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The Grim Hamster lord

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Rare appearance person, making a rare appearance!

OTTER *tacklecling*


How are you?! I haven't seen you in approximatly 10 billion years!

*wonders... 10 billion years... I had no idea otters lived that long*

They do when they're hiding from me. .____.


Okay! LOL

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xD This time around, I may actually stick around here. Becoming less and less active on puter, which may give me more time to be on here. But cant promise daily appearances, cause I have 4-H, dog agility lessons, choir, art club, soccer, and possibly jazz choir. Aye-yi-yi, its making my head spin!

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xD This time around, I may actually stick around here. Becoming less and less active on puter, which may give me more time to be on here. But cant promise daily appearances, cause I have 4-H, dog agility lessons, choir, art club, soccer, and possibly jazz choir. Aye-yi-yi, its making my head spin!


Wow. o.O; you have a lot on your plate.

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  • 1 month later...



I didn't post yesterday, just stepped in shortly. However, long enough to bei spotted. :lol:

I don't know when I posted the last time, but it's a couple of days I guess. :blink:

Well, i'm fine. I'm still studying biology in Cologne. Did I tell you that I'm also living there since March?

I just started my advanced study period a few weeks ago.

I'm doing genetics. Since this is an international science and there are also some students from other countries, all my modules are in english now.

Surprisingly, it's easier than I thought before.

Ok, now it's your turn. How are things? Anything new?


Greetings from Cologne (where the fifth season- Karneval- started yesterday :lol: ),


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I didn't post yesterday, just stepped in shortly. However, long enough to bei spotted. :lol:

I don't know when I posted the last time, but it's a couple of days I guess. :blink:

Well, i'm fine. I'm still studying biology in Cologne. Did I tell you that I'm also living there since March?

I just started my advanced study period a few weeks ago.

I'm doing genetics. Since this is an international science and there are also some students from other countries, all my modules are in english now.

Surprisingly, it's easier than I thought before.

Ok, now it's your turn. How are things? Anything new?


Greetings from Cologne (where the fifth season- Karneval- started yesterday :lol: ),


LEGUAN !!!!!!

I am so happy to see you!!!!!!!! You have certainly been missed.

Please pick a place, make a post and I will pin the topic for you. This way you are never lost and we can keep up with you.


As for us... well, not much is new. I am riding my bike all over the place and sometimes wish I did not have to go to work. Perhaps we can ride together sometime. :D


Your English is better than mine. :lol: So I am certain you are doing well in your studies. Genetics... wow, that is a difficult course of studies.


Karneval... I wish I was there. Cologne is such a magnificent city and all the fall and winter festivals are the greatest fun.

I love Gluewein (spelling?) on a cold night, it tastes so great.


Not much else, I am getting my pictures ready to post, so please keep looking at my topic in HampsterDance Talk.

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As for us... well, not much is new. I am riding my bike all over the place and sometimes wish I did not have to go to work. Perhaps we can ride together sometime.


Would be great. B)



So I am certain you are doing well in your studies. Genetics... wow, that is a difficult course of studies.


It's not that difficult because i'm very interested in it. It's fascinating what you can do with genetics. It's developing rapidly. The human genome project was supposed to be finished in 2015- and it was already finished in 2001. It cost 3 billion dollars. Today they told us in the lecture that there is a new technique in development which makes it already possible to sequence the human genome within one month for only 100000 dollars. In five years it will only take a couple of days and a few thousand of dollars to do it. Then it will be available for example in the medicine for personal diagnostics. Amazing, isn't it?


I love Gluewein (spelling?) on a cold night, it tastes so great.


It's Glühwein. ;)


Not much else, I am getting my pictures ready to post, so please keep looking at my topic in HampsterDance Talk.


I'm very curious.

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As for us... well, not much is new. I am riding my bike all over the place and sometimes wish I did not have to go to work. Perhaps we can ride together sometime.


Would be great. B)

No kidding... it would be phenomenal!



So I am certain you are doing well in your studies. Genetics... wow, that is a difficult course of studies.


It's not that difficult because i'm very interested in it. It's fascinating what you can do with genetics. It's developing rapidly. The human genome project was supposed to be finished in 2015- and it was already finished in 2001. It cost 3 billion dollars. Today they told us in the lecture that there is a new technique in development which makes it already possible to sequence the human genome within one month for only 100000 dollars. In five years it will only take a couple of days and a few thousand of dollars to do it. Then it will be available for example in the medicine for personal diagnostics. Amazing, isn't it?

The advances in science always amaze me. My mind cannot comprehend what advances we will have accomplished by 01 January 2100.

Medicine continues to surpass itself due to all the research scientists. Each and every time I watch the launch of the shuttle or a rocket, I think of the dedication of all the people involved and how excited they must feel to see their fruits of their labour. When you look at the moon and think of humans walking around on it, to me that is incredible. Think of all the accomplishments in the field of genetics. Police can now pinpoint with total accuracy a criminal because of his DNA. You can track your heritage all the way back to the beginning of time. Next, we will carry around little chips that have our medical history on them and every human will be able to afford personal diagnostics. Totally cool. It's great to hear you are interested in the genetics field, I believe you will enjoy a career there.



I love Gluewein (spelling?) on a cold night, it tastes so great.


It's Glühwein. ;)

LOL... After I looked at my spelling error, I really started to laugh. Wine that is made from "glue"... or something along those lines. This made me laugh.



Not much else, I am getting my pictures ready to post, so please keep looking at my topic in HampsterDance Talk.


I'm very curious.

Posted before you wake tomorrow.

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I didn't post yesterday, just stepped in shortly. However, long enough to bei spotted. :lol:

I don't know when I posted the last time, but it's a couple of days I guess. :blink:

Well, i'm fine. I'm still studying biology in Cologne. Did I tell you that I'm also living there since March?

I just started my advanced study period a few weeks ago.

I'm doing genetics. Since this is an international science and there are also some students from other countries, all my modules are in english now.

Surprisingly, it's easier than I thought before.

Ok, now it's your turn. How are things? Anything new?


Greetings from Cologne (where the fifth season- Karneval- started yesterday :lol: ),


Cool, my roommate is also studying biology, but he is focusing on neuroscience. He's doing two labs this semester and next semester. :blink: I hope you're not that insane (unless, well, you have to do that. I know that my roommate does have lots of classes to take).


As for me, I'm doing math. B) And it looks like I'll graduate before senior year thanks to my transfer credits.

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  • 2 months later...

when's the last time this happened?post-5155-1201222032_thumb.png

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...
Yay! ^_^

That's worth lots of points!!!!


How many?

Let's see... a couple hundred thousand? How does that sound?

Sounds fair enough, as long as I get half of them.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 3 years later...

idk where this would go but.... lots of guests?


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