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I got to shoot a bow once, it's hard.


I wanna go horseback riding because I have never been on a horse.



It's great fun though when you master your bow :penguin  :cool:  :penguin .

I like shooting a bow, it's not that hard, and I'm going to the shooting range this week to shoot a gun for my first time, I might be going hunting soon too!

I don't like hunting.  In the UK it's illegal to hunt with a bow and arrow as a clean kill is very hard :penguin  :sleepy:  :penguin .


No prizes for guessing what my views are on hunting. It should be BANNED! It leads to extinction of species and cruelty to animals!

BTW; POKEMON PROMOTES ANIMAL CREULTY! Just think about it. You go out into the forest and beat a fox (thats what you essentially what you do in pokemon) until it's too weak to resist and then lock it in a cage (pokeball) and only let it out to fight other foxes (Pokebattle)! CRUELTY!

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Blarg...my parents are fighting again.


Jeez. Whenever my mom says something that annoys dad he makes a big deal about it and starts yelling at her and everything. He makes a lot of noice like slamming doors and yelling really loud. As if we didn't know they were fighting! If my mom gets annoyed by it enough then she gets to be that way too. But it doesn't sound like she's gotten to that point this time. I hear a lot of "I didn't say that!" and a lot of "Yes you did!" - it sounds like little children arguing! Sometimes I feel like I'm more civilized than them - at least I don't go stomping around, banging doors and making accusations without ever presenting proof. And when I hear something that annoys me, I deal with it, as hard as it is. And if I ever do get that angry I take it out on the pillow - not a door, not through an argument (please, the doors are thin wood, be careful with them!). Or I would just cry. I'd much rather cry than argue with someone, especially if I knew other people would be scared from it. But no, they don't care how much I'm scared from it, or my brother or sister. They don't care about anything except themselves and whatever they did to cause the strange arguement. And they make as much noise as they want. And they hold grudges against each other for awhile (well not really, mabye an hour) and then become silent and never speaking to each other, or not seeing each other for that. And then eventually they randomly make up as if nothing happened. Sounds like little children to me.

I know I don't usually venture into the other topics but... I've missed Jesse so much, I had to go looking.  Jesse, I know EXACTLY how u feel!  My parents have been fighting a lot more lately and it breaks my heart. I'll be 20 in 4 months and still live with them. I've been thinking of moving out a lot lately, but I feel like I gotta stay here to keep the peace. My lil sister is only 12, she's been extremly stressed in school and everything else. She cried and begged me not to leave because she's scared when my parents fight. She comes to my room and cries and tells them to stop. they don't care about how me and my little sister feel, they fight anyway. My parents always got along very well.... until my dad left our church a few years ago. :( ever since he stopped comming, he's been stressed and I don't know if it's a mid life crises or what, but he's basically become a shop-aholic. He spends money we don't have... first it started with 3 new guitars and a nice drum set, now he has 12 guitars. My mom is angry at him for spending money all the time, they built our house 26 years ago and my mom is afraid we'll lose it some day.  :sleepy:  My dad keeps upgrading things (better computers, bigger tv's, DVD players, DVD recorders, a bigger trailor, better vehicles, more DVD's... it goes on and on)  He won't stop! The more he buys the angrier my mom gets and the more stressed my whole family gets! They recently had a huge fight because of the new big screen tv and leather sofa and love seat sitting in the livingroom (which my dad has been sleeping on now for 2 weeks)  :roll  When my dad buys something he tries to hide it from my mom but he shows me with a goofy little grin on his face (like he's a little kid that's done something bad) and I tell him everytime... DON'T put me in the middle of it!  What am I sapposed to do?... act like it's all good and keep it a secret?... and get in big trouble when my mom finds out I've kept it secret?...?... Or... run and go tell my mom he bought something (and start another big fight)?.... Yea, ...right...like I wanna be in that.  I found a grey hair on my head!!! I'm 19 and found a GREY HAIR! and it's not the first time I've found grey hairs. they're making me old before my time, and very depressed! I've been sooo angry at them this past fight, that I let it alllll out! I tiold them how stupid they were being, and showed them how stress they were making the whole family, and how there not acomplishing anything by fighting ecxept hurting the family. I showed them my lil sister, scared to death, crying...They don't care. They fight anyway...like little kids, I have to break it up and send them to different rooms. My mom can't let things go, every chance she gets she says something stupid to try to hurt him, like, "Could you do the wash for me, since I do everything around here and ur stupid father won't do anything cuz he's lazy"  (so he can hear her) We all do stuff at the house and she knows it, I always do the wash, she doesn't have to add stupid little comments like that. and I let her know I don't like it and I don't wanna hear it. It sounds bad.... but sometimes I have to tell my own mother to shut her mouth.  I also let them both know, (like they always told my sisters and I) It takes two to fight so I don't wanna hear either sides of their exaggerated storeis cuz I'm NOT taking sides, thier both to blame. I'm sorry... I really needed to get that out. :down: Jesse... Ur not alone  :sleepy:  I'm here for ya if u ever need to talk or just let off some steam. {{super big uber hugs}}  


~Em~    :rose:

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:)) Oh and Jesse....




:cake: :cake: :cake: :cake: :cake:

(U get 5 cakes cuz they only have 3 candles on each) ;)


:rose: :present: Party time! :music:  :eat



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Blarg...my parents are fighting again.


Jeez. Whenever my mom says something that annoys dad he makes a big deal about it and starts yelling at her and everything. He makes a lot of noice like slamming doors and yelling really loud. As if we didn't know they were fighting! If my mom gets annoyed by it enough then she gets to be that way too. But it doesn't sound like she's gotten to that point this time. I hear a lot of "I didn't say that!" and a lot of "Yes you did!" - it sounds like little children arguing! Sometimes I feel like I'm more civilized than them - at least I don't go stomping around, banging doors and making accusations without ever presenting proof. And when I hear something that annoys me, I deal with it, as hard as it is. And if I ever do get that angry I take it out on the pillow - not a door, not through an argument (please, the doors are thin wood, be careful with them!). Or I would just cry. I'd much rather cry than argue with someone, especially if I knew other people would be scared from it. But no, they don't care how much I'm scared from it, or my brother or sister. They don't care about anything except themselves and whatever they did to cause the strange arguement. And they make as much noise as they want. And they hold grudges against each other for awhile (well not really, mabye an hour) and then become silent and never speaking to each other, or not seeing each other for that. And then eventually they randomly make up as if nothing happened. Sounds like little children to me.

I know I don't usually venture into the other topics but... I've missed Jesse so much, I had to go looking.  Jesse, I know EXACTLY how u feel!  My parents have been fighting a lot more lately and it breaks my heart. I'll be 20 in 4 months and still live with them. I've been thinking of moving out a lot lately, but I feel like I gotta stay here to keep the peace. My lil sister is only 12, she's been extremly stressed in school and everything else. She cried and begged me not to leave because she's scared when my parents fight. She comes to my room and cries and tells them to stop. they don't care about how me and my little sister feel, they fight anyway. My parents always got along very well.... until my dad left our church a few years ago. :( ever since he stopped comming, he's been stressed and I don't know if it's a mid life crises or what, but he's basically become a shop-aholic. He spends money we don't have... first it started with 3 new guitars and a nice drum set, now he has 12 guitars. My mom is angry at him for spending money all the time, they built our house 26 years ago and my mom is afraid we'll lose it some day.  :sleepy:  My dad keeps upgrading things (better computers, bigger tv's, DVD players, DVD recorders, a bigger trailor, better vehicles, more DVD's... it goes on and on)  He won't stop! The more he buys the angrier my mom gets and the more stressed my whole family gets! They recently had a huge fight because of the new big screen tv and leather sofa and love seat sitting in the livingroom (which my dad has been sleeping on now for 2 weeks)  :roll  When my dad buys something he tries to hide it from my mom but he shows me with a goofy little grin on his face (like he's a little kid that's done something bad) and I tell him everytime... DON'T put me in the middle of it!  What am I sapposed to do?... act like it's all good and keep it a secret?... and get in big trouble when my mom finds out I've kept it secret?...?... Or... run and go tell my mom he bought something (and start another big fight)?.... Yea, ...right...like I wanna be in that.  I found a grey hair on my head!!! I'm 19 and found a GREY HAIR! and it's not the first time I've found grey hairs. they're making me old before my time, and very depressed! I've been sooo angry at them this past fight, that I let it alllll out! I tiold them how stupid they were being, and showed them how stress they were making the whole family, and how there not acomplishing anything by fighting ecxept hurting the family. I showed them my lil sister, scared to death, crying...They don't care. They fight anyway...like little kids, I have to break it up and send them to different rooms. My mom can't let things go, every chance she gets she says something stupid to try to hurt him, like, "Could you do the wash for me, since I do everything around here and ur stupid father won't do anything cuz he's lazy"  (so he can hear her) We all do stuff at the house and she knows it, I always do the wash, she doesn't have to add stupid little comments like that. and I let her know I don't like it and I don't wanna hear it. It sounds bad.... but sometimes I have to tell my own mother to shut her mouth.  I also let them both know, (like they always told my sisters and I) It takes two to fight so I don't wanna hear either sides of their exaggerated storeis cuz I'm NOT taking sides, thier both to blame. I'm sorry... I really needed to get that out. :down: Jesse... Ur not alone  :sleepy:  I'm here for ya if u ever need to talk or just let off some steam. {{super big uber hugs}}  


~Em~    :rose:

*hugs back* Thanks. Your parents sound like they're in a worse situation than my parents are, but I know how you feel.  :sleepy:

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:)) Oh and Jesse....




:cake: :cake: :cake: :cake: :cake:

(U get 5 cakes cuz they only have 3 candles on each) ;)


:rose: :present: Party time! :music:  :eat



Thanks! :D :D You calculated the candles correctly :P

5 cakes, those will last me a while  :laugh:

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Blarg...my parents are fighting again.


Jeez. Whenever my mom says something that annoys dad he makes a big deal about it and starts yelling at her and everything. He makes a lot of noice like slamming doors and yelling really loud. As if we didn't know they were fighting! If my mom gets annoyed by it enough then she gets to be that way too. But it doesn't sound like she's gotten to that point this time. I hear a lot of "I didn't say that!" and a lot of "Yes you did!" - it sounds like little children arguing! Sometimes I feel like I'm more civilized than them - at least I don't go stomping around, banging doors and making accusations without ever presenting proof. And when I hear something that annoys me, I deal with it, as hard as it is. And if I ever do get that angry I take it out on the pillow - not a door, not through an argument (please, the doors are thin wood, be careful with them!). Or I would just cry. I'd much rather cry than argue with someone, especially if I knew other people would be scared from it. But no, they don't care how much I'm scared from it, or my brother or sister. They don't care about anything except themselves and whatever they did to cause the strange arguement. And they make as much noise as they want. And they hold grudges against each other for awhile (well not really, mabye an hour) and then become silent and never speaking to each other, or not seeing each other for that. And then eventually they randomly make up as if nothing happened. Sounds like little children to me.

I know I don't usually venture into the other topics but... I've missed Jesse so much, I had to go looking.  Jesse, I know EXACTLY how u feel!  My parents have been fighting a lot more lately and it breaks my heart. I'll be 20 in 4 months and still live with them. I've been thinking of moving out a lot lately, but I feel like I gotta stay here to keep the peace. My lil sister is only 12, she's been extremly stressed in school and everything else. She cried and begged me not to leave because she's scared when my parents fight. She comes to my room and cries and tells them to stop. they don't care about how me and my little sister feel, they fight anyway. My parents always got along very well.... until my dad left our church a few years ago. :( ever since he stopped comming, he's been stressed and I don't know if it's a mid life crises or what, but he's basically become a shop-aholic. He spends money we don't have... first it started with 3 new guitars and a nice drum set, now he has 12 guitars. My mom is angry at him for spending money all the time, they built our house 26 years ago and my mom is afraid we'll lose it some day.  :sleepy:  My dad keeps upgrading things (better computers, bigger tv's, DVD players, DVD recorders, a bigger trailor, better vehicles, more DVD's... it goes on and on)  He won't stop! The more he buys the angrier my mom gets and the more stressed my whole family gets! They recently had a huge fight because of the new big screen tv and leather sofa and love seat sitting in the livingroom (which my dad has been sleeping on now for 2 weeks)  :roll  When my dad buys something he tries to hide it from my mom but he shows me with a goofy little grin on his face (like he's a little kid that's done something bad) and I tell him everytime... DON'T put me in the middle of it!  What am I sapposed to do?... act like it's all good and keep it a secret?... and get in big trouble when my mom finds out I've kept it secret?...?... Or... run and go tell my mom he bought something (and start another big fight)?.... Yea, ...right...like I wanna be in that.  I found a grey hair on my head!!! I'm 19 and found a GREY HAIR! and it's not the first time I've found grey hairs. they're making me old before my time, and very depressed! I've been sooo angry at them this past fight, that I let it alllll out! I tiold them how stupid they were being, and showed them how stress they were making the whole family, and how there not acomplishing anything by fighting ecxept hurting the family. I showed them my lil sister, scared to death, crying...They don't care. They fight anyway...like little kids, I have to break it up and send them to different rooms. My mom can't let things go, every chance she gets she says something stupid to try to hurt him, like, "Could you do the wash for me, since I do everything around here and ur stupid father won't do anything cuz he's lazy"  (so he can hear her) We all do stuff at the house and she knows it, I always do the wash, she doesn't have to add stupid little comments like that. and I let her know I don't like it and I don't wanna hear it. It sounds bad.... but sometimes I have to tell my own mother to shut her mouth.  I also let them both know, (like they always told my sisters and I) It takes two to fight so I don't wanna hear either sides of their exaggerated storeis cuz I'm NOT taking sides, thier both to blame. I'm sorry... I really needed to get that out. :down: Jesse... Ur not alone  :sleepy:  I'm here for ya if u ever need to talk or just let off some steam. {{super big uber hugs}}  


~Em~    :rose:

I am so sorry that both of you are experiencing these troubles.  


There are times when life is very stressful, you are unable to deal with the problems directly and fights erupt over nothing.  


You all will be in my thoughts, heart and prayers that these things work themselves out and the families get stronger together.   I am thinking of you.


Lots of love in friendship...


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:)) Oh and Jesse....




:cake: :cake: :cake: :cake: :cake:

(U get 5 cakes cuz they only have 3 candles on each)

:present: Party time! :music:  



Thanks! You calculated the candles correctly

5 cakes, those will last me a while  





Okay Jesse...  time to update your signature!



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:)) Oh and Jesse....




:cake: :cake: :cake: :cake: :cake:

(U get 5 cakes cuz they only have 3 candles on each)

:present: Party time! :music:



Thanks! You calculated the candles correctly

5 cakes, those will last me a while  





Okay Jesse...  time to update your signature!



Oh...right.... :laugh:

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John's just come back from France and bought me a pressie.  The area he was in has wolves not too far away and he brought me a cuddly wolf cub.  I named him straight away, let's see who can guess what I named him.  It shouldn't be too difficult to guess :penguin  ???  :penguin !

I feel so special, thank you  :D I wish I could see it  :upside:



I'll get my dad to photograph him for you and e-mail it too you :penguin  :cool:  :penguin !



I'm anxious to see  :upside:

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I'm not wishing you 'Happy Birthday' again, I've already done it about five times............................












............................Oh go on them, seeing as how you are one extra special woolf................................












Happy Birthday Jesse :penguin  :laugh:  :penguin .

Lol thank you :D :D  :hampton ! *grabs a fishicle* For you, my penguin :))

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*hugs back* Thanks. Your parents sound like they're in a worse situation than my parents are, but I know how you feel.  :sleepy:

It wasn't always this way, we all used to be happy... all the time.  But my dad hurt his back a few years ago and stopped going to church, I think that all depressed him so that's why he buys stuff, he won't talk about it. It would have all been fine except my dad lost his job about a year ago and had to start all over again salery wise, so that's when money became the problem and the fighting started.  I'm sure we'll get thru it.

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Nothin like a wolf with a belly full of cake! lol! I baked them with the mice right in them for ya!  
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Oh and Jesse....




:cake: :cake: :cake: :cake: :cake:

(U get 5 cakes cuz they only have 3 candles on each)

:present: Party time! :music:



Thanks! You calculated the candles correctly

5 cakes, those will last me a while  





Okay Jesse...  time to update your signature!


Oh...right.... :laugh:

???  You really didn't have to, I just thought you might like to do that. :upside:

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Oh and Jesse....




:cake: :cake: :cake: :cake: :cake:

(U get 5 cakes cuz they only have 3 candles on each)

:present: Party time! :music:



Thanks! You calculated the candles correctly

5 cakes, those will last me a while  





Okay Jesse...  time to update your signature!


Oh...right.... :laugh:

???  You really didn't have to, I just thought you might like to do that. :upside:

Well you thought correctly  :P

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I am so sorry that both of you are experiencing these troubles. 


There are times when life is very stressful, you are unable to deal with the problems directly and fights erupt over nothing. 


You all will be in my thoughts, heart and prayers that these things work themselves out and the families get stronger together. I am thinking of you.


Lots of love in friendship...


:) Thank you Horatio, ur a great friend. {{hugs}}

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I'm not wishing you 'Happy Birthday' again, I've already done it about five times............................












............................Oh go on them, seeing as how you are one extra special woolf................................












Happy Birthday Jesse :penguin  :laugh:  :penguin .

Lol thank you :D :D  :hampton ! *grabs a fishicle* For you, my penguin :))

Thought that would make you laugh.


Oh and a fishicle for me, "Um, um, um, fank ou". *Swallows*.  Sorry about that, my mum did try and teach me not to talk with my mouth full :laugh:  :penguin  :laugh: !

That's okay, I do it by accident too :P

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Jesse,  sorry, your name sake did not get photographed this weekend, I had forgotten I was going down to the caravan.  I'll get my dad to take him home tomorrow and do the photo :penguin  :sleepy:  :penguin !

It's okay, I can wait  :upside:

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whoa.....i havent bin here 4 ages!!! #### it! i missed ur birthday didnt i?? happy very belated birthday sry :roll
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whoa.....i havent bin here 4 ages!!! #### it! i missed ur birthday didnt i?? happy very belated birthday sry :roll

That's okay. :) Thank you :D :D

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whoa.....i havent bin here 4 ages!!! #### it! i missed ur birthday didnt i?? happy very belated birthday sry :roll

Lovely laura, welcome back.  It's great to see all the 'old' faces re-appearing.  We've missed you :penguin  :sleepy:  :penguin !


PS, I'm still collecting sanities for the cool box :penguin  :laugh:  :penguin !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:laughing last i knew you still had mine

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whoa.....i havent bin here 4 ages!!! #### it! i missed ur birthday didnt i?? happy very belated birthday sry :roll

Lovely laura, welcome back.  It's great to see all the 'old' faces re-appearing.  We've missed you :penguin  :sleepy:  :penguin !


PS, I'm still collecting sanities for the cool box :penguin  :laugh:  :penguin !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

thank you, i get so busy i sometimes 4get to come here! im sorry evryone!!!


lol i'll keep a close watch on  mine then!

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I am so sorry that both of you are experiencing these troubles.  


There are times when life is very stressful, you are unable to deal with the problems directly and fights erupt over nothing.  


You all will be in my thoughts, heart and prayers that these things work themselves out and the families get stronger together.   I am thinking of you.


Lots of love in friendship...


:) Thank you Horatio, ur a great friend. {{hugs}}

*gives huggles back*


And you are a wonderful friend yourself!  Plus you are the first CD published poet that I have the privilege of knowing. :D

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did katie, and jess kat leave?? :eek  :eek

They havn't really said that they were leaving, so let's just say they're inactive.

I wish they would come back, after all if it hadn't been for Katie, I wouldn't have become the British Penguin :penguin  :laugh:  :penguin !

i no... i remember a long time ago u two (u and katie) were going back and forth between top poster...i miss the good ole days but sometimes new is good atleast Jesse, and LovelyLaura, and you are still here to inform me of whats been happening during my leave  :hampton :D

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I forgot to mention, I like your siggie LovelyLaura. :D

thank u! :)

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did katie, and jess kat leave?? :eek  :eek

They havn't really said that they were leaving, so let's just say they're inactive.

its bin a while........... :sleepy:  i hope we see them soon....

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whoa.....i havent bin here 4 ages!!! #### it! i missed ur birthday didnt i?? happy very belated birthday sry :roll

Lovely laura, welcome back.  It's great to see all the 'old' faces re-appearing.  We've missed you :penguin  :sleepy:  :penguin !


PS, I'm still collecting sanities for the cool box :penguin  :laugh:  :penguin !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

thank you, i get so busy i sometimes 4get to come here! im sorry evryone!!!


lol i'll keep a close watch on  mine then!

Well I have Katie's and Jess Kat's sanities already, are you sure you don't want to re-form the tacky wacky sisters again, at least in sanity format :penguin  :laugh:  :penguin ?

lol nice try!!!! im not goin to give in that easily!!! *stands determined between sheena and own sanity*



LL's sanity: eek!!!

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did katie, and jess kat leave?? :eek  :eek

They havn't really said that they were leaving, so let's just say they're inactive.

I wish they would come back, after all if it hadn't been for Katie, I wouldn't have become the British Penguin :penguin  :laugh:  :penguin !

i no... i remember a long time ago u two (u and katie) were going back and forth between top poster...i miss the good ole days but sometimes new is good atleast Jesse, and LovelyLaura, and you are still here to inform me of whats been happening during my leave  :hampton :D

Hmm...there were two major events...


1. Lifeseagle decided to try to eat TGHL, Horatio, and Blindmouse. I managed to hide them in my mouse house, and Kaise put an everlasting protective spell on them eventually.


2. Dethtohampstrs came and tried to eat Hado and Dixie (I had to use the spit up technique twice  8) ). I ate him 3 times, and he kept coming back somehow, and I came to the conclusion that he actually likes hampsters since he's been around long enough to know our names, what we do, etc. Eventually it got too much for me and I sent a topic to HK showing some of his violent posts and requesting that he do something about it. I guess it worked because his topics are gone and i can't find him in the members list anymore.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I found all the samples from the first Hampsterdance Album. I wish I had the whole thing though  :(


There's a CD called Hampsterdance Hits that seems to only been released last month. Maybe I'll be able to get it for Christmas..I just hope they don't go out of stock before then...that would be awesome to have though.


I still feel confused in life as to what I'm going to do about college or carrer. I hate to say this but my life just seems kind of pointless right now...

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I found all the samples from the first Hampsterdance Album. I wish I had the whole thing though  :(


There's a CD called Hampsterdance Hits that seems to only been released last month. Maybe I'll be able to get it for Christmas..I just hope they don't go out of stock before then...that would be awesome to have though.


I still feel confused in life as to what I'm going to do about college or carrer. I hate to say this but my life just seems kind of pointless right now...

aww...im sry to hear u feel like that :(  ur life isnt pointless! u r really cool!!! i dunno eiva wat im gonna do, and i kno sorta how u mean, i just cant decide what to do....

The hampsterdance hits album sounds really kwl, but i still need to get the other one :upside:

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I found all the samples from the first Hampsterdance Album. I wish I had the whole thing though  :(


There's a CD called Hampsterdance Hits that seems to only been released last month. Maybe I'll be able to get it for Christmas..I just hope they don't go out of stock before then...that would be awesome to have though.


I still feel confused in life as to what I'm going to do about college or carrer. I hate to say this but my life just seems kind of pointless right now...

aww...im sry to hear u feel like that :(  ur life isnt pointless! u r really cool!!! i dunno eiva wat im gonna do, and i kno sorta how u mean, i just cant decide what to do....

The hampsterdance hits album sounds really kwl, but i still need to get the other one :upside:

Thanks..although I have been shedding a lot so I would think I'm warmer than that  :P Jeez, this week is all in the high 80's for my region.

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I found all the samples from the first Hampsterdance Album. I wish I had the whole thing though  :(


There's a CD called Hampsterdance Hits that seems to only been released last month. Maybe I'll be able to get it for Christmas..I just hope they don't go out of stock before then...that would be awesome to have though.


I still feel confused in life as to what I'm going to do about college or carrer. I hate to say this but my life just seems kind of pointless right now...

aww...im sry to hear u feel like that :(  ur life isnt pointless! u r really cool!!! i dunno eiva wat im gonna do, and i kno sorta how u mean, i just cant decide what to do....

The hampsterdance hits album sounds really kwl, but i still need to get the other one :upside:

Thanks..although I have been shedding a lot so I would think I'm warmer than that  :P Jeez, this week is all in the high 80's for my region.

Hhmmmm, I thought you had been crushed by a rock.  The vet was called and a large crane to move the rock.  All we saw was your tail, so we were quite worried.  Glad to see you weren't hurt by the rock landing on you.

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I found all the samples from the first Hampsterdance Album. I wish I had the whole thing though  :(


There's a CD called Hampsterdance Hits that seems to only been released last month. Maybe I'll be able to get it for Christmas..I just hope they don't go out of stock before then...that would be awesome to have though.


I still feel confused in life as to what I'm going to do about college or carrer. I hate to say this but my life just seems kind of pointless right now...

aww...im sry to hear u feel like that :(  ur life isnt pointless! u r really cool!!! i dunno eiva wat im gonna do, and i kno sorta how u mean, i just cant decide what to do....

The hampsterdance hits album sounds really kwl, but i still need to get the other one :upside:

Thanks..although I have been shedding a lot so I would think I'm warmer than that  :P Jeez, this week is all in the high 80's for my region.

whoa....im guessing thats in degrees F not degrees C 8)  :D  8)

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I found all the samples from the first Hampsterdance Album. I wish I had the whole thing though  :(


There's a CD called Hampsterdance Hits that seems to only been released last month. Maybe I'll be able to get it for Christmas..I just hope they don't go out of stock before then...that would be awesome to have though.


I still feel confused in life as to what I'm going to do about college or carrer. I hate to say this but my life just seems kind of pointless right now...

aww...im sry to hear u feel like that :(  ur life isnt pointless! u r really cool!!! i dunno eiva wat im gonna do, and i kno sorta how u mean, i just cant decide what to do....

The hampsterdance hits album sounds really kwl, but i still need to get the other one :upside:

Thanks..although I have been shedding a lot so I would think I'm warmer than that  :P Jeez, this week is all in the high 80's for my region.

whoa....im guessing thats in degrees F not degrees C 8)  :D  8)

:laughing  :laughing  :laughing

I would say that is a pretty good guess!!!

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I found all the samples from the first Hampsterdance Album. I wish I had the whole thing though  :(


There's a CD called Hampsterdance Hits that seems to only been released last month. Maybe I'll be able to get it for Christmas..I just hope they don't go out of stock before then...that would be awesome to have though.


I still feel confused in life as to what I'm going to do about college or carrer. I hate to say this but my life just seems kind of pointless right now...

aww...im sry to hear u feel like that :(  ur life isnt pointless! u r really cool!!! i dunno eiva wat im gonna do, and i kno sorta how u mean, i just cant decide what to do....

The hampsterdance hits album sounds really kwl, but i still need to get the other one :upside:

Thanks..although I have been shedding a lot so I would think I'm warmer than that  :P Jeez, this week is all in the high 80's for my region.

Hhmmmm, I thought you had been crushed by a rock.  The vet was called and a large crane to move the rock.  All we saw was your tail, so we were quite worried.  Glad to see you weren't hurt by the rock landing on you.

No, I'm fine now. You only saw my tail because the rest of me was buried underground  8) I won't be able to walk well for the next week or so...

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I found all the samples from the first Hampsterdance Album. I wish I had the whole thing though  :(


There's a CD called Hampsterdance Hits that seems to only been released last month. Maybe I'll be able to get it for Christmas..I just hope they don't go out of stock before then...that would be awesome to have though.


I still feel confused in life as to what I'm going to do about college or carrer. I hate to say this but my life just seems kind of pointless right now...

aww...im sry to hear u feel like that :(  ur life isnt pointless! u r really cool!!! i dunno eiva wat im gonna do, and i kno sorta how u mean, i just cant decide what to do....

The hampsterdance hits album sounds really kwl, but i still need to get the other one :upside:

Thanks..although I have been shedding a lot so I would think I'm warmer than that  :P Jeez, this week is all in the high 80's for my region.

Hhmmmm, I thought you had been crushed by a rock.  The vet was called and a large crane to move the rock.  All we saw was your tail, so we were quite worried.  Glad to see you weren't hurt by the rock landing on you.

No, I'm fine now. You only saw my tail because the rest of me was buried underground  8) I won't be able to walk well for the next week or so...

Phew!!  I wasn't there when the crane pulled the rock off, so I was quite worried! :eek  Glad to hear that you are a little stiff, but okay. :D

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I found all the samples from the first Hampsterdance Album. I wish I had the whole thing though  :(


There's a CD called Hampsterdance Hits that seems to only been released last month. Maybe I'll be able to get it for Christmas..I just hope they don't go out of stock before then...that would be awesome to have though.


I still feel confused in life as to what I'm going to do about college or carrer. I hate to say this but my life just seems kind of pointless right now...

aww...im sry to hear u feel like that :(  ur life isnt pointless! u r really cool!!! i dunno eiva wat im gonna do, and i kno sorta how u mean, i just cant decide what to do....

The hampsterdance hits album sounds really kwl, but i still need to get the other one :upside:

Thanks..although I have been shedding a lot so I would think I'm warmer than that  :P Jeez, this week is all in the high 80's for my region.

Hhmmmm, I thought you had been crushed by a rock.  The vet was called and a large crane to move the rock.  All we saw was your tail, so we were quite worried.  Glad to see you weren't hurt by the rock landing on you.

No, I'm fine now. You only saw my tail because the rest of me was buried underground  8) I won't be able to walk well for the next week or so...

Phew!!  I wasn't there when the crane pulled the rock off, so I was quite worried! :eek  Glad to hear that you are a little stiff, but okay. :D

Thanks.  :)


*sigh*...I don't think HK wants me to be a moderator...he hasn't sent the moderators agreement...

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*sigh*...I don't think HK wants me to be a moderator...he hasn't sent the moderators agreement...

Absolutely he does want you to be a moderator.  HampsterKing is currently working on upgrading the boards and this is taking quite a bit of time.  Also, he is improving the moderator's agreement and making a training class.  


You will be a mod, just give him more time.  There is quite a bit going on and he has been working very hard to make the boards better.  He had said at least 3 to 4 weeks before I will see the Pet Photo Gallery, so it is taking a lot work to get this going.  


You will get it.  Please do not worry. :D

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*sigh*...I don't think HK wants me to be a moderator...he hasn't sent the moderators agreement...

Absolutely he does want you to be a moderator.  HampsterKing is currently working on upgrading the boards and this is taking quite a bit of time.  Also, he is improving the moderator's agreement and making a training class.  


You will be a mod, just give him more time.  There is quite a bit going on and he has been working very hard to make the boards better.  He had said at least 3 to 4 weeks before I will see the Pet Photo Gallery, so it is taking a lot work to get this going.  


You will get it.  Please do not worry. :D

Whoops. I had no idea he was still working on the board. I'm glad he is though. Let him take as much time as he wants then. :)

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*sigh*...I don't think HK wants me to be a moderator...he hasn't sent the moderators agreement...

Absolutely he does want you to be a moderator.  HampsterKing is currently working on upgrading the boards and this is taking quite a bit of time.  Also, he is improving the moderator's agreement and making a training class.  


You will be a mod, just give him more time.  There is quite a bit going on and he has been working very hard to make the boards better.  He had said at least 3 to 4 weeks before I will see the Pet Photo Gallery, so it is taking a lot work to get this going.  


You will get it.  Please do not worry. :D

Whoops. I had no idea he was still working on the board. I'm glad he is though. Let him take as much time as he wants then. :)

Why will Horatio not tell me what HK is doing to the Boards? WHY?

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*sigh*...I don't think HK wants me to be a moderator...he hasn't sent the moderators agreement...

Absolutely he does want you to be a moderator.  HampsterKing is currently working on upgrading the boards and this is taking quite a bit of time.  Also, he is improving the moderator's agreement and making a training class.  


You will be a mod, just give him more time.  There is quite a bit going on and he has been working very hard to make the boards better.  He had said at least 3 to 4 weeks before I will see the Pet Photo Gallery, so it is taking a lot work to get this going.  


You will get it.  Please do not worry. :D

Whoops. I had no idea he was still working on the board. I'm glad he is though. Let him take as much time as he wants then. :)

Why will Horatio not tell me what HK is doing to the Boards? WHY?

Because I thought that you already knew.  HampsterKing is doing on of your requests as a matter of fact, he will be increasing the signature size.  He is creating a Pet Photo Gallery, where photos of special family members will be displayed.  In the Music Forum, HampsterDancers will be able to listen to original music created on MIDI by other posters.  The boards needs to be improved so that the music, avatars, etc, will not take forever to load if someone is connected via the phone line.  There are a bunch more things, but I will let you be pleasantly surprised.


Now TGHL, get down there and resume writing in your Collected Works.

:laughing        :laughing        :laughing

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how is (or wat) is TGHL

TGHL is The Grim Hamster Lord.  He also steals sanities.  


(I know that you know this, but I will clarify for those who do not know.)  You know that you are not "insane" (crazy).  You are a "sane" person.  What makes you sane, a rational thinking person, is that you have a "sanity".  TGHL tries to take everyones sanitites.  Mega Wolf has a store that has things called Sanity Protectors, and all kinds of sanity saving devices.  Jesusfreak has made decoy sanities, replacement sanities and things of that nature.  Mega Wolf has some of the replacement and decoy sanities in her shop.  I am one of a small group of people who still have their sanity and I am probably the biggest shopper in Mega Wolf's store.  I think that you ought to join me in protecting your sanity and purchase a sanity protector.  Then you can go to the World Wide Pet Store, become a member and purchase a couple of guard geese.

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how is (or wat) is TGHL

*fishes out Hamsterlurver's sanity* One sanity in the mail to Sheena. *fishes out HHam's sanity* Two sanities in the mail to Sheena. *attempts to fish out Horatio's but gets electrocuted* BZZTT! BZZZT! *staggers off*

:laughing  :laughing  :laughing  LOL  :laughing  :laughing  :laughing


Oh TGHL, I know that you are a very intelligent person, why then do you do such silly things!  You are well aware that my sanity is guarded beyond your wildest imagination, so I cannot understand why you keep trying.


*makes mental note, advise Mega Wolf on outstanding outcome of new product*


Take a look at my moat TGHL, I have new additions from Key West...

    Sanigators :D

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how is (or wat) is TGHL

*fishes out Hamsterlurver's sanity* One sanity in the mail to Sheena. *fishes out HHam's sanity* Two sanities in the mail to Sheena. *attempts to fish out Horatio's but gets electrocuted* BZZTT! BZZZT! *staggers off*

:laughing  :laughing  :laughing  LOL  :laughing  :laughing  :laughing


Oh TGHL, I know that you are a very intelligent person, why then do you do such silly things!  You are well aware that my sanity is guarded beyond your wildest imagination, so I cannot understand why you keep trying.


*makes mental note, advise Mega Wolf on outstanding outcome of new product*


Take a look at my moat TGHL, I have new additions from Key West...

    Sanigators :D

Hmmm... Well I did promise that I had new ways to captures people's sanities but I might just take a break... Yes. A break. Please come down to my shop Horatio and bring all your friends....

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What kind of heartless beast am I? Puppydog said I was being rude to her and...I was. I don't know what's wrong with me. At my boards I hurt LE and superkatie too. How much more hurt must I inflict before I can stop it? I guess trying to make friends online was a bad idea. Maybe I'm just the type that people can't be friends with. I feel so unloved, and yet, I can never really give it, either...so I guess I'm getting what I deserve...I've been nothing but selfish..the only thing I can talk about is myself...if the world doesn't want me, where do I go? Do I just, rot away?...
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What kind of heartless beast am I? Puppydog said I was being rude to her and...I was. I don't know what's wrong with me. At my boards I hurt LE and superkatie too. How much more hurt must I inflict before I can stop it? I guess trying to make friends online was a bad idea. Maybe I'm just the type that people can't be friends with. I feel so unloved, and yet, I can never really give it, either...so I guess I'm getting what I deserve...I've been nothing but selfish..the only thing I can talk about is myself...if the world doesn't want me, where do I go? Do I just, rot away?...

You are not an heartless beast.  What happens online and not in a person to person world is that you can only read words.  You do not have the benefit of seeing their expressions, reading their body language.  What you must do is not internalize this, but express your feelings, thoughts and try and work out whatever roughed the waters.  You are most certainly a person who can be a wonderful friend.  Jesse, we all love you.  You were the overwhelming winner of the first Mr. HampsterDance Awards.  The only reason that I was able to win by a nose the second  time is because you were not in the competition.  In order to be able to give love, you must first love yourself.  It is there inside you, just give things a chance.  There are many adults that have a hard time expressing love.  Love is a very scary emotion.  When you love someone, you completely open yourself.  You are now vulnerable.  For some people this is very difficult.  You are not selfish.  I do not know what the statistics are but most people can only talk about themselves.  This is one reason why sports are a big topic.  People who are not comfortable about getting into a personal conversation, can always talk about sports.  The world does want you.  You will not rot away.  You just sit yourself down in your log and realize that you are beautiful with lots of wonderful qualities.  There just needs to be a little bit of time for things to work themselves out.  We all love you just the way you are.  Now, would you please wipe that cherry micicle juice out of your whiskers.  It is dripping on the floor.

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What kind of heartless beast am I? Puppydog said I was being rude to her and...I was. I don't know what's wrong with me. At my boards I hurt LE and superkatie too. How much more hurt must I inflict before I can stop it? I guess trying to make friends online was a bad idea. Maybe I'm just the type that people can't be friends with. I feel so unloved, and yet, I can never really give it, either...so I guess I'm getting what I deserve...I've been nothing but selfish..the only thing I can talk about is myself...if the world doesn't want me, where do I go? Do I just, rot away?...

You are not an heartless beast.  What happens online and not in a person to person world is that you can only read words.  You do not have the benefit of seeing their expressions, reading their body language.  What you must do is not internalize this, but express your feelings, thoughts and try and work out whatever roughed the waters.  You are most certainly a person who can be a wonderful friend.  Jesse, we all love you.  You were the overwhelming winner of the first Mr. HampsterDance Awards.  The only reason that I was able to win by a nose the second  time is because you were not in the competition.  In order to be able to give love, you must first love yourself.  It is there inside you, just give things a chance.  There are many adults that have a hard time expressing love.  Love is a very scary emotion.  When you love someone, you completely open yourself.  You are now vulnerable.  For some people this is very difficult.  You are not selfish.  I do not know what the statistics are but most people can only talk about themselves.  This is one reason why sports are a big topic.  People who are not comfortable about getting into a personal conversation, can always talk about sports.  The world does want you.  You will not rot away.  You just sit yourself down in your log and realize that you are beautiful with lots of wonderful qualities.  There just needs to be a little bit of time for things to work themselves out.  We all love you just the way you are.  Now, would you please wipe that cherry micicle juice out of your whiskers.  It is dripping on the floor.

Oh...excuse me...*grabs a napkin*


Horatio, you're so smart...you always find the right ways to respond.  :)


You love me the way I am? Are you sure? Because it doesn't feel like that, especially at school. At school what happens is that the only thing people want from me are pencils or paper or something and that's it. And I try not to lend them anything because it makes me feel like I'm being taking advantage of. But then they all think I'm selfish and stuff...I don't know...and then they force me to go to this social skills group that doesn't help at all (once they had us play "group solitare"  :P ) and it feels like they don't like me the way I am because appearently they're trying to change me like I have some kind of illness for not being as social as other people. Hey not being as social has it's advantages too, the most important being you can focus on your school work better. They're all like "You need to connect to people outside your family." What, is my family not good enough? I tell them I talk online and they'll be like "But OGM TATS NOT PERSON TOO PERSON!!!111" But when I'm here it DOES feel like I'm talking person to person...I mean I know I'm going to have to deal with people later in life. I'm having trouble dealing with them right now! But forcing me to sit down at a table and play "group solitare" or scrabble or black jack is NOT going to help me brave the world. All it does is make me miss class... It seems like they want all the students to be equally social...sounds kind of fascist to me.


It's good to hear that most people can talk about themselves. What got me freaked about that was that i read this book in english class that said something like "Mr.Denver is a social outcast because he can only talk about himself" so, yeah, that didn't make me feel great  8) But thanks for letting me know otherwise :)


About the Mr. Hampsterdance Awards, I don't know...it doesn't feel like so many people would vote for me. I have no idea why they would as opposed to other members...I haven't really done anything special...I never really gave advice, I never made avatars for people, I don't remember making people laugh as much as other members have... ???


The world wants me? Not after what happened last week. Aside from the usual people trying to take advantage of me and greeting me even though I don't know them (that makes me feel unconfortable), last week during Gym class we played kickball and I kept getting out when at bat, and I kept fumbling the ball in the field, so I felt really useless and started crying. I cryed all through gym and biology. And who noticed? No one. Not my gym teacher, not my biology teacher, nor anyone else. Come on, are these tears invisible or something?? Do they think that crying through 2 classes is NORMAL? Or do they just not care? I think it would be the latter. And during math I cried because I got a 75 on a test and I knew it would bring my grade down. All the math teacher ever did was joke about it (he likes to joke a lot). Yep, sure feels like the world wants me...


I have lots of wonderful qualities...exactly what qualities are we talking about here?  ???


I don't know...a lot of this stress is coming from this town in particular...my family is hoping to move soon...maybe getting out of this snobby place would help. We'll have to wait and see. And pray. :)


Thanks Horatio. Typing that does kind of help in a way. I hope it wasn't too long for you! I'm not doubting you for questioning your reasoning, I just want to see exactly what we're talking about here. :)

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What kind of heartless beast am I? Puppydog said I was being rude to her and...I was. I don't know what's wrong with me. At my boards I hurt LE and superkatie too. How much more hurt must I inflict before I can stop it? I guess trying to make friends online was a bad idea. Maybe I'm just the type that people can't be friends with. I feel so unloved, and yet, I can never really give it, either...so I guess I'm getting what I deserve...I've been nothing but selfish..the only thing I can talk about is myself...if the world doesn't want me, where do I go? Do I just, rot away?...

You are not an heartless beast.  What happens online and not in a person to person world is that you can only read words.  You do not have the benefit of seeing their expressions, reading their body language.  What you must do is not internalize this, but express your feelings, thoughts and try and work out whatever roughed the waters.  You are most certainly a person who can be a wonderful friend.  Jesse, we all love you.  You were the overwhelming winner of the first Mr. HampsterDance Awards.  The only reason that I was able to win by a nose the second  time is because you were not in the competition.  In order to be able to give love, you must first love yourself.  It is there inside you, just give things a chance.  There are many adults that have a hard time expressing love.  Love is a very scary emotion.  When you love someone, you completely open yourself.  You are now vulnerable.  For some people this is very difficult.  You are not selfish.  I do not know what the statistics are but most people can only talk about themselves.  This is one reason why sports are a big topic.  People who are not comfortable about getting into a personal conversation, can always talk about sports.  The world does want you.  You will not rot away.  You just sit yourself down in your log and realize that you are beautiful with lots of wonderful qualities.  There just needs to be a little bit of time for things to work themselves out.  We all love you just the way you are.  Now, would you please wipe that cherry micicle juice out of your whiskers.  It is dripping on the floor.

Oh...excuse me...*grabs a napkin*


Horatio, you're so smart...you always find the right ways to respond.  :)


You love me the way I am? Are you sure? Because it doesn't feel like that, especially at school. At school what happens is that the only thing people want from me are pencils or paper or something and that's it. And I try not to lend them anything because it makes me feel like I'm being taking advantage of. But then they all think I'm selfish and stuff...I don't know...and then they force me to go to this social skills group that doesn't help at all (once they had us play "group solitare"  :P ) and it feels like they don't like me the way I am because appearently they're trying to change me like I have some kind of illness for not being as social as other people. Hey not being as social has it's advantages too, the most important being you can focus on your school work better. They're all like "You need to connect to people outside your family." What, is my family not good enough? I tell them I talk online and they'll be like "But OGM TATS NOT PERSON TOO PERSON!!!111" But when I'm here it DOES feel like I'm talking person to person...I mean I know I'm going to have to deal with people later in life. I'm having trouble dealing with them right now! But forcing me to sit down at a table and play "group solitare" or scrabble or black jack is NOT going to help me brave the world. All it does is make me miss class... It seems like they want all the students to be equally social...sounds kind of fascist to me.


It's good to hear that most people can talk about themselves. What got me freaked about that was that i read this book in english class that said something like "Mr.Denver is a social outcast because he can only talk about himself" so, yeah, that didn't make me feel great  8) But thanks for letting me know otherwise :)


About the Mr. Hampsterdance Awards, I don't know...it doesn't feel like so many people would vote for me. I have no idea why they would as opposed to other members...I haven't really done anything special...I never really gave advice, I never made avatars for people, I don't remember making people laugh as much as other members have... ???


The world wants me? Not after what happened last week. Aside from the usual people trying to take advantage of me and greeting me even though I don't know them (that makes me feel unconfortable), last week during Gym class we played kickball and I kept getting out when at bat, and I kept fumbling the ball in the field, so I felt really useless and started crying. I cryed all through gym and biology. And who noticed? No one. Not my gym teacher, not my biology teacher, nor anyone else. Come on, are these tears invisible or something?? Do they think that crying through 2 classes is NORMAL? Or do they just not care? I think it would be the latter. And during math I cried because I got a 75 on a test and I knew it would bring my grade down. All the math teacher ever did was joke about it (he likes to joke a lot). Yep, sure feels like the world wants me...


I have lots of wonderful qualities...exactly what qualities are we talking about here?  ???


I don't know...a lot of this stress is coming from this town in particular...my family is hoping to move soon...maybe getting out of this snobby place would help. We'll have to wait and see. And pray. :)


Thanks Horatio. Typing that does kind of help in a way. I hope it wasn't too long for you! I'm not doubting you for questioning your reasoning, I just want to see exactly what we're talking about here. :)

I do love you exactly the way you are.  In fact, everyone here at HampsterDance has special qualities that are unique to themselves and I truly love each and everyone here just as they are.  


All of my thinking comes from my mother.  She taught me to always look inside a person.  Look to their heart.  You have a great heart.  You do not have to lend anything.  Just because you plan and have all the tools to do your job, and there are others who cannot be bothered to bring their tools, does not mean that you are there to be taken advantage of.  If you lend out all your tools, then you will have nothing to do your job.  Let the teacher start handing out supplies.  I most certainly agree with you.  


There might have been a time when I would have said that talking with a person on line is not social, but I have become aware that it is another form of socialization.  There are personalities online that you need to deal with, just as face to face.  It really is harder online, as you cannot see with your eyes the person's reaction.  You are communicating with others.  Who knows what will happen in the future.  Business has changed considerably, you are "old fashioned" if you only use the telephone as a means of communication.  Young people find email and IM the way to communicate, until the need arises for the telephone.  It is the youth that will dictate the direction of life.  As far as group solitaire.  I guess that they missed the point of "solitaire"  Solitary as in one.  I was wondering, Bill Gates, was he a social butterfly?  Look at what he has achieved.  How about Einstein?  People who have achieved greatness, have focused on their goals.  


When I was in speech class (which I might add, I was terrible at), I did my final speech on the Art of Listening.  This was all about the fact that people love to hear themselves talk.  The topic that they love to talk about is themselves.  Most people can speak about themselves, as this subject they know intimately.  If you ask them about the government, foreign affairs, or another topic that is not of their interest, then they will have nothing to talk about.  That is why sports became a big thing.  People can always say... "How about those 49ers?"  Two people can have verbal communication about a sports team and think that they are having a wonderful talk.  Instead, I only see it as meaningless dialogue.  (BTW, I received an A+ for the speech's content.)


Here are my views on why people like you.  You are a nice person.  You never judge anyone.  You are sensitive to others.  You do not have to give advice, or make people laugh.  You do not need to make avatars.  I do not make people laugh.  I could not draw my way out of a paper bag.  As for advice, I have lots of years experience from which to speak, but I think that Mega Wolf is far better at giving advice than I am and she is your age.  We all have our special qualities.   That is what makes us individuals.  We are unique.  People voted for you because they like you.  Plain and simple.


As for gym, I was awful.  I was always the last person picked for a team.    I always struck out, missed the ball, at least you fumbled... I was not even close.  The only thing I could do was run.  I have always run.  My running/jogging has always made me feel good.  It is a solitary experience.  When I am at work and we are in a different city, I run.  It is my way of sightseeing.  I am not fast, very slow in fact, but I will tell you that I love this way of being outdoors.  I am not in competition and no one can criticize me for running slow.  This is just for me.  Most of all it makes me happy.  Please do not cry about the bad gym experience.  Do not let the pressure of these people get to you.  Not everyone can be good at everything.  Never let them see that they have gotten to you.  It seems that people, thrive on the weakness of others.  I think that perhaps your teachers who did not seem to notice were trying not to call attention to your tears.  Maybe they did not know how to deal with this or sadly, maybe they did not notice.  At least they did not joke about it.  I do not think your math teacher was correct to joke about your emotions.


As for your wonderful qualities...  you are intelligent, nice, sensitive.  You care about others and are considerate.  You are more than what people look at.  You have a very good heart and do not hurt other people.  There may be a day or two when you will hurt someone's feelings, but this is life and these things do happen.  I predict that you will be a very successful person, who has been able to focus on your goals and accomplish these goals.  You will look back at some of the people you went to school with and feel good about where you are in life.  This will all seem like a bad dream.  The sad thing about snobby people, is that sometimes you knock, but there is no one home.  


I know this was the length of war and peace, and I do apologize for that.  I am thinking of you.


Your pal...


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What kind of heartless beast am I? Puppydog said I was being rude to her and...I was. I don't know what's wrong with me. At my boards I hurt LE and superkatie too. How much more hurt must I inflict before I can stop it? I guess trying to make friends online was a bad idea. Maybe I'm just the type that people can't be friends with. I feel so unloved, and yet, I can never really give it, either...so I guess I'm getting what I deserve...I've been nothing but selfish..the only thing I can talk about is myself...if the world doesn't want me, where do I go? Do I just, rot away?...

You are not an heartless beast.  What happens online and not in a person to person world is that you can only read words.  You do not have the benefit of seeing their expressions, reading their body language.  What you must do is not internalize this, but express your feelings, thoughts and try and work out whatever roughed the waters.  You are most certainly a person who can be a wonderful friend.  Jesse, we all love you.  You were the overwhelming winner of the first Mr. HampsterDance Awards.  The only reason that I was able to win by a nose the second  time is because you were not in the competition.  In order to be able to give love, you must first love yourself.  It is there inside you, just give things a chance.  There are many adults that have a hard time expressing love.  Love is a very scary emotion.  When you love someone, you completely open yourself.  You are now vulnerable.  For some people this is very difficult.  You are not selfish.  I do not know what the statistics are but most people can only talk about themselves.  This is one reason why sports are a big topic.  People who are not comfortable about getting into a personal conversation, can always talk about sports.  The world does want you.  You will not rot away.  You just sit yourself down in your log and realize that you are beautiful with lots of wonderful qualities.  There just needs to be a little bit of time for things to work themselves out.  We all love you just the way you are.  Now, would you please wipe that cherry micicle juice out of your whiskers.  It is dripping on the floor.

Oh...excuse me...*grabs a napkin*


Horatio, you're so smart...you always find the right ways to respond.  :)


You love me the way I am? Are you sure? Because it doesn't feel like that, especially at school. At school what happens is that the only thing people want from me are pencils or paper or something and that's it. And I try not to lend them anything because it makes me feel like I'm being taking advantage of. But then they all think I'm selfish and stuff...I don't know...and then they force me to go to this social skills group that doesn't help at all (once they had us play "group solitare"  :P ) and it feels like they don't like me the way I am because appearently they're trying to change me like I have some kind of illness for not being as social as other people. Hey not being as social has it's advantages too, the most important being you can focus on your school work better. They're all like "You need to connect to people outside your family." What, is my family not good enough? I tell them I talk online and they'll be like "But OGM TATS NOT PERSON TOO PERSON!!!111" But when I'm here it DOES feel like I'm talking person to person...I mean I know I'm going to have to deal with people later in life. I'm having trouble dealing with them right now! But forcing me to sit down at a table and play "group solitare" or scrabble or black jack is NOT going to help me brave the world. All it does is make me miss class... It seems like they want all the students to be equally social...sounds kind of fascist to me.


It's good to hear that most people can talk about themselves. What got me freaked about that was that i read this book in english class that said something like "Mr.Denver is a social outcast because he can only talk about himself" so, yeah, that didn't make me feel great  8) But thanks for letting me know otherwise :)


About the Mr. Hampsterdance Awards, I don't know...it doesn't feel like so many people would vote for me. I have no idea why they would as opposed to other members...I haven't really done anything special...I never really gave advice, I never made avatars for people, I don't remember making people laugh as much as other members have... ???


The world wants me? Not after what happened last week. Aside from the usual people trying to take advantage of me and greeting me even though I don't know them (that makes me feel unconfortable), last week during Gym class we played kickball and I kept getting out when at bat, and I kept fumbling the ball in the field, so I felt really useless and started crying. I cryed all through gym and biology. And who noticed? No one. Not my gym teacher, not my biology teacher, nor anyone else. Come on, are these tears invisible or something?? Do they think that crying through 2 classes is NORMAL? Or do they just not care? I think it would be the latter. And during math I cried because I got a 75 on a test and I knew it would bring my grade down. All the math teacher ever did was joke about it (he likes to joke a lot). Yep, sure feels like the world wants me...


I have lots of wonderful qualities...exactly what qualities are we talking about here?  ???


I don't know...a lot of this stress is coming from this town in particular...my family is hoping to move soon...maybe getting out of this snobby place would help. We'll have to wait and see. And pray. :)


Thanks Horatio. Typing that does kind of help in a way. I hope it wasn't too long for you! I'm not doubting you for questioning your reasoning, I just want to see exactly what we're talking about here. :)

I do love you exactly the way you are.  In fact, everyone here at HampsterDance has special qualities that are unique to themselves and I truly love each and everyone here just as they are.  


All of my thinking comes from my mother.  She taught me to always look inside a person.  Look to their heart.  You have a great heart.  You do not have to lend anything.  Just because you plan and have all the tools to do your job, and there are others who cannot be bothered to bring their tools, does not mean that you are there to be taken advantage of.  If you lend out all your tools, then you will have nothing to do your job.  Let the teacher start handing out supplies.  I most certainly agree with you.  


There might have been a time when I would have said that talking with a person on line is not social, but I have become aware that it is another form of socialization.  There are personalities online that you need to deal with, just as face to face.  It really is harder online, as you cannot see with your eyes the person's reaction.  You are communicating with others.  Who knows what will happen in the future.  Business has changed considerably, you are "old fashioned" if you only use the telephone as a means of communication.  Young people find email and IM the way to communicate, until the need arises for the telephone.  It is the youth that will dictate the direction of life.  As far as group solitaire.  I guess that they missed the point of "solitaire"  Solitary as in one.  I was wondering, Bill Gates, was he a social butterfly?  Look at what he has achieved.  How about Einstein?  People who have achieved greatness, have focused on their goals.  


When I was in speech class (which I might add, I was terrible at), I did my final speech on the Art of Listening.  This was all about the fact that people love to hear themselves talk.  The topic that they love to talk about is themselves.  Most people can speak about themselves, as this subject they know intimately.  If you ask them about the government, foreign affairs, or another topic that is not of their interest, then they will have nothing to talk about.  That is why sports became a big thing.  People can always say... "How about those 49ers?"  Two people can have verbal communication about a sports team and think that they are having a wonderful talk.  Instead, I only see it as meaningless dialogue.  (BTW, I received an A+ for the speech's content.)


Here are my views on why people like you.  You are a nice person.  You never judge anyone.  You are sensitive to others.  You do not have to give advice, or make people laugh.  You do not need to make avatars.  I do not make people laugh.  I could not draw my way out of a paper bag.  As for advice, I have lots of years experience from which to speak, but I think that Mega Wolf is far better at giving advice than I am and she is your age.  We all have our special qualities.   That is what makes us individuals.  We are unique.  People voted for you because they like you.  Plain and simple.


As for gym, I was awful.  I was always the last person picked for a team.    I always struck out, missed the ball, at least you fumbled... I was not even close.  The only thing I could do was run.  I have always run.  My running/jogging has always made me feel good.  It is a solitary experience.  When I am at work and we are in a different city, I run.  It is my way of sightseeing.  I am not fast, very slow in fact, but I will tell you that I love this way of being outdoors.  I am not in competition and no one can criticize me for running slow.  This is just for me.  Most of all it makes me happy.  Please do not cry about the bad gym experience.  Do not let the pressure of these people get to you.  Not everyone can be good at everything.  Never let them see that they have gotten to you.  It seems that people, thrive on the weakness of others.  I think that perhaps your teachers who did not seem to notice were trying not to call attention to your tears.  Maybe they did not know how to deal with this or sadly, maybe they did not notice.  At least they did not joke about it.  I do not think your math teacher was correct to joke about your emotions.


As for your wonderful qualities...  you are intelligent, nice, sensitive.  You care about others and are considerate.  You are more than what people look at.  You have a very good heart and do not hurt other people.  There may be a day or two when you will hurt someone's feelings, but this is life and these things do happen.  I predict that you will be a very successful person, who has been able to focus on your goals and accomplish these goals.  You will look back at some of the people you went to school with and feel good about where you are in life.  This will all seem like a bad dream.  The sad thing about snobby people, is that sometimes you knock, but there is no one home.  


I know this was the length of war and peace, and I do apologize for that.  I am thinking of you.


Your pal...


You're right..I guess I was correct in not being taken advantage of. Thanks for confirming that :)


Horatio, those Bill Gates and Albert Einstein points are terrific! I want to bring those up the next time my social group meets.


Lol I can never talk about sports. I'm not interested in them much (except the Chicaco Cubs! :D )


Yes, you do make people laugh. You make me laugh a lot. :) I think Mega Wolf gives out good advice as well. Both of you guys do. :D


About gym, no one said anything to pressure me. In fact sometimes they say that I did a good job. It's nice of them, but I knew they're just saying it to be nice. But I do put effort into it, I guess that's what counts more.


I can't focus on my goals well...I don't even know what they are! I'm being thrown at with piano lessons and math courses and I don't even know what I want to do. For some odd reason though my heart seems to want something to do with nature...I can't explain it much...


Thanks for the compliments. :) I don't think I care about other people too much though...dad...it feels like I can't connect wth him or something...it feels like he keeps pushing me too much to play music, and it's rather annoying. I'm not sure if I even want annything to do with music. You know, it feels like people are expecting too much out of me. They want me to make a MIDI of this. To get 100's on those math tests. To be able to play anything on the piano. To play the drums even. I know I have the talents to do it, but I don't want to use them just to please other people...I want to do them because I FEEL good about them. And if people keep pressuring me to do this or that with my talents...it doesn't make me feel good about them. And I'd rather not use my talents at all than use them just to please people. I guess that's what makes me feel selfish...I'm not sure if I am or not...I just don't know. My parents force me to take piano lessons and then they tell me to put more commitment into it...I'm sorry but I'm not putting any commitment into anything that you force me into. That's like when they forced me to go trick or treating and they tell me to not be so mad about it...come on, what do you expect! You can't just force something on someone and then expect them to do good at it. The whole point of putting commitment into something is the fact that you CHOOSE for YOURSELF to do it, not having other people choose it for you. What I choose to do I don't know yet. But I can tell you that I didn't choose to do those jazz piano lessons, and I have every right not to put commitment into it. And commitment is not something my parents are about to force me to use...that's just wrong.


Woa, that was a long ramble  8)

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You're right..I guess I was correct in not being taken advantage of. Thanks for confirming that :)


Horatio, those Bill Gates and Albert Einstein points are terrific! I want to bring those up the next time my social group meets.


Lol I can never talk about sports. I'm not interested in them much (except the Chicaco Cubs! :D )


Yes, you do make people laugh. You make me laugh a lot. :) I think Mega Wolf gives out good advice as well. Both of you guys do. :D


About gym, no one said anything to pressure me. In fact sometimes they say that I did a good job. It's nice of them, but I knew they're just saying it to be nice. But I do put effort into it, I guess that's what counts more.


I can't focus on my goals well...I don't even know what they are! I'm being thrown at with piano lessons and math courses and I don't even know what I want to do. For some odd reason though my heart seems to want something to do with nature...I can't explain it much...


Thanks for the compliments. :) I don't think I care about other people too much though...dad...it feels like I can't connect wth him or something...it feels like he keeps pushing me too much to play music, and it's rather annoying. I'm not sure if I even want annything to do with music. You know, it feels like people are expecting too much out of me. They want me to make a MIDI of this. To get 100's on those math tests. To be able to play anything on the piano. To play the drums even. I know I have the talents to do it, but I don't want to use them just to please other people...I want to do them because I FEEL good about them. And if people keep pressuring me to do this or that with my talents...it doesn't make me feel good about them. And I'd rather not use my talents at all than use them just to please people. I guess that's what makes me feel selfish...I'm not sure if I am or not...I just don't know. My parents force me to take piano lessons and then they tell me to put more commitment into it...I'm sorry but I'm not putting any commitment into anything that you force me into. That's like when they forced me to go trick or treating and they tell me to not be so mad about it...come on, what do you expect! You can't just force something on someone and then expect them to do good at it. The whole point of putting commitment into something is the fact that you CHOOSE for YOURSELF to do it, not having other people choose it for you. What I choose to do I don't know yet. But I can tell you that I didn't choose to do those jazz piano lessons, and I have every right not to put commitment into it. And commitment is not something my parents are about to force me to use...that's just wrong.


Woa, that was a long ramble  8)

I will try and keep this short.


It takes inner strength not to be taken advantage of.  I admire you for that.   It is not easy to say no.  There are a great number of people who get mad at themselves for not being able to say no.  You are lucky you have that strength.


I am sure that there are a great more people you could add to the list of achievers.  


As for sports, I am totally unable to carry on a conversation about any of the sports teams.  To me, it is boring.


I never thought that I made people laugh.  I really thought of myself as boring.  Thanks for saying that.  *hands Jesse another coupon for a case of free micicles*


At least you have some people who encourage you in gym.  They did not even encourage me.  I was not as good as you, I tried a little, but having three left feet with cement blocks attached to them does not make you too coordinated.  Track was the only sport where I did well.


Lots of adults still do not know what they want to do.  You are 15.  I went through a number of ideas before I finally chose a career.  When the time is right, you will decide what is right for you.  I tell people, that if you go to college and still do not know what you want to do, travel.  See the world.  There is so much to see outside of the USA.  It will give you a new perspective on life.


I was lucky.  My parents never forced me to do anything that I did not like.  The problem today is that young people are doing things that they do not like to please an adult.  I believe that you have the maturity to have made a decision for yourself.  You may not know what you want, but you do know what you do not want.  That in itself is a very positive step.  If you have to do something that your heart is not into, it will make you hate it after a while.  If you enjoy nature, then I urge you to look into this area.  There are lots of great jobs in this field.  I have a girlfriend who is a Biologist and she loves working with native plants and planting native  landscapes to feed the wildlife.  You will find the path where you want to commit yourself, and it may take a while, but until then do not worry that you have not made a choice.  You are doing really great by knowing yourself and trying not to do what you do not like.  That is really great.  You are more mature than most adults.


I tried to make this short, but it did not work out that way.  Sorry.  If it is too long for you, do not answer until you are up to it.

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You're right..I guess I was correct in not being taken advantage of. Thanks for confirming that :)


Horatio, those Bill Gates and Albert Einstein points are terrific! I want to bring those up the next time my social group meets.


Lol I can never talk about sports. I'm not interested in them much (except the Chicaco Cubs! :D )


Yes, you do make people laugh. You make me laugh a lot. :) I think Mega Wolf gives out good advice as well. Both of you guys do. :D


About gym, no one said anything to pressure me. In fact sometimes they say that I did a good job. It's nice of them, but I knew they're just saying it to be nice. But I do put effort into it, I guess that's what counts more.


I can't focus on my goals well...I don't even know what they are! I'm being thrown at with piano lessons and math courses and I don't even know what I want to do. For some odd reason though my heart seems to want something to do with nature...I can't explain it much...


Thanks for the compliments. :) I don't think I care about other people too much though...dad...it feels like I can't connect wth him or something...it feels like he keeps pushing me too much to play music, and it's rather annoying. I'm not sure if I even want annything to do with music. You know, it feels like people are expecting too much out of me. They want me to make a MIDI of this. To get 100's on those math tests. To be able to play anything on the piano. To play the drums even. I know I have the talents to do it, but I don't want to use them just to please other people...I want to do them because I FEEL good about them. And if people keep pressuring me to do this or that with my talents...it doesn't make me feel good about them. And I'd rather not use my talents at all than use them just to please people. I guess that's what makes me feel selfish...I'm not sure if I am or not...I just don't know. My parents force me to take piano lessons and then they tell me to put more commitment into it...I'm sorry but I'm not putting any commitment into anything that you force me into. That's like when they forced me to go trick or treating and they tell me to not be so mad about it...come on, what do you expect! You can't just force something on someone and then expect them to do good at it. The whole point of putting commitment into something is the fact that you CHOOSE for YOURSELF to do it, not having other people choose it for you. What I choose to do I don't know yet. But I can tell you that I didn't choose to do those jazz piano lessons, and I have every right not to put commitment into it. And commitment is not something my parents are about to force me to use...that's just wrong.


Woa, that was a long ramble  8)

I will try and keep this short.


It takes inner strength not to be taken advantage of.  I admire you for that.   It is not easy to say no.  There are a great number of people who get mad at themselves for not being able to say no.  You are lucky you have that strength.


I am sure that there are a great more people you could add to the list of achievers.  


As for sports, I am totally unable to carry on a conversation about any of the sports teams.  To me, it is boring.


I never thought that I made people laugh.  I really thought of myself as boring.  Thanks for saying that.  *hands Jesse another coupon for a case of free micicles*


At least you have some people who encourage you in gym.  They did not even encourage me.  I was not as good as you, I tried a little, but having three left feet with cement blocks attached to them does not make you too coordinated.  Track was the only sport where I did well.


Lots of adults still do not know what they want to do.  You are 15.  I went through a number of ideas before I finally chose a career.  When the time is right, you will decide what is right for you.  I tell people, that if you go to college and still do not know what you want to do, travel.  See the world.  There is so much to see outside of the USA.  It will give you a new perspective on life.


I was lucky.  My parents never forced me to do anything that I did not like.  The problem today is that young people are doing things that they do not like to please an adult.  I believe that you have the maturity to have made a decision for yourself.  You may not know what you want, but you do know what you do not want.  That in itself is a very positive step.  If you have to do something that your heart is not into, it will make you hate it after a while.  If you enjoy nature, then I urge you to look into this area.  There are lots of great jobs in this field.  I have a girlfriend who is a Biologist and she loves working with native plants and planting native  landscapes to feed the wildlife.  You will find the path where you want to commit yourself, and it may take a while, but until then do not worry that you have not made a choice.  You are doing really great by knowing yourself and trying not to do what you do not like.  That is really great.  You are more mature than most adults.


I tried to make this short, but it did not work out that way.  Sorry.  If it is too long for you, do not answer until you are up to it.

List of achievers...hmm...who else can I think of...well, what about Ben Franklin? Rosa Parks might be one too. and Martin Luther King Jr.


Another coupon? Where'd I get the first one?  8) Either way, thanks!  :))


Lol, three left feet with cement blocks...I can relate to that. You're right, I am lucky to have people for encouragement...


It's not that I hate my lessons or anything, it's just that I hate being forced to do it.


*sigh* puppydog is mad at me because she things I hate certain people...I'm not sure if that's allowed on here or not :sleepy:

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You're right..I guess I was correct in not being taken advantage of. Thanks for confirming that :)


Horatio, those Bill Gates and Albert Einstein points are terrific! I want to bring those up the next time my social group meets.


Lol I can never talk about sports. I'm not interested in them much (except the Chicaco Cubs! :D )


Yes, you do make people laugh. You make me laugh a lot. :) I think Mega Wolf gives out good advice as well. Both of you guys do. :D


About gym, no one said anything to pressure me. In fact sometimes they say that I did a good job. It's nice of them, but I knew they're just saying it to be nice. But I do put effort into it, I guess that's what counts more.


I can't focus on my goals well...I don't even know what they are! I'm being thrown at with piano lessons and math courses and I don't even know what I want to do. For some odd reason though my heart seems to want something to do with nature...I can't explain it much...


Thanks for the compliments. :) I don't think I care about other people too much though...dad...it feels like I can't connect wth him or something...it feels like he keeps pushing me too much to play music, and it's rather annoying. I'm not sure if I even want annything to do with music. You know, it feels like people are expecting too much out of me. They want me to make a MIDI of this. To get 100's on those math tests. To be able to play anything on the piano. To play the drums even. I know I have the talents to do it, but I don't want to use them just to please other people...I want to do them because I FEEL good about them. And if people keep pressuring me to do this or that with my talents...it doesn't make me feel good about them. And I'd rather not use my talents at all than use them just to please people. I guess that's what makes me feel selfish...I'm not sure if I am or not...I just don't know. My parents force me to take piano lessons and then they tell me to put more commitment into it...I'm sorry but I'm not putting any commitment into anything that you force me into. That's like when they forced me to go trick or treating and they tell me to not be so mad about it...come on, what do you expect! You can't just force something on someone and then expect them to do good at it. The whole point of putting commitment into something is the fact that you CHOOSE for YOURSELF to do it, not having other people choose it for you. What I choose to do I don't know yet. But I can tell you that I didn't choose to do those jazz piano lessons, and I have every right not to put commitment into it. And commitment is not something my parents are about to force me to use...that's just wrong.


Woa, that was a long ramble  8)

I will try and keep this short.


It takes inner strength not to be taken advantage of.  I admire you for that.   It is not easy to say no.  There are a great number of people who get mad at themselves for not being able to say no.  You are lucky you have that strength.


I am sure that there are a great more people you could add to the list of achievers.  


As for sports, I am totally unable to carry on a conversation about any of the sports teams.  To me, it is boring.


I never thought that I made people laugh.  I really thought of myself as boring.  Thanks for saying that.  *hands Jesse another coupon for a case of free micicles*


At least you have some people who encourage you in gym.  They did not even encourage me.  I was not as good as you, I tried a little, but having three left feet with cement blocks attached to them does not make you too coordinated.  Track was the only sport where I did well.


Lots of adults still do not know what they want to do.  You are 15.  I went through a number of ideas before I finally chose a career.  When the time is right, you will decide what is right for you.  I tell people, that if you go to college and still do not know what you want to do, travel.  See the world.  There is so much to see outside of the USA.  It will give you a new perspective on life.


I was lucky.  My parents never forced me to do anything that I did not like.  The problem today is that young people are doing things that they do not like to please an adult.  I believe that you have the maturity to have made a decision for yourself.  You may not know what you want, but you do know what you do not want.  That in itself is a very positive step.  If you have to do something that your heart is not into, it will make you hate it after a while.  If you enjoy nature, then I urge you to look into this area.  There are lots of great jobs in this field.  I have a girlfriend who is a Biologist and she loves working with native plants and planting native  landscapes to feed the wildlife.  You will find the path where you want to commit yourself, and it may take a while, but until then do not worry that you have not made a choice.  You are doing really great by knowing yourself and trying not to do what you do not like.  That is really great.  You are more mature than most adults.


I tried to make this short, but it did not work out that way.  Sorry.  If it is too long for you, do not answer until you are up to it.

List of achievers...hmm...who else can I think of...well, what about Ben Franklin? Rosa Parks might be one too. and Martin Luther King Jr.


Another coupon? Where'd I get the first one?  8) Either way, thanks!  :))


Lol, three left feet with cement blocks...I can relate to that. You're right, I am lucky to have people for encouragement...


It's not that I hate my lessons or anything, it's just that I hate being forced to do it.


*sigh* puppydog is mad at me because she things I hate certain people...I'm not sure if that's allowed on here or not :sleepy:

I had realized my typo with the coupon only after I read it a second time.  I was hoping that you would not catch that! :laughing  :laughing  :laughing   I cannot pull the "wool" over your eyes!  (Like that one?)  This is your first coupon.  


I was trying to say that you have the maturity to know what you are not interested in doing.  I do agree with you that your parents should let you decide what makes you happy and not force you do do things you do not like to do.  I am not saying that you hate it, but many times when a person is forced to do something, usually that person ends up disliking the very thing that they were being forced to like.  I am not saying this very well.  The example about trick or treating.  If you do not want to go, for whatever reason, then you should not have to go.


Both you and Puppydog will work out the situation.  I am certain of it.   Not to worry, she is a wonderful friend.

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I had realized my typo with the coupon only after I read it a second time.  I was hoping that you would not catch that! :laughing  :laughing  :laughing I cannot pull the "wool" over your eyes!  (Like that one?)  This is your first coupon. 


I was trying to say that you have the maturity to know what you are not interested in doing.  I do agree with you that your parents should let you decide what makes you happy and not force you do do things you do not like to do.  I am not saying that you hate it, but many times when a person is forced to do something, usually that person ends up disliking the very thing that they were being forced to like.  I am not saying this very well.  The example about trick or treating.  If you do not want to go, for whatever reason, then you should not have to go.


Both you and Puppydog will work out the situation.  I am certain of it. Not to worry, she is a wonderful friend.

Eww...wool?  8)


Yes, I know what you mean about not liking the things you were forced to like. Lol...that reminds me of my nephew, his mom is forcing him to like Winnie the Pooh...I keep imagining him growing up as an Anti-Pooh person  :P


Puppydog is nice...but am I good enough to have a friend like her?

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I had realized my typo with the coupon only after I read it a second time.  I was hoping that you would not catch that! :laughing  :laughing  :laughing   I cannot pull the "wool" over your eyes!  (Like that one?)  This is your first coupon.  


I was trying to say that you have the maturity to know what you are not interested in doing.  I do agree with you that your parents should let you decide what makes you happy and not force you do do things you do not like to do.  I am not saying that you hate it, but many times when a person is forced to do something, usually that person ends up disliking the very thing that they were being forced to like.  I am not saying this very well.  The example about trick or treating.  If you do not want to go, for whatever reason, then you should not have to go.


Both you and Puppydog will work out the situation.  I am certain of it.   Not to worry, she is a wonderful friend.

Eww...wool?  8)


Yes, I know what you mean about not liking the things you were forced to like. Lol...that reminds me of my nephew, his mom is forcing him to like Winnie the Pooh...I keep imagining him growing up as an Anti-Pooh person  :P


Puppydog is nice...but am I good enough to have a friend like her?

:laughing  I thought you would like the "wool" being a wolf. :laughing


I can see it now, his children will not even be able to say "Pooh" in the house.  (I slipped in another one...   :laughing  :laughing)


You are most definitely good enough to have a friend like her.  You both are wonderful friends for each other!  Friendship takes work.  It is not always the easiest thing.  I have total faith in you.  :D

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You might be wondering why I havn't been posting much lately. I've told Sheena already, and she might have told you guys. But I want to tell it in my own words, and in more detail...


First off, like other people on this board, it's my first year at highschool. There's been lots of changes. Of course there's the usual new teachers, course prospectuses, lockers, etc. But then there's the other mostly negative changes. I'm in a new building that is actually an old building and looks like it was bombed or something, which is pretty depressing. Then there's the loads of homework I get. The classes themselves are hard too because they make you think more and things can get complicated. On the bright side, I've been introduced to my brother's friends, and I'm now going to sunday school and young life because of it.


There's also been some weird things happening with me. Lately things have been getting worse. Now I can't seem to be able to fall asleep until after midnight. I've been confused for a while, and I never know how I really feel. I'm not very social at school, and I'm not sure if I want to be social with them or not. I'm hypersensitive. I can't hear people well when they talk to me and I end up saying or doing the wrong things. Just this afternoon I got frustrated at my homework and ended up crying. I'm indecisive. And it feels like I've been loosing interest in things. Some of the topics are talking about things that, to be honest, I'm not really interested in. I'm not saying that you guys are boring, it is because of me...


I might be going through depression. When I see those zoloft commercials that list the signs of depression, I can relate to all but one or two of them.


I'm not saying that I want to leave. I don't want to leave. It's just that well, everything's been so confusing, and it doesn't feel like it's going to feel better anytime soon. When I look at my journal entries most of them arn't that positive. I feel like I'm lost in a foggy jungle or something...

There's also been some weird things happening with me. Lately things have been getting worse. Now I can't seem to be able to fall asleep until after midnight. I've been confused for a while, and I never know how I really feel. I'm not very social at school, and I'm not sure if I want to be social with them or not. I'm hypersensitive. I can't hear people well when they talk to me and I end up saying or doing the wrong things. Just this afternoon I got frustrated at my homework and ended up crying. I'm indecisive. And it feels like I've been loosing interest in things. Some of the topics are talking about things that, to be honest, I'm not really interested in. I'm not saying that you guys are boring, it is because of me...


I might be going through depression. When I see those zoloft commercials that list the signs of depression, I can relate to all but one or two of them.





OMG that sounds EXACTLY Like what I'm going through! Every single word of it! If I had wrote this topic I would have used the same words probaly. But thats weird, we have the same problems!


                                                     ~ NiCk/ MonEYlovER

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I had realized my typo with the coupon only after I read it a second time.  I was hoping that you would not catch that! :laughing  :laughing  :laughing I cannot pull the "wool" over your eyes!  (Like that one?)  This is your first coupon. 


I was trying to say that you have the maturity to know what you are not interested in doing.  I do agree with you that your parents should let you decide what makes you happy and not force you do do things you do not like to do.  I am not saying that you hate it, but many times when a person is forced to do something, usually that person ends up disliking the very thing that they were being forced to like.  I am not saying this very well.  The example about trick or treating.  If you do not want to go, for whatever reason, then you should not have to go.


Both you and Puppydog will work out the situation.  I am certain of it. Not to worry, she is a wonderful friend.

Eww...wool?  8)


Yes, I know what you mean about not liking the things you were forced to like. Lol...that reminds me of my nephew, his mom is forcing him to like Winnie the Pooh...I keep imagining him growing up as an Anti-Pooh person  :P


Puppydog is nice...but am I good enough to have a friend like her?

:laughing  I thought you would like the "wool" being a wolf. :laughing


I can see it now, his children will not even be able to say "Pooh" in the house.  (I slipped in another one...   :laughing  :laughing)


You are most definitely good enough to have a friend like her.  You both are wonderful friends for each other!  Friendship takes work.  It is not always the easiest thing.  I have total faith in you.  :D

You're a good pun master...but not as good as Sheena :;):


Okay. I will try to settle things with puppydog :)


I just got home from piano lessons...it's nothing but a pain in the butt. And it's kind of boring too. Of course when I say so my brother and mom say I need to practice. The last thing I want to do after Math courses and Homework is practice jazz. And all this time I've never said I wanted to persue jazz...or piano for that matter :roll


In the car they thought it was a great idea to start listing stupid things I did on Sunday night (long story). I agree they were stupid but it does not make me feel good especially after an hour of jazz (I still have a headache from that). It reminds me of that one time at dinner when my dad said I could take drum lessons with this "really great" drum player and I said no. And then dad starts telling me I have the brains of a rock and stuff. I can't remember exactly what else he said but it did not make me feel good at all. The onslaught lasted for 10 long minutes. Then I left the table I proceeded to go back into my room and dad was scarcasticly saying "wow look how much that affected him" and my brother started making fun of me and stuff. Well excuuuuse me! I'm not about to listen to someone who likes to get your attention by hurling insults at you  :angry: Just because I'm not doing things the way you want me to doesn't mean that you should be mean about it. How about being respectful to your son for once. If you think that I'm making the wrong choice, fine. Let me find that out for myself. But I'm telling you that every time I think about drums my hard sinks and hardens up like the titanic, and as I said before I'm going to do things because they feel right to me, not because they will please other people.


Man I feel like such a bad guy...my family keeps teaming up against me. Of course if I actually said that to them they would say something like "No we aren't you just need to think," making themselves hyprocrites because they just teamed up against me by saying that. :P Well, yes, I DO think. That's how I got 2 Johns Hopkins certificates on my wall.  :roll Why would I decide not to take a particular drum lesson without thinking about it? I DID think about it. And my heart just went all out against it. I know my heart's not perfect but if it sinks and shrivels up when it hears the word "drum" don't you think that means something? "Well you're just afraid of commitment" they might say. Well why the heck should I do something if I'm afraid to put commitment into it? And YES, I DO like putting commitment in some things. Like school work. Even though school is the most loneliest place ever for 6 hours straight I still put effort into my schoolwork because my heart knows somehow that I will benifit from it. And my artwork. Whenever I want to draw a picture I'll spend hours trying to make it perfect (although it falls very short of that) because my heart feels just as much. It's weird, I don't know what my future will have to do with art, but I think art will play SOME role. Maybe I'll end up drawing diagrams for that possible biologist position that you mentioned, Horatio. Only God knows...but I do know that it is fun to draw stetches at times *hugs stetchbook*


So, I have no idea if I'm right on these views or if I'm being a rebellious jerk. But I do know that my family is moving farther and farther away from me, and dad is the farthest away. Maybe mom's the closest...they're trying to drag me along, along their path...away from my own path...am I supposed to go their way? I feel lost...and alone...


I'm sorry...that was a really long post..

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Nevermind...I can't handle puppydog. She's been swearing at me and throwing threats at me...I can't stand it anymore...I feel so pathetic and unwanted...I want to shut my board down again...
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Nevermind...I can't handle puppydog. She's been swearing at me and throwing threats at me...I can't stand it anymore...I feel so pathetic and unwanted...I want to shut my board down again...

That is your board.  You have every right to do whatever you chose with your board.  Do not give Puppydog the power to make you feel bad.  


Do not feel pathetic.  Do not feel unwanted.  You chosing to shut down your board is not what Puppydog wants, but to swear at you, threaten you is wrong.  You will have to make a decision.  If you are not having fun at your board and you want to shut it down, then you do what you want.  Puppydog will not be happy, but that is okay.

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You're a good pun master...but not as good as Sheena :;):


Okay. I will try to settle things with puppydog :)


I just got home from piano lessons...it's nothing but a pain in the butt. And it's kind of boring too. Of course when I say so my brother and mom say I need to practice. The last thing I want to do after Math courses and Homework is practice jazz. And all this time I've never said I wanted to persue jazz...or piano for that matter :roll


In the car they thought it was a great idea to start listing stupid things I did on Sunday night (long story). I agree they were stupid but it does not make me feel good especially after an hour of jazz (I still have a headache from that). It reminds me of that one time at dinner when my dad said I could take drum lessons with this "really great" drum player and I said no. And then dad starts telling me I have the brains of a rock and stuff. I can't remember exactly what else he said but it did not make me feel good at all. The onslaught lasted for 10 long minutes. Then I left the table I proceeded to go back into my room and dad was scarcasticly saying "wow look how much that affected him" and my brother started making fun of me and stuff. Well excuuuuse me! I'm not about to listen to someone who likes to get your attention by hurling insults at you  :angry: Just because I'm not doing things the way you want me to doesn't mean that you should be mean about it. How about being respectful to your son for once. If you think that I'm making the wrong choice, fine. Let me find that out for myself. But I'm telling you that every time I think about drums my hard sinks and hardens up like the titanic, and as I said before I'm going to do things because they feel right to me, not because they will please other people.


Man I feel like such a bad guy...my family keeps teaming up against me. Of course if I actually said that to them they would say something like "No we aren't you just need to think," making themselves hyprocrites because they just teamed up against me by saying that. :P Well, yes, I DO think. That's how I got 2 Johns Hopkins certificates on my wall.  :roll Why would I decide not to take a particular drum lesson without thinking about it? I DID think about it. And my heart just went all out against it. I know my heart's not perfect but if it sinks and shrivels up when it hears the word "drum" don't you think that means something? "Well you're just afraid of commitment" they might say. Well why the heck should I do something if I'm afraid to put commitment into it? And YES, I DO like putting commitment in some things. Like school work. Even though school is the most loneliest place ever for 6 hours straight I still put effort into my schoolwork because my heart knows somehow that I will benifit from it. And my artwork. Whenever I want to draw a picture I'll spend hours trying to make it perfect (although it falls very short of that) because my heart feels just as much. It's weird, I don't know what my future will have to do with art, but I think art will play SOME role. Maybe I'll end up drawing diagrams for that possible biologist position that you mentioned, Horatio. Only God knows...but I do know that it is fun to draw stetches at times *hugs stetchbook*


So, I have no idea if I'm right on these views or if I'm being a rebellious jerk. But I do know that my family is moving farther and farther away from me, and dad is the farthest away. Maybe mom's the closest...they're trying to drag me along, along their path...away from my own path...am I supposed to go their way? I feel lost...and alone...


I'm sorry...that was a really long post..

Occasionally I find a pun here or there.  Usually it is a couple of posts later. :laughing


As for Puppydog... you do what is right for you.


You happen to be right.  You are being the adult here.  Is there any way you could talk to your piano teacher?  If your piano teacher could tell your mother that you really were not cut out to be a piano player, maybe this would help.  The problem here is that your parents might not listen to your piano teacher either.  I am sad that your parents are planning what they want for you and not what you want for yourself.  It is wrong for them to belittle you.  It was more wrong that they all teamed up against you.


You are not a bad guy.  You just know what you do not want to do.  You have two Johns Hopkins certificates to show that you are intelligent.  You have made a commitment to achieving the best that you can do in school, I believe that is quite an accomplishment.  Art is another creative form.  I am sorry that your parents do not recognize this.  Whatever you do, do not give up your art.


You are not being rebellious, and you definitely are not a jerk.  I really wish there was some way that you could get your point across that you do not want to pursue piano, drums or whatever they have chosen.  I am going to think on this one.


Not a long post.  It needed to be said.

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Nevermind...I can't handle puppydog. She's been swearing at me and throwing threats at me...I can't stand it anymore...I feel so pathetic and unwanted...I want to shut my board down again...

That is your board.  You have every right to do whatever you chose with your board.  Do not give Puppydog the power to make you feel bad.  


Do not feel pathetic.  Do not feel unwanted.  You chosing to shut down your board is not what Puppydog wants, but to swear at you, threaten you is wrong.  You will have to make a decision.  If you are not having fun at your board and you want to shut it down, then you do what you want.  Puppydog will not be happy, but that is okay.

Yes...I do have to make a choice. Of course JF and Mega Wolf probably want the board to stay open...I'll see what I can do. Thanks Horatio  :cool:

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You're a good pun master...but not as good as Sheena :;):


Okay. I will try to settle things with puppydog :)


I just got home from piano lessons...it's nothing but a pain in the butt. And it's kind of boring too. Of course when I say so my brother and mom say I need to practice. The last thing I want to do after Math courses and Homework is practice jazz. And all this time I've never said I wanted to persue jazz...or piano for that matter :roll


In the car they thought it was a great idea to start listing stupid things I did on Sunday night (long story). I agree they were stupid but it does not make me feel good especially after an hour of jazz (I still have a headache from that). It reminds me of that one time at dinner when my dad said I could take drum lessons with this "really great" drum player and I said no. And then dad starts telling me I have the brains of a rock and stuff. I can't remember exactly what else he said but it did not make me feel good at all. The onslaught lasted for 10 long minutes. Then I left the table I proceeded to go back into my room and dad was scarcasticly saying "wow look how much that affected him" and my brother started making fun of me and stuff. Well excuuuuse me! I'm not about to listen to someone who likes to get your attention by hurling insults at you  :angry: Just because I'm not doing things the way you want me to doesn't mean that you should be mean about it. How about being respectful to your son for once. If you think that I'm making the wrong choice, fine. Let me find that out for myself. But I'm telling you that every time I think about drums my hard sinks and hardens up like the titanic, and as I said before I'm going to do things because they feel right to me, not because they will please other people.


Man I feel like such a bad guy...my family keeps teaming up against me. Of course if I actually said that to them they would say something like "No we aren't you just need to think," making themselves hyprocrites because they just teamed up against me by saying that. :P Well, yes, I DO think. That's how I got 2 Johns Hopkins certificates on my wall.  :roll Why would I decide not to take a particular drum lesson without thinking about it? I DID think about it. And my heart just went all out against it. I know my heart's not perfect but if it sinks and shrivels up when it hears the word "drum" don't you think that means something? "Well you're just afraid of commitment" they might say. Well why the heck should I do something if I'm afraid to put commitment into it? And YES, I DO like putting commitment in some things. Like school work. Even though school is the most loneliest place ever for 6 hours straight I still put effort into my schoolwork because my heart knows somehow that I will benifit from it. And my artwork. Whenever I want to draw a picture I'll spend hours trying to make it perfect (although it falls very short of that) because my heart feels just as much. It's weird, I don't know what my future will have to do with art, but I think art will play SOME role. Maybe I'll end up drawing diagrams for that possible biologist position that you mentioned, Horatio. Only God knows...but I do know that it is fun to draw stetches at times *hugs stetchbook*


So, I have no idea if I'm right on these views or if I'm being a rebellious jerk. But I do know that my family is moving farther and farther away from me, and dad is the farthest away. Maybe mom's the closest...they're trying to drag me along, along their path...away from my own path...am I supposed to go their way? I feel lost...and alone...


I'm sorry...that was a really long post..

Occasionally I find a pun here or there.  Usually it is a couple of posts later. :laughing


As for Puppydog... you do what is right for you.


You happen to be right.  You are being the adult here.  Is there any way you could talk to your piano teacher?  If your piano teacher could tell your mother that you really were not cut out to be a piano player, maybe this would help.  The problem here is that your parents might not listen to your piano teacher either.  I am sad that your parents are planning what they want for you and not what you want for yourself.  It is wrong for them to belittle you.  It was more wrong that they all teamed up against you.


You are not a bad guy.  You just know what you do not want to do.  You have two Johns Hopkins certificates to show that you are intelligent.  You have made a commitment to achieving the best that you can do in school, I believe that is quite an accomplishment.  Art is another creative form.  I am sorry that your parents do not recognize this.  Whatever you do, do not give up your art.


You are not being rebellious, and you definitely are not a jerk.  I really wish there was some way that you could get your point across that you do not want to pursue piano, drums or whatever they have chosen.  I am going to think on this one.


Not a long post.  It needed to be said.

Whoops, I'm afraid I was over exaggerating. I think I still want to play piano, but I am unsure about doing jazz. It seems kind of odd to me, although making voicings is kind of cool  :cool: . Although I hate being forced into all this, maybe it isn't so bad. I just hope they don't expect me to put lots of commitment into it, because they have no right to...do they?  ??? Either way I like making MIDIs from the piano :D


I'll try not to give up my art. If something ever happens in band or if it just gets too tough, I'm going to switch to art  :)


I've already made my point that I do not want to do drums, although my dad still bugs me about it. And again I might still want to persue piano. I have no idea what goal to reach towards. Right now I'm trying to drop back and look at the big picture until I find a goal of most importance.

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You might be wondering why I havn't been posting much lately. I've told Sheena already, and she might have told you guys. But I want to tell it in my own words, and in more detail...


First off, like other people on this board, it's my first year at highschool. There's been lots of changes. Of course there's the usual new teachers, course prospectuses, lockers, etc. But then there's the other mostly negative changes. I'm in a new building that is actually an old building and looks like it was bombed or something, which is pretty depressing. Then there's the loads of homework I get. The classes themselves are hard too because they make you think more and things can get complicated. On the bright side, I've been introduced to my brother's friends, and I'm now going to sunday school and young life because of it.


There's also been some weird things happening with me. Lately things have been getting worse. Now I can't seem to be able to fall asleep until after midnight. I've been confused for a while, and I never know how I really feel. I'm not very social at school, and I'm not sure if I want to be social with them or not. I'm hypersensitive. I can't hear people well when they talk to me and I end up saying or doing the wrong things. Just this afternoon I got frustrated at my homework and ended up crying. I'm indecisive. And it feels like I've been loosing interest in things. Some of the topics are talking about things that, to be honest, I'm not really interested in. I'm not saying that you guys are boring, it is because of me...


I might be going through depression. When I see those zoloft commercials that list the signs of depression, I can relate to all but one or two of them.


I'm not saying that I want to leave. I don't want to leave. It's just that well, everything's been so confusing, and it doesn't feel like it's going to feel better anytime soon. When I look at my journal entries most of them arn't that positive. I feel like I'm lost in a foggy jungle or something...

There's also been some weird things happening with me. Lately things have been getting worse. Now I can't seem to be able to fall asleep until after midnight. I've been confused for a while, and I never know how I really feel. I'm not very social at school, and I'm not sure if I want to be social with them or not. I'm hypersensitive. I can't hear people well when they talk to me and I end up saying or doing the wrong things. Just this afternoon I got frustrated at my homework and ended up crying. I'm indecisive. And it feels like I've been loosing interest in things. Some of the topics are talking about things that, to be honest, I'm not really interested in. I'm not saying that you guys are boring, it is because of me...


I might be going through depression. When I see those zoloft commercials that list the signs of depression, I can relate to all but one or two of them.





OMG that sounds EXACTLY Like what I'm going through! Every single word of it! If I had wrote this topic I would have used the same words probaly. But thats weird, we have the same problems!


                                                     ~ NiCk/ MonEYlovER

It makes both you, Jesse and lots of other people feel better that you are not alone going through these kind of feelings. :sleepy:

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Nevermind...I can't handle puppydog. She's been swearing at me and throwing threats at me...I can't stand it anymore...I feel so pathetic and unwanted...I want to shut my board down again...

That is your board.  You have every right to do whatever you chose with your board.  Do not give Puppydog the power to make you feel bad.  


Do not feel pathetic.  Do not feel unwanted.  You chosing to shut down your board is not what Puppydog wants, but to swear at you, threaten you is wrong.  You will have to make a decision.  If you are not having fun at your board and you want to shut it down, then you do what you want.  Puppydog will not be happy, but that is okay.

Yes...I do have to make a choice. Of course JF and Mega Wolf probably want the board to stay open...I'll see what I can do. Thanks Horatio  :cool:

Please make your decision based on what you want and not what JF, Mega Wolf and Puppydog want.  This is your board and you need to feel good about it.


Your welcome.  


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Whoops, I'm afraid I was over exaggerating. I think I still want to play piano, but I am unsure about doing jazz. It seems kind of odd to me, although making voicings is kind of cool  :cool: . Although I hate being forced into all this, maybe it isn't so bad. I just hope they don't expect me to put lots of commitment into it, because they have no right to...do they?  ??? Either way I like making MIDIs from the piano :D


I'll try not to give up my art. If something ever happens in band or if it just gets too tough, I'm going to switch to art  :)


I've already made my point that I do not want to do drums, although my dad still bugs me about it. And again I might still want to persue piano. I have no idea what goal to reach towards. Right now I'm trying to drop back and look at the big picture until I find a goal of most importance.

No, you were not exaggerating.  I just misunderstood.  This makes it much easier.  You can tell your piano teacher that you are not really crazy about jazz and what are your other options.  For example, Billy Joel is now writing and playing classical.  Your teacher will tell you all the different types of piano music and see what interests you.


Great idea.  If you find you do not like band anymore, switch to art.  It is great that you have a plan.


Next time your father brings up drums, tell him you want to play the harp or accordion.  That ought to shock him.  (J/K, I do not want you to do this as your father would not appreciate your joking with him.  But, it did make me laugh though.)


Lastly, I think that you really have a very good idea of how to get where you want to be.  Dropping back and looking at the big picture is a very sensible idea.  This will place less stress on you.  Just remember there is no rush to make a decision as to your future.  There are lots of people who go to college and think that they want to major in a particular course and change their minds a number of times.


Sleep well.  I think that you really are doing a great job.

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which board do you mean? :upside:
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Whoops, I'm afraid I was over exaggerating. I think I still want to play piano, but I am unsure about doing jazz. It seems kind of odd to me, although making voicings is kind of cool  :cool: . Although I hate being forced into all this, maybe it isn't so bad. I just hope they don't expect me to put lots of commitment into it, because they have no right to...do they?  ??? Either way I like making MIDIs from the piano :D


I'll try not to give up my art. If something ever happens in band or if it just gets too tough, I'm going to switch to art  :)


I've already made my point that I do not want to do drums, although my dad still bugs me about it. And again I might still want to persue piano. I have no idea what goal to reach towards. Right now I'm trying to drop back and look at the big picture until I find a goal of most importance.

No, you were not exaggerating.  I just misunderstood.  This makes it much easier.  You can tell your piano teacher that you are not really crazy about jazz and what are your other options.  For example, Billy Joel is now writing and playing classical.  Your teacher will tell you all the different types of piano music and see what interests you.


Great idea.  If you find you do not like band anymore, switch to art.  It is great that you have a plan.


Next time your father brings up drums, tell him you want to play the harp or accordion.  That ought to shock him.  (J/K, I do not want you to do this as your father would not appreciate your joking with him.  But, it did make me laugh though.)


Lastly, I think that you really have a very good idea of how to get where you want to be.  Dropping back and looking at the big picture is a very sensible idea.  This will place less stress on you.  Just remember there is no rush to make a decision as to your future.  There are lots of people who go to college and think that they want to major in a particular course and change their minds a number of times.


Sleep well.  I think that you really are doing a great job.

I just came from band rehearsal and I HATED IT! We marched for 2 and a half hours. It was merciless! And everytime our band teacher stopped us he decided to use the time to whine at us about how bad we play we had the music for more than 2 weeks blah blah blah. And I had trouble playing because the only way I can walk straight is to make myself bounce up and down, and it makes the clarinet bounce around in my mouth and I bent my reed near the end. Gosh...this is all so not worth it...I am really getting turned away from band...and I have to deal with this kind of stuff every single day. I'd much rather make sculptures or paintings each day than deal with this...

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I'll try not to give up my art. If something ever happens in band or if it just gets too tough, I'm going to switch to art  :)  



I just came from band rehearsal and I HATED IT! We marched for 2 and a half hours. It was merciless! And everytime our band teacher stopped us he decided to use the time to whine at us about how bad we play we had the music for more than 2 weeks blah blah blah. And I had trouble playing because the only way I can walk straight is to make myself bounce up and down, and it makes the clarinet bounce around in my mouth and I bent my reed near the end. Gosh...this is all so not worth it...I am really getting turned away from band...and I have to deal with this kind of stuff every single day. I'd much rather make sculptures or paintings each day than deal with this...

I have been trying to find a good way to say this.  I believe you have already made a decision regarding this.  Please do not do something that is not fun just because someone else wants you to do this.  Follow your first quoted decision and change to art in the fall.  Your parents might be upset, but just tell them that you are hating it and do not want to play in band anymore.  Tell them that you are taking art.  I am not sure when you have to make a decision, but you will have to make sure that you have added art to your schedule.  I am positive that you will love your decision and you will be very happy.

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I "had a talk" with my dad about piano lessons during dinner. He was talking about how listening to the hampsters wasn't going to help me grow my talent and stuff, and he said he wasn't going to let my talent go to waste. I got so mad during it...I don't even know why. But I didn't really express it though. I just sat there feeling like a piece of cheese that my dad was shooting holes into. I mean, he is right I guess, learning Jazz could be a useful tool. But still I'm not really serious about piano. I'm sorry but if they expect me to play at concerts or join a band or something then they're going to be plenty dissapointed.


Actually I think I do know why I am mad now. The one thing that I actually loved listening to, the one thing that keeps me from being depressed all the time, the one thing that ultimately gave me great friends like you guys, the one thing that I could define as who I am, is Hampton and the Hampsters. And dad just shot it apart and pushed it aside like it's nothing. It's EVERYTHING though! Well, maybe not, but it sure feels like it to me. I'm sick of getting humiliated because of what I like. So what if I have different opinions than him? Does that make his more right than mine? Just because he's an adult? Sure he has more experience in life but that doesn't mean he has to decide what I do FOR me. There's no way I'm going to be able to brave the world if I can never learn for myself. It's always other people that force me to learn from THEM. Force me to do as much as you might and push me around as hard as you want dad, but you can't get everything your way. If you don't like me for the way I am you could just say so.


And now I'm just sitting here typing, cowering under my dad's wrath. Of course HE has to be the one that's right. In fact I can never remember a time when he was wrong. I feel guilty for who I am and the talents my dad wants me to use I don't really like...I don't really feel like drawing stetches anymore...why do I keep loosing interest in things I once loved? I feel like I'm deteriorating or something. Like my heart got pulled out of me so I have no emotions anymore..I'm just...mellow right now. I'm just...here. There's nothing I really want right now...except love. All I get is hatred from my dad, and I keep reconsidering if he really loves me or not. I think he's dissapointed in me for not being the son he expected me to be. And you know what, it doesn't feel like anyone cares about my feelings. As I said before no one at school cares when I cry. Now my dad doesn't care how I feel about the piano. It's like as if the only way to get him to love me is to learn to play jazz on the piano. In that case I'd rather he not love me at all because again that would mean he doesn't like me for the way I am; just what I can do.


But if I tried to actually say that to him he would ignore it all and say again that my oh so precious talent can't go to any waste. What, is that all you care about me, dad? My talents? Just ignore my feelings, my body, my existince, everything except my talents? Do my talents rule over everything that defines who I am? Are my feelings irrational or something? "Feelings are neither right or wrong. They just are." That's a quote I got from a summer camp. I think feelings are more imporant than talents. And I don't think I like these oh so precious talents if they have that much rule over my life. I'm not giving up everything I am just to fulfill my talents. Unless god asked me to...but it's hard for me to tell what he wants from me. Maybe he doesn't want anything from me yet? That's kind of unlikely though...


Horatio please don't purposely make your posts short. If you want to type more please do. I love reading your posts.


Okay I guess I'll go practice piano then...I might as well...

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I'll try not to give up my art. If something ever happens in band or if it just gets too tough, I'm going to switch to art  :) 



I just came from band rehearsal and I HATED IT! We marched for 2 and a half hours. It was merciless! And everytime our band teacher stopped us he decided to use the time to whine at us about how bad we play we had the music for more than 2 weeks blah blah blah. And I had trouble playing because the only way I can walk straight is to make myself bounce up and down, and it makes the clarinet bounce around in my mouth and I bent my reed near the end. Gosh...this is all so not worth it...I am really getting turned away from band...and I have to deal with this kind of stuff every single day. I'd much rather make sculptures or paintings each day than deal with this...

I have been trying to find a good way to say this.  I believe you have already made a decision regarding this.  Please do not do something that is not fun just because someone else wants you to do this.  Follow your first quoted decision and change to art in the fall.  Your parents might be upset, but just tell them that you are hating it and do not want to play in band anymore.  Tell them that you are taking art.  I am not sure when you have to make a decision, but you will have to make sure that you have added art to your schedule.  I am positive that you will love your decision and you will be very happy.

Thanks, although I'm still uneasy about it for some reason. What happens if I actually hate the art curriculum? What if I don't like my art teacher that much? Then again if I choose band I'll suffer through it all the same...


I think I'll wait until after the Memorial Day Perade. I'm still afraid that I might faint from it or get sick like I did with the mile run. Anyway if I get really sick of band and marching and playing clarinet and don't want to go through another year of it, I'll switch. I'll keep praying about it though.

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I'll try not to give up my art. If something ever happens in band or if it just gets too tough, I'm going to switch to art  :)  



I just came from band rehearsal and I HATED IT! We marched for 2 and a half hours. It was merciless! And everytime our band teacher stopped us he decided to use the time to whine at us about how bad we play we had the music for more than 2 weeks blah blah blah. And I had trouble playing because the only way I can walk straight is to make myself bounce up and down, and it makes the clarinet bounce around in my mouth and I bent my reed near the end. Gosh...this is all so not worth it...I am really getting turned away from band...and I have to deal with this kind of stuff every single day. I'd much rather make sculptures or paintings each day than deal with this...

I have been trying to find a good way to say this.  I believe you have already made a decision regarding this.  Please do not do something that is not fun just because someone else wants you to do this.  Follow your first quoted decision and change to art in the fall.  Your parents might be upset, but just tell them that you are hating it and do not want to play in band anymore.  Tell them that you are taking art.  I am not sure when you have to make a decision, but you will have to make sure that you have added art to your schedule.  I am positive that you will love your decision and you will be very happy.

Thanks, although I'm still uneasy about it for some reason. What happens if I actually hate the art curriculum? What if I don't like my art teacher that much? Then again if I choose band I'll suffer through it all the same...


I think I'll wait until after the Memorial Day Perade. I'm still afraid that I might faint from it or get sick like I did with the mile run. Anyway if I get really sick of band and marching and playing clarinet and don't want to go through another year of it, I'll switch. I'll keep praying about it though.

I am going to answer this post first.  If you try the art and don't like it, you switch to something else.  That is what is good about being in high school  You can try out different things until you find what you like.  I would give a couple of subjects in art a try.  If you like sculpting or drawing or some other dimension, you might try to see what you do or don't like.  All you can do it try.  If you try art and then realize that you really like band better, you can always go back.  Somehow I think that when you start in the art classes, you will find you are enjoying yourself and are happy.

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I "had a talk" with my dad about piano lessons during dinner. He was talking about how listening to the hampsters wasn't going to help me grow my talent and stuff, and he said he wasn't going to let my talent go to waste. I got so mad during it...I don't even know why. But I didn't really express it though. I just sat there feeling like a piece of cheese that my dad was shooting holes into. I mean, he is right I guess, learning Jazz could be a useful tool. But still I'm not really serious about piano. I'm sorry but if they expect me to play at concerts or join a band or something then they're going to be plenty dissapointed.


Actually I think I do know why I am mad now. The one thing that I actually loved listening to, the one thing that keeps me from being depressed all the time, the one thing that ultimately gave me great friends like you guys, the one thing that I could define as who I am, is Hampton and the Hampsters. And dad just shot it apart and pushed it aside like it's nothing. It's EVERYTHING though! Well, maybe not, but it sure feels like it to me. I'm sick of getting humiliated because of what I like. So what if I have different opinions than him? Does that make his more right than mine? Just because he's an adult? Sure he has more experience in life but that doesn't mean he has to decide what I do FOR me. There's no way I'm going to be able to brave the world if I can never learn for myself. It's always other people that force me to learn from THEM. Force me to do as much as you might and push me around as hard as you want dad, but you can't get everything your way. If you don't like me for the way I am you could just say so.


And now I'm just sitting here typing, cowering under my dad's wrath. Of course HE has to be the one that's right. In fact I can never remember a time when he was wrong. I feel guilty for who I am and the talents my dad wants me to use I don't really like...I don't really feel like drawing stetches anymore...why do I keep loosing interest in things I once loved? I feel like I'm deteriorating or something. Like my heart got pulled out of me so I have no emotions anymore..I'm just...mellow right now. I'm just...here. There's nothing I really want right now...except love. All I get is hatred from my dad, and I keep reconsidering if he really loves me or not. I think he's dissapointed in me for not being the son he expected me to be. And you know what, it doesn't feel like anyone cares about my feelings. As I said before no one at school cares when I cry. Now my dad doesn't care how I feel about the piano. It's like as if the only way to get him to love me is to learn to play jazz on the piano. In that case I'd rather he not love me at all because again that would mean he doesn't like me for the way I am; just what I can do.


But if I tried to actually say that to him he would ignore it all and say again that my oh so precious talent can't go to any waste. What, is that all you care about me, dad? My talents? Just ignore my feelings, my body, my existince, everything except my talents? Do my talents rule over everything that defines who I am? Are my feelings irrational or something? "Feelings are neither right or wrong. They just are." That's a quote I got from a summer camp. I think feelings are more imporant than talents. And I don't think I like these oh so precious talents if they have that much rule over my life. I'm not giving up everything I am just to fulfill my talents. Unless god asked me to...but it's hard for me to tell what he wants from me. Maybe he doesn't want anything from me yet? That's kind of unlikely though...


Horatio please don't purposely make your posts short. If you want to type more please do. I love reading your posts.


Okay I guess I'll go practice piano then...I might as well...

If I get too long winded, just leave the post for when you are not tired.  


I keep thinking just how phenomenal my parents really were.  They let us try things and find what we wanted.  For me, I loved playing the violin, was accepted at Juilliard, but decided not to go.  My mother and father were disappointed, but they never told me until a couple of years later.  The thing is, I still play violin to this day and love every minute of it.  The difference is that I play for me.  I still play piano.  I am not great, but I play for fun and this makes me happy.  If I was forced to do something that was what my father wanted, I do not know how I would react.  When he says that he will not let your talent go to waste.  This makes me sad as he is forcing you to do something that he wants, not what you want.  Your father is not taking your feelings into account at all.  I think that if I was in your position, I would end up hating music very much and it would be all because of my father.  I just cannot imagine being in the position you are.  You are amazing.  What does your mother say?  Does she stay out of these conversations all together?  


Regarding the Hampsters music, this is music.  It may not be jazz or music that your father listens to and plays, but it is terrific music.  I really love listening to the Hampsters.  One thing that I can say is that if I want to feel better, I turn on the Hampsters and I start to feel good.  There is nothing wrong with that.  If you love listening to the Hampsters, then do not give this up.  It is a choice you have made and it is not a bad choice.  It is a great choice.  What I am afraid is that if your father keeps this action of telling you that he will not let your talent go to waste, the only thing he will accomplish is to drive you further and further away.  I would not put down the sketchbook.  In fact, I would take your sketchbook and use it like a journal.  Draw to feel good.  Draw to escape.  This is an excellent way to express your emotions.


I am at a loss for more words.  Let me think on this tonight and answer with a clearer head tomorrow.  If there is anyone else out there that is in this same position and they have some insight or ideas or answers, please by all means speak up.  This is for everyone.


I am thinking of you.


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I'll try not to give up my art. If something ever happens in band or if it just gets too tough, I'm going to switch to art  :) 



I just came from band rehearsal and I HATED IT! We marched for 2 and a half hours. It was merciless! And everytime our band teacher stopped us he decided to use the time to whine at us about how bad we play we had the music for more than 2 weeks blah blah blah. And I had trouble playing because the only way I can walk straight is to make myself bounce up and down, and it makes the clarinet bounce around in my mouth and I bent my reed near the end. Gosh...this is all so not worth it...I am really getting turned away from band...and I have to deal with this kind of stuff every single day. I'd much rather make sculptures or paintings each day than deal with this...

I have been trying to find a good way to say this.  I believe you have already made a decision regarding this.  Please do not do something that is not fun just because someone else wants you to do this.  Follow your first quoted decision and change to art in the fall.  Your parents might be upset, but just tell them that you are hating it and do not want to play in band anymore.  Tell them that you are taking art.  I am not sure when you have to make a decision, but you will have to make sure that you have added art to your schedule.  I am positive that you will love your decision and you will be very happy.

Thanks, although I'm still uneasy about it for some reason. What happens if I actually hate the art curriculum? What if I don't like my art teacher that much? Then again if I choose band I'll suffer through it all the same...


I think I'll wait until after the Memorial Day Perade. I'm still afraid that I might faint from it or get sick like I did with the mile run. Anyway if I get really sick of band and marching and playing clarinet and don't want to go through another year of it, I'll switch. I'll keep praying about it though.

I am going to answer this post first.  If you try the art and don't like it, you switch to something else.  That is what is good about being in high school  You can try out different things until you find what you like.  I would give a couple of subjects in art a try.  If you like sculpting or drawing or some other dimension, you might try to see what you do or don't like.  All you can do it try.  If you try art and then realize that you really like band better, you can always go back.  Somehow I think that when you start in the art classes, you will find you are enjoying yourself and are happy.

I'll think about it. Again I will wait until after Memorial day. I'm not sure what kinds of art classes there are because I had my course catalog taken away from me already. I'll ask my counsler about it, if I decide to change that is.

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I "had a talk" with my dad about piano lessons during dinner. He was talking about how listening to the hampsters wasn't going to help me grow my talent and stuff, and he said he wasn't going to let my talent go to waste. I got so mad during it...I don't even know why. But I didn't really express it though. I just sat there feeling like a piece of cheese that my dad was shooting holes into. I mean, he is right I guess, learning Jazz could be a useful tool. But still I'm not really serious about piano. I'm sorry but if they expect me to play at concerts or join a band or something then they're going to be plenty dissapointed.


Actually I think I do know why I am mad now. The one thing that I actually loved listening to, the one thing that keeps me from being depressed all the time, the one thing that ultimately gave me great friends like you guys, the one thing that I could define as who I am, is Hampton and the Hampsters. And dad just shot it apart and pushed it aside like it's nothing. It's EVERYTHING though! Well, maybe not, but it sure feels like it to me. I'm sick of getting humiliated because of what I like. So what if I have different opinions than him? Does that make his more right than mine? Just because he's an adult? Sure he has more experience in life but that doesn't mean he has to decide what I do FOR me. There's no way I'm going to be able to brave the world if I can never learn for myself. It's always other people that force me to learn from THEM. Force me to do as much as you might and push me around as hard as you want dad, but you can't get everything your way. If you don't like me for the way I am you could just say so.


And now I'm just sitting here typing, cowering under my dad's wrath. Of course HE has to be the one that's right. In fact I can never remember a time when he was wrong. I feel guilty for who I am and the talents my dad wants me to use I don't really like...I don't really feel like drawing stetches anymore...why do I keep loosing interest in things I once loved? I feel like I'm deteriorating or something. Like my heart got pulled out of me so I have no emotions anymore..I'm just...mellow right now. I'm just...here. There's nothing I really want right now...except love. All I get is hatred from my dad, and I keep reconsidering if he really loves me or not. I think he's dissapointed in me for not being the son he expected me to be. And you know what, it doesn't feel like anyone cares about my feelings. As I said before no one at school cares when I cry. Now my dad doesn't care how I feel about the piano. It's like as if the only way to get him to love me is to learn to play jazz on the piano. In that case I'd rather he not love me at all because again that would mean he doesn't like me for the way I am; just what I can do.


But if I tried to actually say that to him he would ignore it all and say again that my oh so precious talent can't go to any waste. What, is that all you care about me, dad? My talents? Just ignore my feelings, my body, my existince, everything except my talents? Do my talents rule over everything that defines who I am? Are my feelings irrational or something? "Feelings are neither right or wrong. They just are." That's a quote I got from a summer camp. I think feelings are more imporant than talents. And I don't think I like these oh so precious talents if they have that much rule over my life. I'm not giving up everything I am just to fulfill my talents. Unless god asked me to...but it's hard for me to tell what he wants from me. Maybe he doesn't want anything from me yet? That's kind of unlikely though...


Horatio please don't purposely make your posts short. If you want to type more please do. I love reading your posts.


Okay I guess I'll go practice piano then...I might as well...

If I get too long winded, just leave the post for when you are not tired.  


I keep thinking just how phenomenal my parents really were.  They let us try things and find what we wanted.  For me, I loved playing the violin, was accepted at Juilliard, but decided not to go.  My mother and father were disappointed, but they never told me until a couple of years later.  The thing is, I still play violin to this day and love every minute of it.  The difference is that I play for me.  I still play piano.  I am not great, but I play for fun and this makes me happy.  If I was forced to do something that was what my father wanted, I do not know how I would react.  When he says that he will not let your talent go to waste.  This makes me sad as he is forcing you to do something that he wants, not what you want.  Your father is not taking your feelings into account at all.  I think that if I was in your position, I would end up hating music very much and it would be all because of my father.  I just cannot imagine being in the position you are.  You are amazing.  What does your mother say?  Does she stay out of these conversations all together?  


Regarding the Hampsters music, this is music.  It may not be jazz or music that your father listens to and plays, but it is terrific music.  I really love listening to the Hampsters.  One thing that I can say is that if I want to feel better, I turn on the Hampsters and I start to feel good.  There is nothing wrong with that.  If you love listening to the Hampsters, then do not give this up.  It is a choice you have made and it is not a bad choice.  It is a great choice.  What I am afraid is that if your father keeps this action of telling you that he will not let your talent go to waste, the only thing he will accomplish is to drive you further and further away.  I would not put down the sketchbook.  In fact, I would take your sketchbook and use it like a journal.  Draw to feel good.  Draw to escape.  This is an excellent way to express your emotions.


I am at a loss for more words.  Let me think on this tonight and answer with a clearer head tomorrow.  If there is anyone else out there that is in this same position and they have some insight or ideas or answers, please by all means speak up.  This is for everyone.


I am thinking of you.


I already DO hate music. Or playing it at least. And you're right, it IS because of my dad.


My mom just nods and agrees with dad. Sometimes she throws in some stuff of her own, but she stays more out of the conversation than in. My brother is more active in it than her. He'll relate me to other people and talk about how they couldn't do anything because they were too lazy and stuff. My brother and dad like to team up on me a lot it seems.


The thing that's throwing me off about all this is why I have these talents in the first place. I feel unconfortable using them but dad and my brother say it's because I need to put more commitment into it. Is there a reason I have these talents? Are they just side effects of who I am? I mean I have the talent to wiggle my ears horizontaly unlike most wolves (or people probably), who can only pull their ears backward. But does that mean my whole life should revolve around wiggling my ears? I should hope not... :P


I have a good feeling you are right Horatio, but I keep feeling (or fearing more like) that my dad is also right. But I still need to know exactly why I DO have these talents.


I just had an interesting thought. Relating to how you have fun playing the piano even though you arn't good at it, I was having fun just making MIDIs and stuff. But my dad says that that is bad and I can't grow from it. Hey you're the one that said "if it's not broken don't fix it". Don't be a hypercrite  :roll I was just fine with what I was doing, even if you weren't, dad. Maybe I have the piano talent just to make MIDIs. That seems fine with me. But of course not to dad. He makes me learn all this extra stuff. And I CAN use it in my MIDIs. But I never NEEDED it. Or at least I don't think I did. I came up with my first four songs without any of that random jazz stuff. And I'm most happy with those than the later songs. But dad likes the ones that I put jazz into better, of course. But since I don't like it I probably won't use it again. The only thing I can really do is voicings anyway, and that's hard enough.


Using the sketchbook as a journal is a great idea. What should I draw? I know! I'll draw myself being bored playing jazz at the piano! Lol!  :laugh:


We haven't even talked about my math talent yet. But all that happens there is that the course gets annoying (especially their grammer errors). But there's no discussions about it or anything. :)


Thanks for typing Horatio. It always helps me feel better to talk with you. You know what? Last night I was thinking about the miracle that got me here. I was at this giant message board and I found someone mention this site. To me that doesn't seem very likely and I think it took a miracle for me to see that post. I think god wanted me to find this site. I like to think about it as a gift from god. That sounds crazy, doesn't it?

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I already DO hate music. Or playing it at least. And you're right, it IS because of my dad.


My mom just nods and agrees with dad. Sometimes she throws in some stuff of her own, but she stays more out of the conversation than in. My brother is more active in it than her. He'll relate me to other people and talk about how they couldn't do anything because they were too lazy and stuff. My brother and dad like to team up on me a lot it seems.


The thing that's throwing me off about all this is why I have these talents in the first place. I feel unconfortable using them but dad and my brother say it's because I need to put more commitment into it. Is there a reason I have these talents? Are they just side effects of who I am? I mean I have the talent to wiggle my ears horizontaly unlike most wolves (or people probably), who can only pull their ears backward. But does that mean my whole life should revolve around wiggling my ears? I should hope not... :P


I have a good feeling you are right Horatio, but I keep feeling (or fearing more like) that my dad is also right. But I still need to know exactly why I DO have these talents.


I just had an interesting thought. Relating to how you have fun playing the piano even though you arn't good at it, I was having fun just making MIDIs and stuff. But my dad says that that is bad and I can't grow from it. Hey you're the one that said "if it's not broken don't fix it". Don't be a hypercrite  :roll I was just fine with what I was doing, even if you weren't, dad. Maybe I have the piano talent just to make MIDIs. That seems fine with me. But of course not to dad. He makes me learn all this extra stuff. And I CAN use it in my MIDIs. But I never NEEDED it. Or at least I don't think I did. I came up with my first four songs without any of that random jazz stuff. And I'm most happy with those than the later songs. But dad likes the ones that I put jazz into better, of course. But since I don't like it I probably won't use it again. The only thing I can really do is voicings anyway, and that's hard enough.


Using the sketchbook as a journal is a great idea. What should I draw? I know! I'll draw myself being bored playing jazz at the piano! Lol!  :laugh:


We haven't even talked about my math talent yet. But all that happens there is that the course gets annoying (especially their grammer errors). But there's no discussions about it or anything. :)


Thanks for typing Horatio. It always helps me feel better to talk with you. You know what? Last night I was thinking about the miracle that got me here. I was at this giant message board and I found someone mention this site. To me that doesn't seem very likely and I think it took a miracle for me to see that post. I think god wanted me to find this site. I like to think about it as a gift from god. That sounds crazy, doesn't it?

First of all, there are lots of people who have talents, but that does not mean that they have to use them in a particular way.  For example, I have a musical talent.  This does not mean that I have to play Jazz.  It does not mean that I must perform in concert.  I play because I love to play.  I play for myself.  There are lots of people with artistic talent.  But must everyone go to the Sorbonne and study art?  No.  Some people use this talent for advertising, personal enjoyment (hobby) or whatever they choose.  Are they wasting their talent?  Some maybe, but some maybe not.  If my parents made me play Jazz instead of Classical, I might have quit.  But they let me choose what I wanted to play.  I am really at a loss as to why your father keeps pushing so hard.  If you father pushed me as hard as he pushed you, then I would quit.  You are a much better person than I am.  I admire you for hanging in there.


I believe that people are given talents and there is a time and place in their lives when they will use this talent.  You will find the time and place and the way you choose to use this talent.  You may decide that you do not want to play, but you want to just enjoy the music of others.  I would say that appreciation of music is a talent, just as playing is.  I love the opera.  This is not for everyone.  I love classical.  For me to sit and enjoy this type music is a talent that I believe that I have.  My sister is an artist.  She is not a musician.  Everyone has a creative streak in them.  Some people are architects, artists, engineers, scientists, statisticians, etc.  These people are using their talents.  Some people can decorate their homes beautifully, some make their yards look like a picture.  This is talent.  So, I must *sigh* at your father and his pressure.  I am amazed at how strong you are.  He is wearing me out as I cannot understand the reasoning.


As for the reason you are here... sometimes you end up at a place that proves to be the best thing that you have ever done.  You are here because you found a place where you have true friends.  You can be accepted for yourself, exactly as you are.  No one judges you or criticizes you, just accepts you unconditionally.  You can show a sensitive side and there are no macho attitudes to condemn you for saying what you feel.  HampsterDance is like a family.  Sometimes we have our feelings hurt, and we need to work the problem out, but most of the times we are just always here for each other.  Support, caring and friendship.  Unconditional love and friendship.  


I have a very special place in my heart for everyone here.  Each person is unique and ultimately individual.  I have lots of love in friendship for each and every person.  If you want it, it is yours.  It is always here.  I know that a wolf and hamster can be good friends.


I will be thinking of you on Memorial Day when you are marching. :sleepy:

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I already DO hate music. Or playing it at least. And you're right, it IS because of my dad.


My mom just nods and agrees with dad. Sometimes she throws in some stuff of her own, but she stays more out of the conversation than in. My brother is more active in it than her. He'll relate me to other people and talk about how they couldn't do anything because they were too lazy and stuff. My brother and dad like to team up on me a lot it seems.


The thing that's throwing me off about all this is why I have these talents in the first place. I feel unconfortable using them but dad and my brother say it's because I need to put more commitment into it. Is there a reason I have these talents? Are they just side effects of who I am? I mean I have the talent to wiggle my ears horizontaly unlike most wolves (or people probably), who can only pull their ears backward. But does that mean my whole life should revolve around wiggling my ears? I should hope not... :P


I have a good feeling you are right Horatio, but I keep feeling (or fearing more like) that my dad is also right. But I still need to know exactly why I DO have these talents.


I just had an interesting thought. Relating to how you have fun playing the piano even though you arn't good at it, I was having fun just making MIDIs and stuff. But my dad says that that is bad and I can't grow from it. Hey you're the one that said "if it's not broken don't fix it". Don't be a hypercrite  :roll I was just fine with what I was doing, even if you weren't, dad. Maybe I have the piano talent just to make MIDIs. That seems fine with me. But of course not to dad. He makes me learn all this extra stuff. And I CAN use it in my MIDIs. But I never NEEDED it. Or at least I don't think I did. I came up with my first four songs without any of that random jazz stuff. And I'm most happy with those than the later songs. But dad likes the ones that I put jazz into better, of course. But since I don't like it I probably won't use it again. The only thing I can really do is voicings anyway, and that's hard enough.


Using the sketchbook as a journal is a great idea. What should I draw? I know! I'll draw myself being bored playing jazz at the piano! Lol!  :laugh:


We haven't even talked about my math talent yet. But all that happens there is that the course gets annoying (especially their grammer errors). But there's no discussions about it or anything. :)


Thanks for typing Horatio. It always helps me feel better to talk with you. You know what? Last night I was thinking about the miracle that got me here. I was at this giant message board and I found someone mention this site. To me that doesn't seem very likely and I think it took a miracle for me to see that post. I think god wanted me to find this site. I like to think about it as a gift from god. That sounds crazy, doesn't it?

First of all, there are lots of people who have talents, but that does not mean that they have to use them in a particular way.  For example, I have a musical talent.  This does not mean that I have to play Jazz.  It does not mean that I must perform in concert.  I play because I love to play.  I play for myself.  There are lots of people with artistic talent.  But must everyone go to the Sorbonne and study art?  No.  Some people use this talent for advertising, personal enjoyment (hobby) or whatever they choose.  Are they wasting their talent?  Some maybe, but some maybe not.  If my parents made me play Jazz instead of Classical, I might have quit.  But they let me choose what I wanted to play.  I am really at a loss as to why your father keeps pushing so hard.  If you father pushed me as hard as he pushed you, then I would quit.  You are a much better person than I am.  I admire you for hanging in there.


I believe that people are given talents and there is a time and place in their lives when they will use this talent.  You will find the time and place and the way you choose to use this talent.  You may decide that you do not want to play, but you want to just enjoy the music of others.  I would say that appreciation of music is a talent, just as playing is.  I love the opera.  This is not for everyone.  I love classical.  For me to sit and enjoy this type music is a talent that I believe that I have.  My sister is an artist.  She is not a musician.  Everyone has a creative streak in them.  Some people are architects, artists, engineers, scientists, statisticians, etc.  These people are using their talents.  Some people can decorate their homes beautifully, some make their yards look like a picture.  This is talent.  So, I must *sigh* at your father and his pressure.  I am amazed at how strong you are.  He is wearing me out as I cannot understand the reasoning.


As for the reason you are here... sometimes you end up at a place that proves to be the best thing that you have ever done.  You are here because you found a place where you have true friends.  You can be accepted for yourself, exactly as you are.  No one judges you or criticizes you, just accepts you unconditionally.  You can show a sensitive side and there are no macho attitudes to condemn you for saying what you feel.  HampsterDance is like a family.  Sometimes we have our feelings hurt, and we need to work the problem out, but most of the times we are just always here for each other.  Support, caring and friendship.  Unconditional love and friendship.  


I have a very special place in my heart for everyone here.  Each person is unique and ultimately individual.  I have lots of love in friendship for each and every person.  If you want it, it is yours.  It is always here.  I know that a wolf and hamster can be good friends.


I will be thinking of you on Memorial Day when you are marching. :sleepy:

I never thought about this but yes, there are different ways to use one talent. Unfortunatly it seems that dad wants me to do all of the ways.


Also unfortunate, my piano teacher sided with him. I told him that dad forced me to take these lessons and I was happy just the way I am before. But he didn't seem to be affected by it at all. He knows my dad because my dad works on his computer when it has problems. Now the only possible way I could have a CHANCE of doing anything about it is going to my guidance counsler. But it hasn't gone that far...yet.


Once on my french homework I wrote "Pour vivre bien, on dois aimer les choises simples"


It means "To live well, one must like the simple things"


I think that's something dad needs to know. I was happy with my simple MIDI making life at the piano and all of a sudden dad has to make it all complex with jazz and stuff. As if having a simple life is a bad thing! Just because you aren't growing oh-so-preciously doesn't mean it's a bad thing! And it doesn't mean that my talent is going to waste because I'm sure putting it into my MIDIs. And if he thinks that that is a waste then that means by enforcing jazz he's expecting me to play in a band or at a concert or something, since what else is left after that? And by the looks of it there's no way I'm going to be doing that. Sorry dad I guess I'm not your perfect son after all, huh?


And my french teacher put a smiley face next to that sentence, too.


You say you're amazed that I didn't quit...but I CAN'T quit! Remember I told you my dad forced me into this and he's not about to let off. So I just have to deal with it. But I'm not going to put all that practicing into the jazz lessons like he's expecting me to because he has no right, after forcing me into this, to expect me to do good at it.

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OH and I'm sorry for treating you like some sort of phycologist...I hope you don't feel like you're being taken advantage of :(


And thanks for praying for me  :sleepy:

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OH and I'm sorry for treating you like some sort of phycologist...I hope you don't feel like you're being taken advantage of :(


And thanks for praying for me  :sleepy:

Oh please do not feel that way.  No need to apologize.  I absolutely do NOT feel like I am being taken advantage of.  If I did not want to respond, I would not post.  As I have told you, I am your friend.  My friendship is unconditional and it is yours.   :D

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I never thought about this but yes, there are different ways to use one talent. Unfortunatly it seems that dad wants me to do all of the ways.


Also unfortunate, my piano teacher sided with him. I told him that dad forced me to take these lessons and I was happy just the way I am before. But he didn't seem to be affected by it at all. He knows my dad because my dad works on his computer when it has problems. Now the only possible way I could have a CHANCE of doing anything about it is going to my guidance counsler. But it hasn't gone that far...yet.


Once on my french homework I wrote "Pour vivre bien, on dois aimer les choises simples"


It means "To live well, one must like the simple things"


I think that's something dad needs to know. I was happy with my simple MIDI making life at the piano and all of a sudden dad has to make it all complex with jazz and stuff. As if having a simple life is a bad thing! Just because you aren't growing oh-so-preciously doesn't mean it's a bad thing! And it doesn't mean that my talent is going to waste because I'm sure putting it into my MIDIs. And if he thinks that that is a waste then that means by enforcing jazz he's expecting me to play in a band or at a concert or something, since what else is left after that? And by the looks of it there's no way I'm going to be doing that. Sorry dad I guess I'm not your perfect son after all, huh?


And my french teacher put a smiley face next to that sentence, too.


You say you're amazed that I didn't quit...but I CAN'T quit! Remember I told you my dad forced me into this and he's not about to let off. So I just have to deal with it. But I'm not going to put all that practicing into the jazz lessons like he's expecting me to because he has no right, after forcing me into this, to expect me to do good at it.

Talents are used in many ways.  If you enjoy making MIDIs then this is a wonderful use of your talent.  I have a friend who writes jingles.  You have heard his jingles with a bunch of different products and advertisements.  He is not a famous Jazz musician, but he is listened to by all of America.  No one knows his name yet, they sing his songs.  Is he wasting his talent?  Oh no.  He loves what he does and he uses his talent in a way that makes him happy.  I did not become a famous violinist.  Did I waste my talent.  I do not think so as I still play to this day and love it very much.  


Personally, I am a person who loves the simple life.  I will have to remember your French saying, as that is a great one.  No wonder your French teacher put the smiley next to it.  (It deserves a Gold Star :star: Award as well!)  My boyfriend and I live a very simple life.  He plays a little bit of guitar, but he loves to listen to music.  He can tell you all about almost every type of music out there and knows the subject in depth.  This appreciation, to me, is a talent.  We are quite happy with our life.  When it comes to your piano teacher.  I see a financial motivation here.  Your father and his ability to work on the piano teacher's computer and you having lessons.  Your piano teacher does not want to upset the apple cart.  Finding a great person to help when your computer is not working is like finding a diamond.  Your day, the computer repair person, is a gem.


Another thing that I keep going back to is how and when your talent grows.  With your father forcing you to develop your Jazz, this makes me sad.  I have a friend who was a flutist with the Atlanta Symphony.  She left that job to become a pilot.  It just was not making her happy.  If she was your father's daughter, he would have been very disappointed.  You may not decide that you want to develop your talent until you have developed a career in something else.  You may want to use your talent as an hobby.  That would be still be using your talent.


When I say that I am amazed that you have not quit...  I would have refused to practice.  Of course, that would get you in big trouble and I do not recommend it, but I would have just stopped and said punish me.  I do admire you for hanging in there.  I could not do what you are doing.  God has given you amazing strength, in addition to your talent.  You are incredible.


Hopefully, it will be not be an extremely hot day for marching.  I will be thinking of you.

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I never thought about this but yes, there are different ways to use one talent. Unfortunatly it seems that dad wants me to do all of the ways.


Also unfortunate, my piano teacher sided with him. I told him that dad forced me to take these lessons and I was happy just the way I am before. But he didn't seem to be affected by it at all. He knows my dad because my dad works on his computer when it has problems. Now the only possible way I could have a CHANCE of doing anything about it is going to my guidance counsler. But it hasn't gone that far...yet.


Once on my french homework I wrote "Pour vivre bien, on dois aimer les choises simples"


It means "To live well, one must like the simple things"


I think that's something dad needs to know. I was happy with my simple MIDI making life at the piano and all of a sudden dad has to make it all complex with jazz and stuff. As if having a simple life is a bad thing! Just because you aren't growing oh-so-preciously doesn't mean it's a bad thing! And it doesn't mean that my talent is going to waste because I'm sure putting it into my MIDIs. And if he thinks that that is a waste then that means by enforcing jazz he's expecting me to play in a band or at a concert or something, since what else is left after that? And by the looks of it there's no way I'm going to be doing that. Sorry dad I guess I'm not your perfect son after all, huh?


And my french teacher put a smiley face next to that sentence, too.


You say you're amazed that I didn't quit...but I CAN'T quit! Remember I told you my dad forced me into this and he's not about to let off. So I just have to deal with it. But I'm not going to put all that practicing into the jazz lessons like he's expecting me to because he has no right, after forcing me into this, to expect me to do good at it.

Talents are used in many ways.  If you enjoy making MIDIs then this is a wonderful use of your talent.  I have a friend who writes jingles.  You have heard his jingles with a bunch of different products and advertisements.  He is not a famous Jazz musician, but he is listened to by all of America.  No one knows his name yet, they sing his songs.  Is he wasting his talent?  Oh no.  He loves what he does and he uses his talent in a way that makes him happy.  I did not become a famous violinist.  Did I waste my talent.  I do not think so as I still play to this day and love it very much.  


Personally, I am a person who loves the simple life.  I will have to remember your French saying, as that is a great one.  No wonder your French teacher put the smiley next to it.  (It deserves a Gold Star :star: Award as well!)  My boyfriend and I live a very simple life.  He plays a little bit of guitar, but he loves to listen to music.  He can tell you all about almost every type of music out there and knows the subject in depth.  This appreciation, to me, is a talent.  We are quite happy with our life.  When it comes to your piano teacher.  I see a financial motivation here.  Your father and his ability to work on the piano teacher's computer and you having lessons.  Your piano teacher does not want to upset the apple cart.  Finding a great person to help when your computer is not working is like finding a diamond.  Your day, the computer repair person, is a gem.


Another thing that I keep going back to is how and when your talent grows.  With your father forcing you to develop your Jazz, this makes me sad.  I have a friend who was a flutist with the Atlanta Symphony.  She left that job to become a pilot.  It just was not making her happy.  If she was your father's daughter, he would have been very disappointed.  You may not decide that you want to develop your talent until you have developed a career in something else.  You may want to use your talent as an hobby.  That would be still be using your talent.


When I say that I am amazed that you have not quit...  I would have refused to practice.  Of course, that would get you in big trouble and I do not recommend it, but I would have just stopped and said punish me.  I do admire you for hanging in there.  I could not do what you are doing.  God has given you amazing strength, in addition to your talent.  You are incredible.


Hopefully, it will be not be an extremely hot day for marching.  I will be thinking of you.

Thanks for the gold star award  :upside:


lol I finished that picture in my sketchbook. It shows me at the keyboard with sleepy eyes going "2 5 1 2 5 1" because I have to memorize 2 5 1 progressions in lessons. Then there are 2 shadowy figures which are actually my dad and my piano teacher. I have them speeking in n00b writing. My piano teacher is saying "U must keap learnign!!11" (You must keep learning) And my dad is saying "Jaz is teh awesoem" (Jazz is [the] awesome) For the backroud I wrote all the rules that my family seem to imply. They're also in n00b writing. There are some like "U must bee in shaep" (you must be in shape) "U must liek our stiles of museek" (You must like our styles of music) "U must not bee content wit wat you doo" (You must not be content with what you do) "No1 caers about ur feelings" (No one cares about your feelings) and ended it with "We are teh fashist"  :laugh: Hmm..what should I draw next? There's so much I can draw!


I'm glad to hear that I'm not wasting my talent when I make MIDIs. I'm still waiting for the board to be upgraded, I have so much to show you guys!  :D

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OH and I'm sorry for treating you like some sort of phycologist...I hope you don't feel like you're being taken advantage of :(


And thanks for praying for me  :sleepy:

Oh please do not feel that way.  No need to apologize.  I absolutely do NOT feel like I am being taken advantage of.  If I did not want to respond, I would not post.  As I have told you, I am your friend.  My friendship is unconditional and it is yours.   :D

Are you sure? Because I know what it feels like to be taken advantage of and I don't want to put you through it. ???


Unconditional friendship...that's something my school is never going to learn  :laugh:

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OH and I'm sorry for treating you like some sort of phycologist...I hope you don't feel like you're being taken advantage of :(


And thanks for praying for me  :sleepy:

Oh please do not feel that way.  No need to apologize.  I absolutely do NOT feel like I am being taken advantage of.  If I did not want to respond, I would not post.  As I have told you, I am your friend.  My friendship is unconditional and it is yours.   :D

Are you sure? Because I know what it feels like to be taken advantage of and I don't want to put you through it. ???


Unconditional friendship...that's something my school is never going to learn  :laugh:

:D  Absolutely, positively sure!!!  :D

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Thanks for the gold star award  :upside:


lol I finished that picture in my sketchbook. It shows me at the keyboard with sleepy eyes going "2 5 1 2 5 1" because I have to memorize 2 5 1 progressions in lessons. Then there are 2 shadowy figures which are actually my dad and my piano teacher. I have them speeking in n00b writing. My piano teacher is saying "U must keap learnign!!11" (You must keep learning) And my dad is saying "Jaz is teh awesoem" (Jazz is [the] awesome) For the backroud I wrote all the rules that my family seem to imply. They're also in n00b writing. There are some like "U must bee in shaep" (you must be in shape) "U must liek our stiles of museek" (You must like our styles of music) "U must not bee content wit wat you doo" (You must not be content with what you do) "No1 caers about ur feelings" (No one cares about your feelings) and ended it with "We are teh fashist"  :laugh: Hmm..what should I draw next? There's so much I can draw!


I'm glad to hear that I'm not wasting my talent when I make MIDIs. I'm still waiting for the board to be upgraded, I have so much to show you guys!  :D

You are not wasting your talent making MIDIs.  As I said, my friend writes jingles.  I am hoping that the improvements on the board come soon.  It would be great to hear your music.


I am glad to see you are using your sketchbook.  This is a great reliever of stress.  Keep using it in any fashion you like.  There is no wrong way to use your sketchbook.  Today is hamster home cleaning day... so I will say hello to you from all of Horatio's friends. :D

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Thanks for the gold star award  :upside:


lol I finished that picture in my sketchbook. It shows me at the keyboard with sleepy eyes going "2 5 1 2 5 1" because I have to memorize 2 5 1 progressions in lessons. Then there are 2 shadowy figures which are actually my dad and my piano teacher. I have them speeking in n00b writing. My piano teacher is saying "U must keap learnign!!11" (You must keep learning) And my dad is saying "Jaz is teh awesoem" (Jazz is [the] awesome) For the backroud I wrote all the rules that my family seem to imply. They're also in n00b writing. There are some like "U must bee in shaep" (you must be in shape) "U must liek our stiles of museek" (You must like our styles of music) "U must not bee content wit wat you doo" (You must not be content with what you do) "No1 caers about ur feelings" (No one cares about your feelings) and ended it with "We are teh fashist"  :laugh: Hmm..what should I draw next? There's so much I can draw!


I'm glad to hear that I'm not wasting my talent when I make MIDIs. I'm still waiting for the board to be upgraded, I have so much to show you guys!  :D

You are not wasting your talent making MIDIs.  As I said, my friend writes jingles.  I am hoping that the improvements on the board come soon.  It would be great to hear your music.


I am glad to see you are using your sketchbook.  This is a great reliever of stress.  Keep using it in any fashion you like.  There is no wrong way to use your sketchbook.  Today is hamster home cleaning day... so I will say hello to you from all of Horatio's friends. :D

Yes the upgrade will be cool...HK hurry up lol :laugh: But I can wait, we're lucky that he's doing it at all  8)


Hi to all of Horatio's friends!  :))


I lost puppydog for good...she left my boards and I have a pretty good guess she won't talk to me anymore. It's odd though, she acted so differently on my boards than she does here.  ??? Maybe it's best that she left, she didn't seem very happy at my boards.


I can't remember what else I wanted to say. Oh well...

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Good luck in the parade tomorrow.  I will be waiting for your post on how it went :sleepy:  :)  :sleepy:

I just got back :) It wasn't that bad as I thought it would be. The marching part wasn't really that bad. The only thing that was really hard was waiting to start at the begenning and listening to all the speeches at the end  :sleep

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Good luck in the parade tomorrow.  I will be waiting for your post on how it went :sleepy:  :)  :sleepy:

I just got back :) It wasn't that bad as I thought it would be. The marching part wasn't really that bad. The only thing that was really hard was waiting to start at the begenning and listening to all the speeches at the end  :sleep

That sounds like good news.  How was the weather?  Was it hot or just right?

Well, I am glad to hear that you had a good time. :D

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Good luck in the parade tomorrow.  I will be waiting for your post on how it went :sleepy:  :)  :sleepy:

I just got back :) It wasn't that bad as I thought it would be. The marching part wasn't really that bad. The only thing that was really hard was waiting to start at the begenning and listening to all the speeches at the end  :sleep

That sounds like good news.  How was the weather?  Was it hot or just right?

Well, I am glad to hear that you had a good time. :D

It was actually alittle chilly, and it sprinkled rain on and off. But that's better than burning up in those band outfits :)


I got a neofriend requeest that has a shop and guild and a pet called %@#$%#...is that you?  ???

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Good luck in the parade tomorrow.  I will be waiting for your post on how it went :sleepy:  :)  :sleepy:

I just got back :) It wasn't that bad as I thought it would be. The marching part wasn't really that bad. The only thing that was really hard was waiting to start at the begenning and listening to all the speeches at the end  :sleep

That sounds like good news.  How was the weather?  Was it hot or just right?

Well, I am glad to hear that you had a good time. :D

It was actually alittle chilly, and it sprinkled rain on and off. But that's better than burning up in those band outfits :)


I got a neofriend requeest that has a shop and guild and a pet called %@#$%#...is that you?  ???

Chilly and some rain is much better off than overheating for a wolf.  Of course for me, I do not like the temperature below 80 F, so I always go for the hot side of things.  I am sure that I have a solar battery instead of blood.  If the sun is not beating down on me, my battery runs down. :laughing


As for neopets, I am not smart enough to do anything besides with the Soup Kitchen and occasionally get some jelly.  I do not like fighting, so I do not want my pet to fight.  What else is there?  My main goal is to keep my pet from starving to death.  Terrible mother I am.  I am surprised my pet has not run away from home. :laughing  :laughing  BTW, that is not my pet's name.

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Chilly and some rain is much better off than overheating for a wolf.  Of course for me, I do not like the temperature below 80 F, so I always go for the hot side of things.  I am sure that I have a solar battery instead of blood.  If the sun is not beating down on me, my battery runs down. :laughing


As for neopets, I am not smart enough to do anything besides with the Soup Kitchen and occasionally get some jelly.  I do not like fighting, so I do not want my pet to fight.  What else is there?  My main goal is to keep my pet from starving to death.  Terrible mother I am.  I am surprised my pet has not run away from home. :laughing  :laughing  BTW, that is not my pet's name.

Hmm..maybe wolves have more fur than hamsters, it seems unusual to me that you like the warm weather better  ???


Wait, I already HAVE you as a neofriend. Well that's good to know  :P


You can also get omelettes as well as jelly you know   :;):

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Chilly and some rain is much better off than overheating for a wolf.  Of course for me, I do not like the temperature below 80 F, so I always go for the hot side of things.  I am sure that I have a solar battery instead of blood.  If the sun is not beating down on me, my battery runs down. :laughing


As for neopets, I am not smart enough to do anything besides with the Soup Kitchen and occasionally get some jelly.  I do not like fighting, so I do not want my pet to fight.  What else is there?  My main goal is to keep my pet from starving to death.  Terrible mother I am.  I am surprised my pet has not run away from home. :laughing  :laughing  BTW, that is not my pet's name.

Hmm..maybe wolves have more fur than hamsters, it seems unusual to me that you like the warm weather better  ???


Wait, I already HAVE you as a neofriend. Well that's good to know  :P


You can also get omelettes as well as jelly you know   :;):

Omelettes!  I love omelettes.  Are they free ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??  My favorite omelette is sausage and cheese! :eat  :eat  :eat  :eat  :eat  :eat

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Chilly and some rain is much better off than overheating for a wolf.  Of course for me, I do not like the temperature below 80 F, so I always go for the hot side of things.  I am sure that I have a solar battery instead of blood.  If the sun is not beating down on me, my battery runs down. :laughing


As for neopets, I am not smart enough to do anything besides with the Soup Kitchen and occasionally get some jelly.  I do not like fighting, so I do not want my pet to fight.  What else is there?  My main goal is to keep my pet from starving to death.  Terrible mother I am.  I am surprised my pet has not run away from home. :laughing  :laughing  BTW, that is not my pet's name.

Hmm..maybe wolves have more fur than hamsters, it seems unusual to me that you like the warm weather better  ???


Wait, I already HAVE you as a neofriend. Well that's good to know  :P


You can also get omelettes as well as jelly you know   :;):

I was wondering if you would remember.  I thought that my forgetfulness was starting to rub off on you. :laughing  :laughing  :laughing

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Omelettes!  I love omelettes.  Are they free ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??  My favorite omelette is sausage and cheese! :eat  :eat  :eat  :eat  :eat  :eat

Yeah, go to Tyrannia, go to the plateau, and it's over to the left. Sometimes they run out of omelette but there is more a couple of hours later. You can only take one slice a day.

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Omelettes!  I love omelettes.  Are they free ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??  My favorite omelette is sausage and cheese! :eat  :eat  :eat  :eat  :eat  :eat

Yeah, go to Tyrannia, go to the plateau, and it's over to the left. Sometimes they run out of omelette but there is more a couple of hours later. You can only take one slice a day.

Thanksssssssssss..... *voice trails off*

*runs like lightning to have an omelette*

:eat  :eat  :eat

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Omelettes!  I love omelettes.  Are they free ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??  My favorite omelette is sausage and cheese! :eat  :eat  :eat  :eat  :eat  :eat

Yeah, go to Tyrannia, go to the plateau, and it's over to the left. Sometimes they run out of omelette but there is more a couple of hours later. You can only take one slice a day.

Thanksssssssssss..... *voice trails off*

*runs like lightning to have an omelette*

:eat  :eat  :eat

Oh yah and if you type /jelly at the end of the url you can get free jelly the same way. (giant jelly)

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Omelettes!  I love omelettes.  Are they free ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??  My favorite omelette is sausage and cheese! :eat  :eat  :eat  :eat  :eat  :eat

Yeah, go to Tyrannia, go to the plateau, and it's over to the left. Sometimes they run out of omelette but there is more a couple of hours later. You can only take one slice a day.

Thanksssssssssss..... *voice trails off*

*runs like lightning to have an omelette*

:eat  :eat  :eat

I like bacon and sausage, personally  :D So does Ulric315.

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Omelettes!  I love omelettes.  Are they free ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??  My favorite omelette is sausage and cheese! :eat  :eat  :eat  :eat  :eat  :eat

Yeah, go to Tyrannia, go to the plateau, and it's over to the left. Sometimes they run out of omelette but there is more a couple of hours later. You can only take one slice a day.

Thanksssssssssss..... *voice trails off*

*runs like lightning to have an omelette*

:eat  :eat  :eat

I like bacon and sausage, personally  :D So does Ulric315.

Bacon and Sausage... Two very nice meats from the same aminal just different parts... FISH AND CHIPS!!!! Sheena will agree with me that this is the meal to end all meals. You have not lived until you have eaten FISH AND CHIPS!!!!

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Dad and my brother want me to turn my music down because they can hear the word "happy". How rediculous is that? I listen to THEIR music all the time and I don't make a peep. But they hear one word, ONE WORD from mine and they freak out. Whatever happened to mutual respect? Respecting each other dispite differences in opinion? They never have any mutual respect towards me. They think my opinion is plain, flat out WRONG and that their opinion is somehow BETTER than mine. Not like opinions can really be right or wrong anyway. I'm so sick and tired of those jerks thinking they're so much better than me. And I'm sick of dad having the upper hand. If I could I would give him a piece of my mind. But he would just shove it off and say what he already said about not being able to grow etc. It's annoying when people think they're proving their point by saying the same things over and over again. And again somehow I'm the bad guy because my family happens to have the same opinions with each other and I don't. That doesn't make mine wrong though, does it? It feels like my family is in a car going wherever they want and I'm being dragged from it. Of course, they never bother to look back. After all why should they? Everytime mom asks me if I'm alright I have to say yes because if I say no then I might get in an argument with dad or something, and those never turn out well.


I just thought of another way that dad's being a hyporcrite. The first way, if you recall, was that he said that if it's broken don't fix it, but it seems that he has to fix my talent as if it's broken. The SECOND way is that...well Horatio, do you remember when you said that appreciating music was a talent? Well I have a talent of appreciating Hampton and the Hampsters and my dad is taking that away from me. He's trying to fix a perfectly fine talent and he's taking another one away! What a mess! :roll


And I'm still growing from Hampton and the Hampsters, no matter what he says. It actually DOES help my piano talent. But even if it didn't, I still need it because that music feels like a huge part of my heart, giving it a reason to still be beating. That might sound pathetic but right now it doesn't feel like I have much to live for.


I don't have any good face-to-face relationships, I'm stuck in a supposed "social group" that invents "group solitare" and makes you play blackjack and stuff until this time next year, the kids at school derive my acidemic performance if anything, my dad is forcing me to use talents his way, I'm falling apart from my family, school is not interesting at all anymore, I STILL can't decide whether to take art or band next year, my english class gets nothing done and is really boring, I'm going into 3 honors classes next year and I'm scared, my piano lessons are more and more demanding and boooring, my math exersises keep refering to material that's in the NEXT lesson and not the CURRENT one, and I keep finding people who are much better than me at all my possible talents. Not a fun life right now.


I'm still worried about what job to focus on. Here are some possible ones:

-Piano player (plays at concerts/in bands, not a preferable choice)

-MIDI maker (makes midis for other people, not fun because I want to make ones that feel good to ME)

+Biologist (researches nature, would be kind of fun)

-Game maker (thinking of new games would be hard, lots of programming needed...probably not getting this position at all anyway)

+- Math teacher (would be kind of fun to teach material, but I'm not social and couldn't communicate with kids well)

-Math tutor (even worse than teacher)

+- Artist (would be fun but who would buy my paintings? What if I run out of ideas?)


Artist, Math teacher, and Biologist are the only ones that I might feel alittle good in...then again I'm typing this at 11:30 PM...I need sleep!  :sleep


It feels kind of pathetic that my only social life is online, but it is fun to be with you guys though  :D Bonsoir!  :sleep

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This is going to be answered in parts.


First, you really do not have to worry about what job you will have when you finish high school or college.  There is plenty of time for this.  As I had mentioned before, there are many, many people who start college with one major and change it more than once before they graduate.  Please do not add this to you list of worries.  You have lots to experience before you leave high school.


As for a social life, this too will happen in time.  I do understand that you feel pressured to have a social life, but things happen at different paces for different people.  This is the end of your first year in a new school and you have tried lots of new things.  You have the summer and then next year you may have a different outlook.  Please do not worry about the fact that your social life is online, that is really okay.  If I had to play group solitaire, I do not think that I would like that very much.


You gave band a chance this year, you might try art next year.  This way you will have tried both band and art and you will know if you want to continue in art or go back to band.


I will answer more tomorrow.  Please do not worry too much about making a decision on your future, you have lots of time.  


Have a good night's sleep.

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I want to post this first...don't expect this to get modded but I need to share this with some one...


Puppydog has gone suicidal...


i have no confidence,depression,no hope,no faith,no life at all. i am god's zombie and i hate him for it. he cant take me.i wont let him,i am trying to break away but i cant. i hate being here,walking through this every single day. and maybe if i could get myself to a punk show every weekend i would be different,changed,knoing there are so many like me. but i cant. its so depressing and i really dont want to grow up and i really dont wanna move on. i wanna stay a tennager forever.die young.like kurt [love ya Kurt] and thats wut i am gonna do.


I posted saying something on the bounds that there are people who would like to help if only they know (including me)...I doubt it will work...she's pretty determined... :down: :down: :down:

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Shoot, I've been busy today, I'll respond to this later!  :sleep

Busy is good!!! :D

Doesn't feel like it...on monday I had to type a lab report until 6 and tonight I typed english until 7...


I still need to do my math lesson...augh...

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This is going to be answered in parts.


First, you really do not have to worry about what job you will have when you finish high school or college.  There is plenty of time for this.  As I had mentioned before, there are many, many people who start college with one major and change it more than once before they graduate.  Please do not add this to you list of worries.  You have lots to experience before you leave high school.


As for a social life, this too will happen in time.  I do understand that you feel pressured to have a social life, but things happen at different paces for different people.  This is the end of your first year in a new school and you have tried lots of new things.  You have the summer and then next year you may have a different outlook.  Please do not worry about the fact that your social life is online, that is really okay.  If I had to play group solitaire, I do not think that I would like that very much.


You gave band a chance this year, you might try art next year.  This way you will have tried both band and art and you will know if you want to continue in art or go back to band.


I will answer more tomorrow.  Please do not worry too much about making a decision on your future, you have lots of time. 


Have a good night's sleep.

I know I shouldn't worry but...I don't know what goal to work towards...I feel stuck like I can't go forward until I choose something to work on...


Lol...yeah group solitare isn't much fun...


It's okay to have a social group online? Because my mom was talking about how you miss out on all the interactions like going to movies and pigging out on pizza and stuff...and I still wish there was someone to be with at school...it's so loooooooooooonely. But everyone there is missing the key thing that all relationships need: love. They don't have it at all and I'm not about to have an empty friendship with someone.


I think I might try computer art...my heart seems to jump at that...but I'm not sure if my parents would let me or not...and what would my band teacher think about it...  :sleepy:


I'll try not to worry I guess. I'll keep trying to work on the stuff I've been given I guess.

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I know I shouldn't worry but...I don't know what goal to work towards...I feel stuck like I can't go forward until I choose something to work on...


Lol...yeah group solitare isn't much fun...


It's okay to have a social group online? Because my mom was talking about how you miss out on all the interactions like going to movies and pigging out on pizza and stuff...and I still wish there was someone to be with at school...it's so loooooooooooonely. But everyone there is missing the key thing that all relationships need: love. They don't have it at all and I'm not about to have an empty friendship with someone.


I think I might try computer art...my heart seems to jump at that...but I'm not sure if my parents would let me or not...and what would my band teacher think about it...  :sleepy:


I'll try not to worry I guess. I'll keep trying to work on the stuff I've been given I guess.

In colleges they offer Liberal Arts....  this is for those people who really have not made a decision.  So, enjoy the opportunity to try things out now.


As for having a social life online...  you are 15.  This is young.  Why grow up too fast.  Everything will come in it's due time.  You have the rest of your life to go out for pizza.  Are you still in Young Life?


Love is what life is all about and you seem to be light years ahead of the kids your age.


Computer Art is offered?? ?? ?? ??  :eek  :eek  :eek  :eek  Oh I would jump over the Empire State Building to be able to take a course in that.  Go for it.  That would be wonderful.  Can I take it with you? :laughing  :laughing


I will write more later.  I need to run out the door.

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This is going to be answered in parts.


First, you really do not have to worry about what job you will have when you finish high school or college.  There is plenty of time for this.  As I had mentioned before, there are many, many people who start college with one major and change it more than once before they graduate.  Please do not add this to you list of worries.  You have lots to experience before you leave high school.


As for a social life, this too will happen in time.  I do understand that you feel pressured to have a social life, but things happen at different paces for different people.  This is the end of your first year in a new school and you have tried lots of new things.  You have the summer and then next year you may have a different outlook.  Please do not worry about the fact that your social life is online, that is really okay.  If I had to play group solitaire, I do not think that I would like that very much.


You gave band a chance this year, you might try art next year.  This way you will have tried both band and art and you will know if you want to continue in art or go back to band.


I will answer more tomorrow.  Please do not worry too much about making a decision on your future, you have lots of time. 


Have a good night's sleep.

I know I shouldn't worry but...I don't know what goal to work towards...I feel stuck like I can't go forward until I choose something to work on...


Lol...yeah group solitare isn't much fun...


It's okay to have a social group online? Because my mom was talking about how you miss out on all the interactions like going to movies and pigging out on pizza and stuff...and I still wish there was someone to be with at school...it's so loooooooooooonely. But everyone there is missing the key thing that all relationships need: love. They don't have it at all and I'm not about to have an empty friendship with someone.


I think I might try computer art...my heart seems to jump at that...but I'm not sure if my parents would let me or not...and what would my band teacher think about it...  :sleepy:


I'll try not to worry I guess. I'll keep trying to work on the stuff I've been given I guess.

Right, first off. You like art, you are good at computers and enjoy music. Why not combine two or all three of them. You can combine art and computers in several ways, computer character design, graphics design, there is the possibility of going into the highly well paid movie buisness. You could combine art and music to again go into movie land. THere are so many possiblities!!! Just choose the one which you think is best for you and take the plunge.


In regards to the High school love thing. It never lasts. People who go out in high school often do it for poularity points rather than true romantic passion.


DOes it matter what your band teacher thinks? Anyway computer art is good, it can be used for the designing of houses, backgrounds in certain films (LOTR), costume design. It can also be used in the design of cartoon and video game characters. Computer ARt may lead you into doing the first HD music video!!! $$$ or for me that is £££

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I know I shouldn't worry but...I don't know what goal to work towards...I feel stuck like I can't go forward until I choose something to work on...


Lol...yeah group solitare isn't much fun...


It's okay to have a social group online? Because my mom was talking about how you miss out on all the interactions like going to movies and pigging out on pizza and stuff...and I still wish there was someone to be with at school...it's so loooooooooooonely. But everyone there is missing the key thing that all relationships need: love. They don't have it at all and I'm not about to have an empty friendship with someone.


I think I might try computer art...my heart seems to jump at that...but I'm not sure if my parents would let me or not...and what would my band teacher think about it...  :sleepy:


I'll try not to worry I guess. I'll keep trying to work on the stuff I've been given I guess.

In colleges they offer Liberal Arts....  this is for those people who really have not made a decision.  So, enjoy the opportunity to try things out now.


As for having a social life online...  you are 15.  This is young.  Why grow up too fast.  Everything will come in it's due time.  You have the rest of your life to go out for pizza.  Are you still in Young Life?


Love is what life is all about and you seem to be light years ahead of the kids your age.


Computer Art is offered?? ?? ?? ??  :eek  :eek  :eek  :eek  Oh I would jump over the Empire State Building to be able to take a course in that.  Go for it.  That would be wonderful.  Can I take it with you? :laughing  :laughing


I will write more later.  I need to run out the door.

Okay. I'm still scared about changing courses though...I don't know why...I'll pray about it...


I don't really want to go to Young Life anymore because I don't feel confortable there. It's always loud and abnoxious and rough and stuff. Everything a teenager would want...except me that is. There are people there that miss me but it feels ridiculous to suffer from it just so they can say hi to me. And that's all they do, no real conversations or anything. It feels so empty and not worth it. And they all like my brother better anyway. Cause he's a good guitar player. Sometimes my dad's like "you should play keyboards with us" but I don't want to because it would be nerve wracking and I'll just be sucking up to people. I don't want to be famous or anything. I want to have a more casual life I guess. But I don't want something boring like an accountant, I want something more...like....loveable I guess. I want to look at my work and be able to admire it. Unfortunatly when it comes to art I am not sure if I am "worthy" of it because I only got B's and C's on my sketches...


I want to get my hands on a course catalog book before I decide anything about the courses. Maybe I can get one from my counsler. The scary part is is that there's only like 8 school days left before finals so I don't have much time left.

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This is going to be answered in parts.


First, you really do not have to worry about what job you will have when you finish high school or college.  There is plenty of time for this.  As I had mentioned before, there are many, many people who start college with one major and change it more than once before they graduate.  Please do not add this to you list of worries.  You have lots to experience before you leave high school.


As for a social life, this too will happen in time.  I do understand that you feel pressured to have a social life, but things happen at different paces for different people.  This is the end of your first year in a new school and you have tried lots of new things.  You have the summer and then next year you may have a different outlook.  Please do not worry about the fact that your social life is online, that is really okay.  If I had to play group solitaire, I do not think that I would like that very much.


You gave band a chance this year, you might try art next year.  This way you will have tried both band and art and you will know if you want to continue in art or go back to band.


I will answer more tomorrow.  Please do not worry too much about making a decision on your future, you have lots of time. 


Have a good night's sleep.

I know I shouldn't worry but...I don't know what goal to work towards...I feel stuck like I can't go forward until I choose something to work on...


Lol...yeah group solitare isn't much fun...


It's okay to have a social group online? Because my mom was talking about how you miss out on all the interactions like going to movies and pigging out on pizza and stuff...and I still wish there was someone to be with at school...it's so loooooooooooonely. But everyone there is missing the key thing that all relationships need: love. They don't have it at all and I'm not about to have an empty friendship with someone.


I think I might try computer art...my heart seems to jump at that...but I'm not sure if my parents would let me or not...and what would my band teacher think about it...  :sleepy:


I'll try not to worry I guess. I'll keep trying to work on the stuff I've been given I guess.

Right, first off. You like art, you are good at computers and enjoy music. Why not combine two or all three of them. You can combine art and computers in several ways, computer character design, graphics design, there is the possibility of going into the highly well paid movie buisness. You could combine art and music to again go into movie land. THere are so many possiblities!!! Just choose the one which you think is best for you and take the plunge.


In regards to the High school love thing. It never lasts. People who go out in high school often do it for poularity points rather than true romantic passion.


DOes it matter what your band teacher thinks? Anyway computer art is good, it can be used for the designing of houses, backgrounds in certain films (LOTR), costume design. It can also be used in the design of cartoon and video game characters. Computer ARt may lead you into doing the first HD music video!!! $$$ or for me that is £££

Yeah, I guess there are lots of possibilities.


I want to learn art technique first before I dive into computer art. That way they won't expect me to know about all the things behind working in art. I'll see what I can do.

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I want to post this first...don't expect this to get modded but I need to share this with some one...


Puppydog has gone suicidal...


i have no confidence,depression,no hope,no faith,no life at all. i am god's zombie and i hate him for it. he cant take me.i wont let him,i am trying to break away but i cant. i hate being here,walking through this every single day. and maybe if i could get myself to a punk show every weekend i would be different,changed,knoing there are so many like me. but i cant. its so depressing and i really dont want to grow up and i really dont wanna move on. i wanna stay a tennager forever.die young.like kurt [love ya Kurt] and thats wut i am gonna do.


I posted saying something on the bounds that there are people who would like to help if only they know (including me)...I doubt it will work...she's pretty determined... :down: :down: :down:

:down: puppydog? sounding suicidal? no good. no no no... this isnt healthy! not at all :down:

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I'm still worried about what job to focus on. Here are some possible ones:

-Piano player (plays at concerts/in bands, not a preferable choice)

-MIDI maker (makes midis for other people, not fun because I want to make ones that feel good to ME)

+Biologist (researches nature, would be kind of fun)

-Game maker (thinking of new games would be hard, lots of programming needed...probably not getting this position at all anyway)

+- Math teacher (would be kind of fun to teach material, but I'm not social and couldn't communicate with kids well)

-Math tutor (even worse than teacher)

+- Artist (would be fun but who would buy my paintings? What if I run out of ideas?)


Artist, Math teacher, and Biologist are the only ones that I might feel alittle good in...then again I'm typing this at 11:30 PM...I need sleep!  :sleep


It feels kind of pathetic that my only social life is online, but it is fun to be with you guys though  :D Bonsoir!  :sleep

Well... This sort of adds up as far as job. (sorry about the joke) If you really like math, and you are sort of anti-social(hope that doesn't offend you), here is the equation.


:love: Math+ Anti-Social= Accountant Possibilities


Possibilities of an accountant because if you are an accountant, you're managing money and that requires math skills. Plus you don't have to be around people too much. Another plus is they can make good money. Hope this helps.

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I want to post this first...don't expect this to get modded but I need to share this with some one...


Puppydog has gone suicidal...


i have no confidence,depression,no hope,no faith,no life at all. i am god's zombie and i hate him for it. he cant take me.i wont let him,i am trying to break away but i cant. i hate being here,walking through this every single day. and maybe if i could get myself to a punk show every weekend i would be different,changed,knoing there are so many like me. but i cant. its so depressing and i really dont want to grow up and i really dont wanna move on. i wanna stay a tennager forever.die young.like kurt [love ya Kurt] and thats wut i am gonna do.


I posted saying something on the bounds that there are people who would like to help if only they know (including me)...I doubt it will work...she's pretty determined... :down: :down: :down:

:down: puppydog? sounding suicidal? no good. no no no... this isnt healthy! not at all :down:

Puppydog... suicidal... :down: Bad... :down: If she does go then there is one less penguin... :down: Very, very depressing... :down:

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I'm still worried about what job to focus on. Here are some possible ones:

-Piano player (plays at concerts/in bands, not a preferable choice)

-MIDI maker (makes midis for other people, not fun because I want to make ones that feel good to ME)

+Biologist (researches nature, would be kind of fun)

-Game maker (thinking of new games would be hard, lots of programming needed...probably not getting this position at all anyway)

+- Math teacher (would be kind of fun to teach material, but I'm not social and couldn't communicate with kids well)

-Math tutor (even worse than teacher)

+- Artist (would be fun but who would buy my paintings? What if I run out of ideas?)


Artist, Math teacher, and Biologist are the only ones that I might feel alittle good in...then again I'm typing this at 11:30 PM...I need sleep!  :sleep


It feels kind of pathetic that my only social life is online, but it is fun to be with you guys though  :D Bonsoir!  :sleep

Well... This sort of adds up as far as job. (sorry about the joke) If you really like math, and you are sort of anti-social(hope that doesn't offend you), here is the equation.


:love: Math+ Anti-Social= Accountant Possibilities


Possibilities of an accountant because if you are an accountant, you're managing money and that requires math skills. Plus you don't have to be around people too much. Another plus is they can make good money. Hope this helps.

I dunno...no offense or anything but that sounds kind of boring. I want to go places with my job. I want to have experiences I will remember for a life time.

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So sorry I haven't been very active. There's a lot to worry about now adays. Especially since school's ending.


Anyway I finally requested computer art! It's not official whether they can fit me in or not but at least I chose  :cool:

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So sorry I haven't been very active. There's a lot to worry about now adays. Especially since school's ending.


Anyway I finally requested computer art! It's not official whether they can fit me in or not but at least I chose  :cool:

cool is that like computer graphics? we did some in techj on coral draw its really good

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SSJ6Gohan Posted on June 16 2004, 12:36 am


So sorry I haven't been very active. There's a lot to worry about now adays. Especially since school's ending.


Anyway I finally requested computer art! It's not official whether they can fit me in or not but at least I chose  


:cool: Schools ending? cool, soon you will be on holiday!!

what are you going to do in summer?

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So sorry I haven't been very active. There's a lot to worry about now adays. Especially since school's ending.


Anyway I finally requested computer art! It's not official whether they can fit me in or not but at least I chose  :cool:

cool is that like computer graphics? we did some in techj on coral draw its really good

I guess so  :upside:


Exuse me but, what's coral draw?  ???

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SSJ6Gohan Posted on June 16 2004, 12:36 am


So sorry I haven't been very active. There's a lot to worry about now adays. Especially since school's ending.


Anyway I finally requested computer art! It's not official whether they can fit me in or not but at least I chose


:cool: Schools ending? cool, soon you will be on holiday!!

what are you going to do in summer?

Yep. Actually today was my last day of classes so all I have left is finals...  :upside:

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what are you going to do in summer?


My family's going to new hampshire twice this summer. I like it up there  :)) We're also going to do this thing where each member spends a day with dad...although dad is probably the person I feel least confortable with  :sleepy:

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I already DO hate music. Or playing it at least. And you're right, it IS because of my dad.


Oh, today my brother said that I hate music because it's my fault. He said something like it was because I'd rather "sit in my room and go on chat rooms instead of working on my talent". And you know what, I would. I hate my talent. I want nothing to do with it. I don't care what anyone says (well except god) about it. In the book of Proverbs it says right there that god leads your heart to guide you. So if my heart hates something why should I have to go toward it? I wish I was never born with this stupid talent because all I get from it is people trying to get me to use it their way and not letting me use it my own way. I'd rather not have it at all. At least they lay off of me for math a little. And they don't care about my art talent (if I have one) so I'm free with that. I guess in the future art will be the only thing that I can truely express myself with...unless my dad gets in my way for THAT too. But there's no way they're going to take that. They can take my other two talents but not this one.


I would say more but I got to go to bed now...

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Can somebody please fill me in on whats going on in this topic cause i dont feel like going through 53 pages?.?.?.?.?

lol i c what you mean! it would take quite a while.....im not sure what the subject is at the moment it mite hav e changed.....

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I'm done for now. What happened was I didn't talk to my parents about going to computer art and went straight to my counsler, and my dad just found out and he said scarcasticly "thanks for talking about it with us" and slammed the door and went outside. Now he's going to come back in and mom says she'll talk with him but I know dad's going to call me out to my death penalty. I guess he's right, I should have talked about it first, but I was afraid they'd say no. And mom seemed to agree with the idea already. But now I guess I can't even choose the electives I want without my parents getting in my way. I was hoping that could be one thing I could be free to choose about but I was wrong.


He just walked in...why don't you dig my grave right now...

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I'm done for now. What happened was I didn't talk to my parents about going to computer art and went straight to my counsler, and my dad just found out and he said scarcasticly "thanks for talking about it with us" and slammed the door and went outside. Now he's going to come back in and mom says she'll talk with him but I know dad's going to call me out to my death penalty. I guess he's right, I should have talked about it first, but I was afraid they'd say no. And mom seemed to agree with the idea already. But now I guess I can't even choose the electives I want without my parents getting in my way. I was hoping that could be one thing I could be free to choose about but I was wrong.


He just walked in...why don't you dig my grave right now...

Just be safe in the knowladge that you have chosen the path that you want. May this path lead you to a prosperous career and may you stay alive and not die of a premature death due to any form of murder, manslaughter or Disease.

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I'm done for now. What happened was I didn't talk to my parents about going to computer art and went straight to my counsler, and my dad just found out and he said scarcasticly "thanks for talking about it with us" and slammed the door and went outside. Now he's going to come back in and mom says she'll talk with him but I know dad's going to call me out to my death penalty. I guess he's right, I should have talked about it first, but I was afraid they'd say no. And mom seemed to agree with the idea already. But now I guess I can't even choose the electives I want without my parents getting in my way. I was hoping that could be one thing I could be free to choose about but I was wrong.


He just walked in...why don't you dig my grave right now...

Just be safe in the knowladge that you have chosen the path that you want. May this path lead you to a prosperous career and may you stay alive and not die of a premature death due to any form of murder, manslaughter or Disease.

Well, dad doesn't want me to go on the path I want...


Well, first off I'll tell you that I survived. Yay.


Anyway what happened was that he started talking about how I would need a "clarinet scholor" or whatever to help me get into college so I needed to keep doing band. Also he said that I needed to socialize more and going to computer art would not help. Which kind of ticks me off because in social situations I just sit there quietly and mumble answers to whatever questions are given to me. I mean there's nothing to talk about! My brother is in band too and I supposedly have his friends as my friends, but they have all these inside jokes and I can't really talk too much with them. But I guess I do feel more confortable around them than anyone else at school. Which is cool cause they're juniors and seniors and I'm a freshman...I guess that's not something you see every day. So...meh...I just hope dad doesn't expect me to jump head first into all these social events or something. But I will start going to Young Life again, but that doesn't start again until fall.


About the jazz lessons, dad said that I had that talent for a reason and I needed to keep doing it. I'm just going to suck it up because it's just like taking a not-so-fun course (like pre-calc) in math but you still need to do it to keep going. So I don't really have anything against that anymore.


There is still hope for art. I might be able to do it as a minor course in college and maybe, if that is the right path, then I will be on my way.


So anyway now I need to cancel my request to go into computer art. If I fail my dad might hold it against me forever...and I would probably regret it everyday in that classroom. Or I might still have fun doing it. But I'll try to change back, either way.


It was weird, we were watching a concert tonight and my dad was all like "Jesse, look at how even on the piano solo the camera shows the drummer" and stuff. I think he's trying to hint to me that he wants me to do the drums...in your dreams! I take that as an insult. Trying to persuade me by showing how drummers get lots of air time is just...dumb. I would never want to be a drummer for that reason. And awhile back my mom would be like "but drummers get lots of girls". Eww! I do NOT want lots of girls. And they would only like me because I play the drums, and that's just sad.


Oh, another thing dad said was that I was "walking away from god" or something like that. Where the heck did he get that from? Just because I chose an elective for myself doesn't mean I'm ignoring god or anything...does it? I've been praying everyday and I don't see how that's ignoring god. Oh well...that's my dad for you. I'll just go to band then...

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I'm done for now. What happened was I didn't talk to my parents about going to computer art and went straight to my counsler, and my dad just found out and he said scarcasticly "thanks for talking about it with us" and slammed the door and went outside. Now he's going to come back in and mom says she'll talk with him but I know dad's going to call me out to my death penalty. I guess he's right, I should have talked about it first, but I was afraid they'd say no. And mom seemed to agree with the idea already. But now I guess I can't even choose the electives I want without my parents getting in my way. I was hoping that could be one thing I could be free to choose about but I was wrong.


He just walked in...why don't you dig my grave right now...

Just be safe in the knowladge that you have chosen the path that you want. May this path lead you to a prosperous career and may you stay alive and not die of a premature death due to any form of murder, manslaughter or Disease.

Well, dad doesn't want me to go on the path I want...


Well, first off I'll tell you that I survived. Yay.


Anyway what happened was that he started talking about how I would need a "clarinet scholor" or whatever to help me get into college so I needed to keep doing band. Also he said that I needed to socialize more and going to computer art would not help. Which kind of ticks me off because in social situations I just sit there quietly and mumble answers to whatever questions are given to me. I mean there's nothing to talk about! My brother is in band too and I supposedly have his friends as my friends, but they have all these inside jokes and I can't really talk too much with them. But I guess I do feel more confortable around them than anyone else at school. Which is cool cause they're juniors and seniors and I'm a freshman...I guess that's not something you see every day. So...meh...I just hope dad doesn't expect me to jump head first into all these social events or something. But I will start going to Young Life again, but that doesn't start again until fall.


About the jazz lessons, dad said that I had that talent for a reason and I needed to keep doing it. I'm just going to suck it up because it's just like taking a not-so-fun course (like pre-calc) in math but you still need to do it to keep going. So I don't really have anything against that anymore.


There is still hope for art. I might be able to do it as a minor course in college and maybe, if that is the right path, then I will be on my way.


So anyway now I need to cancel my request to go into computer art. If I fail my dad might hold it against me forever...and I would probably regret it everyday in that classroom. Or I might still have fun doing it. But I'll try to change back, either way.


It was weird, we were watching a concert tonight and my dad was all like "Jesse, look at how even on the piano solo the camera shows the drummer" and stuff. I think he's trying to hint to me that he wants me to do the drums...in your dreams! I take that as an insult. Trying to persuade me by showing how drummers get lots of air time is just...dumb. I would never want to be a drummer for that reason. And awhile back my mom would be like "but drummers get lots of girls". Eww! I do NOT want lots of girls. And they would only like me because I play the drums, and that's just sad.


Oh, another thing dad said was that I was "walking away from god" or something like that. Where the heck did he get that from? Just because I chose an elective for myself doesn't mean I'm ignoring god or anything...does it? I've been praying everyday and I don't see how that's ignoring god. Oh well...that's my dad for you. I'll just go to band then...

Has your dad even hinted at what path he woudl have wanted you to take? If he does tell you what he would have had you take it and you don't like the sound of it say so. Do not allow him to oppress your freewill George bush does enough of that already.


Thats a relief.


Well, If you feel you need a tutor then get one but if you feel that you don't really want some person with sweaty palms telling you your mistakes then oppose the idea. Social wise, I reccomend that you don't go looking for friends let those who are intrested in you come to you.


If you see it as a nesscesary bordem then tackle it with all your might and then it'll be over sooner.


You can take Art as a minor course if you want or you can focus on your COmputer Art. I would say tha doing both is a good idea because then you come out with two good courses rather than the one and they are similar so there's no need to split yourself in half over the two subjects.


Drummer ??? Drummers attract girls ??? Sorry, but didn't drummers and their so called girl atrraction methods die along with the 80's?


Walking away from God? I wouldn't say that maybe 'walking with God's guiding hand' (And thats coming from someone who believes in DEATH from the Terry Pratchet books). So I'd just get very confuzzled and wonder why he said that.

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I'm done for now. What happened was I didn't talk to my parents about going to computer art and went straight to my counsler, and my dad just found out and he said scarcasticly "thanks for talking about it with us" and slammed the door and went outside. Now he's going to come back in and mom says she'll talk with him but I know dad's going to call me out to my death penalty. I guess he's right, I should have talked about it first, but I was afraid they'd say no. And mom seemed to agree with the idea already. But now I guess I can't even choose the electives I want without my parents getting in my way. I was hoping that could be one thing I could be free to choose about but I was wrong.


He just walked in...why don't you dig my grave right now...

Just be safe in the knowladge that you have chosen the path that you want. May this path lead you to a prosperous career and may you stay alive and not die of a premature death due to any form of murder, manslaughter or Disease.

Well, dad doesn't want me to go on the path I want...


Well, first off I'll tell you that I survived. Yay.


Anyway what happened was that he started talking about how I would need a "clarinet scholor" or whatever to help me get into college so I needed to keep doing band. Also he said that I needed to socialize more and going to computer art would not help. Which kind of ticks me off because in social situations I just sit there quietly and mumble answers to whatever questions are given to me. I mean there's nothing to talk about! My brother is in band too and I supposedly have his friends as my friends, but they have all these inside jokes and I can't really talk too much with them. But I guess I do feel more confortable around them than anyone else at school. Which is cool cause they're juniors and seniors and I'm a freshman...I guess that's not something you see every day. So...meh...I just hope dad doesn't expect me to jump head first into all these social events or something. But I will start going to Young Life again, but that doesn't start again until fall.


About the jazz lessons, dad said that I had that talent for a reason and I needed to keep doing it. I'm just going to suck it up because it's just like taking a not-so-fun course (like pre-calc) in math but you still need to do it to keep going. So I don't really have anything against that anymore.


There is still hope for art. I might be able to do it as a minor course in college and maybe, if that is the right path, then I will be on my way.


So anyway now I need to cancel my request to go into computer art. If I fail my dad might hold it against me forever...and I would probably regret it everyday in that classroom. Or I might still have fun doing it. But I'll try to change back, either way.


It was weird, we were watching a concert tonight and my dad was all like "Jesse, look at how even on the piano solo the camera shows the drummer" and stuff. I think he's trying to hint to me that he wants me to do the drums...in your dreams! I take that as an insult. Trying to persuade me by showing how drummers get lots of air time is just...dumb. I would never want to be a drummer for that reason. And awhile back my mom would be like "but drummers get lots of girls". Eww! I do NOT want lots of girls. And they would only like me because I play the drums, and that's just sad.


Oh, another thing dad said was that I was "walking away from god" or something like that. Where the heck did he get that from? Just because I chose an elective for myself doesn't mean I'm ignoring god or anything...does it? I've been praying everyday and I don't see how that's ignoring god. Oh well...that's my dad for you. I'll just go to band then...

Has your dad even hinted at what path he woudl have wanted you to take? If he does tell you what he would have had you take it and you don't like the sound of it say so. Do not allow him to oppress your freewill George bush does enough of that already.


Thats a relief.


Well, If you feel you need a tutor then get one but if you feel that you don't really want some person with sweaty palms telling you your mistakes then oppose the idea. Social wise, I reccomend that you don't go looking for friends let those who are intrested in you come to you.


If you see it as a nesscesary bordem then tackle it with all your might and then it'll be over sooner.


You can take Art as a minor course if you want or you can focus on your COmputer Art. I would say tha doing both is a good idea because then you come out with two good courses rather than the one and they are similar so there's no need to split yourself in half over the two subjects.


Drummer ??? Drummers attract girls ??? Sorry, but didn't drummers and their so called girl atrraction methods die along with the 80's?


Walking away from God? I wouldn't say that maybe 'walking with God's guiding hand' (And thats coming from someone who believes in DEATH from the Terry Pratchet books). So I'd just get very confuzzled and wonder why he said that.

Well as I've said I think my dad was hinting at me to be a drummer, but again...in his dreams  :roll But otherwise he just wants me to do the piano, clarinet, and math. I can't tell him that I don't like the sound of it because he doesn't CARE what I like, or what I'm comfortable with (and according to him being comfortable is a bad thing to be, now I'm scared of living...)


Lol yep, I survived. It was hard though. But I didn't try to let dad's yelling or voice tone get to me too much. I remember crying for a long time by my mom's side because everything he said was quite a shock to me, and again he has me scared of living a life now.


A person with sweaty palms telling me my mistakes? I already have my dad for that :roll Yeah, I don't want to go scoping out friends either. It feels so empty, you know, when everyone identifies you as "Jake's brother (that's a fake name)" Instead of "Jesse". Heh. Talk about having personal identity  :roll Why the heck should I have people identify me as someone's brother instead of as myself? I'd rather not be identified at all. Of course my dad disagrees and what he says goes. Control freak. :angry: (well maybe he might let me not do some stuff if I showed it enough but then he'd never forgive me for it and he'll make sure I regret it)


My mom was hoping to buy me some computer art course for me to take over the summer to compinsate for my dad not letting me take it at school. That makes me feel better about the whole "computer art/band" drama. So now I get to take both  :D


I wouldn't know. But that's my mom for you  :;):


Yeah, I'm confused about the god thing too. I think dad was referring to the fact that I wasn't using the talents that god gave me (or not enough to please dad).

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