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- Kat -

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Alright. I thought it would be fun to have a themed art competition, so all of the entries must involve a certain thing that I'll choose 'cause I'm the judge. If we get enough entries and they're funny, I might turn this into a seasonal/monthly thing, or something.




- The main focus of the entry MUST be the theme. For example, if the theme was, "Bad occupational choices for a llama", you can't draw a picture of some purdy flowers and have a small llama in the corner somewhere.


- You can do photo editting/manipulation, but try to do some hand-drawn stuff, as that tends to be funnier, and that's the whole point of the cometition.


- Don't take somebody else's idea. Like if the theme was still about the llamas, and you saw a picture somebody made of a llama as a scuba diver, or something, don't draw the same thing. Make up your own stuff.


- Everything has to be origional. Dun steal a picture off a site that somebody else drew.


- General baord rules, such as no offencive language, or anything like that in your picture.


- Be funny! This was not meant to be taken seriously!


The winner will be judged on creativity, quality, and hillarity. I'll be the judge for the first few, but if we keep doing it, I might appoint a few others so I can enter. >_>


And that's pretty much it! You may start drawing...now.

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Alright. I thought it would be fun to have a themed art competition, so all of the entries must involve a certain thing that I'll choose 'cause I'm the judge. If we get enough entries and they're funny, I might turn this into a seasonal/monthly thing, or something.




- The main focus of the entry MUST be the theme. For example, if the theme was, "Bad occupational choices for a llama", you can't draw a picture of some purdy flowers and have a small llama in the corner somewhere.


- You can do photo editting/manipulation, but try to do some hand-drawn stuff, as that tends to be funnier, and that's the whole point of the cometition.


- Don't take somebody else's idea. Like if the theme was still about the llamas, and you saw a picture somebody made of a llama as a scuba diver, or something, don't draw the same thing. Make up your own stuff.


- Everything has to be origional. Dun steal a picture off a site that somebody else drew.


- General baord rules, such as no offencive language, or anything like that in your picture.


- Be funny! This was not meant to be taken seriously!


The winner will be judged on creativity, quality, and hillarity. I'll be the judge for the first few, but if we keep doing it, I might appoint a few others so I can enter. >_>


And that's pretty much it! You may start drawing...now.

Wait! Is that the theme? :):D

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I'm announcing the theme today so that you have all week to do it, because the jusding will be the Sunday after tomorrow.


The theme : The downsides of being Mario

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I'm announcing the theme today so that you have all week to do it, because the jusding will be the Sunday after tomorrow.


The theme : The downsides of being Mario

Mario???????? Who's Mario????? Why not the downsides of being a... a... flying saucer? Or a camel? Or a rock? :unsure::unsure::unsure:

*has no idea who Mario is, unless - Kat - is talking about the local pizza guy... but wait... how would she know the local pizza guy*

*goes off to make coffee*

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I'm announcing the theme today so that you have all week to do it, because the jusding will be the Sunday after tomorrow.


The theme : The downsides of being Mario

Mario???????? Who's Mario????? Why not the downsides of being a... a... flying saucer? Or a camel? Or a rock? :unsure::unsure::unsure:

*has no idea who Mario is, unless - Kat - is talking about the local pizza guy... but wait... how would she know the local pizza guy*

*goes off to make coffee*

:o Horatio doesn't know who Mario is? The plumber from the Nintendo games?

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I'm announcing the theme today so that you have all week to do it, because the jusding will be the Sunday after tomorrow.


The theme : The downsides of being Mario

Mario???????? Who's Mario????? Why not the downsides of being a... a... flying saucer? Or a camel? Or a rock? :unsure::unsure::unsure:

*has no idea who Mario is, unless - Kat - is talking about the local pizza guy... but wait... how would she know the local pizza guy*

*goes off to make coffee*

Mario = the completly and utterly awsome character from the Nintendo games. Remember? He's a plumber and has a brother names Luigi?

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I knew he was a plumber, but never really acknowledged it for my self.



My brain hurts...


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If I ever do this agian, I'ma thinking up an easier theme. I guess ya'll just didn't have the same endless flow of ideas I did. x_x

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If I ever do this agian, I'ma thinking up an easier theme. I guess ya'll just didn't have the same endless flow of ideas I did. x_x

Seriously. The best thing I could think of was a crazy goomba telling Mario to wear a dress. XD

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If I ever do this agian, I'ma thinking up an easier theme. I guess ya'll just didn't have the same endless flow of ideas I did. x_x

Seriously. The best thing I could think of was a crazy goomba telling Mario to wear a dress. XD

I might post one of the ones I thought of just to post it. It won't be entered in the contest, though, 'cause I'm the judge...

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I always wondered what would happen if a gumba or somebody stole Yoshi...


I made this in about four seconds in Paint. Enjoy. XD


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Alright, today was supposed to be the deadline, but I know CS is working on a pic, so I'll extend it to Wed.! Hopefully we'll get more than three entries!

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