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Fried Dragon Palace

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[Once again, I'm gonna try to get this RP off the ground. But this will be the LAST TIME. If it dies again, anybody can feel free to take the plot and write about it, but there will be no more RP attempts after this one!


Anywhay, here's the plot: The Fried Dragon Palace, a popular fast food place in New York, is famous for not only it's first class food, but it's wire-fu-trained staff. Each of the workers can do mind boggling martial arts stunts and gymnastics moves with ease.


But recently, a rival fast-food place has opened up next door called Master Burger. Master Burger is a widely-growing fast-food chain that becomes madly popualar wherever it appears. There's something fishy about this place, but what is it, and will the workers of the Fried Dragon Palace figure it out?


The main goal of the characters submitted will be to answer these questions. I guess last time, I didn't make it very clear that there was an actual plot to this. >_>;;;


And now, the rules!


- If you subit a character, don't just quit in the middle of an important story devolopment. If you really don't like the RP, wait for a quieter time.


- Try not to stray too far from the main plot. Side quests and character development all good, but too much makes the RP loose it's plot.


- Keep on topic. If your cat was sick and now it's all better, that's great, but please don't talk about it here.


- Don't be too random. Suprises are cool, but moon-dinosaurs popping out of the cieling aren't. That's just silly.


- No god-modding. Ask the owner of the character if you want to RP their character for a while, and don't make your character all-knowing/all-powerful. That makes it less fun for everyone else.


There are five possitions that need filling:


Drive-thru window person #1

Drive-thru window person #2

Front counter person #1

Frout counter person #2



Try to fill these possistions before requesting custom ones, but if you're just dying to be something else, run it by me and I'll see what I can do. If more people apply than there are possitions for, I might make some more.

Please don't request to be manager/assisstant manager. It is important that NPCs (Non-player characters, aka ones that I control) hold this possition for the sake of plot development.


Here is an example of what I need your bio to look like. This will be my PC (player character, aka character that runs around and does stuff with your characters).


Name: Setuna Myaki

Possition: Frycook

PD: 18 years old, tall, thin, looks a little above average, has long black hair with a single, bright red streak in the front that is about two inches thick, and all of her hair is natually colored that way. She also has red eyes.

Weapons: Very skilled in all forms of martial arts, uses a bladed spatula like a sword, frozen patties as shirukins, and frozen fries as darts.

Backround: At the age of 16, Setuna ran away from a Japanese circus, where she learned all of her matial arts skills. She had to run away because her parents were forcing her to be in it, but she had bigger plans for her life, so she sneaked away to New York City and found a job at The Fried Dragon Inn. She is working there to afford her appartment and put herself through medical school. She's been working there for two years.


If you have a question about something that I didn't cover in this post, feel free to ask. And remember, this is a wire-fu, Jackie Chan stlye RP! Be creative with their weapons and abilities! ^^]

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May I have a promotion from last time's janitor? I would now like to be Front Counter Dude 1.


Name - Sandy Chin

Age - 39

Gender - Male

Background - Raised in Japan by just his mother. Moved to the states in '89. Mother stayed behind. Went on to start his own Karate School. On the day he recieved his 5th Degree BB, he got news his mother passed on. He went back to Japan for 4 months and then came back to USA, since then, he still owns the business, but does not run it. His mother was the one that taught him Karate and he hates to think about the sport.

He is in need of a new job and thinks this place would be excellent. He would love to use his flexibility to do cool stunts while serving customers to keep them entertained.

Weapon of Choice - Body Parts.

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[Please pick what you would like to do with me.  I would like to be in, but in a very, very minor role.  So you assign me a petite part please.  Thank you.]

[Alrighty. Would you like to be a human or hamster?


Everyone please note, Horatio is the ONLY person I will allow to be an animal.]

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[Name:Ally Richards


poistion:cash register

Looks: dark brown hair that goes past her shoulders a little, blue eyes, average wieght, average hieght, overall pretty.

Story:Her mother lived in Japan, she taught her self to become a ninja and was further trained by Ally's dad's dad. Well needless to say Ally's mom and dad fell in love, and moved to America. Ally's dad was born American but moved to Japan with his dad. Then Ally was born and 2yrs later her brother was. Ally's mom taught Ally to be a ninja. Now Ally is trying to earn more money for college. And Ally is looking for friends.(sorry it was so long)]


That's Honey's character.]

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[Please pick what you would like to do with me.  I would like to be in, but in a very, very minor role.  So you assign me a petite part please.  Thank you.]

[Alrighty. Would you like to be a human or hamster?


Everyone please note, Horatio is the ONLY person I will allow to be an animal.]

Hamster please. :D

Thank you!!!

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May I have a promotion from last time's janitor? I would now like to be Front Counter Dude 1.


Name - Sandy Chin

Age - 39

Gender - Male

Background - Raised in Japan by just his mother. Moved to the states in '89. Mother stayed behind. Went on to start his own Karate School. On the day he recieved his 5th Degree BB, he got news his mother passed on. He went back to Japan for 4 months and then came back to USA, since then, he still owns the business, but does not run it. His mother was the one that taught him Karate and he hates to think about the sport.

He is in need of a new job and thinks this place would be excellent. He would love to use his flexibility to do cool stunts while serving customers to keep them entertained.

Weapon of Choice - Body Parts.

Looks - 5' 9". Short Black Hair. Usually dark toned skin. Blue eyes because of contacts, and in shape.

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Ok, I'm just gonna make a different person. With the same name.


Name: Naoyo Fujiwara

Position: Drive Through #1

Weapons: Metal Mini-menus.

PD: Age 25. She has dark brown hair with lighter colored parts. People tell her she is too skinny and too eat more, so we shall assume she is thinner than an average person. She has one blue eye and the other has ever-changing color, which creeps everyone out.

Backround: Ever since legal working age, Naoyo has worked at FDP. Believe it or not, she won the lottery and owns a house, now Naoyo works at the Fried Dragon Palace for fun. Her other way to pay bills and get better furniture is to run her apartment building. Her hobby is kicking people in the shins, mostly people she dislikes, but she also kicks her friends as a habit.

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[Please pick what you would like to do with me.  I would like to be in, but in a very, very minor role.  So you assign me a petite part please.  Thank you.]

[Alrighty. Would you like to be a human or hamster?


Everyone please note, Horatio is the ONLY person I will allow to be an animal.]

Hamster please. :D

Thank you!!!



How about you are a hamster that the staff keeps as a pet in the break room that can talk and stuff and sometimes gives them advice about things?]

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[Please pick what you would like to do with me.  I would like to be in, but in a very, very minor role.  So you assign me a petite part please.  Thank you.]

[Alrighty. Would you like to be a human or hamster?


Everyone please note, Horatio is the ONLY person I will allow to be an animal.]

Hamster please. :D

Thank you!!!



How about you are a hamster that the staff keeps as a pet in the break room that can talk and stuff and sometimes gives them advice about things?]

[sounds perfect to me! Thank you!]

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[Please pick what you would like to do with me.  I would like to be in, but in a very, very minor role.  So you assign me a petite part please.  Thank you.]

[Alrighty. Would you like to be a human or hamster?


Everyone please note, Horatio is the ONLY person I will allow to be an animal.]

Hamster please. :D

Thank you!!!



How about you are a hamster that the staff keeps as a pet in the break room that can talk and stuff and sometimes gives them advice about things?]

[sounds perfect to me! Thank you!]



So far, I think we have three people filling possitions?


Yes, we do. We still need:

1 drive-thru person

1 janitor


Then we can start!]


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name: Jessminda Jaikai aka J.J

looks: about 5'6" with thick shock-white hair that goes about to the small of her back. almost unnaturally thin, but toned. Japanese facial structure and skin tone w/bright yellow eyes that are slitted, like a cat's.

background: J.J grew up on a farm in rural japan where she spent all of the time she didnt spend in school or studying riding horses and practicing martial arts. (she has black belts in kung fu, karate, judo, and more) at age 16, she moved to new york to live on her sister and brother-in-law's ranch, until she finds her own place, so she can get a better education. her hobbies include practicing martial arts, riding her horse, Kawasaki, and of course, working at FDP.

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name: Jessminda Jaikai aka J.J

looks: about 5'6" with thick shock-white hair that goes about to the small of her back. almost unnaturally thin, but toned. Japanese facial structure and skin tone w/bright yellow eyes that are slitted, like a cat's.

background: J.J grew up on a farm in rural japan where she spent all of the time she didnt spend in school or studying riding horses and practicing martial arts. (she has black belts in kung fu, karate, judo, and more) at age 16, she moved to new york to live on her sister and brother-in-law's ranch, until she finds her own place, so she can get a better education. her hobbies include practicing martial arts, riding her horse, Kawasaki, and of course, working at FDP.


[btw, i will be drive up #2!]

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[Once again, I'm gonna try to get this RP off the ground. But this will be the LAST TIME. If it dies again, anybody can feel free to take the plot and write about it, but there will be no more RP attempts after this one!


Anywhay, here's the plot: The Fried Dragon Palace, a popular fast food place in New York, is famous for not only it's first class food, but it's wire-fu-trained staff. Each of the workers can do mind boggling martial arts stunts and gymnastics moves with ease.


But recently, a rival fast-food place has opened up next door called Master Burger. Master Burger is a widely-growing fast-food chain that becomes madly popualar wherever it appears. There's something fishy about this place, but what is it, and will the workers of the Fried Dragon Palace figure it out?


The main goal of the characters submitted will be to answer these questions. I guess last time, I didn't make it very clear that there was an actual plot to this. >_>;;;


And now, the rules!


- If you subit a character, don't just quit in the middle of an important story devolopment. If you really don't like the RP, wait for a quieter time.


- Try not to stray too far from the main plot. Side quests and character development all good, but too much makes the RP loose it's plot.


- Keep on topic. If your cat was sick and now it's all better, that's great, but please don't talk about it here.


- Don't be too random. Suprises are cool, but moon-dinosaurs popping out of the cieling aren't. That's just silly.


- No god-modding. Ask the owner of the character if you want to RP their character for a while, and don't make your character all-knowing/all-powerful. That makes it less fun for everyone else.


There are five possitions that need filling:


Drive-thru window person #1

Drive-thru window person #2

Front counter person #1

Frout counter person #2



Try to fill these possistions before requesting custom ones, but if you're just dying to be something else, run it by me and I'll see what I can do. If more people apply than there are possitions for, I might make some more.

Please don't request to be manager/assisstant manager. It is important that NPCs (Non-player characters, aka ones that I control) hold this possition for the sake of plot development.


Here is an example of what I need your bio to look like. This will be my PC (player character, aka character that runs around and does stuff with your characters).


Name: Setuna Myaki

Possition: Frycook

PD: 18 years old, tall, thin, looks a little above average, has long black hair with a single, bright red streak in the front that is about two inches thick, and all of her hair is natually colored that way. She also has red eyes.

Weapons: Very skilled in all forms of martial arts, uses a bladed spatula like a sword, frozen patties as shirukins, and frozen fries as darts.

Backround: At the age of 16, Setuna ran away from a Japanese circus, where she learned all of her matial arts skills. She had to run away because her parents were forcing her to be in it, but she had bigger plans for her life, so she sneaked away to New York City and found a job at The Fried Dragon Inn. She is working there to afford her appartment and put herself through medical school. She's been working there for two years.


If you have a question about something that I didn't cover in this post, feel free to ask. And remember, this is a wire-fu, Jackie Chan stlye RP! Be creative with their weapons and abilities! ^^]

Name: White Kirby Wagon Star

Age: 15

Position: Deliver-er

PD: a White Krby who rides a Wagon star (Please pick up a Copy of Kirby air ride for Nintendo Gamecube) and dElivers Chinese food to people. She has a Cat's tail and ears, wears a wool cap with weird Symbols on it, 2 sweatbands, and not much else. White Kirby Wagon Star used to Run a Chinese place by same name, but she quit to find a better job.

Weopans: Suck up powers, Ru over peopel, good at Marteil arts.

Backround: She ran away at age 5 and has been living in an apartment. she earns a living at Fried Dragon Inn, and does Speedy Delivary for Custamers. She has been working at Fried Dragon Inn for 3 years, and wishes to become part Time Delivaruy girl and a Bass guitarist.



Remember- since my laptop is Broken you may feel free to RP ms. White When Im Not here.

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[Once again, I'm gonna try to get this RP off the ground. But this will be the LAST TIME. If it dies again, anybody can feel free to take the plot and write about it, but there will be no more RP attempts after this one!


Anywhay, here's the plot: The Fried Dragon Palace, a popular fast food place in New York, is famous for not only it's first class food, but it's wire-fu-trained staff. Each of the workers can do mind boggling martial arts stunts and gymnastics moves with ease.


But recently, a rival fast-food place has opened up next door called Master Burger. Master Burger is a widely-growing fast-food chain that becomes madly popualar wherever it appears. There's something fishy about this place, but what is it, and will the workers of the Fried Dragon Palace figure it out?


The main goal of the characters submitted will be to answer these questions. I guess last time, I didn't make it very clear that there was an actual plot to this. >_>;;;


And now, the rules!


- If you subit a character, don't just quit in the middle of an important story devolopment. If you really don't like the RP, wait for a quieter time.


- Try not to stray too far from the main plot. Side quests and character development all good, but too much makes the RP loose it's plot.


- Keep on topic. If your cat was sick and now it's all better, that's great, but please don't talk about it here.


- Don't be too random. Suprises are cool, but moon-dinosaurs popping out of the cieling aren't. That's just silly.


- No god-modding. Ask the owner of the character if you want to RP their character for a while, and don't make your character all-knowing/all-powerful. That makes it less fun for everyone else.


There are five possitions that need filling:


Drive-thru window person #1

Drive-thru window person #2

Front counter person #1

Frout counter person #2



Try to fill these possistions before requesting custom ones, but if you're just dying to be something else, run it by me and I'll see what I can do. If more people apply than there are possitions for, I might make some more.

Please don't request to be manager/assisstant manager. It is important that NPCs (Non-player characters, aka ones that I control) hold this possition for the sake of plot development.


Here is an example of what I need your bio to look like. This will be my PC (player character, aka character that runs around and does stuff with your characters).


Name: Setuna Myaki

Possition: Frycook

PD: 18 years old, tall, thin, looks a little above average, has long black hair with a single, bright red streak in the front that is about two inches thick, and all of her hair is natually colored that way. She also has red eyes.

Weapons: Very skilled in all forms of martial arts, uses a bladed spatula like a sword, frozen patties as shirukins, and frozen fries as darts.

Backround: At the age of 16, Setuna ran away from a Japanese circus, where she learned all of her matial arts skills. She had to run away because her parents were forcing her to be in it, but she had bigger plans for her life, so she sneaked away to New York City and found a job at The Fried Dragon Inn. She is working there to afford her appartment and put herself through medical school. She's been working there for two years.


If you have a question about something that I didn't cover in this post, feel free to ask. And remember, this is a wire-fu, Jackie Chan stlye RP! Be creative with their weapons and abilities! ^^]

Name: stashi kanagawi

Possition: Janitor

PD: 15 year old with Jeans, Flip flops, and a aeropostale polo tshirt.part wolf.

Weapons: Broom whacking and Throwimng Jhonny depp at people.

Backround: Stashi was raised in Canada with no parents, and lived among the Wolves. She was Born in Japan but was tooken to canada where her parabnts got Murdered. She now works at Fried Dragon Palace for a living and to get a home. she lives with White Kirby Wagon Star.

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[Once again, I'm gonna try to get this RP off the ground. But this will be the LAST TIME. If it dies again, anybody can feel free to take the plot and write about it, but there will be no more RP attempts after this one!


Anywhay, here's the plot: The Fried Dragon Palace, a popular fast food place in New York, is famous for not only it's first class food, but it's wire-fu-trained staff. Each of the workers can do mind boggling martial arts stunts and gymnastics moves with ease.


But recently, a rival fast-food place has opened up next door called Master Burger. Master Burger is a widely-growing fast-food chain that becomes madly popualar wherever it appears. There's something fishy about this place, but what is it, and will the workers of the Fried Dragon Palace figure it out?


The main goal of the characters submitted will be to answer these questions. I guess last time, I didn't make it very clear that there was an actual plot to this. >_>;;;


And now, the rules!


- If you subit a character, don't just quit in the middle of an important story devolopment. If you really don't like the RP, wait for a quieter time.


- Try not to stray too far from the main plot. Side quests and character development all good, but too much makes the RP loose it's plot.


- Keep on topic. If your cat was sick and now it's all better, that's great, but please don't talk about it here.


- Don't be too random. Suprises are cool, but moon-dinosaurs popping out of the cieling aren't. That's just silly.


- No god-modding. Ask the owner of the character if you want to RP their character for a while, and don't make your character all-knowing/all-powerful. That makes it less fun for everyone else.


There are five possitions that need filling:


Drive-thru window person #1

Drive-thru window person #2

Front counter person #1

Frout counter person #2



Try to fill these possistions before requesting custom ones, but if you're just dying to be something else, run it by me and I'll see what I can do. If more people apply than there are possitions for, I might make some more.

Please don't request to be manager/assisstant manager. It is important that NPCs (Non-player characters, aka ones that I control) hold this possition for the sake of plot development.


Here is an example of what I need your bio to look like. This will be my PC (player character, aka character that runs around and does stuff with your characters).


Name: Setuna Myaki

Possition: Frycook

PD: 18 years old, tall, thin, looks a little above average, has long black hair with a single, bright red streak in the front that is about two inches thick, and all of her hair is natually colored that way. She also has red eyes.

Weapons: Very skilled in all forms of martial arts, uses a bladed spatula like a sword, frozen patties as shirukins, and frozen fries as darts.

Backround: At the age of 16, Setuna ran away from a Japanese circus, where she learned all of her matial arts skills. She had to run away because her parents were forcing her to be in it, but she had bigger plans for her life, so she sneaked away to New York City and found a job at The Fried Dragon Inn. She is working there to afford her appartment and put herself through medical school. She's been working there for two years.


If you have a question about something that I didn't cover in this post, feel free to ask. And remember, this is a wire-fu, Jackie Chan stlye RP! Be creative with their weapons and abilities! ^^]

Name: White Kirby Wagon Star

Age: 15

Position: Deliver-er

PD: a White Krby who rides a Wagon star (Please pick up a Copy of Kirby air ride for Nintendo Gamecube) and dElivers Chinese food to people. She has a Cat's tail and ears, wears a wool cap with weird Symbols on it, 2 sweatbands, and not much else. White Kirby Wagon Star used to Run a Chinese place by same name, but she quit to find a better job.

Weopans: Suck up powers, Ru over peopel, good at Marteil arts.

Backround: She ran away at age 5 and has been living in an apartment. she earns a living at Fried Dragon Inn, and does Speedy Delivary for Custamers. She has been working at Fried Dragon Inn for 3 years, and wishes to become part Time Delivaruy girl and a Bass guitarist.



Remember- since my laptop is Broken you may feel free to RP ms. White When Im Not here.

That will work fine, only like I said, I'm requiring that everybody be human, except for Horatio.

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[Once again, I'm gonna try to get this RP off the ground. But this will be the LAST TIME. If it dies again, anybody can feel free to take the plot and write about it, but there will be no more RP attempts after this one!


Anywhay, here's the plot: The Fried Dragon Palace, a popular fast food place in New York, is famous for not only it's first class food, but it's wire-fu-trained staff. Each of the workers can do mind boggling martial arts stunts and gymnastics moves with ease.


But recently, a rival fast-food place has opened up next door called Master Burger. Master Burger is a widely-growing fast-food chain that becomes madly popualar wherever it appears. There's something fishy about this place, but what is it, and will the workers of the Fried Dragon Palace figure it out?


The main goal of the characters submitted will be to answer these questions. I guess last time, I didn't make it very clear that there was an actual plot to this. >_>;;;


And now, the rules!


- If you subit a character, don't just quit in the middle of an important story devolopment. If you really don't like the RP, wait for a quieter time.


- Try not to stray too far from the main plot. Side quests and character development all good, but too much makes the RP loose it's plot.


- Keep on topic. If your cat was sick and now it's all better, that's great, but please don't talk about it here.


- Don't be too random. Suprises are cool, but moon-dinosaurs popping out of the cieling aren't. That's just silly.


- No god-modding. Ask the owner of the character if you want to RP their character for a while, and don't make your character all-knowing/all-powerful. That makes it less fun for everyone else.


There are five possitions that need filling:


Drive-thru window person #1

Drive-thru window person #2

Front counter person #1

Frout counter person #2



Try to fill these possistions before requesting custom ones, but if you're just dying to be something else, run it by me and I'll see what I can do. If more people apply than there are possitions for, I might make some more.

Please don't request to be manager/assisstant manager. It is important that NPCs (Non-player characters, aka ones that I control) hold this possition for the sake of plot development.


Here is an example of what I need your bio to look like. This will be my PC (player character, aka character that runs around and does stuff with your characters).


Name: Setuna Myaki

Possition: Frycook

PD: 18 years old, tall, thin, looks a little above average, has long black hair with a single, bright red streak in the front that is about two inches thick, and all of her hair is natually colored that way. She also has red eyes.

Weapons: Very skilled in all forms of martial arts, uses a bladed spatula like a sword, frozen patties as shirukins, and frozen fries as darts.

Backround: At the age of 16, Setuna ran away from a Japanese circus, where she learned all of her matial arts skills. She had to run away because her parents were forcing her to be in it, but she had bigger plans for her life, so she sneaked away to New York City and found a job at The Fried Dragon Inn. She is working there to afford her appartment and put herself through medical school. She's been working there for two years.


If you have a question about something that I didn't cover in this post, feel free to ask. And remember, this is a wire-fu, Jackie Chan stlye RP! Be creative with their weapons and abilities! ^^]

Name: stashi kanagawi

Possition: Janitor

PD: 15 year old with Jeans, Flip flops, and a aeropostale polo tshirt.part wolf.

Weapons: Broom whacking and Throwimng Jhonny depp at people.

Backround: Stashi was raised in Canada with no parents, and lived among the Wolves. She was Born in Japan but was tooken to canada where her parabnts got Murdered. She now works at Fried Dragon Palace for a living and to get a home. she lives with White Kirby Wagon Star.

I just assumed they would all wear the FDP uniform.

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[Once again, I'm gonna try to get this RP off the ground. But this will be the LAST TIME. If it dies again, anybody can feel free to take the plot and write about it, but there will be no more RP attempts after this one!


Anywhay, here's the plot: The Fried Dragon Palace, a popular fast food place in New York, is famous for not only it's first class food, but it's wire-fu-trained staff. Each of the workers can do mind boggling martial arts stunts and gymnastics moves with ease.


But recently, a rival fast-food place has opened up next door called Master Burger. Master Burger is a widely-growing fast-food chain that becomes madly popualar wherever it appears. There's something fishy about this place, but what is it, and will the workers of the Fried Dragon Palace figure it out?


The main goal of the characters submitted will be to answer these questions. I guess last time, I didn't make it very clear that there was an actual plot to this. >_>;;;


And now, the rules!


- If you subit a character, don't just quit in the middle of an important story devolopment. If you really don't like the RP, wait for a quieter time.


- Try not to stray too far from the main plot. Side quests and character development all good, but too much makes the RP loose it's plot.


- Keep on topic. If your cat was sick and now it's all better, that's great, but please don't talk about it here.


- Don't be too random. Suprises are cool, but moon-dinosaurs popping out of the cieling aren't. That's just silly.


- No god-modding. Ask the owner of the character if you want to RP their character for a while, and don't make your character all-knowing/all-powerful. That makes it less fun for everyone else.


There are five possitions that need filling:


Drive-thru window person #1

Drive-thru window person #2

Front counter person #1

Frout counter person #2



Try to fill these possistions before requesting custom ones, but if you're just dying to be something else, run it by me and I'll see what I can do. If more people apply than there are possitions for, I might make some more.

Please don't request to be manager/assisstant manager. It is important that NPCs (Non-player characters, aka ones that I control) hold this possition for the sake of plot development.


Here is an example of what I need your bio to look like. This will be my PC (player character, aka character that runs around and does stuff with your characters).


Name: Setuna Myaki

Possition: Frycook

PD: 18 years old, tall, thin, looks a little above average, has long black hair with a single, bright red streak in the front that is about two inches thick, and all of her hair is natually colored that way. She also has red eyes.

Weapons: Very skilled in all forms of martial arts, uses a bladed spatula like a sword, frozen patties as shirukins, and frozen fries as darts.

Backround: At the age of 16, Setuna ran away from a Japanese circus, where she learned all of her matial arts skills. She had to run away because her parents were forcing her to be in it, but she had bigger plans for her life, so she sneaked away to New York City and found a job at The Fried Dragon Inn. She is working there to afford her appartment and put herself through medical school. She's been working there for two years.


If you have a question about something that I didn't cover in this post, feel free to ask. And remember, this is a wire-fu, Jackie Chan stlye RP! Be creative with their weapons and abilities! ^^]

Name: stashi kanagawi

Possition: Janitor

PD: 15 year old with Jeans, Flip flops, and a aeropostale polo tshirt.part wolf.

Weapons: Broom whacking and Throwimng Jhonny depp at people.

Backround: Stashi was raised in Canada with no parents, and lived among the Wolves. She was Born in Japan but was tooken to canada where her parabnts got Murdered. She now works at Fried Dragon Palace for a living and to get a home. she lives with White Kirby Wagon Star.

I just assumed they would all wear the FDP uniform.

[For some reason I keep thinking "place" instead of "palace". X0]

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[Once again, I'm gonna try to get this RP off the ground. But this will be the LAST TIME. If it dies again, anybody can feel free to take the plot and write about it, but there will be no more RP attempts after this one!


Anywhay, here's the plot: The Fried Dragon Palace, a popular fast food place in New York, is famous for not only it's first class food, but it's wire-fu-trained staff. Each of the workers can do mind boggling martial arts stunts and gymnastics moves with ease.


But recently, a rival fast-food place has opened up next door called Master Burger. Master Burger is a widely-growing fast-food chain that becomes madly popualar wherever it appears. There's something fishy about this place, but what is it, and will the workers of the Fried Dragon Palace figure it out?


The main goal of the characters submitted will be to answer these questions. I guess last time, I didn't make it very clear that there was an actual plot to this. >_>;;;


And now, the rules!


- If you subit a character, don't just quit in the middle of an important story devolopment. If you really don't like the RP, wait for a quieter time.


- Try not to stray too far from the main plot. Side quests and character development all good, but too much makes the RP loose it's plot.


- Keep on topic. If your cat was sick and now it's all better, that's great, but please don't talk about it here.


- Don't be too random. Suprises are cool, but moon-dinosaurs popping out of the cieling aren't. That's just silly.


- No god-modding. Ask the owner of the character if you want to RP their character for a while, and don't make your character all-knowing/all-powerful. That makes it less fun for everyone else.


There are five possitions that need filling:


Drive-thru window person #1

Drive-thru window person #2

Front counter person #1

Frout counter person #2



Try to fill these possistions before requesting custom ones, but if you're just dying to be something else, run it by me and I'll see what I can do. If more people apply than there are possitions for, I might make some more.

Please don't request to be manager/assisstant manager. It is important that NPCs (Non-player characters, aka ones that I control) hold this possition for the sake of plot development.


Here is an example of what I need your bio to look like. This will be my PC (player character, aka character that runs around and does stuff with your characters).


Name: Setuna Myaki

Possition: Frycook

PD: 18 years old, tall, thin, looks a little above average, has long black hair with a single, bright red streak in the front that is about two inches thick, and all of her hair is natually colored that way. She also has red eyes.

Weapons: Very skilled in all forms of martial arts, uses a bladed spatula like a sword, frozen patties as shirukins, and frozen fries as darts.

Backround: At the age of 16, Setuna ran away from a Japanese circus, where she learned all of her matial arts skills. She had to run away because her parents were forcing her to be in it, but she had bigger plans for her life, so she sneaked away to New York City and found a job at The Fried Dragon Inn. She is working there to afford her appartment and put herself through medical school. She's been working there for two years.


If you have a question about something that I didn't cover in this post, feel free to ask. And remember, this is a wire-fu, Jackie Chan stlye RP! Be creative with their weapons and abilities! ^^]

Name: stashi kanagawi

Possition: Janitor

PD: 15 year old with Jeans, Flip flops, and a aeropostale polo tshirt.part wolf.

Weapons: Broom whacking and Throwimng Jhonny depp at people.

Backround: Stashi was raised in Canada with no parents, and lived among the Wolves. She was Born in Japan but was tooken to canada where her parabnts got Murdered. She now works at Fried Dragon Palace for a living and to get a home. she lives with White Kirby Wagon Star.

I just assumed they would all wear the FDP uniform.

[For some reason I keep thinking "place" instead of "palace". X0]

[i keep forgetting if I decided on "Palace" or "Inn".]

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[lets start!]

From the back room, the sound of a speeding hamster wheel is heard.

[Wait a minute, is Master Burger built yet/ in business.]

[Nope. We're starting all over.]

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[lets start!]

From the back room, the sound of a speeding hamster wheel is heard.

And at the drive through window, Naoyo had just sent off another satisfied customer. She walked out into the main restaurant, metal mini-menus at ready and earphone prepared for customers, to greet her friends of the Fried Dragon Palace that were just entering the building. She wondered why they were so late...

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J.J stepped infront of her full length mirror, and smoothed her hair which she had pulled into a long, wavvy ponytai, and smoothed her FDP top. she checked to make sure she had the appropriate jewelery, including her lucky silver armband, and decided her outfit was in order. now to choose a weapon.... J.J turned to the walls of her room, which were coved in assorted martial arts weapons. she smiled, and took down 2 wakasashis in their sheaths. a personal favorite of hers.



[g2g, more l8r!]

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Everyone turned in aw(sp?) as Sandy came in doing flips and walking on his hands. He approached the door and opened it with his feet. "Hiya Yall. I'ma be Sandy, and I 'apoze I'm the head cashier. When Do Ihh Start?"

Setsuna, having just completed an order, jumped towards the shelves behind her grill, kicked off of them and preformed a back flip over her grill, still keeping the tray with a burger and fries perfectly balanced, and landed on the counter, crouching between the two cash registers. The people in line cheered loudly as she handed the tray to the customer. Noticing her co-workers just walking in, she smiled warmly and said, "Good morning!"

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J.J checked her watch. yep she was right on time. but it didnt seem like it was that early, like someone had changed her watch....oh well. she grabbed her bag and checked to make sure that her car keys were inside, and headed out the door.


she walked through the kitchen which was empty. that was funny, usually her sister would be here w/ J.J's brother-in-law eating breakfast. they must have needed to leave early. J.J. opened the garage door, and unlocked her sparkly blue-grey BMW Z4. she smiled at it. J.J loved this car! she had saved for forever to buy it. her parents helped her pay for it before she left Japan. it had all the bells and whistles too, plus, a few secret things J.J had installed just incase, but she told noone about them.


J.J hopped in, and turned the key, and the engine purred to life. she put the top down, and backed out of the driveway, closing the door with a speacial remote. J.J smiled mischeviously, and sped off down the road to the heart of New York City, waving at Kawasaki who was galloping through the pasture, his black coat glistening in the morning sun.


J.J pulled into the FDP employee parking lot behind the building, and rolled the top up. she pulled the key out, and locked the doors. then , she pressed a button on her car remote, you know, the thing that you press when you want to unlock the doors from awile away, which scanned her thumbprint. next, she bent down next to the left headlight, and opened her eye. a laser scanned her retina, and confirmed it was J.J. "Password: Alpha Q 10, authorization, Jessminda Jaikai, LOCK" she said in a clear voice. the headlights clicked in confirmation, and a green laser loop swooped over the car, then nothing. J.J smiled. sure, some people would think a fingerprint scan, retina scan, password, voice conformation, and force field a little TOO much security, but J.J. wanted to be sure. she picked up her bag, and strolled over to the entrance. Everyone was grouped by the door, and Naoyo was standing by the counter, looking puzzled.


[srry, i kinda got carried away, but MW that gets me up 2 where you left off]

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"Setsuna, I'm a bit concerned. Why were we the only ones who were here on time?" Naoyo inquired.

"I'm not sure..." said Setsuna, concerned, but a bit distracted by the shiney, incredibly new car that had just pulled into the parking lot. She thought of her own clunky Gremlin and smiled. She could definetly have afforded a better car, but she had always wanted a Gremlin, just to say she had one. To make things even better, she had made sure it was an ugly, dark ornage-brown color. Sometimes a screwdriver had to be used in place of keys and you had to preform the right pattern of kicks and punches before entering it to make sure it started. She loved it.


[i felt like including that because that is seriously what I want my first car to be like. <3]


Refocusing her attention onto Naoyo, Setsuna hopped back down from the counter and walked back behind her grill. "Maybe it's just a coincidence."

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"Setsuna, I'm a bit concerned. Why were we the only ones who were here on time?" Naoyo inquired.

"I'm not sure..." said Setsuna, concerned, but a bit distracted by the shiney, incredibly new car that had just pulled into the parking lot. She thought of her own clunky Gremlin and smiled. She could definetly have afforded a better car, but she had always wanted a Gremlin, just to say she had one. To make things even better, she had made sure it was an ugly, dark ornage-brown color. Sometimes a screwdriver had to be used in place of keys and you had to preform the right pattern of kicks and punches before entering it to make sure it started. She loved it.


[i felt like including that because that is seriously what I want my first car to be like. <3]


Refocusing her attention onto Naoyo, Setsuna hopped back down from the counter and walked back behind her grill. "Maybe it's just a coincidence."


J.Jj pushed open the doors. Naoyo was at the counter,Setsuna was walking over to the grill, and the rest of the crew was bunched around the doors. "hey, whats goin on, everybody?" she said with a smile and a flip of her hair. she checked her watch. "im not late, am i?" noone said anything. "yeah...hey, has anyone checked on Horatio?" still nothing. J.J shifted her weight to one foot, and put her hand on her hip. "whats going on, here?" she demanded.

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"Setsuna, I'm a bit concerned. Why were we the only ones who were here on time?" Naoyo inquired.

"I'm not sure..." said Setsuna, concerned, but a bit distracted by the shiney, incredibly new car that had just pulled into the parking lot. She thought of her own clunky Gremlin and smiled. She could definetly have afforded a better car, but she had always wanted a Gremlin, just to say she had one. To make things even better, she had made sure it was an ugly, dark ornage-brown color. Sometimes a screwdriver had to be used in place of keys and you had to preform the right pattern of kicks and punches before entering it to make sure it started. She loved it.


[i felt like including that because that is seriously what I want my first car to be like.


Refocusing her attention onto Naoyo, Setsuna hopped back down from the counter and walked back behind her grill. "Maybe it's just a coincidence."


J.Jj pushed open the doors. Naoyo was at the counter,Setsuna was walking over to the grill, and the rest of the crew was bunched around the doors. "hey, whats goin on, everybody?" she said with a smile and a flip of her hair. she checked her watch. "im not late, am i?" noone said anything. "yeah...hey, has anyone checked on Horatio?" still nothing. J.J shifted her weight to one foot, and put her hand on her hip. "whats going on, here?" she demanded.

Hearing my name, I ran down from my sleeping quarters to the main cage to see if anyone was coming to see me.

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"Setsuna, I'm a bit concerned. Why were we the only ones who were here on time?" Naoyo inquired.

"I'm not sure..." said Setsuna, concerned, but a bit distracted by the shiney, incredibly new car that had just pulled into the parking lot. She thought of her own clunky Gremlin and smiled. She could definetly have afforded a better car, but she had always wanted a Gremlin, just to say she had one. To make things even better, she had made sure it was an ugly, dark ornage-brown color. Sometimes a screwdriver had to be used in place of keys and you had to preform the right pattern of kicks and punches before entering it to make sure it started. She loved it.


[i felt like including that because that is seriously what I want my first car to be like. <3]


Refocusing her attention onto Naoyo, Setsuna hopped back down from the counter and walked back behind her grill. "Maybe it's just a coincidence."


J.Jj pushed open the doors. Naoyo was at the counter,Setsuna was walking over to the grill, and the rest of the crew was bunched around the doors. "hey, whats goin on, everybody?" she said with a smile and a flip of her hair. she checked her watch. "im not late, am i?" noone said anything. "yeah...hey, has anyone checked on Horatio?" still nothing. J.J shifted her weight to one foot, and put her hand on her hip. "whats going on, here?" she demanded.

Hearing my name, I ran down from my sleeping quarters to the main cage to see if anyone was coming to see me.

"Hold that thought, J.J., I think I hear Horatio scuffling about. We forgot to take him out of the back." Naoyo ran out to the back, visited Horatio, and said to him,"Everyone's late today except for Setsuna and I!"

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Setsuna ran to the back with Naoyo and fished some sunflower seeds out of the bag next to Horatio's cage for him. She felt bad that nobody had been to see him all day.

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Setsuna ran to the back with Naoyo and fished some sunflower seeds out of the bag next to Horatio's cage for him. She felt bad that nobody had been to see him all day.

Hearing the footsteps, Horatio hopped up and ran down the tube to the heavenly smell of sunflower seeds. Seeing Setsuna and Naoyo, Horatio started jumping up and down.

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Setsuna ran to the back with Naoyo and fished some sunflower seeds out of the bag next to Horatio's cage for him. She felt bad that nobody had been to see him all day.

Hearing the footsteps, Horatio hopped up and ran down the tube to the heavenly smell of sunflower seeds. Seeing Setsuna and Naoyo, Horatio started jumping up and down.

"What's wrong, Horatio?" asked Setsuna.

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Setsuna ran to the back with Naoyo and fished some sunflower seeds out of the bag next to Horatio's cage for him. She felt bad that nobody had been to see him all day.

Hearing the footsteps, Horatio hopped up and ran down the tube to the heavenly smell of sunflower seeds. Seeing Setsuna and Naoyo, Horatio started jumping up and down.

"What's wrong, Horatio?" asked Setsuna.

"I am happy to see you! Especially with my favorite food!!!"

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Setsuna ran to the back with Naoyo and fished some sunflower seeds out of the bag next to Horatio's cage for him. She felt bad that nobody had been to see him all day.

Hearing the footsteps, Horatio hopped up and ran down the tube to the heavenly smell of sunflower seeds. Seeing Setsuna and Naoyo, Horatio started jumping up and down.

"What's wrong, Horatio?" asked Setsuna.

"I am happy to see you! Especially with my favorite food!!!"

"Oh!" Said Setsuna, smiling. "But what about Naoyo's question? It is kinda wierd..."

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Setsuna ran to the back with Naoyo and fished some sunflower seeds out of the bag next to Horatio's cage for him. She felt bad that nobody had been to see him all day.

Hearing the footsteps, Horatio hopped up and ran down the tube to the heavenly smell of sunflower seeds. Seeing Setsuna and Naoyo, Horatio started jumping up and down.

"What's wrong, Horatio?" asked Setsuna.

"I am happy to see you! Especially with my favorite food!!!"

"Oh!" Said Setsuna, smiling. "But what about Naoyo's question? It is kinda wierd..."

"I was wondering why no one had arrived, but I am not sure what to think"

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Setsuna ran to the back with Naoyo and fished some sunflower seeds out of the bag next to Horatio's cage for him. She felt bad that nobody had been to see him all day.

Hearing the footsteps, Horatio hopped up and ran down the tube to the heavenly smell of sunflower seeds. Seeing Setsuna and Naoyo, Horatio started jumping up and down.

"What's wrong, Horatio?" asked Setsuna.

"I am happy to see you! Especially with my favorite food!!!"

"Oh!" Said Setsuna, smiling. "But what about Naoyo's question? It is kinda wierd..."

"I was wondering why no one had arrived, but I am not sure what to think"

Setsuna turned to Naoyo. "What do you think?"

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Setsuna ran to the back with Naoyo and fished some sunflower seeds out of the bag next to Horatio's cage for him. She felt bad that nobody had been to see him all day.

Hearing the footsteps, Horatio hopped up and ran down the tube to the heavenly smell of sunflower seeds. Seeing Setsuna and Naoyo, Horatio started jumping up and down.

"What's wrong, Horatio?" asked Setsuna.

"I am happy to see you! Especially with my favorite food!!!"

"Oh!" Said Setsuna, smiling. "But what about Naoyo's question? It is kinda wierd..."

"I was wondering why no one had arrived, but I am not sure what to think"

Setsuna turned to Naoyo. "What do you think?"

Naoyo gazed at the wall, decorated with a golden sunset and mighty warriors. She replied,"This cannot be coincidence. I'm not sure what it is, my only idea is a mighty plot is at hand."

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Setsuna ran to the back with Naoyo and fished some sunflower seeds out of the bag next to Horatio's cage for him. She felt bad that nobody had been to see him all day.

Hearing the footsteps, Horatio hopped up and ran down the tube to the heavenly smell of sunflower seeds. Seeing Setsuna and Naoyo, Horatio started jumping up and down.

"What's wrong, Horatio?" asked Setsuna.

"I am happy to see you! Especially with my favorite food!!!"

"Oh!" Said Setsuna, smiling. "But what about Naoyo's question? It is kinda wierd..."

"I was wondering why no one had arrived, but I am not sure what to think"

Setsuna turned to Naoyo. "What do you think?"

Naoyo gazed at the wall, decorated with a golden sunset and mighty warriors. She replied,"This cannot be coincidence. I'm not sure what it is, my only idea is a mighty plot is at hand."


J.J was getting flustered. she hopped over the counter, adn joined Setsuna and Naoyo and Horatio. "whats the matter with everyone? what do you mean, im late! all of my clocks at home say-" and then it hit her.

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Setsuna ran to the back with Naoyo and fished some sunflower seeds out of the bag next to Horatio's cage for him. She felt bad that nobody had been to see him all day.

Hearing the footsteps, Horatio hopped up and ran down the tube to the heavenly smell of sunflower seeds. Seeing Setsuna and Naoyo, Horatio started jumping up and down.

"What's wrong, Horatio?" asked Setsuna.

"I am happy to see you! Especially with my favorite food!!!"

"Oh!" Said Setsuna, smiling. "But what about Naoyo's question? It is kinda wierd..."

"I was wondering why no one had arrived, but I am not sure what to think"

Setsuna turned to Naoyo. "What do you think?"

Naoyo gazed at the wall, decorated with a golden sunset and mighty warriors. She replied,"This cannot be coincidence. I'm not sure what it is, my only idea is a mighty plot is at hand."

Setsuna gave Naoyo a disbelieving look. "Don't you think that might be a litte dramatic?" she asked.

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Setsuna ran to the back with Naoyo and fished some sunflower seeds out of the bag next to Horatio's cage for him. She felt bad that nobody had been to see him all day.

Hearing the footsteps, Horatio hopped up and ran down the tube to the heavenly smell of sunflower seeds. Seeing Setsuna and Naoyo, Horatio started jumping up and down.

"What's wrong, Horatio?" asked Setsuna.

"I am happy to see you! Especially with my favorite food!!!"

"Oh!" Said Setsuna, smiling. "But what about Naoyo's question? It is kinda wierd..."

"I was wondering why no one had arrived, but I am not sure what to think"

Setsuna turned to Naoyo. "What do you think?"

Naoyo gazed at the wall, decorated with a golden sunset and mighty warriors. She replied,"This cannot be coincidence. I'm not sure what it is, my only idea is a mighty plot is at hand."

Setsuna gave Naoyo a disbelieving look. "Don't you think that might be a litte dramatic?" she asked.

Naoyo's response was,"Well, you know, J.J. here just said all of her clocks said she was on time at home. Maybe someone broke into her home. Think about it. My house has top security. But the thing is, my outdoor clock was off. Isn't that a bit suspicious?"


Occasionally, Naoyo could be quite dramatic, so that would be reason not to believe her. But there was a sense of seriousness in her voice at this time...

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White Kirby wagon Star walked In. "OMG! Sorry Im late peopel!" She tripped, and everyone looked at her. She Went over yo a mirror, Getting ready for Hungery Custemers who live across the City, smoothing her Kirby-sized Uniform. She ran over and grabbed some marteil Arts weapons, then got her wagon star. She Cleaned it, then started to Do Karate skills and said: "Hey Ya'll, Im White Kirby wagon Star, Your Waaaay to happy Delevary person!" She did more karate Skills, then went over to her Wagon star. She watched the Other Employees, waiting for someone with a delivary. The Phone Rang. White Grabbed the Phone. "Yea? Um. Ok. Sure. Uh huh. " she Hung up. "Hey, I need- Whats Going on, Naoyo? Why do have a weird.... Look on Your face?" Knowing it was most likly a bad idea to Interupt, she overheard that Naoyo's Clocks were whacked.

Mine were to! Thought White. Or maybe I just Over slept. My clocks are well prone to not Work!

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White Kirby wagon Star walked In. "OMG! Sorry Im late peopel!" She tripped, and everyone looked at her. She Went over yo a mirror, Getting ready for Hungery Custemers who live across the City, smoothing her Kirby-sized Uniform. She ran over and grabbed some marteil Arts weapons, then got her wagon star. She Cleaned it, then started to  Do Karate skills and said: "Hey Ya'll, Im White Kirby wagon Star, Your Waaaay to happy Delevary person!"  She did more karate Skills, then went over to her Wagon star.  She watched the Other Employees, waiting for someone with a delivary. The Phone Rang. White Grabbed the Phone. "Yea? Um. Ok. Sure. Uh huh. " she Hung up. "Hey, I need- Whats Going on, Naoyo?  Why do have a weird.... Look on Your face?"  Knowing it was most likly a bad idea to Interupt, she overheard that Naoyo's Clocks were whacked.

Mine were to! Thought White. Or maybe I just Over slept. My clocks are well prone to not Work!

[Hey. *points to a post I made a little while ago* Your characer is fine, except she needs to be human.]

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White Kirby wagon Star walked In. "OMG! Sorry Im late peopel!" She tripped, and everyone looked at her. She Went over yo a mirror, Getting ready for Hungery Custemers who live across the City, smoothing her Kirby-sized Uniform. She ran over and grabbed some marteil Arts weapons, then got her wagon star. She Cleaned it, then started to  Do Karate skills and said: "Hey Ya'll, Im White Kirby wagon Star, Your Waaaay to happy Delevary person!"  She did more karate Skills, then went over to her Wagon star.  She watched the Other Employees, waiting for someone with a delivary. The Phone Rang. White Grabbed the Phone. "Yea? Um. Ok. Sure. Uh huh. " she Hung up. "Hey, I need- Whats Going on, Naoyo?  Why do have a weird.... Look on Your face?"  Knowing it was most likly a bad idea to Interupt, she overheard that Naoyo's Clocks were whacked.

Mine were to! Thought White. Or maybe I just Over slept. My clocks are well prone to not Work!

[Hey. *points to a post I made a little while ago* Your characer is fine, except she needs to be human.]

NO! I Cant stand Humans. e_e

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White Kirby wagon Star walked In. "OMG! Sorry Im late peopel!" She tripped, and everyone looked at her. She Went over yo a mirror, Getting ready for Hungery Custemers who live across the City, smoothing her Kirby-sized Uniform. She ran over and grabbed some marteil Arts weapons, then got her wagon star. She Cleaned it, then started to  Do Karate skills and said: "Hey Ya'll, Im White Kirby wagon Star, Your Waaaay to happy Delevary person!"  She did more karate Skills, then went over to her Wagon star.  She watched the Other Employees, waiting for someone with a delivary. The Phone Rang. White Grabbed the Phone. "Yea? Um. Ok. Sure. Uh huh. " she Hung up. "Hey, I need- Whats Going on, Naoyo?  Why do have a weird.... Look on Your face?"  Knowing it was most likly a bad idea to Interupt, she overheard that Naoyo's Clocks were whacked.

Mine were to! Thought White. Or maybe I just Over slept. My clocks are well prone to not Work!

[Hey. *points to a post I made a little while ago* Your characer is fine, except she needs to be human.]

NO! I Cant stand Humans. e_e

[but it really doen'st make sence to have a Kirby running around working at a fast food place. Please, please be human? Your name could be Kirby! You could have a power like Kirby's!]

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Everyone turned in aw(sp?) as Sandy came in doing flips and walking on his hands. He approached the door and opened it with his feet. "Hiya Yall. I'ma be Sandy, and I 'apoze I'm the head cashier. When Do Ihh Start?"

Setsuna, having just completed an order, jumped towards the shelves behind her grill, kicked off of them and preformed a back flip over her grill, still keeping the tray with a burger and fries perfectly balanced, and landed on the counter, crouching between the two cash registers. The people in line cheered loudly as she handed the tray to the customer. Noticing her co-workers just walking in, she smiled warmly and said, "Good morning!"

"Hi, Now, like Ihh said, where does me staaaaart?"

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Everyone turned in aw(sp?) as Sandy came in doing flips and walking on his hands. He approached the door and opened it with his feet. "Hiya Yall. I'ma be Sandy, and I 'apoze I'm the head cashier. When Do Ihh Start?"

Setsuna, having just completed an order, jumped towards the shelves behind her grill, kicked off of them and preformed a back flip over her grill, still keeping the tray with a burger and fries perfectly balanced, and landed on the counter, crouching between the two cash registers. The people in line cheered loudly as she handed the tray to the customer. Noticing her co-workers just walking in, she smiled warmly and said, "Good morning!"

"Hi, Now, like Ihh said, where does me staaaaart?"

Remembering that there were a few new imployees out front, Setsuna hurried back out just in time to hear Sandy ask his question. Setsuna grabbed a frozen french fry from the nearby freezer that was very sharp on one end and threw it. It landed with a "thump" sticking into the counter in front of one of the registers. "Right there." said Setsuna.

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Everyone turned in aw(sp?) as Sandy came in doing flips and walking on his hands. He approached the door and opened it with his feet. "Hiya Yall. I'ma be Sandy, and I 'apoze I'm the head cashier. When Do Ihh Start?"

Setsuna, having just completed an order, jumped towards the shelves behind her grill, kicked off of them and preformed a back flip over her grill, still keeping the tray with a burger and fries perfectly balanced, and landed on the counter, crouching between the two cash registers. The people in line cheered loudly as she handed the tray to the customer. Noticing her co-workers just walking in, she smiled warmly and said, "Good morning!"

"Hi, Now, like Ihh said, where does me staaaaart?"

Remembering that there were a few new imployees out front, Setsuna hurried back out just in time to hear Sandy ask his question. Setsuna grabbed a frozen french fry from the nearby freezer that was very sharp on one end and threw it. It landed with a "thump" sticking into the counter in front of one of the registers. "Right there." said Setsuna.

Sandy jumped on the tables over to the counter. "Wow, there sure are alot of buttons here, but don't worry, I'll figure them out eventually, hopefully. I have also taken one of the paper menus and studied it very well. Go ahead, ask me the price of any item on the menu."

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Everyone turned in aw(sp?) as Sandy came in doing flips and walking on his hands. He approached the door and opened it with his feet. "Hiya Yall. I'ma be Sandy, and I 'apoze I'm the head cashier. When Do Ihh Start?"

Setsuna, having just completed an order, jumped towards the shelves behind her grill, kicked off of them and preformed a back flip over her grill, still keeping the tray with a burger and fries perfectly balanced, and landed on the counter, crouching between the two cash registers. The people in line cheered loudly as she handed the tray to the customer. Noticing her co-workers just walking in, she smiled warmly and said, "Good morning!"

"Hi, Now, like Ihh said, where does me staaaaart?"

Remembering that there were a few new imployees out front, Setsuna hurried back out just in time to hear Sandy ask his question. Setsuna grabbed a frozen french fry from the nearby freezer that was very sharp on one end and threw it. It landed with a "thump" sticking into the counter in front of one of the registers. "Right there." said Setsuna.

Sandy jumped on the tables over to the counter. "Wow, there sure are alot of buttons here, but don't worry, I'll figure them out eventually, hopefully. I have also taken one of the paper menus and studied it very well. Go ahead, ask me the price of any item on the menu."

"Naw, I beleive you." said Setsuna. "Back there is the freezer and the staff room. Our hamster, Horatio, lives back there. You can go there on break and train if you want." The staff room not only held a few comfortable couches and Horatio's cage, but a wide variety of excersize equipment, including wieghts, punchingbags, and a large, matted area to practice flips and such in. Setsuna had also had two DDR machines installed.

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Everyone turned in aw(sp?) as Sandy came in doing flips and walking on his hands. He approached the door and opened it with his feet. "Hiya Yall. I'ma be Sandy, and I 'apoze I'm the head cashier. When Do Ihh Start?"

Setsuna, having just completed an order, jumped towards the shelves behind her grill, kicked off of them and preformed a back flip over her grill, still keeping the tray with a burger and fries perfectly balanced, and landed on the counter, crouching between the two cash registers. The people in line cheered loudly as she handed the tray to the customer. Noticing her co-workers just walking in, she smiled warmly and said, "Good morning!"

"Hi, Now, like Ihh said, where does me staaaaart?"

Remembering that there were a few new imployees out front, Setsuna hurried back out just in time to hear Sandy ask his question. Setsuna grabbed a frozen french fry from the nearby freezer that was very sharp on one end and threw it. It landed with a "thump" sticking into the counter in front of one of the registers. "Right there." said Setsuna.

Sandy jumped on the tables over to the counter. "Wow, there sure are alot of buttons here, but don't worry, I'll figure them out eventually, hopefully. I have also taken one of the paper menus and studied it very well. Go ahead, ask me the price of any item on the menu."

"Naw, I beleive you." said Setsuna. "Back there is the freezer and the staff room. Our hamster, Horatio, lives back there. You can go there on break and train if you want." The staff room not only held a few comfortable couches and Horatio's cage, but a wide variety of excersize equipment, including wieghts, punchingbags, and a large, matted area to practice flips and such in. Setsuna had also had two DDR machines installed.

"Da Dddd Dadaa Deh Dahh Dad DDR?" cried Sandy. "That is the most ultra spiffy cool keen rad mega duper game of all time. When's my first break?"

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Everyone turned in aw(sp?) as Sandy came in doing flips and walking on his hands. He approached the door and opened it with his feet. "Hiya Yall. I'ma be Sandy, and I 'apoze I'm the head cashier. When Do Ihh Start?"

Setsuna, having just completed an order, jumped towards the shelves behind her grill, kicked off of them and preformed a back flip over her grill, still keeping the tray with a burger and fries perfectly balanced, and landed on the counter, crouching between the two cash registers. The people in line cheered loudly as she handed the tray to the customer. Noticing her co-workers just walking in, she smiled warmly and said, "Good morning!"

"Hi, Now, like Ihh said, where does me staaaaart?"

Remembering that there were a few new imployees out front, Setsuna hurried back out just in time to hear Sandy ask his question. Setsuna grabbed a frozen french fry from the nearby freezer that was very sharp on one end and threw it. It landed with a "thump" sticking into the counter in front of one of the registers. "Right there." said Setsuna.

Sandy jumped on the tables over to the counter. "Wow, there sure are alot of buttons here, but don't worry, I'll figure them out eventually, hopefully. I have also taken one of the paper menus and studied it very well. Go ahead, ask me the price of any item on the menu."

"Naw, I beleive you." said Setsuna. "Back there is the freezer and the staff room. Our hamster, Horatio, lives back there. You can go there on break and train if you want." The staff room not only held a few comfortable couches and Horatio's cage, but a wide variety of excersize equipment, including wieghts, punchingbags, and a large, matted area to practice flips and such in. Setsuna had also had two DDR machines installed.

"I guess we should ignore the time thing for now, shouldn't we? But I found this flyer. Read it aloud, won't you Setsuna?", inquired Naoyo.

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Everyone turned in aw(sp?) as Sandy came in doing flips and walking on his hands. He approached the door and opened it with his feet. "Hiya Yall. I'ma be Sandy, and I 'apoze I'm the head cashier. When Do Ihh Start?"

Setsuna, having just completed an order, jumped towards the shelves behind her grill, kicked off of them and preformed a back flip over her grill, still keeping the tray with a burger and fries perfectly balanced, and landed on the counter, crouching between the two cash registers. The people in line cheered loudly as she handed the tray to the customer. Noticing her co-workers just walking in, she smiled warmly and said, "Good morning!"

"Hi, Now, like Ihh said, where does me staaaaart?"

Remembering that there were a few new imployees out front, Setsuna hurried back out just in time to hear Sandy ask his question. Setsuna grabbed a frozen french fry from the nearby freezer that was very sharp on one end and threw it. It landed with a "thump" sticking into the counter in front of one of the registers. "Right there." said Setsuna.

Sandy jumped on the tables over to the counter. "Wow, there sure are alot of buttons here, but don't worry, I'll figure them out eventually, hopefully. I have also taken one of the paper menus and studied it very well. Go ahead, ask me the price of any item on the menu."

"Naw, I beleive you." said Setsuna. "Back there is the freezer and the staff room. Our hamster, Horatio, lives back there. You can go there on break and train if you want." The staff room not only held a few comfortable couches and Horatio's cage, but a wide variety of excersize equipment, including wieghts, punchingbags, and a large, matted area to practice flips and such in. Setsuna had also had two DDR machines installed.

"I guess we should ignore the time thing for now, shouldn't we? But I found this flyer. Read it aloud, won't you Setsuna?", inquired Naoyo.

Setsuna took the flyer gently and read:






Setsuna glowered at the paper.BEst burgers in the country? Who did these people think they were. She continued to read.




Setsuna blinked and started at Naoyo. "But that's..."

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Everyone turned in aw(sp?) as Sandy came in doing flips and walking on his hands. He approached the door and opened it with his feet. "Hiya Yall. I'ma be Sandy, and I 'apoze I'm the head cashier. When Do Ihh Start?"

Setsuna, having just completed an order, jumped towards the shelves behind her grill, kicked off of them and preformed a back flip over her grill, still keeping the tray with a burger and fries perfectly balanced, and landed on the counter, crouching between the two cash registers. The people in line cheered loudly as she handed the tray to the customer. Noticing her co-workers just walking in, she smiled warmly and said, "Good morning!"

"Hi, Now, like Ihh said, where does me staaaaart?"

Remembering that there were a few new imployees out front, Setsuna hurried back out just in time to hear Sandy ask his question. Setsuna grabbed a frozen french fry from the nearby freezer that was very sharp on one end and threw it. It landed with a "thump" sticking into the counter in front of one of the registers. "Right there." said Setsuna.

Sandy jumped on the tables over to the counter. "Wow, there sure are alot of buttons here, but don't worry, I'll figure them out eventually, hopefully. I have also taken one of the paper menus and studied it very well. Go ahead, ask me the price of any item on the menu."

"Naw, I beleive you." said Setsuna. "Back there is the freezer and the staff room. Our hamster, Horatio, lives back there. You can go there on break and train if you want." The staff room not only held a few comfortable couches and Horatio's cage, but a wide variety of excersize equipment, including wieghts, punchingbags, and a large, matted area to practice flips and such in. Setsuna had also had two DDR machines installed.

"I guess we should ignore the time thing for now, shouldn't we? But I found this flyer. Read it aloud, won't you Setsuna?", inquired Naoyo.

White Was wondering what the Flyer was all about. She nstopped and waited for Setsuna to read aloud the Flyer.

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Everyone turned in aw(sp?) as Sandy came in doing flips and walking on his hands. He approached the door and opened it with his feet. "Hiya Yall. I'ma be Sandy, and I 'apoze I'm the head cashier. When Do Ihh Start?"

Setsuna, having just completed an order, jumped towards the shelves behind her grill, kicked off of them and preformed a back flip over her grill, still keeping the tray with a burger and fries perfectly balanced, and landed on the counter, crouching between the two cash registers. The people in line cheered loudly as she handed the tray to the customer. Noticing her co-workers just walking in, she smiled warmly and said, "Good morning!"

"Hi, Now, like Ihh said, where does me staaaaart?"

Remembering that there were a few new imployees out front, Setsuna hurried back out just in time to hear Sandy ask his question. Setsuna grabbed a frozen french fry from the nearby freezer that was very sharp on one end and threw it. It landed with a "thump" sticking into the counter in front of one of the registers. "Right there." said Setsuna.

Sandy jumped on the tables over to the counter. "Wow, there sure are alot of buttons here, but don't worry, I'll figure them out eventually, hopefully. I have also taken one of the paper menus and studied it very well. Go ahead, ask me the price of any item on the menu."

"Naw, I beleive you." said Setsuna. "Back there is the freezer and the staff room. Our hamster, Horatio, lives back there. You can go there on break and train if you want." The staff room not only held a few comfortable couches and Horatio's cage, but a wide variety of excersize equipment, including wieghts, punchingbags, and a large, matted area to practice flips and such in. Setsuna had also had two DDR machines installed.

"I guess we should ignore the time thing for now, shouldn't we? But I found this flyer. Read it aloud, won't you Setsuna?", inquired Naoyo.

Setsuna took the flyer gently and read:






Setsuna glowered at the paper.BEst burgers in the country? Who did these people think they were. She continued to read.




Setsuna blinked and started at Naoyo. "But that's..."

Sandy was in the back room playing DDR when he heard Setsuna read the flyer. He darted out the back room and over to Setsuna. "Well it looks like we're just gunna have to do something better. Anyone hear have any musical talent?" shouted Sandy. The restaurant was silent. "Well how about a Martial Arts show to atract all of their customers. And you know, if we all save up our money before that date, we could get a large sign built on Route 354A. I would give up my salary, how about you guys? And maybe even get a side job. I wouldn't like to see this restaurant fail."

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Everyone turned in aw(sp?) as Sandy came in doing flips and walking on his hands. He approached the door and opened it with his feet. "Hiya Yall. I'ma be Sandy, and I 'apoze I'm the head cashier. When Do Ihh Start?"

Setsuna, having just completed an order, jumped towards the shelves behind her grill, kicked off of them and preformed a back flip over her grill, still keeping the tray with a burger and fries perfectly balanced, and landed on the counter, crouching between the two cash registers. The people in line cheered loudly as she handed the tray to the customer. Noticing her co-workers just walking in, she smiled warmly and said, "Good morning!"

"Hi, Now, like Ihh said, where does me staaaaart?"

Remembering that there were a few new imployees out front, Setsuna hurried back out just in time to hear Sandy ask his question. Setsuna grabbed a frozen french fry from the nearby freezer that was very sharp on one end and threw it. It landed with a "thump" sticking into the counter in front of one of the registers. "Right there." said Setsuna.

Sandy jumped on the tables over to the counter. "Wow, there sure are alot of buttons here, but don't worry, I'll figure them out eventually, hopefully. I have also taken one of the paper menus and studied it very well. Go ahead, ask me the price of any item on the menu."

"Naw, I beleive you." said Setsuna. "Back there is the freezer and the staff room. Our hamster, Horatio, lives back there. You can go there on break and train if you want." The staff room not only held a few comfortable couches and Horatio's cage, but a wide variety of excersize equipment, including wieghts, punchingbags, and a large, matted area to practice flips and such in. Setsuna had also had two DDR machines installed.

"I guess we should ignore the time thing for now, shouldn't we? But I found this flyer. Read it aloud, won't you Setsuna?", inquired Naoyo.

White Was wondering what the Flyer was all about. She nstopped and waited for Setsuna to read aloud the Flyer.

=She already read it=

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Everyone turned in aw(sp?) as Sandy came in doing flips and walking on his hands. He approached the door and opened it with his feet. "Hiya Yall. I'ma be Sandy, and I 'apoze I'm the head cashier. When Do Ihh Start?"

Setsuna, having just completed an order, jumped towards the shelves behind her grill, kicked off of them and preformed a back flip over her grill, still keeping the tray with a burger and fries perfectly balanced, and landed on the counter, crouching between the two cash registers. The people in line cheered loudly as she handed the tray to the customer. Noticing her co-workers just walking in, she smiled warmly and said, "Good morning!"

"Hi, Now, like Ihh said, where does me staaaaart?"

Remembering that there were a few new imployees out front, Setsuna hurried back out just in time to hear Sandy ask his question. Setsuna grabbed a frozen french fry from the nearby freezer that was very sharp on one end and threw it. It landed with a "thump" sticking into the counter in front of one of the registers. "Right there." said Setsuna.

Sandy jumped on the tables over to the counter. "Wow, there sure are alot of buttons here, but don't worry, I'll figure them out eventually, hopefully. I have also taken one of the paper menus and studied it very well. Go ahead, ask me the price of any item on the menu."

"Naw, I beleive you." said Setsuna. "Back there is the freezer and the staff room. Our hamster, Horatio, lives back there. You can go there on break and train if you want." The staff room not only held a few comfortable couches and Horatio's cage, but a wide variety of excersize equipment, including wieghts, punchingbags, and a large, matted area to practice flips and such in. Setsuna had also had two DDR machines installed.

"I guess we should ignore the time thing for now, shouldn't we? But I found this flyer. Read it aloud, won't you Setsuna?", inquired Naoyo.

White Was wondering what the Flyer was all about. She nstopped and waited for Setsuna to read aloud the Flyer.

=She already read it=

=Both posts were in the queue at the same time, so she was unaware the flyer had been read=

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Everyone turned in aw(sp?) as Sandy came in doing flips and walking on his hands. He approached the door and opened it with his feet. "Hiya Yall. I'ma be Sandy, and I 'apoze I'm the head cashier. When Do Ihh Start?"

Setsuna, having just completed an order, jumped towards the shelves behind her grill, kicked off of them and preformed a back flip over her grill, still keeping the tray with a burger and fries perfectly balanced, and landed on the counter, crouching between the two cash registers. The people in line cheered loudly as she handed the tray to the customer. Noticing her co-workers just walking in, she smiled warmly and said, "Good morning!"

"Hi, Now, like Ihh said, where does me staaaaart?"

Remembering that there were a few new imployees out front, Setsuna hurried back out just in time to hear Sandy ask his question. Setsuna grabbed a frozen french fry from the nearby freezer that was very sharp on one end and threw it. It landed with a "thump" sticking into the counter in front of one of the registers. "Right there." said Setsuna.

Sandy jumped on the tables over to the counter. "Wow, there sure are alot of buttons here, but don't worry, I'll figure them out eventually, hopefully. I have also taken one of the paper menus and studied it very well. Go ahead, ask me the price of any item on the menu."

"Naw, I beleive you." said Setsuna. "Back there is the freezer and the staff room. Our hamster, Horatio, lives back there. You can go there on break and train if you want." The staff room not only held a few comfortable couches and Horatio's cage, but a wide variety of excersize equipment, including wieghts, punchingbags, and a large, matted area to practice flips and such in. Setsuna had also had two DDR machines installed.

"I guess we should ignore the time thing for now, shouldn't we? But I found this flyer. Read it aloud, won't you Setsuna?", inquired Naoyo.

Setsuna took the flyer gently and read:






Setsuna glowered at the paper.BEst burgers in the country? Who did these people think they were. She continued to read.




Setsuna blinked and started at Naoyo. "But that's..."

White Kirby Gasped. "oh my gosh!"

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Everyone turned in aw(sp?) as Sandy came in doing flips and walking on his hands. He approached the door and opened it with his feet. "Hiya Yall. I'ma be Sandy, and I 'apoze I'm the head cashier. When Do Ihh Start?"

Setsuna, having just completed an order, jumped towards the shelves behind her grill, kicked off of them and preformed a back flip over her grill, still keeping the tray with a burger and fries perfectly balanced, and landed on the counter, crouching between the two cash registers. The people in line cheered loudly as she handed the tray to the customer. Noticing her co-workers just walking in, she smiled warmly and said, "Good morning!"

"Hi, Now, like Ihh said, where does me staaaaart?"

Remembering that there were a few new imployees out front, Setsuna hurried back out just in time to hear Sandy ask his question. Setsuna grabbed a frozen french fry from the nearby freezer that was very sharp on one end and threw it. It landed with a "thump" sticking into the counter in front of one of the registers. "Right there." said Setsuna.

Sandy jumped on the tables over to the counter. "Wow, there sure are alot of buttons here, but don't worry, I'll figure them out eventually, hopefully. I have also taken one of the paper menus and studied it very well. Go ahead, ask me the price of any item on the menu."

"Naw, I beleive you." said Setsuna. "Back there is the freezer and the staff room. Our hamster, Horatio, lives back there. You can go there on break and train if you want." The staff room not only held a few comfortable couches and Horatio's cage, but a wide variety of excersize equipment, including wieghts, punchingbags, and a large, matted area to practice flips and such in. Setsuna had also had two DDR machines installed.

"I guess we should ignore the time thing for now, shouldn't we? But I found this flyer. Read it aloud, won't you Setsuna?", inquired Naoyo.

White Was wondering what the Flyer was all about. She nstopped and waited for Setsuna to read aloud the Flyer.

=She already read it=

=Both posts were in the queue at the same time, so she was unaware the flyer had been read=

=Thank you =D


NOTE: Hampster was Grounded from the Compy for a few Months, so I will RP her charecter 'till she isnt Grounded no mores.

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White Kirby wagon Star walked In. "OMG! Sorry Im late peopel!" She tripped, and everyone looked at her. She Went over yo a mirror, Getting ready for Hungery Custemers who live across the City, smoothing her Kirby-sized Uniform. She ran over and grabbed some marteil Arts weapons, then got her wagon star. She Cleaned it, then started to  Do Karate skills and said: "Hey Ya'll, Im White Kirby wagon Star, Your Waaaay to happy Delevary person!"  She did more karate Skills, then went over to her Wagon star.  She watched the Other Employees, waiting for someone with a delivary. The Phone Rang. White Grabbed the Phone. "Yea? Um. Ok. Sure. Uh huh. " she Hung up. "Hey, I need- Whats Going on, Naoyo?  Why do have a weird.... Look on Your face?"  Knowing it was most likly a bad idea to Interupt, she overheard that Naoyo's Clocks were whacked.

Mine were to! Thought White. Or maybe I just Over slept. My clocks are well prone to not Work!

[Hey. *points to a post I made a little while ago* Your characer is fine, except she needs to be human.]

NO! I Cant stand Humans. e_e

[but it really doen'st make sence to have a Kirby running around working at a fast food place. Please, please be human? Your name could be Kirby! You could have a power like Kirby's!]

[Ok. Ok. Her name is Still White Kirby Wagon Star. She is Human, Looks like me, and ALWAYS has a White Kirby Plushie Dangeing from her Shoulers. She has all the Kirby powers, Like Sucking up.She USED to be a Kirby, But Changed 'cause Everyone gave her weird looks. O_o]

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Everyone turned in aw(sp?) as Sandy came in doing flips and walking on his hands. He approached the door and opened it with his feet. "Hiya Yall. I'ma be Sandy, and I 'apoze I'm the head cashier. When Do Ihh Start?"

Setsuna, having just completed an order, jumped towards the shelves behind her grill, kicked off of them and preformed a back flip over her grill, still keeping the tray with a burger and fries perfectly balanced, and landed on the counter, crouching between the two cash registers. The people in line cheered loudly as she handed the tray to the customer. Noticing her co-workers just walking in, she smiled warmly and said, "Good morning!"

"Hi, Now, like Ihh said, where does me staaaaart?"

Remembering that there were a few new imployees out front, Setsuna hurried back out just in time to hear Sandy ask his question. Setsuna grabbed a frozen french fry from the nearby freezer that was very sharp on one end and threw it. It landed with a "thump" sticking into the counter in front of one of the registers. "Right there." said Setsuna.

Sandy jumped on the tables over to the counter. "Wow, there sure are alot of buttons here, but don't worry, I'll figure them out eventually, hopefully. I have also taken one of the paper menus and studied it very well. Go ahead, ask me the price of any item on the menu."

"Naw, I beleive you." said Setsuna. "Back there is the freezer and the staff room. Our hamster, Horatio, lives back there. You can go there on break and train if you want." The staff room not only held a few comfortable couches and Horatio's cage, but a wide variety of excersize equipment, including wieghts, punchingbags, and a large, matted area to practice flips and such in. Setsuna had also had two DDR machines installed.

"I guess we should ignore the time thing for now, shouldn't we? But I found this flyer. Read it aloud, won't you Setsuna?", inquired Naoyo.

Setsuna took the flyer gently and read:






Setsuna glowered at the paper.BEst burgers in the country? Who did these people think they were. She continued to read.




Setsuna blinked and started at Naoyo. "But that's..."

Sandy was in the back room playing DDR when he heard Setsuna read the flyer. He darted out the back room and over to Setsuna. "Well it looks like we're just gunna have to do something better. Anyone hear have any musical talent?" shouted Sandy. The restaurant was silent. "Well how about a Martial Arts show to atract all of their customers. And you know, if we all save up our money before that date, we could get a large sign built on Route 354A. I would give up my salary, how about you guys? And maybe even get a side job. I wouldn't like to see this restaurant fail."

"I don't wanna see The Fried Dragon Palace Fall, Either!" said White Kirby.

White Kirby had been Incvredibly Surprised at this Flyer.

"Who says they have the best Burgers Ever?"

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[Oh yea-What do the Uniforms look like?]

[black jeans with a bright red polo shirt. There is a golden dragon stiched on the left corner of the chest. They also have a red and black hat with a the same golden dragon on it.]

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White Kirby wagon Star walked In. "OMG! Sorry Im late peopel!" She tripped, and everyone looked at her. She Went over yo a mirror, Getting ready for Hungery Custemers who live across the City, smoothing her Kirby-sized Uniform. She ran over and grabbed some marteil Arts weapons, then got her wagon star. She Cleaned it, then started to  Do Karate skills and said: "Hey Ya'll, Im White Kirby wagon Star, Your Waaaay to happy Delevary person!"  She did more karate Skills, then went over to her Wagon star.  She watched the Other Employees, waiting for someone with a delivary. The Phone Rang. White Grabbed the Phone. "Yea? Um. Ok. Sure. Uh huh. " she Hung up. "Hey, I need- Whats Going on, Naoyo?  Why do have a weird.... Look on Your face?"  Knowing it was most likly a bad idea to Interupt, she overheard that Naoyo's Clocks were whacked.

Mine were to! Thought White. Or maybe I just Over slept. My clocks are well prone to not Work!

[Hey. *points to a post I made a little while ago* Your characer is fine, except she needs to be human.]

NO! I Cant stand Humans. e_e

[but it really doen'st make sence to have a Kirby running around working at a fast food place. Please, please be human? Your name could be Kirby! You could have a power like Kirby's!]

[Ok. Ok. Her name is Still White Kirby Wagon Star. She is Human, Looks like me, and ALWAYS has a White Kirby Plushie Dangeing from her Shoulers. She has all the Kirby powers, Like Sucking up.She USED to be a Kirby, But Changed 'cause Everyone gave her weird looks. O_o]

[Perfect! ^o^ *glomp*]

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J.J looked longingly at the DDDDDDDDDD dance dance REREREREREREREREvolution machine in the back room, but knew there was more important work to be done. Kirby looked upset with the phone. J.J leapt over a table. "what is it?" she whispered so that the person on the other end couldnt hear her. "is that Master Burger calling? what do they say?"

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[Oh yea-What do the Uniforms look like?]

[black jeans with a bright red polo shirt. There is a golden dragon stiched on the left corner of the chest. They also have a red and black hat with a the same golden dragon on it.]

[You.... You... You STALKER! Thats like, My Choice of Clothes! *Is frightend Kat has been Rummaging thru my clothes* Oh.... While you were stalking around at my house, Did you happan to find..... MY DRAWINGS FOLDER?! *Holds it up with great glory* Hee hee!]

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J.J looked longingly at the DDDDDDDDDD dance dance REREREREREREREREvolution machine in the back room, but knew there was more important work to be done. Kirby looked upset with the phone. J.J leapt over a table. "what is it?" she whispered so that the person on the other end couldnt hear her. "is that Master Burger calling? what do they say?"

"Hello, Is this Master Burger?" said the person on the other line.

"No, T-t-t-t-tis is F-ff-f-f-f-ried D-d-d-d-ragoin p-p-p-p-alace-e-e-. D-d-d-d-o you need s-s-s-s-s-somethingg-g-g-g-g-?"

"Oh, Sorry. Wrong Number." said the Person.

Kirby looked Outside.

Outside, Construction on Master Burger had already begun.

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J.J looked longingly at the DDDDDDDDDD dance dance REREREREREREREREvolution machine in the back room, but knew there was more important work to be done. Kirby looked upset with the phone. J.J leapt over a table. "what is it?" she whispered so that the person on the other end couldnt hear her. "is that Master Burger calling? what do they say?"

Kirby Hung up. "Nope, someone wanted Master Burger." she Shuddered. "and theve already began Construction!"

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Setsuna glared out the window and across the street at the large building being built. It looked more like an office building than a restaurant, with 50+ floors and shingin windows. She could also see, perched on the very top, a cheeseburger with a toga on, surrounded by the revolving words "MASTER BURGER". Construction was practically complete. They just needed to add a few windows and the front doors. She looked back to her coworkers and said, "We better get back to work. We have customers." She walked back to her grill and awaited one of the cashiers to give her an order.

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J.J. huffed, and gave the Master Burger one more glare before donning her FDP hat, and performing a series of flips, somersaults, cartwheels, and a roundoff, each with one hand. (right hand, then left hand, ect) She secured her mic, and said in a cheerful voice "Hello, and welcome to the Fried Dragon Palace, a great place to eat, and see martial arts! My name is J.J. may i please take your order?" she had added the part about the place to eat and see martial art, just to emphasize that FDP was still was best. the man in the car placed his order, and J.J covered her mike, and yelled "i need a cryin' johnny with shirley temples hair, and A&W on the rocks!" in the direction of the grill. J.J heard cries of confusion, and explained. "a burger with extra onions, curly fries, and root beer with ice" with a grin.

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J.J. huffed, and gave the Master Burger one more glare before donning her FDP hat, and performing a series of flips, somersaults, cartwheels, and a roundoff, each with one hand. (right hand, then left hand, ect) She secured her mic, and said in a cheerful voice "Hello, and welcome to the Fried Dragon Palace, a great place to eat, and see martial arts! My name is J.J. may i please take your order?" she had added the part about the place to eat and see martial art, just to emphasize that FDP was still was best. the man in the car placed his order, and J.J covered her mike, and yelled "i need a cryin' johnny with shirley temples hair, and A&W on the rocks!" in the direction of the grill. J.J heard cries of confusion, and explained. "a burger with extra onions, curly fries, and root beer with ice" with a grin.

Setsuna grinned and got to work on the order. She was not unfamilliar with the odd window-casheir lingo, but she rarely used it because most if it sounded icky and unappatizing. The finished the meal and tossed it expertly to JJ at the window.

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"I knew it. Something's wrong. Something is terribly wrong. Other than Setsuna and I, everyone was late again." Naoyo sighed. There was something fishy going on, and she knew it. But who would believe here? She found another flyer. "You guys, there's a martial arts tournament, sparring, weapon of choice!"


[Remember that there was an upcoming competition in the original restart. Or the original.]

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"I knew it. Something's wrong. Something is terribly wrong. Other than Setsuna and I, everyone was late again." Naoyo sighed. There was something fishy going on, and she knew it. But who would believe here? She found another flyer. "You guys, there's a martial arts tournament, sparring, weapon of choice!"


[Remember that there was an upcoming competition in the original restart. Or the original.]

I'm already confused.

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J.J. huffed, and gave the Master Burger one more glare before donning her FDP hat, and performing a series of flips, somersaults, cartwheels, and a roundoff, each with one hand. (right hand, then left hand, ect) She secured her mic, and said in a cheerful voice "Hello, and welcome to the Fried Dragon Palace, a great place to eat, and see martial arts! My name is J.J. may i please take your order?" she had added the part about the place to eat and see martial art, just to emphasize that FDP was still was best. the man in the car placed his order, and J.J covered her mike, and yelled "i need a cryin' johnny with shirley temples hair, and A&W on the rocks!" in the direction of the grill. J.J heard cries of confusion, and explained. "a burger with extra onions, curly fries, and root beer with ice" with a grin.

Setsuna grinned and got to work on the order. She was not unfamilliar with the odd window-casheir lingo, but she rarely used it because most if it sounded icky and unappatizing. The finished the meal and tossed it expertly to JJ at the window.

White Kirby smiled at JJ and Setstuna. Suddenly the Phone rang.

"Is this Fride Dragon Palace?"

"yes, May I take your order?"

White Listened. "Im off to deliver! she said, doing flips and cartwheels over to the wagon star.

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"I knew it. Something's wrong. Something is terribly wrong. Other than Setsuna and I, everyone was late again." Naoyo sighed. There was something fishy going on, and she knew it. But who would believe here? She found another flyer. "You guys, there's a martial arts tournament, sparring, weapon of choice!"


[Remember that there was an upcoming competition in the original restart. Or the original.]

"I wish we could send somebody, but we really need to focus on what's going on here." said Setsuna, plopping onto the couch after a rigerous DDR game. It wasn't her break time, but they didn't have any customers anyway.


=That was also when there was no plot to speak of and we were all running around doing whatever. XD=

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"I knew it. Something's wrong. Something is terribly wrong. Other than Setsuna and I, everyone was late again." Naoyo sighed. There was something fishy going on, and she knew it. But who would believe here? She found another flyer. "You guys, there's a martial arts tournament, sparring, weapon of choice!"


[Remember that there was an upcoming competition in the original restart. Or the original.]

"I wish we could send somebody, but we really need to focus on what's going on here." said Setsuna, plopping onto the couch after a rigerous DDR game. It wasn't her break time, but they didn't have any customers anyway.


=That was also when there was no plot to speak of and we were all running around doing whatever. XD=


"yeah" said J.J. who hopped onto the DDR machine with an unsuccessfully repressed grin. lights flashed on the arrows, and arrows flashed on the screen. J.J began to play, adding in a few impromtu spins and moves. hip hop was a hobby of hers, helped with balance and flexibility. it was also rather fun. from out side of the breakroom, you could see the top of her head and the end of her ponytail flying up when she performend the occasional toe touch or hurkey. her head came up "why-" head goes down. head comes up "dont we" down. up "call up" down. up" this master-" down. up"burger place-" down. up" and see-" down. up" whats going on?" down. up. "our customers-" down. up "are probably" down. up "driven away" down. up" from the contruc-" down. up"tion!"

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"I knew it. Something's wrong. Something is terribly wrong. Other than Setsuna and I, everyone was late again." Naoyo sighed. There was something fishy going on, and she knew it. But who would believe here? She found another flyer. "You guys, there's a martial arts tournament, sparring, weapon of choice!"


[Remember that there was an upcoming competition in the original restart. Or the original.]

"I wish we could send somebody, but we really need to focus on what's going on here." said Setsuna, plopping onto the couch after a rigerous DDR game. It wasn't her break time, but they didn't have any customers anyway.


=That was also when there was no plot to speak of and we were all running around doing whatever. XD=


"yeah" said J.J. who hopped onto the DDR machine with an unsuccessfully repressed grin. lights flashed on the arrows, and arrows flashed on the screen. J.J began to play, adding in a few impromtu spins and moves. hip hop was a hobby of hers, helped with balance and flexibility. it was also rather fun. from out side of the breakroom, you could see the top of her head and the end of her ponytail flying up when she performend the occasional toe touch or hurkey. her head came up "why-" head goes down. head comes up "dont we" down. up "call up" down. up" this master-" down. up"burger place-" down. up" and see-" down. up" whats going on?" down. up. "our customers-" down. up "are probably" down. up "driven away" down. up" from the contruc-" down. up"tion!"

=Oh yeahh. That was when we were going absolutely nowhere. :lol: =

"I agr-," Naoyo began, but then she finished, "Agh! customer, be back in a flash!"

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"I knew it. Something's wrong. Something is terribly wrong. Other than Setsuna and I, everyone was late again." Naoyo sighed. There was something fishy going on, and she knew it. But who would believe here? She found another flyer. "You guys, there's a martial arts tournament, sparring, weapon of choice!"


[Remember that there was an upcoming competition in the original restart. Or the original.]

"I wish we could send somebody, but we really need to focus on what's going on here." said Setsuna, plopping onto the couch after a rigerous DDR game. It wasn't her break time, but they didn't have any customers anyway.


=That was also when there was no plot to speak of and we were all running around doing whatever. XD=


"yeah" said J.J. who hopped onto the DDR machine with an unsuccessfully repressed grin. lights flashed on the arrows, and arrows flashed on the screen. J.J began to play, adding in a few impromtu spins and moves. hip hop was a hobby of hers, helped with balance and flexibility. it was also rather fun. from out side of the breakroom, you could see the top of her head and the end of her ponytail flying up when she performend the occasional toe touch or hurkey. her head came up "why-" head goes down. head comes up "dont we" down. up "call up" down. up" this master-" down. up"burger place-" down. up" and see-" down. up" whats going on?" down. up. "our customers-" down. up "are probably" down. up "driven away" down. up" from the contruc-" down. up"tion!"

=Oh yeahh. That was when we were going absolutely nowhere. :lol: =

"I agr-," Naoyo began, but then she finished, "Agh! customer, be back in a flash!"

"We could..." said Setsuna, awaiting the order from Naoyo.

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=I'm outt. Sorry. Way too lost.=

=Nuuu! don't leave us! ;_; We're really not doing anything of importance at the moment, anyway. >_>;;;=

=Hm. Well, don't expect me to do much.=

=You could always feed me! :lol:=

=Yeah! You could feed Horatio! Just do something, and one of the toher characters will respond and stuff will happen.=

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"I knew it. Something's wrong. Something is terribly wrong. Other than Setsuna and I, everyone was late again." Naoyo sighed. There was something fishy going on, and she knew it. But who would believe here? She found another flyer. "You guys, there's a martial arts tournament, sparring, weapon of choice!"


[Remember that there was an upcoming competition in the original restart. Or the original.]

"I wish we could send somebody, but we really need to focus on what's going on here." said Setsuna, plopping onto the couch after a rigerous DDR game. It wasn't her break time, but they didn't have any customers anyway.


=That was also when there was no plot to speak of and we were all running around doing whatever. XD=


"yeah" said J.J. who hopped onto the DDR machine with an unsuccessfully repressed grin. lights flashed on the arrows, and arrows flashed on the screen. J.J began to play, adding in a few impromtu spins and moves. hip hop was a hobby of hers, helped with balance and flexibility. it was also rather fun. from out side of the breakroom, you could see the top of her head and the end of her ponytail flying up when she performend the occasional toe touch or hurkey. her head came up "why-" head goes down. head comes up "dont we" down. up "call up" down. up" this master-" down. up"burger place-" down. up" and see-" down. up" whats going on?" down. up. "our customers-" down. up "are probably" down. up "driven away" down. up" from the contruc-" down. up"tion!"

=Oh yeahh. That was when we were going absolutely nowhere. :lol: =

"I agr-," Naoyo began, but then she finished, "Agh! customer, be back in a flash!"

"We could..." said Setsuna, awaiting the order from Naoyo.

=I dunno what the menu is. We should make up a menu so it doesn't end up one person says chow mein, the other a burger, and another says a Polish hot dog.]

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"I knew it. Something's wrong. Something is terribly wrong. Other than Setsuna and I, everyone was late again." Naoyo sighed. There was something fishy going on, and she knew it. But who would believe here? She found another flyer. "You guys, there's a martial arts tournament, sparring, weapon of choice!"


[Remember that there was an upcoming competition in the original restart. Or the original.]

"I wish we could send somebody, but we really need to focus on what's going on here." said Setsuna, plopping onto the couch after a rigerous DDR game. It wasn't her break time, but they didn't have any customers anyway.


=That was also when there was no plot to speak of and we were all running around doing whatever. XD=


"yeah" said J.J. who hopped onto the DDR machine with an unsuccessfully repressed grin. lights flashed on the arrows, and arrows flashed on the screen. J.J began to play, adding in a few impromtu spins and moves. hip hop was a hobby of hers, helped with balance and flexibility. it was also rather fun. from out side of the breakroom, you could see the top of her head and the end of her ponytail flying up when she performend the occasional toe touch or hurkey. her head came up "why-" head goes down. head comes up "dont we" down. up "call up" down. up" this master-" down. up"burger place-" down. up" and see-" down. up" whats going on?" down. up. "our customers-" down. up "are probably" down. up "driven away" down. up" from the contruc-" down. up"tion!"

=Oh yeahh. That was when we were going absolutely nowhere. :lol: =

"I agr-," Naoyo began, but then she finished, "Agh! customer, be back in a flash!"

"We could..." said Setsuna, awaiting the order from Naoyo.

=I dunno what the menu is. We should make up a menu so it doesn't end up one person says chow mein, the other a burger, and another says a Polish hot dog.]

=I will later. For now, just stick with "a burger".=

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"I knew it. Something's wrong. Something is terribly wrong. Other than Setsuna and I, everyone was late again." Naoyo sighed. There was something fishy going on, and she knew it. But who would believe here? She found another flyer. "You guys, there's a martial arts tournament, sparring, weapon of choice!"


[Remember that there was an upcoming competition in the original restart. Or the original.]

"I wish we could send somebody, but we really need to focus on what's going on here." said Setsuna, plopping onto the couch after a rigerous DDR game. It wasn't her break time, but they didn't have any customers anyway.


=That was also when there was no plot to speak of and we were all running around doing whatever. XD=


"yeah" said J.J. who hopped onto the DDR machine with an unsuccessfully repressed grin. lights flashed on the arrows, and arrows flashed on the screen. J.J began to play, adding in a few impromtu spins and moves. hip hop was a hobby of hers, helped with balance and flexibility. it was also rather fun. from out side of the breakroom, you could see the top of her head and the end of her ponytail flying up when she performend the occasional toe touch or hurkey. her head came up "why-" head goes down. head comes up "dont we" down. up "call up" down. up" this master-" down. up"burger place-" down. up" and see-" down. up" whats going on?" down. up. "our customers-" down. up "are probably" down. up "driven away" down. up" from the contruc-" down. up"tion!"

=Oh yeahh. That was when we were going absolutely nowhere. :lol: =

"I agr-," Naoyo began, but then she finished, "Agh! customer, be back in a flash!"

"We could..." said Setsuna, awaiting the order from Naoyo.

=I dunno what the menu is. We should make up a menu so it doesn't end up one person says chow mein, the other a burger, and another says a Polish hot dog.]

=I will later. For now, just stick with "a burger".=

"The customer wants a burger and a large Pepsi." said Naoyo.

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[Name:Ally Richards


poistion:cash register

Looks: dark brown hair that goes past her shoulders a little, blue eyes, average wieght, average hieght, overall pretty.

Story:Her mother lived in Japan, she taught her self to become a ninja and was further trained by Ally's dad's dad. Well needless to say Ally's mom and dad fell in love, and moved to America. Ally's dad was born American but moved to Japan with his dad. Then Ally was born and 2yrs later her brother was. Ally's mom taught Ally to be a ninja. Now Ally is trying to earn more money for college. And Ally is looking for friends.(sorry it was so long)]


That's Honey's character.]

[yay! thanks for saving my character! With school and all I will most likely only be able on fri,sat, and sunday. So ya'll can use my character all you want just don't me a snobbish brat please! :D I'll try to start in the story after my breakfast yummy!*dashes from computer* :D ]

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[Name:Ally Richards


poistion:cash register

Looks: dark brown hair that goes past her shoulders a little, blue eyes, average wieght, average hieght, overall pretty.

Story:Her mother lived in Japan, she taught her self to become a ninja and was further trained by Ally's dad's dad. Well needless to say Ally's mom and dad fell in love, and moved to America. Ally's dad was born American but moved to Japan with his dad. Then Ally was born and 2yrs later her brother was. Ally's mom taught Ally to be a ninja. Now Ally is trying to earn more money for college. And Ally is looking for friends.(sorry it was so long)]


That's Honey's character.]

[yay! thanks for saving my character! With school and all I will most likely only be able on fri,sat, and sunday. So ya'll can use my character all you want just don't me a snobbish brat please! :D I'll try to start in the story after my breakfast yummy!*dashes from computer* :D ]

[spiff. :D I'll make sure nobody makes her icky and mean.]
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"I knew it. Something's wrong. Something is terribly wrong. Other than Setsuna and I, everyone was late again." Naoyo sighed. There was something fishy going on, and she knew it. But who would believe here? She found another flyer. "You guys, there's a martial arts tournament, sparring, weapon of choice!"


[Remember that there was an upcoming competition in the original restart. Or the original.]

"I wish we could send somebody, but we really need to focus on what's going on here." said Setsuna, plopping onto the couch after a rigerous DDR game. It wasn't her break time, but they didn't have any customers anyway.


=That was also when there was no plot to speak of and we were all running around doing whatever. XD=


"yeah" said J.J. who hopped onto the DDR machine with an unsuccessfully repressed grin. lights flashed on the arrows, and arrows flashed on the screen. J.J began to play, adding in a few impromtu spins and moves. hip hop was a hobby of hers, helped with balance and flexibility. it was also rather fun. from out side of the breakroom, you could see the top of her head and the end of her ponytail flying up when she performend the occasional toe touch or hurkey. her head came up "why-" head goes down. head comes up "dont we" down. up "call up" down. up" this master-" down. up"burger place-" down. up" and see-" down. up" whats going on?" down. up. "our customers-" down. up "are probably" down. up "driven away" down. up" from the contruc-" down. up"tion!"

=Oh yeahh. That was when we were going absolutely nowhere. :lol: =

"I agr-," Naoyo began, but then she finished, "Agh! customer, be back in a flash!"

"We could..." said Setsuna, awaiting the order from Naoyo.

=I dunno what the menu is. We should make up a menu so it doesn't end up one person says chow mein, the other a burger, and another says a Polish hot dog.]

=I will later. For now, just stick with "a burger".=

"The customer wants a burger and a large Pepsi." said Naoyo.

Setsuna cooked up the order and passed it on to Naoyo, considering their situation.


[More later.]

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  • 2 weeks later...
[Name:Ally Richards


poistion:cash register

Looks: dark brown hair that goes past her shoulders a little, blue eyes, average wieght, average hieght, overall pretty.

Story:Her mother lived in Japan, she taught her self to become a ninja and was further trained by Ally's dad's dad. Well needless to say Ally's mom and dad fell in love, and moved to America. Ally's dad was born American but moved to Japan with his dad. Then Ally was born and 2yrs later her brother was. Ally's mom taught Ally to be a ninja. Now Ally is trying to earn more money for college. And Ally is looking for friends.(sorry it was so long)]


That's Honey's character.]

[yay! thanks for saving my character! With school and all I will most likely only be able on fri,sat, and sunday. So ya'll can use my character all you want just don't me a snobbish brat please! :D I'll try to start in the story after my breakfast yummy!*dashes from computer* :D ]

[spiff. :D I'll make sure nobody makes her icky and mean.]

[yea thanks for making sure. Sorry I didn't RP my comp. froze and then I lost track of time. :lol: ]

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Ally ran in the door and flipped over the counter and sprinted to the grill. "Setsuna there is a place called Master Burger right next to us, and get this they say they have the best burgers," Ally ran out of breath. "This is just perfect," Ally said sarcastically and looked to Setsuna for approval.

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Ally ran in the door and flipped over the counter and sprinted to the grill. "Setsuna there is a place called Master Burger right next to us, and get this they say they have the best burgers," Ally ran out of breath. "This is just perfect," Ally said sarcastically and looked to Setsuna for approval.

"We know." said Setsuna, showing Ally the flyer. "I think we should go and check it out."

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Ally ran in the door and flipped over the counter and sprinted to the grill. "Setsuna there is a place called Master Burger right next to us, and get this they say they have the best burgers," Ally ran out of breath. "This is just perfect," Ally said sarcastically and looked to Setsuna for approval.

"We know." said Setsuna, showing Ally the flyer. "I think we should go and check it out."

Ally looked at the flyer in suprise. She was furious that Master Burger had the nerve to do all this. She looked at Setsuna,"I'll go check this place out, but none of us can go in are uniforms its too risky,"She said stating the obvious.

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Ally ran in the door and flipped over the counter and sprinted to the grill. "Setsuna there is a place called Master Burger right next to us, and get this they say they have the best burgers," Ally ran out of breath. "This is just perfect," Ally said sarcastically and looked to Setsuna for approval.

"We know." said Setsuna, showing Ally the flyer. "I think we should go and check it out."

Ally looked at the flyer in suprise. She was furious that Master Burger had the nerve to do all this. She looked at Setsuna,"I'll go check this place out, but none of us can go in are uniforms its too risky,"She said stating the obvious.

"Of course." said Setsuna. "We'll call the manager and ask if we can close up a little early to scope out the competition.



[Ya'll finally get to meet the manager. :o]

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Ally ran in the door and flipped over the counter and sprinted to the grill. "Setsuna there is a place called Master Burger right next to us, and get this they say they have the best burgers," Ally ran out of breath. "This is just perfect," Ally said sarcastically and looked to Setsuna for approval.

"We know." said Setsuna, showing Ally the flyer. "I think we should go and check it out."

Ally looked at the flyer in suprise. She was furious that Master Burger had the nerve to do all this. She looked at Setsuna,"I'll go check this place out, but none of us can go in are uniforms its too risky,"She said stating the obvious.

"Of course." said Setsuna. "We'll call the manager and ask if we can close up a little early to scope out the competition.



[Ya'll finally get to meet the manager. :o]

"Perfect, I'm sure our manager wouldn't mind," Ally said excitedly. She went to her cash register, took the money from the mother of a little red haired boy in exchange for a burger and coke. The boy watched happily as she did a handstand then flipped in one place.

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Ally ran in the door and flipped over the counter and sprinted to the grill. "Setsuna there is a place called Master Burger right next to us, and get this they say they have the best burgers," Ally ran out of breath. "This is just perfect," Ally said sarcastically and looked to Setsuna for approval.

"We know." said Setsuna, showing Ally the flyer. "I think we should go and check it out."

Ally looked at the flyer in suprise. She was furious that Master Burger had the nerve to do all this. She looked at Setsuna,"I'll go check this place out, but none of us can go in are uniforms its too risky,"She said stating the obvious.

"Of course." said Setsuna. "We'll call the manager and ask if we can close up a little early to scope out the competition.



[Ya'll finally get to meet the manager. :o]

"Perfect, I'm sure our manager wouldn't mind," Ally said excitedly. She went to her cash register, took the money from the mother of a little red haired boy in exchange for a burger and coke. The boy watched happily as she did a handstand then flipped in one place.

Setsuna walked over to the phone and dialed the number for the Fried Dragon Palace HQ.


[i'll make an actual post when my head doesn't hurt. ;_;]

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[i'll make an actual post when my head doesn't hurt. ;_;][/color]

[i am so sorry your head hurts... *gives Kat a hammie huggle*]

[Thanka. ^^ *retuns huggle* It was mostly my teeth 'cause I just got my braces adjusted. *hates her braces*]


"Hello, this is Fried Dragon Palace Headquarters. How may I help you?" Asked a smooth, female voice when the phone was answered.


"This is Setsuna Myaki from Fried Dragon Palace #09052764. I'd like to talk to our manager. His name is Bill Richards."


"I'll forward you." said the voice, and Setsuna heard the familar on-hold music. Ther manager worked in the HQ in Dallas instead of at the actuall restaurant. Setsuna had seen him a few times, but mostly she just talked to him on the phone. After about 30 seconds, somebody anwered the phone, but it was not their Bill.


"Hello?" said a sleek, oily voice. It was the assistant manager, and son of Bill, Simon.


"Hello. Is Mr. Richards there?" asked Setsuna, trying to sound polite. She really did not like Simon...


"Ah, Setsuna." he said, recognizing her voice even though she had not wanted him to know who she was. "How have you been?"


"Fine. Is he there?"


"No." said Simon, sounding annoyingly superior. "He's in a meeting. He left me in charge, though."


"Alright, then I'll call back when he's do-"


"No, no, Setsuna," said Simon, "I'm quite sure I can handle it."


Setsuna could imagine his pointy face smirking in a self-appriciating way.


"That new chain, Master Burger, has built a store next door. We want to check it out at this grand openign they're having tonight."


"Check it out?"


"Yeah, you know, go and see what it's like? All the other chains have been linked to strange dissappearances and the like, it's been in some of the minor news papers. They've probably bought all the larger ones off so they won't print anything."


Simon chuckled, making Setsuna clench her fists. "Setsuna, you're over-reacting. I'm sure that Master Burger will prove to be no more than a little healthy competition."




"No, Setsuna." he said, sounding giddy and being able to order somebody around. "I will not allow it. Anybody attending that opening will be fired."


Setsuna opened her mouth and tried to argue, but she was too angered to speak. He was jepardizing the restaurant just because he liked to boss people around!


Simon took advantage of the silence to end the call. "I assume that's all. Take care, Setsuna." She heard a click that told her he had hung up.


Slamming the reciever back onto the base, Setsuna stormed back to the break room and played a few DDR rounds on Oni mode to calm her nerves. She didn't care what that little weasle said, she was going to investigate.


[Drama. :o]

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[i'll make an actual post when my head doesn't hurt. ;_;][/color]

[i am so sorry your head hurts... *gives Kat a hammie huggle*]

[Thanka. ^^ *retuns huggle* It was mostly my teeth 'cause I just got my braces adjusted. *hates her braces*]


"Hello, this is Fried Dragon Palace Headquarters. How may I help you?" Asked a smooth, female voice when the phone was answered.


"This is Setsuna Myaki from Fried Dragon Palace #09052764. I'd like to talk to our manager. His name is Bill Richards."


"I'll forward you." said the voice, and Setsuna heard the familar on-hold music. Ther manager worked in the HQ in Dallas instead of at the actuall restaurant. Setsuna had seen him a few times, but mostly she just talked to him on the phone. After about 30 seconds, somebody anwered the phone, but it was not their Bill.


"Hello?" said a sleek, oily voice. It was the assistant manager, and son of Bill, Simon.


"Hello. Is Mr. Richards there?" asked Setsuna, trying to sound polite. She really did not like Simon...


"Ah, Setsuna." he said, recognizing her voice even though she had not wanted him to know who she was. "How have you been?"


"Fine. Is he there?"


"No." said Simon, sounding annoyingly superior. "He's in a meeting. He left me in charge, though."


"Alright, then I'll call back when he's do-"


"No, no, Setsuna," said Simon, "I'm quite sure I can handle it."


Setsuna could imagine his pointy face smirking in a self-appriciating way.


"That new chain, Master Burger, has built a store next door. We want to check it out at this grand openign they're having tonight."


"Check it out?"


"Yeah, you know, go and see what it's like? All the other chains have been linked to strange dissappearances and the like, it's been in some of the minor news papers. They've probably bought all the larger ones off so they won't print anything."


Simon chuckled, making Setsuna clench her fists. "Setsuna, you're over-reacting. I'm sure that Master Burger will prove to be no more than a little healthy competition."




"No, Setsuna." he said, sounding giddy and being able to order somebody around. "I will not allow it. Anybody attending that opening will be fired."


Setsuna opened her mouth and tried to argue, but she was too angered to speak. He was jepardizing the restaurant just because he liked to boss people around!


Simon took advantage of the silence to end the call. "I assume that's all. Take care, Setsuna." She heard a click that told her he had hung up.


Slamming the reciever back onto the base, Setsuna stormed back to the break room and played a few DDR rounds on Oni mode to calm her nerves. She didn't care what that little weasle said, she was going to investigate.


[Drama. :o]

Ally walked to the breakroom. "Setsuna, what did the boss say," Ally said waiting for a reply. Setuna had been playing DDR. Ally glanced at Horatio's cage. Then back to Setsuna.

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J.J. watched Setsuna's face turn red with anger, and she figured that Simon was probably on the phone. annoying, forward, and suck-upish, J.J. had more that once almost bowed down to the temptation to smack that sneer off his face when he came down to the store once in awhile to scrutinize the workers, adn flirt with the girls.


J.J. took out Horatio's round plastic running ball, picked him up, gave him a loving pet, and placed him in the ball to run around.


"yeah, setsuna, what does Simon Say now? hop on one foot for the entire day, or you're fired? you WERE talking to him right? Sneering Simon?" she stuck her tounge out, twisted her mouth, and crossed her eyes. Ally chuckled, adn J.J said mockingly "daddy isnt here, so you have to listen to MEEEEeee!" Horatio squeeked approvingly, and J.J grinned.


"really, set, whats the matter?"

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J.J. watched Setsuna's face turn red with anger, and she figured that Simon was probably on the phone. annoying, forward, and suck-upish, J.J. had more that once almost bowed down to the temptation to smack that sneer off his face when he came down to the store once in awhile to scrutinize the workers, adn flirt with the girls.


J.J. took out Horatio's round plastic running ball, picked him up, gave him a loving pet, and placed him in the ball to run around.


"yeah, setsuna, what does Simon Say now? hop on one foot for the entire day, or you're fired? you WERE talking to him right? Sneering Simon?" she stuck her tounge out, twisted her mouth, and crossed her eyes. Ally chuckled, adn J.J said mockingly "daddy isnt here, so you have to listen to MEEEEeee!" Horatio squeeked approvingly, and J.J grinned.


"really, set, whats the matter?"

[Glad to see someone remembered me. :lol: ]

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J.J. watched Setsuna's face turn red with anger, and she figured that Simon was probably on the phone. annoying, forward, and suck-upish, J.J. had more that once almost bowed down to the temptation to smack that sneer off his face when he came down to the store once in awhile to scrutinize the workers, adn flirt with the girls.


J.J. took out Horatio's round plastic running ball, picked him up, gave him a loving pet, and placed him in the ball to run around.


"yeah, setsuna, what does Simon Say now? hop on one foot for the entire day, or you're fired? you WERE talking to him right? Sneering Simon?" she stuck her tounge out, twisted her mouth, and crossed her eyes. Ally chuckled, adn J.J said mockingly "daddy isnt here, so you have to listen to MEEEEeee!" Horatio squeeked approvingly, and J.J grinned.


"really, set, whats the matter?"

"He said we're not supposed to go to the opening or we'll lose our jobs." Setsuna said, collapsing into a couch after her strenuous DDR round. "But I don't care. I'm going anyway. I'm possitive that Mr. Richards won't let him fire me."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ally stood by her friends as they all sneered in hatred for Simon. The jerk, Ally thought, this could be a big chance hrumph. Ally was seething and only when J.J. made her face for Siomon did Ally brighten up.


[ook everyone is mad at Simon]

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[i was thinking about it, and I decided that a place called Fried Dragon Palace doesn't sound very appetising... :lol: ]

[Oh, well.]


Setsuna returned to her grill, cooled off enough to not throw the frozen patties at anybody, and started taking the orders again. She started thinking of how she could sneak into the Master Burger during their opening...

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Ally ran to Setsuna. "Yea little guy whats the matter," Ally asked Horatio.

[uh-oh wut will this wise hamster tell our heros tune in next time and see!!! :lol: ]

Feeeeeeeeeeeed meeeeeeeeee. Pleeeeeeaaaaaassssssseeeeeeeeeeee!

White Kirby went to a small closet and got out some Sunflower Seeds. "Here you go, little buddy!"

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Ally ran to Setsuna. "Yea little guy whats the matter," Ally asked Horatio.

[uh-oh wut will this wise hamster tell our heros tune in next time and see!!! :lol: ]

Feeeeeeeeeeeed meeeeeeeeee. Pleeeeeeaaaaaassssssseeeeeeeeeeee!

Setsuna smiled, put Horatio back in his cage, and gave him some sunflower seeds.

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Ally ran to Setsuna. "Yea little guy whats the matter," Ally asked Horatio.

[uh-oh wut will this wise hamster tell our heros tune in next time and see!!! :lol: ]

Feeeeeeeeeeeed meeeeeeeeee. Pleeeeeeaaaaaassssssseeeeeeeeeeee!

White Kirby went to a small closet and got out some Sunflower Seeds. "Here you go, little buddy!"

Thank you so much!

*started filling my pouches to capacity with all the seeds from White Kirby*

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[ok I am geussing that since you are treating me I join but u Kat will have to fit me in somewhere.

Here's a name for myRP person. I'll think up a character sheet l;ater when I know where I'll be in the game. My person is Kay Anderson.]

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[ok I am geussing that since you are treating me I join but u Kat will have to fit me in somewhere.

Here's a name for myRP person. I'll think up a character sheet l;ater when I know where I'll be in the game. My person is Kay Anderson.]

Horatio sees Kay and knows she will feed me pumpkin seeds.

"Kay, Kay" squeaked Horatio!

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[ok I am geussing that since you are treating me I join but u Kat will have to fit me in somewhere.

Here's a name for myRP person. I'll think up a character sheet l;ater when I know where I'll be in the game. My person is Kay Anderson.]

[Just come in and say were were late for work 'cause you're car stalled, or something. What possition are you?]

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[i [i]was[/i] 2nd window but I'll be anything if there is someone in that job.]


Kay ran into Freid dragon. " Sorry, I was late but I had to fed my dog." She said in one braeth. Taking another breath she asked " So, What's up?". Then she walked over to where Horatio was and fed the wel loved hampster seeds. [ Are u a guy or a girl, Horatio?]

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[i [i]was[/i] 2nd window but I'll be anything if there is someone in that job.]


Kay ran into Freid dragon. " Sorry, I was late but I had to fed my dog." She said in one braeth.  Taking another breath she asked " So, What's up?". Then she walked over to where Horatio was and fed the wel loved hampster seeds.  [ Are u a guy or a girl, Horatio?] 

A boy!


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Thanks I was going to say him but I didn't know if u where a girl or guy.

[No problem. I posted my pic from when I was taking a break from the everyday run in my wheel. It is always better to wander around the property. Unfortunately, I have a rather high fence that prohibits my escaping to other parts of the house, but being able to wander in and out of my cage when the feeling strikes me is great.

(Do NOT try this at home.)

:lol::lol::lol: ]

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[i [i]was[/i] 2nd window but I'll be anything if there is someone in that job.]


Kay ran into Freid dragon. " Sorry, I was late but I had to fed my dog." She said in one braeth.  Taking another breath she asked " So, What's up?". Then she walked over to where Horatio was and fed the wel loved hampster seeds.  [ Are u a guy or a girl, Horatio?] 

[Wanna be a third cashier?]

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ally hears a slight scratch and spins around real fast. She smiles seeing Horatio begging from some more seeds. "Be careful Horatio if we feed you too many you'll get fat." Ally warned but she laughed and gave him a few more anyways.

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Ally hears a slight scratch and spins around real fast. She smiles seeing Horatio begging from some more seeds. "Be careful Horatio if we feed you too many you'll get fat." Ally warned but she laughed and gave him a few more anyways.

Horatio gave Ally a squeak of thanks! :D

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Setsuna left Kirby to talk to whoever it was. She would ask later. She put Horatio back into his cage and went out to take some orders.


[i'll be in a writting mood and make a real post soon, I promise!]

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