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Currently Untitled story that is still (c) by me!

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[Alrighty. I posted this once, and then I forgot to write more, so it died. I'll start from the first chapter again 'cause I edited it some, and in case somebody missed it the first time it was up.


To quote Mario :*dootdoot doot dootdoot DOOT!* Heera we gooooooooo!]


Chapter One


Lark looked out the window and sighed. “The storm is getting worse.†she said sadly. She and Sara were supposed to walk to the bookstore later.


“It’s a good thing you are staying over.†Sara replied, not looking up from her homework. I wouldn’t want your parents to have to come get you in this rain.â€


There was a bright flash of lightning and loud thunder as Lark got up from the window seat and walked over to the TV to drown her sorrows in Mario Kart. Sara stretched her arms and got up to walk around a little. Just as she passed the front door to get to the kitchen. She heard something. She stopped and listened harder.


It sounded like something was scratching at the door from outside.


Sara opened the door slowly, only to discover that there was nothing there. She shut the door again and continued to make her way towards the kitchen and some chocolate cake.


“Was somebody at the door?†Lark asked, as Sara sat down on the floor next to her and handed her a piece of cake.


“Oh…no.†Sara answered, watching Lark turn the corner with her odd combination of Yoshi and Mario in the Waluigi-mobile.




Kari was running back down the street, trying to get out of the rain. He ducked into a narrow alleyway and mewed softly four times.


His signal.


His master, Leene, stepped out slowly from behind the shadows, completely covered in a long, black cloak.


“Did you find them?†she asked in her smooth voice, erasing Kari’s irritation at being so wet.


“Yes. I hid in the bushes outside the door as Phara’s opened it. Where is she, anyway?â€


“Phara had to stay back and guard the mountain. We couldn’t all be gone at the same time.â€


“I guess that’s true…†said Kari, then he continued. “Anyway, Phara’s answered the door, and I saw yours while I was looking in the window. It’s a good thing she kept looking at the sky. If she looked down, even for just a moment, she would have seen me, and that would have been too early.â€


“But at least you could get a good enough look at her to make sure she’s the one.†Said Leene, smiling under her cloak hood at how smooth things were going. “I think it’s time to take them back, now.â€


“I’m on it.†said, Kari, running back to the house through the rain.




“Oh, come on, Lark. It’s only a game.â€


Sara was trying to clam Lark down.


“I don’t care! It cheated!â€


“Lark, it isn’t that big of a deal-“


“It’s a matter of principle! The idiot programmers make the game cheat on purpose!â€


Sara sighed and rolled her eyes. But during the moment of silence, she heard something. Straining her ears, she realized that the scratching noise was coming from the door again.




“Shhh!†said Sara, stopping Lark in mid-sentence. Then she said, in a soft, whispered voice, “Do you hear that?â€


Lark listened hard, and then she, too, heard the scratching noise at the door.


Nodding silently to each other, both girls got up and went to the door.


Sara opened it cautiously. Again, nobody was there. But this time, she heard a audible, “Mrew!â€, and looked down. There was a small, black cat with bright purple eyes looking back at her, soaking wet from the ever-worsening storm. It was very scrawny and boney, like it hadn’t eaten in a while.


As Lark reached down to it, it turned and started running down the sidewalk, back into the rain. Lark almost went through the door, but was stopped by Sara.


“What are you doing?!†Sara yelled. “It’s pouring out there!â€


“But that cat is gonna die if we don’t do something!†said Lark, still struggling to get through to door.


Sara considered it. It was very wet outside, but she knew how much Lark loved cats. Sara herself was rather fond of them. After a few seconds, she let go and quickly got her cell phone in case they needed it.


“If we don’t find it in ten minutes,†she said, “We’re coming back.â€


The two grabbed their coats and started sprinting in the direction they had seen the cat run. It didn’t take long for them to spot the small beast turning into a small alley. Lark paused for a second. She had been down the alley many times before, but it seemed dangerous in the gloom of the storm, and more forbidding. But, determined to save the cat, she kept going. Sara reluctantly followed.


The cat could be seen just at the end of the alley, sitting calmly and staring at Lark and Sara. They carefully approached it, making sure not to scare it. Just as they were about five feet away from it, a tall, hooded figure stepped out from the shadows. Lark backed away. They stepped closer. Lark’s eyes widened with fear as she grabbed Sara, who seemed to be paralyzed, and turned around, starting to run. She was nearly to the end of the alley that she had come into it from, still dragging Sara along, before she ran into something hard. Lark went flying backwards, taking Sara with her, and landed flat on her back. She hastily scrambled to her knees and looked up to see what she had it.


It was the hooded being. It had somehow managed to appear right in front of Lark without her knowing it.


Sara, finally regaining her senses, whipped out her cell phone and started to dial 911, but a ghostly white hand reached down with incredible speed, snatched the phone away, and crushed it. Lark and Sara sat there, shivering. The hand reached up to the hood of the cloak and whipped it off, but before Lark or Sara could see the face of whoever was wearing it, they were surrounded by a blinding, red light. They shut their eyes tight as they felt themselves being pulled by the stomach through what felt like a long and twisting slide. Seconds later, they were spat out onto a cold and dusty floor. They didn’t even have time to open their eyes before they passed out.

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[i'ma wait and see how many people like it before continuing.]

[Only like 2 or 3 people ever comment on my stories no more. >.>;; I think Horatio and I are all you're gonna get for a while. Continue anyway. xD]

When I looked in the queue and read your post, I realized that Hoops has a spycam on your computer Arkcher...

*heads to next post*

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[i'ma wait and see how many people like it before continuing.]

[Only like 2 or 3 people ever comment on my stories no more. >.>;; I think Horatio and I are all you're gonna get for a while. Continue anyway. xD]

When I looked in the queue and read your post, I realized that Hoops has a spycam on your computer Arkcher...

*heads to next post*

Zomfg. Spycams. =o

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[i'ma wait and see how many people like it before continuing.]

[Only like 2 or 3 people ever comment on my stories no more. >.>;; I think Horatio and I are all you're gonna get for a while. Continue anyway. xD]

When I looked in the queue and read your post, I realized that Hoops has a spycam on your computer Arkcher...

*heads to next post*

I do? Awesome! :):D

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[Err...I guess I should post chapter two now...hold on...*runns off to retrieve it*


Here it is.]


Chapter 2


Lark and Sara both woke up at the same time. They had terrible headaches and their vision was hazy. Not to mention the fact that they were still soaked from the storm. Lark shook her head slightly to help her eyes focus. She looked at the ground and saw that it wasn’t dusty, but made of dirt. They were in what looked like a small hut made from something like bamboo that had dirt floor. She turned to Sara.


“What happened?†she asked, watching Sara slowly sit up.


“I-I don-“Sara started, and then looked at Lark. Her eyes widened.


“What?†asked Lark, giving Sara a strange look. “What is it?â€


Sara answered in the form of covering her mouth and screaming. Lark spun around to see if something was something behind her. Nothing was there.


“What are you screaming about?!†asked Lark. “Well, I guess it could be the fact that we were just thrown into a swirling vortex of terrorâ€â€¦thought Lark as Sara continued screaming.


After a while, Sara ran out of breath. She took her hand away from her mouth and gasped for air.


“L-look at yourself!â€


Lark looked at her, confused. She lifted up her arm and looked at it.


Then she started screaming.



Her once pale, thin arm was now covered in orange fur with black stripes on it. She lifted the bottom of her baggy jeans and saw over her high-tops that her legs were furry, too. She even felt that she had a tail coming out of her lower back. She curled it in front of her and saw that it, too, was orange and black. Her hands moved to where her ears used to be, but felt only more fur under her hair, which thankfully had not changed. She moved them around her head until she found a set of pointy ears on top. Her new whiskers were picking up all sorts of things that Lark had never felt before.


“I…I’m…but…†Lark stammered, still unable to believe what was going on.


“You’re a cat.†said Sara, in a terrified calm. “Actually, you’re a tiger. A Bengal, by the looks of it.â€


Lark was still babbling incoherently when Sara heard something from outside the hut they were in.


She squinted and shielded her eyes as bright sunlight came pouring through an open door she hadn’t seen before, due to it being made out of the same bamboo look-alike as the rest of the hut. Somebody walked into the small room and closed the door quickly, causing the room to darken again.


Lark turned around and watched the dark shape of a person move towards them. The sudden light then loss of it was making her sight wonky again.

A strong arm grabbed Lark by her upper arm and pulled her to her feet. She watched at they did the same to Sara.


“Please,†said a cool, female voice. “Follow me.â€


Lark and Sara stood still for a while, starting at the person who they now knew was a woman, then followed her slowly.


She led them through another door that blended in with the walls and into a larger room with a crackling fire in the center. They could see many shadowy shapes sitting on the floor, leaning against the walls, and such.


“Please stay here. The rest should be here shortly.†said the woman. She turned back around and went through the door again.


Lark and Sara walked silently into an uninhabited corned and sat down. They waited there for what seemed like an hour. It was at least long enough for them to completely dry. Occasionally, they would see an undistinguished shape walk into the room with the woman.


Finally, she came in, and instead of asking them to wait, she asked for everyone to follow her. Lark and Sara heard many shuffles and grunts as everybody in the room got up and headed towards the door. As people walked by the fire, Sara and Lark could see that Lark wasn’t the only fuzzy one in the room.


The woman led them outside. It looked like it was around sunset. In the proper light, the two girls could see all sorts of people and creatures. Humans, animal hybrids, and even full animals trudged silently in a cluster with Lark and Sara squished in the middle.


They seemed to be in a dessert of some sort. Small huts were scattered everywhere within about a quarter mile, all made of the same material as the large building they had started in. The largest structure Lark or Sara could see was the one they were just leaving, and they guessed that the large room with the fire was only about twenty by twenty feet.


It all looked very primitive.


Another thing that was bothering the two was the lack of sound and people. Apart from the group they were in, there was nobody outside. No noises could be heard except for the wind.


The group kept walking past the point where the huts stopped. A short distance away, Lark saw about six long logs arranged in a circle and assumed that that was where they were going.


As they reached the circle, the woman they were following motioned for them to sit down and stood on a large stone table in the center of the log benches. So Lark had been right. As she settled down next to Sara, Lark got her first good look at the woman. She was very pretty and athletic looking with long, braided black hair and a dark tan, presumably from living in a desert. Her wide, deep brown eyes were surveying the people (And hybrids and animals) as they sat down, still remaining silent.


She was wearing some sort of top and shorts made out of a combination of short, sleek furs and leather straps. A long spear was strapped to her back. Her age couldn’t have exceeded twenty five.


Once everyone was sitting, she began to speak.


“I know you all have many questions. Like how you got here, why you’re here, what happened to you,†she looked at the hybrids and animals as she said this. “When you’ll get back, and so on.â€


Everybody nodded or mumbled a quiet, “Yeah…†Lark and Sara were still too flustered to notice that even the animals had talked.


The woman smiled warmly.


“I also understand that you’re all worried. But there is no need.†she said softy. “You’ll all get home soon enough.â€


“My name is Lira.†she said, her voice taking on a more business-like tone. “I’ll be your guide to Matria.â€


Everyone starred at her, confused.


“Matria is the planet we’re on.â€


Comprehension dawned.


“The village you are in is called Sorra. It is where you will be sleeping and eating and such. For now, anyways. But it will also be your headquarters.â€


“Headquarters?†asked a small, red dragon, sounding slightly annoyed at all of this. “What do you mean?â€


“I mean, Jadon’s, that this village, or rather, this circle, is where you will all meet to strategize and consult your Summoners.â€


“Why are you calling me ‘Jadon’s’? And what are Summoners?â€


Lira smiled again. “This will all be explained. But not tonight. Tonight, the villagers have prepared a celebration in your honor.†she said, as she looked around at the group.


“Our honor? Why?†asked Lark, surprised that she could talk.


Lira turned her comforting smile to her. “As I said, all will be answered later. Now, please follow me once more.â€


Lira hopped down from the table and started leading the group back to the village, which had started to show signs of life. Still confused and rather scared, Lark and Sara walked in silence.


As they drew nearer to the village, they noticed that a large bonfire had been lit. This made Lark and Sara realize how dark it was getting.


Eventually, the group of about nine or ten reached the bonfire. A very large group of people, all dressed in the same type of clothing as Lira, were standing around the fire, bringing out large baskets of food from the huts, and various other things.


As soon as Lira led the group into the light of the fire, everyone froze.


Then, an elderly man that was cooking what looked like a pig over the fire cried, “Praise to the Summoned!â€


The entire village raised their hands into the air and yelled, “Praise to the Summoned!†and bowed.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ah, but when?

I have no idea.

Nor do I.

I shall attempt to write tonight!



Only 45 minutes left of tonight, Get crackin'!

Not if you consider the current time in Alaska! :lol:


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I'm sure I was too busy doing something supa-cool like saving the world or being a ninja to write last night. I'll try again later.

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I'm sure I was too busy doing something supa-cool like saving the world or being a ninja to write last night. I'll try again later.

I think you voulenteered at da hospital just for an excuse not to write. >.>

*shock and amaze!* I'd never do that! >_>

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I'm sure I was too busy doing something supa-cool like saving the world or being a ninja to write last night. I'll try again later.

I think you voulenteered at da hospital just for an excuse not to write. >.>

*shock and amaze!* I'd never do that! >_>

Ok, Your claymore voulenteered you so you'd have an excuse not to write.

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I'm sure I was too busy doing something supa-cool like saving the world or being a ninja to write last night. I'll try again later.

I think you voulenteered at da hospital just for an excuse not to write. >.>

*shock and amaze!* I'd never do that! >_>

Ok, Your claymore voulenteered you so you'd have an excuse not to write.

Ya never know. Them Claymores can be pretty tricksy.

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I'm sure I was too busy doing something supa-cool like saving the world or being a ninja to write last night. I'll try again later.

I think you voulenteered at da hospital just for an excuse not to write. >.>

*shock and amaze!* I'd never do that! >_>

Ok, Your claymore voulenteered you so you'd have an excuse not to write.

Ya never know. Them Claymores can be pretty tricksy.

Do you want a banana?

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I'm sure I was too busy doing something supa-cool like saving the world or being a ninja to write last night. I'll try again later.

I think you voulenteered at da hospital just for an excuse not to write. >.>

*shock and amaze!* I'd never do that! >_>

Ok, Your claymore voulenteered you so you'd have an excuse not to write.

Ya never know. Them Claymores can be pretty tricksy.

Do you want a banana?

That depends.

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I'm sure I was too busy doing something supa-cool like saving the world or being a ninja to write last night. I'll try again later.

I think you voulenteered at da hospital just for an excuse not to write. >.>

*shock and amaze!* I'd never do that! >_>

Ok, Your claymore voulenteered you so you'd have an excuse not to write.

Ya never know. Them Claymores can be pretty tricksy.

Do you want a banana?

That depends.

On what? If its poisoned or not? >(

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I'm sure I was too busy doing something supa-cool like saving the world or being a ninja to write last night. I'll try again later.

I think you voulenteered at da hospital just for an excuse not to write. >.>

*shock and amaze!* I'd never do that! >_>

Ok, Your claymore voulenteered you so you'd have an excuse not to write.

Ya never know. Them Claymores can be pretty tricksy.

Do you want a banana?

That depends.

On what? If its poisoned or not? >(

That, and if the banana wants me.

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I'm sure I was too busy doing something supa-cool like saving the world or being a ninja to write last night. I'll try again later.

I think you voulenteered at da hospital just for an excuse not to write. >.>

*shock and amaze!* I'd never do that! >_>

Ok, Your claymore voulenteered you so you'd have an excuse not to write.

Ya never know. Them Claymores can be pretty tricksy.

Do you want a banana?

That depends.

On what? If its poisoned or not? >(

That, and if the banana wants me.

The banana has no choice on the matter. What counts is if YOU want the banana.

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  • 1 year later...

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