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You might be wondering why I havn't been posting much lately. I've told Sheena already, and she might have told you guys. But I want to tell it in my own words, and in more detail...


First off, like other people on this board, it's my first year at highschool. There's been lots of changes. Of course there's the usual new teachers, course prospectuses, lockers, etc. But then there's the other mostly negative changes. I'm in a new building that is actually an old building and looks like it was bombed or something, which is pretty depressing. Then there's the loads of homework I get. The classes themselves are hard too because they make you think more and things can get complicated. On the bright side, I've been introduced to my brother's friends, and I'm now going to sunday school and young life because of it.


There's also been some weird things happening with me. Lately things have been getting worse. Now I can't seem to be able to fall asleep until after midnight. I've been confused for a while, and I never know how I really feel. I'm not very social at school, and I'm not sure if I want to be social with them or not. I'm hypersensitive. I can't hear people well when they talk to me and I end up saying or doing the wrong things. Just this afternoon I got frustrated at my homework and ended up crying. I'm indecisive. And it feels like I've been loosing interest in things. Some of the topics are talking about things that, to be honest, I'm not really interested in. I'm not saying that you guys are boring, it is because of me...


I might be going through depression. When I see those zoloft commercials that list the signs of depression, I can relate to all but one or two of them.


I'm not saying that I want to leave. I don't want to leave. It's just that well, everything's been so confusing, and it doesn't feel like it's going to feel better anytime soon. When I look at my journal entries most of them arn't that positive. I feel like I'm lost in a foggy jungle or something...

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Dear Jesse,


Thank you for writing and letting us know what has been going on in your life.  I have been worried about you.


May I make a couple of suggestions?  Please try and talk to your mother and father about this.  If you feel that you are unable to talk to them about how you feel, please talk to a guidance counselor, teacher, minister, family doctor or some other adult that you trust.  If you are experiencing depression, or believe that you are going through something that is beyond your control, please talk to someone about this situation.  It is important that the person, with whom you carry on this conversation, understands exactly how you feel and does not tell you that you are going through a stage.  There is nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed of, as many people experience depression, stress or other forms of anxiety.


Please let us know how everything is going for you and hopefully you will work this out soon.


You have our thoughts and prayers and we will keep you in our hearts.


Lots of love in friendship,


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Dear Jesse,


After rereading your email, I have noticed that there are some really great things happening in your life.


Would you please tell me a little more about being introduced to your brother's friends, Sunday school and young life, the clarinet and the bright side of being in high school?


I have to go to the dentist, so I will write later.


Your pal Horatio

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Jesse, I REALLY hope everything gets alright soon. Recently, I've been talking to some people who ARE depressed, and I can sort of relate to some of the things you are feeling.


I really hope you can get through this. We're all here for you, and you seem to have friends and family who you can turn to.

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You might be wondering why I havn't been posting much lately. I've told Sheena already, and she might have told you guys. But I want to tell it in my own words, and in more detail...


First off, like other people on this board, it's my first year at highschool. There's been lots of changes. Of course there's the usual new teachers, course prospectuses, lockers, etc. But then there's the other mostly negative changes. I'm in a new building that is actually an old building and looks like it was bombed or something, which is pretty depressing. Then there's the loads of homework I get. The classes themselves are hard too because they make you think more and things can get complicated. On the bright side, I've been introduced to my brother's friends, and I'm now going to sunday school and young life because of it.


There's also been some weird things happening with me. Lately things have been getting worse. Now I can't seem to be able to fall asleep until after midnight. I've been confused for a while, and I never know how I really feel. I'm not very social at school, and I'm not sure if I want to be social with them or not. I'm hypersensitive. I can't hear people well when they talk to me and I end up saying or doing the wrong things. Just this afternoon I got frustrated at my homework and ended up crying. I'm indecisive. And it feels like I've been loosing interest in things. Some of the topics are talking about things that, to be honest, I'm not really interested in. I'm not saying that you guys are boring, it is because of me...


I might be going through depression. When I see those zoloft commercials that list the signs of depression, I can relate to all but one or two of them.


I'm not saying that I want to leave. I don't want to leave. It's just that well, everything's been so confusing, and it doesn't feel like it's going to feel better anytime soon. When I look at my journal entries most of them arn't that positive. I feel like I'm lost in a foggy jungle or something...

Aww...I hope you feel better.  I went through something like that in my sophomore year.  I wasn't social, I got all frustrated, and I thought I was going under depression.  I talked to my two good friends about it and they made feel a whole lot better.


Don't worry.  You'll get better soon.  Just try not to do anything you're not supposed to. :sleepy:  :upside:

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LifesEagle and CheetaSpot, those were really nice words.  There are times in our lives where we become quite overwhelmed with what is going on.  For Jesse, this time is now.  


Jesse, please focus on the positive and let the negative vanish from your life.  I know, easier said than done.  The commercials of which you speak are designed to hook you into their product.  Everyone has been in the spot that the commercials ask you if you are, but that does not mean necessarily that you need to be using their product.  What it seems to me is that you will be 15 soon, you are in a new school, studies are presented differently and there are lots of different pressures that you have not had to deal with before.  Put all of these things together and this is an overwhelming force to reckon with.  


If you try and focus on the positive factors in your life, I think you will realize the new direction your life is embarking on.  You have some new friends, who are also friends of your brother.  You are now going to Sunday school and young life and this is wonderful.  You will make even more friends here with a common thread as you all attend the same church and have similar ideas.  I am assuming you still play the clarinet and if you do this will open up other avenues for you.


As for not being able to get to sleep, this could be due to the fact that you  are going straight to bed without having time to wind down.  You are still thinking about things that make your mind active.  For example, if my boyfriend reads books about world affairs or some topic that he needs to pay attention to, such as technical books, then he will be up for hours afterwards.  May I suggest that after your homework, you give your mind time to take a break and do not begin worrying about tomorrow.  When I am studying for work, I begin worrying that I am wasting time sleeping when I could be studying.  Of course, this causes me to not get any sleep and I end up only sleeping a two or three hours.  In the end I am so tired that I have all the symptoms of depression and it is just severe fatigue.  If you lay in your bed and try relaxation techniques, this might help.  I count backwards slowly from 100...amazingly I have never gotten to 1.


As for social skills, I would not worry too much about this.  You will find clubs or activities that bring you together with people who feel the same way you do.  There are immense social pressures at school, if you just try and be yourself and be happy with who you are then the rest will fall in place.  The first priority is to be happy with yourself.


With regards to your not hearing, I suggest that you explain this to your parents and get a hearing test done.  It may be something very simple that can be cleared up.  Your family doctor will help with this hearing test and you might find that this is the cause for missing some of the conversation or mixing up what is said.


As for becoming frustrated and crying, as I said before, I would experience all this when I lacked sleep.  Just as you are, if you told me the slightest thing I would cry.  I could not make a decision about anything.  After passing my training and the stess of going through ground school was behind me, I was a different person because I was sleeping.


Lastly, as you go through life things change, interests change and this is to be expected.  What interested you last year or last month no longer captures your attention.  This is really okay as this is part of growing up.


Well, this was not intended to be a novel, but you are on my mind.  


Jesse, you will do great.  Please take just one step at a time and be happy with the positive things in your life.  You are going to be just fine.


Enough said.


Your pal always,



We do understand if you are unable to post as much.  We will be looking for a post that let's us know that things are looking up for you.

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You might be wondering why I havn't been posting much lately. I've told Sheena already, and she might have told you guys. But I want to tell it in my own words, and in more detail...


First off, like other people on this board, it's my first year at highschool. There's been lots of changes. Of course there's the usual new teachers, course prospectuses, lockers, etc. But then there's the other mostly negative changes. I'm in a new building that is actually an old building and looks like it was bombed or something, which is pretty depressing. Then there's the loads of homework I get. The classes themselves are hard too because they make you think more and things can get complicated. On the bright side, I've been introduced to my brother's friends, and I'm now going to sunday school and young life because of it.


There's also been some weird things happening with me. Lately things have been getting worse. Now I can't seem to be able to fall asleep until after midnight. I've been confused for a while, and I never know how I really feel. I'm not very social at school, and I'm not sure if I want to be social with them or not. I'm hypersensitive. I can't hear people well when they talk to me and I end up saying or doing the wrong things. Just this afternoon I got frustrated at my homework and ended up crying. I'm indecisive. And it feels like I've been loosing interest in things. Some of the topics are talking about things that, to be honest, I'm not really interested in. I'm not saying that you guys are boring, it is because of me...


I might be going through depression. When I see those zoloft commercials that list the signs of depression, I can relate to all but one or two of them.


I'm not saying that I want to leave. I don't want to leave. It's just that well, everything's been so confusing, and it doesn't feel like it's going to feel better anytime soon. When I look at my journal entries most of them arn't that positive. I feel like I'm lost in a foggy jungle or something...

Jesse... I'm sorry to hear this... I'll be there for you, no matter what, okay?  I'm not as interested in these boards anymore, really, but I knew that would happen.  If you need to talk, I'll be there for you, okay?

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Dear Jesse,


Thank you for writing and letting us know what has been going on in your life.  I have been worried about you.


May I make a couple of suggestions?  Please try and talk to your mother and father about this.  If you feel that you are unable to talk to them about how you feel, please talk to a guidance counselor, teacher, minister, family doctor or some other adult that you trust.  If you are experiencing depression, or believe that you are going through something that is beyond your control, please talk to someone about this situation.  It is important that the person, with whom you carry on this conversation, understands exactly how you feel and does not tell you that you are going through a stage.  There is nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed of, as many people experience depression, stress or other forms of anxiety.


Please let us know how everything is going for you and hopefully you will work this out soon.


You have our thoughts and prayers and we will keep you in our hearts.


Lots of love in friendship,


Thank you. By coincidence my mom asked me to talk to her and dad around 5 minutes after I posted that. My dad said it was normal for me to be going through these things because I'm going, new school, etc.


I just finished my homework, it took so long because I had band rehearsal from 5:00-8:00 and didn't get my hw done before then.


Anyway, I am using my mini disk player to go to sleep like my brother does, it helps alot. I have been reading before bed too.

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Dear Jesse,


After rereading your email, I have noticed that there are some really great things happening in your life.


Would you please tell me a little more about being introduced to your brother's friends, Sunday school and young life, the clarinet and the bright side of being in high school?


I have to go to the dentist, so I will write later.


Your pal Horatio

My brother's friends are okay, alittle weird, and the sad thing is they swear. I just deal with the swearing though.


Younglife is hard to go through because it is right after band rehearsal, and I couldn't go tonight because I'm tired. If I went I wouldn't be here typing this right now. It is fun though, there is singing, skits with crazy activities, and donuts!


Sunday school is good. I havn't been going in years so it's nice to be able to talk about the bible and how our lives relate to it, etc.


My clarinet squeeks from time to time, but no one seems to care that much. One of my brother's friends told me that he heard phil say that I was the best 3rd clarinet and would become a 2nd clarinet in the spring. My brother says that he's just saying that to be nice, but who knows...


High school is better than it could have been. The food is cool, my teachers are nice, and my locker actually works.

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Jesse, I REALLY hope everything gets alright soon. Recently, I've been talking to some people who ARE depressed, and I can sort of relate to some of the things you are feeling.


I really hope you can get through this. We're all here for you, and you seem to have friends and family who you can turn to.

I don't have any friends at school (I don't really count my brother's friends as my friends because they ignore me most of the time). I do have my parents, and my brother. My sister would probably listen to me too.


Anyway, it feels like after last night, the depression's starting to lift. I don't feel so ashamed of myself anymore...

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Aww...I hope you feel better.  I went through something like that in my sophomore year.  I wasn't social, I got all frustrated, and I thought I was going under depression.  I talked to my two good friends about it and they made feel a whole lot better.


Don't worry.  You'll get better soon.  Just try not to do anything you're not supposed to. :sleepy:  :upside:

Oh no, I'm not going to do anything I'm not supposed to do. And I know I will get better soon, mabye it's just a fase...I hope it is, anyway...


And yes, talking to someone else helps. When I talked to my parents, I felt alittle better, and I thought about it today and now I feel much better.

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LifesEagle and CheetaSpot, those were really nice words.  There are times in our lives where we become quite overwhelmed with what is going on.  For Jesse, this time is now.  


Jesse,please focus on the positive and let the negative vanish from your life.  I know, easier said than done.  The commercials of which you speak are designed to hook you into their product.  Everyone has been in the spot that the commercials ask you if you are, but that does not mean necessarily that you need to be using their product.  What it seems to me is that you will be 15 soon, you are in a new school, studies are presented differently and there are lots of different pressures that you have not had to deal with before.  Put all of these things together and this is an overwhelming force to reckon with.  


If you try and focus on the positive factors in your life, I think you will realize the new direction your life is embarking on.  You have some new friends, who are also friends of your brother.  You are now going to Sunday school and young life and this is wonderful.  You will make even more friends here with a common thread as you all attend the same church and have similar ideas.  I am assuming you still play the clarinet and if you do this will open up other avenues for you.


As for not being able to get to sleep, this could be due to the fact that you  are going straight to bed without having time to wind down.  You are still thinking about things that make your mind active.  For example, if my boyfriend reads books about world affairs or some topic that he needs to pay attention to, such as technical books, then he will be up for hours afterwards.  May I suggest that after your homework, you give your mind time to take a break and do not begin worrying about tomorrow.  When I am studying for work, I begin worrying that I am wasting time sleeping when I could be studying.  Of course, this causes me to not get any sleep and I end up only sleeping a two or three hours.  In the end I am so tired that I have all the symptoms of depression and it is just severe fatigue.  If you lay in your bed and try relaxation techniques, this might help.  I count backwards slowly from 100...amazingly I have never gotten to 1.


As for social skills, I would not worry too much about this.  You will find clubs or activities that bring you together with people who feel the same way you do.  There are immense social pressures at school, if you just try and be yourself and be happy with who you are then the rest will fall in place.  The first priority is to be happy with yourself.


With regards to your not hearing, I suggest that you explain this to your parents and get a hearing test done.  It may be something very simple that can be cleared up.  Your family doctor will help with this hearing test and you might find that this is the cause for missing some of the conversation or mixing up what is said.


As for becoming frustrated and crying, as I said before, I would experience all this when I lacked sleep.  Just as you are, if you told me the slightest thing I would cry.  I could not make a decision about anything.  After passing my training and the stess of going through ground school was behind me, I was a different person because I was sleeping.


Lastly, as you go through life things change, interests change and this is to be expected.  What interested you last year or last month no longer captures your attention.  This is really okay as this is part of growing up.


Well, this was not intended to be a novel, but you are on my mind.  


Jesse, you will do great.  Please take just one step at a time and be happy with the positive things in your life.  You are going to be just fine.


Enough said.


Your pal always,



We do understand if you are unable to post as much.  We will be looking for a post that let's us know that things are looking up for you.

I never thought about that, but yes, those commercials are probably just trying to get me to buy the pills. Besides the side affects wouldn't be very nice  8)


Yeah, there are new opporitunities opening up for me. I'm uneasy about all of them, but I'll go along with them to see where I'll end up. I'm going to young life winter weekend this weekend. :D


Oh yes, which reminds me, I will not be here over the weekend. I can't remember if I'm going friday or saturday. Either way my board's getting shut down as usual.


As for going to bed, I'm reading as I've always done. Sometimes I forget though because I get rushed by my mom. I'll try to remember more. Also I'm now using my mini disk player. I've tried it last night and it really helps.


I do see a link between the frustration and sleep. Today I had more sleep from the night before so I didn't get frustrated at my homework.


For being social, I am already being more social because of sunday school and young life. Sometimes I talk at lunch too, and as I've said before, I'm not so ashamed of myself anymore.


Thank you all for your support and advice. I'm so happy I have friends like you guys. :sleepy:

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Dear Jesse,


After rereading your email, I have noticed that there are some really great things happening in your life.


Would you please tell me a little more about being introduced to your brother's friends, Sunday school and young life, the clarinet and the bright side of being in high school?


I have to go to the dentist, so I will write later.


Your pal Horatio

My brother's friends are okay, alittle weird, and the sad thing is they swear. I just deal with the swearing though.


Younglife is hard to go through because it is right after band rehearsal, and I couldn't go tonight because I'm tired. If I went I wouldn't be here typing this right now. It is fun though, there is singing, skits with crazy activities, and donuts!


Sunday school is good. I havn't been going in years so it's nice to be able to talk about the bible and how our lives relate to it, etc.


My clarinet squeeks from time to time, but no one seems to care that much. One of my brother's friends told me that he heard phil say that I was the best 3rd clarinet and would become a 2nd clarinet in the spring. My brother says that he's just saying that to be nice, but who knows...


High school is better than it could have been. The food is cool, my teachers are nice, and my locker actually works.

Oh Jesse, it is great to hear the news!


One thing that I have found, is that people usually do not make comments such as being the best 3rd clarinet and possibly moving up to the 2nd clarinet unless there is some truth to it.  So perhaps your brother just feels a bit insecure that you are developing your own successful life. You and your brother will be growing into a different level of your relationship.  There will be some issues that you will deal with, but I believe that you both will have an even better friendship.


You will figure out what works for you and what things you need to cut back on.  It looks like you are making some very good choices and you realized that you were tired and skipped young life.  That is great that you can recognize your limitations.  Most adults do not have that capability.


More importantly you like your teachers and lucky you, your locker works.  I have a locker at work and it has a mind of it's own.  I always have to arrive an extra 15 minutes early just in case my locker forgets what combination it is supposed to open to.  (I have had this same locker for many years...so I really do know the combination!)


Well, we are here for you.  Take care of yourself and we will be thrilled to hear from you when you get time!


Your pal,


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I've read what you've said and I've read the replies and yes I agree that this could be a lot to do with the pressure of the changes that are going on around you.


However there are two specifics that cause me concern:


1  That you say you cannot hear what is going on around you and when people are talking to you get yourself to the doctors and have some hearing tests done.  It could simply be an infection, but you have to make sure.  If you're not hearing things corectly, this will be adding to your feelings of isolation!


2  The depression.  I've said before that I'm a clinical depressive.  I always know when it's getting worse simply because I can't go to bed, at least not until the early hours.  If you have problems with your hearing, especially when you've been thrown into the situation of a new school, this is going to make your feelings worse.  For years I fought not to get medical help for the depression, but when I did, it was such a relief, so while you are at the doctors over the hearing, talk to him/her about the down feelings you have.


Jesse we are all thinking of you.  Please go and get yourself some help.  Don't suffer as I did :penguin  :sleepy:  :penguin .

Well, the docter DID say that I had an inner ear wax problem. I never had that fully fixed.  :sleepy: Either way, it's really only hard to hear people when I'm in places like a noisy classroom, cafeteria, etc, I can hear them just fine if there isn't too many other people there.

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Jesse, I am so glad that things are getting better for you!  :D  


Friends are hard to make and keep, I know. Once you have sorted out everything else that is troubling you, then maybe you could try to make a new friend.

When I started senior school, I was looking for a new friend for ages. For weeks I had no one, and life was pretty rubbish  :sleepy:  And then I made a new friend, and we're brilliant friends even now. So even when I was feeling terrible, my friend helped me pull through.

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Oh Jesse, it is great to hear the news!


One thing that I have found, is that people usually do not make comments such as being the best 3rd clarinet and possibly moving up to the 2nd clarinet unless there is some truth to it.  So perhaps your brother just feels a bit insecure that you are developing your own successful life. You and your brother will be growing into a different level of your relationship.  There will be some issues that you will deal with, but I believe that you both will have an even better friendship.


You will figure out what works for you and what things you need to cut back on.  It looks like you are making some very good choices and you realized that you were tired and skipped young life.  That is great that you can recognize your limitations.  Most adults do not have that capability.


More importantly you like your teachers and lucky you, your locker works.  I have a locker at work and it has a mind of it's own.  I always have to arrive an extra 15 minutes early just in case my locker forgets what combinastion it is supposed to open to.  (I have had this same locker for many years...so I really do know the combination!)


Well, we are here for you.  Take care of yourself and we will be thrilled to hear from you when you get time!


Your pal,


For me and my brother, it feels like we're growing apart. Just about everything he says to me is an order, and he says them as if I'm stupid.


Yes, I do know my limitations, unfortunatly, I set them to close sometimes. At least this way I won't ever overdo anything  :sleepy:


Like you, alot of kids at school talk about how their lockers don't work, which is why I was happy about it in the first place. I also heard that the seniors are loosing their lockers due to rennovation!  :eek And they won't have any others to move into  :o Not only do I like my teachers, but according to conferences my teachers like me too, which is nice to know. :)

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y'know, i really cant talk, cuz im only 11, but, it sounds 2 me like ur having sum high-skool newbie jitters! ur only a freshmen, and everything is new, and u shud get used 2 it! but, then agin, im only 11, so.... :D
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I never thought about that, but yes, those commercials are probably just trying to get me to buy the pills. Besides the side affects wouldn't be very nice  8)


Yeah, there are new opporitunities opening up for me. I'm uneasy about all of them, but I'll go along with them to see where I'll end up. I'm going to young life winter weekend this weekend. :D


Oh yes, which reminds me, I will not be here over the weekend. I can't remember if I'm going friday or saturday. Either way my board's getting shut down as usual.


As for going to bed, I'm reading as I've always done. Sometimes I forget though because I get rushed by my mom. I'll try to remember more. Also I'm now using my mini disk player. I've tried it last night and it really helps.


I do see a link between the frustration and sleep. Today I had more sleep from the night before so I didn't get frustrated at my homework.


For being social, I am already being more social because of sunday school and young life. Sometimes I talk at lunch too, and as I've said before, I'm not so ashamed of myself anymore.


Thank you all for your support and advice. I'm so happy I have friends like you guys. :sleepy:

Glad to hear that you have a young life winter weekend!  That sounds really wonderful.  Have a great time!


As for traveling down the road of life, there are choices that are clear and simple, choices that you will struggle with and choices that when you look back you say, well I wonder what would have happened had I took the other road.  If you continually open the doors of opportunity, you will give yourself so many places to travel, that your road will become clear.


Sometimes you have major decisions, that require thought and deliberation and sometimes you have what I call the no-brainer decisions.

When it comes to decisions that you are struggling with, then you get as much information as possible so that you may make an informed decision.  You always have your parents and friends to assist you in getting information, but sometimes the final decision will be yours alone.  This is scary.


If you are always looking forward and focusing on where you are going this will help.  Do not waste precious time looking at the past and dwelling on what could have been.  Learn from your mistakes.  Make those mistakes a stepping stone to the future.  


I am thrilled that you have opened the door to Sunday school and young life.  Once you feel comfortable there, just like when you first came to HampsterDance, you will find that people will gravitate to you because you are a really terrific, intelligent, funny and talented person who has many friends.  


Lastly, be yourself and be happy with yourself.  You have nothing to be ashamed of.  At the end of the day when you are alone with yourself, you will feel the love in your heart.  This is from all the love you have given...it is now flowing back to you.


Have a wonderful weekend and we will be thinking of you!


We love you Jesse...


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Oh Jesse, it is great to hear the news!


One thing that I have found, is that people usually do not make comments such as being the best 3rd clarinet and possibly moving up to the 2nd clarinet unless there is some truth to it.  So perhaps your brother just feels a bit insecure that you are developing your own successful life. You and your brother will be growing into a different level of your relationship.  There will be some issues that you will deal with, but I believe that you both will have an even better friendship.


You will figure out what works for you and what things you need to cut back on.  It looks like you are making some very good choices and you realized that you were tired and skipped young life.  That is great that you can recognize your limitations.  Most adults do not have that capability.


More importantly you like your teachers and lucky you, your locker works.  I have a locker at work and it has a mind of it's own.  I always have to arrive an extra 15 minutes early just in case my locker forgets what combinastion it is supposed to open to.  (I have had this same locker for many years...so I really do know the combination!)


Well, we are here for you.  Take care of yourself and we will be thrilled to hear from you when you get time!


Your pal,


For me and my brother, it feels like we're growing apart. Just about everything he says to me is an order, and he says them as if I'm stupid.


Yes, I do know my limitations, unfortunatly, I set them to close sometimes. At least this way I won't ever overdo anything  :sleepy:


Like you, alot of kids at school talk about how their lockers don't work, which is why I was happy about it in the first place. I also heard that the seniors are loosing their lockers due to rennovation!  :eek And they won't have any others to move into  :o Not only do I like my teachers, but according to conferences my teachers like me too, which is nice to know. :)

Just curious, how old is your brother?  Sometimes your brother may be thinking that he is looking out for you, but when he does, it comes across as an order.  It may take a few months or more before you realize the new level your relationship is on.  This is growth.


As for limitations, it is okay if you keep your limitations close.  You will know where your comfort level is and set your limitations accordingly.  That is much better than not to have any limitations at all.


It is great that you and your teachers have a mutual admiration for each other.  This is wonderful!

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Just curious, how old is your brother?  Sometimes your brother may be thinking that he is looking out for you, but when he does, it comes across as an order.  It may take a few months or more before you realize the new level your relationship is on.  This is growth.


As for limitations, it is okay if you keep your limitations close.  You will know where your comfort level is and set your limitations accordingly.  That is much better than not to have any limitations at all.


It is great that you and your teachers have a mutual admiration for each other.  This is wonderful!

My brother is 16, a junior.


All this stuff is interesting! There's nothing much I can say for or against it  :) But I will keep it in mind. Thank you Horato

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Go and get it sorted out, properly this time.  Hearing people correctly will give you so much more confidence, believe me it will.  Please go and get it sorted.  This is one very practicle step you can take to be in control of things :penguin  :sleepy:  :penguin .

Okay. I'll see if I can get my mom to start using the wax removal system on me again. I'll be away this weekend though so I won't be able to use it  :hampton  :hampton  :hampton .

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Aw, Jesse. *huggles* It's okay, I know exactly how you feel. It's the crazy time of the year rush. I get like that this time of the year too. I was going to suggest the music thing to you. The Steve Chapman cd is good for sleeping. As for being insecure-that's okay too. Just remember that it's not what they think, it's what God thinks. Develop confidence in that. And don't think your friends have to be exactly like you. Most of my friends at school are nothing like me. Take my friend, well let's call her "L" She curses a lot and does stuff she's *not supposed to.* She's had a rough childhood and all that stuff. Basically the only thing we have in common is that we used to be on the same bus. But we're still friends. If you get frustrated with homework, pm me on your boards and if I see it i'll respond. Don't worry about getting frustrated with it, I cry when I don't get it too. There's something in my brain that tells me if I don't succeed in something therefore I fail. I don't know why, but it causes me to cry over dumb little things like not having my homework. But yeah sleep deprivation will definately not help. Trust me i know from experience. I'm really glad to hear that you're getting into Sunday School. It will help a lot. Being firm in Gods word will help yuo make good decisions and all that stuff our parents tell us to do even if we don't want to but we know it's for the better. And my only close friends who I feel totally comfortable around are at church.


But here's one very important tip, and it's not an easy one-lighten up! I don't mean totally ditch everything and don't concentrate on school, but learn to be kinda silly, and laugh at your mistakes. This was extremely hard for me to learn. I'm really uptight about lots of things, but I learned from my best friend. She's really crazy and hyper, and does random stuff like waving out the car window at strangers just for fun. But when she does something that most people are embarassed by, like fart really loud or something, she laughs about it and says something like, "Wasn't that georgeous?" It's a hard trick to learn, but it's helpful.




Oh and one more thing- SMILE!!!!!! GOD LOVES YOU!!!!!!!

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Go and get it sorted out, properly this time.  Hearing people correctly will give you so much more confidence, believe me it will.  Please go and get it sorted.  This is one very practicle step you can take to be in control of things :penguin  :sleepy:  :penguin .

Okay. I'll see if I can get my mom to start using the wax removal system on me again. I'll be away this weekend though so I won't be able to use it  :hampton  :hampton  :hampton .

I'm pleased to hear that (no pun intended).  Once it's sorted, will that be it, or is this going to be a continuing problem throughout your life?


If she can't do it over the weekend, just think of Monday as the first day of the rest of your life.  A time to start moving forward.  I've said this before, but you really are a good caring soul and wise beyond your years.  Take heart from that :penguin  :sleepy:  :penguin .

Well, that should be it, I can always hear the tones in the hearing tests so there shouldn't be anything else wrong with my ears.


How am I wise beyond my years?  ???

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Aw, Jesse. *huggles* It's okay, I know exactly how you feel. It's the crazy time of the year rush. I get like that this time of the year too. I was going to suggest the music thing to you. The Steve Chapman cd is good for sleeping. As for being insecure-that's okay too. Just remember that it's not what they think, it's what God thinks. Develop confidence in that. And don't think your friends have to be exactly like you. Most of my friends at school are nothing like me. Take my friend, well let's call her "L" She curses a lot and does stuff she's *not supposed to.* She's had a rough childhood and all that stuff. Basically the only thing we have in common is that we used to be on the same bus. But we're still friends. If you get frustrated with homework, pm me on your boards and if I see it i'll respond. Don't worry about getting frustrated with it, I cry when I don't get it too. There's something in my brain that tells me if I don't succeed in something therefore I fail. I don't know why, but it causes me to cry over dumb little things like not having my homework. But yeah sleep deprivation will definately not help. Trust me i know from experience. I'm really glad to hear that you're getting into Sunday School. It will help a lot. Being firm in Gods word will help yuo make good decisions and all that stuff our parents tell us to do even if we don't want to but we know it's for the better. And my only close friends who I feel totally comfortable around are at church.


But here's one very important tip, and it's not an easy one-lighten up! I don't mean totally ditch everything and don't concentrate on school, but learn to be kinda silly, and laugh at your mistakes. This was extremely hard for me to learn. I'm really uptight about lots of things, but I learned from my best friend. She's really crazy and hyper, and does random stuff like waving out the car window at strangers just for fun. But when she does something that most people are embarassed by, like fart really loud or something, she laughs about it and says something like, "Wasn't that georgeous?" It's a hard trick to learn, but it's helpful.




Oh and one more thing- SMILE!!!!!! GOD LOVES YOU!!!!!!!

I know my friends don't have to be like me, but if they swear or say bad things or be reckless...it makes me feel alienated....


I don't get frustrated with my homework because I don't get it, I get frustrated because there's so much of it. I only have one brain you know, and it's already drained from school!  :sleepy:


Relating to your lighten up tip, I tried to do this over winter weekend (that's what I just got back from) but my brother tells me to stop and I have to act "normal"....*sigh*


And yes, I know god loves me  :hampton  :hampton  :hampton .

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Well, that should be it, I can always hear the tones in the hearing tests so there shouldn't be anything else wrong with my ears.


How am I wise beyond my years?  ???

Wax is a problem common to many people.  This is easy to fix.  If it ever reoccurs you will recognize it immediately.


As for being wise beyond your years, there is a saying that some people have old souls and they have wisdom that exceeds the amount of years they have lived this current life on earth.  You are a sensitive, caring person and when you offer your opinion on something, it is as if you have been around and experienced life for one hundred years.  You give excellent advise and have good insight.  This is a compliment.


:D  :D  :D

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Well, that should be it, I can always hear the tones in the hearing tests so there shouldn't be anything else wrong with my ears.


How am I wise beyond my years?  ???

Wax is a problem common to many people.  This is easy to fix.  If it ever reoccurs you will recognize it immediately.


As for being wise beyond your years, there is a saying that some people have old souls and they have wisdom that exceeds the amount of years they have lived this current life on earth.  You are a sensitive, caring person and when you offer your opinion on something, it is as if you have been around and experienced life for one hundred years.  You give excellent advise and have good insight.  This is a compliment.


:D  :D  :D

Ditto to all Horatio said.  It was what I was going to say give or take.  Different words, yes, but the same sentiment  .

:D   Glad that I could express something for you!   :D

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As for being wise beyond your years, there is a saying that some people have old souls and they have wisdom that exceeds the amount of years they have lived this current life on earth.  You are a sensitive, caring person and when you offer your opinion on something, it is as if you have been around and experienced life for one hundred years.  You give excellent advise and have good insight.  This is a compliment.


:D  :D  :D

Seriously?  8) Whenever I offer my opinion on something it feels like I don't know what I'm talking about  :sleepy: And I don't give that much advice, and if I do, it's not that great...

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:D  Jesse, I have been anxious to hear if you had a good time at your winter weekend? ???

I sort of did. At times I felt like I didn't belong there, like in one of my other posts. I felt too...different for them somehow. They were reckless, swearing, and not easily offended. I was exactly the opposite  :sleepy: I got to play foosball and eat icecream though  :D

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As for being wise beyond your years, there is a saying that some people have old souls and they have wisdom that exceeds the amount of years they have lived this current life on earth.  You are a sensitive, caring person and when you offer your opinion on something, it is as if you have been around and experienced life for one hundred years.  You give excellent advice and have good insight.  This is a compliment.


:D  :D  :D

Seriously?  8) Whenever I offer my opinion on something it feels like I don't know what I'm talking about  :sleepy: And I don't give that much advice, and if I do, it's not that great...

Oh please do not say that you do not give good advice.  I think that you give excellent advice!  Some people your age do not agree as this is not what they want to hear.


As for offering your opinion, you should know that your opinion is important.

You do now what you are talking about.  You are intelligent and well spoken.  When you wrote your opinion on the US Govt. you did an excellent job.  You most definitely knew what you were talking about and expressed your thoughts in a clear and precise manner.


Believe in yourself!

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Oh please do not say that you do not give good advice.  I think that you give excellent advice!  Some people your age do not agree as this is not what they want to hear.


As for offering your opinion, you should know that your opinion is important.

You do now what you are talking about.  You are intelligent and well spoken.  When you wrote your opinion on the US Govt. you did an excellent job.  You most definitely knew what you were talking about and expressed your thoughts in a clear and precise manner.


Believe in yourself!

Wait...you mean they're not aggreeing to the advice or that they don't agree to the I think you give excellent advice? Either way, thanks...  :)


Thank you for that. I tend to feel like my opinion does not matter much, I guess that's because it's how people treat my opinion at school or at home  :sleepy: It's nice to know that I was actually acurate in what I was talking about  :)

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As for being wise beyond your years, there is a saying that some people have old souls and they have wisdom that exceeds the amount of years they have lived this current life on earth.  You are a sensitive, caring person and when you offer your opinion on something, it is as if you have been around and experienced life for one hundred years.  You give excellent advise and have good insight.  This is a compliment.


:D  :D  :D

Seriously?  8) Whenever I offer my opinion on something it feels like I don't know what I'm talking about  :sleepy: And I don't give that much advice, and if I do, it's not that great...

You are a very understanding person.  I will never forget the support you gave me when I 'confessed' that Benjy B lives with my parents and why.  The reaction I was expecting from most people was either 1 how awful for you or 2 can't you do something to get him back.  However you came out with the very mature response of the fact that what I'd done was responsible parenting and that support meant a lot to me :penguin  :sleepy:  :penguin .

Ah yes, I remember that. Like in my last post, I tend to feel that my opinion doesn't matter much, so I wasn't expecting you to think about that much. But I'm glad it gave you support  :sleepy:  :hampton  :sleepy: .

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Oh please do not say that you do not give good advice.  I think that you give excellent advice!  Some people your age do not agree as this is not what they want to hear.


As for offering your opinion, you should know that your opinion is important.

You do now what you are talking about.  You are intelligent and well spoken.  When you wrote your opinion on the US Govt. you did an excellent job.  You most definitely knew what you were talking about and expressed your thoughts in a clear and precise manner.


Believe in yourself!

Wait...you mean they're not aggreeing to the advice or that they don't agree to the I think you give excellent advice? Either way, thanks...  :)


Thank you for that. I tend to feel like my opinion does not matter much, I guess that's because it's how people treat my opinion at school or at home  :sleepy: It's nice to know that I was actually acurate in what I was talking about  :)

To clarify, I am saying that they know that it is good advice, but they may only be asking for someone to agree with them and you are offering very forward thinking.  Sometimes people do not want to hear the truth, they just want someone to agree even if it is wrong.


You will find that most people talk to hear themselves talk.  When you get past those people and you are with friends, your opinion will matter immensely.


In the US Govt. topic I was looking for opinions and you really came through with your personal thoughts, plus you had them backed up with knowledge.  For all the people who were posting, I was trying to get them  to do some research so that when they speak, they are expressing their thought with facts they can back up.

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Oh please do not say that you do not give good advice.  I think that you give excellent advice!  Some people your age do not agree as this is not what they want to hear.


As for offering your opinion, you should know that your opinion is important.

You do now what you are talking about.  You are intelligent and well spoken.  When you wrote your opinion on the US Govt. you did an excellent job.  You most definitely knew what you were talking about and expressed your thoughts in a clear and precise manner.


Believe in yourself!

Wait...you mean they're not aggreeing to the advice or that they don't agree to the I think you give excellent advice? Either way, thanks...  :)


Thank you for that. I tend to feel like my opinion does not matter much, I guess that's because it's how people treat my opinion at school or at home  :sleepy: It's nice to know that I was actually acurate in what I was talking about  :)

To clarify, I am saying that they know that it is good advice, but they may only be asking for someone to agree with them and you are offering very forward thinking.  Sometimes people do not want to hear the truth, they just want someone to agree even if it is wrong.


You will find that most people talk to hear themselves talk.  When you get past those people and you are with friends, your opinion will matter immensely.


In the US Govt. topic I was looking for opinions and you really came through with your personal thoughts, plus you had them backed up with knowledge.  For all the people who were posting, I was trying to get them  to do some research so that when they speak, they are expressing their thought with facts they can back up.

Interesting, I was think more of the lines that they didn't like me enough to care about my opinion/advice.


It does kind of feel like I'm not welcomed at school. Whenever I say something it's as if I were talking to a brick wall, except if it was to the teacher. Whenever I go into a group everyone gives me annoyed glances and they don't try to communicate to me well. Whenever I correct them on something during a group project they just kind of shrug it off and get us a bad grade. And most people talk to me like I'm stupid, just like my brother does.


Speaking of which, my brother is becoming more like them. He insults people, says perverted things, and is more reckless. Whenever I say something to his friends he says a scarcastic "Whatever, Jess" to make me feel shut out. And whenever I try to hop, or skip, or do anything carefree he tells me to stop, even though he's always been telling me to lighten up. Hypocrit...

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Oh please do not say that you do not give good advice.  I think that you give excellent advice!  Some people your age do not agree as this is not what they want to hear.


As for offering your opinion, you should know that your opinion is important.

You do now what you are talking about.  You are intelligent and well spoken.  When you wrote your opinion on the US Govt. you did an excellent job.  You most definitely knew what you were talking about and expressed your thoughts in a clear and precise manner.


Believe in yourself!

Wait...you mean they're not aggreeing to the advice or that they don't agree to the I think you give excellent advice? Either way, thanks...  :)


Thank you for that. I tend to feel like my opinion does not matter much, I guess that's because it's how people treat my opinion at school or at home  :sleepy: It's nice to know that I was actually acurate in what I was talking about  :)

To clarify, I am saying that they know that it is good advice, but they may only be asking for someone to agree with them and you are offering very forward thinking.  Sometimes people do not want to hear the truth, they just want someone to agree even if it is wrong.


You will find that most people talk to hear themselves talk.  When you get past those people and you are with friends, your opinion will matter immensely.


In the US Govt. topic I was looking for opinions and you really came through with your personal thoughts, plus you had them backed up with knowledge.  For all the people who were posting, I was trying to get them  to do some research so that when they speak, they are expressing their thought with facts they can back up.

Interesting, I was think more of the lines that they didn't like me enough to care about my opinion/advice.


It does kind of feel like I'm not welcomed at school. Whenever I say something it's as if I were talking to a brick wall, except if it was to the teacher. Whenever I go into a group everyone gives me annoyed glances and they don't try to communicate to me well. Whenever I correct them on something during a group project they just kind of shrug it off and get us a bad grade. And most people talk to me like I'm stupid, just like my brother does.


Speaking of which, my brother is becoming more like them. He insults people, says perverted things, and is more reckless. Whenever I say something to his friends he says a scarcastic "Whatever, Jess" to make me feel shut out. And whenever I try to hop, or skip, or do anything carefree he tells me to stop, even though he's always been telling me to lighten up. Hypocrit...

I'm sorry, Jesse.  You're life sounds a lot like mine.  I know how it is.  Most of these same things have happened to me, too.

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To clarify, I am saying that they know that it is good advice, but they may only be asking for someone to agree with them and you are offering very forward thinking.  Sometimes people do not want to hear the truth, they just want someone to agree even if it is wrong.


You will find that most people talk to hear themselves talk.  When you get past those people and you are with friends, your opinion will matter immensely.


In the US Govt. topic I was looking for opinions and you really came through with your personal thoughts, plus you had them backed up with knowledge.  For all the people who were posting, I was trying to get them  to do some research so that when they speak, they are expressing their thought with facts they can back up.


Interesting, I was think more of the lines that they didn't like me enough to care about my opinion/advice.


It does kind of feel like I'm not welcomed at school. Whenever I say something it's as if I were talking to a brick wall, except if it was to the teacher. Whenever I go into a group everyone gives me annoyed glances and they don't try to communicate to me well. Whenever I correct them on something during a group project they just kind of shrug it off and get us a bad grade. And most people talk to me like I'm stupid, just like my brother does.


Speaking of which, my brother is becoming more like them. He insults people, says perverted things, and is more reckless. Whenever I say something to his friends he says a scarcastic "Whatever, Jess" to make me feel shut out. And whenever I try to hop, or skip, or do anything carefree he tells me to stop, even though he's always been telling me to lighten up. Hypocrit...

Some people know in their hearts what is right, but that is not what they want to hear.  So when you tell them what the correct thing to do is, being not what they want to hear, they turn you off like a television set...click.  Now there are some people who know what you are saying is for their own good and they will listen.  It has everything to do with the validation of their feelings.


Your school and the groups of people you encounter are very similar to my workplace and the groups of people I encounter.  The annoyed glances and the communication gap is prevalent with my peers as well.  The basic reason for their actions is insecurity.  They feel intimidated by your intelligence and your security in who you are.  Your brother talks to you like you're stupid because this makes him feel more important and he thinks that his friends will think better of him.  It only makes sense that the other people will follow your brother's lead.  They knew him first and they are his friends.  


It is sad that your brother is being negatively influenced by his friends.  He is trying very much to fit in and it is with the wrong crowd.  When you hop, skip and act carefree, this is threatening to him as he does not have the ability to act in such a manner.  The opinion of his friends means more than being happy.


Douglass, my boyfriend's son is very much like you.  He is smart and had a hard time communicating with the people at school.  The advice we gave him is to find two or three friends that you feel comfortable with and be yourself.  At the end of the day, you have to be happy with who you are and not try to please others.  He developed a couple of close friendships.  He worked at excelling in school and joined some clubs that he wanted to participate in.  He did what interested him and what gave him pleasure.


Your life is difficult at this point as you are discovering who you are and what interests you.  There will be decisions as to what direction you want to head and how you want to get there.  Your brother is pressuring you to fit into the mold that he thinks you should be in and you need to believe in yourself and find what makes you feel comfortable.  You have some very good avenues to look at, you have the clarinet, your excellent computer knowledge and young life.  Do not be in a hurry to try and fit in.  You will find friends that have the same values and ideas you do and then things will start to get better.  


You will always have friends here to offer their opinions and advice on anything that you might want to discuss.  You take what everyone says and then formulate your own opinion.  With all your sensibilities, you will make the correct decisions and follow your heart.  You will find happiness.

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To clarify, I am saying that they know that it is good advice, but they may only be asking for someone to agree with them and you are offering very forward thinking.  Sometimes people do not want to hear the truth, they just want someone to agree even if it is wrong.


You will find that most people talk to hear themselves talk.  When you get past those people and you are with friends, your opinion will matter immensely.


In the US Govt. topic I was looking for opinions and you really came through with your personal thoughts, plus you had them backed up with knowledge.  For all the people who were posting, I was trying to get them  to do some research so that when they speak, they are expressing their thought with facts they can back up.


Interesting, I was think more of the lines that they didn't like me enough to care about my opinion/advice.


It does kind of feel like I'm not welcomed at school. Whenever I say something it's as if I were talking to a brick wall, except if it was to the teacher. Whenever I go into a group everyone gives me annoyed glances and they don't try to communicate to me well. Whenever I correct them on something during a group project they just kind of shrug it off and get us a bad grade. And most people talk to me like I'm stupid, just like my brother does.


Speaking of which, my brother is becoming more like them. He insults people, says perverted things, and is more reckless. Whenever I say something to his friends he says a scarcastic "Whatever, Jess" to make me feel shut out. And whenever I try to hop, or skip, or do anything carefree he tells me to stop, even though he's always been telling me to lighten up. Hypocrit...

Some people know in their hearts what is right, but that is not what they want to hear.  So when you tell them what the correct thing to do is, being not what they want to hear, they turn you off like a television set...click.  Now there are some people who know what you are saying is for their own good and they will listen.  It has everything to do with the validation of their feelings.


Your school and the groups of people you encounter are very similar to my workplace and the groups of people I encounter.  The annoyed glances and the communication gap is prevalent with my peers as well.  The basic reason for their actions is insecurity.  They feel intimidated by your intelligence and your security in who you are.  Your brother talks to you like you're stupid because this makes him feel more important and he thinks that his friends will think better of him.  It only makes sense that the other people will follow your brother's lead.  They knew him first and they are his friends.  


It is sad that your brother is being negatively influenced by his friends.  He is trying very much to fit in and it is with the wrong crowd.  When you hop, skip and act carefree, this is threatening to him as he does not have the ability to act in such a manner.  The opinion of his friends means more than being happy.


Douglass, my boyfriend's son is very much like you.  He is smart and had a hard time communicating with the people at school.  The advice we gave him is to find two or three friends that you feel comfortable with and be yourself.  At the end of the day, you have to be happy with who you are and not try to please others.  He developed a couple of close friendships.  He worked at excelling in school and joined some clubs that he wanted to participate in.  He did what interested him and what gave him pleasure.


Your life is difficult at this point as you are discovering who you are and what interests you.  There will be decisions as to what direction you want to head and how you want to get there.  Your brother is pressuring you to fit into the mold that he thinks you should be in and you need to believe in yourself and find what makes you feel comfortable.  You have some very good avenues to look at, you have the clarinet, your excellent computer knowledge and young life.  Do not be in a hurry to try and fit in.  You will find friends that have the same values and ideas you do and then things will start to get better.  


You will always have friends here to offer their opinions and advice on anything that you might want to discuss.  You take what everyone says and then formulate your own opinion.  With all your sensibilities, you will make the correct decisions and follow your heart.  You will find happiness.

I guess it does depend on the person I'm speaking to.


your security in who you are

I wouldn't be so sure I have that...  :sleepy:


I'm not THAT intelligent when I work in groups, in fact today when we had to design our own experiment in groups in bio I completly blanked out and lost focus. It was kind of weird...


Speaking of which, I find it hard to pay attention in class sometimes. If a teacher talks in class for 10 or more minutes I just start loosing focus and blank out. Whenever the teacher says "homework" I snap back. Because of this, I mess up in some of my assignments and projects because I didn't hear the whole thing. I even do this at home, and the family will be talking about going to a concert and I don't listen to it. At the day of the concert, I won't know what is going on. Everyone is like "we talked about it all the time", but I didn't hear it...mabye it's fatigue or something...


About my brother, I can see why he would want to do things to fit in or feel important. I guess I'll have to try to live with it...


It will be hard to find friends. But I think there's a couple people I am more confortable with. I'll see what I can do.

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Interesting, I was think more of the lines that they didn't like me enough to care about my opinion/advice.


It does kind of feel like I'm not welcomed at school. Whenever I say something it's as if I were talking to a brick wall, except if it was to the teacher. Whenever I go into a group everyone gives me annoyed glances and they don't try to communicate to me well. Whenever I correct them on something during a group project they just kind of shrug it off and get us a bad grade. And most people talk to me like I'm stupid, just like my brother does.


Speaking of which, my brother is becoming more like them. He insults people, says perverted things, and is more reckless. Whenever I say something to his friends he says a scarcastic "Whatever, Jess" to make me feel shut out. And whenever I try to hop, or skip, or do anything carefree he tells me to stop, even though he's always been telling me to lighten up. Hypocrit...

I don't think that they don't care, more like, as Horatio says, they don't want to hear the truth, especially if that truth is coming from someone younger than them (your brother fits into this category).


Something that I hope you will take heart from:  On our TV recently there has been a series presented by a very respected Dr that looked at the development of the brain.


When they looked at the brains of teenagers, the part of the brain that deals with controling impulses is overwhelmed by other developments that are occuring in the brain.  In otherwords you brother is just being a typical teenager, obnoxious, cussing and generally trying the bounds of civility.  Not everyone takes it to such extremes and a lot go further than your brother, getting into trouble with the police etc.


So what your brother is doing is not personally directed against you.  In fact he cannot control much of his feelings and impulses.


I also think that perhaps the 'lightening up' that he had in mind was to become less concerned with the rules and authority rather than hopping and skipping.


You also say that your classmate do not like it when you correct them.  I too suffered from this.  When I came out the other side of it, I could see that I had been too forthright and not diplomatic enough.  Instead of saying something like "Have you thought of it from this point of view....."  I'd wade in and tell them what was right.  Perhaps you could try altering the way you tell them what is correct.


The other thing I was guilty of was that I was so concerned with fairness that I would correct them over the smallest matter.  Are you doing the same thing?  I read a book about Microsoft recently and when they look at mistakes emloyees make, they ask the question 'Did any small babies die?' ie was the mistake a really serious one.  Asking this question against each error puts things into perspective.  Since I've adopted this attitude I've become a much more tolerant person.  In other words can you let go of the smaller errors others make?  This would also make you appear to lighten up.


I hope this advice helps.  If I've not explained anything clearly, just ask me what I meant :penguin  :sleepy:  :penguin .

Hm, this is another point - if the advice is from someone younger, they're not going to take it in well.


True, my brother is a teenager just like me. Actually he's getting it kind of worse, as he is coping with Driver's Ed, after that his permit and liscence, and soon there will be college. While I do think of these sometimes, I don't have to think as harshly since I am 2 years behind him. And like you said, some take it to the extremes. So my brother could always be worse, and I'm glad he's not.


Whenever he said 'lighten up' it would be whenever he said a joke that felt like an insult to me. Sometimes I can relieve this by being litteral, which actually lets me lighten up about it because I turned "poop into ice cream" in a sence. My brother just shrugs it off when I do that.


To be honest, I AM being too lenient when I correct him. And speaking of which, 2 juniors were working on a geometry problem before the concert tonight and I was being firm when I was correcting one of the guys. But they didn't get anywhere because we needed to get on stage. I should try doing that more.


I don't focus on small errors when other people do them. However, I do focus on them when I do them myself, and I get depressed from it sometimes. The health book discribes this as a "perfectionist trap". I do need to let off on the small things and not hold on to them so much :sleepy:


Thanks for all the advice Horatio and Sheena. Also thanks to LE, Cheetaspot, and Kaise for showing support. Well it's 11:00 so I should get to bed soon...

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I'm sorry, Jesse.  You're life sounds a lot like mine.  I know how it is.  Most of these same things have happened to me, too.

Hmm, mabye you should listen to Sheena and Horatio too.  :sleepy:

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To clarify, I am saying that they know that it is good advice, but they may only be asking for someone to agree with them and you are offering very forward thinking.  Sometimes people do not want to hear the truth, they just want someone to agree even if it is wrong.


You will find that most people talk to hear themselves talk.  When you get past those people and you are with friends, your opinion will matter immensely.


In the US Govt. topic I was looking for opinions and you really came through with your personal thoughts, plus you had them backed up with knowledge.  For all the people who were posting, I was trying to get them  to do some research so that when they speak, they are expressing their thought with facts they can back up.


Interesting, I was think more of the lines that they didn't like me enough to care about my opinion/advice.


It does kind of feel like I'm not welcomed at school. Whenever I say something it's as if I were talking to a brick wall, except if it was to the teacher. Whenever I go into a group everyone gives me annoyed glances and they don't try to communicate to me well. Whenever I correct them on something during a group project they just kind of shrug it off and get us a bad grade. And most people talk to me like I'm stupid, just like my brother does.


Speaking of which, my brother is becoming more like them. He insults people, says perverted things, and is more reckless. Whenever I say something to his friends he says a scarcastic "Whatever, Jess" to make me feel shut out. And whenever I try to hop, or skip, or do anything carefree he tells me to stop, even though he's always been telling me to lighten up. Hypocrit...

Some people know in their hearts what is right, but that is not what they want to hear.  So when you tell them what the correct thing to do is, being not what they want to hear, they turn you off like a television set...click.  Now there are some people who know what you are saying is for their own good and they will listen.  It has everything to do with the validation of their feelings.


Your school and the groups of people you encounter are very similar to my workplace and the groups of people I encounter.  The annoyed glances and the communication gap is prevalent with my peers as well.  The basic reason for their actions is insecurity.  They feel intimidated by your intelligence and your security in who you are.  Your brother talks to you like you're stupid because this makes him feel more important and he thinks that his friends will think better of him.  It only makes sense that the other people will follow your brother's lead.  They knew him first and they are his friends.  


It is sad that your brother is being negatively influenced by his friends.  He is trying very much to fit in and it is with the wrong crowd.  When you hop, skip and act carefree, this is threatening to him as he does not have the ability to act in such a manner.  The opinion of his friends means more than being happy.


Douglass, my boyfriend's son is very much like you.  He is smart and had a hard time communicating with the people at school.  The advice we gave him is to find two or three friends that you feel comfortable with and be yourself.  At the end of the day, you have to be happy with who you are and not try to please others.  He developed a couple of close friendships.  He worked at excelling in school and joined some clubs that he wanted to participate in.  He did what interested him and what gave him pleasure.


Your life is difficult at this point as you are discovering who you are and what interests you.  There will be decisions as to what direction you want to head and how you want to get there.  Your brother is pressuring you to fit into the mold that he thinks you should be in and you need to believe in yourself and find what makes you feel comfortable.  You have some very good avenues to look at, you have the clarinet, your excellent computer knowledge and young life.  Do not be in a hurry to try and fit in.  You will find friends that have the same values and ideas you do and then things will start to get better.  


You will always have friends here to offer their opinions and advice on anything that you might want to discuss.  You take what everyone says and then formulate your own opinion.  With all your sensibilities, you will make the correct decisions and follow your heart.  You will find happiness.

I guess it does depend on the person I'm speaking to.


your security in who you are

I wouldn't be so sure I have that...  :sleepy:


I'm not THAT intelligent when I work in groups, in fact today when we had to design our own experiment in groups in bio I completly blanked out and lost focus. It was kind of weird...


Speaking of which, I find it hard to pay attention in class sometimes. If a teacher talks in class for 10 or more minutes I just start loosing focus and blank out. Whenever the teacher says "homework" I snap back. Because of this, I mess up in some of my assignments and projects because I didn't hear the whole thing. I even do this at home, and the family will be talking about going to a concert and I don't listen to it. At the day of the concert, I won't know what is going on. Everyone is like "we talked about it all the time", but I didn't hear it...mabye it's fatigue or something...


About my brother, I can see why he would want to do things to fit in or feel important. I guess I'll have to try to live with it...


It will be hard to find friends. But I think there's a couple people I am more confortable with. I'll see what I can do.

It is a matter of respect.  If you feel like you are respected, you open up.  This is the same for many people.


Your security in who you are.  I believe that you do have this security.  It is just a matter of reinforcement.  You are not like your brother where you have to do what your friends want, just to fit in and be liked.  You are your own person.  As time goes by this will be reinforced and you will feel better and better.


You are that intelligent, you just need to learn how to develop your group skills.  This is the same for Single Pilot Air Force pilots.  They are totally responsible for everything as they are the only person in the aircraft.  Now they get into a crew (2 or 3 pilots) airplane and they experience the same thing that you do.  It is a matter of training.


As for focusing, that could very well be a matter of fatigue and lack of sleep.  You need to pay attention to how much sleep you are getting and if you are not getting a full nights sleep, then you might need to rearrange your schedule and do one less thing.  Sleep is imperative.  If you find that you are sleeping a full night, and are still not able to focus, then there could be other factors.  I do believe that you are really tired as I experience this when I go to school for work.


The other hearing is what I call selective hearing.  When your family is talking about a concert, for example, and this is not a priority in your mind, then you just file it in the totally unimportant file in your brain.  You are focused on more important things such as school, clarinet, homework, etc. and the concert is just not important.  The only other thing would be if the wax is still a problem.  But I think that this is truly fatigue and priorities.  Please let me know what hours you are sleeping and how you feel you sleep.  When you wake up are you tired?  Did it take you a long time to get to sleep?  I want to follow this up with you.  


By the way you were on the computer late this evening.


As for your brother...you cannot change him, so you will have to try and live with him being this way.  If you can do this, life will be a lot less stressful.


Lastly, the people that you feel comfortable around, just let it happen.  You will know if these are people that you want to cultivate a friendship with.


Things will work out.

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Just so you know I'm getting ready to go to the concert so I won't be back for awhile.  :)

Did you perform in the concert? Or go and attend a concert?

:D  :D  :D

Did you attend? or play the clarinet?


???  ???  ???

I'm sorry, I was so tired I didn't respond to this post. I played the clarinet there. It was embarrasing because They didn't leave a spot for me so I had to squeeze my chair in there and it took forever to find a stand, so everyone in the auditorium was waiting for me to get ready :embarassed:

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Hm, this is another point - if the advice is from someone younger, they're not going to take it in well.


True, my brother is a teenager just like me. Actually he's getting it kind of worse, as he is coping with Driver's Ed, after that his permit and liscence, and soon there will be college. While I do think of these sometimes, I don't have to think as harshly since I am 2 years behind him. And like you said, some take it to the extremes. So my brother could always be worse, and I'm glad he's not.


Whenever he said 'lighten up' it would be whenever he said a joke that felt like an insult to me. Sometimes I can relieve this by being litteral, which actually lets me lighten up about it because I turned "poop into ice cream" in a sence. My brother just shrugs it off when I do that.


To be honest, I AM being too lenient when I correct him. And speaking of which, 2 juniors were working on a geometry problem before the concert tonight and I was being firm when I was correcting one of the guys. But they didn't get anywhere because we needed to get on stage. I should try doing that more.


I don't focus on small errors when other people do them. However, I do focus on them when I do them myself, and I get depressed from it sometimes. The health book discribes this as a "perfectionist trap". I do need to let off on the small things and not hold on to them so much :sleepy:


Thanks for all the advice Horatio and Sheena. Also thanks to LE, Cheetaspot, and Kaise for showing support. Well it's 11:00 so I should get to bed soon...

I see now what you mean about you brother telling you to ligten up.  When he 'insults' you like that and you let him know, he could be feeling guilty and so throws it back at you.  As I said before, he is not in full control of his brain at the moment!


You said you were trying to help two juniors at the concert.  I'm sorry, but I don't really know how the USA school system works.  Are Juniors younger or older than you?


It's good to here that you do let the small things in other people go.  And yes you should try and let them go in yourself as well.  I know it's hard, I was like that too at your age, but it does get easier as you get into adulthood.


Remeber what I said though, if your giving advice to older people, be diplomatic with them.  I learnt the hard way :penguin  :sleepy:  :penguin .

Yes, I'm aware that he's not in full control of his brain. Neither am I, apparently  8)


The grades go like this:

1. Freshmen (I am one)

2. Sophmores

3. Juniors

4. Seniors


So I was dealing with older kids.


What does diplomatic mean?  ???

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I'm sorry, Jesse.  You're life sounds a lot like mine.  I know how it is.  Most of these same things have happened to me, too.

Hmm, mabye you should listen to Sheena and Horatio too.  :sleepy:

Thank you for recommending me :penguin  :cool:  :penguin !

You're welcome. You give great advice  :)

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I find it hard to pay attention in class sometimes. If a teacher talks in class for 10 or more minutes I just start loosing focus and blank out. Whenever the teacher says "homework" I snap back. Because of this, I mess up in some of my assignments and projects because I didn't hear the whole thing. I even do this at home, and the family will be talking about going to a concert and I don't listen to it. At the day of the concert, I won't know what is going on. Everyone is like "we talked about it all the time", but I didn't hear it...mabye it's fatigue or something...

I've read Horatio's reply and yes it could be fatigue, but here is a fact for you:


DYK that people who have hearing problems are far more likely to 'stop listening' because they have to strain so hard to hear.  This in turn leads them to be even more tired!


Has your mom started the ear wax treatment with you yet :penguin  ???  :penguin ?

Oh gosh I forgot about that, I'll go ask her...


She says she'll do it after she picks up my brother from Driver's Ed.

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It is a matter of respect.  If you feel like you are respected, you open up.  This is the same for many people.


Your security in who you are.  I believe that you do have this security.  It is just a matter of reinforcement.  You are not like your brother where you have to do what your friends want, just to fit in and be liked.  You are your own person.  As time goes by this will be reinforced and you will feel better and better.


You are that intelligent, you just need to learn how to develop your group skills.  This is the same for Single Pilot Air Force pilots.  They are totally responsible for everything as they are the only person in the aircraft.  Now they get into a crew (2 or 3 pilots) airplane and they experience the same thing that you do.  It is a matter of training.


As for focusing, that could very well be a matter of fatigue and lack of sleep.  You need to pay attention to how much sleep you are getting and if you are not getting a full nights sleep, then you might need to rearrange your schedule and do one less thing.  Sleep is imperative.  If you find that you are sleeping a full night, and are still not able to focus, then there could be other factors.  I do believe that you are really tired as I experience this when I go to school for work.


The other hearing is what I call selective hearing.  When your family is talking about a concert, for example, and this is not a priority in your mind, then you just file it in the totally unimportant file in your brain.  You are focused on more important things such as school, clarinet, homework, etc. and the concert is just not important.  The only other thing would be if the wax is still a problem.  But I think that this is truly fatigue and priorities.  Please let me know what hours you are sleeping and how you feel you sleep.  When you wake up are you tired?  Did it take you a long time to get to sleep?  I want to follow this up with you. 


By the way you were on the computer late this evening.


As for your brother...you cannot change him, so you will have to try and live with him being this way.  If you can do this, life will be a lot less stressful.


Lastly, the people that you feel comfortable around, just let it happen.  You will know if these are people that you want to cultivate a friendship with.


Things will work out.

Mabye I DO have security. I constantly try to hang on to myself, saying that I don't want to be like this or that. I guess it helps.


Like I said with Sheena, I think the most important problem would be not standing up for myself. I need to be more assertive when I try to get us on the right road.


As for the selective hearing, this could be very true. My family talks about things that I don't consider interesting (appearently my mom thinks so as well), so I don't pay attention. I mean, when you have your dad and brother talking about guitars, frets, amplifires, guitar players, and fingerings there really isn't a way to get involved unless you're a guitar or bass player. I just kind of lie my head down and rest. Of course, my dad yells at me because of it sometimes...


The wax might be a problem, but see my above post.


I usually get to bed at 10, but I'm thinking about changing it to 9:30. It will help out, I bet. The music helps alot, it reduces my "lying awake in bed" time from 2 hours to at most 1. I wake up at 6:20, but it takes me 5 minutes to get out of bed because it's hard. I am tired in the morning, I always am because I constantly wake up during the night which causes me to feel tired. Of course, the cold weather discourages me from leaving the warm blankets as well.


I was up late last night because the concert we played at lasted till 10 so we didn't get home until 10:30. I wanted to talk to you guys so I stayed up till 11, and read and went to bed.


Yeah, I'm going to have to deal with my brother. I hope I won't have to take in much more anger because of him, I don't know how much more I can handle...

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I'm sorry, I was so tired I didn't respond to this post. I played the clarinet there. It was embarrasing because They didn't leave a spot for me so I had to squeeze my chair in there and it took forever to find a stand, so everyone in the auditorium was waiting for me to get ready :embarassed:

I understand completely.  As I played in orchestra all they way through college, it always amazed me when they would forget a section.


:eek  :eek  :eek  :eek

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THm, this is another point - if the advice is from someone younger, they're not going to take it in well.


True, my brother is a teenager just like me. Actually he's getting it kind of worse, as he is coping with Driver's Ed, after that his permit and liscence, and soon there will be college. While I do think of these sometimes, I don't have to think as harshly since I am 2 years behind him. And like you said, some take it to the extremes. So my brother could always be worse, and I'm glad he's not.


Whenever he said 'lighten up' it would be whenever he said a joke that felt like an insult to me. Sometimes I can relieve this by being litteral, which actually lets me lighten up about it because I turned "poop into ice cream" in a sence. My brother just shrugs it off when I do that.


To be honest, I AM being too lenient when I correct him. And speaking of which, 2 juniors were working on a geometry problem before the concert tonight and I was being firm when I was correcting one of the guys. But they didn't get anywhere because we needed to get on stage. I should try doing that more.


I don't focus on small errors when other people do them. However, I do focus on them when I do them myself, and I get depressed from it sometimes. The health book discribes this as a "perfectionist trap". I do need to let off on the small things and not hold on to them so much :sleepy:


Thanks for all the advice Horatio and Sheena. Also thanks to LE, Cheetaspot, and Kaise for showing support. Well it's 11:00 so I should get to bed soon...

There are quite a number of social pressures that your brother is dealing with.  Once he gets his license, he will also want to drive you places.  This is a great excuse to get the car.  With the thought of college looming, this brings it's own pressures.


Your reaction to your brother's jokes and his "lighten up" is excellent.  When your brother shrugs, you have just leveled the playing field.  Good job with that!


I suffer from the perfectionist trap, so I understand your situation here.  It is hard to let go of things at time, but it is something I have to work at everyday.


More later...

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It is a matter of respect.  If you feel like you are respected, you open up.  This is the same for many people.


Your security in who you are.  I believe that you do have this security.  It is just a matter of reinforcement.  You are not like your brother where you have to do what your friends want, just to fit in and be liked.  You are your own person.  As time goes by this will be reinforced and you will feel better and better.


You are that intelligent, you just need to learn how to develop your group skills.  This is the same for Single Pilot Air Force pilots.  They are totally responsible for everything as they are the only person in the aircraft.  Now they get into a crew (2 or 3 pilots) airplane and they experience the same thing that you do.  It is a matter of training.


As for focusing, that could very well be a matter of fatigue and lack of sleep.  You need to pay attention to how much sleep you are getting and if you are not getting a full nights sleep, then you might need to rearrange your schedule and do one less thing.  Sleep is imperative.  If you find that you are sleeping a full night, and are still not able to focus, then there could be other factors.  I do believe that you are really tired as I experience this when I go to school for work.


The other hearing is what I call selective hearing.  When your family is talking about a concert, for example, and this is not a priority in your mind, then you just file it in the totally unimportant file in your brain.  You are focused on more important things such as school, clarinet, homework, etc. and the concert is just not important.  The only other thing would be if the wax is still a problem.  But I think that this is truly fatigue and priorities.  Please let me know what hours you are sleeping and how you feel you sleep.  When you wake up are you tired?  Did it take you a long time to get to sleep?  I want to follow this up with you.  


By the way you were on the computer late this evening.


As for your brother...you cannot change him, so you will have to try and live with him being this way.  If you can do this, life will be a lot less stressful.


Lastly, the people that you feel comfortable around, just let it happen.  You will know if these are people that you want to cultivate a friendship with.


Things will work out.

Mabye I DO have security. I constantly try to hang on to myself, saying that I don't want to be like this or that. I guess it helps.


Like I said with Sheena, I think the most important problem would be not standing up for myself. I need to be more assertive when I try to get us on the right road.


As for the selective hearing, this could be very true. My family talks about things that I don't consider interesting (appearently my mom thinks so as well), so I don't pay attention. I mean, when you have your dad and brother talking about guitars, frets, amplifires, guitar players, and fingerings there really isn't a way to get involved unless you're a guitar or bass player. I just kind of lie my head down and rest. Of course, my dad yells at me because of it sometimes...


The wax might be a problem, but see my above post.


I usually get to bed at 10, but I'm thinking about changing it to 9:30. It will help out, I bet. The music helps alot, it reduces my "lying awake in bed" time from 2 hours to at most 1. I wake up at 6:20, but it takes me 5 minutes to get out of bed because it's hard. I am tired in the morning, I always am because I constantly wake up during the night which causes me to feel tired. Of course, the cold weather discourages me from leaving the warm blankets as well.


I was up late last night because the concert we played at lasted till 10 so we didn't get home until 10:30. I wanted to talk to you guys so I stayed up till 11, and read and went to bed.


Yeah, I'm going to have to deal with my brother. I hope I won't have to take in much more anger because of him, I don't know how much more I can handle...

Knowing who you are and being able to be happy with yourself is something that many people strive for.  It is a very, very good characteristic to have.  the problem is that when you are secure in who you are, this is intimidating to other people.  Many people feel the need to have their self validated by others.  When you are not in need of people to let you know that you are okay, then this is makes some others uncomfortable.  Do not lose this characteristic, it is wonderful!


Being assertive is a very good thing, this goes hand and hand with your personal security.  You will know when the correct time to be assertive is.


As for selective hearing, I have it.  When there are things that are really not important to me, I mostly don't pay attention.  Just like with the guitars, I would do the same as you...lie my head down and rest.  Guitars are important to your dad, so he feels that they should be important to the rest of the family as well.  My parents loved deep sea fishing...I didn't.  They could talk forever about it, but I did not care.  I couldn't tell you much about it now, except for the fact that we were 100 miles offshore in the Atlantic, and I thought the day would never end.  I understand completely.


As I said in my first post, cleaning the wax might help, but do not worry if it does not.


I am glad that you are thinking of going to bed at 21H30.  Do you know why you wake up in the middle of the night?  Is it to go to the bathroom?

If so, try not drinking water too late.  Please try counting backwards from 100 to 0 while you are listening to music.  Think of relaxing your body while you are counting backwards.  


As for getting out of bed in the cold...I hated it!


I appreciate that you wanted to talk with us last night, but your sleep is first and we will be here for you on the weekend as well.  Glad you had a great concert and you thought enough of us that you would want to get on the computer before you went to sleep.


Lastly, I think that you will get better at dealing with your brother if you try to ignore some of his actions.  You can do this.  Do not get excited, just do not react.  I think that you will feel better for it in the long runl


The computer is really slow this evening...so I hope that you read this before you turn in.

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BTW, the definition of diplomatic is being skillful and tactful in dealing with people.


I know that you know the definition of tact, but I will give you that definition to aid you in understanding diplomatic.  Tact is a quick or intuitive appreciation of what is fit, proper, or right. Tactful would be having or showing the ability to say or do the proper thing.


Hope that this helps.

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Responding to your long posts is pretty tiring...but thanks for all the support.  :sleepy:


To answer your question Horatio, I havn't noticed that I needed to go to the bathroom. But mabye I do. I'll try going before bed time and see what happens.

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Responding to your long posts is pretty tiring.

My apologies for the long posts.  I should have known that you have a lot going on. :)  :)  :)

No, don't be sorry. I like reading the posts. Responding to them is tiring though.

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Jesse I'm sorry that I offended you. Sheena and Horatio explained what I was saying a bit better. What I mean in lightening up is more like don't take things presonally (I'm not good at that) It's like this: I say in response to your post, "you mean "she" :P "


You may get frustrated with this and think "how should I know? I can't see the person typing" Instead think, "oops! My bad!"


And as for correcting people, this is definately a challenge for me! I'm a sophmore, and I'm the teacher's assistant in geometry. A lot of the kids in that class are older than me, but it's my job to correct them. It's kinda hard becuase they really don't want to hear it when I tell them to put their art homework away and do their math before Steve (the teacher) yells at them. I'll remind them once or twice, and then let it go. If I keep yelling at them, not only will they be annoyed with me, but seeing as they didn't do what I said the first two times, they aren't likely to do it within the next several times. I let the teacher deal with it. And yes, I like what Sheena said about how you word things. Instead of saying "No it's supposed to be done this way!" try "why don't we try this? It might work better." If the people you are working with don't like your idea, then as I said before, let it go. They'll see you were right. Then explain to the teacher (when the teacher isn't around) what happened in the group. Or ask to work by yourself. I do it all the time. Again I'm sorry if I offended you. And yes people are more reckless in high school. I'm very happy to hear that you aren't taking place in that, good choice. But seeing as many people are, you should try to let that go. If you constantly hound people to say, stop drinking, or not smoke, it will get on their nerves. They know the consequenses. My friend will say every so often "I need a cigarette!" I'll respond with "no you don't" in a half joking manner (she knows I mean it) and then let it go. But trust me I know it's really hard to do. When people do stuff that annoys me (whether it's on purpose or not) I try to pretend it didn't happen. This takes a lot of practice. Especially with my little sister.  8)


Oh! I almost forgot, is your radio on a timer? The reason I ask is that I have my radio set on a timer or sleep function that automatically turns it off after about an hour. This might help. I find that whenever I forget to put the radio on timer I wake up in the middle of the night. You also mentioned coldness. I wake up a lot when it's cold. Ask your parents if you can turn the heater up a bit and see if that helps. Just a few thoughts.

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Oh! I almost forgot, is your radio on a timer? The reason I ask is that I have my radio set on a timer or sleep function that automatically turns it off after about an hour. This might help. I find that whenever I forget to put the radio on timer I wake up in the middle of the night. You also mentioned coldness. I wake up a lot when it's cold. Ask your parents if you can turn the heater up a bit and see if that helps. Just a few thoughts.

Timer for the radio...


Yes!  Absolutely.  I wake up if I forget to put on the timer.





How about a second blanket if they do not want to turn up the heat?

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Oh! I almost forgot, is your radio on a timer? The reason I ask is that I have my radio set on a timer or sleep function that automatically turns it off after about an hour. This might help. I find that whenever I forget to put the radio on timer I wake up in the middle of the night.

Timer for the radio...


Yes!  Absolutely.  I wake up if I forget to put on the timer.

It's funny, I'm the exact opposite, I can't get to sleep if the radio is on :penguin  :sleep  :penguin !

I don't have a radio  :P

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Agh...at diner my parents were all suddenly like "you need to take either piano or drum lessons" I'm really getting sick of being forced to do stuff. They explained that I need to use my talents, but...I don't know...why do I hate doing lessons? Mabye I'm scared of putting commitment into it. I mean, I'm in a confusing time right now, plus I have homework, tests, some projects (Bio Lab and Health at the moment), my body, and my social life to worry about. Lessons are just one more thing to worry about... :sleepy:
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Oh! I almost forgot, is your radio on a timer? The reason I ask is that I have my radio set on a timer or sleep function that automatically turns it off after about an hour. This might help. I find that whenever I forget to put the radio on timer I wake up in the middle of the night.

Timer for the radio...


Yes!  Absolutely.  I wake up if I forget to put on the timer.

It's funny, I'm the exact opposite, I can't get to sleep if the radio is on :penguin  :sleep  :penguin !

I don't have a radio  :P

Well that puts an end to that argument :laugh:  :penguin  :laugh: !

Quite so  :laugh:

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Agh...at diner my parents were all suddenly like "you need to take either piano or drum lessons" I'm really getting sick of being forced to do stuff. They explained that I need to use my talents, but...I don't know...why do I hate doing lessons? Mabye I'm scared of putting commitment into it. I mean, I'm in a confusing time right now, plus I have homework, tests, some projects (Bio Lab and Health at the moment), my body, and my social life to worry about. Lessons are just one more thing to worry about... :sleepy:

Can you not say to your parents that if you take anything else on your school work and your grades are likely to suffer :penguin  ???  :penguin ?

I can, but I'll have to wait for the right time. I'll also have to tell them that I might have to sacrifice Young Life for it, after all I can't do everything you know :sleepy: .

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Responding to your long posts is pretty tiring.

My apologies for the long posts.  I should have known that you have a lot going on. :)  :)  :)

No, don't be sorry. I like reading the posts. Responding to them is tiring though.

Thanks!  I would understand if you didn't respond, but just read them.  You have too much else going on.   :)  :)

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Oh! I almost forgot, is your radio on a timer? The reason I ask is that I have my radio set on a timer or sleep function that automatically turns it off after about an hour. This might help. I find that whenever I forget to put the radio on timer I wake up in the middle of the night.

Timer for the radio...


Yes!  Absolutely.  I wake up if I forget to put on the timer.

It's funny, I'm the exact opposite, I can't get to sleep if the radio is on!

I don't have a radio  :P

The music...    is it on a CD player?

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Agh...at diner my parents were all suddenly like "you need to take either piano or drum lessons" I'm really getting sick of being forced to do stuff. They explained that I need to use my talents, but...I don't know...why do I hate doing lessons? Mabye I'm scared of putting commitment into it. I mean, I'm in a confusing time right now, plus I have homework, tests, some projects (Bio Lab and Health at the moment), my body, and my social life to worry about. Lessons are just one more thing to worry about... :sleepy:

You are using your talents... you are playing clarinet!  You are only one person.


Don't even think that you are scared of commitment.  You are very smart in looking at what you can handle and setting your priorities.  Jesse, you are really doing a great job.  In this case, I must agree with you that you need to concentrate solely on what you already are accomplishing and not adding anymore tasks at this time.


Do not second guess yourself.  You ARE thinking along the correct avenues!


I applaud you for knowing your limitations!!!

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Oh! I almost forgot, is your radio on a timer? The reason I ask is that I have my radio set on a timer or sleep function that automatically turns it off after about an hour. This might help. I find that whenever I forget to put the radio on timer I wake up in the middle of the night.

Timer for the radio...


Yes!  Absolutely.  I wake up if I forget to put on the timer.

It's funny, I'm the exact opposite, I can't get to sleep if the radio is on!

I don't have a radio  :P

Well that puts an end to that argument!

Quite so  :laugh:

I did not believe that we were arguing.  To me is was just a question.

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Agh...at diner my parents were all suddenly like "you need to take either piano or drum lessons" I'm really getting sick of being forced to do stuff. They explained that I need to use my talents, but...I don't know...why do I hate doing lessons? Mabye I'm scared of putting commitment into it. I mean, I'm in a confusing time right now, plus I have homework, tests, some projects (Bio Lab and Health at the moment), my body, and my social life to worry about. Lessons are just one more thing to worry about... :sleepy:

Can you not say to your parents that if you take anything else on your school work and your grades are likely to suffer?

I can, but I'll have to wait for the right time. I'll also have to tell them that I might have to sacrifice Young Life for it, after all I can't do everything you know :sleepy: .

It be a shame for you to give up Young Life after you've only just started, but you do have to put school work first.  Take your time and when the moments right, tell them.


If you find it too difficult to do it out right, could you talk to a counsellor or teacher at school and ask them to help you?  You might be able to get a teacher to write to your parents explaining that they think you are doing to much an should cut back.  If it comes from the school your parents might take more notice.

Jesse, you say that you have a good relationship with some of your teachers, could they possibly talk to your parents?  How about a guidance counselor?


My thinking is to tell your parents that you would like to take the lessons, but just not right now.  When they talk about using your talents, tell them you are, you play clarinet.  


Sit down and make a list of your priorities, (for example:  school, tests, homework, projects  clarinet, Young Life, etc.).  Now see if you could find some time alone with your mother as she seems to listen to you.  Show her that you have considered the ideas of a second instrument, this is what is going on for you and that you feel stretched too far.  Explain that school is a priority and you would really like to concentrate on getting the most out of school.  If she likes you attending Young Life, tell her that this is important to you.


If that is not a good idea, and your parents still insist, then I would talk to the piano or drum teacher.  I have taught piano and violin and would intervene for the student any time they asked.  Remember the teacher is on your side.  They do not want to be there if you don't.


No need to reply as this is long, just some thoughts.

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I don't have much time right now so I'll do as much as I can in one post.


First off Sheena PTMY :P  :penguin  :P


Horato, the music comes from my mini disk player, which is pretty much the same thing as a CD player.



Hmm, yes, I could talk to my teachers about it. I'm sure they would care, but the right time to tell them would be pretty rare as they have so much going on and all.


My counsler would be a better choice here, as I can make an appointment and have a half hour to talk to them about it. But then again, they might just tell me to settle it out myself.


My parents are aware that I'm playing the clarinet, but they think that it's a waste of time because it won't be any use for my future.


Ok i gotta go now

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Oh! I almost forgot, is your radio on a timer? The reason I ask is that I have my radio set on a timer or sleep function that automatically turns it off after about an hour. This might help. I find that whenever I forget to put the radio on timer I wake up in the middle of the night.

Timer for the radio...


Yes!  Absolutely.  I wake up if I forget to put on the timer.

It's funny, I'm the exact opposite, I can't get to sleep if the radio is on :penguin  :sleep  :penguin !

I don't have a radio  :P

Well that puts an end to that argument :laugh:  :penguin  :laugh: !

Quite so  :laugh:

You know what I meant.  :P  And try to stay in Young Life if you can. Most of my good friends are in my youth group, and youth group helps me keep myself in check. Out of curiosity, what do you plan to do when you get older? I mean as a job. ???

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Horato, the music comes from my mini disk player, which is pretty much the same thing as a CD player.



Hmm, yes, I could talk to my teachers about it. I'm sure they would care, but the right time to tell them would be pretty rare as they have so much going on and all.


My counsler would be a better choice here, as I can make an appointment and have a half hour to talk to them about it. But then again, they might just tell me to settle it out myself.


My parents are aware that I'm playing the clarinet, but they think that it's a waste of time because it won't be any use for my future.


Ok i gotta go now

Not knowing too much about it..the mini disc player shuts off automatically or do you have to shut it off yourself? ???


Let me know if you try speaking with the counselor.  Ask him/her to call your mother/parents and explain that you have an enormous amount on your shoulders currently.  The counselor should do this and in a gentle way so that you mother or parents feel okay with the decision not to push you into anything.


What?????      :eek   ???  :eek   I do not know of a band or symphony that does not have a clarinet section.  Clarinets are great!!!!!!!  Besides, where would they think drums would take you????  Usually you have one maybe two percussionists in an orchestra/band, but lots more clarinets!  From clarinet you could branch off into almost any wind instrument.  If you really like/love it, do not give up the clarinet.  This is something that gives you pleasure.  You can always pick up the drums or piano in later in high school or college if you want.


Don't answer as this is pretty long.

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My parents are aware that I'm playing the clarinet, but they think that it's a waste of time because it won't be any use for my future.

Sorry to be sarcastic on the remark about your parents knowing if you played the clarinet.  As you probably practice at home and they just attended your concert, I knew that they knew.  I was emphasizing that you already played an instrument and their comment did not make any sense to me.  But I did not say that.  Sorry for the confusion.  I am writing with my brain at triple time of what my fingers are typing.

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And try to stay in Young Life if you can. Most of my good friends are in my youth group, and youth group helps me keep myself in check. Out of curiosity, what do you plan to do when you get older? I mean as a job. ???

Youth groups sound like such a good idea!


The question about what Jesse wants to do later in life is a good one!


        :D  :D  :D

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JF, I don't know what I'm going to do in the future. But my parents were hoping I would be a professional pianist or drummer, and they think that clarinet won't get me anywhere  :sleepy: . I was thinking more on the bounds of being a 6th grade math teacher.
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JF, I don't know what I'm going to do in the future. But my parents were hoping I would be a professional pianist or drummer, and they think that clarinet won't get me anywhere  :sleepy: . I was thinking more on the bounds of being a 6th grade math teacher.

If you feel like you would like to be a 6th grade mathematics teacher, then I think that you should follow your heart.  If you like the job you do, then it makes life a whole lot easier.  It would be awful if you followed what your parents wanted you to do and you were unhappy.


:)  :)  :)  :)  :)

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JF, I don't know what I'm going to do in the future. But my parents were hoping I would be a professional pianist or drummer, and they think that clarinet won't get me anywhere  :sleepy: . I was thinking more on the bounds of being a 6th grade math teacher.

If you feel like you would like to be a 6th grade mathematics teacher, then I think that you should follow your heart.  If you like the job you do, then it makes life a whole lot easier.  It would be awful if you followed what your parents wanted you to do and you were unhappy.


:)  :)  :)  :)  :)

Indeed, I know a song sort of like that.  It's called "Sunny's Dream".

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JF, I don't know what I'm going to do in the future. But my parents were hoping I would be a professional pianist or drummer, and they think that clarinet won't get me anywhere  :sleepy: . I was thinking more on the bounds of being a 6th grade math teacher.

If you feel like you would like to be a 6th grade mathematics teacher, then I think that you should follow your heart.  If you like the job you do, then it makes life a whole lot easier.  It would be awful if you followed what your parents wanted you to do and you were unhappy.


:)  :)  :)  :)  :)

Indeed, I know a song sort of like that.  It's called "Sunny's Dream".

The title suggests a very beautiful song...  Is it?


???  ???  ???

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JF, I don't know what I'm going to do in the future. But my parents were hoping I would be a professional pianist or drummer, and they think that clarinet won't get me anywhere  :sleepy: . I was thinking more on the bounds of being a 6th grade math teacher.

If you feel like you would like to be a 6th grade mathematics teacher, then I think that you should follow your heart.  If you like the job you do, then it makes life a whole lot easier.  It would be awful if you followed what your parents wanted you to do and you were unhappy.


:)  :)  :)  :)  :)

Well, it seems like the best job so far...or mabye...I could be a french teacher!  :D

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JF, I don't know what I'm going to do in the future. But my parents were hoping I would be a professional pianist or drummer, and they think that clarinet won't get me anywhere  :sleepy: . I was thinking more on the bounds of being a 6th grade math teacher.

If you feel like you would like to be a 6th grade mathematics teacher, then I think that you should follow your heart.  If you like the job you do, then it makes life a whole lot easier.  It would be awful if you followed what your parents wanted you to do and you were unhappy.


:)  :)  :)  :)  :)

Well, it seems like the best job so far...or mabye...I could be a french teacher!  :D

Oui, oui!  I would love that job.  You could organize summer trips to France.  Take your students to Paris with a tour of as many cities and towns of France as you could do.  That would be spectacular!!!


:D  :cool:  :eek  :cool:  :D

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JF, I don't know what I'm going to do in the future. But my parents were hoping I would be a professional pianist or drummer, and they think that clarinet won't get me anywhere  :sleepy: . I was thinking more on the bounds of being a 6th grade math teacher.

If you feel like you would like to be a 6th grade mathematics teacher, then I think that you should follow your heart.  If you like the job you do, then it makes life a whole lot easier.  It would be awful if you followed what your parents wanted you to do and you were unhappy.


:)  :)  :)  :)  :)

Well, it seems like the best job so far...or mabye...I could be a french teacher!  :D

Teaching sounds like a much more reliable job then music. Not that you shouldn't study it, music is good to know, but very few make it in the music industry. When you get into college take education classes-teaching is a great thing to be able to fall back on. Who knows? Maybe you'll be a music teacher! You say you like math-maybe engineering? Think about al of the things you would enjoy doing. Pray about it. God will give wisdom to those who ask for it, and He'll show you where you need to be. And personally, I'd love to be a teacher. :upside:

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JF, I don't know what I'm going to do in the future. But my parents were hoping I would be a professional pianist or drummer, and they think that clarinet won't get me anywhere  :sleepy: . I was thinking more on the bounds of being a 6th grade math teacher.

If you feel like you would like to be a 6th grade mathematics teacher, then I think that you should follow your heart.  If you like the job you do, then it makes life a whole lot easier.  It would be awful if you followed what your parents wanted you to do and you were unhappy.


:)  :)  :)  :)  :)

Well, it seems like the best job so far...or mabye...I could be a french teacher!  :D

Teaching sounds like a much more reliable job then music. Not that you shouldn't study it, music is good to know, but very few make it in the music industry. When you get into college take education classes-teaching is a great thing to be able to fall back on. Who knows? Maybe you'll be a music teacher! You say you like math-maybe engineering? Think about al of the things you would enjoy doing. Pray about it. God will give wisdom to those who ask for it, and He'll show you where you need to be. And personally, I'd love to be a teacher. :upside:

Yes, there's lots of possibilities. I will pray about it.

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JF, I don't know what I'm going to do in the future. But my parents were hoping I would be a professional pianist or drummer, and they think that clarinet won't get me anywhere  :sleepy: . I was thinking more on the bounds of being a 6th grade math teacher.

If you feel like you would like to be a 6th grade mathematics teacher, then I think that you should follow your heart.  If you like the job you do, then it makes life a whole lot easier.  It would be awful if you followed what your parents wanted you to do and you were unhappy.


:)  :)  :)  :)  :)

Well, it seems like the best job so far...or mabye...I could be a french teacher!  :D

Teaching sounds like a much more reliable job then music. Not that you shouldn't study it, music is good to know, but very few make it in the music industry. When you get into college take education classes-teaching is a great thing to be able to fall back on. Who knows? Maybe you'll be a music teacher! You say you like math-maybe engineering? Think about al of the things you would enjoy doing. Pray about it. God will give wisdom to those who ask for it, and He'll show you where you need to be. And personally, I'd love to be a teacher. :upside:

Yes, there's lots of possibilities. I will pray about it.

Oh Jesse, that is wonderful!


Jesusfreak gave some really great advice!


:)  :cool:  :love:  :cool:  :)

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I worked in a school library for a while and one of the things that I found out while working there was that teachers would have an advantage of getting a job if they had a 'secondary' skill they could offer.  So if you want to be a teacher and can say you play an instrument well, you will stand a better chance of getting the job, because you can help out with extra cirricular music lessons/orchestra/school productions as well :penguin  :sleepy:  :penguin .

Interesting, I never knew that.

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I worked in a school library for a while and one of the things that I found out while working there was that teachers would have an advantage of getting a job if they had a 'secondary' skill they could offer.  So if you want to be a teacher and can say you play an instrument well, you will stand a better chance of getting the job, because you can help out with extra cirricular music lessons/orchestra/school productions as well.

Interesting, I never knew that.

When you attend college you will take education as a major and have one, two or as many minors as you can handle.  For instance you could major in education, have a french, math and music minors and this would qualify you to teach in any of the above.  In addition you are a computer whiz and could always help kids with setting up computer courses.  You have experience setting up and maintaining a web site.  That is fantastic.


What I recommend to you is to purchase a composition book (one of those black and white books) and start writing down accomplishments and ventures.  Write down your web site, the name date started and something about it.  Write down the date of your concert, clarinet, grade music performed and a small memo about the concert.  If you do any community service, even with Young Life, include this also.  When you are applying for a job, this book could very well make you the better candidate as the future employer can get a look at who you are.  The composition book is not a journal of your feelings, but an accomplishment book.  When you make entries, you may include some feelings, but you must keep in mind that this book is for anyone to read.


You have a great number of accomplishments and this is something that you remember presently, but soon forget after college.


Do not bother to answer this as it is long and you have other things to think about.


 :D  :D  :D  :D  :D

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...What I recommend to you is to purchase a composition book (one of those black and white books)...

Anymore, they come in a variety of different colours.  They originally came with the black binding, and black and white cow spots on the front, but now those splots can be blue, green, pink, red, orange, yellow, etc. etc. etc.!

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...What I recommend to you is to purchase a composition book (one of those black and white books)...

Anymore, they come in a variety of different colours.  They originally came with the black binding, and black and white cow spots on the front, but now those splots can be blue, green, pink, red, orange, yellow, etc. etc. etc.!

:embarassed:    :embarassed:


Oh, I didn't know that!    


:embarassed:    :embarassed:


In that case, Jesse, what is your favorite color?  Do you like purple cows?


:laughing     :laughing


(I guess that this shows that I am really, really old!   :eek  :eek )

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...What I recommend to you is to purchase a composition book (one of those black and white books)...

Anymore, they come in a variety of different colours.  They originally came with the black binding, and black and white cow spots on the front, but now those splots can be blue, green, pink, red, orange, yellow, etc. etc. etc.!

:embarassed:    :embarassed:


Oh, I didn't know that!    


:embarassed:    :embarassed:


In that case, Jesse, what is your favorite color?  Do you like purple cows?


:laughing     :laughing


(I guess that this shows that I am really, really old!   :eek  :eek )

I like the combination of red and gray.

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...What I recommend to you is to purchase a composition book (one of those black and white books)...

Anymore, they come in a variety of different colours.  They originally came with the black binding, and black and white cow spots on the front, but now those splots can be blue, green, pink, red, orange, yellow, etc. etc. etc.!

:embarassed:    :embarassed:


Oh, I didn't know that!    


:embarassed:    :embarassed:


In that case, Jesse, what is your favorite color?  Do you like purple cows?


:laughing     :laughing


(I guess that this shows that I am really, really old!   :eek  :eek )

I like the combination of red and gray.

I noticed.  :P  You could get a red one and color in the white spots with pencil! :upside: Keep asking God what He wants you to do. Some people get called to do the least expected things. Consider things that you like. Do you enjoy little kids? Leadership positions? Math? Music? Food? The outdoors? Consider where they could fit into a carreer. If it's math, kids and leadership you like the a math teaching job would be good. Acting and traveling? Join an actor group! Right now I'm looking at either teaching or the missions field. Neither one pays well, but it would be fun! And remember, God feeds the birds! "His eye is on the sparrow" "do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself"

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...What I recommend to you is to purchase a composition book (one of those black and white books)...

Anymore, they come in a variety of different colours.  They originally came with the black binding, and black and white cow spots on the front, but now those splots can be blue, green, pink, red, orange, yellow, etc. etc. etc.!

:embarassed:    :embarassed:


Oh, I didn't know that!    


:embarassed:    :embarassed:


In that case, Jesse, what is your favorite color?  Do you like purple cows?


:laughing     :laughing


(I guess that this shows that I am really, really old!   :eek  :eek )

I like the combination of red and gray.

:laughing  :laughing


*looking at Jesse's avatar*


Gee I hadn't noticed!  


Hhhhmmmm, a red and gray cow....  interesting!


:laughing  :laughing

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You might be wondering why I havn't been posting much lately. I've told Sheena already, and she might have told you guys. But I want to tell it in my own words, and in more detail...


First off, like other people on this board, it's my first year at highschool. There's been lots of changes. Of course there's the usual new teachers, course prospectuses, lockers, etc. But then there's the other mostly negative changes. I'm in a new building that is actually an old building and looks like it was bombed or something, which is pretty depressing. Then there's the loads of homework I get. The classes themselves are hard too because they make you think more and things can get complicated. On the bright side, I've been introduced to my brother's friends, and I'm now going to sunday school and young life because of it.


There's also been some weird things happening with me. Lately things have been getting worse. Now I can't seem to be able to fall asleep until after midnight. I've been confused for a while, and I never know how I really feel. I'm not very social at school, and I'm not sure if I want to be social with them or not. I'm hypersensitive. I can't hear people well when they talk to me and I end up saying or doing the wrong things. Just this afternoon I got frustrated at my homework and ended up crying. I'm indecisive. And it feels like I've been loosing interest in things. Some of the topics are talking about things that, to be honest, I'm not really interested in. I'm not saying that you guys are boring, it is because of me...


I might be going through depression. When I see those zoloft commercials that list the signs of depression, I can relate to all but one or two of them.


I'm not saying that I want to leave. I don't want to leave. It's just that well, everything's been so confusing, and it doesn't feel like it's going to feel better anytime soon. When I look at my journal entries most of them arn't that positive. I feel like I'm lost in a foggy jungle or something...

Let me tell you a little about me:


I've been through Highschool.  I graduated from South Broward High School in August of 1993, so I can safely say, "been there and done that!"  I graduated late due to my depression.  I had missed lots of school and had to make up the hours during summer school.  I remember feeling exactly as you do.  A brand new environment... More work... New people...  I don't know if your friends from Junior High/Middle School got to transfer to High School with you, but I didn't know anyone because I had just moved from NC to FL.  So I really was ALONE.  Making friends was hard because I dressed differently, being from NC.  I was constantly teased and harrassed, and bullied.  To make it worse, my parents were really strict on me.  (Even after I graduated, I was still living at home at the time, and I had a curfew of 9 pm, and here I was, 19 years old)!  


Anyway, back to High School...  I had no freedom where my parents were concerned.  (I thank them now, but back then, I didn't).  I remember feeling so out of place and depressed and bullied to the point where I was suicidal.  I figured, if I can't make here I'll just end it all.  Being dead can't be any worse!  Luckily, my English teacher was someone I could trust, and I had told him what I was planning on doing.  Immediately, sincerely concerned, he rushed me to the couselor.  He was really concerned for me, and I got help.  I would strongly suggest seeking the advise of your School Counelor.  They can be a big help.  Another big help for me is Jesus.  He wasn't during the time of High School, because I was like many.... confused about who I was, confused about what my purpose in life was... confused as to what to believe in... Made wrong choices, etc.  I even tried to practice wicca/witchcraft, and that didn't help.  I just got deeper into depression.  But from your post, you're going to Sunday school now, and that's a great start!  Don't give in to your negative feelings... Keep going to Sunday School and keep your eyes focused on God.  I've made a lot of TRUE friends from my adult Sunday School group, "The Round Table."  You wouldn't believe the amount of support your Sunday School friends can give you if you just open up to them!  Jesus will be your best friend if you just give everything over to him.  This isn't your battle.  It's God's.  With God on your side (Jesus Christ) the battle is already won! Just be still (patient) and know that He's with you.... always!


II Chronicles 20:15b "Be not afraid nor dismayed by reason of this great multitude for the battle is not yours, but God's." [multitude=sometimes stress makes us feel like a multitude of things are going wrong, and that everything is against us].


Psalm 46:9-11 "He makes wars cease to the ends of the earth; he breaks the bow and shatters the spear, he burns the shields with fire. "Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth."  The LORD Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress. Selah" [selah=pause and calmy think on this].

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Agh...at diner my parents were all suddenly like "you need to take either piano or drum lessons" I'm really getting sick of being forced to do stuff. They explained that I need to use my talents, but...I don't know...why do I hate doing lessons? Mabye I'm scared of putting commitment into it. I mean, I'm in a confusing time right now, plus I have homework, tests, some projects (Bio Lab and Health at the moment), my body, and my social life to worry about. Lessons are just one more thing to worry about... :sleepy:

Can you not say to your parents that if you take anything else on your school work and your grades are likely to suffer :penguin  ???  :penguin ?

I can, but I'll have to wait for the right time. I'll also have to tell them that I might have to sacrifice Young Life for it, after all I can't do everything you know :sleepy: .

It be a shame for you to give up Young Life after you've only just started, but you do have to put school work first.  Take your time and when the moments right, tell them.


If you find it too difficult to do it out right, could you talk to a counsellor or teacher at school and ask them to help you?  You might be able to get a teacher to write to your parents explaining that they think you are doing to much an should cut back.  If it comes from the school your parents might take more notice :penguin  :sleepy:  :penguin .

Sorry to post so much in a row...


*Pats you on the back* I know parents can add things to the mix that are very irritating and cause you more stress.  Perhaps this would be a good time to clue them in?  It may be easier said than done, but I've noticed that when I did that, it seemed to lighten my load, so to speak.  But remember also what I've said... When you start placing your trust in Jesus, He'll make it so that things work out for you where you can do all the activities you enjoy and not feel so "spread out."  Trust Him.  C'mon, trust Him...  :;):  He can even give you the courage to tell your parents how you feel and the amount of stress they're putting on you.  (Tell them in a dignified way... not like a normal, irrational teenager in a huffy fit).  (I used to be a teenager - I'm now 29).  By coming to them openly and honestly, and laying it all out on the table, this shows them that you can be mature and the fact that you came to them openly and honestly shows them that you trust them to tell them anything.  Parents just eat that up!  :)

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Woa...my parents are having the fight of all fights. They were swearing at each other and stomping and slamming doors...it seems to be calming down alittle...I can hear my mom crying, and my dad is chuckling, trying to cheer her up. Thank goodness. I prayed to god during the fight so I think that helped  :sleepy:
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Agh...at diner my parents were all suddenly like "you need to take either piano or drum lessons" I'm really getting sick of being forced to do stuff. They explained that I need to use my talents, but...I don't know...why do I hate doing lessons? Mabye I'm scared of putting commitment into it. I mean, I'm in a confusing time right now, plus I have homework, tests, some projects (Bio Lab and Health at the moment), my body, and my social life to worry about. Lessons are just one more thing to worry about... :sleepy:

Can you not say to your parents that if you take anything else on your school work and your grades are likely to suffer?

I can, but I'll have to wait for the right time. I'll also have to tell them that I might have to sacrifice Young Life for it, after all I can't do everything you know :sleepy: .

It be a shame for you to give up Young Life after you've only just started, but you do have to put school work first.  Take your time and when the moments right, tell them.


If you find it too difficult to do it out right, could you talk to a counsellor or teacher at school and ask them to help you?  You might be able to get a teacher to write to your parents explaining that they think you are doing to much an should cut back.  If it comes from the school your parents might take more notice.

Sorry to post so much in a row...


*Pats you on the back* I know parents can add things to the mix that are very irritating and cause you more stress.  Perhaps this would be a good time to clue them in?  It may be easier said than done, but I've noticed that when I did that, it seemed to lighten my load, so to speak.  But remember also what I've said... When you start placing your trust in Jesus, He'll make it so that things work out for you where you can do all the activities you enjoy and not feel so "spread out."  Trust Him.  C'mon, trust Him...  :;):  He can even give you the courage to tell your parents how you feel and the amount of stress they're putting on you.  (Tell them in a dignified way... not like a normal, irrational teenager in a huffy fit).  (I used to be a teenager - I'm now 29).  By coming to them openly and honestly, and laying it all out on the table, this shows them that you can be mature and the fact that you came to them openly and honestly shows them that you trust them to tell them anything.  Parents just eat that up!  :)

Your words are really inspiring and thoughtful!


:)  :)  :)  :)  :)

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Woa...my parents are having the fight of all fights. They were swearing at each other and stomping and slamming doors...it seems to be calming down alittle...I can hear my mom crying, and my dad is chuckling, trying to cheer her up. Thank goodness. I prayed to god during the fight so I think that helped  :sleepy:

I am so sorry Jesse.   :(


Here is my heart!  


This time of year is very hard on everyone.  With the home being upset, this  puts more stress on you.  I am so sorry.  Please know that I have your in my thoughts, heart and prayers.


Tomorrow should be better.


Lots of love to you...




:love:  :love:  :love:  :love:  :love:

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Woa...my parents are having the fight of all fights. They were swearing at each other and stomping and slamming doors...it seems to be calming down alittle...I can hear my mom crying, and my dad is chuckling, trying to cheer her up. Thank goodness. I prayed to god during the fight so I think that helped  :sleepy:

I am so sorry Jesse.   :(


Here is my heart!  


This time of year is very hard on everyone.  With the home being upset, this  puts more stress on you.  I am so sorry.  Please know that I have your in my thoughts, heart and prayers.


Tomorrow should be better.


Lots of love to you...




:love:  :love:  :love:  :love:  :love:

It turned out that my mom had a hot flash and my dad was the last straw, so she let her anger out  :sleepy: They apoligized to us for fighting, and they're much better now.

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Woa...my parents are having the fight of all fights. They were swearing at each other and stomping and slamming doors...it seems to be calming down alittle...I can hear my mom crying, and my dad is chuckling, trying to cheer her up. Thank goodness. I prayed to god during the fight so I think that helped  :sleepy:

I'm sorry to hear that.  I hope everything calms down in time for Christmas day.  Adults do sometimes row like mad without it ever leading anywhere :penguin  :sleepy:  :penguin .

Yes, it didn't really lead anywhere, but  my mom got to let her anger out  :sleepy:

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Let me tell you a little about me:


I've been through Highschool.  I graduated from South Broward High School in August of 1993, so I can safely say, "been there and done that!"  I graduated late due to my depression.  I had missed lots of school and had to make up the hours during summer school.  I remember feeling exactly as you do.  A brand new environment... More work... New people...  I don't know if your friends from Junior High/Middle School got to transfer to High School with you, but I didn't know anyone because I had just moved from NC to FL.  So I really was ALONE.  Making friends was hard because I dressed differently, being from NC.  I was constantly teased and harrassed, and bullied.  To make it worse, my parents were really strict on me.  (Even after I graduated, I was still living at home at the time, and I had a curfew of 9 pm, and here I was, 19 years old)! 


Anyway, back to High School...  I had no freedom where my parents were concerned.  (I thank them now, but back then, I didn't).  I remember feeling so out of place and depressed and bullied to the point where I was suicidal.  I figured, if I can't make here I'll just end it all.  Being dead can't be any worse!  Luckily, my English teacher was someone I could trust, and I had told him what I was planning on doing.  Immediately, sincerely concerned, he rushed me to the couselor.  He was really concerned for me, and I got help.  I would strongly suggest seeking the advise of your School Counelor.  They can be a big help.  Another big help for me is Jesus.  He wasn't during the time of High School, because I was like many.... confused about who I was, confused about what my purpose in life was... confused as to what to believe in... Made wrong choices, etc.  I even tried to practice wicca/witchcraft, and that didn't help.  I just got deeper into depression.  But from your post, you're going to Sunday school now, and that's a great start!  Don't give in to your negative feelings... Keep going to Sunday School and keep your eyes focused on God.  I've made a lot of TRUE friends from my adult Sunday School group, "The Round Table."  You wouldn't believe the amount of support your Sunday School friends can give you if you just open up to them!  Jesus will be your best friend if you just give everything over to him.  This isn't your battle.  It's God's.  With God on your side (Jesus Christ) the battle is already won! Just be still (patient) and know that He's with you.... always!


II Chronicles 20:15b "Be not afraid nor dismayed by reason of this great multitude for the battle is not yours, but God's." [multitude=sometimes stress makes us feel like a multitude of things are going wrong, and that everything is against us].


Psalm 46:9-11 "He makes wars cease to the ends of the earth; he breaks the bow and shatters the spear, he burns the shields with fire. "Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth."  The LORD Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress. Selah" [selah=pause and calmy think on this].

I have thought about it, but if death leads to nothing good, you might as well live for the good things in life. Either way I know life's not as bad as it seems. My sunday school is nice, but I feel out of place for some reason, like I do pretty much everywhere else. But I'm still going, because I want to focus on god more.


I don't know where I'm going to go, or what I'm going to do. But I know that god has the right choice, and I am leaving it in his hands.

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Woa...my parents are having the fight of all fights. They were swearing at each other and stomping and slamming doors...it seems to be calming down alittle...I can hear my mom crying, and my dad is chuckling, trying to cheer her up. Thank goodness. I prayed to god during the fight so I think that helped  :sleepy:

I am so sorry Jesse.   :(


Here is my heart!  


This time of year is very hard on everyone.  With the home being upset, this  puts more stress on you.  I am so sorry.  Please know that I have your in my thoughts, heart and prayers.


Tomorrow should be better.


Lots of love to you...




:love:  :love:  :love:  :love:  :love:

It turned out that my mom had a hot flash and my dad was the last straw, so she let her anger out  :sleepy: They apoligized to us for fighting, and they're much better now.

*sigh of relief*


Thanks for letting me know.  I feel much better now.

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It turned out that my mom had a hot flash

Anther difference between American Eglish and English English.  Over here we call it a hot flush, even if that does sound like your plumber made a mistake and connected the wrong pipe to the john :penguin  :laugh:  :penguin !

:laughing  :laughing  :laughing

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Let me tell you a little about me:


I've been through Highschool.  I graduated from South Broward High School in August of 1993, so I can safely say, "been there and done that!"  I graduated late due to my depression.  I had missed lots of school and had to make up the hours during summer school.  I remember feeling exactly as you do.  A brand new environment... More work... New people...  I don't know if your friends from Junior High/Middle School got to transfer to High School with you, but I didn't know anyone because I had just moved from NC to FL.  So I really was ALONE.  Making friends was hard because I dressed differently, being from NC.  I was constantly teased and harrassed, and bullied.  To make it worse, my parents were really strict on me.  (Even after I graduated, I was still living at home at the time, and I had a curfew of 9 pm, and here I was, 19 years old)!  


Anyway, back to High School...  I had no freedom where my parents were concerned.  (I thank them now, but back then, I didn't).  I remember feeling so out of place and depressed and bullied to the point where I was suicidal.  I figured, if I can't make here I'll just end it all.  Being dead can't be any worse!  Luckily, my English teacher was someone I could trust, and I had told him what I was planning on doing.  Immediately, sincerely concerned, he rushed me to the couselor.  He was really concerned for me, and I got help.  I would strongly suggest seeking the advise of your School Counelor.  They can be a big help.  Another big help for me is Jesus.  He wasn't during the time of High School, because I was like many.... confused about who I was, confused about what my purpose in life was... confused as to what to believe in... Made wrong choices, etc.  I even tried to practice wicca/witchcraft, and that didn't help.  I just got deeper into depression.  But from your post, you're going to Sunday school now, and that's a great start!  Don't give in to your negative feelings... Keep going to Sunday School and keep your eyes focused on God.  I've made a lot of TRUE friends from my adult Sunday School group, "The Round Table."  You wouldn't believe the amount of support your Sunday School friends can give you if you just open up to them!  Jesus will be your best friend if you just give everything over to him.  This isn't your battle.  It's God's.  With God on your side (Jesus Christ) the battle is already won! Just be still (patient) and know that He's with you.... always!


II Chronicles 20:15b "Be not afraid nor dismayed by reason of this great multitude for the battle is not yours, but God's." [multitude=sometimes stress makes us feel like a multitude of things are going wrong, and that everything is against us].


Psalm 46:9-11 "He makes wars cease to the ends of the earth; he breaks the bow and shatters the spear, he burns the shields with fire. "Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth."  The LORD Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress. Selah" [selah=pause and calmy think on this].

I have thought about it, but if death leads to nothing good, you might as well live for the good things in life. Either way I know life's not as bad as it seems. My sunday school is nice, but I feel out of place for some reason, like I do pretty much everywhere else. But I'm still going, because I want to focus on god more.


I don't know where I'm going to go, or what I'm going to do. But I know that god has the right choice, and I am leaving it in his hands.

That is wonderful to hear!  


Sometimes it takes a while for people to get to know you and have you feel accepted.  There is a learning process involved.  After you attend for a while, you will feel very much at home.  As a baby you learned to crawl before you walked and ran, so this is just your crawling stage.


It is great to hear that you will not give up!  That takes courage!  Good for you Jesse!!!


:D    :love:  :cool:  :love:  :D

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Woa...my parents are having the fight of all fights. They were swearing at each other and stomping and slamming doors...it seems to be calming down alittle...I can hear my mom crying, and my dad is chuckling, trying to cheer her up. Thank goodness. I prayed to god during the fight so I think that helped  :sleepy:

I'm sorry to hear that.  I hope everything calms down in time for Christmas day.  Adults do sometimes row like mad without it ever leading anywhere.

Yes, it didn't really lead anywhere, but  my mom got to let her anger out  :sleepy:

The stress of the holidays should be diminishing and your mother and father should feel a little less pressure.  The holidays are almost over.  Hope that your Christmas is a good one.


 :D  :love:  :D

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It turned out that my mom had a hot flash

Anther difference between American Eglish and English English.  Over here we call it a hot flush, even if that does sound like your plumber made a mistake and connected the wrong pipe to the john!

:laughing  :laughing  LOL  :laughing  :laughing


Sheena may I present you with a Gold Star :star: Award for that one!


:laughing  :laughing  :laughing  :laughing  :laughing

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Woa...my parents are having the fight of all fights. They were swearing at each other and stomping and slamming doors...it seems to be calming down alittle...I can hear my mom crying, and my dad is chuckling, trying to cheer her up. Thank goodness. I prayed to god during the fight so I think that helped  :sleepy:

I'm sorry to hear that.  I hope everything calms down in time for Christmas day.  Adults do sometimes row like mad without it ever leading anywhere.

Yes, it didn't really lead anywhere, but  my mom got to let her anger out  :sleepy:

Sometimes even we adults need to let off steam.  I'm pleased they apologised to you.

So, when Jesse's mother was having a hot flush...she was letting off steam?


Phew!  She must really be hot!!!


:laughing  :laughing  :laughing  :laughing  :laughing

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That is wonderful to hear! 


Sometimes it takes a while for people to get to know you and have you feel accepted.  There is a learning process involved.  After you attend for a while, you will feel very much at home.  As a baby you learned to crawl before you walked and ran, so this is just your crawling stage.


It is great to hear that you will not give up!  That takes courage!  Good for you Jesse!!!


:D    :love:  :cool:  :love:  :D

I do hope I will feel excepted. I'll be patient  :sleepy:

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Woa...my parents are having the fight of all fights. They were swearing at each other and stomping and slamming doors...it seems to be calming down alittle...I can hear my mom crying, and my dad is chuckling, trying to cheer her up. Thank goodness. I prayed to god during the fight so I think that helped  :sleepy:

I'm sorry to hear that.  I hope everything calms down in time for Christmas day.  Adults do sometimes row like mad without it ever leading anywhere.

Yes, it didn't really lead anywhere, but  my mom got to let her anger out  :sleepy:

The stress of the holidays should be diminishing and your mother and father should feel a little less pressure.  The holidays are almost over.  Hope that your Christmas is a good one.


 :D  :love:  :D

It has been...so far  :D

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lol my parents have a endency to fight like that when something needs to be done within the next five minutes and the person in question has had 3 weeks to do it. As for fitting in, again, feeling out of place is normal. It took me at least a year to feel comfortable in youth group! I was the only girl my age, and had no good friends there at the time. Just be patient. You'll get used to it. :upside:
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lol my parents have a endency to fight like that when something needs to be done within the next five minutes and the person in question has had 3 weeks to do it. As for fitting in, again, feeling out of place is normal. It took me at least a year to feel comfortable in youth group! I was the only girl my age, and had no good friends there at the time. Just be patient. You'll get used to it. :upside:

That's good to hear  :sleepy:

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lol my parents have a endency to fight like that when something needs to be done within the next five minutes and the person in question has had 3 weeks to do it. As for fitting in, again, feeling out of place is normal. It took me at least a year to feel comfortable in youth group! I was the only girl my age, and had no good friends there at the time. Just be patient. You'll get used to it. :upside:

That's good to hear  :sleepy:

Yup. Brand new groups of people always take awhile to get used to. Just sit back and watch them, and then decide how to talk to them. Like if you see they don't take correction very well, don't correct them. Or if they like skateboards, talk to them about skateboards (or at least pretend to be interested). You'll see. I don't discuss scientific priciples with most of my friends for a reason.  :upside:

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lol my parents have a endency to fight like that when something needs to be done within the next five minutes and the person in question has had 3 weeks to do it.

:laugh: And I thought tempers only got frayed like that when the teenager in the house had only got five minutes left to do their homework and had had known about it for the last three weeks :penguin  :laugh:  :penguin !

Oh no. Ususally it's my mom mad at dad for going out to get birthday prezzies the day of someone's birthday. But ya mom gets mad at us for the homework thing too. *remembers 5 page essay due after break*  :upside:

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It turned out that my mom had a hot flash

Anther difference between American Eglish and English English.  Over here we call it a hot flush, even if that does sound like your plumber made a mistake and connected the wrong pipe to the john!

 :laughing  LOL  :laughing  


Sheena may I present you with a Gold Star :star: Award for that one!

:laughing  :laughing

Thank you.

My pleasure!!!


:)  :love:  :laughing  :love:  :)

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Woa...my parents are having the fight of all fights. They were swearing at each other and stomping and slamming doors...it seems to be calming down alittle...I can hear my mom crying, and my dad is chuckling, trying to cheer her up. Thank goodness. I prayed to god during the fight so I think that helped  :sleepy:

I'm sorry to hear that.  I hope everything calms down in time for Christmas day.  Adults do sometimes row like mad without it ever leading anywhere.

Yes, it didn't really lead anywhere, but  my mom got to let her anger out  :sleepy:

Sometimes even we adults need to let off steam.  I'm pleased they apologised to you.

So, when Jesse's mother was having a hot flush...she was letting off steam?


Phew!  She must really be hot!!!


Very clever.

Why, thank you.


I have a clever moment every now and then!


:laughing  :D   :laughing  :D  :laughing

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It turned out that my mom had a hot flash

Anther difference between American Eglish and English English.  Over here we call it a hot flush, even if that does sound like your plumber made a mistake and connected the wrong pipe to the john :penguin  :laugh:  :penguin !

:laughing  :laughing  :laughing

I thought that might raise a laugh :penguin  :laugh:  :penguin .

lol! It kinda put a mix up in my head, as over here we say toilet. Howver, at camp the outhouses are referred to as johns. It's really funny, because a diferent family has to clean their local john every week. Every once in awhile someone will have a "john party" where more than one family helps clean it.

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It turned out that my mom had a hot flash

Anther difference between American Eglish and English English.  Over here we call it a hot flush, even if that does sound like your plumber made a mistake and connected the wrong pipe to the john!


I thought that might raise a laugh.

lol! It kinda put a mix up in my head, as over here we say toilet. Howver, at camp the outhouses are referred to as johns. It's really funny, because a diferent family has to clean their local john every week. Every once in awhile someone will have a "john party" where more than one family helps clean it.

At camp, the outhouse was the Latrine.  My father always referred to the toilet as the john.  My mother always referred to the outhouse as the moon room although no one ever knew where she got that as her family called outhouses, outhouses.  They could only figure that she saw the moon cutout on the door.


But, now that you mention it, I will beg off any john parties.  Thanks for the heads up.




:laughing  :laughing  :laughing

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lol my parents have a endency to fight like that when something needs to be done within the next five minutes and the person in question has had 3 weeks to do it. As for fitting in, again, feeling out of place is normal. It took me at least a year to feel comfortable in youth group! I was the only girl my age, and had no good friends there at the time. Just be patient. You'll get used to it. :upside:

That's good to hear  :sleepy:

Yup. Brand new groups of people always take awhile to get used to. Just sit back and watch them, and then decide how to talk to them. Like if you see they don't take correction very well, don't correct them. Or if they like skateboards, talk to them about skateboards (or at least pretend to be interested). You'll see. I don't discuss scientific priciples with most of my friends for a reason.  :upside:

Jesusfreak, that is very good advice.


:D  :D  :D

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Let me tell you a little about me:


I've been through Highschool.  I graduated from South Broward High School in August of 1993, so I can safely say, "been there and done that!"  I graduated late due to my depression.  I had missed lots of school and had to make up the hours during summer school.  I remember feeling exactly as you do.  A brand new environment... More work... New people...  I don't know if your friends from Junior High/Middle School got to transfer to High School with you, but I didn't know anyone because I had just moved from NC to FL.  So I really was ALONE.  Making friends was hard because I dressed differently, being from NC.  I was constantly teased and harrassed, and bullied.  To make it worse, my parents were really strict on me.  (Even after I graduated, I was still living at home at the time, and I had a curfew of 9 pm, and here I was, 19 years old)! 


Anyway, back to High School...  I had no freedom where my parents were concerned.  (I thank them now, but back then, I didn't).  I remember feeling so out of place and depressed and bullied to the point where I was suicidal.  I figured, if I can't make here I'll just end it all.  Being dead can't be any worse!  Luckily, my English teacher was someone I could trust, and I had told him what I was planning on doing.  Immediately, sincerely concerned, he rushed me to the couselor.  He was really concerned for me, and I got help.  I would strongly suggest seeking the advise of your School Counelor.  They can be a big help.  Another big help for me is Jesus.  He wasn't during the time of High School, because I was like many.... confused about who I was, confused about what my purpose in life was... confused as to what to believe in... Made wrong choices, etc.  I even tried to practice wicca/witchcraft, and that didn't help.  I just got deeper into depression.  But from your post, you're going to Sunday school now, and that's a great start!  Don't give in to your negative feelings... Keep going to Sunday School and keep your eyes focused on God.  I've made a lot of TRUE friends from my adult Sunday School group, "The Round Table."  You wouldn't believe the amount of support your Sunday School friends can give you if you just open up to them!  Jesus will be your best friend if you just give everything over to him.  This isn't your battle.  It's God's.  With God on your side (Jesus Christ) the battle is already won! Just be still (patient) and know that He's with you.... always!


II Chronicles 20:15b "Be not afraid nor dismayed by reason of this great multitude for the battle is not yours, but God's." [multitude=sometimes stress makes us feel like a multitude of things are going wrong, and that everything is against us].


Psalm 46:9-11 "He makes wars cease to the ends of the earth; he breaks the bow and shatters the spear, he burns the shields with fire. "Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth."  The LORD Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress. Selah" [selah=pause and calmy think on this].

I have thought about it, but if death leads to nothing good, you might as well live for the good things in life. Either way I know life's not as bad as it seems. My sunday school is nice, but I feel out of place for some reason, like I do pretty much everywhere else. But I'm still going, because I want to focus on god more.


I don't know where I'm going to go, or what I'm going to do. But I know that god has the right choice, and I am leaving it in his hands.

That's great!  Just keep going to Sunday School.  And you're absolutely right -- focus on GOD/JESUS (same).  So many people stop going to church because they feel "left out" or because "nobody said Hi to me," etc., and that's a shame.


It's not about you.  It's not about them.  


It is about Jesus.  It is about worship.  It s about fellowship with our Creator.

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It turned out that my mom had a hot flash

Anther difference between American Eglish and English English.  Over here we call it a hot flush, even if that does sound like your plumber made a mistake and connected the wrong pipe to the john!


I thought that might raise a laugh.

lol! It kinda put a mix up in my head, as over here we say toilet. Howver, at camp the outhouses are referred to as johns. It's really funny, because a diferent family has to clean their local john every week. Every once in awhile someone will have a "john party" where more than one family helps clean it.

At camp, the outhouse was the Latrine.  My father always referred to the toilet as the john.  My mother always referred to the outhouse as the moon room although no one ever knew where she got that as her family called outhouses, outhouses.  They could only figure that she saw the moon cutout on the door.


But, now that you mention it, I will beg off any john parties.  Thanks for the heads up.




:laughing  :laughing  :laughing

"MOON ROOM" refers to the bare bottom being exposed.  Like when you "MOON" someone, when you're trying to be cheeky.  (pun intended)  :P

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It turned out that my mom had a hot flash

Anther difference between American Eglish and English English.  Over here we call it a hot flush, even if that does sound like your plumber made a mistake and connected the wrong pipe to the john!


I thought that might raise a laugh.

lol! It kinda put a mix up in my head, as over here we say toilet. Howver, at camp the outhouses are referred to as johns. It's really funny, because a diferent family has to clean their local john every week. Every once in awhile someone will have a "john party" where more than one family helps clean it.

At camp, the outhouse was the Latrine.  My father always referred to the toilet as the john.  My mother always referred to the outhouse as the moon room although no one ever knew where she got that as her family called outhouses, outhouses.  They could only figure that she saw the moon cutout on the door.


But, now that you mention it, I will beg off any john parties.  Thanks for the heads up.




:laughing  :laughing  :laughing

"MOON ROOM" refers to the bare bottom being exposed.  Like when you "MOON" someone, when you're trying to be cheeky.  (pun intended)  :P

Perhaps that's why they put a moon on some outhouses. Ours don't have that. And no, there's no food a the john. They may all go to the person't cabin to eat though. Horatio-John parties only exist at my camp (i think). Sheena-we rearely use the term John for toilet, but most people know what it means.

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Lol now my topic has veered into a discussion about bathrooms!

8)  Lol you're right. So how are you doing? :upside:

Fine I guess. Better than when I started the topic  :;):

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Lol now my topic has veered into a discussion about bathrooms!

8)  Lol you're right. So how are you doing? :upside:

Fine I guess. Better than when I started the topic  :;):

Being serious for a minute, some years ago a cunsellor said that we only say we're 'fine' when we are anything but.  He said that the word is an anacronym for:




Nuerotic and



So how are you doing Jesse :penguin  :sleepy:  :penguin ?

Actually I usually say fine out of habit.


I'm doing pretty good. There are worries in my life, but I can deal with them.

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You know, it doesn't feel like there's love at school anymore. No one shows it, even when they are in groups of friends. It seems like all friends do anymore is mess around or talk or ask for pencils...


I actually made a MIDI called "Where is the love?" and I almost have the lyrics done.

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You know, it doesn't feel like there's love at school anymore. No one shows it, even when they are in groups of friends. It seems like all friends do anymore is mess around or talk or ask for pencils...


I actually made a MIDI called "Where is the love?" and I almost have the lyrics done.

It's sad that people do not want to show love.  Whatever you do please keep love in your heart.  When you give love away, it comes back...greater than before!!!


I am looking forward to hearing "Where is love?".

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Lol now my topic has veered into a discussion about bathrooms!

8)  Lol you're right. So how are you doing? :upside:

Fine I guess. Better than when I started the topic  :;):

Being serious for a minute, some years ago a cunsellor said that we only say we're 'fine' when we are anything but.  He said that the word is an anacronym for:




Nuerotic and



So how are you doing Jesse :penguin  :sleepy:  :penguin ?

Actually I usually say fine out of habit.


I'm doing pretty good. There are worries in my life, but I can deal with them.

Jesse, I am thrilled that you are doing pretty good.  There will always be worries, but if you can work through them then you are going great!

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You know, it doesn't feel like there's love at school anymore. No one shows it, even when they are in groups of friends. It seems like all friends do anymore is mess around or talk or ask for pencils...


I actually made a MIDI called "Where is the love?" and I almost have the lyrics done.

It's sad that people do not want to show love.  Whatever you do please keep love in your heart.  When you give love away, it comes back...greater than before!!!


I am looking forward to hearing "Where is love?".

I'll send it in soon  :D

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Lol now my topic has veered into a discussion about bathrooms!

8)  Lol you're right. So how are you doing? :upside:

Fine I guess. Better than when I started the topic  :;):

Being serious for a minute, some years ago a cunsellor said that we only say we're 'fine' when we are anything but.  He said that the word is an anacronym for:




Nuerotic and



So how are you doing Jesse :penguin  :sleepy:  :penguin ?

Actually I usually say fine out of habit.


I'm doing pretty good. There are worries in my life, but I can deal with them.

Jesse, I am thrilled that you are doing pretty good.  There will always be worries, but if you can work through them then you are going great!

Yes, there will always be worries. But I hope they don't build up  :sleepy:

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You know, it doesn't feel like there's love at school anymore. No one shows it, even when they are in groups of friends. It seems like all friends do anymore is mess around or talk or ask for pencils...


I actually made a MIDI called "Where is the love?" and I almost have the lyrics done.

It's sad that people do not want to show love.  Whatever you do please keep love in your heart.  When you give love away, it comes back...greater than before!!!


I am looking forward to hearing "Where is love?".

I'll send it in soon  :D

I'll be waiting!!!   :D

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[quote name=SSJ6Gohan' date='Dec. 28


I'm doing pretty good. There are worries in my life, but I can deal with them.[/quote]

Jesse, I am thrilled that you are doing pretty good.  There will always be worries, but if you can work through them then you are going great!

Yes, there will always be worries. But I hope they don't build up  :sleepy:

I think that you will learn how to prioritize and deal with any worries one by one, and they won't build up.

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[quote name=SSJ6Gohan' date='Dec. 28


I'm doing pretty good. There are worries in my life, but I can deal with them.[/quote]

Jesse, I am thrilled that you are doing pretty good.  There will always be worries, but if you can work through them then you are going great!

Yes, there will always be worries. But I hope they don't build up  :sleepy:

I think that you will learn how to prioritize and deal with any worries one by one, and they won't build up.

I hope so.

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[quote name=SSJ6Gohan' date='Dec. 28


I'm doing pretty good. There are worries in my life, but I can deal with them.[/quote]

Jesse, I am thrilled that you are doing pretty good.  There will always be worries, but if you can work through them then you are going great!

Yes, there will always be worries. But I hope they don't build up  :sleepy:

I think that you will learn how to prioritize and deal with any worries one by one, and they won't build up.

I hope so.

Trust me on this one.  As you go through life, what you give out comes back to you in ways that you never imagined!!  You are full of love and when you give this out, at first people might feel insecure themselves, but when they find that you are sincere and genuine, this will flow back to you in rivers and oceans!


Love that is returned is a most wonderful feeling.

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[quote name=SSJ6Gohan' date='Dec. 28


I'm doing pretty good. There are worries in my life, but I can deal with them.[/quote]

Jesse, I am thrilled that you are doing pretty good.  There will always be worries, but if you can work through them then you are going great!

Yes, there will always be worries. But I hope they don't build up  :sleepy:

I think that you will learn how to prioritize and deal with any worries one by one, and they won't build up.

I hope so.

Trust me on this one.  As you go through life, what you give out comes back to you in ways that you never imagined!!  You are full of love and when you give this out, at first people might feel insecure themselves, but when they find that you are sincere and genuine, this will flow back to you in rivers and oceans!


Love that is returned is a most wonderful feeling.



It doesn't feel like my family loves me that much either. They don't care when I'm mad, or sad, or anything like that. In fact they seem to gang up on me when I get those feelings. And then there's mom...it feels like she is the only one that cares about my feelings...

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[quote name=SSJ6Gohan' date='Dec. 28


I'm doing pretty good. There are worries in my life, but I can deal with them.[/quote]

Jesse, I am thrilled that you are doing pretty good.  There will always be worries, but if you can work through them then you are going great!

Yes, there will always be worries. But I hope they don't build up  :sleepy:

I think that you will learn how to prioritize and deal with any worries one by one, and they won't build up.

I hope so.

Trust me on this one.  As you go through life, what you give out comes back to you in ways that you never imagined!!  You are full of love and when you give this out, at first people might feel insecure themselves, but when they find that you are sincere and genuine, this will flow back to you in rivers and oceans!


Love that is returned is a most wonderful feeling.



It doesn't feel like my family loves me that much either. They don't care when I'm mad, or sad, or anything like that. In fact they seem to gang up on me when I get those feelings. And then there's mom...it feels like she is the only one that cares about my feelings...

Mom's are usually the ones that care about feelings. I think it usually comes down to the difference between girls and boys. Girls, for the most part, are more sensitive and are more into the whole feelings thing. That's why girls thend to talk about things like the boy they like or how their "best friend" stabbed them in the back. Guys, for the most part, like to put up a show that they don't have feelings and can take anything. Yuo know, the whole "look at macho me" thing. That's why they proceed to go out on their sketeboards and bikes with no safety gear and then brag about who had the biggest scrape on their arm. This is highly stereotypical, but it's common of a lot of guys. Eventually they realize how stupid they're acting and level out. You are already leveled out. Yay! But you see maybe your dad hasn't gotten over the whole boys actually have feelings thing. Maybe he's afraid to talk about feelings or is afraid he'll say the wrong thing? Becuase chances are, when he was your age he didn't want to talk about his feelings, and doesn't know how to deal with another teenager's feelings becuase he never talked about them when he was a kid. Your mom however, probably spent most of her teemage years discussing her feelings with her friends and parents, and knows how to explain and deal with them. I hope that makes sense. O.o Uh oh, the little cousin is up. I'll see you all later.  :upside:  :cool:

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Lol now my topic has veered into a discussion about bathrooms!

8)  Lol you're right. So how are you doing? :upside:

Fine I guess. Better than when I started the topic  :;):

Being serious for a minute, some years ago a cunsellor said that we only say we're 'fine' when we are anything but.  He said that the word is an anacronym for:




Nuerotic and



So how are you doing Jesse :penguin  :sleepy:  :penguin ?

Actually I usually say fine out of habit.


I'm doing pretty good. There are worries in my life, but I can deal with them.

I'm pleased you're feeling better.  Time often helps to put things into a different perspective :penguin  :sleepy:  :penguin .

Yes, it does...

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You know, it doesn't feel like there's love at school anymore. No one shows it, even when they are in groups of friends. It seems like all friends do anymore is mess around or talk or ask for pencils...


I actually made a MIDI called "Where is the love?" and I almost have the lyrics done.

All your year are new to the school and probabley feeling pretty insecure themselves.  By acting the way they do, it can hide their insecurities.  If you allow in love, you have to allow your vulnerable side to be seen, difficult when your unsure of yourself :penguin  :sleepy:  :penguin .

That's true, it can be hard to show love at that time...it's hard for me too  :upside:

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[quote name=SSJ6Gohan' date='Dec. 28


I'm doing pretty good. There are worries in my life, but I can deal with them.[/quote]

Jesse, I am thrilled that you are doing pretty good.  There will always be worries, but if you can work through them then you are going great!

Yes, there will always be worries. But I hope they don't build up  :sleepy:

I think that you will learn how to prioritize and deal with any worries one by one, and they won't build up.

I hope so.

Trust me on this one.  As you go through life, what you give out comes back to you in ways that you never imagined!!  You are full of love and when you give this out, at first people might feel insecure themselves, but when they find that you are sincere and genuine, this will flow back to you in rivers and oceans!


Love that is returned is a most wonderful feeling.



It doesn't feel like my family loves me that much either. They don't care when I'm mad, or sad, or anything like that. In fact they seem to gang up on me when I get those feelings. And then there's mom...it feels like she is the only one that cares about my feelings...

Mom's are usually the ones that care about feelings. I think it usually comes down to the difference between girls and boys. Girls, for the most part, are more sensitive and are more into the whole feelings thing. That's why girls thend to talk about things like the boy they like or how their "best friend" stabbed them in the back. Guys, for the most part, like to put up a show that they don't have feelings and can take anything. Yuo know, the whole "look at macho me" thing. That's why they proceed to go out on their sketeboards and bikes with no safety gear and then brag about who had the biggest scrape on their arm. This is highly stereotypical, but it's common of a lot of guys. Eventually they realize how stupid they're acting and level out. You are already leveled out. Yay! But you see maybe your dad hasn't gotten over the whole boys actually have feelings thing. Maybe he's afraid to talk about feelings or is afraid he'll say the wrong thing? Becuase chances are, when he was your age he didn't want to talk about his feelings, and doesn't know how to deal with another teenager's feelings becuase he never talked about them when he was a kid. Your mom however, probably spent most of her teemage years discussing her feelings with her friends and parents, and knows how to explain and deal with them. I hope that makes sense. O.o Uh oh, the little cousin is up. I'll see you all later.  :upside:  :cool:

That was beautiful!  You are so right.  


Most males, young and old, have a hard time expressing their feelings.  My boyfriend is quite good at showing his feelings.  He is quite secure in who he is, so for him to show love, this is okay as he is not worried about what people will think.


The difference is that he is an adult and you are young.  It is harder for you because you are still finding who you are.  This is difficult, but if you can keep on doing what you are doing, then you will succeed.  


Being sensitive, having love in your heart and extending this to others is a most beautiful quality.


Jesse, you are doing great!!!

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Mom's are usually the ones that care about feelings. I think it usually comes down to the difference between girls and boys. Girls, for the most part, are more sensitive and are more into the whole feelings thing. That's why girls thend to talk about things like the boy they like or how their "best friend" stabbed them in the back. Guys, for the most part, like to put up a show that they don't have feelings and can take anything. Yuo know, the whole "look at macho me" thing. That's why they proceed to go out on their sketeboards and bikes with no safety gear and then brag about who had the biggest scrape on their arm. This is highly stereotypical, but it's common of a lot of guys. Eventually they realize how stupid they're acting and level out. You are already leveled out. Yay! But you see maybe your dad hasn't gotten over the whole boys actually have feelings thing. Maybe he's afraid to talk about feelings or is afraid he'll say the wrong thing? Becuase chances are, when he was your age he didn't want to talk about his feelings, and doesn't know how to deal with another teenager's feelings becuase he never talked about them when he was a kid. Your mom however, probably spent most of her teemage years discussing her feelings with her friends and parents, and knows how to explain and deal with them. I hope that makes sense. O.o Uh oh, the little cousin is up. I'll see you all later.  :upside:  :cool:

I have noticed that. Guys at school brag about scars and injuries that they get. Girls talk about other people. I also notice that I get along with my sister better than my brother...

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You know, it doesn't feel like there's love at school anymore. No one shows it, even when they are in groups of friends. It seems like all friends do anymore is mess around or talk or ask for pencils...


I actually made a MIDI called "Where is the love?" and I almost have the lyrics done.

In our school district, it is against school policy to "show love."  They encourage "no relationships" at school.  By this they mean no boyfriend-girlfriend stuff.

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[quote name=SSJ6Gohan' date='Dec. 28


I'm doing pretty good. There are worries in my life, but I can deal with them.[/quote]

Jesse, I am thrilled that you are doing pretty good.  There will always be worries, but if you can work through them then you are going great!

Yes, there will always be worries. But I hope they don't build up  :sleepy:

I think that you will learn how to prioritize and deal with any worries one by one, and they won't build up.

I hope so.

Trust me on this one.  As you go through life, what you give out comes back to you in ways that you never imagined!!  You are full of love and when you give this out, at first people might feel insecure themselves, but when they find that you are sincere and genuine, this will flow back to you in rivers and oceans!


Love that is returned is a most wonderful feeling.



It doesn't feel like my family loves me that much either. They don't care when I'm mad, or sad, or anything like that. In fact they seem to gang up on me when I get those feelings. And then there's mom...it feels like she is the only one that cares about my feelings...

Mom's are usually the ones that care about feelings. I think it usually comes down to the difference between girls and boys. Girls, for the most part, are more sensitive and are more into the whole feelings thing. That's why girls thend to talk about things like the boy they like or how their "best friend" stabbed them in the back. Guys, for the most part, like to put up a show that they don't have feelings and can take anything. Yuo know, the whole "look at macho me" thing. That's why they proceed to go out on their sketeboards and bikes with no safety gear and then brag about who had the biggest scrape on their arm. This is highly stereotypical, but it's common of a lot of guys. Eventually they realize how stupid they're acting and level out. You are already leveled out. Yay! But you see maybe your dad hasn't gotten over the whole boys actually have feelings thing. Maybe he's afraid to talk about feelings or is afraid he'll say the wrong thing? Becuase chances are, when he was your age he didn't want to talk about his feelings, and doesn't know how to deal with another teenager's feelings becuase he never talked about them when he was a kid. Your mom however, probably spent most of her teemage years discussing her feelings with her friends and parents, and knows how to explain and deal with them. I hope that makes sense. O.o Uh oh, the little cousin is up. I'll see you all later.  :upside:  :cool:

That was beautiful!  You are so right.  


Most males, young and old, have a hard time expressing their feelings.  My boyfriend is quite good at showing his feelings.  He is quite secure in who he is, so for him to show love, this is okay as he is not worried about what people will think.


The difference is that he is an adult and you are young.  It is harder for you because you are still finding who you are.  This is difficult, but if you can keep on doing what you are doing, then you will succeed.  


Being sensitive, having love in your heart and extending this to others is a most beautiful quality.


Jesse, you are doing great!!!

Goooooooooooooooooooooooo Jesse!

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Mom's are usually the ones that care about feelings. I think it usually comes down to the difference between girls and boys. Girls, for the most part, are more sensitive and are more into the whole feelings thing. That's why girls thend to talk about things like the boy they like or how their "best friend" stabbed them in the back. Guys, for the most part, like to put up a show that they don't have feelings and can take anything. Yuo know, the whole "look at macho me" thing. That's why they proceed to go out on their sketeboards and bikes with no safety gear and then brag about who had the biggest scrape on their arm. This is highly stereotypical, but it's common of a lot of guys. Eventually they realize how stupid they're acting and level out. You are already leveled out. Yay! But you see maybe your dad hasn't gotten over the whole boys actually have feelings thing. Maybe he's afraid to talk about feelings or is afraid he'll say the wrong thing? Becuase chances are, when he was your age he didn't want to talk about his feelings, and doesn't know how to deal with another teenager's feelings becuase he never talked about them when he was a kid. Your mom however, probably spent most of her teemage years discussing her feelings with her friends and parents, and knows how to explain and deal with them. I hope that makes sense. O.o Uh oh, the little cousin is up. I'll see you all later.  :upside:  :cool:

I have noticed that. Guys at school brag about scars and injuries that they get. Girls talk about other people. I also notice that I get along with my sister better than my brother...

Sister?  Older or younger?  (If you have already told us this, sorry, I'll have read it, but not remembered).

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I've also been kinda depressed. I've been really mad at myself lately. And I get really mad at my parents and sometimes even yell at them(I know, It's stupid). I don't feel very confident in my self. I'm really jelouse of my friends, too. One of my friends is alot prettier than me. She has blonde hair and is a bit skinnier than me and alot of boys have a crush on her. Then there's my other friend. The boy I have a crush on has a crush on her. This all really embarrassing to be telling you all. But I'm telling you guys because I can trust you! Some boys might not be able to understand this because it's kind of a girl thing. I also might say things I don't mean like, just a few minutes ago I posted a post that said I will probobly leave the boards, but in real life I doubt I will. Don't worry I will try my best to stay here as long as I can.


   Peace to all,


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Mom's are usually the ones that care about feelings. I think it usually comes down to the difference between girls and boys. Girls, for the most part, are more sensitive and are more into the whole feelings thing. That's why girls thend to talk about things like the boy they like or how their "best friend" stabbed them in the back. Guys, for the most part, like to put up a show that they don't have feelings and can take anything. Yuo know, the whole "look at macho me" thing. That's why they proceed to go out on their sketeboards and bikes with no safety gear and then brag about who had the biggest scrape on their arm. This is highly stereotypical, but it's common of a lot of guys. Eventually they realize how stupid they're acting and level out. You are already leveled out. Yay! But you see maybe your dad hasn't gotten over the whole boys actually have feelings thing. Maybe he's afraid to talk about feelings or is afraid he'll say the wrong thing? Becuase chances are, when he was your age he didn't want to talk about his feelings, and doesn't know how to deal with another teenager's feelings becuase he never talked about them when he was a kid. Your mom however, probably spent most of her teemage years discussing her feelings with her friends and parents, and knows how to explain and deal with them. I hope that makes sense. O.o Uh oh, the little cousin is up. I'll see you all later.  :upside:  :cool:

I have noticed that. Guys at school brag about scars and injuries that they get. Girls talk about other people. I also notice that I get along with my sister better than my brother...

That is great!   :D

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[quote name=SSJ6Gohan' date='Dec. 28


I'm doing pretty good. There are worries in my life, but I can deal with them.[/quote]

Jesse, I am thrilled that you are doing pretty good.  There will always be worries, but if you can work through them then you are going great!

Yes, there will always be worries. But I hope they don't build up  :sleepy:

I think that you will learn how to prioritize and deal with any worries one by one, and they won't build up.

I hope so.

Trust me on this one.  As you go through life, what you give out comes back to you in ways that you never imagined!!  You are full of love and when you give this out, at first people might feel insecure themselves, but when they find that you are sincere and genuine, this will flow back to you in rivers and oceans!


Love that is returned is a most wonderful feeling.



It doesn't feel like my family loves me that much either. They don't care when I'm mad, or sad, or anything like that. In fact they seem to gang up on me when I get those feelings. And then there's mom...it feels like she is the only one that cares about my feelings...

When you say how you feel, this shows that you have a confidence about yourself that few people have.  Your mother can relate as this is what mother's do best...listen, give love and understanding.  As for your brothers, for them to show their vulnerable side when they are trying to determine who they are as people, is extremely difficult.  I think that you have a great deal more self confidence than they do and this is fantastic!!!

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Mom's are usually the ones that care about feelings. I think it usually comes down to the difference between girls and boys. Girls, for the most part, are more sensitive and are more into the whole feelings thing. That's why girls thend to talk about things like the boy they like or how their "best friend" stabbed them in the back. Guys, for the most part, like to put up a show that they don't have feelings and can take anything. Yuo know, the whole "look at macho me" thing. That's why they proceed to go out on their sketeboards and bikes with no safety gear and then brag about who had the biggest scrape on their arm. This is highly stereotypical, but it's common of a lot of guys. Eventually they realize how stupid they're acting and level out. You are already leveled out. Yay! But you see maybe your dad hasn't gotten over the whole boys actually have feelings thing. Maybe he's afraid to talk about feelings or is afraid he'll say the wrong thing? Becuase chances are, when he was your age he didn't want to talk about his feelings, and doesn't know how to deal with another teenager's feelings becuase he never talked about them when he was a kid. Your mom however, probably spent most of her teemage years discussing her feelings with her friends and parents, and knows how to explain and deal with them. I hope that makes sense. O.o Uh oh, the little cousin is up. I'll see you all later.  :upside:  :cool:

I have noticed that. Guys at school brag about scars and injuries that they get. Girls talk about other people. I also notice that I get along with my sister better than my brother...

What is even scarier, is that some grown men still have the same conversations.  They have never grown up.  I work with some of these guys!

:eek  :eek  :eek

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You know, it doesn't feel like there's love at school anymore. No one shows it, even when they are in groups of friends. It seems like all friends do anymore is mess around or talk or ask for pencils...


I actually made a MIDI called "Where is the love?" and I almost have the lyrics done.

In our school district, it is against school policy to "show love."  They encourage "no relationships" at school.  By this they mean no boyfriend-girlfriend stuff.

Oh... :( , do they give you a reason for this policy?  If you do not show love, does it help improve concentration on studies, do grades improve?????


What happens if you do show love, a relationship?  Do you get in trouble? I hope not.

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