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Impromptu Unrestricted Storywriting!

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Just got this spiffy idea, So i'll post it here.


This will be vaguely like RPing. But it's not. Remember that now.


Similar to RPing, Everyone joins in and posts.


There isnt much a storyline at all here, Everyone adds what they want to in to it.



ANYone can join in and post

Put in as many characters as you want

No Godmoding (Both ways. If you dont know by now, this means you DO NOT write/RP other peoples characters without their permission. This also means you play fair for everyone, You arent the super-deity person who can do anything and keelingyoudead everyone if they wanted to. Limit your characters power to a reasonable level.)

This is IMPROMPTU- Dont plan ahead for anything. Make it all up on the spot. If you think of something elsewhere, Then dont use that idea (Unless its really good.) Dont type this all out on Microsoft Word or something, for future use. (Unless you're spellchecking)

Again, ANYONE can join in and post.

This being with the above rule, n00bs and twinks can post here. (Just puh-LEEZ. Be reasonable. Dont be an idiot.) You dont need flawless continuity, But do need some continuity. If not, We shall keelingyoudead.

People who are NOT n00bs and twinks, Tolerate and just live with the n00bs 'n twinks, If they come up and kill your character, Then just go with it. You can just revive it right there and then.

Disobey the laws of physics- Think cartoony stuff. Be random and hilarious, Have rocks fly for no apparent reason, have decreased gravity in certain places of a room, have people with green skin and tangerine hair, Have people actually break and shatter upon being impacted.

NO DOUBLE POSTING. Ever. Don't flood the topic. Bump as necessary.


If you don't know what n00bs and/or twinks are... Here are some definitiongs:

n00bs: Idiots who act immature and overuse chatspeak. Kat can do hilarious imitations of them.

Twinks: Summarized, Morons. They will respond to posts as if they said something else, or ignore other posts because they didnt like them.


And to intelligent people: Be n00bs or twinks if you want. I wont stop you.


This will be most entertaining if there is a mixture or n00bs, twinks, intelligent beings, and actual storywriters, all trying to cooperate.


NOTE: If you have A.D.D (or AdHd. I dunno if theres supposta be an H in there.) Then feel free to post what you want here. You can get away with it in this topic. Go crazy.


This topic is mostly to keep bored people from happening on the bored. If yer bored, Come to this topic and participate. It'll keep you amused to no end. Provided this goes well.

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Just got this spiffy idea, So i'll post it here.


This will be vaguely like RPing. But it's not. Remember that now.


Similar to RPing, Everyone joins in and posts.


There isnt much a storyline at all here, Everyone adds what they want to in to it.



ANYone can join in and post

Put in as many characters as you want

No Godmoding (Both ways. If you dont know by now, this means you DO NOT write/RP other peoples characters without their permission. This also means you play fair for everyone, You arent the super-deity person who can do anything and keelingyoudead everyone if they wanted to. Limit your characters power to a reasonable level.)

This is IMPROMPTU- Dont plan ahead for anything. Make it all up on the spot. If you think of something elsewhere, Then dont use that idea (Unless its really good.) Dont type this all out on Microsoft Word or something, for future use. (Unless you're spellchecking)

Again, ANYONE can join in and post.

This being with the above rule, n00bs and twinks can post here. (Just puh-LEEZ. Be reasonable. Dont be an idiot.) You dont need flawless continuity, But do need some continuity. If not, We shall keelingyoudead.

People who are NOT n00bs and twinks, Tolerate and just live with the n00bs 'n twinks, If they come up and kill your character, Then just go with it. You can just revive it right there and then.

Disobey the laws of physics- Think cartoony stuff. Be random and hilarious, Have rocks fly for no apparent reason, have decreased gravity in certain places of a room, have people with green skin and tangerine hair, Have people actually break and shatter upon being impacted.

NO DOUBLE POSTING. Ever. Don't flood the topic. Bump as necessary.


If you don't know what n00bs and/or twinks are... Here are some definitiongs:

n00bs: Idiots who act immature and overuse chatspeak. Kat can do hilarious imitations of them.

Twinks: Summarized, Morons. They will respond to posts as if they said something else, or ignore other posts because they didnt like them.


And to intelligent people: Be n00bs or twinks if you want. I wont stop you.


This will be most entertaining if there is a mixture or n00bs, twinks, intelligent beings, and actual storywriters, all trying to cooperate.


NOTE: If you have A.D.D (or AdHd. I dunno if theres supposta be an H in there.) Then feel free to post what you want here. You can get away with it in this topic. Go crazy.


This topic is mostly to keep bored people from happening on the bored. If yer bored, Come to this topic and participate. It'll keep you amused to no end. Provided this goes well.

What are you waiting for........ start the story! :D

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To begin:

it was a bright and sunny day, the tribble was lying in the grass, "this is not skiing," it mumbled to noone in particular.

And then, Spock comes over to the mysterious tribble, and cannot decide wheter to eat it or kick it.


Upon lacking patience to decide upon this, with other pressing matters in mind, Spock promptly kicked the tribble, As it goes rolling down a gully. w00t.


Spock then continued prancing around like an idiot in saffron flowers, Oblivious to the erupting volcano nearby.


Meanwhile, A wierd green critter was crawling up the volcano to see what was happening. This wioerd green critter got torched and then died. Ressurrected, And then died again.

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And then, Spock comes over to the mysterious tribble, and cannot decide wheter to eat it or kick it.


Upon lacking patience to decide upon this, with other pressing matters in mind, Spock promptly kicked the tribble, As it goes rolling down a gully. w00t.


Spock then continued prancing around like an idiot in saffron flowers, Oblivious to the erupting volcano nearby.


Meanwhile, A wierd green critter was crawling up the volcano to see what was happening. This wioerd green critter got torched and then died. Ressurrected, And then died again.

Meanwhile, in Mt. Mountain Jr. High, Kat (GO MEH! V>_<V) Was staying after school with her Science teacher, Mrs. Smedly (Real Science teacher's name. >_>). Mrs. Smedly realized that she had left her grading key in the car. "I'll be right back." she said to Kat as the got up and left, passing the box of shampoo her classes had collected for the homeless. She walked into the parking lot, retrieved the key, and went back to her room. She opened the door and gasped. Everything, all the desks, walls, and chairs, the cieling and floor, and all of the papers on her desk were covered in shampoo and the box for the homeless was empty. While Kat was nowhere to be seen, there were large, shampoo-written letters on the floor that read,



Kat, laughing madly, was running away from the school, completely covered in shampoo. As she was running, she ran into...


(Wow. I should never to impromtu again. O_O;;;)

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Just got this spiffy idea, So i'll post it here.


This will be vaguely like RPing. But it's not. Remember that now.


Similar to RPing, Everyone joins in and posts.


There isnt much a storyline at all here, Everyone adds what they want to in to it.



ANYone can join in and post

Put in as many characters as you want

No Godmoding (Both ways. If you dont know by now, this means you DO NOT write/RP other peoples characters without their permission. This also means you play fair for everyone, You arent the super-deity person who can do anything and keelingyoudead everyone if they wanted to. Limit your characters power to a reasonable level.)

This is IMPROMPTU- Dont plan ahead for anything. Make it all up on the spot. If you think of something elsewhere, Then dont use that idea (Unless its really good.) Dont type this all out on Microsoft Word or something, for future use. (Unless you're spellchecking)

Again, ANYONE can join in and post.

This being with the above rule, n00bs and twinks can post here. (Just puh-LEEZ. Be reasonable. Dont be an idiot.) You dont need flawless continuity, But do need some continuity. If not, We shall keelingyoudead.

People who are NOT n00bs and twinks, Tolerate and just live with the n00bs 'n twinks, If they come up and kill your character, Then just go with it. You can just revive it right there and then.

Disobey the laws of physics- Think cartoony stuff. Be random and hilarious, Have rocks fly for no apparent reason, have decreased gravity in certain places of a room, have people with green skin and tangerine hair, Have people actually break and shatter upon being impacted.

NO DOUBLE POSTING. Ever. Don't flood the topic. Bump as necessary.


If you don't know what n00bs and/or twinks are... Here are some definitiongs:

n00bs: Idiots who act immature and overuse chatspeak. Kat can do hilarious imitations of them.

Twinks: Summarized, Morons. They will respond to posts as if they said something else, or ignore other posts because they didnt like them.


And to intelligent people: Be n00bs or twinks if you want. I wont stop you.


This will be most entertaining if there is a mixture or n00bs, twinks, intelligent beings, and actual storywriters, all trying to cooperate.


NOTE: If you have A.D.D (or AdHd. I dunno if theres supposta be an H in there.) Then feel free to post what you want here. You can get away with it in this topic. Go crazy.


This topic is mostly to keep bored people from happening on the bored. If yer bored, Come to this topic and participate. It'll keep you amused to no end. Provided this goes well.


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Meanwhile, in Mt. Mountain Jr. High, Kat (GO MEH! V>_<V) Was staying after school with her Science teacher, Mrs. Smedly (Real Science teacher's name. >_>). Mrs. Smedly realized that she had left her grading key in the car. "I'll be right back." she said to Kat as the got up and left, passing the box of shampoo her classes had collected for the homeless. She walked into the parking lot, retrieved the key, and went back to her room. She opened the door and gasped. Everything, all the desks, walls, and chairs, the cieling and floor, and all of the papers on her desk were covered in shampoo and the box for the homeless was empty. While Kat was nowhere to be seen, there were large, shampoo-written letters on the floor that read,



Kat, laughing madly, was running away from the school, completely covered in shampoo. As she was running, she ran into...


(Wow. I should never to impromtu again. O_O;;;)

Ran into a stack of CD's that was inexpicably placed in the path of the shampoo-runner.


Then it propmtly exploded.

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... a gazebo, thinking quickly, she drew her claymore and attacked, soon it was no longer a threat. "so how many XP do I get?" she asked the dungeon master. he hands her a dictionary, "look up Gazebo and tell me what you think it's worth."

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Kat ran into a pole. The teacher ran outside and looked for the shampoo fiend. The only place she didn't look was on the ground. The teacher heard a noise and wheeled around. A giant bottle of orange juice slammed into her face. "OW!" she exclaimed in surprise.

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... a gazebo, thinking quickly, she drew her claymore and attacked, soon it was no longer a threat. "so how many XP do I get?" she asked the dungeon master. he hands her a dictionary, "look up Gazebo and tell me what you think it's worth."

I'ma go with this one 'cause it has a Claymore. : D


"I want eighty-bazillion XP!" cried Kat. "And a turtle!" The GM gave her these things and she balance the monies on her head, hopped on the turle, and rode off into the sunset. On her journy, she met...

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Just got this spiffy idea, So i'll post it here.


This will be vaguely like RPing. But it's not. Remember that now.


Similar to RPing, Everyone joins in and posts.


There isnt much a storyline at all here, Everyone adds what they want to in to it.



ANYone can join in and post

Put in as many characters as you want

No Godmoding (Both ways. If you dont know by now, this means you DO NOT write/RP other peoples characters without their permission. This also means you play fair for everyone, You arent the super-deity person who can do anything and keelingyoudead everyone if they wanted to. Limit your characters power to a reasonable level.)

This is IMPROMPTU- Dont plan ahead for anything. Make it all up on the spot. If you think of something elsewhere, Then dont use that idea (Unless its really good.) Dont type this all out on Microsoft Word or something, for future use. (Unless you're spellchecking)

Again, ANYONE can join in and post.

This being with the above rule, n00bs and twinks can post here. (Just puh-LEEZ. Be reasonable. Dont be an idiot.) You dont need flawless continuity, But do need some continuity. If not, We shall keelingyoudead.

People who are NOT n00bs and twinks, Tolerate and just live with the n00bs 'n twinks, If they come up and kill your character, Then just go with it. You can just revive it right there and then.

Disobey the laws of physics- Think cartoony stuff. Be random and hilarious, Have rocks fly for no apparent reason, have decreased gravity in certain places of a room, have people with green skin and tangerine hair, Have people actually break and shatter upon being impacted.

NO DOUBLE POSTING. Ever. Don't flood the topic. Bump as necessary.


If you don't know what n00bs and/or twinks are... Here are some definitiongs:

n00bs: Idiots who act immature and overuse chatspeak. Kat can do hilarious imitations of them.

Twinks: Summarized, Morons. They will respond to posts as if they said something else, or ignore other posts because they didnt like them.


And to intelligent people: Be n00bs or twinks if you want. I wont stop you.


This will be most entertaining if there is a mixture or n00bs, twinks, intelligent beings, and actual storywriters, all trying to cooperate.


NOTE: If you have A.D.D (or AdHd. I dunno if theres supposta be an H in there.) Then feel free to post what you want here. You can get away with it in this topic. Go crazy.


This topic is mostly to keep bored people from happening on the bored. If yer bored, Come to this topic and participate. It'll keep you amused to no end. Provided this goes well.

Ouiiiiiiii! Finally.

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the tribble rolled to a stop on top of the smouldering wreckage of the gazebo, It saw a bottle of orange juce spin to a stop, so it travesed the shampoo-drenched CD shards and drank it, 35 minutes later, it gave birth to two more tribbles...

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the tribble rolled to a stop on top of the smouldering wreckage of the gazebo, It saw a bottle of orange juce spin to a stop, so it travesed the shampoo-drenched CD shards and drank it, 35 minutes later, it gave birth to two more tribbles...

Kat took them to her burrow, covered them in shampoo, and took them in as pets.

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meenwhile, a witch flew by, laughing. (the was random n_n)

she threw bottles of shampoo down for kat, but they were full of....(Lets see) poo!!

"Bah!" yelled Kat, and chucked the bottles back at the witch! Then the tribbles, (Which are not to be drenched in acid, Arkcher.) attacked her!

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"Bah!" yelled Kat, and chucked the bottles back at the witch! Then the tribbles, (Which are not to be drenched in acid, Arkcher.) attacked her!

Then Phryo (one of muh RP characters. =D) Comes by, And torches all the tribbles dead. And possibly Kat, Not not likely. Too many tribbles.


Then Phyro flew away and ended up getting keelingyoudead'ed. Booyah. >.>;

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Then Phryo (one of muh RP characters. =D) Comes by, And torches all the tribbles dead. And possibly Kat, Not not likely. Too many tribbles.


Then Phyro flew away and ended up getting keelingyoudead'ed. Booyah. >.>;

By Kat, who had avenged her tribbles by smothing him in shampoo and suffocating him.

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  • 1 month later...

[To keep things moving, i'll post...]


Something exploded, then an odd penguin wind-up toy thing waddles about.


The world then comes to an end and most peoples DIED. =o

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[To keep things moving, i'll post...]


Something exploded, then an odd penguin wind-up toy thing waddles about.


The world then comes to an end and most peoples DIED. =o

Except for Kat, who was happily playing DDR in her burrow with...

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[To keep things moving, i'll post...]


Something exploded, then an odd penguin wind-up toy thing waddles about.


The world then comes to an end and most peoples DIED. =o

Except for Kat, who was happily playing DDR in her burrow with...

with topazia's infamous sanity keeper, patchwork. Patchwork was a tribble lover.

um... (what is DDR again?)

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[To keep things moving, i'll post...]


Something exploded, then an odd penguin wind-up toy thing waddles about.


The world then comes to an end and most peoples DIED. =o

Except for Kat, who was happily playing DDR in her burrow with...

A big dragon whom then torched the DDR, PS2 and maybe Kat. And then flew off. =D

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[To keep things moving, i'll post...]


Something exploded, then an odd penguin wind-up toy thing waddles about.


The world then comes to an end and most peoples DIED. =o

Except for Kat, who was happily playing DDR in her burrow with...

with topazia's infamous sanity keeper, patchwork. Patchwork was a tribble lover.

um... (what is DDR again?)

Dance Dance Revolution. :):D

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but just as she was about to beat the world-record score, two average, amaeican people knocked on the door, disrupting her concentration. all hope of eternal glory shattered, she awnsered the door.

"Hi, I'm brad majors, and this is my fiancee janet weiss, our car broke down, can we use your telephone?"

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but just as she was about to beat the world-record score, two average, amaeican people knocked on the door, disrupting her concentration. all hope of eternal glory shattered, she awnsered the door.

"Hi, I'm brad majors, and this is my fiancee janet weiss, our car broke down, can we use your telephone?"

[i likes this one, so I'll use it.]

Infuriated, Kat pulled out her Claymore and chased them away from her burrow and into a nest of...

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but just as she was about to beat the world-record score, two average, amaeican people knocked on the door, disrupting her concentration. all hope of eternal glory shattered, she awnsered the door.

"Hi, I'm brad majors, and this is my fiancee janet weiss, our car broke down, can we use your telephone?"

[i likes this one, so I'll use it.]

Infuriated, Kat pulled out her Claymore and chased them away from her burrow and into a nest of...

Rabid Torrasques. Then they all die. <.<;; Maybe.

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but just as she was about to beat the world-record score, two average, amaeican people knocked on the door, disrupting her concentration. all hope of eternal glory shattered, she awnsered the door.

"Hi, I'm brad majors, and this is my fiancee janet weiss, our car broke down, can we use your telephone?"

[i likes this one, so I'll use it.]

Infuriated, Kat pulled out her Claymore and chased them away from her burrow and into a nest of...

Rabid Torrasques. Then they all die. <.<;; Maybe.

Yes, they do, 'cause they got caught in deh Claymorage. Having thuroughly killed everything in the nest besides herself, Kat returned to her burrow and...

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but just as she was about to beat the world-record score, two average, amaeican people knocked on the door, disrupting her concentration. all hope of eternal glory shattered, she awnsered the door.

"Hi, I'm brad majors, and this is my fiancee janet weiss, our car broke down, can we use your telephone?"

[i likes this one, so I'll use it.]

Infuriated, Kat pulled out her Claymore and chased them away from her burrow and into a nest of...

Rabid Torrasques. Then they all die. <.<;; Maybe.

Yes, they do, 'cause they got caught in deh Claymorage. Having thuroughly killed everything in the nest besides herself, Kat returned to her burrow and...

scrump, patchwork and topazia's identical triplet, walked up asking about a talking toilet.


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but just as she was about to beat the world-record score, two average, amaeican people knocked on the door, disrupting her concentration. all hope of eternal glory shattered, she awnsered the door.

"Hi, I'm brad majors, and this is my fiancee janet weiss, our car broke down, can we use your telephone?"

[i likes this one, so I'll use it.]

Infuriated, Kat pulled out her Claymore and chased them away from her burrow and into a nest of...

Rabid Torrasques. Then they all die. <.<;; Maybe.

Yes, they do, 'cause they got caught in deh Claymorage. Having thuroughly killed everything in the nest besides herself, Kat returned to her burrow and...

scrump, patchwork and topazia's identical triplet, walked up asking about a talking toilet.


3 or 7 werewolves then approach and demolish Topazia's grand signature. >D Muhaha. They then have a brief par-tay, (Free of Claymore-attacks.) then go off somewhere else to keel stuff dead.

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but just as she was about to beat the world-record score, two average, amaeican people knocked on the door, disrupting her concentration. all hope of eternal glory shattered, she awnsered the door.

"Hi, I'm brad majors, and this is my fiancee janet weiss, our car broke down, can we use your telephone?"

[i likes this one, so I'll use it.]

Infuriated, Kat pulled out her Claymore and chased them away from her burrow and into a nest of...

Rabid Torrasques. Then they all die. <.<;; Maybe.

Yes, they do, 'cause they got caught in deh Claymorage. Having thuroughly killed everything in the nest besides herself, Kat returned to her burrow and...

scrump, patchwork and topazia's identical triplet, walked up asking about a talking toilet.


Kat casually pulled said talking toilet out from behind Scrump's ear and went merrily along until coming across...

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but just as she was about to beat the world-record score, two average, amaeican people knocked on the door, disrupting her concentration. all hope of eternal glory shattered, she awnsered the door.

"Hi, I'm brad majors, and this is my fiancee janet weiss, our car broke down, can we use your telephone?"

[i likes this one, so I'll use it.]

Infuriated, Kat pulled out her Claymore and chased them away from her burrow and into a nest of...

Rabid Torrasques. Then they all die. <. maybe.>

Yes, they do, 'cause they got caught in deh Claymorage. Having thuroughly killed everything in the nest besides herself, Kat returned to her burrow and...

scrump, patchwork and topazia's identical triplet, walked up asking about a talking toilet.


Kat casually pulled said talking toilet out from behind Scrump's ear and went merrily along until coming across...

On the toilet note... Toto Water Closets (a real company) make a toilet where the seat rises when you walk into the room and closes after you leave!

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but just as she was about to beat the world-record score, two average, amaeican people knocked on the door, disrupting her concentration. all hope of eternal glory shattered, she awnsered the door.

"Hi, I'm brad majors, and this is my fiancee janet weiss, our car broke down, can we use your telephone?"

[i likes this one, so I'll use it.]

Infuriated, Kat pulled out her Claymore and chased them away from her burrow and into a nest of...

Rabid Torrasques. Then they all die. <.<;; Maybe.

Yes, they do, 'cause they got caught in deh Claymorage. Having thuroughly killed everything in the nest besides herself, Kat returned to her burrow and...

scrump, patchwork and topazia's identical triplet, walked up asking about a talking toilet.


Kat casually pulled said talking toilet out from behind Scrump's ear and went merrily along until coming across...

On the toilet note... Toto Water Closets (a real company) make a toilet where the seat rises when you walk into the room and closes after you leave!

That is sorta creepy. o_o;;;

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but just as she was about to beat the world-record score, two average, amaeican people knocked on the door, disrupting her concentration. all hope of eternal glory shattered, she awnsered the door.

"Hi, I'm brad majors, and this is my fiancee janet weiss, our car broke down, can we use your telephone?"

[i likes this one, so I'll use it.]

Infuriated, Kat pulled out her Claymore and chased them away from her burrow and into a nest of...

Rabid Torrasques. Then they all die. <.<;; Maybe.

Yes, they do, 'cause they got caught in deh Claymorage. Having thuroughly killed everything in the nest besides herself, Kat returned to her burrow and...

scrump, patchwork and topazia's identical triplet, walked up asking about a talking toilet.


Kat casually pulled said talking toilet out from behind Scrump's ear and went merrily along until coming across...

On the toilet note... Toto Water Closets (a real company) make a toilet where the seat rises when you walk into the room and closes after you leave!

That is sorta creepy. o_o;;;

And just watch, one of yer siblings are gonna come and put a glitch on that little motor or something, so it erratically opens and closes while yer sittin' on the can. xD! That'd be brilliant.


I saw a toilet that was remote controlled. You could flush it from a distance, I think you could open or close the lid, but there was like a plunger thing already in it, you press a button and it tries to unclog itself or something. Five friggin hundred moneys or something stoopid like that.

It'd be pretty hilarious if someone stole the remote and pressed many buttons whilst the unsuspecting victim does a poop in teh pot. >)

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but just as she was about to beat the world-record score, two average, amaeican people knocked on the door, disrupting her concentration. all hope of eternal glory shattered, she awnsered the door.

"Hi, I'm brad majors, and this is my fiancee janet weiss, our car broke down, can we use your telephone?"

[i likes this one, so I'll use it.]

Infuriated, Kat pulled out her Claymore and chased them away from her burrow and into a nest of...

Rabid Torrasques. Then they all die. <.<;; Maybe.

Yes, they do, 'cause they got caught in deh Claymorage. Having thuroughly killed everything in the nest besides herself, Kat returned to her burrow and...

scrump, patchwork and topazia's identical triplet, walked up asking about a talking toilet.


Kat casually pulled said talking toilet out from behind Scrump's ear and went merrily along until coming across...

a piece of toilet paper that got stuck on Kat's favorite shoe. And then...

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but just as she was about to beat the world-record score, two average, amaeican people knocked on the door, disrupting her concentration. all hope of eternal glory shattered, she awnsered the door.

"Hi, I'm brad majors, and this is my fiancee janet weiss, our car broke down, can we use your telephone?"

[i likes this one, so I'll use it.]

Infuriated, Kat pulled out her Claymore and chased them away from her burrow and into a nest of...

Rabid Torrasques. Then they all die. <. maybe.>

Yes, they do, 'cause they got caught in deh Claymorage. Having thuroughly killed everything in the nest besides herself, Kat returned to her burrow and...

scrump, patchwork and topazia's identical triplet, walked up asking about a talking toilet.


Kat casually pulled said talking toilet out from behind Scrump's ear and went merrily along until coming across...

On the toilet note... Toto Water Closets (a real company) make a toilet where the seat rises when you walk into the room and closes after you leave!

That is sorta creepy. o_o;;;

And just watch, one of yer siblings are gonna come and put a glitch on that little motor or something, so it erratically opens and closes while yer sittin' on the can. xD! That'd be brilliant.


I saw a toilet that was remote controlled. You could flush it from a distance, I think you could open or close the lid, but there was like a plunger thing already in it, you press a button and it tries to unclog itself or something. Five friggin hundred moneys or something stoopid like that.

It'd be pretty hilarious if someone stole the remote and pressed many buttons whilst the unsuspecting victim does a poop in teh pot. >)

The best part of the infomercial was the fact that Toto has her own product line... water closets!!!

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but just as she was about to beat the world-record score, two average, amaeican people knocked on the door, disrupting her concentration. all hope of eternal glory shattered, she awnsered the door.

"Hi, I'm brad majors, and this is my fiancee janet weiss, our car broke down, can we use your telephone?"

[i likes this one, so I'll use it.]

Infuriated, Kat pulled out her Claymore and chased them away from her burrow and into a nest of...

Rabid Torrasques. Then they all die. <.<;; Maybe.

Yes, they do, 'cause they got caught in deh Claymorage. Having thuroughly killed everything in the nest besides herself, Kat returned to her burrow and...

scrump, patchwork and topazia's identical triplet, walked up asking about a talking toilet.


Kat casually pulled said talking toilet out from behind Scrump's ear and went merrily along until coming across...

a piece of toilet paper that got stuck on Kat's favorite shoe. And then...

for still unknown reasons, The sky began raining big encyclopedias and various other books.

A big one comes and hits Kat on the head, and a Mac compy fell and landed on Kats Claymore.

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but just as she was about to beat the world-record score, two average, amaeican people knocked on the door, disrupting her concentration. all hope of eternal glory shattered, she awnsered the door.

"Hi, I'm brad majors, and this is my fiancee janet weiss, our car broke down, can we use your telephone?"

[i likes this one, so I'll use it.]

Infuriated, Kat pulled out her Claymore and chased them away from her burrow and into a nest of...

Rabid Torrasques. Then they all die. <.<;; Maybe.

Yes, they do, 'cause they got caught in deh Claymorage. Having thuroughly killed everything in the nest besides herself, Kat returned to her burrow and...

scrump, patchwork and topazia's identical triplet, walked up asking about a talking toilet.


Kat casually pulled said talking toilet out from behind Scrump's ear and went merrily along until coming across...

a piece of toilet paper that got stuck on Kat's favorite shoe. And then...

for still unknown reasons, The sky began raining big encyclopedias and various other books.

A big one comes and hits Kat on the head, and a Mac compy fell and landed on Kats Claymore.

Once again infuriated, Kat went on a rampage, killing all the encyclopedias and Mac compys in teh land. Tired after all of her hard work, Kat returned to her burrow and redecorated. Just as she had settled down to play some Chrono Trigger, she heard a knock at the door. It was...

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but just as she was about to beat the world-record score, two average, amaeican people knocked on the door, disrupting her concentration. all hope of eternal glory shattered, she awnsered the door.

"Hi, I'm brad majors, and this is my fiancee janet weiss, our car broke down, can we use your telephone?"

[i likes this one, so I'll use it.]

Infuriated, Kat pulled out her Claymore and chased them away from her burrow and into a nest of...

Rabid Torrasques. Then they all die. <.<;; Maybe.

Yes, they do, 'cause they got caught in deh Claymorage. Having thuroughly killed everything in the nest besides herself, Kat returned to her burrow and...

scrump, patchwork and topazia's identical triplet, walked up asking about a talking toilet.


Kat casually pulled said talking toilet out from behind Scrump's ear and went merrily along until coming across...

On the toilet note... Toto Water Closets (a real company) make a toilet where the seat rises when you walk into the room and closes after you leave!

That is sorta creepy. o_o;;;

And just watch, one of yer siblings are gonna come and put a glitch on that little motor or something, so it erratically opens and closes while yer sittin' on the can. xD! That'd be brilliant.


I saw a toilet that was remote controlled. You could flush it from a distance, I think you could open or close the lid, but there was like a plunger thing already in it, you press a button and it tries to unclog itself or something. Five friggin hundred moneys or something stoopid like that.

It'd be pretty hilarious if someone stole the remote and pressed many buttons whilst the unsuspecting victim does a poop in teh pot. >)

That sound like something I would do to some random person in a public restroom. >_>;;;

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but just as she was about to beat the world-record score, two average, amaeican people knocked on the door, disrupting her concentration. all hope of eternal glory shattered, she awnsered the door.

"Hi, I'm brad majors, and this is my fiancee janet weiss, our car broke down, can we use your telephone?"

[i likes this one, so I'll use it.]

Infuriated, Kat pulled out her Claymore and chased them away from her burrow and into a nest of...

Rabid Torrasques. Then they all die. <.<;; Maybe.

Yes, they do, 'cause they got caught in deh Claymorage. Having thuroughly killed everything in the nest besides herself, Kat returned to her burrow and...

scrump, patchwork and topazia's identical triplet, walked up asking about a talking toilet.


Kat casually pulled said talking toilet out from behind Scrump's ear and went merrily along until coming across...

a piece of toilet paper that got stuck on Kat's favorite shoe. And then...

for still unknown reasons, The sky began raining big encyclopedias and various other books.

A big one comes and hits Kat on the head, and a Mac compy fell and landed on Kats Claymore.

Once again infuriated, Kat went on a rampage, killing all the encyclopedias and Mac compys in teh land. Tired after all of her hard work, Kat returned to her burrow and redecorated. Just as she had settled down to play some Chrono Trigger, she heard a knock at the door. It was...

scrump, asking about the talking toilet, because it is her pet.


"Kat," she said," have you seen troy, my toilet? I need to take it to the toilet vet to get it's shots." Scrump has a suspicious bump on her head, so...

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but just as she was about to beat the world-record score, two average, amaeican people knocked on the door, disrupting her concentration. all hope of eternal glory shattered, she awnsered the door.

"Hi, I'm brad majors, and this is my fiancee janet weiss, our car broke down, can we use your telephone?"

[i likes this one, so I'll use it.]

Infuriated, Kat pulled out her Claymore and chased them away from her burrow and into a nest of...

Rabid Torrasques. Then they all die. <.<;; Maybe.

Yes, they do, 'cause they got caught in deh Claymorage. Having thuroughly killed everything in the nest besides herself, Kat returned to her burrow and...

scrump, patchwork and topazia's identical triplet, walked up asking about a talking toilet.


Kat casually pulled said talking toilet out from behind Scrump's ear and went merrily along until coming across...

a piece of toilet paper that got stuck on Kat's favorite shoe. And then...

for still unknown reasons, The sky began raining big encyclopedias and various other books.

A big one comes and hits Kat on the head, and a Mac compy fell and landed on Kats Claymore.

Once again infuriated, Kat went on a rampage, killing all the encyclopedias and Mac compys in teh land. Tired after all of her hard work, Kat returned to her burrow and redecorated. Just as she had settled down to play some Chrono Trigger, she heard a knock at the door. It was...

Mega Wolf, asking for some sugar, seeing as she ran out while baking cookies and needed more to make brownies. And suddenly, who would pop up behind her but their buddy...

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but just as she was about to beat the world-record score, two average, amaeican people knocked on the door, disrupting her concentration. all hope of eternal glory shattered, she awnsered the door.

"Hi, I'm brad majors, and this is my fiancee janet weiss, our car broke down, can we use your telephone?"

[i likes this one, so I'll use it.]

Infuriated, Kat pulled out her Claymore and chased them away from her burrow and into a nest of...

Rabid Torrasques. Then they all die. <.<;; Maybe.

Yes, they do, 'cause they got caught in deh Claymorage. Having thuroughly killed everything in the nest besides herself, Kat returned to her burrow and...

scrump, patchwork and topazia's identical triplet, walked up asking about a talking toilet.


Kat casually pulled said talking toilet out from behind Scrump's ear and went merrily along until coming across...

a piece of toilet paper that got stuck on Kat's favorite shoe. And then...

for still unknown reasons, The sky began raining big encyclopedias and various other books.

A big one comes and hits Kat on the head, and a Mac compy fell and landed on Kats Claymore.

Once again infuriated, Kat went on a rampage, killing all the encyclopedias and Mac compys in teh land. Tired after all of her hard work, Kat returned to her burrow and redecorated. Just as she had settled down to play some Chrono Trigger, she heard a knock at the door. It was...

Mega Wolf, asking for some sugar, seeing as she ran out while baking cookies and needed more to make brownies. And suddenly, who would pop up behind her but their buddy...

Samus! She then shot MW and maybe Kat's Claymore (But not Kat) and then went off keeling Space Pirates dad some more.

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but just as she was about to beat the world-record score, two average, amaeican people knocked on the door, disrupting her concentration. all hope of eternal glory shattered, she awnsered the door.

"Hi, I'm brad majors, and this is my fiancee janet weiss, our car broke down, can we use your telephone?"

[i likes this one, so I'll use it.]

Infuriated, Kat pulled out her Claymore and chased them away from her burrow and into a nest of...

Rabid Torrasques. Then they all die. <.<;; Maybe.

Yes, they do, 'cause they got caught in deh Claymorage. Having thuroughly killed everything in the nest besides herself, Kat returned to her burrow and...

scrump, patchwork and topazia's identical triplet, walked up asking about a talking toilet.


Kat casually pulled said talking toilet out from behind Scrump's ear and went merrily along until coming across...

a piece of toilet paper that got stuck on Kat's favorite shoe. And then...

for still unknown reasons, The sky began raining big encyclopedias and various other books.

A big one comes and hits Kat on the head, and a Mac compy fell and landed on Kats Claymore.

Once again infuriated, Kat went on a rampage, killing all the encyclopedias and Mac compys in teh land. Tired after all of her hard work, Kat returned to her burrow and redecorated. Just as she had settled down to play some Chrono Trigger, she heard a knock at the door. It was...

Mega Wolf, asking for some sugar, seeing as she ran out while baking cookies and needed more to make brownies. And suddenly, who would pop up behind her but their buddy...

Samus! She then shot MW and maybe Kat's Claymore (But not Kat) and then went off keeling Space Pirates dad some more.

Kat supposed that the space pirates would miss their fathers, but then gave Scrump back her toilet, healed MW, handed her a few tons of sugar, and went off to play some more DDR. :3

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but just as she was about to beat the world-record score, two average, amaeican people knocked on the door, disrupting her concentration. all hope of eternal glory shattered, she awnsered the door.

"Hi, I'm brad majors, and this is my fiancee janet weiss, our car broke down, can we use your telephone?"

[i likes this one, so I'll use it.]

Infuriated, Kat pulled out her Claymore and chased them away from her burrow and into a nest of...

Rabid Torrasques. Then they all die. <.<;; Maybe.

Yes, they do, 'cause they got caught in deh Claymorage. Having thuroughly killed everything in the nest besides herself, Kat returned to her burrow and...

scrump, patchwork and topazia's identical triplet, walked up asking about a talking toilet.


Kat casually pulled said talking toilet out from behind Scrump's ear and went merrily along until coming across...

a piece of toilet paper that got stuck on Kat's favorite shoe. And then...

for still unknown reasons, The sky began raining big encyclopedias and various other books.

A big one comes and hits Kat on the head, and a Mac compy fell and landed on Kats Claymore.

Once again infuriated, Kat went on a rampage, killing all the encyclopedias and Mac compys in teh land. Tired after all of her hard work, Kat returned to her burrow and redecorated. Just as she had settled down to play some Chrono Trigger, she heard a knock at the door. It was...

Mega Wolf, asking for some sugar, seeing as she ran out while baking cookies and needed more to make brownies. And suddenly, who would pop up behind her but their buddy...

Samus! She then shot MW and maybe Kat's Claymore (But not Kat) and then went off keeling Space Pirates dad some more.

Kat supposed that the space pirates would miss their fathers, but then gave Scrump back her toilet, healed MW, handed her a few tons of sugar, and went off to play some more DDR. :3

That was supposta say 'dead' and yew know it. -whap-

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[*whapped!* ABUSE! ;_; *jump and point*]

-steals Kats claymore and hides it in Horatio's Hamstarunning-wheel- Muhaha. -runs-

*stops crying instantly* *eyes glow red as she grabs Arkcher, throws him into a wall, and runs off to get the Claymore*

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[*whapped!* ABUSE! ;_; *jump and point*]

-steals Kats claymore and hides it in Horatio's Hamstarunning-wheel- Muhaha. -runs-

*stops crying instantly* *eyes glow red as she grabs Arkcher, throws him into a wall, and runs off to get the Claymore*

[Ooh look a wall! n_n]

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[*whapped!* ABUSE! ;_; *jump and point*]

-steals Kats claymore and hides it in Horatio's Hamstarunning-wheel- Muhaha. -runs-

*stops crying instantly* *eyes glow red as she grabs Arkcher, throws him into a wall, and runs off to get the Claymore*

[Ooh look a wall! n_n]

*cuddles the Claymore* I'll never leave your side agian. ;_;

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[*whapped!* ABUSE! ;_; *jump and point*]

-steals Kats claymore and hides it in Horatio's Hamstarunning-wheel- Muhaha. -runs-

*stops crying instantly* *eyes glow red as she grabs Arkcher, throws him into a wall, and runs off to get the Claymore*

[Ooh look a wall! n_n]

*cuddles the Claymore* I'll never leave your side agian. ;_;

[but will the claymore leave yours? :unsure: ]

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but just as she was about to beat the world-record score, two average, amaeican people knocked on the door, disrupting her concentration. all hope of eternal glory shattered, she awnsered the door.

"Hi, I'm brad majors, and this is my fiancee janet weiss, our car broke down, can we use your telephone?"

[i likes this one, so I'll use it.]

Infuriated, Kat pulled out her Claymore and chased them away from her burrow and into a nest of...

Rabid Torrasques. Then they all die. <.<;; Maybe.

Yes, they do, 'cause they got caught in deh Claymorage. Having thuroughly killed everything in the nest besides herself, Kat returned to her burrow and...

scrump, patchwork and topazia's identical triplet, walked up asking about a talking toilet.


Kat casually pulled said talking toilet out from behind Scrump's ear and went merrily along until coming across...

a piece of toilet paper that got stuck on Kat's favorite shoe. And then...

for still unknown reasons, The sky began raining big encyclopedias and various other books.

A big one comes and hits Kat on the head, and a Mac compy fell and landed on Kats Claymore.

Once again infuriated, Kat went on a rampage, killing all the encyclopedias and Mac compys in teh land. Tired after all of her hard work, Kat returned to her burrow and redecorated. Just as she had settled down to play some Chrono Trigger, she heard a knock at the door. It was...

Mega Wolf, asking for some sugar, seeing as she ran out while baking cookies and needed more to make brownies. And suddenly, who would pop up behind her but their buddy...

Samus! She then shot MW and maybe Kat's Claymore (But not Kat) and then went off keeling Space Pirates dad some more.

Kat supposed that the space pirates would miss their fathers, but then gave Scrump back her toilet, healed MW, handed her a few tons of sugar, and went off to play some more DDR. :3

But right when she entered the burrow, her DDR stuff exploded.

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[*whapped!* ABUSE! ;_; *jump and point*]

-steals Kats claymore and hides it in Horatio's Hamstarunning-wheel- Muhaha. -runs-

*stops crying instantly* *eyes glow red as she grabs Arkcher, throws him into a wall, and runs off to get the Claymore*

[Ooh look a wall! n_n]

*cuddles the Claymore* I'll never leave your side agian. ;_;

[but will the claymore leave yours? :unsure: ]


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but just as she was about to beat the world-record score, two average, amaeican people knocked on the door, disrupting her concentration. all hope of eternal glory shattered, she awnsered the door.

"Hi, I'm brad majors, and this is my fiancee janet weiss, our car broke down, can we use your telephone?"

[i likes this one, so I'll use it.]

Infuriated, Kat pulled out her Claymore and chased them away from her burrow and into a nest of...

Rabid Torrasques. Then they all die. <.<;; Maybe.

Yes, they do, 'cause they got caught in deh Claymorage. Having thuroughly killed everything in the nest besides herself, Kat returned to her burrow and...

scrump, patchwork and topazia's identical triplet, walked up asking about a talking toilet.


Kat casually pulled said talking toilet out from behind Scrump's ear and went merrily along until coming across...

a piece of toilet paper that got stuck on Kat's favorite shoe. And then...

for still unknown reasons, The sky began raining big encyclopedias and various other books.

A big one comes and hits Kat on the head, and a Mac compy fell and landed on Kats Claymore.

Once again infuriated, Kat went on a rampage, killing all the encyclopedias and Mac compys in teh land. Tired after all of her hard work, Kat returned to her burrow and redecorated. Just as she had settled down to play some Chrono Trigger, she heard a knock at the door. It was...

Mega Wolf, asking for some sugar, seeing as she ran out while baking cookies and needed more to make brownies. And suddenly, who would pop up behind her but their buddy...

Samus! She then shot MW and maybe Kat's Claymore (But not Kat) and then went off keeling Space Pirates dad some more.

Kat supposed that the space pirates would miss their fathers, but then gave Scrump back her toilet, healed MW, handed her a few tons of sugar, and went off to play some more DDR. :3

But right when she entered the burrow, her DDR stuff exploded.

Kat then went and bought new DDR stuff, but instead of playing it, she wandered off towards the Castle-O-Evil. On her way, she met...

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but just as she was about to beat the world-record score, two average, amaeican people knocked on the door, disrupting her concentration. all hope of eternal glory shattered, she awnsered the door.

"Hi, I'm brad majors, and this is my fiancee janet weiss, our car broke down, can we use your telephone?"

[i likes this one, so I'll use it.]

Infuriated, Kat pulled out her Claymore and chased them away from her burrow and into a nest of...

Rabid Torrasques. Then they all die. <.<;; Maybe.

Yes, they do, 'cause they got caught in deh Claymorage. Having thuroughly killed everything in the nest besides herself, Kat returned to her burrow and...

scrump, patchwork and topazia's identical triplet, walked up asking about a talking toilet.


Kat casually pulled said talking toilet out from behind Scrump's ear and went merrily along until coming across...

a piece of toilet paper that got stuck on Kat's favorite shoe. And then...

for still unknown reasons, The sky began raining big encyclopedias and various other books.

A big one comes and hits Kat on the head, and a Mac compy fell and landed on Kats Claymore.

Once again infuriated, Kat went on a rampage, killing all the encyclopedias and Mac compys in teh land. Tired after all of her hard work, Kat returned to her burrow and redecorated. Just as she had settled down to play some Chrono Trigger, she heard a knock at the door. It was...

Mega Wolf, asking for some sugar, seeing as she ran out while baking cookies and needed more to make brownies. And suddenly, who would pop up behind her but their buddy...

Samus! She then shot MW and maybe Kat's Claymore (But not Kat) and then went off keeling Space Pirates dad some more.

Kat supposed that the space pirates would miss their fathers, but then gave Scrump back her toilet, healed MW, handed her a few tons of sugar, and went off to play some more DDR. :3

But right when she entered the burrow, her DDR stuff exploded.

And then the burrow caught on fire. =o

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Kat then went and bought new DDR stuff, but instead of playing it, she wandered off towards the Castle-O-Evil. On her way, she met...

a quilt named Bob. He could fly, eat, sleep, talk, and do just about anything that an animate object could do. They had an long conversation and...

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Kat then went and bought new DDR stuff, but instead of playing it, she wandered off towards the Castle-O-Evil. On her way, she met...

a quilt named Bob. He could fly, eat, sleep, talk, and do just about anything that an animate object could do. They had an long conversation and...

ate pie.

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Kat then went and bought new DDR stuff, but instead of playing it, she wandered off towards the Castle-O-Evil. On her way, she met...

a quilt named Bob. He could fly, eat, sleep, talk, and do just about anything that an animate object could do. They had an long conversation and...

Decided that the Castle-O-Evil was boring and they shouldn't go. So instead, they...

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visited their old freind, Dr. Frank N Furter.


(yes, yes, I know, this is my last RHPS reference for now)

Whom then turned into a robot and began shooting everyone.

Kat quickly desposed of the docter, accidently getting rid of that other person that was with her in the process. She then...

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visited their old freind, Dr. Frank N Furter.


(yes, yes, I know, this is my last RHPS reference for now)

Whom then turned into a robot and began shooting everyone.

Kat quickly desposed of the docter, accidently getting rid of that other person that was with her in the process. She then...

ate some pie.

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visited their old freind, Dr. Frank N Furter.


(yes, yes, I know, this is my last RHPS reference for now)

Whom then turned into a robot and began shooting everyone.

Kat quickly desposed of the docter, accidently getting rid of that other person that was with her in the process. She then...

ate some pie.

[Whoo! Pie! :D]

Then she started grooving to some music that started playing from somewhere.

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visited their old freind, Dr. Frank N Furter.


(yes, yes, I know, this is my last RHPS reference for now)

Whom then turned into a robot and began shooting everyone.

Kat quickly desposed of the docter, accidently getting rid of that other person that was with her in the process. She then...

ate some pie.

[Whoo! Pie! :D]

Then she started grooving to some music that started playing from somewhere.

Some Torrasks came and keeled KAt dead. =o

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visited their old freind, Dr. Frank N Furter.


(yes, yes, I know, this is my last RHPS reference for now)

Whom then turned into a robot and began shooting everyone.

Kat quickly desposed of the docter, accidently getting rid of that other person that was with her in the process. She then...

ate some pie.

[Whoo! Pie! :D]

Then she started grooving to some music that started playing from somewhere.

Then her claymore started to speak to her.

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visited their old freind, Dr. Frank N Furter.


(yes, yes, I know, this is my last RHPS reference for now)

Whom then turned into a robot and began shooting everyone.

Kat quickly desposed of the docter, accidently getting rid of that other person that was with her in the process. She then...

ate some pie.

[Whoo! Pie! :D]

Then she started grooving to some music that started playing from somewhere.

Then her claymore started to speak to her.

It told her to go visit the Queen of the Fairies, so Kat merrily skipped along the yellow brick road to the Fairy Palace.

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visited their old freind, Dr. Frank N Furter.


(yes, yes, I know, this is my last RHPS reference for now)

Whom then turned into a robot and began shooting everyone.

Kat quickly desposed of the docter, accidently getting rid of that other person that was with her in the process. She then...

ate some pie.

[Whoo! Pie! :D]

Then she started grooving to some music that started playing from somewhere.

Then her claymore started to speak to her.

It told her to go visit the Queen of the Fairies, so Kat merrily skipped along the yellow brick road to the Fairy Palace.

Then the bricks changed colors, and Kat was somewhere entirely different on the planet.

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visited their old freind, Dr. Frank N Furter.


(yes, yes, I know, this is my last RHPS reference for now)

Whom then turned into a robot and began shooting everyone.

Kat quickly desposed of the docter, accidently getting rid of that other person that was with her in the process. She then...

ate some pie.

[Whoo! Pie! :D]

Then she started grooving to some music that started playing from somewhere.

Then her claymore started to speak to her.

It told her to go visit the Queen of the Fairies, so Kat merrily skipped along the yellow brick road to the Fairy Palace.

Then the bricks changed colors, and Kat was somewhere entirely different on the planet.

Kat was in deep grief as her claymore was sad. Another problem was that Bob the Quilt needed to be sewn at the Queen of the Fairies, as he had taken a great slashing earlier and it was rumored the Queen of Fairies was the best in all the lands at sewing.

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visited their old freind, Dr. Frank N Furter.


(yes, yes, I know, this is my last RHPS reference for now)

Whom then turned into a robot and began shooting everyone.

Kat quickly desposed of the docter, accidently getting rid of that other person that was with her in the process. She then...

ate some pie.

[Whoo! Pie! :D]

Then she started grooving to some music that started playing from somewhere.

Then her claymore started to speak to her.

It told her to go visit the Queen of the Fairies, so Kat merrily skipped along the yellow brick road to the Fairy Palace.

Then the bricks changed colors, and Kat was somewhere entirely different on the planet.

Highly annoyed at the bricks, Kat wandered around this unknown place, trying to find a way back.

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visited their old freind, Dr. Frank N Furter.


(yes, yes, I know, this is my last RHPS reference for now)

Whom then turned into a robot and began shooting everyone.

Kat quickly desposed of the docter, accidently getting rid of that other person that was with her in the process. She then...

ate some pie.

[Whoo! Pie! :D]

Then she started grooving to some music that started playing from somewhere.

Then her claymore started to speak to her.

It told her to go visit the Queen of the Fairies, so Kat merrily skipped along the yellow brick road to the Fairy Palace.

Then the bricks changed colors, and Kat was somewhere entirely different on the planet.

Highly annoyed at the bricks, Kat wandered around this unknown place, trying to find a way back.

Then some random photographer comes and takes a picture of KAt with the multicolored bricks, Then posts it online somewhere. =o

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visited their old freind, Dr. Frank N Furter.


(yes, yes, I know, this is my last RHPS reference for now)

Whom then turned into a robot and began shooting everyone.

Kat quickly desposed of the docter, accidently getting rid of that other person that was with her in the process. She then...

ate some pie.

[Whoo! Pie! :D]

Then she started grooving to some music that started playing from somewhere.

Then her claymore started to speak to her.

It told her to go visit the Queen of the Fairies, so Kat merrily skipped along the yellow brick road to the Fairy Palace.

Then the bricks changed colors, and Kat was somewhere entirely different on the planet.

Highly annoyed at the bricks, Kat wandered around this unknown place, trying to find a way back.

Then some random photographer comes and takes a picture of KAt with the multicolored bricks, Then posts it online somewhere. =o

And Kat was famous! She had tons of money and lived happily ever after. The End.


For her, at least.


Elsewhere...[Just thought we had been writting about me for too long. XD]

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visited their old freind, Dr. Frank N Furter.


(yes, yes, I know, this is my last RHPS reference for now)

Whom then turned into a robot and began shooting everyone.

Kat quickly desposed of the docter, accidently getting rid of that other person that was with her in the process. She then...

ate some pie.

[Whoo! Pie! :D]

Then she started grooving to some music that started playing from somewhere.

Then her claymore started to speak to her.

It told her to go visit the Queen of the Fairies, so Kat merrily skipped along the yellow brick road to the Fairy Palace.

Then the bricks changed colors, and Kat was somewhere entirely different on the planet.

Highly annoyed at the bricks, Kat wandered around this unknown place, trying to find a way back.

Then some random photographer comes and takes a picture of KAt with the multicolored bricks, Then posts it online somewhere. =o

And Kat was famous! She had tons of money and lived happily ever after. The End.


For her, at least.


Elsewhere...[Just thought we had been writting about me for too long. XD]

Arkchers hamsters were keelingyoudeading each other.


Samus won, cuz shes fortunately named, Then spider rose from keelingyoudeaditude, And went and keelingyoudeaded Kat. ... from a distance. with demonic spider-itude.

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visited their old freind, Dr. Frank N Furter.


(yes, yes, I know, this is my last RHPS reference for now)

Whom then turned into a robot and began shooting everyone.

Kat quickly desposed of the docter, accidently getting rid of that other person that was with her in the process. She then...

ate some pie.

[Whoo! Pie! :D]

Then she started grooving to some music that started playing from somewhere.

Then her claymore started to speak to her.

It told her to go visit the Queen of the Fairies, so Kat merrily skipped along the yellow brick road to the Fairy Palace.

Then the bricks changed colors, and Kat was somewhere entirely different on the planet.

Highly annoyed at the bricks, Kat wandered around this unknown place, trying to find a way back.

Then some random photographer comes and takes a picture of KAt with the multicolored bricks, Then posts it online somewhere. =o

And Kat was famous! She had tons of money and lived happily ever after. The End.


For her, at least.


Elsewhere...[Just thought we had been writting about me for too long. XD]

Arkchers hamsters were keelingyoudeading each other.


Samus won, cuz shes fortunately named, Then spider rose from keelingyoudeaditude, And went and keelingyoudeaded Kat. ... from a distance. with demonic spider-itude.

But by then, Kat had gained enough power to become invincible, so Spider's attempt to kill her was in vain. [No more talking about me. XD]

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But by then, Kat had gained enough power to become invincible, so Spider's attempt to kill her was in vain. [No more talking about me. XD]

Just then, Mega Wolf's hamster, Flip, ran over in a hamster ball to Samus and Spider's cage. She wanted to speak to them about cheese.

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But by then, Kat had gained enough power to become invincible, so Spider's attempt to kill her was in vain. [No more talking about me. XD]

Just then, Mega Wolf's hamster, Flip, ran over in a hamster ball to Samus and Spider's cage. She wanted to speak to them about cheese.

Samus chewed a hole through the walls in her cage, And began demolishing Flip's hamster ball, In order to get to Flip and keel it dead. (Thats something she'd do, too. o_o)

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But by then, Kat had gained enough power to become invincible, so Spider's attempt to kill her was in vain. [No more talking about me. XD]

Just then, Mega Wolf's hamster, Flip, ran over in a hamster ball to Samus and Spider's cage. She wanted to speak to them about cheese.

But cheese didn't like people talking about it behind it's back, so it walked off all offended.

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But by then, Kat had gained enough power to become invincible, so Spider's attempt to kill her was in vain. [No more talking about me. XD]

Just then, Mega Wolf's hamster, Flip, ran over in a hamster ball to Samus and Spider's cage. She wanted to speak to them about cheese.

But cheese didn't like people talking about it behind it's back, so it walked off all offended.

And then got eaten by an egg.

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But by then, Kat had gained enough power to become invincible, so Spider's attempt to kill her was in vain. [No more talking about me. XD]

Just then, Mega Wolf's hamster, Flip, ran over in a hamster ball to Samus and Spider's cage. She wanted to speak to them about cheese.

But cheese didn't like people talking about it behind it's back, so it walked off all offended.

And then got eaten by an egg.

The egg was also a ninja.

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Only not so much the pirateyness. More like the ninja egg from that one site that I can't mention.

Which one? Oh wait. you cant mention.


Chris the Ninja-Pirate came anyway and went and demolished some posts on this topic, then prances off.

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Only not so much the pirateyness. More like the ninja egg from that one site that I can't mention.

Which one? Oh wait. you cant mention.


Chris the Ninja-Pirate came anyway and went and demolished some posts on this topic, then prances off.

Flip bit him for doing that.

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Only not so much the pirateyness. More like the ninja egg from that one site that I can't mention.

Which one? Oh wait. you cant mention.


Chris the Ninja-Pirate came anyway and went and demolished some posts on this topic, then prances off.

Flip bit him for doing that.

Chris whacked Flip with a katana for biting him and then continued prancing off.

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Only not so much the pirateyness. More like the ninja egg from that one site that I can't mention.

Which one? Oh wait. you cant mention.


Chris the Ninja-Pirate came anyway and went and demolished some posts on this topic, then prances off.

Flip bit him for doing that.

Chris whacked Flip with a katana for biting him and then continued prancing off.

One of Kat's henchmen stole Kat's katana back and Chris was left weaponless.

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Whats going on here. I wanna join.

I would suggest that you start reading in the beginning then you will understand and be able to join in.

Read the first post, and the stuff between that and this post are unimportant, so just start RPing. xD

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Whats going on here. I wanna join.

I would suggest that you start reading in the beginning then you will understand and be able to join in.

Read the first post, and the stuff between that and this post are unimportant, so just start RPing. xD

Arkcher, I thought if Mushroom_king read the posts in-between, she would be better prepared to join in.

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Whats going on here. I wanna join.

I would suggest that you start reading in the beginning then you will understand and be able to join in.

Read the first post, and the stuff between that and this post are unimportant, so just start RPing. xD

Arkcher, I thought if Mushroom_king read the posts in-between, she would be better prepared to join in.

Read the topic title. Unrestricted. This best suits ADHD people. Continuity has no name here. MK can come in any time and just RP. o_o

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All of a suddeeen, A Spectral Cat named Mushrom king walked up and shroomed the ninjas.

" To the Mushroom cve" she said.

" EVIL!" screamed someone.

Mk looked down. " Im not Evil!"

"Join us" said Kat proudly.



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All of  a suddeeen, A Spectral Cat named Mushrom king walked up and shroomed the ninjas.

" To the Mushroom cve" she said.

" EVIL!" screamed someone.

Mk looked down. " Im not Evil!"

"Join us" said Kat proudly.


:lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Then that neo guy on Matrix or whatever movie it was came and threw CDs at people. =D Then ran away never to be seen again. maybe.

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All of  a suddeeen, A Spectral Cat named Mushrom king walked up and shroomed the ninjas.

" To the Mushroom cve" she said.

" EVIL!" screamed someone.

Mk looked down. " Im not Evil!"

"Join us" said Kat proudly.


:lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Then that neo guy on Matrix or whatever movie it was came and threw CDs at people. =D Then ran away never to be seen again. maybe.

Then David Gimour Apeered with Marth and Zip toad and MK went crazy until they threw a Jeff trophy at her. Then she freaked and Shroomed them.

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And then, a giant panda came by and stole all of the gold dubloons.

The smilies shot the panda dead. =D

And it rained grape juice.

The undead panda drank the juice.

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And then, a giant panda came by and stole all of the gold dubloons.

The smilies shot the panda dead. =D

And it rained grape juice.

The undead panda drank the juice.

Until the Panda found out it was that cheap grape drink stuff thats like -15% Juice, mostly colored sugar-water. The sugar-water then forments and becomes alcohol. The panda momentarily dies. again. three times. >D

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And then, a giant panda came by and stole all of the gold dubloons.

The smilies shot the panda dead. =D

And it rained grape juice.

The undead panda drank the juice.

Then the panda got sent flying away to the land of straw wrappers.

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And then, a giant panda came by and stole all of the gold dubloons.

The smilies shot the panda dead. =D

And it rained grape juice.

The undead panda drank the juice.

Until the Panda found out it was that cheap grape drink stuff thats like -15% Juice, mostly colored sugar-water. The sugar-water then forments and becomes alcohol. The panda momentarily dies. again. three times. >D

And then it sang it's enchanting Panda tune and all of the muffins were saved.

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  • 2 weeks later...

meanwhile, a small calico cat named Smiley sat hidden in an apple bush, observing all the comotion w/ da panda. she decided to have some fun, so she removed a bushel of grapes from a branch, loaded it into her bazooka, and fired! the grapes exploded over everyones heads, and turned into conditioner! Smiley giggled as the tribbles came, and bounced on the conditioner that was still floating in the air.

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meanwhile, a small calico cat named Smiley sat hidden in an apple bush, observing all the comotion w/ da panda. she decided to have some fun, so she removed a bushel of grapes from a branch, loaded it into her bazooka, and fired! the grapes exploded over everyones heads, and turned into conditioner! Smiley giggled as the tribbles came, and bounced on the conditioner that was still floating in the air.

Then a ninja walked over and was all, "...Huh?" Then it left, never to be seen agian.

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"two to the power of three-hundred-fifty against and falling.." rang out a soothing voice.

Then the voice said, "All your base are belong to us."

Then Yoshi came and ate Kat and maybe something else.



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"two to the power of three-hundred-fifty against and falling.." rang out a soothing voice.

Then the voice said, "All your base are belong to us."

Then Yoshi came and ate Kat and maybe something else.



Then Kat climbed back out and rode Yoshi into the sunset.

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"two to the power of three-hundred-fifty against and falling.." rang out a soothing voice.

Then the voice said, "All your base are belong to us."

Then Yoshi came and ate Kat and maybe something else.



Then Kat climbed back out and rode Yoshi into the sunset.

Yoshi ate the sun. =o

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"two to the power of three-hundred-fifty against and falling.." rang out a soothing voice.

Then the voice said, "All your base are belong to us."

Then Yoshi came and ate Kat and maybe something else.



Then Kat climbed back out and rode Yoshi into the sunset.

Yoshi ate the sun. =o

It gave him a tummy ache.

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"two to the power of three-hundred-fifty against and falling.." rang out a soothing voice.

Then the voice said, "All your base are belong to us."

Then Yoshi came and ate Kat and maybe something else.



Then Kat climbed back out and rode Yoshi into the sunset.

Yoshi ate the sun. =o

It gave him a tummy ache.

Then he blew up and Kat flew to ummmm.... the mountains.

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  • 1 year later...
The survivng vikings attempted to flee back to norway, but were attacked by pirate Ninjas.

A battle insued that lasted 1,000 long years. Eventually, it was decided that the only way for the battle to be was was for one side to throw the moon at the other. But in order to pull the moon out if it's orbit, they would have to pool all the explosived in the world.


So that's what they did.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


[Yea, man. I've cheered up somewhat.]


After the moon destroyed the others, Johnny Depp decided to get revenge on all the Teen Magizenes who had worshipped him for the past thousnads of years.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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  • 2 months later...
*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Johnny Depp, however, was thrown at Arkcher.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The AStronomy Domine*~*

And then Arkcher pwned him.

with a big sword.


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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Johnny Depp, however, was thrown at Arkcher.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The AStronomy Domine*~*

And then Arkcher pwned him.

with a big sword.


Mushroom_king contemplated what to do with the Billions of H$ Horatio had given her for her Birthday Portraits.

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*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


Johnny Depp, however, was thrown at Arkcher.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The AStronomy Domine*~*

And then Arkcher pwned him.

with a big sword.


Mushroom_king contemplated what to do with the Billions of H$ Horatio had given her for her Birthday Portraits.

Arkcher suggests that you should use them to genetically engineer more Johnny Depps. and maybe Trents. 'cause then you could practise floyding on the clones, and find out more about them and just throw one in the meat grinder when it knows too much. XD

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Mushroom_king, following Arkcher's advice, put a cloning machine in the Machineary room of The Mansion, creating more Trents and Johnny Depps.

Arkcher grabbed a Johnny Depp and threw it at MK.



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Mushroom_king, following Arkcher's advice, put a cloning machine in the Machineary room of The Mansion, creating more Trents and Johnny Depps.

Arkcher grabbed a Johnny Depp and threw it at MK.



MK chased Arkcher into The Meat Grinder room.

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Mushroom_king, following Arkcher's advice, put a cloning machine in the Machineary room of The Mansion, creating more Trents and Johnny Depps.

Arkcher grabbed a Johnny Depp and threw it at MK.



MK chased Arkcher into The Meat Grinder room.

Arkcher sez 'Oh noes. D:'

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MK, however, saw the Real Trent walking under The Mistletoe.

Trent ran away. MK was sad.

MK used her amazing powers to make trent come back. And STAY.

Trent cowers. D=

"pull yur pants up," she said, "or i'll do it for you."

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(Actually, Oh Canada is an A.D. phrase for being surprised.)


MK listened to Foreigner's Hot Blooded.

Glowwy-boy stats talking like arkcher-face. Then he stops. And changes the music to lemon demon. Everyone rejoices.

MK, deprived of her Rock And Roll, went out and bought a Ram Jam CD.

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