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Those two mile walkie-talkies...


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listening to peoples "private" conversations,

oh heres one now!


though i feel like imbeing rude, there are alot of people like me in my city, wetalk to each other even thogh we have no clue who they are! pretty small city too, i wonder what it would be like in NYC!












yes i am crazy

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listening to peoples "private" conversations,

oh heres one now!


though i feel like imbeing rude, there are alot of people like me in my city, wetalk to each other even thogh we have no clue who they are! pretty small city too, i wonder what it would be like in NYC!












yes i am crazy

*Nextel walkie-talkie sound*

Can you hear me now?

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listening to peoples "private" conversations,

oh heres one now!


though i feel like imbeing rude, there are alot of people like me in my city, wetalk to each other even thogh we have no clue who they are! pretty small city too, i wonder what it would be like in NYC!












yes i am crazy

*Nextel walkie-talkie sound*

Can you hear me now?

*yells at static* What??? :):D

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They are hilarious to play with. You get someon's signal, and when you hear them say, "Hurry! My husband is having a baby! I need help. NOW!" Or you can just listen to what they say.

I did that one time and some guy was talking to someone about a new corvette he just bought and that he did 100mph on the Taconic.

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Yeah, it's pretty fun. One time I thought I was talking to one of my friends, but it turned out that Justin didn't even have the walkie talkie. It was some other person. I just started talking to him about everythink, and he was just like, "Yeah. That's so awesome." I knew it wasn't Justin. <.<

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me and my friend met this guy named Zach and he was our ezact age


Schimmschamm The Techno Man!!! So happy to posting more!!! :D

So happy to posting more? Is that SHW talk.



(Arkcher you did me vote?) or someting like that

Ooops....... So happy to see you posting me!!! :lol:

*realizes I can't slip anything past The Biggest Fan Of Fuzzy*

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me and my friend met this guy named Zach and he was our ezact age


Schimmschamm The Techno Man!!! So happy to posting more!!! :D

So happy to posting more? Is that SHW talk.



(Arkcher you did me vote?) or someting like that

Ooops....... So happy to see you posting me!!! :lol:

*realizes I can't slip anything past The Biggest Fan Of Fuzzy*

Not today atleast.


Did anyone notice the faces on the smiley's underneath, the post icons, their faces a ever so slightly different than the normal ones?

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me and my friend met this guy named Zach and he was our ezact age


Schimmschamm The Techno Man!!! So happy to posting more!!! :D

So happy to posting more? Is that SHW talk.



(Arkcher you did me vote?) or someting like that

Ooops....... So happy to see you posting me!!! :lol:

*realizes I can't slip anything past The Biggest Fan Of Fuzzy*

So he posted you...? :):D

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me and my friend met this guy named Zach and he was our ezact age


Schimmschamm The Techno Man!!! So happy to posting more!!! :D

So happy to posting more? Is that SHW talk.



(Arkcher you did me vote?) or someting like that

Ooops....... So happy to see you posting me!!! :lol:

*realizes I can't slip anything past The Biggest Fan Of Fuzzy*

So he posted you...? :):D

Haha. Double Trouble Horatio. *Quick, get him more coffee!* Prontoe (SP?).

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me and my friend met this guy named Zach and he was our ezact age


Schimmschamm The Techno Man!!! So happy to posting more!!! :D

So happy to posting more? Is that SHW talk.



(Arkcher you did me vote?) or someting like that

Ooops....... So happy to see you posting me!!! :lol:

*realizes I can't slip anything past The Biggest Fan Of Fuzzy*

So he posted you...? :):D

Haha. Double Trouble Horatio. *Quick, get him more coffee!* Prontoe (SP?).

Would you make that butter rum coffee please?

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me and my friend met this guy named Zach and he was our ezact age


Schimmschamm The Techno Man!!! So happy to posting more!!! :D

So happy to posting more? Is that SHW talk.



(Arkcher you did me vote?) or someting like that

Ooops....... So happy to see you posting me!!! :lol:

*realizes I can't slip anything past The Biggest Fan Of Fuzzy*

So he posted you...? :):D

Haha. Double Trouble Horatio. *Quick, get him more coffee!* Prontoe (SP?).

Would you make that butter rum coffee please?

No, You will enjoy it too much. How about a frapacapachino from starbucks?

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Once I was at a campsite with some of my cousin-friend people and we were trying to talk to our parents, but it was on the wrong channel or whatever and we heard these people talking and one said "I'm going to take a shower" and we thought it was their mom and we were trying to communicate when we realized our camper thing didn't have a shower...Whoa. Run on sentence. :):D

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me and my friend met this guy named Zach and he was our ezact age


Schimmschamm The Techno Man!!! So happy to posting more!!! :D

So happy to posting more? Is that SHW talk.



(Arkcher you did me vote?) or someting like that

Ooops....... So happy to see you posting me!!! :lol:

*realizes I can't slip anything past The Biggest Fan Of Fuzzy*

So he posted you...? :):D

Haha. Double Trouble Horatio. *Quick, get him more coffee!* Prontoe (SP?).

Would you make that butter rum coffee please?

No, You will enjoy it too much. How about a frapacapachino from starbucks?


"Fraps are for whips!" -Matt, who works at starbucks.


I love Starbucks' tea. But I love their blended coffees. I NEED coffee. Like Horatio.

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listening to peoples "private" conversations,

oh heres one now!


though i feel like imbeing rude, there are alot of people like me in my city, wetalk to each other even thogh we have no clue who they are! pretty small city too, i wonder what it would be like in NYC!












yes i am crazy


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