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Hey HampsterKing, thanks for taking in my suggestion!  :D
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do you like  :hampton he is cool right?!?!?! :hampton  :hampton  :hampton  :hampton  :hampton  :hampton  :hampton  :hampton

Stuff is only cool if you think it is. And I would agree that Hampton is cool as are the other hampsters.

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do you like  :hampton he is cool right?!?!?! :hampton  :hampton  :hampton  :hampton  :hampton  :hampton  :hampton  :hampton

Yes he is  :D .

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do you like  :hampton he is cool right?!?!?! :hampton  :hampton  :hampton  :hampton  :hampton  :hampton  :hampton  :hampton

Yes he is  :D .

I       :love:         :hampton



  and  :dixie


        and  :fuzzy


              and   :hado


:love:  :love:  :love:  :love:  :love:

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all the hampsters are cool, but ya, Hampton is v. cool.
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...and hado is v. cute :D  :;):
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Can we post HTML?

HTML isn't used on here. There's an "IB code" instead. instead of using <'s and >'s you use ['s and ]'s.

Thank u!Test,http://www.hamsterdance.com :cool:

...but you can't post URLS.

Yes, but we know that Hampsterdance is SAFE, so the admins. don't need to worry  :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I'm glad that there are rules to follow and I really like these message boards... they're interesting

I also like the cyclops smiley ~ it's funny

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I everyone, I am new here!My dream is to become a mod! :)

:D   Hi! and welcome to the Hampsterdance boards.  You will find lots of friends here and hopefully we can make your dream to be a mod come true!     :love:    :hampton  :hado  :fuzzy  :dixie

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I everyone, I am new here!My dream is to become a mod! :)

:D   Hi! and welcome to the Hampsterdance boards.  You will find lots of friends here and hopefully we can make your dream to be a mod come true!     :love:    :hampton  :hado  :fuzzy  :dixie

I want to be a mod to! :eek I hope that hampsterweb or hampsterking will make me a mod. :ghostface:

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oooh i'd love to be a mod!!!!! even though i was here barely a month.... still that would be cool id feel soo important! :D
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Welcome to the HampsterDance message board. You're now an official member! Before you continue, please look over the following rules:


(1) This is a family oriented site. We will not post any messages that are obscene, contain curses, or are offensive.


(2) We will not allow email addresses or other personal information (like full names or phone numbers) to be posted. We want to keep this website safe for people of all ages.


(3) Advertising or posting of other websites in the discussion board isn't allowed. If you would like to advertise on this site, please contact the site administrators.


(4) Any user who feels that a posted message is objectionable is encouraged to contact us immediately by email.

:hado  8) hello

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Gosh I never knew there were so many hampsterdancers out there! :))  But thats cool! :dixie
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  • 3 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...
Can we post HTML?

HTML isn't used on here. There's an "IB code" instead. instead of using <'s and >'s you use ['s and ]'s.

Thank u!Test,http://www.hamsterdance.com :cool:

...but you can't post URLS.

You can if it's hampsterdance-related!(I mean somewhere on the boards or the site itself)

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Gosh I never knew there were so many hampsterdancers out there! :))  But thats cool! :dixie

Yeah, it's amazing how many people come to the boards a day and get an account! :eek

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  • 1 month later...
Guest puppydog
Gosh I never knew there were so many hampsterdancers out there! :))  But thats cool! :dixie

Yeah, it's amazing how many people come to the boards a day and get an account! :eek

how many?like 10 a day?

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My name is Woodstock. That's not my real name of course, but anyway.  :D

I just bought two hampsters, and I've never had hampsters before. They are two males, and their names are Mary and Pippin. I really need tips on what food is good :eat, what water canteen things work good, and how to get them to trust me  ???. Please answer,


P.S. Is there any cute boys out there? Just kidding! :love:  :cool:

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Their names are Mary and Pippin.

I love Lord of the Rings, so I love your hamsters names! But it's spelled Merry, not Mary, Mary is how girls spell it. :)

Really? You learn something new every day I guess!

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Their names are Mary and Pippin.

I love Lord of the Rings, so I love your hamsters names! But it's spelled Merry, not Mary, Mary is how girls spell it. :)

Hi The Lord of the Rings Rules ! So does Harry Potter ! I'm new i came yesterday Can i be some one bud ? Why didn't you name one of the hampsters Argorn ! oh well  :;):  You name it anyway u want !  :cool:  ???  :sleepy:  :love:  :dixie  rules!

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  • 3 weeks later...
Their names are Mary and Pippin.

I love Lord of the Rings, so I love your hamsters names! But it's spelled Merry, not Mary, Mary is how girls spell it. :)

Hi The Lord of the Rings Rules ! So does Harry Potter ! I'm new i came yesterday Can i be some one bud ? Why didn't you name one of the hampsters Argorn ! oh well  :;):  You name it anyway u want !  :cool:  ???  :sleepy:  :love:  :dixie  rules!

I'll be your bud! I always love making new friends.

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Otter, I don't understand how you have 711 posts and are still a "newbie hamsterdancer"


Is it about how long you have been here?

Oh my gosh! Where have you been?????? No, they still haven't fixed the newbie thing. I've been here over a year and I think mine still says that.

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Otter, I don't understand how you have 711 posts and are still a "newbie hamsterdancer"


Is it about how long you have been here?

Oh my gosh! Where have you been?????? No, they still haven't fixed the newbie thing. I've been here over a year and I think mine still says that.

No,it says "Supreme Hamsterdancer" Great Job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Hello,any1 wanna be my bud? ???  I sent a qoute on here and I can't see it,why?

Hi! Welcome here! I'm friends to everyone so I'll be ur bud! Why ur post didn't go up right away is because a moderator has to review it first and okay it. Sadly our moderator just died. Poor Horatio. Our mods now are Patrica(on Horatio's file name, he was a hamster and she was his owner), and Sheena, our Brithish penguin!


Once again welcome! I hope you stay here!


P.S. My favorite morph was probably the bald-eagle!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi!I'm an otter/human/well everything 4 animorphs!

I like animorphs tooo!Whats your favorite morph so far?Mines the...Spider so far.





I think  :fuzzy is so cool!

Hello Kato1, please come down to the other boards.  Not too many people post here, it is sort of for the Admin people.  We would love to be your friend.  Please come and post in HampsterDance Music, Talk, .Com or any of the other forums.  We have a forum for artists, poets, authors and musicians called the Be Creative Here Forum group.


As for you post not appearing immediately, everything is moderated and takes a bit to appear.


Please stop down on the other forums.







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  • 3 months later...

Hi :) .  just a question(I dont mean this to be rude or anything),  how come we cant advertise?







:hampton  :hado  :fuzzy  :dixie

uhh... i think i know the answer to that. that would be free advertisement. and i believe if there was actually gonna be any advertisement, i think HK would rather get paid. or somethin like that. free advertisement ain't good. :penguin :penguin  :penguin :penguin  :penguin

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Hi :) .  just a question(I dont mean this to be rude or anything),  how come we cant advertise?







:hampton  :hado  :fuzzy  :dixie

???  Advertise ??  ???

If you are talking about advertising another website, the answer would be that HampsterDance is known as a very safe place.  The goal is to protect all people posting on this site.  The way this is accomplished is by not permitting any email addresses, URL links or any information that would identify a poster so that contact could be made.  Hope this answers  your question.


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  • 1 month later...
I never have a point I just point out random things :lol:

































































Gasp!! I forgot to breathe

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  • 5 weeks later...
:( Sniff :(  NONE of you guys listen to me... :(  Sigh :(

sorry i just saw these posts. the name of the origianal site was hamptserdance.com. but it got updated, but it is still the "same" webpage, same web adress

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