was his next answer.

:lol: LOL :lol:








Did I do it right? :)



[Thank you! :) ]


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  • 2 weeks later...

I'll be back to the PTMY's later. My head hurts.


Anyways, maybe MW should continue the story. :D



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"Well,",said Meta Kight,"my gamecube and T.V. are packed away in the Shrink Pack."

"You know that shrink packs are forbidden, right?"asked Horatio, with a shocked look.

"So... you break the law, search for me, stop here to rest, and give us the jibblies just 'cause you wanted to play SSBM? Okay, I'll play a round." Arkcher looked at the sky and wondered to himself, Is this really what you get for being the SSBM world champion?


[Hint For Upcoming Event: DDR, yo.]

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  • 11 months later...
  • 5 weeks later...

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*


O_o Are you EVER gonna finish This?


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

....Maybe. *shifts eyes*

You' better. Else we sic teh Mafia on j00. boss.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*the Final CuT*~*




*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*

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But I'm part of the mafia. o_o

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*the Final Cut*~*




*~*The Psychedelic luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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But I'm part of the mafia. o_o

... And have you known of any mafia's to NOT turn against some of their members?


whatev. If not the Mafia, we shall use teh skwerl army as MK suggested, she'll pwn you with a meat grinder, I pwn you with a sword or werewolf-itude. .... oooorrrr.... TGHL pwns j00 or something.

I dunno.


Finish or we'll -insert intimidating threat here- j00. >o

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But I'm part of the mafia. o_o

... And have you known of any mafia's to NOT turn against some of their members?


whatev. If not the Mafia, we shall use teh skwerl army as MK suggested, she'll pwn you with a meat grinder, I pwn you with a sword or werewolf-itude. .... oooorrrr.... TGHL pwns j00 or something.

I dunno.


Finish or we'll -insert intimidating threat here- j00. >o

Just take away all her micicles, hold them hostage and Dr. Wolf will begin writing just for the micicles! :lol:

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But I'm part of the mafia. o_o

... And have you known of any mafia's to NOT turn against some of their members?


whatev. If not the Mafia, we shall use teh skwerl army as MK suggested, she'll pwn you with a meat grinder, I pwn you with a sword or werewolf-itude. .... oooorrrr.... TGHL pwns j00 or something.

I dunno.


Finish or we'll -insert intimidating threat here- j00. >o





(I should make a topic for talking like Arnold Swartzenegger.)



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