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Werewolf (Three)

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[Kat keeps pestering me to hurry up and post this. So I will. =D]


[same rules apply as the previous two topics, Go read those if you really wanted to.]


[Chances are, I'll just delete all this (X'cept chapter 1. That stays there.) and re-do it all. This isn't working. >_<]


[-goes off to get Chapter 1 whilst Horatio mods teh topic- =D]

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Chapter One

Kevin watched in terror at Dalhood Corporation’s remains- Some odd number of werewolves were tearing it all apart.


Due to his previous actions, He had angered the Werewolf race, And their ruler, Who is none other than the Greek Goddess herself, Artemis, As she and two phantom werewolves identical to her, Made an attack on Dalhood, And had began destroying it all.


Communications were cut off, The deity’s power was prevented anyone from escaping their wrath, As they were invulnerable, Immune to any attack or resistance that Kevin’s employees set up. He closed his eyes in discomfort, at hearing the screams of terror, the last cries before their death, The burning buildings, exploding chemicals…


It was a rather extraordinary scientific project- A team of six humans would go invade major towns and cities all over the world, And retrieve at least twenty of its inhabitants, Bring them back to Dalhood, As the scientific teams would use their forged lycanthrope tonics and chemicals, reduce human overpopulation and raise the endangered/extinct species populace. It had all run smoothly until the Abandon Team, Who takes the newly transformed humans out into forests and their appropriate habitats, Had come across a male werewolf to go with the female the same team had found months before.


This werewolf was uncooperative, highly resistant, And made attempts to escape at all costs. And as the Habitat crew had tried to deposit this wolf into a simulated habitat, The wolf instead made an escape, And got its associates to bring their attention to us. They called upon Artemis, Their deity leader, And this is the result…


Artemis and her two subordinate lycanthropes were attacking everything… Everything, Destroying the evidence of this ever existing. The wolves would come to Kevin’s building, And kill him any moment now. All he could do was wait for the wolves to break through the doors, With nothing to stand in their way…


“This is it… Dalhood has failed. I have failed Peter…â€


“This is it… Dalhood has failed. I have failed Peter…â€


Nathan heard through the doors ahead of them.


“This is it, Tobias. The one responsible for all this is behind these doors.â€


“Then what are we waiting for? Let us go kill him.â€


“Wait. The werewolf called Arkcher, Or better known as Brandon, Had requested we preserve this human for him to take care of.â€


The two looked at each other for a moment.


“Very well then. It will be done.â€



Two of these wolves burst through the doors to Kevin’s office. He just looked over at them, seeing no real point in resisting against them.


“You wolves are too late…!â€


The two just looked at him, taken by surprise at this comment.


“Claws has already found out…!â€


“You are insane. We are deity, We would know if Claws knew about this.â€


“Kill me if you must- But the fact remains… Claws will return once again!â€


The two wolves ignored this, And approached him…

[Hurrah for part 3.]

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Chapter Two


My eyes flickered open, as I woke from my sleeping, The last rays of the sun were fading out of sight. I stretched myself, and sat up, looked around myself. Two of my best friends were nearby, waking up themselves.


They were just changed into werewolves not two days ago, I watched in slight amusement at their brief confusion of their whereabouts and why they were there.


“What… Where… … Oh… Hello, Arkcher…â€


I smirked.


“I do have a real name you know. It is not Arkcher, I assure you.â€


“Regardless of what your name really is, You will always be Arkcher to me.â€




Kate was looking between the conversation at who was speaking, still rather confused.


“You two know each other? Who or what is Arkcher? … Are you Arkcher?â€


“Kate… Just stop.â€


I saw nothing out of the ordinary in their behavior, The two were transformed into false werewolves, but in two different ways. Kate’s memory was erased in the process.


“… Well, Upon thinking about it, The last thing that Kate or I have eaten was… Well, The last thing I remembered eating was that weird drink from Quik-trip. I am rather hungry.â€


I thought about this, And realized that I hadn’t eaten for quite some time.


“Well then, We shall go hunt for some food.â€


The two looked at me incredulously.


“Go hunt for food?! As in, Go find an animal and just eat it right there and then?â€


“Yes. What else do you suggest we do? We’re werewolves, That’s only natural.â€


The two had no comment, and had no choice but to agree.


The three of us were silently padding along the forest ground, As Kris’ and Kate’s newfound ability and power awed them, Which reminded me of the first some I was changed to a lycanthropal form like this.


“This is night-time? Wow, I can see perfectly…â€


We continued walking about rather slowly, With me at the head of our trio group.


My ears perked, My senses all focused on one place as I stopped in my tracks, flawlessly still, and listened carefully for the sound again.


“What? Why are we stopping?â€


“Ssh. Quiet.â€


I called back, And heard a very faint squeaking noise. I scanned my eyes through the forest ground, And turned my vision upward- A bat was flying about in the forest trees, Making ‘silent’ noises to detect any insects nearby.


I ignored the bat, and continued leading the other two wolves through the forest.


[Zomfg Bats. <.<;; And like. We get to eat stuff here purdy soon. =D]

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Chapter Two


My eyes flickered open, as I woke from my sleeping, The last rays of the sun were fading out of sight. I stretched myself, and sat up, looked around myself. Two of my best friends were nearby, waking up themselves.


They were just changed into werewolves not two days ago, I watched in slight amusement at their brief confusion of their whereabouts and why they were there.


“What… Where… … Oh… Hello, Arkcher…â€


I smirked.


“I do have a real name you know. It is not Arkcher, I assure you.â€


“Regardless of what your name really is, You will always be Arkcher to me.â€




Kate was looking between the conversation at who was speaking, still rather confused.


“You two know each other? Who or what is Arkcher? … Are you Arkcher?â€


“Kate… Just stop.â€


I saw nothing out of the ordinary in their behavior, The two were transformed into false werewolves, but in two different ways. Kate’s memory was erased in the process.


“… Well, Upon thinking about it, The last thing that Kate or I have eaten was… Well, The last thing I remembered eating was that weird drink from Quik-trip. I am rather hungry.â€


I thought about this, And realized that I hadn’t eaten for quite some time.


“Well then, We shall go hunt for some food.â€


The two looked at me incredulously.


“Go hunt for food?! As in, Go find an animal and just eat it right there and then?â€


“Yes. What else do you suggest we do? We’re werewolves, That’s only natural.â€


The two had no comment, and had no choice but to agree.


The three of us were silently padding along the forest ground, As Kris’ and Kate’s newfound ability and power awed them, Which reminded me of the first some I was changed to a lycanthropal form like this.


“This is night-time? Wow, I can see perfectly…â€


We continued walking about rather slowly, With me at the head of our trio group.


My ears perked, My senses all focused on one place as I stopped in my tracks, flawlessly still, and listened carefully for the sound again.


“What? Why are we stopping?â€


“Ssh. Quiet.â€


I called back, And heard a very faint squeaking noise. I scanned my eyes through the forest ground, And turned my vision upward- A bat was flying about in the forest trees, Making ‘silent’ noises to detect any insects nearby.


I ignored the bat, and continued leading the other two wolves through the forest.


[Zomfg Bats. <.<;; And like. We get to eat stuff here purdy soon. =D]

[Zomg bats!]

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Chapter Two


My eyes flickered open, as I woke from my sleeping, The last rays of the sun were fading out of sight. I stretched myself, and sat up, looked around myself. Two of my best friends were nearby, waking up themselves.


They were just changed into werewolves not two days ago, I watched in slight amusement at their brief confusion of their whereabouts and why they were there.


“What… Where… … Oh… Hello, Arkcher…â€


I smirked.


“I do have a real name you know. It is not Arkcher, I assure you.â€


“Regardless of what your name really is, You will always be Arkcher to me.â€




Kate was looking between the conversation at who was speaking, still rather confused.


“You two know each other? Who or what is Arkcher? … Are you Arkcher?â€


“Kate… Just stop.â€


I saw nothing out of the ordinary in their behavior, The two were transformed into false werewolves, but in two different ways. Kate’s memory was erased in the process.


“… Well, Upon thinking about it, The last thing that Kate or I have eaten was… Well, The last thing I remembered eating was that weird drink from Quik-trip. I am rather hungry.â€


I thought about this, And realized that I hadn’t eaten for quite some time.


“Well then, We shall go hunt for some food.â€


The two looked at me incredulously.


“Go hunt for food?! As in, Go find an animal and just eat it right there and then?â€


“Yes. What else do you suggest we do? We’re werewolves, That’s only natural.â€


The two had no comment, and had no choice but to agree.


The three of us were silently padding along the forest ground, As Kris’ and Kate’s newfound ability and power awed them, Which reminded me of the first some I was changed to a lycanthropal form like this.


“This is night-time? Wow, I can see perfectly…â€


We continued walking about rather slowly, With me at the head of our trio group.


My ears perked, My senses all focused on one place as I stopped in my tracks, flawlessly still, and listened carefully for the sound again.


“What? Why are we stopping?â€


“Ssh. Quiet.â€


I called back, And heard a very faint squeaking noise. I scanned my eyes through the forest ground, And turned my vision upward- A bat was flying about in the forest trees, Making ‘silent’ noises to detect any insects nearby.


I ignored the bat, and continued leading the other two wolves through the forest.


[Zomfg Bats. <.<;; And like. We get to eat stuff here purdy soon. =D]

[Nyhaha. Bats and foods.]

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[Yes. bat. Food.]


Chapter Three


“Hey, Arkcher… What is that over there?â€


Kate whispered over to me, As my attention was turned off to the right, where she was pointing me toward. Three humans were walking through the forest, Judging by their clothing and gear, They were searching for their campsite.


“Humans. We will take them.â€


I steered my silent body toward the unsuspecting humans, scanning their surroundings for any adversaries.


“You two stay here, I will bring them over to you.â€


And the chase began.


Just to get something going among them, and develop fear in them, I let out a loud intimidating roar that echoed through the forest-, which alarmed the humans more than I expected.


I picked up speed, and chased after them. Their camping material weighted down the three humans as they ran; they dropped a few items so they could travel faster.


‘Faster’ was not enough in this case.


A few short seconds and the humans were within five feet of me. I lunged, and landed on one of them. I then bit the screaming and thrashing human on its shoulder, which instantly caused it to lose consciousness.


I began chasing after another human, A few short seconds, I was within five feet of the human. The same tactic- I lunged, landed on the human, But this one looked bigger than the others, I determined this one would be best for eating.


I pinned the human to the ground by its neck, preventing it from breathing, While my other hand extended the claws, And stabbed it in various places, And let it bleed and die there while I handle the last human.


I was taken by surprise to hear a creature speeding across the terrain passed me at speeds only a werewolf could match- I looked up to see a werewolf chasing down the other human in my place.


I immediately sprung off the ground and picked up speed and caught up with my rival.

This was not Kate or Kris; this wolf was too natural, too aged of a wolf to be either of them… This wolf glanced over at me.


“Back off, He is mine!â€


The wolf roared at me, and steered its body into mine, which nearly threw me off balance.


“We will both take it, then.â€


I called back, as we both agreed to take this human cooperatively.


An impromptu strategy took place- We both took the human on from the side, And lunged, closed in on the human, And took it from there.


Although, We did not see what would happen at that point.


I had the human's lower limbs, pulling against the other wolf's grip of the human's upper limbs.


But in a few seconds, The human’s fragile, weak body ripped in two.


[Zomfg other werewolf. =o Next chapter is where I was gonna have MW come back but it ended up being that one person that lives kinda nearby. that isnt MW. o_o]

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Chapter Four


I glanced at the other wolf, who was 'ferociously' devouring its part of the human. I noticed something familiar about its facial structure, manner, and spontaneous strategic ways, spur of the moment ideas.


Though, as I looked at this wolf with a hint of interest, the wolf I beheld did the same, apparently recognizing me.


"... You there... I have a, rather, strange question."


I knew what was coming. I gestured for the wolf to continue.


"Are... Have y... Is... is your name, by any chance, Brandon?"


I smirked.


"Yes. It is."


This wolf's eyes widened with disbelief, shock and, oddly enough, relief.


"And would yours, by any chance, be Audrey?"


I did not expect her reaction to be anything like this...

I could see the expression of relief and satisfaction in her eyes, as she dropped the bloody human, and sprung upward, leapt toward me in an affectionate and careful way, after a strange motion I could not describe, she finished in a position with her arms around me, in a, dare I say it, cuddling hug.


This would also be considered a 'glomp'. This confused me more than anything else, really. Werewolves are not loving creatures! Their previous forms are at least capable of such emotions, but apparently Audrey kept this feeling.


"Oh Brandon, I have waited for so long, so many long years, just to see you again..."


I stood confused, speechless and rather disturbed, lacking a better explanation.


This could only remind me of 'fond' memories I had with Audrey, back when I was twelve years old, and still lived in Texas.


I could tell from when I first met Audrey, that she liked me, but in ways I did not expect.


She was very transparent, I guess one would say, she was too shy to admit she liked me, and tried to hide it, but it never worked. She would always act differently when she knew I was around, when we both went to a church activity, and she knew I'd come, she'd wear different clothing, and try to act more helpful and friendly, and do all this when she was aware of my presence. As time went by the progressively acted more flirtatious and affectionate.


"Oh Brandon... Do not leave me alone again...!"


Me, being a werewolf, could not comprehend this action- I stood motionless, struggling for a reaction.

Audrey apparently saw my struggling, and released her grip on me.


"Is something wrong? We are together now, That is all that matters.â€


“A… Audrey, Do you not remember about, well, dare I say it, Jalen?


"... Who?"


"Audrey, I was already married to someone else!"


She was silent for a moment.


"Then where is she?"


I detected a hostile tone in her voice; She was planning something rather sinister, from the looks of things.


"...She... Is… Well, Dead."


Her facial expression changed to a deviously pleased fashion,


"So then..."


Her instigation sense was tensing, More than what would be considered comforting.


"I take it you have not wed again? You seem to be alone."


She smirked, and drew hear head closer to me.


"And after all, I am always here for you. Available and open."


[This line has been in fact been used against me. >.<]


"... Audrey, You really cannot hide your feelings toward me. You have not changed much from so many years ago."


"Brandon, Over the time we have been separated, I have regretted more than anything else in my life, I regretted telling you how much I loved you, until My parents dragged me out of town for a week, The whole seven days that you were leaving in. I refuse to let that happen again- I will never leave your side."


[Zomfg Audreys. =o]


[i was gonna have MW here. But MW probably wouldnt do that, Audrey probably would, I was gonna have MW come and like. Chase off Audrey or something. I dunno. Still havent thought of a place to put MW in. :P I will eventually though!]

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Chapter Four


I glanced at the other wolf, who was 'ferociously' devouring its part of the human. I noticed something familiar about its facial structure, manner, and spontaneous strategic ways, spur of the moment ideas.


Though, as I looked at this wolf with a hint of interest, the wolf I beheld did the same, apparently recognizing me.


"... You there... I have a, rather, strange question."


I knew what was coming. I gestured for the wolf to continue.


"Are... Have y... Is... is your name, by any chance, Brandon?"


I smirked.


"Yes. It is."


This wolf's eyes widened with disbelief, shock and, oddly enough, relief.


"And would yours, by any chance, be Audrey?"


I did not expect her reaction to be anything like this...

I could see the expression of relief and satisfaction in her eyes, as she dropped the bloody human, and sprung upward, leapt toward me in an affectionate and careful way, after a strange motion I could not describe, she finished in a position with her arms around me, in a, dare I say it, cuddling hug.


This would also be considered a 'glomp'. This confused me more than anything else, really. Werewolves are not loving creatures! Their previous forms are at least capable of such emotions, but apparently Audrey kept this feeling.


"Oh Brandon, I have waited for so long, so many long years, just to see you again..."


I stood confused, speechless and rather disturbed, lacking a better explanation.


This could only remind me of 'fond' memories I had with Audrey, back when I was twelve years old, and still lived in Texas.


I could tell from when I first met Audrey, that she liked me, but in ways I did not expect.


She was very transparent, I guess one would say, she was too shy to admit she liked me, and tried to hide it, but it never worked. She would always act differently when she knew I was around, when we both went to a church activity, and she knew I'd come, she'd wear different clothing, and try to act more helpful and friendly, and do all this when she was aware of my presence. As time went by the progressively acted more flirtatious and affectionate.


"Oh Brandon... Do not leave me alone again...!"


Me, being a werewolf, could not comprehend this action- I stood motionless, struggling for a reaction.

Audrey apparently saw my struggling, and released her grip on me.


"Is something wrong? We are together now, That is all that matters.â€


“A… Audrey, Do you not remember about, well, dare I say it, Jalen?


"... Who?"


"Audrey, I was already married to someone else!"


She was silent for a moment.


"Then where is she?"


I detected a hostile tone in her voice; She was planning something rather sinister, from the looks of things.


"...She... Is… Well, Dead."


Her facial expression changed to a deviously pleased fashion,


"So then..."


Her instigation sense was tensing, More than what would be considered comforting.


"I take it you have not wed again? You seem to be alone."


She smirked, and drew hear head closer to me.


"And after all, I am always here for you. Available and open."


[This line has been in fact been used against me. >.<]


"... Audrey, You really cannot hide your feelings toward me. You have not changed much from so many years ago."


"Brandon, Over the time we have been separated, I have regretted more than anything else in my life, I regretted telling you how much I loved you, until My parents dragged me out of town for a week, The whole seven days that you were leaving in. I refuse to let that happen again- I will never leave your side."


[Zomfg Audreys. =o]


[i was gonna have MW here. But MW probably wouldnt do that, Audrey probably would, I was gonna have MW come and like. Chase off Audrey or something. I dunno. Still havent thought of a place to put MW in. :P I will eventually though!]

I wouldn't mind keelyoudeading an evil flirt.

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Chapter Four


I glanced at the other wolf, who was 'ferociously' devouring its part of the human. I noticed something familiar about its facial structure, manner, and spontaneous strategic ways, spur of the moment ideas.


Though, as I looked at this wolf with a hint of interest, the wolf I beheld did the same, apparently recognizing me.


"... You there... I have a, rather, strange question."


I knew what was coming. I gestured for the wolf to continue.


"Are... Have y... Is... is your name, by any chance, Brandon?"


I smirked.


"Yes. It is."


This wolf's eyes widened with disbelief, shock and, oddly enough, relief.


"And would yours, by any chance, be Audrey?"


I did not expect her reaction to be anything like this...

I could see the expression of relief and satisfaction in her eyes, as she dropped the bloody human, and sprung upward, leapt toward me in an affectionate and careful way, after a strange motion I could not describe, she finished in a position with her arms around me, in a, dare I say it, cuddling hug.


This would also be considered a 'glomp'. This confused me more than anything else, really. Werewolves are not loving creatures! Their previous forms are at least capable of such emotions, but apparently Audrey kept this feeling.


"Oh Brandon, I have waited for so long, so many long years, just to see you again..."


I stood confused, speechless and rather disturbed, lacking a better explanation.


This could only remind me of 'fond' memories I had with Audrey, back when I was twelve years old, and still lived in Texas.


I could tell from when I first met Audrey, that she liked me, but in ways I did not expect.


She was very transparent, I guess one would say, she was too shy to admit she liked me, and tried to hide it, but it never worked. She would always act differently when she knew I was around, when we both went to a church activity, and she knew I'd come, she'd wear different clothing, and try to act more helpful and friendly, and do all this when she was aware of my presence. As time went by the progressively acted more flirtatious and affectionate.


"Oh Brandon... Do not leave me alone again...!"


Me, being a werewolf, could not comprehend this action- I stood motionless, struggling for a reaction.

Audrey apparently saw my struggling, and released her grip on me.


"Is something wrong? We are together now, That is all that matters.â€


“A… Audrey, Do you not remember about, well, dare I say it, Jalen?


"... Who?"


"Audrey, I was already married to someone else!"


She was silent for a moment.


"Then where is she?"


I detected a hostile tone in her voice; She was planning something rather sinister, from the looks of things.


"...She... Is… Well, Dead."


Her facial expression changed to a deviously pleased fashion,


"So then..."


Her instigation sense was tensing, More than what would be considered comforting.


"I take it you have not wed again? You seem to be alone."


She smirked, and drew hear head closer to me.


"And after all, I am always here for you. Available and open."


[This line has been in fact been used against me. >.<]


"... Audrey, You really cannot hide your feelings toward me. You have not changed much from so many years ago."


"Brandon, Over the time we have been separated, I have regretted more than anything else in my life, I regretted telling you how much I loved you, until My parents dragged me out of town for a week, The whole seven days that you were leaving in. I refuse to let that happen again- I will never leave your side."


[Zomfg Audreys. =o]


[i was gonna have MW here. But MW probably wouldnt do that, Audrey probably would, I was gonna have MW come and like. Chase off Audrey or something. I dunno. Still havent thought of a place to put MW in. :P I will eventually though!]

I wouldn't mind keelyoudeading an evil flirt.

[w00t, You used teh word right. o_o]

[Naw. Not yet. Maybe in part 4. o_o Shes too important here. like. The other less-significant part of the storyline.]

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Chapter Four


I glanced at the other wolf, who was 'ferociously' devouring its part of the human. I noticed something familiar about its facial structure, manner, and spontaneous strategic ways, spur of the moment ideas.


Though, as I looked at this wolf with a hint of interest, the wolf I beheld did the same, apparently recognizing me.


"... You there... I have a, rather, strange question."


I knew what was coming. I gestured for the wolf to continue.


"Are... Have y... Is... is your name, by any chance, Brandon?"


I smirked.


"Yes. It is."


This wolf's eyes widened with disbelief, shock and, oddly enough, relief.


"And would yours, by any chance, be Audrey?"


I did not expect her reaction to be anything like this...

I could see the expression of relief and satisfaction in her eyes, as she dropped the bloody human, and sprung upward, leapt toward me in an affectionate and careful way, after a strange motion I could not describe, she finished in a position with her arms around me, in a, dare I say it, cuddling hug.


This would also be considered a 'glomp'. This confused me more than anything else, really. Werewolves are not loving creatures! Their previous forms are at least capable of such emotions, but apparently Audrey kept this feeling.


"Oh Brandon, I have waited for so long, so many long years, just to see you again..."


I stood confused, speechless and rather disturbed, lacking a better explanation.


This could only remind me of 'fond' memories I had with Audrey, back when I was twelve years old, and still lived in Texas.


I could tell from when I first met Audrey, that she liked me, but in ways I did not expect.


She was very transparent, I guess one would say, she was too shy to admit she liked me, and tried to hide it, but it never worked. She would always act differently when she knew I was around, when we both went to a church activity, and she knew I'd come, she'd wear different clothing, and try to act more helpful and friendly, and do all this when she was aware of my presence. As time went by the progressively acted more flirtatious and affectionate.


"Oh Brandon... Do not leave me alone again...!"


Me, being a werewolf, could not comprehend this action- I stood motionless, struggling for a reaction.

Audrey apparently saw my struggling, and released her grip on me.


"Is something wrong? We are together now, That is all that matters.â€


“A… Audrey, Do you not remember about, well, dare I say it, Jalen?


"... Who?"


"Audrey, I was already married to someone else!"


She was silent for a moment.


"Then where is she?"


I detected a hostile tone in her voice; She was planning something rather sinister, from the looks of things.


"...She... Is… Well, Dead."


Her facial expression changed to a deviously pleased fashion,


"So then..."


Her instigation sense was tensing, More than what would be considered comforting.


"I take it you have not wed again? You seem to be alone."


She smirked, and drew hear head closer to me.


"And after all, I am always here for you. Available and open."


[This line has been in fact been used against me. >.<]


"... Audrey, You really cannot hide your feelings toward me. You have not changed much from so many years ago."


"Brandon, Over the time we have been separated, I have regretted more than anything else in my life, I regretted telling you how much I loved you, until My parents dragged me out of town for a week, The whole seven days that you were leaving in. I refuse to let that happen again- I will never leave your side."


[Zomfg Audreys. =o]


[i was gonna have MW here. But MW probably wouldnt do that, Audrey probably would, I was gonna have MW come and like. Chase off Audrey or something. I dunno. Still havent thought of a place to put MW in. :P I will eventually though!]

I wouldn't mind keelyoudeading an evil flirt.

[w00t, You used teh word right. o_o]

[Naw. Not yet. Maybe in part 4. o_o Shes too important here. like. The other less-significant part of the storyline.]

[Look in my signature for details fo conversation, I just used it right YOUR way. XD]

[Yay! There's hope!]

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Chapter Five


My eyes widened slightly at hearing Audrey's last comment.


“You… Never… What…? No!â€


She drew closer to me.


“Oh, yes! I am staying with you at all times, and you cannot deny it!â€


“Not if I can help it!â€


I turned around and broke into a dash, and scanned the area ahead of me. Kris and Kate were still obediently, but rather cluelessly standing where I had instructed.


“You two can go ahead and eat there if you need to. I will be back later.â€


I briefly stopped and informed the two wolves what to do, before Audrey interrupted me again.


“I will make sure he gets back, He is not going to miss this dinner!â€


I broke back into a dash, and ran as fast as I could. Though Audrey was apparently an older and more experienced werewolf than I- She speedily caught up along side of me with ease as I careened as fast as I could through the wooded area.


Audrey steered herself toward me in another tackle-hug attack, As we both collided into the ground and rolled along the forest floor, until Audrey brought our rolling to a stop, by pinning me to the ground.


“Do not try and resist my love for you- we are together always from this point on, like it or not.â€


My running had worn me out slightly; I weakly struggled against Audrey’s grasp, while panting.

I could only watch in fear as she drew closer to me, ‘affectionately’.

Her vaguely romantic gaze had met my reluctant eyes.


“For better or worse, I will love you and will always be on your side.â€


She was about to draw even closer, when this awkward ‘romantic’ situation was interrupted by an unfamiliar, Rather dark and cold voice had cut into the moment…


“And yes, for worse, you two will be together.â€


The two of us looked up, to see a dark figure standing not too far away.

Audrey reacted, very annoyed.


“And who do you think you are? Get out of here.â€


A human-like being stepped from one of the darker parts of the woods, revealing a very pale body, but clothed entirely in black. As I looked over this being, I vaguely, but instinctively recognized it as a Vampire…!


[w00t for teh Vampy-ness! =D]

[No, its not Raith. I was gonna use her but then remembered i'm supposta use only characters I used to know. Or do know. people that are real and all. o_o;]

[so, Audrey and Vampies are the main storyline here. And yes, The title does have to do with the storyline. :lol: And you can have LP's 'somewhere I belong' song in teh background if yeh want, This being where I got the idea. somewhat.]

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[When I first read that, I was all, "ZOMG IT'S RAITH!" But then you sad it wasn't and I was sad. ;_; Oh, well. I'll live.]

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[vampire werewolves?]

[Naw. Vampires and werewolves. I'd think Werewolves had an immunity to vampire-ness. And vise-versa as well. Vamps and Wolves are cooperative and, well, have some relationships. Both being darkness creatures. I was thinkin about having nine parts of the series, by having the third Darkness creatures, Dragons. But, I dun think it'd go over to well.]

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[vampire werewolves?]

[Naw. Vampires and werewolves. I'd think Werewolves had an immunity to vampire-ness. And vise-versa as well. Vamps and Wolves are cooperative and, well, have some relationships. Both being darkness creatures. I was thinkin about having nine parts of the series, by having the third Darkness creatures, Dragons. But, I dun think it'd go over to well.]

[it depends on if you're gonna actually make them important or just sorta have them be there.]

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[When I first read that, I was all, "ZOMG IT'S RAITH!" But then you sad it wasn't and I was sad. ;_; Oh, well. I'll live.]

[i was gonna write Raith into a DIFFERENT story. Specifically about Vampires. =D (No thats not the title. xD) ]

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Chapter Six


Strangely enough, I did not fear it.

As I looked it over, This was a female vampire, who appeared inexperienced but still a threat, From her facial structure I almost recognized her, A vampire, But not someone to be taken lightly.


“My Vampire name would be Serena Chrisanti, but you, Brandon there, may recognize me better by the name of Colleen.â€


She was undeniably right, I remember my eldest sister Cassandra’s friend, Colleen, Whom I never cared for much, mainly because of her choice in partnership.


Colleen would always put herself in the wrong group of friends that would mislead her into doing something wrong, despite she knew what the consequences would be, or so I thought.

She also had a strange preference toward the opposite gender, She always wanted a daring bad-boy who had been in prison at least one year or something, but who was somewhat a daring, thrilling criminal. This lost her a lot of respect from her friends; She was always somewhat a loner, for obvious reasons…


“I do not know how informed you two lovebirds are on current events, But in short, Recent happenings were that Humans, The most annoying creatures in existence, Had done their human-like business, trying to gain superiority over the dark creatures such as yourselves. Dalhood, is one prime example. The second worst occurance was not two days ago, Humans had put together a blood bank, which would normally be used for replacing any lost blood in a humans body. Vampires, such as myself, invade these blood banks when they are least or not occupied, and get a helping of blood for ourselves, and left before we were spotted. Humans had discovered this, we have yet to know how, but humans had tried capturing any creatures within a few miles of the area, and have a blood bank with concealed firearms, weapons and traps all around it, luring us into their trap…â€


I listened with light interest, Audrey seemed to be losing a lot of patience with Colleen, and wanted to get back to me.


“This was planned worldwide in all regions, And wiped out at least 2/3 of Vampire population… In desperate attempt to get back on our feet, Vampires had gone massacring cities and towns, Biting and converting all of the inhabitants… We are rising to power again to show these weaklings what we are really capable of…â€


[Very short chapter. o_o;]

[And yes, Colleen is that much of an idiot. :lol: Though from what I've heard, she's starting to get over this, and look at the brighter sides of better companionships. Huzzah. =D]

[i'll post another chapter tomorrow. maybe. o_O -is starting chapter 8- e_e]

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Chapter Six


Strangely enough, I did not fear it.

As I looked it over, This was a female vampire, who appeared inexperienced but still a threat, From her facial structure I almost recognized her, A vampire, But not someone to be taken lightly.


“My Vampire name would be Serena Chrisanti, but you, Brandon there, may recognize me better by the name of Colleen.â€


She was undeniably right, I remember my eldest sister Cassandra’s friend, Colleen, Whom I never cared for much, mainly because of her choice in partnership.


Colleen would always put herself in the wrong group of friends that would mislead her into doing something wrong, despite she knew what the consequences would be, or so I thought.

She also had a strange preference toward the opposite gender, She always wanted a daring bad-boy who had been in prison at least one year or something, but who was somewhat a daring, thrilling criminal. This lost her a lot of respect from her friends; She was always somewhat a loner, for obvious reasons…


“I do not know how informed you two lovebirds are on current events, But in short, Recent happenings were that Humans, The most annoying creatures in existence, Had done their human-like business, trying to gain superiority over the dark creatures such as yourselves. Dalhood, is one prime example. The second worst occurance was not two days ago, Humans had put together a blood bank, which would normally be used for replacing any lost blood in a humans body. Vampires, such as myself, invade these blood banks when they are least or not occupied, and get a helping of blood for ourselves, and left before we were spotted. Humans had discovered this, we have yet to know how, but humans had tried capturing any creatures within a few miles of the area, and have a blood bank with concealed firearms, weapons and traps all around it, luring us into their trap…â€


I listened with light interest, Audrey seemed to be losing a lot of patience with Colleen, and wanted to get back to me.


“This was planned worldwide in all regions, And wiped out at least 2/3 of Vampire population… In desperate attempt to get back on our feet, Vampires had gone massacring cities and towns, Biting and converting all of the inhabitants… We are rising to power again to show these weaklings what we are really capable of…â€


[Very short chapter. o_o;]

[And yes, Colleen is that much of an idiot. :lol: Though from what I've heard, she's starting to get over this, and look at the brighter sides of better companionships. Huzzah. =D]

[i'll post another chapter tomorrow. maybe. o_O -is starting chapter 8- e_e]

[bah at stupid people! *shakes fist*


I know an Audrey, only she's really freaky and about as straight as a circle. >_>;;; (Just so ya know, she's admited to this.)]

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[vampire werewolves?]

[Naw. Vampires and werewolves. I'd think Werewolves had an immunity to vampire-ness. And vise-versa as well. Vamps and Wolves are cooperative and, well, have some relationships. Both being darkness creatures. I was thinkin about having nine parts of the series, by having the third Darkness creatures, Dragons. But, I dun think it'd go over to well.]

[so much for my theory of why everyone seems to be afraid of claws.

I see how dragons would be a bit much for this, maybe one to help crushkeelldestroy an evil base. but that's it.]

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[vampire werewolves?]

[Naw. Vampires and werewolves. I'd think Werewolves had an immunity to vampire-ness. And vise-versa as well. Vamps and Wolves are cooperative and, well, have some relationships. Both being darkness creatures. I was thinkin about having nine parts of the series, by having the third Darkness creatures, Dragons. But, I dun think it'd go over to well.]

[so much for my theory of why everyone seems to be afraid of claws.

I see how dragons would be a bit much for this, maybe one to help crushkeelldestroy an evil base. but that's it.]

[Meh. Once you read part 4 or 5 or 6 (Whichever i put Claws in x_o cant decide) then it'll seem rather obvious and make you feel stupid. xD (Claws could be more of a tedious nuisence more than a threat, i'd say. And yes, I like ineffectively building suspense and anticipation toward future writings. xD) ...]

[Or maybe Kevin could try genetic procreation again and make a Dragon clone. Hmmmmmmmm. <.< Not like Kevin lives through the wolf attack or anything, uh, of course not. xD Much dead.]

[Though I could try, in part 7 or 8, Vampire-werewolves. Probably not though. (And if Horatio would respond to those emails (hint hint) then these plans would be a lot smoother. :lol: And no, Kat, Horatio does not have access to any of the wolfy-ness that you do not. o_o not much anyway.)]

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[vampire werewolves?]

[Naw. Vampires and werewolves. I'd think Werewolves had an immunity to vampire-ness. And vise-versa as well. Vamps and Wolves are cooperative and, well, have some relationships. Both being darkness creatures. I was thinkin about having nine parts of the series, by having the third Darkness creatures, Dragons. But, I dun think it'd go over to well.]

[so much for my theory of why everyone seems to be afraid of claws.

I see how dragons would be a bit much for this, maybe one to help crushkeelldestroy an evil base. but that's it.]

[Meh. Once you read part 4 or 5 or 6 (Whichever i put Claws in x_o cant decide) then it'll seem rather obvious and make you feel stupid. xD (Claws could be more of a tedious nuisence more than a threat, i'd say. And yes, I like ineffectively building suspense and anticipation toward future writings. xD) ...]

[Or maybe Kevin could try genetic procreation again and make a Dragon clone. Hmmmmmmmm. <. not like kevin lives through the wolf attack or anything uh of course not. xd much dead.>

[Though I could try, in part 7 or 8, Vampire-werewolves. Probably not though. (And if Horatio would respond to those emails (hint hint) then these plans would be a lot smoother. :lol: And no, Kat, Horatio does not have access to any of the wolfy-ness that you do not. o_o not much anyway.)]

Being a hamster, my Mac Spamolater reads and edits any mail from those creatures that might eat me. :lol:

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[vampire werewolves?]

[Naw. Vampires and werewolves. I'd think Werewolves had an immunity to vampire-ness. And vise-versa as well. Vamps and Wolves are cooperative and, well, have some relationships. Both being darkness creatures. I was thinkin about having nine parts of the series, by having the third Darkness creatures, Dragons. But, I dun think it'd go over to well.]

[so much for my theory of why everyone seems to be afraid of claws.

I see how dragons would be a bit much for this, maybe one to help crushkeelldestroy an evil base. but that's it.]

[Meh. Once you read part 4 or 5 or 6 (Whichever i put Claws in x_o cant decide) then it'll seem rather obvious and make you feel stupid. xD (Claws could be more of a tedious nuisence more than a threat, i'd say. And yes, I like ineffectively building suspense and anticipation toward future writings. xD) ...]

[Or maybe Kevin could try genetic procreation again and make a Dragon clone. Hmmmmmmmm. <.< Not like Kevin lives through the wolf attack or anything, uh, of course not. xD Much dead.]

[Though I could try, in part 7 or 8, Vampire-werewolves. Probably not though. (And if Horatio would respond to those emails (hint hint) then these plans would be a lot smoother. :lol: And no, Kat, Horatio does not have access to any of the wolfy-ness that you do not. o_o not much anyway.)]

Being a hamster, my Mac Spamolater reads and edits any mail from those creatures that might eat me. :lol:

[How handy.]

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[Meh. Once you read part 4 or 5 or 6 (Whichever i put Claws in x_o cant decide) then it'll seem rather obvious and make you feel stupid. xD (Claws could be more of a tedious nuisence more than a threat, i'd say. And yes, I like ineffectively building suspense and anticipation toward future writings. xD) ...]

[Or maybe Kevin could try genetic procreation again and make a Dragon clone. Hmmmmmmmm. <.< Not like Kevin lives through the wolf attack or anything, uh, of course not. xD Much dead.]

[Though I could try, in part 7 or 8, Vampire-werewolves. Probably not though. (And if Horatio would respond to those emails (hint hint) then these plans would be a lot smoother. :lol: And no, Kat, Horatio does not have access to any of the wolfy-ness that you do not. o_o not much anyway.)]

I think I know who claws is, that theory was on what he is

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[vampire werewolves?]

[Naw. Vampires and werewolves. I'd think Werewolves had an immunity to vampire-ness. And vise-versa as well. Vamps and Wolves are cooperative and, well, have some relationships. Both being darkness creatures. I was thinkin about having nine parts of the series, by having the third Darkness creatures, Dragons. But, I dun think it'd go over to well.]

[so much for my theory of why everyone seems to be afraid of claws.

I see how dragons would be a bit much for this, maybe one to help crushkeelldestroy an evil base. but that's it.]

[Meh. Once you read part 4 or 5 or 6 (Whichever i put Claws in x_o cant decide) then it'll seem rather obvious and make you feel stupid. xD (Claws could be more of a tedious nuisence more than a threat, i'd say. And yes, I like ineffectively building suspense and anticipation toward future writings. xD) ...]

[Or maybe Kevin could try genetic procreation again and make a Dragon clone. Hmmmmmmmm. <.< Not like Kevin lives through the wolf attack or anything, uh, of course not. xD Much dead.]

[Though I could try, in part 7 or 8, Vampire-werewolves. Probably not though. (And if Horatio would respond to those emails (hint hint) then these plans would be a lot smoother. :lol: And no, Kat, Horatio does not have access to any of the wolfy-ness that you do not. o_o not much anyway.)]

[*was definetly NOT in the process of hacking into Arkcher's compy to read anything he hasn't posted yet* >_>]

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[vampire werewolves?]

[Naw. Vampires and werewolves. I'd think Werewolves had an immunity to vampire-ness. And vise-versa as well. Vamps and Wolves are cooperative and, well, have some relationships. Both being darkness creatures. I was thinkin about having nine parts of the series, by having the third Darkness creatures, Dragons. But, I dun think it'd go over to well.]

[so much for my theory of why everyone seems to be afraid of claws.

I see how dragons would be a bit much for this, maybe one to help crushkeelldestroy an evil base. but that's it.]

[Meh. Once you read part 4 or 5 or 6 (Whichever i put Claws in x_o cant decide) then it'll seem rather obvious and make you feel stupid. xD (Claws could be more of a tedious nuisence more than a threat, i'd say. And yes, I like ineffectively building suspense and anticipation toward future writings. xD) ...]

[Or maybe Kevin could try genetic procreation again and make a Dragon clone. Hmmmmmmmm. <. not like kevin lives through the wolf attack or anything uh of course not. xd much dead.>

[Though I could try, in part 7 or 8, Vampire-werewolves. Probably not though. (And if Horatio would respond to those emails (hint hint) then these plans would be a lot smoother. :lol: And no, Kat, Horatio does not have access to any of the wolfy-ness that you do not. o_o not much anyway.)]

Being a hamster, my Mac Spamolater reads and edits any mail from those creatures that might eat me. :lol:

[How handy.]

Very!!! :lol:

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[Meh. Once you read part 4 or 5 or 6 (Whichever i put Claws in x_o cant decide) then it'll seem rather obvious and make you feel stupid. xD (Claws could be more of a tedious nuisence more than a threat, i'd say. And yes, I like ineffectively building suspense and anticipation toward future writings. xD) ...]

[Or maybe Kevin could try genetic procreation again and make a Dragon clone. Hmmmmmmmm. <.< Not like Kevin lives through the wolf attack or anything, uh, of course not. xD Much dead.]

[Though I could try, in part 7 or 8, Vampire-werewolves. Probably not though. (And if Horatio would respond to those emails (hint hint) then these plans would be a lot smoother. :lol: And no, Kat, Horatio does not have access to any of the wolfy-ness that you do not. o_o not much anyway.)]

I think I know who claws is, that theory was on what he is

[Ah. o_o It's all good. .... This does give me an idea though, I could have Claws based off'a people I knew like all the other characters. (With the exception of course, of Artemis and her two helper-people. Those are just 3 supa-spiffy names I wanted to use. o_o) Hmm. Now i'll have to think of a backstory/history and character for Claws. I forgot to to that. :lol: ]

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[vampire werewolves?]

[Naw. Vampires and werewolves. I'd think Werewolves had an immunity to vampire-ness. And vise-versa as well. Vamps and Wolves are cooperative and, well, have some relationships. Both being darkness creatures. I was thinkin about having nine parts of the series, by having the third Darkness creatures, Dragons. But, I dun think it'd go over to well.]

[so much for my theory of why everyone seems to be afraid of claws.

I see how dragons would be a bit much for this, maybe one to help crushkeelldestroy an evil base. but that's it.]

[Meh. Once you read part 4 or 5 or 6 (Whichever i put Claws in x_o cant decide) then it'll seem rather obvious and make you feel stupid. xD (Claws could be more of a tedious nuisence more than a threat, i'd say. And yes, I like ineffectively building suspense and anticipation toward future writings. xD) ...]

[Or maybe Kevin could try genetic procreation again and make a Dragon clone. Hmmmmmmmm. <.< Not like Kevin lives through the wolf attack or anything, uh, of course not. xD Much dead.]

[Though I could try, in part 7 or 8, Vampire-werewolves. Probably not though. (And if Horatio would respond to those emails (hint hint) then these plans would be a lot smoother. :lol: And no, Kat, Horatio does not have access to any of the wolfy-ness that you do not. o_o not much anyway.)]

[*was definetly NOT in the process of hacking into Arkcher's compy to read anything he hasn't posted yet* >_>]

[Of course not. :lol: (Whaddyou think Colleen/Serena is doing right now then? -demonic cackle- =D I also noticed in this part of the story, I'm the only male character thats been added it so far. o____o;) Uh. Yeah. o_o]

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[vampire werewolves?]

[Naw. Vampires and werewolves. I'd think Werewolves had an immunity to vampire-ness. And vise-versa as well. Vamps and Wolves are cooperative and, well, have some relationships. Both being darkness creatures. I was thinkin about having nine parts of the series, by having the third Darkness creatures, Dragons. But, I dun think it'd go over to well.]

[so much for my theory of why everyone seems to be afraid of claws.

I see how dragons would be a bit much for this, maybe one to help crushkeelldestroy an evil base. but that's it.]

[Meh. Once you read part 4 or 5 or 6 (Whichever i put Claws in x_o cant decide) then it'll seem rather obvious and make you feel stupid. xD (Claws could be more of a tedious nuisence more than a threat, i'd say. And yes, I like ineffectively building suspense and anticipation toward future writings. xD) ...]

[Or maybe Kevin could try genetic procreation again and make a Dragon clone. Hmmmmmmmm. <.< Not like Kevin lives through the wolf attack or anything, uh, of course not. xD Much dead.]

[Though I could try, in part 7 or 8, Vampire-werewolves. Probably not though. (And if Horatio would respond to those emails (hint hint) then these plans would be a lot smoother. :lol: And no, Kat, Horatio does not have access to any of the wolfy-ness that you do not. o_o not much anyway.)]

[*was definetly NOT in the process of hacking into Arkcher's compy to read anything he hasn't posted yet* >_>]

[Of course not. :lol: (Whaddyou think Colleen/Serena is doing right now then? -demonic cackle- =D I also noticed in this part of the story, I'm the only male character thats been added it so far. o____o;) Uh. Yeah. o_o]

[i don't [i]think[/i] they're doing anything. I know.


I mean, that's what I would say if I had hacked your compy and read the story. >_> *munches her Taco Bell nachos innocently*]

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[vampire werewolves?]

[Naw. Vampires and werewolves. I'd think Werewolves had an immunity to vampire-ness. And vise-versa as well. Vamps and Wolves are cooperative and, well, have some relationships. Both being darkness creatures. I was thinkin about having nine parts of the series, by having the third Darkness creatures, Dragons. But, I dun think it'd go over to well.]

[so much for my theory of why everyone seems to be afraid of claws.

I see how dragons would be a bit much for this, maybe one to help crushkeelldestroy an evil base. but that's it.]

[Meh. Once you read part 4 or 5 or 6 (Whichever i put Claws in x_o cant decide) then it'll seem rather obvious and make you feel stupid. xD (Claws could be more of a tedious nuisence more than a threat, i'd say. And yes, I like ineffectively building suspense and anticipation toward future writings. xD) ...]

[Or maybe Kevin could try genetic procreation again and make a Dragon clone. Hmmmmmmmm. <.< Not like Kevin lives through the wolf attack or anything, uh, of course not. xD Much dead.]

[Though I could try, in part 7 or 8, Vampire-werewolves. Probably not though. (And if Horatio would respond to those emails (hint hint) then these plans would be a lot smoother. :lol: And no, Kat, Horatio does not have access to any of the wolfy-ness that you do not. o_o not much anyway.)]

[*was definetly NOT in the process of hacking into Arkcher's compy to read anything he hasn't posted yet* >_>]

[Of course not. :lol: (Whaddyou think Colleen/Serena is doing right now then? -demonic cackle- =D I also noticed in this part of the story, I'm the only male character thats been added it so far. o____o;) Uh. Yeah. o_o]

[i don't [i]think[/i] they're doing anything. I know.


I mean, that's what I would say if I had hacked your compy and read the story. >_> *munches her Taco Bell nachos innocently*]

[-burns teh nachos- >D]

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[vampire werewolves?]

[Naw. Vampires and werewolves. I'd think Werewolves had an immunity to vampire-ness. And vise-versa as well. Vamps and Wolves are cooperative and, well, have some relationships. Both being darkness creatures. I was thinkin about having nine parts of the series, by having the third Darkness creatures, Dragons. But, I dun think it'd go over to well.]

[so much for my theory of why everyone seems to be afraid of claws.

I see how dragons would be a bit much for this, maybe one to help crushkeelldestroy an evil base. but that's it.]

[Meh. Once you read part 4 or 5 or 6 (Whichever i put Claws in x_o cant decide) then it'll seem rather obvious and make you feel stupid. xD (Claws could be more of a tedious nuisence more than a threat, i'd say. And yes, I like ineffectively building suspense and anticipation toward future writings. xD) ...]

[Or maybe Kevin could try genetic procreation again and make a Dragon clone. Hmmmmmmmm. <.< Not like Kevin lives through the wolf attack or anything, uh, of course not. xD Much dead.]

[Though I could try, in part 7 or 8, Vampire-werewolves. Probably not though. (And if Horatio would respond to those emails (hint hint) then these plans would be a lot smoother. :lol: And no, Kat, Horatio does not have access to any of the wolfy-ness that you do not. o_o not much anyway.)]

[*was definetly NOT in the process of hacking into Arkcher's compy to read anything he hasn't posted yet* >_>]

[Of course not. :lol: (Whaddyou think Colleen/Serena is doing right now then? -demonic cackle- =D I also noticed in this part of the story, I'm the only male character thats been added it so far. o____o;) Uh. Yeah. o_o]

[i don't [i]think[/i] they're doing anything. I know.


I mean, that's what I would say if I had hacked your compy and read the story. >_> *munches her Taco Bell nachos innocently*]

[-burns teh nachos- >D]


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[im postin another chapter! =D! And i'm still like. 2 paragraphs into chapter 8. >_<]


Chapter Seven


“And you are telling this to us… Why? Do you expect us to help you? Not us. He and I are staying together, but alone.â€


Audrey interrupted Serena.


“I am getting to that… You two may or may not know much about vampires…â€


Serena glanced over at me, Her eyes met mine in a strange, forceful way that I could not describe. Immediately I felt her presence stronger than before-


“No. We do not.â€


I said, without thinking much of it, but it felt as if I either had no alternative option or I did not have control over my saying this.

Serena smirked deviously,


“I see. Both of us being the prime darkness creatures of earth, We have powers superior to humans. I will expand on that later, but you may or may not know, our werewolf and vampire ancestry, both contained contentions and constant warring between the dark creatures and the light humans. Previous allying and combination of power is what has kept our kind alive- We must again rise to unison in strength, and fight back against the humans’ attempt to bring us down…!â€


Audrey perked an eyebrow at this, and commented.


“You want us to help you fight? For what? Why?â€


“You have not much of a choice on the matter. You two are going to help us- and just as you desire, Audrey, You two will be together.â€


I did not find this very pleasing really…


“Why do we have no choice on this?â€


“A number of reasons, Two would be that, we would not rise to your aid when you need it if you do not help us. The other reason is, Vampires have a unique power, often mistaken for making us superior to werewolves, for obvious reasons we do not agree with this. This power, I will demonstrate what I can do…â€


Serena smirked, and turned her disturbing gaze over at me…

It was very strange, It seemed as if a connection established between us there and then…?

I found myself unable to turn my eyes away from her captivating gaze, As I felt a form of telepathy transmitting between us, as Serena developed a devious grin, a smile that knows…

The smile that knows just what someone is thinking, Reading their mind like an open book.. I felt her looking for weaknesses and obedience triggers, as moments later, A mental command seemed to transmit from Serena to Me. After she found out what to do in my mind, I realized that she can now directly prompt my mind to do commands she wills me to do…!


“Well? What is it?â€


Audrey was growing more and more impatient with Serena, Unaware of what she had just done.


[Vampire Hypnosis is BAD. o_o

I've read in some 'articles' or fanfics, short stories or other things, that eye contact with vampires can establish a hypnosis connection. And then I figured it might work with Werewolves too. =D]

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[yeppers: hypnosis, immunity to mirrors, speaking fluent romainian, those are the standard vampire abilities.  of course, there is also that severe allergy to garlic thing.]

[Now just out of curiosity, How would a solid biological structure be immune to mirrors? if mirrors could not see them, then neither would anything else as light would not reflect off of them. That never made sense to me. (And yes, the hypnosis and other stuff does in fact make more sense than this) Vampires are 'da spiff. =o]


[Heeeeey, If vampires can speak fluent romanian, Maybe if Kat were to siz Raith on to O-zone, Then they could sing Numa Numa with better pronounciation! (I have a techo remix version where tehey annunciate(sp?) a LOT better. It actually says Dragostea Din Tei as opposed to Llama's Squat and Stay or whatever they think it is.]

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[yeppers: hypnosis, immunity to mirrors, speaking fluent romainian, those are the standard vampire abilities.  of course, there is also that severe allergy to garlic thing.]

[Now just out of curiosity, How would a solid biological structure be immune to mirrors? if mirrors could not see them, then neither would anything else as light would not reflect off of them. That never made sense to me. (And yes, the hypnosis and other stuff does in fact make more sense than this) Vampires are 'da spiff. =o]


[Heeeeey, If vampires can speak fluent romanian, Maybe if Kat were to siz Raith on to O-zone, Then they could sing Numa Numa with better pronounciation! (I have a techo remix version where tehey annunciate(sp?) a LOT better. It actually says Dragostea Din Tei as opposed to Llama's Squat and Stay or whatever they think it is.]

[XD *fell out of chair laughing at "Llama squat and stay."


I suppose Raith could sing Dragostea Din Tei. That would be pretty entertaining. I thinkg James would sing it better though, him being a male like the origional person and all.


I'm allergic to garlic. Am I a vampire? o.o


Oh, and have I already said how absolutly hillarious the whole Audrey situation is? Because if I havn't, then I should.]

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[yeppers: hypnosis, immunity to mirrors, speaking fluent romainian, those are the standard vampire abilities.  of course, there is also that severe allergy to garlic thing.]

[Now just out of curiosity, How would a solid biological structure be immune to mirrors? if mirrors could not see them, then neither would anything else as light would not reflect off of them. That never made sense to me. (And yes, the hypnosis and other stuff does in fact make more sense than this) Vampires are 'da spiff. =o]


[Heeeeey, If vampires can speak fluent romanian, Maybe if Kat were to siz Raith on to O-zone, Then they could sing Numa Numa with better pronounciation! (I have a techo remix version where tehey annunciate(sp?) a LOT better. It actually says Dragostea Din Tei as opposed to Llama's Squat and Stay or whatever they think it is.]

[XD *fell out of chair laughing at "Llama squat and stay."


I suppose Raith could sing Dragostea Din Tei. That would be pretty entertaining. I thinkg James would sing it better though, him being a male like the origional person and all.


I'm allergic to garlic. Am I a vampire? o.o


Oh, and have I already said how absolutly hillarious the whole Audrey situation is? Because if I havn't, then I should.]

[Well thats what it sounds like it says!


Yes. James would do it better. =o But Raith can do that really high voice in the background toward the end of the Maia HEE things. o_o


Yes, You are. =o


I think you did, yes.]


[And to keep it from sounding like im a pimp or something creepy. whatever those are called that pick up chicks a lot, (I think its a pimp. o_o I thought it was a term for acne. xD Thats real attractive.) Im adding some guy characters for a more even mix. >.>]

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I'm allergic to garlic. Am I a vampire? o.o

dunno, do you experience one or more of the following symtoms more than two times a week: mood swings, difficulty sleeping, sensitivity to sunlight, sudden cravings for raw meat, fear of pointy wooden things, an irrational hatred of the letter "T"


Remember, only your Doctor can diagnose Vampirism.

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I'm allergic to garlic. Am I a vampire? o.o

dunno, do you experience one or more of the following symtoms more than two times a week: mood swings, difficulty sleeping, sensitivity to sunlight, sudden cravings for raw meat, fear of pointy wooden things, an irrational hatred of the letter "T"


Remember, only your Doctor can diagnose Vampirism.

[i sometimes have mood swings, but about 10 seconds later it swings back. ._. Im isomniac (I dun have a coffin. xD) I'm photosensitive, and sometimes want to eat the hamster over there. <.<;... Pointy wooden things give ya splinters. I dun like them. ;-; And dont see anything wrong with Ts.]

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I'm allergic to garlic. Am I a vampire? o.o

dunno, do you experience one or more of the following symtoms more than two times a week: mood swings Yep. >_>;;;, difficulty sleeping Yep also., sensitivity to sunlight Yes..., sudden cravings for raw meat Well, I suck my own blood when I cut myself by accident, or something like that., fear of pointy wooden things I've had far too many bad splinters for anybody to call this fear irrational., an irrational hatred of the letter "T" It is sort of harsh sounding and imposing...


Remember, only your Doctor can diagnose Vampirism.

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[yeppers: hypnosis, immunity to mirrors, speaking fluent romainian, those are the standard vampire abilities.  of course, there is also that severe allergy to garlic thing.]

[Now just out of curiosity, How would a solid biological structure be immune to mirrors? if mirrors could not see them, then neither would anything else as light would not reflect off of them. That never made sense to me. (And yes, the hypnosis and other stuff does in fact make more sense than this) Vampires are 'da spiff. =o]


[Heeeeey, If vampires can speak fluent romanian, Maybe if Kat were to siz Raith on to O-zone, Then they could sing Numa Numa with better pronounciation! (I have a techo remix version where tehey annunciate(sp?) a LOT better. It actually says Dragostea Din Tei as opposed to Llama's Squat and Stay or whatever they think it is.]

[XD *fell out of chair laughing at "Llama squat and stay."


I suppose Raith could sing Dragostea Din Tei. That would be pretty entertaining. I thinkg James would sing it better though, him being a male like the origional person and all.


I'm allergic to garlic. Am I a vampire? o.o


Oh, and have I already said how absolutly hillarious the whole Audrey situation is? Because if I havn't, then I should.]

[Well thats what it sounds like it says!


Yes. James would do it better. =o But Raith can do that really high voice in the background toward the end of the Maia HEE things. o_o


Yes, You are. =o


I think you did, yes.]


[And to keep it from sounding like im a pimp or something creepy. whatever those are called that pick up chicks a lot, (I think its a pimp. o_o I thought it was a term for acne. xD Thats real attractive.) Im adding some guy characters for a more even mix. >.>]

[No that isn't what a pimp is, but I don't think I can say the real definition on this board...]

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[No that isn't what a pimp is, but I don't think I can say the real definition on this board...]


You are soooooooooo smart!

Kat is a genius. o_o

[Yep. A jenius.


*looks at large scratch on arm* Hmm...I wonder where that came from...]

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[No that isn't what a pimp is, but I don't think I can say the real definition on this board...]


You are soooooooooo smart!

Kat is a genius. o_o

[Yep. A jenius.


*looks at large scratch on arm* Hmm...I wonder where that came from...]

-hides mah sword- >.> <.< Uh..... The kitty did it. ..... the other kitty. o_o Tipsy. (Mah kitteh. =D) Tipsy the balance-challenged cat. Hilarious. xD

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[The Writers Block thing came back, and wont let me finish chapter 8. ;-;]

*gets out foam mallet to break apart the writer's block*

*gets out Claymore to get revenge for her arm...I mean, also help get rid of writter's block* >_>

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[The Writers Block thing came back, and wont let me finish chapter 8. ;-;]

*gets out foam mallet to break apart the writer's block*

*gets out Claymore to get revenge for her arm...I mean, also help get rid of writter's block* >_>

Tipsy ish insocialbe ad stoopid. Go ahead and keelingyoudead Tipsy if you feel like it. o_o

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[The Writers Block thing came back, and wont let me finish chapter 8. ;-;]

*gets out foam mallet to break apart the writer's block*

*gets out Claymore to get revenge for her arm...I mean, also help get rid of writter's block* >_>

Tipsy ish insocialbe ad stoopid. Go ahead and keelingyoudead Tipsy if you feel like it. o_o

Err...yeah. I was talking about the cat. Not you. Nope. You can just turn around and pay no attention to me or the large Claymore in my hands right now. >_>

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[The Writers Block thing came back, and wont let me finish chapter 8. ;-;]

*gets out foam mallet to break apart the writer's block*

*gets out Claymore to get revenge for her arm...I mean, also help get rid of writter's block* >_>

Tipsy ish insocialbe ad stoopid. Go ahead and keelingyoudead Tipsy if you feel like it. o_o

Err...yeah. I was talking about the cat. Not you. Nope. You can just turn around and pay no attention to me or the large Claymore in my hands right now. >_>

-puts teh Tipsy kitty on Kat's head- =D

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[The Writers Block thing came back, and wont let me finish chapter 8. ;-;]

*gets out foam mallet to break apart the writer's block*

*gets out Claymore to get revenge for her arm...I mean, also help get rid of writter's block* >_>

Tipsy ish insocialbe ad stoopid. Go ahead and keelingyoudead Tipsy if you feel like it. o_o

Err...yeah. I was talking about the cat. Not you. Nope. You can just turn around and pay no attention to me or the large Claymore in my hands right now. >_>

-puts teh Tipsy kitty on Kat's head- =D

KITTY! ^_^ *snuggles it*

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[-posts Chapter 8 to prevent keelingyoudead-itude by Kat- e_e]


Chapter Eight


I felt as my facial expression changed to a fearfully amazed expression, as my shocked gaze turned from the rather demonic Serena, to Audrey who was still waiting for a response from either of us.


A series of thoughts went through my mind at that point, All the horrid things Serena could accomplish with her hypnosis gaze…


Though my thinking was rudely interrupted by a voice in my head, summoning me by name, Though in my fret to recognize what had happened, I found myself staring obediently into Serena’s eyes, as hers shone oddly brightly back at mine.




A voice called through my mind, as I responded to it as if it were my own thought…


“What is it?â€


“Run. Run away from here, I see how much you want to be away from Audrey. Just run away from here…â€


As this voice, similar to Serena’s, had called through my head, Though before I realized what was happening, I found myself absconding, and dashing along the forest ground.


Against my will, I went careening down the forest terrain, I heard Audrey’s voice calling me, Then a brief cackle from Serena, And as Audrey was about to call me again, She was cut off by a faint gasp, followed by an odd silence, as Serena linked Audrey’s mind to her own, just as she had me…


With no apparent objective in mind other than to simply ‘run’ away from this location, I bounded across the forest… [This is where I got stuck writing and couldnt figure out what to di. <.<]


As I sped across the terrain, My attention was turned to the scenery a bit more…


As I looked ahead, I saw less and less trees. There were multiple clearings, sparse, thin trees here and there…?


Somewhat alarmed by this unnatural clearing of trees, I tried to slow down.

Strangely enough, I did.

I found that I no longer had a need to run…?


I stopped, looked around myself. There were trees broken, splintered, cracked and demolished, fractioned in pieces on the ground.

I beheld in terror of this once magnificent forest, which was put to an end by senseless destruction of who-knows-what…?


I stepped over the once beautiful living trees, and cautiously proceeded further into the demolished woods…


A truly frightening sight to see, The trees were all dead…But… What could have cleared out a forest like this? They were not cut trees, Simply impacted, pushed over and knocked down…


I came up to one of the stumps, And examined it closely… There appeared to be scratch marks on the wood… But as I looked it over, I found an easily overlooked detail…


The trees were all demolished from the same angle.

The trees had all been killed the same way.


I put my hand up to the edge of the fractured tree, The location where it was punctured was easily within the height of a werewolf’s arm…? The cut was at my height…


It appeared that some form of Werewolf had caused this to happen, With incredible strength… and had knocked all these trees down somehow?


I looked up, And glanced about my surroundings.


From behind me, I heard something move…?

I turned around, To see… Nothing.


I suspiciously looked around the scenery… As I looked, I saw something whiz by in a blur of black…? I turned my head- It was gone. Whatever this was, It was rather agile and elusive.


[im a n00b. =o]

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A series of thoughts went through my mind at that point, All the horrid things Serena could accomplish with her hypnosis gaze…

[Would you prefer hypnotic? I can edit if you want.]

[No. <.<; Its supposta do that. I said so.]

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[Change of story plans in effect. Things are somewhat different now.]


[but there are guy characters in here now! =D)


Chapter Nine


I scanned the scenery once more, and found that this mysterious black speed had left. It appeared it was too far away to attack me, I jumped on the opportunity and ran.


This time, In my own will, I ran through the forest.


I thought that if anyone were to know about these werewolf things, Since I’m still new to it all, It’d be Chris or Mike.


Using an improved sense of memory and direction, I led myself toward some memorable landmarks that “Chris’ domain†was near.


As time passed, I made my way into the Chris territory. As it came in to view, I saw what looked like Michael crouched over in a somewhat ball shape, And Chris sitting down, leaning against a tree, With a small pile of syringes next to him.


As I approached, Chris apparently heard my footsteps and looked up at me.


“Brandon! Good to see you.â€


Chris stood up, And walked past Mike, whom was mumbling something to himself.


“Hey, Chris… I have… Got a few problems that I will need counseling on.â€


I got down to the point, avoiding a long introduction.


“Hey hey, you have problems now? Take a look at Mike here! And if that isn’t enough, Look at all these holes in the ground.â€


Chris directed my attention toward some strange craters in the ground.


“Where did they come from?â€


“I was digging for Syringes!â€




“To give them to Paul, Whom still has not come by to get them yet! I am stuck here with some syringes and Mike is getting more and more insane.â€


“Well, What happened to Mike?â€


Chris’ eyes looked somewhat saddened,


“All the information I can get out of him is all that he will say. Go talk to him.â€


Curious, I walked over to Mike, whom was rocking back and forth somehow, while sitting down in an odd position.


“Mike…? Had something happened?â€


Mike’s gloomy eyes turned up at me…


“I… I hear… … Them. Everywhere.â€


I paused for a moment.


“Who? What?â€


“Toh… Torras…â€


“… Torras?â€




Mike shouted, And jumped up from his position, on to his feet. He pointed at me,


“Do not misuse their name! Do not… anger them…â€


Somewhat disturbed, I stepped away from him.


“Chris… Is this all he does now, or something?â€


I whispered over to Chris.


“That, And he usually talks more of the odd Torras. To quote directly, When we’re supposed to be sleeping in the daytime, He says ‘I hear… Them… Everywhere. I cannot sleep in the day. They may kill me. Kill. Absorb, Dominate, Usurp, Eat…’ And he does what he says- I have not seen him sleep since… well, hard to say how long ago.â€


I have Chris an odd look.


“Though now I think about it, You had come here saying you had a problem. So what would it be?â€


“I was walking about the forests here, Until I had come to a part where more and more frequently there were cut down trees. The regressing trees kept decreasing, until a abrupt stop. There was nothing but cut down trees as far as I could see. The cut of the trees was that about the equal height of a werewolf’s arm. To make matters worse, When I turned around to leave, I saw a speedy blur of black whizzing about the scenery.â€


Chris returned the same odd look I had given him moments ago.


“… Perhaps this speedy dark being is one of these creatures Mike is talking about?â€


[Dun dun DUUUMMM. o_o -goes off to write chapter 10-]

[O_O -sees what time it is- I... im gonna go sleep instead.]

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OMGosh Arkcher I love this story I have read the first+second and eagerly waiting to read all of the third!!! U r such an amazing writer!!! U must continue!!! :D

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[OMGosh Arkcher I love this story I have read the first+second and eagerly waiting to read all of the third!!! U r such an amazing writer!!! U must continue!!! :D ]

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[OMGosh Arkcher I love this story I have read the first+second and eagerly waiting to read all of the third!!! U r such an amazing writer!!! U must continue!!! :D ]

[its hilarious cuz you just then remembered the Brackets.]


[MAny thanks, and then as you can see, I usually only get feedback like that every once and again. Then in other topics everyones talking about how its the spiffiest thing ever. You get a SpiffyPerson award and an Arkcher award. Hurrah. =D]

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[OMGosh Arkcher I love this story I have read the first+second and eagerly waiting to read all of the third!!! U r such an amazing writer!!! U must continue!!! :D ]

[its hilarious cuz you just then remembered the Brackets.]


[MAny thanks, and then as you can see, I usually only get feedback like that every once and again. Then in other topics everyones talking about how its the spiffiest thing ever. You get a SpiffyPerson award and an Arkcher award. Hurrah. =D]

[yes I tend to forget things!!! :D Well Ur very welcome. This is the greatest story U need a lot of Spiffy feedback 4 this!!! B) Oh thank u sooooooo much!!! Awards Yipeee!!! :D:D:D ]

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[i already told you how awsomly awsome I think these are. It thought you would be sick of it if I told you every post.]

[Well yeah, Every 3 or 4 chapters posted would work. o_O; And more commentary on happenings helps more than you think it does. (Provided you can think of something to say.) ]

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[Whoa. Chapter 10 is a lot longer than I thought it would be. o_o But useful information!]


Chapter Ten


After an hour or two or tarrying in the area, and discussion over this Vampire and ‘Torras’ matter, Chris suggests to me,


“Down southeast of here, a short Five miles or so, assuming my resources are correct, There is a rather popular area for some werewolves to go to and socialize, and keep each other supported and somewhat amused. There is also a town of humans they occasionally go off to terrorize. Do you not know of it? Perhaps you could gather information there…?â€


“I have not yet been there, though I will take your word for it. I will try to be back soon.â€


I headed off Southeast, off toward where Chris had directed.


Beforehand, I tried imagining what would the place look like, and what kind of things would happen there.


As I envisioned some other werewolves I may have seen, I lacked any memory of other wolves I had seen. There is Mike, Chris, Artemis, Her two helper wolves… and… Kate, Kris… Wait… Kate and Kris…? I forgot all about them!


I stopped in my tracks, and scanned the area somewhat. There is no way I’d be able to track them down now- I have no idea where the place I last saw them was, And they are more than likely to have moved by then… Perhaps they have gathered information for themselves and are heading toward this lycanthropes place of gathering?


I picked up speed, and darted across the terrain, having now more reasons to get there sooner.


Time passed, I ran.


Amid my dash across the scenery, I saw a group of three full-grown Werewolves, all ignoring their surroundings somewhat, while walking toward me.


I slowed down, and greeted them.


“And where do you think you are going?â€


One asked me.


“I have been told there is a place of gathering among wolves this way. I have some business there to take care of.â€


“Not a wise idea.â€


One of them from the side spoke up,


“There are too many werewolves there.â€


“Too many? How can that be bad, In a group there is more chance of survival.â€


“In this case, It is quite the opposite. Too much lycanthrope activity will draw the attention of our adversaries. Surely you know of them by now…?â€


“I have, myself, witnessed what the enemy Vampires can do. Are they the adversaries in question here?â€


“Vampires…? Another vampiric dynasty? They are active once more? I have heard nothing of this.â€


“Before I explain, What are the adversaries you were speaking of?â€


“Two others. Apparently the Werewolf species is at high risk, we are endangered.â€


One of them spoke, while another continued the statement.


“We have seen the destruction that the Human Warriors have caused. They have come in groups now, All heavily armed and defended.â€


I was silent for a moment.


“How so? Are they marines, mobile independent units? Do they have mechanisms working for them?â€


“There are several human-operated robots, some twelve feet high. With distinctive colors and markings, Most werewolves know what trouble is coming beforehand.â€


I was reminded of my experience working with electronics, mechanisms and robotics in my human years, Perhaps some of this knowledge will help fend them off?


“What are the other adversaries?â€


I asked.


“There are the Vampires you mentioned, And… well…â€


One wolf began, and faltered and seemed unable to speak of the adversary.


“To just put the anticipation to an end, The other adversary is a deadly race most known as Torrasque’s.â€


Torrasque…? Perhaps Mike was just too fearful of them to mention them fully. Pronouncing the last syllable is a challenge for him?


“That name sounds somewhat familiar…â€


I commented.


“I am surprised you do not yet know much of them. If you have seen one, curiosity overtakes you to know more.â€


I was reminded of the strange black blur I had seen previously.


“What are they?â€


“Torrasque’s are, supposedly the last attempt of the Dalhood incident to bring us down. It at least seems somewhat related to that, at least…â€


“From what we have heard, Another crazed lunatic had either preserved or restored, or possibly just procreated the Race again. Just recently, Torrasque’s have been seen more and more, more frequently, in bigger groups, etcetera.â€


“I saw one… They are strange, off-blue reptilian symbiotic beasts. We do not yet know what their motivation is, but they rampage some human cities and towns.â€


I found this somewhat familiar, it seemed as if I already knew this. But where, or how?

I listened nonetheless.


“If the resources are right, At birth, Torrasque’s are simple puddles of sapphire liquid. Exposition to Earth’s atmosphere, and the oxygen, the larva Torrasque’s develop their skeletal bone structure on the outside of their body.â€


“Then what is inside?â€


I asked.


“Werewolf’s best guess is that they are purely muscle and the odd substance they were composed of at birth.â€


If these are some odd liquid reptilian creature, The strange black blur I saw couldn’t be a Torrasque…


[Kate and Kris' whereabouts are still a mystery. =o I havent decided where they are yet.]


[Yes, There be Torrasques in this story! Dun dun dum.]

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[Gasp-o! And I can't think of anything else to say as a commentary!]

[XD That works.]


[Torrasques be 'da ebbil. Yew should keel them dead muchly wit'cho Claymore! >D]


[...... Provided they were keelable by a Claymore. ;-;]

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[WOOHOO! I finished chapter eight! -parties- =D]

[*sits atop Arkcher's head until he posts it*]

[um. You can get off mah head now. o_o]

[Did I ever say I was still on it?]

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[WOOHOO! I finished chapter eight! -parties- =D]

[*sits atop Arkcher's head until he posts it*]

[um. You can get off mah head now. o_o]

[Did I ever say I was still on it?]

[You said you sat atop mah head and never specified if you got off. o_o]

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[WOOHOO! I finished chapter eight! -parties- =D]

[*sits atop Arkcher's head until he posts it*]

[um. You can get off mah head now. o_o]

[Did I ever say I was still on it?]

[You said you sat atop mah head and never specified if you got off. o_o]

[i thought it was assumed that once you posted the chapter, I got off.


But I think what we really should be worring about is what's still on your head if I'm not. o_o;;;]

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[WOOHOO! I finished chapter eight! -parties- =D]

[*sits atop Arkcher's head until he posts it*]

[um. You can get off mah head now. o_o]

[Did I ever say I was still on it?]

[You said you sat atop mah head and never specified if you got off. o_o]

[i thought it was assumed that once you posted the chapter, I got off.


But I think what we really should be worring about is what's still on your head if I'm not. o_o;;;]

[ZomfgTorrasques get it off lolzz!!!!111 Im a n00b. ;-;]

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{torrasque, torrasque. *grabs reference tome*

let's see, stench kow, time beast, troll, here it is..

ohh not good, may I suggest you take along a few cases of dynamite when you attack?}

[so then there's a definition of Torrasque that I didnt see? X_x; great.]

[Do tell.]

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[i thought they were from a video game. Or maybe that was Turok? I dunno. x_x]

[i saw some name kinda like Torrasque (They mgiht be the same. I can change the name if necessary. Chapta 11 is on hold till you respond, Lexxy-man. Just thought you should know.) on the StarCraft games. Awsome. =D]

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[i thought they were from a video game. Or maybe that was Turok? I dunno. x_x]

[i saw some name kinda like Torrasque (They mgiht be the same. I can change the name if necessary. Chapta 11 is on hold till you respond, Lexxy-man. Just thought you should know.) on the StarCraft games. Awsome. =D]

[Then name or StarCraft?]

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[i thought they were from a video game. Or maybe that was Turok? I dunno. x_x]

[i saw some name kinda like Torrasque (They mgiht be the same. I can change the name if necessary. Chapta 11 is on hold till you respond, Lexxy-man. Just thought you should know.) on the StarCraft games. Awsome. =D]

[Then name or StarCraft?]

[i saw the creature name Torrasque (or at least something similar) on a part of the SC game, yes.]

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[i thought they were from a video game. Or maybe that was Turok? I dunno. x_x]

[i saw some name kinda like Torrasque (They mgiht be the same. I can change the name if necessary. Chapta 11 is on hold till you respond, Lexxy-man. Just thought you should know.) on the StarCraft games. Awsome. =D]

[Then name or StarCraft?]

[i saw the creature name Torrasque (or at least something similar) on a part of the SC game, yes.]

[i typoed. I meant to ask if you meant that the name was awsome or StarCraft was.]

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[i thought they were from a video game. Or maybe that was Turok? I dunno. x_x]

[i saw some name kinda like Torrasque (They mgiht be the same. I can change the name if necessary. Chapta 11 is on hold till you respond, Lexxy-man. Just thought you should know.) on the StarCraft games. Awsome. =D]

[Then name or StarCraft?]

[i saw the creature name Torrasque (or at least something similar) on a part of the SC game, yes.]

[i typoed. I meant to ask if you meant that the name was awsome or StarCraft was.]

[both! Torrasque(thing)s were, lacking a better description, a canine (or some form of big 4-legged critter) with two huge blades it uses in combat. They move faster and have more HP, defense and durability than the weaker part of them. (Ultralisks.)


This, And SC is the coolest game for PC. Not for N64. They broke it in the N64 version. ;-;]

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[i thought they were from a video game. Or maybe that was Turok? I dunno. x_x]

[i saw some name kinda like Torrasque (They mgiht be the same. I can change the name if necessary. Chapta 11 is on hold till you respond, Lexxy-man. Just thought you should know.) on the StarCraft games. Awsome. =D]

[Then name or StarCraft?]

[i saw the creature name Torrasque (or at least something similar) on a part of the SC game, yes.]

[i typoed. I meant to ask if you meant that the name was awsome or StarCraft was.]

[both! Torrasque(thing)s were, lacking a better description, a canine (or some form of big 4-legged critter) with two huge blades it uses in combat. They move faster and have more HP, defense and durability than the weaker part of them. (Ultralisks.)


This, And SC is the coolest game for PC. Not for N64. They broke it in the N64 version. ;-;]

[Oooooooooooh. I I played PC games, I might take a look at that.


Look what they did to me! *hold out arm where she got a shot* ;_;!]

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{they spell it tarrasque. but it seems to be the same beast: big ugly beast, can easily outrun a horse, tries to eat anything that gets in it's way, tendancy to destroy anything it doesn't eat, only stops if knocked unconcious. that sound pretty close?}

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{they spell it tarrasque. but it seems to be the same beast: big ugly beast, can easily outrun a horse, tries to eat anything that gets in it's way, tendancy to destroy anything it doesn't eat, only stops if knocked unconcious. that sound pretty close?}

[Not a very pretty critter, runs fairly fast, uses two tusk sword things on its... body... which could be teeth? Preferrs to demolish stuff, and no matter how many times its killed, it respawns by the Cerebrate at its base.]


[i shall continue writing.]

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[i think we should stop.]

[Okay. Would you care for a sammich?]

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[i think we should stop.]

[Okay. Would you care for a sammich?]

[Do you want a banana?]

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[i think we should stop.]

[Okay. Would you care for a sammich?]

[Do you want a banana?]

[Only if you want the sandwich.]

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[i think we should stop.]

[Okay. Would you care for a sammich?]

[Do you want a banana?]

[Only if you want the sandwich.]

[but I dont.]

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[i think we should stop.]

[Okay. Would you care for a sammich?]

[Do you want a banana?]

[Only if you want the sandwich.]

[but I dont.]

[Then no 'nanners for me.]

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[i think we should stop.]

[Okay. Would you care for a sammich?]

[Do you want a banana?]

[Only if you want the sandwich.]

[but I dont.]

[Then no 'nanners for me.]

[-puts 5 bananas in Kats pants- >D Muhaha.]

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[i think we should stop.]

[Okay. Would you care for a sammich?]

[Do you want a banana?]

[Only if you want the sandwich.]

[but I dont.]

[Then no 'nanners for me.]

[-puts 5 bananas in Kats pants- >D Muhaha.]

[*wasn't wearing pants*]

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[i think we should stop.]

[Okay. Would you care for a sammich?]

[Do you want a banana?]

[Only if you want the sandwich.]

[but I dont.]

[Then no 'nanners for me.]

[-puts 5 bananas in Kats pants- >D Muhaha.]

[*wasn't wearing pants*]

[Fine. -stuffs the 5 banana's in Kat's... um. mouth. o_o-]

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[i think we should stop.]

[Okay. Would you care for a sammich?]

[Do you want a banana?]

[Only if you want the sandwich.]

[but I dont.]

[Then no 'nanners for me.]

[-puts 5 bananas in Kats pants- >D Muhaha.]

[*wasn't wearing pants*]

[Fine. -stuffs the 5 banana's in Kat's... um. mouth. o_o-]

[>:D *loves dong that to people* *spits bananas out* Icky! XP]

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[i think we should stop.]

[Okay. Would you care for a sammich?]

[Do you want a banana?]

[Only if you want the sandwich.]

[but I dont.]

[Then no 'nanners for me.]

[-puts 5 bananas in Kats pants- >D Muhaha.]

[*wasn't wearing pants*]

[Fine. -stuffs the 5 banana's in Kat's... um. mouth. o_o-]

[>:D *loves dong that to people* *spits bananas out* Icky! XP]

[Aaahh kitty drool-covered bananas. x_x -runs-]

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[i think we should stop.]

[Okay. Would you care for a sammich?]

[Do you want a banana?]

[Only if you want the sandwich.]

[but I dont.]

[Then no 'nanners for me.]

[-puts 5 bananas in Kats pants- >D Muhaha.]

[*wasn't wearing pants*]

[Fine. -stuffs the 5 banana's in Kat's... um. mouth. o_o-]

[>:D *loves dong that to people* *spits bananas out* Icky! XP]

[Aaahh kitty drool-covered bananas. x_x -runs-]

[*waves bananas around and chases*]

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[Ok, Theres a character introdutction i'm stuck at. I cant think of how to get this wolf person in here, So i havent forgotten! Blame writers block and/or Kat for the no story. (I'd reccoment blaming the writers block- If you try blaming Kat for it, well, she has a claymore, What more is there to say? O_o)

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[Ok, Theres a character introdutction i'm stuck at. I cant think of how to get this wolf person in here, So i havent forgotten! Blame writers block and/or Kat for the no story. (I'd reccoment blaming the writers block- If you try blaming Kat for it, well, she has a claymore, What more is there to say? O_o)

[*waves Claymore around viciously* Grr.


Wait, why would anybody blame me, anyways? x_x]

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[Ok, Theres a character introdutction i'm stuck at. I cant think of how to get this wolf person in here, So i havent forgotten! Blame writers block and/or Kat for the no story. (I'd reccoment blaming the writers block- If you try blaming Kat for it, well, she has a claymore, What more is there to say? O_o)

[*waves Claymore around viciously* Grr.


Wait, why would anybody blame me, anyways? x_x]

[Cuz. You post here a lot. in. in this topic.]

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[Ok, Theres a character introdutction i'm stuck at. I cant think of how to get this wolf person in here, So i havent forgotten! Blame writers block and/or Kat for the no story. (I'd reccoment blaming the writers block- If you try blaming Kat for it, well, she has a claymore, What more is there to say? O_o)

[*waves Claymore around viciously* Grr.


Wait, why would anybody blame me, anyways? x_x]

[Cuz. You post here a lot. in. in this topic.]

[so do you!]

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[Ok, Theres a character introdutction i'm stuck at. I cant think of how to get this wolf person in here, So i havent forgotten! Blame writers block and/or Kat for the no story. (I'd reccoment blaming the writers block- If you try blaming Kat for it, well, she has a claymore, What more is there to say? O_o)

[*waves Claymore around viciously* Grr.


Wait, why would anybody blame me, anyways? x_x]

[Cuz. You post here a lot. in. in this topic.]

[so do you!]

[Thats because im writing the story here. <.<]

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[Ok, Theres a character introdutction i'm stuck at. I cant think of how to get this wolf person in here, So i havent forgotten! Blame writers block and/or Kat for the no story. (I'd reccoment blaming the writers block- If you try blaming Kat for it, well, she has a claymore, What more is there to say? O_o)

[*waves Claymore around viciously* Grr.


Wait, why would anybody blame me, anyways? x_x]

[Cuz. You post here a lot. in. in this topic.]

[so do you!]

[Thats because im writing the story here. <.<]


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[Yay! I finished Chapta 11.]

[*awards Arkcher 50 points*]

[WOOHOO! -buys Typo awards with them- n_n]

[Err...now you gotta post it. .____.;;;]

[No I dun. =D -writes chapta 12-]

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[Yall are gonna shoot me if I dun post this, so heres chapta 11.]


Chapter Eleven


Still anxiously awaiting the place of gathering that the wolves have spoke of, I strode off toward the southeastern direction once more.


Even still, some thoughts had gone through my mind of where Kris and Kate were, and how they are faring with the werewolf world. What if they came across a Torrask? Got captured by a Vampire? Killed by humans?


Anticipation only grew, as I quickened my pace toward the area ahead.


Eventually, A short minute or so, A clearing came in view, brimming with active werewolves.


As I drew closer, there was much traffic of coming and going wolves, and as I was within earshot of most wolves, They seemed rather aroused and disturbed by the presence of the Torrask’s.


I looked about the surrounding scenery to see an unfamiliar, unnatural content about the environment.


A small amount of the forest was oddly wet- I have no memory of rain any time recently. First thing to come to mind for blaming was humans, but they may not have liquids such as this... Cerulean water?


I ignored this and continued on, but could not help but think about Torrask's. Blue, Liquefiable, An enemy of Werewolves. The other group of lycanthropes had left to decrease the number of wolves, less attention to draw to our adversaries.


Nevertheless, I still had an unacheived objective in mind.


Find out about Torrask's, and locate Kate and Kris.


Moments went by, I acquired nothing. I was getting nowhere, and decided I had best do something about this myself...




David awoke from a brief nap, Propped in one of the more comfortable positions he could find in his office chair. He glanced about, somewhat startled, Then saw on his office desk, a device indicating a distress signal.


Intrigued, He pushes the button to expand on the matter. On the screen nearby, Two armed combat soldiers had their communication system on.


"General, We were patrolling the area's you had assigned us, And if you may recall, There was an odd industrial plant of sorts off northwest of here…"


"Get to the point, soldier, I haven't all day."


General David boomed back into the microphone,


"Well, sir, Look at what we found!"


The soldier then turned the camera toward a massive, smoldering crater, surrounded by smokestacks and fires. Oddly enough, It seemed to be encased together in a huge… barrier of sorts. Translucent mist of unidentifiable color had surrounded the wreckage that was once Dalhood.


David's eyes widened, as he cursed unnecessarily,


"What happened over there?!"


"We don't know, sir, But we did see some Lycanthrope activity nearby. That, and what looked like four lycanthropes rampaging about within this barrier."


"It's those ******* wolves again, They got Dalhood… …"


He began grumbling to himself with an unneeded cursing term between every few syllables.


"That's it, then… You two have firearms…? Go kill those wolves. I'll have some construction teams start working on a mobile destruction unit. We're taking out those lycanthropes once and for all, men!"


With that, David angrily shut down the communication, without waiting for an acknowledgement, and dispatched some of his construction workers to work on a new design of weaponry.


He was second-in-command on a very powerful fighting force, and commanded the secondary fighting forces of an army patrol. Along with international allies, their troopers partrolled all parts of the countries, as a last resort to stop illegal alienation and constant law-breaking.


[David is indeed one of my friends around here who has a tendency to overuse profanity. o_o; He doesnt need a free copy of this.]

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[Yay! I finished Chapta 11.]

[*awards Arkcher 50 points*]

[WOOHOO! -buys Typo awards with them- n_n]

[Err...now you gotta post it. .____.;;;]

[No I dun. =D -writes chapta 12-]

[...Now that's just un-called for. >_>;;;]

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[Yay! I finished Chapta 11.]

[*awards Arkcher 50 points*]

[WOOHOO! -buys Typo awards with them- n_n]

[Err...now you gotta post it. .____.;;;]

[No I dun. =D -writes chapta 12-]

[...Now that's just un-called for. >_>;;;]

[Or is it? :o ]

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[Yay! I finished Chapta 11.]

[*awards Arkcher 50 points*]

[WOOHOO! -buys Typo awards with them- n_n]

[Err...now you gotta post it. .____.;;;]

[No I dun. =D -writes chapta 12-]

[...Now that's just un-called for. >_>;;;]

[Or is it? :o ]

[Doo doo, DOO DOOOOOOO!]

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[And. I decided the beggining of Chapta 13 may need de-creepy-ifying by Horatio, and is possibly creepier than some parts of part 1. o_o Maybe. Havent written it yet, so. yeah.]

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[To make up for the big absence of storywriting here, i'll post Chapta 12 now. ._.]


Chapter Twelve


[Note: I had to think of some way of avoiding having to introduce this character properly, so I had that part in Chapter 11 as an excuse.]


I stood on the outskirts of this clearing that the wolf inhabitants seemed to fond of, with a new 'friend' I guess one could say, Out of earshot for most but still in eyesight of the group.


"Well… I am not quite the best person to ask of the matter, but I will tell you what I know of these Torrask's."


He had agreed to explain what was happening, to keep me on guard.


"Torrask's are likely to be the most dangerous creatures that I know of, but-"


"I know that much, just what are they capable of? What do they do?"


I interrupted him.


"Well, Torrask's are a truly intimidating symbiotic creature, which appear to be an oversize blue lizard. Noting they are symbiotic, They possess the ability to liquefy themselves. Once in this form, Most werewolves and humans have named this substance 'Torce'…â€


“This sounds vaguely familiar. Continue.â€


“Well, Torce is what Torrask’s are composed of, inside. Torce is mostly muscle, but in a liquid form. With a highly distinguishable color, and is frequently found near trees.â€


A strong fear struck at my heart as I realized that there is a Torrask in our presence- I saw some Torce in a tree, near the base of it, and in bits and parts of the forest ground.

Maintaining a calm sense about myself, I commented.


“Hold that thought for a moment, do you know fighting tactics or how to defend against these Torrask’s?â€


The wolf in front of me got a facial expression of realization as well, It appeared he recognized these signs as well. His eyes widened as he and I looked around ourselves, Sure enough, There was in fact some Torce dripping from some leaves and on the ground.


“Nothing. We have no weaponry here that can harm them.â€


“Shut up about that, What vulnerabilities do they have?!â€


“Extreme thermal conditions and supersonic sounds. Hypothermia means death for Torrask’s. Like I said, nothing we have here can harm them.â€


Realizing such helplessness I possessed before these creatures, I looked off to my left to see a Werewolf much like myself, inexplicably flying through the air in a manner as if a powerful attacker just unwillingly threw it.


I stepped aside, as the wolf careened through the air and crashed into the ground, and instantly lost consciousness.

An eerie silence loomed over the crowd of wolves, All attention drawn to the southeast end of the forest clearing, which contained one fear-stricken werewolf, too overwhelmed to move. Before this wolf stood a large blue lizard of sorts, independently standing on its hind legs. At most 2â€8 tall, A menacing glare shot from its bland, plain optics.


The wolf in front of me and I could only watch in terror, overwhelmed by the sensation of fear in our bodies. A very familiar scent loomed in the air, Though a unique form of fear. This which was usually invigorating, fear from humans, seemed deadening, a decomposing feeling seemed to weaken all wolves around me.


Thoughts raced through my head, what should I do, how to respond, How can I hinder this nemesis?


I did the first thing that came to mind- Howl. If I reach a high enough tone, It may distract or damage this Torrask…?


I raised my voice as loud as I could; in as high a tone as my vocal cords can reach, and sounded the piercing screech through the forest.


I can only assume I cannot reach a high enough pitch, as it appeared to be merely an annoyance to this Torrask. Its attention drew over to me, I forced all the effort I could use into screeching louder, though my efforts were in vain… An odd striking sensation impacted my body from the Torrask before me, and I lost orientation, eventually Consciousness. Though in my last moments of sense, I heard odd squeak noises from the Torrask, I assume, and the rustling of Wolves…?


[Oooooooh Noooooo. o_o;]

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[...Okies. *wanders off to volunteer*]

[=D You wanna voulenteer to write Chapta 13 or something?]



Chapta 13


Kat and Kris wandered off somewhere, then they found lots of monies and used it to buy people's acceptance and became incredibly rich.

The end.



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[To make up for the big absence of storywriting here, i'll post Chapta 12 now. ._.]


Chapter Twelve


[Note: I had to think of some way of avoiding having to introduce this character properly, so I had that part in Chapter 11 as an excuse.]


I stood on the outskirts of this clearing that the wolf inhabitants seemed to fond of, with a new 'friend' I guess one could say, Out of earshot for most but still in eyesight of the group.


"Well… I am not quite the best person to ask of the matter, but I will tell you what I know of these Torrask's."


He had agreed to explain what was happening, to keep me on guard.


"Torrask's are likely to be the most dangerous creatures that I know of, but-"


"I know that much, just what are they capable of? What do they do?"


I interrupted him.


"Well, Torrask's are a truly intimidating symbiotic creature, which appear to be an oversize blue lizard. Noting they are symbiotic, They possess the ability to liquefy themselves. Once in this form, Most werewolves and humans have named this substance 'Torce'…â€


“This sounds vaguely familiar. Continue.â€


“Well, Torce is what Torrask’s are composed of, inside. Torce is mostly muscle, but in a liquid form. With a highly distinguishable color, and is frequently found near trees.â€


A strong fear struck at my heart as I realized that there is a Torrask in our presence- I saw some Torce in a tree, near the base of it, and in bits and parts of the forest ground.

Maintaining a calm sense about myself, I commented.


“Hold that thought for a moment, do you know fighting tactics or how to defend against these Torrask’s?â€


The wolf in front of me got a facial expression of realization as well, It appeared he recognized these signs as well. His eyes widened as he and I looked around ourselves, Sure enough, There was in fact some Torce dripping from some leaves and on the ground.


“Nothing. We have no weaponry here that can harm them.â€


“Shut up about that, What vulnerabilities do they have?!â€


“Extreme thermal conditions and supersonic sounds. Hypothermia means death for Torrask’s. Like I said, nothing we have here can harm them.â€


Realizing such helplessness I possessed before these creatures, I looked off to my left to see a Werewolf much like myself, inexplicably flying through the air in a manner as if a powerful attacker just unwillingly threw it.


I stepped aside, as the wolf careened through the air and crashed into the ground, and instantly lost consciousness.

An eerie silence loomed over the crowd of wolves, All attention drawn to the southeast end of the forest clearing, which contained one fear-stricken werewolf, too overwhelmed to move. Before this wolf stood a large blue lizard of sorts, independently standing on its hind legs. At most 2â€8 tall, A menacing glare shot from its bland, plain optics.


The wolf in front of me and I could only watch in terror, overwhelmed by the sensation of fear in our bodies. A very familiar scent loomed in the air, Though a unique form of fear. This which was usually invigorating, fear from humans, seemed deadening, a decomposing feeling seemed to weaken all wolves around me.


Thoughts raced through my head, what should I do, how to respond, How can I hinder this nemesis?


I did the first thing that came to mind- Howl. If I reach a high enough tone, It may distract or damage this Torrask…?


I raised my voice as loud as I could; in as high a tone as my vocal cords can reach, and sounded the piercing screech through the forest.


I can only assume I cannot reach a high enough pitch, as it appeared to be merely an annoyance to this Torrask. Its attention drew over to me, I forced all the effort I could use into screeching louder, though my efforts were in vain… An odd striking sensation impacted my body from the Torrask before me, and I lost orientation, eventually Consciousness. Though in my last moments of sense, I heard odd squeak noises from the Torrask, I assume, and the rustling of Wolves…?


[Oooooooh Noooooo. o_o;]



You do mean that 2" means two inches, right? ' is what you use for feet.]

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[To make up for the big absence of storywriting here, i'll post Chapta 12 now. ._.]


Chapter Twelve


[Note: I had to think of some way of avoiding having to introduce this character properly, so I had that part in Chapter 11 as an excuse.]


I stood on the outskirts of this clearing that the wolf inhabitants seemed to fond of, with a new 'friend' I guess one could say, Out of earshot for most but still in eyesight of the group.


"Well… I am not quite the best person to ask of the matter, but I will tell you what I know of these Torrask's."


He had agreed to explain what was happening, to keep me on guard.


"Torrask's are likely to be the most dangerous creatures that I know of, but-"


"I know that much, just what are they capable of? What do they do?"


I interrupted him.


"Well, Torrask's are a truly intimidating symbiotic creature, which appear to be an oversize blue lizard. Noting they are symbiotic, They possess the ability to liquefy themselves. Once in this form, Most werewolves and humans have named this substance 'Torce'…â€


“This sounds vaguely familiar. Continue.â€


“Well, Torce is what Torrask’s are composed of, inside. Torce is mostly muscle, but in a liquid form. With a highly distinguishable color, and is frequently found near trees.â€


A strong fear struck at my heart as I realized that there is a Torrask in our presence- I saw some Torce in a tree, near the base of it, and in bits and parts of the forest ground.

Maintaining a calm sense about myself, I commented.


“Hold that thought for a moment, do you know fighting tactics or how to defend against these Torrask’s?â€


The wolf in front of me got a facial expression of realization as well, It appeared he recognized these signs as well. His eyes widened as he and I looked around ourselves, Sure enough, There was in fact some Torce dripping from some leaves and on the ground.


“Nothing. We have no weaponry here that can harm them.â€


“Shut up about that, What vulnerabilities do they have?!â€


“Extreme thermal conditions and supersonic sounds. Hypothermia means death for Torrask’s. Like I said, nothing we have here can harm them.â€


Realizing such helplessness I possessed before these creatures, I looked off to my left to see a Werewolf much like myself, inexplicably flying through the air in a manner as if a powerful attacker just unwillingly threw it.


I stepped aside, as the wolf careened through the air and crashed into the ground, and instantly lost consciousness.

An eerie silence loomed over the crowd of wolves, All attention drawn to the southeast end of the forest clearing, which contained one fear-stricken werewolf, too overwhelmed to move. Before this wolf stood a large blue lizard of sorts, independently standing on its hind legs. At most 2â€8 tall, A menacing glare shot from its bland, plain optics.


The wolf in front of me and I could only watch in terror, overwhelmed by the sensation of fear in our bodies. A very familiar scent loomed in the air, Though a unique form of fear. This which was usually invigorating, fear from humans, seemed deadening, a decomposing feeling seemed to weaken all wolves around me.


Thoughts raced through my head, what should I do, how to respond, How can I hinder this nemesis?


I did the first thing that came to mind- Howl. If I reach a high enough tone, It may distract or damage this Torrask…?


I raised my voice as loud as I could; in as high a tone as my vocal cords can reach, and sounded the piercing screech through the forest.


I can only assume I cannot reach a high enough pitch, as it appeared to be merely an annoyance to this Torrask. Its attention drew over to me, I forced all the effort I could use into screeching louder, though my efforts were in vain… An odd striking sensation impacted my body from the Torrask before me, and I lost orientation, eventually Consciousness. Though in my last moments of sense, I heard odd squeak noises from the Torrask, I assume, and the rustling of Wolves…?


[Oooooooh Noooooo. o_o;]



You do mean that 2" means two inches, right? ' is what you use for feet.]

[i dont care about that ' " thing. And BTW, the Italic didnt work on the quotation mark. >D]

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[To make up for the big absence of storywriting here, i'll post Chapta 12 now. ._.]


Chapter Twelve


[Note: I had to think of some way of avoiding having to introduce this character properly, so I had that part in Chapter 11 as an excuse.]


I stood on the outskirts of this clearing that the wolf inhabitants seemed to fond of, with a new 'friend' I guess one could say, Out of earshot for most but still in eyesight of the group.


"Well… I am not quite the best person to ask of the matter, but I will tell you what I know of these Torrask's."


He had agreed to explain what was happening, to keep me on guard.


"Torrask's are likely to be the most dangerous creatures that I know of, but-"


"I know that much, just what are they capable of? What do they do?"


I interrupted him.


"Well, Torrask's are a truly intimidating symbiotic creature, which appear to be an oversize blue lizard. Noting they are symbiotic, They possess the ability to liquefy themselves. Once in this form, Most werewolves and humans have named this substance 'Torce'…â€


“This sounds vaguely familiar. Continue.â€


“Well, Torce is what Torrask’s are composed of, inside. Torce is mostly muscle, but in a liquid form. With a highly distinguishable color, and is frequently found near trees.â€


A strong fear struck at my heart as I realized that there is a Torrask in our presence- I saw some Torce in a tree, near the base of it, and in bits and parts of the forest ground.

Maintaining a calm sense about myself, I commented.


“Hold that thought for a moment, do you know fighting tactics or how to defend against these Torrask’s?â€


The wolf in front of me got a facial expression of realization as well, It appeared he recognized these signs as well. His eyes widened as he and I looked around ourselves, Sure enough, There was in fact some Torce dripping from some leaves and on the ground.


“Nothing. We have no weaponry here that can harm them.â€


“Shut up about that, What vulnerabilities do they have?!â€


“Extreme thermal conditions and supersonic sounds. Hypothermia means death for Torrask’s. Like I said, nothing we have here can harm them.â€


Realizing such helplessness I possessed before these creatures, I looked off to my left to see a Werewolf much like myself, inexplicably flying through the air in a manner as if a powerful attacker just unwillingly threw it.


I stepped aside, as the wolf careened through the air and crashed into the ground, and instantly lost consciousness.

An eerie silence loomed over the crowd of wolves, All attention drawn to the southeast end of the forest clearing, which contained one fear-stricken werewolf, too overwhelmed to move. Before this wolf stood a large blue lizard of sorts, independently standing on its hind legs. At most 2â€8 tall, A menacing glare shot from its bland, plain optics.


The wolf in front of me and I could only watch in terror, overwhelmed by the sensation of fear in our bodies. A very familiar scent loomed in the air, Though a unique form of fear. This which was usually invigorating, fear from humans, seemed deadening, a decomposing feeling seemed to weaken all wolves around me.


Thoughts raced through my head, what should I do, how to respond, How can I hinder this nemesis?


I did the first thing that came to mind- Howl. If I reach a high enough tone, It may distract or damage this Torrask…?


I raised my voice as loud as I could; in as high a tone as my vocal cords can reach, and sounded the piercing screech through the forest.


I can only assume I cannot reach a high enough pitch, as it appeared to be merely an annoyance to this Torrask. Its attention drew over to me, I forced all the effort I could use into screeching louder, though my efforts were in vain… An odd striking sensation impacted my body from the Torrask before me, and I lost orientation, eventually Consciousness. Though in my last moments of sense, I heard odd squeak noises from the Torrask, I assume, and the rustling of Wolves…?


[Oooooooh Noooooo. o_o;]



You do mean that 2" means two inches, right? ' is what you use for feet.]

[i dont care about that ' " thing. And BTW, the Italic didnt work on the quotation mark. >D]

[i didn't try to italicize the question mark. o.o]

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[Chapta 13 is taking a long time. and I still have yet to point out the significance of the Vampires, and let them do stuff (Bet'choo forgot about thems, eh? ;D ) Nor have I found Kat or Kris. <.<;]

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[Taken care of. >=D I know where Kat and Kris are, and there are vampires over there. Now to decide what happens with the wolf peoples and that Torrask. <.<;; -sits and thinks stuff up-]

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