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Behind Closed Doors by TadSheikourj

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Dear Journal,

Hey. It's me, Tad. Yes, today, I turn fifteen. But I feel fifty. Dad's at it again. He's drunk, as usual, and I have the black eye to prove it, as usual. Mom doesn't want me to protect her anymore. She says it's too hard on my body. I don't know what she means. I've always been able to come back. My friend, E'Ann, still has no idea what goes on in my life, behind closed doors. She has been blessed with naivete. That girl is so lucky to be blind to this. I have to keep fighting against Dad. I mean, he wants someone to go at, and he's apparently picked me. I hate having to hit him back, but I feel that I must in order to keep my own sanity. Ever since Min died, it's been like this. Dad would still hit me and stuff back then, but at least he was sober once in awhile. When I was with Min, he never tried to hurt me for fear of hurting her. Min had osteogenesis imperfecta, which means your bones are very weak, like glass. If she fell, even once, she could break something that most kids her age wouldn't even bruise. At least it was a mild case, though. Mom and Dad think I don't know, but I know I have it, too. I heard them talking about it. In reality, they were fighting over the facts. Mom was on my side, saying that since I was so fragile, that Dad ought to stop. Dad, however, said that neither of us cared, so there was no reason to stop. Besides, I never complained, I'd probably grown out of it. But you don't grow out of a skeletal disorder. I feel it. But my nerve endings have adjusted to the constant pain. Now, it's just a dull throbbing. It gets annoying, especially in cold weather.

Feb 11


Dear Journal,

I wish I were dead! Dad totally demoralized me today! He just about disinherited me when I said I wasn't going to be part of the Communist Party, like he tries to be. Communism is only a power thing, and Dad doesn't need any more power than he already has. I'm lucky he didn't break my neck. Dad, I think, is getting a bit carried away with the whole "tough love" thing. I don't think hurling your son across the room counts as caring discipline meant for my own good. AND, now that I'm old enough to fend him off, he's gone to worse methods of "controlling" me. I know he blames me for my sister's death. It isn't my fault, though. Dad just feels guilty about the whole thing. I can't believe he actually had the guts to say I was just some punk kid with nothing for me! I am way smarter than him! I'm getting straight A's in school, where he got C's if he was lucky. He is so paranoid, too. Dad thinks, if I'm home two minutes late, I've either gotten high or done something wrong. He even checks traffic! Today, he felt it necessary to call me a useless, lazy bum who doesn't pull my weight around here. Dad knows that I do almost all of the chores around the house, and I don't get an allowance. If I were useless, I wouldn't volunteer so often to help out.

Feb 18


it ain't true, I swear! it's all fake! I swear it isn't so!

I'm bored, so I'm giving you a look into the mind of an abused child.

I write stories and excerpts about this kid. He's a figment of my imagination.

really! ...stop looking at me like that. *runs out screaming in a fit of humor.*

*comes back looking like B) * Okay, I'm over it. waddup?



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keeping the door open to suggestions...



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Hmmmm, please write some more. It is very sad, but I want to read it. It is interesting how you put his life.


Here is something from another board, too.



My name is sarah

i am but three

My eyes are swollen,

i cannot see,

I must be stupid

i must be bad

What else could have made

my daddy so mad?

I wish i were better

i wish i weren't ugly

Then mabe my mommy

Would still want to hug me

I can't speak at all,

I cant do a wrong

or else im locked up

All the day long

When I awake im all alone

The house is dark

My folks aren't home

When my mommy does come

I'll try and be nice

So mabe I'll get just

One whipping tonight.

Don't make a sound!

I just heard a car

my daddy is back

from Charlie's Bar.

I hear him curse

my name he calls

I press myself

against the wall.

I try and hide

from his evil eyes

I'm so afraid now

I'm starting to cry.

He finds me weeping,

He shouts ugly words,

he says its my fault

that he suffers at work.

he slaps me and hits me

And yells at me more,

I finally get free

And run from the door.

He's already locked it

And I start to bawl,

He takes me and throws me

against the hard wall.

I fall to the floor,

With my bones nearly broken,

And my daddy continues

with more bad words spoken.

"I'm sorry!", I scream.

But it's now much too late,

his face has been twisted

into unimaginable hate

The hurt and the pain,

Again and again

Oh, Please God, Have mercy!

Oh please let it end!

And he finally stops

And heads for the door,

While I lay there motionless

Sprawled on the floor

My name is Sarah

And I am but three,

Tonight my daddy

Murdered me.


Don't start that blubbery stuff, and I know its sad. :unsure:

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Here is something from another board, too.

Thank you for posting that as it is very, very sad. Child abuse is such a terrible thing.


I will have to help you with some of the rules as you are new and do not know. The creative forums are for only original writings from the people posting. If you could, please write the author's name and the title of his/her work as we try not to violate any copyright laws and it is important to give the author credit. Thank you for thinking about that.


If you want to post song lyrics, please include the song title and composer/lyricist and please post this in any other forums than the creative ones. I know you did not know about this. Thank you for your help.

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annabananagal, I've read that.

cool name, kiddo.

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Hmmmm, please write some more. It is very sad, but I want to read it. It is interesting how you put his life.




Dear Journal,

Dad is starting to come around. He's starting to realize that I'm stronger than he could ever even hope to be. I hate to boast, but he really does stink when it comes to intelligent fighting. You know, with words and no pushing and shoving. I wish he'd grow up. I hate being the only responsible one around here, because he's supposed to be the man of the house. He's supposed to be the one who tells Mom and me the real right way to do things. Not me. I'm just a kid, some sixteen-year-old guy. When did I become the pillar? Sometimes I wish I would just die, like Min. Then, he'd wake up, at least for a while. I've already tried once. I bet I could do it again. But... But then I'd be leaving Mom open to his terrible mistreatment. I could never do that. He doesn't deserve her, and she doesn't deserve that kind of home. For all I care, Dad can just shut up and stop messing around for a little, because then I could have some peace of mind. He's the one who taught me to stay calm, because he's the one who has messed around with my head all my life. I know that, if I were to get as angry as he does, I would be just like him. I know that I could snap in an instant, and that actually scares me a little. You see, I know my strength better than anyone, and to think that I could be exactly like him... I could kill him. I don't want to hurt my dad at all, but if the only way he'll wake up is a sound smack on the head, so be it.

June 7


Dear Journal,

I HATE HIM!! I hate him! He's hit me for the last time! My father is a no-good, stupid, rotten idiot, and I can't wait till I can move out! He actually had the gall to insult my girlfriend! Scott has no right to judge her! He knows E'Ann has different guidelines and standards to go by, and it's not just because of what's in her blood! Yeah, so what if her parents were genetically altered? At least her family does society a favor. But not mine. No, Dad's decided that we'll all be a family of criminals, dressing up in special longjohns, and be like those Saturday morning toon villains! Personally, I think he's gone mad. If I'm going to put on a pajama suit, it'll be for a better cause than Dad's get-rich-quick schemes. Besides, I can't stand crime! I've already pulled a switch on him on three jobs, so why be scared anymore? He isn't going to hurt me. He's gone soft, as he admitted when I went against him in that bank heist. He went soft the day Melinda and I were born! Sometimes... I just wish he would go easy on me once in a while. I have to be perfect all the time, and some days, I just want to relax and have a nice time with my dad. He taught me a lot of cool stuff, and I'd like to do what E'Ann does. She's so lucky to have a stable life at home... There's never any fighting or shouting in her house... I'd envy her if it wasn't a sin. But here, just a sideyard away, there is no leeway for a tiny mistake. It used to be okay, when Min and I were still kids, but ever since she died, I've had to act like I'm an adult, when I'm just not. He doesn't realize just how hard it is to lose a twin sister, especially when she's so weak. I need a break from the perfection, and... if that doesn't happen soon, it's possible that I might die anyway. I wouldn't do it, but tainted memories would.

June 24

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Oh yes, and here is the poem.


By Gooniegirl


My name is sarah

i am but three

My eyes are swollen,

i cannot see,

I must be stupid

i must be bad

What else could have made

my daddy so mad?

I wish i were better

i wish i weren't ugly

Then mabe my mommy

Would still want to hug me

I can't speak at all,

I cant do a wrong

or else im locked up

All the day long

When I awake im all alone

The house is dark

My folks aren't home

When my mommy does come

I'll try and be nice

So mabe I'll get just

One whipping tonight.

Don't make a sound!

I just heard a car

my daddy is back

from Charlie's Bar.

I hear him curse

my name he calls

I press myself

against the wall.

I try and hide

from his evil eyes

I'm so afraid now

I'm starting to cry.

He finds me weeping,

He shouts ugly words,

he says its my fault

that he suffers at work.

he slaps me and hits me

And yells at me more,

I finally get free

And run from the door.

He's already locked it

And I start to bawl,

He takes me and throws me

against the hard wall.

I fall to the floor,

With my bones nearly broken,

And my daddy continues

with more bad words spoken.

"I'm sorry!", I scream.

But it's now much too late,

his face has been twisted

into unimaginable hate

The hurt and the pain,

Again and again

Oh, Please God, Have mercy!

Oh please let it end!

And he finally stops

And heads for the door,

While I lay there motionless

Sprawled on the floor

My name is Sarah

And I am but three,

Tonight my daddy

Murdered me.


It is true that such things happen to innocent chilren like poor sarah. Please do something to stop child abuse! the children are counting on you.


Okay there. BTW Topazia, I love your stories and they come soo close to realty that they seem real! You should get published. :D:P:D

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Wow, I loved that! You need to write a book!



Okay there. BTW Topazia, I love your stories and they come soo close to realty that they seem real! You should get published. :D  :P  :D


I'm writing a few books right now, and I intend to get them published.

the one about Tad is no where near done though, and is really about his gf's family. he's a major character though. (Obviously, since I've gone into such detail about his life.)



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Oh My Gosh, I did something so stupid! I let my ex read something I wrote, and now I feel naked! (Don't worry I'm not. EW!) I can't let my bf read it, b/c he'll just ridicule me.... sorry. Venting.

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You don't know anything about child abuse.

At least, I know more than you.

That's pretty close to SOME reality, but not what I know to be child abuse.

Not bad, for someone who doesn't experience it.

I could tell you, but the details would be bleeped out.

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You don't know anything about child abuse.

At least, I know more than you.

That's pretty close to SOME reality, but not what I know to be child abuse.

Not bad, for someone who doesn't experience it.

I could tell you, but the details would be bleeped out.

And how do you know I've never been through this? I can downplay things just like you can, so tell away, Zap.

I'll keep you in my prayers, runaway.

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You don't know anything about child abuse.

At least, I know more than you.

That's pretty close to SOME reality, but not what I know to be child abuse.

Not bad, for someone who doesn't experience it.

I could tell you, but the details would be bleeped out.

And how do you know I've never been through this? I can downplay things just like you can, so tell away, Zap.

I'll keep you in my prayers, runaway.


Don't even bother, Topazia. I need no one's prayers.

Runaway? Close enough. I'm not telling you the real story of child abuse. I've already overcome that obstacle.

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You don't know anything about child abuse.

At least, I know more than you.

That's pretty close to SOME reality, but not what I know to be child abuse.

Not bad, for someone who doesn't experience it.

I could tell you, but the details would be bleeped out.

And how do you know I've never been through this? I can downplay things just like you can, so tell away, Zap.

I'll keep you in my prayers, runaway.


Don't even bother, Topazia. I need no one's prayers.

Runaway? Close enough. I'm not telling you the real story of child abuse. I've already overcome that obstacle.

Okay, ScaredyCat. I understand. You've been caught in a lie.

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hmm okay whatever

Would that be in reply to ZombieCat's rash attitude?

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You don't know anything about child abuse.

At least, I know more than you.

That's pretty close to SOME reality, but not what I know to be child abuse.

Not bad, for someone who doesn't experience it.

I could tell you, but the details would be bleeped out.

And how do you know I've never been through this? I can downplay things just like you can, so tell away, Zap.

I'll keep you in my prayers, runaway.


Don't even bother, Topazia. I need no one's prayers.

Runaway? Close enough. I'm not telling you the real story of child abuse. I've already overcome that obstacle.

Okay, ScaredyCat. I understand. You've been caught in a lie.

I ain't scared of nothin, kid! I just don't feel like telling everyone what they could never imagine on their own! If you're so smart, why don't you tell us the real story? That is, if you can.

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You don't know anything about child abuse.

At least, I know more than you.

That's pretty close to SOME reality, but not what I know to be child abuse.

Not bad, for someone who doesn't experience it.

I could tell you, but the details would be bleeped out.

And how do you know I've never been through this? I can downplay things just like you can, so tell away, Zap.

I'll keep you in my prayers, runaway.


Don't even bother, Topazia. I need no one's prayers.

Runaway? Close enough. I'm not telling you the real story of child abuse. I've already overcome that obstacle.

Okay, ScaredyCat. I understand. You've been caught in a lie.

I ain't scared of nothin, kid! I just don't feel like telling everyone what they could never imagine on their own! If you're so smart, why don't you tell us the real story? That is, if you can.


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Since, I promised.

This is false, but I'm letting it rip just for you. Okay?


Pow! Slap! Crunch! As my father lays into, I wonder why he's so mad. [this is Tad speaking, as I always use him as my punching bag. Gosh, I really beat up my characters!!] Then I remember that I got home a minute late. Dad is a perfectionist. I feel the bones in my arm snap like twing, and I flinch in pure reflex. Dad sees what he's done and tries to apologize.


"No, Dad. Just... I gotta lie down..." My woozy remark doesn't fool him for a second. Dad went to med school, but he's a lawyer. Strange profession for a masked criminal. He makes me sit down and tells Mom to get some ice. She obeys, knowing what's going on, but she could never overpower him.


"Tad, you can't lie down. Your arm won't heal right." This statement causes my fried brain to snap, and I stand up, forgetting about the broken arm for the moment.


"D*****, Scott, it wouldn't have to heal right if you would just leave me the H*** alone! Can't you see I'm just a kid? I'm not perfect! I'm not one of those F****** TV kids who can read minds and fly and lift trucks and tap dance or play flute! I'm just a kid! A regular, normal kid! Can't you see that? Ow!" Dad just punched me and threw me against the wall. I wait a few moments before getting up, because if I delay, or not get up at all, he leaves me alone sooner.


"Don't you cuss at me, boy! You better watch yourself!" He pulls me close, adn the rotting stench of dinner and booze wafts into my nostrils. I try not to grimace at the all-too-familiar smell. "D*** straight, you ain't that good. I can't believe you would dare talk back to me like that. You know the rules. If your sister hadn't died a couple months ago, I'd have whooped your a** in a heartbeat. I'm almost about to. Push my buttons anymore, and you will see a side of me you have never seen before! I brought you into this world, I can sure as H*** take you out." I freeze at this threat. He never breaks a promise, but I can't help but come back at him. I wrench away from him, reeling from the throbbing pain in my arm, and glare.


"You shut up, Commie! I don't give a rat's behind about what you do to me, because I know the law! I can turn you in for aggravated child abuse, aggravated assault, and attempted murder if I wanted to, and the only reason I haven't is because you're my father! You want me to be perfect? Fine! Here's a perfect comeback for everything you do to me!" I flip him off and start to walk away. Dad grabs my shirt, and a low growl emits from my throat. I'm becoming the same monster he thrteatens me wiht, and he knows it. Doesn't stop him, though.


Pow! Smack! Bam! Thud! Crunch! My left hand breaks, and I'm left handed. I try desperately to stay out of the cold fury I've been in before. Dad knows what I can do when I'm really angry, and he knows I could kill him if I really wanted to. He's so drunk that he doesn't care, though.


"I told you to watch yourself! When did you get so cocky, Tad Owen?! I didn't raise you like this! Ouch! Why you..." I had slugged him, a hard right to the jaw that sent both of us reeling, as that's the arm he broke.


"You raised me just like this! Violence, hatred and abuse is how you raised me, so why are you so surprised? Uh.. No, don't... Don't... Stop! Please... Dad... come on, wake up... D-DAA--ARGH!" Dad's really laying into me now. I feel some of my ribs break, and I fall to my knees. He doesn't stop, though. I start to lose conciousness, and realize that if I do faint, I might not wake up again. Sweet release... I wonder if that would make him stop hitting Mom and me all the time...

------------------------------Tad loses consciousness.---------------------------------


There. Impromptu, letting it rip, pure violence that was still tapered down because I can't see how Horatio would post this. Tad doesn't die, as he's only twelve in this passage, and he proposes to his girlfriend at their high school graduation, so it does have a happy ending. I also tapered it because I am almost unable to think of such abuse, even though I have experienced some in the past. (Not this kind, a different type of abuse. Not tellin' you!) I know people IRL who have been through this, and I read the Dave Pelzer books, and I have the most morbid and gory imagination you can think of in a sixteen year old girl, but I can't think of how to put it in here as something that would get posted. I doubt much of this piece will get through at all. Now you have seen a portion of what I can talk about. I could go more, but Horatio won't let me.

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Since, I promised.

This is false, but I'm letting it rip just for you. Okay?


Pow! Slap! Crunch! As my father lays into, I wonder why he's so mad. [this is Tad speaking, as I always use him as my punching bag. Gosh, I really beat up my characters!!] Then I remember that I got home a minute late. Dad is a perfectionist. I feel the bones in my arm snap like twing, and I flinch in pure reflex. Dad sees what he's done and tries to apologize.


"No, Dad. Just... I gotta lie down..." My woozy remark doesn't fool him for a second. Dad went to med school, but he's a lawyer. Strange profession for a masked criminal. He makes me sit down and tells Mom to get some ice. She obeys, knowing what's going on, but she could never overpower him.


"Tad, you can't lie down. Your arm won't heal right." This statement causes my fried brain to snap, and I stand up, forgetting about the broken arm for the moment.


"D*****, Scott, it wouldn't have to heal right if you would just leave me the H*** alone! Can't you see I'm just a kid? I'm not perfect! I'm not one of those F****** TV kids who can read minds and fly and lift trucks and tap dance or play flute! I'm just a kid! A regular, normal kid! Can't you see that? Ow!" Dad just punched me and threw me against the wall. I wait a few moments before getting up, because if I delay, or not get up at all, he leaves me alone sooner.


"Don't you cuss at me, boy! You better watch yourself!" He pulls me close, adn the rotting stench of dinner and booze wafts into my nostrils. I try not to grimace at the all-too-familiar smell. "D*** straight, you ain't that good. I can't believe you would dare talk back to me like that. You know the rules. If your sister hadn't died a couple months ago, I'd have whooped your a** in a heartbeat. I'm almost about to. Push my buttons anymore, and you will see a side of me you have never seen before! I brought you into this world, I can sure as H*** take you out." I freeze at this threat. He never breaks a promise, but I can't help but come back at him. I wrench away from him, reeling from the throbbing pain in my arm, and glare.


"You shut up, Commie! I don't give a rat's behind about what you do to me, because I know the law! I can turn you in for aggravated child abuse, aggravated assault, and attempted murder if I wanted to, and the only reason I haven't is because you're my father! You want me to be perfect? Fine! Here's a perfect comeback for everything you do to me!" I flip him off and start to walk away. Dad grabs my shirt, and a low growl emits from my throat. I'm becoming the same monster he thrteatens me wiht, and he knows it. Doesn't stop him, though.


Pow! Smack! Bam! Thud! Crunch! My left hand breaks, and I'm left handed. I try desperately to stay out of the cold fury I've been in before. Dad knows what I can do when I'm really angry, and he knows I could kill him if I really wanted to. He's so drunk that he doesn't care, though.


"I told you to watch yourself! When did you get so cocky, Tad Owen?! I didn't raise you like this! Ouch! Why you..." I had slugged him, a hard right to the jaw that sent both of us reeling, as that's the arm he broke.


"You raised me just like this! Violence, hatred and abuse is how you raised me, so why are you so surprised? Uh.. No, don't... Don't... Stop! Please... Dad... come on, wake up... D-DAA--ARGH!" Dad's really laying into me now. I feel some of my ribs break, and I fall to my knees. He doesn't stop, though. I start to lose conciousness, and realize that if I do faint, I might not wake up again. Sweet release... I wonder if that would make him stop hitting Mom and me all the time...

------------------------------Tad loses consciousness.---------------------------------


There. Impromptu, letting it rip, pure violence that was still tapered down because I can't see how Horatio would post this. Tad doesn't die, as he's only twelve in this passage, and he proposes to his girlfriend at their high school graduation, so it does have a happy ending. I also tapered it because I am almost unable to think of such abuse, even though I have experienced some in the past. (Not this kind, a different type of abuse. Not tellin' you!) I know people IRL who have been through this, and I read the Dave Pelzer books, and I have the most morbid and gory imagination you can think of in a sixteen year old girl, but I can't think of how to put it in here as something that would get posted. I doubt much of this piece will get through at all. Now you have seen a portion of what I can talk about. I could go more, but Horatio won't let me.

Wow. I thought for sure you'd edit out at least some of the stuff. I can go darker, but I chose not to, as I can only kill off so many characters at a time.


When I killed the character in my one story in the future, I brought myselof to tears, even though it was a dream sequence. It was so sad! It was like killing myself, because all of my stories have at least one character that is symbolizing me, and I killed my "self" character! I'm sure I can find something darker than this in my saved stuff, but I dunno...

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Well, now that it's out, I can write some stuff that I would normally write. I could continue with this line of thought, if anyone wanted, you know. I am Topazia, just like Patchwork. I am her nega-being.

So there. I managed to trick TGHL for a while. MNLEH!! :P

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Since, I promised.

This is false, but I'm letting it rip just for you. Okay?


Pow! Slap! Crunch! As my father lays into, I wonder why he's so mad. [this is Tad speaking, as I always use him as my punching bag. Gosh, I really beat up my characters!!] Then I remember that I got home a minute late. Dad is a perfectionist. I feel the bones in my arm snap like twing, and I flinch in pure reflex. Dad sees what he's done and tries to apologize.


"No, Dad. Just... I gotta lie down..." My woozy remark doesn't fool him for a second. Dad went to med school, but he's a lawyer. Strange profession for a masked criminal. He makes me sit down and tells Mom to get some ice. She obeys, knowing what's going on, but she could never overpower him.


"Tad, you can't lie down. Your arm won't heal right." This statement causes my fried brain to snap, and I stand up, forgetting about the broken arm for the moment.


"D*****, Scott, it wouldn't have to heal right if you would just leave me the H*** alone! Can't you see I'm just a kid? I'm not perfect! I'm not one of those F****** TV kids who can read minds and fly and lift trucks and tap dance or play flute! I'm just a kid! A regular, normal kid! Can't you see that? Ow!" Dad just punched me and threw me against the wall. I wait a few moments before getting up, because if I delay, or not get up at all, he leaves me alone sooner.


"Don't you cuss at me, boy! You better watch yourself!" He pulls me close, adn the rotting stench of dinner and booze wafts into my nostrils. I try not to grimace at the all-too-familiar smell. "D*** straight, you ain't that good. I can't believe you would dare talk back to me like that. You know the rules. If your sister hadn't died a couple months ago, I'd have whooped your a** in a heartbeat. I'm almost about to. Push my buttons anymore, and you will see a side of me you have never seen before! I brought you into this world, I can sure as H*** take you out." I freeze at this threat. He never breaks a promise, but I can't help but come back at him. I wrench away from him, reeling from the throbbing pain in my arm, and glare.


"You shut up, Commie! I don't give a rat's behind about what you do to me, because I know the law! I can turn you in for aggravated child abuse, aggravated assault, and attempted murder if I wanted to, and the only reason I haven't is because you're my father! You want me to be perfect? Fine! Here's a perfect comeback for everything you do to me!" I flip him off and start to walk away. Dad grabs my shirt, and a low growl emits from my throat. I'm becoming the same monster he thrteatens me wiht, and he knows it. Doesn't stop him, though.


Pow! Smack! Bam! Thud! Crunch! My left hand breaks, and I'm left handed. I try desperately to stay out of the cold fury I've been in before. Dad knows what I can do when I'm really angry, and he knows I could kill him if I really wanted to. He's so drunk that he doesn't care, though.


"I told you to watch yourself! When did you get so cocky, Tad Owen?! I didn't raise you like this! Ouch! Why you..." I had slugged him, a hard right to the jaw that sent both of us reeling, as that's the arm he broke.


"You raised me just like this! Violence, hatred and abuse is how you raised me, so why are you so surprised? Uh.. No, don't... Don't... Stop! Please... Dad... come on, wake up... D-DAA--ARGH!" Dad's really laying into me now. I feel some of my ribs break, and I fall to my knees. He doesn't stop, though. I start to lose conciousness, and realize that if I do faint, I might not wake up again. Sweet release... I wonder if that would make him stop hitting Mom and me all the time...

------------------------------Tad loses consciousness.---------------------------------


There. Impromptu, letting it rip, pure violence that was still tapered down because I can't see how Horatio would post this. Tad doesn't die, as he's only twelve in this passage, and he proposes to his girlfriend at their high school graduation, so it does have a happy ending. I also tapered it because I am almost unable to think of such abuse, even though I have experienced some in the past. (Not this kind, a different type of abuse. Not tellin' you!) I know people IRL who have been through this, and I read the Dave Pelzer books, and I have the most morbid and gory imagination you can think of in a sixteen year old girl, but I can't think of how to put it in here as something that would get posted. I doubt much of this piece will get through at all. Now you have seen a portion of what I can talk about. I could go more, but Horatio won't let me.

Wow. I thought for sure you'd edit out at least some of the stuff. I can go darker, but I chose not to, as I can only kill off so many characters at a time.


When I killed the character in my one story in the future, I brought myselof to tears, even though it was a dream sequence. It was so sad! It was like killing myself, because all of my stories have at least one character that is symbolizing me, and I killed my "self" character! I'm sure I can find something darker than this in my saved stuff, but I dunno...

I think you are dark enough here.

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Since, I promised.

This is false, but I'm letting it rip just for you. Okay?


Pow! Slap! Crunch! As my father lays into, I wonder why he's so mad. [this is Tad speaking, as I always use him as my punching bag. Gosh, I really beat up my characters!!] Then I remember that I got home a minute late. Dad is a perfectionist. I feel the bones in my arm snap like twing, and I flinch in pure reflex. Dad sees what he's done and tries to apologize.


"No, Dad. Just... I gotta lie down..." My woozy remark doesn't fool him for a second. Dad went to med school, but he's a lawyer. Strange profession for a masked criminal. He makes me sit down and tells Mom to get some ice. She obeys, knowing what's going on, but she could never overpower him.


"Tad, you can't lie down. Your arm won't heal right." This statement causes my fried brain to snap, and I stand up, forgetting about the broken arm for the moment.


"D*****, Scott, it wouldn't have to heal right if you would just leave me the H*** alone! Can't you see I'm just a kid? I'm not perfect! I'm not one of those F****** TV kids who can read minds and fly and lift trucks and tap dance or play flute! I'm just a kid! A regular, normal kid! Can't you see that? Ow!" Dad just punched me and threw me against the wall. I wait a few moments before getting up, because if I delay, or not get up at all, he leaves me alone sooner.


"Don't you cuss at me, boy! You better watch yourself!" He pulls me close, adn the rotting stench of dinner and booze wafts into my nostrils. I try not to grimace at the all-too-familiar smell. "D*** straight, you ain't that good. I can't believe you would dare talk back to me like that. You know the rules. If your sister hadn't died a couple months ago, I'd have whooped your a** in a heartbeat. I'm almost about to. Push my buttons anymore, and you will see a side of me you have never seen before! I brought you into this world, I can sure as H*** take you out." I freeze at this threat. He never breaks a promise, but I can't help but come back at him. I wrench away from him, reeling from the throbbing pain in my arm, and glare.


"You shut up, Commie! I don't give a rat's behind about what you do to me, because I know the law! I can turn you in for aggravated child abuse, aggravated assault, and attempted murder if I wanted to, and the only reason I haven't is because you're my father! You want me to be perfect? Fine! Here's a perfect comeback for everything you do to me!" I flip him off and start to walk away. Dad grabs my shirt, and a low growl emits from my throat. I'm becoming the same monster he thrteatens me wiht, and he knows it. Doesn't stop him, though.


Pow! Smack! Bam! Thud! Crunch! My left hand breaks, and I'm left handed. I try desperately to stay out of the cold fury I've been in before. Dad knows what I can do when I'm really angry, and he knows I could kill him if I really wanted to. He's so drunk that he doesn't care, though.


"I told you to watch yourself! When did you get so cocky, Tad Owen?! I didn't raise you like this! Ouch! Why you..." I had slugged him, a hard right to the jaw that sent both of us reeling, as that's the arm he broke.


"You raised me just like this! Violence, hatred and abuse is how you raised me, so why are you so surprised? Uh.. No, don't... Don't... Stop! Please... Dad... come on, wake up... D-DAA--ARGH!" Dad's really laying into me now. I feel some of my ribs break, and I fall to my knees. He doesn't stop, though. I start to lose conciousness, and realize that if I do faint, I might not wake up again. Sweet release... I wonder if that would make him stop hitting Mom and me all the time...

------------------------------Tad loses consciousness.---------------------------------


There. Impromptu, letting it rip, pure violence that was still tapered down because I can't see how Horatio would post this. Tad doesn't die, as he's only twelve in this passage, and he proposes to his girlfriend at their high school graduation, so it does have a happy ending. I also tapered it because I am almost unable to think of such abuse, even though I have experienced some in the past. (Not this kind, a different type of abuse. Not tellin' you!) I know people IRL who have been through this, and I read the Dave Pelzer books, and I have the most morbid and gory imagination you can think of in a sixteen year old girl, but I can't think of how to put it in here as something that would get posted. I doubt much of this piece will get through at all. Now you have seen a portion of what I can talk about. I could go more, but Horatio won't let me.

Wow. I thought for sure you'd edit out at least some of the stuff. I can go darker, but I chose not to, as I can only kill off so many characters at a time.


When I killed the character in my one story in the future, I brought myself to tears, even though it was a dream sequence. It was so sad! It was like killing myself, because all of my stories have at least one character that is symbolizing me, and I killed my "self" character! I'm sure I can find something darker than this in my saved stuff, but I dunno...

I think you are dark enough here.

You think so? Because I can go more so if anyone wants.

kidding. I don't want to go, but I will if ne one asks.

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Since, I promised.

This is false, but I'm letting it rip just for you. Okay?


Pow! Slap! Crunch! As my father lays into, I wonder why he's so mad. [this is Tad speaking, as I always use him as my punching bag. Gosh, I really beat up my characters!!] Then I remember that I got home a minute late. Dad is a perfectionist. I feel the bones in my arm snap like twing, and I flinch in pure reflex. Dad sees what he's done and tries to apologize.


"No, Dad. Just... I gotta lie down..." My woozy remark doesn't fool him for a second. Dad went to med school, but he's a lawyer. Strange profession for a masked criminal. He makes me sit down and tells Mom to get some ice. She obeys, knowing what's going on, but she could never overpower him.


"Tad, you can't lie down. Your arm won't heal right." This statement causes my fried brain to snap, and I stand up, forgetting about the broken arm for the moment.


"D*****, Scott, it wouldn't have to heal right if you would just leave me the H*** alone! Can't you see I'm just a kid? I'm not perfect! I'm not one of those F****** TV kids who can read minds and fly and lift trucks and tap dance or play flute! I'm just a kid! A regular, normal kid! Can't you see that? Ow!" Dad just punched me and threw me against the wall. I wait a few moments before getting up, because if I delay, or not get up at all, he leaves me alone sooner.


"Don't you cuss at me, boy! You better watch yourself!" He pulls me close, adn the rotting stench of dinner and booze wafts into my nostrils. I try not to grimace at the all-too-familiar smell. "D*** straight, you ain't that good. I can't believe you would dare talk back to me like that. You know the rules. If your sister hadn't died a couple months ago, I'd have whooped your a** in a heartbeat. I'm almost about to. Push my buttons anymore, and you will see a side of me you have never seen before! I brought you into this world, I can sure as H*** take you out." I freeze at this threat. He never breaks a promise, but I can't help but come back at him. I wrench away from him, reeling from the throbbing pain in my arm, and glare.


"You shut up, Commie! I don't give a rat's behind about what you do to me, because I know the law! I can turn you in for aggravated child abuse, aggravated assault, and attempted murder if I wanted to, and the only reason I haven't is because you're my father! You want me to be perfect? Fine! Here's a perfect comeback for everything you do to me!" I flip him off and start to walk away. Dad grabs my shirt, and a low growl emits from my throat. I'm becoming the same monster he thrteatens me wiht, and he knows it. Doesn't stop him, though.


Pow! Smack! Bam! Thud! Crunch! My left hand breaks, and I'm left handed. I try desperately to stay out of the cold fury I've been in before. Dad knows what I can do when I'm really angry, and he knows I could kill him if I really wanted to. He's so drunk that he doesn't care, though.


"I told you to watch yourself! When did you get so cocky, Tad Owen?! I didn't raise you like this! Ouch! Why you..." I had slugged him, a hard right to the jaw that sent both of us reeling, as that's the arm he broke.


"You raised me just like this! Violence, hatred and abuse is how you raised me, so why are you so surprised? Uh.. No, don't... Don't... Stop! Please... Dad... come on, wake up... D-DAA--ARGH!" Dad's really laying into me now. I feel some of my ribs break, and I fall to my knees. He doesn't stop, though. I start to lose conciousness, and realize that if I do faint, I might not wake up again. Sweet release... I wonder if that would make him stop hitting Mom and me all the time...

------------------------------Tad loses consciousness.---------------------------------


There. Impromptu, letting it rip, pure violence that was still tapered down because I can't see how Horatio would post this. Tad doesn't die, as he's only twelve in this passage, and he proposes to his girlfriend at their high school graduation, so it does have a happy ending. I also tapered it because I am almost unable to think of such abuse, even though I have experienced some in the past. (Not this kind, a different type of abuse. Not tellin' you!) I know people IRL who have been through this, and I read the Dave Pelzer books, and I have the most morbid and gory imagination you can think of in a sixteen year old girl, but I can't think of how to put it in here as something that would get posted. I doubt much of this piece will get through at all. Now you have seen a portion of what I can talk about. I could go more, but Horatio won't let me.

That is awsome! Have a Cloudy aisha award!

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Since, I promised.

This is false, but I'm letting it rip just for you. Okay?


Pow! Slap! Crunch! As my father lays into, I wonder why he's so mad. [this is Tad speaking, as I always use him as my punching bag. Gosh, I really beat up my characters!!] Then I remember that I got home a minute late. Dad is a perfectionist. I feel the bones in my arm snap like twing, and I flinch in pure reflex. Dad sees what he's done and tries to apologize.


"No, Dad. Just... I gotta lie down..." My woozy remark doesn't fool him for a second. Dad went to med school, but he's a lawyer. Strange profession for a masked criminal. He makes me sit down and tells Mom to get some ice. She obeys, knowing what's going on, but she could never overpower him.


"Tad, you can't lie down. Your arm won't heal right." This statement causes my fried brain to snap, and I stand up, forgetting about the broken arm for the moment.


"D*****, Scott, it wouldn't have to heal right if you would just leave me the H*** alone! Can't you see I'm just a kid? I'm not perfect! I'm not one of those F****** TV kids who can read minds and fly and lift trucks and tap dance or play flute! I'm just a kid! A regular, normal kid! Can't you see that? Ow!" Dad just punched me and threw me against the wall. I wait a few moments before getting up, because if I delay, or not get up at all, he leaves me alone sooner.


"Don't you cuss at me, boy! You better watch yourself!" He pulls me close, adn the rotting stench of dinner and booze wafts into my nostrils. I try not to grimace at the all-too-familiar smell. "D*** straight, you ain't that good. I can't believe you would dare talk back to me like that. You know the rules. If your sister hadn't died a couple months ago, I'd have whooped your a** in a heartbeat. I'm almost about to. Push my buttons anymore, and you will see a side of me you have never seen before! I brought you into this world, I can sure as H*** take you out." I freeze at this threat. He never breaks a promise, but I can't help but come back at him. I wrench away from him, reeling from the throbbing pain in my arm, and glare.


"You shut up, Commie! I don't give a rat's behind about what you do to me, because I know the law! I can turn you in for aggravated child abuse, aggravated assault, and attempted murder if I wanted to, and the only reason I haven't is because you're my father! You want me to be perfect? Fine! Here's a perfect comeback for everything you do to me!" I flip him off and start to walk away. Dad grabs my shirt, and a low growl emits from my throat. I'm becoming the same monster he thrteatens me wiht, and he knows it. Doesn't stop him, though.


Pow! Smack! Bam! Thud! Crunch! My left hand breaks, and I'm left handed. I try desperately to stay out of the cold fury I've been in before. Dad knows what I can do when I'm really angry, and he knows I could kill him if I really wanted to. He's so drunk that he doesn't care, though.


"I told you to watch yourself! When did you get so cocky, Tad Owen?! I didn't raise you like this! Ouch! Why you..." I had slugged him, a hard right to the jaw that sent both of us reeling, as that's the arm he broke.


"You raised me just like this! Violence, hatred and abuse is how you raised me, so why are you so surprised? Uh.. No, don't... Don't... Stop! Please... Dad... come on, wake up... D-DAA--ARGH!" Dad's really laying into me now. I feel some of my ribs break, and I fall to my knees. He doesn't stop, though. I start to lose conciousness, and realize that if I do faint, I might not wake up again. Sweet release... I wonder if that would make him stop hitting Mom and me all the time...

------------------------------Tad loses consciousness.---------------------------------


There. Impromptu, letting it rip, pure violence that was still tapered down because I can't see how Horatio would post this. Tad doesn't die, as he's only twelve in this passage, and he proposes to his girlfriend at their high school graduation, so it does have a happy ending. I also tapered it because I am almost unable to think of such abuse, even though I have experienced some in the past. (Not this kind, a different type of abuse. Not tellin' you!) I know people IRL who have been through this, and I read the Dave Pelzer books, and I have the most morbid and gory imagination you can think of in a sixteen year old girl, but I can't think of how to put it in here as something that would get posted. I doubt much of this piece will get through at all. Now you have seen a portion of what I can talk about. I could go more, but Horatio won't let me.

That is awsome! Have a Cloudy aisha award!

*stitch voice*



thank you!

*puts award in award case, shines with rest of awards*

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  • 2 weeks later...

My heart aches for relief...

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  • 4 months later...

wow! I didn't remember being that violent!

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  • 11 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

that's sad... i haven't written in here for a year... :( lol

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  • 7 months later...

hmm, after reading that, I just realized that I've already surpassed it =\

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