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The Legend Of Giza

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Hi I am Posting my story here. Her Goes:

The Legend Of Giza Issue #1 Presents:





one Day in The Little Teeny Village of Cappytown, Giza and her freinds Were having Normal lives.

Lakister: DUDES for the Last Time She is Not my Girlfreind!

Jackob: OMG Aisha! How could You say Wock Till You drop Was dumb and

2 Gallon Hatz was Cool?!

Aisha: Because its True.

JapanCat: ...... And Then, Ill toss his wife out the Window! YAY! Then he'l Like Me.....

Giza: Yet another Normal day... Oh GREAT! Hannah is Digging under the Castle again!* Opens up some Skittles and confounds Siggy*

Lady Like: * too busy Playing Saxophone to Speak* Man, And you thought being Princess Of a Lost land and Being Queen Of Kirbytown and Wearing adress made me look frail! HA! Fools... I can Play Saxophone L:ike craaaaaaaazy!

Giza: Hey, These are MAGIC Skittles! * heads Turn*

Rainbow Theori: Wuh......?

Giza: It means thay Can change your Color! Whoo! Know your Mushrooms!

And so, Giza was Changing colors all day to fit her mood.




The rest is in my next Post! To be Countinued...

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Hi I am Posting my story here. Her Goes:

The Legend Of Giza Issue #1 Presents:





one Day in The Little Teeny Village of Cappytown, Giza and her freinds Were having Normal lives.

Lakister: DUDES for the Last Time She is Not my Girlfreind!

Jackob: OMG Aisha! How could You say Wock Till You drop Was dumb and

2 Gallon Hatz was Cool?!

Aisha: Because its True.

JapanCat: ...... And Then, Ill toss his wife out the Window! YAY! Then he'l Like Me.....

Giza: Yet another Normal day... Oh GREAT! Hannah is Digging under the Castle again!* Opens up some Skittles and confounds Siggy*

Lady Like: * too busy Playing Saxophone to Speak* Man, And you thought being Princess Of a Lost land and Being Queen Of Kirbytown and Wearing adress made me look frail! HA! Fools... I can Play Saxophone L:ike craaaaaaaazy!

Giza: Hey, These are MAGIC Skittles! * heads Turn*

Rainbow Theori: Wuh......?

Giza: It means thay Can change your Color! Whoo! Know your Mushrooms!

And so, Giza was Changing colors all day to fit her mood.

The rest is in my next Post! To be Countinued...

Great start! Please continue! :D

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Giza: Well, Im gonna go to the Store and yell at Mr. Sude for Not selling Mario Party 6. See ya.

Hannah: ( from below) Good luck!

Tiff: you should see those Magic Skittles! they are weird!

Tuff: Hey! Wher is Kirby? He just Dissapeerd!

Somewhere in Wispy Woods, Kirby isnt doing fun things. Things like yelling at Innocet Cappys or digging without calling 1-800-DELETED . Instead, He was being attacked! By What? Who knows.... Tune in!

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No Arkcher. This is a Story out of my own Imagination.




So, Kirby was gettuing hurt by a Huge creature and Giza was at home. all of her magic Skittles were gone and ahe was pink again. She decided to take our very own 8 string Guitarist, Piano Guitarist, Saxophonist, and Best freind along. She was looking and didnt even think of the Woods.

Hannah: Giza, We are not going to find him! Cmon, les go home.

Katie: Yeah........



Wait, this is Mushroom Season! cmon les go!

So, Lady Like ( Kirby not cappy) Hannah, Giza, Tiff, and Katie got there Baskets aNd went Mushroom Hunting.

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And so, Although Hannah Didnt Approve of Picking Mushrooms, Giza Loved it. She was In Heaven. Soon, Kirby came running out of the Bushes....


Kirby: Isle! Isle!

Hannah: Whats He saying?

Giza: weve got better Things to do!

Lady Like: Transform!

tiff: Tiff of light and Dark!

Hannah: Hannah Of the Spectral Caves!

Lady L:ike: Princess Of Mirrodin!

Kirby: Isle!

Katie: Song Of Freindship!

Giza: Giza STAR HERO!

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The Huge Monster appered to be Half tree and half Dragon, But was no match for this Teeny portain of the Giza Gang.....

Lady Like: hike! I use Drop of Mirrodin to save us!

Giza: Im Using the Cell Phone to Contact JapanCat! Then We'll win!

Hannah: Spectral Beam *whooooooooooooooosh* Well Hury Up then!

Far away in the Castle JapanCat Answered the Call..

JC: Whoa, G needs my help!

And JapanCat Zooooooooooomed to the Forsest before you could say Anti Distant Estableshment Interiosim. Or My favourite Phrase, Know your Mushrooms.




Oh, Yes, a few of these charecters are from Kirby: Right back at Ya!!!! But most of them Like Giza And JapanCat I made myself. Oh, The Lady lLike Hanging with Giza is NOT Tiff and Tuffs Mom. Thank you.

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When JC came, Lady Like was Using a Powerful Sword to fight off the Thingy and Hannah was very hurt.

Giza: Must... Keep.....Fighting.... Huh./......./......./......?


JC: Whoa, What do those ones do?

Giza: ( reads Packege )" Unleashes Random Powerful attack. Not to be used as

a TM or HM or SM. External Use only.

Tiff: Um.... Throw them you idoit! Before TGHL Steals Yer Sanity!

Hannah: Uh..... Wasnt it already token?

Katie: Throw Em!

Giza throws the Rainbow skittles.... Who knows.....

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When The Monster was destroyed, Giza went back to her normal life...

Lakister: Ah, My Best freind, Bass Guitar.

Giza: The Only Reason I know its not mine is because mine is a Heart.

Lakister: Thats Where my Bass Went....

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  • 1 year later...
Giza: Well, Im gonna go to the Store and yell at Mr. Sude for Not selling Mario Party 6. See ya.

Hannah: ( from below) Good luck!

Tiff: you should see those Magic Skittles! they are weird!

Tuff: Hey! Wher is Kirby? He just Dissapeerd!

Somewhere in Wispy Woods, Kirby isnt doing fun things. Things like yelling at Innocet Cappys or digging without calling 1-800-DELETED . Instead, He was being attacked! By What? Who knows.... Tune in!

*~*The Grand illusion*~*the Final cut*~*


*Laughs maniaclly at the fact that for all these months, Horatio didn't relise this is a real phone number*


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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Giza: Well, Im gonna go to the Store and yell at Mr. Sude for Not selling Mario Party 6. See ya.

Hannah: ( from below) Good luck!

Tiff: you should see those Magic Skittles! they are weird!

Tuff: Hey! Wher is Kirby? He just Dissapeerd!

Somewhere in Wispy Woods, Kirby isnt doing fun things. Things like yelling at Innocet Cappys or digging without calling 1-800-DELETED . Instead, He was being attacked! By What? Who knows.... Tune in!

*~*The Grand illusion*~*the Final cut*~*


*Laughs maniaclly at the fact that for all these months, Horatio didn't relise this is a real phone number*


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

*thinks about this* :lol:

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Giza: Well, Im gonna go to the Store and yell at Mr. Sude for Not selling Mario Party 6. See ya.

Hannah: ( from below) Good luck!

Tiff: you should see those Magic Skittles! they are weird!

Tuff: Hey! Wher is Kirby? He just Dissapeerd!

Somewhere in Wispy Woods, Kirby isnt doing fun things. Things like yelling at Innocet Cappys or digging without calling 1-800-DELETED . Instead, He was being attacked! By What? Who knows.... Tune in!

*~*The Grand illusion*~*the Final cut*~*


*Laughs maniaclly at the fact that for all these months, Horatio didn't relise this is a real phone number*


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

*thinks about this* :lol:

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final cut*~*


If I was writing this story now, instead of then, I wouldn't have put that, but this was when I was new and didn't knwo the rules to well.


Ah, memories.


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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