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to all who know Suirue and/or me. What is a lie?

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I'm posting this today because I am sober enough from having a generally bad week. If I put it off till tomorrow, I might wind up never saying this at all. I want all of you to answer me. And take this seriously.

What is a lie? What is the truth? If everything does indeed exist somewhere, is anything untrue? If you mean to tell a lie, and mean to tell the truth at the same time, are you telling the truth, or a lie? Which is dominant? Please, answer truthfully. Horatio, please keep this topic up until I return... and answer it, too.

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I'm posting this today because I am sober enough from having a generally bad week.  If I put it off till tomorrow, I might wind up never saying this at all.  I want all of you to answer me.  And take this seriously.

What is a lie?  What is the truth?  If everything does indeed exist somewhere, is anything untrue?  If you mean to tell a lie, and mean to tell the truth at the same time, are you telling the truth, or a lie?  Which is dominant?  Please, answer truthfully.  Horatio, please keep this topic up until I return... and answer it, too.

A lie is not the absence of truth, but the opposite of truth. Truth is fact, what is correct, but that is flexible as what may first appear to be truth turns out to be false.

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I'm posting this today because I am sober enough from having a generally bad week.  If I put it off till tomorrow, I might wind up never saying this at all.  I want all of you to answer me.  And take this seriously.

What is a lie?  What is the truth?  If everything does indeed exist somewhere, is anything untrue?  If you mean to tell a lie, and mean to tell the truth at the same time, are you telling the truth, or a lie?  Which is dominant?  Please, answer truthfully.  Horatio, please keep this topic up until I return... and answer it, too.

A lie is not the absence of truth, but the opposite of truth. Truth is fact, what is correct, but that is flexible as what may first appear to be truth turns out to be false.

What he said. I think.

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I'm posting this today because I am sober enough from having a generally bad week.  If I put it off till tomorrow, I might wind up never saying this at all.  I want all of you to answer me.  And take this seriously.

What is a lie?  What is the truth?  If everything does indeed exist somewhere, is anything untrue?  If you mean to tell a lie, and mean to tell the truth at the same time, are you telling the truth, or a lie?  Which is dominant?  Please, answer truthfully.  Horatio, please keep this topic up until I return... and answer it, too.

A lie is not the absence of truth, but the opposite of truth. Truth is fact, what is correct, but that is flexible as what may first appear to be truth turns out to be false.

What he said. I think.

I speaketh in riddles, like Gandalf.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm so glad this topic is here! I love talking about this!


the truth is what you believe to be solid fact without a doubt at all.

a lie is what you believe is not true. if someone tells you that their name is sean when their name is andrew, then you will believe that andrew's name is sean without a doubt, and therefore will be able to pass a lie detector.

but it is a lie.


it's hard to explain, especially at sixteen, but that's the truth on truth.

pun intended.


Truth is very flexible. It is easily twisted into a lie that sounds true.

like, I'll say that I'm... going to the store to buy something.

then, my buddy might say I went to the store to buy some things.

But I only went to buy a hula hoop, when Randy (random name) might say I went shopping for hula hoops.

Lawyers are good at that.


relax, tghl, I'm not bringing the "r word" into it.



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YES ?!?!?

It is about time you resurfaced! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

What is your response to my post, Horatio?

I have been thinking of this and do not believe that I could answer it as well as TGHL or Topazia have done. This is a truly difficult question. If have not forgotten, but I am not ready to answer.

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YES ?!?!?

It is about time you resurfaced! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

What is your response to my post, Horatio?

I have been thinking of this and do not believe that I could answer it as well as TGHL or Topazia have done. This is a truly difficult question. If have not forgotten, but I am not ready to answer.

We both have perceptions of the truth, but sometimes one truth is not the same as another truth if you go by Topazia's definition.

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YES ?!?!?

It is about time you resurfaced! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

What is your response to my post, Horatio?

I have been thinking of this and do not believe that I could answer it as well as TGHL or Topazia have done. This is a truly difficult question. If have not forgotten, but I am not ready to answer.

We both have perceptions of the truth, but sometimes one truth is not the same as another truth if you go by Topazia's definition.

exactly my point.


not everyone knows the true truth. they honestly believe a lie given to them as truth. for example: In my eighth year, we had a guy that would come into class regularly. He SAID his name was Mr. Heisey, but he also said that might not be his real name. It could be just a fake name used to protect our innocence.

I think it was his real name, that he was just messing with us. but he had a point.

Also, internet is the same way. you all know me to be a teenage girl in Florida with a passion for God and debates. But I could be a very good liar. I could be a perverse 35yrold man who takes pleasure in preying on unsuspecting kids and lives in his mother's basement. I'm not that, though. Horatio KNOWS I'm not. I'm a good liar (but not proud of it anymore), but I'm not the freak who lives in his mother's basement.


my furnace sounds like it's raining or making popcorn. It's freaky.


for more on truth, you can go to www.DeletedbyHoratio.com! j/k




I lie on here a lot, but that's only because the secret I do so about is better kept in darkness than on HD for the world to see. :mellow:

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YES ?!?!?

It is about time you resurfaced! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

What is your response to my post, Horatio?

I have been thinking of this and do not believe that I could answer it as well as TGHL or Topazia have done. This is a truly difficult question. If have not forgotten, but I am not ready to answer.

We both have perceptions of the truth, but sometimes one truth is not the same as another truth if you go by Topazia's definition.

exactly my point.


not everyone knows the true truth. they honestly believe a lie given to them as truth. for example: In my eighth year, we had a guy that would come into class regularly. He SAID his name was Mr. Heisey, but he also said that might not be his real name. It could be just a fake name used to protect our innocence.

I think it was his real name, that he was just messing with us. but he had a point.

Also, internet is the same way. you all know me to be a teenage girl in Florida with a passion for God and debates. But I could be a very good liar. I could be a perverse 35yrold man who takes pleasure in preying on unsuspecting kids and lives in his mother's basement. I'm not that, though. Horatio KNOWS I'm not. I'm a good liar (but not proud of it anymore), but I'm not the freak who lives in his mother's basement.


my furnace sounds like it's raining or making popcorn. It's freaky.


for more on truth, you can go to www.DeletedbyHoratio.com! j/k




I lie on here a lot, but that's only because the secret I do so about is better kept in darkness than on HD for the world to see. :mellow:

Yes, the truth all depends on perspective, but I would argue that the truth is what is reality/true etc., it's just our personal perception of truth that changes.


Yes, I suppose it's like me. You see, I am in fact not a 14 year old, nearly 15, Anglo male with Celtic blood, but Kim Jung Il from N.Korea intent on destabalising American culture from within.

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YES ?!?!?

It is about time you resurfaced! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

What is your response to my post, Horatio?

I have been thinking of this and do not believe that I could answer it as well as TGHL or Topazia have done. This is a truly difficult question. If have not forgotten, but I am not ready to answer.

We both have perceptions of the truth, but sometimes one truth is not the same as another truth if you go by Topazia's definition.

exactly my point.


not everyone knows the true truth. they honestly believe a lie given to them as truth. for example: In my eighth year, we had a guy that would come into class regularly. He SAID his name was Mr. Heisey, but he also said that might not be his real name. It could be just a fake name used to protect our innocence.

I think it was his real name, that he was just messing with us. but he had a point.

Also, internet is the same way. you all know me to be a teenage girl in Florida with a passion for God and debates. But I could be a very good liar. I could be a perverse 35yrold man who takes pleasure in preying on unsuspecting kids and lives in his mother's basement. I'm not that, though. Horatio KNOWS I'm not. I'm a good liar (but not proud of it anymore), but I'm not the freak who lives in his mother's basement.


my furnace sounds like it's raining or making popcorn. It's freaky.


for more on truth, you can go to www.DeletedbyHoratio.com! j/k




I lie on here a lot, but that's only because the secret I do so about is better kept in darkness than on HD for the world to see. :mellow:

Haha. Woops. I fell for thw www.deltedbyhoratio.com thing :blink:

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YES ?!?!?

It is about time you resurfaced! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

What is your response to my post, Horatio?

I have been thinking of this and do not believe that I could answer it as well as TGHL or Topazia have done. This is a truly difficult question. If have not forgotten, but I am not ready to answer.

We both have perceptions of the truth, but sometimes one truth is not the same as another truth if you go by Topazia's definition.

exactly my point.


not everyone knows the true truth. they honestly believe a lie given to them as truth. for example: In my eighth year, we had a guy that would come into class regularly. He SAID his name was Mr. Heisey, but he also said that might not be his real name. It could be just a fake name used to protect our innocence.

I think it was his real name, that he was just messing with us. but he had a point.

Also, internet is the same way. you all know me to be a teenage girl in Florida with a passion for God and debates. But I could be a very good liar. I could be a perverse 35yrold man who takes pleasure in preying on unsuspecting kids and lives in his mother's basement. I'm not that, though. Horatio KNOWS I'm not. I'm a good liar (but not proud of it anymore), but I'm not the freak who lives in his mother's basement.


my furnace sounds like it's raining or making popcorn. It's freaky.


for more on truth, you can go to www.DeletedbyHoratio.com! j/k




I lie on here a lot, but that's only because the secret I do so about is better kept in darkness than on HD for the world to see. :mellow:

Yes, the truth all depends on perspective, but I would argue that the truth is what is reality/true etc., it's just our personal perception of truth that changes.


Yes, I suppose it's like me. You see, I am in fact not a 14 year old, nearly 15, Anglo male with Celtic blood, but Kim Jung Il from N.Korea intent on destabalising American culture from within.


It was a fake url!

boguswebsite is a fake url!

I was being sarcastic!


Hah! I'm older than you! *has a giggle fit for no apparent reason, gets baby brother from crib, and returns*

Hey, if I were to believe you, can I call you Kim, TGHL? That's a girl's name!!! hehehe! My Dad has Celtic blood in him.


you can't do what you can't spell.

You mean "disestablishing," right? Or "Uproot"? It won't happen.


Anglo kids are smart. I didn't know half the stuff you know (about religion) when I was 14. But see, I really am a 16 yr old girl from Florida, and as you can see, I do have a passion.

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YES ?!?!?

It is about time you resurfaced! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

What is your response to my post, Horatio?

I have been thinking of this and do not believe that I could answer it as well as TGHL or Topazia have done. This is a truly difficult question. If have not forgotten, but I am not ready to answer.

We both have perceptions of the truth, but sometimes one truth is not the same as another truth if you go by Topazia's definition.

exactly my point.


not everyone knows the true truth. they honestly believe a lie given to them as truth. for example: In my eighth year, we had a guy that would come into class regularly. He SAID his name was Mr. Heisey, but he also said that might not be his real name. It could be just a fake name used to protect our innocence.

I think it was his real name, that he was just messing with us. but he had a point.

Also, internet is the same way. you all know me to be a teenage girl in Florida with a passion for God and debates. But I could be a very good liar. I could be a perverse 35yrold man who takes pleasure in preying on unsuspecting kids and lives in his mother's basement. I'm not that, though. Horatio KNOWS I'm not. I'm a good liar (but not proud of it anymore), but I'm not the freak who lives in his mother's basement.


my furnace sounds like it's raining or making popcorn. It's freaky.


for more on truth, you can go to www.DeletedbyHoratio.com! j/k




I lie on here a lot, but that's only because the secret I do so about is better kept in darkness than on HD for the world to see. :mellow:

Yes, the truth all depends on perspective, but I would argue that the truth is what is reality/true etc., it's just our personal perception of truth that changes.


Yes, I suppose it's like me. You see, I am in fact not a 14 year old, nearly 15, Anglo male with Celtic blood, but Kim Jung Il from N.Korea intent on destabalising American culture from within.


It was a fake url!

boguswebsite is a fake url!

I was being sarcastic!


Hah! I'm older than you! *has a giggle fit for no apparent reason, gets baby brother from crib, and returns*

Hey, if I were to believe you, can I call you Kim, TGHL? That's a girl's name!!! hehehe! My Dad has Celtic blood in him.


you can't do what you can't spell.

You mean "disestablishing," right? Or "Uproot"? It won't happen.


Anglo kids are smart. I didn't know half the stuff you know (about religion) when I was 14. But see, I really am a 16 yr old girl from Florida, and as you can see, I do have a passion.

I think Horatio was being a bit sarcastic when he put DeletedbyHoratio as well.

Calm down.

Why would you call me Kim if you were to believe me? I put male there, not female. Congratulations to him.


AHA! You see, since I am Kim Jung Il, I have a very poor grasp on the Anglish language. Yes! See! I run rings around your logic!


Why thank you. I can assure you however, it doesn't apply to all of us.


I believe you, because no one could feign your sheer passion and devotion to something which everyone seems to have a different opinion on.

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YES ?!?!?

It is about time you resurfaced!

What is your response to my post, Horatio?

I have been thinking of this and do not believe that I could answer it as well as TGHL or Topazia have done. This is a truly difficult question. If have not forgotten, but I am not ready to answer.

We both have perceptions of the truth, but sometimes one truth is not the same as another truth if you go by Topazia's definition.

exactly my point.


not everyone knows the true truth. they honestly believe a lie given to them as truth. for example: In my eighth year, we had a guy that would come into class regularly. He SAID his name was Mr. Heisey, but he also said that might not be his real name. It could be just a fake name used to protect our innocence.

I think it was his real name, that he was just messing with us. but he had a point.

Also, internet is the same way. you all know me to be a teenage girl in Florida with a passion for God and debates. But I could be a very good liar. I could be a perverse 35yrold man who takes pleasure in preying on unsuspecting kids and lives in his mother's basement. I'm not that, though. Horatio KNOWS I'm not. I'm a good liar (but not proud of it anymore), but I'm not the freak who lives in his mother's basement.


my furnace sounds like it's raining or making popcorn. It's freaky.


for more on truth, you can go to www.DeletedbyHoratio.com! j/k




I lie on here a lot, but that's only because the secret I do so about is better kept in darkness than on HD for the world to see. :mellow:

Yes, the truth all depends on perspective, but I would argue that the truth is what is reality/true etc., it's just our personal perception of truth that changes.


Yes, I suppose it's like me. You see, I am in fact not a 14 year old, nearly 15, Anglo male with Celtic blood, but Kim Jung Il from N.Korea intent on destabalising American culture from within.


It was a fake url!

boguswebsite is a fake url!

I was being sarcastic!


Hah! I'm older than you! *has a giggle fit for no apparent reason, gets baby brother from crib, and returns*

Hey, if I were to believe you, can I call you Kim, TGHL? That's a girl's name!!! hehehe! My Dad has Celtic blood in him.


you can't do what you can't spell.

You mean "disestablishing," right? Or "Uproot"? It won't happen.


Anglo kids are smart. I didn't know half the stuff you know (about religion) when I was 14. But see, I really am a 16 yr old girl from Florida, and as you can see, I do have a passion.

I think Horatio was being a bit sarcastic when he put DeletedbyHoratio as well.

Calm down.

Why would you call me Kim if you were to believe me? I put male there, not female. Congratulations to him.


AHA! You see, since I am Kim Jung Il, I have a very poor grasp on the Anglish language. Yes! See! I run rings around your logic!


Why thank you. I can assure you however, it doesn't apply to all of us.


I believe you, because no one could feign your sheer passion and devotion to something which everyone seems to have a different opinion on.


Thanks. Ah, yes, but you are leaving loopholes even in the same posts. I can say that I am a female, but I am a male, just as you could say you were a young teenage boy in England if you were really a 48-yr-old N. Korean girl with a husband and fourteen kids. But you're really not, and I know it.


Ah, but how do you know I'm not an amazing liar, which I've already admitted to? I have faked being a devout Christian for my whole life, why not? Well, only until last summer on a mission trip. That thing was the bomb!

I think Horatio was being a bit sarcastic when he put DeletedbyHoratio as well.


TGHL... I can't slip anything by you, can I.

Of course you can't Horatio. TGHL is too smart and cunning, even when he slips in religion discussions.

:P j/k, tghl.

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YES ?!?!?

It is about time you resurfaced!

What is your response to my post, Horatio?

I have been thinking of this and do not believe that I could answer it as well as TGHL or Topazia have done. This is a truly difficult question. If have not forgotten, but I am not ready to answer.

We both have perceptions of the truth, but sometimes one truth is not the same as another truth if you go by Topazia's definition.

exactly my point.


not everyone knows the true truth. they honestly believe a lie given to them as truth. for example: In my eighth year, we had a guy that would come into class regularly. He SAID his name was Mr. Heisey, but he also said that might not be his real name. It could be just a fake name used to protect our innocence.

I think it was his real name, that he was just messing with us. but he had a point.

Also, internet is the same way. you all know me to be a teenage girl in Florida with a passion for God and debates. But I could be a very good liar. I could be a perverse 35yrold man who takes pleasure in preying on unsuspecting kids and lives in his mother's basement. I'm not that, though. Horatio KNOWS I'm not. I'm a good liar (but not proud of it anymore), but I'm not the freak who lives in his mother's basement.


my furnace sounds like it's raining or making popcorn. It's freaky.


for more on truth, you can go to www.DeletedbyHoratio.com! j/k




I lie on here a lot, but that's only because the secret I do so about is better kept in darkness than on HD for the world to see. :mellow:

Yes, the truth all depends on perspective, but I would argue that the truth is what is reality/true etc., it's just our personal perception of truth that changes.


Yes, I suppose it's like me. You see, I am in fact not a 14 year old, nearly 15, Anglo male with Celtic blood, but Kim Jung Il from N.Korea intent on destabalising American culture from within.


It was a fake url!

boguswebsite is a fake url!

I was being sarcastic!


Hah! I'm older than you! *has a giggle fit for no apparent reason, gets baby brother from crib, and returns*

Hey, if I were to believe you, can I call you Kim, TGHL? That's a girl's name!!! hehehe! My Dad has Celtic blood in him.


you can't do what you can't spell.

You mean "disestablishing," right? Or "Uproot"? It won't happen.


Anglo kids are smart. I didn't know half the stuff you know (about religion) when I was 14. But see, I really am a 16 yr old girl from Florida, and as you can see, I do have a passion.

I think Horatio was being a bit sarcastic when he put DeletedbyHoratio as well.

Calm down.

Why would you call me Kim if you were to believe me? I put male there, not female. Congratulations to him.


AHA! You see, since I am Kim Jung Il, I have a very poor grasp on the Anglish language. Yes! See! I run rings around your logic!


Why thank you. I can assure you however, it doesn't apply to all of us.


I believe you, because no one could feign your sheer passion and devotion to something which everyone seems to have a different opinion on.


Thanks. Ah, yes, but you are leaving loopholes even in the same posts. I can say that I am a female, but I am a male, just as you could say you were a young teenage boy in England if you were really a 48-yr-old N. Korean girl with a husband and fourteen kids. But you're really not, and I know it.


Ah, but how do you know I'm not an amazing liar, which I've already admitted to? I have faked being a devout Christian for my whole life, why not? Well, only until last summer on a mission trip. That thing was the bomb!

I think Horatio was being a bit sarcastic when he put DeletedbyHoratio as well.


TGHL... I can't slip anything by you, can I.

Of course you can't Horatio. TGHL is too smart and cunning, even when he slips in religion discussions.

:P j/k, tghl.

I am very good at sidling in places and then suprising everyone by replying in mid-convo.

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YES ?!?!?

It is about time you resurfaced!

What is your response to my post, Horatio?

I have been thinking of this and do not believe that I could answer it as well as TGHL or Topazia have done. This is a truly difficult question. If have not forgotten, but I am not ready to answer.

We both have perceptions of the truth, but sometimes one truth is not the same as another truth if you go by Topazia's definition.

exactly my point.


not everyone knows the true truth. they honestly believe a lie given to them as truth. for example: In my eighth year, we had a guy that would come into class regularly. He SAID his name was Mr. Heisey, but he also said that might not be his real name. It could be just a fake name used to protect our innocence.

I think it was his real name, that he was just messing with us. but he had a point.

Also, internet is the same way. you all know me to be a teenage girl in Florida with a passion for God and debates. But I could be a very good liar. I could be a perverse 35yrold man who takes pleasure in preying on unsuspecting kids and lives in his mother's basement. I'm not that, though. Horatio KNOWS I'm not. I'm a good liar (but not proud of it anymore), but I'm not the freak who lives in his mother's basement.


my furnace sounds like it's raining or making popcorn. It's freaky.


for more on truth, you can go to www.DeletedbyHoratio.com! j/k




I lie on here a lot, but that's only because the secret I do so about is better kept in darkness than on HD for the world to see. :mellow:

Yes, the truth all depends on perspective, but I would argue that the truth is what is reality/true etc., it's just our personal perception of truth that changes.


Yes, I suppose it's like me. You see, I am in fact not a 14 year old, nearly 15, Anglo male with Celtic blood, but Kim Jung Il from N.Korea intent on destabalising American culture from within.


It was a fake url!

boguswebsite is a fake url!

I was being sarcastic!


Hah! I'm older than you! *has a giggle fit for no apparent reason, gets baby brother from crib, and returns*

Hey, if I were to believe you, can I call you Kim, TGHL? That's a girl's name!!! hehehe! My Dad has Celtic blood in him.


you can't do what you can't spell.

You mean "disestablishing," right? Or "Uproot"? It won't happen.


Anglo kids are smart. I didn't know half the stuff you know (about religion) when I was 14. But see, I really am a 16 yr old girl from Florida, and as you can see, I do have a passion.

I think Horatio was being a bit sarcastic when he put DeletedbyHoratio as well.

Calm down.

Why would you call me Kim if you were to believe me? I put male there, not female. Congratulations to him.


AHA! You see, since I am Kim Jung Il, I have a very poor grasp on the Anglish language. Yes! See! I run rings around your logic!


Why thank you. I can assure you however, it doesn't apply to all of us.


I believe you, because no one could feign your sheer passion and devotion to something which everyone seems to have a different opinion on.


Thanks. Ah, yes, but you are leaving loopholes even in the same posts. I can say that I am a female, but I am a male, just as you could say you were a young teenage boy in England if you were really a 48-yr-old N. Korean girl with a husband and fourteen kids. But you're really not, and I know it.


Ah, but how do you know I'm not an amazing liar, which I've already admitted to? I have faked being a devout Christian for my whole life, why not? Well, only until last summer on a mission trip. That thing was the bomb!

I think Horatio was being a bit sarcastic when he put DeletedbyHoratio as well.


TGHL... I can't slip anything by you, can I.

Of course you can't Horatio. TGHL is too smart and cunning, even when he slips in religion discussions.

:P j/k, tghl.

I am very good at sidling in places and then suprising everyone by replying in mid-convo.

So am I.

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YES ?!?!?

It is about time you resurfaced!

What is your response to my post, Horatio?

I have been thinking of this and do not believe that I could answer it as well as TGHL or Topazia have done. This is a truly difficult question. If have not forgotten, but I am not ready to answer.

We both have perceptions of the truth, but sometimes one truth is not the same as another truth if you go by Topazia's definition.

exactly my point.


not everyone knows the true truth. they honestly believe a lie given to them as truth. for example: In my eighth year, we had a guy that would come into class regularly. He SAID his name was Mr. Heisey, but he also said that might not be his real name. It could be just a fake name used to protect our innocence.

I think it was his real name, that he was just messing with us. but he had a point.

Also, internet is the same way. you all know me to be a teenage girl in Florida with a passion for God and debates. But I could be a very good liar. I could be a perverse 35yrold man who takes pleasure in preying on unsuspecting kids and lives in his mother's basement. I'm not that, though. Horatio KNOWS I'm not. I'm a good liar (but not proud of it anymore), but I'm not the freak who lives in his mother's basement.


my furnace sounds like it's raining or making popcorn. It's freaky.


for more on truth, you can go to www.DeletedbyHoratio.com! j/k




I lie on here a lot, but that's only because the secret I do so about is better kept in darkness than on HD for the world to see. :mellow:

Yes, the truth all depends on perspective, but I would argue that the truth is what is reality/true etc., it's just our personal perception of truth that changes.


Yes, I suppose it's like me. You see, I am in fact not a 14 year old, nearly 15, Anglo male with Celtic blood, but Kim Jung Il from N.Korea intent on destabalising American culture from within.


It was a fake url!

boguswebsite is a fake url!

I was being sarcastic!


Hah! I'm older than you! *has a giggle fit for no apparent reason, gets baby brother from crib, and returns*

Hey, if I were to believe you, can I call you Kim, TGHL? That's a girl's name!!! hehehe! My Dad has Celtic blood in him.


you can't do what you can't spell.

You mean "disestablishing," right? Or "Uproot"? It won't happen.


Anglo kids are smart. I didn't know half the stuff you know (about religion) when I was 14. But see, I really am a 16 yr old girl from Florida, and as you can see, I do have a passion.

I think Horatio was being a bit sarcastic when he put DeletedbyHoratio as well.

Calm down.

Why would you call me Kim if you were to believe me? I put male there, not female. Congratulations to him.


AHA! You see, since I am Kim Jung Il, I have a very poor grasp on the Anglish language. Yes! See! I run rings around your logic!


Why thank you. I can assure you however, it doesn't apply to all of us.


I believe you, because no one could feign your sheer passion and devotion to something which everyone seems to have a different opinion on.


Thanks. Ah, yes, but you are leaving loopholes even in the same posts. I can say that I am a female, but I am a male, just as you could say you were a young teenage boy in England if you were really a 48-yr-old N. Korean girl with a husband and fourteen kids. But you're really not, and I know it.


Ah, but how do you know I'm not an amazing liar, which I've already admitted to? I have faked being a devout Christian for my whole life, why not? Well, only until last summer on a mission trip. That thing was the bomb!

I think Horatio was being a bit sarcastic when he put DeletedbyHoratio as well.


TGHL... I can't slip anything by you, can I.

Of course you can't Horatio. TGHL is too smart and cunning, even when he slips in religion discussions.

:P j/k, tghl.

I am very good at sidling in places and then suprising everyone by replying in mid-convo.

So am I.

You are.

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YES ?!?!?

It is about time you resurfaced!

What is your response to my post, Horatio?

I have been thinking of this and do not believe that I could answer it as well as TGHL or Topazia have done. This is a truly difficult question. If have not forgotten, but I am not ready to answer.

We both have perceptions of the truth, but sometimes one truth is not the same as another truth if you go by Topazia's definition.

exactly my point.


not everyone knows the true truth. they honestly believe a lie given to them as truth. for example: In my eighth year, we had a guy that would come into class regularly. He SAID his name was Mr. Heisey, but he also said that might not be his real name. It could be just a fake name used to protect our innocence.

I think it was his real name, that he was just messing with us. but he had a point.

Also, internet is the same way. you all know me to be a teenage girl in Florida with a passion for God and debates. But I could be a very good liar. I could be a perverse 35yrold man who takes pleasure in preying on unsuspecting kids and lives in his mother's basement. I'm not that, though. Horatio KNOWS I'm not. I'm a good liar (but not proud of it anymore), but I'm not the freak who lives in his mother's basement.


my furnace sounds like it's raining or making popcorn. It's freaky.


for more on truth, you can go to www.DeletedbyHoratio.com! j/k




I lie on here a lot, but that's only because the secret I do so about is better kept in darkness than on HD for the world to see. :mellow:

Yes, the truth all depends on perspective, but I would argue that the truth is what is reality/true etc., it's just our personal perception of truth that changes.


Yes, I suppose it's like me. You see, I am in fact not a 14 year old, nearly 15, Anglo male with Celtic blood, but Kim Jung Il from N.Korea intent on destabalising American culture from within.


It was a fake url!

boguswebsite is a fake url!

I was being sarcastic!


Hah! I'm older than you! *has a giggle fit for no apparent reason, gets baby brother from crib, and returns*

Hey, if I were to believe you, can I call you Kim, TGHL? That's a girl's name!!! hehehe! My Dad has Celtic blood in him.


you can't do what you can't spell.

You mean "disestablishing," right? Or "Uproot"? It won't happen.


Anglo kids are smart. I didn't know half the stuff you know (about religion) when I was 14. But see, I really am a 16 yr old girl from Florida, and as you can see, I do have a passion.

I think Horatio was being a bit sarcastic when he put DeletedbyHoratio as well.

Calm down.

Why would you call me Kim if you were to believe me? I put male there, not female. Congratulations to him.


AHA! You see, since I am Kim Jung Il, I have a very poor grasp on the Anglish language. Yes! See! I run rings around your logic!


Why thank you. I can assure you however, it doesn't apply to all of us.


I believe you, because no one could feign your sheer passion and devotion to something which everyone seems to have a different opinion on.


Thanks. Ah, yes, but you are leaving loopholes even in the same posts. I can say that I am a female, but I am a male, just as you could say you were a young teenage boy in England if you were really a 48-yr-old N. Korean girl with a husband and fourteen kids. But you're really not, and I know it.


Ah, but how do you know I'm not an amazing liar, which I've already admitted to? I have faked being a devout Christian for my whole life, why not? Well, only until last summer on a mission trip. That thing was the bomb!

I think Horatio was being a bit sarcastic when he put DeletedbyHoratio as well.


TGHL... I can't slip anything by you, can I.

Of course you can't Horatio. TGHL is too smart and cunning, even when he slips in religion discussions.

:P j/k, tghl.

I am very good at sidling in places and then suprising everyone by replying in mid-convo.

So am I.

You are.

I am too.

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I am very good at sidling in places and then suprising everyone by replying in mid-convo.

So am I.

You are.

I am too.

So you are. We all are.

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hello, horatio!

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hello, horatio!

Hello Topazia!

How are you? :P

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YES ?!?!?

It is about time you resurfaced! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

What is your response to my post, Horatio?

I have been thinking of this and do not believe that I could answer it as well as TGHL or Topazia have done. This is a truly difficult question. If have not forgotten, but I am not ready to answer.

We both have perceptions of the truth, but sometimes one truth is not the same as another truth if you go by Topazia's definition.

exactly my point.


not everyone knows the true truth. they honestly believe a lie given to them as truth. for example: In my eighth year, we had a guy that would come into class regularly. He SAID his name was Mr. Heisey, but he also said that might not be his real name. It could be just a fake name used to protect our innocence.

I think it was his real name, that he was just messing with us. but he had a point.

Also, internet is the same way. you all know me to be a teenage girl in Florida with a passion for God and debates. But I could be a very good liar. I could be a perverse 35yrold man who takes pleasure in preying on unsuspecting kids and lives in his mother's basement. I'm not that, though. Horatio KNOWS I'm not. I'm a good liar (but not proud of it anymore), but I'm not the freak who lives in his mother's basement.


my furnace sounds like it's raining or making popcorn. It's freaky.


for more on truth, you can go to www.DeletedbyHoratio.com! j/k




I lie on here a lot, but that's only because the secret I do so about is better kept in darkness than on HD for the world to see. :mellow:

Yes, the truth all depends on perspective, but I would argue that the truth is what is reality/true etc., it's just our personal perception of truth that changes.


Yes, I suppose it's like me. You see, I am in fact not a 14 year old, nearly 15, Anglo male with Celtic blood, but Kim Jung Il from N.Korea intent on destabalising American culture from within.


It was a fake url!

boguswebsite is a fake url!

I was being sarcastic!


Hah! I'm older than you! *has a giggle fit for no apparent reason, gets baby brother from crib, and returns*

Hey, if I were to believe you, can I call you Kim, TGHL? That's a girl's name!!! hehehe! My Dad has Celtic blood in him.


you can't do what you can't spell.

You mean "disestablishing," right? Or "Uproot"? It won't happen.


Anglo kids are smart. I didn't know half the stuff you know (about religion) when I was 14. But see, I really am a 16 yr old girl from Florida, and as you can see, I do have a passion.



blue=me... and my notes

de.sta.bi.lize (d_e st_a`b(upside-down)e l_iz')[could also be spelled destabilise, which is the initial and thus correct form, with same pronounciation.] vt. --lized', --liz'-ing to upset the stability or equilibrium of; unbalance

taken from Webster's New World College Dictionary, Fourth Edition

Copyright © 1999 by Macmillan USA

...au contraire, destablize/destabilise is a word. I looked it up for you.

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YES ?!?!?

It is about time you resurfaced!

What is your response to my post, Horatio?

I have been thinking of this and do not believe that I could answer it as well as TGHL or Topazia have done. This is a truly difficult question. If have not forgotten, but I am not ready to answer.

We both have perceptions of the truth, but sometimes one truth is not the same as another truth if you go by Topazia's definition.

exactly my point.


not everyone knows the true truth. they honestly believe a lie given to them as truth. for example: In my eighth year, we had a guy that would come into class regularly. He SAID his name was Mr. Heisey, but he also said that might not be his real name. It could be just a fake name used to protect our innocence.

I think it was his real name, that he was just messing with us. but he had a point.

Also, internet is the same way. you all know me to be a teenage girl in Florida with a passion for God and debates. But I could be a very good liar. I could be a perverse 35yrold man who takes pleasure in preying on unsuspecting kids and lives in his mother's basement. I'm not that, though. Horatio KNOWS I'm not. I'm a good liar (but not proud of it anymore), but I'm not the freak who lives in his mother's basement.


my furnace sounds like it's raining or making popcorn. It's freaky.


for more on truth, you can go to www.DeletedbyHoratio.com! j/k




I lie on here a lot, but that's only because the secret I do so about is better kept in darkness than on HD for the world to see. :mellow:

Yes, the truth all depends on perspective, but I would argue that the truth is what is reality/true etc., it's just our personal perception of truth that changes.


Yes, I suppose it's like me. You see, I am in fact not a 14 year old, nearly 15, Anglo male with Celtic blood, but Kim Jung Il from N.Korea intent on destabalising American culture from within.


It was a fake url!

boguswebsite is a fake url!

I was being sarcastic!


Hah! I'm older than you! *has a giggle fit for no apparent reason, gets baby brother from crib, and returns*

Hey, if I were to believe you, can I call you Kim, TGHL? That's a girl's name!!! hehehe! My Dad has Celtic blood in him.


you can't do what you can't spell.

You mean "disestablishing," right? Or "Uproot"? It won't happen.


Anglo kids are smart. I didn't know half the stuff you know (about religion) when I was 14. But see, I really am a 16 yr old girl from Florida, and as you can see, I do have a passion.

I think Horatio was being a bit sarcastic when he put DeletedbyHoratio as well.

Calm down.

Why would you call me Kim if you were to believe me? I put male there, not female. Congratulations to him.


AHA! You see, since I am Kim Jung Il, I have a very poor grasp on the Anglish language. Yes! See! I run rings around your logic!


Why thank you. I can assure you however, it doesn't apply to all of us.


I believe you, because no one could feign your sheer passion and devotion to something which everyone seems to have a different opinion on.


Thanks. Ah, yes, but you are leaving loopholes even in the same posts. I can say that I am a female, but I am a male, just as you could say you were a young teenage boy in England if you were really a 48-yr-old N. Korean girl with a husband and fourteen kids. But you're really not, and I know it.


Ah, but how do you know I'm not an amazing liar, which I've already admitted to? I have faked being a devout Christian for my whole life, why not? Well, only until last summer on a mission trip. That thing was the bomb!

I think Horatio was being a bit sarcastic when he put DeletedbyHoratio as well.


TGHL... I can't slip anything by you, can I.

Of course you can't Horatio. TGHL is too smart and cunning, even when he slips in religion discussions.

:P j/k, tghl.

The quote boxes have disappeared again.

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YES ?!?!?

It is about time you resurfaced!

What is your response to my post, Horatio?

I have been thinking of this and do not believe that I could answer it as well as TGHL or Topazia have done. This is a truly difficult question. If have not forgotten, but I am not ready to answer.

We both have perceptions of the truth, but sometimes one truth is not the same as another truth if you go by Topazia's definition.

exactly my point.


not everyone knows the true truth. they honestly believe a lie given to them as truth. for example: In my eighth year, we had a guy that would come into class regularly. He SAID his name was Mr. Heisey, but he also said that might not be his real name. It could be just a fake name used to protect our innocence.

I think it was his real name, that he was just messing with us. but he had a point.

Also, internet is the same way. you all know me to be a teenage girl in Florida with a passion for God and debates. But I could be a very good liar. I could be a perverse 35yrold man who takes pleasure in preying on unsuspecting kids and lives in his mother's basement. I'm not that, though. Horatio KNOWS I'm not. I'm a good liar (but not proud of it anymore), but I'm not the freak who lives in his mother's basement.


my furnace sounds like it's raining or making popcorn. It's freaky.


for more on truth, you can go to www.DeletedbyHoratio.com! j/k




I lie on here a lot, but that's only because the secret I do so about is better kept in darkness than on HD for the world to see. :mellow:

Yes, the truth all depends on perspective, but I would argue that the truth is what is reality/true etc., it's just our personal perception of truth that changes.


Yes, I suppose it's like me. You see, I am in fact not a 14 year old, nearly 15, Anglo male with Celtic blood, but Kim Jung Il from N.Korea intent on destabalising American culture from within.


It was a fake url!

boguswebsite is a fake url!

I was being sarcastic!


Hah! I'm older than you! *has a giggle fit for no apparent reason, gets baby brother from crib, and returns*

Hey, if I were to believe you, can I call you Kim, TGHL? That's a girl's name!!! hehehe! My Dad has Celtic blood in him.


you can't do what you can't spell.

You mean "disestablishing," right? Or "Uproot"? It won't happen.


Anglo kids are smart. I didn't know half the stuff you know (about religion) when I was 14. But see, I really am a 16 yr old girl from Florida, and as you can see, I do have a passion.

I think Horatio was being a bit sarcastic when he put DeletedbyHoratio as well.

Calm down.

Why would you call me Kim if you were to believe me? I put male there, not female. Congratulations to him.


AHA! You see, since I am Kim Jung Il, I have a very poor grasp on the Anglish language. Yes! See! I run rings around your logic!


Why thank you. I can assure you however, it doesn't apply to all of us.


I believe you, because no one could feign your sheer passion and devotion to something which everyone seems to have a different opinion on.


Thanks. Ah, yes, but you are leaving loopholes even in the same posts. I can say that I am a female, but I am a male, just as you could say you were a young teenage boy in England if you were really a 48-yr-old N. Korean girl with a husband and fourteen kids. But you're really not, and I know it.


Ah, but how do you know I'm not an amazing liar, which I've already admitted to? I have faked being a devout Christian for my whole life, why not? Well, only until last summer on a mission trip. That thing was the bomb!

I think Horatio was being a bit sarcastic when he put DeletedbyHoratio as well.


TGHL... I can't slip anything by you, can I.

Of course you can't Horatio. TGHL is too smart and cunning, even when he slips in religion discussions.

:P j/k, tghl.

The quote boxes have disappeared again.

Max number of quote boxes is ten. After that the boxes disappear.

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YES ?!?!?

It is about time you resurfaced!

What is your response to my post, Horatio?

I have been thinking of this and do not believe that I could answer it as well as TGHL or Topazia have done. This is a truly difficult question. If have not forgotten, but I am not ready to answer.

We both have perceptions of the truth, but sometimes one truth is not the same as another truth if you go by Topazia's definition.

exactly my point.


not everyone knows the true truth. they honestly believe a lie given to them as truth. for example: In my eighth year, we had a guy that would come into class regularly. He SAID his name was Mr. Heisey, but he also said that might not be his real name. It could be just a fake name used to protect our innocence.

I think it was his real name, that he was just messing with us. but he had a point.

Also, internet is the same way. you all know me to be a teenage girl in Florida with a passion for God and debates. But I could be a very good liar. I could be a perverse 35yrold man who takes pleasure in preying on unsuspecting kids and lives in his mother's basement. I'm not that, though. Horatio KNOWS I'm not. I'm a good liar (but not proud of it anymore), but I'm not the freak who lives in his mother's basement.


my furnace sounds like it's raining or making popcorn. It's freaky.


for more on truth, you can go to www.DeletedbyHoratio.com! j/k




I lie on here a lot, but that's only because the secret I do so about is better kept in darkness than on HD for the world to see. :mellow:

Yes, the truth all depends on perspective, but I would argue that the truth is what is reality/true etc., it's just our personal perception of truth that changes.


Yes, I suppose it's like me. You see, I am in fact not a 14 year old, nearly 15, Anglo male with Celtic blood, but Kim Jung Il from N.Korea intent on destabalising American culture from within.


It was a fake url!

boguswebsite is a fake url!

I was being sarcastic!


Hah! I'm older than you! *has a giggle fit for no apparent reason, gets baby brother from crib, and returns*

Hey, if I were to believe you, can I call you Kim, TGHL? That's a girl's name!!! hehehe! My Dad has Celtic blood in him.


you can't do what you can't spell.

You mean "disestablishing," right? Or "Uproot"? It won't happen.


Anglo kids are smart. I didn't know half the stuff you know (about religion) when I was 14. But see, I really am a 16 yr old girl from Florida, and as you can see, I do have a passion.

I think Horatio was being a bit sarcastic when he put DeletedbyHoratio as well.

Calm down.

Why would you call me Kim if you were to believe me? I put male there, not female. Congratulations to him.


AHA! You see, since I am Kim Jung Il, I have a very poor grasp on the Anglish language. Yes! See! I run rings around your logic!


Why thank you. I can assure you however, it doesn't apply to all of us.


I believe you, because no one could feign your sheer passion and devotion to something which everyone seems to have a different opinion on.


Thanks. Ah, yes, but you are leaving loopholes even in the same posts. I can say that I am a female, but I am a male, just as you could say you were a young teenage boy in England if you were really a 48-yr-old N. Korean girl with a husband and fourteen kids. But you're really not, and I know it.


Ah, but how do you know I'm not an amazing liar, which I've already admitted to? I have faked being a devout Christian for my whole life, why not? Well, only until last summer on a mission trip. That thing was the bomb!

I think Horatio was being a bit sarcastic when he put DeletedbyHoratio as well.


TGHL... I can't slip anything by you, can I.

Of course you can't Horatio. TGHL is too smart and cunning, even when he slips in religion discussions.

:P j/k, tghl.

The quote boxes have disappeared again.

Max number of quote boxes is ten. After that the boxes disappear.

...!!!...Ah-ha!... Thank you for your wisdom, Oh Horatio the Great!...

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YES ?!?!?

It is about time you resurfaced!

What is your response to my post, Horatio?

I have been thinking of this and do not believe that I could answer it as well as TGHL or Topazia have done. This is a truly difficult question. If have not forgotten, but I am not ready to answer.

We both have perceptions of the truth, but sometimes one truth is not the same as another truth if you go by Topazia's definition.

exactly my point.


not everyone knows the true truth. they honestly believe a lie given to them as truth. for example: In my eighth year, we had a guy that would come into class regularly. He SAID his name was Mr. Heisey, but he also said that might not be his real name. It could be just a fake name used to protect our innocence.

I think it was his real name, that he was just messing with us. but he had a point.

Also, internet is the same way. you all know me to be a teenage girl in Florida with a passion for God and debates. But I could be a very good liar. I could be a perverse 35yrold man who takes pleasure in preying on unsuspecting kids and lives in his mother's basement. I'm not that, though. Horatio KNOWS I'm not. I'm a good liar (but not proud of it anymore), but I'm not the freak who lives in his mother's basement.


my furnace sounds like it's raining or making popcorn. It's freaky.


for more on truth, you can go to www.DeletedbyHoratio.com! j/k




I lie on here a lot, but that's only because the secret I do so about is better kept in darkness than on HD for the world to see. :mellow:

Yes, the truth all depends on perspective, but I would argue that the truth is what is reality/true etc., it's just our personal perception of truth that changes.


Yes, I suppose it's like me. You see, I am in fact not a 14 year old, nearly 15, Anglo male with Celtic blood, but Kim Jung Il from N.Korea intent on destabalising American culture from within.


It was a fake url!

boguswebsite is a fake url!

I was being sarcastic!


Hah! I'm older than you! *has a giggle fit for no apparent reason, gets baby brother from crib, and returns*

Hey, if I were to believe you, can I call you Kim, TGHL? That's a girl's name!!! hehehe! My Dad has Celtic blood in him.


you can't do what you can't spell.

You mean "disestablishing," right? Or "Uproot"? It won't happen.


Anglo kids are smart. I didn't know half the stuff you know (about religion) when I was 14. But see, I really am a 16 yr old girl from Florida, and as you can see, I do have a passion.

I think Horatio was being a bit sarcastic when he put DeletedbyHoratio as well.

Calm down.

Why would you call me Kim if you were to believe me? I put male there, not female. Congratulations to him.


AHA! You see, since I am Kim Jung Il, I have a very poor grasp on the Anglish language. Yes! See! I run rings around your logic!


Why thank you. I can assure you however, it doesn't apply to all of us.


I believe you, because no one could feign your sheer passion and devotion to something which everyone seems to have a different opinion on.


Thanks. Ah, yes, but you are leaving loopholes even in the same posts. I can say that I am a female, but I am a male, just as you could say you were a young teenage boy in England if you were really a 48-yr-old N. Korean girl with a husband and fourteen kids. But you're really not, and I know it.


Ah, but how do you know I'm not an amazing liar, which I've already admitted to? I have faked being a devout Christian for my whole life, why not? Well, only until last summer on a mission trip. That thing was the bomb!

I think Horatio was being a bit sarcastic when he put DeletedbyHoratio as well.


TGHL... I can't slip anything by you, can I.

Of course you can't Horatio. TGHL is too smart and cunning, even when he slips in religion discussions.

:P j/k, tghl.

The quote boxes have disappeared again.

Max number of quote boxes is ten. After that the boxes disappear.

Oh. I figured that.

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Of course you can't Horatio. TGHL is too smart and cunning, even when he slips in religion discussions.

:P j/k, tghl.

The quote boxes have disappeared again.

Max number of quote boxes is ten. After that the boxes disappear.

Oh. I figured that.

But deleting some quotes should recreate them. Logically speaking.

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Of course you can't Horatio. TGHL is too smart and cunning, even when he slips in religion discussions.

:P j/k, tghl.

The quote boxes have disappeared again.

Max number of quote boxes is ten. After that the boxes disappear.

Oh. I figured that.

But deleting some quotes should recreate them. Logically speaking.

exactly. That's what i do.

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Of course you can't Horatio. TGHL is too smart and cunning, even when he slips in religion discussions.

:P j/k, tghl.

The quote boxes have disappeared again.

Max number of quote boxes is ten. After that the boxes disappear.

Oh. I figured that.

But deleting some quotes should recreate them. Logically speaking.

exactly. That's what i do.

And various people do. Its a new craze, quote deletion.

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Of course you can't Horatio. TGHL is too smart and cunning, even when he slips in religion discussions.

:P j/k, tghl.

The quote boxes have disappeared again.

Max number of quote boxes is ten. After that the boxes disappear.

Oh. I figured that.

But deleting some quotes should recreate them. Logically speaking.

exactly. That's what i do.

And various people do. Its a new craze, quote deletion.

lol, yup.

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Quickly, I must look "cool" by deleting all the quotes above me except one so I look "popular" and get new "friends".

Toto will understand the speech marks around the selected words as we both share the same sceptical view of sociopaths in school.

heehee, you probably have the same views as me, too.

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Quickly, I must look "cool" by deleting all the quotes above me except one so I look "popular" and get new "friends".

Toto will understand the speech marks around the selected words as we both share the same sceptical view of sociopaths in school.

heehee, you probably have the same views as me, too.

More people should, the world would have less Hillary Duffs for a start.

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Quickly, I must look "cool" by deleting all the quotes above me except one so I look "popular" and get new "friends".

Toto will understand the speech marks around the selected words as we both share the same sceptical view of sociopaths in school.



...but I understand, too...



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Quickly, I must look "cool" by deleting all the quotes above me except one so I look "popular" and get new "friends".

Toto will understand the speech marks around the selected words as we both share the same sceptical view of sociopaths in school.

heehee, you probably have the same views as me, too.

More people should, the world would have less Hillary Duffs for a start.

BTW, Just out of curiosity, what are your views on sociopaths in school?


Yes, I know that is chatspeak. But I like it.

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Quickly, I must look "cool" by deleting all the quotes above me except one so I look "popular" and get new "friends".

Toto will understand the speech marks around the selected words as we both share the same sceptical view of sociopaths in school.



...but I understand, too...



Oh, I should expect you to understand it as well Erendayu, as we seem to think similar thoughts on most subjects.

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Quickly, I must look "cool" by deleting all the quotes above me except one so I look "popular" and get new "friends".

Toto will understand the speech marks around the selected words as we both share the same sceptical view of sociopaths in school.

heehee, you probably have the same views as me, too.

More people should, the world would have less Hillary Duffs for a start.

Hooray for anti-Hillary Doofasness!

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Quickly, I must look "cool" by deleting all the quotes above me except one so I look "popular" and get new "friends".

Toto will understand the speech marks around the selected words as we both share the same sceptical view of sociopaths in school.


Haha. I search for my name to see what I miss. >_> *Murders labels and things that separate into a different corwd*

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Quickly, I must look "cool" by deleting all the quotes above me except one so I look "popular" and get new "friends".

Toto will understand the speech marks around the selected words as we both share the same sceptical view of sociopaths in school.

heehee, you probably have the same views as me, too.

More people should, the world would have less Hillary Duffs for a start.

Hooray for anti-Hillary Doofasness!

Three cheers and a round of Huazzahs!

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Quickly, I must look "cool" by deleting all the quotes above me except one so I look "popular" and get new "friends".

Toto will understand the speech marks around the selected words as we both share the same sceptical view of sociopaths in school.

heehee, you probably have the same views as me, too.

More people should, the world would have less Hillary Duffs for a start.

Hooray for anti-Hillary Doofasness!

Three cheers and a round of Huazzahs!


I always get asked, "But WHY do you hate Hilary Duff?" I always answer, "Because she made my life a living heck." They always say "That's not a good reason."


But...do you really need a good reason to loathe someone? *checks list of 12 ways why to hate Hilary*

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Quickly, I must look "cool" by deleting all the quotes above me except one so I look "popular" and get new "friends".

Toto will understand the speech marks around the selected words as we both share the same sceptical view of sociopaths in school.

heehee, you probably have the same views as me, too.

More people should, the world would have less Hillary Duffs for a start.

Hooray for anti-Hillary Doofasness!

Three cheers and a round of Huazzahs!


I always get asked, "But WHY do you hate Hilary Duff?" I always answer, "Because she made my life a living heck." They always say "That's not a good reason."


But...do you really need a good reason to loathe someone? *checks list of 12 ways why to hate Hilary*

Their existance is usually enough for me.

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Quickly, I must look "cool" by deleting all the quotes above me except one so I look "popular" and get new "friends".

Toto will understand the speech marks around the selected words as we both share the same sceptical view of sociopaths in school.

heehee, you probably have the same views as me, too.

More people should, the world would have less Hillary Duffs for a start.

Hooray for anti-Hillary Doofasness!

Three cheers and a round of Huazzahs!


I always get asked, "But WHY do you hate Hilary Duff?" I always answer, "Because she made my life a living heck." They always say "That's not a good reason."


But...do you really need a good reason to loathe someone? *checks list of 12 ways why to hate Hilary*

Their existance is usually enough for me.

I used to say that. Like, three years ago, when I still hated the world.

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Quickly, I must look "cool" by deleting all the quotes above me except one so I look "popular" and get new "friends".

Toto will understand the speech marks around the selected words as we both share the same sceptical view of sociopaths in school.

heehee, you probably have the same views as me, too.

More people should, the world would have less Hillary Duffs for a start.


Sorry, but I get teased about that (saying less en lieu de* fewer)

*in lieu (stead) of

(above) direct translation

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Quickly, I must look "cool" by deleting all the quotes above me except one so I look "popular" and get new "friends".

Toto will understand the speech marks around the selected words as we both share the same sceptical view of sociopaths in school.



...but I understand, too...



Oh, I should expect you to understand it as well Erendayu, as we seem to think similar thoughts on most subjects.

<_< <_< Gee, thanks, Rue.

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Quickly, I must look "cool" by deleting all the quotes above me except one so I look "popular" and get new "friends".

Toto will understand the speech marks around the selected words as we both share the same sceptical view of sociopaths in school.

heehee, you probably have the same views as me, too.

More people should, the world would have less Hillary Duffs for a start.

Hooray for anti-Hillary Doofasness!

Three cheers and a round of Huazzahs!


I always get asked, "But WHY do you hate Hilary Duff?" I always answer, "Because she made my life a living heck." They always say "That's not a good reason."


But...do you really need a good reason to loathe someone? *checks list of 12 ways why to hate Hilary*

Their existance is usually enough for me.

I used to say that. Like, three years ago, when I still hated the world.

Did you say that they were just existing to annoy you?

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I always get asked, "But WHY do you hate Hilary Duff?" I always answer, "Because she made my life a living heck." They always say "That's not a good reason."


But...do you really need a good reason to loathe someone? *checks list of 12 ways why to hate Hilary*

Their existance is usually enough for me.

I used to say that. Like, three years ago, when I still hated the world.

Did you say that they were just existing to annoy you?

No, I said their existence annoyed me. Close enough.

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I always get asked, "But WHY do you hate Hilary Duff?" I always answer, "Because she made my life a living heck." They always say "That's not a good reason."


But...do you really need a good reason to loathe someone? *checks list of 12 ways why to hate Hilary*

Their existance is usually enough for me.

I used to say that. Like, three years ago, when I still hated the world.

Did you say that they were just existing to annoy you?

No, I said their existence annoyed me. Close enough.

Some people at my school exist only to annoy me, or at least they did until I attacked them with a claymore and foamed at the mouth, after that I informed them they better find a new purpose.

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I always get asked, "But WHY do you hate Hilary Duff?" I always answer, "Because she made my life a living heck." They always say "That's not a good reason."


But...do you really need a good reason to loathe someone? *checks list of 12 ways why to hate Hilary*

Their existance is usually enough for me.

I used to say that. Like, three years ago, when I still hated the world.

Did you say that they were just existing to annoy you?

No, I said their existence annoyed me. Close enough.

Some people at my school exist only to annoy me, or at least they did until I attacked them with a claymore and foamed at the mouth, after that I informed them they better find a new purpose.


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I always get asked, "But WHY do you hate Hilary Duff?" I always answer, "Because she made my life a living heck." They always say "That's not a good reason."


But...do you really need a good reason to loathe someone? *checks list of 12 ways why to hate Hilary*

Their existance is usually enough for me.

I used to say that. Like, three years ago, when I still hated the world.

Did you say that they were just existing to annoy you?

No, I said their existence annoyed me. Close enough.

Some people at my school exist only to annoy me, or at least they did until I attacked them with a claymore and foamed at the mouth, after that I informed them they better find a new purpose.



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I always get asked, "But WHY do you hate Hilary Duff?" I always answer, "Because she made my life a living heck." They always say "That's not a good reason."


But...do you really need a good reason to loathe someone? *checks list of 12 ways why to hate Hilary*

Their existance is usually enough for me.

I used to say that. Like, three years ago, when I still hated the world.

Did you say that they were just existing to annoy you?

No, I said their existence annoyed me. Close enough.

Some people at my school exist only to annoy me, or at least they did until I attacked them with a claymore and foamed at the mouth, after that I informed them they better find a new purpose.




No need for stabbing or such. Most kids at my school normally leave me alone. And when they don't, I normally reply with some sarcastic remark, and they try to comeback with some idiotic phrase.


It's hilarious, when they say that you don't fit in say: "I bet the kid that started the Columbine shooting didn't fit in either."

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I always get asked, "But WHY do you hate Hilary Duff?" I always answer, "Because she made my life a living heck." They always say "That's not a good reason."


But...do you really need a good reason to loathe someone? *checks list of 12 ways why to hate Hilary*

Their existance is usually enough for me.

I used to say that. Like, three years ago, when I still hated the world.

Did you say that they were just existing to annoy you?

No, I said their existence annoyed me. Close enough.

Some people at my school exist only to annoy me, or at least they did until I attacked them with a claymore and foamed at the mouth, after that I informed them they better find a new purpose.




No need for stabbing or such. Most kids at my school normally leave me alone. And when they don't, I normally reply with some sarcastic remark, and they try to comeback with some idiotic phrase.


It's hilarious, when they say that you don't fit in say: "I bet the kid that started the Columbine shooting didn't fit in either."

Not so much stabbing as severing and slicin' and dicin'


I love sarcasam, it works everywhere. I don't care if its the lowest form of wit, it is still useful.

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I always get asked, "But WHY do you hate Hilary Duff?" I always answer, "Because she made my life a living heck." They always say "That's not a good reason."


But...do you really need a good reason to loathe someone? *checks list of 12 ways why to hate Hilary*

Their existance is usually enough for me.

I used to say that. Like, three years ago, when I still hated the world.

Did you say that they were just existing to annoy you?

No, I said their existence annoyed me. Close enough.

Some people at my school exist only to annoy me, or at least they did until I attacked them with a claymore and foamed at the mouth, after that I informed them they better find a new purpose.




No need for stabbing or such. Most kids at my school normally leave me alone. And when they don't, I normally reply with some sarcastic remark, and they try to comeback with some idiotic phrase.


It's hilarious, when they say that you don't fit in say: "I bet the kid that started the Columbine shooting didn't fit in either."

First half: most kids in my school don't even know I exist. They can walk right past and still not know I exist. When people actually do notice me, I try to be a polite as possible-- but that's just me.

Second half: Kids. Kids that started Columbine. I live like 10 miles away from there or something. It's a little "too-close-to-home".

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I always get asked, "But WHY do you hate Hilary Duff?" I always answer, "Because she made my life a living heck." They always say "That's not a good reason."


But...do you really need a good reason to loathe someone? *checks list of 12 ways why to hate Hilary*

Their existance is usually enough for me.

I used to say that. Like, three years ago, when I still hated the world.

Did you say that they were just existing to annoy you?

No, I said their existence annoyed me. Close enough.

Some people at my school exist only to annoy me, or at least they did until I attacked them with a claymore and foamed at the mouth, after that I informed them they better find a new purpose.



yes. indeed.

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I always get asked, "But WHY do you hate Hilary Duff?" I always answer, "Because she made my life a living heck." They always say "That's not a good reason."


But...do you really need a good reason to loathe someone? *checks list of 12 ways why to hate Hilary*

Their existance is usually enough for me.

I used to say that. Like, three years ago, when I still hated the world.

Did you say that they were just existing to annoy you?

No, I said their existence annoyed me. Close enough.

Some people at my school exist only to annoy me, or at least they did until I attacked them with a claymore and foamed at the mouth, after that I informed them they better find a new purpose.



yes. indeed.

Indeed indeed

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I always get asked, "But WHY do you hate Hilary Duff?" I always answer, "Because she made my life a living heck." They always say "That's not a good reason."


But...do you really need a good reason to loathe someone? *checks list of 12 ways why to hate Hilary*

Their existance is usually enough for me.

I used to say that. Like, three years ago, when I still hated the world.

Did you say that they were just existing to annoy you?

No, I said their existence annoyed me. Close enough.

Some people at my school exist only to annoy me, or at least they did until I attacked them with a claymore and foamed at the mouth, after that I informed them they better find a new purpose.




No need for stabbing or such. Most kids at my school normally leave me alone. And when they don't, I normally reply with some sarcastic remark, and they try to comeback with some idiotic phrase.


It's hilarious, when they say that you don't fit in say: "I bet the kid that started the Columbine shooting didn't fit in either."

First half: most kids in my school don't even know I exist. They can walk right past and still not know I exist. When people actually do notice me, I try to be a polite as possible-- but that's just me.

Second half: Kids. Kids that started Columbine. I live like 10 miles away from there or something. It's a little "too-close-to-home".


Same here. I normally don't talk, but when I do no one listens or even hears me. It's better if people don't notice me. Because if they did, it'd be a rude remark or something. Then it'd turn into a fight.


Sarcamism is uber awesome. Sometimes people take it the wrong way, though. >.>

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I always get asked, "But WHY do you hate Hilary Duff?" I always answer, "Because she made my life a living heck." They always say "That's not a good reason."


But...do you really need a good reason to loathe someone? *checks list of 12 ways why to hate Hilary*

Their existance is usually enough for me.

I used to say that. Like, three years ago, when I still hated the world.

Did you say that they were just existing to annoy you?

No, I said their existence annoyed me. Close enough.

Some people at my school exist only to annoy me, or at least they did until I attacked them with a claymore and foamed at the mouth, after that I informed them they better find a new purpose.



yes. indeed.

Indeed indeed


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I always get asked, "But WHY do you hate Hilary Duff?" I always answer, "Because she made my life a living heck." They always say "That's not a good reason."


But...do you really need a good reason to loathe someone? *checks list of 12 ways why to hate Hilary*

Their existance is usually enough for me.

I used to say that. Like, three years ago, when I still hated the world.

Did you say that they were just existing to annoy you?

No, I said their existence annoyed me. Close enough.

Some people at my school exist only to annoy me, or at least they did until I attacked them with a claymore and foamed at the mouth, after that I informed them they better find a new purpose.



yes. indeed.

Indeed indeed



I love grapes.

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No, I said their existence annoyed me. Close enough.

Some people at my school exist only to annoy me, or at least they did until I attacked them with a claymore and foamed at the mouth, after that I informed them they better find a new purpose.



yes. indeed.

Indeed indeed



I love grapes.

where did that come from?

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No, I said their existence annoyed me. Close enough.

Some people at my school exist only to annoy me, or at least they did until I attacked them with a claymore and foamed at the mouth, after that I informed them they better find a new purpose.



yes. indeed.

Indeed indeed



I love grapes.

where did that come from?

Randomness is fun!

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No, I said their existence annoyed me. Close enough.

Some people at my school exist only to annoy me, or at least they did until I attacked them with a claymore and foamed at the mouth, after that I informed them they better find a new purpose.



yes. indeed.

Indeed indeed



I love grapes.

where did that come from?

Randomness is fun!

For example;

CHerries are a good deterrant.

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No, I said their existence annoyed me. Close enough.

Some people at my school exist only to annoy me, or at least they did until I attacked them with a claymore and foamed at the mouth, after that I informed them they better find a new purpose.



yes. indeed.

Indeed indeed



I love grapes.

where did that come from?

Randomness is fun!

For example;

CHerries are a good deterrant.

My neighbor's name is Totoro.

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to the quote chain:

I like pinapples, french vanilla milkshakes, applesauce, and froot loops.






Animal crakers in my soup

Monkeys and rabbits loop-de-loop!


OOOOooooh, myyy word!

I can do the Shirley walk!


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No, I said their existence annoyed me. Close enough.

Some people at my school exist only to annoy me, or at least they did until I attacked them with a claymore and foamed at the mouth, after that I informed them they better find a new purpose.



yes. indeed.

Indeed indeed



I love grapes.

where did that come from?

Randomness is fun!

For example;

CHerries are a good deterrant.

My neighbor's name is Totoro.


It's like Toto with a "ro".


I'm adopting from Russia.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Jack snapple!

ZombieCat has arisen from a long nap... welcome back! Have you been at swim practice?

no, she just never got around to taking my brain over.

*bats at a string*



Oh, yeah, I wrote that stuff in school. I finally was allowed online at SCHOOL!

Ich was on, as well. :) ♥ B)

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No, I said their existence annoyed me. Close enough.

Some people at my school exist only to annoy me, or at least they did until I attacked them with a claymore and foamed at the mouth, after that I informed them they better find a new purpose.



yes. indeed.

Indeed indeed



I love grapes.

where did that come from?

Randomness is fun!

For example;

CHerries are a good deterrant.

My neighbor's name is Totoro.


It's like Toto with a "ro".


I'm adopting from Russia.

During the holidays I took over Canada.

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During the holidays I took over Canada.

Ottowa spells awotto backwards.

I can speak dyslexic!

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