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Lovely weather we're having...

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After the hottest July since about 100 years, a very cold and rainy August, a warm September here the weather now is quite good for October.

There are winds from south, so we got 26°C (79°F) today.

And the sun was shining. That's the way I like autumn. :lol:


So happy to see you!!!!!!!!

What a beautiful autumn! I miss Germany and the beautiful days.

Talk to us... how are you? What are you doing? How is life?

Okay... you can start with those and I have a million, zillion more for you. LOL

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After the hottest July since about 100 years, a very cold and rainy August, a warm September here the weather now is quite good for October.

There are winds from south, so we got 26°C (79°F) today.

And the sun was shining. That's the way I like autumn. :lol:

Leguan! *big hugs* How goes life?

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Thanks for the lovely greetings. :blush:


I'm fine.

Well it's a long time ago that I have been here. I even don't know how long exactly.

But I told you already that I'm studying biology in Cologne since October 05, did I?

It's working out, I'm getting high marks and I just started with the third semester. I already had zoology, botany, cytology, genetics, inorganic chemistry and mathematics. Now I'm attending lectures and practical courses in animal- and plant-physiology, biochemistry, organic chemistry and physics. Additional I'm visiting some lectures in neuropsychology and forensic molecular biology.

As you see a very crowded schedule so that there isn't much time left. :wacko:


In August I have been at the SymBioSE. It means Symposium of Biology students in Europe. Each year about 100 students from all the european countries (and even some other countries, there were for example two mexicans who are studying in Russia) meet in a different place. This time it took place in Ancona, Italy.

That was really cool, I met lots of nice people.

Everbody speaks english there, so this was the first time I was speaking english outside from school. :lol:

It's amazing how fast you can blend in and communicate. It was very funny when the other germans who were there accosted me sometimes in german and in the first moment I didn't understand them. :blink:

The first few days back at home I still used some english words when I was speaking to other people. :lol:


Talk to us... how are you? What are you doing? How is life?

Okay... you can start with those and I have a million, zillion more for you. LOL


Ok, I hope I answered at least some of them. ;)

Now it's your turn to tell me what happened when I was away.

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After the hottest July since about 100 years, a very cold and rainy August, a warm September here the weather now is quite good for October.

There are winds from south, so we got 26°C (79°F) today.

And the sun was shining. That's the way I like autumn. :lol:


Leguan!!! :D it's so nice to see you again. how are things with you?

& i'm so glad you're having a temperate fall!

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oops, i clicked on the next page and you already answered my question, so don't worry about having to repeat yourself! ^_^


wow! your life seems very full! what career are you studying for? Veterinarian? or something more specific?


i've just returned to HD2 recently myself, so i'm not very up-to-date on what's been happening here, except that Horatio has over 30,000 posts!.


my life is on a very different path than yours. i'm not in university, but working instead, as a pharmacy technician. some of the tasks my job includes are collecting data (from patients), entering data, pulling medication from the selves, counting/pouring/mixing medication, filing paperwork, answering phones, ringing-up patients (on the cash-register), restocking supplies, taking account of inventory, putting medications away.

it is not my plan to keep this job forever, but it is the most convienient place for me to work at right now, because it s located very close to where i live. however the pay is not-so-good. and they make me pay too much for health insurance. *shakes a stick at corporate pharmacy chain* so, i'm hoping something better will pop-up eventually. :glare:

there's more to tell, that was just about my career, but i'll wait untill another time. i don't want to take up too much time.

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one more thing' how's your cat? i can still remember that picture you up-loaded a while ago.


also, it's a good thing you came back at this time, because i'm starting to catch up to your quantity of posts... :ninja:


... i guess that was two things. ^_^

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oops, i clicked on the next page and you already answered my question, so don't worry about having to repeat yourself! ^_^


wow! your life seems very full! what career are you studying for? Veterinarian? or something more specific?


i've just returned to HD2 recently myself, so i'm not very up-to-date on what's been happening here, except that Horatio has over 30,000 posts!.


my life is on a very different path than yours. i'm not in university, but working instead, as a pharmacy technician. some of the tasks my job includes are collecting data (from patients), entering data, pulling medication from the selves, counting/pouring/mixing medication, filing paperwork, answering phones, ringing-up patients (on the cash-register), restocking supplies, taking account of inventory, putting medications away.

it is not my plan to keep this job forever, but it is the most convienient place for me to work at right now, because it s located very close to where i live. however the pay is not-so-good. and they make me pay too much for health insurance. *shakes a stick at corporate pharmacy chain* so, i'm hoping something better will pop-up eventually. :glare:

there's more to tell, that was just about my career, but i'll wait untill another time. i don't want to take up too much time.

WHOA!!! You sound really busy yourself! Do you have any idea of where you will go from here? Do you have any specific likes or dislikes? The health care field seems like a great place to make a living. Have you ever considered nursing? Hopefully the hospital would have much better health insurance and benefits. With all the money the pharmaceutical companies make you think they would offer their employees the best least expensive insurance.


Anyway, keep talking, we love hearing about your life.

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Thanks for the lovely greetings. :blush:


I'm fine.

Well it's a long time ago that I have been here. I even don't know how long exactly.

But I told you already that I'm studying biology in Cologne since October 05, did I?

It's working out, I'm getting high marks and I just started with the third semester. I already had zoology, botany, cytology, genetics, inorganic chemistry and mathematics. Now I'm attending lectures and practical courses in animal- and plant-physiology, biochemistry, organic chemistry and physics. Additional I'm visiting some lectures in neuropsychology and forensic molecular biology.

As you see a very crowded schedule so that there isn't much time left. :wacko:


In August I have been at the SymBioSE. It means Symposium of Biology students in Europe. Each year about 100 students from all the european countries (and even some other countries, there were for example two mexicans who are studying in Russia) meet in a different place. This time it took place in Ancona, Italy.

That was really cool, I met lots of nice people.

Everbody speaks english there, so this was the first time I was speaking english outside from school. :lol:

It's amazing how fast you can blend in and communicate. It was very funny when the other germans who were there accosted me sometimes in german and in the first moment I didn't understand them. :blink:

The first few days back at home I still used some english words when I was speaking to other people. :lol:


Talk to us... how are you? What are you doing? How is life?

Okay... you can start with those and I have a million, zillion more for you. LOL


Ok, I hope I answered at least some of them. ;)

Now it's your turn to tell me what happened when I was away.

Awesome! I just started University this year.. I'm doing a double major in Secondary Education and Physics (I'm planning on being a high school physics teacher). It's a lot of work so far, but still lots of fun. :)

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oops, i clicked on the next page and you already answered my question, so don't worry about having to repeat yourself! ^_^


wow! your life seems very full! what career are you studying for? Veterinarian? or something more specific?


i've just returned to HD2 recently myself, so i'm not very up-to-date on what's been happening here, except that Horatio has over 30,000 posts!.


my life is on a very different path than yours. i'm not in university, but working instead, as a pharmacy technician. some of the tasks my job includes are collecting data (from patients), entering data, pulling medication from the selves, counting/pouring/mixing medication, filing paperwork, answering phones, ringing-up patients (on the cash-register), restocking supplies, taking account of inventory, putting medications away.

it is not my plan to keep this job forever, but it is the most convienient place for me to work at right now, because it s located very close to where i live. however the pay is not-so-good. and they make me pay too much for health insurance. *shakes a stick at corporate pharmacy chain* so, i'm hoping something better will pop-up eventually. :glare:

there's more to tell, that was just about my career, but i'll wait untill another time. i don't want to take up too much time.

WHOA!!! You sound really busy yourself! Do you have any idea of where you will go from here? Do you have any specific likes or dislikes? The health care field seems like a great place to make a living. Have you ever considered nursing? Hopefully the hospital would have much better health insurance and benefits. With all the money the pharmaceutical companies make you think they would offer their employees the best least expensive insurance.


Anyway, keep talking, we love hearing about your life.

working at a retail pharmacy can be very stressful, (as most customer-service related jobs are.) there is the possibility of working in a hospital Rx, but i have a cousin who works in one, and her schedule is aweful! sometimes she has to work till 11pm doesn't get home till 1130, then has to get up at 430 to get to work again by 6! i don't think i could function on a schedule like that. i have seen an advertizement for lessons you can take from your home to learn medical transcription, and then work from your own home for a particular medical office. that sounds really great, so, i have been considering this as an option.

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oops, i clicked on the next page and you already answered my question, so don't worry about having to repeat yourself! ^_^


wow! your life seems very full! what career are you studying for? Veterinarian? or something more specific?


i've just returned to HD2 recently myself, so i'm not very up-to-date on what's been happening here, except that Horatio has over 30,000 posts!.


my life is on a very different path than yours. i'm not in university, but working instead, as a pharmacy technician. some of the tasks my job includes are collecting data (from patients), entering data, pulling medication from the selves, counting/pouring/mixing medication, filing paperwork, answering phones, ringing-up patients (on the cash-register), restocking supplies, taking account of inventory, putting medications away.

it is not my plan to keep this job forever, but it is the most convienient place for me to work at right now, because it s located very close to where i live. however the pay is not-so-good. and they make me pay too much for health insurance. *shakes a stick at corporate pharmacy chain* so, i'm hoping something better will pop-up eventually. :glare:

there's more to tell, that was just about my career, but i'll wait untill another time. i don't want to take up too much time.

WHOA!!! You sound really busy yourself! Do you have any idea of where you will go from here? Do you have any specific likes or dislikes? The health care field seems like a great place to make a living. Have you ever considered nursing? Hopefully the hospital would have much better health insurance and benefits. With all the money the pharmaceutical companies make you think they would offer their employees the best least expensive insurance.


Anyway, keep talking, we love hearing about your life.

working at a retail pharmacy can be very stressful, (as most customer-service related jobs are.) there is the possibility of working in a hospital Rx, but i have a cousin who works in one, and her schedule is aweful! sometimes she has to work till 11pm doesn't get home till 1130, then has to get up at 430 to get to work again by 6! i don't think i could function on a schedule like that. i have seen an advertizement for lessons you can take from your home to learn medical transcription, and then work from your own home for a particular medical office. that sounds really great, so, i have been considering this as an option.

I think it is great that you are exploring all your options. I had no idea a plant could be so intelligent. :P

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I'm in high school and I don't have a job! =D

but my computer programming teacher wants me to be a master tutor once i turn senior.

You would make a phenomenal master tutor!!!

Listen to your teacher. :D What do your parents think about this?

As long as it does not interfere with your grades, I would think they would approve.

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As I said I'm studying biology. :D

I also know a pharmacy technician, too. She's studying biology in the same semester as me.

It's a very good basis for studying chemistry, biochemistry or biology.


one more thing' how's your cat? i can still remember that picture you up-loaded a while ago.


He's fine.


Awesome! I just started University this year.. I'm doing a double major in Secondary Education and Physics (I'm planning on being a high school physics teacher). It's a lot of work so far, but still lots of fun.



Yes, physics IS a lot of work. Especially for biology students.

They usually don't like it very much... :D

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  • 3 weeks later...
It's been unseasonably warm here, like temps up in the 70's. It's starting to cool down a bit though. Today some friends and I went shopping, and we saw all the Christmas stuff at target, and I am soooooooo ready for snow! ^_^

*sends all the snow up to New Jersey*

Here you go! LOL

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It's been unseasonably warm here, like temps up in the 70's. It's starting to cool down a bit though. Today some friends and I went shopping, and we saw all the Christmas stuff at target, and I am soooooooo ready for snow! ^_^

*sweatdrop* That's considered freezing here. ;_; All year round it's at least 80. >.<

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It's been unseasonably warm here, like temps up in the 70's. It's starting to cool down a bit though. Today some friends and I went shopping, and we saw all the Christmas stuff at target, and I am soooooooo ready for snow! ^_^

*sweatdrop* That's considered freezing here. ;_; All year round it's at least 80. >.<

'Twas 48 degrees here, and I was fine in a T-shirt and jeans.

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It's supposed to be up in the 60's all week long! (insert phrase of shock, disbelief and exasperation here) :huh:

We sent our 60 degree weather up to you. :lol:

We couldn't wait to get rid of the cold.

60 degrees is not cold. 32 or below is cold. Anything above that is just chilly. :rolleyes:

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It's supposed to be up in the 60's all week long! (insert phrase of shock, disbelief and exasperation here) :huh:

We sent our 60 degree weather up to you. :lol:

We couldn't wait to get rid of the cold.

60 degrees is not cold. 32 or below is cold. Anything above that is just chilly. :rolleyes:

Excuse me... anything belowe 80 is freezing!!! :lol:

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It's supposed to be up in the 60's all week long! (insert phrase of shock, disbelief and exasperation here) :huh:

We sent our 60 degree weather up to you. :lol:

We couldn't wait to get rid of the cold.

60 degrees is not cold. 32 or below is cold. Anything above that is just chilly. :rolleyes:

Excuse me... anything belowe 80 is freezing!!! :lol:

lol you crazy Floridians. :P

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It's supposed to be up in the 60's all week long! (insert phrase of shock, disbelief and exasperation here) :huh:

We sent our 60 degree weather up to you. :lol:

We couldn't wait to get rid of the cold.

60 degrees is not cold. 32 or below is cold. Anything above that is just chilly. :rolleyes:

Excuse me... anything belowe 80 is freezing!!! :lol:

lol you crazy Floridians. :P

ROFOCLH!!! Exactly! That is why we sent you the 60 degree weather. LOL

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It's supposed to be up in the 60's all week long! (insert phrase of shock, disbelief and exasperation here) :huh:

We sent our 60 degree weather up to you. :lol:

We couldn't wait to get rid of the cold.

60 degrees is not cold. 32 or below is cold. Anything above that is just chilly. :rolleyes:

Excuse me... anything below 80 is freezing!!! :lol:



I went to canada last winter (there, summer here)


I managed to go there on the coldest week of the coldest winter they'd had in a long time.


The temperature stayed around -39°C (YES, °C!) all week long. With a huge wind chill each day. And not being used to a white winter, I saw something that said emergency or something, and it was on, so I turned it off.


It was the heating.


They called the repair people, who came the next day and looked at it and told us the pipes had frozen. They repaired it but it was still cold.


The next day they found the heater was off.


After that week, I can go out in winter here with shorts and a tee and still be warm.

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It's supposed to be up in the 60's all week long! (insert phrase of shock, disbelief and exasperation here) :huh:

We sent our 60 degree weather up to you. :lol:

We couldn't wait to get rid of the cold.

60 degrees is not cold. 32 or below is cold. Anything above that is just chilly. :rolleyes:

Excuse me... anything below 80 is freezing!!! :lol:



I went to canada last winter (there, summer here)


I managed to go there on the coldest week of the coldest winter they'd had in a long time.


The temperature stayed around -39°C (YES, °C!) all week long. With a huge wind chill each day. And not being used to a white winter, I saw something that said emergency or something, and it was on, so I turned it off.


It was the heating.


They called the repair people, who came the next day and looked at it and told us the pipes had frozen. They repaired it but it was still cold.


The next day they found the heater was off.


After that week, I can go out in winter here with shorts and a tee and still be warm.

Emergency heat... I am very familiar with it! LOL

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It's supposed to be up in the 60's all week long! (insert phrase of shock, disbelief and exasperation here) :huh:

We sent our 60 degree weather up to you. :lol:

We couldn't wait to get rid of the cold.

60 degrees is not cold. 32 or below is cold. Anything above that is just chilly. :rolleyes:

Excuse me... anything below 80 is freezing!!! :lol:



I went to canada last winter (there, summer here)


I managed to go there on the coldest week of the coldest winter they'd had in a long time.


The temperature stayed around -39°C (YES, °C!) all week long. With a huge wind chill each day. And not being used to a white winter, I saw something that said emergency or something, and it was on, so I turned it off.


It was the heating.


They called the repair people, who came the next day and looked at it and told us the pipes had frozen. They repaired it but it was still cold.


The next day they found the heater was off.


After that week, I can go out in winter here with shorts and a tee and still be warm.

Emergency heat... I am very familiar with it! LOL

Sorry that just saying 80 f and under is coldfreezing began a miniature ramble. xD


Emergency heat... I don't need it anymore, actually.


I laugh whenever people say below ten © is cold. Because it is. But I remember that week and it's funny.

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It's supposed to be up in the 60's all week long! (insert phrase of shock, disbelief and exasperation here) :huh:

We sent our 60 degree weather up to you. :lol:

We couldn't wait to get rid of the cold.

60 degrees is not cold. 32 or below is cold. Anything above that is just chilly. :rolleyes:

Excuse me... anything below 80 is freezing!!! :lol:



I went to canada last winter (there, summer here)


I managed to go there on the coldest week of the coldest winter they'd had in a long time.


The temperature stayed around -39°C (YES, °C!) all week long. With a huge wind chill each day. And not being used to a white winter, I saw something that said emergency or something, and it was on, so I turned it off.


It was the heating.


They called the repair people, who came the next day and looked at it and told us the pipes had frozen. They repaired it but it was still cold.


The next day they found the heater was off.


After that week, I can go out in winter here with shorts and a tee and still be warm.

Emergency heat... I am very familiar with it! LOL

Sorry that just saying 80 f and under is coldfreezing began a miniature ramble. xD


Emergency heat... I don't need it anymore, actually.


I laugh whenever people say below ten © is cold. Because it is. But I remember that week and it's funny.

If it was 20 C, it would still be cold to me.

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It's supposed to be up in the 60's all week long! (insert phrase of shock, disbelief and exasperation here) :huh:

We sent our 60 degree weather up to you. :lol:

We couldn't wait to get rid of the cold.

60 degrees is not cold. 32 or below is cold. Anything above that is just chilly. :rolleyes:

Excuse me... anything below 80 is freezing!!! :lol:



I went to canada last winter (there, summer here)


I managed to go there on the coldest week of the coldest winter they'd had in a long time.


The temperature stayed around -39°C (YES, °C!) all week long. With a huge wind chill each day. And not being used to a white winter, I saw something that said emergency or something, and it was on, so I turned it off.


It was the heating.


They called the repair people, who came the next day and looked at it and told us the pipes had frozen. They repaired it but it was still cold.


The next day they found the heater was off.


After that week, I can go out in winter here with shorts and a tee and still be warm.

Emergency heat... I am very familiar with it! LOL

Sorry that just saying 80 f and under is coldfreezing began a miniature ramble. xD


Emergency heat... I don't need it anymore, actually.


I laugh whenever people say below ten (°C) is cold. Because it is. But I remember that week and it's funny.

If it was 20 C, it would still be cold to me.

20°C is 68°F, so it would.

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It's supposed to be up in the 60's all week long! (insert phrase of shock, disbelief and exasperation here) :huh:

We sent our 60 degree weather up to you. :lol:

We couldn't wait to get rid of the cold.

60 degrees is not cold. 32 or below is cold. Anything above that is just chilly. :rolleyes:

Excuse me... anything below 80 is freezing!!! :lol:



I went to canada last winter (there, summer here)


I managed to go there on the coldest week of the coldest winter they'd had in a long time.


The temperature stayed around -39°C (YES, °C!) all week long. With a huge wind chill each day. And not being used to a white winter, I saw something that said emergency or something, and it was on, so I turned it off.


It was the heating.


They called the repair people, who came the next day and looked at it and told us the pipes had frozen. They repaired it but it was still cold.


The next day they found the heater was off.


After that week, I can go out in winter here with shorts and a tee and still be warm.

Emergency heat... I am very familiar with it! LOL

Sorry that just saying 80 f and under is coldfreezing began a miniature ramble. xD


Emergency heat... I don't need it anymore, actually.


I laugh whenever people say below ten (°C) is cold. Because it is. But I remember that week and it's funny.

If it was 20 C, it would still be cold to me.

20°C is 68°F, so it would.

Okay... make it 30 C. LOL

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It's supposed to be up in the 60's all week long! (insert phrase of shock, disbelief and exasperation here) :huh:

We sent our 60 degree weather up to you. :lol:

We couldn't wait to get rid of the cold.

60 degrees is not cold. 32 or below is cold. Anything above that is just chilly. :rolleyes:

Excuse me... anything below 80 is freezing!!! :lol:



I went to canada last winter (there, summer here)


I managed to go there on the coldest week of the coldest winter they'd had in a long time.


The temperature stayed around -39°C (YES, °C!) all week long. With a huge wind chill each day. And not being used to a white winter, I saw something that said emergency or something, and it was on, so I turned it off.


It was the heating.


They called the repair people, who came the next day and looked at it and told us the pipes had frozen. They repaired it but it was still cold.


The next day they found the heater was off.


After that week, I can go out in winter here with shorts and a tee and still be warm.

Emergency heat... I am very familiar with it! LOL

Sorry that just saying 80°F and under is coldfreezing began a miniature ramble. xD


Emergency heat... I don't need it anymore, actually.


I laugh whenever people say below ten (°C) is cold. Because it is. But I remember that week and it's funny.

If it was 20 C, it would still be cold to me.

20°C is 68°F, so it would.

Okay... make it 30 C. LOL

That's 86°F, so you'd only find it cold. Not freezing.

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It's supposed to be up in the 60's all week long! (insert phrase of shock, disbelief and exasperation here) :huh:

We sent our 60 degree weather up to you. :lol:

We couldn't wait to get rid of the cold.

60 degrees is not cold. 32 or below is cold. Anything above that is just chilly. :rolleyes:

Excuse me... anything below 80 is freezing!!! :lol:



I went to canada last winter (there, summer here)


I managed to go there on the coldest week of the coldest winter they'd had in a long time.


The temperature stayed around -39°C (YES, °C!) all week long. With a huge wind chill each day. And not being used to a white winter, I saw something that said emergency or something, and it was on, so I turned it off.


It was the heating.


They called the repair people, who came the next day and looked at it and told us the pipes had frozen. They repaired it but it was still cold.


The next day they found the heater was off.


After that week, I can go out in winter here with shorts and a tee and still be warm.

Emergency heat... I am very familiar with it! LOL

Sorry that just saying 80°F and under is coldfreezing began a miniature ramble. xD


Emergency heat... I don't need it anymore, actually.


I laugh whenever people say below ten (°C) is cold. Because it is. But I remember that week and it's funny.

If it was 20 C, it would still be cold to me.

20°C is 68°F, so it would.

Okay... make it 30 C. LOL

That's 86°F, so you'd only find it cold. Not freezing.


Whatever... (said with an attitude).


LOL, I couldn't resist. I haven't had my coffee yet. :D

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It's supposed to be up in the 60's all week long! (insert phrase of shock, disbelief and exasperation here) :huh:

We sent our 60 degree weather up to you. :lol:

We couldn't wait to get rid of the cold.

60 degrees is not cold. 32 or below is cold. Anything above that is just chilly. :rolleyes:

Excuse me... anything below 80 is freezing!!! :lol:



I went to canada last winter (there, summer here)


I managed to go there on the coldest week of the coldest winter they'd had in a long time.


The temperature stayed around -39°C (YES, °C!) all week long. With a huge wind chill each day. And not being used to a white winter, I saw something that said emergency or something, and it was on, so I turned it off.


It was the heating.


They called the repair people, who came the next day and looked at it and told us the pipes had frozen. They repaired it but it was still cold.


The next day they found the heater was off.


After that week, I can go out in winter here with shorts and a tee and still be warm.

Emergency heat... I am very familiar with it! LOL

Sorry that just saying 80°F and under is coldfreezing began a miniature ramble. xD


Emergency heat... I don't need it anymore, actually.


I laugh whenever people say below ten (°C) is cold. Because it is. But I remember that week and it's funny.

If it was 20 C, it would still be cold to me.

20°C is 68°F, so it would.

Okay... make it 30 C. LOL

That's 86°F, so you'd only find it cold. Not freezing.


Whatever... (said with an attitude).


LOL, I couldn't resist. I haven't had my coffee yet. :D

You're funny when you haven't had coffee xD *steals horatio's coffee*

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It's supposed to be up in the 60's all week long! (insert phrase of shock, disbelief and exasperation here) :huh:

We sent our 60 degree weather up to you. :lol:

We couldn't wait to get rid of the cold.

60 degrees is not cold. 32 or below is cold. Anything above that is just chilly. :rolleyes:

Excuse me... anything below 80 is freezing!!! :lol:



I went to canada last winter (there, summer here)


I managed to go there on the coldest week of the coldest winter they'd had in a long time.


The temperature stayed around -39°C (YES, °C!) all week long. With a huge wind chill each day. And not being used to a white winter, I saw something that said emergency or something, and it was on, so I turned it off.


It was the heating.


They called the repair people, who came the next day and looked at it and told us the pipes had frozen. They repaired it but it was still cold.


The next day they found the heater was off.


After that week, I can go out in winter here with shorts and a tee and still be warm.

Emergency heat... I am very familiar with it! LOL

Sorry that just saying 80°F and under is coldfreezing began a miniature ramble. xD


Emergency heat... I don't need it anymore, actually.


I laugh whenever people say below ten (°C) is cold. Because it is. But I remember that week and it's funny.

If it was 20 C, it would still be cold to me.

20°C is 68°F, so it would.

Okay... make it 30 C. LOL

That's 86°F, so you'd only find it cold. Not freezing.


Whatever... (said with an attitude).


LOL, I couldn't resist. I haven't had my coffee yet. :D

You're funny when you haven't had coffee xD *steals horatio's coffee*

*grabs coffee and gulps it down*

Ahhhhhhhhhh, java! :lol:

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I'm getting hit by the thunderstorm right now. There's a tornado warning in our area! :wacko: Actually I think it was taken off. It lasted for a half hour or so. Yeah, it's pretty rough right now.


And yes it has been like spring here in Connecticut recently. Very strange. I doubt it will last long though. I'm not sure whether I like that or not.

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It's December first, and it's 70 degrees outside!!!!! :wacko: It's also cloudy and kinda drizzling. We're supposed to have thunderstorms, and then it's supposed to get cold out.

You and Jesse need only to wait a little bit... the worst is yet too come! :o

You keep sending your florida weather up here...it was like a hurricane outside awhile ago. :blink:

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It's December first, and it's 70 degrees outside!!!!! :wacko: It's also cloudy and kinda drizzling. We're supposed to have thunderstorms, and then it's supposed to get cold out.

You and Jesse need only to wait a little bit... the worst is yet too come! :o

You keep sending your florida weather up here...it was like a hurricane outside awhile ago. :blink:

Ooops. That must have been a mistake! :rolleyes:

*thinks again*

Well, you got off lucky. I sent a tornado to Jesse's neck of the woods. LOL

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It's December first, and it's 70 degrees outside!!!!! :wacko: It's also cloudy and kinda drizzling. We're supposed to have thunderstorms, and then it's supposed to get cold out.

You and Jesse need only to wait a little bit... the worst is yet too come! :o

You keep sending your florida weather up here...it was like a hurricane outside awhile ago. :blink:

Ooops. That must have been a mistake! :rolleyes:

*thinks again*

Well, you got off lucky. I sent a tornado to Jesse's neck of the woods. LOL

lol that's okay. I actually like big storms. The only problem is that Ian might come visit this evening, and he's afraid of drving in bad weather for some reason. :rolleyes:

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It's December first, and it's 70 degrees outside!!!!! :wacko: It's also cloudy and kinda drizzling. We're supposed to have thunderstorms, and then it's supposed to get cold out.

You and Jesse need only to wait a little bit... the worst is yet too come! :o

You keep sending your florida weather up here...it was like a hurricane outside awhile ago. :blink:

Ooops. That must have been a mistake! :rolleyes:

*thinks again*

Well, you got off lucky. I sent a tornado to Jesse's neck of the woods. LOL

lol that's okay. I actually like big storms. The only problem is that Ian might come visit this evening, and he's afraid of drving in bad weather for some reason. :rolleyes:

I can understand. Try coming to Memphis. The worst driver's in the world. When there is rain or snow, the maniacs come out. The department of transportation took a survey and in a 20 mile stretch of highway, between 08H00 in the morning and 17H00, there were between 115 and 119 accidents in one day.

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It's December first, and it's 70 degrees outside!!!!! :wacko: It's also cloudy and kinda drizzling. We're supposed to have thunderstorms, and then it's supposed to get cold out.

You and Jesse need only to wait a little bit... the worst is yet too come! :o

You keep sending your florida weather up here...it was like a hurricane outside awhile ago. :blink:

Ooops. That must have been a mistake! :rolleyes:

*thinks again*

Well, you got off lucky. I sent a tornado to Jesse's neck of the woods. LOL

lol that's okay. I actually like big storms. The only problem is that Ian might come visit this evening, and he's afraid of drving in bad weather for some reason. :rolleyes:

I can understand. Try coming to Memphis. The worst driver's in the world. When there is rain or snow, the maniacs come out. The department of transportation took a survey and in a 20 mile stretch of highway, between 08H00 in the morning and 17H00, there were between 115 and 119 accidents in one day.

Wow. :blink: Although you must admit, New Jersey is pretty bad too. We have the most messed up road systems around here.

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It's December first, and it's 70 degrees outside!!!!! :wacko: It's also cloudy and kinda drizzling. We're supposed to have thunderstorms, and then it's supposed to get cold out.

You and Jesse need only to wait a little bit... the worst is yet too come! :o

You keep sending your florida weather up here...it was like a hurricane outside awhile ago. :blink:

Ooops. That must have been a mistake! :rolleyes:

*thinks again*

Well, you got off lucky. I sent a tornado to Jesse's neck of the woods. LOL

lol that's okay. I actually like big storms. The only problem is that Ian might come visit this evening, and he's afraid of drving in bad weather for some reason. :rolleyes:

I can understand. Try coming to Memphis. The worst driver's in the world. When there is rain or snow, the maniacs come out. The department of transportation took a survey and in a 20 mile stretch of highway, between 08H00 in the morning and 17H00, there were between 115 and 119 accidents in one day.

Wow. :blink: Although you must admit, New Jersey is pretty bad too. We have the most messed up road systems around here.

Very true. But at least you have a driving code in New Jersey... nose position. Whoever gets the nose of their car in front, goes first. LOL. In Memphis, blinkers are a sign of weakness. If you put on your blinker because you want to turn or change lanes, the other drivers will close the hole. You need to just do a brazen manuever and "cut" into the lane you wish to enter and after you are in the lane, you turn your blinker on and then off, just once to say... Na, na, na, nee, na, na. The blinker, on-off once, is sort of like snubbing your nose at someone and then saying... so there. Most drivers in Memphis never use blinkers because they think everyone else has psychic abilities and can read their thoughts. The other bad thing is that when the light turns green... DO NOT GO!!!!!!!!!!! Keep your car stopped!!!!! Count at least 6 to 10 cars that run the red light. Okay... now you can go. If you go on the green... you are one DEAD hamster! Squished like a bug. I hate driving in Memphis. Another thing... if you hear a fire truck, ambulance or other emergency vehicle... look for the cars that are NOT getting out of the way. These are the guys who are running interference for the vehicle and going faster than the emergency vehicle. LOL Once I saw and ambulance coming from behind. I pulled over to the side of the road to prepare for him to pass. All of a sudden, I see two cars coming from behind the ambulance, one passing on each side and then leaving the ambulance in the dust. Scary. I would drive in New Jersey any day.

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It's December first, and it's 70 degrees outside!!!!! :wacko: It's also cloudy and kinda drizzling. We're supposed to have thunderstorms, and then it's supposed to get cold out.

You and Jesse need only to wait a little bit... the worst is yet too come! :o

You keep sending your florida weather up here...it was like a hurricane outside awhile ago. :blink:

Ooops. That must have been a mistake! :rolleyes:

*thinks again*

Well, you got off lucky. I sent a tornado to Jesse's neck of the woods. LOL

lol that's okay. I actually like big storms. The only problem is that Ian might come visit this evening, and he's afraid of drving in bad weather for some reason. :rolleyes:

I can understand. Try coming to Memphis. The worst driver's in the world. When there is rain or snow, the maniacs come out. The department of transportation took a survey and in a 20 mile stretch of highway, between 08H00 in the morning and 17H00, there were between 115 and 119 accidents in one day.

Wow. :blink: Although you must admit, New Jersey is pretty bad too. We have the most messed up road systems around here.

Very true. But at least you have a driving code in New Jersey... nose position. Whoever gets the nose of their car in front, goes first. LOL. In Memphis, blinkers are a sign of weakness. If you put on your blinker because you want to turn or change lanes, the other drivers will close the hole. You need to just do a brazen manuever and "cut" into the lane you wish to enter and after you are in the lane, you turn your blinker on and then off, just once to say... Na, na, na, nee, na, na. The blinker, on-off once, is sort of like snubbing your nose at someone and then saying... so there. Most drivers in Memphis never use blinkers because they think everyone else has psychic abilities and can read their thoughts. The other bad thing is that when the light turns green... DO NOT GO!!!!!!!!!!! Keep your car stopped!!!!! Count at least 6 to 10 cars that run the red light. Okay... now you can go. If you go on the green... you are one DEAD hamster! Squished like a bug. I hate driving in Memphis. Another thing... if you hear a fire truck, ambulance or other emergency vehicle... look for the cars that are NOT getting out of the way. These are the guys who are running interference for the vehicle and going faster than the emergency vehicle. LOL Once I saw and ambulance coming from behind. I pulled over to the side of the road to prepare for him to pass. All of a sudden, I see two cars coming from behind the ambulance, one passing on each side and then leaving the ambulance in the dust. Scary. I would drive in New Jersey any day.

Oh my. o.O

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It's December first, and it's 70 degrees outside!!!!! :wacko: It's also cloudy and kinda drizzling. We're supposed to have thunderstorms, and then it's supposed to get cold out.

You and Jesse need only to wait a little bit... the worst is yet too come! :o

You keep sending your florida weather up here...it was like a hurricane outside awhile ago. :blink:

Ooops. That must have been a mistake! :rolleyes:

*thinks again*

Well, you got off lucky. I sent a tornado to Jesse's neck of the woods. LOL

lol that's okay. I actually like big storms. The only problem is that Ian might come visit this evening, and he's afraid of drving in bad weather for some reason. :rolleyes:

I can understand. Try coming to Memphis. The worst driver's in the world. When there is rain or snow, the maniacs come out. The department of transportation took a survey and in a 20 mile stretch of highway, between 08H00 in the morning and 17H00, there were between 115 and 119 accidents in one day.

Wow. :blink: Although you must admit, New Jersey is pretty bad too. We have the most messed up road systems around here.

Very true. But at least you have a driving code in New Jersey... nose position. Whoever gets the nose of their car in front, goes first. LOL. In Memphis, blinkers are a sign of weakness. If you put on your blinker because you want to turn or change lanes, the other drivers will close the hole. You need to just do a brazen manuever and "cut" into the lane you wish to enter and after you are in the lane, you turn your blinker on and then off, just once to say... Na, na, na, nee, na, na. The blinker, on-off once, is sort of like snubbing your nose at someone and then saying... so there. Most drivers in Memphis never use blinkers because they think everyone else has psychic abilities and can read their thoughts. The other bad thing is that when the light turns green... DO NOT GO!!!!!!!!!!! Keep your car stopped!!!!! Count at least 6 to 10 cars that run the red light. Okay... now you can go. If you go on the green... you are one DEAD hamster! Squished like a bug. I hate driving in Memphis. Another thing... if you hear a fire truck, ambulance or other emergency vehicle... look for the cars that are NOT getting out of the way. These are the guys who are running interference for the vehicle and going faster than the emergency vehicle. LOL Once I saw and ambulance coming from behind. I pulled over to the side of the road to prepare for him to pass. All of a sudden, I see two cars coming from behind the ambulance, one passing on each side and then leaving the ambulance in the dust. Scary. I would drive in New Jersey any day.

Oh my. o.O

My next vehicle is going to be one of those Wells Fargo/Brinks money trucks.

Then I defy anyone to hit me. LOL

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It's December first, and it's 70 degrees outside!!!!! :wacko: It's also cloudy and kinda drizzling. We're supposed to have thunderstorms, and then it's supposed to get cold out.

You and Jesse need only to wait a little bit... the worst is yet too come! :o

You keep sending your florida weather up here...it was like a hurricane outside awhile ago. :blink:

Ooops. That must have been a mistake! :rolleyes:

*thinks again*

Well, you got off lucky. I sent a tornado to Jesse's neck of the woods. LOL

lol that's okay. I actually like big storms. The only problem is that Ian might come visit this evening, and he's afraid of drving in bad weather for some reason. :rolleyes:

I can understand. Try coming to Memphis. The worst driver's in the world. When there is rain or snow, the maniacs come out. The department of transportation took a survey and in a 20 mile stretch of highway, between 08H00 in the morning and 17H00, there were between 115 and 119 accidents in one day.

Wow. :blink: Although you must admit, New Jersey is pretty bad too. We have the most messed up road systems around here.

Very true. But at least you have a driving code in New Jersey... nose position. Whoever gets the nose of their car in front, goes first. LOL. In Memphis, blinkers are a sign of weakness. If you put on your blinker because you want to turn or change lanes, the other drivers will close the hole. You need to just do a brazen manuever and "cut" into the lane you wish to enter and after you are in the lane, you turn your blinker on and then off, just once to say... Na, na, na, nee, na, na. The blinker, on-off once, is sort of like snubbing your nose at someone and then saying... so there. Most drivers in Memphis never use blinkers because they think everyone else has psychic abilities and can read their thoughts. The other bad thing is that when the light turns green... DO NOT GO!!!!!!!!!!! Keep your car stopped!!!!! Count at least 6 to 10 cars that run the red light. Okay... now you can go. If you go on the green... you are one DEAD hamster! Squished like a bug. I hate driving in Memphis. Another thing... if you hear a fire truck, ambulance or other emergency vehicle... look for the cars that are NOT getting out of the way. These are the guys who are running interference for the vehicle and going faster than the emergency vehicle. LOL Once I saw and ambulance coming from behind. I pulled over to the side of the road to prepare for him to pass. All of a sudden, I see two cars coming from behind the ambulance, one passing on each side and then leaving the ambulance in the dust. Scary. I would drive in New Jersey any day.

Oh my. o.O

My next vehicle is going to be one of those Wells Fargo/Brinks money trucks.

Then I defy anyone to hit me. LOL

XD Sounds like a plan.

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It's December first, and it's 70 degrees outside!!!!! :wacko: It's also cloudy and kinda drizzling. We're supposed to have thunderstorms, and then it's supposed to get cold out.

You and Jesse need only to wait a little bit... the worst is yet too come! :o

You keep sending your florida weather up here...it was like a hurricane outside awhile ago. :blink:

Ooops. That must have been a mistake! :rolleyes:

*thinks again*

Well, you got off lucky. I sent a tornado to Jesse's neck of the woods. LOL

lol that's okay. I actually like big storms. The only problem is that Ian might come visit this evening, and he's afraid of drving in bad weather for some reason. :rolleyes:

I can understand. Try coming to Memphis. The worst driver's in the world. When there is rain or snow, the maniacs come out. The department of transportation took a survey and in a 20 mile stretch of highway, between 08H00 in the morning and 17H00, there were between 115 and 119 accidents in one day.

Wow. :blink: Although you must admit, New Jersey is pretty bad too. We have the most messed up road systems around here.

Very true. But at least you have a driving code in New Jersey... nose position. Whoever gets the nose of their car in front, goes first. LOL. In Memphis, blinkers are a sign of weakness. If you put on your blinker because you want to turn or change lanes, the other drivers will close the hole. You need to just do a brazen manuever and "cut" into the lane you wish to enter and after you are in the lane, you turn your blinker on and then off, just once to say... Na, na, na, nee, na, na. The blinker, on-off once, is sort of like snubbing your nose at someone and then saying... so there. Most drivers in Memphis never use blinkers because they think everyone else has psychic abilities and can read their thoughts. The other bad thing is that when the light turns green... DO NOT GO!!!!!!!!!!! Keep your car stopped!!!!! Count at least 6 to 10 cars that run the red light. Okay... now you can go. If you go on the green... you are one DEAD hamster! Squished like a bug. I hate driving in Memphis. Another thing... if you hear a fire truck, ambulance or other emergency vehicle... look for the cars that are NOT getting out of the way. These are the guys who are running interference for the vehicle and going faster than the emergency vehicle. LOL Once I saw and ambulance coming from behind. I pulled over to the side of the road to prepare for him to pass. All of a sudden, I see two cars coming from behind the ambulance, one passing on each side and then leaving the ambulance in the dust. Scary. I would drive in New Jersey any day.

Oh my. o.O

My next vehicle is going to be one of those Wells Fargo/Brinks money trucks.

Then I defy anyone to hit me. LOL

XD Sounds like a plan.

Ideally, I would like to have four steel cone like objects, two on the front and then two on the rear, sort of like short unicorn horns, but strong steel. This way if someone hits you from the rear, they just impale their car. The thinking would be, 'that will teach you for driving two inches from the back end of my vehicle. And if you broadside someone because they turned left in front of you. Oh well.

*evil laugh is heard*

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It's December first, and it's 70 degrees outside!!!!! :wacko: It's also cloudy and kinda drizzling. We're supposed to have thunderstorms, and then it's supposed to get cold out.

You and Jesse need only to wait a little bit... the worst is yet too come! :o

You keep sending your florida weather up here...it was like a hurricane outside awhile ago. :blink:

Ooops. That must have been a mistake! :rolleyes:

*thinks again*

Well, you got off lucky. I sent a tornado to Jesse's neck of the woods. LOL

lol that's okay. I actually like big storms. The only problem is that Ian might come visit this evening, and he's afraid of drving in bad weather for some reason. :rolleyes:

I can understand. Try coming to Memphis. The worst driver's in the world. When there is rain or snow, the maniacs come out. The department of transportation took a survey and in a 20 mile stretch of highway, between 08H00 in the morning and 17H00, there were between 115 and 119 accidents in one day.

Wow. :blink: Although you must admit, New Jersey is pretty bad too. We have the most messed up road systems around here.

Very true. But at least you have a driving code in New Jersey... nose position. Whoever gets the nose of their car in front, goes first. LOL. In Memphis, blinkers are a sign of weakness. If you put on your blinker because you want to turn or change lanes, the other drivers will close the hole. You need to just do a brazen manuever and "cut" into the lane you wish to enter and after you are in the lane, you turn your blinker on and then off, just once to say... Na, na, na, nee, na, na. The blinker, on-off once, is sort of like snubbing your nose at someone and then saying... so there. Most drivers in Memphis never use blinkers because they think everyone else has psychic abilities and can read their thoughts. The other bad thing is that when the light turns green... DO NOT GO!!!!!!!!!!! Keep your car stopped!!!!! Count at least 6 to 10 cars that run the red light. Okay... now you can go. If you go on the green... you are one DEAD hamster! Squished like a bug. I hate driving in Memphis. Another thing... if you hear a fire truck, ambulance or other emergency vehicle... look for the cars that are NOT getting out of the way. These are the guys who are running interference for the vehicle and going faster than the emergency vehicle. LOL Once I saw and ambulance coming from behind. I pulled over to the side of the road to prepare for him to pass. All of a sudden, I see two cars coming from behind the ambulance, one passing on each side and then leaving the ambulance in the dust. Scary. I would drive in New Jersey any day.

Oh my. o.O

My next vehicle is going to be one of those Wells Fargo/Brinks money trucks.

Then I defy anyone to hit me. LOL

XD Sounds like a plan.

Ideally, I would like to have four steel cone like objects, two on the front and then two on the rear, sort of like short unicorn horns, but strong steel. This way if someone hits you from the rear, they just impale their car. The thinking would be, 'that will teach you for driving two inches from the back end of my vehicle. And if you broadside someone because they turned left in front of you. Oh well.

*evil laugh is heard*

I say the primary method of transportation is Mario Karts. If someone is a bad driver, just use a red shell or hit them with a star. xD

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It's December first, and it's 70 degrees outside!!!!! :wacko: It's also cloudy and kinda drizzling. We're supposed to have thunderstorms, and then it's supposed to get cold out.

You and Jesse need only to wait a little bit... the worst is yet too come! :o

You keep sending your florida weather up here...it was like a hurricane outside awhile ago. :blink:

Ooops. That must have been a mistake! :rolleyes:

*thinks again*

Well, you got off lucky. I sent a tornado to Jesse's neck of the woods. LOL

lol that's okay. I actually like big storms. The only problem is that Ian might come visit this evening, and he's afraid of drving in bad weather for some reason. :rolleyes:

I can understand. Try coming to Memphis. The worst driver's in the world. When there is rain or snow, the maniacs come out. The department of transportation took a survey and in a 20 mile stretch of highway, between 08H00 in the morning and 17H00, there were between 115 and 119 accidents in one day.

Wow. :blink: Although you must admit, New Jersey is pretty bad too. We have the most messed up road systems around here.

Very true. But at least you have a driving code in New Jersey... nose position. Whoever gets the nose of their car in front, goes first. LOL. In Memphis, blinkers are a sign of weakness. If you put on your blinker because you want to turn or change lanes, the other drivers will close the hole. You need to just do a brazen manuever and "cut" into the lane you wish to enter and after you are in the lane, you turn your blinker on and then off, just once to say... Na, na, na, nee, na, na. The blinker, on-off once, is sort of like snubbing your nose at someone and then saying... so there. Most drivers in Memphis never use blinkers because they think everyone else has psychic abilities and can read their thoughts. The other bad thing is that when the light turns green... DO NOT GO!!!!!!!!!!! Keep your car stopped!!!!! Count at least 6 to 10 cars that run the red light. Okay... now you can go. If you go on the green... you are one DEAD hamster! Squished like a bug. I hate driving in Memphis. Another thing... if you hear a fire truck, ambulance or other emergency vehicle... look for the cars that are NOT getting out of the way. These are the guys who are running interference for the vehicle and going faster than the emergency vehicle. LOL Once I saw and ambulance coming from behind. I pulled over to the side of the road to prepare for him to pass. All of a sudden, I see two cars coming from behind the ambulance, one passing on each side and then leaving the ambulance in the dust. Scary. I would drive in New Jersey any day.

Oh my. o.O

My next vehicle is going to be one of those Wells Fargo/Brinks money trucks.

Then I defy anyone to hit me. LOL

XD Sounds like a plan.

Ideally, I would like to have four steel cone like objects, two on the front and then two on the rear, sort of like short unicorn horns, but strong steel. This way if someone hits you from the rear, they just impale their car. The thinking would be, 'that will teach you for driving two inches from the back end of my vehicle. And if you broadside someone because they turned left in front of you. Oh well.

*evil laugh is heard*

I say the primary method of transportation is Mario Karts. If someone is a bad driver, just use a red shell or hit them with a star. xD

Now that's a great idea. I was going to mount a couple Uzi's on each side of the front, but I was certain this wouldn't be approved. The red shell or star is a much more effective method!

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It's December first, and it's 70 degrees outside!!!!! :wacko: It's also cloudy and kinda drizzling. We're supposed to have thunderstorms, and then it's supposed to get cold out.

You and Jesse need only to wait a little bit... the worst is yet too come! :o

You keep sending your florida weather up here...it was like a hurricane outside awhile ago. :blink:

Ooops. That must have been a mistake! :rolleyes:

*thinks again*

Well, you got off lucky. I sent a tornado to Jesse's neck of the woods. LOL

lol that's okay. I actually like big storms. The only problem is that Ian might come visit this evening, and he's afraid of drving in bad weather for some reason. :rolleyes:

I can understand. Try coming to Memphis. The worst driver's in the world. When there is rain or snow, the maniacs come out. The department of transportation took a survey and in a 20 mile stretch of highway, between 08H00 in the morning and 17H00, there were between 115 and 119 accidents in one day.

Wow. :blink: Although you must admit, New Jersey is pretty bad too. We have the most messed up road systems around here.

Very true. But at least you have a driving code in New Jersey... nose position. Whoever gets the nose of their car in front, goes first. LOL. In Memphis, blinkers are a sign of weakness. If you put on your blinker because you want to turn or change lanes, the other drivers will close the hole. You need to just do a brazen manuever and "cut" into the lane you wish to enter and after you are in the lane, you turn your blinker on and then off, just once to say... Na, na, na, nee, na, na. The blinker, on-off once, is sort of like snubbing your nose at someone and then saying... so there. Most drivers in Memphis never use blinkers because they think everyone else has psychic abilities and can read their thoughts. The other bad thing is that when the light turns green... DO NOT GO!!!!!!!!!!! Keep your car stopped!!!!! Count at least 6 to 10 cars that run the red light. Okay... now you can go. If you go on the green... you are one DEAD hamster! Squished like a bug. I hate driving in Memphis. Another thing... if you hear a fire truck, ambulance or other emergency vehicle... look for the cars that are NOT getting out of the way. These are the guys who are running interference for the vehicle and going faster than the emergency vehicle. LOL Once I saw and ambulance coming from behind. I pulled over to the side of the road to prepare for him to pass. All of a sudden, I see two cars coming from behind the ambulance, one passing on each side and then leaving the ambulance in the dust. Scary. I would drive in New Jersey any day.

Oh my. o.O

My next vehicle is going to be one of those Wells Fargo/Brinks money trucks.

Then I defy anyone to hit me. LOL

XD Sounds like a plan.

Ideally, I would like to have four steel cone like objects, two on the front and then two on the rear, sort of like short unicorn horns, but strong steel. This way if someone hits you from the rear, they just impale their car. The thinking would be, 'that will teach you for driving two inches from the back end of my vehicle. And if you broadside someone because they turned left in front of you. Oh well.

*evil laugh is heard*

I say the primary method of transportation is Mario Karts. If someone is a bad driver, just use a red shell or hit them with a star. xD

Now that's a great idea. I was going to mount a couple Uzi's on each side of the front, but I was certain this wouldn't be approved. The red shell or star is a much more effective method!

star + mega mushroom in a traffic jam. xD

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It's December first, and it's 70 degrees outside!!!!! :wacko: It's also cloudy and kinda drizzling. We're supposed to have thunderstorms, and then it's supposed to get cold out.

You and Jesse need only to wait a little bit... the worst is yet too come! :o

You keep sending your florida weather up here...it was like a hurricane outside awhile ago. :blink:

Ooops. That must have been a mistake! :rolleyes:

*thinks again*

Well, you got off lucky. I sent a tornado to Jesse's neck of the woods. LOL

lol that's okay. I actually like big storms. The only problem is that Ian might come visit this evening, and he's afraid of drving in bad weather for some reason. :rolleyes:

I can understand. Try coming to Memphis. The worst driver's in the world. When there is rain or snow, the maniacs come out. The department of transportation took a survey and in a 20 mile stretch of highway, between 08H00 in the morning and 17H00, there were between 115 and 119 accidents in one day.

Wow. :blink: Although you must admit, New Jersey is pretty bad too. We have the most messed up road systems around here.

Very true. But at least you have a driving code in New Jersey... nose position. Whoever gets the nose of their car in front, goes first. LOL. In Memphis, blinkers are a sign of weakness. If you put on your blinker because you want to turn or change lanes, the other drivers will close the hole. You need to just do a brazen manuever and "cut" into the lane you wish to enter and after you are in the lane, you turn your blinker on and then off, just once to say... Na, na, na, nee, na, na. The blinker, on-off once, is sort of like snubbing your nose at someone and then saying... so there. Most drivers in Memphis never use blinkers because they think everyone else has psychic abilities and can read their thoughts. The other bad thing is that when the light turns green... DO NOT GO!!!!!!!!!!! Keep your car stopped!!!!! Count at least 6 to 10 cars that run the red light. Okay... now you can go. If you go on the green... you are one DEAD hamster! Squished like a bug. I hate driving in Memphis. Another thing... if you hear a fire truck, ambulance or other emergency vehicle... look for the cars that are NOT getting out of the way. These are the guys who are running interference for the vehicle and going faster than the emergency vehicle. LOL Once I saw and ambulance coming from behind. I pulled over to the side of the road to prepare for him to pass. All of a sudden, I see two cars coming from behind the ambulance, one passing on each side and then leaving the ambulance in the dust. Scary. I would drive in New Jersey any day.

Oh my. o.O

My next vehicle is going to be one of those Wells Fargo/Brinks money trucks.

Then I defy anyone to hit me. LOL

XD Sounds like a plan.

Ideally, I would like to have four steel cone like objects, two on the front and then two on the rear, sort of like short unicorn horns, but strong steel. This way if someone hits you from the rear, they just impale their car. The thinking would be, 'that will teach you for driving two inches from the back end of my vehicle. And if you broadside someone because they turned left in front of you. Oh well.

*evil laugh is heard*

I say the primary method of transportation is Mario Karts. If someone is a bad driver, just use a red shell or hit them with a star. xD

Now that's a great idea. I was going to mount a couple Uzi's on each side of the front, but I was certain this wouldn't be approved. The red shell or star is a much more effective method!

star + mega mushroom in a traffic jam. xD

*eyes widen8

OH!!! Even better!

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


School got cancelled in my town by snow for the first time in over six years.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronoym Domine*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


School got cancelled in my town by snow for the first time in over six years.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronoym Domine*~*

That is awsome. xD

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


School got cancelled in my town by snow for the first time in over six years.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronoym Domine*~*

That is awsome. xD

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


*throws a snowball at Trent* We got over three inches of snow!


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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It's actually cold out now! :rolleyes: And they decorated the dining hall for Christmas. It's so pretty! ^_^

Can you eat the decorations? :huh:

No. o.O It's all lights and trees and penguins and poinsettias and stuff. lol the penguins remind me of Sheena...is she even still alive? I miss her British-penguin self.

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It's actually cold out now! :rolleyes: And they decorated the dining hall for Christmas. It's so pretty! ^_^

Can you eat the decorations? :huh:

No. o.O It's all lights and trees and penguins and poinsettias and stuff. lol the penguins remind me of Sheena...is she even still alive? I miss her British-penguin self.

She hasn't been here in quite some time. I would guess that she is doing great.

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Today is my favorite kind of day. I woke up, looked outside and there is a fantastic fog over the river. A fog so thick you are unable to see the other side. It is a drizzly-type day with some wind and low overcast. I LOVE these days!!! I almost wish it would stay on the darker overcast rainy side all day, but that never happens in Florida unless we have hurricanes, and that season is over.

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Today is my favorite kind of day. I woke up, looked outside and there is a fantastic fog over the river. A fog so thick you are unable to see the other side. It is a drizzly-type day with some wind and low overcast. I LOVE these days!!! I almost wish it would stay on the darker overcast rainy side all day, but that never happens in Florida unless we have hurricanes, and that season is over.

That is so cool. :) It got COLD out around here! My feet were numb several times yesterday. But now at least we have a chance of snow. ^_^

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Me and my friends drew the Pink Floyd prisim in the snow at school. =D Then we built a snowman that said "More Than A Feeling: 2006", and then it died before we could take a picture. D=


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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There was frost on the ground this morning! :o^_^

Better in New Jersey than in Florida. :lol:

Yep. :P I can't wait for snow! ^_^ They say it might snow on Friday, I think.

I will remind you of how nice it is to be on the beach when the snow turns to dirty slush. LOL

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There was frost on the ground this morning! :o^_^

Better in New Jersey than in Florida. :lol:

Yep. :P I can't wait for snow! ^_^ They say it might snow on Friday, I think.

I will remind you of how nice it is to be on the beach when the snow turns to dirty slush. LOL

lol :P The forecast has changed to scattered flurries overnight, and just plain wind and cold tomorrow. :glare:

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There was frost on the ground this morning! :o^_^

Better in New Jersey than in Florida. :lol:

Yep. :P I can't wait for snow! ^_^ They say it might snow on Friday, I think.

I will remind you of how nice it is to be on the beach when the snow turns to dirty slush. LOL

lol :P The forecast has changed to scattered flurries overnight, and just plain wind and cold tomorrow. :glare:

Just to make your day a bit worse, here is a picture of the moon last night... tonight is the space launch.



It is going to happen at around 21H35 this evening.

Pictures hopefully will be posted later. The night launches are really hard to take pictures of with this digital, so cross your paws, fingers, toes, hooves, anything.

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There was frost on the ground this morning! :o^_^

Better in New Jersey than in Florida. :lol:

Yep. :P I can't wait for snow! ^_^ They say it might snow on Friday, I think.

I will remind you of how nice it is to be on the beach when the snow turns to dirty slush. LOL

lol :P The forecast has changed to scattered flurries overnight, and just plain wind and cold tomorrow. :glare:

Just to make your day a bit worse, here is a picture of the moon last night... tonight is the space launch.



It is going to happen at around 21H35 this evening.

Pictures hopefully will be posted later. The night launches are really hard to take pictures of with this digital, so cross your paws, fingers, toes, hooves, anything.

Very pretty. :) What brand of camera do you have?

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There was frost on the ground this morning! :o^_^

Better in New Jersey than in Florida. :lol:

Yep. :P I can't wait for snow! ^_^ They say it might snow on Friday, I think.

I will remind you of how nice it is to be on the beach when the snow turns to dirty slush. LOL

lol :P The forecast has changed to scattered flurries overnight, and just plain wind and cold tomorrow. :glare:

Just to make your day a bit worse, here is a picture of the moon last night... tonight is the space launch.



It is going to happen at around 21H35 this evening.

Pictures hopefully will be posted later. The night launches are really hard to take pictures of with this digital, so cross your paws, fingers, toes, hooves, anything.

Very pretty. :) What brand of camera do you have?

Just a little Nikon Coolpix.


I had a little trouble because I didn't have a tripod or something to hold it steady.

It's a really big camera for a hamster. So, I was a little shaky.

*thinks... maybe it was too much sugar and caffeine*

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Lovely weather? Melting weather. The heat is SWELTERING. If you ever feel too cold up there in the northern hemisphere pay Australia a visit and bring a truckload of sunscreen. Not to mention plenty of fans. And stay somewhere with air conditioning.


In the meantime I'll just melt. Here. *melts*

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Lovely weather? Melting weather. The heat is SWELTERING. If you ever feel too cold up there in the northern hemisphere pay Australia a visit and bring a truckload of sunscreen. Not to mention plenty of fans. And stay somewhere with air conditioning.


In the meantime I'll just melt. Here. *melts*

Your house??? :huh:

Can I come and stay at your house?

*packs bags and gets airplane ready*

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Lovely weather? Melting weather. The heat is SWELTERING. If you ever feel too cold up there in the northern hemisphere pay Australia a visit and bring a truckload of sunscreen. Not to mention plenty of fans. And stay somewhere with air conditioning.


In the meantime I'll just melt. Here. *melts*

Your house??? :huh:

Can I come and stay at your house?

*packs bags and gets airplane ready*

*melts on keyboard*


shfam nzk8mfyr5x9c

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Lovely weather? Melting weather. The heat is SWELTERING. If you ever feel too cold up there in the northern hemisphere pay Australia a visit and bring a truckload of sunscreen. Not to mention plenty of fans. And stay somewhere with air conditioning.


In the meantime I'll just melt. Here. *melts*

Your house??? :huh:

Can I come and stay at your house?

*packs bags and gets airplane ready*

*melts on keyboard*


shfam nzk8mfyr5x9c

I'll take that as a yes. :lol:

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Lovely weather? Melting weather. The heat is SWELTERING. If you ever feel too cold up there in the northern hemisphere pay Australia a visit and bring a truckload of sunscreen. Not to mention plenty of fans. And stay somewhere with air conditioning.


In the meantime I'll just melt. Here. *melts*

Your house??? :huh:

Can I come and stay at your house?

*packs bags and gets airplane ready*

*melts on keyboard*


shfam nzk8mfyr5x9c

I'll take that as a yes. :lol:

bbbbbbbbbbbbbbrrrrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggggg iiiiiiiiiiiiiiicccccccccccccceeeeeeeeeeeeee.................


*is the opposite of HK right now*

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Lovely weather? Melting weather. The heat is SWELTERING. If you ever feel too cold up there in the northern hemisphere pay Australia a visit and bring a truckload of sunscreen. Not to mention plenty of fans. And stay somewhere with air conditioning.


In the meantime I'll just melt. Here. *melts*

Your house??? :huh:

Can I come and stay at your house?

*packs bags and gets airplane ready*

*melts on keyboard*


shfam nzk8mfyr5x9c

I'll take that as a yes. :lol:

bbbbbbbbbbbbbbrrrrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggggg iiiiiiiiiiiiiiicccccccccccccceeeeeeeeeeeeee.................


*is the opposite of HK right now*


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No snow where I live Horatio. Last year, when we went to get our Christmas Tree, the weekend after Thanksgiving, there was 3 feet of snow on the ground, this time, it was 60. I sure hope we get snow for Christmas. And that pciture your posted was beautiful. I wish I could be there.

Come on down!!!

Your room is waiting for you!!!

Bring your camera and hopefully there will be another launch.

Stop into my topic in HampsterDance Talk and look for a picture of the shuttle launch tonight!!!

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No snow where I live Horatio. Last year, when we went to get our Christmas Tree, the weekend after Thanksgiving, there was 3 feet of snow on the ground, this time, it was 60. I sure hope we get snow for Christmas. And that pciture your posted was beautiful. I wish I could be there.

60 feet of snow! wow! xD

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No snow where I live Horatio. Last year, when we went to get our Christmas Tree, the weekend after Thanksgiving, there was 3 feet of snow on the ground, this time, it was 60. I sure hope we get snow for Christmas. And that pciture your posted was beautiful. I wish I could be there.

60 feet of snow! wow! xD



you get The Triple Gold Star Award for that twist!!! STELLAR!!!


*lets Cheesemaster pick up his own award as it is too heavy for me to lift*

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No snow where I live Horatio. Last year, when we went to get our Christmas Tree, the weekend after Thanksgiving, there was 3 feet of snow on the ground, this time, it was 60. I sure hope we get snow for Christmas. And that pciture your posted was beautiful. I wish I could be there.

60 feet of snow! wow! xD



you get The Triple Gold Star Award for that twist!!! STELLAR!!!


*lets Cheesemaster pick up his own award as it is too heavy for me to lift*

Huzzah! *goes to edit siggy and check if avvies have been randomly updated*

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Today looked like it was going to be a typical Florida day, but now we have an overcast with sprinkles.

N I C E ! ! ! !

*really loves these days* :D

It's supposed to get up into the 50's for the rest of the week. And it's December... :ph34r:

Don't get too excited. It is a trick to lure you all in thinking you will not have any snow for Christmas.

Then... POW!!! A Blizzard on Christmas Eve. :lol:

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Today looked like it was going to be a typical Florida day, but now we have an overcast with sprinkles.

N I C E ! ! ! !

*really loves these days* :D

It's supposed to get up into the 50's for the rest of the week. And it's December... :ph34r:

Don't get too excited. It is a trick to lure you all in thinking you will not have any snow for Christmas.

Then... POW!!! A Blizzard on Christmas Eve. :lol:

I wouldn't mind one of those!

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Today looked like it was going to be a typical Florida day, but now we have an overcast with sprinkles.

N I C E ! ! ! !

*really loves these days* :D

It's supposed to get up into the 50's for the rest of the week. And it's December... :ph34r:

Don't get too excited. It is a trick to lure you all in thinking you will not have any snow for Christmas.

Then... POW!!! A Blizzard on Christmas Eve. :lol:

I wouldn't mind one of those!

Do you need some time away at Serenity Springs?


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Today looked like it was going to be a typical Florida day, but now we have an overcast with sprinkles.

N I C E ! ! ! !

*really loves these days* :D

It's supposed to get up into the 50's for the rest of the week. And it's December... :ph34r:

Don't get too excited. It is a trick to lure you all in thinking you will not have any snow for Christmas.

Then... POW!!! A Blizzard on Christmas Eve. :lol:

I wouldn't mind one of those!

Do you need some time away at Serenity Springs?


No, I would love a Christmas Eve blizzard. ^_^ As long as the power doesn't go out and the pipes don't freeze. :)

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Today looked like it was going to be a typical Florida day, but now we have an overcast with sprinkles.

N I C E ! ! ! !

*really loves these days* :D

It's supposed to get up into the 50's for the rest of the week. And it's December... :ph34r:

Don't get too excited. It is a trick to lure you all in thinking you will not have any snow for Christmas.

Then... POW!!! A Blizzard on Christmas Eve. :lol:

I wouldn't mind one of those!

Do you need some time away at Serenity Springs?


No, I would love a Christmas Eve blizzard. ^_^ As long as the power doesn't go out and the pipes don't freeze. :)

Well, how about enough snow to still allow everyone to be able to drive around, but no freezing of pipes or power outages.

*looks upward and puts in a request*

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Today looked like it was going to be a typical Florida day, but now we have an overcast with sprinkles.

N I C E ! ! ! !

*really loves these days* :D

It's supposed to get up into the 50's for the rest of the week. And it's December... :ph34r:

Don't get too excited. It is a trick to lure you all in thinking you will not have any snow for Christmas.

Then... POW!!! A Blizzard on Christmas Eve. :lol:

I wouldn't mind one of those!

Do you need some time away at Serenity Springs?


No, I would love a Christmas Eve blizzard. ^_^ As long as the power doesn't go out and the pipes don't freeze. :)

Well, how about enough snow to still allow everyone to be able to drive around, but no freezing of pipes or power outages.

*looks upward and puts in a request*

That would be nice too, but as it is, it's supposed to be 66 degrees on Monday. :blink:

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Today looked like it was going to be a typical Florida day, but now we have an overcast with sprinkles.

N I C E ! ! ! !

*really loves these days* :D

It's supposed to get up into the 50's for the rest of the week. And it's December... :ph34r:

Don't get too excited. It is a trick to lure you all in thinking you will not have any snow for Christmas.

Then... POW!!! A Blizzard on Christmas Eve. :lol:

I wouldn't mind one of those!

Do you need some time away at Serenity Springs?


No, I would love a Christmas Eve blizzard. ^_^ As long as the power doesn't go out and the pipes don't freeze. :)

Well, how about enough snow to still allow everyone to be able to drive around, but no freezing of pipes or power outages.

*looks upward and puts in a request*

That would be nice too, but as it is, it's supposed to be 66 degrees on Monday. :blink:

WHOA!!! You guys are having a heat wave up there!!! LOL

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Today looked like it was going to be a typical Florida day, but now we have an overcast with sprinkles.

N I C E ! ! ! !

*really loves these days* :D

It's supposed to get up into the 50's for the rest of the week. And it's December... :ph34r:

Don't get too excited. It is a trick to lure you all in thinking you will not have any snow for Christmas.

Then... POW!!! A Blizzard on Christmas Eve. :lol:

I wouldn't mind one of those!

Do you need some time away at Serenity Springs?


No, I would love a Christmas Eve blizzard. ^_^ As long as the power doesn't go out and the pipes don't freeze. :)

Well, how about enough snow to still allow everyone to be able to drive around, but no freezing of pipes or power outages.

*looks upward and puts in a request*

That would be nice too, but as it is, it's supposed to be 66 degrees on Monday. :blink:

WHOA!!! You guys are having a heat wave up there!!! LOL

Yeah, I hope it gets cold for January, because a want to teach a couple of my friends how to ski over vacation.

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Today looked like it was going to be a typical Florida day, but now we have an overcast with sprinkles.

N I C E ! ! ! !

*really loves these days* :D

It's supposed to get up into the 50's for the rest of the week. And it's December... :ph34r:

Don't get too excited. It is a trick to lure you all in thinking you will not have any snow for Christmas.

Then... POW!!! A Blizzard on Christmas Eve. :lol:

I wouldn't mind one of those!

Do you need some time away at Serenity Springs?


No, I would love a Christmas Eve blizzard. ^_^ As long as the power doesn't go out and the pipes don't freeze. :)

Well, how about enough snow to still allow everyone to be able to drive around, but no freezing of pipes or power outages.

*looks upward and puts in a request*

That would be nice too, but as it is, it's supposed to be 66 degrees on Monday. :blink:

WHOA!!! You guys are having a heat wave up there!!! LOL

Yeah, I hope it gets cold for January, because a want to teach a couple of my friends how to ski over vacation.

The first thing you have to teach them it NOT to sit on the T or J Bar! LOL

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Yes, but I think more important is the difference between pointing your toes inward (stopping) and pointing your toes away from each other (doing a split).

LOL, but you make a bigger fool of yourself when you try to sit down on the T bar. LOL

*cough, cough*

Do you think I have done that before?

:rolleyes::rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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Yes, but I think more important is the difference between pointing your toes inward (stopping) and pointing your toes away from each other (doing a split).

LOL, but you make a bigger fool of yourself when you try to sit down on the T bar. LOL

*cough, cough*

Do you think I have done that before?

:rolleyes::rolleyes: :rolleyes:

lol lucky for me, my ski instructor warned us not to do that. :rolleyes: There was the time that I was a bit late in getting off the chair lift and fell about four feet down. :rolleyes:

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Yes, but I think more important is the difference between pointing your toes inward (stopping) and pointing your toes away from each other (doing a split).

LOL, but you make a bigger fool of yourself when you try to sit down on the T bar. LOL

*cough, cough*

Do you think I have done that before?

:rolleyes::rolleyes: :rolleyes:

lol lucky for me, my ski instructor warned us not to do that. :rolleyes: There was the time that I was a bit late in getting off the chair lift and fell about four feet down. :rolleyes:

Good thing you didn't wait any longer!

*has visions of Jesusfreak riding the lift back down the other side* LOL

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


The three feet of snow has melted.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*


*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


The Astronomy Domine had plenty of fun sliding around on ice, having snowball fights, and poking each other with Iceicles! :D


*~*The Psychedlic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


The three feet of snow has melted.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*


*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


The Astronomy Domine had plenty of fun sliding around on ice, having snowball fights, and poking each other with Iceicles! :D


*~*The Psychedlic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Snow is great when it is first falling. Then while it is new and you can play in it, make snow angels, snow men and have snow ball fights.


.....UCK..... the brown, yellow slush is all around turning the ground to mud.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


The three feet of snow has melted.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*


*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


The Astronomy Domine had plenty of fun sliding around on ice, having snowball fights, and poking each other with Iceicles! :D


*~*The Psychedlic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Snow is great when it is first falling. Then while it is new and you can play in it, make snow angels, snow men and have snow ball fights.


.....UCK..... the brown, yellow slush is all around turning the ground to mud.

Agreed. That was one of the very few nice things about my bus ride to high school being at 6am. When it snowed overnight, you got to see everything in the morning covered in a sparkling pristine coat of snow. And then you sat through two hours of traffic on I-95. :rolleyes: The sludge is no fun though.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


The three feet of snow has melted.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*


*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


The Astronomy Domine had plenty of fun sliding around on ice, having snowball fights, and poking each other with Iceicles! :D


*~*The Psychedlic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Snow is great when it is first falling. Then while it is new and you can play in it, make snow angels, snow men and have snow ball fights.


.....UCK..... the brown, yellow slush is all around turning the ground to mud.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Then it gets all hard and slippery. >_>


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astrononoy Domien*~*

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The news said there was a major power outage in the northeast due to a wind storm.

Hopefully, you all didn't lose your power. :unsure:


Wind storm? Oh yeah, we had some wind gusts over here. Nothing bad though. I hope the same can be said for our other northeastern peoples.

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The news said there was a major power outage in the northeast due to a wind storm.

Hopefully, you all didn't lose your power. :unsure:

Hm...nothing here, and everything seems fine from my mom's end. There's a lovely sunset outside though, which strikes me as odd seeing as I only got up about two hours ago. :blink:

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The news said there was a major power outage in the northeast due to a wind storm.

Hopefully, you all didn't lose your power. :unsure:

Hm...nothing here, and everything seems fine from my mom's end. There's a lovely sunset outside though, which strikes me as odd seeing as I only got up about two hours ago. :blink:


You're getting on my schedule... nocturnal! LOL

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The news said there was a major power outage in the northeast due to a wind storm.

Hopefully, you all didn't lose your power. :unsure:

Hm...nothing here, and everything seems fine from my mom's end. There's a lovely sunset outside though, which strikes me as odd seeing as I only got up about two hours ago. :blink:


You're getting on my schedule... nocturnal! LOL

I had no power struggles.

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The news said there was a major power outage in the northeast due to a wind storm.

Hopefully, you all didn't lose your power. :unsure:

Hm...nothing here, and everything seems fine from my mom's end. There's a lovely sunset outside though, which strikes me as odd seeing as I only got up about two hours ago. :blink:


You're getting on my schedule... nocturnal! LOL

I had no power struggles.

I didn't think you would... the power rests with your parents.

*snide snicker is heard*

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The news said there was a major power outage in the northeast due to a wind storm.

Hopefully, you all didn't lose your power. :unsure:

Hm...nothing here, and everything seems fine from my mom's end. There's a lovely sunset outside though, which strikes me as odd seeing as I only got up about two hours ago. :blink:


You're getting on my schedule... nocturnal! LOL

I had no power struggles.

I didn't think you would... the power rests with your parents.

*snide snicker is heard*

Wait, the cat sleeps in my parent's room... so my cat is the power?

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The news said there was a major power outage in the northeast due to a wind storm.

Hopefully, you all didn't lose your power. :unsure:

Hm...nothing here, and everything seems fine from my mom's end. There's a lovely sunset outside though, which strikes me as odd seeing as I only got up about two hours ago. :blink:


You're getting on my schedule... nocturnal! LOL

Pretty much. It occured to me yesterday that when I go home i'm going to suffer from jet lag. not due to a change in time zone, but due to a change in sleeping patterns. :rolleyes:

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The news said there was a major power outage in the northeast due to a wind storm.

Hopefully, you all didn't lose your power. :unsure:

Hm...nothing here, and everything seems fine from my mom's end. There's a lovely sunset outside though, which strikes me as odd seeing as I only got up about two hours ago. :blink:


You're getting on my schedule... nocturnal! LOL

I had no power struggles.

I didn't think you would... the power rests with your parents.

*snide snicker is heard*

Wait, the cat sleeps in my parent's room... so my cat is the power?

No, I going to guess your father is the power!!!

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The news said there was a major power outage in the northeast due to a wind storm.

Hopefully, you all didn't lose your power. :unsure:

Hm...nothing here, and everything seems fine from my mom's end. There's a lovely sunset outside though, which strikes me as odd seeing as I only got up about two hours ago. :blink:


You're getting on my schedule... nocturnal! LOL

Pretty much. It occured to me yesterday that when I go home i'm going to suffer from jet lag. not due to a change in time zone, but due to a change in sleeping patterns. :rolleyes:

*sends Jesusfreak some eye sleepwear thingies and a Do Not Distrub Sign*

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The news said there was a major power outage in the northeast due to a wind storm.

Hopefully, you all didn't lose your power. :unsure:

Hm...nothing here, and everything seems fine from my mom's end. There's a lovely sunset outside though, which strikes me as odd seeing as I only got up about two hours ago. :blink:


You're getting on my schedule... nocturnal! LOL

Pretty much. It occured to me yesterday that when I go home i'm going to suffer from jet lag. not due to a change in time zone, but due to a change in sleeping patterns. :rolleyes:

*sends Jesusfreak some eye sleepwear thingies and a Do Not Distrub Sign*

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


what@teh Distrub. XD


*~*The Psyhcedelic Luau8~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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The news said there was a major power outage in the northeast due to a wind storm.

Hopefully, you all didn't lose your power. :unsure:

Hm...nothing here, and everything seems fine from my mom's end. There's a lovely sunset outside though, which strikes me as odd seeing as I only got up about two hours ago. :blink:


You're getting on my schedule... nocturnal! LOL

Pretty much. It occured to me yesterday that when I go home i'm going to suffer from jet lag. not due to a change in time zone, but due to a change in sleeping patterns. :rolleyes:

*sends Jesusfreak some eye sleepwear thingies and a Do Not Distrub Sign*

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


what@teh Distrub. XD


*~*The Psyhcedelic Luau8~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Typo alert! LOL

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The news said there was a major power outage in the northeast due to a wind storm.

Hopefully, you all didn't lose your power. :unsure:

Hm...nothing here, and everything seems fine from my mom's end. There's a lovely sunset outside though, which strikes me as odd seeing as I only got up about two hours ago. :blink:


You're getting on my schedule... nocturnal! LOL

Pretty much. It occured to me yesterday that when I go home i'm going to suffer from jet lag. not due to a change in time zone, but due to a change in sleeping patterns. :rolleyes:

*sends Jesusfreak some eye sleepwear thingies and a Do Not Distrub Sign*

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


what@teh Distrub. XD


*~*The Psyhcedelic Luau8~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Typo alert! LOL

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


*hands Jesusfreak cucumbers so she can be pretty* =D


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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The news said there was a major power outage in the northeast due to a wind storm.

Hopefully, you all didn't lose your power. :unsure:

Hm...nothing here, and everything seems fine from my mom's end. There's a lovely sunset outside though, which strikes me as odd seeing as I only got up about two hours ago. :blink:


You're getting on my schedule... nocturnal! LOL

Pretty much. It occured to me yesterday that when I go home i'm going to suffer from jet lag. not due to a change in time zone, but due to a change in sleeping patterns. :rolleyes:

*sends Jesusfreak some eye sleepwear thingies and a Do Not Distrub Sign*

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


what@teh Distrub. XD


*~*The Psyhcedelic Luau8~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Typo alert! LOL

I hereby create a new award and you can win the first one.


It is the "Lol-ing Llama Award"


Needs no explanation.

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The news said there was a major power outage in the northeast due to a wind storm.

Hopefully, you all didn't lose your power. :unsure:

Hm...nothing here, and everything seems fine from my mom's end. There's a lovely sunset outside though, which strikes me as odd seeing as I only got up about two hours ago. :blink:


You're getting on my schedule... nocturnal! LOL

Pretty much. It occured to me yesterday that when I go home i'm going to suffer from jet lag. not due to a change in time zone, but due to a change in sleeping patterns. :rolleyes:

*sends Jesusfreak some eye sleepwear thingies and a Do Not Distrub Sign*

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


what@teh Distrub. XD


*~*The Psyhcedelic Luau8~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Typo alert! LOL

I hereby create a new award and you can win the first one.


It is the "Lol-ing Llama Award"


Needs no explanation.


*graciously accepts the beautiful award*

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

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Weather has been pretty dissappointing. :( No snow yet besides an EXTREMELY light flurrie a while back.

It was in the 80's today! YES!!!

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Why do you have a time machine and I don't?


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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Weather has been pretty dissappointing. :( No snow yet besides an EXTREMELY light flurrie a while back.

It was in the 80's today! YES!!!

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Why do you have a time machine and I don't?


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

*gives Mushroom_king her own personal time machine*

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Weather has been pretty dissappointing. :( No snow yet besides an EXTREMELY light flurrie a while back.

It was in the 80's today! YES!!!

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Why do you have a time machine and I don't?


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

*gives Mushroom_king her own personal time machine*

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*the Final Cut*~*


I waaaaas going to go to The Pink Floyd The Wall concert from the early eighties, but I'm waiting for Glowurm so he can go with me.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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It's raining now, and the rain should stop by tomorrow afternoon. :)

:lol: Wishful thinking. :lol:

No, it looks like it's stopped raining, it's just really cloudy and gloomy looking now. And it's supposedly "partly cloudy" in NYC, which is where I'm going in a little over an hour. ^_^

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It's raining now, and the rain should stop by tomorrow afternoon. :)

:lol: Wishful thinking. :lol:

No, it looks like it's stopped raining, it's just really cloudy and gloomy looking now. And it's supposedly "partly cloudy" in NYC, which is where I'm going in a little over an hour. ^_^

*jumps into Jesusfreak's pocket for the trip into NYC*

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It's raining now, and the rain should stop by tomorrow afternoon. :)

:lol: Wishful thinking. :lol:

No, it looks like it's stopped raining, it's just really cloudy and gloomy looking now. And it's supposedly "partly cloudy" in NYC, which is where I'm going in a little over an hour. ^_^

*jumps into Jesusfreak's pocket for the trip into NYC*

haha you and your pocket trips. I'll have you get you a travel cage. :P It snowed this morning! ^_^ My mom woke me up and said, "Hey Terry, look out the window before it stops." I wasn't to thrilled about being woken up (even if it was around noon), but seeing snow made me happy. ^_^

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It's raining now, and the rain should stop by tomorrow afternoon. :)

:lol: Wishful thinking. :lol:

No, it looks like it's stopped raining, it's just really cloudy and gloomy looking now. And it's supposedly "partly cloudy" in NYC, which is where I'm going in a little over an hour. ^_^

*jumps into Jesusfreak's pocket for the trip into NYC*

haha you and your pocket trips. I'll have you get you a travel cage. :P It snowed this morning! ^_^ My mom woke me up and said, "Hey Terry, look out the window before it stops." I wasn't to thrilled about being woken up (even if it was around noon), but seeing snow made me happy. ^_^

Yeah!!! Glad to hear it snowed, I know this made you happy.

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It's a full moon tomorrow! ^_^ I guess that's not really weather related but I'm saying it anyway. (It's a wolf thing. ;) )


Other than that things are pretty calm in northern CT. And there shouldn't be any precipitation until Friday. (And that's RAIN, not snow...no snow days yet this school year. Yay for getting out earlier in June!)

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It's a full moon tomorrow! ^_^ I guess that's not really weather related but I'm saying it anyway. (It's a wolf thing. ;) )


Other than that things are pretty calm in northern CT. And there shouldn't be any precipitation until Friday. (And that's RAIN, not snow...no snow days yet this school year. Yay for getting out earlier in June!)

*hears the howls beginning to start up north*

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Whaddya know, there is no snow

it is really sad, where did it go?

So, no snow causes woe, I know.

LOL... *hands Cheesemaster a cookie, fresh from the oven*

Yay cookies! =D

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It's 60 degrees now!! Holy howl, I've already shed what little undercoat I was growing for the winter. This is going to mess me up when...if the snow comes.



My English teacher saw on TV that there were cherry blossoms blooming already. Unfortunately they are most likely going to die before winter ends. :( And they might not be able to come back in the spring. What happens if the trees start to sprout leaves this month? It's kind of scary.


What the heck is going on here? Did Connecticut decide to get an ecosystem independent of the rest of the world?

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It's 60 degrees now!! Holy howl, I've already shed what little undercoat I was growing for the winter. This is going to mess me up when...if the snow comes.



My English teacher saw on TV that there were cherry blossoms blooming already. Unfortunately they are most likely going to die before winter ends. :( And they might not be able to come back in the spring. What happens if the trees start to sprout leaves this month? It's kind of scary.


What the heck is going on here? Did Connecticut decide to get an ecosystem independent of the rest of the world?

I dunno, but this is pretty messed up. (of course now that we're all complaining about the lack of cold we're probably going to have a week-long blizzard and God will say, "Hey, you asked for it.") :rolleyes:

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It's 60 degrees now!! Holy howl, I've already shed what little undercoat I was growing for the winter. This is going to mess me up when...if the snow comes.



My English teacher saw on TV that there were cherry blossoms blooming already. Unfortunately they are most likely going to die before winter ends. :( And they might not be able to come back in the spring. What happens if the trees start to sprout leaves this month? It's kind of scary.


What the heck is going on here? Did Connecticut decide to get an ecosystem independent of the rest of the world?

I dunno, but this is pretty messed up. (of course now that we're all complaining about the lack of cold we're probably going to have a week-long blizzard and God will say, "Hey, you asked for it.") :rolleyes:


*files this conversation in memory bank*


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