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Best friend of horatio club!

PARIS !!!!!  

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How fantastic that you both are doing so well. Babies are so strong. I am glad that she is not able to have the arm strength to lift her torso. Good things take time, so I am quite happy that she is not already crawling. Ha, ha, ha... that will come soon enough. It is a very good thing that Sean shaved his beard. Babies seem to be able to grab just enough hairs to pull and ouch does that hurt. So, eliminating the temptation is an excellent idea. I can speak from experience, babies are really strong when it comes to pulling out a hand full of hair. And they are like alligators, once they have those few hairs in their little hands, they absolutely do not want to let go.



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Beautiful shots!

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We are all well, thank you! Sean goes back to work tomorrow (boo) but we're going on a trip to Kissimmee to a place I don't think I can talk about here with some friends on Sunday. MacKenzie is awesome. She's up to 7 pounds! She's a sleepy and very cute poop factory (they all are at that age). I'm good. I've lost about 20 of the 35 pounds I gained. Still out of work until the end of the month. I can't think of anything else worth updating. How are you?

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We are all well, thank you! Sean goes back to work tomorrow (boo) but we're going on a trip to Kissimmee to a place I don't think I can talk about here with some friends on Sunday. MacKenzie is awesome. She's up to 7 pounds! She's a sleepy and very cute poop factory (they all are at that age). I'm good. I've lost about 20 of the 35 pounds I gained. Still out of work until the end of the month. I can't think of anything else worth updating. How are you?



LOL!!! A little poop factory. You made me choke on my coffee. LOL!!! I love it. What was MacKenzie's weight when she was born? How many inches was she? It is fantastic that you have lost so much of the weight you gained during your pregnancy. Terrific. Unfortunately, you have to go back to work, as I am certain that being with MacKenzie is such a joy.


As for here, I am still working on the renovation. Packing up the place is so very tedious. Ouch! I get a headache just thinking about it. The good news is that I am continually whittling down the stuff to box up. After the renovation is complete, we hope to get this place sold. The great news is that the property values are increasing at an alarming rate. Good for us, but I foresee another real estate bubble bursting. After Memphis, then on to Florida. The sale of the second house will be thrilling. I am looking forward to the day we no longer have stuff hanging over our head and to becoming a minimalist. LOL!!! It is so interesting to see just how much money people waste on unneeded stuff. It would be great to unload all this unneeded stuff to people who just need to have it. That would be terrific.


The fun thing is to run around the world and take lots of photographs of interesting locations. I am starting a travel blog. Of course, there are a million travel blogs out there, so I am looking forward to adding travel to my photographic workshop review blog. Wordpress is very easy to use and I am having an interesting adventure in figuring it all out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Your pictures are so pretty, Horatio! I love the dahlia. I'm looking forward to Halloween. No idea what I'm doing for it yet. Little girl will be something cute, I know that much. Update, she's getting so big! Probably hitting ten pounds now. Look how cute she is today lol



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Oh my goodness, Makenzie is growing like a weed! What are you feeding this girl? She is so beautiful.


Halloween will be so much fun and I can not wait until I hear all about it.


There has been so very much happening and for my birthday, I am going hiking, camping and photographing Zion and the surrounding area. So, you will most likely not hear from me for a few days.


I will have more photographs to share, so take care and enjoy Halloween!

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Hi wildcat! Welcome back! Thanks, she's just the sweetest thing.


As of yesterday, she's 10 lbs 11 oz. She had her shots and was grumpy until we gave her some Tylenol. It took effect in like a minute, I was so shocked! Lol she's eating nothing but good old mother's milk. We ended up not doing anything Halloween. She was cute, just not anything specific to the day.


Happy birthday, Horatio! I hope it was awesome!

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Holy smokes! Congratulations!!!!! What a beautiful girl!

I came here for a nostalgia blast, what a nice surprise.


I'm going to add the boards to my bookmark bar so I can lurk around a bit more...

Nice to see people still check in :D


Would you please add the email option so that you know when people post in a particular topic.

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Thank you so very much Topazia for the birthday greetings!!! My birthday was very quiet. Just how I like it.


Almost eleven pounds! WOW!!! Not doing anything on Halloween is good. There will be lots more Halloweens where you are busy making costumes, handing out candy and trying to get your daughter off a sugar high a few weeks later. LOL!!!



Hi wildcat! Welcome back! Thanks, she's just the sweetest thing.

As of yesterday, she's 10 lbs 11 oz. She had her shots and was grumpy until we gave her some Tylenol. It took effect in like a minute, I was so shocked! Lol she's eating nothing but good old mother's milk. We ended up not doing anything Halloween. She was cute, just not anything specific to the day.

Happy birthday, Horatio! I hope it was awesome!

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  • 3 weeks later...

It is (for me) officially Thanksgiving now. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! I'm thankful for the friendships I made here that have lasted so long. This place had a big impact on me in some of my most formative years, and I like to think that it was a positive impact.


T minus 14 hours until food time =u= I'm so ready.

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Thanksgiving was quiet but very nice ^^ My family went to Kris' house and we just hung out, watched Mystery Science Theater 3000 (and some football when Kris' grandpa was over), ate a bunch of great food, and came home. Alex and I came home before our parents since we both had to work the next day :P


We now have lots of leftovers, so that will be my dinner for the next week XD


Nobody we know can be bothered to take part in Black Friday, much less the pre-Black Friday on Thursday. I'd actually forgotten it was Black Friday until I got home from work and saw a commercial about it. That felt so good XD


It is about time to start getting gifts ready, huh? I know what I wanna get some people but for others I don't even have any ideas yet x.x And at least one is gonna be pretty hard to find...I'll have to come up with a backup in case it doesn't work out. May all of us have good present luck!

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I have decided that everyone is getting a piece of lava this year. There is so much around here, that I can get everyone's present on one hike. LOL!!! Shipping will be a little costly, but the gifts will not cost me a thing, save carrying them back to the car. I think I might have to make it one two hikes. LOL!!!


Lava field..png


All the brown is lava and the green center thing is the cone of the volcano. There are over ten extinct volcanoes in this area with lava scattered over thousands and thousands of acres.

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XD that's a lot of lava! But it would make a cool present, I think! Not only because it's a cool part of nature, but because you harvested it yourself from a special place :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Perhaps the person opening the bag might think I was crazy. LOL!!! Fist sized is very easy! I can do that! It is a good thing that I do not have to declare what is in the box, when I ship via FedEx.


Now... if you would like to know, for certain, if I am crazy, listen to this one. For my next vehicle, I would like a Rubicon Jeep, complete with a bed on top. And before you think I made this up, they do make a variety of beds, complete with mattresses, for the top of your Jeep. But... I am meeting all kinds of resistance. My thinking is that if I wanted to wander around in the middle of nowhere, and then spend the night, I could just climb on top of my Jeep and go to sleep. There is only one drawback... I would not have a coffee maker for the morning. That is one item that has not been invented yet.

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I'm sure it's not the weirdest thing FedEx has seen. In fact I can guarantee it isn't XD


I actually have heard of that! When my brother and I used to watch a lot of survival-style shows together, they'd have something like a vehicle-top mattress. The idea itself makes sense to me, the only thing missing is a heating pad for cold nights. Maybe it can store a charge from solar power, since it's on top of the jeep...


The panel could power the coffee maker, too.

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So you have heard about the rooftop beds. What a great idea! I like the solar heated mattress. Tesla has started placing solar rooftops on all their cars. If they could just install coffee makers, then life would be perfect. I would love to have coffee being brewed as I drive. Then there would be no need to stop at Dunkin Donuts.


As far as weird things being shipped, I know that you have more inside knowledge than I ever would. Ha, ha, ha!!!

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Hi everyone.

Just stepping in to wish you happy Christmas holidays. :)

Leguan!!! How are you? How is life treating you? How is your work? Should we call you Dr. Leguan now?


Merry Christmas to you!


Would you please fill us in on what has been happening?

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Merry Christmas, everyone! I spent mine with both my family and my bed, because these last two weeks at work have been nuts and I was very tired XD


It's great to see you around, Leguan!

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How is the New Year going for everyone? For me, we have had cold, cold, cold weather and snow. Lots of snow. The snow, for now, is beautiful and crunchy.


Time to head out and see if I can take some photographs whilst the snow is gorgeous.




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Happy New Year!


Everything fine here. 2017 will be a busy year. My contract at the university ends in June and I decided to leave academia. Perspectives for permanent positions are extremely bad and I don't like to live with that uncertainty. So I decided to switch to industry. Perspectives for R&D are also quite bad, there are not enough positions on the job market. I will do a half-year qualification in quality management and then try to get a position in pharma, food or agricultural industry. Unfortunately the qualitfication overlaps with my contract which means that I have to spend all my leave days for that. I planned to go for a skiing holidy in February which I had to cancel. :(


Here it was really really cold as well. And snowy. However, yesterday we got freezing rain. It was sooo slippery. A was in Hannover and even walking was really tough. You could go ice-skating on the roads... I had to drive back to Göttingen which took me 4 hours for just a bit more than 100km... Lots of accidents everywhere.

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Happy New Year!


Everything fine here. 2017 will be a busy year. My contract at the university ends in June and I decided to leave academia. Perspectives for permanent positions are extremely bad and I don't like to live with that uncertainty. So I decided to switch to industry. Perspectives for R&D are also quite bad, there are not enough positions on the job market. I will do a half-year qualification in quality management and then try to get a position in pharma, food or agricultural industry. Unfortunately the qualitfication overlaps with my contract which means that I have to spend all my leave days for that. I planned to go for a skiing holidy in February which I had to cancel. :(


Here it was really really cold as well. And snowy. However, yesterday we got freezing rain. It was sooo slippery. A was in Hannover and even walking was really tough. You could go ice-skating on the roads... I had to drive back to Göttingen which took me 4 hours for just a bit more than 100km... Lots of accidents everywhere.



Leguan... welcome back! I am sorry to hear that you have to cancel your skiing holiday. But, the good news is that you will have the quality management qualification behind you. If I remember correctly, you were working on your doctorate. Did you complete the doctorate program? I hope so. Is there one industry over an other that you would prefer? Would you please keep us up to date with you and your job search?


The ice... oh we know that well here in the U.S.A.. There was a monster storm that traveled across the country, leaving lots of snow and ice in it's wake. There were so many accidents everywhere. It was terrible. In some cities, there was the same problem that you encountered, the ice on the sidewalks made walking almost impossible and the roads were even worse. Roads were ice skating rinks for vehicles. At least you are back home, safe and sound.


There are lots of new things happening. Topazia now has a daughter and Jesusfreak has gotten married. - Kat -, has a job that she has been at for over one year, and she seems to really enjoy it. As for me, it is the same old stuff. We are getting rid of the condominium in Tennessee and buying a place in Utah. You are always welcome to come out for a visit. We should have a couple extra bedrooms.


That about covers everything here.


I hope you will come back and visit soon!



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  • 3 weeks later...

I almost had a mini heart attack just now. I typed in the URL to come here and it gave me a sever not found error! Didn't realize it was in all caps/that all caps would make a difference. I almost contacted the three people I know from here IRL to freak out.


Glad to see that isn't the case though. Hope everyone is well!


Quick update on my life:

-Living in NYC now, working that oh-so-wonderful 9-5 corporate life. (Which actually is more like 9-10ish and I haaaaaaaate it.)

-Training for my first triathlon. I'm doing it with my company and we're raising money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society and it's in Hawaii - so although it's so so so tough and I think about quitting daily, it's for a great cause, in a great place, and with some great people.

-I just took an amazing trip to Japan about two months ago. I LOVED it! So much different than China. I popped back over to Shanghai for the last three days of the trip and was so disappointed.

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Your pictures are so pretty, Horatio! I love the dahlia. I'm looking forward to Halloween. No idea what I'm doing for it yet. Little girl will be something cute, I know that much. Update, she's getting so big! Probably hitting ten pounds now. Look how cute she is today lol



Oh! Guess I've missed a lot! CONGRATS Topazia! She's beautiful.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Aww it's been dead. Well thank you, tbfof lol she knows she's beautiful haha


MacKenzie is now 6.5 months old. She's about 15.5 pounds. She can sit, eat, roll, and has two teeth. Thankfully she hasn't used them on her food source yet, but they're sharp on my knuckles that's for sure!


Your life sounds amazing, tbfof! A triathlon and a trip to Asia! I'm glad your company is raising money for such a great cause.

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Aww it's been dead. Well thank you, tbfof lol she knows she's beautiful haha


MacKenzie is now 6.5 months old. She's about 15.5 pounds. She can sit, eat, roll, and has two teeth. Thankfully she hasn't used them on her food source yet, but they're sharp on my knuckles that's for sure!


Your life sounds amazing, tbfof! A triathlon and a trip to Asia! I'm glad your company is raising money for such a great cause.

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Your pictures are so pretty, Horatio! I love the dahlia. I'm looking forward to Halloween. No idea what I'm doing for it yet. Little girl will be something cute, I know that much. Update, she's getting so big! Probably hitting ten pounds now. Look how cute she is today lol



Oh! Guess I've missed a lot! CONGRATS Topazia! She's beautiful.



TBFOF... welcome back. I have been out of internet and cellular service touch for a long time. I am taking pictures around the west, and there is something I see on my telephone all too often... "No Service".


Thank you for your comments on my photographs. I know you are a terrific photographer, so I appreciate your input.

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Aww it's been dead. Well thank you, tbfof lol she knows she's beautiful haha


MacKenzie is now 6.5 months old. She's about 15.5 pounds. She can sit, eat, roll, and has two teeth. Thankfully she hasn't used them on her food source yet, but they're sharp on my knuckles that's for sure!


Your life sounds amazing, tbfof! A triathlon and a trip to Asia! I'm glad your company is raising money for such a great cause.

It is my fault that things have been dead.. I have had no cellular service and this is frustrating. MacKenzie is getting so big, so beautiful, and those two teeth... what do you need knuckles for anyway?

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I almost had a mini heart attack just now. I typed in the URL to come here and it gave me a sever not found error! Didn't realize it was in all caps/that all caps would make a difference. I almost contacted the three people I know from here IRL to freak out.


Glad to see that isn't the case though. Hope everyone is well!


Quick update on my life:

-Living in NYC now, working that oh-so-wonderful 9-5 corporate life. (Which actually is more like 9-10ish and I haaaaaaaate it.)

-Training for my first triathlon. I'm doing it with my company and we're raising money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society and it's in Hawaii - so although it's so so so tough and I think about quitting daily, it's for a great cause, in a great place, and with some great people.

-I just took an amazing trip to Japan about two months ago. I LOVED it! So much different than China. I popped back over to Shanghai for the last three days of the trip and was so disappointed.

WOW!!! You are living in Manhattan! Very nice!!!


Good luck on your triathlon. I am thrilled that you have a great company to work for. What is your job?


As for Japan, I told you that Japan was outstanding. Yes, after being in Japan, China is very disappointing.

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Okay... now for me. I have been wandering around taking photographs, from Death Valley, Yosemite, Yellowstone, back to Death Valley (my favourite place), to Point Lobos State Park and the areas around the California coast, and then back to Zion National Park. And, very sad... for perhaps a long time, months, there is forty plus miles of California Highway 1, that is closed. This is due to the landslides and erosion around and underneath the road. It is closed from The Bixby Bridge to Ragged Pointe.


Now I am back in Utah, wandering around, finding new things to take photographs of.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hellllllooooooo everybody. We have a new member to the family. Herman, a beautiful grey hamster with black eyes. Oh, is he gorgeous. Herman was born 07 March 2017. Pictures to follow. But first, Herman has to have a day to himself to adjust to his new home.

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Hello, Horatio!! Yay! Welcome, Herman!!! Don't worry, you're in good hands with H!


I think I worked on Earth Day. I started a new job at a local health food store, and it's pretty interesting. Fun place to work.


Good luck with your Yosemite adventures!!!


MacKenzie is crawling and cruising and teething and babbling. She's been a very busy learner the last few weeks!!


Tonight I learned that if you microwave 3 slices of American cheese (the singles) with a tablespoon or so of milk for 30-60 seconds, it makes amazing mac n cheese sauce!

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Hello, Horatio!! Yay! Welcome, Herman!!! Don't worry, you're in good hands with H!


I think I worked on Earth Day. I started a new job at a local health food store, and it's pretty interesting. Fun place to work.


Good luck with your Yosemite adventures!!!


MacKenzie is crawling and cruising and teething and babbling. She's been a very busy learner the last few weeks!!


Tonight I learned that if you microwave 3 slices of American cheese (the singles) with a tablespoon or so of milk for 30-60 seconds, it makes amazing mac n cheese sauce!


Hellooooo Topazia!


MacKenzie is crawling and Herman found out what the ball could do last night. He was cruising around at such high rates of speeds, that we needed to put up bumpers along the walls to keep him from an abrupt stop. LOL!!! We left him alone the first day and night at the house, to get accustomed to his new surroundings. So, when he was introduced to the ball... he just loved it. We had to watch the time so that he would not dehydrate. We placed Herman back into his cage, he drank a load of water and then got into the wheel. So, we placed him back into the ball for a little bit and he raced around some more. Not wanting to tire him out, we only permitted him a short amount of time the second adventure into the ball.


Now that is an interesting mac and cheese creation. My "skinny" mac and cheese version is as follows. Take the powder and place it into a bowl. Add a little water, stirring. Keep adding little bits of water until it is all mixed. You do not want to add too much water, just enough until it is blended and a little creamy looking. Then add your macaroni. This eliminates the butter and milk.


Yosemite was terrific until the multitudes of busses arrived with a zillion tourists on each bus. After the busses unloaded, the Yosemite Valley became overwhelmed with people. Too many people in such a small location. Overall, the park is big, but everyone wants to view the Valley sights, and that becomes difficult. So many people, in such a small amount of space. Consequently, I am avoiding the Yosemite Valley until the fall or winter. The same goes for Yellowstone. Only the winter and perhaps a little bit of the fall and the spring. The majority of people really do not enjoy the park in minus twenty degree weather, so that is when I go to the park. Besides, the buffalo look so much more interesting with snow all over their faces. The push around the snow to find the grasses, hence their faces are covered with snow.


Little MacKenzie is really doing well. How are the parents doing? LOL!!! I am sure that she has you running and keeping up with her. It seems like only yesterday when you gave us the news of her birth. Pretty soon she will learn the word NO! I can not wait until we hear your stories of her terrible twos.


Wonderful news that you have changed jobs. I am thrilled! Now we have our resident health foods expert. Terrific. I believe this is a much better place for you, than working for a company that does not appreciate it's employees.


How is the writing progressing? Are you still working on your novel? I can not imagine that you have much spare time, with life, work, home and little MacKenzie.


Well, next week I am off to a couple ghost towns in Nevada. It would be terrific to be able to take good photographs of some of the life that was living in these towns over one hundred years ago. More on that later.

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Hello, Horatio!! Yay! Welcome, Herman!!! Don't worry, you're in good hands with H!


I think I worked on Earth Day. I started a new job at a local health food store, and it's pretty interesting. Fun place to work.


Good luck with your Yosemite adventures!!!


MacKenzie is crawling and cruising and teething and babbling. She's been a very busy learner the last few weeks!!


Tonight I learned that if you microwave 3 slices of American cheese (the singles) with a tablespoon or so of milk for 30-60 seconds, it makes amazing mac n cheese sauce!


Hellooooo Topazia!


MacKenzie is crawling and Herman found out what the ball could do last night. He was cruising around at such high rates of speeds, that we needed to put up bumpers along the walls to keep him from an abrupt stop. LOL!!! We left him alone the first day and night at the house, to get accustomed to his new surroundings. So, when he was introduced to the ball... he just loved it. We had to watch the time so that he would not dehydrate. We placed Herman back into his cage, he drank a load of water and then got into the wheel. So, we placed him back into the ball for a little bit and he raced around some more. Not wanting to tire him out, we only permitted him a short amount of time the second adventure into the ball.


Now that is an interesting mac and cheese creation. My "skinny" mac and cheese version is as follows. Take the powder and place it into a bowl. Add a little water, stirring. Keep adding little bits of water until it is all mixed. You do not want to add too much water, just enough until it is blended and a little creamy looking. Then add your macaroni. This eliminates the butter and milk.


Yosemite was terrific until the multitudes of busses arrived with a zillion tourists on each bus. After the busses unloaded, the Yosemite Valley became overwhelmed with people. Too many people in such a small location. Overall, the park is big, but everyone wants to view the Valley sights, and that becomes difficult. So many people, in such a small amount of space. Consequently, I am avoiding the Yosemite Valley until the fall or winter. The same goes for Yellowstone. Only the winter and perhaps a little bit of the fall and the spring. The majority of people really do not enjoy the park in minus twenty degree weather, so that is when I go to the park. Besides, the buffalo look so much more interesting with snow all over their faces. The push around the snow to find the grasses, hence their faces are covered with snow.


Little MacKenzie is really doing well. How are the parents doing? LOL!!! I am sure that she has you running and keeping up with her. It seems like only yesterday when you gave us the news of her birth. Pretty soon she will learn the word NO! I can not wait until we hear your stories of her terrible twos.


Wonderful news that you have changed jobs. I am thrilled! Now we have our resident health foods expert. Terrific. I believe this is a much better place for you, than working for a company that does not appreciate it's employees.


How is the writing progressing? Are you still working on your novel? I can not imagine that you have much spare time, with life, work, home and little MacKenzie.


Well, next week I am off to a couple ghost towns in Nevada. It would be terrific to be able to take good photographs of some of the life that was living in these towns over one hundred years ago. More on that later.


Oh I remember what fun my Topazia had with her ball! She'd roam all over the place and the cats left her alone because she'd chase them in the ball! XD I'm glad Herman loves his so much.


That's a neat way to avoid ingredients. We tend to do what we can to alter recipes when we're missing ingredients more than to be healthier. And we're out of butter. I might have to try that if we have another box of mac.


The parks sound like they were crazy to be in. Good luck with your travels in the not so busy season for sure!!


MacKenzie is definitely keeping us on our toes. From the need to go exactly where we don't want her to, to a crazy sleep schedule (she likes to stay up all night and mama really needs to get up for work so PLEASE STOP WHINING AT 4AM) to just being a funny little person. Sean and I are doing ok. Tired. He's still looking for work but she's getting loads of daddy time so she doesn't care.


I'm more of a health pizza expert. I learned to toss pizza dough! And I only burned myself once so far when everyone else has all sorts of burns on their arms from the oven. (It bites.)


As for writing, between juggling baby and husband and only a 30 for lunch and I need that time to do my mom thing (she eats mama so mama has to give dad food), it's taken a back burner. But my creativity is stirring and I've gained access to my writing stuff, so I expect to make time soon. I've also been working on videos but that's even more time consuming.


Safe travels and may you find perfect light and strong settings for your images! :-D

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Aaaahhhhh, the elusive perfect light. Yes, perfect light would be such a wonderful gift. Every morning for over three weeks, I was up early, waiting on the beach for a dramatic sunrise. Nothing. The following morning, I needed to be at the car service center, and as I am driving there, what an incredible sunrise. Gorgeous clouds, light rays and tons and tons of colour. It lasted but about four minutes, if that, and then if was behind the clouds. And... there was not even a chance for me to take an iPhone picture. LOL!!! That is always the way.


Tossing a pizza... perhaps I need to come to your pizza place just to see you toss the pizza. LOL!!! Of course, it would be a bit of a drive, seeing as how I am out in Utah. But, the thought is fun. Aloe, keep lots and lots of aloe nearby. Running your arm, fingers, hands, under luke warm to cold water is the first step, that gets rid of the sting, and cools down the burn. Then apply the aloe. But, of course, you are in a health food store, so I am certain that you already know that bit of information. I clearly remember when I was cooking bacon on the grill and severely burnt my hand. OUCH!!!!! I ran my hand under water for almost an hour. Then I tore apart my aloe plant and glopped on the aloe. That did feel good.


Herman is a semi-diurnal hamster. His sleep pattern is not normal. He wakes up around 07H00, then wants to be active for the next two to three hours. He gets a little ball time in the morning, and then just wants to hang out with us. I believe there is a little bit of human in him. I always worry that he will get dehydrated, so after about fifteen to twenty minutes, I place him back in his cage so that he can get a drink of water.


MacKenzie is showing her personality. You and Sean are going through parent training. She is seeing just how far she can get you both to comply. LOL!!! You two are doing well in your roles. Now you know who is the boss in the house, and it certainly is not the two of you.


The best way to discover new recipes is to have a lack of money and not be able to make the recipe as stated. What is great about Florida, is that I had container gardens. I used the seeds to create new plants. For example, I love tomatoes, and I started with the seeds from one tomato, and threw them into a container, then this grew into a large number of tomatoes. And banana trees are wonderful producers of fruit, but you do not want to plant them in the ground, as you will have a banana over run. They are such prolific reproduction specialists, that you will be able to supply all the banana growers with what you find in your backyard. We started with one and ended up with over one hundred. Then I had to have them cut back until I only had about five. We then expanded our varieties introducing apple bananas, red bananas, and a few others. Now the banana grove is getting too large again and is time to be cut back. We have avocados, papayas, citrus trees, and a variety of other wonderful foods. I just love having a year round growing season.


The park... oh, I was borderline overwhelmed. There were so many buses, so many people and when they got off the bus, it was like a swarm of fast moving bees. Hopefully you were already in the spot, before the bus pulled up. An example, I had my tripod next to my friend's tripod, and I was bending down to change lenses. As I did this, a lady picked up my tripod and attempted to move it. But I was bending over between the legs of the tripod, so she could not move it far. And... there was lots of space for her to go to another spot to take a picture. I guess that she thought our view was better than other spots. Anyway, we stood our ground and asked that she photograph in another spot. LOL!!! Part of fall, winter and part of spring are the only dates I want to be in the park.


Time... I always had something on the back burner, as other priorities got into the way. It is so interesting how you have time for some things, then all of a sudden your priorities change, such as with MacKenzie. Finding time is the biggest challenge. Hopefully you will find some time, as you are a very talented writer. But... it will come when it is supposed to arrive in your life.


Later this week, I am heading for some hundred year old ghost towns to take some pictures. There is weather approaching, let us hope that it is almost gone, or at least it gives us some phenomenal sunrises and sunsets.


That about covers everything. Take care and please stay in touch.

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  • 5 weeks later...

When I was at Whole Foods yesterday, I was thinking of you. This poor girl must have been new, she was having a very hard time throwing a pizza. I went through my shopping and came back towards the pizza counter as she was taking one of her pizzas out of the oven. It was an oval. I stopped for a minute, and looked at her pizza, it was pretty strange looking. She will need a lot more practice in recognizing what a round pizza looks like.

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Herman... is turning from black to grey. He is such a handsome little guy. He always tries to eat the iPhone when I am taking pictures, and he will never stay still, even for a quick click of the camera. But... soon, I will have some images to post.

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Fireworks tonight! For all those people with pets, would you please make sure that your pets stay at home and feel secure during the fireworks? As you know, the loud bangs, scare many pets, and it is not wise to take them to parks or anywhere else where fireworks are being displayed.


Other than that, I hope that you all have a great day today!


Tomorrow is the Fourth of July!!!

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What a cute hamster haha!


Aww don't be too hard on the oval pizza girl. It's possible the dough just came out like that. Sometimes our dough comes out looking more like Alaska than a circle, and there's nothing we can do about it haha! You have so many interesting things going on.


MacKenzie is crawling, and last night she started to walk while we hold her hands! She has learned a few words that she can reproduce reliably. Five (she thinks it means hand), hi!, cag (cat), dad (for both of us but mostly him), and she loves blowing raspberries. She's about 18lbs and 26 inches tall.


I still enjoy my job but I'm having to sell possessions to eat so I'm going to have to look for better work. I'm sad, I really like it there, but they're not going to work to keep me when they can hire anyone off the street for less.


For 4th of July, I dyed a few pizzas blue! It was fun, and they sold pretty well too. I forgot to take a picture. There's not much else going on with me. I love reading what you are up to, H. I might not talk much, but I lurk lol

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LOL!!! Blue pizzas??? And you did not post any pictures? I would have loved to see those blue pizzas. I was not trying to be hard on the pizza girl, my apologies if it came out that way. But, I will add, she has not improved any. LOL!!!


Ouch! I am sorry that you are going through such a hard time with your job. There must be something good in the future. I do know of an online option, but I know nothing about the actual job, only that I have a friend who is a single mother doing it as her sole source of income. She writes papers for companies that sell them. Perhaps you could check those companies out and see if this would work for you.


Crawling and walking by holding your hands... excellent. MacKenzie is well on her way to running a marathon. LOL!!! I like that she is talking. That is wonderful. She is also getting big. WOW!!!


Herman is up and wanting to play, so I need to run.


Take care and I will post images of my trip later.





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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, she's walking now. Her birthday was last Thursday and she had a wonderful party on Saturday. I have gotten more hours this week, since it's the first week the new manager has done the schedule and I had previously explained to him that I need 30 hours a week or my car doesn't get paid. I got 30 hours. Yay! My husband finally started his job, so now we're making more money. I may quit, since he makes double what I make. I haven't decided.


The eclipse was interesting. I met Sean for lunch. Here is FL it wasn't a total eclipse so it just got a little darker for a few minutes. He had an excellent description to the way it looked that I think you'll appreciate. He said it was like someone had turned down the exposure on a camera. I agree. The shadows were freaking cool though!

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Oh my goodness, it has been a year already???


I hope you read this before you make a decision. My suggestion, is to not quit your job just because your husband has gotten a job. Your new manager has given you exactly what you asked for, so my suggestion, is to keep the job, save the money, in the event you have a problem in the future.


The eclipse, I like Sean's description. His description made me smile.


Here you go...


Eclipse 1.png


Eclipse 2.png



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Happy Tuesday to everybody. Well, the question for this week, will Irma visit Florida? I am hoping that no, Irma will not, but, after all, it is weather. So, we will be waiting to see what happens.


As for other news, how was the extra day off? I planted a garden for my neighbor. She was very happy with the results, and today, I will be finishing the job with a holly bush.


Pictures will arrive after the job is completed.

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Hello hello! I did end up quitting my job. I lost hours because my boss scheduled me on days I cannot work. And after calling in sick one day and him being rude about it, plus the fact that I made less than 300 (need over 4 to make ends meet) in two weeks and my husband made 440 in one, plus the added cost of him working twenty minutes further from home than I do, which means my paycheck is costing us money... It's fine though. I get to spend my days loving the coolest kid ever.


Yesterday was fun. We went to my mom's house and hung out there. I had a hot dog and he had a burger. MacKenzie was friendly to the other people there. She's so funny around little boys; she walks up to them and gives them huge hugs and tries to touch their necks. Poor kid hadn't been around babies so he didn't know what to do but she had fun XD


I'm nervous about Irma. Most of the forecasts have it running straight up the middle of FL. And it's SOO big! The biggest one to form outside the Gulf, in recorded history (1850s)!! So Sean is going to try to buy two cases or ten gallons of water on his way home. And we just bought a ton of meat... so hopefully the power doesn't go out or we'll be eating a LOT of grilled chicken... which means we may have to buy a charcoal grill if we can't get ours back from our friend's house. I remember being out of power for over a week in 2005, when FL was hit by something like three or four in rapid succession. That was the year they started naming them from the Greek alphabet, there were so many. We have an electric well at this house, so if power goes out, water goes out.


Those are really cool eclipse shots!


And obligatory proud mama shot (taken by dada)


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You know best what works for you with your job. I am happy that you and MacKenzie are having a great time together. Where did MacKenzie develop a passion for the necks of little boys? LOL!!! How wonderful that her personality is shining through with other people, children and babies.


As for Hurricane Irma, hopefully you are freezing the chicken. This way, if the power goes out, it will take a great deal longer for the meat to go bad. Was Sean able to purchase water? Any food that does not require refrigeration, is a good one to keep. Tuna fish in a can or pouch is a great source of protein. Peanut butter and jelly are also good items to have on hand. Were you able to get your grill back from your friend's house? I hope so. Do you have charcoal for the grill?


We can only wait and see the route the storm takes. If it goes right over the center of the state, you should be fine. You are in the middle of the state. The right side of the hurricane track, is usually the side where the winds are the strongest. That means our house will be in the target zone. All that I am praying for, is that all of our trees stay standing. The house can be repaired. The two hundred year old trees, can not be replaced in our lifetime. If all of our trees remain standing, I will be very happy.


We, and my parents, all left the state. Friends of ours, are remaining, but we decided not to stay, as we felt that we might me on the worst side of the storm.


Please stay in touch. If you need my phone number, I will send it to you privately. This way you can be in touch over the phone lines.


Take care,


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You know best what works for you with your job. I am happy that you and MacKenzie are having a great time together. Where did MacKenzie develop a passion for the necks of little boys? LOL!!! How wonderful that her personality is shining through with other people, children and babies.


As for Hurricane Irma, hopefully you are freezing the chicken. This way, if the power goes out, it will take a great deal longer for the meat to go bad. Was Sean able to purchase water? Any food that does not require refrigeration, is a good one to keep. Tuna fish in a can or pouch is a great source of protein. Peanut butter and jelly are also good items to have on hand. Were you able to get your grill back from your friend's house? I hope so. Do you have charcoal for the grill?


We can only wait and see the route the storm takes. If it goes right over the center of the state, you should be fine. You are in the middle of the state. The right side of the hurricane track, is usually the side where the winds are the strongest. That means our house will be in the target zone. All that I am praying for, is that all of our trees stay standing. The house can be repaired. The two hundred year old trees, can not be replaced in our lifetime. If all of our trees remain standing, I will be very happy.


We, and my parents, all left the state. Friends of ours, are remaining, but we decided not to stay, as we felt that we might me on the worst side of the storm.


Please stay in touch. If you need my phone number, I will send it to you privately. This way you can be in touch over the phone lines.


Take care,


I have no idea. She quite likes them, though, which makes me laugh. She's such a trip!


Irma did not live up to her hype. We didn't even lose power! Just a few flickers. We found some canned foods, and they did have water when we finally went shopping! We got two more cases. And we also got snack cakes because snack cakes. Most of the county was out of power, with the apparent exception of my neighborhood, but nobody was hurt and there was very little damage. And they've gotten half the county turned back on now.

But now Sean is being paid to stay home because, I'm assuming, his work is still out of power. He's gotten notices for two days now that the next day they're closed. At least he's being paid. Yay five day vacation...too bad we have no money or gas to enjoy it (because payday is Friday and NO GAS)


Hope your place wasn't too damaged. I'm glad you were able to leave! I know it was a mess trying to escape.

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And yes, she is. She knows it too, the little flirt XD

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You know best what works for you with your job. I am happy that you and MacKenzie are having a great time together. Where did MacKenzie develop a passion for the necks of little boys? LOL!!! How wonderful that her personality is shining through with other people, children and babies.


As for Hurricane Irma, hopefully you are freezing the chicken. This way, if the power goes out, it will take a great deal longer for the meat to go bad. Was Sean able to purchase water? Any food that does not require refrigeration, is a good one to keep. Tuna fish in a can or pouch is a great source of protein. Peanut butter and jelly are also good items to have on hand. Were you able to get your grill back from your friend's house? I hope so. Do you have charcoal for the grill?


We can only wait and see the route the storm takes. If it goes right over the center of the state, you should be fine. You are in the middle of the state. The right side of the hurricane track, is usually the side where the winds are the strongest. That means our house will be in the target zone. All that I am praying for, is that all of our trees stay standing. The house can be repaired. The two hundred year old trees, can not be replaced in our lifetime. If all of our trees remain standing, I will be very happy.


We, and my parents, all left the state. Friends of ours, are remaining, but we decided not to stay, as we felt that we might me on the worst side of the storm.


Please stay in touch. If you need my phone number, I will send it to you privately. This way you can be in touch over the phone lines.


Take care,


I have no idea. She quite likes them, though, which makes me laugh. She's such a trip!


Irma did not live up to her hype. We didn't even lose power! Just a few flickers. We found some canned foods, and they did have water when we finally went shopping! We got two more cases. And we also got snack cakes because snack cakes. Most of the county was out of power, with the apparent exception of my neighborhood, but nobody was hurt and there was very little damage. And they've gotten half the county turned back on now.

But now Sean is being paid to stay home because, I'm assuming, his work is still out of power. He's gotten notices for two days now that the next day they're closed. At least he's being paid. Yay five day vacation...too bad we have no money or gas to enjoy it (because payday is Friday and NO GAS)


Hope your place wasn't too damaged. I'm glad you were able to leave! I know it was a mess trying to escape.




WHOAAAAA!!! You are so fortunate. We still do not have power. I am happy to hear that you were prepared, just in case. Bottled water is always good to have, and you will go through that fast. Being paid to stay home is a terrific situation. In the east coast area, no power, no gas, there is a must boil all water warning, and if you do find a store open, it does not have coffee. Thank goodness for bottled water.


Oh yes, that is always the way it is. When you have money, you do not have time off, when you have time off, you have no money. Except in your case, you have the time and the paycheck is here, but there is no gas. Sometimes you can never win. Perhaps you should enjoy your home time off, and pretend you are somewhere else.


As for our area, I am so happy that all of our trees remained standing. I would not have cared if the house was destroyed, as long as the trees were standing. For Irma, we were awarded both. The neighbor's fence came down and deposited boards all over our property. Plus, oddly, there are the four by fours, with a big ball of concrete on the bottom, and those came out as well. Those I believe, were helped out, but some human intervention. Oh well.


MacKenzie is such a cutie. You have to laugh at her passion for necks. That is quite entertaining.

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We are very happy that all of our trees remained standing. This made us so very happy. The house also made it through the hurricane without any major problems. Phew!


We just had our power restored. That is wonderful news. I love hot showers, and no mosquitoes.


How is everything doing? I hope everyone is well.

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She better bleeping not.


I don't think she will, though.


Thankfully Sean went back to work on Wednesday, so now it's just me and the banshee all day. Which is fine :D MacKenzie is whining in her crib because she needs to sleep and doesn't want to yet. But she's doing well. She can sort of say block. I'm still working on the colors, though. I'm so glad to hear you escaped largely unscathed! Yay for power and hot water!!

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It looks like Hurricane Marie has done enough damage in the islands, and now she will be out in the Atlantic where she can not do anymore damage.


MacKenzie sounds just like her mother. LOL!!! She will write her first novel before she is three.


Yes, I am happy that Irma left all of our trees upright. As soon as we have all of the necessities, power, internet and telephones, then we will be back to normal. Hot water is always a must, and soon, we plan on completing the installation of a whole house generator. That will be very, very nice. Hot water for showers, before, during and after the hurricanes.


The past few days, I have been going to the Memphis Botanical Gardens and taking pictures. Hopefully, I have mastered the water lilies. Each and every day, they are different. So, if you do not get a good picture one day, that flower might just be totally gone the next day. Today there were about seven or so yellow water lilies in this one group. This was quite beautiful, but also hard to photograph.

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I thought I saw a familiar paw in the distance lol

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Your town looked really good. Down in our town, we have lots and lots of branches and trees down. Of course, the trees have been cut up into little bits, but the city is just not picking up the yard waste debris. Hopefully, soon it will be all removed. My backyard has a huge pile of debris. Last night, I heard a loud noise. I was not going outside to see what the noise was, so I decided that I would wait until this morning to see. The biggest branch, about twenty feet long, landed just inches from the car. PHEW!!! I was stunned that it did not hit the car. The branch surrounded the front and side of the car.


Any news on that little daughter of yours? What antics is she up to now? I hope that you are enjoying your time home with MacKenzie.


It is time for me to get back to work on the yard. At least one more hour before the light disappears.

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Oh there's still a ton of yards with ridiculously high debris piles. Some trees haven't even been dealt with yet. But we are far better off than other places. Wow! Thank goodness your car was okay!


She's whiny and clingy and generally crabby. But she's also cutting three teeth at the same time. She's good otherwise XD Getting very quick with the walking. Such a sense of humor. And she loves to dance to music, but is still a little confused as to why she suddenly wants to move, so she'll bounce a little and then look at us for approval lol She also learned hugs are amazing and now she likes to give us hugs all the time.

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Your city did a good job of leaving the debris where only the residents would see it. For passersby, it looks great.


We have those same debris piles. But, you never see any trucks. It seems like all of the trucks in our area, must be down in the Keys. They certainly are not here.


As for the car, I still can not believe that it did not hit the car anywhere. That is definitely divine intervention.


If I was teething, I most likely would be whiny, clingy and crabby times ten. Can you use any products like Orajel for babies? I know it works wonders for adults, but I have no idea if it could be used for a child or a baby. Poor little girl, that must be painful for her. Is it not totally the greatest, when you see your little girl with all these great personality traits, such as a good sense of humour? Dancing to music, is fun, and I can only imagine what is going on in her little mind, when she feels that she has to move to the music. Hugs... those are amazing. I am happy that she is hugging you both all the time. That is wonderful to hear. Well, I hope the teething phase passes quickly. So, you had better get a little quicker at moving, as she will soon outrun you.

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There's a potentially fatal complication that very rarely occurs in children under two when you use benzocaine products (like Orajel) that the CDC actually warns about. So we don't use it. We've used clove oil with some success, we're just out right now. She's getting them out. One is already finished breaking through, and it's huge!! It's a top tooth. Lol she already runs me ragged. If she's not getting into the DVDs, she's trying to go into my sister-in-law's craft room or the bathroom or just general toddler mayhem. And yes, my gosh, I love watching her blossom into the little girl she's going to be.

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Thank you for the information. I know that you are well-informed, so I know that you do not mind me asking. Clove oils sounds interesting. I am happy to hear that it works. You will have to attach a picture of her tooth.teeth.


It is always interesting how much energy little children have. Although they take naps, it still does not make me think that their little batteries recharge that fast. I think the energizer bunny goes into their rooms at night and installs super-charged batteries in them. LOL!!!


You have no idea, just how much I appreciate hearing about all of MacKenzie's adventures and growing pains. It is wonderful to be a cyber-part of her life.


Last night, as I was walking on a flat surface, I fell off my shoe. As I was losing my balance, I compensated with my opposite knee, and twisted it about two hundred seventy degrees. Oh, did that hurt. Well, now I am unable to walk. The worst part, it was not as if I was walking in super high heels, these were flats, with only about one=quarter of an inch from the bottom of my foot to the ground. So, you ask, how did you almost fall off your shoe? I wish I knew. But... it goes to the top of the list as one of the more stupid things I have accomplished.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Rain, rain, go away, please come back another day.


We have three roof leaks, and all I do is attempt to protect our wood floor, keep the water dripping directly into garbage cans, and then keep checking the plastic on the floor to make sure there are no holes. This goes okay, until a new leak appears. At the moment, I am out of garbage cans, plastic buckets and containers. Hopefully the roof repairman will soon be here.

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Good morning Florida!!! I am waiting for a gorgeous sunrise. Yesterday, the sun popped up, as big as Jupiter on the horizon. Of course, I did not have my camera in hand, to document the gorgeous sunrise. But... today I am ready. Only about one hour to go.

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Well, we are loading the truck on Saturday. Hopefully, we will get a ton of boxes and furniture out of the house and into the truck. Then it is just a matter of getting up early to start on the drive Sunday. I will let you all know how I am doing with a packing update later.

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The truck was loaded on Saturday, and after feeding my squirrels, woodpeckers, cardinals and titmouse birds, I was on my way. Driving up Florida, into Georgia, I finally arrived into Alabama. Last night I stayed overnight in Alabama. Today I continue my trek west.

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Hey my brother used to work at Nellis once upon a time! Enjoy the show! Glad to hear you're safe and sound.

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  • 2 weeks later...

As you might have guessed, I stayed for both days of the air show. The first day was sunny and gorgeous. The air show was good. But... Sunday was overcast and the air show was phenomenal! They included a display with six or eight jets, three helicopters, jeeps, men on the ground needing to be airlifted, and it was absolutely incredible. If only this display had been during the sunny skies. Although, I did not mind the fact that I could not get a great sunny picture at all. Just the coordination of the maneuver was impressive.


How long was your brother at Nellis? Is you entire family Air Force? Save you, of course.

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We took a couple but they are on hubby's phone. She was belle from beauty and the beast. So cute! I'll have to find them later.

My mom was and my brother was he was there for a year or two. It sounds like you had a blast!

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Yes, the air show was terrific. My friends from Poland came to the USA just to attend the Nellis Air Show. It was terrific to see friends and enjoy the displays.


We want pictures. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, so please take pictures of our favourite little girl.

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baby girl down the slide!


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That is a wonderful photograph!!! She looks like she is just enjoying herself so very much. Thank you so very much for sharing this with us.


You must be happy to be home with your sweet little girl. It seems like she is growing up so very fast. I am so pleased that you are together with her whilst she is in stage of her life.

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She LOVES slides lol welcome back! Did you habe a god drive home? Yeah we love being able to play and watch her learn and grow. She learned to climb onto the couch, and she's mastering stairs, and she has learned a few new words in the last few days!

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Today was such a wasted day. I have spent all day trying to figure out why Lightroom wants to recognize some of my files and not recognize other files. So, I have attempted to totally remove Lightroom and re-install it. That was a disaster. It did not want to uninstall. WHAT??? I am using the Adobe Lightroom Uninstall. GRRRRR!!!!

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Oh I just hate it when that stuff happens! We've had that problem with other programs on our pc but not Lightroom.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My December and January have been alright. Working on writing (other stuff. still upset about the jack thing, I don't want to go back to it just yet bc I'll throw a fit) and drawing more. Now that munchkin is on a reliable sleep schedule and Sean is doing his gaming streams, I can devote hours every day to creative outlets!


I've also been doing research for my writing (because accuracy) so now I know how much it costs to have a collagen count test done for Osteogenesis Imperfecta. Also, I know a TON about Osteogenesis Imperfecta. Yay!

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Creative outlets are a great source of nourishment for the soul. I am so happy to hear that you are drawing more. This is terrific. The writing is hard because you have to get the inspiration from deep inside and I do not believe that always comes so easily. Where as, with drawing, you can practice or doodle, and then if sparks start flying for a painting, drawing or other medium, you are ready. Something else many people have not considered, is how much research is required to make a story believable. People notice if there are flaws in the research more than they focus on the story.


We need our image update. Photographs of your art, the HampsterDance little girl and anything else you wish to photograph.

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Mackenzie enjoying toddlerhood to its fullest!



And some of my artsies.


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Has Mackenzie figured out where the food goes? LOL!!! You have to feed her double, some for her face and clothing, and some for her to actually eat. LOL!!! She is so very beautiful. And, she is growing so fast. I can not believe how time is flying.


Thank you for showing me what you have done. The drawings are getting better and better. Keep up the great work!!!

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She's usually a pretty clean eater lol so we don't waste much food. And thanks for the encouragement!

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Very pretty! You're a great photographer.

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Thank you so very much for your compliment. But, I have to disagree with great. I was a lucky photographer. Plus, the initial weather was uncooperative, and then the moon moved away from the high cirrus clouds, and was in a clear space for a little bit.

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I mean in general, H. You post such pretty pictures here all the time. You clearly take time to find good subjects, and take the best shots you can. :)

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Topazia, you just made my day. Thank you so very much.


The birds are all around Florida now, I need to go down and take a bunch of pictures. I told a friend of mine to visit the Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge, and she came back with more images of alligators than birds. But, she was excited to see all the different varieties of birds there. Some of the alligator images were of these monster-sized alligators. They were so huge. I went searching for an image I had taken about five plus years ago, and could not find it. It was an image of about thirty sets of eyes, all looking at me. These eyes were of only alligators, in this one water area of the Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge. They were hiding in the mangroves, out in the middle, just everywhere. It was the creepiest photograph I have ever taken. I will search again for this photograph. All I could think, was that they were looking at me as dinner. It still makes me shudder. Alligators are very fast on land, so I hopped into my car quite rapidly.


One time I rode my motorcycle down to the refuge, and parked it too close to the water. I saw a baby alligator, and instantly knew to get away from that area. If there is a baby, there is a very big, protective mother. Anyway, I backed up very slowly, leaving my bike where it was. Out of the mangroves came another few baby alligators and the mother. She was circling my motorcycle, giving me the impression that she was deciding if it was a threat or dinner, and all I could think of, was if she knocked it over, I was in big trouble. I might not be able to pick it up. Anyway, I just kept moving back until I was at a safe distance, not to be perceived as a threat to the mother alligator, and waited for quite some time, until the mother and children finally went for a swim. It felt like forever. After they were in the water, I got back onto my motorcycle and got out of there. From then on, I drive the car.

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wow, those are some harrowing experiences! I don't have any scary encounter stories. I'm glad I made your day! :) It's true!

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Now that time has passed, when you think back, you laugh about the situation. But, at the time, there was this chain of thought, oh how stupid I was. When you look into the lagoon and look at all these pairs of eyes staring at you, that is so creepy. I should have taken a picture.


Now for other news, not much is happening. Of course, that is good. The only things I am working on, are boring. Data input and tax preparation. And no one wants to hear about that.


More pictures in the next post.


How is our favourite little girl? She must be making your life so very interesting. Please keep us all up to date with the Adventures of MacKenzie. (Hint, hint... your next children's book series.)

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She's so awesome! She's got 12 teeth now. And her vocabulary is growing every day. And tonight she had a night terror and wouldn't wake up until I yelled for Sean. he didn't hear me, but it solved my problem! It was instant. she was screaming and flailing with her eyes half-closed, not responding to anything, and then I shouted, then silence. a little girl looking at me calmly, if a little confused and scared because of her bad dream. :( But after a quick field trip to Daddy for a kiss, she went right back to sleep.

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Twelve teeth!!! WOW! They are coming in fast. It sounds like time for another picture. If you would please.


With a writer mother, she should have an incredible vocabulary. She will be writing her first novel by the time she is four.


Bad dreams, I wonder what evil, scary things could enter a little girl's dreams. Did you ask her about it the next day? Did she remember having the bad dream? Or, did you just decide not to ask her? It just never occurred to me that little children have bad dreams. That sounds so dumb, but I would like to think that children do not have bad dreams until they are older. How old is she again? After thinking, it is a good thing her father does not work during the night. I wonder if the reason that MacKenzie was confused and scared, was because you woke her up and she had no idea of her dream. All these type considerations interest me. The great news, is that she went right back to sleep after her father gave her a kiss. We know who is daddy's little girl.

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  • 2 weeks later...

She's only 18 months. She can barely say shirt lol let alone tell me a story. I don't know what she could have dreamed. I dream of fantastic things. like, fantasy fantastic, like what the word actually means. I've dreamt of a plane landing next to a tea party after a bunch of birds flew into a friend's room (whom I've never met in person). And other random stuff. I'm sure she's dreaming of things she can't explain.


She's done the whole sleepy screaming thing a couple times. Usually she just lost the pacifier, but if not, picking her up vertically helps. as a last resort, shouting for Sean has always hushed her right away. But I don't want to do that if all she wants is her pacifier and a cuddle, so I only call out for him if I can't get her quiet in ten minutes. It's just the phase of development she's in; most kids her age start having sleep troubles off and on between now and 5 or so.


Her vocabulary is pretty good for what she understands. She doesn't say much yet. She's just about on the cusp of her word count exploding, though. And her speech will start getting clearer soon. Lately she's more interested in learning physical tricks, like one-foot, spin, "jump" (squat then tip toe bc she's afraid of falling), dance, itsy bitsy spider moves, peekaboo, body part locations, and she's just starting to learn twinkle twinkle moves. She does that in phases, too. She learned to clap and wave and high five really close together, then learned a couple words and no more tricks, then more tricks and a slight plateau on words, etc. She'll definitely be creative, though. She's already got such a silly sense of humor and is developing a flair for overreacting. Like, we blow on her face or tap her shoulder and she'll throw herself down like she's been shoved. It's a joke, she laughs, and it's hilarious.


sigh... she's also in hitting phase. she knows what "OW" means. and she says it when she smacks your face or pinches your arms or throws a toy at you. Definitely a toddler. And I love her to pieces <3<3<3


Yeah, she adores dada. She's picked up grandpa (bappah) and grandma (mamma) recently so we're stoked she's learning other people's names.


that shell is gorgeous, Horatio! What kind was it, do you know?

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Eighteen months already???? Time has passed so very fast. Pretty soon she will be in school.


That is so very interesting that children have sleep troubles between her age and around five years old. It makes me curious as to the reason this happens. So, the screaming is when she is asleep and has lost her pacifier? Very intriguing. I am certain that some child psychologist has a study on the sleep and dreams of children. It would be fun to read these studies, if it was at all possible.


MacKenzie is accomplishing so many things each and every day. I can see just how much your interaction with her has helped her learn and develop. How wonderful that MacKenzie is developing a great sense of humour. This is a great outlook on life. You are seeing all these wonderful developments in her life. The sacrifice that you have made to be home with your daughter is truly magnificent. I have friend, and she plans on putting her daughter into day care as a baby. Her job is so much more important than her baby.


Ha, ha, ha... she says ow when she hits or pinches you? That is hilarious. We need a mother-daughter picture and a father-daughter picture... please. You can start her early on selfies. It is so much fun seeing her learn different people and their associated names.


This is so exciting to hear. It sounds like you are going to get mother of the year award. I applaud you for all your efforts.


More in a little bit, but I have to get off the computer for a bit.

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She's also been teething her molars. they're soooo big! I have truly loved being home with her so long. I really need a job, but I don't want to leave her again.


I understand why some people put their kids in daycare... sometimes that's the only way they can afford to pay all the bills. But I have family and friends who can watch her for free, so daycare is far from my thoughts. Yeah, she'd get socialization, but there's so many germs and I don't trust people. If I can find a good recent one of the three of us I'll put it up.


I don't care if I get mother of the year. I just want her to be loved and happy.

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also, you monster! you ran over a unicorn!

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I would love to see a recent photograph of the three of you! That would be outstanding.


Unfortunately, my friend does not need the job, she just says she needs it. The truth is, she really wants to move up the corporate ladder and her baby is one of those accoutrements that she feels she must have. It is quite distressing. She is will be paying most of her paycheck into day care, so the little extra money that is leftover, is really not needed. The true reason is because she does not want to alter her career for a child. I totally admire you because you have put your daughter first.


LOL!!! Yes, I am a unicorn killer. All in the name of washing my car.

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  • 3 weeks later...


Just dropping in to say hello! I'm currently en-route to Kona to compete in another triathlon. I think the last time I was here was when I was training for my first one last year - so I guess that's what made me drop in.


Hope everyone's doing well! Doesn't look like we have too many active members anymore. Still glad to see that Topazia and Horatio and clinging on. :)


Sorry to hear about your MIL, Topazia.


Until next time! Which hopefully will be before I do another tri.

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TBFOF!!!!! Whoo Hoo!


Good luck in the triathlon. You are superb, being in such good shape. Traveling to Kona for the triathlon is incredible. You need to stay in touch with me. Do you still have my email address?


What are you doing these days? Who are you working for and what are you doing? Are you happy?


Would you please fill me in on all of the above?


Good luck!

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