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Look! Up in the sky! Its a bird! Its a Planr!

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BIG thanksies to Horatio amd MK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Hugs Horatio*

Since none of you never found out, I like Metroid prime, Star fox, Hampsterdance, Mushrooms, Charlie and the Choclate factory, Horatio, Jhonny depp, Video games, People who look like Jhon lennon, Fire emblem, Helping peopel, Gothics(MIDEVAL Gothic), Earthbound, witches, Copyrighhting, Boohbahs, Ice climber,Roger waters and Jhon L:ennon! I am a 11-Year old Hammie who has a Mushroom growing out my head and a witch hat on ytop. I am the Biggest Fan of Dixie and not Much else.

Well that is all see you all later! I dont go online very much though. Only when MK lets me use hers because I dont have a Compy. :( So I wont be on much, Plus MK always hogs the Comp! >_<



HOratio, Con u change my name to Vannila Star Hampster? Thanks. n_n

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BIG thanksies to Horatio amd MK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Hugs Horatio*

Since none of you never found out, I like Metroid prime, Star fox, Hampsterdance, Mushrooms, Charlie and the Choclate factory, Horatio, Jhonny depp, Video games, People who look like Jhon lennon, Fire emblem, Helping peopel, Gothics(MIDEVAL Gothic), Earthbound, witches, Copyrighhting, Boohbahs, Ice climber,Roger waters and Jhon L:ennon! I am a 11-Year old Hammie who has a Mushroom growing out my head and a witch hat on ytop. I am the Biggest Fan of Dixie and not Much else.

Well that is all see you all later! I dont go online very much though. Only when MK lets me use hers  because I dont have a Compy. :(  So I wont be on much,  Plus MK always hogs the Comp! >_



HOratio, Con u change my name to Star Hampster? Thanks. n_n

Let me begin by saying, welcome back! I have been waiting for you.


Your name change will be accomplished. Please clarify one thing, would you prefer Vannila or the correct spelling of Vanilla? (Just in case you did not realize you made a spelling error.) :D

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BIG thanksies to Horatio amd MK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Hugs Horatio*

Since none of you never found out, I like Metroid prime, Star fox, Hampsterdance, Mushrooms, Charlie and the Choclate factory, Horatio, Jhonny depp, Video games, People who look like Jhon lennon, Fire emblem, Helping peopel, Gothics(MIDEVAL Gothic), Earthbound, witches, Copyrighhting, Boohbahs, Ice climber,Roger waters and Jhon L:ennon! I am a 11-Year old Hammie who has a Mushroom growing out my head and a witch hat on ytop. I am the Biggest Fan of Dixie and not Much else.

Well that is all see you all later! I dont go online very much though. Only when MK lets me use hers  because I dont have a Compy. :(  So I wont be on much,  Plus MK always hogs the Comp! >_<



HOratio, Con u change my name to Star Hampster? Thanks. n_n

Let me begin by saying, welcome back! I have been waiting for you.


Your name change will be accomplished. Please clarify one thing, would you prefer Vannila or the correct spelling of Vanilla? (Just in case you did not realize you made a spelling error.) :D

Eeeee. Sowwy. Vanila! I need freinds.

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BIG thanksies to Horatio amd MK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Hugs Horatio*

Since none of you never found out, I like Metroid prime, Star fox, Hampsterdance, Mushrooms, Charlie and the Choclate factory, Horatio, Jhonny depp, Video games, People who look like Jhon lennon, Fire emblem, Helping peopel, Gothics(MIDEVAL Gothic), Earthbound, witches, Copyrighhting, Boohbahs, Ice climber,Roger waters and Jhon L:ennon! I am a 11-Year old Hammie who has a Mushroom growing out my head and a witch hat on ytop. I am the Biggest Fan of Dixie and not Much else.

Well that is all see you all later! I dont go online very much though. Only when MK lets me use hers  because I dont have a Compy. :(  So I wont be on much,  Plus MK always hogs the Comp! >_



HOratio, Con u change my name to Star Hampster? Thanks. n_n

Let me begin by saying, welcome back! I have been waiting for you.


Your name change will be accomplished. Please clarify one thing, would you prefer Vannila or the correct spelling of Vanilla? (Just in case you did not realize you made a spelling error.) :D

Eeeee. Sowwy. Vanila! I need freinds.

Vanilla is how I will spell it for you. One n, two l's. It might take HampsterKing a few days, but I will let you know when it has been accomplished. Remember... the name will be case sensitive so you will need to capitalize the V in Vanilla, the S in Star and the H in Hampster.

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BIG thanksies to Horatio amd MK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Hugs Horatio*

Since none of you never found out, I like Metroid prime, Star fox, Hampsterdance, Mushrooms, Charlie and the Choclate factory, Horatio, Jhonny depp, Video games, People who look like Jhon lennon, Fire emblem, Helping peopel, Gothics(MIDEVAL Gothic), Earthbound, witches, Copyrighhting, Boohbahs, Ice climber,Roger waters and Jhon L:ennon! I am a 11-Year old Hammie who has a Mushroom growing out my head and a witch hat on ytop. I am the Biggest Fan of Dixie and not Much else.

Well that is all see you all later! I dont go online very much though. Only when MK lets me use hers  because I dont have a Compy. :(  So I wont be on much,  Plus MK always hogs the Comp! >_<



HOratio, Con u change my name to Star Hampster? Thanks. n_n

Let me begin by saying, welcome back! I have been waiting for you.


Your name change will be accomplished. Please clarify one thing, would you prefer Vannila or the correct spelling of Vanilla? (Just in case you did not realize you made a spelling error.) :D

Eeeee. Sowwy. Vanila! I need freinds.

Vanilla is how I will spell it for you. One n, two l's. It might take HampsterKing a few days, but I will let you know when it has been accomplished. Remember... the name will be case sensitive so you will need to capitalize the V in Vanilla, the S in Star and the H in Hampster.

Vanilla Star Hampster? coool.

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