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Impromptu Unrestricted Storywriting!

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(Actually, Oh Canada is an A.D. phrase for being surprised.)


MK listened to Foreigner's Hot Blooded.

Glowwy-boy stats talking like arkcher-face. Then he stops. And changes the music to lemon demon. Everyone rejoices.

MK, deprived of her Rock And Roll, went out and bought a Ram Jam CD.

Arkcher laughs at MK.

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(Actually, Oh Canada is an A.D. phrase for being surprised.)


MK listened to Foreigner's Hot Blooded.

Glowwy-boy stats talking like arkcher-face. Then he stops. And changes the music to lemon demon. Everyone rejoices.

MK, deprived of her Rock And Roll, went out and bought a Ram Jam CD.

Arkcher laughs at MK.

Glowurm sleeps. Because he can, it being holidays and all. =D

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(Actually, Oh Canada is an A.D. phrase for being surprised.)


MK listened to Foreigner's Hot Blooded.

Glowwy-boy stats talking like arkcher-face. Then he stops. And changes the music to lemon demon. Everyone rejoices.

MK, deprived of her Rock And Roll, went out and bought a Ram Jam CD.

Arkcher laughs at MK.

Glowurm sleeps. Because he can, it being holidays and all. =D

Arkcher dumps water on Glowurm.


and then runs like ####.

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(Actually, Oh Canada is an A.D. phrase for being surprised.)


MK listened to Foreigner's Hot Blooded.

Glowwy-boy stats talking like arkcher-face. Then he stops. And changes the music to lemon demon. Everyone rejoices.

MK, deprived of her Rock And Roll, went out and bought a Ram Jam CD.

Arkcher laughs at MK.

Glowurm sleeps. Because he can, it being holidays and all. =D

Arkcher dumps water on Glowurm.


and then runs like ####.

Glowurm wakes up and glows.


And then thanks Arkcher.


It's #### hot here.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


MK, after reading this whole TAWPEEK, decided to make it funny and random again.


So, she brought about teh acopalypse.


When the world began again, MK was inside an empty bottle of Dr. pepper trying to finda way out so she could discover a new colour and call it Zemonle. She promptly took out a bass guitar and whacked the bottle to bits, only to relise she was in SSBB, and her opponet, Arkcher, was over there. MK went up to him, and decided to throw him. So she put him in a mini-grinder ® and tossed him up in the air, causing 15% damage. Arkcher recoiled with Arkchery skeels and threw a berger at MK, but using her dunce cap technique she sent the arrow back in Arkcher's direction. He died. Kyle appeared out of no where and and started playing Guitar Hero on a slab of rock.


Then the console was turned off.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau8~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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Cheesemaster, who decided to join in the writing, started typing a small story thing. Suddenly, a tree suddenly attacked me and i suddenly decided to suddenly put suddenly before every verb. Suddenly, i stopped puting that word in at all. Then the apocalypse happened. Cheesey saw a soda can rocking around. He used a 1-hit KO move on the can, and out popped Mk. She found her color, but it wasn't visible due to the fact that it had a wavelength that the human eyes couldn't register it 'cause it was so unbelieveably awesome. He then painted a picture using it, and became a multi-infinity-aire.

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Cheesemaster, who decided to join in the writing, started typing a small story thing. Suddenly, a tree suddenly attacked me and i suddenly decided to suddenly put suddenly before every verb. Suddenly, i stopped puting that word in at all. Then the apocalypse happened. Cheesey saw a soda can rocking around. He used a 1-hit KO move on the can, and out popped Mk. She found her color, but it wasn't visible due to the fact that it had a wavelength that the human eyes couldn't register it 'cause it was so unbelieveably awesome. He then painted a picture using it, and became a multi-infinity-aire.

MK, however, could see her colour. It was so really awesome that she would explode if she began to describe it.

When MK saw Cheesey, she decidided it would be best to steer clear of his incredible SSB skills. Arkcher had only one life left so she decided to kill him. She used his upB move to fly on an Eagle and peck Ark's eyeballs out, and then kicked him. But she accidentally floyded him. While he layed on the ground, she banged him with her Side-B move, Bass Guitar.

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Cheesemaster, who decided to join in the writing, started typing a small story thing. Suddenly, a tree suddenly attacked me and i suddenly decided to suddenly put suddenly before every verb. Suddenly, i stopped puting that word in at all. Then the apocalypse happened. Cheesey saw a soda can rocking around. He used a 1-hit KO move on the can, and out popped Mk. She found her color, but it wasn't visible due to the fact that it had a wavelength that the human eyes couldn't register it 'cause it was so unbelieveably awesome. He then painted a picture using it, and became a multi-infinity-aire.

MK, however, could see her colour. It was so really awesome that she would explode if she began to describe it.

When MK saw Cheesey, she decidided it would be best to steer clear of his incredible SSB skills. Arkcher had only one life left so she decided to kill him. She used his upB move to fly on an Eagle and peck Ark's eyeballs out, and then kicked him. But she accidentally floyded him. While he layed on the ground, she banged him with her Side-B move, Bass Guitar.

Glowurm was scared of MK at that point, and had decided not to survive the apocalypse.

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Cheesemaster, who decided to join in the writing, started typing a small story thing. Suddenly, a tree suddenly attacked me and i suddenly decided to suddenly put suddenly before every verb. Suddenly, i stopped puting that word in at all. Then the apocalypse happened. Cheesey saw a soda can rocking around. He used a 1-hit KO move on the can, and out popped Mk. She found her color, but it wasn't visible due to the fact that it had a wavelength that the human eyes couldn't register it 'cause it was so unbelieveably awesome. He then painted a picture using it, and became a multi-infinity-aire.

MK, however, could see her colour. It was so really awesome that she would explode if she began to describe it.

When MK saw Cheesey, she decidided it would be best to steer clear of his incredible SSB skills. Arkcher had only one life left so she decided to kill him. She used his upB move to fly on an Eagle and peck Ark's eyeballs out, and then kicked him. But she accidentally floyded him. While he layed on the ground, she banged him with her Side-B move, Bass Guitar.

Glowurm was scared of MK at that point, and had decided not to survive the apocalypse.

As Glow was running off the stage, Cheesey came over as sheik and pwned him back onto it. Sheik went back into zelda, and used her magical powers to heal glow so that he had 0% damage. Realizing the threat that was MK, Cheesey(sheik) and glow([insert your character here, glow]) decided to team up against the King.

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Cheesemaster, who decided to join in the writing, started typing a small story thing. Suddenly, a tree suddenly attacked me and i suddenly decided to suddenly put suddenly before every verb. Suddenly, i stopped puting that word in at all. Then the apocalypse happened. Cheesey saw a soda can rocking around. He used a 1-hit KO move on the can, and out popped Mk. She found her color, but it wasn't visible due to the fact that it had a wavelength that the human eyes couldn't register it 'cause it was so unbelieveably awesome. He then painted a picture using it, and became a multi-infinity-aire.

MK, however, could see her colour. It was so really awesome that she would explode if she began to describe it.

When MK saw Cheesey, she decidided it would be best to steer clear of his incredible SSB skills. Arkcher had only one life left so she decided to kill him. She used his upB move to fly on an Eagle and peck Ark's eyeballs out, and then kicked him. But she accidentally floyded him. While he layed on the ground, she banged him with her Side-B move, Bass Guitar.

Glowurm was scared of MK at that point, and had decided not to survive the apocalypse.

As Glow was running off the stage, Cheesey came over as sheik and pwned him back onto it. Sheik went back into zelda, and used her magical powers to heal glow so that he had 0% damage. Realizing the threat that was MK, Cheesey(sheik) and glow([insert your character here, glow]) decided to team up against the King.

MK, using her awsome powers, turned into the Bat Out Of ####.

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While being BassGuiar-owned, Arkcher begins pondering some SSBM moves for himself, as he had not planned such before.

After much floyding and pwning and meat grinding and dunce-capping, Arkcher stands up, defiantly.

"My turn now!"


He runs over to MK with an arrow drawn, but just before he could release it, MK poked him. He promptly flew off the stage and lost his last life, being at 562% damage.




Not really.

Arkcher steals one of Cheesie's lives and comes back to haunt everyone.

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While being BassGuiar-owned, Arkcher begins pondering some SSBM moves for himself, as he had not planned such before.

After much floyding and pwning and meat grinding and dunce-capping, Arkcher stands up, defiantly.

"My turn now!"


He runs over to MK with an arrow drawn, but just before he could release it, MK poked him. He promptly flew off the stage and lost his last life, being at 562% damage.




Not really.

Arkcher steals one of Cheesie's lives and comes back to haunt everyone.

However, the one lost life had little affect, due to the fact that he had 5 million.

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Cheesemaster, who decided to join in the writing, started typing a small story thing. Suddenly, a tree suddenly attacked me and i suddenly decided to suddenly put suddenly before every verb. Suddenly, i stopped puting that word in at all. Then the apocalypse happened. Cheesey saw a soda can rocking around. He used a 1-hit KO move on the can, and out popped Mk. She found her color, but it wasn't visible due to the fact that it had a wavelength that the human eyes couldn't register it 'cause it was so unbelieveably awesome. He then painted a picture using it, and became a multi-infinity-aire.

MK, however, could see her colour. It was so really awesome that she would explode if she began to describe it.

When MK saw Cheesey, she decidided it would be best to steer clear of his incredible SSB skills. Arkcher had only one life left so she decided to kill him. She used his upB move to fly on an Eagle and peck Ark's eyeballs out, and then kicked him. But she accidentally floyded him. While he layed on the ground, she banged him with her Side-B move, Bass Guitar.

Glowurm was scared of MK at that point, and had decided not to survive the apocalypse.

As Glow was running off the stage, Cheesey came over as sheik and pwned him back onto it. Sheik went back into zelda, and used her magical powers to heal glow so that he had 0% damage. Realizing the threat that was MK, Cheesey(sheik) and glow([insert your character here, glow]) decided to team up against the King.

Glowurm awwed as he was forced back onto the stage. Then he had an idea! He used his super powers of choosing characters to become Jigglypuff and put everyone to sleep, then he snuck off once and for all while he pondered, when he came back, who to be and what to do. Remembering he was still Jigglypuff, he switched back into Glowurm.

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Glowurm was hit by one of them, and exploded.


But due to being a wurm, every single speck of blood and gore was still alive, and so one glowurm became many glowurms. At that point, glow decided he was perfectly happy being glowurm and wasn't going to choose one of the available characters. He'd just have to ponder what attacks he could use. He accidentally was put through the shredder while thinking, but on the good side, it gave him an idea.


Unfortunately, the power failed and everyone was sad. Then it came back up and it took next to no time to get back to where they were.

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Glowurm was hit by one of them, and exploded.


But due to being a wurm, every single speck of blood and gore was still alive, and so one glowurm became many glowurms. At that point, glow decided he was perfectly happy being glowurm and wasn't going to choose one of the available characters. He'd just have to ponder what attacks he could use. He accidentally was put through the shredder while thinking, but on the good side, it gave him an idea.


Unfortunately, the power failed and everyone was sad. Then it came back up and it took next to no time to get back to where they were.

However, in the confusion, cheesey/sheik came about and ninja'd everyone, so they got pwned. To the EXTREME!

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Glowurm was hit by one of them, and exploded.


But due to being a wurm, every single speck of blood and gore was still alive, and so one glowurm became many glowurms. At that point, glow decided he was perfectly happy being glowurm and wasn't going to choose one of the available characters. He'd just have to ponder what attacks he could use. He accidentally was put through the shredder while thinking, but on the good side, it gave him an idea.


Unfortunately, the power failed and everyone was sad. Then it came back up and it took next to no time to get back to where they were.

However, in the confusion, cheesey/sheik came about and ninja'd everyone, so they got pwned. To the EXTREME!

Glowurm was sad because he was pwned, so the brain part sent one of the other parts to go put cheesie in the shredder. The part did, and Glowurm was happy.


Then Glowurm decided that to be a serious contender he would have to be a full glowurm, so all the different parts of him that were exploded ceme back together. They had to break apart and reform a couple of times becase of confusion, but luckily he wasn't pwned during that time. After finally reforming into one proper glowurm, he burrowed underground and caused the ground underneath arkcher to collapse, which he fed through the shredder untiil arkcher was on the same level as him. He promptly attacked arkcher with madd ninja-pirate skillz he learnt before he even knew about chris the ninja-pirate and went on his merry way.

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Cheesey, after being put through the shreddar(like, cheddar shredder) came back together and totally pwnd the ninja-pirate, because pirating is a detraction from skill and therefor pure ninja is better.

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MK died.

Arkcher pointed at her and laughed.

MK rose from the dead as a zombie and ate Arkcher's brains.

Except he didn't have any.

(Wait, then where does he keep all the knowledge on compies?)


MK, using her music-rekated transformation powers, turned into Godzilla.


(Or Shroomzilla.)

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MK died.

Arkcher pointed at her and laughed.

MK rose from the dead as a zombie and ate Arkcher's brains.

Except he didn't have any.

(Wait, then where does he keep all the knowledge on compies?)


MK, using her music-rekated transformation powers, turned into Godzilla.


(Or Shroomzilla.)

Duh. He keeps it on a flash drive. :P

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MK died.

Arkcher pointed at her and laughed.

MK rose from the dead as a zombie and ate Arkcher's brains.

Except he didn't have any.

(Wait, then where does he keep all the knowledge on compies?)


MK, using her music-rekated transformation powers, turned into Godzilla.


(Or Shroomzilla.)

Glowurm screams. Then goes on with daily life.

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  • 1 month later...
MK started to add something to the very random tale....AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! JEFF TROPHY! AHHHHHHHHHHH!

Unfortunately, the jeff trophy was eaten by a small dog, thus ending the possible plot line.


The dog felt sick, so he went home to lay down. Perhaps it was something he ate, or so he thought. He was just laying around, minding his own business, when he suddenly hears a rumbling noise. The dog jumped on his feet, and began to run in the other direction because there, rushing towards him, was a million GIANT SIZED JEFF TROPHIES, LOOKING FOR REVENGE!!!

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MK, who seemed to have dressed like Joey Ramone that day...



Suddenly turned into a barney, who then promptly sat upon the dapper spider. Who was now a flatter spider.

"Great Scott!" exclaimed the spider. Nobody quite knows what happened next. Some say his heart grew ten sizes that day. Others say he's just a legend, a thing of myth that never actually existed in the first place. All that's known for sure is that he ate a Cheeto.

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MK, who seemed to have dressed like Joey Ramone that day...



Suddenly turned into a barney, who then promptly sat upon the dapper spider. Who was now a flatter spider.

"Great Scott!" exclaimed the spider. Nobody quite knows what happened next. Some say his heart grew ten sizes that day. Others say he's just a legend, a thing of myth that never actually existed in the first place. All that's known for sure is that he ate a Cheeto.


Historians realised that if he definitely ate a cheeto, he must be real. So, and epic mystery that had been there since the beginning of time was solved. In about 2 seconds.

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MK looked in the mirror. She relised that she didn't just lok like Joey, she WAS Joey Ramone! D=

She (Or he...) ran off in the oppisite direction, but she hit a wall.

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MK, who seemed to have dressed like Joey Ramone that day...



Suddenly turned into a barney, who then promptly sat upon the dapper spider. Who was now a flatter spider.

"Great Scott!" exclaimed the spider. Nobody quite knows what happened next. Some say his heart grew ten sizes that day. Others say he's just a legend, a thing of myth that never actually existed in the first place. All that's known for sure is that he ate a Cheeto.


Historians realised that if he definitely ate a cheeto, he must be real. So, and epic mystery that had been there since the beginning of time was solved. In about 2 seconds.

Until some rogue scientists with something to prove began to doubt the existance of the Cheeto itself.

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MK, who seemed to have dressed like Joey Ramone that day...



Suddenly turned into a barney, who then promptly sat upon the dapper spider. Who was now a flatter spider.

"Great Scott!" exclaimed the spider. Nobody quite knows what happened next. Some say his heart grew ten sizes that day. Others say he's just a legend, a thing of myth that never actually existed in the first place. All that's known for sure is that he ate a Cheeto.


Historians realised that if he definitely ate a cheeto, he must be real. So, and epic mystery that had been there since the beginning of time was solved. In about 2 seconds.

Until some rogue scientists with something to prove began to doubt the existance of the Cheeto itself.

After much research, they had proven, beyond all shadow of a doubt, that there was no cheeto packet. However, it is unknown if the cheeto may have been a stale one found in the back of a couch. Why they didn't just skip the cheeto and work on the spider itself is unknown as of yet.

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MK, who seemed to have dressed like Joey Ramone that day...



Suddenly turned into a barney, who then promptly sat upon the dapper spider. Who was now a flatter spider.

"Great Scott!" exclaimed the spider. Nobody quite knows what happened next. Some say his heart grew ten sizes that day. Others say he's just a legend, a thing of myth that never actually existed in the first place. All that's known for sure is that he ate a Cheeto.


Historians realised that if he definitely ate a cheeto, he must be real. So, and epic mystery that had been there since the beginning of time was solved. In about 2 seconds.

Until some rogue scientists with something to prove began to doubt the existance of the Cheeto itself.

After much research, they had proven, beyond all shadow of a doubt, that there was no cheeto packet. However, it is unknown if the cheeto may have been a stale one found in the back of a couch. Why they didn't just skip the cheeto and work on the spider itself is unknown as of yet.



Another theory is that it wasn't a cheeto at all, but instead it was a cheesey-poof. It was found behind the sofa, and found to be a few years old. But it wasn't stale.

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MK, who seemed to have dressed like Joey Ramone that day...



Suddenly turned into a barney, who then promptly sat upon the dapper spider. Who was now a flatter spider.

"Great Scott!" exclaimed the spider. Nobody quite knows what happened next. Some say his heart grew ten sizes that day. Others say he's just a legend, a thing of myth that never actually existed in the first place. All that's known for sure is that he ate a Cheeto.


Historians realised that if he definitely ate a cheeto, he must be real. So, and epic mystery that had been there since the beginning of time was solved. In about 2 seconds.

Until some rogue scientists with something to prove began to doubt the existance of the Cheeto itself.

After much research, they had proven, beyond all shadow of a doubt, that there was no cheeto packet. However, it is unknown if the cheeto may have been a stale one found in the back of a couch. Why they didn't just skip the cheeto and work on the spider itself is unknown as of yet.



Another theory is that it wasn't a cheeto at all, but instead it was a cheesey-poof. It was found behind the sofa, and found to be a few years old. But it wasn't stale.

Scientists were baffled. How could it possibly remain fresh after years behind the couch. The dicovery shook the world. The Cheeto/cheese puff, although nobody was sure it even existed, was decreed to be holy.

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MK, who seemed to have dressed like Joey Ramone that day...



Suddenly turned into a barney, who then promptly sat upon the dapper spider. Who was now a flatter spider.

"Great Scott!" exclaimed the spider. Nobody quite knows what happened next. Some say his heart grew ten sizes that day. Others say he's just a legend, a thing of myth that never actually existed in the first place. All that's known for sure is that he ate a Cheeto.


Historians realised that if he definitely ate a cheeto, he must be real. So, and epic mystery that had been there since the beginning of time was solved. In about 2 seconds.

Until some rogue scientists with something to prove began to doubt the existance of the Cheeto itself.

After much research, they had proven, beyond all shadow of a doubt, that there was no cheeto packet. However, it is unknown if the cheeto may have been a stale one found in the back of a couch. Why they didn't just skip the cheeto and work on the spider itself is unknown as of yet.



Another theory is that it wasn't a cheeto at all, but instead it was a cheesey-poof. It was found behind the sofa, and found to be a few years old. But it wasn't stale.

Scientists were baffled. How could it possibly remain fresh after years behind the couch. The dicovery shook the world. The Cheeto/cheese puff, although nobody was sure it even existed, was decreed to be holy.


Then, however, the battle for which religion it was holy to. The New Crusades, as they were called, was to last for the next 5000 years. And thus, the dorito was formed.

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But upon further investigation, Jesus was found behind the couch.


eating the holy cheetoes.

Dee Dee Ramone was also at the scene for no apparant reason. MK was staring at him.

Suddenly, someone screamed 'cause they thought he was a zawm-bee.

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What with the Cheeto being eaten and the Dorito coming into play, the world entered a new era filled with finely-crafted rope and paper plates.



They provided all the basic needs for life, not to mention transportation and money. All currency was based off of these as well.

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Lemon-scented Grape-Flavored Oranges that were Pink were a delicacy and only royalty could eat them in this new time period.



The commoners were all up in the royalty's grillz about this travesty, and a revolt was soon to come.

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Lemon-scented Grape-Flavored Oranges that were Pink were a delicacy and only royalty could eat them in this new time period.



The commoners were all up in the royalty's grillz about this travesty, and a revolt was soon to come.

That is, until the aliens landed, and showed the Earthlings how to live together in harmony.

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Lemon-scented Grape-Flavored Oranges that were Pink were a delicacy and only royalty could eat them in this new time period.



The commoners were all up in the royalty's grillz about this travesty, and a revolt was soon to come.

That is, until the aliens landed, and showed the Earthlings how to live together in harmony.

These aliens, led by almighty ruler MK, needed to ask their almighty God Syd Barret on whether this was teh correct decision...


However, God was too busy visiting his homies, so Jesus, aka Joey Ramone, had to cover for him.

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Lemon-scented Grape-Flavored Oranges that were Pink were a delicacy and only royalty could eat them in this new time period.



The commoners were all up in the royalty's grillz about this travesty, and a revolt was soon to come.

That is, until the aliens landed, and showed the Earthlings how to live together in harmony.

These aliens, led by almighty ruler MK, needed to ask their almighty God Syd Barret on whether this was teh correct decision...


However, God was too busy visiting his homies, so Jesus, aka Joey Ramone, had to cover for him.


While the aliens showed all the people of earth how to live in harmony, getting the humans to actually follow the advice didn't work. The only change was that it increased the playa' hatin', cause many more grillz to be all gotten up in.

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Glowurm entered the scene, pwned everything for no, reason, and returned to school.

After Glowurm left, and everybody stopped sippin' on their Haterade, a spotted lemur arrived on the scene.

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Glowurm entered the scene, pwned everything for no, reason, and returned to school.

After Glowurm left, and everybody stopped sippin' on their Haterade, a spotted lemur arrived on the scene.


His stripes amazeda all.

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until in an surprising twist of expectaions, it was roped by a passing cow.


The cow promptly exploded, as chuck norris wanted some leather boots.

Then he got bored and left. Some other guy wandered up to where he was standing and did a dance.

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until in an surprising twist of expectaions, it was roped by a passing cow.


The cow promptly exploded, as chuck norris wanted some leather boots.

Then he got bored and left. Some other guy wandered up to where he was standing and did a dance.


The man turned out to be Mr. T, trying to appease the god that is Chuck.

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until in an surprising twist of expectaions, it was roped by a passing cow.


The cow promptly exploded, as chuck norris wanted some leather boots.

Then he got bored and left. Some other guy wandered up to where he was standing and did a dance.


The man turned out to be Mr. T, trying to appease the god that is Chuck.

Suddenly, Eric Clapton, Bill Haley, Chuck Norris, Andy Warhol, and Jimi Hendrix started keelyoudeading each other!


"CLASH OF THE GODS!" shouted C. Jay Ramone.

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until in an surprising twist of expectaions, it was roped by a passing cow.


The cow promptly exploded, as chuck norris wanted some leather boots.

Then he got bored and left. Some other guy wandered up to where he was standing and did a dance.


The man turned out to be Mr. T, trying to appease the god that is Chuck.

Suddenly, Eric Clapton, Bill Haley, Chuck Norris, Andy Warhol, and Jimi Hendrix started keelyoudeading each other!


"CLASH OF THE GODS!" shouted C. Jay Ramone.

Elsewhere, a kitten meowed.

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until in an surprising twist of expectaions, it was roped by a passing cow.


The cow promptly exploded, as chuck norris wanted some leather boots.

Then he got bored and left. Some other guy wandered up to where he was standing and did a dance.


The man turned out to be Mr. T, trying to appease the god that is Chuck.

Suddenly, Eric Clapton, Bill Haley, Chuck Norris, Andy Warhol, and Jimi Hendrix started keelyoudeading each other!


"CLASH OF THE GODS!" shouted C. Jay Ramone.

Elsewhere, a kitten meowed.



It was then declared holy, due to it's strange resemblence to swiss cheese.

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until in an surprising twist of expectaions, it was roped by a passing cow.


The cow promptly exploded, as chuck norris wanted some leather boots.

Then he got bored and left. Some other guy wandered up to where he was standing and did a dance.


The man turned out to be Mr. T, trying to appease the god that is Chuck.

Suddenly, Eric Clapton, Bill Haley, Chuck Norris, Andy Warhol, and Jimi Hendrix started keelyoudeading each other!


"CLASH OF THE GODS!" shouted C. Jay Ramone.

Elsewhere, a kitten meowed.



It was then declared holy, due to it's strange resemblence to swiss cheese.

The cat's name was Pat Benatar.

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until in an surprising twist of expectaions, it was roped by a passing cow.


The cow promptly exploded, as chuck norris wanted some leather boots.

Then he got bored and left. Some other guy wandered up to where he was standing and did a dance.


The man turned out to be Mr. T, trying to appease the god that is Chuck.

Suddenly, Eric Clapton, Bill Haley, Chuck Norris, Andy Warhol, and Jimi Hendrix started keelyoudeading each other!


"CLASH OF THE GODS!" shouted C. Jay Ramone.

Elsewhere, a kitten meowed.



It was then declared holy, due to it's strange resemblence to swiss cheese.

The cat's name was Pat Benatar.



backwards, that spells Rratane B. Tap.

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until in an surprising twist of expectaions, it was roped by a passing cow.


The cow promptly exploded, as chuck norris wanted some leather boots.

Then he got bored and left. Some other guy wandered up to where he was standing and did a dance.


The man turned out to be Mr. T, trying to appease the god that is Chuck.

Suddenly, Eric Clapton, Bill Haley, Chuck Norris, Andy Warhol, and Jimi Hendrix started keelyoudeading each other!


"CLASH OF THE GODS!" shouted C. Jay Ramone.

Elsewhere, a kitten meowed.



It was then declared holy, due to it's strange resemblence to swiss cheese.

The cat's name was Pat Benatar.



backwards, that spells Rratane B. Tap.

And thus was the Kittie's name.

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But that didnt work so very well.


so Arkcher came and supplied some Apple Pies.

and then bought an air soft gun despite hes not 18 yet.

The robot police came and ate him for his insolence.

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But that didnt work so very well.


so Arkcher came and supplied some Apple Pies.

and then bought an air soft gun despite hes not 18 yet.

The robot police came and ate him for his insolence.


And cheesey brought his own so that he could pwnulate everyone.

I came up with a random word by accident today! =D

plurify. Kinda like pluralize, although said when really tired in spanglish. xD

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But that didnt work so very well.


so Arkcher came and supplied some Apple Pies.

and then bought an air soft gun despite hes not 18 yet.

The robot police came and ate him for his insolence.


And cheesey brought his own so that he could pwnulate everyone.

I came up with a random word by accident today! =D

plurify. Kinda like pluralize, although said when really tired in spanglish. xD

I think my favorite made-up word ever is fastishlyish.

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But that didnt work so very well.


so Arkcher came and supplied some Apple Pies.

and then bought an air soft gun despite hes not 18 yet.

The robot police came and ate him for his insolence.


And cheesey brought his own so that he could pwnulate everyone.

I came up with a random word by accident today! =D

plurify. Kinda like pluralize, although said when really tired in spanglish. xD

I think my favorite made-up word ever is fastishlyish.



Fastishlyish: the speed at which - Kat's - shiny golden Claymore slices through the air. LOL

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But that didnt work so very well.


so Arkcher came and supplied some Apple Pies.

and then bought an air soft gun despite hes not 18 yet.

The robot police came and ate him for his insolence.


And cheesey brought his own so that he could pwnulate everyone.

I came up with a random word by accident today! =D

plurify. Kinda like pluralize, although said when really tired in spanglish. xD

I think my favorite made-up word ever is fastishlyish.



Fastishlyish: the speed at which - Kat's - shiny golden Claymore slices through the air. LOL

XD ^5, Horatio.

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But that didnt work so very well.


so Arkcher came and supplied some Apple Pies.

and then bought an air soft gun despite hes not 18 yet.

The robot police came and ate him for his insolence.


And cheesey brought his own so that he could pwnulate everyone.

I came up with a random word by accident today! =D

plurify. Kinda like pluralize, although said when really tired in spanglish. xD

I think my favorite made-up word ever is fastishlyish.



Fastishlyish: the speed at which - Kat's - shiny golden Claymore slices through the air. LOL

XD ^5, Horatio.


now we have 'Raishey x 'Raishey x 'Raishey x 'Raishey x 'Raishey?

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But that didnt work so very well.


so Arkcher came and supplied some Apple Pies.

and then bought an air soft gun despite hes not 18 yet.

The robot police came and ate him for his insolence.


And cheesey brought his own so that he could pwnulate everyone.

I came up with a random word by accident today! =D

plurify. Kinda like pluralize, although said when really tired in spanglish. xD

I think my favorite made-up word ever is fastishlyish.



Fastishlyish: the speed at which - Kat's - shiny golden Claymore slices through the air. LOL

XD ^5, Horatio.


now we have 'Raishey x 'Raishey x 'Raishey x 'Raishey x 'Raishey?

No, that would be Horatio^5.

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But that didnt work so very well.


so Arkcher came and supplied some Apple Pies.

and then bought an air soft gun despite hes not 18 yet.

The robot police came and ate him for his insolence.


And cheesey brought his own so that he could pwnulate everyone.

I came up with a random word by accident today! =D

plurify. Kinda like pluralize, although said when really tired in spanglish. xD

I think my favorite made-up word ever is fastishlyish.



Fastishlyish: the speed at which - Kat's - shiny golden Claymore slices through the air. LOL

XD ^5, Horatio.


now we have 'Raishey x 'Raishey x 'Raishey x 'Raishey x 'Raishey?

No, that would be Horatio^5.

Well, then, what is ^5 Horatio?

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(any guesses?)



Vince Von Vroom?


I have no clue. xD

It's Joey Ramone.

And how was I supposed to know this? :P

[i was LOOKING at him...]



Gregg Allman suddenly appeared.

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(any guesses?)



Vince Von Vroom?


I have no clue. xD

It's Joey Ramone.

And how was I supposed to know this? :P

[i was LOOKING at him...]


Gregg Allman suddenly appeared.

Fantastic siggy Mushroom_king!!!

*bakes Mushroom_king a dozen cupcakes*

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(any guesses?)



Vince Von Vroom?


I have no clue. xD

It's Joey Ramone.

And how was I supposed to know this? :P

[i was LOOKING at him...]


Gregg Allman suddenly appeared.

Fantastic siggy Mushroom_king!!!

*bakes Mushroom_king a dozen cupcakes*

Thank you. :D *eats her cupcakes*

April 15th is the anniversary of Joey's death from Lycomphenic (sp?) cancer, so I saved my siggy in Notepad and made a memorial siggy. I'll make one for Syd Barret too.

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(any guesses?)



Vince Von Vroom?


I have no clue. xD

It's Joey Ramone.

And how was I supposed to know this? :P

[i was LOOKING at him...]


Gregg Allman suddenly appeared.

Fantastic siggy Mushroom_king!!!

*bakes Mushroom_king a dozen cupcakes*

Thank you. :D *eats her cupcakes*

April 15th is the anniversary of Joey's death from Lycomphenic (sp?) cancer, so I saved my siggy in Notepad and made a memorial siggy. I'll make one for Syd Barret too.

I'm still unsure. I've tried looking it up, but everyone says something different.

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Pies that meant face-melting Death for all who looked upon them, even worse that the ark of the covenant in Indiana jones.

It was up to dear old Indie himself to save the world.

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Pies that meant face-melting Death for all who looked upon them, even worse that the ark of the covenant in Indiana jones.

It was up to dear old Indie himself to save the world.



Or a ninja!

Who promptly was awsome.

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Pies that meant face-melting Death for all who looked upon them, even worse that the ark of the covenant in Indiana jones.

It was up to dear old Indie himself to save the world.



Or a ninja!

Who promptly was awsome.

Then the ninja left. People forgot what was going on and went back about their business.

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Pies that meant face-melting Death for all who looked upon them, even worse that the ark of the covenant in Indiana jones.

It was up to dear old Indie himself to save the world.



Or a ninja!

Who promptly was awsome.

Then the ninja left. People forgot what was going on and went back about their business.



However, without realizing it, they went back to each others' buisness.

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Pies that meant face-melting Death for all who looked upon them, even worse that the ark of the covenant in Indiana jones.

It was up to dear old Indie himself to save the world.


Or a ninja!

Who promptly was awsome.

Then the ninja left. People forgot what was going on and went back about their business.


However, without realizing it, they went back to each others' buisness.

Until they saw Horatio arrive with his chainsaw. :o

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Pies that meant face-melting Death for all who looked upon them, even worse that the ark of the covenant in Indiana jones.

It was up to dear old Indie himself to save the world.


Or a ninja!

Who promptly was awsome.

Then the ninja left. People forgot what was going on and went back about their business.


However, without realizing it, they went back to each others' buisness.

Until they saw Horatio arrive with his chainsaw. :o

The people were shocked! SHOCKED!

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Pies that meant face-melting Death for all who looked upon them, even worse that the ark of the covenant in Indiana jones.

It was up to dear old Indie himself to save the world.


Or a ninja!

Who promptly was awsome.

Then the ninja left. People forgot what was going on and went back about their business.


However, without realizing it, they went back to each others' buisness.

Until they saw Horatio arrive with his chainsaw. :o

The people were shocked! SHOCKED!



SHOCKED at the fact that a hamster could hold a chainsaw. xD

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 year later...
Suddenley, Tim burton announced he was preparing to film a remake of the Seven Samurai, starring James earl jones, Kevin sorbo, Patrick stewart, johnny depp, Dustin Diamond, Dwayne Johnson, and Chuck Norris.

All of a sudden, a rabid smiley face came and killed Tim's left arm.

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This sacred shrine was destroyed by ravaging ketchup packets, who were destroyed by Captain Planet because the ketchup was seeping into the ground and ruining the environment somehow. HOWEVER! One ketchup packet had survived, and vowed to get his revenge on Captain Planet.

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But they all died, because Captain Falcon unleashed a punch of epic proportions and the world exploded. When the world began again, crossovers were outlawed, and a fluffy cat ruled the world.

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The giant pineapple, as it happens, had an amazingly interesting history involving toenail clippings and rotting underpants covered in shampoo extract (to be specific, the 'poo' part). However, as luck would have it for you and your stomach, we won't be going into that.


Instead, we will be focusing on more important events - for example, the fact that the giant pineapple had rolled on top of the purple beavers, crushing their skulls and to most if not all extents killing them. This was an absolute travesty in the new world - it caused 50 unrelated trees to shave their trunks and shake their leaves in agony as they accidentally slit themselves, leaking sap onto the ground. Needless to say, it did not take long for the reigning fluffy cat, known usually as Kapitän Flaumig, to hear about this devastating news. Its face turned green and it spewed treacle, screeching about 'zehen' and 'teig'. Six generals were sent to the location, and sure enough, an old and now slightly off giant pineapple was laying on top of two rather crushed purple beavers. They acted quickly, retreating a full three paces and throwing ninety-four atomically influenced mota bombs at the pineapple, killing 17 roaming nomads in cold blood while they waited for it to unexplode.


As the bombs were busy unexploding, on the other side of the world, a tree was shaving its trunk. It slipped, and its sap ran onto the ground. We don't care about this, so we're going to more towards the left and focus on a small chicken pot pie that was recently baked. It looked towards the horizon, taking in the almost endless sky and sighing in a way that only small chicken pot pies can. Presently, it was discovered and eaten by none other than Kat, who had found her way into the new world by some kind of dimension shift. At first, she was surprised that she had suddenly not only appeared in a crazy new realm but had also just killed a poor, little, innocent, unsuspecting chicken pot pie. She celebrated her successful hunt. After finishing that, she...




(For those whose German isn't all that it cracked up to be, kapitän means captain, kaumig means fluffy, zehen means toes, and teig means paste.)


(Mota is Atom backwards, in case you didn't get that too.)

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Chuck Norris, Captain Falcon, and Oscar Wilde-who, being Gods, did not die-decided to create a world habited entirely by awesome people. They called it Hampsterdance Discussion Board.

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Then he got pwned by Tokyo Mew Mew, who then got pwned by The Angry Video Game Nerd, who then teamed up with Solid Snake, Yugi Moto, Oscar Wilde, Jesus, Freddy Kruger, and Samurai Jack for an RPG video game adventure!


(Dude, I wish that was a real game. I wonder what Oscar Wilde's powers would be?)

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Zombies poured out of the chasm, and an epic battle ensued.


(By the way, Oscar Wilde does have powers. He's got the power...to move you.)

(I was playing Brain Age, and when I selected the daily reading passage, it was an Oscar Wilde book. AWESOME.)


After killing the zombies by shooting them in the head, the Super Mega Awesome group recruited James Bond, Rick Astley, Kinnukuman, and Ash Ketchum to help them break into the Shampoo Castle so they could find the Legendary Loituma. The reason they wanted the Legendary Loituma was because it would help them destroy 4chan, which had since taken over the universe, and the new government forced people to memorize every single 4chan meme EVER, and use each one EVERY DAY. So, the Super Mega Awesome group used their powers of awesome to break into the Shampoo Castle, but failed. All of a sudden, Captain Falcon came and Falcon Punched the Shampoo Castle, destroying it and ripping a hole in the galaxy. The super Mega Awesome Group, Captain Falcon, and the Legendary Loituma were sucked into another dimension, and suddenly found themselves in Disney World. 4chan was there, too, and they were about to grab the Legendary Loituma! The Super Mega Awesome group didn't know what to do, so they yelled 'HELP US!!' and all of a sudden, the Elite Beat Agents came and started singing Chocolate Rain.

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