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I feel old


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It feels like forever since i've visited this site that I was once obsessed with. I started out as just a newbie, but then I became one of *the* main (hado) posters...oh man, is anyone still here? Sheena, Jess_Kat, Leguan, Cheeta_Girl, Poison_Ivy, anyone? It seem like forever!!! I can't believe I'm actually a senior in highschool now, this is kind of depressing...does ANYONE remember me? :( (or my obsession with this face :blink: )

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It feels like forever since i've visited this site that I was once obsessed with. I started out as just a newbie, but then I became one of *the* main (hado) posters...oh man, is anyone still here? Sheena, Jess_Kat, Leguan, Cheeta_Girl, Poison_Ivy, anyone? It seem like forever!!! I can't believe I'm actually a senior in highschool now, this is kind of depressing...does ANYONE remember me?  :(  (or my obsession with this face  :blink: )

I absolutely remember you! Congratulations on being a senior! Lexxscrapham is attending university on an island. Sheena is still away on holiday. Leguan makes a guest appearance every now and then. Cheetaspot is still here. Poison Ivy has stopped in on occasion as has Jesusfreak. Please do not be depressed, there are wonderful people here who would love to hear from you!!! :D

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:o Supa_Katie!!!


-tackleglompclinghugglesnuglufftieyewtoachairandneverletyougo- n_n!!!


In addition to what Horatio there said, (CheetaSpot and Cheeta_Girl were two different peoples. i think.)

The Cheeta_girl person. seems to have mysteriously vanished. I do remember her, Take this as reassurance you arent as looney as you think.


Yes! I may be one of the few people who remember you, But with a post count like that, I dont think people'd consider you a newbie. :lol:


Welcome back! -continues tackleglompclinghugglesnuglufftieyewtoachairandneverletyougo'ing- n_n

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It feels like forever since i've visited this site that I was once obsessed with. I started out as just a newbie, but then I became one of *the* main (hado) posters...oh man, is anyone still here? Sheena, Jess_Kat, Leguan, Cheeta_Girl, Poison_Ivy, anyone? It seem like forever!!! I can't believe I'm actually a senior in highschool now, this is kind of depressing...does ANYONE remember me?  :(  (or my obsession with this face  :blink: )

Hey I have heard people talk about u but have never met u!!! Well I have been here for around a year with Spot but U probally haven't heard of us!!! :D

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It feels like forever since i've visited this site that I was once obsessed with. I started out as just a newbie, but then I became one of *the* main (hado) posters...oh man, is anyone still here? Sheena, Jess_Kat, Leguan, Cheeta_Girl, Poison_Ivy, anyone? It seem like forever!!! I can't believe I'm actually a senior in highschool now, this is kind of depressing...does ANYONE remember me?  :(  (or my obsession with this face  :blink: )


Welcome back!! ^_^ Yes, it has felt like forever.


Most of the people you mentioned have been rather inactive, except for Cheetaspot.


Don't be depressed about being a senior in highschool...you're in the last grade! That's an accomplishment.


I remember the original face that you were obsessed with, but it's not on the boards anymore :( I can see how the :blink: face is similar though.

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It feels like forever since i've visited this site that I was once obsessed with. I started out as just a newbie, but then I became one of *the* main (hado) posters...oh man, is anyone still here? Sheena, Jess_Kat, Leguan, Cheeta_Girl, Poison_Ivy, anyone? It seem like forever!!! I can't believe I'm actually a senior in highschool now, this is kind of depressing...does ANYONE remember me?  :(  (or my obsession with this face  :blink: )

Wee! It's super katie! *gives bottle of Mountain Dew*

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It feels like forever since i've visited this site that I was once obsessed with. I started out as just a newbie, but then I became one of *the* main (hado) posters...oh man, is anyone still here? Sheena, Jess_Kat, Leguan, Cheeta_Girl, Poison_Ivy, anyone? It seem like forever!!! I can't believe I'm actually a senior in highschool now, this is kind of depressing...does ANYONE remember me?  :(  (or my obsession with this face  :blink: )

Wee! It's super katie! *gives bottle of Mountain Dew*

Hey, I remember those avies. *Sigh, The good 2nd boards*

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It feels like forever since i've visited this site that I was once obsessed with. I started out as just a newbie, but then I became one of *the* main (hado) posters...oh man, is anyone still here? Sheena, Jess_Kat, Leguan, Cheeta_Girl, Poison_Ivy, anyone? It seem like forever!!! I can't believe I'm actually a senior in highschool now, this is kind of depressing...does ANYONE remember me?  :(  (or my obsession with this face  :blink: )

Wee! It's super katie! *gives bottle of Mountain Dew*

Hey, I remember those avies. *Sigh, The good 2nd boards*

Ah, But if what HK claims is true, This board shall be as good if not better. Once its finished, of course.

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Hey! It's that one person that everybody always talks about how awsome she is and such! I remember, like, two of your posts when I first came. And then you vansihed. x.x


Anywhoo, welcome back. ^^

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I remember you.



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I Remember you too, Katie =D


~wanders back in and just pokes around~


Oh, what happened to Sheena, could anyone tell me?

Ad the Rat!!! How great to see you! Are you still flying Paragliders?



Not really, been doing other things but I can go back to it if I want to ^-^

So when are you going to upgrade to real airplanes? :lol::lol::lol:

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I Remember you too, Katie =D


~wanders back in and just pokes around~


Oh, what happened to Sheena, could anyone tell me?

Ad the Rat!!! How great to see you! Are you still flying Paragliders?



Not really, been doing other things but I can go back to it if I want to ^-^

So when are you going to upgrade to real airplanes? :lol::lol::lol:



When I have the money to afford upgrading to one D: D: D: D: ~sniffle~

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I Remember you too, Katie =D


~wanders back in and just pokes around~


Oh, what happened to Sheena, could anyone tell me?

Ad the Rat!!! How great to see you! Are you still flying Paragliders?



Not really, been doing other things but I can go back to it if I want to ^-^

So when are you going to upgrade to real airplanes? :lol::lol::lol:



When I have the money to afford upgrading to one D: D: D: D: ~sniffle~

*gets out keys to airplane*

Pack your bags... I will teach you. You will need to come and stay with me, so here is a note for your parents.

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*gets out keys to airplane*

Pack your bags... I will teach you.  You will need to come and stay with me, so here is a note for your parents.



Wooo =D


Note, do they need a note? Nah, not for this 20 year old who still lives with his parents ~cough~ OK, maybe I should leave them a note too stop them worrying..


So what news with Sheena, Horatio?

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It feels like forever since i've visited this site that I was once obsessed with. I started out as just a newbie, but then I became one of *the* main (hado) posters...oh man, is anyone still here? Sheena, Jess_Kat, Leguan, Cheeta_Girl, Poison_Ivy, anyone? It seem like forever!!! I can't believe I'm actually a senior in highschool now, this is kind of depressing...does ANYONE remember me?  :(  (or my obsession with this face  :blink: )

Super Katie!!!!!! I have never known you but I have been Dying to mm=eet you!!!!!

You came back on my Birth daY. I am obbesssed with this face: :lol::lol::lol::lol:

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*gets out keys to airplane*

Pack your bags... I will teach you.  You will need to come and stay with me, so here is a note for your parents.



Wooo =D


Note, do they need a note? Nah, not for this 20 year old who still lives with his parents ~cough~ OK, maybe I should leave them a note too stop them worrying..


So what news with Sheena, Horatio?

A note would be nice. Tell your parents you are coming to Florida.


As for old... Lexxscrapham is close and EmilyE is going to be a mother!


As for Sheena, she decided to go on holiday and will return when the spirit moves her. :D

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It feels like forever since i've visited this site that I was once obsessed with. I started out as just a newbie, but then I became one of *the* main (hado) posters...oh man, is anyone still here? Sheena, Jess_Kat, Leguan, Cheeta_Girl, Poison_Ivy, anyone? It seem like forever!!! I can't believe I'm actually a senior in highschool now, this is kind of depressing...does ANYONE remember me?  :(  (or my obsession with this face  :blink: )

super_katie ! Welcome back!

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I Remember you too, Katie =D


~wanders back in and just pokes around~


Oh, what happened to Sheena, could anyone tell me?

Addddayyyy! Hm. Never met you. But it's good to meet you finally.


This is like an HD reunion. Maybe TBFOH will come back next.

Or sheena!! I want tomeet her! Or Milkyway. I need to explain to him/her That I am suprem ruler of all Mushrooms.

Thanks for the happy smile!!!! I shall put it on top of every post.

*alters face* Youll see it o every post now! and youll see This smily: :lol: at the top of all my posts.

Whoa. Horatio, I found this smily that had Strait slits for eyes( Like this:_ _) and had a small one for mouth.(-) I cliked it. added to post, found out it was the Unsure Smily! Whats going on?!


:Know your Mushrooms: :Mushrooms:^_^


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I Remember you too, Katie =D


~wanders back in and just pokes around~


Oh, what happened to Sheena, could anyone tell me?

Addddayyyy! Hm. Never met you. But it's good to meet you finally.


This is like an HD reunion. Maybe TBFOH will come back next.

Or sheena!! I want tomeet her! Or Milkyway. I need to explain to him/her That I am suprem ruler of all Mushrooms.

Thanks for the happy smile!!!! I shall put it on top of every post.

*alters face* Youll see it o every post now! and youll see This smily: :lol: at the top of all my posts.

Whoa. Horatio, I found this smily that had Strait slits for eyes( Like this:_ _) and had a small one for mouth.(-) I cliked it. added to post, found out it was the Unsure Smily! Whats going on?!


:Know your Mushrooms: :Mushrooms:^_^


Ooh! I know. Your compy was being slow or loading and the blinkie smilie got kinda stuck on closed. There ya go. :):D

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It feels like forever since i've visited this site that I was once obsessed with. I started out as just a newbie, but then I became one of *the* main (hado) posters...oh man, is anyone still here? Sheena, Jess_Kat, Leguan, Cheeta_Girl, Poison_Ivy, anyone? It seem like forever!!! I can't believe I'm actually a senior in highschool now, this is kind of depressing...does ANYONE remember me?  :(  (or my obsession with this face  :blink: )

wow u remind me of the girl off of date my mom

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  • 3 weeks later...
It feels like forever since i've visited this site that I was once obsessed with. I started out as just a newbie, but then I became one of *the* main (hado) posters...oh man, is anyone still here? Sheena, Jess_Kat, Leguan, Cheeta_Girl, Poison_Ivy, anyone? It seem like forever!!! I can't believe I'm actually a senior in highschool now, this is kind of depressing...does ANYONE remember me?  :(  (or my obsession with this face  :blink: )

haha i rememeber when i was obsessed... i like fought to be on the "who posts the most"(wasnt that by poison ivy?) i think mostly everyone is gone. i remember you. HD used to be a way of life. hahaha i was such a dork. ive changed so much since i was obsessed with HD...


..soo much...


now half the people here think im evil and half dont remember me.. and i dont even kno.


haha im too old for this site but even when me and animal_kidd swore on our deaths(...not lives) that we would NEVER come back....i came back.

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It feels like forever since i've visited this site that I was once obsessed with. I started out as just a newbie, but then I became one of *the* main (hado) posters...oh man, is anyone still here? Sheena, Jess_Kat, Leguan, Cheeta_Girl, Poison_Ivy, anyone? It seem like forever!!! I can't believe I'm actually a senior in highschool now, this is kind of depressing...does ANYONE remember me?  :(  (or my obsession with this face  :blink: )

haha i rememeber when i was obsessed... i like fought to be on the "who posts the most"(wasnt that by poison ivy?) i think mostly everyone is gone. i remember you. HD used to be a way of life. hahaha i was such a dork. ive changed so much since i was obsessed with HD...


..soo much...


now half the people here think im evil and half dont remember me.. and i dont even kno.


haha im too old for this site but even when me and animal_kidd swore on our deaths(...not lives) that we would NEVER come back....i came back.

Animal_kidd has also shown back up. :lol:

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It feels like forever since i've visited this site that I was once obsessed with. I started out as just a newbie, but then I became one of *the* main (hado) posters...oh man, is anyone still here? Sheena, Jess_Kat, Leguan, Cheeta_Girl, Poison_Ivy, anyone? It seem like forever!!! I can't believe I'm actually a senior in highschool now, this is kind of depressing...does ANYONE remember me?  :(  (or my obsession with this face  :blink: )

haha i rememeber when i was obsessed... i like fought to be on the "who posts the most"(wasnt that by poison ivy?) i think mostly everyone is gone. i remember you. HD used to be a way of life. hahaha i was such a dork. ive changed so much since i was obsessed with HD...


..soo much...


now half the people here think im evil and half dont remember me.. and i dont even kno.


haha im too old for this site but even when me and animal_kidd swore on our deaths(...not lives) that we would NEVER come back....i came back.

Animal_kidd has also shown back up. :lol:



.... where?!?!?!?! :blink::blink:


omg.... sars.... i could kill her... hahahha! my hope my guidence... betrayal!!!! (totally kidding) ;):D i seriously need to laugh at her tho...

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It feels like forever since i've visited this site that I was once obsessed with. I started out as just a newbie, but then I became one of *the* main (hado) posters...oh man, is anyone still here? Sheena, Jess_Kat, Leguan, Cheeta_Girl, Poison_Ivy, anyone? It seem like forever!!! I can't believe I'm actually a senior in highschool now, this is kind of depressing...does ANYONE remember me?  :(  (or my obsession with this face  :blink: )

haha i rememeber when i was obsessed... i like fought to be on the "who posts the most"(wasnt that by poison ivy?) i think mostly everyone is gone. i remember you. HD used to be a way of life. hahaha i was such a dork. ive changed so much since i was obsessed with HD...


..soo much...


now half the people here think im evil and half dont remember me.. and i dont even kno.


haha im too old for this site but even when me and animal_kidd swore on our deaths(...not lives) that we would NEVER come back....i came back.

Animal_kidd has also shown back up. :lol:



.... where?!?!?!?! :blink::blink:


omg.... sars.... i could kill her... hahahha! my hope my guidence... betrayal!!!! (totally kidding) ;):D i seriously need to laugh at her tho...

Actually it was quite a while back just after you had made an appearance. I will look for it. Poison_Ivy stopped back and someone else.

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