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bored outa my mind...


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i am dead bored... thats why im here. its summer time. weeeee. i have plans almost up to the day i leave jersey... crazy. then i come back and i have plans for then too. oh 'crud' :rolleyes:


i have absoulutly nothing to do... its weird cuz in the summer i get tired and want to sleep like 4 hours before i ever did during the school year. i used to be able to stay up till like 2 every nite and find somthing to do but now i have nothing... i feel like i am sleeping my summer away.


but yea... wednesday nite i set the best fire with my friends. we exploded 2 axe cans. one was really loud so we stamped out the fire and got the heck outa there. the next day we did firecrackers... and were planning another huge fire because we have a "crud" load of raid and paper left. hehehe i love fire.


mood: tired/bored

Song: silvet bullet-hawthorn heights

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Lucky. :P  I have loads of stuff to do over the summer, and it's no fun. :(

that stinks. well i saw the fireworks today. fun.me and my friends sung the used all the way home. <3 hahaha/ now im bored. :lol::rolleyes:

Come to my cage... you can help me clean! :lol:


*Wonders if she will find "presents" in there*

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Lucky. :P  I have loads of stuff to do over the summer, and it's no fun. :(

that stinks. well i saw the fireworks today. fun.me and my friends sung the used all the way home. :rolleyes:

Come to my cage... you can help me clean! :lol:


*Wonders if she will find "presents" in there*



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Lucky. :P  I have loads of stuff to do over the summer, and it's no fun. :(

that stinks. well i saw the fireworks today. fun.me and my friends sung the used all the way home. <3 hahaha/ now im bored. :lol::rolleyes:

Come to my cage... you can help me clean! :lol:

can i come? ill help u lots!

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Lucky. :P  I have loads of stuff to do over the summer, and it's no fun. :(

that stinks. well i saw the fireworks today. fun.me and my friends sung the used all the way home. :rolleyes:

Come to my cage... you can help me clean! :lol:

can i come? ill help u lots!


*makes a pot of coffee and waits for Mullaypop*

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Lucky. :P  I have loads of stuff to do over the summer, and it's no fun. :(

that stinks. well i saw the fireworks today. fun.me and my friends sung the used all the way home. <3 hahaha/ now im bored. :lol::rolleyes:

Come to my cage... you can help me clean! :lol:

can i come? ill help u lots!


*makes a pot of coffee and waits for Mullaypop*

I'd love to come. Today has been a draggg.

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Lucky. :P  I have loads of stuff to do over the summer, and it's no fun. :(

that stinks. well i saw the fireworks today. fun.me and my friends sung the used all the way home. :rolleyes:

Come to my cage... you can help me clean! :lol:

can i come? ill help u lots!


*makes a pot of coffee and waits for Mullaypop*

I'd love to come. Today has been a draggg.

You are most welcome... come on!

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Lucky. :P  I have loads of stuff to do over the summer, and it's no fun. :(

that stinks. well i saw the fireworks today. fun.me and my friends sung the used all the way home. <3 hahaha/ now im bored. :lol::rolleyes:

Come to my cage... you can help me clean! :lol:

can i come? ill help u lots!


*makes a pot of coffee and waits for Mullaypop*

I'd love to come. Today has been a draggg.

You are most welcome... come on!

It's a long way though, and I'm not sure I could book a flight 15 minutes before it leaves. Would you mind coming to get me?

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Lucky. :P  I have loads of stuff to do over the summer, and it's no fun. :(

that stinks. well i saw the fireworks today. fun.me and my friends sung the used all the way home. :rolleyes:

Come to my cage... you can help me clean! :lol:

can i come? ill help u lots!


*makes a pot of coffee and waits for Mullaypop*

I'd love to come. Today has been a draggg.

You are most welcome... come on!

It's a long way though, and I'm not sure I could book a flight 15 minutes before it leaves. Would you mind coming to get me?

I would not mind in the least! Let me first see if Mullaypop is on her way as she might want to ride with me. I would not want her to arrive and me not be here!!!

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Lucky. :P  I have loads of stuff to do over the summer, and it's no fun. :(

that stinks. well i saw the fireworks today. fun.me and my friends sung the used all the way home. <3 hahaha/ now im bored. :lol::rolleyes:

I'm always bored. In school, at home, anywhere. Unless something is actually interesting. The rareness.

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