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Child abuse Poem

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Ok Prepare to be sad and have yer Eyes swwell with tears Cuz This poem is TRUE!



MY Name is Caitlin

and I am but 2

I would love to say

Hello to you

But I cannot Cuz I have no strength to speak

Sometimes I feel that Im small and meek

Here comes my daddy! In his hand is a belt

You have no Idea how that must of felt

I did nothing wrong! I Am telling the truth!

Sometimes I felt that i wasnt that Cute

He beats with that whip, Killes me to shreds

My Mommy is gone she cannot Protect me like she said

I start to sob He Beats me again

Oh why God Oh WHY? Plese make it end

My name is Caitlin

and I am but 2

Has anything like this

Ever happened to you?

And now the poor person who had to go thru aLL that suffering was



































































;_; ;_; ;_;























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Ok Prepare to be sad and have yer Eyes swwell with tears Cuz This poem is TRUE!



MY Name is Caitlin

and I am but 2

I would love to say

Hello to you

But I cannot Cuz I have no strength to speak

Sometimes I feel that Im small and meek

Here comes my daddy! In his hand is a belt

You have no Idea how that must of felt

I did nothing wrong! I Am telling the truth!

Sometimes I felt that i wasnt that Cute

He beats with that whip, Killes me to shreds

My Mommy is gone she cannot Protect me like she said

I start to sob He Beats me again

Oh why God Oh WHY? Plese make it end

My name is Caitlin

and I am but 2

Has anything like this

Ever happened to you?

And now  the poor person who had to go thru aLL that suffering was













































:(  :(  :(  :(  :(






















;_; ;_; ;_;























awe *Sniffels* how sad

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*hugs everyone, eyes teary*


I wish I had the courage to put my experience up here!

*thinks about bad stuff that happened to me*

*realizes Mk can read this*

*quietly hands her a spiffercake out of respect*

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Child abuse is much more common than we think.

I seriously dislike anyone who even thinks about doing something mean to a child.

I can't hate them, but I can dislike them.

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Thank you freinds..... I only remember.... the pain......

*hugs tightly*

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  • 1 year later...

*gives a giant hug* I can only imagine what that's like. In my case I only got a palm in the behind, and even then it wasn't very often.


Parents make me so angry sometimes. The two trends today are either they think their child is too special to ever get hurt, or they think that it is okay to shape the child however they want with any punishment they want to use. :angry: There is little respect for the children it seems. Don't they realize that children are the future as well as the present? They're throwing it in the trash!

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*gives a giant hug* I can only imagine what that's like. In my case I only got a palm in the behind, and even then it wasn't very often.


Parents make me so angry sometimes. The two trends today are either they think their child is too special to ever get hurt, or they think that it is okay to shape the child however they want with any punishment they want to use. :angry: There is little respect for the children it seems. Don't they realize that children are the future as well as the present? They're throwing it in the trash!

Very true. Sometimes I wonder why adults don't think about how they treat young people. It seems so short-sighted.

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  • 2 weeks later...
*gives a giant hug* I can only imagine what that's like. In my case I only got a palm in the behind, and even then it wasn't very often.


Parents make me so angry sometimes. The two trends today are either they think their child is too special to ever get hurt, or they think that it is okay to shape the child however they want with any punishment they want to use. :angry: There is little respect for the children it seems. Don't they realize that children are the future as well as the present? They're throwing it in the trash!

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


No seems to respect children today, no one seems to care how they act. I go to Sakteport on Friday and see small children swearing and other nonesuch.

Oh, Eric Clapton, I'm going off into another "Today's generation are a bunch of Potty-Mouthed Sex-Crazed Hooligans who have no taste in music and need a month in the lunch meat aisle" conversation. <_<


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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