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The Legend of Invision

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Yay!!! Since My First story, The Invision War, was such a Sucess, I have made a Series.This one is called STUPID EARTHILINGS!!!! Theres a weird joke i it. Its

The Person at Celebration City Confused. That part is Hilarious. (I think.)



"Horatio!!!! Hurry wit the Big plane! It has to hoard all of us and our Junk.'

Mk Shouted to Horatio. Coca Cola bear was Supplying all the Drinks.

" MK, do I need to bring Muh Gamecube and N64?" asked Arkcher.

"No, I'm Packing my own. But bring your Own DS. I'm Bringing mine. We can PictoChat." MK responded.

Everyone supplied something.

Finally, Horatio fineshed the Plane. It had the size of 100 Jet liners and the Spiffiness of Invision's Planes. Everyone crawled in. " awsome" said TGHL.

" Its sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cool" said Puppy Dog.

" Tv, Internet Comnnection, Sattilite, Drink Holders- All the Comforts of Home."

said Pink Angel. " Its just like Arkchers Mansion. Everyones got there own room

decorated speciel." said Hoops.

Hampsterking Announced:

" I would like to thank

Mushroom King, for Planning,

Horatio, For Building,

and Moneylover, for Support and Paying

For this Airplane supplied for our Vacation to earth."

Everyone was around MK, TB, TGHL,Hippydippy, and Hoops who were the only Invisionists that had Visited earth and asking them Annoying Questions.

Everyone got in to the Plane and into there rooms.

"lets go" said Horatio.

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-gets his GCN Memory cards, MP2 and some wireless internet attachments for his PDA, specifically to link to gaming websites- =D These come too. I need mah GCN. (Much abbreviation in this post, i noticed. O_o)


Thats not my mansion thing, Its a big house dorm thing that happens to be the message board if it was a physical structure!

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Yay!!! Since My First story, The Invision War, was such a Sucess, I have made a Series.This one is called STUPID EARTHILINGS!!!! Theres a weird joke i  it. Its

The Person at Celebration City Confused. That part is Hilarious. (I think.)



"Horatio!!!! Hurry wit the Big plane! It has to hoard all of us and our Junk.'

Mk Shouted to Horatio. Coca Cola bear was Supplying all the Drinks.

" MK, do I need to bring Muh Gamecube and N64?" asked Arkcher.

"No, I'm Packing my own. But bring your Own DS. I'm Bringing mine. We can PictoChat." MK responded.

Everyone supplied something.

Finally, Horatio fineshed the Plane. It had the size of 100 Jet liners and the Spiffiness of Invision's Planes. Everyone crawled in. " awsome" said TGHL.

" Its sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cool" said Puppy Dog.

" Tv, Internet Comnnection, Sattilite, Drink Holders- All the Comforts of Home."

said Pink Angel. " Its just like Arkchers Mansion. Everyones got there own room

decorated speciel." said Hoops.

Hampsterking Announced:

" I would like to thank

Mushroom King, for Planning,

Horatio, For Building,

and Moneylover, for Support and Paying

For this Airplane supplied for our Vacation to earth."

Everyone was around MK, TB, TGHL,Hippydippy, and Hoops who were the only Invisionists that had Visited earth and asking them Annoying Questions.

Everyone got in to the Plane and into there rooms.

"lets go" said Horatio.

So when everyone got on the plane, They went and ran around.

At 2:00 in the Morning, everyone heard something from downstairs. It was coming from MKs room. They went ion their and MK was playing her Bass guitar toPitchblackEclipse s New Album. She was already on 9, Shaylns Bayln.

She was also screaming sound effects from Super Mario 64 DS.

" MK! BE QUIET!!!! WE IS TRYING TO SLEEP!" screamed Hoops.

The next morning, Horatio said they were near planet Zeebo.

However, unlike the day before, it was less boring. MK had found a Lugiboo Haunting the castle and shrooomed it. it was MKs new best freind.

Hoops was screaming. " IM your best freind! Not that LUGIBOO!" she screamed.

" Its my seconed best freind. after you." Hampster was helping out Horatio fly the plane.

"attention" said Hampster./

Everyone stopped what they were doing.

" we are being to hostage by Evil aleins. Please Transform into a Hami Warrior and be ready to fight"

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Yay!!! Since My First story, The Invision War, was such a Sucess, I have made a Series.This one is called STUPID EARTHILINGS!!!! Theres a weird joke i  it. Its

The Person at Celebration City Confused. That part is Hilarious. (I think.)



"Horatio!!!! Hurry wit the Big plane! It has to hoard all of us and our Junk.'

Mk Shouted to Horatio. Coca Cola bear was Supplying all the Drinks.

" MK, do I need to bring Muh Gamecube and N64?" asked Arkcher.

"No, I'm Packing my own. But bring your Own DS. I'm Bringing mine. We can PictoChat." MK responded.

Everyone supplied something.

Finally, Horatio fineshed the Plane. It had the size of 100 Jet liners and the Spiffiness of Invision's Planes. Everyone crawled in. " awsome" said TGHL.

" Its sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cool" said Puppy Dog.

" Tv, Internet Comnnection, Sattilite, Drink Holders- All the Comforts of Home."

said Pink Angel. " Its just like Arkchers Mansion. Everyones got there own room

decorated speciel." said Hoops.

Hampsterking Announced:

" I would like to thank

Mushroom King, for Planning,

Horatio, For Building,

and Moneylover, for Support and Paying

For this Airplane supplied for our Vacation to earth."

Everyone was around MK, TB, TGHL,Hippydippy, and Hoops who were the only Invisionists that had Visited earth and asking them Annoying Questions.

Everyone got in to the Plane and into there rooms.

"lets go" said Horatio.

So when everyone got on the plane, They went and ran around.

At 2:00 in the Morning, everyone heard something from downstairs. It was coming from MKs room. They went ion their and MK was playing her Bass guitar toPitchblackEclipse s New Album. She was already on 9, Shaylns Bayln.

She was also screaming sound effects from Super Mario 64 DS.

" MK! BE QUIET!!!! WE IS TRYING TO SLEEP!" screamed Hoops.

The next morning, Horatio said they were near planet Zeebo.

However, unlike the day before, it was less boring. MK had found a Lugiboo Haunting the castle and shrooomed it. it was MKs new best freind.

Hoops was screaming. " IM your best freind! Not that LUGIBOO!" she screamed.

" Its my seconed best freind. after you." Hampster was helping out Horatio fly the plane.

"attention" said Hampster./

Everyone stopped what they were doing.

" we are being to hostage by Evil aleins. Please Transform into a Hami Warrior and be ready to fight"

Good story! (Continue or else!)(Did someone steal my DS? Do I not have one anymore??) :):D

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As everybody changed into Hamis, The Evil Zeebo aleins came into the Spaceship.

MK shroomed every last one of them and TGHL Stole their Sanitys.

" This Isnt working" said Hoops. " I have the Answer" said Sammy the Hamster.

" what" yelled evrybody

" Just eat these things. Trust me." said Sammy. MK pulled out her weopen of Mass Destruction- Evil Pikmin warriors.

After the Zeebo fight, The zeebobiens Retreated.

" attention" said Horatio.

" we are noe landing on earth"

" Prepare for your Arrival." said Hampster.

As everyone was packing up, Horatio and Hampster

were still steering the ship to ground.

" Warning! Warning! Please get in the 3000 Safty crash seats. We are going to land in 5,"

" Horatio! We have a Problem!" Screamed Hampster.


Sorry that segment was so short.

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As everyone ran around screaming, Ad the Rat was trying his best to get people into the safty seats.

" Hey Ive newver seen you before." said MK and shroomed Ad.

"3 2 1"

Soon the plane had crashe landed people crfowed around it, but MK made a bad Impressiion on the people and shroomed them.

" ALEINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" screamd some Hillbilly.

suddenly something bad happened- a Squirril ran around the ship.

" SKWERL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" screamed Skwerlhugger will as he was in hot pursuit to hug it and put it in his army.

as nearly 3000 people poured out, people yelled like mad as MK and TGHL shroomed them and stole their sanitys.

" Lets take over this place and feed theose Hilllbilys to the Zebbobians." said Sheena.

Then the army apeered and Bush apeered.

" I think you are Illigil aleins" said Bush.

" we do not understand your langwith. please send email." said Horatio.

Then Bush sent a looooong Email to the Invisioists.

( we then found out that bush uses Chat speak.)

' Moron" said TGHL.

" No hes not" said Arkcher.

" Monkeylicous please translate this." said MK.

" Ok" said Monkeylicous

Then she translated it.

"WHOA" said LPP as a Linkin park band concer played nearby.

" see ya guys"

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  • 2 weeks later...

{"She was no help" said Hamsterfireball as Monkeylicous finesehed the final paragraph of the message.

"Ooooookkkkkkk....... That DID NOT make sense." said TBFOF." I want to buy a Fuzzy poster!!!!"

"ZOMG Bush uses more nettespeak than Monkleylicous and Mullaypop COMBINED!" said Arkcher.

TGHL used his amazing brain to calcuate. " That would mean,"

6700000 Chatespeak words per year (Mullaypop)


9999999 Chatespeak words per year (monkeylicous)



9999999999 Chatespeak word per year (bush)"

*Hey guys letmme show you guys to my super spiffy apartment." said MK.

As they did,

3 evil preps surrounded them.

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{"She was no help" said Hamsterfireball as Monkeylicous finesehed the final paragraph of the message.

"Ooooookkkkkkk....... That DID NOT make sense." said TBFOF." I want to buy a Fuzzy poster!!!!"

"ZOMG Bush uses more nettespeak than Monkleylicous and Mullaypop COMBINED!"  said Arkcher.

TGHL used his amazing brain to calcuate. " That would mean,"

6700000 Chatespeak words per year (Mullaypop)


9999999 Chatespeak words per year (monkeylicous)



9999999999 Chatespeak word per year (bush)"

*Hey guys letmme show you guys to my super spiffy apartment." said MK.

As they did,

3 evil preps surrounded them.

"Hey look, hes Se*y " said the first evil prep pointing to TBFOF.

" I dont date out of species." said Nick. He glared at them.

."Yea sure" said the Second evil prep. They shared a walmart ish Laugh,

" come on les go home and we can go oout!" said the forst evil; prep.

" Shaddup" said hoops. " Yea we will nevr liek you let alone Nick" said annabanna.

" Well geez we were just trying to be Freindly. " said the Third ev ilo prep.

Then all of a sudden MK burst out and slammed tye preps with her doombass.

" Now that thats out of the way," said MK. " We can go now."

All of a sudden they ran into someone who looked like Jhon Lennon.

"Geez! Cant a Man get any peace around here?!" He said.

" You look like Jhon lennon" said MK.

" I AM Jhon lennon" he said. "Do'h! I shoukdent of Told you that"

" Im your biggest fan" said MK. " and David Gilmore"

"Hey You" said lennon. " You look just like me when I was young." He pointed to Nick.

" I know. My name is Nick-"

" Ah HA!" said TB. " I KNEW the Birth Certificat ewoukd come in handy someday!"

She whippe dout a Birth Certificate.

She read aloud,

"Nick Lennon"

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As 'Lennon (adult) stared at his Long lost Relitive, Mushroom_king darted her eyes around and said, "So you twqo are related?"

" I guiess" Said TBFOF. " But Im a Hampster person, not a beatle"

'lennon then told them, " wanna come to my apartment"

"Oh! We would love to, but i was leading them somewhere." said Horatio.

Mk gave him a look.

As Horatio led them all over to an Unfamiler house in New york, Lennon told them about how his band got al unpopular.

" Pink Floyd" he said. " Nuiff said."

"Oh really" said Toto. "You dont say."

horatio led them into the house.

On the living rom couch was a young guy, not to faT, light brown hair in a Fedex Uniform.

"invisionis" said 'Atio. "Lennon"

"this is my freind Jack.'

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As 'Lennon (adult) stared at his Long lost Relitive, Mushroom_king darted her eyes around and said, "So you twqo are related?"

" I guiess" Said TBFOF. " But Im a Hampster person, not a beatle"

'lennon then told them, " wanna come to my apartment"

"Oh! We would love to, but i was leading them somewhere." said Horatio.

Mk gave him a look.

As Horatio led them all over to an Unfamiler house in New york, Lennon told them about how his band got al unpopular.

" Pink Floyd" he said. " Nuiff said."

"Oh really" said Toto. "You dont say."

horatio led them into the house.

On the living rom couch was a young guy, not to faT, light brown hair in a Fedex Uniform.

"invisionis" said 'Atio. "Lennon"

"this is my freind Jack.'

"Ive always wante dto meet him" said MK. "I hoped he like dthe cards we gave him."

"Hello" said Jack as he got up to see Horatio;'s freinds.

"what an odd group" he said, straing at 2 dogs, some humans, 3 cats, a ton of Hampsters and hammies, some wolves and humans. Jack shook his head.

" we came to take you v=back to Invision." said Horatio.

Jacks eyes got WIDE." Really?" he had only BVisited the planet once.


"might as well" said MK. "Im getting bored of this boring planet"


'lets go home"

"its not boring ish Borking!"


As Horatio and Hampster were in the cockpit, Mk was pacib=ng around.

"we have traveled 400 light-years but no sign of Planet Zeebo!"

"Dont worry" said Arkcher. "look.... Its some titchy planet, and something blue is on it."

They saw ikt was Planet X, and TGHL was on it.

"OMG" screamed Kat.

Kat got out a spaceship suit or ehatever and went out torescue TGHL.

"Help!" he yelled. " i cant breth!" Kat grabbed him by the wing and quickly got him back to te ship.

"Oxygen tanks" said TB.

The oxygen tanks lowered and TGHL was given beautiful, fresh Oxygen.

"aw..... Aw..... good..... " he sudenly woke up and the Tanks were sent back up.

"what Happened?" asked TBFOF.

"I tried to fly on my own to zeebo to see you guys. but aliens stole my spacesuit on X and cLobbered me and left me to diiiieeeee."

"Ohhhhhh." said Hampster, who was over next to TGHL making ure he was ok.

All of a sudden everyone flipped upside down.

"ahhhhh!" screamed TGHL.

"stupid Camera! " said MK as she ran over to the camera and fixed it.


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  • 4 weeks later...
As 'Lennon (adult) stared at his Long lost Relitive, Mushroom_king darted her eyes around and said, "So you twqo are related?"

" I guiess" Said TBFOF. " But Im a Hampster person, not a beatle"

'lennon then told them, " wanna come to my apartment"

"Oh! We would love to, but i was leading them somewhere." said Horatio.

Mk gave him a look.

As Horatio led them all over to an Unfamiler house in New york, Lennon told them about how his band got al unpopular.

" Pink Floyd" he said. " Nuiff said."

"Oh really" said Toto. "You dont say."

horatio led them into the house.

On the living rom couch was a young guy, not to faT, light brown hair in a Fedex Uniform.

"invisionis" said 'Atio. "Lennon"

"this is my freind Jack.'

"Ive always wante dto meet him" said MK. "I hoped he like dthe cards we gave him."

"Hello" said Jack as he got up to see Horatio;'s freinds.

"what an odd group" he said, straing at 2 dogs, some humans, 3 cats, a ton of Hampsters and hammies, some wolves and humans. Jack shook his head.

" we came to take you v=back to Invision." said Horatio.

Jacks eyes got WIDE." Really?" he had only BVisited the planet once.


"might as well" said MK. "Im getting bored of this boring planet"


'lets go home"

"its not boring ish Borking!"


As Horatio and Hampster were in the cockpit, Mk was pacib=ng around.

"we have traveled 400 light-years but no sign of Planet Zeebo!"

"Dont worry" said Arkcher. "look.... Its some titchy planet, and something blue is on it."

They saw ikt was Planet X, and TGHL was on it.

"OMG" screamed Kat.

Kat got out a spaceship suit or ehatever and went out torescue TGHL.

"Help!" he yelled. " i cant breth!" Kat grabbed him by the wing and quickly got him back to te ship.

"Oxygen tanks" said TB.

The oxygen tanks lowered and TGHL was given beautiful, fresh Oxygen.

"aw..... Aw..... good..... " he sudenly woke up and the Tanks were sent back up.

"what Happened?" asked TBFOF.

"I tried to fly on my own to zeebo to see you guys. but aliens stole my spacesuit on X and cLobbered me and left me to diiiieeeee."

"Ohhhhhh." said Hampster, who was over next to TGHL making ure he was ok.

All of a sudden everyone flipped upside down.

"ahhhhh!" screamed TGHL.

"stupid Camera! " said MK as she ran over to the camera and fixed it.


MK sadly could not fix up the Camera. so, they ll resorted to whatching "I love the eighteeeees" to pass time.

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As 'Lennon (adult) stared at his Long lost Relitive, Mushroom_king darted her eyes around and said, "So you twqo are related?"

" I guiess" Said TBFOF. " But Im a Hampster person, not a beatle"

'lennon then told them, " wanna come to my apartment"

"Oh! We would love to, but i was leading them somewhere." said Horatio.

Mk gave him a look.

As Horatio led them all over to an Unfamiler house in New york, Lennon told them about how his band got al unpopular.

" Pink Floyd" he said. " Nuiff said."

"Oh really" said Toto. "You dont say."

horatio led them into the house.

On the living rom couch was a young guy, not to faT, light brown hair in a Fedex Uniform.

"invisionis" said 'Atio. "Lennon"

"this is my freind Jack.'

"Ive always wante dto meet him" said MK. "I hoped he like dthe cards we gave him."

"Hello" said Jack as he got up to see Horatio;'s freinds.

"what an odd group" he said, straing at 2 dogs, some humans, 3 cats, a ton of Hampsters and hammies, some wolves and humans. Jack shook his head.

" we came to take you v=back to Invision." said Horatio.

Jacks eyes got WIDE." Really?" he had only BVisited the planet once.


"might as well" said MK. "Im getting bored of this boring planet"


'lets go home"

"its not boring ish Borking!"


As Horatio and Hampster were in the cockpit, Mk was pacib=ng around.

"we have traveled 400 light-years but no sign of Planet Zeebo!"

"Dont worry" said Arkcher. "look.... Its some titchy planet, and something blue is on it."

They saw ikt was Planet X, and TGHL was on it.

"OMG" screamed Kat.

Kat got out a spaceship suit or ehatever and went out torescue TGHL.

"Help!" he yelled. " i cant breth!" Kat grabbed him by the wing and quickly got him back to te ship.

"Oxygen tanks" said TB.

The oxygen tanks lowered and TGHL was given beautiful, fresh Oxygen.

"aw..... Aw..... good..... " he sudenly woke up and the Tanks were sent back up.

"what Happened?" asked TBFOF.

"I tried to fly on my own to zeebo to see you guys. but aliens stole my spacesuit on X and cLobbered me and left me to diiiieeeee."

"Ohhhhhh." said Hampster, who was over next to TGHL making ure he was ok.

All of a sudden everyone flipped upside down.

"ahhhhh!" screamed TGHL.

"stupid Camera! " said MK as she ran over to the camera and fixed it.


MK sadly could not fix up the Camera. so, they ll resorted to whatching "I love the eighteeeees" to pass time.

As soon as Arkcher had fixed the camera, They got a message from Hamtsreking.

"Its Urgent!" he said. Everyone gathered.

"The Fusion came and he was pretending to be Coca cola bear and he turned the Hami stone Dark and when he came after-" The Reception broke.

"someone fix it!" said Hoops.

Arkcher couldent fix it, Amazngly. So MK fixed it.

After 2 hours, she still hadent fixed it. " This **** Reception device!" Everyone gasped, as MK was not known to swear. Finnaly it fixed. "that, All the Hami warriors turned EVIL!"

"Le gasp!" said Arkcher.

"WE will be destroyed!" said HK.

"Don't Worry" said TGHL. "I know what can save us"


"The Firefox side!"

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Arkcher Scratched his head. "Eh?"

TGHL spoke. " The Firfox! One of my Minions when I worked for Apple Butter!"

"Whos apple Butter"

"Fusins real name"

No one spoke.

"FireFox turned good many years before I did. Apple butter may of caught him though"

"Aand How do we Turn to your Pal FirFox's Side, Destroty te Dark Hami stone, and Beat The Fusion AKA Apple Butter?" asked Hoops.

"Easier said than done. The Transmission device tells me that Firefox has been caught by Apple Butter. we wioll have to do all the Hami stuff first" said TGHL.

As soon as The group Got to Invision, HK ran to them.

"Chaos!" "Madness!" he screamed.

"Calm down. What happaned?" askd Mega wolf.

" The Fusion trapped the real Hami Stone back in ancienyt Invision. You who were here back then- transfer to your old souls. Those who werent, you may chjange the course of Time because of this."

" I may know an Easier way" said TGHL.

"what" asked HK.

"The Other side of Invision. if the Strongest of us go to the otehr side, we can get the stone, because the oter side is judst like Anceint Invision." said Arkcher.

They all walked into HK's castle, and went to his Power room.

" only the strongest gain strength thru this Generater" said The Biggest Fan of Hado, HK's servant.

MK walked thru.


TBFOF walked Thru. pass.

Mega wolf. pass. Otter. Pass. Others went thru and passed, But many did not.

"OK' said Horatio." we will now ascend to ancient Invision!"

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As 'Lennon (adult) stared at his Long lost Relitive, Mushroom_king darted her eyes around and said, "So you twqo are related?"

" I guiess" Said TBFOF. " But Im a Hampster person, not a beatle"

'lennon then told them, " wanna come to my apartment"

"Oh! We would love to, but i was leading them somewhere." said Horatio.

Mk gave him a look.

As Horatio led them all over to an Unfamiler house in New york, Lennon told them about how his band got al unpopular.

" Pink Floyd" he said. " Nuiff said."

"Oh really" said Toto. "You dont say."

horatio led them into the house.

On the living rom couch was a young guy, not to faT, light brown hair in a Fedex Uniform.

"invisionis" said 'Atio. "Lennon"

"this is my freind Jack.'

"Ive always wante dto meet him" said MK. "I hoped he like dthe cards we gave him."

"Hello" said Jack as he got up to see Horatio;'s freinds.

"what an odd group" he said, straing at 2 dogs, some humans, 3 cats, a ton of Hampsters and hammies, some wolves and humans. Jack shook his head.

" we came to take you v=back to Invision." said Horatio.

Jacks eyes got WIDE." Really?" he had only BVisited the planet once.


"might as well" said MK. "Im getting bored of this boring planet"


'lets go home"

"its not boring ish Borking!"


As Horatio and Hampster were in the cockpit, Mk was pacib=ng around.

"we have traveled 400 light-years but no sign of Planet Zeebo!"

"Dont worry" said Arkcher. "look.... Its some titchy planet, and something blue is on it."

They saw ikt was Planet X, and TGHL was on it.

"OMG" screamed Kat.

Kat got out a spaceship suit or ehatever and went out torescue TGHL.

"Help!" he yelled. " i cant breth!" Kat grabbed him by the wing and quickly got him back to te ship.

"Oxygen tanks" said TB.

The oxygen tanks lowered and TGHL was given beautiful, fresh Oxygen.

"aw..... Aw..... good..... " he sudenly woke up and the Tanks were sent back up.

"what Happened?" asked TBFOF.

"I tried to fly on my own to zeebo to see you guys. but aliens stole my spacesuit on X and cLobbered me and left me to diiiieeeee."

"Ohhhhhh." said Hampster, who was over next to TGHL making ure he was ok.

All of a sudden everyone flipped upside down.

"ahhhhh!" screamed TGHL.

"stupid Camera! " said MK as she ran over to the camera and fixed it.


MK sadly could not fix up the Camera. so, they ll resorted to whatching "I love the eighteeeees" to pass time.

As soon as Arkcher had fixed the camera, They got a message from Hamtsreking.

"Its Urgent!" he said. Everyone gathered.

"The Fusion came and he was pretending to be Coca cola bear and he turned the Hami stone Dark and when he came after-" The Reception broke.

"someone fix it!" said Hoops.

Arkcher couldent fix it, Amazngly. So MK fixed it.

After 2 hours, she still hadent fixed it. " This **** Reception device!" Everyone gasped, as MK was not known to swear. Finnaly it fixed. "that, All the Hami warriors turned EVIL!"

"Le gasp!" said Arkcher.

"WE will be destroyed!" said HK.

"Don't Worry" said TGHL. "I know what can save us"


"The Firefox side!"

:lol: LOL. That's hilarious.


Arkcher Scratched his head. "Eh?"

TGHL spoke. " The Firfox! One of my Minions when I worked for Apple Butter!"

"Whos apple Butter"

"Fusins real name"

No one spoke.

"FireFox turned good many years before I did. Apple butter may of caught him  though"

"Aand How do we Turn to your Pal FirFox's Side, Destroty te Dark Hami stone, and Beat The Fusion AKA Apple Butter?" asked Hoops.

"Easier said than done. The Transmission device tells me that Firefox has been caught by Apple Butter.  we wioll have to do all the Hami stuff first" said TGHL.

As soon as The group Got to Invision, HK ran to them.

"Chaos!" "Madness!"  he screamed.

"Calm down. What happaned?"  askd Mega wolf.

" The Fusion trapped the real Hami Stone back in ancienyt Invision. You who were here back then- transfer to your old souls. Those who werent, you may chjange the course of Time because of this."

" I may know an Easier way" said TGHL.

"what" asked HK.

"The Other side of Invision. if the Strongest of us go to the otehr side, we can get the stone, because the oter side is judst like Anceint Invision." said Arkcher.

They all walked into HK's castle, and went to his Power room.

" only the strongest gain strength thru this Generater" said The Biggest Fan of Hado,  HK's servant.

MK walked thru.


TBFOF walked Thru. pass.

Mega wolf. pass. Otter. Pass.  Others went thru and passed, But many did not.

"OK' said Horatio." we will now ascend to ancient Invision!"

Did I make it through? :unsure:

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Legend of Invision part 3: Anceint Invision


Chapter One: the Charecters

It was ancient Invision.

a set of Anceint warriors, From Modern times, had made it thru. They all had superpowers except TBFOF, and were either in the shape of animals or Magick Cretures. There was a Mushroom_king, who was a brownie. A mushroom loving creture. The furry catlike creture could shapeshift, and had elemantal powers. Arkcher was an elf, and Was also a Werewolf. He had Incredible skills with the Bow. There was Hoops, a Scarlie, The last one to roam Invision, Queen of Ahshirt Desert. She had Fire and Love Powers, and was a rather good dancer. Horatio a=was a Hamster, who had a plane and Great Macheinery skills. There was Otter, who coold swim faster than thes speed of Sound. There was Cheesmaster and Top banna. They Had incredible takeover skills, and could turn the 1ot1hers Invisible. Mega wolf was a winged wolf, Great on land, sea and sky. Dark Angel was a Faerie, Angel, Demon and Alein in one creture, with powers of all four. Skwerlhugger will was a Human, but had powers over all animals. Toto was a Human with Dog'ds ears and ttail, and had The greatest Sword, Gun and knife skills on the planet, some say the Uncheverse(Note: Thats Not a typo.) Funky Monkey was a Monkey, and was able to Run quickly. Kat was a Faerie kat, with great love (and Skill) for Chucks, Claymores, Laser Chucks, Laser Claymores, etc.

Pink Angel was The angel of an Emo Usul, Coloured Pink. Vannila Star Hampster was a Hamster also, who coukd Conjure up chocalate, and could also had skills in Shapeshiffting. Hamsterfire ball was a Hamster on fire, and TBFOF had no powers of his own.


The Group was sitting at a small Campfire at Midnight. Mushroom_king haf set up some tents made uf leves, but Horatio Fixed them up to be Perfect.

After eating some Mushrooms and a small peice of Cheesemaster, who could also regenartate his parts, They all went to sleep, with Dark angel Keeping watch.

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The Legend of Invision part 3: Anceint Invision


Chapter One: the Charecters

It was ancient Invision.

a set of Anceint warriors, From Modern times, had made it thru. They all had superpowers except TBFOF, and were either in the shape of animals or Magick Cretures.  There was a Mushroom_king, who was a brownie. A mushroom loving creture. The furry catlike creture could shapeshift, and had elemantal powers. Arkcher was an elf, and Was also a Werewolf. He had Incredible skills with the Bow. There was Hoops, a Scarlie, The last one to roam Invision, Queen of Ahshirt Desert. She had Fire and Love Powers, and was a rather good dancer. Horatio a=was a Hamster, who had a plane and Great Macheinery skills. There was Otter, who coold swim faster than thes speed of Sound. There was Cheesmaster and Top banna. They Had incredible takeover skills, and could turn the 1ot1hers Invisible.  Mega wolf was a winged wolf, Great on land, sea and sky.  Dark Angel was a Faerie, Angel, Demon and Alein in one creture, with powers of all four.  Skwerlhugger will was a Human, but had powers over all animals. Toto was a Human with Dog'ds ears and ttail, and had The greatest Sword, Gun and knife skills on the planet, some say the Uncheverse(Note: Thats Not a typo.) Funky Monkey was a Monkey, and was able to Run quickly. Kat was a Faerie kat, with great love (and Skill) for Chucks, Claymores, Laser Chucks, Laser Claymores, etc.

Pink Angel was The angel of an Emo Usul, Coloured Pink.  Vannila Star Hampster was a Hamster also, who coukd Conjure up chocalate, and could also had skills in Shapeshiffting. Hamsterfire ball was a Hamster on fire, and TBFOF had no powers of his own.


The Group was sitting at a small Campfire at Midnight.  Mushroom_king haf set up some tents made uf leves, but Horatio Fixed them up to be Perfect.

After eating some Mushrooms and a small peice of Cheesemaster, who could also regenartate his parts, They all went to sleep, with Dark angel Keeping watch.

Good beginning! I love your stories :D



But, I doubt you would say the part I highlighted if you would have saw me at the dance today. :lol: Not that I really danced...

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OMG! My Stepmom just fed my baby sister some of MY Dr.pepper and She d9idnt like it. I said, "well thats good" I was going to say "Its too bad Josh likes it" but I almost said "Its too bad Arkcher likes it" Its good I saved myself before it rolled off....

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OMG! My Stepmom just fed my baby sister some of MY Dr.pepper and She d9idnt like it. I said, "well thats good"  I was going to say "Its too bad Josh likes it" but I almost said "Its too bad Arkcher likes it" Its good I saved myself before it rolled off....

Why? I babble insanely about everything, my parents don't pay attention very often. I bet your stepmom is more attentive then them though. :lol:

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OMG! My Stepmom just fed my baby sister some of MY Dr.pepper and She d9idnt like it. I said, "well thats good"  I was going to say "Its too bad Josh likes it" but I almost said "Its too bad Arkcher likes it" Its good I saved myself before it rolled off....

Why? I babble insanely about everything, my parents don't pay attention very often. I bet your stepmom is more attentive then them though. :lol:

BTW: You get a REALLY sweet-o role later in the Story. So Does Arkcher and meh. ^__________________________ _________________________________^

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Look! a loooooooooooooooooooooooooong face.

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OMG! My Stepmom just fed my baby sister some of MY Dr.pepper and She d9idnt like it. I said, "well thats good"  I was going to say "Its too bad Josh likes it" but I almost said "Its too bad Arkcher likes it" Its good I saved myself before it rolled off....

Why? I babble insanely about everything, my parents don't pay attention very often. I bet your stepmom is more attentive then them though. :lol:

BTW: You get a REALLY sweet-o role later in the Story. So Does Arkcher and meh. ^__________________________ _________________________________^

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Look! a loooooooooooooooooooooooooong face.

Sweet-o? Cool. :)

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The Next Morning,The group woke up. Mushroom_king was a Brownie and had lots of Experience with The forests they were in, so she went out to lead the rest.

"Look!" said Arckcher. "loook at that!"

He was pointing to a samll, worn out stone temple.

"WOW" said Kat.

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  • 11 months later...

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


XD I remember this. Maybe I should finish it after I'm done with that other one.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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