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You know, it doesn't feel like there's love at school anymore. No one shows it, even when they are in groups of friends. It seems like all friends do anymore is mess around or talk or ask for pencils...


I actually made a MIDI called "Where is the love?" and I almost have the lyrics done.

In our school district, it is against school policy to "show love."  They encourage "no relationships" at school.  By this they mean no boyfriend-girlfriend stuff.

What I meant by love was the friendly kind of love.

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Mom's are usually the ones that care about feelings. I think it usually comes down to the difference between girls and boys. Girls, for the most part, are more sensitive and are more into the whole feelings thing. That's why girls thend to talk about things like the boy they like or how their "best friend" stabbed them in the back. Guys, for the most part, like to put up a show that they don't have feelings and can take anything. Yuo know, the whole "look at macho me" thing. That's why they proceed to go out on their sketeboards and bikes with no safety gear and then brag about who had the biggest scrape on their arm. This is highly stereotypical, but it's common of a lot of guys. Eventually they realize how stupid they're acting and level out. You are already leveled out. Yay! But you see maybe your dad hasn't gotten over the whole boys actually have feelings thing. Maybe he's afraid to talk about feelings or is afraid he'll say the wrong thing? Becuase chances are, when he was your age he didn't want to talk about his feelings, and doesn't know how to deal with another teenager's feelings becuase he never talked about them when he was a kid. Your mom however, probably spent most of her teemage years discussing her feelings with her friends and parents, and knows how to explain and deal with them. I hope that makes sense. O.o Uh oh, the little cousin is up. I'll see you all later.  :upside:  :cool:

I have noticed that. Guys at school brag about scars and injuries that they get. Girls talk about other people. I also notice that I get along with my sister better than my brother...

Sister?  Older or younger?  (If you have already told us this, sorry, I'll have read it, but not remembered).

Younger (well I have an older one too but she lives on her own)

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I've also been kinda depressed. I've been really mad at myself lately. And I get really mad at my parents and sometimes even yell at them(I know, It's stupid). I don't feel very confident in my self. I'm really jelouse of my friends, too. One of my friends is alot prettier than me. She has blonde hair and is a bit skinnier than me and alot of boys have a crush on her. Then there's my other friend. The boy I have a crush on has a crush on her. This all really embarrassing to be telling you all. But I'm telling you guys because I can trust you! Some boys might not be able to understand this because it's kind of a girl thing. I also might say things I don't mean like, just a few minutes ago I posted a post that said I will probobly leave the boards, but in real life I doubt I will. Don't worry I will try my best to stay here as long as I can.


   Peace to all,


What do you think is bothering you?  Why are you mad at yourself?  Why are you mad at your parents?  Why are you looking at your friend and feeling like she is prettier and more people like her?


The first thing you need to do is become comfortable with who you are.  You need to love yourself.  I know, easier said than done.  The time that you are going through, is really tough.  You might want to talk with a guidance counselor at school, as they understand the pressures that you are experiencing.  You are a wonderful, precious human being who is pretty, nice, intelligent, funny, talented and have a lot of love to give.  Please talk to someone who can give you guidance in dealing with your life's pressures and help you to understand how to work through these issues.


As for the boys...sometimes they are clueless.  You're not going to like this, but I think that you ought to try and find another guy that interests you as you will just be beating yourself up over this guy and his liking your friend.


As you know, we will always be here for you!  Hopefully, you will understand that we are your friends and we want you to stay and talk out your problems with us.

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Mom's are usually the ones that care about feelings. I think it usually comes down to the difference between girls and boys. Girls, for the most part, are more sensitive and are more into the whole feelings thing. That's why girls thend to talk about things like the boy they like or how their "best friend" stabbed them in the back. Guys, for the most part, like to put up a show that they don't have feelings and can take anything. Yuo know, the whole "look at macho me" thing. That's why they proceed to go out on their sketeboards and bikes with no safety gear and then brag about who had the biggest scrape on their arm. This is highly stereotypical, but it's common of a lot of guys. Eventually they realize how stupid they're acting and level out. You are already leveled out. Yay! But you see maybe your dad hasn't gotten over the whole boys actually have feelings thing. Maybe he's afraid to talk about feelings or is afraid he'll say the wrong thing? Becuase chances are, when he was your age he didn't want to talk about his feelings, and doesn't know how to deal with another teenager's feelings becuase he never talked about them when he was a kid. Your mom however, probably spent most of her teemage years discussing her feelings with her friends and parents, and knows how to explain and deal with them. I hope that makes sense. O.o Uh oh, the little cousin is up. I'll see you all later.  :upside:  :cool:

I have noticed that. Guys at school brag about scars and injuries that they get. Girls talk about other people. I also notice that I get along with my sister better than my brother...

Sister?  Older or younger?  (If you have already told us this, sorry, I'll have read it, but not remembered).

Younger (well I have an older one too but she lives on her own)

I see.  I am the youngest, and I look up to my older brother (perhaps that helps, in your case, as well).  The older siblings don't look up to their younger ones that often, though, so that on that same scale, it would be at a different point for your older brother.

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Mom's are usually the ones that care about feelings. I think it usually comes down to the difference between girls and boys. Girls, for the most part, are more sensitive and are more into the whole feelings thing. That's why girls thend to talk about things like the boy they like or how their "best friend" stabbed them in the back. Guys, for the most part, like to put up a show that they don't have feelings and can take anything. Yuo know, the whole "look at macho me" thing. That's why they proceed to go out on their sketeboards and bikes with no safety gear and then brag about who had the biggest scrape on their arm. This is highly stereotypical, but it's common of a lot of guys. Eventually they realize how stupid they're acting and level out. You are already leveled out. Yay! But you see maybe your dad hasn't gotten over the whole boys actually have feelings thing. Maybe he's afraid to talk about feelings or is afraid he'll say the wrong thing? Becuase chances are, when he was your age he didn't want to talk about his feelings, and doesn't know how to deal with another teenager's feelings becuase he never talked about them when he was a kid. Your mom however, probably spent most of her teemage years discussing her feelings with her friends and parents, and knows how to explain and deal with them. I hope that makes sense. O.o Uh oh, the little cousin is up. I'll see you all later.  :upside:  :cool:

I have noticed that. Guys at school brag about scars and injuries that they get. Girls talk about other people. I also notice that I get along with my sister better than my brother...

Sister?  Older or younger?  (If you have already told us this, sorry, I'll have read it, but not remembered).

Younger (well I have an older one too but she lives on her own)

I see.  I am the youngest, and I look up to my older brother (perhaps that helps, in your case, as well).  The older siblings don't look up to their younger ones that often, though, so that on that same scale, it would be at a different point for your older brother.

Great point!!!

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I see.  I am the youngest, and I look up to my older brother (perhaps that helps, in your case, as well).  The older siblings don't look up to their younger ones that often, though, so that on that same scale, it would be at a different point for your older brother.

I don't really look up to him, because he's acting more like the guys at school...and I don't want to act like that  :(


It is a different point for my brother. But I don't think that he would look up to me whether he was younger or older.

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I see.  I am the youngest, and I look up to my older brother (perhaps that helps, in your case, as well).  The older siblings don't look up to their younger ones that often, though, so that on that same scale, it would be at a different point for your older brother.

I don't really look up to him, because he's acting more like the guys at school...and I don't want to act like that  :(


It is a different point for my brother. But I don't think that he would look up to me whether he was younger or older.

The difference is that you know who you are and you brother still has to learn who he is.


This is okay.   :)

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I see.  I am the youngest, and I look up to my older brother (perhaps that helps, in your case, as well).  The older siblings don't look up to their younger ones that often, though, so that on that same scale, it would be at a different point for your older brother.

I don't really look up to him, because he's acting more like the guys at school...and I don't want to act like that  :(


It is a different point for my brother. But I don't think that he would look up to me whether he was younger or older.

The difference is that you know who you are and you brother still has to learn who he is.


This is okay.   :)

I'm not sure I completely know who I am yet...but I guess I know more than when I made this topic.

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I see.  I am the youngest, and I look up to my older brother (perhaps that helps, in your case, as well).  The older siblings don't look up to their younger ones that often, though, so that on that same scale, it would be at a different point for your older brother.

I don't really look up to him, because he's acting more like the guys at school...and I don't want to act like that  :(


It is a different point for my brother. But I don't think that he would look up to me whether he was younger or older.

It could be that your brothers already do look up to you, but they'll never show it becuase it's "uncool" to look up to the "little brother."


@hammy-If the guy you like likes your friend for how pretty she is, I think maybe you should find a new guy to like. Do you really want someone that shallow?

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I see.  I am the youngest, and I look up to my older brother (perhaps that helps, in your case, as well).  The older siblings don't look up to their younger ones that often, though, so that on that same scale, it would be at a different point for your older brother.

I don't really look up to him, because he's acting more like the guys at school...and I don't want to act like that  :(


It is a different point for my brother. But I don't think that he would look up to me whether he was younger or older.

It could be that your brothers already do look up to you, but they'll never show it becuase it's "uncool" to look up to the "little brother."


@hammy-If the guy you like likes your friend for how pretty she is, I think maybe you should find a new guy to like. Do you really want someone that shallow?

Mabye  :upside:

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It was really weird last night. I was watching back to the future with my family, and I started to get what you might call hyper. I couldn't sit still or focus on the movie well. And the movie ended at 9:30, which isn't too late for me. I sometimes feel this way during homework too. Mabye I was really bored?  ???
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You know, it doesn't feel like there's love at school anymore. No one shows it, even when they are in groups of friends. It seems like all friends do anymore is mess around or talk or ask for pencils...


I actually made a MIDI called "Where is the love?" and I almost have the lyrics done.

In our school district, it is against school policy to "show love."  They encourage "no relationships" at school.  By this they mean no boyfriend-girlfriend stuff.

What I meant by love was the friendly kind of love.

The friendly type of love is a wonderful thing.  The world needs more love.


:love:  :love:  :love:

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I see.  I am the youngest, and I look up to my older brother (perhaps that helps, in your case, as well).  The older siblings don't look up to their younger ones that often, though, so that on that same scale, it would be at a different point for your older brother.

I don't really look up to him, because he's acting more like the guys at school...and I don't want to act like that  :(


It is a different point for my brother. But I don't think that he would look up to me whether he was younger or older.

The difference is that you know who you are and you brother still has to learn who he is.


This is okay.   :)

I'm not sure I completely know who I am yet...but I guess I know more than when I made this topic.

This is great that you are learning about yourself!  Do you feel better now than when you started this topic??  I think so, but you tell me.

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You know, it doesn't feel like there's love at school anymore. No one shows it, even when they are in groups of friends. It seems like all friends do anymore is mess around or talk or ask for pencils...


I actually made a MIDI called "Where is the love?" and I almost have the lyrics done.

In our school district, it is against school policy to "show love."  They encourage "no relationships" at school.  By this they mean no boyfriend-girlfriend stuff.

What I meant by love was the friendly kind of love.

The friendly type of love is a wonderful thing.  The world needs more love.


:love:  :love:  :love:

I know, it does. I can't find it in THIS town though.

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I see.  I am the youngest, and I look up to my older brother (perhaps that helps, in your case, as well).  The older siblings don't look up to their younger ones that often, though, so that on that same scale, it would be at a different point for your older brother.

I don't really look up to him, because he's acting more like the guys at school...and I don't want to act like that  :(


It is a different point for my brother. But I don't think that he would look up to me whether he was younger or older.

The difference is that you know who you are and you brother still has to learn who he is.


This is okay.   :)

I'm not sure I completely know who I am yet...but I guess I know more than when I made this topic.

This is great that you are learning about yourself!  Do you feel better now than when you started this topic??  I think so, but you tell me.

Well, yeah. I'm not neccessarily confused anymore, but more like waiting for the right path to be revealed.

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You know, it doesn't feel like there's love at school anymore. No one shows it, even when they are in groups of friends. It seems like all friends do anymore is mess around or talk or ask for pencils...


I actually made a MIDI called "Where is the love?" and I almost have the lyrics done.

In our school district, it is against school policy to "show love."  They encourage "no relationships" at school.  By this they mean no boyfriend-girlfriend stuff.

What I meant by love was the friendly kind of love.

The friendly type of love is a wonderful thing.  The world needs more love.


:love:  :love:  :love:

I know, it does. I can't find it in THIS town though.

The sad thing is there are a lot of places where you can't find love.  But I have found that if I give love out unconditionally and it comes back, it is wonderful...  even better when you least expect it. :love:  :love:  :love:

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I see.  I am the youngest, and I look up to my older brother (perhaps that helps, in your case, as well).  The older siblings don't look up to their younger ones that often, though, so that on that same scale, it would be at a different point for your older brother.

I don't really look up to him, because he's acting more like the guys at school...and I don't want to act like that  :(


It is a different point for my brother. But I don't think that he would look up to me whether he was younger or older.

The difference is that you know who you are and you brother still has to learn who he is.


This is okay.   :)

I'm not sure I completely know who I am yet...but I guess I know more than when I made this topic.

This is great that you are learning about yourself!  Do you feel better now than when you started this topic??  I think so, but you tell me.

Well, yeah. I'm not neccessarily confused anymore, but more like waiting for the right path to be revealed.

That's great to hear!!!


Keep in mind that there are times when the path will change directions, wind around and seemingly go in circles, but that is okay.  It will straighten out again and keep moving forward.  :D  :D

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You know, it doesn't feel like there's love at school anymore. No one shows it, even when they are in groups of friends. It seems like all friends do anymore is mess around or talk or ask for pencils...


I actually made a MIDI called "Where is the love?" and I almost have the lyrics done.

In our school district, it is against school policy to "show love."  They encourage "no relationships" at school.  By this they mean no boyfriend-girlfriend stuff.

What I meant by love was the friendly kind of love.

The friendly type of love is a wonderful thing.  The world needs more love.


:love:  :love:  :love:

I know, it does. I can't find it in THIS town though.

The sad thing is there are a lot of places where you can't find love.  But I have found that if I give love out unconditionally and it comes back, it is wonderful...  even better when you least expect it. :love:  :love:  :love:

Yes, it must be...

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I see.  I am the youngest, and I look up to my older brother (perhaps that helps, in your case, as well).  The older siblings don't look up to their younger ones that often, though, so that on that same scale, it would be at a different point for your older brother.

I don't really look up to him, because he's acting more like the guys at school...and I don't want to act like that  :(


It is a different point for my brother. But I don't think that he would look up to me whether he was younger or older.

The difference is that you know who you are and you brother still has to learn who he is.


This is okay.   :)

I'm not sure I completely know who I am yet...but I guess I know more than when I made this topic.

This is great that you are learning about yourself!  Do you feel better now than when you started this topic??  I think so, but you tell me.

Well, yeah. I'm not neccessarily confused anymore, but more like waiting for the right path to be revealed.

That's great to hear!!!


Keep in mind that there are times when the path will change directions, wind around and seemingly go in circles, but that is okay.  It will straighten out again and keep moving forward.  :D  :D

Yes, there will probably be some twists and turns along the way.

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I see.  I am the youngest, and I look up to my older brother (perhaps that helps, in your case, as well).  The older siblings don't look up to their younger ones that often, though, so that on that same scale, it would be at a different point for your older brother.

I don't really look up to him, because he's acting more like the guys at school...and I don't want to act like that  :(


It is a different point for my brother. But I don't think that he would look up to me whether he was younger or older.

The difference is that you know who you are and you brother still has to learn who he is.


This is okay.   :)

I'm not sure I completely know who I am yet...but I guess I know more than when I made this topic.

This is great that you are learning about yourself!  Do you feel better now than when you started this topic??  I think so, but you tell me.

Well, yeah. I'm not neccessarily confused anymore, but more like waiting for the right path to be revealed.

That's great to hear!!!


Keep in mind that there are times when the path will change directions, wind around and seemingly go in circles, but that is okay.  It will straighten out again and keep moving forward.  :D  :D

Yes, there will probably be some twists and turns along the way.

Unfortunately, bumps, bruises and pitfalls.  


There are no boundaries... you can go anywhere, do anything, follow whatever road you choose.  


Whenever you encounter a setback, consider that this is another block in your foundation of life, learn from it, use it as a stepping stone for the next level and keep on going.

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You know, it doesn't feel like there's love at school anymore. No one shows it, even when they are in groups of friends. It seems like all friends do anymore is mess around or talk or ask for pencils...


I actually made a MIDI called "Where is the love?" and I almost have the lyrics done.

In our school district, it is against school policy to "show love."  They encourage "no relationships" at school.  By this they mean no boyfriend-girlfriend stuff.

What I meant by love was the friendly kind of love.

The friendly type of love is a wonderful thing.  The world needs more love.


:love:  :love:  :love:

I know, it does. I can't find it in THIS town though.

The sad thing is there are a lot of places where you can't find love.  But I have found that if I give love out unconditionally and it comes back, it is wonderful...  even better when you least expect it. :love:  :love:  :love:

Yes, it must be...

Look at all the love there is here at HampsterDance!  Love in friendship is spectacular!!!


:love:  :love:  :love:

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I see.  I am the youngest, and I look up to my older brother (perhaps that helps, in your case, as well).  The older siblings don't look up to their younger ones that often, though, so that on that same scale, it would be at a different point for your older brother.

I don't really look up to him, because he's acting more like the guys at school...and I don't want to act like that  :(


It is a different point for my brother. But I don't think that he would look up to me whether he was younger or older.

The difference is that you know who you are and you brother still has to learn who he is.


This is okay.   :)

I'm not sure I completely know who I am yet...but I guess I know more than when I made this topic.

This is great that you are learning about yourself!  Do you feel better now than when you started this topic??  I think so, but you tell me.

Well, yeah. I'm not neccessarily confused anymore, but more like waiting for the right path to be revealed.

That's great to hear!!!


Keep in mind that there are times when the path will change directions, wind around and seemingly go in circles, but that is okay.  It will straighten out again and keep moving forward.  :D  :D

Yes, there will probably be some twists and turns along the way.

Unfortunately, bumps, bruises and pitfalls.  


There are no boundaries... you can go anywhere, do anything, follow whatever road you choose.  


Whenever you encounter a setback, consider that this is another block in your foundation of life, learn from it, use it as a stepping stone for the next level and keep on going.

Wow, you create great imagery  :D

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I have noticed that. Guys at school brag about scars and injuries that they get. Girls talk about other people. I also notice that I get along with my sister better than my brother...

Unfortunately sometimes that 'talking about other people' turns catty.  That's possible why I always seem to get on better with blokes than women :penguin  :sleepy:  :penguin .

Yes, that's why I feel unconfortable around girls and boys alike at school.

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It is a different point for my brother. But I don't think that he would look up to me whether he was younger or older.

You can choose your friends, but not your family.  Unfortunately you are stuck with relations, even if they really annoy you :penguin  :sleepy:  :penguin .

Yeah, I know...  :sleepy:

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It was really weird last night. I was watching back to the future with my family, and I started to get what you might call hyper. I couldn't sit still or focus on the movie well. And the movie ended at 9:30, which isn't too late for me. I sometimes feel this way during homework too. Mabye I was really bored?  ???

Either that or you had something else on your mind, or....................





....................ummmmmmmmm this is a delicate question..............







................................ When did you last de-flea yourself :laugh:  :penguin  :laugh: ?

It could have been fleas...  ??? I hope I don't have ADD or anything like that  8)

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You know, it doesn't feel like there's love at school anymore. No one shows it, even when they are in groups of friends. It seems like all friends do anymore is mess around or talk or ask for pencils...


I actually made a MIDI called "Where is the love?" and I almost have the lyrics done.

In our school district, it is against school policy to "show love."  They encourage "no relationships" at school.  By this they mean no boyfriend-girlfriend stuff.

What I meant by love was the friendly kind of love.

The friendly type of love is a wonderful thing.  The world needs more love.


:love:  :love:  :love:

I know, it does. I can't find it in THIS town though.

The sad thing is there are a lot of places where you can't find love.  But I have found that if I give love out unconditionally and it comes back, it is wonderful...  even better when you least expect it. :love:  :love:  :love:

Yes, it must be...

Look at all the love there is here at HampsterDance!  Love in friendship is spectacular!!!


:love:  :love:  :love:

I know, I like it... I wish I could bring a laptop to school or something, then I could talk to you guys during lunch and stuff  :D

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I see.  I am the youngest, and I look up to my older brother (perhaps that helps, in your case, as well).  The older siblings don't look up to their younger ones that often, though, so that on that same scale, it would be at a different point for your older brother.

I don't really look up to him, because he's acting more like the guys at school...and I don't want to act like that  :(


It is a different point for my brother. But I don't think that he would look up to me whether he was younger or older.

The difference is that you know who you are and you brother still has to learn who he is.


This is okay.   :)

I'm not sure I completely know who I am yet...but I guess I know more than when I made this topic.

This is great that you are learning about yourself!  Do you feel better now than when you started this topic??  I think so, but you tell me.

Well, yeah. I'm not neccessarily confused anymore, but more like waiting for the right path to be revealed.

That's great to hear!!!


Keep in mind that there are times when the path will change directions, wind around and seemingly go in circles, but that is okay.  It will straighten out again and keep moving forward.  :D  :D

Yes, there will probably be some twists and turns along the way.

Unfortunately, bumps, bruises and pitfalls.  


There are no boundaries... you can go anywhere, do anything, follow whatever road you choose.  


Whenever you encounter a setback, consider that this is another block in your foundation of life, learn from it, use it as a stepping stone for the next level and keep on going.

Wow, you create great imagery  :D

Gee, thanks!  I appreciate hearing that from you!


:embarassed:  :D  :embarassed:

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It was really weird last night. I was watching back to the future with my family, and I started to get what you might call hyper. I couldn't sit still or focus on the movie well. And the movie ended at 9:30, which isn't too late for me. I sometimes feel this way during homework too. Mabye I was really bored?  ???

Either that or you had something else on your mind, or....................





....................ummmmmmmmm this is a delicate question..............







................................ When did you last de-flea yourself :laugh:  :penguin  :laugh: ?

It could have been fleas...  ??? I hope I don't have ADD or anything like that  8)

I don't think so, but if you find that this keeps happening, then you could be bored and need a challenge.  It would be something to let your mother know about if it starts happening more and more.  For now, I wouldn't worry.

:love:  :love:  :love:

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I have noticed that. Guys at school brag about scars and injuries that they get. Girls talk about other people. I also notice that I get along with my sister better than my brother...

Unfortunately sometimes that 'talking about other people' turns catty.  That's possible why I always seem to get on better with blokes than women :penguin  :sleepy:  :penguin .

Yes, that's why I feel unconfortable around girls and boys alike at school.

That's a real shame.  I was never close to the other pupils at school.  I got on much better with the teachers :sleepy:  :penguin  :sleepy: .

Oh yes, I get along with the adults better.

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It was really weird last night. I was watching back to the future with my family, and I started to get what you might call hyper. I couldn't sit still or focus on the movie well. And the movie ended at 9:30, which isn't too late for me. I sometimes feel this way during homework too. Mabye I was really bored?  ???

Either that or you had something else on your mind, or....................





....................ummmmmmmmm this is a delicate question..............







................................ When did you last de-flea yourself :laugh:  :penguin  :laugh: ?

It could have been fleas...  ??? I hope I don't have ADD or anything like that  8)

That was supposed to be a joke to hopefully raise a smile in an otherwise serious topic :penguin  :sleepy:  :penguin .

Oops, yes I saw that was a joke. I tend to reply to jokes in serious tone  :upside:

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It was really weird last night. I was watching back to the future with my family, and I started to get what you might call hyper. I couldn't sit still or focus on the movie well. And the movie ended at 9:30, which isn't too late for me. I sometimes feel this way during homework too. Mabye I was really bored?  ???

Either that or you had something else on your mind, or....................





....................ummmmmmmmm this is a delicate question..............







................................ When did you last de-flea yourself :laugh:  :penguin  :laugh: ?

It could have been fleas...  ??? I hope I don't have ADD or anything like that  8)

I don't think so, but if you find that this keeps happening, then you could be bored and need a challenge.  It would be something to let your mother know about if it starts happening more and more.  For now, I wouldn't worry.

:love:  :love:  :love:

Okay. I wasn't really worrying about it anyway, it was just a possibility.  :upside:

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I have noticed that. Guys at school brag about scars and injuries that they get. Girls talk about other people. I also notice that I get along with my sister better than my brother...

Unfortunately sometimes that 'talking about other people' turns catty.  That's possible why I always seem to get on better with blokes than women .

Yes, that's why I feel unconfortable around girls and boys alike at school.

That's a real shame.  I was never close to the other pupils at school.  I got on much better with the teachers .

Oh yes, I get along with the adults better.

That's great that you do get along with adults so well.  Douglass, my boyfriend's son, was that way.  He didn't really get along with many at school, but he was great with adults.  Adults loved talking to Douglass when he was younger.  He is now 22 yrs. old.


:love:  :love:  :love:

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Gee, thanks!  I appreciate hearing that from you!


:embarassed:  :D  :embarassed:

You're welcome. :)


PTMY :embarassed:  :D  :embarassed:

PTMYPTMM :embarassed: :D :embarassed:

PTMMPTMMPTMY:embarassed: :D :embarassed:

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Gee, thanks!  I appreciate hearing that from you!


:D  :embarassed:

You're welcome.


PTMY  :D  :embarassed:

PTMYPTMM :D :embarassed:

PTMYPTMMPTMY  :D :embarassed:



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I woke up with a stiff neck today, and I'm hooked on Sonic Heroes, which I just got yesterday. So that's why I havn't been on much today  :upside:  :upside:
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It was really weird last night. I was watching back to the future with my family, and I started to get what you might call hyper. I couldn't sit still or focus on the movie well. And the movie ended at 9:30, which isn't too late for me. I sometimes feel this way during homework too. Mabye I was really bored?  ???

Either that or you had something else on your mind, or....................





....................ummmmmmmmm this is a delicate question..............







................................ When did you last de-flea yourself :laugh:  :penguin  :laugh: ?

It could have been fleas...  ??? I hope I don't have ADD or anything like that  8)

Did you have large amounts of sugar, chocolate, or caffeine? Or (this is going to sound odd) did you have anything with a lot of red or blue food coloring in it? The reason I ask is that when I was little if I had anything with red or blue food coloring (like an ice pop or something) it wouls make me hyper or make me act up. My mom would always have to remind me what I ate.  :D  It still happens to me now sometimes, and food coloring has the same effect on one of my friends. Just saying a possible cause.  Any other recent breakthroughs?  :P

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It was really weird last night. I was watching back to the future with my family, and I started to get what you might call hyper. I couldn't sit still or focus on the movie well. And the movie ended at 9:30, which isn't too late for me. I sometimes feel this way during homework too. Mabye I was really bored?  ???

Either that or you had something else on your mind, or....................





....................ummmmmmmmm this is a delicate question..............







................................ When did you last de-flea yourself :laugh:  :penguin  :laugh: ?

It could have been fleas...  ??? I hope I don't have ADD or anything like that  8)

Did you have large amounts of sugar, chocolate, or caffeine? Or (this is going to sound odd) did you have anything with a lot of red or blue food coloring in it? The reason I ask is that when I was little if I had anything with red or blue food coloring (like an ice pop or something) it wouls make me hyper or make me act up. My mom would always have to remind me what I ate.  :D  It still happens to me now sometimes, and food coloring has the same effect on one of my friends. Just saying a possible cause.  Any other recent breakthroughs?  :P

I didn't know food coloring could do that  :upside:

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Gee, thanks!  I appreciate hearing that from you!



You're welcome.


PTMY   :embarassed:

PTMYPTMM  :embarassed:

PTMYPTMMPTMY   :embarassed:




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I woke up with a stiff neck today, and I'm hooked on Sonic Heroes, which I just got yesterday. So that's why I havn't been on much today  :upside:  :upside:

*rubs icy hot into the sore muscles of Jesse's stiff neck*


Hope your neck feels better!

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It was really weird last night. I was watching back to the future with my family, and I started to get what you might call hyper. I couldn't sit still or focus on the movie well. And the movie ended at 9:30, which isn't too late for me. I sometimes feel this way during homework too. Mabye I was really bored?  ???

Either that or you had something else on your mind, or....................





....................ummmmmmmmm this is a delicate question..............







................................ When did you last de-flea yourself :laugh:  :penguin  :laugh: ?

It could have been fleas...  ??? I hope I don't have ADD or anything like that  8)

Did you have large amounts of sugar, chocolate, or caffeine? Or (this is going to sound odd) did you have anything with a lot of red or blue food coloring in it? The reason I ask is that when I was little if I had anything with red or blue food coloring (like an ice pop or something) it wouls make me hyper or make me act up. My mom would always have to remind me what I ate.  :D  It still happens to me now sometimes, and food coloring has the same effect on one of my friends. Just saying a possible cause.  Any other recent breakthroughs?  :P

I didn't know food coloring could do that  :upside:

Neither did I!  Interesting!  


On the foods where they use these colors of food coloring... how many of them are mostly sugar??   ???

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How are you feeling now Jesse????


Is everything okay?  Are you still tired?


Just checking.


:D  :love:  :D  :love:  :D

What's with all the  :love: ?  8)


I'm fine except I have a cold and there's these sores on my nose  :sleepy: I'm not that tired right now because I got to sleep in today.

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How are you feeling now Jesse????


Is everything okay?  Are you still tired?


Just checking.

What's with all the  :love: ?  8)


I'm fine except I have a cold and there's these sores on my nose  :sleepy: I'm not that tired right now because I got to sleep in today.

As for all the  :love: , I am just spreading good feelings from me to everyone.  It is probably better than  :angry: !    :laughing  :laughing  


I am the biggest baby when I get a cold.  It is miserable for me when my nose is stuffed up and sore.   :eek  :eek  :eek


You all have had a good bit of snow and severe cold.  That has to be tough when you get a headcold.  I would be swamping my body with Chicken Noodle Soup!


BTW, why did you get to sleep in?   ???

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I stayed home from school  :;):

Don't you wish when you got to stay home from school, that it would be on days that you were feeling great.  


Seriously though, you probably needed to stay home and rest.


:)  :)  :)

Yes, I was probably better off. The only thing though is that I missed my band midterm so I have to make that up.

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Hi ppl! Yes food coloring does that, but I didn't now if anyone else was aware of it. Wierd huh? As for ADD, I was tested in 2nd grade. I was borderline.  :upside:

H<span style='color:orange'>APPY BIRTHDAY, JESUSFREAK!</span>



It's a perfect time to get happy(get happy)

It's a perfect time to get happy now

It's a perfect time to get happy(get happy)

It's a perfect time to get happy now


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Hi ppl! Yes food coloring does that, but I didn't now if anyone else was aware of it. Wierd huh? As for ADD, I was tested in 2nd grade. I was borderline.  :upside:




It's a perfect time to get happy(get happy)

It's a perfect time to get happy now

It's a perfect time to get happy(get happy)

It's a perfect time to get happy now


Stupid span style  :angry:

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Hi ppl! Yes food coloring does that, but I didn't now if anyone else was aware of it. Wierd huh? As for ADD, I was tested in 2nd grade. I was borderline.  :upside:




It's a perfect time to get happy(get happy)

It's a perfect time to get happy now

It's a perfect time to get happy(get happy)

It's a perfect time to get happy now


Stupid span style  :angry:

LOL!  :laugh:  Thanks Jesse!  :D

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Hi ppl! Yes food coloring does that, but I didn't now if anyone else was aware of it. Wierd huh? As for ADD, I was tested in 2nd grade. I was borderline.  :upside:




It's a perfect time to get happy(get happy)

It's a perfect time to get happy now

It's a perfect time to get happy(get happy)

It's a perfect time to get happy now


Stupid span style  :angry:

LOL!  :laugh:  Thanks Jesse!  :D

You're welcome :)



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Hi ppl! Yes food coloring does that, but I didn't now if anyone else was aware of it. Wierd huh? As for ADD, I was tested in 2nd grade. I was borderline.  :upside:




It's a perfect time to get happy(get happy)

It's a perfect time to get happy now

It's a perfect time to get happy(get happy)

It's a perfect time to get happy now


*goes into Jesse's log and looks for any more food coloring*


Hhhmmm, it looks like all the food coloring was used for that post.


:laughing  :laughing  :laughing

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Hi ppl! Yes food coloring does that, but I didn't now if anyone else was aware of it. Wierd huh? As for ADD, I was tested in 2nd grade. I was borderline.  :upside:

H<span style='color:orange'>APPY BIRTHDAY, JESUSFREAK!</span>



It's a perfect time to get happy(get happy)

It's a perfect time to get happy now

It's a perfect time to get happy(get happy)

It's a perfect time to get happy now


*goes into Jesse's log and looks for any more food coloring*


Hhhmmm, it looks like all the food coloring was used for that post.


:laughing  :laughing  :laughing

Not the brown, black, or white food coloring though  :;): White wouldn't have shown up well anyway :P

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Hi ppl! Yes food coloring does that, but I didn't now if anyone else was aware of it. Wierd huh? As for ADD, I was tested in 2nd grade. I was borderline.  :upside:




It's a perfect time to get happy(get happy)

It's a perfect time to get happy now

It's a perfect time to get happy(get happy)

It's a perfect time to get happy now


*goes into Jesse's log and looks for any more food coloring*


Hhhmmm, it looks like all the food coloring was used for that post.


:laughing  :laughing  :laughing

Not the brown, black, or white food coloring though  :;): White wouldn't have shown up well anyway :P

Typical wolf...  you always have something else up your furry sleeve...,


*looks at secret identical fur pocket Jesse has wrapped around his front leg*


I bet you save the white food coloring for night and all the dark backgrounds.  Or perhaps when you are communicating with another wolf in secret.


*takes Jesse's black light*


Hee, hee, now I can read this!!!


:laughing  :laughing  :laughing

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Hi ppl! Yes food coloring does that, but I didn't now if anyone else was aware of it. Wierd huh? As for ADD, I was tested in 2nd grade. I was borderline.  :upside:

H<span style='color:orange'>APPY BIRTHDAY, JESUSFREAK!</span>



It's a perfect time to get happy(get happy)

It's a perfect time to get happy now

It's a perfect time to get happy(get happy)

It's a perfect time to get happy now


*goes into Jesse's log and looks for any more food coloring*


Hhhmmm, it looks like all the food coloring was used for that post.


:laughing  :laughing  :laughing

:D  Yup!

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Not the brown, black, or white food coloring though  :;): White wouldn't have shown up well anyway :P

Typical wolf...  you always have something else up your furry sleeve...,


*looks at secret identical fur pocket Jesse has wrapped around his front leg*


I bet you save the white food coloring for night and all the dark backgrounds.  Or perhaps when you are communicating with another wolf in secret.


*takes Jesse's black light*


Hee, hee, now I can read this!!!


:laughing  :laughing  :laughing

What's a black light?  ???

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I've thought about it and I've come to the conclusion that I am afraid of talking...


Anyway, I need help. I need some volunteering ideas/agencies for my health project. I came up with 3 so far: Kids Care Clubs, Cleaning up the park, and Tutoring. Can you guys come up with any more things?

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Not the brown, black, or white food coloring though  :;): White wouldn't have shown up well anyway :P

Typical wolf...  you always have something else up your furry sleeve...,


*looks at secret identical fur pocket Jesse has wrapped around his front leg*


I bet you save the white food coloring for night and all the dark backgrounds.  Or perhaps when you are communicating with another wolf in secret.


*takes Jesse's black light*


Hee, hee, now I can read this!!!


:laughing  :laughing  :laughing

What's a black light?  ???

A blacklight is a type of light that emits a long wavelength UV light.  Blacklights are designed to effectively absorb the visible light and emit ultraviolet radiation through a dark bulb.  Because ultraviolet light has a wave length shorter than visible light, it can pick up things the naked light is not able to see.  It causes certain substances (like inks) to either glow or change their color.  This type of light will cause materials with fluorescent pigments to "light Up" in the dark.  Examples of blacklight use are: detecting counterfeit currency, the identification of fraudulent art, and screening patrons at rock concerts and sporting events, just to name a few.


It also was a big 1970's rage.   :eek  :eek  :eek

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I've thought about it and I've come to the conclusion that I am afraid of talking...


Anyway, I need help. I need some volunteering ideas/agencies for my health project. I came up with 3 so far: Kids Care Clubs, Cleaning up the park, and Tutoring. Can you guys come up with any more things?

This would probably be something that you may or may not like, but you could always go and volunteer at the local hospital.  In addition to your project, this looks great on a resume when you are applying for college and jobs.  I will think of some other ideas.


You could always go to the local nursing home and play your clarinet.  These residents love you just for coming and playing and no matter how bad you play that day...they will clap and make you feel like you just performed with the New York Philharmonic.  (This is a great morale and inner feelings booster.)  Another thing that I do is to collect crossword puzzles, word and math games, blow them up to a large size and drop them off at the nursing homes.   They just love the fact that it is easy to read and that you have thought about them.  There are lots of ideas that involve seniors that you could come up with.  


How good of a swimmer are you?  I have always volunteered to work with the March of Dimes and teach swimming.  I do not know what the legal age is, but you might have to be 18 to do this one.  


My mother, yes back to her again, was always a big endorser of volunteering and community service, so I have lots of ideas.  Another is to make a drive at your school and collect old eye glasses, then give them to the Lion's Club in your area.  The Lion's Club regularly collects eye glasses and has them refurbished to give to individuals in need.


There will be lots more ideas from others, so I will quit now.


:D  :D  :D

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I've thought about it and I've come to the conclusion that I am afraid of talking...

This will change.  Do not worry about being afraid to talk.  If it does really concern you and you want to do something immediately, there are ways to work this out.  Honestly, I would not worry about this now.  You have too many other things to think about.


:D  :D  :D

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I've thought about it and I've come to the conclusion that I am afraid of talking...


Anyway, I need help. I need some volunteering ideas/agencies for my health project. I came up with 3 so far: Kids Care Clubs, Cleaning up the park, and Tutoring. Can you guys come up with any more things?

This would probably be something that you may or may not like, but you could always go and volunteer at the local hospital.  In addition to your project, this looks great on a resume when you are applying for college and jobs.  I will think of some other ideas.


You could always go to the local nursing home and play your clarinet.  These residents love you just for coming and playing and no matter how bad you play that day...they will clap and make you feel like you just performed with the New York Philharmonic.  (This is a great morale and inner feelings booster.)  Another thing that I do is to collect crossword puzzles, word and math games, blow them up to a large size and drop them off at the nursing homes.   They just love the fact that it is easy to read and that you have thought about them.  There are lots of ideas that involve seniors that you could come up with.  


How good of a swimmer are you?  I have always volunteered to work with the March of Dimes and teach swimming.  I do not know what the legal age is, but you might have to be 18 to do this one.  


My mother, yes back to her again, was always a big endorser of volunteering and community service, so I have lots of ideas.  Another is to make a drive at your school and collect old eye glasses, then give them to the Lion's Club in your area.  The Lion's Club regularly collects eye glasses and has them refurbished to give to individuals in need.


There will be lots more ideas from others, so I will quit now.


:D  :D  :D

Lol I don't have to do them. just write about them  :;):

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Not the brown, black, or white food coloring though  :;): White wouldn't have shown up well anyway :P

Typical wolf...  you always have something else up your furry sleeve...,


*looks at secret identical fur pocket Jesse has wrapped around his front leg*


I bet you save the white food coloring for night and all the dark backgrounds.  Or perhaps when you are communicating with another wolf in secret.


*takes Jesse's black light*


Hee, hee, now I can read this!!!


:laughing  :laughing  :laughing

What's a black light?  ???

A blacklight is a type of light that emits a long wavelength UV light.  Blacklights are designed to effectively absorb the visible light and emit ultraviolet radiation through a dark bulb.  Because ultraviolet light has a wave length shorter than visible light, it can pick up things the naked light is not able to see.  It causes certain substances (like inks) to either glow or change their color.  This type of light will cause materials with fluorescent pigments to "light Up" in the dark.  Examples of blacklight use are: detecting counterfeit currency, the identification of fraudulent art, and screening patrons at rock concerts and sporting events, just to name a few.


It also was a big 1970's rage.   :eek  :eek  :eek

Cool.  :)

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I've thought about it and I've come to the conclusion that I am afraid of talking...

This will change.  Do not worry about being afraid to talk.  If it does really concern you and you want to do something immediately, there are ways to work this out.  Honestly, I would not worry about this now.  You have too many other things to think about.


:D  :D  :D

Yes, I do have other stuff to worry about.


But yeah...that's part of the reason why I don't psot so much...

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Not the brown, black, or white food coloring though  :;): White wouldn't have shown up well anyway :P

Typical wolf...  you always have something else up your furry sleeve...,


*looks at secret identical fur pocket Jesse has wrapped around his front leg*


I bet you save the white food coloring for night and all the dark backgrounds.  Or perhaps when you are communicating with another wolf in secret.


*takes Jesse's black light*


Hee, hee, now I can read this!!!


:laughing  :laughing  :laughing

What's a black light?  ???

A blacklight is a type of light that emits a long wavelength UV light.  Blacklights are designed to effectively absorb the visible light and emit ultraviolet radiation through a dark bulb.  Because ultraviolet light has a wave length shorter than visible light, it can pick up things the naked light is not able to see.  It causes certain substances (like inks) to either glow or change their color.  This type of light will cause materials with fluorescent pigments to "light Up" in the dark.  Examples of blacklight use are: detecting counterfeit currency, the identification of fraudulent art, and screening patrons at rock concerts and sporting events, just to name a few.


It also was a big 1970's rage.   :eek  :eek  :eek

Cool.  :)

Actually, blacklights are a lot of fun!!   :D  :D  :D

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I don't psot so much...

Well, I am sorry to hear that you don't psot so much, but we do understand.

Lol, I did mess up :embarassed:


Why are the board's images suddenly not working?

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Oh and thanks for the volunteer ideas. Now I can work on my project more!

Knowing that you do not have to actually do the volunteer work I have lots more really fantastic volunteer ideas.  If you need some more, holler!!!   :eek  :eek  :eek  :D

So far I have:


1. Kids Care Clubs

2. Clean up the park

3. Tutoring in math/french

4. The Lion's club (thanks for that)


I need 6 more ideas that a person my age (in human years of course) could do. If you could tell me any others that would be great!  :hampton

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I don't psot so much...

Well, I am sorry to hear that you don't psot so much, but we do understand.

Lol, I did mess up :embarassed:


Why are the board's images suddenly not working?

I am not sure, but I advised HampsterKing and he is looking into it.  I thought it was just me.  Thank you for letting me know.


:D  :D  :D

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I don't psot so much...

Well, I am sorry to hear that you don't psot so much, but we do understand.

Lol, I did mess up :embarassed:


Why are the board's images suddenly not working?

I am not sure, but I advised HampsterKing and he is looking into it.  I thought it was just me.  Thank you for letting me know.


:D  :D  :D

HampsterKing is trying to figure out the problem.  He knows that it is there, but the problem is trying to duplicate it.  I am unable to use Netscape at all.


:eek  :eek  :eek

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Oh and thanks for the volunteer ideas. Now I can work on my project more!

Knowing that you do not have to actually do the volunteer work I have lots more really fantastic volunteer ideas.  If you need some more, holler!!!   :eek  :eek  :eek  :D

So far I have:


1. Kids Care Clubs

2. Clean up the park

3. Tutoring in math/french

4. The Lion's club (thanks for that)


I need 6 more ideas that a person my age (in human years of course) could do. If you could tell me any others that would be great!  :hampton

As I had suggested before:


Volunteering in the hospital:

you could always go and volunteer at the local hospital

(same as becoming a candy striper).


Working with seniors:

You could always go to the local nursing home and play your clarinet
collect crossword puzzles, word and math games, blow them up to a large size and drop them off
. As for therapy animals, there are insurance and legal restrictions in the USA (my girlfriend owns a Therapy Animals business), but you could volunteer do work with one of those businesses.


Join a service organization:

There are a number of service organizations:  Lions Club, Exchange Club, Rotary Club, Kiwanis Club etc.  They are always looking for students to assist in community efforts.


Run a marathon, half marathon, 10K, 5K etc.:

There are a number of organizations that you can do Walk-a-thons, Run A Marathon, etc for the Leukemia Society, Amer. Cancer and a variety of others.  The organization will train you do run a marathon (not fast, unless you want to, easy for a wolf).  You are working to help a person who needs treatment or an operation and you raise funds to assist this person.  This is really a fun thing to do as you are working for this one special person and you develop a new friend and a special bond.


Help serve meals to seniors and homeless:

You can always go to the local shelter in your town and help serve meals.  This could be done either during the year or especially on holidays.


Donate blood.


Volunteer your services with the Red Cross, March of Dimes, American Cancer Society, Salvation Army, Leukemia Society, United Way, etc..  There are wildlife and nature organizations that need help in cleaning the beaches, parks, wildlife refuges.  Collect newspaper for the local wildlife hospital.  There are many things to be done in your community that these organization's address. (You mentioned cleaning up the park already...sorry.)


Write letters and cards:

Write to US Service men and women serving away from home.  This is really a wonderful experience as you now make someone know that they are cared about and you have just made a new friend.


Help build a house:

Habitat for Humanity is always looking for assistance in building houses for people.  This is great fun.


Here is one that I do:

Each night/day that I stay in a hotel, I bring my own toiletries.   When I check out, I take the soap, shampoo, amenities (all unused); take them home and place them in a large bag.  When the bag is full, then I bring them to the Salvation Army Domestic Violence Center.  


Clothes and toys donation:

If you still have good clothes, toys, household items, never throw these out.  There are many groups that can use these items to help others.


Church volunteer groups:

Most churches have food and clothing drives during the holidays and at the winter time.  Collect canned goods, dry goods, non-perishable items to contribute towards Thanksgiving dinner.  Then go to your church and help make the bags that will be delivered to various families.


Should I go on?? ?? ?? ??  I have about one hundred more ideas for you...  Have I bored you?  Hope not.


:eek  :eek  :eek  :eek  :eek

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4  The PAT thing was a joke, hence the  :laugh: .  You surprise me saying that someone runs one as a business.  In the UK it is purely voluntary.  Maybe a difference in the ethos of Americans to Brits, but I don't think anyone over here would dream of attempting to make money out of the unfortunate people in the situation where these animals help.  That strikes me as being very calous.


Anyway, as I said it was supposed to be a joke.  I've never heard of anyone taking a wolf into hospital/elderly peoples' home.  I'd have thought that doing so would be more likely to engender a heart attack in the residents than be theraputic.  Doh.

This is run as a non-profit business.  As I said in my post, this is due to insurance and legality issues.  The animals are certified for health and temperament.  There has to be some responsibility on the part of the people bringing the animals into a residence facility, whether it be seniors, handicapped or outpatient care.  There have been great strides in the improved health and mental acuity of people who are able to interact with animals.  There are a number of programs where people with a variety of disabilities are taught to ride horses.  The successes from these programs lead to personal achievements never dreamed possible.  Again, these are also non-profit businesses.  In the USA, the interaction of people and animals is a wonderful program that many people are proud to be part of, myself included.


:)  :)  :)

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Oh Jesse...  I just thought of another really, really great volunteer idea:  The Special Olympics.


If you ever have the time to volunteer in this program, please do.  It is probably the most wonderful volunteering experience I have ever had the opportunity to be a part of.  There is so much happiness, love and feelings of achievement, just for trying.  It makes my heart happy.

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4  The PAT thing was a joke, hence the  :laugh: .  You surprise me saying that someone runs one as a business.  In the UK it is purely voluntary.  Maybe a difference in the ethos of Americans to Brits, but I don't think anyone over here would dream of attempting to make money out of the unfortunate people in the situation where these animals help.  That strikes me as being very calous.


Anyway, as I said it was supposed to be a joke.  I've never heard of anyone taking a wolf into hospital/elderly peoples' home.  I'd have thought that doing so would be more likely to engender a heart attack in the residents than be theraputic.  Doh.

This is run as a non-profit business.  As I said in my post, this is due to insurance and legality issues.  The animals are certified for health and temperament.  There has to be some responsibility on the part of the people bringing the animals into a residence facility, whether it be seniors, handicapped or outpatient care.  There have been great strides in the improved health and mental acuity of people who are able to interact with animals.  There are a number of programs where people with a variety of disabilities are taught to ride horses.  The successes from these programs lead to personal achievements never dreamed possible.  Again, these are also non-profit businesses.  In the USA, the interaction of people and animals is a wonderful program that many people are proud to be part of, myself included.


:)  :)  :)

I'm pleased it's non-profit.  Again this must be a USA/UK thing because over here it has the status of charity, so when I saw the term 'business', I automatically thought of 'profit'.  However as I said the whole thing was supposed to be a joke with Jesse being a wolf.


What age can you give blood in the USA :penguin  :vampire:  :penguin ?

18 I think. I remember there was a blood drive at our school, and they only allowed 18 and above  :hampton .

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Oh good... I didn't put you to sleep.


I thought that I heard wolf-like snoring coming from your log when you were reading my last reply.


:laughing  :laughing  :laughing

No. I was deciding which ones to use or modify  :)

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Oh Jesse...  I just thought of another really, really great volunteer idea:  The Special Olympics.


If you ever have the time to volunteer in this program, please do.  It is probably the most wonderful volunteering experience I have ever had the opportunity to be a part of.  There is so much happiness, love and feelings of achievement, just for trying.  It makes my heart happy.

Jesse, what did you think of this??


???  ???  ???

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Oh Jesse...  I just thought of another really, really great volunteer idea:  The Special Olympics.


If you ever have the time to volunteer in this program, please do.  It is probably the most wonderful volunteering experience I have ever had the opportunity to be a part of.  There is so much happiness, love and feelings of achievement, just for trying.  It makes my heart happy.

Jesse, what did you think of this??


???  ???  ???

I'm stupid...I don't know exactly what that is  :upside:

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Oh Jesse...  I just thought of another really, really great volunteer idea:  The Special Olympics.


If you ever have the time to volunteer in this program, please do.  It is probably the most wonderful volunteering experience I have ever had the opportunity to be a part of.  There is so much happiness, love and feelings of achievement, just for trying.  It makes my heart happy.

Jesse, what did you think of this??


???  ???  ???

I'm stupid...I don't know exactly what that is  :upside:

NO!!!!!!!!!!  YOU ARE DEFINITELY NOT STUPID!!!  Please do not say that.  


The Special Olympics may not exist where you live, so you might not be aware of it.  The Special Olympics are for people with disabilities to compete in sports events, quite similar to the Olympics.  Gov. Schwarzenegger (? spelling) has been very involved in this event.  Now that he is in office, he might not be able to be so involved.

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Oh Jesse...  I just thought of another really, really great volunteer idea:  The Special Olympics.


If you ever have the time to volunteer in this program, please do.  It is probably the most wonderful volunteering experience I have ever had the opportunity to be a part of.  There is so much happiness, love and feelings of achievement, just for trying.  It makes my heart happy.

Jesse, what did you think of this??


???  ???  ???

I'm stupid...I don't know exactly what that is  :upside:

NO!!!!!!!!!!  YOU ARE DEFINITELY NOT STUPID!!!  Please do not say that.  


The Special Olympics may not exist where you live, so you might not be aware of it.  The Special Olympics are for people with disabilities to compete in sports events, quite similar to the Olympics.  Gov. Schwarzenegger (? spelling) has been very involved in this event.  Now that he is in office, he might not be able to be so involved.

Okay...I won't say that.


I'm not dissabled though  ???

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Lately it feels like I miss the past. It sounds weird, I know, but whenever I see something that's from awhile ago it makes me wish like I were there when it came out...  8)
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Oh Jesse...  I just thought of another really, really great volunteer idea:  The Special Olympics.


If you ever have the time to volunteer in this program, please do.  It is probably the most wonderful volunteering experience I have ever had the opportunity to be a part of.  There is so much happiness, love and feelings of achievement, just for trying.  It makes my heart happy.

Jesse, what did you think of this??


???  ???  ???

I'm stupid...I don't know exactly what that is  :upside:

NO!!!!!!!!!!  YOU ARE DEFINITELY NOT STUPID!!!  Please do not say that.  


The Special Olympics may not exist where you live, so you might not be aware of it.  The Special Olympics are for people with disabilities to compete in sports events, quite similar to the Olympics.  Gov. Schwarzenegger (? spelling) has been very involved in this event.  Now that he is in office, he might not be able to be so involved.

Okay...I won't say that.


I'm not dissabled though  ???

The Special Olympics are for people with disabilities.  The volunteers are people who are needed to assist in everything from helping the athletes to running a track and field event.  There are quite a few jobs for the volunteers to make this event happen.  Tomorrow, I will give you a better idea, but for now, my brain is fried. :eek

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Lately it feels like I miss the past. It sounds weird, I know, but whenever I see something that's from awhile ago it makes me wish like I were there when it came out...  8)

Not weird at all.  You are not alone on this one.  There are times when I moderate a post and make a mental note of it, to go right there as soon as I finish all the moderating and it is too long after the fact.  Take for instance Otter's birthday.  I really feel bad about missing this important day. :(

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Oh Jesse...  I just thought of another really, really great volunteer idea:  The Special Olympics.


If you ever have the time to volunteer in this program, please do.  It is probably the most wonderful volunteering experience I have ever had the opportunity to be a part of.  There is so much happiness, love and feelings of achievement, just for trying.  It makes my heart happy.

Jesse, what did you think of this??


???  ???  ???

I'm stupid...I don't know exactly what that is  :upside:

NO!!!!!!!!!!  YOU ARE DEFINITELY NOT STUPID!!!  Please do not say that.  


The Special Olympics may not exist where you live, so you might not be aware of it.  The Special Olympics are for people with disabilities to compete in sports events, quite similar to the Olympics.  Gov. Schwarzenegger (? spelling) has been very involved in this event.  Now that he is in office, he might not be able to be so involved.

Okay...I won't say that.


I'm not dissabled though  ???

The Special Olympics are for people with disabilities.  The volunteers are people who are needed to assist in everything from helping the athletes to running a track and field event.  There are quite a few jobs for the volunteers to make this event happen.  Tomorrow, I will give you a better idea, but for now, my brain is fried. :eek

Anyone, any age can volunteer in the Special Olympics.

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Phew. I just finished my homework, including the volunteer thing. Thanks for your help guys :D

Great news!  Let us know how the volunteer thing worked out.  Hope that you get an A+++++++++++++!!!


:D  :D  :D

Where do you live? Your quote says I posted around 16 hours ahead of my time zone  8)


I hope so too :)

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Phew. I just finished my homework, including the volunteer thing. Thanks for your help guys :D

Great news!  Let us know how the volunteer thing worked out.  Hope that you get an A+++++++++++++!!!


:D  :D  :D

Where do you live? Your quote says I posted around 16 hours ahead of my time zone  8)


I hope so too :)

Sunny, cold, cold, COLD Florida!!!!!


My HampsterDance time is set on Sydney, Australia time and I have been too lazy to change it.

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Phew. I just finished my homework, including the volunteer thing. Thanks for your help guys :D

Great news!  Let us know how the volunteer thing worked out.  Hope that you get an A+++++++++++++!!!


:D  :D  :D

Where do you live? Your quote says I posted around 16 hours ahead of my time zone  8)


I hope so too :)

Sunny, cold, cold, COLD Florida!!!!!


My HampsterDance time is set on Sydney, Australia time and I have been too lazy to change it.

I thought florida was warm  ???


Australia time?? No wonder  :eek

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Phew. I just finished my homework, including the volunteer thing. Thanks for your help guys :D

Great news!  Let us know how the volunteer thing worked out.  Hope that you get an A+++++++++++++!!!


:D  :D  :D

Where do you live? Your quote says I posted around 16 hours ahead of my time zone  8)


I hope so too :)

Sunny, cold, cold, COLD Florida!!!!!


My HampsterDance time is set on Sydney, Australia time and I have been too lazy to change it.

I thought florida was warm  ???


Australia time?? No wonder  :eek

Not warm today...  you all sent down the frigid temperatures from up north.  Right about now, I need the fur coat of a wolf or a polar bear.  Hamster fur just does not keep the cold out.


I never changed the time from Fuzzy time.


:D  :D  :D

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Phew. I just finished my homework, including the volunteer thing. Thanks for your help guys :D

So we can stop thinking of ideas :penguin  :D  :penguin !

Yes, you're free to go  :laugh:

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Not warm today...  you all sent down the frigid temperatures from up north.  Right about now, I need the fur coat of a wolf or a polar bear.  Hamster fur just does not keep the cold out.


I never changed the time from Fuzzy time.


:D  :D  :D

Fuzzy Time. I like it  :D


...Where is hampton from?  ???


I need the fur coat of a wolf


*Looks at fur*...Hmmm.....

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Phew. I just finished my homework, including the volunteer thing. Thanks for your help guys :D

So we can stop thinking of ideas :penguin  :D  :penguin !

Yes, you're free to go  :laugh:

Thank you so much sir...I will be standing by until you need my services again.  (Not that I did anything...but I will be here!)


:laughing  :laughing  :laughing

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Phew. I just finished my homework, including the volunteer thing. Thanks for your help guys :D

So we can stop thinking of ideas  !

Yes, you're free to go  :laugh:

Thank you so much sir...I will be standing by until you need my services again.  (Not that I did anything...but I will be here!)


:laughing  :laughing  :laughing

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Not warm today...  you all sent down the frigid temperatures from up north.  Right about now, I need the fur coat of a wolf or a polar bear.  Hamster fur just does not keep the cold out.


I never changed the time from Fuzzy time.


:D  :D  :D

Fuzzy Time. I like it  :D


...Where is hampton from?  ???


I need the fur coat of a wolf


*Looks at fur*...Hmmm.....

Fuzzy time...   Remember the Sing A Simple Song video showing Sydney?  I don't know where Hampton is from, but in the video, he is down there with Fuzzy and the rest of the Hampsters.  I am going to find out, now that you ask.


:D  :D  :D

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Phew. I just finished my homework, including the volunteer thing. Thanks for your help guys :D

So we can stop thinking of ideas :penguin  :D  :penguin !

Yes, you're free to go  :laugh:

Thank you sir :D .


BTW go to Hado, I'm taking the sanities off on vaccation again in a couple of weeks :penguin  :cool:  :penguin !

I noticed, and I've decided that I will let mine go. Since I'm having my birthday in march why now?  :cool:

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Phew. I just finished my homework, including the volunteer thing. Thanks for your help guys :D

So we can stop thinking of ideas!

Yes, you're free to go  :laugh:

Thank you sir :D .


BTW go to Hado, I'm taking the sanities off on vaccation again in a couple of weeks!

I noticed, and I've decided that I will let mine go. Since I'm having my birthday in march why now?  :cool:

Sheena will answer this, but I will help in the meantime.  She is opening up the caravan for the summer season.  Please go over to Hado and take a look at the Tis Nearly Summer Topic.  You will enjoy reading it.

:D  :D  :D

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i can relate. no one likes me. im a loser. and things dont go too go for me sometimes either, just try to look at the good side of it...friends and stuff. try to froget about the bomb-looking school, and i dont like the stuff they talk about in school too much either, it tends to be boring, but just listen and get through the day.


...hope you feel better. and soon.

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i can relate. no one likes me. im a loser. and things dont go too go for me sometimes either, just try to look at the good side of it...friends and stuff. try to froget about the bomb-looking school, and i dont like the stuff they talk about in school too much either, it tends to be boring, but just listen and get through the day.


...hope you feel better. and soon.





Do not ever give people the power over your feelings.  You, most definitely, are NOT a loser.  You are liked.  You have friends.  

Please, I cannot ask you in stronger terms... do not ever, EVER say that again.  Promise me that!



..........NOW!!!  Promise me that you will never call yourself a loser again.  I am waiting.

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I've decided that I will let mine go.

Your sanities will have a great time.  You might just want to pack some warmer clothes as it not quite time for the swimsuit.


*hands Jesse a variety of bows and arrows, each with a suction cup on the end*


Here you go.  Archery equipment for your sanities.  As you might have noticed, we are not permitting sanities to have pointy, sharp weapons.  You never quite know when a sanity might "go off the deep end" so to speak.  Want to keep those sanities sane now, don't we!

:laughing  :laughing  :laughing

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I've decided that I will let mine go.

Your sanities will have a great time.  You might just want to pack some warmer clothes as it not quite time for the swimsuit.


*hands Jesse a variety of bows and arrows, each with a suction cup on the end*


Here you go.  Archery equipment for your sanities.  As you might have noticed, we are not permitting sanities to have pointy, sharp weapons.  You never quite know when a sanity might "go off the deep end" so to speak.  Want to keep those sanities sane now, don't we!

:laughing  :laughing  :laughing

Why clothes? Can ball-shaped items wear those?  :laugh:

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I'm sorry Sheena  :( I never knew you had a twisted spine  :sleepy:

It's OK.  Sometime between the age of 14 and 21, my right leg grew an inch longer than my left leg causing my spine to twist up towards the right hip.  I used to have terrible problems with it, even after they first started to build up my left shoes for me.


Now I've learnt to live with it and know where to be careful, like not trying to lift or move anything too heavy, hence why I don't want to try and move fridges etc.  When I do archery, I have to stand with my weight on my left foot.  If I stand with my weight evenly distributed, it can cause me to 'pull' my back.  However the only thing I've found that I cannot do at all is go on the bumper (dodgem) cars at the fair (carnaval) and pesonally I think that's a small price to pay :penguin  :sleepy:  :penguin .

Wow. That sounds weird to me to have to put your weight on a certain foot. What would happen if you twisted your left ankle?  :sleepy: I'm glad it's not that bad though, you can still do archery at any rate



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You've deffinatley had too much caffine.  That was very 'off the wall', although I suppose that if I do archery it's only fair that the sanities have a go.  I'll have to start taking them with me to the archery field this summer and get blindmouse to give them some coaching!



This I would like to see...  a blind mouse coaching sanities in the fine art of archery.


*puts on armour that resembles that of the armour worn in the first century*  :eek  :eek  :eek  :eek


Today will be handing out body armour at the archery range.  If you wish to participate in the shooting events, please pick up your armour immediately.


:laughing  :laughing  :laughing

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I'm sorry Sheena  :( I never knew you had a twisted spine  :sleepy:

It's OK.  Sometime between the age of 14 and 21, my right leg grew an inch longer than my left leg causing my spine to twist up towards the right hip.  I used to have terrible problems with it, even after they first started to build up my left shoes for me.


Now I've learnt to live with it and know where to be careful, like not trying to lift or move anything too heavy, hence why I don't want to try and move fridges etc.  When I do archery, I have to stand with my weight on my left foot.  If I stand with my weight evenly distributed, it can cause me to 'pull' my back.  However the only thing I've found that I cannot do at all is go on the bumper (dodgem) cars at the fair (carnaval) and pesonally I think that's a small price to pay :penguin  :sleepy:  :penguin .

Wow. That sounds weird to me to have to put your weight on a certain foot. What would happen if you twisted your left ankle?  :sleepy: I'm glad it's not that bad though, you can still do archery at any rate



:laugh: I'd hobble like anyone else!  Seriously though, I have twisted that ankle and I still keep shooting.  When you're focused on the archery, you don't notice it.  And even if I do wince, blindmouse will just get me laughing instead :penguin  :penguin .

I see. You should be thankful for blindmouse :)

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I'm sorry Sheena  :( I never knew you had a twisted spine

It's OK.  Sometime between the age of 14 and 21, my right leg grew an inch longer than my left leg causing my spine to twist up towards the right hip.  I used to have terrible problems with it, even after they first started to build up my left shoes for me.


Now I've learnt to live with it and know where to be careful, like not trying to lift or move anything too heavy, hence why I don't want to try and move fridges etc.  When I do archery, I have to stand with my weight on my left foot.  If I stand with my weight evenly distributed, it can cause me to 'pull' my back.  However the only thing I've found that I cannot do at all is go on the bumper (dodgem) cars at the fair (carnaval) and pesonally I think that's a small price to pay.

Wow. That sounds weird to me to have to put your weight on a certain foot. What would happen if you twisted your left ankle? I'm glad it's not that bad though, you can still do archery at any rate

:laugh: I'd hobble like anyone else!  Seriously though, I have twisted that ankle and I still keep shooting.  When you're focused on the archery, you don't notice it.  And even if I do wince, blindmouse will just get me laughing instead.

I see. You should be thankful for blindmouse :)

I am.  He is the best friend a person could have and certainly the closest friend I've ever had.  Over the last week we've sort of adopted each other.  He told me that he thinks of me as the sister he never had, which startled me somewhat as I'd said to John last summer that I felt if blindmouse was the brother that I'd never had.  BTW both bm and myself are only children :penguin  :sleepy:  :penguin .

That's cool. I wish I had someone like that to be there for me  :upside:

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I'm sorry Sheena  :( I never knew you had a twisted spine

It's OK.  Sometime between the age of 14 and 21, my right leg grew an inch longer than my left leg causing my spine to twist up towards the right hip.  I used to have terrible problems with it, even after they first started to build up my left shoes for me.


Now I've learnt to live with it and know where to be careful, like not trying to lift or move anything too heavy, hence why I don't want to try and move fridges etc.  When I do archery, I have to stand with my weight on my left foot.  If I stand with my weight evenly distributed, it can cause me to 'pull' my back.  However the only thing I've found that I cannot do at all is go on the bumper (dodgem) cars at the fair (carnaval) and pesonally I think that's a small price to pay.

Wow. That sounds weird to me to have to put your weight on a certain foot. What would happen if you twisted your left ankle? I'm glad it's not that bad though, you can still do archery at any rate

:laugh: I'd hobble like anyone else!  Seriously though, I have twisted that ankle and I still keep shooting.  When you're focused on the archery, you don't notice it.  And even if I do wince, blindmouse will just get me laughing instead.

I see. You should be thankful for blindmouse :)

I am.  He is the best friend a person could have and certainly the closest friend I've ever had.  Over the last week we've sort of adopted each other.  He told me that he thinks of me as the sister he never had, which startled me somewhat as I'd said to John last summer that I felt if blindmouse was the brother that I'd never had.  BTW both bm and myself are only children :penguin  :sleepy:  :penguin .

*sees a possibility*  ???

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I'm sorry Sheena  :( I never knew you had a twisted spine

It's OK.  Sometime between the age of 14 and 21, my right leg grew an inch longer than my left leg causing my spine to twist up towards the right hip.  I used to have terrible problems with it, even after they first started to build up my left shoes for me.


Now I've learnt to live with it and know where to be careful, like not trying to lift or move anything too heavy, hence why I don't want to try and move fridges etc.  When I do archery, I have to stand with my weight on my left foot.  If I stand with my weight evenly distributed, it can cause me to 'pull' my back.  However the only thing I've found that I cannot do at all is go on the bumper (dodgem) cars at the fair (carnaval) and pesonally I think that's a small price to pay.

Wow. That sounds weird to me to have to put your weight on a certain foot. What would happen if you twisted your left ankle? I'm glad it's not that bad though, you can still do archery at any rate

:laugh: I'd hobble like anyone else!  Seriously though, I have twisted that ankle and I still keep shooting.  When you're focused on the archery, you don't notice it.  And even if I do wince, blindmouse will just get me laughing instead.

I see. You should be thankful for blindmouse :)

I am.  He is the best friend a person could have and certainly the closest friend I've ever had.  Over the last week we've sort of adopted each other.  He told me that he thinks of me as the sister he never had, which startled me somewhat as I'd said to John last summer that I felt if blindmouse was the brother that I'd never had.  BTW both bm and myself are only children :penguin  :sleepy:  :penguin .

That's cool. I wish I had someone like that to be there for me  :upside:

Hey that's what we're here for.  :upside:  Speaking of being places, your ans LE's boards have been awful quiet lately....

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I'm sorry Sheena  :( I never knew you had a twisted spine

It's OK.  Sometime between the age of 14 and 21, my right leg grew an inch longer than my left leg causing my spine to twist up towards the right hip.  I used to have terrible problems with it, even after they first started to build up my left shoes for me.


Now I've learnt to live with it and know where to be careful, like not trying to lift or move anything too heavy, hence why I don't want to try and move fridges etc.  When I do archery, I have to stand with my weight on my left foot.  If I stand with my weight evenly distributed, it can cause me to 'pull' my back.  However the only thing I've found that I cannot do at all is go on the bumper (dodgem) cars at the fair (carnaval) and pesonally I think that's a small price to pay.

Wow. That sounds weird to me to have to put your weight on a certain foot. What would happen if you twisted your left ankle? I'm glad it's not that bad though, you can still do archery at any rate

:laugh: I'd hobble like anyone else!  Seriously though, I have twisted that ankle and I still keep shooting.  When you're focused on the archery, you don't notice it.  And even if I do wince, blindmouse will just get me laughing instead.

I see. You should be thankful for blindmouse :)

I am.  He is the best friend a person could have and certainly the closest friend I've ever had.  Over the last week we've sort of adopted each other.  He told me that he thinks of me as the sister he never had, which startled me somewhat as I'd said to John last summer that I felt if blindmouse was the brother that I'd never had.  BTW both bm and myself are only children :penguin  :sleepy:  :penguin .

*sees a possibility*  ???

Please elucidate :penguin  ???  :penguin .

What's elucidate mean? ???

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I'm sorry Sheena  :( I never knew you had a twisted spine

It's OK.  Sometime between the age of 14 and 21, my right leg grew an inch longer than my left leg causing my spine to twist up towards the right hip.  I used to have terrible problems with it, even after they first started to build up my left shoes for me.


Now I've learnt to live with it and know where to be careful, like not trying to lift or move anything too heavy, hence why I don't want to try and move fridges etc.  When I do archery, I have to stand with my weight on my left foot.  If I stand with my weight evenly distributed, it can cause me to 'pull' my back.  However the only thing I've found that I cannot do at all is go on the bumper (dodgem) cars at the fair (carnaval) and pesonally I think that's a small price to pay.

Wow. That sounds weird to me to have to put your weight on a certain foot. What would happen if you twisted your left ankle? I'm glad it's not that bad though, you can still do archery at any rate

:laugh: I'd hobble like anyone else!  Seriously though, I have twisted that ankle and I still keep shooting.  When you're focused on the archery, you don't notice it.  And even if I do wince, blindmouse will just get me laughing instead.

I see. You should be thankful for blindmouse :)

I am.  He is the best friend a person could have and certainly the closest friend I've ever had.  Over the last week we've sort of adopted each other.  He told me that he thinks of me as the sister he never had, which startled me somewhat as I'd said to John last summer that I felt if blindmouse was the brother that I'd never had.  BTW both bm and myself are only children :penguin  :sleepy:  :penguin .

*sees a possibility*  ???

Please elucidate :penguin  ???  :penguin .

I don't know for sure, but he MIGHT be infering a marrage  ???

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Jesse I understand I can relate to those commercials too sometimes! WE WILL get through this. Hang in there. No dixie
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I'm sorry Sheena  :( I never knew you had a twisted spine

It's OK.  Sometime between the age of 14 and 21, my right leg grew an inch longer than my left leg causing my spine to twist up towards the right hip.  I used to have terrible problems with it, even after they first started to build up my left shoes for me.


Now I've learnt to live with it and know where to be careful, like not trying to lift or move anything too heavy, hence why I don't want to try and move fridges etc.  When I do archery, I have to stand with my weight on my left foot.  If I stand with my weight evenly distributed, it can cause me to 'pull' my back.  However the only thing I've found that I cannot do at all is go on the bumper (dodgem) cars at the fair (carnaval) and pesonally I think that's a small price to pay.

Wow. That sounds weird to me to have to put your weight on a certain foot. What would happen if you twisted your left ankle? I'm glad it's not that bad though, you can still do archery at any rate

:laugh: I'd hobble like anyone else!  Seriously though, I have twisted that ankle and I still keep shooting.  When you're focused on the archery, you don't notice it.  And even if I do wince, blindmouse will just get me laughing instead.

I see. You should be thankful for blindmouse

I am.  He is the best friend a person could have and certainly the closest friend I've ever had.  Over the last week we've sort of adopted each other.  He told me that he thinks of me as the sister he never had, which startled me somewhat as I'd said to John last summer that I felt if blindmouse was the brother that I'd never had.  BTW both bm and myself are only children.

*sees a possibility*  ???

Please elucidate.

I don't know for sure, but he MIGHT be infering a marrage  

Well that's what I was thinking, which made me laugh because:


1  I'm not divorced and

2  While bm is very much my best friend, he still loves his wife!


Nice sentiment though :penguin  :penguin  :penguin !

I think they meant that he could be like an adopted brother.

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Eek I'm having a crisis between whether to take Art or Band next year. I'm taking band this year but it's pretty pressuring, but then again I'm not sure if I'm good enough in art, and then again I had so much fun in art last year...but then again should I stop the clarinet...blah
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Eek I'm having a crisis between whether to take Art or Band next year. I'm taking band this year but it's pretty pressuring, but then again I'm not sure if I'm good enough in art, and then again I had so much fun in art last year...but then again should I stop the clarinet...blah

Jesse, I think you should follow your heart.  If you really enjoyed art last year, do not worry if you are good enough, you will have just as good a time next year.  You are in art to learn, not perform.  If you are a willing student, which you are, then you will do great!  I believe art is about attitude, which yours if fantastic.  Enjoy yourself while you can.  :D  :D  :D

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I got to shoot a bow once, it's hard.


I wanna go horseback riding because I have never been on a horse.



It's great fun though when you master your bow :penguin  :cool:  :penguin .

I like shooting a bow, it's not that hard, and I'm going to the shooting range this week to shoot a gun for my first time, I might be going hunting soon too!

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Eek I'm having a crisis between whether to take Art or Band next year. I'm taking band this year but it's pretty pressuring, but then again I'm not sure if I'm good enough in art, and then again I had so much fun in art last year...but then again should I stop the clarinet...blah

judging by your avatars id say yuod definatly be good enough in art! It sounds like a pretty tough choice, but go with whats best for you. :)

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Eek I'm having a crisis between whether to take Art or Band next year. I'm taking band this year but it's pretty pressuring, but then again I'm not sure if I'm good enough in art, and then again I had so much fun in art last year...but then again should I stop the clarinet...blah

I'd go with whatever one you enjoy the most and whatever one you're best at. Personally, I think band will look better on your college application. Pray about it.

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Eek I'm having a crisis between whether to take Art or Band next year. I'm taking band this year but it's pretty pressuring, but then again I'm not sure if I'm good enough in art, and then again I had so much fun in art last year...but then again should I stop the clarinet...blah

Jesse, I think you should follow your heart.  If you really enjoyed art last year, do not worry if you are good enough, you will have just as good a time next year.  You are in art to learn, not perform.  If you are a willing student, which you are, then you will do great!  I believe art is about attitude, which yours if fantastic.  Enjoy yourself while you can.  :D  :D  :D

Thanks. But I think the reason I had such a good time was that it was the end of the year and we didn't have to do much...so all I did was free sketches.

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Eek I'm having a crisis between whether to take Art or Band next year. I'm taking band this year but it's pretty pressuring, but then again I'm not sure if I'm good enough in art, and then again I had so much fun in art last year...but then again should I stop the clarinet...blah

Jesse, I think you should follow your heart.  If you really enjoyed art last year, do not worry if you are good enough, you will have just as good a time next year.  You are in art to learn, not perform.  If you are a willing student, which you are, then you will do great!  I believe art is about attitude, which yours if fantastic.  Enjoy yourself while you can.  :D  :D  :D

Thanks. But I think the reason I had such a good time was that it was the end of the year and we didn't have to do much...so all I did was free sketches.

Yay! Jesse's on!  :P  Haven't seen you around much lately.

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Blarg...my parents are fighting again.


Jeez. Whenever my mom says something that annoys dad he makes a big deal about it and starts yelling at her and everything. He makes a lot of noice like slamming doors and yelling really loud. As if we didn't know they were fighting! If my mom gets annoyed by it enough then she gets to be that way too. But it doesn't sound like she's gotten to that point this time. I hear a lot of "I didn't say that!" and a lot of "Yes you did!" - it sounds like little children arguing! Sometimes I feel like I'm more civilized than them - at least I don't go stomping around, banging doors and making accusations without ever presenting proof. And when I hear something that annoys me, I deal with it, as hard as it is. And if I ever do get that angry I take it out on the pillow - not a door, not through an argument (please, the doors are thin wood, be careful with them!). Or I would just cry. I'd much rather cry than argue with someone, especially if I knew other people would be scared from it. But no, they don't care how much I'm scared from it, or my brother or sister. They don't care about anything except themselves and whatever they did to cause the strange arguement. And they make as much noise as they want. And they hold grudges against each other for awhile (well not really, mabye an hour) and then become silent and never speaking to each other, or not seeing each other for that. And then eventually they randomly make up as if nothing happened. Sounds like little children to me. Not to mention whenever my mom tries to apoligize my dad never believes her, and I constantly hear my dad saying stuff like "I said" and "I feel". Well, sometimes I never share what I say and feel, you can do it too, dad! You don't care about how I feel when you say stuff to me, why does mom have to care about what you feel? Take it out by writing in your journal. Or just tell her that it annoys you. But don't act like she's putting the world to an end or something. That's ridiculous. Be more gentile. Care about her feelings when you argue with her. Care about the other people who are scared by the noise. Just do something about it...right now it isn't right. :sleepy:


Sorry, I needed to let that out. Don't accept this message if you don't want to.

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Blarg...my parents are fighting again.


Jeez. Whenever my mom says something that annoys dad he makes a big deal about it and starts yelling at her and everything. He makes a lot of noice like slamming doors and yelling really loud. As if we didn't know they were fighting! If my mom gets annoyed by it enough then she gets to be that way too. But it doesn't sound like she's gotten to that point this time. I hear a lot of "I didn't say that!" and a lot of "Yes you did!" - it sounds like little children arguing! Sometimes I feel like I'm more civilized than them - at least I don't go stomping around, banging doors and making accusations without ever presenting proof. And when I hear something that annoys me, I deal with it, as hard as it is. And if I ever do get that angry I take it out on the pillow - not a door, not through an argument (please, the doors are thin wood, be careful with them!). Or I would just cry. I'd much rather cry than argue with someone, especially if I knew other people would be scared from it. But no, they don't care how much I'm scared from it, or my brother or sister. They don't care about anything except themselves and whatever they did to cause the strange arguement. And they make as much noise as they want. And they hold grudges against each other for awhile (well not really, mabye an hour) and then become silent and never speaking to each other, or not seeing each other for that. And then eventually they randomly make up as if nothing happened. Sounds like little children to me. Not to mention whenever my mom tries to apoligize my dad never believes her, and I constantly hear my dad saying stuff like "I said" and "I feel". Well, sometimes I never share what I say and feel, you can do it too, dad! You don't care about how I feel when you say stuff to me, why does mom have to care about what you feel? Take it out by writing in your journal. Or just tell her that it annoys you. But don't act like she's putting the world to an end or something. That's ridiculous. Be more gentile. Care about her feelings when you argue with her. Care about the other people who are scared by the noise. Just do something about it...right now it isn't right. :sleepy:


Sorry, I needed to let that out. Don't accept this message if you don't want to.

You're not alone. My parents do that....I'd say..... every other month. That when me and my sister go into our romms and stay out of the way. As for your parents, have you and your siblings ever explained how you feel to your parents? ( I suggest doing so in a time of peace) And I must say, congrats on taking your anger out rationally. A lot of people do result to yelling, breaking things, and even hurting themselves! When I'm angry or upset I ask God to take care of it, write in my journal, or cry. When I'm frustrated at school (which has been a lot lately) I find drawing random squiggly lines helps for some odd reason. It helps me calm down. If you ever need someone to talk to, post on your boards. I check those a lot.

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Blarg...my parents are fighting again.


Jeez. Whenever my mom says something that annoys dad he makes a big deal about it and starts yelling at her and everything. He makes a lot of noice like slamming doors and yelling really loud. As if we didn't know they were fighting! If my mom gets annoyed by it enough then she gets to be that way too. But it doesn't sound like she's gotten to that point this time. I hear a lot of "I didn't say that!" and a lot of "Yes you did!" - it sounds like little children arguing! Sometimes I feel like I'm more civilized than them - at least I don't go stomping around, banging doors and making accusations without ever presenting proof. And when I hear something that annoys me, I deal with it, as hard as it is. And if I ever do get that angry I take it out on the pillow - not a door, not through an argument (please, the doors are thin wood, be careful with them!). Or I would just cry. I'd much rather cry than argue with someone, especially if I knew other people would be scared from it. But no, they don't care how much I'm scared from it, or my brother or sister. They don't care about anything except themselves and whatever they did to cause the strange arguement. And they make as much noise as they want. And they hold grudges against each other for awhile (well not really, mabye an hour) and then become silent and never speaking to each other, or not seeing each other for that. And then eventually they randomly make up as if nothing happened. Sounds like little children to me. Not to mention whenever my mom tries to apoligize my dad never believes her, and I constantly hear my dad saying stuff like "I said" and "I feel". Well, sometimes I never share what I say and feel, you can do it too, dad! You don't care about how I feel when you say stuff to me, why does mom have to care about what you feel? Take it out by writing in your journal. Or just tell her that it annoys you. But don't act like she's putting the world to an end or something. That's ridiculous. Be more gentile. Care about her feelings when you argue with her. Care about the other people who are scared by the noise. Just do something about it...right now it isn't right. :sleepy:


Sorry, I needed to let that out. Don't accept this message if you don't want to.

You're not alone. My parents do that....I'd say..... every other month. That when me and my sister go into our romms and stay out of the way. As for your parents, have you and your siblings ever explained how you feel to your parents? ( I suggest doing so in a time of peace) And I must say, congrats on taking your anger out rationally. A lot of people do result to yelling, breaking things, and even hurting themselves! When I'm angry or upset I ask God to take care of it, write in my journal, or cry. When I'm frustrated at school (which has been a lot lately) I find drawing random squiggly lines helps for some odd reason. It helps me calm down. If you ever need someone to talk to, post on your boards. I check those a lot.

Thanks. I think my dad only realizes how we feel about it after the argument was over, and he apoligizes, sometimes. Same with my mom. And he seems to forget about it again the next time  8)

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Blarg...my parents are fighting again.


Jeez. Whenever my mom says something that annoys dad he makes a big deal about it and starts yelling at her and everything. He makes a lot of noice like slamming doors and yelling really loud. As if we didn't know they were fighting! If my mom gets annoyed by it enough then she gets to be that way too. But it doesn't sound like she's gotten to that point this time. I hear a lot of "I didn't say that!" and a lot of "Yes you did!" - it sounds like little children arguing! Sometimes I feel like I'm more civilized than them - at least I don't go stomping around, banging doors and making accusations without ever presenting proof. And when I hear something that annoys me, I deal with it, as hard as it is. And if I ever do get that angry I take it out on the pillow - not a door, not through an argument (please, the doors are thin wood, be careful with them!). Or I would just cry. I'd much rather cry than argue with someone, especially if I knew other people would be scared from it. But no, they don't care how much I'm scared from it, or my brother or sister. They don't care about anything except themselves and whatever they did to cause the strange arguement. And they make as much noise as they want. And they hold grudges against each other for awhile (well not really, mabye an hour) and then become silent and never speaking to each other, or not seeing each other for that. And then eventually they randomly make up as if nothing happened. Sounds like little children to me. Not to mention whenever my mom tries to apoligize my dad never believes her, and I constantly hear my dad saying stuff like "I said" and "I feel". Well, sometimes I never share what I say and feel, you can do it too, dad! You don't care about how I feel when you say stuff to me, why does mom have to care about what you feel? Take it out by writing in your journal. Or just tell her that it annoys you. But don't act like she's putting the world to an end or something. That's ridiculous. Be more gentile. Care about her feelings when you argue with her. Care about the other people who are scared by the noise. Just do something about it...right now it isn't right. :sleepy:


Sorry, I needed to let that out. Don't accept this message if you don't want to.

:sleepy:  :(  :(   maybe u could try and tell them how you feel...ive not really got much advice on this kinda stuff coz my parents are seperate... all i can do is give u a big cyber hug xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


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Blarg...my parents are fighting again.


Jeez. Whenever my mom says something that annoys dad he makes a big deal about it and starts yelling at her and everything. He makes a lot of noice like slamming doors and yelling really loud. As if we didn't know they were fighting! If my mom gets annoyed by it enough then she gets to be that way too. But it doesn't sound like she's gotten to that point this time. I hear a lot of "I didn't say that!" and a lot of "Yes you did!" - it sounds like little children arguing! Sometimes I feel like I'm more civilized than them - at least I don't go stomping around, banging doors and making accusations without ever presenting proof. And when I hear something that annoys me, I deal with it, as hard as it is. And if I ever do get that angry I take it out on the pillow - not a door, not through an argument (please, the doors are thin wood, be careful with them!). Or I would just cry. I'd much rather cry than argue with someone, especially if I knew other people would be scared from it. But no, they don't care how much I'm scared from it, or my brother or sister. They don't care about anything except themselves and whatever they did to cause the strange arguement. And they make as much noise as they want. And they hold grudges against each other for awhile (well not really, mabye an hour) and then become silent and never speaking to each other, or not seeing each other for that. And then eventually they randomly make up as if nothing happened. Sounds like little children to me. Not to mention whenever my mom tries to apoligize my dad never believes her, and I constantly hear my dad saying stuff like "I said" and "I feel". Well, sometimes I never share what I say and feel, you can do it too, dad! You don't care about how I feel when you say stuff to me, why does mom have to care about what you feel? Take it out by writing in your journal. Or just tell her that it annoys you. But don't act like she's putting the world to an end or something. That's ridiculous. Be more gentile. Care about her feelings when you argue with her. Care about the other people who are scared by the noise. Just do something about it...right now it isn't right. :sleepy:


Sorry, I needed to let that out. Don't accept this message if you don't want to.

:sleepy:  :(  :(   maybe u could try and tell them how you feel...ive not really got much advice on this kinda stuff coz my parents are seperate... all i can do is give u a big cyber hug xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Thanks for the hug :)


Like I've mentioned before, the problem is is that they DO know how we feel about it, but seem to forget about it whenever they start arguing.


Now that I think about it, since the arguments are about such stupid things (one was caused by slicing a ham), I doubt that it will cause like a seperation or anything. But it's still scary  :sleepy:


I'm sorry about your parents...*hug*

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Jesse, I am sorry that you parents were fighting.  This is very hard on everyone.  You show great self control and a perfect way to vent your emotions.  I can only offer an huggle... please be careful as I am only a small hamster and you are a big wolf.    *gives huggle*
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Blarg...my parents are fighting again.


Jeez. Whenever my mom says something that annoys dad he makes a big deal about it and starts yelling at her and everything. He makes a lot of noice like slamming doors and yelling really loud. As if we didn't know they were fighting! If my mom gets annoyed by it enough then she gets to be that way too. But it doesn't sound like she's gotten to that point this time. I hear a lot of "I didn't say that!" and a lot of "Yes you did!" - it sounds like little children arguing! Sometimes I feel like I'm more civilized than them - at least I don't go stomping around, banging doors and making accusations without ever presenting proof. And when I hear something that annoys me, I deal with it, as hard as it is. And if I ever do get that angry I take it out on the pillow - not a door, not through an argument (please, the doors are thin wood, be careful with them!). Or I would just cry. I'd much rather cry than argue with someone, especially if I knew other people would be scared from it. But no, they don't care how much I'm scared from it, or my brother or sister. They don't care about anything except themselves and whatever they did to cause the strange arguement. And they make as much noise as they want. And they hold grudges against each other for awhile (well not really, mabye an hour) and then become silent and never speaking to each other, or not seeing each other for that. And then eventually they randomly make up as if nothing happened. Sounds like little children to me. Not to mention whenever my mom tries to apoligize my dad never believes her, and I constantly hear my dad saying stuff like "I said" and "I feel". Well, sometimes I never share what I say and feel, you can do it too, dad! You don't care about how I feel when you say stuff to me, why does mom have to care about what you feel? Take it out by writing in your journal. Or just tell her that it annoys you. But don't act like she's putting the world to an end or something. That's ridiculous. Be more gentile. Care about her feelings when you argue with her. Care about the other people who are scared by the noise. Just do something about it...right now it isn't right. :sleepy:


Sorry, I needed to let that out. Don't accept this message if you don't want to.

:sleepy:  :(  :(   maybe u could try and tell them how you feel...ive not really got much advice on this kinda stuff coz my parents are seperate... all i can do is give u a big cyber hug xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Thanks for the hug :)


Like I've mentioned before, the problem is is that they DO know how we feel about it, but seem to forget about it whenever they start arguing.


Now that I think about it, since the arguments are about such stupid things (one was caused by slicing a ham), I doubt that it will cause like a seperation or anything. But it's still scary  :sleepy:


I'm sorry about your parents...*hug*

Well this might be a bit of a bold move and you might end up getting yelled at, but have you ever tried to stlle the argument? Or point out how stupid it is? They might get mad at you at first, but I think they will realize how foolishly they are acting.

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Jesse, I am sorry that you parents were fighting.  This is very hard on everyone.  You show great self control and a perfect way to vent your emotions.  I can only offer an huggle... please be careful as I am only a small hamster and you are a big wolf.    *gives huggle*

Lol, I have hugged small things before. :D *huggle*

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Blarg...my parents are fighting again.


Jeez. Whenever my mom says something that annoys dad he makes a big deal about it and starts yelling at her and everything. He makes a lot of noice like slamming doors and yelling really loud. As if we didn't know they were fighting! If my mom gets annoyed by it enough then she gets to be that way too. But it doesn't sound like she's gotten to that point this time. I hear a lot of "I didn't say that!" and a lot of "Yes you did!" - it sounds like little children arguing! Sometimes I feel like I'm more civilized than them - at least I don't go stomping around, banging doors and making accusations without ever presenting proof. And when I hear something that annoys me, I deal with it, as hard as it is. And if I ever do get that angry I take it out on the pillow - not a door, not through an argument (please, the doors are thin wood, be careful with them!). Or I would just cry. I'd much rather cry than argue with someone, especially if I knew other people would be scared from it. But no, they don't care how much I'm scared from it, or my brother or sister. They don't care about anything except themselves and whatever they did to cause the strange arguement. And they make as much noise as they want. And they hold grudges against each other for awhile (well not really, mabye an hour) and then become silent and never speaking to each other, or not seeing each other for that. And then eventually they randomly make up as if nothing happened. Sounds like little children to me. Not to mention whenever my mom tries to apoligize my dad never believes her, and I constantly hear my dad saying stuff like "I said" and "I feel". Well, sometimes I never share what I say and feel, you can do it too, dad! You don't care about how I feel when you say stuff to me, why does mom have to care about what you feel? Take it out by writing in your journal. Or just tell her that it annoys you. But don't act like she's putting the world to an end or something. That's ridiculous. Be more gentile. Care about her feelings when you argue with her. Care about the other people who are scared by the noise. Just do something about it...right now it isn't right. :sleepy:


Sorry, I needed to let that out. Don't accept this message if you don't want to.

:sleepy:  :(  :(   maybe u could try and tell them how you feel...ive not really got much advice on this kinda stuff coz my parents are seperate... all i can do is give u a big cyber hug xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Thanks for the hug :)


Like I've mentioned before, the problem is is that they DO know how we feel about it, but seem to forget about it whenever they start arguing.


Now that I think about it, since the arguments are about such stupid things (one was caused by slicing a ham), I doubt that it will cause like a seperation or anything. But it's still scary  :sleepy:


I'm sorry about your parents...*hug*

Well this might be a bit of a bold move and you might end up getting yelled at, but have you ever tried to stlle the argument? Or point out how stupid it is? They might get mad at you at first, but I think they will realize how foolishly they are acting.

Oh gosh...I wish I could do that...I don't think they would even listen to me...or worse...get me involved in it  8)


Hmm...I'll have to think about it though  :upside:

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Jesse, I am sorry that you parents were fighting.  This is very hard on everyone.  You show great self control and a perfect way to vent your emotions.  I can only offer an huggle... please be careful as I am only a small hamster and you are a big wolf.    *gives huggle*

Lol, I have hugged small things before. :D *huggle*

That makes my heart feel good!  Thanks Jesse! :D

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Jesse, I am sorry that you parents were fighting.  This is very hard on everyone.  You show great self control and a perfect way to vent your emotions.  I can only offer an huggle... please be careful as I am only a small hamster and you are a big wolf.    *gives huggle*

Lol, I have hugged small things before. :D *huggle*

That makes my heart feel good!  Thanks Jesse! :D

You're welcome :)

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John's just come back from France and bought me a pressie.  The area he was in has wolves not too far away and he brought me a cuddly wolf cub.  I named him straight away, let's see who can guess what I named him.  It shouldn't be too difficult to guess :penguin  ???  :penguin !

Jesse.  :D

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John's just come back from France and bought me a pressie.  The area he was in has wolves not too far away and he brought me a cuddly wolf cub.  I named him straight away, let's see who can guess what I named him.  It shouldn't be too difficult to guess :penguin  ???  :penguin !

I feel so special, thank you  :D I wish I could see it  :upside:

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