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Arkcher Talk


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Hello all. I have recently been noticing the uses of "Muh", "Ish", "Yarr", "nuff", the use of me instead of I, icons, ect. ect. By people other than Arkcher. Sure, it's cool when Arkcher does it after all, it is Arkcher talk. Sure, it may be "flattering", but when others do it, I find it annoying. Kat created some of those sayings and icons too. So, is Arkcher a trend setter?

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I got n_n from ARkcher, but then I moved on to :D and ^_^ 'cause I likes them better. and Arkcher tends to use ;-;, while I like ;_;.


I get most of my icons and such from the other board I'm on.

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Oh, and I'd like to express how hillarious I find it when people try to use Arkcher talk and can't do it right, because then instead of lazy it sound stupid.


Thank you! Good night!

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I got into the habit of using =D recently. I blame DA.


Before ;-; I used to use i_i It was kinda hilatious.

I used to think T_T was crying. but. it isnt. o_o It looks more like an angry clown to me than anything else. xD

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Hello all. I have recently been noticing the uses of "Muh", "Ish", "Yarr", "nuff", the use of me instead of I, icons, ect. ect. By people other than Arkcher. Sure, it's cool when Arkcher does it after all, it is Arkcher talk. Sure, it may be "flattering", but when others do it, I find it annoying. Kat created some of those sayings and icons too. So, is Arkcher a trend setter?

No. Ive been saying Muh since 3rd grade. :P

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I've been saying "hilarious" since the 3rd grade. Does that make it my word? Yes. "Hillarious" is Kat's word. With TWO l's. So much more original. I'm jealous now. ={

I jsut spelled it that way because I didn't know that it only had one l. x_x

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  • 2 weeks later...
hey, Mega Wolf, may I be your friend? I've heard only good things since i came. :rolleyes:

Only good things? I should have thought that someone would have remarked about my sarcasm and remarks on what annoys me most. And yes, we may be friends. *adds to list*

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  • 1 year later...
  • 8 months later...
=D I remember this topic.

it was awesome.



good times.


And you're back! :D






perhaps you meant You're?

:wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:

Isn't that what I wrote?



*wonders, why do I make these mistakes when Arkcher is watching????????*

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=D I remember this topic.

it was awesome.



good times.


And you're back! :D






perhaps you meant You're?

:wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:

Isn't that what I wrote?



*wonders, why do I make these mistakes when Arkcher is watching????????*

Its. um.

your mac-lappy's fault.

Adam doesnt like...


that has to do with me.



so he moves the keys around when you're not looking.

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=D I remember this topic.

it was awesome.



good times.


And you're back! :D






perhaps you meant You're?

:wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:

Isn't that what I wrote?



*wonders, why do I make these mistakes when Arkcher is watching????????*

Its. um.

your mac-lappy's fault.

Adam doesnt like...


that has to do with me.



so he moves the keys around when you're not looking.

I see, blame it on Adam.

*thinks Arkcher is trying to trick me*

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=D I remember this topic.

it was awesome.



good times.


And you're back! :D






perhaps you meant You're?

:wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:

Isn't that what I wrote?



*wonders, why do I make these mistakes when Arkcher is watching????????*

Its. um.

your mac-lappy's fault.

Adam doesnt like...


that has to do with me.



so he moves the keys around when you're not looking.

I see, blame it on Adam.

*thinks Arkcher is trying to trick me*

Adam Ant? o:

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=D I remember this topic.

it was awesome.



good times.


And you're back! :D






perhaps you meant You're?

:wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:

Isn't that what I wrote?



*wonders, why do I make these mistakes when Arkcher is watching????????*

Its. um.

your mac-lappy's fault.

Adam doesnt like...


that has to do with me.



so he moves the keys around when you're not looking.

I see, blame it on Adam.

*thinks Arkcher is trying to trick me*

Adam Ant? o:

Exactly. It was Adam Ant, not Adam Zapple.

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=D I remember this topic.

it was awesome.



good times.


And you're back! :D






perhaps you meant You're?

:wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:

Isn't that what I wrote?



*wonders, why do I make these mistakes when Arkcher is watching????????*

Its. um.

your mac-lappy's fault.

Adam doesnt like...


that has to do with me.



so he moves the keys around when you're not looking.

I see, blame it on Adam.

*thinks Arkcher is trying to trick me*

Adam Ant? o:

Exactly. It was Adam Ant, not Adam Zapple.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


...Ok, so a 80's singer-dude with a huge scar on his forehead that sang about Straight Edge People is moving your keys around when you're not looking?






Arkcher, what are you smoking?


*~*the Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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=D I remember this topic.

it was awesome.



good times.


And you're back! :D






perhaps you meant You're?

:wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:

Isn't that what I wrote?



*wonders, why do I make these mistakes when Arkcher is watching????????*

Its. um.

your mac-lappy's fault.

Adam doesnt like...


that has to do with me.



so he moves the keys around when you're not looking.

I see, blame it on Adam.

*thinks Arkcher is trying to trick me*

Adam Ant? o:

Exactly. It was Adam Ant, not Adam Zapple.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


...Ok, so a 80's singer-dude with a huge scar on his forehead that sang about Straight Edge People is moving your keys around when you're not looking?






Arkcher, what are you smoking?


*~*the Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Not so much smoking stuff.

just going on a blatant lack of sleep.

Its just as effective for doing stupid things.

and a bit healthier.

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=D I remember this topic.

it was awesome.



good times.


And you're back! :D






perhaps you meant You're?

:wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:

Isn't that what I wrote?



*wonders, why do I make these mistakes when Arkcher is watching????????*

Its. um.

your mac-lappy's fault.

Adam doesnt like...


that has to do with me.



so he moves the keys around when you're not looking.

I see, blame it on Adam.

*thinks Arkcher is trying to trick me*

Adam Ant? o:

Exactly. It was Adam Ant, not Adam Zapple.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


...Ok, so a 80's singer-dude with a huge scar on his forehead that sang about Straight Edge People is moving your keys around when you're not looking?






Arkcher, what are you smoking?


*~*the Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Not so much smoking stuff.

just going on a blatant lack of sleep.

Its just as effective for doing stupid things.

and a bit healthier.

A lack of sleep has some incredible effects. :lol: When hamsters suffer a lack of sleep, we get giddy.

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=D I remember this topic.

it was awesome.



good times.


And you're back! :D






perhaps you meant You're?

:wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:

Isn't that what I wrote?



*wonders, why do I make these mistakes when Arkcher is watching????????*

Its. um.

your mac-lappy's fault.

Adam doesnt like...


that has to do with me.



so he moves the keys around when you're not looking.

I see, blame it on Adam.

*thinks Arkcher is trying to trick me*

Adam Ant? o:

Exactly. It was Adam Ant, not Adam Zapple.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


...Ok, so a 80's singer-dude with a huge scar on his forehead that sang about Straight Edge People is moving your keys around when you're not looking?






Arkcher, what are you smoking?


*~*the Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

Not so much smoking stuff.

just going on a blatant lack of sleep.

Its just as effective for doing stupid things.

and a bit healthier.

A lack of sleep has some incredible effects. :lol: When hamsters suffer a lack of sleep, we get giddy.

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*&~*


I bought yellow hippie sunglasses over the weekend, and when you wear them it's really trippy.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*(~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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