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Werewolf (Three)

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[WOOHOO! I finished Chapta 13. and that creepy part I talked about earlier is probably in Chapta 14.]


Chapter Thirteen


“Serena! There you are… Serena, Have you tracked down some aides yet?â€


Serena Chrisanti was being addressed by a vampire superior, as many disoriented and confused werewolves followed dependently behind many vampires.


“I should have two, but as of right now, I have one good wolf, The other was too obedient. I demonstrated the power of control, It followed my command too well and escaped. I do have this highly loyal werewolf aide along my side.â€


“That will suffice for now, Serena. But be warned; If the wolf refugee you speak of spreads the word about our syndicate, There may be a rebellion against us, that can be overpowering. And, well, you know… about the… well, effective method of attack, vulnerability, what they can use against us…â€


“Understood. I will have my aide assist in tracking it down, after this genocidal assault.â€


“Genocide?! No, We’re simply planning on killing off a fraction of population until things are back in perspective. Any planned genocide to kill all the humans certainly wouldn’t be made by a Vampire. More than we realize at times, we are highly dependant on them.â€


Serena was silent for a moment.


“Let’s just get on with this. I don’t remember the last time I bit a human…â€


“Just what I mean, We are dependant on their blood. Now let’s get going.â€


The vampire turned, and strode off briskly to the head of the accumulating crowd of Vampires, all being well concealed by shadow, with the occasional shine of moonlight visible in Werewolf fur.


“Maintain your stealth, And strike all humans!â€


A familiar voice sounded clearly, but not loud enough to draw attention of many Humans.


A shuffling of bodies, and a massive army of Vampires and wolves marched into Bismarck, North Dakota, and ended the lives of any who got in their way.




I was aroused from my inanimate state by familiar voices, one of which I recognized as Chris, apparently discussing a Torrask matter.


I weakly sat up, and looked about myself.


“Whoa… You are up! I must say I did not expect to see you active any time soon.â€


Chris commented, as he and another werewolf turned and approached me.


“There was a Torra-


“Speak not their name, Chris!!â€


A loud voice interrupted Chris’, as Michael disgruntledly stood nearby, in a stance that looks like it meant he was ready to attack Chris, though strangely enough, he appeared weak, starved and insanity-driven.


“… There was an incident. Neither Mike or I thought you would live through it.â€


“And as I said earlier, Torrask’s are not a force to meddle with.â€


“Do not summon their presence, Koy! You saw the senseless wreckage. You saw the remains of that place. I do not think you want to draw their attention here, do you?!â€


“Calm down, Mike.â€


“Anyway, Brandon, It does not look like there would be any other survivors of that attack other than yourself and Koy here. Others might have retreated, but…â€


I was silent for a moment, and realized something… Where did Kate or Kris go? Were they among that crowd of wolves?!


“I… I will… Be right back.â€


I stood up, and darted off in the direction I assumed was that of the clearing I was at earlier.


“Brandon, No! It is likely there are still Torrask’s there!â€




Michael boomed from behind, silencing the addressing of Torrask’s.


“Koy, He cannot survive alone going back!â€


Chris took one step to follow me, but Koy stopped him,


“We have no weaponry that can harm them! If we go, There will be more chance of casualty!â€


“Koy, I need some excuse to get away from Mike here. Let us go.â€


“I agree.â€


The two then ran off to follow me.


“Do not leave me here unguarded and vulnerable to them! Get back here!â€


Michael cried out, then resorted to following as well.


Our group of four then departed for the clearing…



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[To make up for the big absence of storywriting here, i'll post Chapta 12 now. ._.]


Chapter Twelve


[Note: I had to think of some way of avoiding having to introduce this character properly, so I had that part in Chapter 11 as an excuse.]


I stood on the outskirts of this clearing that the wolf inhabitants seemed to fond of, with a new 'friend' I guess one could say, Out of earshot for most but still in eyesight of the group.


"Well… I am not quite the best person to ask of the matter, but I will tell you what I know of these Torrask's."


He had agreed to explain what was happening, to keep me on guard.


"Torrask's are likely to be the most dangerous creatures that I know of, but-"


"I know that much, just what are they capable of? What do they do?"


I interrupted him.


"Well, Torrask's are a truly intimidating symbiotic creature, which appear to be an oversize blue lizard. Noting they are symbiotic, They possess the ability to liquefy themselves. Once in this form, Most werewolves and humans have named this substance 'Torce'…â€


“This sounds vaguely familiar. Continue.â€


“Well, Torce is what Torrask’s are composed of, inside. Torce is mostly muscle, but in a liquid form. With a highly distinguishable color, and is frequently found near trees.â€


A strong fear struck at my heart as I realized that there is a Torrask in our presence- I saw some Torce in a tree, near the base of it, and in bits and parts of the forest ground.

Maintaining a calm sense about myself, I commented.


“Hold that thought for a moment, do you know fighting tactics or how to defend against these Torrask’s?â€


The wolf in front of me got a facial expression of realization as well, It appeared he recognized these signs as well. His eyes widened as he and I looked around ourselves, Sure enough, There was in fact some Torce dripping from some leaves and on the ground.


“Nothing. We have no weaponry here that can harm them.â€


“Shut up about that, What vulnerabilities do they have?!â€


“Extreme thermal conditions and supersonic sounds. Hypothermia means death for Torrask’s. Like I said, nothing we have here can harm them.â€


Realizing such helplessness I possessed before these creatures, I looked off to my left to see a Werewolf much like myself, inexplicably flying through the air in a manner as if a powerful attacker just unwillingly threw it.


I stepped aside, as the wolf careened through the air and crashed into the ground, and instantly lost consciousness.

An eerie silence loomed over the crowd of wolves, All attention drawn to the southeast end of the forest clearing, which contained one fear-stricken werewolf, too overwhelmed to move. Before this wolf stood a large blue lizard of sorts, independently standing on its hind legs. At most 2â€8 tall, A menacing glare shot from its bland, plain optics.


The wolf in front of me and I could only watch in terror, overwhelmed by the sensation of fear in our bodies. A very familiar scent loomed in the air, Though a unique form of fear. This which was usually invigorating, fear from humans, seemed deadening, a decomposing feeling seemed to weaken all wolves around me.


Thoughts raced through my head, what should I do, how to respond, How can I hinder this nemesis?


I did the first thing that came to mind- Howl. If I reach a high enough tone, It may distract or damage this Torrask…?


I raised my voice as loud as I could; in as high a tone as my vocal cords can reach, and sounded the piercing screech through the forest.


I can only assume I cannot reach a high enough pitch, as it appeared to be merely an annoyance to this Torrask. Its attention drew over to me, I forced all the effort I could use into screeching louder, though my efforts were in vain… An odd striking sensation impacted my body from the Torrask before me, and I lost orientation, eventually Consciousness. Though in my last moments of sense, I heard odd squeak noises from the Torrask, I assume, and the rustling of Wolves…?


[Oooooooh Noooooo. o_o;]



You do mean that 2" means two inches, right? ' is what you use for feet.]

[i dont care about that ' " thing. And BTW, the Italic didnt work on the quotation mark. >D]

[i didn't try to italicize the question mark. o.o]

[i think he meant the ", Kat. XD]

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[To make up for the big absence of storywriting here, i'll post Chapta 12 now. ._.]


Chapter Twelve


[Note: I had to think of some way of avoiding having to introduce this character properly, so I had that part in Chapter 11 as an excuse.]


I stood on the outskirts of this clearing that the wolf inhabitants seemed to fond of, with a new 'friend' I guess one could say, Out of earshot for most but still in eyesight of the group.


"Well… I am not quite the best person to ask of the matter, but I will tell you what I know of these Torrask's."


He had agreed to explain what was happening, to keep me on guard.


"Torrask's are likely to be the most dangerous creatures that I know of, but-"


"I know that much, just what are they capable of? What do they do?"


I interrupted him.


"Well, Torrask's are a truly intimidating symbiotic creature, which appear to be an oversize blue lizard. Noting they are symbiotic, They possess the ability to liquefy themselves. Once in this form, Most werewolves and humans have named this substance 'Torce'…â€


“This sounds vaguely familiar. Continue.â€


“Well, Torce is what Torrask’s are composed of, inside. Torce is mostly muscle, but in a liquid form. With a highly distinguishable color, and is frequently found near trees.â€


A strong fear struck at my heart as I realized that there is a Torrask in our presence- I saw some Torce in a tree, near the base of it, and in bits and parts of the forest ground.

Maintaining a calm sense about myself, I commented.


“Hold that thought for a moment, do you know fighting tactics or how to defend against these Torrask’s?â€


The wolf in front of me got a facial expression of realization as well, It appeared he recognized these signs as well. His eyes widened as he and I looked around ourselves, Sure enough, There was in fact some Torce dripping from some leaves and on the ground.


“Nothing. We have no weaponry here that can harm them.â€


“Shut up about that, What vulnerabilities do they have?!â€


“Extreme thermal conditions and supersonic sounds. Hypothermia means death for Torrask’s. Like I said, nothing we have here can harm them.â€


Realizing such helplessness I possessed before these creatures, I looked off to my left to see a Werewolf much like myself, inexplicably flying through the air in a manner as if a powerful attacker just unwillingly threw it.


I stepped aside, as the wolf careened through the air and crashed into the ground, and instantly lost consciousness.

An eerie silence loomed over the crowd of wolves, All attention drawn to the southeast end of the forest clearing, which contained one fear-stricken werewolf, too overwhelmed to move. Before this wolf stood a large blue lizard of sorts, independently standing on its hind legs. At most 2â€8 tall, A menacing glare shot from its bland, plain optics.


The wolf in front of me and I could only watch in terror, overwhelmed by the sensation of fear in our bodies. A very familiar scent loomed in the air, Though a unique form of fear. This which was usually invigorating, fear from humans, seemed deadening, a decomposing feeling seemed to weaken all wolves around me.


Thoughts raced through my head, what should I do, how to respond, How can I hinder this nemesis?


I did the first thing that came to mind- Howl. If I reach a high enough tone, It may distract or damage this Torrask…?


I raised my voice as loud as I could; in as high a tone as my vocal cords can reach, and sounded the piercing screech through the forest.


I can only assume I cannot reach a high enough pitch, as it appeared to be merely an annoyance to this Torrask. Its attention drew over to me, I forced all the effort I could use into screeching louder, though my efforts were in vain… An odd striking sensation impacted my body from the Torrask before me, and I lost orientation, eventually Consciousness. Though in my last moments of sense, I heard odd squeak noises from the Torrask, I assume, and the rustling of Wolves…?


[Oooooooh Noooooo. o_o;]



You do mean that 2" means two inches, right? ' is what you use for feet.]

[i dont care about that ' " thing. And BTW, the Italic didnt work on the quotation mark. >D]

[i didn't try to italicize the question mark. o.o]

[i think he meant the ", Kat. XD]

[Whoa. I forgot all about you, too. Im supposta add you back in there sometime. You havent been seen for like. something-many times.]


[Ooh Ooh. MW, Do you want some form of relation with a Torrask? =3 I need someone to do that. and that might make a good character re-introduction.]


[so you know, You'd be like. half-keeled from a Torrask and then somebody finds the solution and everythings happy for the next five seconds until Vampires come and keel everyone again.]

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[im running out of friends to use as characters here, so Any voulenteers to get keelingyoudead'ed aside from MW? like. TBFOF or Spot or something. <.<;; I dunno. I could try and make someone up or somethin.]


[And Horatio, You still havent answered that e-mail I sent you about your appearance in part 6 or whatever I said it was. I'd much appreciate having things planned out beforehand.]

[And Kat, I have the summarized storylines and titles and such all on my compy, and you could like. try and break in to mah compy and steal them or something. It prolly wont work though. ;D]


[i wrote a highly creepy part. in chapta 14. It might creep something out. <.<;; Methinks its too brief and indescriptive though. -goes back to work on it-]

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[And Horatio, You still havent answered that e-mail I sent you about your appearance in part 6 or whatever I said it was. I'd much appreciate having things planned out beforehand.]


*runs off to check email*

If I can't find it, would you please resend it.

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[And Horatio, You still havent answered that e-mail I sent you about your appearance in part 6 or whatever I said it was. I'd much appreciate having things planned out beforehand.]


*runs off to check email*

If I can't find it, would you please resend it.

[i have a new computer, My old '98 one isnt much good. I don't have the email on my old or new compy. :lol: We get to hope you have it around there somewhere.]

[if not, I can try and just make a new one. like. re-type stuff.]

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[im running out of friends to use as characters here, so Any voulenteers to get keelingyoudead'ed aside from MW? like. TBFOF or Spot or something. <.<;; I dunno. I could try and make someone up or somethin.]


[And Horatio, You still havent answered that e-mail I sent you about your appearance in part 6 or whatever I said it was. I'd much appreciate having things planned out beforehand.]

[And Kat, I have the summarized storylines and titles and such all on my compy, and you could like. try and break in to mah compy and steal them or something. It prolly wont work though. ;D]


[i wrote a highly creepy part. in chapta 14. It might creep something out. <.<;; Methinks its too brief and indescriptive though. -goes back to work on it-]

[Once again if I might say I love the story also I didn't forget the brackets this time :D and I will voulenteer to be all keelingyoudeadish if you want!!! :lol: ]

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[im running out of friends to use as characters here, so Any voulenteers to get keelingyoudead'ed aside from MW? like. TBFOF or Spot or something. <.<;; I dunno. I could try and make someone up or somethin.]


[And Horatio, You still havent answered that e-mail I sent you about your appearance in part 6 or whatever I said it was. I'd much appreciate having things planned out beforehand.]

[And Kat, I have the summarized storylines and titles and such all on my compy, and you could like. try and break in to mah compy and steal them or something. It prolly wont work though. ;D]


[i wrote a highly creepy part. in chapta 14. It might creep something out. <.<;; Methinks its too brief and indescriptive though. -goes back to work on it-]

[Once again if I might say I love the story also I didn't forget the brackets this time :D and I will voulenteer to be all keelingyoudeadish if you want!!! :lol: ]

[i dont get tired of feedback (That means YOU, Kat >.>) so you can comment when you feel like. =D]


[Yay for brackets.]


[Well, since you're the only person who apparently read that part of the post, You could do that then. But first, What be your first name? or whatever you feel like going by for a fraction of a chapter? (If you want, you could be fixed in a hospital and return in later parts.)]

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[im running out of friends to use as characters here, so Any voulenteers to get keelingyoudead'ed aside from MW? like. TBFOF or Spot or something. <.<;; I dunno. I could try and make someone up or somethin.]


[And Horatio, You still havent answered that e-mail I sent you about your appearance in part 6 or whatever I said it was. I'd much appreciate having things planned out beforehand.]

[And Kat, I have the summarized storylines and titles and such all on my compy, and you could like. try and break in to mah compy and steal them or something. It prolly wont work though. ;D]


[i wrote a highly creepy part. in chapta 14. It might creep something out. <.<;; Methinks its too brief and indescriptive though. -goes back to work on it-]

[i told you, if you need me to die, go ahead. It's your story.


Oh, and I already used my phycic powers to read the rest of the series. ^___^


*finally heard "Somewhere I Belong", like, three days ago. x_x* Har har!]

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[im running out of friends to use as characters here, so Any voulenteers to get keelingyoudead'ed aside from MW? like. TBFOF or Spot or something. <.<;; I dunno. I could try and make someone up or somethin.]


[And Horatio, You still havent answered that e-mail I sent you about your appearance in part 6 or whatever I said it was. I'd much appreciate having things planned out beforehand.]

[And Kat, I have the summarized storylines and titles and such all on my compy, and you could like. try and break in to mah compy and steal them or something. It prolly wont work though. ;D]


[i wrote a highly creepy part. in chapta 14. It might creep something out. <.<;; Methinks its too brief and indescriptive though. -goes back to work on it-]

[i told you, if you need me to die, go ahead. It's your story.


Oh, and I already used my phycic powers to read the rest of the series. ^___^


*finally heard "Somewhere I Belong", like, three days ago. x_x* Har har!]

[The LP song or the story title? xD]


[No. You dun get keeled this time. <.<;; for either of these keelingyoudeadings. Your somewhere else.]


[i thought it was mad ninja skillz? o_o;]

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[im running out of friends to use as characters here, so Any voulenteers to get keelingyoudead'ed aside from MW? like. TBFOF or Spot or something. <.<;; I dunno. I could try and make someone up or somethin.]


[And Horatio, You still havent answered that e-mail I sent you about your appearance in part 6 or whatever I said it was. I'd much appreciate having things planned out beforehand.]

[And Kat, I have the summarized storylines and titles and such all on my compy, and you could like. try and break in to mah compy and steal them or something. It prolly wont work though. ;D]


[i wrote a highly creepy part. in chapta 14. It might creep something out. <.<;; Methinks its too brief and indescriptive though. -goes back to work on it-]

[Once again if I might say I love the story also I didn't forget the brackets this time :D and I will voulenteer to be all keelingyoudeadish if you want!!! :lol: ]

[i dont get tired of feedback (That means YOU, Kat >.>) so you can comment when you feel like. =D]


[Yay for brackets.]


[Well, since you're the only person who apparently read that part of the post, You could do that then. But first, What be your first name? or whatever you feel like going by for a fraction of a chapter? (If you want, you could be fixed in a hospital and return in later parts.)]

[brackets are good]

[Oh boy me in the story! Um ok I'll be Sabrina or August whatever you pick is fine!!! (could I be fixed in the hospital :D and return in later parts) :) ]

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[im running out of friends to use as characters here, so Any voulenteers to get keelingyoudead'ed aside from MW? like. TBFOF or Spot or something. <.<;; I dunno. I could try and make someone up or somethin.]


[And Horatio, You still havent answered that e-mail I sent you about your appearance in part 6 or whatever I said it was. I'd much appreciate having things planned out beforehand.]

[And Kat, I have the summarized storylines and titles and such all on my compy, and you could like. try and break in to mah compy and steal them or something. It prolly wont work though. ;D]


[i wrote a highly creepy part. in chapta 14. It might creep something out. <.<;; Methinks its too brief and indescriptive though. -goes back to work on it-]

[i told you, if you need me to die, go ahead. It's your story.


Oh, and I already used my phycic powers to read the rest of the series. ^___^


*finally heard "Somewhere I Belong", like, three days ago. x_x* Har har!]

[The LP song or the story title? xD]


[No. You dun get keeled this time. <.<;; for either of these keelingyoudeadings. Your somewhere else.]


[i thought it was mad ninja skillz? o_o;]

[The song. XD


Alrighty. Whatever works.


And they're part of the mad ninja skillz.]

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[im running out of friends to use as characters here, so Any voulenteers to get keelingyoudead'ed aside from MW? like. TBFOF or Spot or something. <.<;; I dunno. I could try and make someone up or somethin.]


[And Horatio, You still havent answered that e-mail I sent you about your appearance in part 6 or whatever I said it was. I'd much appreciate having things planned out beforehand.]

[And Kat, I have the summarized storylines and titles and such all on my compy, and you could like. try and break in to mah compy and steal them or something. It prolly wont work though. ;D]


[i wrote a highly creepy part. in chapta 14. It might creep something out. <.<;; Methinks its too brief and indescriptive though. -goes back to work on it-]

[Once again if I might say I love the story also I didn't forget the brackets this time :D and I will voulenteer to be all keelingyoudeadish if you want!!! :lol: ]

[i dont get tired of feedback (That means YOU, Kat >.>) so you can comment when you feel like. =D]


[Yay for brackets.]


[Well, since you're the only person who apparently read that part of the post, You could do that then. But first, What be your first name? or whatever you feel like going by for a fraction of a chapter? (If you want, you could be fixed in a hospital and return in later parts.)]

[brackets are good]

[Oh boy me in the story! Um ok I'll be Sabrina or August whatever you pick is fine!!! (could I be fixed in the hospital :D and return in later parts) :) ]

[Okay, Sabrina's a cooler name than August, I say, and you can be spiffy and possibly important in part 6. Maybe sooner.]

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[im running out of friends to use as characters here, so Any voulenteers to get keelingyoudead'ed aside from MW? like. TBFOF or Spot or something. <.<;; I dunno. I could try and make someone up or somethin.]


[And Horatio, You still havent answered that e-mail I sent you about your appearance in part 6 or whatever I said it was. I'd much appreciate having things planned out beforehand.]

[And Kat, I have the summarized storylines and titles and such all on my compy, and you could like. try and break in to mah compy and steal them or something. It prolly wont work though. ;D]


[i wrote a highly creepy part. in chapta 14. It might creep something out. <.<;; Methinks its too brief and indescriptive though. -goes back to work on it-]

[Once again if I might say I love the story also I didn't forget the brackets this time :D and I will voulenteer to be all keelingyoudeadish if you want!!! :lol: ]

[i dont get tired of feedback (That means YOU, Kat >.>) so you can comment when you feel like. =D]


[Yay for brackets.]


[Well, since you're the only person who apparently read that part of the post, You could do that then. But first, What be your first name? or whatever you feel like going by for a fraction of a chapter? (If you want, you could be fixed in a hospital and return in later parts.)]

[brackets are good]

[Oh boy me in the story! Um ok I'll be Sabrina or August whatever you pick is fine!!! (could I be fixed in the hospital :D and return in later parts) :) ]

[Okay, Sabrina's a cooler name than August, I say, and you can be spiffy and possibly important in part 6. Maybe sooner.]

[i thought of sabrina and my mom August...I thought you should choose in your story!Oh boy I am spiffy and possibly important!!! I am soooooo happy!!! :D:):D ]

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[im running out of friends to use as characters here, so Any voulenteers to get keelingyoudead'ed aside from MW? like. TBFOF or Spot or something. <.<;; I dunno. I could try and make someone up or somethin.]


[And Horatio, You still havent answered that e-mail I sent you about your appearance in part 6 or whatever I said it was. I'd much appreciate having things planned out beforehand.]

[And Kat, I have the summarized storylines and titles and such all on my compy, and you could like. try and break in to mah compy and steal them or something. It prolly wont work though. ;D]


[i wrote a highly creepy part. in chapta 14. It might creep something out. <.<;; Methinks its too brief and indescriptive though. -goes back to work on it-]

[Once again if I might say I love the story also I didn't forget the brackets this time :D and I will voulenteer to be all keelingyoudeadish if you want!!! :lol: ]

[i dont get tired of feedback (That means YOU, Kat >.>) so you can comment when you feel like. =D]


[Yay for brackets.]


[Well, since you're the only person who apparently read that part of the post, You could do that then. But first, What be your first name? or whatever you feel like going by for a fraction of a chapter? (If you want, you could be fixed in a hospital and return in later parts.)]

[brackets are good]

[Oh boy me in the story! Um ok I'll be Sabrina or August whatever you pick is fine!!! (could I be fixed in the hospital :D and return in later parts) :) ]

[Okay, Sabrina's a cooler name than August, I say, and you can be spiffy and possibly important in part 6. Maybe sooner.]

[i thought of sabrina and my mom August...I thought you should choose in your story!Oh boy I am spiffy and possibly important!!! I am soooooo happy!!! :D:):D ]

[sooooooo goooooooooooooood.]

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[im running out of friends to use as characters here, so Any voulenteers to get keelingyoudead'ed aside from MW? like. TBFOF or Spot or something. <.<;; I dunno. I could try and make someone up or somethin.]


[And Horatio, You still havent answered that e-mail I sent you about your appearance in part 6 or whatever I said it was. I'd much appreciate having things planned out beforehand.]

[And Kat, I have the summarized storylines and titles and such all on my compy, and you could like. try and break in to mah compy and steal them or something. It prolly wont work though. ;D]


[i wrote a highly creepy part. in chapta 14. It might creep something out. <.<;; Methinks its too brief and indescriptive though. -goes back to work on it-]

[Once again if I might say I love the story also I didn't forget the brackets this time :D and I will voulenteer to be all keelingyoudeadish if you want!!! :lol: ]

[i dont get tired of feedback (That means YOU, Kat >.>) so you can comment when you feel like. =D]


[Yay for brackets.]


[Well, since you're the only person who apparently read that part of the post, You could do that then. But first, What be your first name? or whatever you feel like going by for a fraction of a chapter? (If you want, you could be fixed in a hospital and return in later parts.)]

[brackets are good]

[Oh boy me in the story! Um ok I'll be Sabrina or August whatever you pick is fine!!! (could I be fixed in the hospital :D and return in later parts) :) ]

[Okay, Sabrina's a cooler name than August, I say, and you can be spiffy and possibly important in part 6. Maybe sooner.]

[i thought of sabrina and my mom August...I thought you should choose in your story!Oh boy I am spiffy and possibly important!!! I am soooooo happy!!! :D:):D ]

[sooooooo goooooooooooooood.]

[i can do it! I can do it nine times!]

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[im running out of friends to use as characters here, so Any voulenteers to get keelingyoudead'ed aside from MW? like. TBFOF or Spot or something. <.<;; I dunno. I could try and make someone up or somethin.]


[And Horatio, You still havent answered that e-mail I sent you about your appearance in part 6 or whatever I said it was. I'd much appreciate having things planned out beforehand.]

[And Kat, I have the summarized storylines and titles and such all on my compy, and you could like. try and break in to mah compy and steal them or something. It prolly wont work though. ;D]


[i wrote a highly creepy part. in chapta 14. It might creep something out. <.<;; Methinks its too brief and indescriptive though. -goes back to work on it-]

[Once again if I might say I love the story also I didn't forget the brackets this time :D and I will voulenteer to be all keelingyoudeadish if you want!!! :lol: ]

[i dont get tired of feedback (That means YOU, Kat >.>) so you can comment when you feel like. =D]


[Yay for brackets.]


[Well, since you're the only person who apparently read that part of the post, You could do that then. But first, What be your first name? or whatever you feel like going by for a fraction of a chapter? (If you want, you could be fixed in a hospital and return in later parts.)]

[brackets are good]

[Oh boy me in the story! Um ok I'll be Sabrina or August whatever you pick is fine!!! (could I be fixed in the hospital :D and return in later parts) :) ]

[Okay, Sabrina's a cooler name than August, I say, and you can be spiffy and possibly important in part 6. Maybe sooner.]

[i thought of sabrina and my mom August...I thought you should choose in your story!Oh boy I am spiffy and possibly important!!! I am soooooo happy!!! :D:):D ]

[sooooooo goooooooooooooood.]

[i can do it! I can do it nine times!]

[No! Please! Stop! I'm rich! and fat! and cool! and famous!]

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[im running out of friends to use as characters here, so Any voulenteers to get keelingyoudead'ed aside from MW? like. TBFOF or Spot or something. <.<;; I dunno. I could try and make someone up or somethin.]


[And Horatio, You still havent answered that e-mail I sent you about your appearance in part 6 or whatever I said it was. I'd much appreciate having things planned out beforehand.]

[And Kat, I have the summarized storylines and titles and such all on my compy, and you could like. try and break in to mah compy and steal them or something. It prolly wont work though. ;D]


[i wrote a highly creepy part. in chapta 14. It might creep something out. <.<;; Methinks its too brief and indescriptive though. -goes back to work on it-]

[Once again if I might say I love the story also I didn't forget the brackets this time :D and I will voulenteer to be all keelingyoudeadish if you want!!! :lol: ]

[i dont get tired of feedback (That means YOU, Kat >.>) so you can comment when you feel like. =D]


[Yay for brackets.]


[Well, since you're the only person who apparently read that part of the post, You could do that then. But first, What be your first name? or whatever you feel like going by for a fraction of a chapter? (If you want, you could be fixed in a hospital and return in later parts.)]

[brackets are good]

[Oh boy me in the story! Um ok I'll be Sabrina or August whatever you pick is fine!!! (could I be fixed in the hospital :D and return in later parts) :) ]

[Okay, Sabrina's a cooler name than August, I say, and you can be spiffy and possibly important in part 6. Maybe sooner.]

[i thought of sabrina and my mom August...I thought you should choose in your story!Oh boy I am spiffy and possibly important!!! I am soooooo happy!!! :D:):D ]

[sooooooo goooooooooooooood.]

[i can do it! I can do it nine times!]

[No! Please! Stop! I'm rich! and fat! and cool! and famous!]

[Do you know the times?]

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[im running out of friends to use as characters here, so Any voulenteers to get keelingyoudead'ed aside from MW? like. TBFOF or Spot or something. <.<;; I dunno. I could try and make someone up or somethin.]


[And Horatio, You still havent answered that e-mail I sent you about your appearance in part 6 or whatever I said it was. I'd much appreciate having things planned out beforehand.]

[And Kat, I have the summarized storylines and titles and such all on my compy, and you could like. try and break in to mah compy and steal them or something. It prolly wont work though. ;D]


[i wrote a highly creepy part. in chapta 14. It might creep something out. <.<;; Methinks its too brief and indescriptive though. -goes back to work on it-]

[Once again if I might say I love the story also I didn't forget the brackets this time :D and I will voulenteer to be all keelingyoudeadish if you want!!! :lol: ]

[i dont get tired of feedback (That means YOU, Kat >.>) so you can comment when you feel like. =D]


[Yay for brackets.]


[Well, since you're the only person who apparently read that part of the post, You could do that then. But first, What be your first name? or whatever you feel like going by for a fraction of a chapter? (If you want, you could be fixed in a hospital and return in later parts.)]

[brackets are good]

[Oh boy me in the story! Um ok I'll be Sabrina or August whatever you pick is fine!!! (could I be fixed in the hospital :D and return in later parts) :) ]

[Okay, Sabrina's a cooler name than August, I say, and you can be spiffy and possibly important in part 6. Maybe sooner.]

[i thought of sabrina and my mom August...I thought you should choose in your story!Oh boy I am spiffy and possibly important!!! I am soooooo happy!!! :D:):D ]

[sooooooo goooooooooooooood.]

[i can do it! I can do it nine times!]

[No! Please! Stop! I'm rich! and fat! and cool! and famous!]

[Do you know the times?]

[9 x 2 =456 72 x 658=28 OR 8:31??? :D ]

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[im running out of friends to use as characters here, so Any voulenteers to get keelingyoudead'ed aside from MW? like. TBFOF or Spot or something. <.<;; I dunno. I could try and make someone up or somethin.]


[And Horatio, You still havent answered that e-mail I sent you about your appearance in part 6 or whatever I said it was. I'd much appreciate having things planned out beforehand.]

[And Kat, I have the summarized storylines and titles and such all on my compy, and you could like. try and break in to mah compy and steal them or something. It prolly wont work though. ;D]


[i wrote a highly creepy part. in chapta 14. It might creep something out. <.<;; Methinks its too brief and indescriptive though. -goes back to work on it-]

[Once again if I might say I love the story also I didn't forget the brackets this time :D and I will voulenteer to be all keelingyoudeadish if you want!!! :lol: ]

[i dont get tired of feedback (That means YOU, Kat >.>) so you can comment when you feel like. =D]


[Yay for brackets.]


[Well, since you're the only person who apparently read that part of the post, You could do that then. But first, What be your first name? or whatever you feel like going by for a fraction of a chapter? (If you want, you could be fixed in a hospital and return in later parts.)]

[brackets are good]

[Oh boy me in the story! Um ok I'll be Sabrina or August whatever you pick is fine!!! (could I be fixed in the hospital :D and return in later parts) :) ]

[Okay, Sabrina's a cooler name than August, I say, and you can be spiffy and possibly important in part 6. Maybe sooner.]

[i thought of sabrina and my mom August...I thought you should choose in your story!Oh boy I am spiffy and possibly important!!! I am soooooo happy!!! :D:):D ]

[sooooooo goooooooooooooood.]

[i can do it! I can do it nine times!]

[No! Please! Stop! I'm rich! and fat! and cool! and famous!]

[Do you know the times?]

[i just have to make a cool animal name and the rest would like as if itself. Lets see, If I were my own made up animal, I would be called, Da huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuudge.


A Hudge!


Oh wow, Look at the Hudge!

-For the love of pete, DO NOT feed Da Huuuuuuuuuudge!-



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[im running out of friends to use as characters here, so Any voulenteers to get keelingyoudead'ed aside from MW? like. TBFOF or Spot or something. <.<;; I dunno. I could try and make someone up or somethin.]


[And Horatio, You still havent answered that e-mail I sent you about your appearance in part 6 or whatever I said it was. I'd much appreciate having things planned out beforehand.]

[And Kat, I have the summarized storylines and titles and such all on my compy, and you could like. try and break in to mah compy and steal them or something. It prolly wont work though. ;D]


[i wrote a highly creepy part. in chapta 14. It might creep something out. <.<;; Methinks its too brief and indescriptive though. -goes back to work on it-]

[Once again if I might say I love the story also I didn't forget the brackets this time :D and I will voulenteer to be all keelingyoudeadish if you want!!! :lol: ]

[i dont get tired of feedback (That means YOU, Kat >.>) so you can comment when you feel like. =D]


[Yay for brackets.]


[Well, since you're the only person who apparently read that part of the post, You could do that then. But first, What be your first name? or whatever you feel like going by for a fraction of a chapter? (If you want, you could be fixed in a hospital and return in later parts.)]

[brackets are good]

[Oh boy me in the story! Um ok I'll be Sabrina or August whatever you pick is fine!!! (could I be fixed in the hospital :D and return in later parts) :) ]

[Okay, Sabrina's a cooler name than August, I say, and you can be spiffy and possibly important in part 6. Maybe sooner.]

[i thought of sabrina and my mom August...I thought you should choose in your story!Oh boy I am spiffy and possibly important!!! I am soooooo happy!!! :D:):D ]

[sooooooo goooooooooooooood.]

[i can do it! I can do it nine times!]

[No! Please! Stop! I'm rich! and fat! and cool! and famous!]

[Do you know the times?]

[i just have to make a cool animal name and the rest would like as if itself. Lets see, If I were my own made up animal, I would be called, Da huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuudge.


A Hudge!


Oh wow, Look at the Hudge!

-For the love of pete, DO NOT feed Da Huuuuuuuuuudge!-



[And the dragon comes in the NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT! >o<]

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[im running out of friends to use as characters here, so Any voulenteers to get keelingyoudead'ed aside from MW? like. TBFOF or Spot or something. <.<;; I dunno. I could try and make someone up or somethin.]


[And Horatio, You still havent answered that e-mail I sent you about your appearance in part 6 or whatever I said it was. I'd much appreciate having things planned out beforehand.]

[And Kat, I have the summarized storylines and titles and such all on my compy, and you could like. try and break in to mah compy and steal them or something. It prolly wont work though. ;D]


[i wrote a highly creepy part. in chapta 14. It might creep something out. <.<;; Methinks its too brief and indescriptive though. -goes back to work on it-]

[Once again if I might say I love the story also I didn't forget the brackets this time :D and I will voulenteer to be all keelingyoudeadish if you want!!! :lol: ]

[i dont get tired of feedback (That means YOU, Kat >.>) so you can comment when you feel like. =D]


[Yay for brackets.]


[Well, since you're the only person who apparently read that part of the post, You could do that then. But first, What be your first name? or whatever you feel like going by for a fraction of a chapter? (If you want, you could be fixed in a hospital and return in later parts.)]

[brackets are good]

[Oh boy me in the story! Um ok I'll be Sabrina or August whatever you pick is fine!!! (could I be fixed in the hospital :D and return in later parts) :) ]

[Okay, Sabrina's a cooler name than August, I say, and you can be spiffy and possibly important in part 6. Maybe sooner.]

[i thought of sabrina and my mom August...I thought you should choose in your story!Oh boy I am spiffy and possibly important!!! I am soooooo happy!!! :D:):D ]

[sooooooo goooooooooooooood.]

[i can do it! I can do it nine times!]

[No! Please! Stop! I'm rich! and fat! and cool! and famous!]

[Do you know the times?]

[i just have to make a cool animal name and the rest would like as if itself. Lets see, If I were my own made up animal, I would be called, Da huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuudge.


A Hudge!


Oh wow, Look at the Hudge!

-For the love of pete, DO NOT feed Da Huuuuuuuuuudge!-



[And the dragon comes in the NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT! >o<]

[No, its The Trodgor comes in the niiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. <.<;]


[What?! Dirtiest diaper- Oh cough cough hack choke coffee eggs bacon...'d... Oops, I appear to have made breakfast all over whatever that record was for.]

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[im running out of friends to use as characters here, so Any voulenteers to get keelingyoudead'ed aside from MW? like. TBFOF or Spot or something. <.<;; I dunno. I could try and make someone up or somethin.]


[And Horatio, You still havent answered that e-mail I sent you about your appearance in part 6 or whatever I said it was. I'd much appreciate having things planned out beforehand.]

[And Kat, I have the summarized storylines and titles and such all on my compy, and you could like. try and break in to mah compy and steal them or something. It prolly wont work though. ;D]


[i wrote a highly creepy part. in chapta 14. It might creep something out. <.<;; Methinks its too brief and indescriptive though. -goes back to work on it-]

[Once again if I might say I love the story also I didn't forget the brackets this time :D and I will voulenteer to be all keelingyoudeadish if you want!!! :lol: ]

[i dont get tired of feedback (That means YOU, Kat >.>) so you can comment when you feel like. =D]


[Yay for brackets.]


[Well, since you're the only person who apparently read that part of the post, You could do that then. But first, What be your first name? or whatever you feel like going by for a fraction of a chapter? (If you want, you could be fixed in a hospital and return in later parts.)]

[brackets are good]

[Oh boy me in the story! Um ok I'll be Sabrina or August whatever you pick is fine!!! (could I be fixed in the hospital :D and return in later parts) :) ]

[Okay, Sabrina's a cooler name than August, I say, and you can be spiffy and possibly important in part 6. Maybe sooner.]

[i thought of sabrina and my mom August...I thought you should choose in your story!Oh boy I am spiffy and possibly important!!! I am soooooo happy!!! :D:):D ]

[sooooooo goooooooooooooood.]

[i can do it! I can do it nine times!]

[No! Please! Stop! I'm rich! and fat! and cool! and famous!]

[Do you know the times?]

[i just have to make a cool animal name and the rest would like as if itself. Lets see, If I were my own made up animal, I would be called, Da huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuudge.


A Hudge!


Oh wow, Look at the Hudge!

-For the love of pete, DO NOT feed Da Huuuuuuuuuudge!-



[And the dragon comes in the NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT! >o<]


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[im running out of friends to use as characters here, so Any voulenteers to get keelingyoudead'ed aside from MW? like. TBFOF or Spot or something. <.<;; I dunno. I could try and make someone up or somethin.]


[And Horatio, You still havent answered that e-mail I sent you about your appearance in part 6 or whatever I said it was. I'd much appreciate having things planned out beforehand.]

[And Kat, I have the summarized storylines and titles and such all on my compy, and you could like. try and break in to mah compy and steal them or something. It prolly wont work though. ;D]


[i wrote a highly creepy part. in chapta 14. It might creep something out. <.<;; Methinks its too brief and indescriptive though. -goes back to work on it-]

[Once again if I might say I love the story also I didn't forget the brackets this time :D and I will voulenteer to be all keelingyoudeadish if you want!!! :lol: ]

[i dont get tired of feedback (That means YOU, Kat >.>) so you can comment when you feel like. =D]


[Yay for brackets.]


[Well, since you're the only person who apparently read that part of the post, You could do that then. But first, What be your first name? or whatever you feel like going by for a fraction of a chapter? (If you want, you could be fixed in a hospital and return in later parts.)]

[brackets are good]

[Oh boy me in the story! Um ok I'll be Sabrina or August whatever you pick is fine!!! (could I be fixed in the hospital :D and return in later parts) :) ]

[Okay, Sabrina's a cooler name than August, I say, and you can be spiffy and possibly important in part 6. Maybe sooner.]

[i thought of sabrina and my mom August...I thought you should choose in your story!Oh boy I am spiffy and possibly important!!! I am soooooo happy!!! :D:):D ]

[sooooooo goooooooooooooood.]

[i can do it! I can do it nine times!]

[No! Please! Stop! I'm rich! and fat! and cool! and famous!]

[Do you know the times?]

[i just have to make a cool animal name and the rest would like as if itself. Lets see, If I were my own made up animal, I would be called, Da huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuudge.


A Hudge!


Oh wow, Look at the Hudge!

-For the love of pete, DO NOT feed Da Huuuuuuuuuudge!-



[And the dragon comes in the NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT! >o<]

[No, its The Trodgor comes in the niiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. <.<;]


[What?! Dirtiest diaper- Oh cough cough hack choke coffee eggs bacon...'d... Oops, I appear to have made breakfast all over whatever that record was for.]

[i wan't talking about Trogdor. I was talking about the one where somebody asked if he played the guitar. u_u


And this little wierdo, would be a modestly hot giiiirl to help me through the hard tiiimes. You know, the kind that are only sorta hot, so they don't mess around with other guuuuys.]

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[im running out of friends to use as characters here, so Any voulenteers to get keelingyoudead'ed aside from MW? like. TBFOF or Spot or something. <.<;; I dunno. I could try and make someone up or somethin.]


[And Horatio, You still havent answered that e-mail I sent you about your appearance in part 6 or whatever I said it was. I'd much appreciate having things planned out beforehand.]

[And Kat, I have the summarized storylines and titles and such all on my compy, and you could like. try and break in to mah compy and steal them or something. It prolly wont work though. ;D]


[i wrote a highly creepy part. in chapta 14. It might creep something out. <.<;; Methinks its too brief and indescriptive though. -goes back to work on it-]

[Once again if I might say I love the story also I didn't forget the brackets this time :D and I will voulenteer to be all keelingyoudeadish if you want!!! :lol: ]

[i dont get tired of feedback (That means YOU, Kat >.>) so you can comment when you feel like. =D]


[Yay for brackets.]


[Well, since you're the only person who apparently read that part of the post, You could do that then. But first, What be your first name? or whatever you feel like going by for a fraction of a chapter? (If you want, you could be fixed in a hospital and return in later parts.)]

[brackets are good]

[Oh boy me in the story! Um ok I'll be Sabrina or August whatever you pick is fine!!! (could I be fixed in the hospital :D and return in later parts) :) ]

[Okay, Sabrina's a cooler name than August, I say, and you can be spiffy and possibly important in part 6. Maybe sooner.]

[i thought of sabrina and my mom August...I thought you should choose in your story!Oh boy I am spiffy and possibly important!!! I am soooooo happy!!! :D:):D ]

[sooooooo goooooooooooooood.]

[i can do it! I can do it nine times!]

[No! Please! Stop! I'm rich! and fat! and cool! and famous!]

[Do you know the times?]

[i just have to make a cool animal name and the rest would like as if itself. Lets see, If I were my own made up animal, I would be called, Da huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuudge.


A Hudge!


Oh wow, Look at the Hudge!

-For the love of pete, DO NOT feed Da Huuuuuuuuuudge!-



[And the dragon comes in the NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT! >o<]

[No, its The Trodgor comes in the niiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. <.<;]


[What?! Dirtiest diaper- Oh cough cough hack choke coffee eggs bacon...'d... Oops, I appear to have made breakfast all over whatever that record was for.]

[i wan't talking about Trogdor. I was talking about the one where somebody asked if he played the guitar. u_u


And this little wierdo, would be a modestly hot giiiirl to help me through the hard tiiimes. You know, the kind that are only sorta hot, so they don't mess around with other guuuuys.]

[Yeah but in the Trogdor email, he says the Trogdor comes in the niiiiiiiiight.]


[Why am I hugging this tree? How did you talk me into doing it? And... Why do I continue to do it? ... I dont even like this tree that much. ._.]

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[im running out of friends to use as characters here, so Any voulenteers to get keelingyoudead'ed aside from MW? like. TBFOF or Spot or something. <.<;; I dunno. I could try and make someone up or somethin.]


[And Horatio, You still havent answered that e-mail I sent you about your appearance in part 6 or whatever I said it was. I'd much appreciate having things planned out beforehand.]

[And Kat, I have the summarized storylines and titles and such all on my compy, and you could like. try and break in to mah compy and steal them or something. It prolly wont work though. ;D]


[i wrote a highly creepy part. in chapta 14. It might creep something out. <.<;; Methinks its too brief and indescriptive though. -goes back to work on it-]

[Once again if I might say I love the story also I didn't forget the brackets this time :D and I will voulenteer to be all keelingyoudeadish if you want!!! :lol: ]

[i dont get tired of feedback (That means YOU, Kat >.>) so you can comment when you feel like. =D]


[Yay for brackets.]


[Well, since you're the only person who apparently read that part of the post, You could do that then. But first, What be your first name? or whatever you feel like going by for a fraction of a chapter? (If you want, you could be fixed in a hospital and return in later parts.)]

[brackets are good]

[Oh boy me in the story! Um ok I'll be Sabrina or August whatever you pick is fine!!! (could I be fixed in the hospital :D and return in later parts) :) ]

[Okay, Sabrina's a cooler name than August, I say, and you can be spiffy and possibly important in part 6. Maybe sooner.]

[i thought of sabrina and my mom August...I thought you should choose in your story!Oh boy I am spiffy and possibly important!!! I am soooooo happy!!! :D:):D ]

[sooooooo goooooooooooooood.]

[i can do it! I can do it nine times!]

[No! Please! Stop! I'm rich! and fat! and cool! and famous!]

[Do you know the times?]

[i just have to make a cool animal name and the rest would like as if itself. Lets see, If I were my own made up animal, I would be called, Da huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuudge.


A Hudge!


Oh wow, Look at the Hudge!

-For the love of pete, DO NOT feed Da Huuuuuuuuuudge!-



[And the dragon comes in the NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT! >o<]

[No, its The Trodgor comes in the niiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. <.<;]


[What?! Dirtiest diaper- Oh cough cough hack choke coffee eggs bacon...'d... Oops, I appear to have made breakfast all over whatever that record was for.]

[i wan't talking about Trogdor. I was talking about the one where somebody asked if he played the guitar. u_u


And this little wierdo, would be a modestly hot giiiirl to help me through the hard tiiimes. You know, the kind that are only sorta hot, so they don't mess around with other guuuuys.]

[Yeah but in the Trogdor email, he says the Trogdor comes in the niiiiiiiiight.]


[Why am I hugging this tree? How did you talk me into doing it? And... Why do I continue to do it? ... I dont even like this tree that much. ._.]

[i know.


"Science agian!"]

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[im running out of friends to use as characters here, so Any voulenteers to get keelingyoudead'ed aside from MW? like. TBFOF or Spot or something. <.<;; I dunno. I could try and make someone up or somethin.]


[And Horatio, You still havent answered that e-mail I sent you about your appearance in part 6 or whatever I said it was. I'd much appreciate having things planned out beforehand.]

[And Kat, I have the summarized storylines and titles and such all on my compy, and you could like. try and break in to mah compy and steal them or something. It prolly wont work though. ;D]


[i wrote a highly creepy part. in chapta 14. It might creep something out. <.<;; Methinks its too brief and indescriptive though. -goes back to work on it-]

[Once again if I might say I love the story also I didn't forget the brackets this time :D and I will voulenteer to be all keelingyoudeadish if you want!!! :lol: ]

[i dont get tired of feedback (That means YOU, Kat >.>) so you can comment when you feel like. =D]


[Yay for brackets.]


[Well, since you're the only person who apparently read that part of the post, You could do that then. But first, What be your first name? or whatever you feel like going by for a fraction of a chapter? (If you want, you could be fixed in a hospital and return in later parts.)]

[brackets are good]

[Oh boy me in the story! Um ok I'll be Sabrina or August whatever you pick is fine!!! (could I be fixed in the hospital :D and return in later parts) :) ]

[Okay, Sabrina's a cooler name than August, I say, and you can be spiffy and possibly important in part 6. Maybe sooner.]

[i thought of sabrina and my mom August...I thought you should choose in your story!Oh boy I am spiffy and possibly important!!! I am soooooo happy!!! :D:):D ]

[sooooooo goooooooooooooood.]

[i can do it! I can do it nine times!]

[No! Please! Stop! I'm rich! and fat! and cool! and famous!]

[Do you know the times?]

[i just have to make a cool animal name and the rest would like as if itself. Lets see, If I were my own made up animal, I would be called, Da huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuudge.


A Hudge!


Oh wow, Look at the Hudge!

-For the love of pete, DO NOT feed Da Huuuuuuuuuudge!-



[And the dragon comes in the NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT! >o<]

[No, its The Trodgor comes in the niiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. <.<;]


[What?! Dirtiest diaper- Oh cough cough hack choke coffee eggs bacon...'d... Oops, I appear to have made breakfast all over whatever that record was for.]

[i wan't talking about Trogdor. I was talking about the one where somebody asked if he played the guitar. u_u


And this little wierdo, would be a modestly hot giiiirl to help me through the hard tiiimes. You know, the kind that are only sorta hot, so they don't mess around with other guuuuys.]

[Yeah but in the Trogdor email, he says the Trogdor comes in the niiiiiiiiight.]


[Why am I hugging this tree? How did you talk me into doing it? And... Why do I continue to do it? ... I dont even like this tree that much. ._.]

[i know.


"Science agian!"]

[Plus two. Hundred!]

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[im running out of friends to use as characters here, so Any voulenteers to get keelingyoudead'ed aside from MW? like. TBFOF or Spot or something. <.<;; I dunno. I could try and make someone up or somethin.]


[And Horatio, You still havent answered that e-mail I sent you about your appearance in part 6 or whatever I said it was. I'd much appreciate having things planned out beforehand.]

[And Kat, I have the summarized storylines and titles and such all on my compy, and you could like. try and break in to mah compy and steal them or something. It prolly wont work though. ;D]


[i wrote a highly creepy part. in chapta 14. It might creep something out. <.<;; Methinks its too brief and indescriptive though. -goes back to work on it-]

[Once again if I might say I love the story also I didn't forget the brackets this time :D and I will voulenteer to be all keelingyoudeadish if you want!!! :lol: ]

[i dont get tired of feedback (That means YOU, Kat >.>) so you can comment when you feel like. =D]


[Yay for brackets.]


[Well, since you're the only person who apparently read that part of the post, You could do that then. But first, What be your first name? or whatever you feel like going by for a fraction of a chapter? (If you want, you could be fixed in a hospital and return in later parts.)]

[brackets are good]

[Oh boy me in the story! Um ok I'll be Sabrina or August whatever you pick is fine!!! (could I be fixed in the hospital :D and return in later parts) :) ]

[Okay, Sabrina's a cooler name than August, I say, and you can be spiffy and possibly important in part 6. Maybe sooner.]

[i thought of sabrina and my mom August...I thought you should choose in your story!Oh boy I am spiffy and possibly important!!! I am soooooo happy!!! :D:):D ]

[sooooooo goooooooooooooood.]

[i can do it! I can do it nine times!]

[No! Please! Stop! I'm rich! and fat! and cool! and famous!]

[Do you know the times?]

[i just have to make a cool animal name and the rest would like as if itself. Lets see, If I were my own made up animal, I would be called, Da huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuudge.


A Hudge!


Oh wow, Look at the Hudge!

-For the love of pete, DO NOT feed Da Huuuuuuuuuudge!-



[And the dragon comes in the NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT! >o<]

[No, its The Trodgor comes in the niiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. <.<;]


[What?! Dirtiest diaper- Oh cough cough hack choke coffee eggs bacon...'d... Oops, I appear to have made breakfast all over whatever that record was for.]

[i wan't talking about Trogdor. I was talking about the one where somebody asked if he played the guitar. u_u


And this little wierdo, would be a modestly hot giiiirl to help me through the hard tiiimes. You know, the kind that are only sorta hot, so they don't mess around with other guuuuys.]

[Yeah but in the Trogdor email, he says the Trogdor comes in the niiiiiiiiight.]


[Why am I hugging this tree? How did you talk me into doing it? And... Why do I continue to do it? ... I dont even like this tree that much. ._.]

[i know.


"Science agian!"]

[Plus two. Hundred!]

[swordchucks, yo!]

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[im running out of friends to use as characters here, so Any voulenteers to get keelingyoudead'ed aside from MW? like. TBFOF or Spot or something. <.<;; I dunno. I could try and make someone up or somethin.]


[And Horatio, You still havent answered that e-mail I sent you about your appearance in part 6 or whatever I said it was. I'd much appreciate having things planned out beforehand.]

[And Kat, I have the summarized storylines and titles and such all on my compy, and you could like. try and break in to mah compy and steal them or something. It prolly wont work though. ;D]


[i wrote a highly creepy part. in chapta 14. It might creep something out. <.<;; Methinks its too brief and indescriptive though. -goes back to work on it-]

[Once again if I might say I love the story also I didn't forget the brackets this time :D and I will voulenteer to be all keelingyoudeadish if you want!!! :lol: ]

[i dont get tired of feedback (That means YOU, Kat >.>) so you can comment when you feel like. =D]


[Yay for brackets.]


[Well, since you're the only person who apparently read that part of the post, You could do that then. But first, What be your first name? or whatever you feel like going by for a fraction of a chapter? (If you want, you could be fixed in a hospital and return in later parts.)]

[brackets are good]

[Oh boy me in the story! Um ok I'll be Sabrina or August whatever you pick is fine!!! (could I be fixed in the hospital :D and return in later parts) :) ]

[Okay, Sabrina's a cooler name than August, I say, and you can be spiffy and possibly important in part 6. Maybe sooner.]

[i thought of sabrina and my mom August...I thought you should choose in your story!Oh boy I am spiffy and possibly important!!! I am soooooo happy!!! :D:):D ]

[sooooooo goooooooooooooood.]

[i can do it! I can do it nine times!]

[No! Please! Stop! I'm rich! and fat! and cool! and famous!]

[Do you know the times?]

[i just have to make a cool animal name and the rest would like as if itself. Lets see, If I were my own made up animal, I would be called, Da huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuudge.


A Hudge!


Oh wow, Look at the Hudge!

-For the love of pete, DO NOT feed Da Huuuuuuuuuudge!-



[And the dragon comes in the NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT! >o<]

[No, its The Trodgor comes in the niiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. <.<;]


[What?! Dirtiest diaper- Oh cough cough hack choke coffee eggs bacon...'d... Oops, I appear to have made breakfast all over whatever that record was for.]

[i wan't talking about Trogdor. I was talking about the one where somebody asked if he played the guitar. u_u


And this little wierdo, would be a modestly hot giiiirl to help me through the hard tiiimes. You know, the kind that are only sorta hot, so they don't mess around with other guuuuys.]

[Yeah but in the Trogdor email, he says the Trogdor comes in the niiiiiiiiight.]


[Why am I hugging this tree? How did you talk me into doing it? And... Why do I continue to do it? ... I dont even like this tree that much. ._.]

[i know.


"Science agian!"]

[Plus two. Hundred!]

[swordchucks, yo!]

[What? Your not Ali. Your not even.... literate...]

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[im running out of friends to use as characters here, so Any voulenteers to get keelingyoudead'ed aside from MW? like. TBFOF or Spot or something. <.<;; I dunno. I could try and make someone up or somethin.]


[And Horatio, You still havent answered that e-mail I sent you about your appearance in part 6 or whatever I said it was. I'd much appreciate having things planned out beforehand.]

[And Kat, I have the summarized storylines and titles and such all on my compy, and you could like. try and break in to mah compy and steal them or something. It prolly wont work though. ;D]


[i wrote a highly creepy part. in chapta 14. It might creep something out. <.<;; Methinks its too brief and indescriptive though. -goes back to work on it-]

[Once again if I might say I love the story also I didn't forget the brackets this time :D and I will voulenteer to be all keelingyoudeadish if you want!!! :lol: ]

[i dont get tired of feedback (That means YOU, Kat >.>) so you can comment when you feel like. =D]


[Yay for brackets.]


[Well, since you're the only person who apparently read that part of the post, You could do that then. But first, What be your first name? or whatever you feel like going by for a fraction of a chapter? (If you want, you could be fixed in a hospital and return in later parts.)]

[brackets are good]

[Oh boy me in the story! Um ok I'll be Sabrina or August whatever you pick is fine!!! (could I be fixed in the hospital :D and return in later parts) :) ]

[Okay, Sabrina's a cooler name than August, I say, and you can be spiffy and possibly important in part 6. Maybe sooner.]

[i thought of sabrina and my mom August...I thought you should choose in your story!Oh boy I am spiffy and possibly important!!! I am soooooo happy!!! :D:):D ]

[sooooooo goooooooooooooood.]

[i can do it! I can do it nine times!]

[No! Please! Stop! I'm rich! and fat! and cool! and famous!]

[Do you know the times?]

[i just have to make a cool animal name and the rest would like as if itself. Lets see, If I were my own made up animal, I would be called, Da huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuudge.


A Hudge!


Oh wow, Look at the Hudge!

-For the love of pete, DO NOT feed Da Huuuuuuuuuudge!-



[And the dragon comes in the NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT! >o<]

[No, its The Trodgor comes in the niiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. <.<;]


[What?! Dirtiest diaper- Oh cough cough hack choke coffee eggs bacon...'d... Oops, I appear to have made breakfast all over whatever that record was for.]

[i wan't talking about Trogdor. I was talking about the one where somebody asked if he played the guitar. u_u


And this little wierdo, would be a modestly hot giiiirl to help me through the hard tiiimes. You know, the kind that are only sorta hot, so they don't mess around with other guuuuys.]

[Yeah but in the Trogdor email, he says the Trogdor comes in the niiiiiiiiight.]


[Why am I hugging this tree? How did you talk me into doing it? And... Why do I continue to do it? ... I dont even like this tree that much. ._.]

[i know.


"Science agian!"]

[Plus two. Hundred!]

[swordchucks, yo!]

[What? Your not Ali. Your not even.... literate...]

["We are Pancake."]

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[im running out of friends to use as characters here, so Any voulenteers to get keelingyoudead'ed aside from MW? like. TBFOF or Spot or something. <.<;; I dunno. I could try and make someone up or somethin.]


[And Horatio, You still havent answered that e-mail I sent you about your appearance in part 6 or whatever I said it was. I'd much appreciate having things planned out beforehand.]

[And Kat, I have the summarized storylines and titles and such all on my compy, and you could like. try and break in to mah compy and steal them or something. It prolly wont work though. ;D]


[i wrote a highly creepy part. in chapta 14. It might creep something out. <.<;; Methinks its too brief and indescriptive though. -goes back to work on it-]

[Once again if I might say I love the story also I didn't forget the brackets this time :D and I will voulenteer to be all keelingyoudeadish if you want!!! :lol: ]

[i dont get tired of feedback (That means YOU, Kat >.>) so you can comment when you feel like. =D]


[Yay for brackets.]


[Well, since you're the only person who apparently read that part of the post, You could do that then. But first, What be your first name? or whatever you feel like going by for a fraction of a chapter? (If you want, you could be fixed in a hospital and return in later parts.)]

[brackets are good]

[Oh boy me in the story! Um ok I'll be Sabrina or August whatever you pick is fine!!! (could I be fixed in the hospital :D and return in later parts) :) ]

[Okay, Sabrina's a cooler name than August, I say, and you can be spiffy and possibly important in part 6. Maybe sooner.]

[i thought of sabrina and my mom August...I thought you should choose in your story!Oh boy I am spiffy and possibly important!!! I am soooooo happy!!! :D:):D ]

[sooooooo goooooooooooooood.]

[i can do it! I can do it nine times!]

[No! Please! Stop! I'm rich! and fat! and cool! and famous!]

[Do you know the times?]

[i just have to make a cool animal name and the rest would like as if itself. Lets see, If I were my own made up animal, I would be called, Da huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuudge.


A Hudge!


Oh wow, Look at the Hudge!

-For the love of pete, DO NOT feed Da Huuuuuuuuuudge!-



[And the dragon comes in the NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT! >o<]

[No, its The Trodgor comes in the niiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. <.<;]


[What?! Dirtiest diaper- Oh cough cough hack choke coffee eggs bacon...'d... Oops, I appear to have made breakfast all over whatever that record was for.]

[i wan't talking about Trogdor. I was talking about the one where somebody asked if he played the guitar. u_u


And this little wierdo, would be a modestly hot giiiirl to help me through the hard tiiimes. You know, the kind that are only sorta hot, so they don't mess around with other guuuuys.]

[Yeah but in the Trogdor email, he says the Trogdor comes in the niiiiiiiiight.]


[Why am I hugging this tree? How did you talk me into doing it? And... Why do I continue to do it? ... I dont even like this tree that much. ._.]

[i know.


"Science agian!"]

[Plus two. Hundred!]

[swordchucks, yo!]

[What? Your not Ali. Your not even.... literate...]

["We are Pancake."]

[T'was a time of desolation. Brother pitted against brother, Babies, havin' babies, Until one day, from the right side of the screen, came a maaaaaaan. A man, with a plastic rectagle.]

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[im running out of friends to use as characters here, so Any voulenteers to get keelingyoudead'ed aside from MW? like. TBFOF or Spot or something. <. i dunno. could try and make someone up or somethin.>


[And Horatio, You still havent answered that e-mail I sent you about your appearance in part 6 or whatever I said it was. I'd much appreciate having things planned out beforehand.]

[And Kat, I have the summarized storylines and titles and such all on my compy, and you could like. try and break in to mah compy and steal them or something. It prolly wont work though. ;D]


[i wrote a highly creepy part. in chapta 14. It might creep something out. <. methinks its too brief and indescriptive though. back to work on it->

[Once again if I might say I love the story also I didn't forget the brackets this time :D and I will voulenteer to be all keelingyoudeadish if you want!!! :lol: ]

[i dont get tired of feedback (That means YOU, Kat >.>) so you can comment when you feel like. =D]


[Yay for brackets.]


[Well, since you're the only person who apparently read that part of the post, You could do that then. But first, What be your first name? or whatever you feel like going by for a fraction of a chapter? (If you want, you could be fixed in a hospital and return in later parts.)]

[brackets are good]

[Oh boy me in the story! Um ok I'll be Sabrina or August whatever you pick is fine!!! (could I be fixed in the hospital :D and return in later parts) :) ]

[Okay, Sabrina's a cooler name than August, I say, and you can be spiffy and possibly important in part 6. Maybe sooner.]

[i thought of sabrina and my mom August...I thought you should choose in your story!Oh boy I am spiffy and possibly important!!! I am soooooo happy!!! :D:):D ]

[sooooooo goooooooooooooood.]

[i can do it! I can do it nine times!]

[No! Please! Stop! I'm rich! and fat! and cool! and famous!]

[Do you know the times?]

[i just have to make a cool animal name and the rest would like as if itself. Lets see, If I were my own made up animal, I would be called, Da huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuudge.


A Hudge!


Oh wow, Look at the Hudge!

-For the love of pete, DO NOT feed Da Huuuuuuuuuudge!-



[And the dragon comes in the NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT! >o

[No, its The Trodgor comes in the niiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. <.>


[What?! Dirtiest diaper- Oh cough cough hack choke coffee eggs bacon...'d... Oops, I appear to have made breakfast all over whatever that record was for.]

[i wan't talking about Trogdor. I was talking about the one where somebody asked if he played the guitar. u_u


And this little wierdo, would be a modestly hot giiiirl to help me through the hard tiiimes. You know, the kind that are only sorta hot, so they don't mess around with other guuuuys.]

[Yeah but in the Trogdor email, he says the Trogdor comes in the niiiiiiiiight.]


[Why am I hugging this tree? How did you talk me into doing it? And... Why do I continue to do it? ... I dont even like this tree that much. ._.]

[i know.


"Science agian!"]

[Plus two. Hundred!]

[swordchucks, yo!]

[What? Your not Ali. Your not even.... literate...]

["We are Pancake."]

[...with a plastic rectagle.]

[Not to be confused with a plastic rectaNgle!!! :lol: ]

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[im running out of friends to use as characters here, so Any voulenteers to get keelingyoudead'ed aside from MW? like. TBFOF or Spot or something. <.<;; I dunno. I could try and make someone up or somethin.]


[And Horatio, You still havent answered that e-mail I sent you about your appearance in part 6 or whatever I said it was. I'd much appreciate having things planned out beforehand.]

[And Kat, I have the summarized storylines and titles and such all on my compy, and you could like. try and break in to mah compy and steal them or something. It prolly wont work though. ;D]


[i wrote a highly creepy part. in chapta 14. It might creep something out. <.<;; Methinks its too brief and indescriptive though. -goes back to work on it-]

[Once again if I might say I love the story also I didn't forget the brackets this time :D and I will voulenteer to be all keelingyoudeadish if you want!!! :lol: ]

[i dont get tired of feedback (That means YOU, Kat >.>) so you can comment when you feel like. =D]


[Yay for brackets.]


[Well, since you're the only person who apparently read that part of the post, You could do that then. But first, What be your first name? or whatever you feel like going by for a fraction of a chapter? (If you want, you could be fixed in a hospital and return in later parts.)]

[brackets are good]

[Oh boy me in the story! Um ok I'll be Sabrina or August whatever you pick is fine!!! (could I be fixed in the hospital :D and return in later parts) :) ]

[Okay, Sabrina's a cooler name than August, I say, and you can be spiffy and possibly important in part 6. Maybe sooner.]

[i thought of sabrina and my mom August...I thought you should choose in your story!Oh boy I am spiffy and possibly important!!! I am soooooo happy!!! :D:):D ]

[sooooooo goooooooooooooood.]

[i can do it! I can do it nine times!]

[No! Please! Stop! I'm rich! and fat! and cool! and famous!]

[Do you know the times?]

[i just have to make a cool animal name and the rest would like as if itself. Lets see, If I were my own made up animal, I would be called, Da huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuudge.


A Hudge!


Oh wow, Look at the Hudge!

-For the love of pete, DO NOT feed Da Huuuuuuuuuudge!-



[And the dragon comes in the NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT! >o<]

[No, its The Trodgor comes in the niiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. <.<;]


[What?! Dirtiest diaper- Oh cough cough hack choke coffee eggs bacon...'d... Oops, I appear to have made breakfast all over whatever that record was for.]

[i wan't talking about Trogdor. I was talking about the one where somebody asked if he played the guitar. u_u


And this little wierdo, would be a modestly hot giiiirl to help me through the hard tiiimes. You know, the kind that are only sorta hot, so they don't mess around with other guuuuys.]

[Yeah but in the Trogdor email, he says the Trogdor comes in the niiiiiiiiight.]


[Why am I hugging this tree? How did you talk me into doing it? And... Why do I continue to do it? ... I dont even like this tree that much. ._.]

[i know.


"Science agian!"]

[Plus two. Hundred!]

[swordchucks, yo!]

[What? Your not Ali. Your not even.... literate...]

["We are Pancake."]

[...with a plastic rectagle.]

[Not to be confused with a plastic rectaNgle!!! :lol: ]

[................ Of course it is. -patpat- n_n -goes off to try and think of the rest of chapta 14 or wherever we are- x_X]

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[im running out of friends to use as characters here, so Any voulenteers to get keelingyoudead'ed aside from MW? like. TBFOF or Spot or something. <.<;; I dunno. I could try and make someone up or somethin.]


[And Horatio, You still havent answered that e-mail I sent you about your appearance in part 6 or whatever I said it was. I'd much appreciate having things planned out beforehand.]

[And Kat, I have the summarized storylines and titles and such all on my compy, and you could like. try and break in to mah compy and steal them or something. It prolly wont work though. ;D]


[i wrote a highly creepy part. in chapta 14. It might creep something out. <.<;; Methinks its too brief and indescriptive though. -goes back to work on it-]

[Once again if I might say I love the story also I didn't forget the brackets this time :D and I will voulenteer to be all keelingyoudeadish if you want!!! :lol: ]

[i dont get tired of feedback (That means YOU, Kat >.>) so you can comment when you feel like. =D]


[Yay for brackets.]


[Well, since you're the only person who apparently read that part of the post, You could do that then. But first, What be your first name? or whatever you feel like going by for a fraction of a chapter? (If you want, you could be fixed in a hospital and return in later parts.)]

[brackets are good]

[Oh boy me in the story! Um ok I'll be Sabrina or August whatever you pick is fine!!! (could I be fixed in the hospital :D and return in later parts) :) ]

[Okay, Sabrina's a cooler name than August, I say, and you can be spiffy and possibly important in part 6. Maybe sooner.]

[i thought of sabrina and my mom August...I thought you should choose in your story!Oh boy I am spiffy and possibly important!!! I am soooooo happy!!! :D:):D ]

[sooooooo goooooooooooooood.]

[i can do it! I can do it nine times!]

[No! Please! Stop! I'm rich! and fat! and cool! and famous!]

[Do you know the times?]

[i just have to make a cool animal name and the rest would like as if itself. Lets see, If I were my own made up animal, I would be called, Da huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuudge.


A Hudge!


Oh wow, Look at the Hudge!

-For the love of pete, DO NOT feed Da Huuuuuuuuuudge!-



[And the dragon comes in the NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT! >o<]

[No, its The Trodgor comes in the niiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. <.<;]


[What?! Dirtiest diaper- Oh cough cough hack choke coffee eggs bacon...'d... Oops, I appear to have made breakfast all over whatever that record was for.]

[i wan't talking about Trogdor. I was talking about the one where somebody asked if he played the guitar. u_u


And this little wierdo, would be a modestly hot giiiirl to help me through the hard tiiimes. You know, the kind that are only sorta hot, so they don't mess around with other guuuuys.]

[Yeah but in the Trogdor email, he says the Trogdor comes in the niiiiiiiiight.]


[Why am I hugging this tree? How did you talk me into doing it? And... Why do I continue to do it? ... I dont even like this tree that much. ._.]

[i know.


"Science agian!"]

[Plus two. Hundred!]

[swordchucks, yo!]

[What? Your not Ali. Your not even.... literate...]

["We are Pancake."]

[...with a plastic rectagle.]

[Not to be confused with a plastic rectaNgle!!! :lol: ]

[................ Of course it is. -patpat- n_n -goes off to try and think of the rest of chapta 14 or wherever we are- x_X]

[Oh yeah, there is a story in this topic, isn't there?]

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  • 3 weeks later...
[update- I havent forgotten. <.<;; Im still trying to think of something to write.

I do has an idea though. <.<]

[i would help, only, I gots no idea what you were planning to happen, so I can't.]

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[update- I havent forgotten. <.<;; Im still trying to think of something to write.

I do has an idea though. <.<]

[i would help, only, I gots no idea what you were planning to happen, so I can't.]

[Right now theres a scene change away from me Chris and maybe some other people. I dunno where to change the scene to or if I should add on to the current scene. o_o I could just make that section a really short chapter.]

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[w00t! I finished it.]


Chapter Fourteen


I did my best to ignore the pain and lack of blood circulation in my body and ran across the terrain, with Koy, Chris and Mike following some fifteen feet behind me.


I continued running with the thoughts of what happened to Kate or Kris, and how Artemis had instructed me to keep them out of trouble and that they were supposedly my responsibility…


I ran until I came across a strange scent- Unfamiliar, but not in a good way. I scanned the scenery around me, seeing signs of a blue substance near trees and recklessly splattered all around…

Though hidden among this scent was that of a very faint sign of fear in the air, though was hard to distinguish from the thick scent of blood. I couldn’t help but wonder what happened, and proceeded without thinking of consequence.


“You two go on ahead and get yourself killed, I will stay at a safe distance…â€


Mike suggested to Chris and Koy, they ignored him and continued following me.


Though Only to make matters worse, My eyes widened to see a horrific, quite frightening sight…


The odd blue substance I had seen before is apparently some sort of very strong and durable adhesive sort, It appeared it was woven into a, well, web, I guess, Binding now inactive werewolves in one place. Though these Torrask’s did not use this substance for only this…


There were werewolves suspended by their injured limbs, hanging from strong tree branches, all in careless stances that the Torrask’s would have forced them in to, The blank look in their eyes I found quite disturbing.


“Oh… …â€


Chris spoke from behind me.


“They probably used some acidic fluid to stun them- It looks like they are half alive, but being reduced to simpler matter for consumption…?â€


Koy commented. I simply continued to look over the dead or stunned werewolves, A few of them had a strange blue fluid dripping from their mouths…?


“Look at the facial expressions… They did not go down easily or fearlessly. Some of this muscle looks exhausted.â€


I could not believe this- For some time, I had been convinced that we were invincible creatures. This only emphasizes the helplessness of humans, considering the immense superiority Werewolves possessed over Humans…


I could not help but imagine what happened here… None of these wolves seem like they stood a chance against these creatures. I shuddered at the thought of this becoming more of a food storage for Torrask’s, as they apparently kept the wolves in such a condition for later use…?


I looked at the strands of Torce, I assumed, that kept wolves from touching the ground. They bonded with the ends of the wolf limbs in a way it looked as if they would never come off…?


Though one thing I did overlook before now was that multiple wolves appeared to have slits, cut openings and the like about their body, Wounds that appear to have come from a blade… Do these Torrask’s have forged weaponry?!


But one thing stuck in mind… Would Kate or Kris be among this cluster of Torrask and Werewolf?

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[w00t! I finished it.]


Chapter Fourteen


I did my best to ignore the pain and lack of blood circulation in my body and ran across the terrain, with Koy, Chris and Mike following some fifteen feet behind me.


I continued running with the thoughts of what happened to Kate or Kris, and how Artemis had instructed me to keep them out of trouble and that they were supposedly my responsibility…


I ran until I came across a strange scent- Unfamiliar, but not in a good way. I scanned the scenery around me, seeing signs of a blue substance near trees and recklessly splattered all around…

Though hidden among this scent was that of a very faint sign of fear in the air, though was hard to distinguish from the thick scent of blood. I couldn’t help but wonder what happened, and proceeded without thinking of consequence.


“You two go on ahead and get yourself killed, I will stay at a safe distance…â€


Mike suggested to Chris and Koy, they ignored him and continued following me.


Though Only to make matters worse, My eyes widened to see a horrific, quite frightening sight…


The odd blue substance I had seen before is apparently some sort of very strong and durable adhesive sort, It appeared it was woven into a, well, web, I guess, Binding now inactive werewolves in one place. Though these Torrask’s did not use this substance for only this…


There were werewolves suspended by their injured limbs, hanging from strong tree branches, all in careless stances that the Torrask’s would have forced them in to, The blank look in their eyes I found quite disturbing.


“Oh… …â€


Chris spoke from behind me.


“They probably used some acidic fluid to stun them- It looks like they are half alive, but being reduced to simpler matter for consumption…?â€


Koy commented. I simply continued to look over the dead or stunned werewolves, A few of them had a strange blue fluid dripping from their mouths…?


“Look at the facial expressions… They did not go down easily or fearlessly. Some of this muscle looks exhausted.â€


I could not believe this- For some time, I had been convinced that we were invincible creatures. This only emphasizes the helplessness of humans, considering the immense superiority Werewolves possessed over Humans…


I could not help but imagine what happened here… None of these wolves seem like they stood a chance against these creatures. I shuddered at the thought of this becoming more of a food storage for Torrask’s, as they apparently kept the wolves in such a condition for later use…?


I looked at the strands of Torce, I assumed, that kept wolves from touching the ground. They bonded with the ends of the wolf limbs in a way it looked as if they would never come off…?


Though one thing I did overlook before now was that multiple wolves appeared to have slits, cut openings and the like about their body, Wounds that appear to have come from a blade… Do these Torrask’s have forged weaponry?!


But one thing stuck in mind… Would Kate or Kris be among this cluster of Torrask and Werewolf?


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[w00t! I finished it.]


Chapter Fourteen


I did my best to ignore the pain and lack of blood circulation in my body and ran across the terrain, with Koy, Chris and Mike following some fifteen feet behind me.


I continued running with the thoughts of what happened to Kate or Kris, and how Artemis had instructed me to keep them out of trouble and that they were supposedly my responsibility…


I ran until I came across a strange scent- Unfamiliar, but not in a good way. I scanned the scenery around me, seeing signs of a blue substance near trees and recklessly splattered all around…

Though hidden among this scent was that of a very faint sign of fear in the air, though was hard to distinguish from the thick scent of blood. I couldn’t help but wonder what happened, and proceeded without thinking of consequence.


“You two go on ahead and get yourself killed, I will stay at a safe distance…â€


Mike suggested to Chris and Koy, they ignored him and continued following me.


Though Only to make matters worse, My eyes widened to see a horrific, quite frightening sight…


The odd blue substance I had seen before is apparently some sort of very strong and durable adhesive sort, It appeared it was woven into a, well, web, I guess, Binding now inactive werewolves in one place. Though these Torrask’s did not use this substance for only this…


There were werewolves suspended by their injured limbs, hanging from strong tree branches, all in careless stances that the Torrask’s would have forced them in to, The blank look in their eyes I found quite disturbing.


“Oh… …â€


Chris spoke from behind me.


“They probably used some acidic fluid to stun them- It looks like they are half alive, but being reduced to simpler matter for consumption…?â€


Koy commented. I simply continued to look over the dead or stunned werewolves, A few of them had a strange blue fluid dripping from their mouths…?


“Look at the facial expressions… They did not go down easily or fearlessly. Some of this muscle looks exhausted.â€


I could not believe this- For some time, I had been convinced that we were invincible creatures. This only emphasizes the helplessness of humans, considering the immense superiority Werewolves possessed over Humans…


I could not help but imagine what happened here… None of these wolves seem like they stood a chance against these creatures. I shuddered at the thought of this becoming more of a food storage for Torrask’s, as they apparently kept the wolves in such a condition for later use…?


I looked at the strands of Torce, I assumed, that kept wolves from touching the ground. They bonded with the ends of the wolf limbs in a way it looked as if they would never come off…?


Though one thing I did overlook before now was that multiple wolves appeared to have slits, cut openings and the like about their body, Wounds that appear to have come from a blade… Do these Torrask’s have forged weaponry?!


But one thing stuck in mind… Would Kate or Kris be among this cluster of Torrask and Werewolf?


[indeed. =D]

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[w00t! I finished it.]


Chapter Fourteen


I did my best to ignore the pain and lack of blood circulation in my body and ran across the terrain, with Koy, Chris and Mike following some fifteen feet behind me.


I continued running with the thoughts of what happened to Kate or Kris, and how Artemis had instructed me to keep them out of trouble and that they were supposedly my responsibility…


I ran until I came across a strange scent- Unfamiliar, but not in a good way. I scanned the scenery around me, seeing signs of a blue substance near trees and recklessly splattered all around…

Though hidden among this scent was that of a very faint sign of fear in the air, though was hard to distinguish from the thick scent of blood. I couldn’t help but wonder what happened, and proceeded without thinking of consequence.


“You two go on ahead and get yourself killed, I will stay at a safe distance…â€


Mike suggested to Chris and Koy, they ignored him and continued following me.


Though Only to make matters worse, My eyes widened to see a horrific, quite frightening sight…


The odd blue substance I had seen before is apparently some sort of very strong and durable adhesive sort, It appeared it was woven into a, well, web, I guess, Binding now inactive werewolves in one place. Though these Torrask’s did not use this substance for only this…


There were werewolves suspended by their injured limbs, hanging from strong tree branches, all in careless stances that the Torrask’s would have forced them in to, The blank look in their eyes I found quite disturbing.


“Oh… …â€


Chris spoke from behind me.


“They probably used some acidic fluid to stun them- It looks like they are half alive, but being reduced to simpler matter for consumption…?â€


Koy commented. I simply continued to look over the dead or stunned werewolves, A few of them had a strange blue fluid dripping from their mouths…?


“Look at the facial expressions… They did not go down easily or fearlessly. Some of this muscle looks exhausted.â€


I could not believe this- For some time, I had been convinced that we were invincible creatures. This only emphasizes the helplessness of humans, considering the immense superiority Werewolves possessed over Humans…


I could not help but imagine what happened here… None of these wolves seem like they stood a chance against these creatures. I shuddered at the thought of this becoming more of a food storage for Torrask’s, as they apparently kept the wolves in such a condition for later use…?


I looked at the strands of Torce, I assumed, that kept wolves from touching the ground. They bonded with the ends of the wolf limbs in a way it looked as if they would never come off…?


Though one thing I did overlook before now was that multiple wolves appeared to have slits, cut openings and the like about their body, Wounds that appear to have come from a blade… Do these Torrask’s have forged weaponry?!


But one thing stuck in mind… Would Kate or Kris be among this cluster of Torrask and Werewolf?


[indeed. =D]

[*does a jig while she waits for the next chapter*]

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[w00t! I finished it.]


Chapter Fourteen


I did my best to ignore the pain and lack of blood circulation in my body and ran across the terrain, with Koy, Chris and Mike following some fifteen feet behind me.


I continued running with the thoughts of what happened to Kate or Kris, and how Artemis had instructed me to keep them out of trouble and that they were supposedly my responsibility…


I ran until I came across a strange scent- Unfamiliar, but not in a good way. I scanned the scenery around me, seeing signs of a blue substance near trees and recklessly splattered all around…

Though hidden among this scent was that of a very faint sign of fear in the air, though was hard to distinguish from the thick scent of blood. I couldn’t help but wonder what happened, and proceeded without thinking of consequence.


“You two go on ahead and get yourself killed, I will stay at a safe distance…â€


Mike suggested to Chris and Koy, they ignored him and continued following me.


Though Only to make matters worse, My eyes widened to see a horrific, quite frightening sight…


The odd blue substance I had seen before is apparently some sort of very strong and durable adhesive sort, It appeared it was woven into a, well, web, I guess, Binding now inactive werewolves in one place. Though these Torrask’s did not use this substance for only this…


There were werewolves suspended by their injured limbs, hanging from strong tree branches, all in careless stances that the Torrask’s would have forced them in to, The blank look in their eyes I found quite disturbing.


“Oh… …â€


Chris spoke from behind me.


“They probably used some acidic fluid to stun them- It looks like they are half alive, but being reduced to simpler matter for consumption…?â€


Koy commented. I simply continued to look over the dead or stunned werewolves, A few of them had a strange blue fluid dripping from their mouths…?


“Look at the facial expressions… They did not go down easily or fearlessly. Some of this muscle looks exhausted.â€


I could not believe this- For some time, I had been convinced that we were invincible creatures. This only emphasizes the helplessness of humans, considering the immense superiority Werewolves possessed over Humans…


I could not help but imagine what happened here… None of these wolves seem like they stood a chance against these creatures. I shuddered at the thought of this becoming more of a food storage for Torrask’s, as they apparently kept the wolves in such a condition for later use…?


I looked at the strands of Torce, I assumed, that kept wolves from touching the ground. They bonded with the ends of the wolf limbs in a way it looked as if they would never come off…?


Though one thing I did overlook before now was that multiple wolves appeared to have slits, cut openings and the like about their body, Wounds that appear to have come from a blade… Do these Torrask’s have forged weaponry?!


But one thing stuck in mind… Would Kate or Kris be among this cluster of Torrask and Werewolf?


[indeed. =D]

[*does a jig while she waits for the next chapter*]

[*jigs with Kat*]

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[w00t! I finished it.]


Chapter Fourteen


I did my best to ignore the pain and lack of blood circulation in my body and ran across the terrain, with Koy, Chris and Mike following some fifteen feet behind me.


I continued running with the thoughts of what happened to Kate or Kris, and how Artemis had instructed me to keep them out of trouble and that they were supposedly my responsibility…


I ran until I came across a strange scent- Unfamiliar, but not in a good way. I scanned the scenery around me, seeing signs of a blue substance near trees and recklessly splattered all around…

Though hidden among this scent was that of a very faint sign of fear in the air, though was hard to distinguish from the thick scent of blood. I couldn’t help but wonder what happened, and proceeded without thinking of consequence.


“You two go on ahead and get yourself killed, I will stay at a safe distance…â€


Mike suggested to Chris and Koy, they ignored him and continued following me.


Though Only to make matters worse, My eyes widened to see a horrific, quite frightening sight…


The odd blue substance I had seen before is apparently some sort of very strong and durable adhesive sort, It appeared it was woven into a, well, web, I guess, Binding now inactive werewolves in one place. Though these Torrask’s did not use this substance for only this…


There were werewolves suspended by their injured limbs, hanging from strong tree branches, all in careless stances that the Torrask’s would have forced them in to, The blank look in their eyes I found quite disturbing.


“Oh… …â€


Chris spoke from behind me.


“They probably used some acidic fluid to stun them- It looks like they are half alive, but being reduced to simpler matter for consumption…?â€


Koy commented. I simply continued to look over the dead or stunned werewolves, A few of them had a strange blue fluid dripping from their mouths…?


“Look at the facial expressions… They did not go down easily or fearlessly. Some of this muscle looks exhausted.â€


I could not believe this- For some time, I had been convinced that we were invincible creatures. This only emphasizes the helplessness of humans, considering the immense superiority Werewolves possessed over Humans…


I could not help but imagine what happened here… None of these wolves seem like they stood a chance against these creatures. I shuddered at the thought of this becoming more of a food storage for Torrask’s, as they apparently kept the wolves in such a condition for later use…?


I looked at the strands of Torce, I assumed, that kept wolves from touching the ground. They bonded with the ends of the wolf limbs in a way it looked as if they would never come off…?


Though one thing I did overlook before now was that multiple wolves appeared to have slits, cut openings and the like about their body, Wounds that appear to have come from a blade… Do these Torrask’s have forged weaponry?!


But one thing stuck in mind… Would Kate or Kris be among this cluster of Torrask and Werewolf?


[indeed. =D]

[*does a jig while she waits for the next chapter*]

[*jigs with Kat*]

[*high fives*]

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[w00t! I finished it.]


Chapter Fourteen


I did my best to ignore the pain and lack of blood circulation in my body and ran across the terrain, with Koy, Chris and Mike following some fifteen feet behind me.


I continued running with the thoughts of what happened to Kate or Kris, and how Artemis had instructed me to keep them out of trouble and that they were supposedly my responsibility…


I ran until I came across a strange scent- Unfamiliar, but not in a good way. I scanned the scenery around me, seeing signs of a blue substance near trees and recklessly splattered all around…

Though hidden among this scent was that of a very faint sign of fear in the air, though was hard to distinguish from the thick scent of blood. I couldn’t help but wonder what happened, and proceeded without thinking of consequence.


“You two go on ahead and get yourself killed, I will stay at a safe distance…â€


Mike suggested to Chris and Koy, they ignored him and continued following me.


Though Only to make matters worse, My eyes widened to see a horrific, quite frightening sight…


The odd blue substance I had seen before is apparently some sort of very strong and durable adhesive sort, It appeared it was woven into a, well, web, I guess, Binding now inactive werewolves in one place. Though these Torrask’s did not use this substance for only this…


There were werewolves suspended by their injured limbs, hanging from strong tree branches, all in careless stances that the Torrask’s would have forced them in to, The blank look in their eyes I found quite disturbing.


“Oh… …â€


Chris spoke from behind me.


“They probably used some acidic fluid to stun them- It looks like they are half alive, but being reduced to simpler matter for consumption…?â€


Koy commented. I simply continued to look over the dead or stunned werewolves, A few of them had a strange blue fluid dripping from their mouths…?


“Look at the facial expressions… They did not go down easily or fearlessly. Some of this muscle looks exhausted.â€


I could not believe this- For some time, I had been convinced that we were invincible creatures. This only emphasizes the helplessness of humans, considering the immense superiority Werewolves possessed over Humans…


I could not help but imagine what happened here… None of these wolves seem like they stood a chance against these creatures. I shuddered at the thought of this becoming more of a food storage for Torrask’s, as they apparently kept the wolves in such a condition for later use…?


I looked at the strands of Torce, I assumed, that kept wolves from touching the ground. They bonded with the ends of the wolf limbs in a way it looked as if they would never come off…?


Though one thing I did overlook before now was that multiple wolves appeared to have slits, cut openings and the like about their body, Wounds that appear to have come from a blade… Do these Torrask’s have forged weaponry?!


But one thing stuck in mind… Would Kate or Kris be among this cluster of Torrask and Werewolf?


[indeed. =D]

[*does a jig while she waits for the next chapter*]

[*jigs with Kat*]

[*high fives*]

[*bumps heads*]

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[im running out of friends to use as characters here, so Any voulenteers to get keelingyoudead'ed aside from MW? like. TBFOF or Spot or something. <.<;; I dunno. I could try and make someone up or somethin.]


[And Horatio, You still havent answered that e-mail I sent you about your appearance in part 6 or whatever I said it was. I'd much appreciate having things planned out beforehand.]

[And Kat, I have the summarized storylines and titles and such all on my compy, and you could like. try and break in to mah compy and steal them or something. It prolly wont work though. ;D]


[i wrote a highly creepy part. in chapta 14. It might creep something out. <.<;; Methinks its too brief and indescriptive though. -goes back to work on it-]

[Once again if I might say I love the story also I didn't forget the brackets this time :D and I will voulenteer to be all keelingyoudeadish if you want!!! :lol: ]

[i has the solution!]


[Honey person, What I has planned for you in part 3 here would make you the perfect character for one of the main characters of part 6.]


[You get to be supa-spiffy in part 6 now. =D]

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[w00t! I finished it.]


Chapter Fourteen


I did my best to ignore the pain and lack of blood circulation in my body and ran across the terrain, with Koy, Chris and Mike following some fifteen feet behind me.


I continued running with the thoughts of what happened to Kate or Kris, and how Artemis had instructed me to keep them out of trouble and that they were supposedly my responsibility…


I ran until I came across a strange scent- Unfamiliar, but not in a good way. I scanned the scenery around me, seeing signs of a blue substance near trees and recklessly splattered all around…

Though hidden among this scent was that of a very faint sign of fear in the air, though was hard to distinguish from the thick scent of blood. I couldn’t help but wonder what happened, and proceeded without thinking of consequence.


“You two go on ahead and get yourself killed, I will stay at a safe distance…â€


Mike suggested to Chris and Koy, they ignored him and continued following me.


Though Only to make matters worse, My eyes widened to see a horrific, quite frightening sight…


The odd blue substance I had seen before is apparently some sort of very strong and durable adhesive sort, It appeared it was woven into a, well, web, I guess, Binding now inactive werewolves in one place. Though these Torrask’s did not use this substance for only this…


There were werewolves suspended by their injured limbs, hanging from strong tree branches, all in careless stances that the Torrask’s would have forced them in to, The blank look in their eyes I found quite disturbing.


“Oh… …â€


Chris spoke from behind me.


“They probably used some acidic fluid to stun them- It looks like they are half alive, but being reduced to simpler matter for consumption…?â€


Koy commented. I simply continued to look over the dead or stunned werewolves, A few of them had a strange blue fluid dripping from their mouths…?


“Look at the facial expressions… They did not go down easily or fearlessly. Some of this muscle looks exhausted.â€


I could not believe this- For some time, I had been convinced that we were invincible creatures. This only emphasizes the helplessness of humans, considering the immense superiority Werewolves possessed over Humans…


I could not help but imagine what happened here… None of these wolves seem like they stood a chance against these creatures. I shuddered at the thought of this becoming more of a food storage for Torrask’s, as they apparently kept the wolves in such a condition for later use…?


I looked at the strands of Torce, I assumed, that kept wolves from touching the ground. They bonded with the ends of the wolf limbs in a way it looked as if they would never come off…?


Though one thing I did overlook before now was that multiple wolves appeared to have slits, cut openings and the like about their body, Wounds that appear to have come from a blade… Do these Torrask’s have forged weaponry?!


But one thing stuck in mind… Would Kate or Kris be among this cluster of Torrask and Werewolf?


[indeed. =D]

[*does a jig while she waits for the next chapter*]

[*jigs with Kat*]

[*high fives*]

[*bumps heads*]

[*preforms the Secret MW and Kat Club handshake*]

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[w00t! I finished it.]


Chapter Fourteen


I did my best to ignore the pain and lack of blood circulation in my body and ran across the terrain, with Koy, Chris and Mike following some fifteen feet behind me.


I continued running with the thoughts of what happened to Kate or Kris, and how Artemis had instructed me to keep them out of trouble and that they were supposedly my responsibility…


I ran until I came across a strange scent- Unfamiliar, but not in a good way. I scanned the scenery around me, seeing signs of a blue substance near trees and recklessly splattered all around…

Though hidden among this scent was that of a very faint sign of fear in the air, though was hard to distinguish from the thick scent of blood. I couldn’t help but wonder what happened, and proceeded without thinking of consequence.


“You two go on ahead and get yourself killed, I will stay at a safe distance…â€


Mike suggested to Chris and Koy, they ignored him and continued following me.


Though Only to make matters worse, My eyes widened to see a horrific, quite frightening sight…


The odd blue substance I had seen before is apparently some sort of very strong and durable adhesive sort, It appeared it was woven into a, well, web, I guess, Binding now inactive werewolves in one place. Though these Torrask’s did not use this substance for only this…


There were werewolves suspended by their injured limbs, hanging from strong tree branches, all in careless stances that the Torrask’s would have forced them in to, The blank look in their eyes I found quite disturbing.


“Oh… …â€


Chris spoke from behind me.


“They probably used some acidic fluid to stun them- It looks like they are half alive, but being reduced to simpler matter for consumption…?â€


Koy commented. I simply continued to look over the dead or stunned werewolves, A few of them had a strange blue fluid dripping from their mouths…?


“Look at the facial expressions… They did not go down easily or fearlessly. Some of this muscle looks exhausted.â€


I could not believe this- For some time, I had been convinced that we were invincible creatures. This only emphasizes the helplessness of humans, considering the immense superiority Werewolves possessed over Humans…


I could not help but imagine what happened here… None of these wolves seem like they stood a chance against these creatures. I shuddered at the thought of this becoming more of a food storage for Torrask’s, as they apparently kept the wolves in such a condition for later use…?


I looked at the strands of Torce, I assumed, that kept wolves from touching the ground. They bonded with the ends of the wolf limbs in a way it looked as if they would never come off…?


Though one thing I did overlook before now was that multiple wolves appeared to have slits, cut openings and the like about their body, Wounds that appear to have come from a blade… Do these Torrask’s have forged weaponry?!


But one thing stuck in mind… Would Kate or Kris be among this cluster of Torrask and Werewolf?


[indeed. =D]

[*does a jig while she waits for the next chapter*]

[*jigs with Kat*]

[*high fives*]

[*bumps heads*]

[*preforms the Secret MW and Kat Club handshake*]

[*tails whack together* Oh yeah, we're awesome. :lol: ]

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[w00t big long chapter.]


Chapter Fifteen


"Serena... ...What are we doing here?"


"We're getting back at the Human for all they've done to us, And you're helping."


Serena explained to the somewhat frightened Audrey, as they progressed across the unusually dark streets of the Human city of Bismarck.


"But what ab-"




Serena snapped, and pointed her attention off to the side...


"A human...!"


Serena silently moved ahead of Audrey, and crouched down to the lycanthrope beast, to eyelevel.

Her sparkling orange optics shone disturbingly into Audrey's simple amber eyes, as Serena used her hypnotic gaze, and prompted Audrey to do as she was told…


Unwillingly obedient, and now mindless and controlled, Audrey used her lycanthrope stealth, and crept along the paved ground, toward unsuspecting humans, casually walking and talking in a small group of three.


Audrey’s legs kicked off the ground, the beast lunged through the air…


The shadows prevented the humans from seeing anything coming. A loud Thud noise, and there were only two humans walking along.

Confused, the two looked around, bewildered. In reply, One human received a punch in the head- Enough force to take a full-grown tree down in half.

Bones broke, blood splattered, the human fell lifeless before the destructive beast.


“Audrey, Hold on a moment…â€


The thought of Serena’s voice rushed through Aurdrey’s head. Telepathic communication…


“Simply knock this one out. We’ll preserve it for later.â€


With that, Audrey fought against her will, and struggled against the vampires overwhelming influence.

Her futile efforts were brought to an end, when her massive arm reached to behind this human’s neck, as she squeezed on the back- simply knocking it out.




“Well, I am sufficiently disturbed…â€


“Agreed. Let us depart.â€


The trio of werewolves turned around, and hurried out of the clearing in a short matter of seconds.


I looked around myself, noting something was wrong but not sure what it is…?


“Hey… Where did Mike go?â€




We all looked about ourselves to find Michael was nowhere to be found.


Through the silent forest, We pieced together what could have happened…

Mike is horribly afraid of Torrask’s, and we’re near a point of Torrask significance. Could be have freaked out and run away or something?


Six ears all perked up at detecting a sound nearby- The three of us looked around, to see nothing. I scanned the scenery intently, until my eyes saw what would be easily overlooked…

A feral wolf stood not ten feet away…?




Koy spoke in a shocked tone of voice. I glanced at him, as he was backing away in a frightened manner before this wolf…


I looked it over more closely to see there were traces of Torce around its head- most leading to its mouth. A rather disgusting foam was coming from its mouth in a slow manner, as its crazed eyes uncontrollably rolled around, not necessarily looking at anything…


Following Koy’s action, I backed away rapidly as well.


“Chris. … What is it?â€


“A Torrask got hold of that wolf, that’s what. Depending on how experienced the Torrask is, it can be very easy to tell its controlling a creature.â€


“What do we do with it?â€


“You remember those scout camps we went to way back when?â€


After a moments hesitation, Memories of endless weeks of 110+F weather and mosquitos and various other discomforts came to me. I nodded before dwelling on these experiences too much.


“We get the Torrask out.â€


“What does that have to do with BSA, and how do you expect us to do that?!â€


“Weaken the body to the point where it can’t easily fight back, and do a Heimlich maneuver to get it out.â€


“You sure that will work?â€


“You have a better plan?â€


“I thought the Torrask infests and controls a body’s head, not lungs.â€


“You also remember how to treat Rattlesnake bites?â€


I nodded.


“Torce is about the same in this case, so keep blood from circulating too much and keep it on a slope, facing down.â€


I rolled my eyes,


“Whatever. Do you plan on helping?â€


“I would be surprised if just the three of us could take it down.â€


I worriedly looked at the wolf, which looked ready to strike down and kill anything in its path.


“Ready… Get him!â€


The four wolves lunged all at each other, and attacked.



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[w00t! I finished it.]


Chapter Fourteen


I did my best to ignore the pain and lack of blood circulation in my body and ran across the terrain, with Koy, Chris and Mike following some fifteen feet behind me.


I continued running with the thoughts of what happened to Kate or Kris, and how Artemis had instructed me to keep them out of trouble and that they were supposedly my responsibility…


I ran until I came across a strange scent- Unfamiliar, but not in a good way. I scanned the scenery around me, seeing signs of a blue substance near trees and recklessly splattered all around…

Though hidden among this scent was that of a very faint sign of fear in the air, though was hard to distinguish from the thick scent of blood. I couldn’t help but wonder what happened, and proceeded without thinking of consequence.


“You two go on ahead and get yourself killed, I will stay at a safe distance…â€


Mike suggested to Chris and Koy, they ignored him and continued following me.


Though Only to make matters worse, My eyes widened to see a horrific, quite frightening sight…


The odd blue substance I had seen before is apparently some sort of very strong and durable adhesive sort, It appeared it was woven into a, well, web, I guess, Binding now inactive werewolves in one place. Though these Torrask’s did not use this substance for only this…


There were werewolves suspended by their injured limbs, hanging from strong tree branches, all in careless stances that the Torrask’s would have forced them in to, The blank look in their eyes I found quite disturbing.


“Oh… …â€


Chris spoke from behind me.


“They probably used some acidic fluid to stun them- It looks like they are half alive, but being reduced to simpler matter for consumption…?â€


Koy commented. I simply continued to look over the dead or stunned werewolves, A few of them had a strange blue fluid dripping from their mouths…?


“Look at the facial expressions… They did not go down easily or fearlessly. Some of this muscle looks exhausted.â€


I could not believe this- For some time, I had been convinced that we were invincible creatures. This only emphasizes the helplessness of humans, considering the immense superiority Werewolves possessed over Humans…


I could not help but imagine what happened here… None of these wolves seem like they stood a chance against these creatures. I shuddered at the thought of this becoming more of a food storage for Torrask’s, as they apparently kept the wolves in such a condition for later use…?


I looked at the strands of Torce, I assumed, that kept wolves from touching the ground. They bonded with the ends of the wolf limbs in a way it looked as if they would never come off…?


Though one thing I did overlook before now was that multiple wolves appeared to have slits, cut openings and the like about their body, Wounds that appear to have come from a blade… Do these Torrask’s have forged weaponry?!


But one thing stuck in mind… Would Kate or Kris be among this cluster of Torrask and Werewolf?


[indeed. =D]

[*does a jig while she waits for the next chapter*]

[*jigs with Kat*]

[*high fives*]

[*bumps heads*]

[*preforms the Secret MW and Kat Club handshake*]

[*tails whack together* Oh yeah, we're awesome. :lol: ]

[We're Bad Dudes!]

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[The... The rabid wolf thing should have been written better. <.< Now I think about that, I've probably given all of you a very strange visual image. xD]

[i dunno. Was a sorta wolfy-like thing with blue stuff around its head and foam around it's mouth and weird eyes what you were goin' for?]

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[The... The rabid wolf thing should have been written better. <.< Now I think about that, I've probably given all of you a very strange visual image. xD]

[i dunno. Was a sorta wolfy-like thing with blue stuff around its head and foam around it's mouth and weird eyes what you were goin' for?]

[More of a very angry wolf with traces of torce around its mouth, not necessarily entire head, and small amounts of foam in teh mouth. <.<;; and untidy hair.]

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[The... The rabid wolf thing should have been written better. <.< Now I think about that, I've probably given all of you a very strange visual image. xD]

[i dunno. Was a sorta wolfy-like thing with blue stuff around its head and foam around it's mouth and weird eyes what you were goin' for?]

[More of a very angry wolf with traces of torce around its mouth, not necessarily entire head, and small amounts of foam in teh mouth. <.<;; and untidy hair.]

[Right. Got it.]

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[im running out of friends to use as characters here, so Any voulenteers to get keelingyoudead'ed aside from MW? like. TBFOF or Spot or something. <.<;; I dunno. I could try and make someone up or somethin.]


[And Horatio, You still havent answered that e-mail I sent you about your appearance in part 6 or whatever I said it was. I'd much appreciate having things planned out beforehand.]

[And Kat, I have the summarized storylines and titles and such all on my compy, and you could like. try and break in to mah compy and steal them or something. It prolly wont work though. ;D]


[i wrote a highly creepy part. in chapta 14. It might creep something out. <.<;; Methinks its too brief and indescriptive though. -goes back to work on it-]

[Once again if I might say I love the story also I didn't forget the brackets this time :D and I will voulenteer to be all keelingyoudeadish if you want!!! :lol: ]

[i has the solution!]


[Honey person, What I has planned for you in part 3 here would make you the perfect character for one of the main characters of part 6.]


[You get to be supa-spiffy in part 6 now. =D]

[*claps claps* *is so excited*oh boy! I will get to be super spiffy and a main character! *dances*thank you, and I still like the story alot I have just been trapped by a evil known as SCHOOL, dun dun dun!..... :D ]

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[im running out of friends to use as characters here, so Any voulenteers to get keelingyoudead'ed aside from MW? like. TBFOF or Spot or something. <.<;; I dunno. I could try and make someone up or somethin.]


[And Horatio, You still havent answered that e-mail I sent you about your appearance in part 6 or whatever I said it was. I'd much appreciate having things planned out beforehand.]

[And Kat, I have the summarized storylines and titles and such all on my compy, and you could like. try and break in to mah compy and steal them or something. It prolly wont work though. ;D]


[i wrote a highly creepy part. in chapta 14. It might creep something out. <.<;; Methinks its too brief and indescriptive though. -goes back to work on it-]

[Once again if I might say I love the story also I didn't forget the brackets this time :D and I will voulenteer to be all keelingyoudeadish if you want!!! :lol: ]

[i has the solution!]


[Honey person, What I has planned for you in part 3 here would make you the perfect character for one of the main characters of part 6.]


[You get to be supa-spiffy in part 6 now. =D]

[*claps claps* *is so excited*oh boy! I will get to be super spiffy and a main character! *dances*thank you, and I still like the story alot I have just been trapped by a evil known as SCHOOL, dun dun dun!..... :D ]

[i find it amusing you're so excited. o-o]

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[w00t! I finished it.]


Chapter Fourteen


I did my best to ignore the pain and lack of blood circulation in my body and ran across the terrain, with Koy, Chris and Mike following some fifteen feet behind me.


I continued running with the thoughts of what happened to Kate or Kris, and how Artemis had instructed me to keep them out of trouble and that they were supposedly my responsibility…


I ran until I came across a strange scent- Unfamiliar, but not in a good way. I scanned the scenery around me, seeing signs of a blue substance near trees and recklessly splattered all around…

Though hidden among this scent was that of a very faint sign of fear in the air, though was hard to distinguish from the thick scent of blood. I couldn’t help but wonder what happened, and proceeded without thinking of consequence.


“You two go on ahead and get yourself killed, I will stay at a safe distance…â€


Mike suggested to Chris and Koy, they ignored him and continued following me.


Though Only to make matters worse, My eyes widened to see a horrific, quite frightening sight…


The odd blue substance I had seen before is apparently some sort of very strong and durable adhesive sort, It appeared it was woven into a, well, web, I guess, Binding now inactive werewolves in one place. Though these Torrask’s did not use this substance for only this…


There were werewolves suspended by their injured limbs, hanging from strong tree branches, all in careless stances that the Torrask’s would have forced them in to, The blank look in their eyes I found quite disturbing.


“Oh… …â€


Chris spoke from behind me.


“They probably used some acidic fluid to stun them- It looks like they are half alive, but being reduced to simpler matter for consumption…?â€


Koy commented. I simply continued to look over the dead or stunned werewolves, A few of them had a strange blue fluid dripping from their mouths…?


“Look at the facial expressions… They did not go down easily or fearlessly. Some of this muscle looks exhausted.â€


I could not believe this- For some time, I had been convinced that we were invincible creatures. This only emphasizes the helplessness of humans, considering the immense superiority Werewolves possessed over Humans…


I could not help but imagine what happened here… None of these wolves seem like they stood a chance against these creatures. I shuddered at the thought of this becoming more of a food storage for Torrask’s, as they apparently kept the wolves in such a condition for later use…?


I looked at the strands of Torce, I assumed, that kept wolves from touching the ground. They bonded with the ends of the wolf limbs in a way it looked as if they would never come off…?


Though one thing I did overlook before now was that multiple wolves appeared to have slits, cut openings and the like about their body, Wounds that appear to have come from a blade… Do these Torrask’s have forged weaponry?!


But one thing stuck in mind… Would Kate or Kris be among this cluster of Torrask and Werewolf?


[indeed. =D]

[*does a jig while she waits for the next chapter*]

[*jigs with Kat*]

[*high fives*]

[*bumps heads*]

[*preforms the Secret MW and Kat Club handshake*]

[*tails whack together* Oh yeah, we're awesome. :lol: ]

[We're Bad Dudes!]

[so bad!]

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[w00t! I finished it.]


Chapter Fourteen


I did my best to ignore the pain and lack of blood circulation in my body and ran across the terrain, with Koy, Chris and Mike following some fifteen feet behind me.


I continued running with the thoughts of what happened to Kate or Kris, and how Artemis had instructed me to keep them out of trouble and that they were supposedly my responsibility…


I ran until I came across a strange scent- Unfamiliar, but not in a good way. I scanned the scenery around me, seeing signs of a blue substance near trees and recklessly splattered all around…

Though hidden among this scent was that of a very faint sign of fear in the air, though was hard to distinguish from the thick scent of blood. I couldn’t help but wonder what happened, and proceeded without thinking of consequence.


“You two go on ahead and get yourself killed, I will stay at a safe distance…â€


Mike suggested to Chris and Koy, they ignored him and continued following me.


Though Only to make matters worse, My eyes widened to see a horrific, quite frightening sight…


The odd blue substance I had seen before is apparently some sort of very strong and durable adhesive sort, It appeared it was woven into a, well, web, I guess, Binding now inactive werewolves in one place. Though these Torrask’s did not use this substance for only this…


There were werewolves suspended by their injured limbs, hanging from strong tree branches, all in careless stances that the Torrask’s would have forced them in to, The blank look in their eyes I found quite disturbing.


“Oh… …â€


Chris spoke from behind me.


“They probably used some acidic fluid to stun them- It looks like they are half alive, but being reduced to simpler matter for consumption…?â€


Koy commented. I simply continued to look over the dead or stunned werewolves, A few of them had a strange blue fluid dripping from their mouths…?


“Look at the facial expressions… They did not go down easily or fearlessly. Some of this muscle looks exhausted.â€


I could not believe this- For some time, I had been convinced that we were invincible creatures. This only emphasizes the helplessness of humans, considering the immense superiority Werewolves possessed over Humans…


I could not help but imagine what happened here… None of these wolves seem like they stood a chance against these creatures. I shuddered at the thought of this becoming more of a food storage for Torrask’s, as they apparently kept the wolves in such a condition for later use…?


I looked at the strands of Torce, I assumed, that kept wolves from touching the ground. They bonded with the ends of the wolf limbs in a way it looked as if they would never come off…?


Though one thing I did overlook before now was that multiple wolves appeared to have slits, cut openings and the like about their body, Wounds that appear to have come from a blade… Do these Torrask’s have forged weaponry?!


But one thing stuck in mind… Would Kate or Kris be among this cluster of Torrask and Werewolf?


[indeed. =D]

[*does a jig while she waits for the next chapter*]

[*jigs with Kat*]

[*high fives*]

[*bumps heads*]

[*preforms the Secret MW and Kat Club handshake*]

[*tails whack together* Oh yeah, we're awesome. :lol: ]

[We're Bad Dudes!]

[so bad!]

[Lets go rescue the president from ninjas!



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[>D Muha.]

[Explosives are fun. *grabbs Arkcher and Horatio and ducts behind an upturned table, then pushes the button*]

[Did you use DuctTape? o_O]

[Yeah. To hold the table down.]

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[>D Muha.]

[Explosives are fun. *grabbs Arkcher and Horatio and ducts behind an upturned table, then pushes the button*]

[Did you use DuctTape? o_O]

[Yeah. To hold the table down.]

[As well you should've. ^-^ Have a cookie.]

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[>D Muha.]

[Explosives are fun. *grabbs Arkcher and Horatio and ducts behind an upturned table, then pushes the button*]

[Did you use DuctTape? o_O]

[Yeah. To hold the table down.]

[As well you should've. ^-^ Have a cookie.]

[Huzzah! *clones the cookie a bazillion times and eats them ALL.*]

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[>D Muha.]

[Explosives are fun. *grabbs Arkcher and Horatio and ducts behind an upturned table, then pushes the button*]

[Did you use DuctTape? o_O]

[Yeah. To hold the table down.]

[As well you should've. ^-^ Have a cookie.]

[Huzzah! *clones the cookie a bazillion times and eats them ALL.*]

[but those cookies are un-clonable. Otherwise i'd have cloned them many many times.]

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[>D Muha.]

[Explosives are fun. *grabbs Arkcher and Horatio and ducts behind an upturned table, then pushes the button*]

[Did you use DuctTape? o_O]

[Yeah. To hold the table down.]

[As well you should've. ^-^ Have a cookie.]

[Huzzah! *clones the cookie a bazillion times and eats them ALL.*]

[but those cookies are un-clonable. Otherwise i'd have cloned them many many times.]

[Plus clone cookies don't taste too good.]

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[>D Muha.]

[Explosives are fun. *grabbs Arkcher and Horatio and ducts behind an upturned table, then pushes the button*]

[Did you use DuctTape? o_O]

[Yeah. To hold the table down.]

[As well you should've. ^-^ Have a cookie.]

[Huzzah! *clones the cookie a bazillion times and eats them ALL.*]

[but those cookies are un-clonable. Otherwise i'd have cloned them many many times.]

[Plus clone cookies don't taste too good.]

[its true.]

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[im running out of friends to use as characters here, so Any voulenteers to get keelingyoudead'ed aside from MW? like. TBFOF or Spot or something. <.<;; I dunno. I could try and make someone up or somethin.]


[And Horatio, You still havent answered that e-mail I sent you about your appearance in part 6 or whatever I said it was. I'd much appreciate having things planned out beforehand.]

[And Kat, I have the summarized storylines and titles and such all on my compy, and you could like. try and break in to mah compy and steal them or something. It prolly wont work though. ;D]


[i wrote a highly creepy part. in chapta 14. It might creep something out. <.<;; Methinks its too brief and indescriptive though. -goes back to work on it-]

[Once again if I might say I love the story also I didn't forget the brackets this time :D and I will voulenteer to be all keelingyoudeadish if you want!!! :lol: ]

[i has the solution!]


[Honey person, What I has planned for you in part 3 here would make you the perfect character for one of the main characters of part 6.]


[You get to be supa-spiffy in part 6 now. =D]

[*claps claps* *is so excited*oh boy! I will get to be super spiffy and a main character! *dances*thank you, and I still like the story alot I have just been trapped by a evil known as SCHOOL, dun dun dun!..... :D ]

[i find it amusing you're so excited. o-o]

[Then when I have just had suger and coke and its 3:00 in the morning and I am sleeping over at Spot's house, it is just plan scary, yes many a weird comments are said like 4 example:We're the elfanso quadruplets-me and spot

Where is the other two-some dude

We are the other two-me and spot

good times!!!! :lol::blink::lol: ]

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[im running out of friends to use as characters here, so Any voulenteers to get keelingyoudead'ed aside from MW? like. TBFOF or Spot or something. <.<;; I dunno. I could try and make someone up or somethin.]


[And Horatio, You still havent answered that e-mail I sent you about your appearance in part 6 or whatever I said it was. I'd much appreciate having things planned out beforehand.]

[And Kat, I have the summarized storylines and titles and such all on my compy, and you could like. try and break in to mah compy and steal them or something. It prolly wont work though. ;D]


[i wrote a highly creepy part. in chapta 14. It might creep something out. <.<;; Methinks its too brief and indescriptive though. -goes back to work on it-]

[Once again if I might say I love the story also I didn't forget the brackets this time :D and I will voulenteer to be all keelingyoudeadish if you want!!! :lol: ]

[i has the solution!]


[Honey person, What I has planned for you in part 3 here would make you the perfect character for one of the main characters of part 6.]


[You get to be supa-spiffy in part 6 now. =D]

[*claps claps* *is so excited*oh boy! I will get to be super spiffy and a main character! *dances*thank you, and I still like the story alot I have just been trapped by a evil known as SCHOOL, dun dun dun!..... :D ]

[i find it amusing you're so excited. o-o]

[Then when I have just had suger and coke and its 3:00 in the morning and I am sleeping over at Spot's house, it is just plan scary, yes many a weird comments are said like 4 example:We're the elfanso quadruplets-me and spot

Where is the other two-some dude

We are the other two-me and spot

good times!!!! :lol::blink::lol: ]

[Good times, baaaad oldies.]

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[it's time to rescue! Eh, what president are we rescuing? The president of a major company or US president? Just so I know who I'm looking for...]

[u.S. Only, it's the president sometime in the 80's.]

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[>D Muha.]

[Explosives are fun. *grabbs Arkcher and Horatio and ducts behind an upturned table, then pushes the button*]

[Did you use DuctTape? o_O]

[Yeah. To hold the table down.]

[As well you should've. ^-^ Have a cookie.]

[Huzzah! *clones the cookie a bazillion times and eats them ALL.*]

[but those cookies are un-clonable. Otherwise i'd have cloned them many many times.]


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[it's time to rescue! Eh, what president are we rescuing? The president of a major company or US president? Just so I know who I'm looking for...]

[u.S. Only, it's the president sometime in the 80's.]

[Ooh, Ooh. What about that Kennedy guy. with the Grassy Knoll and maybe other things. <.<;]

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[it's time to rescue! Eh, what president are we rescuing? The president of a major company or US president? Just so I know who I'm looking for...]

[u.S. Only, it's the president sometime in the 80's.]

[Ooh, Ooh. What about that Kennedy guy. with the Grassy Knoll and maybe other things. <.<;]

[Grassy knoll?! Where?! *pulls out Claymore*]

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[it's time to rescue! Eh, what president are we rescuing? The president of a major company or US president? Just so I know who I'm looking for...]

[u.S. Only, it's the president sometime in the 80's.]

[Ooh, Ooh. What about that Kennedy guy. with the Grassy Knoll and maybe other things. <.<;]

[Grassy knoll?! Where?! *pulls out Claymore*]

[Over there. <.<;;]


[being, well, within distance of the Kennedy assassination site, I get to hear alll about all this. --;]


['Makes me want to move back to canada even more. ._.]

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  • 2 weeks later...
[im running out of friends to use as characters here, so Any voulenteers to get keelingyoudead'ed aside from MW? like. TBFOF or Spot or something. <.<;; I dunno. I could try and make someone up or somethin.]


[And Horatio, You still havent answered that e-mail I sent you about your appearance in part 6 or whatever I said it was. I'd much appreciate having things planned out beforehand.]

[And Kat, I have the summarized storylines and titles and such all on my compy, and you could like. try and break in to mah compy and steal them or something. It prolly wont work though. ;D]


[i wrote a highly creepy part. in chapta 14. It might creep something out. <.<;; Methinks its too brief and indescriptive though. -goes back to work on it-]

[Once again if I might say I love the story also I didn't forget the brackets this time :D and I will voulenteer to be all keelingyoudeadish if you want!!! :lol: ]

[i has the solution!]


[Honey person, What I has planned for you in part 3 here would make you the perfect character for one of the main characters of part 6.]


[You get to be supa-spiffy in part 6 now. =D]

[*claps claps* *is so excited*oh boy! I will get to be super spiffy and a main character! *dances*thank you, and I still like the story alot I have just been trapped by a evil known as SCHOOL, dun dun dun!..... :D ]

[i find it amusing you're so excited. o-o]

[Then when I have just had suger and coke and its 3:00 in the morning and I am sleeping over at Spot's house, it is just plan scary, yes many a weird comments are said like 4 example:We're the elfanso quadruplets-me and spot

Where is the other two-some dude

We are the other two-me and spot

good times!!!! :lol::blink::lol: ]

[Good times, baaaad oldies.]

[random quote-do you promoise on a chicken leg]

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[im running out of friends to use as characters here, so Any voulenteers to get keelingyoudead'ed aside from MW? like. TBFOF or Spot or something. <.<;; I dunno. I could try and make someone up or somethin.]


[And Horatio, You still havent answered that e-mail I sent you about your appearance in part 6 or whatever I said it was. I'd much appreciate having things planned out beforehand.]

[And Kat, I have the summarized storylines and titles and such all on my compy, and you could like. try and break in to mah compy and steal them or something. It prolly wont work though. ;D]


[i wrote a highly creepy part. in chapta 14. It might creep something out. <.<;; Methinks its too brief and indescriptive though. -goes back to work on it-]

[Once again if I might say I love the story also I didn't forget the brackets this time :D and I will voulenteer to be all keelingyoudeadish if you want!!! :lol: ]

[i has the solution!]


[Honey person, What I has planned for you in part 3 here would make you the perfect character for one of the main characters of part 6.]


[You get to be supa-spiffy in part 6 now. =D]

[*claps claps* *is so excited*oh boy! I will get to be super spiffy and a main character! *dances*thank you, and I still like the story alot I have just been trapped by a evil known as SCHOOL, dun dun dun!..... :D ]

[i find it amusing you're so excited. o-o]

[Then when I have just had suger and coke and its 3:00 in the morning and I am sleeping over at Spot's house, it is just plan scary, yes many a weird comments are said like 4 example:We're the elfanso quadruplets-me and spot

Where is the other two-some dude

We are the other two-me and spot

good times!!!! :lol::blink::lol: ]

[Good times, baaaad oldies.]

[random quote-do you promoise on a chicken leg]

[._. Maybe.]

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[im running out of friends to use as characters here, so Any voulenteers to get keelingyoudead'ed aside from MW? like. TBFOF or Spot or something. <.<;; I dunno. I could try and make someone up or somethin.]


[And Horatio, You still havent answered that e-mail I sent you about your appearance in part 6 or whatever I said it was. I'd much appreciate having things planned out beforehand.]

[And Kat, I have the summarized storylines and titles and such all on my compy, and you could like. try and break in to mah compy and steal them or something. It prolly wont work though. ;D]


[i wrote a highly creepy part. in chapta 14. It might creep something out. <.<;; Methinks its too brief and indescriptive though. -goes back to work on it-]

[Once again if I might say I love the story also I didn't forget the brackets this time :D and I will voulenteer to be all keelingyoudeadish if you want!!! :lol: ]

[i has the solution!]


[Honey person, What I has planned for you in part 3 here would make you the perfect character for one of the main characters of part 6.]


[You get to be supa-spiffy in part 6 now. =D]

[*claps claps* *is so excited*oh boy! I will get to be super spiffy and a main character! *dances*thank you, and I still like the story alot I have just been trapped by a evil known as SCHOOL, dun dun dun!..... :D ]

[i find it amusing you're so excited. o-o]

[Then when I have just had suger and coke and its 3:00 in the morning and I am sleeping over at Spot's house, it is just plan scary, yes many a weird comments are said like 4 example:We're the elfanso quadruplets-me and spot

Where is the other two-some dude

We are the other two-me and spot

good times!!!! :lol::blink::lol: ]

[Good times, baaaad oldies.]

[random quote-do you promoise on a chicken leg]

[._. Maybe.]

[k then does Freddy the chicken agree :blink: ]

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[it's time to rescue! Eh, what president are we rescuing? The president of a major company or US president? Just so I know who I'm looking for...]

[u.S. Only, it's the president sometime in the 80's.]

[Ooh, Ooh. What about that Kennedy guy. with the Grassy Knoll and maybe other things. <.<;]

[Grassy knoll?! Where?! *pulls out Claymore*]

[Over there. <.<;;]


[being, well, within distance of the Kennedy assassination site, I get to hear alll about all this. --;]


['Makes me want to move back to canada even more. ._.]

[*skillfully disposes of the grasy knoll* I AM KAT, FEARLESS SLAYER OF GRASSY KNOLLS, GAZEBOS, AND GREEN DAVENPORTS! >:o]

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[it's time to rescue! Eh, what president are we rescuing? The president of a major company or US president? Just so I know who I'm looking for...]

[u.S. Only, it's the president sometime in the 80's.]

[Ooh, Ooh. What about that Kennedy guy. with the Grassy Knoll and maybe other things. <.<;]

[Grassy knoll?! Where?! *pulls out Claymore*]

[Over there. <.<;;]


[being, well, within distance of the Kennedy assassination site, I get to hear alll about all this. --;]


['Makes me want to move back to canada even more. ._.]

[*skillfully disposes of the grasy knoll* I AM KAT, FEARLESS SLAYER OF GRASSY KNOLLS, GAZEBOS, AND GREEN DAVENPORTS! >:o]

[wut about Steve the homely knome. I made a song 4 him ya know]

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[it's time to rescue! Eh, what president are we rescuing? The president of a major company or US president? Just so I know who I'm looking for...]

[u.S. Only, it's the president sometime in the 80's.]

[Ooh, Ooh. What about that Kennedy guy. with the Grassy Knoll and maybe other things. <.<;]

[Grassy knoll?! Where?! *pulls out Claymore*]

[Over there. <.<;;]


[being, well, within distance of the Kennedy assassination site, I get to hear alll about all this. --;]


['Makes me want to move back to canada even more. ._.]

[*skillfully disposes of the grasy knoll* I AM KAT, FEARLESS SLAYER OF GRASSY KNOLLS, GAZEBOS, AND GREEN DAVENPORTS! >:o]

[That is like. the coolest thing ever. You should tell that to mah other sister. <.<;]


[but'choo CAN'T.]


[cuz She's in italy right now. o_o]

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[it's time to rescue! Eh, what president are we rescuing? The president of a major company or US president? Just so I know who I'm looking for...]

[u.S. Only, it's the president sometime in the 80's.]

[Ooh, Ooh. What about that Kennedy guy. with the Grassy Knoll and maybe other things. <.<;]

[Grassy knoll?! Where?! *pulls out Claymore*]

[Over there. <.<;;]


[being, well, within distance of the Kennedy assassination site, I get to hear alll about all this. --;]


['Makes me want to move back to canada even more. ._.]

[*skillfully disposes of the grasy knoll* I AM KAT, FEARLESS SLAYER OF GRASSY KNOLLS, GAZEBOS, AND GREEN DAVENPORTS! >:o]

[That is like. the coolest thing ever. You should tell that to mah other sister. <.<;]


[but'choo CAN'T.]


[cuz She's in italy right now. o_o]

[Curse you, Italy! CURSE YOOOOOOU! *falls to her knees and shakes her fist*]

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[it's time to rescue! Eh, what president are we rescuing? The president of a major company or US president? Just so I know who I'm looking for...]

[u.S. Only, it's the president sometime in the 80's.]

[Ooh, Ooh. What about that Kennedy guy. with the Grassy Knoll and maybe other things. <.<;]

[Grassy knoll?! Where?! *pulls out Claymore*]

[Over there. <.<;;]


[being, well, within distance of the Kennedy assassination site, I get to hear alll about all this. --;]


['Makes me want to move back to canada even more. ._.]

[*skillfully disposes of the grasy knoll* I AM KAT, FEARLESS SLAYER OF GRASSY KNOLLS, GAZEBOS, AND GREEN DAVENPORTS! >:o]

[wut about Steve the homely knome. I made a song 4 him ya know]

[i don't recall Steve ever turning anybody into stone. He may live.]

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[it's time to rescue! Eh, what president are we rescuing? The president of a major company or US president? Just so I know who I'm looking for...]

[u.S. Only, it's the president sometime in the 80's.]

[Ooh, Ooh. What about that Kennedy guy. with the Grassy Knoll and maybe other things. <.<;]

[Grassy knoll?! Where?! *pulls out Claymore*]

[Over there. <.<;;]


[being, well, within distance of the Kennedy assassination site, I get to hear alll about all this. --;]


['Makes me want to move back to canada even more. ._.]

[*skillfully disposes of the grasy knoll* I AM KAT, FEARLESS SLAYER OF GRASSY KNOLLS, GAZEBOS, AND GREEN DAVENPORTS! >:o]

[That is like. the coolest thing ever. You should tell that to mah other sister. <.<;]


[but'choo CAN'T.]


[cuz She's in italy right now. o_o]

[Curse you, Italy! CURSE YOOOOOOU! *falls to her knees and shakes her fist*]

[o_o.... Wai?]

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[it's time to rescue! Eh, what president are we rescuing? The president of a major company or US president? Just so I know who I'm looking for...]

[u.S. Only, it's the president sometime in the 80's.]

[Ooh, Ooh. What about that Kennedy guy. with the Grassy Knoll and maybe other things. <.<;]

[Grassy knoll?! Where?! *pulls out Claymore*]

[Over there. <.<;;]


[being, well, within distance of the Kennedy assassination site, I get to hear alll about all this. --;]


['Makes me want to move back to canada even more. ._.]

[*skillfully disposes of the grasy knoll* I AM KAT, FEARLESS SLAYER OF GRASSY KNOLLS, GAZEBOS, AND GREEN DAVENPORTS! >:o]

[That is like. the coolest thing ever. You should tell that to mah other sister. <.<;]


[but'choo CAN'T.]


[cuz She's in italy right now. o_o]

[Curse you, Italy! CURSE YOOOOOOU! *falls to her knees and shakes her fist*]

[o_o.... Wai?]


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[it's time to rescue! Eh, what president are we rescuing? The president of a major company or US president? Just so I know who I'm looking for...]

[u.S. Only, it's the president sometime in the 80's.]

[Ooh, Ooh. What about that Kennedy guy. with the Grassy Knoll and maybe other things. <.<;]

[Grassy knoll?! Where?! *pulls out Claymore*]

[Over there. <.<;;]


[being, well, within distance of the Kennedy assassination site, I get to hear alll about all this. --;]


['Makes me want to move back to canada even more. ._.]

[*skillfully disposes of the grasy knoll* I AM KAT, FEARLESS SLAYER OF GRASSY KNOLLS, GAZEBOS, AND GREEN DAVENPORTS! >:o]

[That is like. the coolest thing ever. You should tell that to mah other sister. <.<;]


[but'choo CAN'T.]


[cuz She's in italy right now. o_o]

[Curse you, Italy! CURSE YOOOOOOU! *falls to her knees and shakes her fist*]

[o_o.... Wai?]


[but Italy is cool! It has like the... best ice cream EVAR. <.< EEVVVVVAAAAARRR.]

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[it's time to rescue! Eh, what president are we rescuing? The president of a major company or US president? Just so I know who I'm looking for...]

[u.S. Only, it's the president sometime in the 80's.]

[Ooh, Ooh. What about that Kennedy guy. with the Grassy Knoll and maybe other things. <.<;]

[Grassy knoll?! Where?! *pulls out Claymore*]

[Over there. <.<;;]


[being, well, within distance of the Kennedy assassination site, I get to hear alll about all this. --;]


['Makes me want to move back to canada even more. ._.]

[*skillfully disposes of the grasy knoll* I AM KAT, FEARLESS SLAYER OF GRASSY KNOLLS, GAZEBOS, AND GREEN DAVENPORTS! >:o]

[That is like. the coolest thing ever. You should tell that to mah other sister. <.<;]


[but'choo CAN'T.]


[cuz She's in italy right now. o_o]

[Curse you, Italy! CURSE YOOOOOOU! *falls to her knees and shakes her fist*]

[o_o.... Wai?]


[but Italy is cool! It has like the... best ice cream EVAR. <.< EEVVVVVAAAAARRR.]

[but if I conquere it, then I'll have the best ice cream ever! :D]

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[it's time to rescue! Eh, what president are we rescuing? The president of a major company or US president? Just so I know who I'm looking for...]

[u.S. Only, it's the president sometime in the 80's.]

[Ooh, Ooh. What about that Kennedy guy. with the Grassy Knoll and maybe other things. <.<;]

[Grassy knoll?! Where?! *pulls out Claymore*]

[Over there. <.<;;]


[being, well, within distance of the Kennedy assassination site, I get to hear alll about all this. --;]


['Makes me want to move back to canada even more. ._.]

[*skillfully disposes of the grasy knoll* I AM KAT, FEARLESS SLAYER OF GRASSY KNOLLS, GAZEBOS, AND GREEN DAVENPORTS! >:o]

[That is like. the coolest thing ever. You should tell that to mah other sister. <.<;]


[but'choo CAN'T.]


[cuz She's in italy right now. o_o]

[Curse you, Italy! CURSE YOOOOOOU! *falls to her knees and shakes her fist*]

[o_o.... Wai?]


[but Italy is cool! It has like the... best ice cream EVAR. <.< EEVVVVVAAAAARRR.]

[but if I conquere it, then I'll have the best ice cream ever! :D]

[=o Zomg, She's right!]

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[it's time to rescue! Eh, what president are we rescuing? The president of a major company or US president? Just so I know who I'm looking for...]

[u.S. Only, it's the president sometime in the 80's.]

[Ooh, Ooh. What about that Kennedy guy. with the Grassy Knoll and maybe other things. <.<;]

[Grassy knoll?! Where?! *pulls out Claymore*]

[Over there. <.<;;]


[being, well, within distance of the Kennedy assassination site, I get to hear alll about all this. --;]


['Makes me want to move back to canada even more. ._.]

[*skillfully disposes of the grasy knoll* I AM KAT, FEARLESS SLAYER OF GRASSY KNOLLS, GAZEBOS, AND GREEN DAVENPORTS! >:o]

[That is like. the coolest thing ever. You should tell that to mah other sister. <.<;]


[but'choo CAN'T.]


[cuz She's in italy right now. o_o]

[Curse you, Italy! CURSE YOOOOOOU! *falls to her knees and shakes her fist*]

[o_o.... Wai?]


[but Italy is cool! It has like the... best ice cream EVAR. <.< EEVVVVVAAAAARRR.]

[but if I conquere it, then I'll have the best ice cream ever! :D]

[=o Zomg, She's right!]

[Mwuhahahahaha. >:D]

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  • 2 weeks later...
[Just so you know. Im like. half done with the next chapta. -nods- I havent forgotten. e_e]





Haha! Huzzah for those one things that keeps bread bags twisted up! May their glory never die!]

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  • 2 weeks later...

[i dont know how long i've had this ready to post and just... hadn't done it yet. but Heres the next chapta. xD]


Chapter Sixteen


We had surprisingly effortlessly pinned the wolf to the ground, as Chris lightly whacked the wolf on the back of its head. The wolf had gasped, gagged and made various coughing noises, as the traces of Torce began to fade, as a large puddle of Torce had appeared around its head.


“Well… That was easier than I thought it would be.â€


It appeared we had the Torrask out of the wolf’s body, but a new threat had arisen.


“So what do we do with the Torrask?â€


“… Oh yeah.â€


Chris stepped away in a hurry, and I did likewise. The wide puddle of Torce had solidified into a large reptilian creature standing on its hind legs, which I could only assume was a Torrask in hardened form.


“What are their vulnerabilities again, Koy?â€


“Extreme thermal conditions, sonic pitches and separation.â€


“Separation? You did not tell me that before.â€


“Well, Now you know. When it is liquefied, if it is spread too far or divides into too many separate puddles of Torce, it dies. It needs the rest of its body to remain alive.â€


“Now you tell me…â€


"Keep quiet, guys..."


Chris commented without looking at Koy or I.


"Chris, Distract the Torrask for a moment; I've got an idea."


Without question, Chris jumped before the Torrask and feint-attacked it, and often dodged.




I turned to look at him as I called for his attention.


"Torrask’s are reptilian creatures, right? Similar characteristics or biological proportions?"


Koy nodded, confused.


"They are invertebrate creatures that are held together by will-powered muscle mass, they can shape-shift on command, as long as they maintain that mass and size..."


I thought for a moment.


"Help Chris distract him. Keep him busy for a minute."


Koy nodded, and took a step towards Chris.


"Koy! One more thing..."


He glanced at me.


"Really attack it. Do not just inaccurately swipe at him."


After a reluctant hesitation, Koy ran over to Chris and told him to intentionally attack it.


I watched as the two cooperatively distracted the Torrask... I could only hope the worst would not come... of the Torrask catching on to my intention.


I saw the opportunity flash before my eyes- It had gone by too fast. I focused all my attention to the Torrask's motions; I watched for when the time was right...


And struck it!


I lunged forth and curled a fist around the Torrask's neck- I squeezed up toward behind its jaws, and put a vibrating pulse in my fingers. The Torrask was now immobile.


"Hit it! Now!"


I called over to Chris and Koy, who were watching in interest as I grasped the weak point of most reptilian creatures. I was surprised this worked on an invertebrate symbiotic creature, but continued.


"Koy!! Do something to it!"


"Chris, Grab as many of its limbs as you can."


Koy told Chris, who wordlessly obeyed, and took its limbs together in both of his hands.


"Hold it steady..."


Chris and I tightened our grip.


Koy stepped back and ran rather rapidly toward the Torrask, and tackled the center of its body, rupturing the body leaving Chris with the lower part of its body, I held its upper limbs and all above that.


"Spread its body around!"


Chris began ripping its body to shreds, and tossing lifeless pieces in various directions. I followed his example, and did likewise by dividing and separating its body into the scenery, as the shreds of Torrask body melted into small blobs of Torce, which were dependant on the rest of its body.


After a few moments of doing this, the three of us gathered and looked down at the remains of the Torrask.


“A point of optimism; now we have at least three hundred more to go.â€


I glanced over at Koy, whom was grinning.


“You know, that is not really a comforting thought.â€


“We also need to be looking for Mike, who knows where he went off to amid that fight…â€


“That was not hard enough to be considered a fight.â€


“Hey wait a minute…â€


I had just remembered about something…


“What happened to that wolf that we took the Torrask out of?â€


Upon realizing we had lost track of it, the three of us began looking about ourselves, finding the wolf nowhere to be found.


“You killed it!â€


“I did not.â€

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[i dont know how long i've had this ready to post and just... hadn't done it yet. but Heres the next chapta. xD]



Hey! I found a poster that had a thing on it called a Tarrasque, which sounds kindda like Torrask, only this one is, like 70 feet long and 130 tons. >_>;;;]

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[i dont know how long i've had this ready to post and just... hadn't done it yet. but Heres the next chapta. xD]



Hey! I found a poster that had a thing on it called a Tarrasque, which sounds kindda like Torrask, only this one is, like 70 feet long and 130 tons. >_>;;;]

[-is fwapped-


Wha'd it look like? o_o]

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[i dont know how long i've had this ready to post and just... hadn't done it yet. but Heres the next chapta. xD]



Hey! I found a poster that had a thing on it called a Tarrasque, which sounds kindda like Torrask, only this one is, like 70 feet long and 130 tons. >_>;;;]

[-is fwapped-


Wha'd it look like? o_o]

[sorta like a big...thing. I dunno, it's hard to describe...]

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[Woo, I wrote another chapter yesterday. The internet blew up so I wrote the next chapter and some of the one after that. so here it is. n_n]


Chapter Seventeen


Serena glanced behind her back, her piercing yellow eyes penetrating the darkness as she saw multiple other vampires such as herself, all wielding a lycanthrope or feral wolf, scanning the area for any humans, or ways of undetectably reaching one.


“Alright, Audrey… See that building off that way? It looks to me like a, eh, what’re they called, Night Club or something. Seeing as it’s, well, nighttime, There will probably be some humans in there.â€


“Serena, Do I really have to do this?â€


“Yes, you must.â€


“But… Where is Brandon? I want to be wherever he is.â€


“Oh grow up. He doesn’t have the same idea as you do, about the two of you together. He wants to just be friends, if that much.â€


“He does not!â€


Serena’s vampiric optics pierced through Audrey’s eyes.


“Keep quiet.â€


Not another word spoken between them as the duo walked over to the Night Club, seeing less than average lighting inside.


“Do you think it’s even open?â€


Another vampire commented from behind Serena, inquisitively.


“Well, let’s find out. Audrey, You stay here.â€


Audrey sat down, still not necessarily pleased with this plot, as Serena turned the doorknob, silently pushed it open and took a quiet step inside.


She then, in a shocked panic, jumped outside with her eyes wider, cursing unnecessarily.


“What the… What happened in there?!â€


She spoke, trying to maintain volume, but trying to get her point of shock across at the same time.


Two other vampires poked their heads around the doorframe and peered in, and likewise gasped and withdrew themselves.


Intrigued, Audrey curiously looked inside, to see a rather grotesque image…


Rotting, bloody dead human bodies were in all manner of positions, most entangled in a strange deep blue substance, which appeared to be adhering the human bodies to walls and the floor, as it also appeared to be a somewhat venomous liquid, as traces of it were all around the humans’ heads. As for the rest of the intern of the building, it lay in a bloodstained, and blue ‘stuff’ splattered wreck. Broken and splintered tables and chairs, what appeared to be the remains of cloths of sorts, all the electric wiring was ruined, as sparks constantly spattered out of holes in the walls and ceiling. A few destructive embers lay here and there, consuming what was left.


Audrey’s heart skipped a beat as she reared back outside, put her hand over her heart as if gripping it to keep it still, as the mental image of what she had just seen was burned into her memory.


“What happened…?!â€



“Brandon, Chris, Koy. We have got bad news.â€


“Really, What now?â€


The three of us listened with interest as one of Chris’ colleagues explained himself.


“Our category One lycanthropes, you know, the ones that are Human and Werewolf? They have been telling us that vampires have been invading human cities and towns, in a mad rampage with what appears to be mind-controlled lycans and wolves on their side.â€


Chris’ eyes widened at hearing this, as Koy did likewise, but to a less degree.


“You… they… what?â€


I stuttered.


“Vampires and wolves have been destroying human cities, our only guess is that it is payback for what the humans have done to them.â€


“Well, That may explain some of the humans tracking down wolves and vampires and going about a mad slaughter against all of them sighted.â€


The attention of the group of four was drawn to another wolf that had approached, and commented.


“Humans, running huge mechanical mobile units have been rampaging through forests, killing wolves, all who haven’t concealed themselves by then.â€


A brief moment of silence.


“To top all that off, there is the Torrask problem…â€


Koy turned to me after hearing Chris’ final comment.


“Well, good ol’ SPL of mine, I hope you’ve enjoyed being a werewolf while you had the chance. It looks like we are all doomed.â€


With a smile and a pat on the shoulder, Koy walked off in a nervous fashion.


… Could this really be the end?


[:o zomg.]

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[Woo, I wrote another chapter yesterday. The internet blew up so I wrote the next chapter and some of the one after that. so here it is. n_n]


Chapter Seventeen


Serena glanced behind her back, her piercing yellow eyes penetrating the darkness as she saw multiple other vampires such as herself, all wielding a lycanthrope or feral wolf, scanning the area for any humans, or ways of undetectably reaching one.


“Alright, Audrey… See that building off that way? It looks to me like a, eh, what’re they called, Night Club or something. Seeing as it’s, well, nighttime, There will probably be some humans in there.”


“Serena, Do I really have to do this?”


“Yes, you must.”


“But… Where is Brandon? I want to be wherever he is.”


“Oh grow up. He doesn’t have the same idea as you do, about the two of you together. He wants to just be friends, if that much.”


“He does not!”


Serena’s vampiric optics pierced through Audrey’s eyes.


“Keep quiet.”


Not another word spoken between them as the duo walked over to the Night Club, seeing less than average lighting inside.


“Do you think it’s even open?”


Another vampire commented from behind Serena, inquisitively.


“Well, let’s find out. Audrey, You stay here.”


Audrey sat down, still not necessarily pleased with this plot, as Serena turned the doorknob, silently pushed it open and took a quiet step inside.


She then, in a shocked panic, jumped outside with her eyes wider, cursing unnecessarily.


“What the… What happened in there?!”


She spoke, trying to maintain volume, but trying to get her point of shock across at the same time.


Two other vampires poked their heads around the doorframe and peered in, and likewise gasped and withdrew themselves.


Intrigued, Audrey curiously looked inside, to see a rather grotesque image…


Rotting, bloody dead human bodies were in all manner of positions, most entangled in a strange deep blue substance, which appeared to be adhering the human bodies to walls and the floor, as it also appeared to be a somewhat venomous liquid, as traces of it were all around the humans’ heads. As for the rest of the intern of the building, it lay in a bloodstained, and blue ‘stuff’ splattered wreck. Broken and splintered tables and chairs, what appeared to be the remains of cloths of sorts, all the electric wiring was ruined, as sparks constantly spattered out of holes in the walls and ceiling. A few destructive embers lay here and there, consuming what was left.


Audrey’s heart skipped a beat as she reared back outside, put her hand over her heart as if gripping it to keep it still, as the mental image of what she had just seen was burned into her memory.


“What happened…?!”



“Brandon, Chris, Koy. We have got bad news.”


“Really, What now?”


The three of us listened with interest as one of Chris’ colleagues explained himself.


“Our category One lycanthropes, you know, the ones that are Human and Werewolf? They have been telling us that vampires have been invading human cities and towns, in a mad rampage with what appears to be mind-controlled lycans and wolves on their side.”


Chris’ eyes widened at hearing this, as Koy did likewise, but to a less degree.


“You… they… what?”


I stuttered.


“Vampires and wolves have been destroying human cities, our only guess is that it is payback for what the humans have done to them.”


“Well, That may explain some of the humans tracking down wolves and vampires and going about a mad slaughter against all of them sighted.”


The attention of the group of four was drawn to another wolf that had approached, and commented.


“Humans, running huge mechanical mobile units have been rampaging through forests, killing wolves, all who haven’t concealed themselves by then.”


A brief moment of silence.


“To top all that off, there is the Torrask problem…”


Koy turned to me after hearing Chris’ final comment.


“Well, good ol’ SPL of mine, I hope you’ve enjoyed being a werewolf while you had the chance. It looks like we are all doomed.”


With a smile and a pat on the shoulder, Koy walked off in a nervous fashion.


… Could this really be the end?


[:o zomg.]

Please do not leave us hanging like this!


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[Woo, I wrote another chapter yesterday. The internet blew up so I wrote the next chapter and some of the one after that. so here it is. n_n]


Chapter Seventeen


Serena glanced behind her back, her piercing yellow eyes penetrating the darkness as she saw multiple other vampires such as herself, all wielding a lycanthrope or feral wolf, scanning the area for any humans, or ways of undetectably reaching one.


“Alright, Audrey… See that building off that way? It looks to me like a, eh, what’re they called, Night Club or something. Seeing as it’s, well, nighttime, There will probably be some humans in there.â€


“Serena, Do I really have to do this?â€


“Yes, you must.â€


“But… Where is Brandon? I want to be wherever he is.â€


“Oh grow up. He doesn’t have the same idea as you do, about the two of you together. He wants to just be friends, if that much.â€


“He does not!â€


Serena’s vampiric optics pierced through Audrey’s eyes.


“Keep quiet.â€


Not another word spoken between them as the duo walked over to the Night Club, seeing less than average lighting inside.


“Do you think it’s even open?â€


Another vampire commented from behind Serena, inquisitively.


“Well, let’s find out. Audrey, You stay here.â€


Audrey sat down, still not necessarily pleased with this plot, as Serena turned the doorknob, silently pushed it open and took a quiet step inside.


She then, in a shocked panic, jumped outside with her eyes wider, cursing unnecessarily.


“What the… What happened in there?!â€


She spoke, trying to maintain volume, but trying to get her point of shock across at the same time.


Two other vampires poked their heads around the doorframe and peered in, and likewise gasped and withdrew themselves.


Intrigued, Audrey curiously looked inside, to see a rather grotesque image…


Rotting, bloody dead human bodies were in all manner of positions, most entangled in a strange deep blue substance, which appeared to be adhering the human bodies to walls and the floor, as it also appeared to be a somewhat venomous liquid, as traces of it were all around the humans’ heads. As for the rest of the intern of the building, it lay in a bloodstained, and blue ‘stuff’ splattered wreck. Broken and splintered tables and chairs, what appeared to be the remains of cloths of sorts, all the electric wiring was ruined, as sparks constantly spattered out of holes in the walls and ceiling. A few destructive embers lay here and there, consuming what was left.


Audrey’s heart skipped a beat as she reared back outside, put her hand over her heart as if gripping it to keep it still, as the mental image of what she had just seen was burned into her memory.


“What happened…?!â€



“Brandon, Chris, Koy. We have got bad news.â€


“Really, What now?â€


The three of us listened with interest as one of Chris’ colleagues explained himself.


“Our category One lycanthropes, you know, the ones that are Human and Werewolf? They have been telling us that vampires have been invading human cities and towns, in a mad rampage with what appears to be mind-controlled lycans and wolves on their side.â€


Chris’ eyes widened at hearing this, as Koy did likewise, but to a less degree.


“You… they… what?â€


I stuttered.


“Vampires and wolves have been destroying human cities, our only guess is that it is payback for what the humans have done to them.â€


“Well, That may explain some of the humans tracking down wolves and vampires and going about a mad slaughter against all of them sighted.â€


The attention of the group of four was drawn to another wolf that had approached, and commented.


“Humans, running huge mechanical mobile units have been rampaging through forests, killing wolves, all who haven’t concealed themselves by then.â€


A brief moment of silence.


“To top all that off, there is the Torrask problem…â€


Koy turned to me after hearing Chris’ final comment.


“Well, good ol’ SPL of mine, I hope you’ve enjoyed being a werewolf while you had the chance. It looks like we are all doomed.â€


With a smile and a pat on the shoulder, Koy walked off in a nervous fashion.


… Could this really be the end?


[:o zomg.]


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[Woo, I wrote another chapter yesterday. The internet blew up so I wrote the next chapter and some of the one after that. so here it is. n_n]


Chapter Seventeen


Serena glanced behind her back, her piercing yellow eyes penetrating the darkness as she saw multiple other vampires such as herself, all wielding a lycanthrope or feral wolf, scanning the area for any humans, or ways of undetectably reaching one.


“Alright, Audrey… See that building off that way? It looks to me like a, eh, what’re they called, Night Club or something. Seeing as it’s, well, nighttime, There will probably be some humans in there.â€


“Serena, Do I really have to do this?â€


“Yes, you must.â€


“But… Where is Brandon? I want to be wherever he is.â€


“Oh grow up. He doesn’t have the same idea as you do, about the two of you together. He wants to just be friends, if that much.â€


“He does not!â€


Serena’s vampiric optics pierced through Audrey’s eyes.


“Keep quiet.â€


Not another word spoken between them as the duo walked over to the Night Club, seeing less than average lighting inside.


“Do you think it’s even open?â€


Another vampire commented from behind Serena, inquisitively.


“Well, let’s find out. Audrey, You stay here.â€


Audrey sat down, still not necessarily pleased with this plot, as Serena turned the doorknob, silently pushed it open and took a quiet step inside.


She then, in a shocked panic, jumped outside with her eyes wider, cursing unnecessarily.


“What the… What happened in there?!â€


She spoke, trying to maintain volume, but trying to get her point of shock across at the same time.


Two other vampires poked their heads around the doorframe and peered in, and likewise gasped and withdrew themselves.


Intrigued, Audrey curiously looked inside, to see a rather grotesque image…


Rotting, bloody dead human bodies were in all manner of positions, most entangled in a strange deep blue substance, which appeared to be adhering the human bodies to walls and the floor, as it also appeared to be a somewhat venomous liquid, as traces of it were all around the humans’ heads. As for the rest of the intern of the building, it lay in a bloodstained, and blue ‘stuff’ splattered wreck. Broken and splintered tables and chairs, what appeared to be the remains of cloths of sorts, all the electric wiring was ruined, as sparks constantly spattered out of holes in the walls and ceiling. A few destructive embers lay here and there, consuming what was left.


Audrey’s heart skipped a beat as she reared back outside, put her hand over her heart as if gripping it to keep it still, as the mental image of what she had just seen was burned into her memory.


“What happened…?!â€



“Brandon, Chris, Koy. We have got bad news.â€


“Really, What now?â€


The three of us listened with interest as one of Chris’ colleagues explained himself.


“Our category One lycanthropes, you know, the ones that are Human and Werewolf? They have been telling us that vampires have been invading human cities and towns, in a mad rampage with what appears to be mind-controlled lycans and wolves on their side.â€


Chris’ eyes widened at hearing this, as Koy did likewise, but to a less degree.


“You… they… what?â€


I stuttered.


“Vampires and wolves have been destroying human cities, our only guess is that it is payback for what the humans have done to them.â€


“Well, That may explain some of the humans tracking down wolves and vampires and going about a mad slaughter against all of them sighted.â€


The attention of the group of four was drawn to another wolf that had approached, and commented.


“Humans, running huge mechanical mobile units have been rampaging through forests, killing wolves, all who haven’t concealed themselves by then.â€


A brief moment of silence.


“To top all that off, there is the Torrask problem…â€


Koy turned to me after hearing Chris’ final comment.


“Well, good ol’ SPL of mine, I hope you’ve enjoyed being a werewolf while you had the chance. It looks like we are all doomed.â€


With a smile and a pat on the shoulder, Koy walked off in a nervous fashion.


… Could this really be the end?


[:o zomg.]


[=o Shyah.]

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[Woo, I wrote another chapter yesterday. The internet blew up so I wrote the next chapter and some of the one after that. so here it is. n_n]


Chapter Seventeen


Serena glanced behind her back, her piercing yellow eyes penetrating the darkness as she saw multiple other vampires such as herself, all wielding a lycanthrope or feral wolf, scanning the area for any humans, or ways of undetectably reaching one.


“Alright, Audrey… See that building off that way? It looks to me like a, eh, what’re they called, Night Club or something. Seeing as it’s, well, nighttime, There will probably be some humans in there.â€


“Serena, Do I really have to do this?â€


“Yes, you must.â€


“But… Where is Brandon? I want to be wherever he is.â€


“Oh grow up. He doesn’t have the same idea as you do, about the two of you together. He wants to just be friends, if that much.â€


“He does not!â€


Serena’s vampiric optics pierced through Audrey’s eyes.


“Keep quiet.â€


Not another word spoken between them as the duo walked over to the Night Club, seeing less than average lighting inside.


“Do you think it’s even open?â€


Another vampire commented from behind Serena, inquisitively.


“Well, let’s find out. Audrey, You stay here.â€


Audrey sat down, still not necessarily pleased with this plot, as Serena turned the doorknob, silently pushed it open and took a quiet step inside.


She then, in a shocked panic, jumped outside with her eyes wider, cursing unnecessarily.


“What the… What happened in there?!â€


She spoke, trying to maintain volume, but trying to get her point of shock across at the same time.


Two other vampires poked their heads around the doorframe and peered in, and likewise gasped and withdrew themselves.


Intrigued, Audrey curiously looked inside, to see a rather grotesque image…


Rotting, bloody dead human bodies were in all manner of positions, most entangled in a strange deep blue substance, which appeared to be adhering the human bodies to walls and the floor, as it also appeared to be a somewhat venomous liquid, as traces of it were all around the humans’ heads. As for the rest of the intern of the building, it lay in a bloodstained, and blue ‘stuff’ splattered wreck. Broken and splintered tables and chairs, what appeared to be the remains of cloths of sorts, all the electric wiring was ruined, as sparks constantly spattered out of holes in the walls and ceiling. A few destructive embers lay here and there, consuming what was left.


Audrey’s heart skipped a beat as she reared back outside, put her hand over her heart as if gripping it to keep it still, as the mental image of what she had just seen was burned into her memory.


“What happened…?!â€



“Brandon, Chris, Koy. We have got bad news.â€


“Really, What now?â€


The three of us listened with interest as one of Chris’ colleagues explained himself.


“Our category One lycanthropes, you know, the ones that are Human and Werewolf? They have been telling us that vampires have been invading human cities and towns, in a mad rampage with what appears to be mind-controlled lycans and wolves on their side.â€


Chris’ eyes widened at hearing this, as Koy did likewise, but to a less degree.


“You… they… what?â€


I stuttered.


“Vampires and wolves have been destroying human cities, our only guess is that it is payback for what the humans have done to them.â€


“Well, That may explain some of the humans tracking down wolves and vampires and going about a mad slaughter against all of them sighted.â€


The attention of the group of four was drawn to another wolf that had approached, and commented.


“Humans, running huge mechanical mobile units have been rampaging through forests, killing wolves, all who haven’t concealed themselves by then.â€


A brief moment of silence.


“To top all that off, there is the Torrask problem…â€


Koy turned to me after hearing Chris’ final comment.


“Well, good ol’ SPL of mine, I hope you’ve enjoyed being a werewolf while you had the chance. It looks like we are all doomed.â€


With a smile and a pat on the shoulder, Koy walked off in a nervous fashion.


… Could this really be the end?


[:o zomg.]

Please do not leave us hanging like this!


[Right. Lemme go... get... some... divine inspiration for what I should write next. -plays MP2- =D ]

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[Woo, I wrote another chapter yesterday. The internet blew up so I wrote the next chapter and some of the one after that. so here it is. n_n]


Chapter Seventeen


Serena glanced behind her back, her piercing yellow eyes penetrating the darkness as she saw multiple other vampires such as herself, all wielding a lycanthrope or feral wolf, scanning the area for any humans, or ways of undetectably reaching one.


“Alright, Audrey… See that building off that way? It looks to me like a, eh, what’re they called, Night Club or something. Seeing as it’s, well, nighttime, There will probably be some humans in there.â€


“Serena, Do I really have to do this?â€


“Yes, you must.â€


“But… Where is Brandon? I want to be wherever he is.â€


“Oh grow up. He doesn’t have the same idea as you do, about the two of you together. He wants to just be friends, if that much.â€


“He does not!â€


Serena’s vampiric optics pierced through Audrey’s eyes.


“Keep quiet.â€


Not another word spoken between them as the duo walked over to the Night Club, seeing less than average lighting inside.


“Do you think it’s even open?â€


Another vampire commented from behind Serena, inquisitively.


“Well, let’s find out. Audrey, You stay here.â€


Audrey sat down, still not necessarily pleased with this plot, as Serena turned the doorknob, silently pushed it open and took a quiet step inside.


She then, in a shocked panic, jumped outside with her eyes wider, cursing unnecessarily.


“What the… What happened in there?!â€


She spoke, trying to maintain volume, but trying to get her point of shock across at the same time.


Two other vampires poked their heads around the doorframe and peered in, and likewise gasped and withdrew themselves.


Intrigued, Audrey curiously looked inside, to see a rather grotesque image…


Rotting, bloody dead human bodies were in all manner of positions, most entangled in a strange deep blue substance, which appeared to be adhering the human bodies to walls and the floor, as it also appeared to be a somewhat venomous liquid, as traces of it were all around the humans’ heads. As for the rest of the intern of the building, it lay in a bloodstained, and blue ‘stuff’ splattered wreck. Broken and splintered tables and chairs, what appeared to be the remains of cloths of sorts, all the electric wiring was ruined, as sparks constantly spattered out of holes in the walls and ceiling. A few destructive embers lay here and there, consuming what was left.


Audrey’s heart skipped a beat as she reared back outside, put her hand over her heart as if gripping it to keep it still, as the mental image of what she had just seen was burned into her memory.


“What happened…?!â€



“Brandon, Chris, Koy. We have got bad news.â€


“Really, What now?â€


The three of us listened with interest as one of Chris’ colleagues explained himself.


“Our category One lycanthropes, you know, the ones that are Human and Werewolf? They have been telling us that vampires have been invading human cities and towns, in a mad rampage with what appears to be mind-controlled lycans and wolves on their side.â€


Chris’ eyes widened at hearing this, as Koy did likewise, but to a less degree.


“You… they… what?â€


I stuttered.


“Vampires and wolves have been destroying human cities, our only guess is that it is payback for what the humans have done to them.â€


“Well, That may explain some of the humans tracking down wolves and vampires and going about a mad slaughter against all of them sighted.â€


The attention of the group of four was drawn to another wolf that had approached, and commented.


“Humans, running huge mechanical mobile units have been rampaging through forests, killing wolves, all who haven’t concealed themselves by then.â€


A brief moment of silence.


“To top all that off, there is the Torrask problem…â€


Koy turned to me after hearing Chris’ final comment.


“Well, good ol’ SPL of mine, I hope you’ve enjoyed being a werewolf while you had the chance. It looks like we are all doomed.â€


With a smile and a pat on the shoulder, Koy walked off in a nervous fashion.


… Could this really be the end?


[:o zomg.]

Please do not leave us hanging like this!


[Right. Lemme go... get... some... divine inspiration for what I should write next. -plays MP2- =D ]

[i know stuff about engines, in case that inspires you at all.]

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[Woo, I wrote another chapter yesterday. The internet blew up so I wrote the next chapter and some of the one after that. so here it is. n_n]


Chapter Seventeen


Serena glanced behind her back, her piercing yellow eyes penetrating the darkness as she saw multiple other vampires such as herself, all wielding a lycanthrope or feral wolf, scanning the area for any humans, or ways of undetectably reaching one.


“Alright, Audrey… See that building off that way? It looks to me like a, eh, what’re they called, Night Club or something. Seeing as it’s, well, nighttime, There will probably be some humans in there.â€


“Serena, Do I really have to do this?â€


“Yes, you must.â€


“But… Where is Brandon? I want to be wherever he is.â€


“Oh grow up. He doesn’t have the same idea as you do, about the two of you together. He wants to just be friends, if that much.â€


“He does not!â€


Serena’s vampiric optics pierced through Audrey’s eyes.


“Keep quiet.â€


Not another word spoken between them as the duo walked over to the Night Club, seeing less than average lighting inside.


“Do you think it’s even open?â€


Another vampire commented from behind Serena, inquisitively.


“Well, let’s find out. Audrey, You stay here.â€


Audrey sat down, still not necessarily pleased with this plot, as Serena turned the doorknob, silently pushed it open and took a quiet step inside.


She then, in a shocked panic, jumped outside with her eyes wider, cursing unnecessarily.


“What the… What happened in there?!â€


She spoke, trying to maintain volume, but trying to get her point of shock across at the same time.


Two other vampires poked their heads around the doorframe and peered in, and likewise gasped and withdrew themselves.


Intrigued, Audrey curiously looked inside, to see a rather grotesque image…


Rotting, bloody dead human bodies were in all manner of positions, most entangled in a strange deep blue substance, which appeared to be adhering the human bodies to walls and the floor, as it also appeared to be a somewhat venomous liquid, as traces of it were all around the humans’ heads. As for the rest of the intern of the building, it lay in a bloodstained, and blue ‘stuff’ splattered wreck. Broken and splintered tables and chairs, what appeared to be the remains of cloths of sorts, all the electric wiring was ruined, as sparks constantly spattered out of holes in the walls and ceiling. A few destructive embers lay here and there, consuming what was left.


Audrey’s heart skipped a beat as she reared back outside, put her hand over her heart as if gripping it to keep it still, as the mental image of what she had just seen was burned into her memory.


“What happened…?!â€



“Brandon, Chris, Koy. We have got bad news.â€


“Really, What now?â€


The three of us listened with interest as one of Chris’ colleagues explained himself.


“Our category One lycanthropes, you know, the ones that are Human and Werewolf? They have been telling us that vampires have been invading human cities and towns, in a mad rampage with what appears to be mind-controlled lycans and wolves on their side.â€


Chris’ eyes widened at hearing this, as Koy did likewise, but to a less degree.


“You… they… what?â€


I stuttered.


“Vampires and wolves have been destroying human cities, our only guess is that it is payback for what the humans have done to them.â€


“Well, That may explain some of the humans tracking down wolves and vampires and going about a mad slaughter against all of them sighted.â€


The attention of the group of four was drawn to another wolf that had approached, and commented.


“Humans, running huge mechanical mobile units have been rampaging through forests, killing wolves, all who haven’t concealed themselves by then.â€


A brief moment of silence.


“To top all that off, there is the Torrask problem…â€


Koy turned to me after hearing Chris’ final comment.


“Well, good ol’ SPL of mine, I hope you’ve enjoyed being a werewolf while you had the chance. It looks like we are all doomed.â€


With a smile and a pat on the shoulder, Koy walked off in a nervous fashion.


… Could this really be the end?


[:o zomg.]

Please do not leave us hanging like this!


[Right. Lemme go... get... some... divine inspiration for what I should write next. -plays MP2- =D ]

[i know stuff about engines, in case that inspires you at all.]

[Car engines? You know what an injection engine is, the differece between 6-cylnder and 8-cylinder is or what an engine uses to ignite gasoline to propel it?]


[Just asking. <_<]


[i did though just think of an idea for the next chapter. -wanders off to go write it else Horatio shall die of suspense-]

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[Woo, I wrote another chapter yesterday. The internet blew up so I wrote the next chapter and some of the one after that. so here it is. n_n]


Chapter Seventeen


Serena glanced behind her back, her piercing yellow eyes penetrating the darkness as she saw multiple other vampires such as herself, all wielding a lycanthrope or feral wolf, scanning the area for any humans, or ways of undetectably reaching one.


“Alright, Audrey… See that building off that way? It looks to me like a, eh, what’re they called, Night Club or something. Seeing as it’s, well, nighttime, There will probably be some humans in there.â€


“Serena, Do I really have to do this?â€


“Yes, you must.â€


“But… Where is Brandon? I want to be wherever he is.â€


“Oh grow up. He doesn’t have the same idea as you do, about the two of you together. He wants to just be friends, if that much.â€


“He does not!â€


Serena’s vampiric optics pierced through Audrey’s eyes.


“Keep quiet.â€


Not another word spoken between them as the duo walked over to the Night Club, seeing less than average lighting inside.


“Do you think it’s even open?â€


Another vampire commented from behind Serena, inquisitively.


“Well, let’s find out. Audrey, You stay here.â€


Audrey sat down, still not necessarily pleased with this plot, as Serena turned the doorknob, silently pushed it open and took a quiet step inside.


She then, in a shocked panic, jumped outside with her eyes wider, cursing unnecessarily.


“What the… What happened in there?!â€


She spoke, trying to maintain volume, but trying to get her point of shock across at the same time.


Two other vampires poked their heads around the doorframe and peered in, and likewise gasped and withdrew themselves.


Intrigued, Audrey curiously looked inside, to see a rather grotesque image…


Rotting, bloody dead human bodies were in all manner of positions, most entangled in a strange deep blue substance, which appeared to be adhering the human bodies to walls and the floor, as it also appeared to be a somewhat venomous liquid, as traces of it were all around the humans’ heads. As for the rest of the intern of the building, it lay in a bloodstained, and blue ‘stuff’ splattered wreck. Broken and splintered tables and chairs, what appeared to be the remains of cloths of sorts, all the electric wiring was ruined, as sparks constantly spattered out of holes in the walls and ceiling. A few destructive embers lay here and there, consuming what was left.


Audrey’s heart skipped a beat as she reared back outside, put her hand over her heart as if gripping it to keep it still, as the mental image of what she had just seen was burned into her memory.


“What happened…?!â€



“Brandon, Chris, Koy. We have got bad news.â€


“Really, What now?â€


The three of us listened with interest as one of Chris’ colleagues explained himself.


“Our category One lycanthropes, you know, the ones that are Human and Werewolf? They have been telling us that vampires have been invading human cities and towns, in a mad rampage with what appears to be mind-controlled lycans and wolves on their side.â€


Chris’ eyes widened at hearing this, as Koy did likewise, but to a less degree.


“You… they… what?â€


I stuttered.


“Vampires and wolves have been destroying human cities, our only guess is that it is payback for what the humans have done to them.â€


“Well, That may explain some of the humans tracking down wolves and vampires and going about a mad slaughter against all of them sighted.â€


The attention of the group of four was drawn to another wolf that had approached, and commented.


“Humans, running huge mechanical mobile units have been rampaging through forests, killing wolves, all who haven’t concealed themselves by then.â€


A brief moment of silence.


“To top all that off, there is the Torrask problem…â€


Koy turned to me after hearing Chris’ final comment.


“Well, good ol’ SPL of mine, I hope you’ve enjoyed being a werewolf while you had the chance. It looks like we are all doomed.â€


With a smile and a pat on the shoulder, Koy walked off in a nervous fashion.


… Could this really be the end?


[:o zomg.]

Please do not leave us hanging like this!


[Right. Lemme go... get... some... divine inspiration for what I should write next. -plays MP2- =D ]

[i know stuff about engines, in case that inspires you at all.]

[Car engines? You know what an injection engine is, the differece between 6-cylnder and 8-cylinder is or what an engine uses to ignite gasoline to propel it?]


[Just asking. <_<]


[i did though just think of an idea for the next chapter. -wanders off to go write it else Horatio shall die of suspense-]

[Yep, 'cept for the injection engine one. But I know what an injection molder is from plastics.]

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[Woo, I wrote another chapter yesterday. The internet blew up so I wrote the next chapter and some of the one after that. so here it is. n_n]


Chapter Seventeen


Serena glanced behind her back, her piercing yellow eyes penetrating the darkness as she saw multiple other vampires such as herself, all wielding a lycanthrope or feral wolf, scanning the area for any humans, or ways of undetectably reaching one.


“Alright, Audrey… See that building off that way? It looks to me like a, eh, what’re they called, Night Club or something. Seeing as it’s, well, nighttime, There will probably be some humans in there.â€


“Serena, Do I really have to do this?â€


“Yes, you must.â€


“But… Where is Brandon? I want to be wherever he is.â€


“Oh grow up. He doesn’t have the same idea as you do, about the two of you together. He wants to just be friends, if that much.â€


“He does not!â€


Serena’s vampiric optics pierced through Audrey’s eyes.


“Keep quiet.â€


Not another word spoken between them as the duo walked over to the Night Club, seeing less than average lighting inside.


“Do you think it’s even open?â€


Another vampire commented from behind Serena, inquisitively.


“Well, let’s find out. Audrey, You stay here.â€


Audrey sat down, still not necessarily pleased with this plot, as Serena turned the doorknob, silently pushed it open and took a quiet step inside.


She then, in a shocked panic, jumped outside with her eyes wider, cursing unnecessarily.


“What the… What happened in there?!â€


She spoke, trying to maintain volume, but trying to get her point of shock across at the same time.


Two other vampires poked their heads around the doorframe and peered in, and likewise gasped and withdrew themselves.


Intrigued, Audrey curiously looked inside, to see a rather grotesque image…


Rotting, bloody dead human bodies were in all manner of positions, most entangled in a strange deep blue substance, which appeared to be adhering the human bodies to walls and the floor, as it also appeared to be a somewhat venomous liquid, as traces of it were all around the humans’ heads. As for the rest of the intern of the building, it lay in a bloodstained, and blue ‘stuff’ splattered wreck. Broken and splintered tables and chairs, what appeared to be the remains of cloths of sorts, all the electric wiring was ruined, as sparks constantly spattered out of holes in the walls and ceiling. A few destructive embers lay here and there, consuming what was left.


Audrey’s heart skipped a beat as she reared back outside, put her hand over her heart as if gripping it to keep it still, as the mental image of what she had just seen was burned into her memory.


“What happened…?!â€



“Brandon, Chris, Koy. We have got bad news.â€


“Really, What now?â€


The three of us listened with interest as one of Chris’ colleagues explained himself.


“Our category One lycanthropes, you know, the ones that are Human and Werewolf? They have been telling us that vampires have been invading human cities and towns, in a mad rampage with what appears to be mind-controlled lycans and wolves on their side.â€


Chris’ eyes widened at hearing this, as Koy did likewise, but to a less degree.


“You… they… what?â€


I stuttered.


“Vampires and wolves have been destroying human cities, our only guess is that it is payback for what the humans have done to them.â€


“Well, That may explain some of the humans tracking down wolves and vampires and going about a mad slaughter against all of them sighted.â€


The attention of the group of four was drawn to another wolf that had approached, and commented.


“Humans, running huge mechanical mobile units have been rampaging through forests, killing wolves, all who haven’t concealed themselves by then.â€


A brief moment of silence.


“To top all that off, there is the Torrask problem…â€


Koy turned to me after hearing Chris’ final comment.


“Well, good ol’ SPL of mine, I hope you’ve enjoyed being a werewolf while you had the chance. It looks like we are all doomed.â€


With a smile and a pat on the shoulder, Koy walked off in a nervous fashion.


… Could this really be the end?


[:o zomg.]

Please do not leave us hanging like this!


[Right. Lemme go... get... some... divine inspiration for what I should write next. -plays MP2- =D ]

[i know stuff about engines, in case that inspires you at all.]

[Car engines? You know what an injection engine is, the differece between 6-cylnder and 8-cylinder is or what an engine uses to ignite gasoline to propel it?]


[Just asking. <_<]


[i did though just think of an idea for the next chapter. -wanders off to go write it else Horatio shall die of suspense-]

[Yep, 'cept for the injection engine one. But I know what an injection molder is from plastics.]

[injection ones have little tubes things that inject the gasoline into the engine where its exploded and all and makes the engine go. Alternately, a Carburetor engine kind of sprays the gasoline into a mist, an air-gas mixture, where it solidifies inside the engine, and then asploded.


Injection engines have the air and gas mixed inside the engine, Carburetors mix the two beforehand.]


[What does this have to do with the topic, anyway? O_o]

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[Woo, I wrote another chapter yesterday. The internet blew up so I wrote the next chapter and some of the one after that. so here it is. n_n]


Chapter Seventeen


Serena glanced behind her back, her piercing yellow eyes penetrating the darkness as she saw multiple other vampires such as herself, all wielding a lycanthrope or feral wolf, scanning the area for any humans, or ways of undetectably reaching one.


“Alright, Audrey… See that building off that way? It looks to me like a, eh, what’re they called, Night Club or something. Seeing as it’s, well, nighttime, There will probably be some humans in there.”


“Serena, Do I really have to do this?”


“Yes, you must.”


“But… Where is Brandon? I want to be wherever he is.”


“Oh grow up. He doesn’t have the same idea as you do, about the two of you together. He wants to just be friends, if that much.”


“He does not!”


Serena’s vampiric optics pierced through Audrey’s eyes.


“Keep quiet.”


Not another word spoken between them as the duo walked over to the Night Club, seeing less than average lighting inside.


“Do you think it’s even open?”


Another vampire commented from behind Serena, inquisitively.


“Well, let’s find out. Audrey, You stay here.”


Audrey sat down, still not necessarily pleased with this plot, as Serena turned the doorknob, silently pushed it open and took a quiet step inside.


She then, in a shocked panic, jumped outside with her eyes wider, cursing unnecessarily.


“What the… What happened in there?!”


She spoke, trying to maintain volume, but trying to get her point of shock across at the same time.


Two other vampires poked their heads around the doorframe and peered in, and likewise gasped and withdrew themselves.


Intrigued, Audrey curiously looked inside, to see a rather grotesque image…


Rotting, bloody dead human bodies were in all manner of positions, most entangled in a strange deep blue substance, which appeared to be adhering the human bodies to walls and the floor, as it also appeared to be a somewhat venomous liquid, as traces of it were all around the humans’ heads. As for the rest of the intern of the building, it lay in a bloodstained, and blue ‘stuff’ splattered wreck. Broken and splintered tables and chairs, what appeared to be the remains of cloths of sorts, all the electric wiring was ruined, as sparks constantly spattered out of holes in the walls and ceiling. A few destructive embers lay here and there, consuming what was left.


Audrey’s heart skipped a beat as she reared back outside, put her hand over her heart as if gripping it to keep it still, as the mental image of what she had just seen was burned into her memory.


“What happened…?!”



“Brandon, Chris, Koy. We have got bad news.”


“Really, What now?”


The three of us listened with interest as one of Chris’ colleagues explained himself.


“Our category One lycanthropes, you know, the ones that are Human and Werewolf? They have been telling us that vampires have been invading human cities and towns, in a mad rampage with what appears to be mind-controlled lycans and wolves on their side.”


Chris’ eyes widened at hearing this, as Koy did likewise, but to a less degree.


“You… they… what?”


I stuttered.


“Vampires and wolves have been destroying human cities, our only guess is that it is payback for what the humans have done to them.”


“Well, That may explain some of the humans tracking down wolves and vampires and going about a mad slaughter against all of them sighted.”


The attention of the group of four was drawn to another wolf that had approached, and commented.


“Humans, running huge mechanical mobile units have been rampaging through forests, killing wolves, all who haven’t concealed themselves by then.”


A brief moment of silence.


“To top all that off, there is the Torrask problem…”


Koy turned to me after hearing Chris’ final comment.


“Well, good ol’ SPL of mine, I hope you’ve enjoyed being a werewolf while you had the chance. It looks like we are all doomed.”


With a smile and a pat on the shoulder, Koy walked off in a nervous fashion.


… Could this really be the end?


[:o zomg.]

Please do not leave us hanging like this!


[Right. Lemme go... get... some... divine inspiration for what I should write next. -plays MP2- =D ]

[i know stuff about engines, in case that inspires you at all.]

[Car engines? You know what an injection engine is, the differece between 6-cylnder and 8-cylinder is or what an engine uses to ignite gasoline to propel it?]


[Just asking. <_>


[i did though just think of an idea for the next chapter. -wanders off to go write it else Horatio shall die of suspense-]

[Yep, 'cept for the injection engine one. But I know what an injection molder is from plastics.]

[injection ones have little tubes things that inject the gasoline into the engine where its exploded and all and makes the engine go. Alternately, a Carburetor engine kind of sprays the gasoline into a mist, an air-gas mixture, where it solidifies inside the engine, and then asploded.


Injection engines have the air and gas mixed inside the engine, Carburetors mix the two beforehand.]


[What does this have to do with the topic, anyway? O_o]

[it is interesting. Now tell me about radial engines. :lol: Such as an R-2800.]

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[Woo, I wrote another chapter yesterday. The internet blew up so I wrote the next chapter and some of the one after that. so here it is. n_n]


Chapter Seventeen


Serena glanced behind her back, her piercing yellow eyes penetrating the darkness as she saw multiple other vampires such as herself, all wielding a lycanthrope or feral wolf, scanning the area for any humans, or ways of undetectably reaching one.


“Alright, Audrey… See that building off that way? It looks to me like a, eh, what’re they called, Night Club or something. Seeing as it’s, well, nighttime, There will probably be some humans in there.â€


“Serena, Do I really have to do this?â€


“Yes, you must.â€


“But… Where is Brandon? I want to be wherever he is.â€


“Oh grow up. He doesn’t have the same idea as you do, about the two of you together. He wants to just be friends, if that much.â€


“He does not!â€


Serena’s vampiric optics pierced through Audrey’s eyes.


“Keep quiet.â€


Not another word spoken between them as the duo walked over to the Night Club, seeing less than average lighting inside.


“Do you think it’s even open?â€


Another vampire commented from behind Serena, inquisitively.


“Well, let’s find out. Audrey, You stay here.â€


Audrey sat down, still not necessarily pleased with this plot, as Serena turned the doorknob, silently pushed it open and took a quiet step inside.


She then, in a shocked panic, jumped outside with her eyes wider, cursing unnecessarily.


“What the… What happened in there?!â€


She spoke, trying to maintain volume, but trying to get her point of shock across at the same time.


Two other vampires poked their heads around the doorframe and peered in, and likewise gasped and withdrew themselves.


Intrigued, Audrey curiously looked inside, to see a rather grotesque image…


Rotting, bloody dead human bodies were in all manner of positions, most entangled in a strange deep blue substance, which appeared to be adhering the human bodies to walls and the floor, as it also appeared to be a somewhat venomous liquid, as traces of it were all around the humans’ heads. As for the rest of the intern of the building, it lay in a bloodstained, and blue ‘stuff’ splattered wreck. Broken and splintered tables and chairs, what appeared to be the remains of cloths of sorts, all the electric wiring was ruined, as sparks constantly spattered out of holes in the walls and ceiling. A few destructive embers lay here and there, consuming what was left.


Audrey’s heart skipped a beat as she reared back outside, put her hand over her heart as if gripping it to keep it still, as the mental image of what she had just seen was burned into her memory.


“What happened…?!â€



“Brandon, Chris, Koy. We have got bad news.â€


“Really, What now?â€


The three of us listened with interest as one of Chris’ colleagues explained himself.


“Our category One lycanthropes, you know, the ones that are Human and Werewolf? They have been telling us that vampires have been invading human cities and towns, in a mad rampage with what appears to be mind-controlled lycans and wolves on their side.â€


Chris’ eyes widened at hearing this, as Koy did likewise, but to a less degree.


“You… they… what?â€


I stuttered.


“Vampires and wolves have been destroying human cities, our only guess is that it is payback for what the humans have done to them.â€


“Well, That may explain some of the humans tracking down wolves and vampires and going about a mad slaughter against all of them sighted.â€


The attention of the group of four was drawn to another wolf that had approached, and commented.


“Humans, running huge mechanical mobile units have been rampaging through forests, killing wolves, all who haven’t concealed themselves by then.â€


A brief moment of silence.


“To top all that off, there is the Torrask problem…â€


Koy turned to me after hearing Chris’ final comment.


“Well, good ol’ SPL of mine, I hope you’ve enjoyed being a werewolf while you had the chance. It looks like we are all doomed.â€


With a smile and a pat on the shoulder, Koy walked off in a nervous fashion.


… Could this really be the end?


[:o zomg.]

Please do not leave us hanging like this!


[Right. Lemme go... get... some... divine inspiration for what I should write next. -plays MP2- =D ]

[i know stuff about engines, in case that inspires you at all.]

[Car engines? You know what an injection engine is, the differece between 6-cylnder and 8-cylinder is or what an engine uses to ignite gasoline to propel it?]


[Just asking. <_<]


[i did though just think of an idea for the next chapter. -wanders off to go write it else Horatio shall die of suspense-]

[Yep, 'cept for the injection engine one. But I know what an injection molder is from plastics.]

[injection ones have little tubes things that inject the gasoline into the engine where its exploded and all and makes the engine go. Alternately, a Carburetor engine kind of sprays the gasoline into a mist, an air-gas mixture, where it solidifies inside the engine, and then asploded.


Injection engines have the air and gas mixed inside the engine, Carburetors mix the two beforehand.]


[What does this have to do with the topic, anyway? O_o]

[it is interesting. Now tell me about radial engines. :lol: Such as an R-2800.]

[o_o....... Whyyyyyyyyyyy?]

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[Woo, I wrote another chapter yesterday. The internet blew up so I wrote the next chapter and some of the one after that. so here it is. n_n]


Chapter Seventeen


Serena glanced behind her back, her piercing yellow eyes penetrating the darkness as she saw multiple other vampires such as herself, all wielding a lycanthrope or feral wolf, scanning the area for any humans, or ways of undetectably reaching one.


“Alright, Audrey… See that building off that way? It looks to me like a, eh, what’re they called, Night Club or something. Seeing as it’s, well, nighttime, There will probably be some humans in there.”


“Serena, Do I really have to do this?”


“Yes, you must.”


“But… Where is Brandon? I want to be wherever he is.”


“Oh grow up. He doesn’t have the same idea as you do, about the two of you together. He wants to just be friends, if that much.”


“He does not!”


Serena’s vampiric optics pierced through Audrey’s eyes.


“Keep quiet.”


Not another word spoken between them as the duo walked over to the Night Club, seeing less than average lighting inside.


“Do you think it’s even open?”


Another vampire commented from behind Serena, inquisitively.


“Well, let’s find out. Audrey, You stay here.”


Audrey sat down, still not necessarily pleased with this plot, as Serena turned the doorknob, silently pushed it open and took a quiet step inside.


She then, in a shocked panic, jumped outside with her eyes wider, cursing unnecessarily.


“What the… What happened in there?!”


She spoke, trying to maintain volume, but trying to get her point of shock across at the same time.


Two other vampires poked their heads around the doorframe and peered in, and likewise gasped and withdrew themselves.


Intrigued, Audrey curiously looked inside, to see a rather grotesque image…


Rotting, bloody dead human bodies were in all manner of positions, most entangled in a strange deep blue substance, which appeared to be adhering the human bodies to walls and the floor, as it also appeared to be a somewhat venomous liquid, as traces of it were all around the humans’ heads. As for the rest of the intern of the building, it lay in a bloodstained, and blue ‘stuff’ splattered wreck. Broken and splintered tables and chairs, what appeared to be the remains of cloths of sorts, all the electric wiring was ruined, as sparks constantly spattered out of holes in the walls and ceiling. A few destructive embers lay here and there, consuming what was left.


Audrey’s heart skipped a beat as she reared back outside, put her hand over her heart as if gripping it to keep it still, as the mental image of what she had just seen was burned into her memory.


“What happened…?!”



“Brandon, Chris, Koy. We have got bad news.”


“Really, What now?”


The three of us listened with interest as one of Chris’ colleagues explained himself.


“Our category One lycanthropes, you know, the ones that are Human and Werewolf? They have been telling us that vampires have been invading human cities and towns, in a mad rampage with what appears to be mind-controlled lycans and wolves on their side.”


Chris’ eyes widened at hearing this, as Koy did likewise, but to a less degree.


“You… they… what?”


I stuttered.


“Vampires and wolves have been destroying human cities, our only guess is that it is payback for what the humans have done to them.”


“Well, That may explain some of the humans tracking down wolves and vampires and going about a mad slaughter against all of them sighted.”


The attention of the group of four was drawn to another wolf that had approached, and commented.


“Humans, running huge mechanical mobile units have been rampaging through forests, killing wolves, all who haven’t concealed themselves by then.”


A brief moment of silence.


“To top all that off, there is the Torrask problem…”


Koy turned to me after hearing Chris’ final comment.


“Well, good ol’ SPL of mine, I hope you’ve enjoyed being a werewolf while you had the chance. It looks like we are all doomed.”


With a smile and a pat on the shoulder, Koy walked off in a nervous fashion.


… Could this really be the end?


[:o zomg.]

Please do not leave us hanging like this!


[Right. Lemme go... get... some... divine inspiration for what I should write next. -plays MP2- =D ]

[i know stuff about engines, in case that inspires you at all.]

[Car engines? You know what an injection engine is, the differece between 6-cylnder and 8-cylinder is or what an engine uses to ignite gasoline to propel it?]


[Just asking. <_>


[i did though just think of an idea for the next chapter. -wanders off to go write it else Horatio shall die of suspense-]

[Yep, 'cept for the injection engine one. But I know what an injection molder is from plastics.]

[injection ones have little tubes things that inject the gasoline into the engine where its exploded and all and makes the engine go. Alternately, a Carburetor engine kind of sprays the gasoline into a mist, an air-gas mixture, where it solidifies inside the engine, and then asploded.


Injection engines have the air and gas mixed inside the engine, Carburetors mix the two beforehand.]


[What does this have to do with the topic, anyway? O_o]

[it is interesting. Now tell me about radial engines. :lol: Such as an R-2800.]

[o_o....... Whyyyyyyyyyyy?]

[The real question is: Why not? Radial engines are real engines! :lol: ]

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[Woo, I wrote another chapter yesterday. The internet blew up so I wrote the next chapter and some of the one after that. so here it is. n_n]


Chapter Seventeen


Serena glanced behind her back, her piercing yellow eyes penetrating the darkness as she saw multiple other vampires such as herself, all wielding a lycanthrope or feral wolf, scanning the area for any humans, or ways of undetectably reaching one.


“Alright, Audrey… See that building off that way? It looks to me like a, eh, what’re they called, Night Club or something. Seeing as it’s, well, nighttime, There will probably be some humans in there.â€


“Serena, Do I really have to do this?â€


“Yes, you must.â€


“But… Where is Brandon? I want to be wherever he is.â€


“Oh grow up. He doesn’t have the same idea as you do, about the two of you together. He wants to just be friends, if that much.â€


“He does not!â€


Serena’s vampiric optics pierced through Audrey’s eyes.


“Keep quiet.â€


Not another word spoken between them as the duo walked over to the Night Club, seeing less than average lighting inside.


“Do you think it’s even open?â€


Another vampire commented from behind Serena, inquisitively.


“Well, let’s find out. Audrey, You stay here.â€


Audrey sat down, still not necessarily pleased with this plot, as Serena turned the doorknob, silently pushed it open and took a quiet step inside.


She then, in a shocked panic, jumped outside with her eyes wider, cursing unnecessarily.


“What the… What happened in there?!â€


She spoke, trying to maintain volume, but trying to get her point of shock across at the same time.


Two other vampires poked their heads around the doorframe and peered in, and likewise gasped and withdrew themselves.


Intrigued, Audrey curiously looked inside, to see a rather grotesque image…


Rotting, bloody dead human bodies were in all manner of positions, most entangled in a strange deep blue substance, which appeared to be adhering the human bodies to walls and the floor, as it also appeared to be a somewhat venomous liquid, as traces of it were all around the humans’ heads. As for the rest of the intern of the building, it lay in a bloodstained, and blue ‘stuff’ splattered wreck. Broken and splintered tables and chairs, what appeared to be the remains of cloths of sorts, all the electric wiring was ruined, as sparks constantly spattered out of holes in the walls and ceiling. A few destructive embers lay here and there, consuming what was left.


Audrey’s heart skipped a beat as she reared back outside, put her hand over her heart as if gripping it to keep it still, as the mental image of what she had just seen was burned into her memory.


“What happened…?!â€



“Brandon, Chris, Koy. We have got bad news.â€


“Really, What now?â€


The three of us listened with interest as one of Chris’ colleagues explained himself.


“Our category One lycanthropes, you know, the ones that are Human and Werewolf? They have been telling us that vampires have been invading human cities and towns, in a mad rampage with what appears to be mind-controlled lycans and wolves on their side.â€


Chris’ eyes widened at hearing this, as Koy did likewise, but to a less degree.


“You… they… what?â€


I stuttered.


“Vampires and wolves have been destroying human cities, our only guess is that it is payback for what the humans have done to them.â€


“Well, That may explain some of the humans tracking down wolves and vampires and going about a mad slaughter against all of them sighted.â€


The attention of the group of four was drawn to another wolf that had approached, and commented.


“Humans, running huge mechanical mobile units have been rampaging through forests, killing wolves, all who haven’t concealed themselves by then.â€


A brief moment of silence.


“To top all that off, there is the Torrask problem…â€


Koy turned to me after hearing Chris’ final comment.


“Well, good ol’ SPL of mine, I hope you’ve enjoyed being a werewolf while you had the chance. It looks like we are all doomed.â€


With a smile and a pat on the shoulder, Koy walked off in a nervous fashion.


… Could this really be the end?


[:o zomg.]

Please do not leave us hanging like this!


[Right. Lemme go... get... some... divine inspiration for what I should write next. -plays MP2- =D ]

[i know stuff about engines, in case that inspires you at all.]

[Car engines? You know what an injection engine is, the differece between 6-cylnder and 8-cylinder is or what an engine uses to ignite gasoline to propel it?]


[Just asking. <_<]


[i did though just think of an idea for the next chapter. -wanders off to go write it else Horatio shall die of suspense-]

[Yep, 'cept for the injection engine one. But I know what an injection molder is from plastics.]

[injection ones have little tubes things that inject the gasoline into the engine where its exploded and all and makes the engine go. Alternately, a Carburetor engine kind of sprays the gasoline into a mist, an air-gas mixture, where it solidifies inside the engine, and then asploded.


Injection engines have the air and gas mixed inside the engine, Carburetors mix the two beforehand.]


[What does this have to do with the topic, anyway? O_o]

[Hey, I just told you that I know things about engines in case that inspired you. You were the one that started talking about injections and whatnot.]

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[Woo, I wrote another chapter yesterday. The internet blew up so I wrote the next chapter and some of the one after that. so here it is. n_n]


Chapter Seventeen


Serena glanced behind her back, her piercing yellow eyes penetrating the darkness as she saw multiple other vampires such as herself, all wielding a lycanthrope or feral wolf, scanning the area for any humans, or ways of undetectably reaching one.


“Alright, Audrey… See that building off that way? It looks to me like a, eh, what’re they called, Night Club or something. Seeing as it’s, well, nighttime, There will probably be some humans in there.â€


“Serena, Do I really have to do this?â€


“Yes, you must.â€


“But… Where is Brandon? I want to be wherever he is.â€


“Oh grow up. He doesn’t have the same idea as you do, about the two of you together. He wants to just be friends, if that much.â€


“He does not!â€


Serena’s vampiric optics pierced through Audrey’s eyes.


“Keep quiet.â€


Not another word spoken between them as the duo walked over to the Night Club, seeing less than average lighting inside.


“Do you think it’s even open?â€


Another vampire commented from behind Serena, inquisitively.


“Well, let’s find out. Audrey, You stay here.â€


Audrey sat down, still not necessarily pleased with this plot, as Serena turned the doorknob, silently pushed it open and took a quiet step inside.


She then, in a shocked panic, jumped outside with her eyes wider, cursing unnecessarily.


“What the… What happened in there?!â€


She spoke, trying to maintain volume, but trying to get her point of shock across at the same time.


Two other vampires poked their heads around the doorframe and peered in, and likewise gasped and withdrew themselves.


Intrigued, Audrey curiously looked inside, to see a rather grotesque image…


Rotting, bloody dead human bodies were in all manner of positions, most entangled in a strange deep blue substance, which appeared to be adhering the human bodies to walls and the floor, as it also appeared to be a somewhat venomous liquid, as traces of it were all around the humans’ heads. As for the rest of the intern of the building, it lay in a bloodstained, and blue ‘stuff’ splattered wreck. Broken and splintered tables and chairs, what appeared to be the remains of cloths of sorts, all the electric wiring was ruined, as sparks constantly spattered out of holes in the walls and ceiling. A few destructive embers lay here and there, consuming what was left.


Audrey’s heart skipped a beat as she reared back outside, put her hand over her heart as if gripping it to keep it still, as the mental image of what she had just seen was burned into her memory.


“What happened…?!â€



“Brandon, Chris, Koy. We have got bad news.â€


“Really, What now?â€


The three of us listened with interest as one of Chris’ colleagues explained himself.


“Our category One lycanthropes, you know, the ones that are Human and Werewolf? They have been telling us that vampires have been invading human cities and towns, in a mad rampage with what appears to be mind-controlled lycans and wolves on their side.â€


Chris’ eyes widened at hearing this, as Koy did likewise, but to a less degree.


“You… they… what?â€


I stuttered.


“Vampires and wolves have been destroying human cities, our only guess is that it is payback for what the humans have done to them.â€


“Well, That may explain some of the humans tracking down wolves and vampires and going about a mad slaughter against all of them sighted.â€


The attention of the group of four was drawn to another wolf that had approached, and commented.


“Humans, running huge mechanical mobile units have been rampaging through forests, killing wolves, all who haven’t concealed themselves by then.â€


A brief moment of silence.


“To top all that off, there is the Torrask problem…â€


Koy turned to me after hearing Chris’ final comment.


“Well, good ol’ SPL of mine, I hope you’ve enjoyed being a werewolf while you had the chance. It looks like we are all doomed.â€


With a smile and a pat on the shoulder, Koy walked off in a nervous fashion.


… Could this really be the end?


[:o zomg.]

Please do not leave us hanging like this!


[Right. Lemme go... get... some... divine inspiration for what I should write next. -plays MP2- =D ]

[i know stuff about engines, in case that inspires you at all.]

[Car engines? You know what an injection engine is, the differece between 6-cylnder and 8-cylinder is or what an engine uses to ignite gasoline to propel it?]


[Just asking. <_<]


[i did though just think of an idea for the next chapter. -wanders off to go write it else Horatio shall die of suspense-]

[Yep, 'cept for the injection engine one. But I know what an injection molder is from plastics.]

[injection ones have little tubes things that inject the gasoline into the engine where its exploded and all and makes the engine go. Alternately, a Carburetor engine kind of sprays the gasoline into a mist, an air-gas mixture, where it solidifies inside the engine, and then asploded.


Injection engines have the air and gas mixed inside the engine, Carburetors mix the two beforehand.]


[What does this have to do with the topic, anyway? O_o]

[Hey, I just told you that I know things about engines in case that inspired you. You were the one that started talking about injections and whatnot.]

[Yeah well. Im still gonna blame you for it. o_o]

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[Woo, I wrote another chapter yesterday. The internet blew up so I wrote the next chapter and some of the one after that. so here it is. n_n]


Chapter Seventeen


Serena glanced behind her back, her piercing yellow eyes penetrating the darkness as she saw multiple other vampires such as herself, all wielding a lycanthrope or feral wolf, scanning the area for any humans, or ways of undetectably reaching one.


“Alright, Audrey… See that building off that way? It looks to me like a, eh, what’re they called, Night Club or something. Seeing as it’s, well, nighttime, There will probably be some humans in there.â€


“Serena, Do I really have to do this?â€


“Yes, you must.â€


“But… Where is Brandon? I want to be wherever he is.â€


“Oh grow up. He doesn’t have the same idea as you do, about the two of you together. He wants to just be friends, if that much.â€


“He does not!â€


Serena’s vampiric optics pierced through Audrey’s eyes.


“Keep quiet.â€


Not another word spoken between them as the duo walked over to the Night Club, seeing less than average lighting inside.


“Do you think it’s even open?â€


Another vampire commented from behind Serena, inquisitively.


“Well, let’s find out. Audrey, You stay here.â€


Audrey sat down, still not necessarily pleased with this plot, as Serena turned the doorknob, silently pushed it open and took a quiet step inside.


She then, in a shocked panic, jumped outside with her eyes wider, cursing unnecessarily.


“What the… What happened in there?!â€


She spoke, trying to maintain volume, but trying to get her point of shock across at the same time.


Two other vampires poked their heads around the doorframe and peered in, and likewise gasped and withdrew themselves.


Intrigued, Audrey curiously looked inside, to see a rather grotesque image…


Rotting, bloody dead human bodies were in all manner of positions, most entangled in a strange deep blue substance, which appeared to be adhering the human bodies to walls and the floor, as it also appeared to be a somewhat venomous liquid, as traces of it were all around the humans’ heads. As for the rest of the intern of the building, it lay in a bloodstained, and blue ‘stuff’ splattered wreck. Broken and splintered tables and chairs, what appeared to be the remains of cloths of sorts, all the electric wiring was ruined, as sparks constantly spattered out of holes in the walls and ceiling. A few destructive embers lay here and there, consuming what was left.


Audrey’s heart skipped a beat as she reared back outside, put her hand over her heart as if gripping it to keep it still, as the mental image of what she had just seen was burned into her memory.


“What happened…?!â€



“Brandon, Chris, Koy. We have got bad news.â€


“Really, What now?â€


The three of us listened with interest as one of Chris’ colleagues explained himself.


“Our category One lycanthropes, you know, the ones that are Human and Werewolf? They have been telling us that vampires have been invading human cities and towns, in a mad rampage with what appears to be mind-controlled lycans and wolves on their side.â€


Chris’ eyes widened at hearing this, as Koy did likewise, but to a less degree.


“You… they… what?â€


I stuttered.


“Vampires and wolves have been destroying human cities, our only guess is that it is payback for what the humans have done to them.â€


“Well, That may explain some of the humans tracking down wolves and vampires and going about a mad slaughter against all of them sighted.â€


The attention of the group of four was drawn to another wolf that had approached, and commented.


“Humans, running huge mechanical mobile units have been rampaging through forests, killing wolves, all who haven’t concealed themselves by then.â€


A brief moment of silence.


“To top all that off, there is the Torrask problem…â€


Koy turned to me after hearing Chris’ final comment.


“Well, good ol’ SPL of mine, I hope you’ve enjoyed being a werewolf while you had the chance. It looks like we are all doomed.â€


With a smile and a pat on the shoulder, Koy walked off in a nervous fashion.


… Could this really be the end?


[:o zomg.]

*heart stops*eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek a Cliffhanger Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!! :blink:

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[Woo, I wrote another chapter yesterday. The internet blew up so I wrote the next chapter and some of the one after that. so here it is. n_n]


Chapter Seventeen


Serena glanced behind her back, her piercing yellow eyes penetrating the darkness as she saw multiple other vampires such as herself, all wielding a lycanthrope or feral wolf, scanning the area for any humans, or ways of undetectably reaching one.


“Alright, Audrey… See that building off that way? It looks to me like a, eh, what’re they called, Night Club or something. Seeing as it’s, well, nighttime, There will probably be some humans in there.â€


“Serena, Do I really have to do this?â€


“Yes, you must.â€


“But… Where is Brandon? I want to be wherever he is.â€


“Oh grow up. He doesn’t have the same idea as you do, about the two of you together. He wants to just be friends, if that much.â€


“He does not!â€


Serena’s vampiric optics pierced through Audrey’s eyes.


“Keep quiet.â€


Not another word spoken between them as the duo walked over to the Night Club, seeing less than average lighting inside.


“Do you think it’s even open?â€


Another vampire commented from behind Serena, inquisitively.


“Well, let’s find out. Audrey, You stay here.â€


Audrey sat down, still not necessarily pleased with this plot, as Serena turned the doorknob, silently pushed it open and took a quiet step inside.


She then, in a shocked panic, jumped outside with her eyes wider, cursing unnecessarily.


“What the… What happened in there?!â€


She spoke, trying to maintain volume, but trying to get her point of shock across at the same time.


Two other vampires poked their heads around the doorframe and peered in, and likewise gasped and withdrew themselves.


Intrigued, Audrey curiously looked inside, to see a rather grotesque image…


Rotting, bloody dead human bodies were in all manner of positions, most entangled in a strange deep blue substance, which appeared to be adhering the human bodies to walls and the floor, as it also appeared to be a somewhat venomous liquid, as traces of it were all around the humans’ heads. As for the rest of the intern of the building, it lay in a bloodstained, and blue ‘stuff’ splattered wreck. Broken and splintered tables and chairs, what appeared to be the remains of cloths of sorts, all the electric wiring was ruined, as sparks constantly spattered out of holes in the walls and ceiling. A few destructive embers lay here and there, consuming what was left.


Audrey’s heart skipped a beat as she reared back outside, put her hand over her heart as if gripping it to keep it still, as the mental image of what she had just seen was burned into her memory.


“What happened…?!â€



“Brandon, Chris, Koy. We have got bad news.â€


“Really, What now?â€


The three of us listened with interest as one of Chris’ colleagues explained himself.


“Our category One lycanthropes, you know, the ones that are Human and Werewolf? They have been telling us that vampires have been invading human cities and towns, in a mad rampage with what appears to be mind-controlled lycans and wolves on their side.â€


Chris’ eyes widened at hearing this, as Koy did likewise, but to a less degree.


“You… they… what?â€


I stuttered.


“Vampires and wolves have been destroying human cities, our only guess is that it is payback for what the humans have done to them.â€


“Well, That may explain some of the humans tracking down wolves and vampires and going about a mad slaughter against all of them sighted.â€


The attention of the group of four was drawn to another wolf that had approached, and commented.


“Humans, running huge mechanical mobile units have been rampaging through forests, killing wolves, all who haven’t concealed themselves by then.â€


A brief moment of silence.


“To top all that off, there is the Torrask problem…â€


Koy turned to me after hearing Chris’ final comment.


“Well, good ol’ SPL of mine, I hope you’ve enjoyed being a werewolf while you had the chance. It looks like we are all doomed.â€


With a smile and a pat on the shoulder, Koy walked off in a nervous fashion.


… Could this really be the end?


[:o zomg.]

Please do not leave us hanging like this!


[Right. Lemme go... get... some... divine inspiration for what I should write next. -plays MP2- =D ]

[i know stuff about engines, in case that inspires you at all.]

[Car engines? You know what an injection engine is, the differece between 6-cylnder and 8-cylinder is or what an engine uses to ignite gasoline to propel it?]


[Just asking. <_<]


[i did though just think of an idea for the next chapter. -wanders off to go write it else Horatio shall die of suspense-]

[Yep, 'cept for the injection engine one. But I know what an injection molder is from plastics.]

[injection ones have little tubes things that inject the gasoline into the engine where its exploded and all and makes the engine go. Alternately, a Carburetor engine kind of sprays the gasoline into a mist, an air-gas mixture, where it solidifies inside the engine, and then asploded.


Injection engines have the air and gas mixed inside the engine, Carburetors mix the two beforehand.]


[What does this have to do with the topic, anyway? O_o]

[Hey, I just told you that I know things about engines in case that inspired you. You were the one that started talking about injections and whatnot.]

[Yeah well. Im still gonna blame you for it. o_o]

[Well mneh. XP]

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[Woo, I wrote another chapter yesterday. The internet blew up so I wrote the next chapter and some of the one after that. so here it is. n_n]


Chapter Seventeen


Serena glanced behind her back, her piercing yellow eyes penetrating the darkness as she saw multiple other vampires such as herself, all wielding a lycanthrope or feral wolf, scanning the area for any humans, or ways of undetectably reaching one.


“Alright, Audrey… See that building off that way? It looks to me like a, eh, what’re they called, Night Club or something. Seeing as it’s, well, nighttime, There will probably be some humans in there.â€


“Serena, Do I really have to do this?â€


“Yes, you must.â€


“But… Where is Brandon? I want to be wherever he is.â€


“Oh grow up. He doesn’t have the same idea as you do, about the two of you together. He wants to just be friends, if that much.â€


“He does not!â€


Serena’s vampiric optics pierced through Audrey’s eyes.


“Keep quiet.â€


Not another word spoken between them as the duo walked over to the Night Club, seeing less than average lighting inside.


“Do you think it’s even open?â€


Another vampire commented from behind Serena, inquisitively.


“Well, let’s find out. Audrey, You stay here.â€


Audrey sat down, still not necessarily pleased with this plot, as Serena turned the doorknob, silently pushed it open and took a quiet step inside.


She then, in a shocked panic, jumped outside with her eyes wider, cursing unnecessarily.


“What the… What happened in there?!â€


She spoke, trying to maintain volume, but trying to get her point of shock across at the same time.


Two other vampires poked their heads around the doorframe and peered in, and likewise gasped and withdrew themselves.


Intrigued, Audrey curiously looked inside, to see a rather grotesque image…


Rotting, bloody dead human bodies were in all manner of positions, most entangled in a strange deep blue substance, which appeared to be adhering the human bodies to walls and the floor, as it also appeared to be a somewhat venomous liquid, as traces of it were all around the humans’ heads. As for the rest of the intern of the building, it lay in a bloodstained, and blue ‘stuff’ splattered wreck. Broken and splintered tables and chairs, what appeared to be the remains of cloths of sorts, all the electric wiring was ruined, as sparks constantly spattered out of holes in the walls and ceiling. A few destructive embers lay here and there, consuming what was left.


Audrey’s heart skipped a beat as she reared back outside, put her hand over her heart as if gripping it to keep it still, as the mental image of what she had just seen was burned into her memory.


“What happened…?!â€



“Brandon, Chris, Koy. We have got bad news.â€


“Really, What now?â€


The three of us listened with interest as one of Chris’ colleagues explained himself.


“Our category One lycanthropes, you know, the ones that are Human and Werewolf? They have been telling us that vampires have been invading human cities and towns, in a mad rampage with what appears to be mind-controlled lycans and wolves on their side.â€


Chris’ eyes widened at hearing this, as Koy did likewise, but to a less degree.


“You… they… what?â€


I stuttered.


“Vampires and wolves have been destroying human cities, our only guess is that it is payback for what the humans have done to them.â€


“Well, That may explain some of the humans tracking down wolves and vampires and going about a mad slaughter against all of them sighted.â€


The attention of the group of four was drawn to another wolf that had approached, and commented.


“Humans, running huge mechanical mobile units have been rampaging through forests, killing wolves, all who haven’t concealed themselves by then.â€


A brief moment of silence.


“To top all that off, there is the Torrask problem…â€


Koy turned to me after hearing Chris’ final comment.


“Well, good ol’ SPL of mine, I hope you’ve enjoyed being a werewolf while you had the chance. It looks like we are all doomed.â€


With a smile and a pat on the shoulder, Koy walked off in a nervous fashion.


… Could this really be the end?


[:o zomg.]

[*heart stops*eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek a Cliffhanger Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!! :blink:]

[ooops forgot again/ if ur confused see earlier post done by me]

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

[okay, I still havent forgotten 'bout the story here, in fact, i've put out notes for the next 4 parts to come. and what next to put in this part. I just havent written it yet and dont have any inspiration or idea of how to continue this one part that im STILL stuck at D:]


[i'll update when I think of stuff, aye?

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[okay, I still havent forgotten 'bout the story here, in fact, i've put out notes for the next 4 parts to come. and what next to put in this part. I just havent written it yet and dont have any inspiration or idea of how to continue this one part that im STILL stuck at D:]


[i'll update when I think of stuff, aye?

[*hug* n_n Whee!


I don't think it is hypocritical at all that I constantly annoy you to post chaptas, but whenever I post a story, I let it die after the first chapter, do you? >_>;;;]

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[okay, I still havent forgotten 'bout the story here, in fact, i've put out notes for the next 4 parts to come. and what next to put in this part. I just havent written it yet and dont have any inspiration or idea of how to continue this one part that im STILL stuck at D:]


[i'll update when I think of stuff, aye?

[*hug* n_n Whee!


I don't think it is hypocritical at all that I constantly annoy you to post chaptas, but whenever I post a story, I let it die after the first chapter, do you? >_>;;;]

[................................ Well, 'Never thought of that until you'd mentioned it just now. :huh: ]

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[okay, I still havent forgotten 'bout the story here, in fact, i've put out notes for the next 4 parts to come. and what next to put in this part. I just havent written it yet and dont have any inspiration or idea of how to continue this one part that im STILL stuck at D:]


[i'll update when I think of stuff, aye?

[*hug* n_n Whee!


I don't think it is hypocritical at all that I constantly annoy you to post chaptas, but whenever I post a story, I let it die after the first chapter, do you? >_>;;;]

[................................ Well, 'Never thought of that until you'd mentioned it just now. :huh: ]

[Neither did I.]

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  • 4 weeks later...

[Just a note to everyone, The next chapter is finished, i even made about 2 lines on Chap.19. though as of right now, My computer is somewhat dead (surgery problems, the prime harddrive wont start up. with about 7.5GB of stuff that I do NOT want to lose.) and its the only computer that has the software to take files off of my PDA thing, which contains te next chapter. So.


I have no way of posting the next chapter on here, for about 2 days. But. right now, about 2 in the mornin', Im sick of working on my computer. >_< I've beem trying to get it to run since about 11 just before lunch.


Im on me mums compy again, with the keyboard that I can only comfortably type on with 3 fingers, so imma go sleep and try to get my compy back up into working condition so I can continue writing and doing everything else that takes up so much of my time. o_<]

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[Just a note to everyone, The next chapter is finished, i even made about 2 lines on Chap.19. though as of right now, My computer is somewhat dead (surgery problems, the prime harddrive wont start up. with about 7.5GB of stuff that I do NOT want to lose.) and its the only computer that has the software to take files off of my PDA thing, which contains te next chapter. So.


I have no way of posting the next chapter on here, for about 2 days. But. right now, about 2 in the mornin', Im sick of working on my computer. >_< I've beem trying to get it to run since about 11 just before lunch.


Im on me mums compy again, with the keyboard that I can only comfortably type on with 3 fingers, so imma go sleep and try to get my compy back up into working condition so I can continue writing and doing everything else that takes up so much of my time. o_<]

Hooray for Arkcher's computer handyness?

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[Just a note to everyone, The next chapter is finished, i even made about 2 lines on Chap.19. though as of right now, My computer is somewhat dead (surgery problems, the prime harddrive wont start up. with about 7.5GB of stuff that I do NOT want to lose.) and its the only computer that has the software to take files off of my PDA thing, which contains te next chapter. So.


I have no way of posting the next chapter on here, for about 2 days. But. right now, about 2 in the mornin', Im sick of working on my computer. >_< I've beem trying to get it to run since about 11 just before lunch.


Im on me mums compy again, with the keyboard that I can only comfortably type on with 3 fingers, so imma go sleep and try to get my compy back up into working condition so I can continue writing and doing everything else that takes up so much of my time. o_<]

[...*kicks the compy* I actually did that to mine, once. It made it un-freezeby shutting it off!]

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[And here I am posting on my new, mostly operational compy. n_n


I've converted a server (yeah, those big huge computers that host and operate websites) to a home PC about 80% successfully, where I seem unable to get the CPU replaced with anyhting faster than 266MHz speed. But. This does have about 3GB RAM. -cheers- My old harddrives cant plug in directly to the server either, they're ITE, i think it is, and the server only has SCSI ports. So, Im accessing my old files via the LAN system i put into the house here, and I have two PCs now. n_n


The worst part thus far is that this server has no USB ports. My compy here STILL cant take the next chapter off of my PDA. Imm'a try installing that software on the lappy or something. I'll get it up some day, i promise!]

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[And here I am posting on my new, mostly operational compy. n_n


I've converted a server (yeah, those big huge computers that host and operate websites) to a home PC about 80% successfully, where I seem unable to get the CPU replaced with anyhting faster than 266MHz speed. But. This does have about 3GB RAM. -cheers- My old harddrives cant plug in directly to the server either, they're ITE, i think it is, and the server only has SCSI ports. So, Im accessing my old files via the LAN system i put into the house here, and I have two PCs now. n_n


The worst part thus far is that this server has no USB ports. My compy here STILL cant take the next chapter off of my PDA. Imm'a try installing that software on the lappy or something. I'll get it up some day, i promise!]

You have been busy! :o

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[And here I am posting on my new, mostly operational compy. n_n


I've converted a server (yeah, those big huge computers that host and operate websites) to a home PC about 80% successfully, where I seem unable to get the CPU replaced with anyhting faster than 266MHz speed. But. This does have about 3GB RAM. -cheers- My old harddrives cant plug in directly to the server either, they're ITE, i think it is, and the server only has SCSI ports. So, Im accessing my old files via the LAN system i put into the house here, and I have two PCs now. n_n


The worst part thus far is that this server has no USB ports. My compy here STILL cant take the next chapter off of my PDA. Imm'a try installing that software on the lappy or something. I'll get it up some day, i promise!]

[...I sort of know how to change the skin on Winamp. :D]

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