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The Sneezing Hamster...

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Hello there. My parents 3 year old hamster has been sneezing and just looks...horrible. We don't know what's wrong with her, maybe old age? We got some medicine from the vet and that has helped her a little bit. Know anything Horatio?

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Hello there. My parents 3 year old hamster has been sneezing and just looks...horrible. We don't know what's wrong with her, maybe old age? We got some medicine from the vet and that has helped her a little bit. Know anything Horatio?

Hamsters can catch the common cold from humans. If you are coming down with a cold, when you are most contagious, you can pass the germs on to your hammie.


The other option is where he is allergic to something you have in his cage. Have you changed anything? What kind of bedding are you using? If in doubt, clean his cage and rip the newspaper to shreds and put it in his cage. NO bleached white paper, just plain old newspaper. Let me know if you have done anything different.

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Hello there. My parents 3 year old hamster has been sneezing and just looks...horrible. We don't know what's wrong with her, maybe old age? We got some medicine from the vet and that has helped her a little bit. Know anything Horatio?

*sends a Lifeandlove shroom to the poor hammie*

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...Yes. Well, now Pickles has whatever it is. My poor baby. He can't see out of one of his eyes, but he's also somewhat blind...

Toto, this is very, very important! A cold is the absolute worst thing a rodent can catch. If it is left untreated, it can develop into pneumonia and he could die. Please ask your mother to take them to the vet. If a hammie catches a cold and you do not give the medicine long enough, the relapse is far, far worse.


What might have happened is the following, someone held or touched your mother's sick hammie and then touched Pickles. It is so important to wash your hands before and after you handle your hammie.

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Yes, yes. We have some medicine, but I think Pickles is just getting old too. I'll try to give him some medicine later today.


I for one don't even touch their hamster. He's in my room now, but his cage used to be by hers....

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Yes, yes. We have some medicine, but I think Pickles is just getting old too. I'll try to give him some medicine later today.


I for one don't even touch their hamster. He's in my room now, but his cage used to be by hers....

I called my veterinarian and he said to make sure that you give your hammie the medicine for at least three weeks or until the medicine runs out. How old is Pickles?

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He's only one and a half. The two hamsters are sharing the medicine, though. (Don't worry...we're using different medicine givers.) But...I'm afraid that he won't live for 3 weeks. He's so weak. If you have a chance to call or talk to your Vet again, could you ask him what to do with the goop in Pickles' eyes? I wipe it off gentally with a washcloth and warm water, but it comes back.

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He's only one and a half. The two hamsters are sharing the medicine, though. (Don't worry...we're using different medicine givers.) But...I'm afraid that he won't live for 3 weeks. He's so weak. If you have a chance to call or talk to your Vet again, could you ask him what to do with the goop in Pickles' eyes? I wipe it off gentally with a washcloth and warm water, but it comes back.

One and one-half years is young.


The goop in Pickles' eye needs eye ointment or drops from your Vet. Mine have had eye problems before, but the problem will go away with treatment.

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Yes. Aren't Pickles breed supposed to grow up to 3?


Thank you so much! We'll be going to the vet tomorrow. I can't stand seeing his suffer. I'm going to go feed him some yogert now.

Change his water and make sure it is fresh. Also, do you have any carrots? A small piece of carrot would give him water and a great treat.

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Now he's constipated. Is that wet tail?

No, constipated is not wet tail. Wet tail is when is bottom area around his tail is wet. Wet tail is a very serious problem. Do you have any raw peanuts? NOT salted... RAW. The grocery store sells them in bags. You can give your hammies some raw peanuts. Protein plus they love them. You can give them 5 or 6 a day. They won't eat them all, but will probably remove the peanuts from their shells and hide them away.


Look at his bottom area around the tail and tell me what you see.

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Oh....I read up on wet tail, and it said that it takes 7 days for all the symtoms to show up. Under his tail is wet, and he now has diareah.


We have some water drops somewhere around here for wet tail, but I don't think that'll do it. Should we go to the vet?

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Oh....I read up on wet tail, and it said that it takes 7 days for all the symtoms to show up. Under his tail is wet, and he now has diareah.


We have some water drops somewhere around here for wet tail, but I don't think that'll do it. Should we go to the vet?

Go to your local pet store and get some medicine like drops for Wet Tail.

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I have some DriTail for him.


He's not doing well. I'm giving him carrots, which he loves and eats. But, if he's still not doing well and is still hanging in tomorrow, I'm going to probably put him down. I can't stand seeing him suffer this way.

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I have some DriTail for him.


He's not doing well. I'm giving him carrots, which he loves and eats. But, if he's still not doing well and is still hanging in tomorrow, I'm going to probably put him down. I can't stand seeing him suffer this way.

No more carrots, they have water. Raw peanuts. He will love them. He is not doing well, but if you give him the DriTail and dry seeds, nuts etc. he will improve. We are talking about your mother's hammie, not Pickles, is that correct?

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No. *sobs* This is Pickles.


We have some raw peanuts in the house. Doesn't he need the carrots for water if he isn't getting any, or is water bad?

Are you sure he is not drinking any water? If he isn't give him the carrot, but a small piece. If you make sure you keep giving him the DriTail, he will get better.

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You're right! He loves the plain peanuts! It says to give him DriTail for 5 days, so if he doesn't get better by then....


He drank some water last night! I was so happy. So I put a teaspoon of DriTail in his water like the package said.

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You're right! He loves the plain peanuts! It says to give him DriTail for 5 days, so if he doesn't get better by then....


He drank some water last night! I was so happy. So I put a teaspoon of DriTail in his water like the package said.

If you need to replace the water and add DriTail every day, please be diligent about this. Give him all the peanuts he wants. He will not overeat. Usually he will break open the shell and store the nuts somewhere. The goal here is to make him active so he wants to drink more water with the DriTail in it.

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You're right! He loves the plain peanuts! It says to give him DriTail for 5 days, so if he doesn't get better by then....


He drank some water last night! I was so happy. So I put a teaspoon of DriTail in his water like the package said.

If you need to replace the water and add DriTail every day, please be diligent about this. Give him all the peanuts he wants. He will not overeat. Usually he will break open the shell and store the nuts somewhere. The goal here is to make him active so he wants to drink more water with the DriTail in it.


Okay. Thank you so much for telling me ways to help Pickles. :-)

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You're right! He loves the plain peanuts! It says to give him DriTail for 5 days, so if he doesn't get better by then....


He drank some water last night! I was so happy. So I put a teaspoon of DriTail in his water like the package said.

If you need to replace the water and add DriTail every day, please be diligent about this. Give him all the peanuts he wants. He will not overeat. Usually he will break open the shell and store the nuts somewhere. The goal here is to make him active so he wants to drink more water with the DriTail in it.

Aye Horatio, you're good at this. Did you have hammies as a child as well?

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You're right! He loves the plain peanuts! It says to give him DriTail for 5 days, so if he doesn't get better by then....


He drank some water last night! I was so happy. So I put a teaspoon of DriTail in his water like the package said.

If you need to replace the water and add DriTail every day, please be diligent about this. Give him all the peanuts he wants. He will not overeat. Usually he will break open the shell and store the nuts somewhere. The goal here is to make him active so he wants to drink more water with the DriTail in it.

Aye Horatio, you're good at this. Did you have hammies as a child as well?

No. Hammies don't keep other hammies as pets.

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..that's like humans having children as pets.....


Pickles probably won't make it through the night. He's so weak, he can't even pick himself up and go back into his igloo. When I came home from church, I found him by his food dish, cold and sleeping. I put his in his igloo and made him warm. Hope that he'll go quickly without any suffering.

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You're right! He loves the plain peanuts! It says to give him DriTail for 5 days, so if he doesn't get better by then....


He drank some water last night! I was so happy. So I put a teaspoon of DriTail in his water like the package said.

If you need to replace the water and add DriTail every day, please be diligent about this. Give him all the peanuts he wants. He will not overeat. Usually he will break open the shell and store the nuts somewhere. The goal here is to make him active so he wants to drink more water with the DriTail in it.

Aye Horatio, you're good at this. Did you have hammies as a child as well?

No. Hammies don't keep other hammies as pets.

Pardon Me, Did Patricia?

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You're right! He loves the plain peanuts! It says to give him DriTail for 5 days, so if he doesn't get better by then....


He drank some water last night! I was so happy. So I put a teaspoon of DriTail in his water like the package said.

If you need to replace the water and add DriTail every day, please be diligent about this. Give him all the peanuts he wants. He will not overeat. Usually he will break open the shell and store the nuts somewhere. The goal here is to make him active so he wants to drink more water with the DriTail in it.

Aye Horatio, you're good at this. Did you have hammies as a child as well?

No. Hammies don't keep other hammies as pets.

Pardon Me, Did Patricia?

Patricia who? I rule this household!!! :lol::lol::lol:

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He's not suffering now, so it's a good thing. ^-^


We're going to some good hamster stores for a new one. I really didn't want to get another hamster so soon, but I miss having a little ball of fur to hold and take care of. I'm going to name it Spork! n_n

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You're right! He loves the plain peanuts! It says to give him DriTail for 5 days, so if he doesn't get better by then....


He drank some water last night! I was so happy. So I put a teaspoon of DriTail in his water like the package said.

If you need to replace the water and add DriTail every day, please be diligent about this. Give him all the peanuts he wants. He will not overeat. Usually he will break open the shell and store the nuts somewhere. The goal here is to make him active so he wants to drink more water with the DriTail in it.

Aye Horatio, you're good at this. Did you have hammies as a child as well?

No. Hammies don't keep other hammies as pets.

Pardon Me, Did Patricia?

Patricia who? I rule this household!!! :lol::lol::lol:

I know you do, but please ask that slave of yours if she did.

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You're right! He loves the plain peanuts! It says to give him DriTail for 5 days, so if he doesn't get better by then....


He drank some water last night! I was so happy. So I put a teaspoon of DriTail in his water like the package said.

If you need to replace the water and add DriTail every day, please be diligent about this. Give him all the peanuts he wants. He will not overeat. Usually he will break open the shell and store the nuts somewhere. The goal here is to make him active so he wants to drink more water with the DriTail in it.

Aye Horatio, you're good at this. Did you have hammies as a child as well?

No. Hammies don't keep other hammies as pets.

Pardon Me, Did Patricia?

Patricia who? I rule this household!!! :lol::lol::lol:

I know you do, but please ask that slave of yours if she did.


"Yo slave... did you ever own hamsters when you were a kid?"


"Thanks, I will let TBFOF know."

She said No. :lol:

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He's not suffering now, so it's a good thing. ^-^


We're going to some good hamster stores for a new one. I really didn't want to get another hamster so soon, but I miss having a little ball of fur to hold and take care of. I'm going to name it Spork! n_n

Before you get a new hammie, please do the following. Fill the bathtub with hot water, some dish detergent and some Clorox. Not too much Clorox, but ask your mother to help on this one. Make sure the water in the bathtub is high enough to cover the cage. Now, get the cage, tubes, ball and any other things that belonged to Pickles and put them in the tub. Let them soak for a while, a few hours or so, then grab a rag and wash each one. Now these two are the most important steps. Rinse the pieces thoroughly. Get all the Clorox off. Next, let them AIR DRY for a minimum of TWO DAYS. Smell the pieces and see if you smell any Clorox. Two days is the least amount of time you can wait before reusing the cage. Now you have the cage all set for your next hammie.

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We bleached it out yesterday morning, and let it sit all day. It doesn't smell like bleach, and we washed it very well to make sure nothing was still on it. It was really warm outside yesterday, so it shall be good. We're going shopping today. Wish me luck.

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I got the most adorable hamster ever! ^-^ His name's Jack Skellington, and he's not more than 3 weeks old. He can eat on his own. He's this long:


| |


Pictures will be up soon!

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I got the most adorable hamster ever! ^-^ His name's Jack Skellington, and he's not more than 3 weeks old. He can eat on his own. He's this long:


|                          |


Pictures will be up soon!

Hello Jack!!!

What kind, what color... give us some more details!!! :D

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He's soooo cute! n_n He kind of has a differet fur. It's that fur that's brown on the tips but different colors on the roots. So, it gives him kind of a calico look. Short hair. I can't explain the fur color exactly, and I can't find a picture of any hamster that quite look like him. I'm having troubles with the camera, the flash is messing up. >.>

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You're right! He loves the plain peanuts! It says to give him DriTail for 5 days, so if he doesn't get better by then....


He drank some water last night! I was so happy. So I put a teaspoon of DriTail in his water like the package said.

If you need to replace the water and add DriTail every day, please be diligent about this. Give him all the peanuts he wants. He will not overeat. Usually he will break open the shell and store the nuts somewhere. The goal here is to make him active so he wants to drink more water with the DriTail in it.

Aye Horatio, you're good at this. Did you have hammies as a child as well?

No. Hammies don't keep other hammies as pets.

Pardon Me, Did Patricia?

Patricia who? I rule this household!!! :lol::lol::lol:

I know you do, but please ask that slave of yours if she did.


"Yo slave... did you ever own hamsters when you were a kid?"


"Thanks, I will let TBFOF know."

She said No. :lol:

Slave owners do not say thanks to their slaves.

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You're right! He loves the plain peanuts! It says to give him DriTail for 5 days, so if he doesn't get better by then....


He drank some water last night! I was so happy. So I put a teaspoon of DriTail in his water like the package said.

If you need to replace the water and add DriTail every day, please be diligent about this. Give him all the peanuts he wants. He will not overeat. Usually he will break open the shell and store the nuts somewhere. The goal here is to make him active so he wants to drink more water with the DriTail in it.

Aye Horatio, you're good at this. Did you have hammies as a child as well?

No. Hammies don't keep other hammies as pets.

Pardon Me, Did Patricia?

Patricia who? I rule this household!!! :lol::lol::lol:

I know you do, but please ask that slave of yours if she did.


"Yo slave... did you ever own hamsters when you were a kid?"


"Thanks, I will let TBFOF know."

She said No. :lol:

Slave owners do not say thanks to their slaves.

Ooops. :lol:

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