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Royal Confusion0- a Royal Version of us

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"ugg" said Princess Hoops, as once again her Servents Arkcher, Mullaypop, and Sheena bowed down to her and started asking her what she wanted.

" I want a Coke" Said Princess Hoops. " and some Chocalate."

"Yes your magesty" said the servents, anfd 1o seconds later, some fine french Chocalate and Coke.

"I wish my Mom would let me out more often" said Hoops, as she looked out the window of her castle.

Same as always- Kat was making Claymores for the next war and TGHL, who was Fobiddin to enter the city tried his new plan to steal the King Mushroom_king sanity. MK walkewd in, Followed by her Sanity I_luv_Zip_toad. " Could you get the gaurds to get TGHL out of here? OIm getting proposed to Zip Toad Today"

"Will I still have to look like Zip?" asked the sanity.

She showed Hoops the preetty Mushroom Diemened ring. "Mother," said Hoops sternly. " Where is mt Brother TBFOF, he should be here. "

Before MK could responed, a Richn looking Boy witha John Lennon when he was young Haircut stormed in. " They have Upsetted the Prince!" Screamed TBFOF. "Execute them!" He pointed to One of his servents, The hamster.

Mk's Royal Sqire, Horatio, Rang out the r=trumpets. " Bring the Prisener forward!"

Lea was brought forward in Chains. She was trembeling.

" i didnt do it!" screamed Lea. "TGHL's Twin made me!"

" Knowing this had to be true, she told ther pet Waddle dees and her boohbah to get TGHL's twin.

"Bring the prisoner Forward!"

TGHL's twin stepped forward.

"SO!" Shoutred MK, stomping her Mushroom Scepter t the ground.

"I-I-I-I wwwwasss Bbbeing mmmean ttto Tttthhhhe Hhhhammmster!!"

"HE HAS UPSETTED THE PRINCE!" scremaed Horatio.


Aaand then a sequence follws that is blloody and stuff.

" And now for the Royal marrige of Miles L. Toad to Mushroom_king"

Ya dee da dee da dee da. :lol:

The nexyt day......

Princess hoops obnce again got ready fot school via her servents.

Stay tuned!

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"ugg" said Princess Hoops, as once again her Servents Arkcher, Mullaypop, and Sheena bowed down to her and started asking her what she wanted.

" I want a Coke" Said Princess Hoops. " and some Chocalate."

"Yes your magesty"  said the servents, anfd 1o seconds later, some fine french Chocalate and Coke.

"I wish my Mom would let me out more often" said Hoops, as she looked out the window of her castle.

Same as always- Kat was making Claymores for the next war and TGHL, who was Fobiddin to enter the city tried his new plan to steal the King Mushroom_king sanity.  MK walkewd in, Followed by her Sanity I_luv_Zip_toad. " Could you get the gaurds to get TGHL out of here? OIm getting proposed to Zip Toad Today"

"Will I still have to look like Zip?" asked the sanity.

She showed Hoops the preetty Mushroom Diemened ring. "Mother," said Hoops sternly. " Where is mt Brother TBFOF, he should be here. "

Before MK could responed, a Richn looking Boy witha John Lennon when he was young Haircut stormed in. " They have Upsetted the Prince!" Screamed TBFOF. "Execute them!" He pointed to One of his servents, The hamster.

Mk's Royal Sqire, Horatio, Rang out the r=trumpets. " Bring the Prisener forward!"

Lea was brought forward in Chains. She was trembeling.

" i didnt do it!" screamed Lea. "TGHL's Twin made me!"

" Knowing this had to be true, she told ther pet Waddle dees and her boohbah to get TGHL's  twin.

"Bring the prisoner Forward!"

TGHL's twin stepped forward.

"SO!" Shoutred MK, stomping her Mushroom Scepter t the ground.

"I-I-I-I wwwwasss Bbbeing mmmean ttto Tttthhhhe Hhhhammmster!!"

"HE HAS UPSETTED THE PRINCE!" scremaed Horatio.


Aaand then a sequence follws that is blloody and stuff.

" And now for the Royal marrige of Miles L. Toad to Mushroom_king"

Ya dee da dee da dee da. :lol:

The nexyt day......

Princess hoops obnce again got ready fot school via her servents.

Stay tuned!

Yay, I'm a princess! :):D Awesome!!! I loved all of it 'cept the killing of TGHL's twin. Eww.

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"ugg" said Princess Hoops, as once again her Servents Arkcher, Mullaypop, and Sheena bowed down to her and started asking her what she wanted.

" I want a Coke" Said Princess Hoops. " and some Chocalate."

"Yes your magesty"  said the servents, anfd 1o seconds later, some fine french Chocalate and Coke.

"I wish my Mom would let me out more often" said Hoops, as she looked out the window of her castle.

Same as always- Kat was making Claymores for the next war and TGHL, who was Fobiddin to enter the city tried his new plan to steal the King Mushroom_king sanity.  MK walkewd in, Followed by her Sanity I_luv_Zip_toad. " Could you get the gaurds to get TGHL out of here? OIm getting proposed to Zip Toad Today"

"Will I still have to look like Zip?" asked the sanity.

She showed Hoops the preetty Mushroom Diemened ring. "Mother," said Hoops sternly. " Where is mt Brother TBFOF, he should be here. "

Before MK could responed, a Richn looking Boy witha John Lennon when he was young Haircut stormed in. " They have Upsetted the Prince!" Screamed TBFOF. "Execute them!" He pointed to One of his servents, The hamster.

Mk's Royal Sqire, Horatio, Rang out the r=trumpets. " Bring the Prisener forward!"

Lea was brought forward in Chains. She was trembeling.

" i didnt do it!" screamed Lea. "TGHL's Twin made me!"

" Knowing this had to be true, she told ther pet Waddle dees and her boohbah to get TGHL's  twin.

"Bring the prisoner Forward!"

TGHL's twin stepped forward.

"SO!" Shoutred MK, stomping her Mushroom Scepter t the ground.

"I-I-I-I wwwwasss Bbbeing mmmean ttto Tttthhhhe Hhhhammmster!!"

"HE HAS UPSETTED THE PRINCE!" scremaed Horatio.


Aaand then a sequence follws that is blloody and stuff.

" And now for the Royal marrige of Miles L. Toad to Mushroom_king"

Ya dee da dee da dee da. :lol:

The nexyt day......

Princess hoops obnce again got ready fot school via her servents.

Stay tuned!

Yay, I'm a princess! :):D Awesome!!! I loved all of it 'cept the killing of TGHL's twin. Eww.

But they upsetted T=the prince!

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"ugg" said Princess Hoops, as once again her Servents Arkcher, Mullaypop, and Sheena bowed down to her and started asking her what she wanted.

" I want a Coke" Said Princess Hoops. " and some Chocalate."

"Yes your magesty"  said the servents, anfd 1o seconds later, some fine french Chocalate and Coke.

"I wish my Mom would let me out more often" said Hoops, as she looked out the window of her castle.

Same as always- Kat was making Claymores for the next war and TGHL, who was Fobiddin to enter the city tried his new plan to steal the King Mushroom_king sanity.  MK walkewd in, Followed by her Sanity I_luv_Zip_toad. " Could you get the gaurds to get TGHL out of here? OIm getting proposed to Zip Toad Today"

"Will I still have to look like Zip?" asked the sanity.

She showed Hoops the preetty Mushroom Diemened ring. "Mother," said Hoops sternly. " Where is mt Brother TBFOF, he should be here. "

Before MK could responed, a Richn looking Boy witha John Lennon when he was young Haircut stormed in. " They have Upsetted the Prince!" Screamed TBFOF. "Execute them!" He pointed to One of his servents, The hamster.

Mk's Royal Sqire, Horatio, Rang out the r=trumpets. " Bring the Prisener forward!"

Lea was brought forward in Chains. She was trembeling.

" i didnt do it!" screamed Lea. "TGHL's Twin made me!"

" Knowing this had to be true, she told ther pet Waddle dees and her boohbah to get TGHL's  twin.

"Bring the prisoner Forward!"

TGHL's twin stepped forward.

"SO!" Shoutred MK, stomping her Mushroom Scepter t the ground.

"I-I-I-I wwwwasss Bbbeing mmmean ttto Tttthhhhe Hhhhammmster!!"

"HE HAS UPSETTED THE PRINCE!" scremaed Horatio.


Aaand then a sequence follws that is blloody and stuff.

" And now for the Royal marrige of Miles L. Toad to Mushroom_king"

Ya dee da dee da dee da. :lol:

The nexyt day......

Princess hoops obnce again got ready fot school via her servents.

Stay tuned!

ya-a im actually in the story

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As Hoops walked to school on a Wolf (speciel peopel need speciel transport!)

At SSchool, she went to her freinds- Fuzzy Jr, Trisha her secret daughter, Top_bannana and Kat. Other then those guys, some kids stayed away fro her. Supposedly, If they got near her, her "Fanciness" would rub off. However, her freinds defended her.

It was writing class. All the best writers were there: Skwerlhugger will, Lexxscrapem (the teacher) and all the greatest writers. Hoops was respected well and good in this class.

All of a sudden, the gang of Bullys came towards her.

"Hey Fancy Girl" said Mushroom_queen. Hoops didnt crouch thjhough. she was ready to fight him. Hoops stood srtrong.

It get all cool.

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"ugg" said Princess Hoops, as once again her Servents Arkcher, Mullaypop, and Sheena bowed down to her and started asking her what she wanted.

" I want a Coke" Said Princess Hoops. " and some Chocalate."

"Yes your magesty"  said the servents, anfd 1o seconds later, some fine french Chocalate and Coke.

"I wish my Mom would let me out more often" said Hoops, as she looked out the window of her castle.

Same as always- Kat was making Claymores for the next war and TGHL, who was Fobiddin to enter the city tried his new plan to steal the King Mushroom_king sanity.  MK walkewd in, Followed by her Sanity I_luv_Zip_toad. " Could you get the gaurds to get TGHL out of here? OIm getting proposed to Zip Toad Today"

"Will I still have to look like Zip?" asked the sanity.

She showed Hoops the preetty Mushroom Diemened ring. "Mother," said Hoops sternly. " Where is mt Brother TBFOF, he should be here. "

Before MK could responed, a Richn looking Boy witha John Lennon when he was young Haircut stormed in. " They have Upsetted the Prince!" Screamed TBFOF. "Execute them!" He pointed to One of his servents, The hamster.

Mk's Royal Sqire, Horatio, Rang out the r=trumpets. " Bring the Prisener forward!"

Lea was brought forward in Chains. She was trembeling.

" i didnt do it!" screamed Lea. "TGHL's Twin made me!"

" Knowing this had to be true, she told ther pet Waddle dees and her boohbah to get TGHL's  twin.

"Bring the prisoner Forward!"

TGHL's twin stepped forward.

"SO!" Shoutred MK, stomping her Mushroom Scepter t the ground.

"I-I-I-I wwwwasss Bbbeing mmmean ttto Tttthhhhe Hhhhammmster!!"

"HE HAS UPSETTED THE PRINCE!" scremaed Horatio.


Aaand then a sequence follws that is blloody and stuff.

" And now for the Royal marrige of Miles L. Toad to Mushroom_king"

Ya dee da dee da dee da. :lol:

The nexyt day......

Princess hoops obnce again got ready fot school via her servents.

Stay tuned!

Yay, I'm a princess! :):D Awesome!!! I loved all of it 'cept the killing of TGHL's twin. Eww.

I'm a brother of a princess, so thats makes me a prince, right??

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"ugg" said Princess Hoops, as once again her Servents Arkcher, Mullaypop, and Sheena bowed down to her and started asking her what she wanted.

" I want a Coke" Said Princess Hoops. " and some Chocalate."

"Yes your magesty"  said the servents, anfd 1o seconds later, some fine french Chocalate and Coke.

"I wish my Mom would let me out more often" said Hoops, as she looked out the window of her castle.

Same as always- Kat was making Claymores for the next war and TGHL, who was Fobiddin to enter the city tried his new plan to steal the King Mushroom_king sanity.  MK walkewd in, Followed by her Sanity I_luv_Zip_toad. " Could you get the gaurds to get TGHL out of here? OIm getting proposed to Zip Toad Today"

"Will I still have to look like Zip?" asked the sanity.

She showed Hoops the preetty Mushroom Diemened ring. "Mother," said Hoops sternly. " Where is mt Brother TBFOF, he should be here. "

Before MK could responed, a Richn looking Boy witha John Lennon when he was young Haircut stormed in. " They have Upsetted the Prince!" Screamed TBFOF. "Execute them!" He pointed to One of his servents, The hamster.

Mk's Royal Sqire, Horatio, Rang out the r=trumpets. " Bring the Prisener forward!"

Lea was brought forward in Chains. She was trembeling.

" i didnt do it!" screamed Lea. "TGHL's Twin made me!"

" Knowing this had to be true, she told ther pet Waddle dees and her boohbah to get TGHL's  twin.

"Bring the prisoner Forward!"

TGHL's twin stepped forward.

"SO!" Shoutred MK, stomping her Mushroom Scepter t the ground.

"I-I-I-I wwwwasss Bbbeing mmmean ttto Tttthhhhe Hhhhammmster!!"

"HE HAS UPSETTED THE PRINCE!" scremaed Horatio.


Aaand then a sequence follws that is blloody and stuff.

" And now for the Royal marrige of Miles L. Toad to Mushroom_king"

Ya dee da dee da dee da. :lol:

The nexyt day......

Princess hoops obnce again got ready fot school via her servents.

Stay tuned!

Very good... Very good.....

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"ugg" said Princess Hoops, as once again her Servents Arkcher, Mullaypop, and Sheena bowed down to her and started asking her what she wanted.

" I want a Coke" Said Princess Hoops. " and some Chocalate."

"Yes your magesty"  said the servents, anfd 1o seconds later, some fine french Chocalate and Coke.

"I wish my Mom would let me out more often" said Hoops, as she looked out the window of her castle.

Same as always- Kat was making Claymores for the next war and TGHL, who was Fobiddin to enter the city tried his new plan to steal the King Mushroom_king sanity.  MK walkewd in, Followed by her Sanity I_luv_Zip_toad. " Could you get the gaurds to get TGHL out of here? OIm getting proposed to Zip Toad Today"

"Will I still have to look like Zip?" asked the sanity.

She showed Hoops the preetty Mushroom Diemened ring. "Mother," said Hoops sternly. " Where is mt Brother TBFOF, he should be here. "

Before MK could responed, a Richn looking Boy witha John Lennon when he was young Haircut stormed in. " They have Upsetted the Prince!" Screamed TBFOF. "Execute them!" He pointed to One of his servents, The hamster.

Mk's Royal Sqire, Horatio, Rang out the r=trumpets. " Bring the Prisener forward!"

Lea was brought forward in Chains. She was trembeling.

" i didnt do it!" screamed Lea. "TGHL's Twin made me!"

" Knowing this had to be true, she told ther pet Waddle dees and her boohbah to get TGHL's  twin.

"Bring the prisoner Forward!"

TGHL's twin stepped forward.

"SO!" Shoutred MK, stomping her Mushroom Scepter t the ground.

"I-I-I-I wwwwasss Bbbeing mmmean ttto Tttthhhhe Hhhhammmster!!"

"HE HAS UPSETTED THE PRINCE!" scremaed Horatio.


Aaand then a sequence follws that is blloody and stuff.

" And now for the Royal marrige of Miles L. Toad to Mushroom_king"

Ya dee da dee da dee da. :lol:

The nexyt day......

Princess hoops obnce again got ready fot school via her servents.

Stay tuned!

Yay, I'm a princess! :):D Awesome!!! I loved all of it 'cept the killing of TGHL's twin. Eww.

I'm a brother of a princess, so thats makes me a prince, right??

yes. And im the King!

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As Hoops walked to school on a Wolf (speciel peopel need speciel transport!)

At SSchool, she went to her freinds- Fuzzy Jr, Trisha her secret daughter, Top_bannana and Kat. Other then those guys, some kids stayed away fro her. Supposedly, If they got near her, her "Fanciness" would rub off.  However, her freinds defended her.

It was writing class. All the best writers were there: Skwerlhugger will, Lexxscrapem (the teacher) and all the greatest writers. Hoops was respected well and good in this class.

All of a sudden, the gang of Bullys came towards her.

"Hey Fancy Girl" said Mushroom_queen. Hoops didnt crouch thjhough. she was ready to fight him. Hoops stood srtrong.

It get all cool.

Hey! I :wub: this story! :):D It's interesting.

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"ugg" said Princess Hoops, as once again her Servents Arkcher, Mullaypop, and Sheena bowed down to her and started asking her what she wanted.

" I want a Coke" Said Princess Hoops. " and some Chocalate."

"Yes your magesty"  said the servents, anfd 1o seconds later, some fine french Chocalate and Coke.

"I wish my Mom would let me out more often" said Hoops, as she looked out the window of her castle.

Same as always- Kat was making Claymores for the next war and TGHL, who was Fobiddin to enter the city tried his new plan to steal the King Mushroom_king sanity.  MK walkewd in, Followed by her Sanity I_luv_Zip_toad. " Could you get the gaurds to get TGHL out of here? OIm getting proposed to Zip Toad Today"

"Will I still have to look like Zip?" asked the sanity.

She showed Hoops the preetty Mushroom Diemened ring. "Mother," said Hoops sternly. " Where is mt Brother TBFOF, he should be here. "

Before MK could responed, a Richn looking Boy witha John Lennon when he was young Haircut stormed in. " They have Upsetted the Prince!" Screamed TBFOF. "Execute them!" He pointed to One of his servents, The hamster.

Mk's Royal Sqire, Horatio, Rang out the r=trumpets. " Bring the Prisener forward!"

Lea was brought forward in Chains. She was trembeling.

" i didnt do it!" screamed Lea. "TGHL's Twin made me!"

" Knowing this had to be true, she told ther pet Waddle dees and her boohbah to get TGHL's  twin.

"Bring the prisoner Forward!"

TGHL's twin stepped forward.

"SO!" Shoutred MK, stomping her Mushroom Scepter t the ground.

"I-I-I-I wwwwasss Bbbeing mmmean ttto Tttthhhhe Hhhhammmster!!"

"HE HAS UPSETTED THE PRINCE!" scremaed Horatio.


Aaand then a sequence follws that is blloody and stuff.

" And now for the Royal marrige of Miles L. Toad to Mushroom_king"

Ya dee da dee da dee da. :lol:

The nexyt day......

Princess hoops obnce again got ready fot school via her servents.

Stay tuned!

Yay, I'm a princess! :):D Awesome!!! I loved all of it 'cept the killing of TGHL's twin. Eww.

I'm a brother of a princess, so thats makes me a prince, right??

Yes... :lol:

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"ugg" said Princess Hoops, as once again her Servents Arkcher, Mullaypop, and Sheena bowed down to her and started asking her what she wanted.

" I want a Coke" Said Princess Hoops. " and some Chocalate."

"Yes your magesty"  said the servents, anfd 1o seconds later, some fine french Chocalate and Coke.

"I wish my Mom would let me out more often" said Hoops, as she looked out the window of her castle.

Same as always- Kat was making Claymores for the next war and TGHL, who was Fobiddin to enter the city tried his new plan to steal the King Mushroom_king sanity.  MK walkewd in, Followed by her Sanity I_luv_Zip_toad. " Could you get the gaurds to get TGHL out of here? OIm getting proposed to Zip Toad Today"

"Will I still have to look like Zip?" asked the sanity.

She showed Hoops the preetty Mushroom Diemened ring. "Mother," said Hoops sternly. " Where is mt Brother TBFOF, he should be here. "

Before MK could responed, a Richn looking Boy witha John Lennon when he was young Haircut stormed in. " They have Upsetted the Prince!" Screamed TBFOF. "Execute them!" He pointed to One of his servents, The hamster.

Mk's Royal Sqire, Horatio, Rang out the r=trumpets. " Bring the Prisener forward!"

Lea was brought forward in Chains. She was trembeling.

" i didnt do it!" screamed Lea. "TGHL's Twin made me!"

" Knowing this had to be true, she told ther pet Waddle dees and her boohbah to get TGHL's  twin.

"Bring the prisoner Forward!"

TGHL's twin stepped forward.

"SO!" Shoutred MK, stomping her Mushroom Scepter t the ground.

"I-I-I-I wwwwasss Bbbeing mmmean ttto Tttthhhhe Hhhhammmster!!"

"HE HAS UPSETTED THE PRINCE!" scremaed Horatio.


Aaand then a sequence follws that is blloody and stuff.

" And now for the Royal marrige of Miles L. Toad to Mushroom_king"

Ya dee da dee da dee da. :lol:

The nexyt day......

Princess hoops obnce again got ready fot school via her servents.

Stay tuned!

Yay, I'm a princess! :):D Awesome!!! I loved all of it 'cept the killing of TGHL's twin. Eww.

But they upsetted T=the prince!

*whaps MK with a pillow* :):D

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"ugg" said Princess Hoops, as once again her Servents Arkcher, Mullaypop, and Sheena bowed down to her and started asking her what she wanted.

" I want a Coke" Said Princess Hoops. " and some Chocalate."

"Yes your magesty"  said the servents, anfd 1o seconds later, some fine french Chocalate and Coke.

"I wish my Mom would let me out more often" said Hoops, as she looked out the window of her castle.

Same as always- Kat was making Claymores for the next war and TGHL, who was Fobiddin to enter the city tried his new plan to steal the King Mushroom_king sanity.  MK walkewd in, Followed by her Sanity I_luv_Zip_toad. " Could you get the gaurds to get TGHL out of here? OIm getting proposed to Zip Toad Today"

"Will I still have to look like Zip?" asked the sanity.

She showed Hoops the preetty Mushroom Diemened ring. "Mother," said Hoops sternly. " Where is mt Brother TBFOF, he should be here. "

Before MK could responed, a Richn looking Boy witha John Lennon when he was young Haircut stormed in. " They have Upsetted the Prince!" Screamed TBFOF. "Execute them!" He pointed to One of his servents, The hamster.

Mk's Royal Sqire, Horatio, Rang out the r=trumpets. " Bring the Prisener forward!"

Lea was brought forward in Chains. She was trembeling.

" i didnt do it!" screamed Lea. "TGHL's Twin made me!"

" Knowing this had to be true, she told ther pet Waddle dees and her boohbah to get TGHL's  twin.

"Bring the prisoner Forward!"

TGHL's twin stepped forward.

"SO!" Shoutred MK, stomping her Mushroom Scepter t the ground.

"I-I-I-I wwwwasss Bbbeing mmmean ttto Tttthhhhe Hhhhammmster!!"

"HE HAS UPSETTED THE PRINCE!" scremaed Horatio.


Aaand then a sequence follws that is blloody and stuff.

" And now for the Royal marrige of Miles L. Toad to Mushroom_king"

Ya dee da dee da dee da. :lol:

The nexyt day......

Princess hoops obnce again got ready fot school via her servents.

Stay tuned!

Yay, I'm a princess! :):D Awesome!!! I loved all of it 'cept the killing of TGHL's twin. Eww.

I'm a brother of a princess, so thats makes me a prince, right??

NO silly that makes you a...........pickle

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"ugg" said Princess Hoops, as once again her Servents Arkcher, Mullaypop, and Sheena bowed down to her and started asking her what she wanted.

" I want a Coke" Said Princess Hoops. " and some Chocalate."

"Yes your magesty"  said the servents, anfd 1o seconds later, some fine french Chocalate and Coke.

"I wish my Mom would let me out more often" said Hoops, as she looked out the window of her castle.

Same as always- Kat was making Claymores for the next war and TGHL, who was Fobiddin to enter the city tried his new plan to steal the King Mushroom_king sanity.  MK walkewd in, Followed by her Sanity I_luv_Zip_toad. " Could you get the gaurds to get TGHL out of here? OIm getting proposed to Zip Toad Today"

"Will I still have to look like Zip?" asked the sanity.

She showed Hoops the preetty Mushroom Diemened ring. "Mother," said Hoops sternly. " Where is mt Brother TBFOF, he should be here. "

Before MK could responed, a Richn looking Boy witha John Lennon when he was young Haircut stormed in. " They have Upsetted the Prince!" Screamed TBFOF. "Execute them!" He pointed to One of his servents, The hamster.

Mk's Royal Sqire, Horatio, Rang out the r=trumpets. " Bring the Prisener forward!"

Lea was brought forward in Chains. She was trembeling.

" i didnt do it!" screamed Lea. "TGHL's Twin made me!"

" Knowing this had to be true, she told ther pet Waddle dees and her boohbah to get TGHL's  twin.

"Bring the prisoner Forward!"

TGHL's twin stepped forward.

"SO!" Shoutred MK, stomping her Mushroom Scepter t the ground.

"I-I-I-I wwwwasss Bbbeing mmmean ttto Tttthhhhe Hhhhammmster!!"

"HE HAS UPSETTED THE PRINCE!" scremaed Horatio.


Aaand then a sequence follws that is blloody and stuff.

" And now for the Royal marrige of Miles L. Toad to Mushroom_king"

Ya dee da dee da dee da. :lol:

The nexyt day......

Princess hoops obnce again got ready fot school via her servents.

Stay tuned!

Very good... Very good.....

yes ...it is!

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  • 4 weeks later...

afyter School Princess Hoops walked Home on her Wolf. When she walked in, she relized something terrible had happaned.....

" mY Son has been kidnapped!" cried MK. "My beutiful son Nick!" She started Sobbing. Hoops ran up to her.

"YThe Gaurds say that Nick was tooken by someone!" said MK. Hoops was starteled.

"He was Kidnapped?!"

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afyter School Princess Hoops walked Home on her Wolf. When she walked in, she relized something terrible had happaned.....

" mY Son has been kidnapped!" cried MK. "My beutiful son Nick!" She started Sobbing. Hoops ran up to her.

"YThe Gaurds say that Nick was tooken by someone!" said MK. Hoops was starteled.

"He was Kidnapped?!"

Who would kidnap TBFOF? And for what reason? I walked on my wolf? Am I asking a lot of questions?

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  • 2 weeks later...
afyter School Princess Hoops walked Home on her Wolf. When she walked in, she relized something terrible had happaned.....

" mY Son has been kidnapped!" cried MK. "My beutiful son Nick!" She started Sobbing. Hoops ran up to her.

"YThe Gaurds say that Nick was tooken by someone!" said MK. Hoops was starteled.

"He was Kidnapped?!"

Who would kidnap TBFOF? And for what reason? I walked on my wolf? Am I asking a lot of questions?

1. You'll never guess

2.You'll never find out

3.No, you rode on it

4. YES


"Get the Warriors!" Yelled the king MK.

"You dont need to!"

MK and hoops turned around.

"I amnthe Mighty Warrior Toto!"

"I have come to save your son!

Mushroom_king bounced up and down. "You will?! If you do, You can live here! You'll have all the gold in the world! Go everywhere on a wolf! I'll even let you marry TBFOF!"

Hoops gasped."Mushroom_king!"

"well, Only if you want."

"I dont want ythat stuff" scoweled Toto. "I want all the Preps in the inchevese Killed."

"We'll try! For know, You, TGHL, hoops, and Mega wolf will find TBFOF!"

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afyter School Princess Hoops walked Home on her Wolf. When she walked in, she relized something terrible had happaned.....

" mY Son has been kidnapped!" cried MK. "My beutiful son Nick!" She started Sobbing. Hoops ran up to her.

"YThe Gaurds say that Nick was tooken by someone!" said MK. Hoops was starteled.

"He was Kidnapped?!"

Who would kidnap TBFOF? And for what reason? I walked on my wolf? Am I asking a lot of questions?

1. You'll never guess

2.You'll never find out

3.No, you rode on it

4. YES



Lots of smilies are fun.

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afyter School Princess Hoops walked Home on her Wolf. When she walked in, she relized something terrible had happaned.....

" mY Son has been kidnapped!" cried MK. "My beutiful son Nick!" She started Sobbing. Hoops ran up to her.

"YThe Gaurds say that Nick was tooken by someone!" said MK. Hoops was starteled.

"He was Kidnapped?!"

Who would kidnap TBFOF? And for what reason? I walked on my wolf? Am I asking a lot of questions?

1. You'll never guess

2.You'll never find out

3.No, you rode on it

4. YES


"Get the Warriors!" Yelled the king MK.

"You dont need to!"

MK and hoops turned around.

"I amnthe Mighty Warrior Toto!"

"I have come to save your son!

Mushroom_king bounced up and down. "You will?! If you do, You can live here! You'll have all the gold in the world! Go everywhere on a wolf! I'll even let you marry TBFOF!"

Hoops gasped."Mushroom_king!"

"well, Only if you want."

"I dont want ythat stuff" scoweled Toto. "I want all the Preps in the inchevese Killed."

"We'll try! For know, You, TGHL, hoops, and Mega wolf will find TBFOF!"

...am I being ridden on? :huh:

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afyter School Princess Hoops walked Home on her Wolf. When she walked in, she relized something terrible had happaned.....

" mY Son has been kidnapped!" cried MK. "My beutiful son Nick!" She started Sobbing. Hoops ran up to her.

"YThe Gaurds say that Nick was tooken by someone!" said MK. Hoops was starteled.

"He was Kidnapped?!"

Who would kidnap TBFOF? And for what reason? I walked on my wolf? Am I asking a lot of questions?

1. You'll never guess

2.You'll never find out

3.No, you rode on it

4. YES


"Get the Warriors!" Yelled the king MK.

"You dont need to!"

MK and hoops turned around.

"I amnthe Mighty Warrior Toto!"

"I have come to save your son!

Mushroom_king bounced up and down. "You will?! If you do, You can live here! You'll have all the gold in the world! Go everywhere on a wolf! I'll even let you marry TBFOF!"

Hoops gasped."Mushroom_king!"

"well, Only if you want."

"I dont want ythat stuff" scoweled Toto. "I want all the Preps in the inchevese Killed."

"We'll try! For know, You, TGHL, hoops, and Mega wolf will find TBFOF!"

...am I being ridden on? :huh:

Yes. Wolves are cool.

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afyter School Princess Hoops walked Home on her Wolf. When she walked in, she relized something terrible had happaned.....

" mY Son has been kidnapped!" cried MK. "My beutiful son Nick!" She started Sobbing. Hoops ran up to her.

"YThe Gaurds say that Nick was tooken by someone!" said MK. Hoops was starteled.

"He was Kidnapped?!"

Who would kidnap TBFOF? And for what reason? I walked on my wolf? Am I asking a lot of questions?

1. You'll never guess

2.You'll never find out

3.No, you rode on it

4. YES


"Get the Warriors!" Yelled the king MK.

"You dont need to!"

MK and hoops turned around.

"I amnthe Mighty Warrior Toto!"

"I have come to save your son!

Mushroom_king bounced up and down. "You will?! If you do, You can live here! You'll have all the gold in the world! Go everywhere on a wolf! I'll even let you marry TBFOF!"

Hoops gasped."Mushroom_king!"

"well, Only if you want."

"I dont want ythat stuff" scoweled Toto. "I want all the Preps in the inchevese Killed."

"We'll try! For know, You, TGHL, hoops, and Mega wolf will find TBFOF!"

...am I being ridden on? :huh:

I hope not.... I would jump off. I have working legs too...

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afyter School Princess Hoops walked Home on her Wolf. When she walked in, she relized something terrible had happaned.....

" mY Son has been kidnapped!" cried MK. "My beutiful son Nick!" She started Sobbing. Hoops ran up to her.

"YThe Gaurds say that Nick was tooken by someone!" said MK. Hoops was starteled.

"He was Kidnapped?!"

Who would kidnap TBFOF? And for what reason? I walked on my wolf? Am I asking a lot of questions?

1. You'll never guess

2.You'll never find out

3.No, you rode on it

4. YES


"Get the Warriors!" Yelled the king MK.

"You dont need to!"

MK and hoops turned around.

"I amnthe Mighty Warrior Toto!"

"I have come to save your son!

Mushroom_king bounced up and down. "You will?! If you do, You can live here! You'll have all the gold in the world! Go everywhere on a wolf! I'll even let you marry TBFOF!"

Hoops gasped."Mushroom_king!"

"well, Only if you want."

"I dont want ythat stuff" scoweled Toto. "I want all the Preps in the inchevese Killed."

"We'll try! For know, You, TGHL, hoops, and Mega wolf will find TBFOF!"

...am I being ridden on? :huh:

Yes. Wolves are cool.


No. Wolves are endangered, and you are not allowed to hurt an animal in such a way. Mega Wolf is like...60 pounds. You're hurting her. -takes MW's harness off and shouts, "RUN FREE! RUN FREE!"-

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afyter School Princess Hoops walked Home on her Wolf. When she walked in, she relized something terrible had happaned.....

" mY Son has been kidnapped!" cried MK. "My beutiful son Nick!" She started Sobbing. Hoops ran up to her.

"YThe Gaurds say that Nick was tooken by someone!" said MK. Hoops was starteled.

"He was Kidnapped?!"

Who would kidnap TBFOF? And for what reason? I walked on my wolf? Am I asking a lot of questions?

1. You'll never guess

2.You'll never find out

3.No, you rode on it

4. YES


"Get the Warriors!" Yelled the king MK.

"You dont need to!"

MK and hoops turned around.

"I amnthe Mighty Warrior Toto!"

"I have come to save your son!

Mushroom_king bounced up and down. "You will?! If you do, You can live here! You'll have all the gold in the world! Go everywhere on a wolf! I'll even let you marry TBFOF!"

Hoops gasped."Mushroom_king!"

"well, Only if you want."

"I dont want ythat stuff" scoweled Toto. "I want all the Preps in the inchevese Killed."

"We'll try! For know, You, TGHL, hoops, and Mega wolf will find TBFOF!"

...am I being ridden on? :huh:

Yes. Wolves are cool.


No. Wolves are endangered, and you are not allowed to hurt an animal in such a way. Mega Wolf is like...60 pounds. You're hurting her. -takes MW's harness off and shouts, "RUN FREE! RUN FREE!"-

*scratches behind ear and begins to run*

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afyter School Princess Hoops walked Home on her Wolf. When she walked in, she relized something terrible had happaned.....

" mY Son has been kidnapped!" cried MK. "My beutiful son Nick!" She started Sobbing. Hoops ran up to her.

"YThe Gaurds say that Nick was tooken by someone!" said MK. Hoops was starteled.

"He was Kidnapped?!"

Who would kidnap TBFOF? And for what reason? I walked on my wolf? Am I asking a lot of questions?

1. You'll never guess

2.You'll never find out

3.No, you rode on it

4. YES


"Get the Warriors!" Yelled the king MK.

"You dont need to!"

MK and hoops turned around.

"I amnthe Mighty Warrior Toto!"

"I have come to save your son!

Mushroom_king bounced up and down. "You will?! If you do, You can live here! You'll have all the gold in the world! Go everywhere on a wolf! I'll even let you marry TBFOF!"

Hoops gasped."Mushroom_king!"

"well, Only if you want."

"I dont want ythat stuff" scoweled Toto. "I want all the Preps in the inchevese Killed."

"We'll try! For know, You, TGHL, hoops, and Mega wolf will find TBFOF!"

...am I being ridden on? :huh:

Yes. Wolves are cool.


No. Wolves are endangered, and you are not allowed to hurt an animal in such a way. Mega Wolf is like...60 pounds. You're hurting her. -takes MW's harness off and shouts, "RUN FREE! RUN FREE!"-

*scratches behind ear and begins to run*



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afyter School Princess Hoops walked Home on her Wolf. When she walked in, she relized something terrible had happaned.....

" mY Son has been kidnapped!" cried MK. "My beutiful son Nick!" She started Sobbing. Hoops ran up to her.

"YThe Gaurds say that Nick was tooken by someone!" said MK. Hoops was starteled.

"He was Kidnapped?!"

Who would kidnap TBFOF? And for what reason? I walked on my wolf? Am I asking a lot of questions?

1. You'll never guess

2.You'll never find out

3.No, you rode on it

4. YES


"Get the Warriors!" Yelled the king MK.

"You dont need to!"

MK and hoops turned around.

"I amnthe Mighty Warrior Toto!"

"I have come to save your son!

Mushroom_king bounced up and down. "You will?! If you do, You can live here! You'll have all the gold in the world! Go everywhere on a wolf! I'll even let you marry TBFOF!"

Hoops gasped."Mushroom_king!"

"well, Only if you want."

"I dont want ythat stuff" scoweled Toto. "I want all the Preps in the inchevese Killed."

"We'll try! For know, You, TGHL, hoops, and Mega wolf will find TBFOF!"

...am I being ridden on? :huh:

Yes. Wolves are cool.


No. Wolves are endangered, and you are not allowed to hurt an animal in such a way. Mega Wolf is like...60 pounds. You're hurting her. -takes MW's harness off and shouts, "RUN FREE! RUN FREE!"-

*scratches behind ear and begins to run*



*cries at the beautifulness of it all* ;_;

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afyter School Princess Hoops walked Home on her Wolf. When she walked in, she relized something terrible had happaned.....

" mY Son has been kidnapped!" cried MK. "My beutiful son Nick!" She started Sobbing. Hoops ran up to her.

"YThe Gaurds say that Nick was tooken by someone!" said MK. Hoops was starteled.

"He was Kidnapped?!"

Who would kidnap TBFOF? And for what reason? I walked on my wolf? Am I asking a lot of questions?

1. You'll never guess

2.You'll never find out

3.No, you rode on it

4. YES


"Get the Warriors!" Yelled the king MK.

"You dont need to!"

MK and hoops turned around.

"I amnthe Mighty Warrior Toto!"

"I have come to save your son!

Mushroom_king bounced up and down. "You will?! If you do, You can live here! You'll have all the gold in the world! Go everywhere on a wolf! I'll even let you marry TBFOF!"

Hoops gasped."Mushroom_king!"

"well, Only if you want."

"I dont want ythat stuff" scoweled Toto. "I want all the Preps in the inchevese Killed."

"We'll try! For know, You, TGHL, hoops, and Mega wolf will find TBFOF!"

...am I being ridden on? :huh:

Yes. Wolves are cool.


No. Wolves are endangered, and you are not allowed to hurt an animal in such a way. Mega Wolf is like...60 pounds. You're hurting her. -takes MW's harness off and shouts, "RUN FREE! RUN FREE!"-

Youve Ruined My Story! BLEH! *Takes a Away a Life* You only have 4 lives left! >_<

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afyter School Princess Hoops walked Home on her Wolf. When she walked in, she relized something terrible had happaned.....

" mY Son has been kidnapped!" cried MK. "My beutiful son Nick!" She started Sobbing. Hoops ran up to her.

"YThe Gaurds say that Nick was tooken by someone!" said MK. Hoops was starteled.

"He was Kidnapped?!"

Who would kidnap TBFOF? And for what reason? I walked on my wolf? Am I asking a lot of questions?

1. You'll never guess

2.You'll never find out

3.No, you rode on it

4. YES


"Get the Warriors!" Yelled the king MK.

"You dont need to!"

MK and hoops turned around.

"I amnthe Mighty Warrior Toto!"

"I have come to save your son!

Mushroom_king bounced up and down. "You will?! If you do, You can live here! You'll have all the gold in the world! Go everywhere on a wolf! I'll even let you marry TBFOF!"

Hoops gasped."Mushroom_king!"

"well, Only if you want."

"I dont want ythat stuff" scoweled Toto. "I want all the Preps in the inchevese Killed."

"We'll try! For know, You, TGHL, hoops, and Mega wolf will find TBFOF!"

...am I being ridden on? :huh:

Yes. Wolves are cool.


No. Wolves are endangered, and you are not allowed to hurt an animal in such a way. Mega Wolf is like...60 pounds. You're hurting her. -takes MW's harness off and shouts, "RUN FREE! RUN FREE!"-

*scratches behind ear and begins to run*



*cries at the beautifulness of it all* ;_;


We should make a book of those 5 1/2 sentances.

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afyter School Princess Hoops walked Home on her Wolf. When she walked in, she relized something terrible had happaned.....

" mY Son has been kidnapped!" cried MK. "My beutiful son Nick!" She started Sobbing. Hoops ran up to her.

"YThe Gaurds say that Nick was tooken by someone!" said MK. Hoops was starteled.

"He was Kidnapped?!"

Who would kidnap TBFOF? And for what reason? I walked on my wolf? Am I asking a lot of questions?

1. You'll never guess

2.You'll never find out

3.No, you rode on it

4. YES


"Get the Warriors!" Yelled the king MK.

"You dont need to!"

MK and hoops turned around.

"I amnthe Mighty Warrior Toto!"

"I have come to save your son!

Mushroom_king bounced up and down. "You will?! If you do, You can live here! You'll have all the gold in the world! Go everywhere on a wolf! I'll even let you marry TBFOF!"

Hoops gasped."Mushroom_king!"

"well, Only if you want."

"I dont want ythat stuff" scoweled Toto. "I want all the Preps in the inchevese Killed."

"We'll try! For know, You, TGHL, hoops, and Mega wolf will find TBFOF!"

...am I being ridden on? :huh:

Yes. Wolves are cool.


No. Wolves are endangered, and you are not allowed to hurt an animal in such a way. Mega Wolf is like...60 pounds. You're hurting her. -takes MW's harness off and shouts, "RUN FREE! RUN FREE!"-

Youve Ruined My Story! BLEH! *Takes a Away a Life* You only have 4 lives left! >_<


heh. I didn't even know I was in your story. And, now I am married to Fallon. ^-^ My husband.

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