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I'm done for now. What happened was I didn't talk to my parents about going to computer art and went straight to my counsler, and my dad just found out and he said scarcasticly "thanks for talking about it with us" and slammed the door and went outside. Now he's going to come back in and mom says she'll talk with him but I know dad's going to call me out to my death penalty. I guess he's right, I should have talked about it first, but I was afraid they'd say no. And mom seemed to agree with the idea already. But now I guess I can't even choose the electives I want without my parents getting in my way. I was hoping that could be one thing I could be free to choose about but I was wrong.


He just walked in...why don't you dig my grave right now...

Just be safe in the knowladge that you have chosen the path that you want. May this path lead you to a prosperous career and may you stay alive and not die of a premature death due to any form of murder, manslaughter or Disease.

Well, dad doesn't want me to go on the path I want...


Well, first off I'll tell you that I survived. Yay.


Anyway what happened was that he started talking about how I would need a "clarinet scholor" or whatever to help me get into college so I needed to keep doing band. Also he said that I needed to socialize more and going to computer art would not help. Which kind of ticks me off because in social situations I just sit there quietly and mumble answers to whatever questions are given to me. I mean there's nothing to talk about! My brother is in band too and I supposedly have his friends as my friends, but they have all these inside jokes and I can't really talk too much with them. But I guess I do feel more confortable around them than anyone else at school. Which is cool cause they're juniors and seniors and I'm a freshman...I guess that's not something you see every day. So...meh...I just hope dad doesn't expect me to jump head first into all these social events or something. But I will start going to Young Life again, but that doesn't start again until fall.


About the jazz lessons, dad said that I had that talent for a reason and I needed to keep doing it. I'm just going to suck it up because it's just like taking a not-so-fun course (like pre-calc) in math but you still need to do it to keep going. So I don't really have anything against that anymore.


There is still hope for art. I might be able to do it as a minor course in college and maybe, if that is the right path, then I will be on my way.


So anyway now I need to cancel my request to go into computer art. If I fail my dad might hold it against me forever...and I would probably regret it everyday in that classroom. Or I might still have fun doing it. But I'll try to change back, either way.


It was weird, we were watching a concert tonight and my dad was all like "Jesse, look at how even on the piano solo the camera shows the drummer" and stuff. I think he's trying to hint to me that he wants me to do the drums...in your dreams! I take that as an insult. Trying to persuade me by showing how drummers get lots of air time is just...dumb. I would never want to be a drummer for that reason. And awhile back my mom would be like "but drummers get lots of girls". Eww! I do NOT want lots of girls. And they would only like me because I play the drums, and that's just sad.


Oh, another thing dad said was that I was "walking away from god" or something like that. Where the heck did he get that from? Just because I chose an elective for myself doesn't mean I'm ignoring god or anything...does it? I've been praying everyday and I don't see how that's ignoring god. Oh well...that's my dad for you. I'll just go to band then...

Has your dad even hinted at what path he woudl have wanted you to take? If he does tell you what he would have had you take it and you don't like the sound of it say so. Do not allow him to oppress your freewill George bush does enough of that already.


Thats a relief.


Well, If you feel you need a tutor then get one but if you feel that you don't really want some person with sweaty palms telling you your mistakes then oppose the idea. Social wise, I reccomend that you don't go looking for friends let those who are intrested in you come to you.


If you see it as a nesscesary bordem then tackle it with all your might and then it'll be over sooner.


You can take Art as a minor course if you want or you can focus on your COmputer Art. I would say tha doing both is a good idea because then you come out with two good courses rather than the one and they are similar so there's no need to split yourself in half over the two subjects.


Drummer ??? Drummers attract girls ??? Sorry, but didn't drummers and their so called girl atrraction methods die along with the 80's?


Walking away from God? I wouldn't say that maybe 'walking with God's guiding hand' (And thats coming from someone who believes in DEATH from the Terry Pratchet books). So I'd just get very confuzzled and wonder why he said that.

Well as I've said I think my dad was hinting at me to be a drummer, but again...in his dreams  :roll But otherwise he just wants me to do the piano, clarinet, and math. I can't tell him that I don't like the sound of it because he doesn't CARE what I like, or what I'm comfortable with (and according to him being comfortable is a bad thing to be, now I'm scared of living...)


Lol yep, I survived. It was hard though. But I didn't try to let dad's yelling or voice tone get to me too much. I remember crying for a long time by my mom's side because everything he said was quite a shock to me, and again he has me scared of living a life now.


A person with sweaty palms telling me my mistakes? I already have my dad for that :roll Yeah, I don't want to go scoping out friends either. It feels so empty, you know, when everyone identifies you as "Jake's brother (that's a fake name)" Instead of "Jesse". Heh. Talk about having personal identity  :roll Why the heck should I have people identify me as someone's brother instead of as myself? I'd rather not be identified at all. Of course my dad disagrees and what he says goes. Control freak. :angry: (well maybe he might let me not do some stuff if I showed it enough but then he'd never forgive me for it and he'll make sure I regret it)


My mom was hoping to buy me some computer art course for me to take over the summer to compinsate for my dad not letting me take it at school. That makes me feel better about the whole "computer art/band" drama. So now I get to take both  :D


I wouldn't know. But that's my mom for you  :;):


Yeah, I'm confused about the god thing too. I think dad was referring to the fact that I wasn't using the talents that god gave me (or not enough to please dad).

It's good to hear your alive, rather than finding out in a couple of months when the news that a mutilated wolf corpse has been discovered hits the American newpapers.


In regards to the 'Jake's Brother' Thing I know about that and I sympathise. It sort of strips you of your Identity and makes you just a tag along of your brother.


Thats good news because you get to do what you want and your dad is happy with what your doing at school (at least until he finds out about the Computer Art course)


Probably thinking of the 80's.


Well look at it this way, God (according to many Christians) made the Big Bang happen exactly right so we would be created. So God obviously made sure you were born for a reason and obviously he knew what would happen at every point of your life. And because you chose to intially do |Computer Art then it may happen that the person who would invent COld Fusion is born and so on and so forth.  :sleepy:

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I'm done for now. What happened was I didn't talk to my parents about going to computer art and went straight to my counsler, and my dad just found out and he said scarcasticly "thanks for talking about it with us" and slammed the door and went outside. Now he's going to come back in and mom says she'll talk with him but I know dad's going to call me out to my death penalty. I guess he's right, I should have talked about it first, but I was afraid they'd say no. And mom seemed to agree with the idea already. But now I guess I can't even choose the electives I want without my parents getting in my way. I was hoping that could be one thing I could be free to choose about but I was wrong.


He just walked in...why don't you dig my grave right now...

Just be safe in the knowladge that you have chosen the path that you want. May this path lead you to a prosperous career and may you stay alive and not die of a premature death due to any form of murder, manslaughter or Disease.

Well, dad doesn't want me to go on the path I want...


Well, first off I'll tell you that I survived. Yay.


Anyway what happened was that he started talking about how I would need a "clarinet scholor" or whatever to help me get into college so I needed to keep doing band. Also he said that I needed to socialize more and going to computer art would not help. Which kind of ticks me off because in social situations I just sit there quietly and mumble answers to whatever questions are given to me. I mean there's nothing to talk about! My brother is in band too and I supposedly have his friends as my friends, but they have all these inside jokes and I can't really talk too much with them. But I guess I do feel more confortable around them than anyone else at school. Which is cool cause they're juniors and seniors and I'm a freshman...I guess that's not something you see every day. So...meh...I just hope dad doesn't expect me to jump head first into all these social events or something. But I will start going to Young Life again, but that doesn't start again until fall.


About the jazz lessons, dad said that I had that talent for a reason and I needed to keep doing it. I'm just going to suck it up because it's just like taking a not-so-fun course (like pre-calc) in math but you still need to do it to keep going. So I don't really have anything against that anymore.


There is still hope for art. I might be able to do it as a minor course in college and maybe, if that is the right path, then I will be on my way.


So anyway now I need to cancel my request to go into computer art. If I fail my dad might hold it against me forever...and I would probably regret it everyday in that classroom. Or I might still have fun doing it. But I'll try to change back, either way.


It was weird, we were watching a concert tonight and my dad was all like "Jesse, look at how even on the piano solo the camera shows the drummer" and stuff. I think he's trying to hint to me that he wants me to do the drums...in your dreams! I take that as an insult. Trying to persuade me by showing how drummers get lots of air time is just...dumb. I would never want to be a drummer for that reason. And awhile back my mom would be like "but drummers get lots of girls". Eww! I do NOT want lots of girls. And they would only like me because I play the drums, and that's just sad.


Oh, another thing dad said was that I was "walking away from god" or something like that. Where the heck did he get that from? Just because I chose an elective for myself doesn't mean I'm ignoring god or anything...does it? I've been praying everyday and I don't see how that's ignoring god. Oh well...that's my dad for you. I'll just go to band then...

Has your dad even hinted at what path he woudl have wanted you to take? If he does tell you what he would have had you take it and you don't like the sound of it say so. Do not allow him to oppress your freewill George bush does enough of that already.


Thats a relief.


Well, If you feel you need a tutor then get one but if you feel that you don't really want some person with sweaty palms telling you your mistakes then oppose the idea. Social wise, I reccomend that you don't go looking for friends let those who are intrested in you come to you.


If you see it as a nesscesary bordem then tackle it with all your might and then it'll be over sooner.


You can take Art as a minor course if you want or you can focus on your COmputer Art. I would say tha doing both is a good idea because then you come out with two good courses rather than the one and they are similar so there's no need to split yourself in half over the two subjects.


Drummer ??? Drummers attract girls ??? Sorry, but didn't drummers and their so called girl atrraction methods die along with the 80's?


Walking away from God? I wouldn't say that maybe 'walking with God's guiding hand' (And thats coming from someone who believes in DEATH from the Terry Pratchet books). So I'd just get very confuzzled and wonder why he said that.

Well as I've said I think my dad was hinting at me to be a drummer, but again...in his dreams  :roll But otherwise he just wants me to do the piano, clarinet, and math. I can't tell him that I don't like the sound of it because he doesn't CARE what I like, or what I'm comfortable with (and according to him being comfortable is a bad thing to be, now I'm scared of living...)


Lol yep, I survived. It was hard though. But I didn't try to let dad's yelling or voice tone get to me too much. I remember crying for a long time by my mom's side because everything he said was quite a shock to me, and again he has me scared of living a life now.


A person with sweaty palms telling me my mistakes? I already have my dad for that :roll Yeah, I don't want to go scoping out friends either. It feels so empty, you know, when everyone identifies you as "Jake's brother (that's a fake name)" Instead of "Jesse". Heh. Talk about having personal identity  :roll Why the heck should I have people identify me as someone's brother instead of as myself? I'd rather not be identified at all. Of course my dad disagrees and what he says goes. Control freak. :angry: (well maybe he might let me not do some stuff if I showed it enough but then he'd never forgive me for it and he'll make sure I regret it)


My mom was hoping to buy me some computer art course for me to take over the summer to compinsate for my dad not letting me take it at school. That makes me feel better about the whole "computer art/band" drama. So now I get to take both  :D


I wouldn't know. But that's my mom for you  :;):


Yeah, I'm confused about the god thing too. I think dad was referring to the fact that I wasn't using the talents that god gave me (or not enough to please dad).

It's good to hear your alive, rather than finding out in a couple of months when the news that a mutilated wolf corpse has been discovered hits the American newpapers.


In regards to the 'Jake's Brother' Thing I know about that and I sympathise. It sort of strips you of your Identity and makes you just a tag along of your brother.


Thats good news because you get to do what you want and your dad is happy with what your doing at school (at least until he finds out about the Computer Art course)


Probably thinking of the 80's.


Well look at it this way, God (according to many Christians) made the Big Bang happen exactly right so we would be created. So God obviously made sure you were born for a reason and obviously he knew what would happen at every point of your life. And because you chose to intially do |Computer Art then it may happen that the person who would invent COld Fusion is born and so on and so forth.  :sleepy:

Yep, I'm a tag-along. When I told dad about this he was like "Well people see him as Jesse's Brother too" but I've NEVER heard anyone refer to him that way.  :(


No, he's fine about the Computer Art thing, he just didn't want it to replace band.


Cold fusion? What?  ???

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  • 3 weeks later...

I came back from vacation yesterday to find that the board is down  :o Oy. Either way at least it's back up today :)


Vacation was nice. We went to this cabin that at first I thought was this run down place that had a couple of modern conviniences here and there. But my mind changed about that and I thought it to be a fun, homely place. We will be going back in August AND October.


I finally suspended puppydog from my board. She just kept getting away with too many bad things and it was time to show her what a jerk she has been lately. She's real mad about it...mad at me like it's my fault she acted that way. Hopefully she'll learn. Now my board has been inactive, and if it keeps like this I'll just delete the whole thing. That will be one less thing to worry about.


I got 2 CDs - Hampsterdance Hits and Hampster Party. Both of them are great! Hampsterdance Hits even has 2 videos on it, which look rather old, but are fun to watch.

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Glad you are back from vacation.  The board updates are in progress, so get your MIDI ready.  When the update is complete, we should be able to hear your MIDI. :D


It is nice to hear that you enjoyed your vacation and look forward to going back.  It seems that October I would be heading to Florida not further north.  It might be cold.  Brrrrrrr.  But if you have an Indian Summer, it will be beautiful.


Hope that you and Puppydog work things out.


Okay, now for the big question, where did you buy your last two CD's?  I want them!!!!!  Please let me know.

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Glad you are back from vacation.  The board updates are in progress, so get your MIDI ready.  When the update is complete, we should be able to hear your MIDI. :D


It is nice to hear that you enjoyed your vacation and look forward to going back.  It seems that October I would be heading to Florida not further north.  It might be cold.  Brrrrrrr.  But if you have an Indian Summer, it will be beautiful.


Hope that you and Puppydog work things out.


Okay, now for the big question, where did you buy your last two CD's?  I want them!!!!!  Please let me know.

Yes, but I actually hope they don't post the one that I sent in because I have an updated version.


Why would it be cold in Florida?  ???


I hope we do to. I'll just try to be straight with her. I'm afraid of how she will react, but she needs to know. I wonder why she hates me so much anyway.


My parents got Hampsterdance Hits and Hampsterdance Party on Amazon. :)

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Glad you are back from vacation.  The board updates are in progress, so get your MIDI ready.  When the update is complete, we should be able to hear your MIDI. :D


It is nice to hear that you enjoyed your vacation and look forward to going back.  It seems that October I would be heading to Florida not further north.  It might be cold.  Brrrrrrr.  But if you have an Indian Summer, it will be beautiful.


Hope that you and Puppydog work things out.


Okay, now for the big question, where did you buy your last two CD's?  I want them!!!!!  Please let me know.

Yes, but I actually hope they don't post the one that I sent in because I have an updated version.


Why would it be cold in Florida?  ???


I hope we do to. I'll just try to be straight with her. I'm afraid of how she will react, but she needs to know. I wonder why she hates me so much anyway.


My parents got Hampsterdance Hits and Hampsterdance Party on Amazon. :)

iv herd about ur boards...but wat are they? can i join? :upside:

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I'm done for now. What happened was I didn't talk to my parents about going to computer art and went straight to my counsler, and my dad just found out and he said scarcasticly "thanks for talking about it with us" and slammed the door and went outside. Now he's going to come back in and mom says she'll talk with him but I know dad's going to call me out to my death penalty. I guess he's right, I should have talked about it first, but I was afraid they'd say no. And mom seemed to agree with the idea already. But now I guess I can't even choose the electives I want without my parents getting in my way. I was hoping that could be one thing I could be free to choose about but I was wrong.


He just walked in...why don't you dig my grave right now...

Whats computer art? And whats wrong with it?

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Glad you are back from vacation.  The board updates are in progress, so get your MIDI ready.  When the update is complete, we should be able to hear your MIDI. :D


It is nice to hear that you enjoyed your vacation and look forward to going back.  It seems that October I would be heading to Florida not further north.  It might be cold.  Brrrrrrr.  But if you have an Indian Summer, it will be beautiful.


Hope that you and Puppydog work things out.


Okay, now for the big question, where did you buy your last two CD's?  I want them!!!!!  Please let me know.

Yes, but I actually hope they don't post the one that I sent in because I have an updated version.


Why would it be cold in Florida?  ???


I hope we do to. I'll just try to be straight with her. I'm afraid of how she will react, but she needs to know. I wonder why she hates me so much anyway.


My parents got Hampsterdance Hits and Hampsterdance Party on Amazon. :)

iv herd about ur boards...but wat are they? can i join? :upside:

They're just a place where you can hang out. You can join, if you can find them. They should show up on google but I can't say more than that.  :hampton

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Glad you are back from vacation.  The board updates are in progress, so get your MIDI ready.  When the update is complete, we should be able to hear your MIDI. :D


It is nice to hear that you enjoyed your vacation and look forward to going back.  It seems that October I would be heading to Florida not further north.  It might be cold.  Brrrrrrr.  But if you have an Indian Summer, it will be beautiful.


Hope that you and Puppydog work things out.


Okay, now for the big question, where did you buy your last two CD's?  I want them!!!!!  Please let me know.

Yes, but I actually hope they don't post the one that I sent in because I have an updated version.


Why would it be cold in Florida?  ???


I hope we do to. I'll just try to be straight with her. I'm afraid of how she will react, but she needs to know. I wonder why she hates me so much anyway.


My parents got Hampsterdance Hits and Hampsterdance Party on Amazon. :)

iv herd about ur boards...but wat are they? can i join? :upside:

They're just a place where you can hang out. You can join, if you can find them. They should show up on google but I can't say more than that.  :hampton

Can you give me a key word or sumthing for it? There should be nothing, your not saying a web address or anything...........

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Glad you are back from vacation.  The board updates are in progress, so get your MIDI ready.  When the update is complete, we should be able to hear your MIDI. :D


It is nice to hear that you enjoyed your vacation and look forward to going back.  It seems that October I would be heading to Florida not further north.  It might be cold.  Brrrrrrr.  But if you have an Indian Summer, it will be beautiful.


Hope that you and Puppydog work things out.


Okay, now for the big question, where did you buy your last two CD's?  I want them!!!!!  Please let me know.

Yes, but I actually hope they don't post the one that I sent in because I have an updated version.


Why would it be cold in Florida?  ???


I hope we do to. I'll just try to be straight with her. I'm afraid of how she will react, but she needs to know. I wonder why she hates me so much anyway.


My parents got Hampsterdance Hits and Hampsterdance Party on Amazon. :)

iv herd about ur boards...but wat are they? can i join? :upside:

They're just a place where you can hang out. You can join, if you can find them. They should show up on google but I can't say more than that.  :hampton

Can you give me a key word or sumthing for it? There should be nothing, your not saying a web address or anything...........

The problem is that Jesse's boards have no restrictions on web links or personal information.  HampsterDance does have these restrictions to protect you.  So I am sorry, but no information is to be given out.  I do apologize Moneylover, but it really is for your own protection and safety.

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Glad you are back from vacation.  The board updates are in progress, so get your MIDI ready.  When the update is complete, we should be able to hear your MIDI. :D


It is nice to hear that you enjoyed your vacation and look forward to going back.  It seems that October I would be heading to Florida not further north.  It might be cold.  Brrrrrrr.  But if you have an Indian Summer, it will be beautiful.


Hope that you and Puppydog work things out.


Okay, now for the big question, where did you buy your last two CD's?  I want them!!!!!  Please let me know.

Yes, but I actually hope they don't post the one that I sent in because I have an updated version.


Why would it be cold in Florida?  ???


I hope we do to. I'll just try to be straight with her. I'm afraid of how she will react, but she needs to know. I wonder why she hates me so much anyway.


My parents got Hampsterdance Hits and Hampsterdance Party on Amazon. :)

iv herd about ur boards...but wat are they? can i join? :upside:

They're just a place where you can hang out. You can join, if you can find them. They should show up on google but I can't say more than that.  :hampton

Can you give me a key word or sumthing for it? There should be nothing, your not saying a web address or anything...........

The problem is that Jesse's boards have no restrictions on web links or personal information.  HampsterDance does have these restrictions to protect you.  So I am sorry, but no information is to be given out.  I do apologize Moneylover, but it really is for your own protection and safety.

Please Horatio...

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Glad you are back from vacation.  The board updates are in progress, so get your MIDI ready.  When the update is complete, we should be able to hear your MIDI. :D


It is nice to hear that you enjoyed your vacation and look forward to going back.  It seems that October I would be heading to Florida not further north.  It might be cold.  Brrrrrrr.  But if you have an Indian Summer, it will be beautiful.


Hope that you and Puppydog work things out.


Okay, now for the big question, where did you buy your last two CD's?  I want them!!!!!  Please let me know.

Yes, but I actually hope they don't post the one that I sent in because I have an updated version.


Why would it be cold in Florida?  ???


I hope we do to. I'll just try to be straight with her. I'm afraid of how she will react, but she needs to know. I wonder why she hates me so much anyway.


My parents got Hampsterdance Hits and Hampsterdance Party on Amazon. :)

iv herd about ur boards...but wat are they? can i join? :upside:

They're just a place where you can hang out. You can join, if you can find them. They should show up on google but I can't say more than that.  :hampton

Hmmm. what should we search for?

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Glad you are back from vacation.  The board updates are in progress, so get your MIDI ready.  When the update is complete, we should be able to hear your MIDI. :D


It is nice to hear that you enjoyed your vacation and look forward to going back.  It seems that October I would be heading to Florida not further north.  It might be cold.  Brrrrrrr.  But if you have an Indian Summer, it will be beautiful.


Hope that you and Puppydog work things out.


Okay, now for the big question, where did you buy your last two CD's?  I want them!!!!!  Please let me know.

Yes, but I actually hope they don't post the one that I sent in because I have an updated version.


Why would it be cold in Florida?  ???


I hope we do to. I'll just try to be straight with her. I'm afraid of how she will react, but she needs to know. I wonder why she hates me so much anyway.


My parents got Hampsterdance Hits and Hampsterdance Party on Amazon. :)

iv herd about ur boards...but wat are they? can i join? :upside:

They're just a place where you can hang out. You can join, if you can find them. They should show up on google but I can't say more than that.  :hampton

Can you give me a key word or sumthing for it? There should be nothing, your not saying a web address or anything...........

The problem is that Jesse's boards have no restrictions on web links or personal information.  HampsterDance does have these restrictions to protect you.  So I am sorry, but no information is to be given out.  I do apologize Moneylover, but it really is for your own protection and safety.

Please Horatio...

I am sorry, but HampsterKing has said absolutely not.  If he allows one board then he must allow all the boards and he said that the rules do not permit this.  I am sorry.  Besides, you need to be writing your story and not visiting other boards.  Get down there and write!!!  Please. :sleepy:

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Glad you are back from vacation.  The board updates are in progress, so get your MIDI ready.  When the update is complete, we should be able to hear your MIDI. :D


It is nice to hear that you enjoyed your vacation and look forward to going back.  It seems that October I would be heading to Florida not further north.  It might be cold.  Brrrrrrr.  But if you have an Indian Summer, it will be beautiful.


Hope that you and Puppydog work things out.


Okay, now for the big question, where did you buy your last two CD's?  I want them!!!!!  Please let me know.

Yes, but I actually hope they don't post the one that I sent in because I have an updated version.


Why would it be cold in Florida?  ???


I hope we do to. I'll just try to be straight with her. I'm afraid of how she will react, but she needs to know. I wonder why she hates me so much anyway.


My parents got Hampsterdance Hits and Hampsterdance Party on Amazon. :)

iv herd about ur boards...but wat are they? can i join? :upside:

They're just a place where you can hang out. You can join, if you can find them. They should show up on google but I can't say more than that.  :hampton

Can you give me a key word or sumthing for it? There should be nothing, your not saying a web address or anything...........

The problem is that Jesse's boards have no restrictions on web links or personal information.  HampsterDance does have these restrictions to protect you.  So I am sorry, but no information is to be given out.  I do apologize Moneylover, but it really is for your own protection and safety.

Actually yes, they have restrictions on personal information, and if you want I could turn modding on so I can delete the links before they're ever posted.


But either way, yeah, it would be unfair to mention just my board and no one else's  :sleepy:

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Glad you are back from vacation.  The board updates are in progress, so get your MIDI ready.  When the update is complete, we should be able to hear your MIDI. :D


It is nice to hear that you enjoyed your vacation and look forward to going back.  It seems that October I would be heading to Florida not further north.  It might be cold.  Brrrrrrr.  But if you have an Indian Summer, it will be beautiful.


Hope that you and Puppydog work things out.


Okay, now for the big question, where did you buy your last two CD's?  I want them!!!!!  Please let me know.

Yes, but I actually hope they don't post the one that I sent in because I have an updated version.


Why would it be cold in Florida?  ???


I hope we do to. I'll just try to be straight with her. I'm afraid of how she will react, but she needs to know. I wonder why she hates me so much anyway.


My parents got Hampsterdance Hits and Hampsterdance Party on Amazon. :)

iv herd about ur boards...but wat are they? can i join? :upside:

They're just a place where you can hang out. You can join, if you can find them. They should show up on google but I can't say more than that.  :hampton

Can you give me a key word or sumthing for it? There should be nothing, your not saying a web address or anything...........

The problem is that Jesse's boards have no restrictions on web links or personal information.  HampsterDance does have these restrictions to protect you.  So I am sorry, but no information is to be given out.  I do apologize Moneylover, but it really is for your own protection and safety.

Actually yes, they have restrictions on personal information, and if you want I could turn modding on so I can delete the links before they're ever posted.


But either way, yeah, it would be unfair to mention just my board and no one else's  :sleepy:

Thank you for saying that Jesse.  Now perhaps everyone will quit talking about this.  Thanks again. :sleepy:

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Maybe Jesse can change the words for the results on google to be more obvious???

Can we please stop this.  I would prefer to keep my job as moderator, unless you are trying to get rid of me. ???

Im very sorry Horatio. I just thought it would be nice to go to his board to. And of course im not trying to get rid of you. Everybody here loves you and apreicates you very much. And besides if we got rid of you, we would hardly have a Message Board.

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And anyway I just use it more as an image server and a practice ground for modding/admining more than anything else :upside: And it gives good practice for CSS skinning too :P


So everyone please don't feel bad about it. I wasn't expecting it to be a thriving ground for chatting. :)

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I'm done for now. What happened was I didn't talk to my parents about going to computer art and went straight to my counsler, and my dad just found out and he said scarcasticly "thanks for talking about it with us" and slammed the door and went outside. Now he's going to come back in and mom says she'll talk with him but I know dad's going to call me out to my death penalty. I guess he's right, I should have talked about it first, but I was afraid they'd say no. And mom seemed to agree with the idea already. But now I guess I can't even choose the electives I want without my parents getting in my way. I was hoping that could be one thing I could be free to choose about but I was wrong.


He just walked in...why don't you dig my grave right now...

Whats computer art? And whats wrong with it?

I can't remember if I answered this, so I'll just do it again.


Anyway it turns out that computer art at my school teaches you to make posters, CD covers, etc...without teaching you how to draw with a mouse (mmm) or anything like that. So I'm kind of glad I didn't take it.


What's wrong with it? My dad doesn't want me to "drop out of band" for it.

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...besides if we got rid of you, we would hardly have a Message Board.

Thank you for the nice thoughts, but one of life's lessons is that the boards would go on.  Sad but true. :sleepy:  Someone else would take over the reins and the boards would still flourish. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...
...besides if we got rid of you, we would hardly have a Message Board.

Thank you for the nice thoughts, but one of life's lessons is that the boards would go on.  Sad but true. :sleepy:  Someone else would take over the reins and the boards would still flourish. :D

Yes but it would never be as great as it was when you were here.

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Agh...right now my dad is yelling at my mom because the books got wet from the rain...they can argue about the weirdest things and get all offended from it and stuff. Once they fought over sliced ham  :roll


It's scary when dad slams on the floor and yells loud and stuff...but I can't help but laugh just alittle about the whole thing  :laugh: And I know it will resolve, it always does.  :)


Actually I think they might have already stopped  :))

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Agh...right now my dad is yelling at my mom because the books got wet from the rain...they can argue about the weirdest things and get all offended from it and stuff. Once they fought over sliced ham  :roll


It's scary when dad slams on the floor and yells loud and stuff...but I can't help but laugh just alittle about the whole thing  :laugh: And I know it will resolve, it always does.  :)


Actually I think they might have already stopped  :))

Once they fought over sliced ham
:eek  And I thought my mom and her boyfriend fought over strange things... :laugh:  8)  :upside:
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Agh...right now my dad is yelling at my mom because the books got wet from the rain...they can argue about the weirdest things and get all offended from it and stuff. Once they fought over sliced ham  :roll


It's scary when dad slams on the floor and yells loud and stuff...but I can't help but laugh just alittle about the whole thing  :laugh: And I know it will resolve, it always does.  :)


Actually I think they might have already stopped  :))

Once they fought over sliced ham
:eek  And I thought my mom and her boyfriend fought over strange things... :laugh:  8)  :upside:

What kind of things did they fight over?  ???

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Agh...right now my dad is yelling at my mom because the books got wet from the rain...they can argue about the weirdest things and get all offended from it and stuff. Once they fought over sliced ham  :roll


It's scary when dad slams on the floor and yells loud and stuff...but I can't help but laugh just alittle about the whole thing  :laugh: And I know it will resolve, it always does.  :)


Actually I think they might have already stopped  :))

Once they fought over sliced ham
:eek  And I thought my mom and her boyfriend fought over strange things... :laugh:  8)  :upside:

What kind of things did they fight over?  ???

Leaving Jaclets on the back of chairs, putting their shoes were they dont belong, Wether to wash whites or colored laundry first and a whole bunch of other stuff

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Agh...right now my dad is yelling at my mom because the books got wet from the rain...they can argue about the weirdest things and get all offended from it and stuff. Once they fought over sliced ham  :roll


It's scary when dad slams on the floor and yells loud and stuff...but I can't help but laugh just alittle about the whole thing  :laugh: And I know it will resolve, it always does.  :)


Actually I think they might have already stopped  :))

Once they fought over sliced ham
:eek  And I thought my mom and her boyfriend fought over strange things... :laugh:  8)  :upside:

What kind of things did they fight over?  ???

Leaving Jaclets on the back of chairs, putting their shoes were they dont belong, Wether to wash whites or colored laundry first and a whole bunch of other stuff

lol  :laugh: Hey, at least they aren't arguing about drugs or something like that.

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Agh...right now my dad is yelling at my mom because the books got wet from the rain...they can argue about the weirdest things and get all offended from it and stuff. Once they fought over sliced ham  :roll


It's scary when dad slams on the floor and yells loud and stuff...but I can't help but laugh just alittle about the whole thing  :laugh: And I know it will resolve, it always does.  :)


Actually I think they might have already stopped  :))

Once they fought over sliced ham
:eek  And I thought my mom and her boyfriend fought over strange things... :laugh:  8)  :upside:

What kind of things did they fight over?  ???

Leaving Jaclets on the back of chairs, putting their shoes were they dont belong, Wether to wash whites or colored laundry first and a whole bunch of other stuff

lol  :laugh: Hey, at least they aren't arguing about drugs or something like that.

Yeah, Hehe.... :)

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Ever since I showed up up here nobody posts here... :(

Nah, it's not you, it's just when people run out of things to talk about topics will fall back. :)

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Ever since I showed up up here nobody posts here... :(

Nah, it's not you, it's just when people run out of things to talk about topics will fall back. :)

No Its cause I showed up, When I showed up at all the BIG topics, US gove, this And Kep they all like stopped! :(

No, they would've died off anyway, you just happened to be there.

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Yay! I just got 102% on my midterm for precalc!!!  :D  :D



It's the perfect time to get happy (get happy)

It's the perfect time to get happy now...


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Yay! I just got 102% on my midterm for precalc!!!  :D  :D



It's the perfect time to get happy (get happy)

It's the perfect time to get happy now...


:eek  :eek  WOW!!!  :eek  :eek

That is fantastic!  It is amazing that you have a midterm already.  When did you start school, on the 4th of July? :laughing  :laughing

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Yay! I just got 102% on my midterm for precalc!!!  :D  :D



It's the perfect time to get happy (get happy)

It's the perfect time to get happy now...


:eek  :eek  WOW!!!  :eek  :eek

That is fantastic!  It is amazing that you have a midterm already.  When did you start school, on the 4th of July? :laughing  :laughing

lol no, school doesn't start till August 31st. I'm talking precalc at home  :upside:

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  • 3 months later...
:rolleyes: it tryed to snow here a week or two bk :)
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hia its gud to see all of you lot again!! :blink: i luv these smilies!!! :D

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thank u for the warm welcome back :)


yeh, i got so excited about the snow and stuck my head out the window but it was a disppointing attempt and it didnt even settle :huh:

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School was dismissed at 9:30 today. There was something up with the boiler or something. I wonder why the faculty has to stay though...?


So now I'm home all day ^_^

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wow this topic was started over a year ago :blink::blink::blink::blink::blink: i think thats a new record...

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School was dismissed at 9:30 today. There was something up with the boiler or something. I wonder why the faculty has to stay though...?


So now I'm home all day ^_^

wow lucky! our school used to flood alot but they mended the pipes... darn them

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wow lucky! our school used to flood alot but they mended the pipes... darn them


You didn't think they would leave them there, did you? Then again my school probably would have ;)


Appearently what happened was that the boiler broke, which set off the fire alarm, and also disabled heating for the new part of the school! Crazy. I wish it would happen again. :D

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So I guess those yellow rubber boots are not part of your school uniform anymore!!! 

:lol:  :lol:  :lol:

lol if only!!! i love to see tht! :lol: i cna just our headteacher walked round in those

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You didn't think they would leave them there, did you? Then again my school probably would have  ;)


Appearently what happened was that the boiler broke, which set off the fire alarm, and also disabled heating for the new part of the school! Crazy. I wish it would happen again.  :D

theres algiht in matsh that when you tunr it on it sounds like the fire bell....i get so excited then i relise that we arent going to stand on the field but have to stay in maths :(:rolleyes:

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Hi all,


Just came by to make sure you all knew I still exist :)


I've been involved in more offline stuff *cough*TombRaider*cough* and just goofing off. Don't take it personally, I'm not ignoring you (on purpose at least) ^_^


Dude, when did the site get revamped? :blink:

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Hi all,


Just came by to make sure you all knew I still exist  :)


I've been involved in more offline stuff *cough*TombRaider*cough* and just goofing off. Don't take it personally, I'm not ignoring you (on purpose at least) ^_^


Dude, when did the site get revamped?  :blink:

We're not telling... :lol::lol::lol:

We are going to make you stop in more often and post! :D

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Hi all,


Just came by to make sure you all knew I still exist  :)


I've been involved in more offline stuff *cough*TombRaider*cough* and just goofing off. Don't take it personally, I'm not ignoring you (on purpose at least) ^_^


Dude, when did the site get revamped?  :blink:

Yay! Lip fungus wolf still exists! :lol:


Felt like adding the lip fungus thing. :P

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...I'm not going to live that down, am I?

lol nt for a while!!! heehee has anyone seen the KFC advert where they sing and they say ''its ok mum.....whats-it-like-being-married-to-a....slaphead!'' it rules!!! :lol:

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  • 4 weeks later...
*slips Horatio some of the finest Belgian easter egg*

Why thank you so much TGHL!

*takes Belgian Easter Egg back to the house to share with all my friends*



*starts to wonder why TGHL is being so very nice*


*has visions of Egg exploding in the underground house*

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Why thank you so much TGHL!

*takes Belgian Easter Egg back to the house to share with all my friends*

*starts to wonder why TGHL is being so very nice* 

:huh:  :unsure:  :huh:

*has visions of Egg exploding in the underground house*

I was trying to jog your memory by bribery? Remember? You refused the halloween candy so I gave you something fresher....

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  • 9 months later...
*tumbleweed rolls across screen and cactus start growing* I sense a lack of Jesse here...  :unsure:


Maybe because this topic is ten months old? ;)

And now requires an iron lung in order to live!

We must save it, doctor!

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*tumbleweed rolls across screen and cactus start growing* I sense a lack of Jesse here...  :unsure:


Maybe because this topic is ten months old? ;)

And now requires an iron lung in order to live!

We must save it, doctor!
























































































I think i cleared it dead. ;.;

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*tumbleweed rolls across screen and cactus start growing* I sense a lack of Jesse here...  :unsure:


Maybe because this topic is ten months old? ;)

And now requires an iron lung in order to live!

We must save it, doctor!
























































































I think i cleared it dead. ;.;

Why didn't you actually jump start its heart rather than shouting at it?

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*tumbleweed rolls across screen and cactus start growing* I sense a lack of Jesse here...  :unsure:


Maybe because this topic is ten months old? ;)

I was thinking more along the lines of wondering why these topics aren't convered in snow yet. :rolleyes:

Because they are on holiday in Florida! :lol:

*coconuts roll across screen*

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*tumbleweed rolls across screen and cactus start growing* I sense a lack of Jesse here...  :unsure:


Maybe because this topic is ten months old? ;)

I was thinking more along the lines of wondering why these topics aren't convered in snow yet. :rolleyes:

Because they are on holiday in Florida! :lol:

*coconuts roll across screen*

*blows sand on it, rather than allowing Jesse to cover it in contradictory snow*

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I prefer Winter.


I don't talk to my parents about this place. The last time I did my brother screamed at me. It wasn't pretty.



Oh YEA?! Well....welll.... I'm the "Over sugaered Mushroom obssesd Pink Floyd loving Going to the Funny Farm Brownie"!

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