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I eat the ears, head, and tail, then the body. We're all doing well, and had a nice Easter with my parents and grandmother. Hi TBFOF! and thank you.

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Dear everyone,

gyuvfg b vcg s nkmm mjkn h tugj bv y, '

/.,mn yp;'./ /...........

















ll.,l ,m,m,km,,1

Sincerely, MacKenzie

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I eat the ears, head, and tail, then the body. We're all doing well, and had a nice Easter with my parents and grandmother. Hi TBFOF! and thank you.



LOL!!! The ears go first for most people. I apologise for the late response, but I was camping in Death Valley, and one of the electric poles went down in the mountains. We had absolutely no electric and attempting to get a reply on HampsterDance was impossible. What I ended up doing, was turning my telephone off. There will be some images posted in the next few days.

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Dear everyone,


gyuvfg b vcg s nkmm mjkn h tugj bv y, '

/.,mn yp;'./ /...........

















ll.,l ,m,m,km,,1

Sincerely, MacKenzie


WOW!!! Quite the typist. She is taking after her mother as a novelist.

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Checking in :)


I just watched Mortified Nation and every episode of The Mortified Guide. This lead me to dig through my old journals and letters. Which reminded me to check through old blogs and message boards! Im really getting my dose of nostalgia.


Horatio, I just wanted to say thanks for always having something positive to say. Growing up is tough and awkward, but you always had so much encouragement to share. I really appreciate that.

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Wildcat!!!!! Hooray! How wonderful to see you again. I am so happy that you decided to pop back in. Would you please make sure your email address is updated?


What are you doing now? How is your life? What is going on?


Thank you so very much for your post. I really appreciate hearing those words. You are such a wonderful person, with a fantastic life in front of you. The road of life will not always be easy, but if you can look back and have no regrets, that you lived you life the best that you could, then you will be a success. Please, make sure that you do not chase money. Money will not make you happy. Instead, please do what makes you happy and you will never work a day in your life.


And... please stay in touch with us.

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  • 1 month later...


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MacKenzie! post-5155-0-92018500-1528781694_thumb.jpg


She loves her water. I'm great! Sean and I are profiting with our graphics business and streaming on twitch! And we are loving this little angel, learning all sorts of new fun things. <3


Today her favorite word was "no". It starts.

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Terrific, all this wonderful news! MacKenzie is getting so big. Oh my! I met a little two year old boy, who did not say "no", but he said "no, thank you". I could not help but smile and chuckle. Everything was "no, thank you". It was so cute. Yes, both parents and children go through the learning process. Plus now parents learn how to see things in a much different point of view.


The news of your graphics business profiting, is exciting. I am so happy to hear this. You will have to give me your name on Twitch. I would love to see what you are up to.


At the moment, I am driving another truck full of furniture across country. With a twenty-six foot truck, you can not just pull over anywhere. That can get frustrating. Especially when I would like a cup of Dunkin Donuts coffee.


I will keep you posted on more of my trip. Please keep me posted on everything with you all.

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  • 2 weeks later...

it's the same as my insta, which, conveniently enough, you're following (or I'm following you?) yes please keep me updated on your travels, and drive safe!


mackenzie is such a ham. she's learned to climb into the bathroom sink. she's learned to mimic jumping jacks, sneezes, "all gone" and is entering the beautiful stage of emergent literacy, meaning she knows those marks mean something, points to them and babbles, and then looks at the picture and babbles about that. yesterday she was saying something specific that I'm pretty sure was "play with mommy". my heart melted <3

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When MacKenzie is a teenager, and driving you crazy, I am going to send this post to you. Let us see if your heart melts all over again. LOL! I just love listening to little children babble. You always wonder what is running though their little minds. Play with mommy, how wonderful. Keep that in mind for the future.


After the trek across country, I had picked up this horrendous sore throat, cold type of bug. It was awful. I would love to give it back to the person who gave it to me.


Just two more cross country trips to accomplish. I am ready to have all of the furniture moving over. That will be very nice.

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  • 2 weeks later...

happy fourth!!

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Hey guys,


Was randomly thinking about you all today! I'm all grown up and married, with my masters degree in special education. Moving near Jacksonville, FL next weekend from Boston! Is there some better way we can keep in touch?



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HOOOOOOOOOPPPPPPPPSSSSS!!! I always love seeing you!


Oh my goodness. Married, two degrees and you will be down here in Florida, only a few hours from me. Yes, there is a better way you and I can keep in touch. My email is: darker52843@mypacks.net. I do not like Facebook due to their policies. They do not protect user's information, no matter what they say. When the founder/CEO does not want anyone invading his privacy, but exploits his users, and sells their information for his financial gain, then I avoid the Would you please make sure that your email is updated here? That would be terrific. You will love not having to deal with snow and ice during the winter. The first summer might be a little bit humid for you, but you will get quite acclimated to the summer humidity quite fast. Welcome back.

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hi Hoops!!! Florida is a great place! You'll love it here!!!

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darn and I wanted a bit of action for once XD

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I like hurricane season lol *shrug* I don't want too much devastation and of course nobody to get hurt, but the storms are fascinating.

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  • 4 weeks later...

she turns 2 in five days

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  • 1 month later...

Happy Halloween - Kat - !!!


I am sorry to hear that you will be working. Hopefully, Topazia will show photographs of 'our' little girl, all dressed up in her costume.


We do not get trick-or-treaters because our street is to much work for kids unless they are driven by their parents. Houses are only on one side of the street, so it makes it hard work for so little candy. Just in case we do get some kids, I have a bunch of bags of candy, so I will load the bags of any kids who do stop by.


Your work anniversary is about to arrive. How fantastic. In just a short time, you will be at five years. That will be incredible.

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Today was my three-year work anniversary! Wish it had been a better day, very long and a lot of grumpy people. But I still love my coworkers and my station, so I can't complain. :D


I also had a photography lesson this morning! I got to learn how to use polarizing lens and shot some gorgeous fall foliage at a park I didn't know existed that's only about 15 minutes from me! And we saw some ducks and a bunch of dogs, which is always a plus~


I hope everyone had a fun Halloween! We never get any kids down our street at all so we didn't even buy any candy. Now that it's all on sale, though...

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- Kat -, congratulations on your three year work anniversary!!! Five years will be here before you know it.


Please post images of your photography! We love to see fall foliage, ducks, dogs and whatever you photograph!


Like you, we never get any kids, but I bought candy, just in case. And I buy only the candy that I like so that if no one shows up, I can have a candy overload. Of course, not one kid appeared, so I had one piece of candy, then two, then three... until my stomach had too much. I regretted the decision the day after.

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When a hurricane went through, a tree landed on our pool screen enclosure. We decided that we did not like the pool so much, and were tired of dealing with it. So, when the pool screen enclosure had to be replaced, we decided to turn out pool into a frog spa and leave the pool screen off. We had a lot, and I do mean a lot of tree frogs. In the pool, there were zillions and zillions of eggs, that turned into zillions and zillions of tadpoles, which turned into zillions and zillions of little tree frogs. They are all over the place. I just love these little guys. I have attached a photograph of one of these cute little frogs.




You need to click on the image to see a much larger version of him. He is really a cute frog.

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What a cutie!! When it's warm up here, we get some little frogs on our porch when it's humid enough of if it's rained. They're such chill little friends~


Let me remember how to post photos and I'll add some of my favorites I've taken so far! I'm going to talk with my teacher sometime before Christmas about editing again since I still have questions after our first session about it and I'll turn this into a kind of before-and-after from before editing and after I decide what I should do with them XD

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Figured it out :D Here are some of the ones I like most from both my lessons and random shooting I've done on my own!




You have some phenomenally fantastic images! I really love them. I think one of my favourites is the dog tags. You are really taking some terrific photographs. Thank you so very much for posting these images.

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  • 2 weeks later...



- KAT -

I know exactly what you should give people for Christmas, one of your photographs!!! They would love them!

Yes, I was at the mall, but not to go Chrismas shopping. It was to stop in at the Apple Store. There are two Apple Stores in the Orlando area. One is beyond bizarrely insane, the other is just a little bit less than that. The Millenia Mall has so many people in the Apple Store that a can of sardines had more room between each fish, then people had in the store. When I escaped and wandered upstairs in the mall, I walked past the Microsoft Store, there were only two customers in the store. The Microsoft employees were just standing around talking to each other or playing with their mobile phones. That was quite a statement.


Also... would you please go up to the upper right side of this topic and click on the "Follow this topic" button?

Your photographs were absolutely phenomenal and now that you finally return, it seems like ages since you posted them.

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Today it was so very cold in Florida. When I woke up, it was six degrees Centigrade which is about the same as forty-three degrees Fahrenheit. For someone who is accustomed to warm temperatures, this is really, really cold. Of course, if you are in Fairbanks, Alaska, this would be a heat wave.

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Looking out the window, first thing yesterday morning, we were fogged in. And what a fog it was. Even the birds had grounded themselves, waiting for the sun to burn off the fog. It took several hours, but finally, it was a gorgeous day. This morning, it is really cold. I was not prepared for this.

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  • 2 weeks later...

- Kat - those are gorgeous!!! I really like the orange flower that gives the appearance that it has a yellow shadow. You lined up those two flowers perfectly! The skyline is dramatic and the black and white tree is striking. Then, the other three flower images are all tied for second place. I love those as well, but the first three are award winners!!!

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Thank you so much! I got some more shots up-close of the fountain in front of Union Station, but then I looked at them and they're all crooked OTL I must not have noticed when I looked at them as I shot because my tripod being uneven made them look straight at the time. It was difficult because the area surrounding the fountain is covered in rocks so it's hard to get things lined up evenly. I will see what I can do with them in editing, and if nothing else I'll just have to go back to the fountain and get more pictures!

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I didn't realize the site was back or I'd have been back. Mackenzie was doc mcstuffins for Halloween. I worked and didn't get a picture. But she had fun with daddy and her friend. She's so big now! And! And! TODAY SHE DREW HER FIRST RECOGNIZABLE PICTURE! It was a dolphin. I'm trying to put her to bed right now.


We had a good Christmas. Small, but she got some clothes and was happy.


:-( what's gonna happen to this place?

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I didn't realize the site was back or I'd have been back. Mackenzie was doc mcstuffins for Halloween. I worked and didn't get a picture. But she had fun with daddy and her friend. She's so big now! And! And! TODAY SHE DREW HER FIRST RECOGNIZABLE PICTURE! It was a dolphin. I'm trying to put her to bed right now.


We had a good Christmas. Small, but she got some clothes and was happy.


:-( what's gonna happen to this place?


Would you please post pictures of our favourite little girl??? I am happy that you all had a wonderful Christmas. Your family was together and that is most important.


As for the HampsterBoards, they are not going anywhere. You can still stop in any time you wish.

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It was on her chalkboard and while I was getting my phone she scribbled on it to the point of no return. She was happy tho so I didn't press it lol


As for picture, here! post-5155-0-76932500-1548082368_thumb.jpg

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What a cutie!


I was all set to take pictures of the lunar eclipse on the 21st. I went out the night before to take some practice photos, had my tripod and my remote all ready...and then when the actual night came, the clouds were so thick I couldn't see a thing. And naturally I'd volunteered to work early the next day, so I didn't have time to drive an hour and a half to get out from under the clouds at nearly midnight and get home around 3AM.


I've seen so many awesome eclipse pictures now. I wish I'd been able to grab some! :(

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For some reason, I interpreted that to mean that Topazia has a newly decorated phone. If that is the case, the good news is that no one will steal it.


- Kat -, you should be able to see another one of these eclipses in 2023. The weather can always give you a low cloud layer when you want clear skies, and when you want some clouds, you will see a completely clear sky.

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Lol I meant she scribbled over her chalkboard while I was out of the room! My phone is still in the same shape it was before lol


I saw the eclipse but alas, my phone wouldn't capture it right *shrug*


Hi Kat!

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Heya! :3


I know when I was taking pictures the night before, there was juuuust enough cloud that all I really got were blurry white circles on a black background. I was hoping that with the eclipse, I could get my exposure right and actually be able to see stuff. But then nope, clouds. I will have to wait for that 2023 one and see if I either have better weather or if I'm able to get somewhere with good weather.


You can actually buy clear or blank white phone cases that are made to be decorated. If baby girl really wanted to leave her mark on your phone, there are options! XD

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some pics she drew recently :D

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Right so. I drew a blank stick figure and handed monster the pen. "Can you show me eyes?" She pokes the pad several times where the eyes are. Creepy, but accurate for toddler. "Can you show me a mouth?" She draws a mouth ish shape where the mouth goes. "What about hair?" She gives it a beautiful long mane of hair. Repeat for a shirt (a line on the torso part) pants (ish) and feet. We did this a few more times and she even gave a cat its feet, tail, and face.


***My Kid Can Draw***

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I hope your vday was wonderful!

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I was in one of those parts of America having crazy snow for the past couple weeks. I'm done with winter! Bring on spring!


Of course, as soon as it gets above about 83 degrees I'll be crying for winter again.

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I was spoiled by going to a Y for a long time that had a heated pool. It was always the perfect temperature. And it was inside so there were never any leaves or dead bugs in it. It's been a long time since I went to a pool but any time I went to an outdoor, unheated pool after, it always took some adjusting :wacko:

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I was spoiled by going to a Y for a long time that had a heated pool. It was always the perfect temperature. And it was inside so there were never any leaves or dead bugs in it. It's been a long time since I went to a pool but any time I went to an outdoor, unheated pool after, it always took some adjusting :wacko:


LOL!!! We will have a screen over our pool. That keeps some of the leaves out, but little itty, bitty bits sometimes slip through.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Heyo! I'm new here! This place seems pretty cool, and has some history to it as well! I stumbled upon this place a while ago, and I'm glad the sign-in has been fixed now.

2 hours ago, Horatio said:

Today is Sunday, and there is snow on the mountain tops.  What a gorgeous day filled with blue skies, cumulus skies and a gentle breeze.


While today is still Sunday for me, its actually the last day to go skiing at a resort nearby. Its definitely getting warmer! I went swimming today and was able to walk to the car in a damp swimsuit without freezing too much. I'm on vacation right now, which is why I'm talking about skiing and swimming.

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There's been lots of rain here this week, which means lots of humidity. Don't like that D: And neither do the dogs. Moose, in particular, will NOT go out if the ground is wet. If you ask him it's because he's made of sugar (that's why he's so sweet) and the rain will melt him. I suspect he's just being a baby, though

I saw Captain Marvel, it was pretty fun! Not my favorite Marvel Movie, but certainly not their worst. I'm going to see Shazam tomorrow, let's see how DC did. I don't like most of their movies lately, but Aquaman was pretty good, so maybe they're learning.

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Hellllloooooo - Kat - !!!!

Moose sounds like such a wonderful dog.  We had a dog named Buttons, who wore boots when he went outside in the snow.  First, he decided that he would not go outside in the snow without his boots on.  Then it was the snow and the rain.  LOL!!!  That behaviour was all our fault.  If we had not put the boots on him, to begin with, then he would have never known what it was like to keep his feet dry.  LOL!!!


I have not been to the movies in a while.  Would you please let us know how Shazam was?  All I have been doing is reading, reading and a bit more reading.

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On 3/25/2019 at 3:22 AM, Scarlett said:

Heyo! I'm new here! This place seems pretty cool, and has some history to it as well! I stumbled upon this place a while ago, and I'm glad the sign-in has been fixed now.

While today is still Sunday for me, its actually the last day to go skiing at a resort nearby. Its definitely getting warmer! I went swimming today and was able to walk to the car in a damp swimsuit without freezing too much. I'm on vacation right now, which is why I'm talking about skiing and swimming.

Scarlett, welcome to HampsterDance Boards.  Would you please tell me a little bit about yourself?  

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On 4/7/2019 at 9:00 PM, Horatio said:

Scarlett, welcome to HampsterDance Boards.  Would you please tell me a little bit about yourself? 

Yes, of course!


I am currently a highschool student, and I plan on making a living with jobs involving computer-science. Specifically programming. My favourite colour is pink, and I love puzzles. I've had several pet hamsters over the years and I currently have two dogs, two ferrets, and a mouse. Sadly, no hamsters right now. One dog is just a pup of about 14 months and shes SOOOO cuuute! She's a saint bernard though, so she's pretty big.

I found this place buried deep in the internet after wanting to look into the origination of the old hampsterdance video. Y'all seem like a fun and nice bunch!


On 4/7/2019 at 5:49 AM, - Kat - said:

I'm going to see Shazam tomorrow

A few people I know saw that movie also, and they liked it. I hope you did too!

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Welcome aboard, Scarlett! It's been quite a while since we saw a new face around here, I hope you enjoy your stay :D

Shazam was pretty fun! Again I wouldn't say it was a masterpiece, but it was a good ride and not a waste of time. If anyone is looking for a nice action movie that doesn't involve too much brain power, take a look when it makes it to Netflix.

In other Moose-related news, his adoption anniversary was on Monday. He's been with us for two years! We love our big barrel-chested boy.

My friend used to have some ferrets and they were a ton of fun. I've always wanted one but my parents always said no because of the smell XD Some day!

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On 4/11/2019 at 3:51 AM, Scarlett said:

Yes, of course!


I am currently a highschool student, and I plan on making a living with jobs involving computer-science. Specifically programming. My favourite colour is pink, and I love puzzles. I've had several pet hamsters over the years and I currently have two dogs, two ferrets, and a mouse. Sadly, no hamsters right now. One dog is just a pup of about 14 months and shes SOOOO cuuute! She's a saint bernard though, so she's pretty big.

I found this place buried deep in the internet after wanting to look into the origination of the old hampsterdance video. Y'all seem like a fun and nice bunch!


A few people I know saw that movie also, and they liked it. I hope you did too!

Hello Scarlett.  Welcome to HampsterDance Boards.  A career in computer science will be terrific.  Pink is a beautiful colour.  I love it when the sunrise or sunset is pink.  Two dogs, two ferrets and a mouse?  WOW!  Saint Bernard puppies are big and the adults are really big.  They are such terrific dogs.  

We are happy that you have found us and we hope that you will stay.  

See you all later.  

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Today was a beautiful day! My friend had a baby shower, I won a lot of candy. Since it was so nice out, my dad and I took our dogs to the park afterwards. Moose immediately found a big puddle to splash in, and Pippin's nose is all dirty from all the sniffing around he did. An excellent park adventure, by dog reckoning.

I hope everyone else is getting some nice spring weather, too!

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😮 A new face! Welcome to the boards, Scarlett!


I'm having a lovely month so far. I started a new job last month and I've been working FULL TIME so I ACTUALLY HAVE MONEY!!!! (it's been a while...) and of course MacKenzie is a genius and beautiful and wonderful. :D

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Welcome back Topazia. It is nice to see you, again.  Congratulations, this is terrific news!  What are you doing in your new job?  How old is MacKenzie now?  She is growing so fast.  What is your little girl up to these days?  Any new MacKenzie artwork for you to share with us?

Not much going on here.  I am still doing the same old stuff.  Working, renovating the Florida house and taking photographs.  


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she's two and a half and very much an active, rambunctious, loving toddler! No new artwork. But she can draw faces and some letters and she's just the sweetest smartest little thing ❤️

I am a cashier, and I am lucky that my managers know I prefer to be on the floor bc they use me as a stocker almost every day so no Alli stuck on register all day long!!

we didn't do anything for Easter. I worked shrugs and we couldn't go to my mom's anyway bc they replaced her roof this week. We don't really have Easter traditions anymore... my grandmother died last August, and holiday dinners were always at her house. 😕 

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Topazia... wow, has time flown by that fast?  MacKenzie is two and one half???  I can not believe that so much time has passed.  I am so happy that she is active, rambunctious and loving.  This has everything to do with you.  I am certain that you have given one hundred hours per day to help her develop into the little person she is.

Your manager must know that they will get the most out of you when you are doing more than just be stuck at the register.  Great!  

As for Easter, I am sorry you had to work.  Hopefully, the roof is complete on your parent's home.  I love holiday traditions.  But, due to my career, we never had the tradition on a set day.  Usually, that was because we were always working and not even in the same state or country.  Perhaps you can pick up the tradition and carry it forward.

We have a new member, Scarlett.  She appeared once and I am trying to get the boards to have her posts appear immediately.  

 have attached our Easter egg photograph.


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This morning, we awoke to snow.  Not much, but it was so cold outside.  BRRRRRR!  I am waiting for the sun to come out and melt the layer of snow.  What a way to start the month of May.

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Easter was quiet over here. We had a little family dinner at home, it was very good!

I have the rest of this week off, and this weekend it's Godzilla film festival time! Gonna watch some giant monsters fight each other for a couple days.

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Check it outtttt my little monster is drawing landscapes! (I drew the animals) 

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LOL!!!  Oh my goodness!  Your "little monster"???  I love the image.  You could have at least given her a few other colours to play with.  

I just love the artwork created by young children.  The artwork is so much fun.


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Lol her nickname on twitch and other sites is smallmonster. The endearing kind, like Elmo and Grover are monsters on sesame street. She chose the green! 

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I just love your little girl.  A term of endearment.  MacKenzie seems to have her own mind and this is wonderful.  It will be terrific to have more artwork by our favourite artist.

How is your job?  Are you getting away from the cash register enough for you?  I hope so.


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She is absolutely a joy. I do get frustrated when she's misbehaving but she's just learning and trying to play so I try to guide her away instead of getting mad... it's hard sometimes but I'm getting better at it. She definitely has her own mind about a ton of stuff lol! 

Work is good, I have been off register more often than not which is best for me haha I worked enough full time weeks in a row that I'm really full time now, which means I get better insurance options and bigger bonuses every quarter! 

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Topazia... wonderful work news.  Better insurance options and bigger bonuses are a definite plus.  I hope that you are taking something out of your already small paycheck, and putting it towards retirement.  In the end, you will pay a little bit less in taxes.  

I have been looking for a one thousand colour crayon box.  So far, I have not found one, but when I do, I am sending them to MacKenzie, along with a whole lot of drawing paper.  LOL!!!  Perhaps I should find a set of drums for her.  LOL!!!

Yes, growing, exploring and learning young people, can try the patience of their parents.  You sound like you have an immense amount of patience.  I applaud you for the great job you are doing as a mother.  All of your hard work and patience will definitely pay off when she gets older.  It comes when other parents tell you how wonderful your daughter is.  Then you know what a fantastic job you did raising her.



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  • 2 weeks later...

no I'm not putting money aside. I should, I know. we will be soon.

omg MacKenzie would adore that (and so would I, to be honest, love me some crayons) haha please no drums. she has one. she likes it. it makes an excellent stairs. xylo and other instruments, I can't wait to give her music, I'm looking at where to find kid-level instruments since walmart doesn't really have them anymore. she already likes to sing, after all.

I think I'm doing a good job. I'm trying. I think Sean is doing a better job. He's home with her, he does everything. She loves him to death. She's so good. I hope he realizes just how amazing a dad he is.

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also, what a fantastic shot of that fox! is that a yawn?

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You are so right.  It is most definitely a yawn.  The fox was pretty far away and I was using a long telephoto lens.  Even though he was far away, he was still discreetly watching me.  See the following image.  You have to look closely to see his eyes.





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On 5/20/2019 at 1:37 AM, Topazia said:

no I'm not putting money aside. I should, I know. we will be soon.

omg MacKenzie would adore that (and so would I, to be honest, love me some crayons) haha please no drums. she has one. she likes it. it makes an excellent stairs. xylo and other instruments, I can't wait to give her music, I'm looking at where to find kid-level instruments since walmart doesn't really have them anymore. she already likes to sing, after all.

I think I'm doing a good job. I'm trying. I think Sean is doing a better job. He's home with her, he does everything. She loves him to death. She's so good. I hope he realizes just how amazing a dad he is.


I know that it is tough, as money is tight, but you really need to have a little bit taken out of your paycheck towards your retirement.  This is so very important.  You will learn to live with a little bit less, but in the long run, you will have a very wonderful nest egg for your retirement years.  Please promise me that you will sign up and take out something towards your future.  Also, please promise me that you will never, ever touch it.  

As for other news, perhaps we should send you a five thousand piece Lego set for MacKenzie.  LOL!!!  Of course, we will need to send you a toy box for all those Lego pieces.  

I am so happy that you and Sean are having fun with MacKenzie.  She seems to be such a happy and wonderful child.  This is because of the terrific job you both as doing as parents.  Music is something that you take with you for life.  Once you have an appreciation for music, it never goes away.  I could never live without music.

Would you please keep us posted on our favourite little girl???

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  • 3 weeks later...

Not a whole lot new has happened in the last couple weeks, with her. She's still happy and healthy. I'm still tired everyday bc that child wakes up at 7 every. Single. Day. *cries* Sean is losing weight and working on getting back into shape. I'm super proud of him, he's lost almost 15 pounds in like three weeks. 

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Congratulations to Sean.  Losing weight is so very difficult.  Getting in shape is a perfect way to prolong your life.  Try to avoid running and swim or bicycle instead.  You only have so much cartilage in your knees and hips.  Swimming and bicycling have so much less of an impact on those two joints.  

Children can wear you out.  They have endless energy and seem to have batteries installed.  I love it that she is up early every single morning.  LOL!!!  That is my kind of girl.  I am up by 04H00 every single morning.  If I was to wake up after that, I would feel like I missed half of the day.  I have no idea what it is like to sleep in.  LOL!!!  If you lived close, I would be your morning baby sitter so you could sleep.

Not much is happening with me, I am busy taking courses.  These are just for fun.  I enjoy learning new things. When I am not studying, I am out taking photographs and attempting to learn how to take these images better.  

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I love the gorgeous photos! I'm finding that flowers and nature are my favorite things to photograph so far.

Work is in a rough patch, we're very short-handed and people are off on vacation every week, but we'll hopefully get more hires soon! Until then, we're scraping by x.x I hope everyone is doing well!

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Welcome back!  I am so sorry to hear that work is extremely tough.  With people taking off for a week, it makes things so difficult.  I hope that you get some new hires or the return of some people soon.  

Yes, flowers are wonderful subjects.  I am attempting to try and photograph flowers in a different view, or with different lighting, just to make people wonder, what is that.  These flowers were really attracting my attention and I just had to try and take their pictures.  Today I am heading out to photograph some cactus.  There is this one cactus with an enormous amount of blooms.  I am hoping that I can capture a good photograph of them.

What else is happening with you?  Are you getting ready for the Fourth of July pyrotechnics celebration?

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We are! The demo show at the place we get our stash is next weekend, so we'll be stocking up then.

The game I've been waiting for comes out the weekend after that, so I'm excited for that! Otherwise, things are all quiet over here 😆

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This year, you need to bring your tripod and take fireworks photographs.  We will be waiting!  I am not a pyrotechnics person.  So, you will have so many, many more fireworks to play with.

Quiet is good.  Would you please let us know how the game goes?  

Not much is happening here.  Life is very calm and I am happy that there is no drama.

We just had a thunderstorm at sunset.  The rainbow was gorgeous, then the sky went dramatic orange.



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such beautiful pictures! MacKenzie is doing well, she's starting to figure out how pedals work on her trike! And Sean has continued to lose weight. getting close to 20lbs off!

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Oh my goodness.  MacKenzie on a tricycle!  She is going to love the ability to move around at high speed!  We must see a picture, please.

Sean is losing more weight?  WOW!  I wish that I had that ability.  

Thank you for the comment on the photographs.  I appreciate your input.

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Today I drew grass and she drew flowers in it! 20190621_144936.thumb.jpg.238a74f76cbb82c64fe9d14eb813815d.jpg

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WOW!!!  MacKenzie, I love this drawing!  Fantastic!  Thank you for posting the image.  MacKenzie is our favourite little girl?  

How is life treating you, Topazia?  How is work?  How is life?

Not much to going on here.  I have been out collecting rocks and having so much fun whilst doing it.  



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 Life is great! Work is fun! I'm hardly on register so I'm a happy girl! 😁 and MacKenzie is the sweetest little thing and so mischievous lol getting into everything! 

I'm having a lot of fun streaming on twitch and running the community we started there. I've met so many amazing people and made friends I'd never have encountered otherwise. 

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You have managed to work yourself into a much better position away from the register.  Excellent!!!  I am thrilled to know that you were able to make yourself happy in your job.

What topic are you streaming on Twitch?  It would be great to watch you.  Would you please let me know how to find you there?

MacKenzie is at such a great age.  It always excites me to see the wonder of seeing and learning something new.  You can just see the wonder in their little eyes.  This is so nice to see.  Treasure these moments as she will soon be a teenager.  LOL!!!  I remember those teenage years.  How my parents ever lived through my teenage years, I will never know.  

Nothing exciting is happening.  I am swimming laps every day and this is not as much fun as running, but it is definitely much easier on your body then running.  The only other little drawback is that you always have the possibility of drowning.  This is not the case with running.  LOL!!!  I guess that I am just going to have to adapt to being a fish and like it.  

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's vacation season at work, and between that and general shift changes, it's been hectic x.x I'm tired but things outside of work are cool, at least!

4th of July was cut a little short this year. Firstly, we started pretty late because our dog Moose goes nuts when he hears fireworks so we can't bring him with us, but we also don't want to leave him and Pippin alone for too long, so we just go over for the evening now. Also, it kept raining off and on. Not just little showers, either, it was coming down pretty hard! We still managed to get stuff exploded, though!

The game is out and it is a ton of fun! It's an online game so I play with a bunch of my friends, we're having a blast.

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- Kat -, we are very happy to see you!!!  You are are number one pyrotechnic friend!!!  I am sorry to hear that it rained, but at least you did have some time to send off some fireworks.  We went to the city display and some of their fireworks started fires.  At least it is the fire department that is conducting the fireworks, so we know that they have the ability to take care of the fires.  I will post a couple of images after the post.

Yes, animals do not understand the fireworks.  I am happy that you are so kind to your pets and do not leave for long at this time.  The booms are pretty scary.  

Ouch, I totally understand the situation at your workplace.  It is quite frustrating.  Everyone wants to take their time off during the summer.  This means that almost the entire summer, the workplace is short-staffed.  That is so difficult.  Soon if will be fall again, and the employees will be back at work.  Your work anniversary will be here soon.  Only four months to go.  You are racking up the years!  

I am happy the wait for your online game was worth it.  Enjoy yourself!  

At the end of the week, I head to London for the airshow and it will be time to take lots and lots of photographs of airplanes.  There will be an incredible amount of aircraft from all over the world at this airshow and I am really excited to see what this year will bring.  Each year is better and better, so I am quite excited to attend.  

Are you still taking photographs?  We would love to see some.

Please stop in and visit more often.  It is always terrific to see you and hear about what is happening in your life.




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Those are gorgeous! I can't wait to see your airplane photos!

I am still taking photos as well, though lately I've been suffering from a lack of time to go places to take any good new ones. My teacher and I have been trying to schedule a day to go to the zoo, but between inclimate weather and my weird work schedule, it's been hard to find a day we're both free. We're not giving up, though!

Work has honestly been pretty stressful this last week. There's been some changes in staffing and scheduling that seem to be playing into some pretty blatant favoritism and are leaving four people (including me) with the short end of the stick in favor of catering to one person. I'm going to talk to our HR rep about it next week and see what can be done. If nothing else, I feel a bit better that all of my coworkers are in my corner and all of us who are being suspiciously jerked around are sticking together.

Our other concern right now is my mom, who has been having issues with her eye and is fairly sure she's got a detaching retina. Of course, she found this out on Wednesday night, so between Thursday being a holiday and most doctors offices being closed Friday as well, she hasn't really been able to make an appointment anywhere. Hopefully, she can get in somewhere on Monday. As long as it's taken care of in a timely manner it shouldn't be too big of an issue, but it can get serious if we don't take care of it.

I've been babysitting a leopard gecko this week for some family friends while they're out of town and it reminds me of how much I love having a gecko! She's very cute and it's fun to watch her prowl around her tank hunting for crickets. But I already have almost all the supplies for a beta fish, which I also really want, so that will be my next pet investment. More geckos and hammies in the future, though! My dream is to live somewhere that has enough room for me to house all sorts of fun little pets that I can comfortably afford to care for and spend time with. With a couple cats and a dog as well, of course.

I do love checking in here and seeing how everyone is doing. I will make a point to do it more often!

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Thank you for your kind words.  I decided not to follow the myriad of advice that was offered on the internet, and went back to what I learnt in my old film days with a manual camera.  For me, it was all about shutter speed.  LOL!!!   It will be fun to see what I come out with.

Welcome to the corporate world.  I am sorry that there is favouritism, but this is something that will happen no matter what corporation you work for.  I hope that you can get this resolved for you and your fellow employees.  Please keep us posted.

I am so sorry to hear about your mother.  It is very important that she see her doctor as soon as the offices open up.  You are so right, this is so important.  We will keep your mother in our prayers until you let us know that she is okay.  

We love it when you stop in.  Please post some of your photographs.  I am happy that you and your teacher will be getting together for the zoo trip.  We will be waiting for your zoo photographs.


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I understand that! It seems like the advice I see online never works for me, I just have to mess with settings myself. Shutter speed is one I still kind of struggle with, it seems like even if I set the others to what I think should work my shutter speed is always really slow.

I will keep you updated on the work situation. I really think that with all of us coming to them about it, they can't ignore it and things will change.

She has an appointment tomorrow morning, which was the earliest she could get in. It seems strange that nobody could get her in earlier when this seems serious, but at least she has an appointment now.

I will definitely share zoo photos once I get them! I'm excited~

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- Kat -, that is a perfect question for your teacher.  He can give you several situations to make you think about how to increase your shutter speed when it comes out too slow.  For the fireworks, I wanted to have my shutter open for at least three seconds to five seconds, but I did not want the image to become too bright.  So, I decided that I would under-expose the image.  If I had used an Neutral Density filter, then I would have had drastically different results.  Of course, I was just trying to see what would happen.  It was a very good learning experience.

A group is a much stronger force to be reckoned with.  Good luck on this.  I just know you will succeed.

I am shaking my head at doctors and getting someone in to see them when there is a real problem.  It is good that your mother will be in there tomorrow.  We are saying lots of prayers for your mother.

The zoo... I have three images of a hippopotamus that was watching me watch him or her.  It was pretty interesting.  I will search for those images.



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It's definitely something I want to talk to my teacher about. I've also noticed that it's hard to gauge my exposure compensation because what it shows on the back screen may look fine but when I upload the pictures they're waaaay over exposed. I'm sure some of it is just getting more used to the camera and what the view looks like versus what the actual upload will look like, but I'm still going to ask for tips!

Mom's appointment was today. She was partially right in that some of the goop that keeps her retina attached had come apart, but it looks like the rest of it has already started to seal up so nothing more should be coming apart. The bad news is that the big hardened glop that detached is pretty much permanently in her eye now and she'll always have a floater spot there. They could laser it into smaller chunks but they'd still be there, and it's possible it might break up naturally itself over time but again it would just be smaller spots instead of the larger one she has. She also gets light flashes if she moves her eyes too sharply because of it. I feel awful for her because I know that would drive me insane and she's already been struggling with it while we were waiting for an appointment. Now that she knows it's permanent she's just accepting it but I'm sure it's still bothering her.

I excitedly await the hippo pictures!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Absolutely, ask all the questions that enter your mind.  This is how you learn.  We are excited to see your next set of images.  You should have the ability to change your  monitor brightness.  I would ask this questions.  

Oh my!  I am so very sorry to hear about your mother's eyesight.  I do understand that many people life their life with a floater.  From what I understand, you will get accustomed to the floater and kind of see "around" it and not really notice it.  Hopefully, this will be what happens in your mother's situation.  

At the moment, I am in Mount Rainier and will post the hippo photographs as soon as I return home.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Mom's follow-up appointment went well, they confirmed that everything is pretty much sealed off and shouldn't really get any worse. She hasn't mentioned it since then, though she's always been good at suffering in silence. I hope it's because it hasn't been hard for her to work around it though.

My last photography lesson was at the zoo! Here are some of the pictures I think came out best. They are unedited so far, because I'm still kind of insecure about my editing abilities ^^; I think they can be polished up really nicely, though! I'm excited because I think a few of these are not only technically competent, but actually have some artistry to them as well. Which is what I'm most excited about in photography!












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...I did not realize it would post those so huge. My apologies :x Horatio, if this is too big, you can delete that post and I'll make a new one with smaller images or see if I can get them to post as clickable samples or something.

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I also realized too late that I picked the wrong one of those snake pictures. For the smaller red one, imagine that the snake isn't blurry, and that's what the right one looks like.

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LOL!!!   They are not huge enough!  These are absolutely wonderful.  My favourite images are... all of them!  You have done an incredible job at capturing all of these animals.  The toads are terrific, the tongue on the goat is a perfect touch, the parrot hiding his head and the penguins, lemur, orangutang, and snakes are superb.  I know that you will figure out the editing, but honestly, these are not in need of much in the way of post-processing.  Thank you so very much for posting these.

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Thank you for the update on your mother.  Hopefully, your mother is not suffering with any eye trouble.  I hope that the doctor has fixed the problem.  Would you  please keep us posted on your mother?  We would like to make sure all is okay with her.

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I will definitely let you know know how things progress! Right now she's pretty stable in terms of her eyes (and everything else) but if anything changes I'll let you know.

Thank you for your kind words! It's exciting to see improvement after each lesson. Now that I'm understanding more how to use the camera and what exactly CAN be done with it, I'm getting more ideas about what I WANT to do with it.

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Thank you for keeping us in mind with anything happening in your life.  We always want to know.  Stable is very good on your mother's condition.  

Would you like to give us an idea of where you would like to direct your focus with the camera?  There are also fun things that you can try at home.  If we can tear you away from your latest game.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I have had the most fun photographing organic things so far, and things in closer shots. Animals, flowers, or just general things in nature. I did also have fun doing the skyline photography and night photography, but I think when I have a specific focus of the image that I can understand I'm better at knowing how exactly to photograph it.

If you have any suggestions for exercises to do around home, please let me know! I feel like I've kind of exhausted all the photo opportunities I have around here.

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Photography is such a fun hobby. I'd do more if I had the time. As it is, I'm a busy busy bee lol

You have a great eye, Kat! You could go far if you keep it up! 


Alli update- I'm good, still working, still parenting, still streaming. MacKenzie just turned 3, and she was very very happy with her birthday this year. She got an indoor/outdoor princess castle tent and has decided it's the coolest bed ever (it's not, but at some point I'm more interested in a rested toddler than a toddler in a bed) lol


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Oh my goodness, MacKenzie is so beautiful.  Three years old, Happy Birthday to our favourite little princess, with her new castle!  I bet it is the most fantastic castle a little girl could ever have.  Yes, I totally agree.  A rested toddler is a happy mother.  LOL!!!  If MacKenzie can sleep in the tent and she loves it, then by all means this is the way to go.  

Did you know that MacKenzie has your eyes and smile?  It is a definite sign exactly who this little princess belongs to!  LOL!!!

Just how you work, parent and keep your sanity, I have no idea.  You have so much on your plate.  Just hearing about your schedule makes me tired.  Of course, taking care of such a wonderful toddler like MacKenzie can give you lots of joy and makes you not realise just how tired you are.  

For other news, - Kat - is such a talented photographer.  I do believe that she will go places with her photography, if she wants.  You can see how she has captured the essence of each and every animal.  I kept thinking that this or that photograph was my favourite and then I would look at the next one.  There were little nuances in each photograph that made it more special than the one before it.  I hope - Kat - continues with her photography.

Not much is happening out in the west, I hope life in Florida remains calm and no serious hurricanes hit the coast.  That would be good for both of us.  We are just installing our new pool screen.  If a hurricane takes this one down, I am filling in the swimming pool with dirt and making it a permanent frog spa.  The only good news is that we have a whole house generator and this will make life so very nice should we lose electricity from a hurricane.  I really do not want to try it out, but life will be good if this is the case.  The only drawback, we might be making coffee for the entire neighbourhood when they see we have electricity and they do not.  

Thank you for posting a wonderful image of our favourite little princess.  Happy Birthday to MacKenzie.

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