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oops, that should have been:

"all yar ship are belonging to me, maties."


and I should probably have had something about wondering how many catchphrases could be made Pirate-y.


"They always be after me lucky charms."

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*tries to think*

Blindbeard! you are not meant to hink! Just to stab wildly in the hope that someone may perchance stroll in front and get killed!

Dun worry. I wasn't hinking.

hinking? be that a word? It does not matter! ATTACK THE ENEMY BLINDBEARD!

-attacks the enemy BlindBeard- >D

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*tries to think*

Blindbeard! you are not meant to hink! Just to stab wildly in the hope that someone may perchance stroll in front and get killed!

Dun worry. I wasn't hinking.

hinking? be that a word? It does not matter! ATTACK THE ENEMY BLINDBEARD!

ONWARD, YEH SCURVY DOGS! *attacks Blindbeard, which is herself, so kills self* Blarrg! x_x

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*tries to think*

Blindbeard! you are not meant to hink! Just to stab wildly in the hope that someone may perchance stroll in front and get killed!

Dun worry. I wasn't hinking.

hinking? be that a word? It does not matter! ATTACK THE ENEMY BLINDBEARD!

ONWARD, YEH SCURVY DOGS! *attacks Blindbeard, which is herself, so kills self* Blarrg! x_x

ARG! This b' worse than when the Panda ate, shot and left. BLINDBEARD! ATTACK THE SCURVY SEADOG ARKCHER!

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*tries to think*

Blindbeard! you are not meant to hink! Just to stab wildly in the hope that someone may perchance stroll in front and get killed!

Dun worry. I wasn't hinking.

hinking? be that a word? It does not matter! ATTACK THE ENEMY BLINDBEARD!

ONWARD, YEH SCURVY DOGS! *attacks Blindbeard, which is herself, so kills self* Blarrg! x_x

ARG! This b' worse than when the Panda ate, shot and left. BLINDBEARD! ATTACK THE SCURVY SEADOG ARKCHER!

Why? o_o

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*tries to think*

Blindbeard! you are not meant to hink! Just to stab wildly in the hope that someone may perchance stroll in front and get killed!

Dun worry. I wasn't hinking.

hinking? be that a word? It does not matter! ATTACK THE ENEMY BLINDBEARD!

ONWARD, YEH SCURVY DOGS! *attacks Blindbeard, which is herself, so kills self* Blarrg! x_x

ARG! This b' worse than when the Panda ate, shot and left. BLINDBEARD! ATTACK THE SCURVY SEADOG ARKCHER!

*is a zombie-pirate, like in Pirates of the Carribian, and eats Arkcher's brain* Yarrrrrr...

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*tries to think*

Blindbeard! you are not meant to hink! Just to stab wildly in the hope that someone may perchance stroll in front and get killed!

Dun worry. I wasn't hinking.

hinking? be that a word? It does not matter! ATTACK THE ENEMY BLINDBEARD!

ONWARD, YEH SCURVY DOGS! *attacks Blindbeard, which is herself, so kills self* Blarrg! x_x

ARG! This b' worse than when the Panda ate, shot and left. BLINDBEARD! ATTACK THE SCURVY SEADOG ARKCHER!

Why? o_o

Cos' BlindBeard be a zombie Pirate now, and she be needing her brains for nourrishment, and ye be the nearest source of brains, excepting me.

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*tries to think*

Blindbeard! you are not meant to hink! Just to stab wildly in the hope that someone may perchance stroll in front and get killed!

Dun worry. I wasn't hinking.

hinking? be that a word? It does not matter! ATTACK THE ENEMY BLINDBEARD!

ONWARD, YEH SCURVY DOGS! *attacks Blindbeard, which is herself, so kills self* Blarrg! x_x

ARG! This b' worse than when the Panda ate, shot and left. BLINDBEARD! ATTACK THE SCURVY SEADOG ARKCHER!

*is a zombie-pirate, like in Pirates of the Carribian, and eats Arkcher's brain* Yarrrrrr...

*gives Kat a traditional Brain & chips as a reward*

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*tries to think*

Blindbeard! you are not meant to hink! Just to stab wildly in the hope that someone may perchance stroll in front and get killed!

Dun worry. I wasn't hinking.

hinking? be that a word? It does not matter! ATTACK THE ENEMY BLINDBEARD!

ONWARD, YEH SCURVY DOGS! *attacks Blindbeard, which is herself, so kills self* Blarrg! x_x

ARG! This b' worse than when the Panda ate, shot and left. BLINDBEARD! ATTACK THE SCURVY SEADOG ARKCHER!

Why? o_o

Cos' BlindBeard be a zombie Pirate now, and she be needing her brains for nourrishment, and ye be the nearest source of brains, excepting me.

But then the Me will be a zombie thing too and there'd be twice the demand for brains, And there'd be Kat and I chasing YOU around. -shakes head- Not a wise idea.

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*tries to think*

Blindbeard! you are not meant to hink! Just to stab wildly in the hope that someone may perchance stroll in front and get killed!

Dun worry. I wasn't hinking.

hinking? be that a word? It does not matter! ATTACK THE ENEMY BLINDBEARD!

ONWARD, YEH SCURVY DOGS! *attacks Blindbeard, which is herself, so kills self* Blarrg! x_x

ARG! This b' worse than when the Panda ate, shot and left. BLINDBEARD! ATTACK THE SCURVY SEADOG ARKCHER!

Why? o_o

Cos' BlindBeard be a zombie Pirate now, and she be needing her brains for nourrishment, and ye be the nearest source of brains, excepting me.

Yeh, and I can't be eating him because not only be he part of my mafia, but he is also me captain, yarr! *arm falls off*

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*tries to think*

Blindbeard! you are not meant to hink! Just to stab wildly in the hope that someone may perchance stroll in front and get killed!

Dun worry. I wasn't hinking.

hinking? be that a word? It does not matter! ATTACK THE ENEMY BLINDBEARD!

ONWARD, YEH SCURVY DOGS! *attacks Blindbeard, which is herself, so kills self* Blarrg! x_x

ARG! This b' worse than when the Panda ate, shot and left. BLINDBEARD! ATTACK THE SCURVY SEADOG ARKCHER!

Why? o_o

Cos' BlindBeard be a zombie Pirate now, and she be needing her brains for nourrishment, and ye be the nearest source of brains, excepting me.

But then the Me will be a zombie thing too and there'd be twice the demand for brains, And there'd be Kat and I chasing YOU around. -shakes head- Not a wise idea.

I'd just make ya walk the plank, or more to the point, push you overboard. And then I'd allow Kat to harvest the brains of the Military, its not like they're being used anyway.

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AVAST! WHere b' mi Piratey hoarde?

Making Pirate FedEx commercials.

*hears YARRrrrrrrr in the background* :lol:

I Must give ye a Clouduh Aish' Award! It be me Wors' Booty!

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AVAST! WHere b' mi Piratey hoarde?


Yarr! Ther' ya b' Kat! Now quickly! We must attack the Port of Cheese and steal the statue of Weebl!

Set sails for the Port of Cheese! Avast!

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Ya little Varmin!


Well, i can me yall's secretary! im good with computers with all dem WIRES and BUTTUNS and wut not. I can orrrrrrganize an file stuff too. :P

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*tries to think*

Blindbeard! you are not meant to hink! Just to stab wildly in the hope that someone may perchance stroll in front and get killed!

Dun worry. I wasn't hinking.

hinking? be that a word? It does not matter! ATTACK THE ENEMY BLINDBEARD!

ONWARD, YEH SCURVY DOGS! *attacks Blindbeard, which is herself, so kills self* Blarrg! x_x

ARG! This b' worse than when the Panda ate, shot and left. BLINDBEARD! ATTACK THE SCURVY SEADOG ARKCHER!

*is a zombie-pirate, like in Pirates of the Carribian, and eats Arkcher's brain* Yarrrrrr...

*gives Kat a traditional Brain & chips as a reward*

Yarr. >:D

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AVAST! WHere b' mi Piratey hoarde?


Yarr! Ther' ya b' Kat! Now quickly! We must attack the Port of Cheese and steal the statue of Weebl!

Set sails for the Port of Cheese! Avast!


*swings from a rope onto the port and attacks*

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AVAST! WHere b' mi Piratey hoarde?


Yarr! Ther' ya b' Kat! Now quickly! We must attack the Port of Cheese and steal the statue of Weebl!

Set sails for the Port of Cheese! Avast!


*swings from a rope onto the port and attacks*

*starts firing edams out of the cannon*

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AVAST! WHere b' mi Piratey hoarde?


Yarr! Ther' ya b' Kat! Now quickly! We must attack the Port of Cheese and steal the statue of Weebl!

Set sails for the Port of Cheese! Avast!


*swings from a rope onto the port and attacks*

*starts firing edams out of the cannon*

*pillages and plunders the port, then hoppes back onto the ship* Yarr! We be havin' all the cheese, capt'n!

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AVAST! WHere b' mi Piratey hoarde?


Yarr! Ther' ya b' Kat! Now quickly! We must attack the Port of Cheese and steal the statue of Weebl!

Set sails for the Port of Cheese! Avast!


*swings from a rope onto the port and attacks*

*starts firing edams out of the cannon*

*pillages and plunders the port, then hoppes back onto the ship* Yarr! We be havin' all the cheese, capt'n!

Well done Firs' Mate kat, now we can set sale with a newer, fresher and bigger amount of cheese and we have the mysterious statue of Weebl and Bob!

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!!!! TAKE A HOSTAGE! *pirate hoard swarms Topazia and ties her up* Do ya b' havin' any last words?

*prods Paz in the bakc with her wooden leg* Yarr. >:D

Blindbeard! Don't eyeball Topazia! (see if you can spot the corny joke) NOW THEN MISS! I AM TOLD THAT YA B' HAVIN' A Map... A map that would be of much help to us of the pirate persuassion. Give us the map, and we will let you live....

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!!!! TAKE A HOSTAGE! *pirate hoard swarms Topazia and ties her up* Do ya b' havin' any last words?

*prods Paz in the bakc with her wooden leg* Yarr. >:D

Blindbeard! Don't eyeball Topazia! (see if you can spot the corny joke) NOW THEN MISS! I AM TOLD THAT YA B' HAVIN' A Map... A map that would be of much help to us of the pirate persuassion. Give us the map, and we will let you live....

I don't be gettin' it, Capt'n Grim...

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We be takin' all yer booty, so uh.... Yarrrr....ar...rrr...

Arkcher be loosin' his piraty spirit.

He needs educatin' again. BLINDBEARD! You shall b' in charge of his education d'Piratey things.

Aye aye! *wanders off in search of Arkcher to re-pirate him*

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!!!! TAKE A HOSTAGE! *pirate hoard swarms Topazia and ties her up* Do ya b' havin' any last words?

*prods Paz in the bakc with her wooden leg* Yarr. >:D

Blindbeard! Don't eyeball Topazia! (see if you can spot the corny joke) NOW THEN MISS! I AM TOLD THAT YA B' HAVIN' A Map... A map that would be of much help to us of the pirate persuassion. Give us the map, and we will let you live....

I don't be gettin' it, Capt'n Grim...

Ne'er mind Blindbeard, so long as ya can slice a watermeleon well I could nay give a Dickens for your eyeballing abilities.

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We be takin' all yer booty, so uh.... Yarrrr....ar...rrr...

Arkcher be loosin' his piraty spirit.

He needs educatin' again. BLINDBEARD! You shall b' in charge of his education d'Piratey things.

Aye aye! *wanders off in search of Arkcher to re-pirate him*

-is off elsewhere playin' MP2 some more- Yarr samus be a pirate. arr.

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!!!! TAKE A HOSTAGE! *pirate hoard swarms Topazia and ties her up* Do ya b' havin' any last words?

*prods Paz in the bakc with her wooden leg* Yarr. >:D

Blindbeard! Don't eyeball Topazia! (see if you can spot the corny joke) NOW THEN MISS! I AM TOLD THAT YA B' HAVIN' A Map... A map that would be of much help to us of the pirate persuassion. Give us the map, and we will let you live....

I don't be gettin' it, Capt'n Grim...

Ne'er mind Blindbeard, so long as ya can slice a watermeleon well I could nay give a Dickens for your eyeballing abilities.

*mercilessly takes the lives of three watermelons in one swipe of the Claymore* Yarr!

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!!!! TAKE A HOSTAGE! *pirate hoard swarms Topazia and ties her up* Do ya b' havin' any last words?

*prods Paz in the bakc with her wooden leg* Yarr. >:D

Blindbeard! Don't eyeball Topazia! (see if you can spot the corny joke) NOW THEN MISS! I AM TOLD THAT YA B' HAVIN' A Map... A map that would be of much help to us of the pirate persuassion. Give us the map, and we will let you live....

I don't be gettin' it, Capt'n Grim...

Ne'er mind Blindbeard, so long as ya can slice a watermeleon well I could nay give a Dickens for your eyeballing abilities.

*mercilessly takes the lives of three watermelons in one swipe of the Claymore* Yarr!

Kill them mercilessly! Oh... ER..... EAT THE WATERMELONS!

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hello i am an 80 year old man named brittany and im love you B)

The greeting of negative one, eighty years understood that Great Britain of man called. You seem to have the unfortunate names. You do not seem to be the human.


You are love me? Why? We not the discovered before and the corn. The it asked lent mine. Hello? To loving it is has not. You cannot love and to be able to be misfotunately called in the time of even.


(Reply translated to spanish to english to french to english to german and back. The words are jumbled up a bit.)

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hello i am an 80 year old man named brittany and im love you B)


*does so* Yarr! *and also eats the watermelons*

-also eats watermelons- n_n

I remembered, Today was mah moms birthday. o_O We had Watermelon as opposed to a cake. Fun time.

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hello i am an 80 year old man named brittany and im love you B)


*does so* Yarr! *and also eats the watermelons*

-also eats watermelons- n_n

I remembered, Today was mah moms birthday. o_O We had Watermelon as opposed to a cake. Fun time.

I sure hope you remembered your mother's birthday! :huh:

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I have no map.

I have no booty.

I am an unfortunate, wayward spirit who cannot seem to find her way to shore.

I don't suppose you could take me real quick?

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hello i am an 80 year old man named brittany and im love you B)


*does so* Yarr! *and also eats the watermelons*

-also eats watermelons- n_n

I remembered, Today was mah moms birthday. o_O We had Watermelon as opposed to a cake. Fun time.

I sure hope you remembered your mother's birthday! :huh:

I did, about 11 in teh mornin. OR rather, about when I woke up. :lol:

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My brother is very...self-conscious when it comes to his bottom. Quite hilarious when it comes to jokes. So, when we were in Florida, he got a shirt with a pirate skull on it that said, "Give Me Your Booty!" or something like that. Then I saw someone with the same shirt, a little bit different, only it said, "Kill 'Em All!" That would have been hilarious to have. :lol:

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I have no map.

I have no booty.

I am an unfortunate, wayward spirit who cannot seem to find her way to shore.

I don't suppose you could take me real quick?

Ye hav' no mapp!?!??! No Booty?!?!??!

RIght, into the cannon with ye.

*launches Topazia in the general direction of shore*

Thar ye b' goin' keep swimmin' straight on and ye cannae miss it.

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I have no map.

I have no booty.

I am an unfortunate, wayward spirit who cannot seem to find her way to shore.

I don't suppose you could take me real quick?

Ye hav' no mapp!?!??! No Booty?!?!??!

RIght, into the cannon with ye.

*launches Topazia in the general direction of shore*

Thar ye b' goin' keep swimmin' straight on and ye cannae miss it.

Well done, Capt'n.

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hello i am an 80 year old man named brittany and im love you B)


*does so* Yarr! *and also eats the watermelons*

-also eats watermelons- n_n

I remembered, Today was mah moms birthday. o_O We had Watermelon as opposed to a cake. Fun time.

Watermelon be good s'long as it's seedless. I despise them seeded ones. *kills more watermelons and eats the seedless ones*


Hey, ain't somebody supposed to be teachin' ya something of some sort? x_x;;;

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*swims butterfly storke flawlessy for a few minutes, then walks onto shore, taking out the map she had lied about so they wouldn't get any of her gold*



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hello i am an 80 year old man named brittany and im love you B)


*does so* Yarr! *and also eats the watermelons*

-also eats watermelons- n_n

I remembered, Today was mah moms birthday. o_O We had Watermelon as opposed to a cake. Fun time.

Watermelon be good s'long as it's seedless. I despise them seeded ones. *kills more watermelons and eats the seedless ones*


Hey, ain't somebody supposed to be teachin' ya something of some sort? x_x;;;

But the ones with seeds be more fun fer shpittin' seeds at'cher siblings or at passers by. And are 50 cents more expensive cost.

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hello i am an 80 year old man named brittany and im love you B)


*does so* Yarr! *and also eats the watermelons*

-also eats watermelons- n_n

I remembered, Today was mah moms birthday. o_O We had Watermelon as opposed to a cake. Fun time.

Watermelon be good s'long as it's seedless. I despise them seeded ones. *kills more watermelons and eats the seedless ones*


Hey, ain't somebody supposed to be teachin' ya something of some sort? x_x;;;

I believe thar was some variety of educatin' involved.

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!!!! TAKE A HOSTAGE! *pirate hoard swarms Topazia and ties her up* Do ya b' havin' any last words?

*prods Paz in the bakc with her wooden leg* Yarr. >:D

Blindbeard! Don't eyeball Topazia! (see if you can spot the corny joke) NOW THEN MISS! I AM TOLD THAT YA B' HAVIN' A Map... A map that would be of much help to us of the pirate persuassion. Give us the map, and we will let you live....

Yarrrrr! I get it! I got no boat, but ye know, I got a map leading to booty. Don't kick me off the ship and share the booty with me, and ye get it. My boat was stolen by other pirates. YAAAAAARRRRRRR!

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!!!! TAKE A HOSTAGE! *pirate hoard swarms Topazia and ties her up* Do ya b' havin' any last words?

*prods Paz in the bakc with her wooden leg* Yarr. >:D

Blindbeard! Don't eyeball Topazia! (see if you can spot the corny joke) NOW THEN MISS! I AM TOLD THAT YA B' HAVIN' A Map... A map that would be of much help to us of the pirate persuassion. Give us the map, and we will let you live....

Yarrrrr! I get it! I got no boat, but ye know, I got a map leading to booty. Don't kick me off the ship and share the booty with me, and ye get it. My boat was stolen by other pirates. YAAAAAARRRRRRR!

*welcomes MW to the piratey crew* Yarr!

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!!!! TAKE A HOSTAGE! *pirate hoard swarms Topazia and ties her up* Do ya b' havin' any last words?

*prods Paz in the bakc with her wooden leg* Yarr. >:D

Blindbeard! Don't eyeball Topazia! (see if you can spot the corny joke) NOW THEN MISS! I AM TOLD THAT YA B' HAVIN' A Map... A map that would be of much help to us of the pirate persuassion. Give us the map, and we will let you live....

Yarrrrr! I get it! I got no boat, but ye know, I got a map leading to booty. Don't kick me off the ship and share the booty with me, and ye get it. My boat was stolen by other pirates. YAAAAAARRRRRRR!

*welcomes MW to the piratey crew* Yarr!

Yarr! I be in th' Crew!

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AVAST! WHere b' mi Piratey hoarde?


Yarr! Ther' ya b' Kat! Now quickly! We must attack the Port of Cheese and steal the statue of Weebl!

Yarrr! I be shrooomeyes th Pirate! EWE be sailin fer th port o' cheese t' steel th stach' o' Weebl!

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00 0 i want ta be a pirate!

Welcome 'bolard, Skwerllegs th' Pirate! We be sailin fer th' Port o' cheese t' find th' Cheesie, Steel th' stach' of Weebil, Kidnap th' Topazia an' be stealin' th' city o' cheese!


Yarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! We be Leavin' NOW! fer th' Port o' cheese!

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00 0 i want ta be a pirate!

Welcome 'bolard, Skwerllegs th' Pirate! We be sailin fer th' Port o' cheese t' find th' Cheesie, Steel th' stach' of Weebil, Kidnap th' Topazia an' be stealin' th' city o' cheese!


Yarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! We be Leavin' NOW! fer th' Port o' cheese!

Avast! When be ye authorized to be makin' more piratey pirates? This needs th' approval of teh Cap'n TGHL. uh. Yarr.

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00 0 i want ta be a pirate!

Welcome 'bolard, Skwerllegs th' Pirate! We be sailin fer th' Port o' cheese t' find th' Cheesie, Steel th' stach' of Weebil, Kidnap th' Topazia an' be stealin' th' city o' cheese!


Yarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! We be Leavin' NOW! fer th' Port o' cheese!

Ahem. WE B' HAVIN' A STOWAWAY! CHUCK 'IM OVERBOARD! *Crew chucks Mushroom overboard*

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00 0 i want ta be a pirate!

Welcome 'bolard, Skwerllegs th' Pirate! We be sailin fer th' Port o' cheese t' find th' Cheesie, Steel th' stach' of Weebil, Kidnap th' Topazia an' be stealin' th' city o' cheese!


Yarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! We be Leavin' NOW! fer th' Port o' cheese!

Ahem. WE B' HAVIN' A STOWAWAY! CHUCK 'IM OVERBOARD! *Crew chucks Mushroom overboard*

Horatio's helicopter appears and rescues Mushroom_king before she lands in the water. Next he blows TGHL's boat to smitherines. That will teach you for throwing someone overboard!!!

*watches as the sharks circle TGHL in the water, throws in some chum all around TGHL*

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00 0 i want ta be a pirate!

Welcome 'bolard, Skwerllegs th' Pirate! We be sailin fer th' Port o' cheese t' find th' Cheesie, Steel th' stach' of Weebil, Kidnap th' Topazia an' be stealin' th' city o' cheese!


Yarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! We be Leavin' NOW! fer th' Port o' cheese!

Ahem. WE B' HAVIN' A STOWAWAY! CHUCK 'IM OVERBOARD! *Crew chucks Mushroom overboard*

Horatio's helicopter appears and rescues Mushroom_king before she lands in the water. Next he blows TGHL's boat to smitherines. That will teach you for throwing someone overboard!!!

*watches as the sharks circle TGHL in the water, throws in some chum all around TGHL*

*uses remote control to rewind time* *pauses time* *blows up helicopter and feeds Horatio to the sharks and boils Mushroom King in a stew*

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00 0 i want ta be a pirate!

Welcome 'bolard, Skwerllegs th' Pirate! We be sailin fer th' Port o' cheese t' find th' Cheesie, Steel th' stach' of Weebil, Kidnap th' Topazia an' be stealin' th' city o' cheese!


Yarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! We be Leavin' NOW! fer th' Port o' cheese!

Ahem. WE B' HAVIN' A STOWAWAY! CHUCK 'IM OVERBOARD! *Crew chucks Mushroom overboard*

Horatio's helicopter appears and rescues Mushroom_king before she lands in the water. Next he blows TGHL's boat to smitherines. That will teach you for throwing someone overboard!!!

*watches as the sharks circle TGHL in the water, throws in some chum all around TGHL*

*uses remote control to rewind time* *pauses time* *blows up helicopter and feeds Horatio to the sharks and boils Mushroom King in a stew*

*changes Hologram program and TGHL has lead weights attached to his legs, wings an neck*

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has no one noticed that I am swimming back to the boat?

*is almost there, underwater*


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00 0 i want ta be a pirate!

Welcome 'bolard, Skwerllegs th' Pirate! We be sailin fer th' Port o' cheese t' find th' Cheesie, Steel th' stach' of Weebil, Kidnap th' Topazia an' be stealin' th' city o' cheese!


Yarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! We be Leavin' NOW! fer th' Port o' cheese!

Ahem. WE B' HAVIN' A STOWAWAY! CHUCK 'IM OVERBOARD! *Crew chucks Mushroom overboard*

Horatio's helicopter appears and rescues Mushroom_king before she lands in the water. Next he blows TGHL's boat to smitherines. That will teach you for throwing someone overboard!!!

*watches as the sharks circle TGHL in the water, throws in some chum all around TGHL*

*uses remote control to rewind time* *pauses time* *blows up helicopter and feeds Horatio to the sharks and boils Mushroom King in a stew*

Check out the stories forum. I am part of your crew.

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00 0 i want ta be a pirate!

Welcome 'bolard, Skwerllegs th' Pirate! We be sailin fer th' Port o' cheese t' find th' Cheesie, Steel th' stach' of Weebil, Kidnap th' Topazia an' be stealin' th' city o' cheese!


Yarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! We be Leavin' NOW! fer th' Port o' cheese!

Ahem. WE B' HAVIN' A STOWAWAY! CHUCK 'IM OVERBOARD! *Crew chucks Mushroom overboard*

Horatio's helicopter appears and rescues Mushroom_king before she lands in the water. Next he blows TGHL's boat to smitherines. That will teach you for throwing someone overboard!!!

*watches as the sharks circle TGHL in the water, throws in some chum all around TGHL*

*uses remote control to rewind time* *pauses time* *blows up helicopter and feeds Horatio to the sharks and boils Mushroom King in a stew*

Check out the stories forum. I am part of your crew.

And I am here to make sure you do not harm my mushroom loving pirate friend!

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AVAST! WHere b' mi Piratey hoarde?


Yarr! Ther' ya b' Kat! Now quickly! We must attack the Port of Cheese and steal the statue of Weebl!

Set sails for the Port of Cheese! Avast!


*swings from a rope onto the port and attacks*

*starts firing edams out of the cannon*

*pillages and plunders the port, then hoppes back onto the ship* Yarr! We be havin' all the cheese, capt'n!

Well done Firs' Mate kat, now we can set sale with a newer, fresher and bigger amount of cheese and we have the mysterious statue of Weebl and Bob!

An' we be havin' Cheesie as a Stow! ( I wish.)

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00 0 i want ta be a pirate!

Welcome 'bolard, Skwerllegs th' Pirate! We be sailin fer th' Port o' cheese t' find th' Cheesie, Steel th' stach' of Weebil, Kidnap th' Topazia an' be stealin' th' city o' cheese!


Yarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! We be Leavin' NOW! fer th' Port o' cheese!

Ahem. WE B' HAVIN' A STOWAWAY! CHUCK 'IM OVERBOARD! *Crew chucks Mushroom overboard*

Horatio's helicopter appears and rescues Mushroom_king before she lands in the water. Next he blows TGHL's boat to smitherines. That will teach you for throwing someone overboard!!!

*watches as the sharks circle TGHL in the water, throws in some chum all around TGHL*

*uses remote control to rewind time* *pauses time* *blows up helicopter and feeds Horatio to the sharks and boils Mushroom King in a stew*

Check out the stories forum. I am part of your crew.

And I am here to make sure you do not harm my mushroom loving pirate friend!

*Hugs Horatio*

~Top 5 Favourite peopel!~


2. God

3. Hoops

4. David Gilmour

5. Kirby

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00 0 i want ta be a pirate!

Welcome 'bolard, Skwerllegs th' Pirate! We be sailin fer th' Port o' cheese t' find th' Cheesie, Steel th' stach' of Weebil, Kidnap th' Topazia an' be stealin' th' city o' cheese!


Yarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! We be Leavin' NOW! fer th' Port o' cheese!

That be a lot of apostraphies in that thar post, yarr. x_x

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00 0 i want ta be a pirate!

Welcome 'bolard, Skwerllegs th' Pirate! We be sailin fer th' Port o' cheese t' find th' Cheesie, Steel th' stach' of Weebil, Kidnap th' Topazia an' be stealin' th' city o' cheese!


Yarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! We be Leavin' NOW! fer th' Port o' cheese!

Ahem. WE B' HAVIN' A STOWAWAY! CHUCK 'IM OVERBOARD! *Crew chucks Mushroom overboard*

Horatio's helicopter appears and rescues Mushroom_king before she lands in the water. Next he blows TGHL's boat to smitherines. That will teach you for throwing someone overboard!!!

*watches as the sharks circle TGHL in the water, throws in some chum all around TGHL*

*uses remote control to rewind time* *pauses time* *blows up helicopter and feeds Horatio to the sharks and boils Mushroom King in a stew*

Check out the stories forum. I am part of your crew.

Not if I don't accept you or Blindbeard/MW reccommends ye!

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00 0 i want ta be a pirate!

Welcome 'bolard, Skwerllegs th' Pirate! We be sailin fer th' Port o' cheese t' find th' Cheesie, Steel th' stach' of Weebil, Kidnap th' Topazia an' be stealin' th' city o' cheese!


Yarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! We be Leavin' NOW! fer th' Port o' cheese!

Ahem. WE B' HAVIN' A STOWAWAY! CHUCK 'IM OVERBOARD! *Crew chucks Mushroom overboard*

Horatio's helicopter appears and rescues Mushroom_king before she lands in the water. Next he blows TGHL's boat to smitherines. That will teach you for throwing someone overboard!!!

*watches as the sharks circle TGHL in the water, throws in some chum all around TGHL*

*uses remote control to rewind time* *pauses time* *blows up helicopter and feeds Horatio to the sharks and boils Mushroom King in a stew*

Check out the stories forum. I am part of your crew.

And I am here to make sure you do not harm my mushroom loving pirate friend!

Then ye can b' havin' 'im, *propells MK onto the HMS Horatio via a cannon*

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00 0 i want ta be a pirate!

Welcome 'bolard, Skwerllegs th' Pirate! We be sailin fer th' Port o' cheese t' find th' Cheesie, Steel th' stach' of Weebil, Kidnap th' Topazia an' be stealin' th' city o' cheese!


Yarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! We be Leavin' NOW! fer th' Port o' cheese!

Ahem. WE B' HAVIN' A STOWAWAY! CHUCK 'IM OVERBOARD! *Crew chucks Mushroom overboard*

Horatio's helicopter appears and rescues Mushroom_king before she lands in the water. Next he blows TGHL's boat to smitherines. That will teach you for throwing someone overboard!!!

*watches as the sharks circle TGHL in the water, throws in some chum all around TGHL*

*uses remote control to rewind time* *pauses time* *blows up helicopter and feeds Horatio to the sharks and boils Mushroom King in a stew*

Check out the stories forum. I am part of your crew.

And I am here to make sure you do not harm my mushroom loving pirate friend!

*Hugs Horatio*

~Top 5 Favourite peopel!~


2. God

3. Hoops

4. David Gilmour

5. Kirby

Cuul. I'm after God but before....who's David Gilmore?? :):D

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00 0 i want ta be a pirate!

Welcome 'bolard, Skwerllegs th' Pirate! We be sailin fer th' Port o' cheese t' find th' Cheesie, Steel th' stach' of Weebil, Kidnap th' Topazia an' be stealin' th' city o' cheese!


Yarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! We be Leavin' NOW! fer th' Port o' cheese!

That be a lot of apostraphies in that thar post, yarr. x_x

Too many to b' done by a pirate.

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*sneaks into cabin and uses a pen to change the path on the map*

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*sails up in her ship that is smaller than TGHL's, but still rather large*


What be goin' on here?! *readies the cannons* >:D

*sends over Blindbeard's share of booty* Thar be a malodious traitor and stowaway!

I won't be toleratin' such things, yarr! *aims cannons*

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*sneaks into cabin and uses a pen to change the path on the map*

*rises up out of the floor behind Topazia*


Not to be worrin', Capt'n! That be the decoy map I placed to weed our traitors! The real one be well hiddin!

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*Jumps on deck and tips hat* Yarr! I've noticed the pirate-ship of a low-class petticoat sellsman! *Gets out sword* What do you have to speak for yourselves?

I speaks that Toto should join the crew, Capt'n Grim!

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*sneaks into cabin and uses a pen to change the path on the map*

*rises up out of the floor behind Topazia*



*jumps in surprise and waggles her tongue with hands behind ears*

na na na boo boo!

*sneaks into cabin and uses a pen to change the path on the map*

*rises up out of the floor behind Topazia*


Not to be worrin', Capt'n! That be the decoy map I placed to weed our traitors! The real one be well hiddin!

Nope! This one be the one I brought with me!

*puts in her pocket and steps into a fighting stance*

can't catch me!


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1) Welcome to the crew Toto! *hands out an eyepatch, peg leg and a giant scimitar*

2) Let us blast Mushroom King and the HMS Horatio out of the water Kat!

3) *slips the real map out of sleeve of jacket and checks something* *steps to the left and rotates 90 degrees, stepping left again* *whacks Topazia on the side of the head*

4) *throws Topazia overboard and activates the hyperdrive (slaves) on the ship towards the booty stash*

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*sneaks into cabin and uses a pen to change the path on the map*

*rises up out of the floor behind Topazia*



*jumps in surprise and waggles her tongue with hands behind ears*

na na na boo boo!

*sneaks into cabin and uses a pen to change the path on the map*

*rises up out of the floor behind Topazia*


Not to be worrin', Capt'n! That be the decoy map I placed to weed our traitors! The real one be well hiddin!

Nope! This one be the one I brought with me!

*puts in her pocket and steps into a fighting stance*

can't catch me!


That it not be the map, and isn't of much importance rig' now. We'll be catchin' up with you later, matey.

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2) Let us blast Mushroom King and the HMS Horatio out of the water Kat!

*laughs hysterically at TGHL's antics*

Okay Mushroom_king I have just secured a seat for TGHL on the next rocket. His mission will be to have a collision with a comet. :lol::lol::lol:

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1) Welcome to the crew Toto! *hands out an eyepatch, peg leg and a giant scimitar*

2) Let us blast Mushroom King and the HMS Horatio out of the water Kat!

3) *slips the real map out of sleeve of jacket and checks something* *steps to the left and rotates 90 degrees, stepping left again* *whacks Topazia on the side of the head*

4) *throws Topazia overboard and activates the hyperdrive (slaves) on the ship towards the booty stash*

1) Just to be makin' things clear, I'm called Blindbeard because of me wearin' two eye patches. Jus thought you all might like to know.

2) *readies the torpidoes*

3) Yarr, do you wan me to steer while you deal with the matters at hand, Capt'n?

4) *prepairs the drop anchor*

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1) Welcome to the crew Toto! *hands out an eyepatch, peg leg and a giant scimitar*

2) Let us blast Mushroom King and the HMS Horatio out of the water Kat!

3) *slips the real map out of sleeve of jacket and checks something* *steps to the left and rotates 90 degrees, stepping left again* *whacks Topazia on the side of the head*

4) *throws Topazia overboard and activates the hyperdrive (slaves) on the ship towards the booty stash*


Thank ye, Capt'n Grim! *tips hat* *runs over to the cannons and fires at Mushroom King's boat* *Takes out one of her crew member's heads*

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1) Welcome to the crew Toto! *hands out an eyepatch, peg leg and a giant scimitar*

2) Let us blast Mushroom King and the HMS Horatio out of the water Kat!

3) *slips the real map out of sleeve of jacket and checks something* *steps to the left and rotates 90 degrees, stepping left again* *whacks Topazia on the side of the head*

4) *throws Topazia overboard and activates the hyperdrive (slaves) on the ship towards the booty stash*

1) Just to be makin' things clear, I'm called Blindbeard because of me wearin' two eye patches. Jus thought you all might like to know.

2) *readies the torpidoes*

3) Yarr, do you wan me to steer while you deal with the matters at hand, Capt'n?

4) *prepairs the drop anchor*

2) *loads the termite torpedoes*

3) It b' alright, the fiend b' overboard, but ye can steer if ye want

4) *is in Arctic* Hmm... I b' thinkin' we may have overshot a bit.

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1) Welcome to the crew Toto! *hands out an eyepatch, peg leg and a giant scimitar*

2) Let us blast Mushroom King and the HMS Horatio out of the water Kat!

3) *slips the real map out of sleeve of jacket and checks something* *steps to the left and rotates 90 degrees, stepping left again* *whacks Topazia on the side of the head*

4) *throws Topazia overboard and activates the hyperdrive (slaves) on the ship towards the booty stash*

Oh, no you don't!

*grabs onto the ship stealthily and rides the waves for a while before climbing back into the cabin*

*uses the quill and disguises herself as one of them*

:P now you can't see me.

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Thank ye, Capt'n Grim! *tips hat* *runs over to the cannons and fires at Mushroom King's boat* *Takes out one of her crew member's heads*

*narrows eyes and looks at Toto*

If you fire at Mushroom_king, you are firing at me*

*starts cooking hamburgers to feed to Toto before her trip back to Kansas*

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Thank ye, Capt'n Grim! *tips hat* *runs over to the cannons and fires at Mushroom King's boat* *Takes out one of her crew member's heads*

*narrows eyes and looks at Toto*

If you fire at Mushroom_king, you are firing at me*

*starts cooking hamburgers to feed to Toto before her trip back to Kansas*


You're really trying to make me eat meat, aren't you, Horatio? Steak...then hamburgers? Well, I guess you didn't notice that ground-up hamster that I put in your seed, now did you? ^-^

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Thank ye, Capt'n Grim! *tips hat* *runs over to the cannons and fires at Mushroom King's boat* *Takes out one of her crew member's heads*

*narrows eyes and looks at Toto*

If you fire at Mushroom_king, you are firing at me*

*starts cooking hamburgers to feed to Toto before her trip back to Kansas*


You're really trying to make me eat meat, aren't you, Horatio? Steak...then hamburgers? Well, I guess you didn't notice that ground-up hamster that I put in your seed, now did you? ^-^

that's terrible!

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Thank ye, Capt'n Grim! *tips hat* *runs over to the cannons and fires at Mushroom King's boat* *Takes out one of her crew member's heads*

*narrows eyes and looks at Toto*

If you fire at Mushroom_king, you are firing at me*

*starts cooking hamburgers to feed to Toto before her trip back to Kansas*


You're really trying to make me eat meat, aren't you, Horatio? Steak...then hamburgers? Well, I guess you didn't notice that ground-up hamster that I put in your seed, now did you? ^-^

that's terrible!

*ignores Toto because I am eating sunflower seeds and raw peanuts in shells*

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Thank ye, Capt'n Grim! *tips hat* *runs over to the cannons and fires at Mushroom King's boat* *Takes out one of her crew member's heads*

*narrows eyes and looks at Toto*

If you fire at Mushroom_king, you are firing at me*

*starts cooking hamburgers to feed to Toto before her trip back to Kansas*


You're really trying to make me eat meat, aren't you, Horatio? Steak...then hamburgers? Well, I guess you didn't notice that ground-up hamster that I put in your seed, now did you? ^-^

that's terrible!

*ignores Toto because I am eating sunflower seeds and raw peanuts in shells*

*thinks it's a good idea*

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Thank ye, Capt'n Grim! *tips hat* *runs over to the cannons and fires at Mushroom King's boat* *Takes out one of her crew member's heads*

*narrows eyes and looks at Toto*

If you fire at Mushroom_king, you are firing at me*

*starts cooking hamburgers to feed to Toto before her trip back to Kansas*


You're really trying to make me eat meat, aren't you, Horatio? Steak...then hamburgers? Well, I guess you didn't notice that ground-up hamster that I put in your seed, now did you? ^-^

that's terrible!

*ignores Toto because I am eating sunflower seeds and raw peanuts in shells*

*thinks it's a good idea*


*Dances to Relient K* Teehee....In Love With the 80's!


I am going to wear a pink tux to the prom! Live without a care! Oh what could possibly go wrong?


Not my music type, but it's so catchy! :lol:

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1) Welcome to the crew Toto! *hands out an eyepatch, peg leg and a giant scimitar*

2) Let us blast Mushroom King and the HMS Horatio out of the water Kat!

3) *slips the real map out of sleeve of jacket and checks something* *steps to the left and rotates 90 degrees, stepping left again* *whacks Topazia on the side of the head*

4) *throws Topazia overboard and activates the hyperdrive (slaves) on the ship towards the booty stash*

Oh, no you don't!

*grabs onto the ship stealthily and rides the waves for a while before climbing back into the cabin*

*uses the quill and disguises herself as one of them*

:P now you can't see me.

*uses the blotter paper to get rid of the fake pirate eye patch and hat*


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1) Welcome to the crew Toto! *hands out an eyepatch, peg leg and a giant scimitar*

2) Let us blast Mushroom King and the HMS Horatio out of the water Kat!

3) *slips the real map out of sleeve of jacket and checks something* *steps to the left and rotates 90 degrees, stepping left again* *whacks Topazia on the side of the head*

4) *throws Topazia overboard and activates the hyperdrive (slaves) on the ship towards the booty stash*

Oh, no you don't!

*grabs onto the ship stealthily and rides the waves for a while before climbing back into the cabin*

*uses the quill and disguises herself as one of them*

:P now you can't see me.

*uses the blotter paper to get rid of the fake pirate eye patch and hat*



*is not wearing a patch or hat, is simply dressed and acting like pirate*


*commits random acts of piratyness* Yarr!

*commits sinful acts of piracy*

*what? Paz looks at TGHL funny, jumps out of ship and manages to keep her map*

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*comes back with a disguise*

Arg. I wanna be a pirate. Any room on this here ship fer one more pirate kita? I'm good wit' maps.

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*comes back with a disguise*

Arg. I wanna be a pirate. Any room on this here ship fer one more pirate kita? I'm good wit' maps.

WOuld these b' the same maps you were aquiring from us?

No, cap'n Grim, they wouldn't. You see, I've long since burned those and replaced them with fakes. No, these are maps I've hand-drawn on my oceanic travels over the course of the past ten years. Yes, I've been a sealover since I was six. Could swim at three. I love it!





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*comes back with a disguise*

Arg. I wanna be a pirate. Any room on this here ship fer one more pirate kita? I'm good wit' maps.

WOuld these b' the same maps you were aquiring from us?

No, cap'n Grim, they wouldn't. You see, I've long since burned those and replaced them with fakes. No, these are maps I've hand-drawn on my oceanic travels over the course of the past ten years. Yes, I've been a sealover since I was six. Could swim at three. I love it!





Luckly, ye only burned the decoy maps I placed.

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  • 2 weeks later...
*comes back with a disguise*

Arg. I wanna be a pirate. Any room on this here ship fer one more pirate kita? I'm good wit' maps.

WOuld these b' the same maps you were aquiring from us?

No, cap'n Grim, they wouldn't. You see, I've long since burned those and replaced them with fakes. No, these are maps I've hand-drawn on my oceanic travels over the course of the past ten years. Yes, I've been a sealover since I was six. Could swim at three. I love it!





Luckly, ye only burned the decoy maps I placed.

rats. oh well. pardon the correct grammar and all, I'm still new at the piracy talk.

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*comes back with a disguise*

Arg. I wanna be a pirate. Any room on this here ship fer one more pirate kita? I'm good wit' maps.

WOuld these b' the same maps you were aquiring from us?

No, cap'n Grim, they wouldn't. You see, I've long since burned those and replaced them with fakes. No, these are maps I've hand-drawn on my oceanic travels over the course of the past ten years. Yes, I've been a sealover since I was six. Could swim at three. I love it!





Luckly, ye only burned the decoy maps I placed.

rats. oh well. pardon the correct grammar and all, I'm still new at the piracy talk.

Yarr, it be excusable for new crew members. But once you're more seasoned, it be a crime punishable by death.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Yarr, Thar'b teh Children.

no, those be ninjas! and ninjas own pirates. <(^.^)>

Not all the time, yarr. Besides, I be both!

a ninrate? a pinja? oh, sept 19th is talk like a pirate day.

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Yarr, Thar'b teh Children.

no, those be ninjas! and ninjas own pirates. <(^.^)>

Not all the time, yarr. Besides, I be both!

a ninrate? a pinja? oh, sept 19th is talk like a pirate day.

I know. I think I posted that somewhere, like, last year. XD I love that day. I wander around school and go, "Arr, me mateys!" and people are all weirded out.

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Yarr, Thar'b teh Children.

no, those be ninjas! and ninjas own pirates. <(^.^)>

Not all the time, yarr. Besides, I be both!

a ninrate? a pinja? oh, sept 19th is talk like a pirate day.

I know. I think I posted that somewhere, like, last year. XD I love that day. I wander around school and go, "Arr, me mateys!" and people are all weirded out.

I have to remember that. How many people know that it's talk like a pirate day then?

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