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Werewolf (Three)

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[Well, I like to prance like a pony.]

[... Thats 'cuz you ARE a pony.


oh wait.


you're a wolf.


Nevermind n_n]

[Or am I?]

she's a warg.

*watches golfball-sized kibble bounce out of MW's bowl and roll across the room.*

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[And here I am posting on my new, mostly operational compy. n_n


I've converted a server (yeah, those big huge computers that host and operate websites) to a home PC about 80% successfully, where I seem unable to get the CPU replaced with anyhting faster than 266MHz speed. But. This does have about 3GB RAM. -cheers- My old harddrives cant plug in directly to the server either, they're ITE, i think it is, and the server only has SCSI ports. So, Im accessing my old files via the LAN system i put into the house here, and I have two PCs now. n_n


The worst part thus far is that this server has no USB ports. My compy here STILL cant take the next chapter off of my PDA. Imm'a try installing that software on the lappy or something. I'll get it up some day, i promise!]

You have been busy! :o

[Yyyyyyyyyup. About a week straight i've been tring to get this compy thing to work. >_o; My christmas present to myself is a break from doing this.]

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[And here I am posting on my new, mostly operational compy. n_n


I've converted a server (yeah, those big huge computers that host and operate websites) to a home PC about 80% successfully, where I seem unable to get the CPU replaced with anyhting faster than 266MHz speed. But. This does have about 3GB RAM. -cheers- My old harddrives cant plug in directly to the server either, they're ITE, i think it is, and the server only has SCSI ports. So, Im accessing my old files via the LAN system i put into the house here, and I have two PCs now. n_n


The worst part thus far is that this server has no USB ports. My compy here STILL cant take the next chapter off of my PDA. Imm'a try installing that software on the lappy or something. I'll get it up some day, i promise!]

You have been busy! :o

[Yyyyyyyyyup. About a week straight i've been tring to get this compy thing to work. >_o; My christmas present to myself is a break from doing this.]

Great idea!!!

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[And here I am posting on my new, mostly operational compy. n_n


I've converted a server (yeah, those big huge computers that host and operate websites) to a home PC about 80% successfully, where I seem unable to get the CPU replaced with anyhting faster than 266MHz speed. But. This does have about 3GB RAM. -cheers- My old harddrives cant plug in directly to the server either, they're ITE, i think it is, and the server only has SCSI ports. So, Im accessing my old files via the LAN system i put into the house here, and I have two PCs now. n_n


The worst part thus far is that this server has no USB ports. My compy here STILL cant take the next chapter off of my PDA. Imm'a try installing that software on the lappy or something. I'll get it up some day, i promise!]

[...I sort of know how to change the skin on Winamp. :D]

[Kat's a jenius. like. totally.]

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[And here I am posting on my new, mostly operational compy. n_n


I've converted a server (yeah, those big huge computers that host and operate websites) to a home PC about 80% successfully, where I seem unable to get the CPU replaced with anyhting faster than 266MHz speed. But. This does have about 3GB RAM. -cheers- My old harddrives cant plug in directly to the server either, they're ITE, i think it is, and the server only has SCSI ports. So, Im accessing my old files via the LAN system i put into the house here, and I have two PCs now. n_n


The worst part thus far is that this server has no USB ports. My compy here STILL cant take the next chapter off of my PDA. Imm'a try installing that software on the lappy or something. I'll get it up some day, i promise!]

[...I sort of know how to change the skin on Winamp. :D]

[Kat's a jenius. like. totally.]

[There is a shirt that says "Jenius" on it, and I want it.]
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[And here I am posting on my new, mostly operational compy. n_n


I've converted a server (yeah, those big huge computers that host and operate websites) to a home PC about 80% successfully, where I seem unable to get the CPU replaced with anyhting faster than 266MHz speed. But. This does have about 3GB RAM. -cheers- My old harddrives cant plug in directly to the server either, they're ITE, i think it is, and the server only has SCSI ports. So, Im accessing my old files via the LAN system i put into the house here, and I have two PCs now. n_n


The worst part thus far is that this server has no USB ports. My compy here STILL cant take the next chapter off of my PDA. Imm'a try installing that software on the lappy or something. I'll get it up some day, i promise!]

[...I sort of know how to change the skin on Winamp. :D]

[Kat's a jenius. like. totally.]

[There is a shirt that says "Jenius" on it, and I want it.]

*gives - Kat - a shirt that says "Jenius" on it*

Your wish is my command!!! :D

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[And here I am posting on my new, mostly operational compy. n_n


I've converted a server (yeah, those big huge computers that host and operate websites) to a home PC about 80% successfully, where I seem unable to get the CPU replaced with anyhting faster than 266MHz speed. But. This does have about 3GB RAM. -cheers- My old harddrives cant plug in directly to the server either, they're ITE, i think it is, and the server only has SCSI ports. So, Im accessing my old files via the LAN system i put into the house here, and I have two PCs now. n_n


The worst part thus far is that this server has no USB ports. My compy here STILL cant take the next chapter off of my PDA. Imm'a try installing that software on the lappy or something. I'll get it up some day, i promise!]

[...I sort of know how to change the skin on Winamp. :D]

[Kat's a jenius. like. totally.]

[There is a shirt that says "Jenius" on it, and I want it.]

*gives - Kat - a shirt that says "Jenius" on it*

Your wish is my command!!! :D

[Huzzah! *puts on shirt*]

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[Aw sweet. I just got a fairly cool idea for like... a part 8 in the series here.


Speaking of which, the USB connections project isnt working so well on my compy here, i'll be using a lappy to upload the next chapter.]

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Chapter Eighteen


I watched in disgust at the other wolves as they all panicked about the impending doom of our species.


Several mentions of Claws, Artemis and Apollo were heard, as uncontrolled discussion flew in all directions. Why did none of the several wolves in this immediate area really do anything about this?


"Save your breath, wolves. Seriously, Think about this... Why not take action? I'd have thought one of the wiser, more experienced wolves than I such as Chris, maybe... eh, I dont know who you are. My point being, Why was I the first to think of this? Calm down, we'll devise a plan and take action for once!"


An awkward silence broke over the small group of wolves I was among.


"We will show our adversaries that we are not a force to be taken so lightly. These vampires must have _some_ flaw on them that we can take advantage of... Chris, Koy and I have found a way to take down Torrasks...but I have yet to see one of these Human attacks..."


"Uh, Brandon..."


One of the wolves not fifteen meters away had commented to me, but not a wolf that I recognized.


"You, not seeing a human attack, will soon be remedied."


This wasnt a comment I was looking forward to hearing.


Emerging from the walls of trees came two incredible mechanisms that appeared to be designed for off-road travelling, moreover, destroying of natural life forms it may come across.


But do we attack... or flee?


Whichever action was truly necessary, I had best gather as much inforation about these mechanisms as I can while I'm at it...


The best way I could think of to do this would be approaching the mechs from behind, so I followed this plan and used the given diversion and escaped the terrain, edged around to behind the mechanism, and scanned its appearence for any structural flaws? There were none. Visible vulnerabilities? None. Vital cords or hinges? All of them appeared to be inside...


Well, my best assumption was to go for the head; Attack the operating human.


I leapt up a good twenty feet, and crashed onto the top of the mech, and saw a dome of Transparisteel, poorly tinted, which showed sign of a human inside, just over the edge.


I raised my arm in preparation to strike at the transparisteel, when my wolf ears detected communication between the two mechanisms...


"C-23, Theres a wolf on your unit. Put your defenses up, I'll shoot him off for you. Over."


"Roger that. ... Take him out. Over."


I turned my head to see large guns pointed toward me, and felt infrared analyzer locking on to me as a target.


I immediately leapt up into the the air, putting a dent in the metal below me... but I had waited a split second too long...


[Oh noes, another cliffhanger.


Just so you know, My current compy doesnt have MS Office, so I dont have a spellchecker. I corrected a few typoes here and there, to this and the next chapter are a little wierd.]

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Chapter Eighteen


I watched in disgust at the other wolves as they all panicked about the impending doom of our species.


Several mentions of Claws, Artemis and Apollo were heard, as uncontrolled discussion flew in all directions. Why did none of the several wolves in this immediate area really do anything about this?


"Save your breath, wolves. Seriously, Think about this... Why not take action? I'd have thought one of the wiser, more experienced wolves than I such as Chris, maybe... eh, I dont know who you are. My point being, Why was I the first to think of this? Calm down, we'll devise a plan and take action for once!"


An awkward silence broke over the small group of wolves I was among.


"We will show our adversaries that we are not a force to be taken so lightly. These vampires must have _some_ flaw on them that we can take advantage of... Chris, Koy and I have found a way to take down Torrasks...but I have yet to see one of these Human attacks..."


"Uh, Brandon..."


One of the wolves not fifteen meters away had commented to me, but not a wolf that I recognized.


"You, not seeing a human attack, will soon be remedied."


This wasnt a comment I was looking forward to hearing.


Emerging from the walls of trees came two incredible mechanisms that appeared to be designed for off-road travelling, moreover, destroying of natural life forms it may come across.


But do we attack... or flee?


Whichever action was truly necessary, I had best gather as much inforation about these mechanisms as I can while I'm at it...


The best way I could think of to do this would be approaching the mechs from behind, so I followed this plan and used the given diversion and escaped the terrain, edged around to behind the mechanism, and scanned its appearence for any structural flaws? There were none. Visible vulnerabilities? None. Vital cords or hinges? All of them appeared to be inside...


Well, my best assumption was to go for the head; Attack the operating human.


I leapt up a good twenty feet, and crashed onto the top of the mech, and saw a dome of Transparisteel, poorly tinted, which showed sign of a human inside, just over the edge.


I raised my arm in preparation to strike at the transparisteel, when my wolf ears detected communication between the two mechanisms...


"C-23, Theres a wolf on your unit. Put your defenses up, I'll shoot him off for you. Over."


"Roger that. ... Take him out. Over."


I turned my head to see large guns pointed toward me, and felt infrared analyzer locking on to me as a target.


I immediately leapt up into the the air, putting a dent in the metal below me... but I had waited a split second too long...


[Oh noes, another cliffhanger.


Just so you know, My current compy doesnt have MS Office, so I dont have a spellchecker. I corrected a few typoes here and there, to this and the next chapter are a little wierd.]


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Chapter Eighteen


I watched in disgust at the other wolves as they all panicked about the impending doom of our species.


Several mentions of Claws, Artemis and Apollo were heard, as uncontrolled discussion flew in all directions. Why did none of the several wolves in this immediate area really do anything about this?


"Save your breath, wolves. Seriously, Think about this... Why not take action? I'd have thought one of the wiser, more experienced wolves than I such as Chris, maybe... eh, I dont know who you are. My point being, Why was I the first to think of this? Calm down, we'll devise a plan and take action for once!"


An awkward silence broke over the small group of wolves I was among.


"We will show our adversaries that we are not a force to be taken so lightly. These vampires must have _some_ flaw on them that we can take advantage of... Chris, Koy and I have found a way to take down Torrasks...but I have yet to see one of these Human attacks..."


"Uh, Brandon..."


One of the wolves not fifteen meters away had commented to me, but not a wolf that I recognized.


"You, not seeing a human attack, will soon be remedied."


This wasnt a comment I was looking forward to hearing.


Emerging from the walls of trees came two incredible mechanisms that appeared to be designed for off-road travelling, moreover, destroying of natural life forms it may come across.


But do we attack... or flee?


Whichever action was truly necessary, I had best gather as much inforation about these mechanisms as I can while I'm at it...


The best way I could think of to do this would be approaching the mechs from behind, so I followed this plan and used the given diversion and escaped the terrain, edged around to behind the mechanism, and scanned its appearence for any structural flaws? There were none. Visible vulnerabilities? None. Vital cords or hinges? All of them appeared to be inside...


Well, my best assumption was to go for the head; Attack the operating human.


I leapt up a good twenty feet, and crashed onto the top of the mech, and saw a dome of Transparisteel, poorly tinted, which showed sign of a human inside, just over the edge.


I raised my arm in preparation to strike at the transparisteel, when my wolf ears detected communication between the two mechanisms...


"C-23, Theres a wolf on your unit. Put your defenses up, I'll shoot him off for you. Over."


"Roger that. ... Take him out. Over."


I turned my head to see large guns pointed toward me, and felt infrared analyzer locking on to me as a target.


I immediately leapt up into the the air, putting a dent in the metal below me... but I had waited a split second too long...


[Oh noes, another cliffhanger.


Just so you know, My current compy doesnt have MS Office, so I dont have a spellchecker. I corrected a few typoes here and there, to this and the next chapter are a little wierd.]


[Noooo. Not the suspense....]

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  • 2 weeks later...

[A bit of bad news...


As you all may know, i got a new compy again. (Stupid 350MHz processor. ._. I thought this compy had like a 2GHz CPU.) With which is a tad too modern for my old computer stuff, as it has SCSI ports inside as opposed to my old IDE's. So, I couldnt hook up my harddrives to it directly.


So, Im running one of my 3 harddrives through my moms computer and accessing it via the LAN (and she has no idea what any of this means) so I have most of my stuff.




This harddrive im accessing through the network was the secondary harddrive on my last PC, so all of the prime files of that PC were in the primary harddrive, aka C:. So, I have access to the drive E:, and the harddrive that has most of my songs on it, along with ALL of my storywriting works, is one of that big stack of 15 harddrives I have layin' around. I think it was a 9.4GB, so that narrows it down a bit...


Summarized, or interpretted for the lesser intelligent, My stories are in a different computers' memory and I dont know which computer or when i'll be able to get it back.


How many of you have I confused so far?


Dont expect updates here anytime soon. in spite of the cliffhangers i put in here deviously.


And for the logic-based minds out there who paied attention to what i've said in previous posts, The PDA that I accessed the last chapter from got fried again, and I lost the memory on it. I no longer have the past 3 chapters (one of which was being written in.) or the last chapter in the Meritorious Flame, which i was still writing in. (Yeah, im still writing that. along with the draconic legend, i think I called it. (the cool story that was on here a few years ago.) Luckily I had a backup of the files that was established a week or two before christmas, so any of my files made around then I have restored. But not chapter 19. that was started after the backup was made.



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[A bit of bad news...


As you all may know, i got a new compy again. (Stupid 350MHz processor. ._. I thought this compy had like a 2GHz CPU.) With which is a tad too modern for my old computer stuff, as it has SCSI ports inside as opposed to my old IDE's. So, I couldnt hook up my harddrives to it directly.


So, Im running one of my 3 harddrives through my moms computer and accessing it via the LAN (and she has no idea what any of this means) so I have most of my stuff.




This harddrive im accessing through the network was the secondary harddrive on my last PC, so all of the prime files of that PC were in the primary harddrive, aka C:. So, I have access to the drive E:, and the harddrive that has most of my songs on it, along with ALL of my storywriting works, is one of that big stack of 15 harddrives I have layin' around. I think it was a 9.4GB, so that narrows it down a bit...


Summarized, or interpretted for the lesser intelligent, My stories are in a different computers' memory and I dont know which computer or when i'll be able to get it back.


How many of you have I confused so far?


Dont expect updates here anytime soon. in spite of the cliffhangers i put in here deviously.


And for the logic-based minds out there who paied attention to what i've said in previous posts, The PDA that I accessed the last chapter from got fried again, and I lost the memory on it. I no longer have the past 3 chapters (one of which was being written in.) or the last chapter in the Meritorious Flame, which i was still writing in. (Yeah, im still writing that. along with the draconic legend, i think I called it. (the cool story that was on here a few years ago.) Luckily I had a backup of the files that was established a week or two before christmas, so any of my files made around then I have restored. But not chapter 19. that was started after the backup was made.



*cries for Arkcher*

I am so sorry. :( If I was rich, I would buy you a super computer... NEW !

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[A bit of bad news...


As you all may know, i got a new compy again. (Stupid 350MHz processor. ._. I thought this compy had like a 2GHz CPU.) With which is a tad too modern for my old computer stuff, as it has SCSI ports inside as opposed to my old IDE's. So, I couldnt hook up my harddrives to it directly.


So, Im running one of my 3 harddrives through my moms computer and accessing it via the LAN (and she has no idea what any of this means) so I have most of my stuff.




This harddrive im accessing through the network was the secondary harddrive on my last PC, so all of the prime files of that PC were in the primary harddrive, aka C:. So, I have access to the drive E:, and the harddrive that has most of my songs on it, along with ALL of my storywriting works, is one of that big stack of 15 harddrives I have layin' around. I think it was a 9.4GB, so that narrows it down a bit...


Summarized, or interpretted for the lesser intelligent, My stories are in a different computers' memory and I dont know which computer or when i'll be able to get it back.


How many of you have I confused so far?


Dont expect updates here anytime soon. in spite of the cliffhangers i put in here deviously.


And for the logic-based minds out there who paied attention to what i've said in previous posts, The PDA that I accessed the last chapter from got fried again, and I lost the memory on it. I no longer have the past 3 chapters (one of which was being written in.) or the last chapter in the Meritorious Flame, which i was still writing in. (Yeah, im still writing that. along with the draconic legend, i think I called it. (the cool story that was on here a few years ago.) Luckily I had a backup of the files that was established a week or two before christmas, so any of my files made around then I have restored. But not chapter 19. that was started after the backup was made.



[That's doesn't sound fun. ._. Good luck with the compys. We can wait. <5]

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[A bit of bad news...


As you all may know, i got a new compy again. (Stupid 350MHz processor. ._. I thought this compy had like a 2GHz CPU.) With which is a tad too modern for my old computer stuff, as it has SCSI ports inside as opposed to my old IDE's. So, I couldnt hook up my harddrives to it directly.


So, Im running one of my 3 harddrives through my moms computer and accessing it via the LAN (and she has no idea what any of this means) so I have most of my stuff.




This harddrive im accessing through the network was the secondary harddrive on my last PC, so all of the prime files of that PC were in the primary harddrive, aka C:. So, I have access to the drive E:, and the harddrive that has most of my songs on it, along with ALL of my storywriting works, is one of that big stack of 15 harddrives I have layin' around. I think it was a 9.4GB, so that narrows it down a bit...


Summarized, or interpretted for the lesser intelligent, My stories are in a different computers' memory and I dont know which computer or when i'll be able to get it back.


How many of you have I confused so far?


Dont expect updates here anytime soon. in spite of the cliffhangers i put in here deviously.


And for the logic-based minds out there who paied attention to what i've said in previous posts, The PDA that I accessed the last chapter from got fried again, and I lost the memory on it. I no longer have the past 3 chapters (one of which was being written in.) or the last chapter in the Meritorious Flame, which i was still writing in. (Yeah, im still writing that. along with the draconic legend, i think I called it. (the cool story that was on here a few years ago.) Luckily I had a backup of the files that was established a week or two before christmas, so any of my files made around then I have restored. But not chapter 19. that was started after the backup was made.



[*cries for Arkcher*

I am so sorry. :( If I was rich, I would buy you a super computer... NEW !

What would be cheaper, and just about as good, would be some parts for one. (I.e., processor/CPU (being a central processor unit. They're very handy.) some RAM (randomly accessable memory, the stuff that holds your clipboard, operate auto-save if your computer fries and you didnt save a file, and how many programs you can run at once) ) But, uh... I have new computer parts of everything except CPUs and RAM. Some really awsome RAM cards would be, say, $50. A good processor would be about the same price, methinks.


You needn't not try and spend moneys and stuff on me though, you have enough on your hands as is.]

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[A bit of bad news...


As you all may know, i got a new compy again. (Stupid 350MHz processor. ._. I thought this compy had like a 2GHz CPU.) With which is a tad too modern for my old computer stuff, as it has SCSI ports inside as opposed to my old IDE's. So, I couldnt hook up my harddrives to it directly.


So, Im running one of my 3 harddrives through my moms computer and accessing it via the LAN (and she has no idea what any of this means) so I have most of my stuff.




This harddrive im accessing through the network was the secondary harddrive on my last PC, so all of the prime files of that PC were in the primary harddrive, aka C:. So, I have access to the drive E:, and the harddrive that has most of my songs on it, along with ALL of my storywriting works, is one of that big stack of 15 harddrives I have layin' around. I think it was a 9.4GB, so that narrows it down a bit...


Summarized, or interpretted for the lesser intelligent, My stories are in a different computers' memory and I dont know which computer or when i'll be able to get it back.


How many of you have I confused so far?


Dont expect updates here anytime soon. in spite of the cliffhangers i put in here deviously.


And for the logic-based minds out there who paied attention to what i've said in previous posts, The PDA that I accessed the last chapter from got fried again, and I lost the memory on it. I no longer have the past 3 chapters (one of which was being written in.) or the last chapter in the Meritorious Flame, which i was still writing in. (Yeah, im still writing that. along with the draconic legend, i think I called it. (the cool story that was on here a few years ago.) Luckily I had a backup of the files that was established a week or two before christmas, so any of my files made around then I have restored. But not chapter 19. that was started after the backup was made.



[That's doesn't sound fun. ._. Good luck with the compys. We can wait. <5]

[Dude, whenever you do the <5 thing, i keep imagining an emote. the < being the happy eyebrow thing and the 5 being some sort of demented smirk.]

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[A bit of bad news...


As you all may know, i got a new compy again. (Stupid 350MHz processor. ._. I thought this compy had like a 2GHz CPU.) With which is a tad too modern for my old computer stuff, as it has SCSI ports inside as opposed to my old IDE's. So, I couldnt hook up my harddrives to it directly.


So, Im running one of my 3 harddrives through my moms computer and accessing it via the LAN (and she has no idea what any of this means) so I have most of my stuff.




This harddrive im accessing through the network was the secondary harddrive on my last PC, so all of the prime files of that PC were in the primary harddrive, aka C:. So, I have access to the drive E:, and the harddrive that has most of my songs on it, along with ALL of my storywriting works, is one of that big stack of 15 harddrives I have layin' around. I think it was a 9.4GB, so that narrows it down a bit...


Summarized, or interpretted for the lesser intelligent, My stories are in a different computers' memory and I dont know which computer or when i'll be able to get it back.


How many of you have I confused so far?


Dont expect updates here anytime soon. in spite of the cliffhangers i put in here deviously.


And for the logic-based minds out there who paied attention to what i've said in previous posts, The PDA that I accessed the last chapter from got fried again, and I lost the memory on it. I no longer have the past 3 chapters (one of which was being written in.) or the last chapter in the Meritorious Flame, which i was still writing in. (Yeah, im still writing that. along with the draconic legend, i think I called it. (the cool story that was on here a few years ago.) Luckily I had a backup of the files that was established a week or two before christmas, so any of my files made around then I have restored. But not chapter 19. that was started after the backup was made.



[*cries for Arkcher*

I am so sorry. :( If I was rich, I would buy you a super computer... NEW !

What would be cheaper, and just about as good, would be some parts for one. (I.e., processor/CPU (being a central processor unit. They're very handy.) some RAM (randomly accessable memory, the stuff that holds your clipboard, operate auto-save if your computer fries and you didnt save a file, and how many programs you can run at once) ) But, uh... I have new computer parts of everything except CPUs and RAM. Some really awsome RAM cards would be, say, $50. A good processor would be about the same price, methinks.


You needn't not try and spend moneys and stuff on me though, you have enough on your hands as is.]

Ummmm, well nuts and seeds can get a bit pricey! :lol:

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[A bit of bad news...


As you all may know, i got a new compy again. (Stupid 350MHz processor. ._. I thought this compy had like a 2GHz CPU.) With which is a tad too modern for my old computer stuff, as it has SCSI ports inside as opposed to my old IDE's. So, I couldnt hook up my harddrives to it directly.


So, Im running one of my 3 harddrives through my moms computer and accessing it via the LAN (and she has no idea what any of this means) so I have most of my stuff.




This harddrive im accessing through the network was the secondary harddrive on my last PC, so all of the prime files of that PC were in the primary harddrive, aka C:. So, I have access to the drive E:, and the harddrive that has most of my songs on it, along with ALL of my storywriting works, is one of that big stack of 15 harddrives I have layin' around. I think it was a 9.4GB, so that narrows it down a bit...


Summarized, or interpretted for the lesser intelligent, My stories are in a different computers' memory and I dont know which computer or when i'll be able to get it back.


How many of you have I confused so far?


Dont expect updates here anytime soon. in spite of the cliffhangers i put in here deviously.


And for the logic-based minds out there who paied attention to what i've said in previous posts, The PDA that I accessed the last chapter from got fried again, and I lost the memory on it. I no longer have the past 3 chapters (one of which was being written in.) or the last chapter in the Meritorious Flame, which i was still writing in. (Yeah, im still writing that. along with the draconic legend, i think I called it. (the cool story that was on here a few years ago.) Luckily I had a backup of the files that was established a week or two before christmas, so any of my files made around then I have restored. But not chapter 19. that was started after the backup was made.



[*cries for Arkcher*

I am so sorry. :( If I was rich, I would buy you a super computer... NEW !

What would be cheaper, and just about as good, would be some parts for one. (I.e., processor/CPU (being a central processor unit. They're very handy.) some RAM (randomly accessable memory, the stuff that holds your clipboard, operate auto-save if your computer fries and you didnt save a file, and how many programs you can run at once) ) But, uh... I have new computer parts of everything except CPUs and RAM. Some really awsome RAM cards would be, say, $50. A good processor would be about the same price, methinks.


You needn't not try and spend moneys and stuff on me though, you have enough on your hands as is.]

Ummmm, well nuts and seeds can get a bit pricey! :lol:

-poke- Do hamsters like wheat... thingies? My sister keeps givin' meh hamster a small handful of those little wheat bead things. I dunno what they're called.

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[A bit of bad news...


As you all may know, i got a new compy again. (Stupid 350MHz processor. ._. I thought this compy had like a 2GHz CPU.) With which is a tad too modern for my old computer stuff, as it has SCSI ports inside as opposed to my old IDE's. So, I couldnt hook up my harddrives to it directly.


So, Im running one of my 3 harddrives through my moms computer and accessing it via the LAN (and she has no idea what any of this means) so I have most of my stuff.




This harddrive im accessing through the network was the secondary harddrive on my last PC, so all of the prime files of that PC were in the primary harddrive, aka C:. So, I have access to the drive E:, and the harddrive that has most of my songs on it, along with ALL of my storywriting works, is one of that big stack of 15 harddrives I have layin' around. I think it was a 9.4GB, so that narrows it down a bit...


Summarized, or interpretted for the lesser intelligent, My stories are in a different computers' memory and I dont know which computer or when i'll be able to get it back.


How many of you have I confused so far?


Dont expect updates here anytime soon. in spite of the cliffhangers i put in here deviously.


And for the logic-based minds out there who paied attention to what i've said in previous posts, The PDA that I accessed the last chapter from got fried again, and I lost the memory on it. I no longer have the past 3 chapters (one of which was being written in.) or the last chapter in the Meritorious Flame, which i was still writing in. (Yeah, im still writing that. along with the draconic legend, i think I called it. (the cool story that was on here a few years ago.) Luckily I had a backup of the files that was established a week or two before christmas, so any of my files made around then I have restored. But not chapter 19. that was started after the backup was made.



[That's doesn't sound fun. ._. Good luck with the compys. We can wait. <5]

[Dude, whenever you do the <5 thing, i keep imagining an emote. the < being the happy eyebrow thing and the 5 being some sort of demented smirk.]

[Erm...no. It's <3, only cooler.]

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[A bit of bad news...


As you all may know, i got a new compy again. (Stupid 350MHz processor. ._. I thought this compy had like a 2GHz CPU.) With which is a tad too modern for my old computer stuff, as it has SCSI ports inside as opposed to my old IDE's. So, I couldnt hook up my harddrives to it directly.


So, Im running one of my 3 harddrives through my moms computer and accessing it via the LAN (and she has no idea what any of this means) so I have most of my stuff.




This harddrive im accessing through the network was the secondary harddrive on my last PC, so all of the prime files of that PC were in the primary harddrive, aka C:. So, I have access to the drive E:, and the harddrive that has most of my songs on it, along with ALL of my storywriting works, is one of that big stack of 15 harddrives I have layin' around. I think it was a 9.4GB, so that narrows it down a bit...


Summarized, or interpretted for the lesser intelligent, My stories are in a different computers' memory and I dont know which computer or when i'll be able to get it back.


How many of you have I confused so far?


Dont expect updates here anytime soon. in spite of the cliffhangers i put in here deviously.


And for the logic-based minds out there who paied attention to what i've said in previous posts, The PDA that I accessed the last chapter from got fried again, and I lost the memory on it. I no longer have the past 3 chapters (one of which was being written in.) or the last chapter in the Meritorious Flame, which i was still writing in. (Yeah, im still writing that. along with the draconic legend, i think I called it. (the cool story that was on here a few years ago.) Luckily I had a backup of the files that was established a week or two before christmas, so any of my files made around then I have restored. But not chapter 19. that was started after the backup was made.



[*cries for Arkcher*

I am so sorry. :( If I was rich, I would buy you a super computer... NEW !

What would be cheaper, and just about as good, would be some parts for one. (I.e., processor/CPU (being a central processor unit. They're very handy.) some RAM (randomly accessable memory, the stuff that holds your clipboard, operate auto-save if your computer fries and you didnt save a file, and how many programs you can run at once) ) But, uh... I have new computer parts of everything except CPUs and RAM. Some really awsome RAM cards would be, say, $50. A good processor would be about the same price, methinks.


You needn't not try and spend moneys and stuff on me though, you have enough on your hands as is.]

Ummmm, well nuts and seeds can get a bit pricey! :lol:

-poke- Do hamsters like wheat... thingies? My sister keeps givin' meh hamster a small handful of those little wheat bead things. I dunno what they're called.

Find out a name for me please, or please take a pic. If I don't know, I would like to know. :D

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[A bit of bad news...


As you all may know, i got a new compy again. (Stupid 350MHz processor. ._. I thought this compy had like a 2GHz CPU.) With which is a tad too modern for my old computer stuff, as it has SCSI ports inside as opposed to my old IDE's. So, I couldnt hook up my harddrives to it directly.


So, Im running one of my 3 harddrives through my moms computer and accessing it via the LAN (and she has no idea what any of this means) so I have most of my stuff.




This harddrive im accessing through the network was the secondary harddrive on my last PC, so all of the prime files of that PC were in the primary harddrive, aka C:. So, I have access to the drive E:, and the harddrive that has most of my songs on it, along with ALL of my storywriting works, is one of that big stack of 15 harddrives I have layin' around. I think it was a 9.4GB, so that narrows it down a bit...


Summarized, or interpretted for the lesser intelligent, My stories are in a different computers' memory and I dont know which computer or when i'll be able to get it back.


How many of you have I confused so far?


Dont expect updates here anytime soon. in spite of the cliffhangers i put in here deviously.


And for the logic-based minds out there who paied attention to what i've said in previous posts, The PDA that I accessed the last chapter from got fried again, and I lost the memory on it. I no longer have the past 3 chapters (one of which was being written in.) or the last chapter in the Meritorious Flame, which i was still writing in. (Yeah, im still writing that. along with the draconic legend, i think I called it. (the cool story that was on here a few years ago.) Luckily I had a backup of the files that was established a week or two before christmas, so any of my files made around then I have restored. But not chapter 19. that was started after the backup was made.



[That's doesn't sound fun. ._. Good luck with the compys. We can wait. <5]

[Dude, whenever you do the <5 thing, i keep imagining an emote. the < being the happy eyebrow thing and the 5 being some sort of demented smirk.]

[Erm...no. It's <3, only cooler.]

[i know, i just keep looking at it like the wierd thing. thing. thing thing thinger.]

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[A bit of bad news...


As you all may know, i got a new compy again. (Stupid 350MHz processor. ._. I thought this compy had like a 2GHz CPU.) With which is a tad too modern for my old computer stuff, as it has SCSI ports inside as opposed to my old IDE's. So, I couldnt hook up my harddrives to it directly.


So, Im running one of my 3 harddrives through my moms computer and accessing it via the LAN (and she has no idea what any of this means) so I have most of my stuff.




This harddrive im accessing through the network was the secondary harddrive on my last PC, so all of the prime files of that PC were in the primary harddrive, aka C:. So, I have access to the drive E:, and the harddrive that has most of my songs on it, along with ALL of my storywriting works, is one of that big stack of 15 harddrives I have layin' around. I think it was a 9.4GB, so that narrows it down a bit...


Summarized, or interpretted for the lesser intelligent, My stories are in a different computers' memory and I dont know which computer or when i'll be able to get it back.


How many of you have I confused so far?


Dont expect updates here anytime soon. in spite of the cliffhangers i put in here deviously.


And for the logic-based minds out there who paied attention to what i've said in previous posts, The PDA that I accessed the last chapter from got fried again, and I lost the memory on it. I no longer have the past 3 chapters (one of which was being written in.) or the last chapter in the Meritorious Flame, which i was still writing in. (Yeah, im still writing that. along with the draconic legend, i think I called it. (the cool story that was on here a few years ago.) Luckily I had a backup of the files that was established a week or two before christmas, so any of my files made around then I have restored. But not chapter 19. that was started after the backup was made.



[That's doesn't sound fun. ._. Good luck with the compys. We can wait. <5]

[Dude, whenever you do the <5 thing, i keep imagining an emote. the < being the happy eyebrow thing and the 5 being some sort of demented smirk.]

[Erm...no. It's <3, only cooler.]

[i know, i just keep looking at it like the wierd thing. thing. thing thing thinger.]

[*beatboxes* Puh, puh chsh, puh puh puh chsh.]

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  • 6 months later...



[i've decided that you've been on the edge of your seat for long enough, so um. I've bumped this topic, aaaannnddd nnnoooowww Im gonna go and do something completely un-related to writing chapter nineteen, because i already have it ready, you know... uh... yeah. -preeeow- ]

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[A bit of bad news...


As you all may know, i got a new compy again. (Stupid 350MHz processor. ._. I thought this compy had like a 2GHz CPU.) With which is a tad too modern for my old computer stuff, as it has SCSI ports inside as opposed to my old IDE's. So, I couldnt hook up my harddrives to it directly.


So, Im running one of my 3 harddrives through my moms computer and accessing it via the LAN (and she has no idea what any of this means) so I have most of my stuff.




This harddrive im accessing through the network was the secondary harddrive on my last PC, so all of the prime files of that PC were in the primary harddrive, aka C:. So, I have access to the drive E:, and the harddrive that has most of my songs on it, along with ALL of my storywriting works, is one of that big stack of 15 harddrives I have layin' around. I think it was a 9.4GB, so that narrows it down a bit...


Summarized, or interpretted for the lesser intelligent, My stories are in a different computers' memory and I dont know which computer or when i'll be able to get it back.


How many of you have I confused so far?


Dont expect updates here anytime soon. in spite of the cliffhangers i put in here deviously.


And for the logic-based minds out there who paied attention to what i've said in previous posts, The PDA that I accessed the last chapter from got fried again, and I lost the memory on it. I no longer have the past 3 chapters (one of which was being written in.) or the last chapter in the Meritorious Flame, which i was still writing in. (Yeah, im still writing that. along with the draconic legend, i think I called it. (the cool story that was on here a few years ago.) Luckily I had a backup of the files that was established a week or two before christmas, so any of my files made around then I have restored. But not chapter 19. that was started after the backup was made.



[Oh yeah, about all this mess... its still there.]


[That stack of harddrives with numerous stories on it... D=


I've tried every harddrive in there, and the three i was quite sure might have my stories, dont even have operating systems in them. So they formatted without telling me. or just werent properly cared for since harddrives are kinda fragile, see.


So. About two years or storywriting went down the drain. it made me sad.


On the plus side, i still have MF, WW and two other stories up and going. So the more successful and important ones are still up. Except for one really cool one I only had one chapter for but it was gonna be the coolest thing ever. that one died, too.


But, uh... Now I think about it... I dont recall seeing WW1 or 2 on my compy here. D= -rampages through compy searching for them- ]

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[so okay, doods.


After an hour or so of rampages through various compies, I found the small archive of werewolf stories. So I have about 80% of the wolfiness I wrote. (Im missing the lycanthropal hierarchy and theory, and full explanation on Torrask's.) This including part 7. yeah. i started writing it already. Its too cool, i couldnt wait. shut up.


In celebration of this I wrote a majority of the next chapter. So yeah, its like... almost done, so expect the first wolfy update ina long time here pretty soon. Hopefully today. =D]

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[so okay, doods.


After an hour or so of rampages through various compies, I found the small archive of werewolf stories. So I have about 80% of the wolfiness I wrote. (Im missing the lycanthropal hierarchy and theory, and full explanation on Torrask's.) This including part 7. yeah. i started writing it already. Its too cool, i couldnt wait. shut up.


In celebration of this I wrote a majority of the next chapter. So yeah, its like... almost done, so expect the first wolfy update ina long time here pretty soon. Hopefully today. =D]





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[so okay, doods.


After an hour or so of rampages through various compies, I found the small archive of werewolf stories. So I have about 80% of the wolfiness I wrote. (Im missing the lycanthropal hierarchy and theory, and full explanation on Torrask's.) This including part 7. yeah. i started writing it already. Its too cool, i couldnt wait. shut up.


In celebration of this I wrote a majority of the next chapter. So yeah, its like... almost done, so expect the first wolfy update ina long time here pretty soon. Hopefully today. =D]





[Oh my. :mellow: Well, Its good to know that I have at least one enthusiastic fan. xD]

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[so okay, doods.


After an hour or so of rampages through various compies, I found the small archive of werewolf stories. So I have about 80% of the wolfiness I wrote. (Im missing the lycanthropal hierarchy and theory, and full explanation on Torrask's.) This including part 7. yeah. i started writing it already. Its too cool, i couldnt wait. shut up.


In celebration of this I wrote a majority of the next chapter. So yeah, its like... almost done, so expect the first wolfy update ina long time here pretty soon. Hopefully today. =D]





[Oh my. :mellow: Well, Its good to know that I have at least one enthusiastic fan. xD]

[ *waits with a smile on my face :D *

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[so okay, doods.


After an hour or so of rampages through various compies, I found the small archive of werewolf stories. So I have about 80% of the wolfiness I wrote. (Im missing the lycanthropal hierarchy and theory, and full explanation on Torrask's.) This including part 7. yeah. i started writing it already. Its too cool, i couldnt wait. shut up.


In celebration of this I wrote a majority of the next chapter. So yeah, its like... almost done, so expect the first wolfy update ina long time here pretty soon. Hopefully today. =D]





[Oh my. :mellow: Well, Its good to know that I have at least one enthusiastic fan. xD]

[ *waits with a smile on my face :D *

[Well i was doin pretty good writing this chapter till I came across one of those big Writers Block things again. Them'r so annoying.]

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[YAY. Update.


I havent done this in so long, i forgot the little code format I used. uuuh. yeah. I think i know how to work this thing...]


Chapter Nineteen

[Yay! So far so good...]


“So much for your plan of massacring all the Humans, eh Serena?â€


Audrey commented with a smirk, watching Serena pace in front of her, occasionally glancing at nearby buildings, already drained of all life. Serena shot a glare at Audrey, unquestionably conveying the message to keep quiet.


Audrey was less intimidated by Serena now that it was quite apparent that the vampires themselves were rather frightened. Needless to say, Audrey was as well, but watching the vampires fret about this was amusing to her.


“This isn’t right… The whole idea of vampires killing the humans was for the purpose of revenge. We aren’t getting anywhere just watching these creatures beat us to the humans…â€


Serena thought aloud, still angrily pacing back and forth.


“… Sooo… What are you going to do about it?â€


“I’m going to kill you myself if you don’t shut up.â€


Serena snapped back at Audrey, who thought about that statement for a moment. Serena was planning to get Audrey killed? Audrey opened her mouth to ask what it was that Serena was planning to do, but she decided against speaking again.


A few minutes passed by, before the silence was broken by another Vampire.




She and Audrey looked off to the side, to see a male vampire approach.


“Serena, One of the other wolves among us has given us rather useful information…â€


“I haven’t the time for this, Just get to the point, Armand.â€


“… The wolf has told us that there is a small group of others who have confronted one of these creatures before, and have successfully destroyed a small number of them.â€


“It is no surprise to me that Humans were not strong enough to take them on, I’m sure that we can, though. Lets get moving.â€


â€No, Serena, There is more. … Despite they have been able to take out a select few of these creatures, it was not easy. Werewolves are indeed vulnerable to their attacks, but vampires would be little to no better than Humans at confronting them.â€


Serena thought for a moment.


“We already have werewolves working for us; We can use them to take down this new adversary. They’re expendable… We can always get other wolves to help us.â€


Overhearing this, Audrey’s eyes widened somewhat, at hearing that she and others would just be used as a fighting force for the vampires, and they would more than likely die. Audrey had a mixture of feelings, being hateful, frightened, mournful…


Without giving it much thought, Audrey stood up taller than the two Vampires.


“I will not allow you to just use us as pawns under your control. I refuse to sacrifice myself for you and your cowardly actions, demons!â€


Serena’s eyes turned toward Audrey, with a disturbing luminous glow to them. The two stared at each other for a moment, and Audrey stepped back, and sat down on the empty roads of Bismarck. After giving Audrey a rather aggressive glare, Serena turned back to Armand.


“We’ll hunt down these wolves. We’re going to take out some humans, And we’re going to get them before these creatures do, And those wolves had better help us out. Armand, Spread the word, we’re heading northeast to the forestry, most likely where these wolves are.â€


Armand nodded, and strode back into the silent city to announce the decision.



I was hit, a brief spray of bullets hit where I was standing shortly before my lunge. I had a minor wound, but a wound nonetheless.


I lay in a rather crumpled heap in the forestry ground, unable to do anything but hold my wound and watch the other werewolves scatter and try to handle the situation. About thirty seconds had passed, the more stubborn and arrogant werewolves were still present, watching very closely for any vulnerability or flaw in these mechanisms. The two came to a stop, facing the group of some odd eight wolves, all rather put off. It was quite clear that the mechanisms were preparing for an attack, though I had no idea what they had in store for us.


Without warning, the two turrets on the mechanisms discharged what appeared to be a constant stream of flames…!


Pyrotechnics triggered, and flames spewed everywhere, catching parts of the terrain on fire, which wasn’t such good news for wolves like myself, injured or killed, stuck on the ground.


After every able-bodied wolf evacuated the area, leaving the human mechanisms behind, who then inexplicably began putting out the fire they just started. This goes to show that I still have yet to learn what it is the Humans are trying to accomplish…


A few minutes had passed, the human-operated mechanisms had left. I struggled to get to my feet, ignoring some pain in my limbs. I stood in a rather awkward position, until I felt something… Something happen inside my body.

It could only be a chemical release, It felt like adrenaline at first, but within a few seconds, I found the pain in my limbs had eased. It was still there, but not very strong.

I assume this is something that my werewolf body can do now since I’ve aged.


I looked about myself, in the rather disturbing part of the forest. I was apparently the only sentient wolf in the immediate area. There were about ten werewolves dead or unconscious here and there, with burns in the forestry and bullet holes in trees and wolf bodies. This is undeniably something that the werewolves can hold against the humans.


[Yeah, okay. I know there are a few logic flaws (like Serena isnt ruler or leader of about anything, Armand wouldnt have asked her for guidance) and lack of explanations, but this is the abridged and very unrefined version of the stuffs, see... The really cool version of this mess is gonna be like... published and overpriced so you doods hafta gimmie a buncha money, see... aaaand yeah. Or just like 5 ducks apeice. i dunno. i'll worry about that when... i have a unabridged, perfected and refined version to work with.


... yeah. For once I didnt leave you's guys at a cliffhanger or really suspenseful part. Now its just intriguing. Oooooooh.]

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[so okay, doods.


After an hour or so of rampages through various compies, I found the small archive of werewolf stories. So I have about 80% of the wolfiness I wrote. (Im missing the lycanthropal hierarchy and theory, and full explanation on Torrask's.) This including part 7. yeah. i started writing it already. Its too cool, i couldnt wait. shut up.


In celebration of this I wrote a majority of the next chapter. So yeah, its like... almost done, so expect the first wolfy update ina long time here pretty soon. Hopefully today. =D]





[Oh my. :mellow: Well, Its good to know that I have at least one enthusiastic fan. xD]

[Horatio's the definition of enthusiastic :lol:]

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[Yaaaaaaay, i kept writing stuff.]


Chapter Twenty


After choosing a direction at random, I followed it through the forest terrain, fairly disoriented.


I found that I was in an area completely new to me. I had explored this immediate area multiple times, and knew my way quite well, but I had never seen this area before… I stopped walking, stood up tall and scanned the area for signs of familiarity. It was rather quiet, nothing out of the ordinary…


My ear twitched at picking up a sound off south, southwest of me. I turned to look, but didn’t see anything… It sounded like hurried footsteps making their way toward me.


I continued staring in the direction of the sound, ready to take action as needed. In the distance, it appeared to be a werewolf, running rather fast toward me. Something about its characteristics seemed familiar, I apparently knew this wolf.


“Brandon! … Brandon, Turn around and run!â€


It was definitely a werewolf, judging by the voice, it was female. She apparently had identified me already. I half-turned around, ready to move wherever I may be led.


… Audrey?


I changed stance again, and tried getting her to calm down and explain what’s going on.


“Audrey, What is going on? Why are you running?â€


“We have got to get out of here, Serena… no, Not just Serena, those vampires have no regard to the sanctity of life.â€


Audrey commented while tryin to stop herself.


“They are just behind us, they came from Bismarck in search of some werewolves that know how to kill some rather grotesque blue creature…â€


Rather vivid memories came back to me of Chris, Koy and myself all killing off a Torrask.


“… I am one of them!â€


“Then we have to get out of here, They want to send you to go and get revenge on these creatures for the vampires! They do not care if you live or die in the process, Come on!â€


Audrey grabbed my by the arm and pulled, trying to get both of us to run off. I pulled back against her grip.


“Are you sure about all of this, Audrey? That seems very unlike vampires, for them to do that…â€


I glanced away, and looked back at Audrey who visibly had tears in her eyes now.


“I am scared for you, You must get out of here! They’ll be here at any time now! Come on!â€


She pulled once more, this time stubbornly running no matter what my response would be. I didn’t have any reason not to comply, so I followed Audrey, and started off running.


It must have been fifteen seconds pass by, until the two of us were rather startled by a voice from behind us…


“Running? From us, the creatures of the night?â€


In a slight panic, Audrey and I stopped and turned around to see Serena about five feet away.


“Come on, Running from us wont do you any good…â€


I directed my attention to avoiding direct eye contact with Serena, remembering what happened last time I did so. In doing so, I noticed that Serena was not the only vampire that had… followed us. Perhaps thirty vampires, at least one werewolf to each vampire, stood behind Serena.


“… And what do you want with me now?â€


I asked, focusing on Serena’s neck rather than about anything else.


“Word has reached my ears that you know how to kill a certain creature… that has been causing problems for all of us.â€


“And what makes you think that I know how to kill them?â€


“You already told Audrey. You might as well have told every vampire we have here.â€


I stood in a rather aggressive stance, not very pleased with the vampires. Serena laughed quietly.


“What, You think you can fight me?â€


The vampires would not have gone to these lengths to find me, had they not needed me as Audrey had said. It was quite apparent that my life was in danger. A rather low growl began in my throat, as I continued glaring at Serena, fixed on avoiding direct eye contact. I tried strategizing in my mind how would I kill a vampire… but… They’re already dead…


Then, in as short as one second, the two of us lunged at each other, both unafraid to kill the other. I, the more massive body, slammed into Serena and ended up pinning her to the ground. My mind raced for what to do next… If they’re dead, I can’t kill them.


… so lets bring them to life, and then kill them!


In a rather feral fashion, I opened my jaws wide, and bit unnecessarily hard on Serena’s shoulder, with the intention of injecting lycanthrope serum.


I stepped away, leaving several vampires awestruck, and Serena twitching on the ground oddly. I honestly had no idea what would happen…

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  • 2 weeks later...

[Oh, snap. I forgot about this story and topic and mess. Imma go write stuff.]

[i've heard this before. Wake me up when you finish writing. :lol: ]

[You shut'cher face. xD I could have it done for all you know.

... but I dont.




Now i dun have anything to write the stories on.

It makes me sad. i dun have Arffice on my compy no more. -forages through massive stacks of CDs for MS Office-


This time I have a half-way good excuse for not writing!

I bet i've got one of those fitting virus dealies that everyones freaking out about.

I gotta get a mac. (Im about $1200 short of a Mac. >_< ) ]

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[Oh, snap. I forgot about this story and topic and mess. Imma go write stuff.]

[i've heard this before. Wake me up when you finish writing. :lol: ]

[You shut'cher face. xD I could have it done for all you know.

... but I dont.




Now i dun have anything to write the stories on.

It makes me sad. i dun have Arffice on my compy no more. -forages through massive stacks of CDs for MS Office-


This time I have a half-way good excuse for not writing!

I bet i've got one of those fitting virus dealies that everyones freaking out about.

I gotta get a mac. (Im about $1200 short of a Mac. >_

You can buy a Mac Mini and attach them to your keyboard and monitor for about $400. And that is NEW! There are other options that are not $1200.

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[Oh, snap. I forgot about this story and topic and mess. Imma go write stuff.]

[i've heard this before. Wake me up when you finish writing. :lol: ]

[You shut'cher face. xD I could have it done for all you know.

... but I dont.




Now i dun have anything to write the stories on.

It makes me sad. i dun have Arffice on my compy no more. -forages through massive stacks of CDs for MS Office-


This time I have a half-way good excuse for not writing!

I bet i've got one of those fitting virus dealies that everyones freaking out about.

I gotta get a mac. (Im about $1200 short of a Mac. >_< ) ]

[Noooooooootepaaaaaaaaaaad. :o]

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[Oh, snap. I forgot about this story and topic and mess. Imma go write stuff.]

[i've heard this before. Wake me up when you finish writing. :lol: ]

[You shut'cher face. xD I could have it done for all you know.

... but I dont.




Now i dun have anything to write the stories on.

It makes me sad. i dun have Arffice on my compy no more. -forages through massive stacks of CDs for MS Office-


This time I have a half-way good excuse for not writing!

I bet i've got one of those fitting virus dealies that everyones freaking out about.

I gotta get a mac. (Im about $1200 short of a Mac. >_< ) ]

You can buy a Mac Mini and attach them to your keyboard and monitor for about $400. And that is NEW! There are other options that are not $1200.

[i'll probably end up doing that. I'd really like a lappy, but they're hecka expensive.]

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[Oh, snap. I forgot about this story and topic and mess. Imma go write stuff.]

[i've heard this before. Wake me up when you finish writing. :lol: ]

[You shut'cher face. xD I could have it done for all you know.

... but I dont.




Now i dun have anything to write the stories on.

It makes me sad. i dun have Arffice on my compy no more. -forages through massive stacks of CDs for MS Office-


This time I have a half-way good excuse for not writing!

I bet i've got one of those fitting virus dealies that everyones freaking out about.

I gotta get a mac. (Im about $1200 short of a Mac. >_

You can buy a Mac Mini and attach them to your keyboard and monitor for about $400. And that is NEW! There are other options that are not $1200.

[i'll probably end up doing that. I'd really like a lappy, but they're hecka expensive.]

Do you know how to change a logic board?

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[Oh, snap. I forgot about this story and topic and mess. Imma go write stuff.]

[i've heard this before. Wake me up when you finish writing. :lol: ]

[You shut'cher face. xD I could have it done for all you know.

... but I dont.




Now i dun have anything to write the stories on.

It makes me sad. i dun have Arffice on my compy no more. -forages through massive stacks of CDs for MS Office-


This time I have a half-way good excuse for not writing!

I bet i've got one of those fitting virus dealies that everyones freaking out about.

I gotta get a mac. (Im about $1200 short of a Mac. >_< ) ]

[Noooooooootepaaaaaaaaaaad. :o]

[Paaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiint. :o]


[Oh wait, I get it.]


[No no, These files were created and editted with Office, and now that the program is missing, i cant even open the files with Notepad. i think so anyway. Either way, I wouldnt want to risk it 'cuz if I opened it with Notepad, all the boldings and italics and cool texts would go away. and i'd be sad.]

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[Oh, snap. I forgot about this story and topic and mess. Imma go write stuff.]

[i've heard this before. Wake me up when you finish writing. :lol: ]

[You shut'cher face. xD I could have it done for all you know.

... but I dont.




Now i dun have anything to write the stories on.

It makes me sad. i dun have Arffice on my compy no more. -forages through massive stacks of CDs for MS Office-


This time I have a half-way good excuse for not writing!

I bet i've got one of those fitting virus dealies that everyones freaking out about.

I gotta get a mac. (Im about $1200 short of a Mac. >_< ) ]

You can buy a Mac Mini and attach them to your keyboard and monitor for about $400. And that is NEW! There are other options that are not $1200.

[i'll probably end up doing that. I'd really like a lappy, but they're hecka expensive.]

Do you know how to change a logic board?

[No, but i bet I could figure it out. if not, i can find out online.]

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[Oh, snap. I forgot about this story and topic and mess. Imma go write stuff.]

[i've heard this before. Wake me up when you finish writing. :lol: ]

[You shut'cher face. xD I could have it done for all you know.

... but I dont.




Now i dun have anything to write the stories on.

It makes me sad. i dun have Arffice on my compy no more. -forages through massive stacks of CDs for MS Office-


This time I have a half-way good excuse for not writing!

I bet i've got one of those fitting virus dealies that everyones freaking out about.

I gotta get a mac. (Im about $1200 short of a Mac. >_

You can buy a Mac Mini and attach them to your keyboard and monitor for about $400. And that is NEW! There are other options that are not $1200.

[i'll probably end up doing that. I'd really like a lappy, but they're hecka expensive.]

Do you know how to change a logic board?

[No, but i bet I could figure it out. if not, i can find out online.]

It is pretty hard from what I understand, but probably easy for you. If you find out, let me know. Ask about a Mac G3 Powerbook. Pretty old, but a great laptop.

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[Oh, snap. I forgot about this story and topic and mess. Imma go write stuff.]

[i've heard this before. Wake me up when you finish writing. :lol: ]

[You shut'cher face. xD I could have it done for all you know.

... but I dont.




Now i dun have anything to write the stories on.

It makes me sad. i dun have Arffice on my compy no more. -forages through massive stacks of CDs for MS Office-


This time I have a half-way good excuse for not writing!

I bet i've got one of those fitting virus dealies that everyones freaking out about.

I gotta get a mac. (Im about $1200 short of a Mac. >_< ) ]

You can buy a Mac Mini and attach them to your keyboard and monitor for about $400. And that is NEW! There are other options that are not $1200.

[i'll probably end up doing that. I'd really like a lappy, but they're hecka expensive.]

Do you know how to change a logic board?

[No, but i bet I could figure it out. if not, i can find out online.]

It is pretty hard from what I understand, but probably easy for you. If you find out, let me know. Ask about a Mac G3 Powerbook. Pretty old, but a great laptop.

[This sounds like a job for...


eBay searchin'!! =D]

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[Oh, snap. I forgot about this story and topic and mess. Imma go write stuff.]

[i've heard this before. Wake me up when you finish writing. :lol: ]

[You shut'cher face. xD I could have it done for all you know.

... but I dont.




Now i dun have anything to write the stories on.

It makes me sad. i dun have Arffice on my compy no more. -forages through massive stacks of CDs for MS Office-


This time I have a half-way good excuse for not writing!

I bet i've got one of those fitting virus dealies that everyones freaking out about.

I gotta get a mac. (Im about $1200 short of a Mac. >_< ) ]

[Noooooooootepaaaaaaaaaaad. :o]

[Paaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiint. :o]


[Oh wait, I get it.]


[No no, These files were created and editted with Office, and now that the program is missing, i cant even open the files with Notepad. i think so anyway. Either way, I wouldnt want to risk it 'cuz if I opened it with Notepad, all the boldings and italics and cool texts would go away. and i'd be sad.]

[i know you couldn't open Word files, but at least you could keep writting. And you can use the board codes for fonts and such. *uses Notepad for all her RP bios* :D It's quite handy.]

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[Oh, snap. I forgot about this story and topic and mess. Imma go write stuff.]

[i've heard this before. Wake me up when you finish writing. :lol: ]

[You shut'cher face. xD I could have it done for all you know.

... but I dont.




Now i dun have anything to write the stories on.

It makes me sad. i dun have Arffice on my compy no more. -forages through massive stacks of CDs for MS Office-


This time I have a half-way good excuse for not writing!

I bet i've got one of those fitting virus dealies that everyones freaking out about.

I gotta get a mac. (Im about $1200 short of a Mac. >_< ) ]

You can buy a Mac Mini and attach them to your keyboard and monitor for about $400. And that is NEW! There are other options that are not $1200.

[i'll probably end up doing that. I'd really like a lappy, but they're hecka expensive.]

Do you know how to change a logic board?

[No, but i bet I could figure it out. if not, i can find out online.]

It is pretty hard from what I understand, but probably easy for you. If you find out, let me know. Ask about a Mac G3 Powerbook. Pretty old, but a great laptop.

Yeah, dun get a Mac iBook G4 (12 inch) manufactured after 2003. Because they're doing a global recall on all the batteries >:o I'm sitting here with my laptop and no battery hoping beyond everything the charger doesn't accidentally get pulled out :unsure:

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[Oh, snap. I forgot about this story and topic and mess. Imma go write stuff.]

[i've heard this before. Wake me up when you finish writing. :lol: ]

[You shut'cher face. xD I could have it done for all you know.

... but I dont.




Now i dun have anything to write the stories on.

It makes me sad. i dun have Arffice on my compy no more. -forages through massive stacks of CDs for MS Office-


This time I have a half-way good excuse for not writing!

I bet i've got one of those fitting virus dealies that everyones freaking out about.

I gotta get a mac. (Im about $1200 short of a Mac. >_< ) ]

[Noooooooootepaaaaaaaaaaad. :o]

[Paaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiint. :o]


[Oh wait, I get it.]


[No no, These files were created and editted with Office, and now that the program is missing, i cant even open the files with Notepad. i think so anyway. Either way, I wouldnt want to risk it 'cuz if I opened it with Notepad, all the boldings and italics and cool texts would go away. and i'd be sad.]

[i know you couldn't open Word files, but at least you could keep writting. And you can use the board codes for fonts and such. *uses Notepad for all her RP bios* :D It's quite handy.]

[Not to worry, I found some... other... word processor dealie on my compy. Without spellcheck. Im actively writing now, but things are gonna be horribly mispelled until I find the dang arffice CDs. >_< ]

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this isnt fair, y can all u ppl write so good! lauren can write amazing poems and archer can write great storys. and there are others here here im just here wishing i could write all this stuff

[Heh. Thanks for commenting.

In my wierd little opinion, I dont think I write very well. I can come up with some nice ideas and such for stories, but I have no real... education on the matter.

For the record, I have NEVER taken an English class before.


yeah. From what my parents tell me, I taught myself how to read. While they were caught up in everyone else and a half, I just started reading on my own after they were just trying to start teaching me how. (This was maybe 6 months before preschool years.)

I dont remember it very well, so I cant confirm that myself.


I just write stuff in trying to mimic what I see everyone else doing. I've been homeschooled all my life, and while reading all over the place, I guess I figured out sentance structure, grammar and maybe some other things.


The same thing happened with computer nerdular nerdence. My parents never taught me any of that. I just figured it out at an early age, i guess.

And then typing. I can type pretty fast, more often than not I go back to correct typos, but I never had any proper lesson on how to type. My siblings say its hilarious watching me on the compy, my hands are flying all over the place. Or as one of them says, 'I've never seen anyone able to type so fast using just two fingers.'


Whatever. I dont care. It works, I just type how its comfortable.]


[Enough rambling and digressing. i do that too much.]


[Yeah, man. I dont think i've had anyone say they wished they could write like I do. -points at your siggy-


Once i... get around to it, im gonna, like... post the next chapter.]

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[Oog, This is so frustrating.


I'm like... 2 sentances away from having a chapter to post, I cant think of what to write next but it just happens to be a spot where if I post it now, nothing will make a lick of sense to anyone, or it'll just feel very malconclusive.]


[Any minute now. Expect an update very soon. >__>;]

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[Oog, This is so frustrating.


I'm like... 2 sentances away from having a chapter to post, I cant think of what to write next but it just happens to be a spot where if I post it now, nothing will make a lick of sense to anyone, or it'll just feel very malconclusive.]


[Any minute now. Expect an update very soon. >__>;]


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[May prove unpleasant to the occasional dood that reads this.]


Chapter Twenty-One


Serena struggled to sit up on the ground. She was obviously in pain, gripping her shoulder. Our eyes met again, though this time I didn’t feel it was necessary to look away; She didn't try to control me. She tried vocalizing, to say something, but before she could speak, she coughed up a puddle of blood with various other substances inside. She was breathing hard, and tried again to speak. All I was able to make out was 'I’ll see you in ####' amid other profane terms.


I watched her write a few seconds more, before she slowly collapsed, now with a thin coat of fur and vague resemblances to a wolf. I only assume that she could not handle being a therianthropomorphical creature of both the living and the dead, and mid-transformation, her new Werewolf part and her Vampire part didn’t get along well, causing her to come to life, and then die as a mortal.


An awkward silence followed as it dawned upon everyone that werewolves had a way of fighting back against the Vampires, and that their alliance has been shattered by one wolf who resisted sufficiently.


As soon as they had all appeared, the vampires standing in front of me all disappeared. Each one seemed to change their physical forms into a shadow, and travel freely though the area.



"So then she’s all getting in my face about why I’m never home, I don't do anything around and all, but… I can get a different girl, you know, Im fine with this job I have. Finally, I get paid to do this kind of thing, you know?â€


The conversation continued crackling through the radio communication system of the human-operated destructive mechanisms, thus codenamed ‘Juggernaut’. The two units, K-20 and C-23 had taken care of an area of unusual werewolf activity, and carried about their casual ways as they operated the massive machines back to headquarters.


“Oh, I don't think you’ll be getting any other girl, Terry…â€


“What was that?â€


“Hmm? Oh, Nothing. I was… confirming our location to HQ.â€


“Whatever, man. Drawing your attention away from that, D’you see all this blue stuff?â€


“What blue stuff? The controls of these things aren’t color-coded…â€


“Idiot, Outside your Juggernaut.â€




Both machines came to a stop, their operators observing the immediate area. They were in light forestry, and shone their lights about the dark area to see what appeared to be huge, thick spider webs, composed of an unidentifiable dark blue substance. There appeared to be various common animals caught up in these webs; Raccoons, the occasional bird, undoubtedly several insects, were all entangled and subdued by these webs.


“Whoa. Jason, Did you see that?â€


“What? Nothing’s moving here!â€


“No, man, theres definitely something here.â€


An eerie silence loomed over the scenery; Everything seemed unnaturally still and quiet after one of them had spoken.


“… You still there?â€


“I’m here.â€


“This place is creepy, I’m… I’ve got to get out of here.â€


“We’ll just go around this part of the ar-“


The communication was cut off between them.


“Jason? Are you okay?â€


Terry turned the lights off to the side, shining them on his partner. There was no sign of life inside or out of it; The mechanism appeared to be turned off.

Terry continued speaking into the radio, unable to help or do anything. His attention was again redirected, now drawn to a screeching noise from overhead. A light impacting noise followed.


… Something was on top of the Juggernaut.


Too scared to move, breathe, do anything, Terry sat in the Juggernaut unit C-23. Dead silence.


Another screeching noise. It was apparently the call of some creature, evidently one that would be responsible for these blue webs…?

Rather terrified, He sat and watched as a dark blue reptilian-resembling foot stepped on the curve of the Transparisteel shield, all that was blocking him from the outside world. This blue creature jumped off of the Juggernaut soon afterward, and landed with four others on K-20. Absentmindedly, Terry aimed a light over to them, on top of the Juggernaut, and watched as one of them seemed to melt into a liquid, a puddle on top of the machine. Terry remembered hearing some of the mechanics discussing the Juggernaut’s beta stages, how it wasn’t especially watertight, though he couldn’t remember if these were the units that were Beta or Alpha.


K-20 began shaking slightly, apparently from commotion inside. Terry could barely hear what was undoubtedly Jason’s voice, screaming about something. It came to an abrupt stop. Terry was quite sure he didn't want to know what just happened, and found it best to try and leave.

He nervously grabbed the controls of the mechanism, and began flipping switches and pushing buttons, but what should have made the Juggernaut move seemed to fail. He heard the motors all running, and concluded that there must be something blocking his path.


The only thing he could guess it to be were those spiderwebs he saw earlier. Now more frightened than before, Terry frantically waved his hands all around the control panel, his mind racing for what to do. An involuntary shriek erupted from his voice as his panic grew, now seeing a thick blue substance dripping from the upper part of the Juggernaut.


His shaking hand grabbed for the Radio unit, he immediately turned it on and began shouting more things than he thought possible through it. It was mostly panicking, though he was rapidly describing what was happening, reading off the latitude and longitude of his location and reported ‘hostile activity’ before he accidentally dropped the Radio.


Terry bent down to grab it, sat back up and saw a huge blue lizard-resembling creature standing on the control panel…


[Weeellll... use your imagination.]

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[Woot!!! I am happy now!!!!!!!!!]

[Yay, Horatio's happy about people getting keelingyoudead'ed by Torrasks. >__>;


Yeah, man. One advantage of using this character method, (using only non-fictional people as characters in this time setting) you can get back at those who you dont like very much. =D Yeah, And just by some stupidchance, everyone I ever knew just happened to be in North Dakota, so... thats a logic flaw i've yet to get around so shuddup. o__o;]

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[Woot!!! I am happy now!!!!!!!!!]

[Yay, Horatio's happy about people getting keelingyoudead'ed by Torrasks. >__>;


Yeah, man. One advantage of using this character method, (using only non-fictional people as characters in this time setting) you can get back at those who you dont like very much. =D Yeah, And just by some stupidchance, everyone I ever knew just happened to be in North Dakota, so... thats a logic flaw i've yet to get around so shuddup. o__o;]

[Ahahahahahaha. North Dakota.


But anyways, it's still nifty. :D *uses MAD NINJA SKILLZ to swipe the Doritos back*]

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[Woot!!! I am happy now!!!!!!!!!]

[Yay, Horatio's happy about people getting keelingyoudead'ed by Torrasks. >__>;


Yeah, man. One advantage of using this character method, (using only non-fictional people as characters in this time setting) you can get back at those who you dont like very much. =D Yeah, And just by some stupidchance, everyone I ever knew just happened to be in North Dakota, so... thats a logic flaw i've yet to get around so shuddup. o__o;]

[Ahahahahahaha. North Dakota.


But anyways, it's still nifty. :D *uses MAD NINJA SKILLZ to swipe the Doritos back*]

*grabs Doritos from - Kat -*

No you don't. You think I want you choking again? :o

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[Woot!!! I am happy now!!!!!!!!!]

[Yay, Horatio's happy about people getting keelingyoudead'ed by Torrasks. >__>;


Yeah, man. One advantage of using this character method, (using only non-fictional people as characters in this time setting) you can get back at those who you dont like very much. =D Yeah, And just by some stupidchance, everyone I ever knew just happened to be in North Dakota, so... thats a logic flaw i've yet to get around so shuddup. o__o;]

[Ahahahahahaha. North Dakota.


But anyways, it's still nifty. :D *uses MAD NINJA SKILLZ to swipe the Doritos back*]

*grabs Doritos from - Kat -*

No you don't. You think I want you choking again? :o


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[Woot!!! I am happy now!!!!!!!!!]

[Yay, Horatio's happy about people getting keelingyoudead'ed by Torrasks. >__>;


Yeah, man. One advantage of using this character method, (using only non-fictional people as characters in this time setting) you can get back at those who you dont like very much. =D Yeah, And just by some stupidchance, everyone I ever knew just happened to be in North Dakota, so... thats a logic flaw i've yet to get around so shuddup. o__o;]

[Ahahahahahaha. North Dakota.


But anyways, it's still nifty. :D *uses MAD NINJA SKILLZ to swipe the Doritos back*]

*grabs Doritos from - Kat -*

No you don't. You think I want you choking again? :o

Yeah, We need somebody useless and expendable to eat them for you. If you really wanted, we could like cram a tube in your neck and stick very liquified doritos in your stomach.


Tha'd just be wierd, though.

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[Woot!!! I am happy now!!!!!!!!!]

[Yay, Horatio's happy about people getting keelingyoudead'ed by Torrasks. >__>;


Yeah, man. One advantage of using this character method, (using only non-fictional people as characters in this time setting) you can get back at those who you dont like very much. =D Yeah, And just by some stupidchance, everyone I ever knew just happened to be in North Dakota, so... thats a logic flaw i've yet to get around so shuddup. o__o;]

[Ahahahahahaha. North Dakota.


But anyways, it's still nifty. :D *uses MAD NINJA SKILLZ to swipe the Doritos back*]

*grabs Doritos from - Kat -*

No you don't. You think I want you choking again? :o

Yeah, We need somebody useless and expendable to eat them for you. If you really wanted, we could like cram a tube in your neck and stick very liquified doritos in your stomach.


Tha'd just be wierd, though.

*supplies a useless and expendable poster to eat them*

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[Woot!!! I am happy now!!!!!!!!!]

[Yay, Horatio's happy about people getting keelingyoudead'ed by Torrasks. >__>;


Yeah, man. One advantage of using this character method, (using only non-fictional people as characters in this time setting) you can get back at those who you dont like very much. =D Yeah, And just by some stupidchance, everyone I ever knew just happened to be in North Dakota, so... thats a logic flaw i've yet to get around so shuddup. o__o;]

[Ahahahahahaha. North Dakota.


But anyways, it's still nifty. :D *uses MAD NINJA SKILLZ to swipe the Doritos back*]

*grabs Doritos from - Kat -*

No you don't. You think I want you choking again? :o

Yeah, We need somebody useless and expendable to eat them for you. If you really wanted, we could like cram a tube in your neck and stick very liquified doritos in your stomach.


Tha'd just be wierd, though.

*sterilizes the inside of her elbow* Get the drip ready, Horatio, and then Arkcher, you gotta stab me with that there needle.

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[Woot!!! I am happy now!!!!!!!!!]

[Yay, Horatio's happy about people getting keelingyoudead'ed by Torrasks. >__>;


Yeah, man. One advantage of using this character method, (using only non-fictional people as characters in this time setting) you can get back at those who you dont like very much. =D Yeah, And just by some stupidchance, everyone I ever knew just happened to be in North Dakota, so... thats a logic flaw i've yet to get around so shuddup. o__o;]

[Ahahahahahaha. North Dakota.


But anyways, it's still nifty. :D *uses MAD NINJA SKILLZ to swipe the Doritos back*]

*grabs Doritos from - Kat -*

No you don't. You think I want you choking again? :o

Yeah, We need somebody useless and expendable to eat them for you. If you really wanted, we could like cram a tube in your neck and stick very liquified doritos in your stomach.


Tha'd just be wierd, though.

*supplies a useless and expendable poster to eat them*

*bats poster away* Backoff my Doritos. >_> They're being liquified as we speak.

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[Woot!!! I am happy now!!!!!!!!!]

[Yay, Horatio's happy about people getting keelingyoudead'ed by Torrasks. >__>;


Yeah, man. One advantage of using this character method, (using only non-fictional people as characters in this time setting) you can get back at those who you dont like very much. =D Yeah, And just by some stupidchance, everyone I ever knew just happened to be in North Dakota, so... thats a logic flaw i've yet to get around so shuddup. o__o;]

[Ahahahahahaha. North Dakota.


But anyways, it's still nifty. :D *uses MAD NINJA SKILLZ to swipe the Doritos back*]

*grabs Doritos from - Kat -*

No you don't. You think I want you choking again? :o

Yeah, We need somebody useless and expendable to eat them for you. If you really wanted, we could like cram a tube in your neck and stick very liquified doritos in your stomach.


Tha'd just be wierd, though.

*sterilizes the inside of her elbow* Get the drip ready, Horatio, and then Arkcher, you gotta stab me with that there needle.

Oh no!!! Not me! I can't stand the sight of needles! I will be outside while the drip is installed and will visit afterwards.

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[Woot!!! I am happy now!!!!!!!!!]

[Yay, Horatio's happy about people getting keelingyoudead'ed by Torrasks. >__>;


Yeah, man. One advantage of using this character method, (using only non-fictional people as characters in this time setting) you can get back at those who you dont like very much. =D Yeah, And just by some stupidchance, everyone I ever knew just happened to be in North Dakota, so... thats a logic flaw i've yet to get around so shuddup. o__o;]

[Ahahahahahaha. North Dakota.


But anyways, it's still nifty. :D *uses MAD NINJA SKILLZ to swipe the Doritos back*]

*grabs Doritos from - Kat -*

No you don't. You think I want you choking again? :o

Yeah, We need somebody useless and expendable to eat them for you. If you really wanted, we could like cram a tube in your neck and stick very liquified doritos in your stomach.


Tha'd just be wierd, though.

*sterilizes the inside of her elbow* Get the drip ready, Horatio, and then Arkcher, you gotta stab me with that there needle.

Oh no!!! Not me! I can't stand the sight of needles! I will be outside while the drip is installed and will visit afterwards.

That works, too. *waits to be stabbed*

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[Woot!!! I am happy now!!!!!!!!!]

[Yay, Horatio's happy about people getting keelingyoudead'ed by Torrasks. >__>;


Yeah, man. One advantage of using this character method, (using only non-fictional people as characters in this time setting) you can get back at those who you dont like very much. =D Yeah, And just by some stupidchance, everyone I ever knew just happened to be in North Dakota, so... thats a logic flaw i've yet to get around so shuddup. o__o;]

[Ahahahahahaha. North Dakota.


But anyways, it's still nifty. :D *uses MAD NINJA SKILLZ to swipe the Doritos back*]

*grabs Doritos from - Kat -*

No you don't. You think I want you choking again? :o

Yeah, We need somebody useless and expendable to eat them for you. If you really wanted, we could like cram a tube in your neck and stick very liquified doritos in your stomach.


Tha'd just be wierd, though.

*sterilizes the inside of her elbow* Get the drip ready, Horatio, and then Arkcher, you gotta stab me with that there needle.

-unhesitantly begins stabbing Kat in various places with said needle- AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHAAAAHAHHAHAHAAAAH. -cackle. ... yeah, man.-

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[Woot!!! I am happy now!!!!!!!!!]

[Yay, Horatio's happy about people getting keelingyoudead'ed by Torrasks. >__>;


Yeah, man. One advantage of using this character method, (using only non-fictional people as characters in this time setting) you can get back at those who you dont like very much. =D Yeah, And just by some stupidchance, everyone I ever knew just happened to be in North Dakota, so... thats a logic flaw i've yet to get around so shuddup. o__o;]

[Ahahahahahaha. North Dakota.


But anyways, it's still nifty. :D *uses MAD NINJA SKILLZ to swipe the Doritos back*]

*grabs Doritos from - Kat -*

No you don't. You think I want you choking again? :o

Yeah, We need somebody useless and expendable to eat them for you. If you really wanted, we could like cram a tube in your neck and stick very liquified doritos in your stomach.


Tha'd just be wierd, though.

*sterilizes the inside of her elbow* Get the drip ready, Horatio, and then Arkcher, you gotta stab me with that there needle.

Oh no!!! Not me! I can't stand the sight of needles! I will be outside while the drip is installed and will visit afterwards.

That works, too. *waits to be stabbed*

WAIT!!!! You really trust Arkcher???????????? :o

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[Woot!!! I am happy now!!!!!!!!!]

[Yay, Horatio's happy about people getting keelingyoudead'ed by Torrasks. >__>;


Yeah, man. One advantage of using this character method, (using only non-fictional people as characters in this time setting) you can get back at those who you dont like very much. =D Yeah, And just by some stupidchance, everyone I ever knew just happened to be in North Dakota, so... thats a logic flaw i've yet to get around so shuddup. o__o;]

[Ahahahahahaha. North Dakota.


But anyways, it's still nifty. :D *uses MAD NINJA SKILLZ to swipe the Doritos back*]

*grabs Doritos from - Kat -*

No you don't. You think I want you choking again? :o

Yeah, We need somebody useless and expendable to eat them for you. If you really wanted, we could like cram a tube in your neck and stick very liquified doritos in your stomach.


Tha'd just be wierd, though.

*sterilizes the inside of her elbow* Get the drip ready, Horatio, and then Arkcher, you gotta stab me with that there needle.

Oh no!!! Not me! I can't stand the sight of needles! I will be outside while the drip is installed and will visit afterwards.

That works, too. *waits to be stabbed*

WAIT!!!! You really trust Arkcher???????????? :o

YEah, man. Who knows what could get injected in there, you could have like... Torce all over in your arm and such. That wouldnt be fun.

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[Woot!!! I am happy now!!!!!!!!!]

[Yay, Horatio's happy about people getting keelingyoudead'ed by Torrasks. >__>;


Yeah, man. One advantage of using this character method, (using only non-fictional people as characters in this time setting) you can get back at those who you dont like very much. =D Yeah, And just by some stupidchance, everyone I ever knew just happened to be in North Dakota, so... thats a logic flaw i've yet to get around so shuddup. o__o;]

[Ahahahahahaha. North Dakota.


But anyways, it's still nifty. :D *uses MAD NINJA SKILLZ to swipe the Doritos back*]

*grabs Doritos from - Kat -*

No you don't. You think I want you choking again? :o

Yeah, We need somebody useless and expendable to eat them for you. If you really wanted, we could like cram a tube in your neck and stick very liquified doritos in your stomach.


Tha'd just be wierd, though.

*sterilizes the inside of her elbow* Get the drip ready, Horatio, and then Arkcher, you gotta stab me with that there needle.

-unhesitantly begins stabbing Kat in various places with said needle- AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHAAAAHAHHAHAHAAAAH. -cackle. ... yeah, man.-

HEYHEYHEYHEY! *dodges* O_O I mean in the arm! The arm! *points to the proper place* Man if you aren't gonna do it right, give the needle here and I'll do it...

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[Woot!!! I am happy now!!!!!!!!!]

[Yay, Horatio's happy about people getting keelingyoudead'ed by Torrasks. >__>;


Yeah, man. One advantage of using this character method, (using only non-fictional people as characters in this time setting) you can get back at those who you dont like very much. =D Yeah, And just by some stupidchance, everyone I ever knew just happened to be in North Dakota, so... thats a logic flaw i've yet to get around so shuddup. o__o;]

[Ahahahahahaha. North Dakota.


But anyways, it's still nifty. :D *uses MAD NINJA SKILLZ to swipe the Doritos back*]

*grabs Doritos from - Kat -*

No you don't. You think I want you choking again? :o

Yeah, We need somebody useless and expendable to eat them for you. If you really wanted, we could like cram a tube in your neck and stick very liquified doritos in your stomach.


Tha'd just be wierd, though.

*sterilizes the inside of her elbow* Get the drip ready, Horatio, and then Arkcher, you gotta stab me with that there needle.

Oh no!!! Not me! I can't stand the sight of needles! I will be outside while the drip is installed and will visit afterwards.

That works, too. *waits to be stabbed*

WAIT!!!! You really trust Arkcher???????????? :o

I DID. But APPARENTLY, that was NOT a wise decision. x_x *bleeds*

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[Woot!!! I am happy now!!!!!!!!!]

[Yay, Horatio's happy about people getting keelingyoudead'ed by Torrasks. >__>;


Yeah, man. One advantage of using this character method, (using only non-fictional people as characters in this time setting) you can get back at those who you dont like very much. =D Yeah, And just by some stupidchance, everyone I ever knew just happened to be in North Dakota, so... thats a logic flaw i've yet to get around so shuddup. o__o;]

[Ahahahahahaha. North Dakota.


But anyways, it's still nifty. :D *uses MAD NINJA SKILLZ to swipe the Doritos back*]

*grabs Doritos from - Kat -*

No you don't. You think I want you choking again? :o

Yeah, We need somebody useless and expendable to eat them for you. If you really wanted, we could like cram a tube in your neck and stick very liquified doritos in your stomach.


Tha'd just be wierd, though.

*sterilizes the inside of her elbow* Get the drip ready, Horatio, and then Arkcher, you gotta stab me with that there needle.

Oh no!!! Not me! I can't stand the sight of needles! I will be outside while the drip is installed and will visit afterwards.

That works, too. *waits to be stabbed*

WAIT!!!! You really trust Arkcher???????????? :o

I DID. But APPARENTLY, that was NOT a wise decision. x_x *bleeds*

*sees - Kat - bleeding... runs before I faint*

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[back on subject... XD


Im like, got... some of the next chapter did. But i seriously need to come up with how im gonna put Kat and Kris back in there. They were abondoned a long time ago, I keep making mentions to them but never get around to doing anything about it.


Im workin on it. ._.]

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[back on subject... XD


Im like, got... some of the next chapter did. But i seriously need to come up with how im gonna put Kat and Kris back in there. They were abondoned a long time ago, I keep making mentions to them but never get around to doing anything about it.


Im workin on it. ._.]

[*helicopter flies over the forest with a net containing - Kat - and Kris, hanging from the bottom, suddenly the helicopter lowers the net onto the floor of a clearing in the middle of the forest*]

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[Woot!!! I am happy now!!!!!!!!!]

[Yay, Horatio's happy about people getting keelingyoudead'ed by Torrasks. >__>;


Yeah, man. One advantage of using this character method, (using only non-fictional people as characters in this time setting) you can get back at those who you dont like very much. =D Yeah, And just by some stupidchance, everyone I ever knew just happened to be in North Dakota, so... thats a logic flaw i've yet to get around so shuddup. o__o;]

[Ahahahahahaha. North Dakota.


But anyways, it's still nifty. :D *uses MAD NINJA SKILLZ to swipe the Doritos back*]

*grabs Doritos from - Kat -*

No you don't. You think I want you choking again? :o

Yeah, We need somebody useless and expendable to eat them for you. If you really wanted, we could like cram a tube in your neck and stick very liquified doritos in your stomach.


Tha'd just be wierd, though.

*sterilizes the inside of her elbow* Get the drip ready, Horatio, and then Arkcher, you gotta stab me with that there needle.

Oh no!!! Not me! I can't stand the sight of needles! I will be outside while the drip is installed and will visit afterwards.

That works, too. *waits to be stabbed*

WAIT!!!! You really trust Arkcher???????????? :o

YEah, man. Who knows what could get injected in there, you could have like... Torce all over in your arm and such. That wouldnt be fun.

[My arm is torce-free, but now I have liquified Doritos injected into various places of my body...]

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[back on subject... XD


Im like, got... some of the next chapter did. But i seriously need to come up with how im gonna put Kat and Kris back in there. They were abondoned a long time ago, I keep making mentions to them but never get around to doing anything about it.


Im workin on it. ._.]

[*helicopter flies over the forest with a net containing - Kat - and Kris, hanging from the bottom, suddenly the helicopter lowers the net onto the floor of a clearing in the middle of the forest*]


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[back on subject... XD


Im like, got... some of the next chapter did. But i seriously need to come up with how im gonna put Kat and Kris back in there. They were abondoned a long time ago, I keep making mentions to them but never get around to doing anything about it.


Im workin on it. ._.]

[*helicopter flies over the forest with a net containing - Kat - and Kris, hanging from the bottom, suddenly the helicopter lowers the net onto the floor of a clearing in the middle of the forest*]


[*hopes Arkcher's Yaaaay! is a good Yaaaay!]

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[back on subject... XD


Im like, got... some of the next chapter did. But i seriously need to come up with how im gonna put Kat and Kris back in there. They were abondoned a long time ago, I keep making mentions to them but never get around to doing anything about it.


Im workin on it. ._.]

[*helicopter flies over the forest with a net containing - Kat - and Kris, hanging from the bottom, suddenly the helicopter lowers the net onto the floor of a clearing in the middle of the forest*]


[*hopes Arkcher's Yaaaay! is a good Yaaaay!]

[-has Yaaaayed for the purpose of being able to continue writing.

in a not really sort of way.-]

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[Woot!!! I am happy now!!!!!!!!!]

[Yay, Horatio's happy about people getting keelingyoudead'ed by Torrasks. >__>;


Yeah, man. One advantage of using this character method, (using only non-fictional people as characters in this time setting) you can get back at those who you dont like very much. =D Yeah, And just by some stupidchance, everyone I ever knew just happened to be in North Dakota, so... thats a logic flaw i've yet to get around so shuddup. o__o;]

[Ahahahahahaha. North Dakota.


But anyways, it's still nifty. :D *uses MAD NINJA SKILLZ to swipe the Doritos back*]

*grabs Doritos from - Kat -*

No you don't. You think I want you choking again? :o

Yeah, We need somebody useless and expendable to eat them for you. If you really wanted, we could like cram a tube in your neck and stick very liquified doritos in your stomach.


Tha'd just be wierd, though.

*sterilizes the inside of her elbow* Get the drip ready, Horatio, and then Arkcher, you gotta stab me with that there needle.

Oh no!!! Not me! I can't stand the sight of needles! I will be outside while the drip is installed and will visit afterwards.

That works, too. *waits to be stabbed*

WAIT!!!! You really trust Arkcher???????????? :o

YEah, man. Who knows what could get injected in there, you could have like... Torce all over in your arm and such. That wouldnt be fun.

[My arm is torce-free, but now I have liquified Doritos injected into various places of my body...]

[XD And who's fault is thaaaaaaaaat?]

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[back on subject... XD


Im like, got... some of the next chapter did. But i seriously need to come up with how im gonna put Kat and Kris back in there. They were abondoned a long time ago, I keep making mentions to them but never get around to doing anything about it.


Im workin on it. ._.]

[*helicopter flies over the forest with a net containing - Kat - and Kris, hanging from the bottom, suddenly the helicopter lowers the net onto the floor of a clearing in the middle of the forest*]


[*hopes Arkcher's Yaaaay! is a good Yaaaay!]

[-has Yaaaayed for the purpose of being able to continue writing.

in a not really sort of way.-]


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[Woot!!! I am happy now!!!!!!!!!]

[Yay, Horatio's happy about people getting keelingyoudead'ed by Torrasks. >__>;


Yeah, man. One advantage of using this character method, (using only non-fictional people as characters in this time setting) you can get back at those who you dont like very much. =D Yeah, And just by some stupidchance, everyone I ever knew just happened to be in North Dakota, so... thats a logic flaw i've yet to get around so shuddup. o__o;]

[Ahahahahahaha. North Dakota.


But anyways, it's still nifty. :D *uses MAD NINJA SKILLZ to swipe the Doritos back*]

*grabs Doritos from - Kat -*

No you don't. You think I want you choking again? :o

Yeah, We need somebody useless and expendable to eat them for you. If you really wanted, we could like cram a tube in your neck and stick very liquified doritos in your stomach.


Tha'd just be wierd, though.

*sterilizes the inside of her elbow* Get the drip ready, Horatio, and then Arkcher, you gotta stab me with that there needle.

Oh no!!! Not me! I can't stand the sight of needles! I will be outside while the drip is installed and will visit afterwards.

That works, too. *waits to be stabbed*

WAIT!!!! You really trust Arkcher???????????? :o

YEah, man. Who knows what could get injected in there, you could have like... Torce all over in your arm and such. That wouldnt be fun.

[My arm is torce-free, but now I have liquified Doritos injected into various places of my body...]

[XD And who's fault is thaaaaaaaaat?]

[Whoever it was that stabbed me repeatedly with the needle. Who was that again? Oh yeah. YOU. :o]

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[Woot!!! I am happy now!!!!!!!!!]

[Yay, Horatio's happy about people getting keelingyoudead'ed by Torrasks. >__>;


Yeah, man. One advantage of using this character method, (using only non-fictional people as characters in this time setting) you can get back at those who you dont like very much. =D Yeah, And just by some stupidchance, everyone I ever knew just happened to be in North Dakota, so... thats a logic flaw i've yet to get around so shuddup. o__o;]

[Ahahahahahaha. North Dakota.


But anyways, it's still nifty. :D *uses MAD NINJA SKILLZ to swipe the Doritos back*]

*grabs Doritos from - Kat -*

No you don't. You think I want you choking again? :o

Yeah, We need somebody useless and expendable to eat them for you. If you really wanted, we could like cram a tube in your neck and stick very liquified doritos in your stomach.


Tha'd just be wierd, though.

*sterilizes the inside of her elbow* Get the drip ready, Horatio, and then Arkcher, you gotta stab me with that there needle.

Oh no!!! Not me! I can't stand the sight of needles! I will be outside while the drip is installed and will visit afterwards.

That works, too. *waits to be stabbed*

WAIT!!!! You really trust Arkcher???????????? :o

YEah, man. Who knows what could get injected in there, you could have like... Torce all over in your arm and such. That wouldnt be fun.

[My arm is torce-free, but now I have liquified Doritos injected into various places of my body...]

[XD And who's fault is thaaaaaaaaat?]

[Whoever it was that stabbed me repeatedly with the needle. Who was that again? Oh yeah. YOU. :o]

[Oh yeah, well... Who's bright idea was it to have liquid doritos injected in your body? XD]

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[Woot!!! I am happy now!!!!!!!!!]

[Yay, Horatio's happy about people getting keelingyoudead'ed by Torrasks. >__>;


Yeah, man. One advantage of using this character method, (using only non-fictional people as characters in this time setting) you can get back at those who you dont like very much. =D Yeah, And just by some stupidchance, everyone I ever knew just happened to be in North Dakota, so... thats a logic flaw i've yet to get around so shuddup. o__o;]

[Ahahahahahaha. North Dakota.


But anyways, it's still nifty. :D *uses MAD NINJA SKILLZ to swipe the Doritos back*]

*grabs Doritos from - Kat -*

No you don't. You think I want you choking again? :o

Yeah, We need somebody useless and expendable to eat them for you. If you really wanted, we could like cram a tube in your neck and stick very liquified doritos in your stomach.


Tha'd just be wierd, though.

*sterilizes the inside of her elbow* Get the drip ready, Horatio, and then Arkcher, you gotta stab me with that there needle.

Oh no!!! Not me! I can't stand the sight of needles! I will be outside while the drip is installed and will visit afterwards.

That works, too. *waits to be stabbed*

WAIT!!!! You really trust Arkcher???????????? :o

YEah, man. Who knows what could get injected in there, you could have like... Torce all over in your arm and such. That wouldnt be fun.

[My arm is torce-free, but now I have liquified Doritos injected into various places of my body...]

[XD And who's fault is thaaaaaaaaat?]

[Whoever it was that stabbed me repeatedly with the needle. Who was that again? Oh yeah. YOU. :o]

[Oh yeah, well... Who's bright idea was it to have liquid doritos injected in your body? XD]

The liquid doritos only work well if you also inject the liquid salsa. :lol:

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[Woot!!! I am happy now!!!!!!!!!]

[Yay, Horatio's happy about people getting keelingyoudead'ed by Torrasks. >__>;


Yeah, man. One advantage of using this character method, (using only non-fictional people as characters in this time setting) you can get back at those who you dont like very much. =D Yeah, And just by some stupidchance, everyone I ever knew just happened to be in North Dakota, so... thats a logic flaw i've yet to get around so shuddup. o__o;]

[Ahahahahahaha. North Dakota.


But anyways, it's still nifty. :D *uses MAD NINJA SKILLZ to swipe the Doritos back*]

*grabs Doritos from - Kat -*

No you don't. You think I want you choking again? :o

Yeah, We need somebody useless and expendable to eat them for you. If you really wanted, we could like cram a tube in your neck and stick very liquified doritos in your stomach.


Tha'd just be wierd, though.

*sterilizes the inside of her elbow* Get the drip ready, Horatio, and then Arkcher, you gotta stab me with that there needle.

Oh no!!! Not me! I can't stand the sight of needles! I will be outside while the drip is installed and will visit afterwards.

That works, too. *waits to be stabbed*

WAIT!!!! You really trust Arkcher???????????? :o

YEah, man. Who knows what could get injected in there, you could have like... Torce all over in your arm and such. That wouldnt be fun.

[My arm is torce-free, but now I have liquified Doritos injected into various places of my body...]

[XD And who's fault is thaaaaaaaaat?]

[Whoever it was that stabbed me repeatedly with the needle. Who was that again? Oh yeah. YOU. :o]

[Oh yeah, well... Who's bright idea was it to have liquid doritos injected in your body? XD]

The liquid doritos only work well if you also inject the liquid salsa. :lol:

...Keep in mind it's potentially deadly if it's fed directly into the blood stream...


Unless you have the liquid sour cream!


...Wait, sour cream is already a liquid. Mostly.

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[Woot!!! I am happy now!!!!!!!!!]

[Yay, Horatio's happy about people getting keelingyoudead'ed by Torrasks. >__>;


Yeah, man. One advantage of using this character method, (using only non-fictional people as characters in this time setting) you can get back at those who you dont like very much. =D Yeah, And just by some stupidchance, everyone I ever knew just happened to be in North Dakota, so... thats a logic flaw i've yet to get around so shuddup. o__o;]

[Ahahahahahaha. North Dakota.


But anyways, it's still nifty. :D *uses MAD NINJA SKILLZ to swipe the Doritos back*]

*grabs Doritos from - Kat -*

No you don't. You think I want you choking again? :o

Yeah, We need somebody useless and expendable to eat them for you. If you really wanted, we could like cram a tube in your neck and stick very liquified doritos in your stomach.


Tha'd just be wierd, though.

*sterilizes the inside of her elbow* Get the drip ready, Horatio, and then Arkcher, you gotta stab me with that there needle.

Oh no!!! Not me! I can't stand the sight of needles! I will be outside while the drip is installed and will visit afterwards.

That works, too. *waits to be stabbed*

WAIT!!!! You really trust Arkcher???????????? :o

YEah, man. Who knows what could get injected in there, you could have like... Torce all over in your arm and such. That wouldnt be fun.

[My arm is torce-free, but now I have liquified Doritos injected into various places of my body...]

[XD And who's fault is thaaaaaaaaat?]

[Whoever it was that stabbed me repeatedly with the needle. Who was that again? Oh yeah. YOU. :o]

[Oh yeah, well... Who's bright idea was it to have liquid doritos injected in your body? XD]

[Actually, that one was you, too.]

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[Woot!!! I am happy now!!!!!!!!!]

[Yay, Horatio's happy about people getting keelingyoudead'ed by Torrasks. >__>;


Yeah, man. One advantage of using this character method, (using only non-fictional people as characters in this time setting) you can get back at those who you dont like very much. =D Yeah, And just by some stupidchance, everyone I ever knew just happened to be in North Dakota, so... thats a logic flaw i've yet to get around so shuddup. o__o;]

[Ahahahahahaha. North Dakota.


But anyways, it's still nifty. :D *uses MAD NINJA SKILLZ to swipe the Doritos back*]

*grabs Doritos from - Kat -*

No you don't. You think I want you choking again? :o

Yeah, We need somebody useless and expendable to eat them for you. If you really wanted, we could like cram a tube in your neck and stick very liquified doritos in your stomach.


Tha'd just be wierd, though.

*sterilizes the inside of her elbow* Get the drip ready, Horatio, and then Arkcher, you gotta stab me with that there needle.

Oh no!!! Not me! I can't stand the sight of needles! I will be outside while the drip is installed and will visit afterwards.

That works, too. *waits to be stabbed*

WAIT!!!! You really trust Arkcher???????????? :o

YEah, man. Who knows what could get injected in there, you could have like... Torce all over in your arm and such. That wouldnt be fun.

[My arm is torce-free, but now I have liquified Doritos injected into various places of my body...]

[XD And who's fault is thaaaaaaaaat?]

[Whoever it was that stabbed me repeatedly with the needle. Who was that again? Oh yeah. YOU. :o]

[Oh yeah, well... Who's bright idea was it to have liquid doritos injected in your body? XD]

[Actually, that one was you, too.]

[..... Must you embarrass me? >_<;]

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[Woot!!! I am happy now!!!!!!!!!]

[Yay, Horatio's happy about people getting keelingyoudead'ed by Torrasks. >__>;


Yeah, man. One advantage of using this character method, (using only non-fictional people as characters in this time setting) you can get back at those who you dont like very much. =D Yeah, And just by some stupidchance, everyone I ever knew just happened to be in North Dakota, so... thats a logic flaw i've yet to get around so shuddup. o__o;]

[Ahahahahahaha. North Dakota.


But anyways, it's still nifty. :D *uses MAD NINJA SKILLZ to swipe the Doritos back*]

*grabs Doritos from - Kat -*

No you don't. You think I want you choking again? :o

Yeah, We need somebody useless and expendable to eat them for you. If you really wanted, we could like cram a tube in your neck and stick very liquified doritos in your stomach.


Tha'd just be wierd, though.

*sterilizes the inside of her elbow* Get the drip ready, Horatio, and then Arkcher, you gotta stab me with that there needle.

Oh no!!! Not me! I can't stand the sight of needles! I will be outside while the drip is installed and will visit afterwards.

That works, too. *waits to be stabbed*

WAIT!!!! You really trust Arkcher???????????? :o

YEah, man. Who knows what could get injected in there, you could have like... Torce all over in your arm and such. That wouldnt be fun.

[My arm is torce-free, but now I have liquified Doritos injected into various places of my body...]

[XD And who's fault is thaaaaaaaaat?]

[Whoever it was that stabbed me repeatedly with the needle. Who was that again? Oh yeah. YOU. :o]

[Oh yeah, well... Who's bright idea was it to have liquid doritos injected in your body? XD]

[Actually, that one was you, too.]

[..... Must you embarrass me? >_<;]

[You asked.]

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[Woot!!! I am happy now!!!!!!!!!]

[Yay, Horatio's happy about people getting keelingyoudead'ed by Torrasks. >__>;


Yeah, man. One advantage of using this character method, (using only non-fictional people as characters in this time setting) you can get back at those who you dont like very much. =D Yeah, And just by some stupidchance, everyone I ever knew just happened to be in North Dakota, so... thats a logic flaw i've yet to get around so shuddup. o__o;]

[Ahahahahahaha. North Dakota.


But anyways, it's still nifty. :D *uses MAD NINJA SKILLZ to swipe the Doritos back*]

*grabs Doritos from - Kat -*

No you don't. You think I want you choking again? :o

Yeah, We need somebody useless and expendable to eat them for you. If you really wanted, we could like cram a tube in your neck and stick very liquified doritos in your stomach.


Tha'd just be wierd, though.

*sterilizes the inside of her elbow* Get the drip ready, Horatio, and then Arkcher, you gotta stab me with that there needle.

Oh no!!! Not me! I can't stand the sight of needles! I will be outside while the drip is installed and will visit afterwards.

That works, too. *waits to be stabbed*

WAIT!!!! You really trust Arkcher???????????? :o

YEah, man. Who knows what could get injected in there, you could have like... Torce all over in your arm and such. That wouldnt be fun.

[My arm is torce-free, but now I have liquified Doritos injected into various places of my body...]

[XD And who's fault is thaaaaaaaaat?]

[Whoever it was that stabbed me repeatedly with the needle. Who was that again? Oh yeah. YOU. :o]

[Oh yeah, well... Who's bright idea was it to have liquid doritos injected in your body? XD]

[Actually, that one was you, too.]

[..... Must you embarrass me? >_<;]

[You asked.]

[shuddup. You dont know that. ._.]

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[Woot!!! I am happy now!!!!!!!!!]

[Yay, Horatio's happy about people getting keelingyoudead'ed by Torrasks. >__>;


Yeah, man. One advantage of using this character method, (using only non-fictional people as characters in this time setting) you can get back at those who you dont like very much. =D Yeah, And just by some stupidchance, everyone I ever knew just happened to be in North Dakota, so... thats a logic flaw i've yet to get around so shuddup. o__o;]

[Ahahahahahaha. North Dakota.


But anyways, it's still nifty. :D *uses MAD NINJA SKILLZ to swipe the Doritos back*]

*grabs Doritos from - Kat -*

No you don't. You think I want you choking again? :o

Yeah, We need somebody useless and expendable to eat them for you. If you really wanted, we could like cram a tube in your neck and stick very liquified doritos in your stomach.


Tha'd just be wierd, though.

*sterilizes the inside of her elbow* Get the drip ready, Horatio, and then Arkcher, you gotta stab me with that there needle.

Oh no!!! Not me! I can't stand the sight of needles! I will be outside while the drip is installed and will visit afterwards.

That works, too. *waits to be stabbed*

WAIT!!!! You really trust Arkcher???????????? :o

YEah, man. Who knows what could get injected in there, you could have like... Torce all over in your arm and such. That wouldnt be fun.

[My arm is torce-free, but now I have liquified Doritos injected into various places of my body...]

[XD And who's fault is thaaaaaaaaat?]

[Whoever it was that stabbed me repeatedly with the needle. Who was that again? Oh yeah. YOU. :o]

[Oh yeah, well... Who's bright idea was it to have liquid doritos injected in your body? XD]

[Actually, that one was you, too.]

[..... Must you embarrass me? >_<;]

[You asked.]

[shuddup. You dont know that. ._.]

[but it's up in that big stack of quotes up there...]

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  • 1 month later...

[Y'better beleive it. I am so writing some of it right now. 'cuz I finally got an idea for what to do next.]


[but i'll probably be posting it tomorrow. I really should be sleeping right now...]

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['Told j00. only this is tonight instead of tomorrow.]


Chapter Twenty-Two


I continued to stand in the rather defiant stance before the rather disgusting mixture of Vampire and Werewolf, pondering what events may come out of this action. I may have just eliminated the relationship between werewolf and vampire, though I hope it was simply shaken by the fact that lycanthropes would not be pushed around as the arrogant Vampires had thought.


My concentration was broken by the arms of a werewolf wrapping around me, as Audrey affectionately hugged me as I continued standing still.


Trying to ignore her, I turned around and began walking, in the process of doing this, I ended up dragging Audrey along the ground, still grasping on to my body. She eventually let go, and caught up to me and walked by my side,


“So, where are we going now?â€


I glanced at her,


“We? I do not know about you, but I am going off to find the rest of my friends. I would prefer to do so alone.â€


“Tough, I am going with you.â€


I chose not to respond, and picked up my pace to a stride, now searching for Kate and Kris, supposing they were still alive.


The next forty-five minutes or so were spent 'catching up on the past fifteen years'. Audrey ceaselessly talked about her rather boring life, try as she did, it didnt sound as traumatizing without me as she implied.


"Audrey... Do you feel something?"


I stopped walking and asked,


"Audrey... Do you feel something?"


"Oh, absolutely!"


"No, not... not like that."


I took a long breath.


"I smell rain. I feel an air pressure change. I hear the wind going through the trees, and see the skies above greying."


Audrey watched me, confused.


"... A thunderstorm is coming."


I wanted to say something more directed toward her ignorance, and why she wouldnt have recognized these signs.


Audrey nodded.


"... Okay..."


"I take it you've seen the Torrask activity as of late?"


"... Yeah, those... blue things?"


I nodded.


"... I wonder how they would fare in a storm, hmm?"


Audrey smiled, having the idea of an adventurous mission with just the two of us. My eye twitched at seeing her attitude toward this.


"Come on, lets find some Torrasks!"


I suggested, and ran off to the side, figuring this diversion would get her to be quiet for at least a short moment...


Audrey enthusiastically chased after me, while I led her off into the deeper parts of the forestry. It seems that anywhere with enough vegetative life, like the middle of a forest, was the preferred habitat of Torrasks.




‘Humans are so stupid…’


Holly thought to herself as she patiently rode atop a Juggernaut unit, surprisingly, undetected by all, sitting down atop the mechanism.


Seeing how a majority of the werewolves and vampires, despite the recent change in diplomacy, seemed to have the same hatred toward humans and drive to put a stop to their destructive ways. They shared this drive, but neither side seemed to be doing anything about it.


She waited for the human to open the hatches from the inside, and dismount; at this point, they were vulnerable. But she didn’t have any intent on killing anything yet.


Any second now. The Juggernaut was stopped, and the human inside should be getting out to enter the nearby offices, supposedly to manage these Juggernauts and their nature-corrupting activity.


An airtight seal was broken, and a small door on the right side of the Juggernaut opened. A small series of steps folded out, followed by a surprisingly well-uniformed human. Despite whatever training they may have, they wont have a strategy for what she had in mind…


The human took a few steps away, and Holly slid off the top, and silently landed. Her large, furry hand slid in front of the human, covered its face and she pulled back, and took the struggling human into a small space between buildings.


“Alright, Human. You’re going to keep quiet…â€


She used her other hand to extend some rather nasty-looking claws.


“… or have these stuck somewhere unpleasant in you.â€


The panicking human continued to trash against her grip.


“One last warning. You’re going to cooperate or end up being a rather bloody mess in this alleyway.â€


The human stopped struggling, but was still breathing rapidly, obviously shaken.


“That’s better.â€


She uncovered the humans face, allowing more airflow through its body. He was, indeed, quite shaken by this.


“Alright, I will not be very happy if anyone learns of this action. Just keep in mind that I have a sense of smell that can track you down from a mile away. All I want from you… is to know what do those mechanisms do? What are they capable of?â€


The human immediately began stuttering some vague explanation about how it can move over any terrain.


“I don’t care where it can go. I’ve seen fires in the forests, I’m talking about things like that. What can they do?â€


“Uh, They can… uh, there are these… pyrotechnical launchers in the dorsal cannons, they… I don’t fully, understand or get how they work, I mean, but they… they shoot these big… chunks of ignited fuel, and make fires real’ nice. There are these… little things, inside of them too, they’re… like, microcompressors, they work ridiculously fast, but can bring the temperatures from about Eighty-Fahrenheit, to about twenty…â€


“Great. Anything else?â€


“They have these… supersonic pulse emitters, in producing the Juggernauts, they added them in by mistake basically, but they can disrupt any unshielded piece of electronics, and drive some creatures insane…â€


“Alright. No questions asked, Get back in that Juggernaut, and I want you to follow me back to the forest.â€


“But I need to get the repots in! I’ll lose my job!â€


“Would you rather lose your job, or your life?â€


The human didn’t respond, but ran over to the Juggernaut, and anxiously hopped inside. It started closing the door, but a large werewolf hand held it open. With a rather loud crashing sound, the door was ripped off.


“And don’t try anything. I, alone, can take one of these tin cans down.â€


The human nervously nodded, started up the Juggernaut, and steered it back out of the docking ports of an industrial complex, back out into some forestry, with a werewolf comfortably placed atop the Juggernaut.


[Holly = The Denzel. Wont that be fun when we meet up. Audrey and the fourth biggest flirt ever next to me. XD]

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[so, OKay. Doods.]


[in the more awesome version of the story and all that mess, like... the one that is longer and makes more sense, Some stuff needs be taken out.

For example, I dont want to publish a story that has four or five people with the same first name.


So. I have the Caitlin person from up in Canada somewheres, then theres Kat, then MK, then Brianrietta, and the OTHER Katelin that lives over here where I's am. All of which I want to put in. But the same-name kind of thing is a problem.


So. MK and Kat, you need a come up with a pseudonym for yourself. I'll make one up for the other two or three. ... like, one of your nicknames (realistic ones, MK.) or whatever. Or just some other name. I dun care. Gimmie an alternate name for j00.]

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[so, OKay. Doods.]


[in the more awesome version of the story and all that mess, like... the one that is longer and makes more sense, Some stuff needs be taken out.

For example, I dont want to publish a story that has four or five people with the same first name.


So. I have the Caitlin person from up in Canada somewheres, then theres Kat, then MK, then Brianrietta, and the OTHER Katelin that lives over here where I's am. All of which I want to put in. But the same-name kind of thing is a problem.


So. MK and Kat, you need a come up with a pseudonym for yourself. I'll make one up for the other two or three. ... like, one of your nicknames (realistic ones, MK.) or whatever. Or just some other name. I dun care. Gimmie an alternate name for j00.]

[i think MK could stay MK, couldn't she? And for our Kat, you could do it the way her name appears here...

-Kat-. How does that sound? The other two are Caitlin and Katelin, which, in reading are two different names because of the spelling. What do you think?]

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[so, OKay. Doods.]


[in the more awesome version of the story and all that mess, like... the one that is longer and makes more sense, Some stuff needs be taken out.

For example, I dont want to publish a story that has four or five people with the same first name.


So. I have the Caitlin person from up in Canada somewheres, then theres Kat, then MK, then Brianrietta, and the OTHER Katelin that lives over here where I's am. All of which I want to put in. But the same-name kind of thing is a problem.


So. MK and Kat, you need a come up with a pseudonym for yourself. I'll make one up for the other two or three. ... like, one of your nicknames (realistic ones, MK.) or whatever. Or just some other name. I dun care. Gimmie an alternate name for j00.]

[MK could be Mary-kate?]

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[so, OKay. Doods.]


[in the more awesome version of the story and all that mess, like... the one that is longer and makes more sense, Some stuff needs be taken out.

For example, I dont want to publish a story that has four or five people with the same first name.


So. I have the Caitlin person from up in Canada somewheres, then theres Kat, then MK, then Brianrietta, and the OTHER Katelin that lives over here where I's am. All of which I want to put in. But the same-name kind of thing is a problem.


So. MK and Kat, you need a come up with a pseudonym for yourself. I'll make one up for the other two or three. ... like, one of your nicknames (realistic ones, MK.) or whatever. Or just some other name. I dun care. Gimmie an alternate name for j00.]

[i think MK could stay MK, couldn't she? And for our Kat, you could do it the way her name appears here...

-Kat-. How does that sound? The other two are Caitlin and Katelin, which, in reading are two different names because of the spelling. What do you think?]

[Well, I dont want to have abbreviations/initializations, or online usernames. Think about it, what if you went and got the much-anticipated 7th Harry Potter book and internet alias' were used in place of names? Or a combination of real names and the said alias'?


I might do that for a less serious story, but not this one.


Moreover, I think that reading the two does have a difference, but, eh... on Audio book, such would not be the case. They're too similar, the way I see it.]

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[so, OKay. Doods.]


[in the more awesome version of the story and all that mess, like... the one that is longer and makes more sense, Some stuff needs be taken out.

For example, I dont want to publish a story that has four or five people with the same first name.


So. I have the Caitlin person from up in Canada somewheres, then theres Kat, then MK, then Brianrietta, and the OTHER Katelin that lives over here where I's am. All of which I want to put in. But the same-name kind of thing is a problem.


So. MK and Kat, you need a come up with a pseudonym for yourself. I'll make one up for the other two or three. ... like, one of your nicknames (realistic ones, MK.) or whatever. Or just some other name. I dun care. Gimmie an alternate name for j00.]

[i think MK could stay MK, couldn't she? And for our Kat, you could do it the way her name appears here...

-Kat-. How does that sound? The other two are Caitlin and Katelin, which, in reading are two different names because of the spelling. What do you think?]

[Well, I dont want to have abbreviations/initializations, or online usernames. Think about it, what if you went and got the much-anticipated 7th Harry Potter book and internet alias' were used in place of names? Or a combination of real names and the said alias'?


I might do that for a less serious story, but not this one.


Moreover, I think that reading the two does have a difference, but, eh... on Audio book, such would not be the case. They're too similar, the way I see it.]

Well, you could use Cheesemaster's idea or you could call MK, Emkay.

LOL :lol: LOL

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[im writing the next chapter. I so am. >_>;


I'm trying to avoid whats happened in the past, by having my whole family convinced that I'm writing a love story, seeing how it involves various flirts that i've met. XD I either need to write on me PDA or when there isnt everyone and their grandma in the room with mah compy. D=]

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  • 3 weeks later...



[if I post here often enough, I'll actually get around to doing it. n_n;]

[*gets the duct tape ready*]

[Horatio, if you duct-tape anyone else, I'll have to borrow MK's meat grinder.]


[And maybe a clatmore that looks like but isn't actually (because I don't want to be pwned into the middle of next week) kat's.]

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[if I post here often enough, I'll actually get around to doing it. n_n;]

[*gets the duct tape ready*]

[Horatio, if you duct-tape anyone else, I'll have to borrow MK's meat grinder.]


[And maybe a clatmore that looks like but isn't actually (because I don't want to be pwned into the middle of next week) kat's.]

[*gets out more duct tape* Well, this meat grinder threat should be very interesting, seeing as how I am in Glowurms' stomach. *very evil laugh is heard, then the words, "Duct tape, very shiny new duct tape."*]

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  • 1 month later...

Chapter Twenty-Three


I felt a raindrop hit my body lightly as Audrey and I sped through the light forestry terrain. I glanced upward, and surely enough, There were rather dark rainclouds above us. It looked to intensify toward the center of the forest, where we were going. This is a potential advantage, though. We’ll come across some Torrask’s here pretty soon.


“… It has started raining.”


Audrey commented, and I held back a comment in regards to pointing out the blindingly obvious. She annoyed me to no end.


“Which is good. Let us keep going.”


Wordlessly, the two of us squinted our eyes as raindrops became more and more frequent, making is a bit more difficult to see through the night area. A faint rumble of thunder sounded overhead.


The silence in running was broken by a distinct screeching sound, which I had heard when we were attacked by Torrask’s once before.


"Torrasks...! Come on!"


We picked up speed, as did the storm. Heavy rain continually poured down, leaving two werewolves rather wet, running through the rain.


A bright flash illuminated the sky, followed very soon by thunder. It was less than a mile away, which is potentially quite hazardous, not to mention the large, tall trees around us, meant it was very likely that lightning would strike here.


"Brandon... Do you... notice something different?"


I looked over at Audrey.


"Well, the wind has picked up, its raining, lightning is flashing through the sky, and this combination of things would make one rather cold. Why do you ask?"


"No, no, no... There is no moonlight. Do you know what this means?"


"... If something happens, we have no way of getting healed by Artemis..."


Audrey nodded.


"But, We should not get hurt, if water mixes with Torce, it will probably have a negative effect on them."


We entered into the forest border, and had light shielding from the rain.


Not too far away were some Torce webs, and accordingly, we slowed our pace.


"I do not see any Torrasks, do you?"


Audrey whispered to me. I shook my head. We came to a stop and looked about our surroundings.


Dead silence loomed over the area, save the constant dripping of raindrops from the trees.


Thunder lightly rumbled overhead; my ear twitched, just to hear a branch break overhead.

In an adrenaline rush, I lunged to m left and tackled Audrey, knocking her out of the way of a tree branch with a Torrask atop it. I immediately got to my feet and looked at the beast. It must have been the Alpha Male of this... group of Torrask's. This Torrask looked much larger than others I had seen. It had taken three of us to take down a standard one, and just Audrey and I couldn’t take an Alpha by ourselves.


The Torrask let out a piercing screech, spraying rather unpleasant blobs of saliva (or some other substance) out of what I can only assume was its mouth.

I promptly threw my arm to the side in a feinting motion, and changed direction to get my hand behind the Torrask. Its reaction time was about the same as mine; He grabbed my wrist, forced it back to my side, and used his other arm to knock me down to the ground. Without letting go, it pulled my forearm behind my back, and put a hind leg on to keep me down. He let out a violent screeching roar, and prepared to strike.


Before that could happen, however, he was knocked off my back by a vengeful Audrey.

This may have been an innocent gesture of showing affection for me, but either way, Audrey more than likely hasn’t taken one of these creatures down before.


I got to my feet and looked some ten feet away, and saw the Torrask on top of Audrey, who was futilely thrashing about. Another screeching noise, and parts of the forest began rustling. I froze, and watched carefully.


Torce was spread all over the forest; It was moving together to form full-bodied Torrasks.


"Brandon, Help me!"


Audrey called out to me. Three Torrasks jumped in to hold Audrey down; There was no hope for her to get out, and it looked like I wouldn’t be able to get out either.


Audrey let out a roar of pain, accompanied by the loud crack of breaking bones.


My heart and mind raced, I felt a tingling sensation all over my body.

It was fear.


A blinding flash of light, and an explosion of thunder, Sparks flew as a tree came crashing to the ground. Rain picked up, rendering the remaining treetops as a very poor protection from the rain. Why wasn’t it affecting them? They seemed even more zealous and violent than before...


I found myself surrounded, unable to help Audrey, not twenty feet away, and rather helpless myself.


No werewolf goes down without a fight.


I lunged, grabbed a Torrask by the neck and slammed it to the ground, threw it back up in the air and slashed a clawed hand through the creature. I ducked to avoid a lunging Torrask, reared back and grabbed another Torrask. I squeezed as hard as I could, and it liquefied, stunned on the ground.


Two Torrasks came at me from either side, I readied my claws and swiped at them as they drew closer.


I couldn’t keep this up forever, but will stall for as much time as I can…


I grabbed another Torrask by the arm, and swung it around and hit the surrounding Torrask’s with it. I immediately threw the creature in a random direction, needing to avoid contact with them as much as possible.


I made another slash with my claws, and punctured what was supposedly the Torrask’s skin, causing the Torce inside to pour out.


It all ended three simple motions; I grabbed at one last Torrask, at the same time another tackled me down from the side.

Another victorious cry, but as soon as it had ended, I heard something in the distance.


“All right, Get ready to attack them…”


I heard someone’s voice from a short distance away; It wasn’t Audrey, and these Torrask’s weren’t capable of intelligent speech…?




Before anyone could react, A heavy supersonic pulse swept through the area. All the Torrask’s lost balance and toppled over, writing on the ground. I sat up and saw one of those… Human-operated machines making its way toward us.


“Brandon! It is a Juggernaut!”


“A what?”




I glanced back at Audrey who had pushed some Torrask’s off of herself, and pointed at the approaching mechanism.


The ‘Juggernaut’ emitted a constant supersonic stream, causing the Torrask’s to screech out in pain, unable to move. I struggled to stand up and get out of the way despite the many bruises about my body.


“No! Brandon, Do not leave me here!”


Audrey called to me. I really didn’t have any time for this, but went for it anyway.

I limped over to her, and carefully picked her up. She did look rather distraught.


Our combined weight and the compromising wounds prevented me from making any real movement; I took two steps before collapsing to the ground, leaving both of us rather helpless before the approaching Juggernaut…


[Oh em gee!]

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  • 3 months later...
That could get interesting. xD

[A concern of mine is getting the characters wrong. o: Audrey doesnt always act like that, and RPVF isnt... that kind of flirting person. she does it different ways.

I dunno. If I get this mess published, I wouldnt be able to keep it from my friends, and if they see themselves in there, a completely different person... XD]


[and you can bet that RPVF would be very supportive of me writing stories and would want to read them.]

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