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Kenji and Tomiko Forever

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Yeah. I can't plan things. It's just not me. Kenji being a boy. Tomiko being a girl. Will write this story some time!

*is patiently waiting for the rest of the story to appear*

Rest of the story? XD I haven't even started. :lol:

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Yeah. I can't plan things. It's just not me. Kenji being a boy. Tomiko being a girl. Will write this story some time!

*is patiently waiting for the rest of the story to appear*

What kind of story will It be ... horror,action,romance,teenieboper story. Teenieboper stories are taking over th U.S

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Yeah. I can't plan things. It's just not me. Kenji being a boy. Tomiko being a girl. Will write this story some time!

*is patiently waiting for the rest of the story to appear*

What kind of story will It be ... horror,action,romance,teenieboper story. Teenieboper stories are taking over th U.S

Teenieboper? Is this a teenage doppelganger? (German for double shadow I think)

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Temporarily just answering questions. Yes, the setting will be Japan. And how the story will end up, who knows. XD

Oh good, Japan is always a good setting. For most things at least. Btw, is this imperial Japan or modern day Japan? That's my final question. And I think we should leave you alone in regards to questions so you can publish the first chapter in this promising story.

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Temporarily just answering questions. Yes, the setting will be Japan. And how the story will end up, who knows. XD

Oh good, Japan is always a good setting. For most things at least. Btw, is this imperial Japan or modern day Japan? That's my final question. And I think we should leave you alone in regards to questions so you can publish the first chapter in this promising story.

Imperial. Modern day Japan is kinda too shiney.

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Temporarily just answering questions. Yes, the setting will be Japan. And how the story will end up, who knows. XD

Oh good, Japan is always a good setting. For most things at least. Btw, is this imperial Japan or modern day Japan? That's my final question. And I think we should leave you alone in regards to questions so you can publish the first chapter in this promising story.

Imperial. Modern day Japan is kinda too shiney.

Ooh, more and more interesting. (+ intriguing)

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Temporarily just answering questions. Yes, the setting will be Japan. And how the story will end up, who knows. XD

Oh good, Japan is always a good setting. For most things at least. Btw, is this imperial Japan or modern day Japan? That's my final question. And I think we should leave you alone in regards to questions so you can publish the first chapter in this promising story.

Imperial. Modern day Japan is kinda too shiney.

Ooh, more and more interesting. (+ intriguing)

teenieboper... like... teenage love stories, girl wants to date popular guy, they meet,find true love,girl turns to a snott bag, that kind of thing.

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Temporarily just answering questions. Yes, the setting will be Japan. And how the story will end up, who knows. XD

Oh good, Japan is always a good setting. For most things at least. Btw, is this imperial Japan or modern day Japan? That's my final question. And I think we should leave you alone in regards to questions so you can publish the first chapter in this promising story.

Imperial. Modern day Japan is kinda too shiney.

Ooh, more and more interesting. (+ intriguing)

teenieboper... like... teenage love stories, girl wants to date popular guy, they meet,find true love,girl turns to a snott bag, that kind of thing.

Ew, no.

1. They're gonna be 20 and 23.

2. Tomiko is never going to be a snot bag.

3. I believe that they will meet within three chapters and become friends. Possibly fall in love and get engaged later blah blah blah but that won't be for a few years into the story.

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Temporarily just answering questions. Yes, the setting will be Japan. And how the story will end up, who knows. XD

Oh good, Japan is always a good setting. For most things at least. Btw, is this imperial Japan or modern day Japan? That's my final question. And I think we should leave you alone in regards to questions so you can publish the first chapter in this promising story.

Imperial. Modern day Japan is kinda too shiney.

Ooh, more and more interesting. (+ intriguing)

teenieboper... like... teenage love stories, girl wants to date popular guy, they meet,find true love,girl turns to a snott bag, that kind of thing.

Ew, no.

1. They're gonna be 20 and 23.

2. Tomiko is never going to be a snot bag.

3. I believe that they will meet within three chapters and become friends. Possibly fall in love and get engaged later blah blah blah but that won't be for a few years into the story.

Excellent, as usual MW.

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This sounds marvelous. I love J-romance.

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This sounds marvelous. I love J-romance.

I definatley agree! It souds marvelous!tThere are to many teenage romances nowadays

At least they have romance.

Long story.

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I need a few suggestions. Does anyone here have knowlege of Japanese history? I'm pretty sure I want it to take place in the Sengoku Period, but I'm not positive. All suggestions welcome.

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I need a few suggestions. Does anyone here have knowlege of Japanese history? I'm pretty sure I want it to take place in the Sengoku Period, but I'm not positive. All suggestions welcome.

Only Modern (i.e. post 1900 Japan) Japan, I could do some research for you though, as I would be only glad to help you.

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I need a few suggestions. Does anyone here have knowlege of Japanese history? I'm pretty sure I want it to take place in the Sengoku Period, but I'm not positive. All suggestions welcome.

Only Modern (i.e. post 1900 Japan) Japan, I could do some research for you though, as I would be only glad to help you.

Hmmm... what do you know about Modern Japan?

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  • 2 weeks later...


I need a few suggestions. Does anyone here have knowlege of Japanese history? I'm pretty sure I want it to take place in the Sengoku Period, but I'm not positive. All suggestions welcome.

watashi wa know nothing except for what happens to a samuri(sp mabey this IS sad) when they dishonor their family or country. The ritual to bring back there honor. :D

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I need a few suggestions. Does anyone here have knowlege of Japanese history? I'm pretty sure I want it to take place in the Sengoku Period, but I'm not positive. All suggestions welcome.

Only Modern (i.e. post 1900 Japan) Japan, I could do some research for you though, as I would be only glad to help you.

Hmmm... what do you know about Modern Japan?

Apart from the shiny flashiness?

A few things if we are talking about present day Japan, but more if we are talking 1900-1945 Japan.

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I need a few suggestions. Does anyone here have knowlege of Japanese history? I'm pretty sure I want it to take place in the Sengoku Period, but I'm not positive. All suggestions welcome.

Only Modern (i.e. post 1900 Japan) Japan, I could do some research for you though, as I would be only glad to help you.

Hmmm... what do you know about Modern Japan?

Apart from the shiny flashiness?

A few things if we are talking about present day Japan, but more if we are talking 1900-1945 Japan.

Do tell. :ninja:

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I need a few suggestions. Does anyone here have knowlege of Japanese history? I'm pretty sure I want it to take place in the Sengoku Period, but I'm not positive. All suggestions welcome.

Only Modern (i.e. post 1900 Japan) Japan, I could do some research for you though, as I would be only glad to help you.

Hmmm... what do you know about Modern Japan?

Apart from the shiny flashiness?

A few things if we are talking about present day Japan, but more if we are talking 1900-1945 Japan.

Do tell. :ninja:

Which one?

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I need a few suggestions. Does anyone here have knowlege of Japanese history? I'm pretty sure I want it to take place in the Sengoku Period, but I'm not positive. All suggestions welcome.

Only Modern (i.e. post 1900 Japan) Japan, I could do some research for you though, as I would be only glad to help you.

Hmmm... what do you know about Modern Japan?

Apart from the shiny flashiness?

A few things if we are talking about present day Japan, but more if we are talking 1900-1945 Japan.

Do tell. :ninja:

Which one?

Everything you know about 1900-1945 Japan.

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I need a few suggestions. Does anyone here have knowlege of Japanese history? I'm pretty sure I want it to take place in the Sengoku Period, but I'm not positive. All suggestions welcome.

Only Modern (i.e. post 1900 Japan) Japan, I could do some research for you though, as I would be only glad to help you.

Hmmm... what do you know about Modern Japan?

Apart from the shiny flashiness?

A few things if we are talking about present day Japan, but more if we are talking 1900-1945 Japan.

Do tell. :ninja:

Which one?

Everything you know about 1900-1945 Japan.

In the 1900-1914 period Japan was thriving, the economy was booming, industry was sky rocketing and the general standard of living was rapidly increasing, Japan was obviously gaining from the Industrial Revolution, however it still maintained its traditions and culture, however by now the old caste system was starting to break down. Its international relations were also exceptionally high, although it currently controlled parts of the Orient like Korea and bits of China after the Shino-Japan war and of course the aftermath of the post Opium war with Britain. However, it struggles to compete with the Imperial interests and empire size of Britain, France and Spain. During this period it also fought a war against Russia, claiming some of the land (or was this post-1918? I think it was before as the Japan-Russian war was a reason that the Tsar was overthrown, so yes.) from Russia and that odd island that is just above Japan but is currently under Russian control. This period is called the Meiji Restoration.

However, in 1914 Japan joins the First World War aiding the Allies of the Triple Entente (Russia was a member of this, so co-operation between the two would not be very high), but it did not send over a huge military force and only lost 3 men at the Gallipoli (the fight against Turkey and the Ottoman empire which engulfed the Middle East and most of Northern Africa. Please NB, Iraq was carved out of the empire in the 1920s by the American president Woodrow Wilson (actually quite a good president, rubbish at debating though as the ToV shows).) So instead it aids with Financial aid and supplies. During the war years Japan saw a hugely dramatic industry and finance expansion, however after the war in the late 20's Japan had huge problems. The Wall Street Crash (main cause of which was the American public's habit of voting for stupid, stupid Isolationist politicans who set up the Fordney-McCucumber pact which placed such a huge tariff on foriegn goods that all trade with the rest of the world almost ceased) hit Japan hugely, where the Depression was as bad as it was in Germany and America, the two countries that felt it most. On top of this there was a huge social upheval, massive unemployment, a rapidly expanding population, a worringly increased urbanised population. This set the way for a coup d' etat by the militaristic general of the time, General Whatshisname. The Emperor however was kept, but with severly reduced powers to the stage he became at the same level as teh German sourcrout sucking madman we like to call the Monarchy. The country was then butted on into further crisis by the imperalist agenda and further butressed by a strong sense of Nationalism (similar to what German's felt with Hitler, the Japanese people felt this and were similarily brainwashed) So in the early 30's Japan invaded the huge Province or state of China that was called Machuria and sumarily renamed it Manchuko, I could go into depth with this but I don't have time. However, in the mid-30's people started to turn against the regime and started getting restless, something Germany would have done if it weren't for Hitler's clever control of teh church and Pope. However, this was only met by further Martial (not Marital Horatio, no puns or typos here) law and control. Then in 1935-6 Japan made an alliance with the fascist leader of Italy, Mussolini, and the Nazi Fuhrer, Hitler, sealing the world's fate for the countries who the world would fight against in WWII. At the outbreak of war, Japan did nothing, they were waiting for the word to be given to attack the British and Portugese colonial forces and of course, America. By 1941, the judged that the time was for attack as Hitler had control of Europe. The launched the attack on British colonial forces, decimating a huge force of men at Singapore by attacking through the jungle when no one expected an attack through there, and then went on to wipe the floor with the Portuguese. Then they launched teh Pearl Harbour attack and the Pacific War broke out. Then there was the island hopping, the attack on Guantamela canal by American forces, I'm sure you get taught the glorificated version in school. The Japanese people by this time were in uproar, commiting whatever revolutionary acts they could and sabotaging the regime. By the late 1944, early 1945 stage the Japanese were on the retreat. By this time British forces, backed up with those from the Commonwealth had swept through the South-East and West of Asia and had liberated China, American forces had made similar advancements on the Eastern front and the Soviets were banned from interfering. Then in 1945, the Manhattan project's final product was dropped on Hiroshima and Nagaski killing millions and mutilating more with radioactive sickness and cancer. The go-ahead given by a complete beep with glasses who watched it all unfold with his fingers steepled and a blank look on his face, the then president Harry Truman. This ended the war. After this the Japanese people started to rebuild. The emperor was brought out of exile (he was exiled if I failed to mention when he spoke out against the regime) and a democracy was set up (NOT a republic I should like to mention, although it could be similar to teh French government style with both a Prime Minister and Assembly (like Parliament) and a President as a figure head.) which endures to the present day. Although still technically a monarchy in the same way Britain is, it runs on a democratic basis.

The end. AT LAST.

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I got you a list (abridged I am afraid) of the rulers of Japan, but it misses out 1900-1945 Japan for some reason. Taken from Google;


Kanmu 781–806

Heizei 806–809

Saga 809–823

Junna 823–833

Ninmyo 833–850

Montoku 850–858

Seiwa 858–876

Yozei 876–884

Koko 884–887

Uda 887–897

Daigo 897–930

Suzaku 930–946

Murakami 946–967

Reizei 967–969

Enyu 969–984

Kazan 984–986

Ichijo 986–1011

Sanjo 1011–1016

Go-Ichijo 1016–1036

Go-Suzaku 1036–1045

Go-Reizei 1045–1068

Go-Sanjo 1068–1072

Shirakawa 1072–1086

Horikawa 1086–1107

Toba 1107–1123

Sutoku 1123–1141

Konoe 1141–1155

Go-Shirakawa 1155–1158

Nijo 1158–1165

Rokujo 1165–1168

Takakura 1168–1180

Antoku 1180–1185

Go-Toba 1183–1198

Tsuchimikado 1198–1210

Juntoku 1210–1221

Chukyo 1221–1221

Go-Horikawa 1221–1232

Shijo 1232–1242

Go-Saga 1242–1246

Go-Fukakusa 1246–1259

Kameyama 1259–1274

Go-Uda 1274–1287

Fushimi 1287–1298

Go-Fushimi 1298–1301

Go-Nijo 1301–1308

Hanazono 1308–1318

Go-Daigo 1318–1339

Kogen (Hokucho) 1331–1333

Komyo (Hokucho) 1336–1348

Go-Murakami (Nancho) 1339–1368

Suko (Hokucho) 1348–1351

Go-Kogon (Hokucho) 1352–1371

Chokei (Nancho) 1368–1383

Go-Enyu (Hokucho) 1371–1382

Go-Kameyama (Nancho) 1383–1392

Go-Komatsu 1382–1412

Shoko 1412–1428

Go-Hanazono 1428–1464

Go-Tsuchimikado 1464–1500

Go-Kashiwabara 1500–1526

Go-Nara 1526–1557

Oogimachi 1557–1586

Go-Yozei 1586–1611

Go-Mizuo 1611–1629

Meisho 1629–1643

Go-Komyo 1643–1654

Go-Sai 1654–1663

Reigen 1663–1687

Higashiyama 1687–1709

Nakamikado 1709–1735

Sakuramachi 1735–1747

Momozono 1747–1762

Go-Sakuramachi 1752–1770

Go-Momozono 1770–1779

Kokaku 1779–1817

Ninko 1817–1846

Komei 1846–1867

Kinjo 1989–present

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  • 2 weeks later...
Thank you, Mr. TGHL. I'll make sure to save these into files and look further into them. You've given me very useful information.

Incidentally, I feel that I should inform you that I watched the BBC's Hiroshima commemorative program and it was so graphically explicit when it came to the aftermath I had to be quitely sick in a paper bag. The Nagasaki bomb was a failiure though, or at least from the point of view of the Capatlist pig-dogs holed up in safe places on the otherside of the world.

A couple of other things;

The entire population of a suitable age and health (this includes little 9 year olds all the way up to the nearly deceased) were forced into a regime of 1-2 hours to prepare themselves for the impending invasion (they still thought it was going to be invasion), this mainly consisted of them being taught to charge at the enemy with bamboo spears or alternatively, getting out the old fashioned samurai swords.

Number 2. A British style democracy did exist at the time of the second world war, however as I previously mentioned the military coup meant that the civilian side was left to the beaurocrats, but even still nothing happened without a military say so and the military had complete control of the country. The General of the Army had the idea of surrender put forward to him, but he refused and said he would rather die than have Japan surrender. In the end the Emperor was smuggled back into teh country and plotted secretly with the Foreign Minister and PM to issue a surrender. They did so and shortly afterwards the Japanese military stood down, China was free (only to fall into the Communist's hands and Mao shortly afterwards) the colonies returned to their rightful owners and the end of World War II happened. Then the General shot himself, he really did mean it when he said he would rather die.

Number 3. I can give you a bit of information about the Mongul period and how the Mongolian navy was destroyed and Japan stayed unconquered.

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Thank you, Mr. TGHL. I'll make sure to save these into files and look further into them. You've given me very useful information.

Incidentally, I feel that I should inform you that I watched the BBC's Hiroshima commemorative program and it was so graphically explicit when it came to the aftermath I had to be quitely sick in a paper bag. The Nagasaki bomb was a failiure though, or at least from the point of view of the Capatlist pig-dogs holed up in safe places on the otherside of the world.

A couple of other things;

The entire population of a suitable age and health (this includes little 9 year olds all the way up to the nearly deceased) were forced into a regime of 1-2 hours to prepare themselves for the impending invasion (they still thought it was going to be invasion), this mainly consisted of them being taught to charge at the enemy with bamboo spears or alternatively, getting out the old fashioned samurai swords.

Number 2. A British style democracy did exist at the time of the second world war, however as I previously mentioned the military coup meant that the civilian side was left to the beaurocrats, but even still nothing happened without a military say so and the military had complete control of the country. The General of the Army had the idea of surrender put forward to him, but he refused and said he would rather die than have Japan surrender. In the end the Emperor was smuggled back into teh country and plotted secretly with the Foreign Minister and PM to issue a surrender. They did so and shortly afterwards the Japanese military stood down, China was free (only to fall into the Communist's hands and Mao shortly afterwards) the colonies returned to their rightful owners and the end of World War II happened. Then the General shot himself, he really did mean it when he said he would rather die.

Number 3. I can give you a bit of information about the Mongul period and how the Mongolian navy was destroyed and Japan stayed unconquered.

Quite interesting. *stores this away for later use*

You are quite helpful, TGHL. I apologise to everyone for taking so long although I decided not to plan. I guess I'm planning right now so I don't sound like an idiot.

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  • 11 months later...


This sounds interesting. It's truly amazing what you can find by looking at random topics. I would really like you to try to do this! :D

Oh, my. Totally forgot about this. XD

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  • 3 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...



This sounds interesting. It's truly amazing what you can find by looking at random topics. I would really like you to try to do this! :D

Oh, my. Totally forgot about this. XD

And again, lmao.

Wow, I'm terrible about these things.

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