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Name Your Phobias!


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Yeah..I just thought of this. >.<


Mine are:

Claustrophobia- Fear of confined spaces.

Teratophobia- Fear of bearing a deformed child or fear of monsters or deformed people.

Aphenphosmphobia- Fear of being touched.

Erotophobia- Definition is unappropriate.

Phengophobia- Fear of daylight or sunshine.


What's yours?

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Yeah..I just thought of this. >.<


Mine are:

Claustrophobia- Fear of confined spaces.

Teratophobia- Fear of bearing a deformed child or fear of monsters or deformed people.

Aphenphosmphobia- Fear of being touched.

Erotophobia- Definition is unappropriate.

Phengophobia- Fear of daylight or sunshine.


What's yours?

Teratophobia- Fear of bearing a deformed child or fear of monsters or deformed people. Except for the monster part.


Um. Fear of Dying.


Fear of losing one of my senses.

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I have a link to a site that lists at least 2000 Phobias alphabetically.

(Such as, Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth. Or fear of chickens. Fear of sitting down? Fear of... sleeping. o_o Fear of washing or bathing!)


What I'd have:

Entomophobia- Fear of insects. (Beleive it or not, Bugs and such like that have got to be my least favored things in life. o_o I dont only hate them, I guess it could be considered a fear.)

Xenophobia- Fear of strangers or foreigners. (Very much doscomforted and disturbed with people I dont know. e_e)

Toxiphobia or Toxophobia or Toxicophobia- Fear of poison or of being accidently poisoned. (... What? Its bad!)

Verminophobia- Fear of germs. (Goes with the Entomophobia. I can't stand icky gross contaminated... stuff. x_X)


Thats all I can think of right now...


Though I would like to turn your attention to this peice of text:

The word phobia is Greek, therefore any word that is connected to it should be Greek. To coin a new phobia name, it is proper to follow this rule. The rule has been broken many times in the past especially within the medical profession which is steeped in Latin and often, when forming a name for a phobia, they have dipped into what they know and have used a Latin suppletion affixed to the Greek stem to form their names. The language pundits frown on this but it has happened time and time again over the years and these words have become accepted. There are a number of these words used daily. Television is one such word, tele from Greek, meaning distant, and vision from Latin, meaning a seeing.


You can make your own Phobia names, on the condition they are not Latin-based. Make it a Greek word.

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I have a fear of falling. It's not simply a fear of heights because I can easily look down from a window high up in a building. It's just the falling part...like, climbing a ladder to the top.


I also have Claustrophobia, but it's not as bad as other people have it. It only kicks in when I know that I CANNOT get out. For example, going down a water ride in a tunnel, or getting locked in a trunk (that was my brother's idea ;) )


And I have Entomophobia too. Stupid bugs >_<

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Achluophobia- Fear of darkness.

Arachnephobia or Arachnophobia- Fear of spiders.

Autophobia- Fear of being alone or of oneself.

Claustrophobia- Fear of confined spaces.

Teratophobia- Fear of bearing a deformed child or fear of monsters or deformed people.

Xenophobia- Fear of strangers or foreigners.


Pretty much, I have to be surrounded by people I know. x_x;;;

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Claustrophobia- Fear of confined spaces.

Entomophobia- Fear of insects.

Ligyrophobia-Fear of loud noises. (actually, i just hate them. but i get scared in movies when its quiet and suddenly goes BLAM!)

Arachnaphobia- Fear of arachnids. (ever seen arachnaphobia the movie? :blink: )


And I'm paranoid.

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Yeah..I just thought of this. >.<


Mine are:

Claustrophobia- Fear of confined spaces.

Teratophobia- Fear of bearing a deformed child or fear of monsters or deformed people.

Aphenphosmphobia- Fear of being touched.

Erotophobia- Definition is unappropriate.

Phengophobia- Fear of daylight or sunshine.


What's yours?

Teratophobia- Fear of bearing a deformed child or fear of monsters or deformed people. Except for the monster part.


Um. Fear of Dying.


Fear of losing one of my senses.



Uh, A few more.


Xenophobia- Fear of strangers or foreigners. I'm never comfortable around new people.


Fear of falling like Jesse, I love heights, just am scared that I might fall.

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I found some more!


Arachibutyrophobia- Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth.

Aulophobia- Fear of flutes.

Eosophobia- Fear of dawn or daylight.

Nosocomephobia- Fear of hospitals.

Panophobia or Pantophobia- Fear of everything.

Pediophobia- Fear of dolls.

Peladophobia- Fear of bald people.

Phonophobia- Fear of noises or voices or one's own voice; of telephones.

Politicophobia- Fear or abnormal dislike of politicians.

Telephonophobia- Fear of telephones.

Xenophobia- Fear of strangers or foreigners.


I'm very Claustrophobic. When we go to a hotel, I can't use their showers, or bathrooms. I have to use the bigger ones that they have in lobbies and such. And I bring those shower wipes. It's horrible. And I don't like when there are too many people around, and I'm packed in. It terrifies me.

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Another thing to point out, I highly doubt any of these could really be considered phobia's.

Psychologically, or according to my brother, Phobia's would be an obsessive, true fear of what you avoid at all costs, And have rather traumatizing experiences with what you're afraid of.


You could say that you dont like these things, or find them highly disturbing, But if you're crouched in the dark corner with bloodshot eyes and a baseball bat having not slept in 3 days, as a result of obsession over a simple fear, Then I could beleive that its really a phobia.


And, If you really were claustrophobic, Any time you were in a car/vehicle cab... thingy, You'd be freaking out like theres no tomorrow. Just a way to confirm you're truly claustrophobic.


What I listed above, is pretty much things I dont like or try to avoid, except for Entophobia or Verminophobia. (A strong disliking towards, is not a phobia.) Or a combination of those two. If there are bugs or creepy gross things in the room, I freak out and leave.

I probably have just minor phobias. I think you peoples are listing far too many phobia's for one person, unless insane asylums and looney bins now let their peoples actively talk to people online.

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When we go to a hotel, I can't use their showers, or bathrooms. I have to use the bigger ones that they have in lobbies and such.

:unsure::huh: *was unaware they put showers in the hotel lobbies* :huh::unsure:

And you don't feel the least bit uncomfortable showering in front of everyone? :lol:

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When we go to a hotel, I can't use their showers, or bathrooms. I have to use the bigger ones that they have in lobbies and such.

:unsure::huh: *was unaware they put showers in the hotel lobbies* :huh::unsure:

And you don't feel the least bit uncomfortable showering in front of everyone? :lol:


Bigger bathrooms. It's closed off. You've never seen them before? They make those shower cloths, and we normally don't spend too long in a hotel, so I wash my hair when I get to family's/my house.


We have bigger cars, but I don't like them too much. ~.~

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When we go to a hotel, I can't use their showers, or bathrooms. I have to use the bigger ones that they have in lobbies and such.

:unsure::huh: *was unaware they put showers in the hotel lobbies* :huh::unsure:

And you don't feel the least bit uncomfortable showering in front of everyone? :lol:


Bigger bathrooms. It's closed off. You've never seen them before? They make those shower cloths, and we normally don't spend too long in a hotel, so I wash my hair when I get to family's/my house.


We have bigger cars, but I don't like them too much. ~.~

As for shower cloths... no hamsters are not familiar with those. We are self-cleaning. :lol:

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When we go to a hotel, I can't use their showers, or bathrooms. I have to use the bigger ones that they have in lobbies and such.

:unsure::huh: *was unaware they put showers in the hotel lobbies* :huh::unsure:

And you don't feel the least bit uncomfortable showering in front of everyone? :lol:


Bigger bathrooms. It's closed off. You've never seen them before? They make those shower cloths, and we normally don't spend too long in a hotel, so I wash my hair when I get to family's/my house.


We have bigger cars, but I don't like them too much. ~.~

As for shower cloths... no hamsters are not familiar with those. We are self-cleaning. :lol:


I don't think it would be normal for some person licking herself. >.>


I don't have that many phobias, Arkcher. Like you said, I'm just afraid of certain things. Not terribly "pee-in-my-pants" scared.


I don't like telephones, though. I can assure you. They're evil....And pointless.

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I don't think it would be normal for some person licking herself. >.>

:lol::lol: I wasn't suggesting you humans start licking yourselves. I was merely stating that I was unaware of shower cloths due to the hamster method of cleaning. :lol::lol:


Maybe you should get some. Jack seems to care more about licking himself then me. ~.~

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Another thing to point out, I highly doubt any of these could really be considered phobia's.

Psychologically, or according to my brother, Phobia's would be an obsessive, true fear of what you avoid at all costs, And have rather traumatizing experiences with what you're afraid of.


You could say that you dont like these things, or find them highly disturbing, But if you're crouched in the dark corner with bloodshot eyes and a baseball bat having not slept in 3 days, as a result of obsession over a simple fear, Then I could beleive that its really a phobia.


And, If you really were claustrophobic, Any time you were in a car/vehicle cab... thingy, You'd be freaking out like theres no tomorrow. Just a way to confirm you're truly claustrophobic.


What I listed above, is pretty much things I dont like or try to avoid, except for Entophobia or Verminophobia. (A strong disliking towards, is not a phobia.) Or a combination of those two. If there are bugs or creepy gross things in the room, I freak out and leave.

I probably have just minor phobias. I think you peoples are listing far too many phobia's for one person, unless insane asylums and looney bins now let their peoples actively talk to people online.

Actually, I'm really veru claustrophobic if I can't see outside and it's a small enough space. As long as I have some room to move around, the assurance that I can get out of the space at any time I want, and can see outside, I'm fine. So in a car, I'm alright because there are windows. But if I was, say, locked in a bathroom with no way of getting out and no windows, I would be sitting in a corner and not sleeping for three days. The same goes for if I was locked in a dark room. It could be a large dard room, but if I can't see the exit and/or can't get out, I would go to peices. I also have problems sleeping if I've seen a spider in the room and didn't smash it, if I know we have somebody I don't know very well staying at our house, even if my parents know them really well, or if I know I'm home all alone.

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Another thing to point out, I highly doubt any of these could really be considered phobia's.

Psychologically, or according to my brother, Phobia's would be an obsessive, true fear of what you avoid at all costs, And have rather traumatizing experiences with what you're afraid of.


You could say that you dont like these things, or find them highly disturbing, But if you're crouched in the dark corner with bloodshot eyes and a baseball bat having not slept in 3 days, as a result of obsession over a simple fear, Then I could beleive that its really a phobia.


And, If you really were claustrophobic, Any time you were in a car/vehicle cab... thingy, You'd be freaking out like theres no tomorrow. Just a way to confirm you're truly claustrophobic.


What I listed above, is pretty much things I dont like or try to avoid, except for Entophobia or Verminophobia. (A strong disliking towards, is not a phobia.) Or a combination of those two. If there are bugs or creepy gross things in the room, I freak out and leave.

I probably have just minor phobias. I think you peoples are listing far too many phobia's for one person, unless insane asylums and looney bins now let their peoples actively talk to people online.

Actually, I'm really veru claustrophobic if I can't see outside and it's a small enough space. As long as I have some room to move around, the assurance that I can get out of the space at any time I want, and can see outside, I'm fine. So in a car, I'm alright because there are windows. But if I was, say, locked in a bathroom with no way of getting out and no windows, I would be sitting in a corner and not sleeping for three days. The same goes for if I was locked in a dark room. It could be a large dard room, but if I can't see the exit and/or can't get out, I would go to peices. I also have problems sleeping if I've seen a spider in the room and didn't smash it, if I know we have somebody I don't know very well staying at our house, even if my parents know them really well, or if I know I'm home all alone.

I'm not claustrophobic, but when I see these Tele pictures of people trapped underneath rubble, I can almost feel like I am trapped. If I was in that situation, I would probably become claustrophobic immediately. *gets heebie jeebie feeling as I type this* :unsure:

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Yeah..I just thought of this. >.<


Mine are:

Claustrophobia- Fear of confined spaces.

Teratophobia- Fear of bearing a deformed child or fear of monsters or deformed people.

Aphenphosmphobia- Fear of being touched.

Erotophobia- Definition is unappropriate.

Phengophobia- Fear of daylight or sunshine.


What's yours?

Teratophobia- Fear of bearing a deformed child or fear of monsters or deformed people. Except for the monster part.


Um. Fear of Dying.


Fear of losing one of my senses.

necrophobia , I believe it is.

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I have a link to a site that lists at least 2000 Phobias alphabetically.

(Such as, Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth. Or fear of chickens. Fear of sitting down? Fear of... sleeping. o_o Fear of washing or bathing!)


What I'd have:

Entomophobia- Fear of insects. (Beleive it or not, Bugs and such like that have got to be my least favored things in life. o_o I dont only hate them, I guess it could be considered a fear.)

Xenophobia- Fear of strangers or foreigners. (Very much doscomforted and disturbed with people I dont know. e_e)

Toxiphobia or Toxophobia or Toxicophobia- Fear of poison or of being accidently poisoned. (... What? Its bad!)

Verminophobia- Fear of germs. (Goes with the Entomophobia. I can't stand icky gross contaminated... stuff. x_X)


Thats all I can think of right now...


Though I would like to turn your attention to this peice of text:

The word phobia is Greek, therefore any word that is connected to it should be Greek. To coin a new phobia name, it is proper to follow this rule. The rule has been broken many times in the past especially within the medical profession which is steeped in Latin and often, when forming a name for a phobia, they have dipped into what they know and have used a Latin suppletion affixed to the Greek stem to form their names. The language pundits frown on this but it has happened time and time again over the years and these words have become accepted. There are a number of these words used daily. Television is one such word, tele from Greek, meaning distant, and vision from Latin, meaning a seeing.


You can make your own Phobia names, on the condition they are not Latin-based. Make it a Greek word.

me too!

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I have a fear of falling. It's not simply a fear of heights because I can easily look down from a window high up in a building. It's just the falling part...like, climbing a ladder to the top.


I also have Claustrophobia, but it's not as bad as other people have it. It only kicks in when I know that I CANNOT get out. For example, going down a water ride in a tunnel, or getting locked in a trunk (that was my brother's idea ;) )


And I have Entomophobia too. Stupid bugs >_<

I can sympathize with almost everything you said.

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phobia- n an irrational and disabling fear. (me)

phobia... n. 1. A persistent, abnormal, or illogical fear of a specific thing or situation. 2. Any strong fear, dislike, or aversion. [New Latin, from Late Latin -phobia,...]


all right...

I have a lot of phobias (but I've undergone/am undergoing therapy)


phobias (fitting dictionary 1):


entomophobia- fear of insects

acrophobia- fear of heights

necrophobia- fear of death (but somehow I managed to almost be a necrophile [one who has love or strong affinity for death]. I don't get it.)

Verminophobia- fear of germs

fear of ants

fear of bees

fear of earwigs

fear of rejection

fear of aging


near phobias (fitting dictionary 2):


Toxiphobia (used to be phobia)

fear of entrapment (mental, emotional, and physical)


fear of loss

fear of things falling

technophobia (hate)

fear of choices

fear of failure

fear of humiliation

fear of being forgotten


Okay. I'm stupid.

Now you all are going to reject me. But I have to get rid of that fear sometime... right? (or maybe I can't...)


At least now you know why I'm so messed up.

Now all my posts make sense... right.

I'm probably forgetting a trillion things, but, oh well.

I've put off posting this long enough...

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Phobias (1)


near phobias (2)


fear of being misunderstood (waxing)

fear of lies (waxing)

fear of being manipulated (full moon)

fear of betrayal (waning ever so slowly)

fear of not being myself (waxing)


nearly gone phobias


fear of pain (waning)

phobophobia- the only thing we have to fear (waning)

fear of not existing (waxing)


Why am I doing this, again?


waxing- growing

waning- shrinking

and to complete the lunar reference...

Full moon- staying the exact (dang) same!

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I'm araid of my brother attacking me! XD

LOL :lol:








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I have (it is true)

Fear of rejection

Fear of failure

Fear of acceptance

Fear of success

Claustrophobia-tight spaces [i can sleep fine and be in cars, but if I'm trapped, my brain shuts down and I put my head down.]

Agoraphobia (mild, but I am)- crowds and open spaces like a market, (greek, agora) [if I don't have some form of assurance or I don't see a close friend, I shut down in open spaces. In the lunch line, if I find myself surrounded by the students, even if they aren't looking at me, I feel trapped and I shut down. I don't sit down, but my hands automatically go in to fists, and I have to control my breathing.


Phobias are nothing to joke about. I know I have a mild case of two kinds, and my friends (some of them) also have some sort of at least one phobia.


Here's a fun one, Triskadekaphobia--fear of the number thirteen

I learned that one in 8th grae on Friday the 13th.

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If someone had hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia, they wouldn't be reading this, since hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is the fear of long words.



I think I got that out of my Ripley's Believe It Or Not book. :lol:

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I really think saying you have a phobia is an easier way that admitting you have a fear. A phobia is something you are born with. A fear is something you grow into.

I (as usual) beg to differ. So does the dictionary, but I'll discard that as I typically don't pay it any heed anyway. Fear is something which has long since been diluted--although it was always weak. Fear is mild, anywhere from a mild uneasiness to a brief shock. Terror is melodramatic (and brief). Phobic is a superlative, in a way, and thus has much greater potency than either. Not only that, but phobias are persistent, they're irrational, and virtually immortal. Fears aren't. I'd say phobias are the harder one to admit to.

I don't think you grow into fears, either, or that phobias are something you're born with. I think fears are a much-diluted cousin of phobias. Much weaker, and much less embarassing, and with a weaker hold over your own mind and others'...

Please don't be mad at me. I'm just...

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I have (it is true)

Fear of rejection

Fear of failure

Fear of acceptance

Fear of success

Claustrophobia-tight spaces [i can sleep fine and be in cars, but if I'm trapped, my brain shuts down and I put my head down.]

Agoraphobia (mild, but I am)- crowds and open spaces like a market, (greek, agora) [if I don't have some form of assurance or I don't see a close friend, I shut down in open spaces. In the lunch line, if I find myself surrounded by the students, even if they aren't looking at me, I feel trapped and I shut down. I don't sit down, but my hands automatically go in to fists, and I have to control my breathing.


Phobias are nothing to joke about. I know I have a mild case of two kinds, and my friends (some of them) also have some sort of at least one phobia.


Here's a fun one, Triskadekaphobia--fear of the number thirteen

I learned that one in 8th grae on Friday the 13th.

I have a few "opposing fears" as well, but most of them are tame. Strange, when I'm scared, I pretty much momentarily stop breathing until I can locate a source or escape.

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I really think saying you have a phobia is an easier way that admitting you have a fear. A phobia is something you are born with. A fear is something you grow into.

I (as usual) beg to differ. So does the dictionary, but I'll discard that as I typically don't pay it any heed anyway. Fear is something which has long since been diluted--although it was always weak. Fear is mild, anywhere from a mild uneasiness to a brief shock. Terror is melodramatic (and brief). Phobic is a superlative, in a way, and thus has much greater potency than either. Not only that, but phobias are persistent, they're irrational, and virtually immortal. Fears aren't. I'd say phobias are the harder one to admit to.

I don't think you grow into fears, either, or that phobias are something you're born with. I think fears are a much-diluted cousin of phobias. Much weaker, and much less embarassing, and with a weaker hold over your own mind and others'...

Please don't be mad at me. I'm just...


We all have our opinions. =/


You're not taught to be afraid of something, your mind teaches yourself to avoid that thing or situation.


...Then again, how do you get a phobia? A greater fear, where you're so afraid of it, you cause yourself to get sick?...

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If someone had hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia, they wouldn't be reading this, since hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is the fear of long words.


Ah, yes, and it's hippopotomonstrousquipedaliophobia. and hippopotomonstrousquipedalianism is the LOVE of long words.

...Then again, how do you get a phobia? A greater fear, where you're so afraid of it, you cause yourself to get sick?...

Many phobias are spawned early in life, when a traumatic event occurs, and your primal mind retains the horror you experienced.


A phobia is defined as an irrational fear of something most people are not nearly as uncomfortable around, such as long words, fractions, and the number thirteen, as Topazia has kindly mentioned.

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If someone had hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia, they wouldn't be reading this, since hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is the fear of long words.


Ah, yes, and it's hippopotomonstrousquipedaliophobia. and hippopotomonstrousquipedalianism is the LOVE of long words.

...Then again, how do you get a phobia? A greater fear, where you're so afraid of it, you cause yourself to get sick?...

Many phobias are spawned early in life, when a traumatic event occurs, and your primal mind retains the horror you experienced.


A phobia is defined as an irrational fear of something most people are not nearly as uncomfortable around, such as long words, fractions, and the number thirteen, as Topazia has kindly mentioned.

My friends mom has arachnaphobia, she even admits it is irrational, but she just flips when she sees one.

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If someone had hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia, they wouldn't be reading this, since hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is the fear of long words.


Ah, yes, and it's hippopotomonstrousquipedaliophobia. and hippopotomonstrousquipedalianism is the LOVE of long words.

...Then again, how do you get a phobia? A greater fear, where you're so afraid of it, you cause yourself to get sick?...

Many phobias are spawned early in life, when a traumatic event occurs, and your primal mind retains the horror you experienced.


A phobia is defined as an irrational fear of something most people are not nearly as uncomfortable around, such as long words, fractions, and the number thirteen, as Topazia has kindly mentioned.

Topazia taught me that. We share strange facts.


Hey Flash! What are you getting at?

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... Horatio Procastinating. The second one is Horatioprocrastophobia.


*decides to head back to the kitchen for more smoothies*

What kind? :)

:D Sunflower seed smoothies... a hammie favorite! :D

Horatio, This reminds me...

You and your hamstery-goodness or your spiffy vast moderator wisdom, could tell me...


If a product is available to buy that would be SunflowerSeed Butter, as opposed to Peanut Butter. cuz. Sunflower seeds are very yummy. n_n And they would be good in a goo like Peanut Butter. So.

Is there SunflowerSeed Butter at some health-food store or some brand to look out fore at wal-mart or wherever...?

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... Horatio Procastinating. The second one is Horatioprocrastophobia.


*decides to head back to the kitchen for more smoothies*

What kind? :)

:D Sunflower seed smoothies... a hammie favorite! :D

Horatio, This reminds me...

You and your hamstery-goodness or your spiffy vast moderator wisdom, could tell me...


If a product is available to buy that would be SunflowerSeed Butter, as opposed to Peanut Butter. cuz. Sunflower seeds are very yummy. n_n And they would be good in a goo like Peanut Butter. So.

Is there SunflowerSeed Butter at some health-food store or some brand to look out fore at wal-mart or wherever...?

Not that I know of, but you may be on to something.

*gets Arkcher the patent on Sunflower Seed Butter*

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