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Dog Dilemma!

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ok, heres the thing: i have a 2 year old (no kidding) gerbil named Pooch. the family pets are Marshmello the about 7 year old bunny (no kidding again!) and stanley, the 4 year old miniature dachshund. i have always wanted a cat, but my dad and brother are both allergic, so i cannot have one. so i want a dog! a dog of my very own, to feed, walk, play, and care for. i have done some research, and i think the schnoodle would be best. i asked my mom yesterday, and she said it was up to my dad, but she would tell him i wanted a dog. either she has not had a chance to tell him, he hasnt had a chance to talk 2 me, they have both forgotten, or all of them, but either way, i need to think of some snappy answers to questions like "what do you think you can get from your own dog that you cant get from stanley?" "how would the dog get along with stanley?" "how do you know that this dog would pay attention to you? how do you know it wouldnt be a free agent?" "where do you think you can get one?" "what about vacations?" "what about when you go to college?" "do you think you'll have enough time to give a dog the proper care?"


could y'all gimme soem advice, please?

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I have been thinking of your father's possible questions and I do not have any great answers. Let me ask, how many years until you go to college? Whose dog is Stanley? Schnoodle: schnauzer and poodle mix? Free agent? Has someone been watching way too much sports? Do they think the dog is going to see what person in the household gives them the best deal and a signing bonus? (J/K) Who walks Stanley now? Do you have a big backyard? One of the good things aobut two dogs is, Stanley has a bud to hang with. So when his friends (humans) are away, he has a pal to play with. This isn't much help, but I guess I need to ask who is taking care of Stanley and who does Stanley bond with the most? Let me think some more.

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I have been thinking of your father's possible questions and  I do not have any great answers.  Let me ask, how many years until you go to college?  Whose dog is Stanley?  Schnoodle: schnauzer and poodle mix?  Free agent?  Has someone been watching way too much sports?  Do they think the dog is going to see what person in the household gives them the best deal and a signing bonus?  (J/K)  Who walks Stanley now?  Do you have a big backyard?  One of the good things aobut two dogs is, Stanley has a bud to hang with.  So when his friends (humans) are away, he has a pal to play with.  This isn't much help, but I guess I need to ask who is taking care of Stanley and who does Stanley bond with the most?  Let me think some more.


i am thirteen, so about 5 years. stanley is a family dog, he belongs to all of us. lol! i mean will the dog follow everyone around, not just me, but i will see if i can use that expaination 2 make them laugh, lol! stanley is walked by everyone, but not much, he hates walks, he always lags way behind, or does the "mule" where he shoves his back legs into the ground, lol! our backyard is mediumsized, but if you add the front yard 2 it, it would be one big yard. yes, that is good. everyone takes care of stanley, but most of all, he is a mamma's boy. we think it is because all us kids and my dad went to get stanley, then we brought him home to my mom. he follows her everywhere, and waits by the door when she leaves. he sleeps by her feet, and if my dad comes home before my mom does, he runs up to him, sees its not mom, gives dad a look that says "oh, its you" then goes 2 sulk until she comes. TOTAL mamma's boy, lol!

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Now, purebred dogs are very expensive. Why don't you save a life and adopt at the pound?

You can get a purebred dog at the pound and you can also go to a Poodle rescue or other purebred rescue if you want a certain breed.


yes, i would LOVE to save a dog, so i am definatly going 2 look at the pound. but it cant be any bigger than stanley, so they get along, thats the thing. i might be able to go to the pound today, because my parents and i talked about it last night at dinner, and we even found a schnoodle breeder on the internet that is fairly close to where we live! i still want to go 2 the pound, just in case, i hate when they put the dogs asleep after a certain amount of time!

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