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PARIS !!!!!  

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  1. 1. Should I move to Paris?

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Welcome back! I would sent out emails to everyone on the list, who has an active email address. So, if your email is not updated, please do that. Now I just have to figure out what day is best.


It sounds like you had a remarkable holiday!!! So, where is the picture of the European wildcat??? We have been walking in the park everyday. There are lots of deer and we often get to see some fawn As of August, most of the fawn are getting a pretty big, but yesterday I saw a really little fawn. The baby was so cute. The mother was really protective and they disappeared into the woods to keep their distance. I wanted to take a picture, but was not fast enough with my iPhone.


So great to hear the weather cooperated. What a wonderful break from the long, cold winter. Hope the rest of your summer is good!!!


How is work/doctorate studies coming?

YES! I would love to have a reunion and see what every has been up to for these past few years.


When would you think is the best time to hold this reunion would be? I am open to suggestions. We could also send out mass emails on a regualr basis.

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Welcome back! I would sent out emails to everyone on the list, who has an active email address. So, if your email is not updated, please do that. Now I just have to figure out what day is best.


It sounds like you had a remarkable holiday!!! So, where is the picture of the European wildcat??? We have been walking in the park everyday. There are lots of deer and we often get to see some fawn As of August, most of the fawn are getting a pretty big, but yesterday I saw a really little fawn. The baby was so cute. The mother was really protective and they disappeared into the woods to keep their distance. I wanted to take a picture, but was not fast enough with my iPhone.


So great to hear the weather cooperated. What a wonderful break from the long, cold winter. Hope the rest of your summer is good!!!


How is work/doctorate studies coming?

YES! I would love to have a reunion and see what every has been up to for these past few years.


When would you think is the best time to hold this reunion would be? I am open to suggestions. We could also send out mass emails on a regualr basis.


I'm not sure. If it wasn't so last minute, I would say that before school started up again would be a good time. Then again, I know that there are a lot of schools starting very soon or that have already started. I guess it also doesn't require a whole lot of effort to "attend" said reunion, as people can just pop in or out when they have a few free minutes. I don't know.


I'm done blubbering now, I don't know. It's up to you Horatio, whatever you think would work best.

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Welcome back! I would sent out emails to everyone on the list, who has an active email address. So, if your email is not updated, please do that. Now I just have to figure out what day is best.


It sounds like you had a remarkable holiday!!! So, where is the picture of the European wildcat??? We have been walking in the park everyday. There are lots of deer and we often get to see some fawn As of August, most of the fawn are getting a pretty big, but yesterday I saw a really little fawn. The baby was so cute. The mother was really protective and they disappeared into the woods to keep their distance. I wanted to take a picture, but was not fast enough with my iPhone.


So great to hear the weather cooperated. What a wonderful break from the long, cold winter. Hope the rest of your summer is good!!!


How is work/doctorate studies coming?

YES! I would love to have a reunion and see what every has been up to for these past few years.


When would you think is the best time to hold this reunion would be? I am open to suggestions. We could also send out mass emails on a regualr basis.


I'm not sure. If it wasn't so last minute, I would say that before school started up again would be a good time. Then again, I know that there are a lot of schools starting very soon or that have already started. I guess it also doesn't require a whole lot of effort to "attend" said reunion, as people can just pop in or out when they have a few free minutes. I don't know.


I'm done blubbering now, I don't know. It's up to you Horatio, whatever you think would work best.


My little brain has very little room these days... I will think seriously about it. Is your email address up to date in the profile?

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Welcome back! I would sent out emails to everyone on the list, who has an active email address. So, if your email is not updated, please do that. Now I just have to figure out what day is best.


It sounds like you had a remarkable holiday!!! So, where is the picture of the European wildcat??? We have been walking in the park everyday. There are lots of deer and we often get to see some fawn As of August, most of the fawn are getting a pretty big, but yesterday I saw a really little fawn. The baby was so cute. The mother was really protective and they disappeared into the woods to keep their distance. I wanted to take a picture, but was not fast enough with my iPhone.


So great to hear the weather cooperated. What a wonderful break from the long, cold winter. Hope the rest of your summer is good!!!


How is work/doctorate studies coming?

YES! I would love to have a reunion and see what every has been up to for these past few years.


When would you think is the best time to hold this reunion would be? I am open to suggestions. We could also send out mass emails on a regualr basis.


I'm not sure. If it wasn't so last minute, I would say that before school started up again would be a good time. Then again, I know that there are a lot of schools starting very soon or that have already started. I guess it also doesn't require a whole lot of effort to "attend" said reunion, as people can just pop in or out when they have a few free minutes. I don't know.


I'm done blubbering now, I don't know. It's up to you Horatio, whatever you think would work best.


My little brain has very little room these days... I will think seriously about it. Is your email address up to date in the profile?


Mine's all set! Thank you for doing this, Horatio! Fingers are crossed that people haven't changed their email address since they were last active. :wacko:

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Welcome back! I would sent out emails to everyone on the list, who has an active email address. So, if your email is not updated, please do that. Now I just have to figure out what day is best.


It sounds like you had a remarkable holiday!!! So, where is the picture of the European wildcat??? We have been walking in the park everyday. There are lots of deer and we often get to see some fawn As of August, most of the fawn are getting a pretty big, but yesterday I saw a really little fawn. The baby was so cute. The mother was really protective and they disappeared into the woods to keep their distance. I wanted to take a picture, but was not fast enough with my iPhone.


So great to hear the weather cooperated. What a wonderful break from the long, cold winter. Hope the rest of your summer is good!!!


How is work/doctorate studies coming?

YES! I would love to have a reunion and see what every has been up to for these past few years.


When would you think is the best time to hold this reunion would be? I am open to suggestions. We could also send out mass emails on a regualr basis.


I'm not sure. If it wasn't so last minute, I would say that before school started up again would be a good time. Then again, I know that there are a lot of schools starting very soon or that have already started. I guess it also doesn't require a whole lot of effort to "attend" said reunion, as people can just pop in or out when they have a few free minutes. I don't know.


I'm done blubbering now, I don't know. It's up to you Horatio, whatever you think would work best.


My little brain has very little room these days... I will think seriously about it. Is your email address up to date in the profile?


Mine's all set! Thank you for doing this, Horatio! Fingers are crossed that people haven't changed their email address since they were last active. :wacko:


Exactly... paws crossed.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Most of the summer has been trying to get our house renovated. What a pain in the neck! The roofer was supposed to come today, but of course, he went on holiday last week, so today, he called and said he will be here on Wednesday. HMMMMMMM. I guess he needs two days to recover from his holiday.

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I went to the blood donation today. When I still was living in Köln, I went frequently. Approximately 15 times in total. Then I was overseas for one year but now I'm already back for almost 2 years (time flies...). Always wanted to go, but somehow I didn't. Too lazy or whatever. :D I'm not living within 5 min of walking distance from the university hospital anymore, but the one here in Göttingen also isn't far from my workplace (which is the university...). So the distance is no excuse. Now I plan to go frequently again. :D

Actually it is really nice here. Very nice food. ^^

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I didn't know you were renovating! Hopefully they get their act together.


I've always wanted to donate blood but I keep missing any drives in my area. I guess I could just head in on my own but I always forget to do that, too :S

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Leguan... so nice to see you again. I admire you for giving blood. It would be wonderful if I could give blood, but I cry when I have to have a blood test, and that is worse than any experience in the world. When the nurse approaches with that little rubber band type thing that they tie around your arm, it is all over. I want to run for the hills. Hopefully I will never need surgery or some form of doctor's care where I will be needing needles and blood drawn... I will be in a world of panic if they approach me with a needle.


The renovation is making me crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!! We were going to start on the roof on Monday, and here it is Wednesday and the shingles are supposed to be delivered today. We will see. Hmmmm.

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Exciting day for us... the roofing materials were delivered and are sitting in our driveway. Our motorcycles got new batteries installed and then our kitchen cabinets were delivered and are occupying one side of the garage with the bubble wrap.


Picture will follow tomorrow.

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New batteries for the motorbikes is a good thing. Now you won't have to push start them. :lol:


I just came back from a conference which was taking place in Quedlinburg. That's an amazing town, I actually didn't know that something like this still exists. You feel like you entered a time machine and went hundreds of years back in time. Buildings which are around 100 years old appear modern there, because most of the others are way older. The roads are plastered and very narrow. Most places like this vanished during fires or one of the many wars, including both world wars, but this one even survived the GDR. In other towns they demolished the old buildings and built ugly high-rise concrete blocks instead, but in Quedlinburg they didn't touch anything.

On the way back I passed again the former border between West and East. There's a place where some locals preserved original parts of the border fortification, so I just stopped by to have a look. Really horrifying.

First you had to get to the border without being recognized by the secret police. If you got there, you had to climb over two fences with barbed wire (a special one which also sent electric alarm signals when touched). And there were dogs in between... If you passed that one, you ended up in dense forest. If you thought you made it, you were fatally wrong. The forest was full of traps with alarms. If you managed to get through it, you came to a stripe of sand for tracking your movement. Then you ended up in the "death zone" which was entirely cleared from all vegetation, but having guard towers. If you managed to get through it without being shot, your last obstacle before reaching freedom was a high fence with mines attached to it. Well, at this place, nobody actually made it and five people were killed during their attempts...

I'm so happy that all this is history. The "death zone" is now the "green band". The track which was built for the border patrol now is a hiking track. :)

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LOL... I started laughing thinking of me trying to run along side my bike to get it going and then jump on. Sort of a comic-like thought. I have many memories of jumpstarting my VW bug with people pushing me, or the times I would park on a hill, so I could jumpstart it going coasting down the hill.


WOW!!! I need to put Quedlinburg on my list of places to visit! I hope you took pictures. In America, we can only think of tearing something down and rebuilding; while we travel to Europe to see the history. Hmmmmm, perhaps if we had preserved some of our history and wonderful towns, we would still have some great places, although nothing near as old as Quedlinburg, here to visit. There was a weak moment when I decided to go back to my home town, where I lived as a kid. I was knocked off my feet... there was a person who had purchased a considerable amount of downtown and was the key force in preserving it as it was many years ago. This was really thrilling! The downtown had buildings no taller than two stories. Only the insides were renovated as no one is permitted to alter the outside. How great is this? They have restored the buildings instead of demolishing them and the town looks fantastic! I really loved being back there. As for some towns, like the one where I live in Florida, they bulldozed all the turn-of the-century buildings for ugly, ugly, UGLY high-rises with massive parking garages. Let me understand this... we are a town of 12,000.. why would people want to rush to this little town to live in a condo with not much to offer. The ten or so condo buildings are mostly empty. Yet that does not keep them from stopping to build!?!?!?!?!?! Crazy! We moved there because the town had a law, nothing over sixty five feet. This law meant that they would be getting money from the state of Florida to remain an historic town. Well, the greedy mayor and he pals, changed the law one night when everyone was sleeping. This resulted in the mayor building three condos. Revolting. We of course, lost the state funding. The mayor left office at the end of her term, and moved to New York City. That was only after she worked another underhanded deal and changed the zoning and approved demolition of three turn of the century buildings that were in great shape. The worst looking parking garage/condo is on the property. YUCK!


Leguan, I have digressed into a rant. My apologies. I love when people maintain some of the history and character of the past and just hate these ugly concrete block buildings that rise into the stratosphere.


The "death zone"... scary. The more I learn about how human beings treat each other, the more I am saddened that we cannot be better as a species. Which brings to me to other topics that I would probably start another rant. So, I will quit while I am ahead. The good news is that they have taken the track for the border patrol and turned it into a hiking track. Some good has come out of something awful. What is so interesting is the lengths to which people when to create the "death zone". That was not an easy task and took quite a bit of creativity, engineering and planning, before the execution of the plan. Phew.


On other news, how is work coming? How are your experiments? Are things turning out like you had hoped? We are all hoping for your success!


Not much else is happening, so life is good.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Update on life... things from my cage are looking good. We are still working on the renovation. The roof has been replaced, and the roofer is going to replace the neighbor's siding. They are getting rid of the old cedar siding and put in thie stuff called hardy plank boards. The hardy planks are made out of cement. The new board is supposed to provide a better level of insulation. We will see. The old cedar was rotted, so absolutely no insulation there. Anything would be an improvement.


Friday is move out day and I have not finished packing. This is getting really frustrating. I have so very much to move and have not packed almost anything.


Back to work... for now.

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Nice that somebody had the idea to preserve history in your hometown. I also don't like those ugly concrete blocks.

Large-panel system buildings ("Plattenbau") were celebrated as a great progress in the 50ies and following decades here. Actually the concept is good. They need less space, they are cheaper to build and maintain and need less resources, and the energy consumption for heating/air condition is lower compared to smaller houses with the same housing space. Anyway, most people don't want to live in them, so the concept failed. Lots of them were demolished or at least remodeled to increase attractivity.



On other news, how is work coming? How are your experiments? Are things turning out like you had hoped? We are all hoping for your success!


Quite ok. I have to be patient. I just finished producing all my lines. 8x10 in total plus some extra ones. Now I have to propagate them and see whether they are doing what we expect them to do. So far I have some promising hints, but the outcome is absolutely unclear yet.

My boss also came up with a new idea and I'll have to produce 2x10 more lines... I'm not so sure whether it's a good idea, because I'll most likely won't get the chance to characterize them during my project. It takes too long until they are ready and my time is limited. So I'll have to spend some time producing them, but don't get any benefit out of it. It would be fine for me if I knew that somebody else would continue to work on those lines after I finish, but it isn't clear whether there will be funding. So in the end I might produce them and then they are discarded because there's nobody taking care of them and you can't just store them. Anyway, he's the boss... At least it will be useful in another way. There will be a bachelor student doing her thesis in our lab, so at least its useful for her because she will learn the method. By the way, she will be my first bachelor student. I already did some teaching in the courses (next one for the first semester medical students is coming soon, too), but supervising a student during a thesis project is an absolutely new thing to me. Lets see whether I'm a good supervisor. :lol: I'll try my best because I was a student myself only a few years ago and I remember very well how much I disliked bad teaching and people thinking that students are stupid and teaching is just a cumbersome duty. So I'll try to do a better job.

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Nice that somebody had the idea to preserve history in your hometown. I also don't like those ugly concrete blocks.

Large-panel system buildings ("Plattenbau") were celebrated as a great progress in the 50ies and following decades here. Actually the concept is good. They need less space, they are cheaper to build and maintain and need less resources, and the energy consumption for heating/air condition is lower compared to smaller houses with the same housing space. Anyway, most people don't want to live in them, so the concept failed. Lots of them were demolished or at least remodeled to increase attractivity.



On other news, how is work coming? How are your experiments? Are things turning out like you had hoped? We are all hoping for your success!


Quite ok. I have to be patient. I just finished producing all my lines. 8x10 in total plus some extra ones. Now I have to propagate them and see whether they are doing what we expect them to do. So far I have some promising hints, but the outcome is absolutely unclear yet.

My boss also came up with a new idea and I'll have to produce 2x10 more lines... I'm not so sure whether it's a good idea, because I'll most likely won't get the chance to characterize them during my project. It takes too long until they are ready and my time is limited. So I'll have to spend some time producing them, but don't get any benefit out of it. It would be fine for me if I knew that somebody else would continue to work on those lines after I finish, but it isn't clear whether there will be funding. So in the end I might produce them and then they are discarded because there's nobody taking care of them and you can't just store them. Anyway, he's the boss... At least it will be useful in another way. There will be a bachelor student doing her thesis in our lab, so at least its useful for her because she will learn the method. By the way, she will be my first bachelor student. I already did some teaching in the courses (next one for the first semester medical students is coming soon, too), but supervising a student during a thesis project is an absolutely new thing to me. Lets see whether I'm a good supervisor. :lol: I'll try my best because I was a student myself only a few years ago and I remember very well how much I disliked bad teaching and people thinking that students are stupid and teaching is just a cumbersome duty. So I'll try to do a better job.

You are going to be a fantastic teacher!!! I have one million percent faith in you and your abilities. You have taught us on numerous occasions and we know nothing about your projects. So, we are good examples of "students". You did a fantastic job of explaining everything while doing so with a very nice manner. I have learnt so very much from you. I know that your students will really like you and appreciate your hard work in the preparation you do to teach them. You will do great!!!


It must be so frustrating to start something and not be able to finish it. If you have the other 2x10 lines, and you have not completed the experiment, can you take them home and continue it there? Are there special conditions that must be met? I would hate to see someone just throw them into the garbage after you have worked so hard. Does it take a considerable amount of money to finish your experiment with these extra lines? Perhaps it would be something your Bachelor Student could continue. So sad that the funding my go away.


What will you do after your funding dries up? Work for BASF on research? Have you given your next step any consideration as to where you would like to be? I hope you can come to the USA for your next opportunity. It would be wonderful to have you here working on some sort of research project!!!! How long does it take for your thesis to be written? This will be so exciting to know that you have achieved such greatness!!!


Here in America we have urban sprawl. It is awful. There is no urban planning, no green spaces, just developer creep. The developers just clear cut the lots of old growth trees, because they are too lazy to work around the beautiful trees. Then they plant these awful Crepe Myrtles. These Crepe Myrtles are invasive and one of the worst plants, second to Brazilian Peppers. Developers love them because they are cheap. You can never dig deep enough to get all the roots and if there is only one little piece of root, it will spring up with a million little plants. I do not like to use chemicals to eradicate them, but I am getting close to my frustration point. I have dug and dug and dug, and when I thought I was successful in eliminating it, then up pops another crop of the same plant. I guess I am going to have to buy some chemicals end them once and for all.


Not much new here... just got hit with the common cold. And oh my, was it a bad one! I got knocked off my feet for about four days. Today is the fifth day and I still do not feel like doing anything more than getting out of bed, getting a cup of tea, then getting back in bed. We had to put off the move until next Thursday. Hopefully I will be up to it then. The good news is that the new roof is finished and we fixed the siding on the wall of my neighbor's condo. So no more leaks along that wall. That makes me very, very happy.

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Nothing new on the Tennessee front... but in Los Angeles, my best friend is getting ready for her play, that she wrote, to hit the stage. I am going to a "reading", which is where the actors are reading from the scripts, but they have already rehearsed for quite a long time.

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As for my project, when funding dries up, it's over. Anyway, it's rather important for my boss and not me. Except for those lines which will be trashed then. I can't just take them. First they are property of the government (even though I produce them) and second those can only be kept in certified labs.

Anyway, the important thing for me is to have enough results to write the thesis afer 3 years (so 1.5 from now). Writing will take something like 3 months. Well, the conditions are quite bad, but most Ph.D. students somehow have enough results after their contract or there are some other funding possibilites. Worst case would be working in the lab until the end of the project and then writing while receiving unemployment pay from the government. It's not nice and also kind of semi-legal, but it happens that Ph.D. students are forced to do this.

Well, I have to wait and see. Funding in the academic field is a big issue (not only here) and that's why I'll definitely try to work for a company rather than for the government. Working conditions are better (really, nowadays the sad truth is that salary AND working conditions are bad in public service) and of course the salary is better.

I don't know where I'll work after finishing. It's to early to start looking for positions now, but I'm open for anything where working conditions are good and the salary is ok.

Well, all this sounds quite pessimistic, but I'm sure I'll find my way.


Now I'm on holiday. One week in the Lausitz region and Saxon Switzerland (not the real Switzerland :D ). I just had an awesome day. I'll write more after dinner.

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Ok, so now I'm in the Lausitz area. This area has a big industrial heritage and is still one the two big open cast lignite mining areas in Germany. The other one is close to Köln, by the way. Maybe you've seen that one out of your plane already. :D I visited that one when I was at elementary school.

The place where I'm now used to be in the GDR. There are two big active mines here, and I visited one from a lookout. It's impressive. It's so huge and it looks like the surface of the moon. It became even more impressive when I visited a F60 overburden conveyor bridge. Five of them were built, and the one in the active mine looked small compared to the size of the mine. However, the F60 actually are the biggest movable land-based machines in the world! They are called "lying Eiffel tower", which is kind of wrong. They are quite a bit bigger.

The fifth and last one was just built before reunification for 14 billion Marks and was in service for only less than 2 years. The GDR planned a big expansion of the open cast mines which became obselete after the reunification. While the other 4 older ones are still running, this one was decommissioned in 1992 and was supposed to be wrecked. Luckily, just when they already started to prepare it for blasting, the decision was made to convert it into a museum and now you can walk on it. So impressive. Locomotives and carriages standing next to it appear like toys.

The rest of the area is fascinating, too. When mining is finished in one area, a big hole remains because of all the coal taken out. At the moment, many of them are in the process of being flooded. So I got a look at what will be man-made lakes in a couple of decades. The whole landscape is remodeled. First villages and small towns are eradicated from the map for the mines, and in the end everything is rebuilt with some lakes in addition. Even though coal power is an old technology, it is still required, especially after the decision to quit nuclear power. However, just next to one of the most modern coal power plants in the world (unfortunately I just missed the opportunity for a guided tour through the plant and to the lookout at the top of one of the cooling towers), on the remodeled mining areas, there are huge solar and wind parks. Including the tallest and most powerful wind turbine in the world (at least at the moment, probably not for long). Everything is big in this area, and so is the contrast between old and new technology. Really fascinating.

Tomorrow I'll visit a more than 100 years old coal briquet factory, which is a museum now. They still fire some of the old steam engines up for demonstration purposes. Looking foward to it. :)

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Ok, so now I'm in the Lausitz area. This area has a big industrial heritage and is still one the two big open cast lignite mining areas in Germany. The other one is close to Köln, by the way. Maybe you've seen that one out of your plane already. :D I visited that one when I was at elementary school.

The place where I'm now used to be in the GDR. There are two big active mines here, and I visited one from a lookout. It's impressive. It's so huge and it looks like the surface of the moon. It became even more impressive when I visited a F60 overburden conveyor bridge. Five of them were built, and the one in the active mine looked small compared to the size of the mine. However, the F60 actually are the biggest movable land-based machines in the world! They are called "lying Eiffel tower", which is kind of wrong. They are quite a bit bigger.

The fifth and last one was just built before reunification for 14 billion Marks and was in service for only less than 2 years. The GDR planned a big expansion of the open cast mines which became obselete after the reunification. While the other 4 older ones are still running, this one was decommissioned in 1992 and was supposed to be wrecked. Luckily, just when they already started to prepare it for blasting, the decision was made to convert it into a museum and now you can walk on it. So impressive. Locomotives and carriages standing next to it appear like toys.

The rest of the area is fascinating, too. When mining is finished in one area, a big hole remains because of all the coal taken out. At the moment, many of them are in the process of being flooded. So I got a look at what will be man-made lakes in a couple of decades. The whole landscape is remodeled. First villages and small towns are eradicated from the map for the mines, and in the end everything is rebuilt with some lakes in addition. Even though coal power is an old technology, it is still required, especially after the decision to quit nuclear power. However, just next to one of the most modern coal power plants in the world (unfortunately I just missed the opportunity for a guided tour through the plant and to the lookout at the top of one of the cooling towers), on the remodeled mining areas, there are huge solar and wind parks. Including the tallest and most powerful wind turbine in the world (at least at the moment, probably not for long). Everything is big in this area, and so is the contrast between old and new technology. Really fascinating.

Tomorrow I'll visit a more than 100 years old coal briquet factory, which is a museum now. They still fire some of the old steam engines up for demonstration purposes. Looking foward to it. :)

Pictures... please post some pictures.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Finally, I found some time to go through my photos and post some.


Here's the F60, the biggest land-based movable machine in the world. 500 metres long, 70 metres high. 16.000 tons of steel. It had 2 big overburden excavators attached to its sides, which had buckets taller than I am. It transported the overburden soil from one side to the other, while the coal was mined in the middle.




View from the top platform. Note the solar field on the right. Unfortunately it was a bit dizzy, otherwise you could also see the most powerful wind turbine in the world (at least at the moment, even stronger ones are already under construction elsewhere). The big coal-mining dinosaurs next to modern renewable energy-sources. A very nice illustration of what's going on at the moment. Nuclear power plants in Germany will be shut down during the next 10 years and also coal will lose importance (even though it's still important as a "bridge technology", we can't get rid of nuclear and coal at the same time), while the renewables are booming. They already account for 22% of Germany's electricity production. Only 10 years ago, it was less than 8%.



The coal briquet factory was very interesting, too. Quite impressive old technology. Here's the view from the entrance.



Some of the briquet pressing machines. Those were still steam-powered. In other sections of the factory they had more "modern" ones powered by big electric engines. All this was still in service until the re-unification of Germany. Then, western products (and policies) came to the East and lots of non-profitable industries (which were shielded from the world market under Soviet leadership) were shut down immediately, like this factory.



The coal was delivered from the mines to the factory by train. Outside of the factory, they have a nice exhibition of all sorts of GDR vehicles, including locomotives and this very interesting machine. This is a "snowplough". Actually, plough is not the correct word, it's rather a big fan. They fitted a decommissioned MIG 17 fighter jet engine with a tilting construction on a Diesel locomotive. This thing virtually blew the snow from the rails.



Afterwards, I went to Saxony Switzerland. Did lots of hiking there. The area reminded me a bit of the Blue Mountains in Australia.



View on the River Elbe. Here it looks very calm and peaceful, but there was a big flooding in 2002. In many villages along the river, they just finished rebuilding everything when another big flood happened last summer. You can still see the destruction and when you're walking next to the river, you'll see debris hanging high up in the trees.



Here's the Königstein fortress. Built in the Middle Ages, it still has the second-deepest well (152m) in Europe. It was used by the military until the re-unification.



Last stop was Königsbrück. There was a big Soviet troop training site. It was built more than 100 years ago by the Saxonian Army (Germany as a whole didn't exist at this time), later it was used by Wehrmacht troops and after WWII by the Soviet army. Also here, shut down after re-unification and turned into a huge nature reserve. It's interesting to see how just after 20 years, nature is claiming back the area. There are walking tracks through the area (and it's a good idea to stay on them, because there's still lots of old ammonition and stuff). Trees are sprouting everywhere, beavers and wolves which were eradicated a long time ago are coming back.

Also here, a really weird athmosphere. It's so peaceful and quiet at a place where once tanks ploughed through the ground and nuclear rockets were on stand-by, ready to strike Western Europe if the Cold War was becoming hot. Luckily, this never happened...

Now most of the old structures built by the Soviets are demolished and gave way to big solar parks (renewables again :D ), but the historic buildings built by the Saxon Army were kept. However, they are quickly decaying because nobody is using them anymore. The red sign at the door is written in Russian...



View from a lookout tower at the former tank training site, now a nature reserve. The are was totally cleared by the military, but you can see how quick nature is taking it over. Indian summer at its best.




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The pictures are phenomenal. A view most of us may never see. The F60 does not look big until you focus on the trees and realize this machine is immense! This is similar to airplanes. You see a small commuter type airplane and it seems small, until you see a Cessna 152 near it. Then you realize it is not that small. Now place this airplane next to a B-727 and it seems small and the B-727 seems large, and this continues until you get up to the B-777 or A-380. These airplanes are so proportional, that when you look at them without a reference, they seem big, but you really have no idea just how big until you take a Cessna 152, a commuter jet or B-727 and then you realize they are huge. The F60 is unbelievably huge. I had no idea! What is so very interesting is how there were two excavators on the sides moving dirt with the coal being mined in the center. It would have been really amazing to see this in action. From the top platform, the view is great. The solar panels look so small, but they are not.


The coal briquet factory pictures were terrific. If you do not think about the technology of the past and you get to see things like this, it really is extremely interesting. Steam powered along with electric powered, how great you were able to take a tour. What I really enjoyed was the picture of the "snowplough"! A MIG 17 fighter engine used as a snow blower! What a great way to use a jet engine. I like the German ingenuity.


Saxony Switzerland... beautiful! What a wonderful place to go hiking. The River Elbe did quite a bit of destruction when it overflowed it's banks, the first time and again the second time. Amazing how Mother Nature can look so peaceful and calm one day and raging the next. In Miami, Florida, after Hurricane Andrew, all the trees with branches above about twenty feet were broken off or completely gone. It was so strange to see the tops of trees gone. Today more than twenty years later, most of the trees have recovered, but some not totally. Very interesting.


I loved the picture of the fortress built in the Middle Ages. It is wonderful that Germany has created a nature reserve on this land. Nature sure has a way of reclaiming land, although it takes such a long time. I love beavers. Glad to know that the beaver and wolf populations are returning. Sad that some of the buildings are deteriorating, but it costs so much to keep up buildings that are not in use. Best to stay on the trails. I do not know anything about ammunitions and how long one can stay "live", but I certainly would not want to find out.


The last photograph is wonderful... Indian Summer, complete with beautiful scenery. WOW!!! What a nice way to end your trip, with beautiful scenery.


We really appreciate you taking the time to add photographs along with a description. Thank you so very, very much!


As for me, I am in Mumbai and will be here for a few days. No time for photographs as of yet, but hopefully I will have some time to take a couple.


Talk later.

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Since you liked the photos, here's some more.


Yes, the F60 is looking so small on the photo, but as you said, when you have a closer look you realize how massive it is.

Here's another photo for you. Note how many wheels it has. :D When they started moving this thing, there was a specified order in which the hundreds of electric motors at the wheels where switched on, otherwise the load for the power plants would have been too heavy.



Let's have a look at an active mine then at Welzow where they had a lookout. Two excavators like that one were attached to the F60:



Here's a part of the mine. It was way too big to get it on one photo, but to give you an impression: you can see an active F60 at the right side. In the front is a driver unit for the conveyor belts which transport overburden soil from one end to the other end of the mine. The F60 alone actually can't do the job since it is way too small. :D At the left in the background you can see the machine taking the dirt from the conveyor for remodeling the landscape. In the background at the right you can see the steam from the cooling towers of the power plant which is fired with the coal from the mine.

It's really impressive when you stand there at the lookout and realize the size of all this.



And another one from Königsbrück. This thing which now is a shelter for hikers if the weather is bad used to be a commando post. There were Soviet nuclear rockets stationed at the left. Note the red Soviet Army star at the gate.






Ok, enough photos for now. Today was a quite exciting day. We had a strong storm here. At the moment, I have my sister's car because she's for a term abroad in the US. Luckily, even though it was very windy and a bit rainy, I decided to take the bicycle instead of the car. Some sports is always a good idea. :D It turned out to be a really good idea. The storm took a huge part of the heat insulation off the facade from the building in which I'm working (which actually is only 2 years old). The stuff smashed several cars parked exactly where I use to park the car, too. I didn't know how heavy the insulation stuff is, but the cars looked like after really bad accidents. Total losses. Luckily nobody stayed in this area when it happened...

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Those pictures are gorgeous~ I especially love the old buildings. Standing in a place like that and imagining what was happening there decades ago would be indescribable.


And the F60 is so big! I have a friend that works with huge machinery like that. Well, not THAT big exactly, but the really giant cranes and stuff used in mining. I'll have to show my dad those pictures, he loves giant vehicles XD

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Thank you so very, very much for the additional photographs. The mine is incredibly huge and with the photographs that you have given us, we get some idea of just how immense the equipment really is. What I find interesting is how without something to show proportion, you really cannot judge the size. But with the F60, the photographs have things in them that seem like microdots to the immense size of the machinery.


What a great idea to transform that brick commando post into a shelter for hikers. I just love the German way of thinking! You all utilize structures and turn sites into nature preserves. I just love the creative thinking. WOW!!!


What great fortune you chose to ride your bike. It would have been frustrating to have to have suffered a total loss to your car. Good news that no one was hurt.

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Now for the update... I am on my way home from Mumbai. So far, I have spent the last nineteen hours out of twenty-four in airplanes. Now on to Atlanta and then to Memphis. After landing in Newark, New Jersey I heard the sad news about the Los Angeles Airport shootings. My prayers go out to the families of those who were killed.


As I am on the airplane, I will have to post a couple pictures later. I did not take too many, only a couple, and some phone videos. If the videos are small, I will try to attach them. At dinner, I did get a couple pictures of what the chefs had created. One of the wait staff was having way too much fun.


Glad to be heading home. More later.

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The hotel in Mumbai, India had a fun time with Halloween. The restaurant personnel really had fun. Here are some pictures of the Halloween fun.


These are the Jack O'Lantern creations from the chefs...

Jack O'Lantern 1.jpg


Jack O'Lantern 2.jpg


Jack O'Lantern 3.jpg


Jack O'Lantern 4.jpg


Jack O'Lantern 5.jpg


Some of the desserts...


Jack O'Lantern 6.jpg


Jack O'Lantern 7.jpg


Jack O'Lantern 8.jpg


Jack O'Lantern 9.jpg


The waiter...


Jack O'Lantern 10.jpg

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  • 2 weeks later...

Herding cats...


Today I spent doing a job that was almost as exciting and tiring as herding cats would be. I was trying to blow leaves from the lawn, into the garden, while the wind was trying to decide which direction it wanted to blow the leaves. It was really crazy. Oak leaves are phenomenal mulch for your garden. There are a number of plants that love the acidity of oak leaves and they will flower like crazy. Better than any fertilizer, better than any product off the shelf, oak leaves decompose rather rapidly and leave your garden with this great dark black soil. Anyway, I was trying to tame those leaves and blow them into the garden and must have looked like such as sight. First the wind would blow one direction, so I would get on the other side and try to blow with the wind; then it would switch one hundred and eighty degrees and blow the other direction. Pure craziness. I finally got the leaves into the garden, so hopefully the strong winds are over and the leaves will stay put. Cross your paws.


Next spring, I will post pictures of my beautiful garden.

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Those pumpkins and desserts looks so cool! 8D and man, I wish I was there for those cakes.


I don't think I would ever have the patience for leaf blowing. Knowing that the wind could come along and ruin all of my work that quickly just ruins it for me XD I can barely be bothered to rake when it's demanded of me.

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Thanksgiving was fun! I made a pumpkin pie from scratch using a pumpkin, not the canned pumpkin stuff. It turned out incredibly well! The pie was so delicious, that I went back to Whole Foods and bought more pumpkins to make a couple more pies.


Of course, we ate too much food.


Turkey 2013.jpg

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nice pictures. Seems like you enjoyed your meal. :D


Do you still have ice storms? We also had some storm and a bit of snow, but now we have weather like in spring. Today was a very nice sunny day with temperatures well above the freezing point. For me it would be perfectly fine if winter was over already. :lol: Well, I bet the worst part is still to come. Last year we also had a very mild winter until January, but then it really came with tons of ice and snow and it stayed until mid-April...


I went to a conference in Freising close to München (Munich) a few weeks ago. For the weekend, I stayed in München. Went to the famous Christmas market. Didn't like it much actually, too touristy (overcrowded and expensive). I like the local one here in Göttingen more, even though it is much smaller. It perfectly fits into the historic city center.

Speaking about history, in München I also visited the "Deutsches Museum" (German museum). That's the largest museum of science and technology in the world and it is really awesome. I spent the whole day there and still didn't see everything. And I even didn't visit their outposts (one for aviation based on an old military airport and the other one is called "traffic center"). If anyone is interested in science and technology and visits München, this place really is a must.

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Oh my goodness... I love the Deutsches Museum!!! I think you could spend a week there and still not see everything! What a fantastic museum!!! Germany has some of the most wonderful museums I have ever seen. As I was reading your post, I was trying to think of what city this fantastic transportation museum was located. For some reason I was thinking Berlin, but I believe it was a different city. What is so interesting, I can still see the location of the museum and the few blocks around the building, and I distinctly remember walking into it and seeing some of the exhibits. The museum was so impressive, it really stuck in my mind.


Christmas festivals... it has been a long time, but I loved the Nuremburg Christmas market. It has been a number of years, and it was really large then, so now I am thinking that it has become more touristy. I still have the wooden ornaments I purchased in a number of the German Christmas markets and they all hang on my tree every year! Perhaps I should plan a trip to attend the Gottingen Christmas market some time.


If you have a conference in the summer in Munchen, you need to go to the Elizabethan park. There is channeled water through the park, that is really fast moving. You jump in on one part and are swiftly carried through the park to a different end. You get out here and walk back to a starting place and do this all over again. I had such fun! I told two of my colleagues about this and they almost missed a trip by taking this water swim a few times.


Ice storms are over, but the cold remains. Spring weather for you... very nice! I do agree, I would also be quite happy if winter was over. But as we are still in fall, this is all wishful thinking. This winter is looking to be a bit worse than the last few we have had.


More later. Time to get moving and out and about.

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Oh, that's sad. I really feel sorry for you. I know how this feels. :( I'm sure Hedwig had a great life with you. 3.5 years is really old for a hamster.

One of my rats also reached this age, but most of them passed away a lot earlier. That's also the main reason for switching to the Persian jirds. Their normal life expectancy is 5-6 years.

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Thank you. His pal, Hiero was purchased about one week earlier than Hedwig, and she has tumors. Because of this condition, she has lost all her hair, save a little tuft at her tail and her head. She feels good and displays no symptoms of being ill, so the veterinarian said not to worry. She is not in pain. We feed her fat, mixed in with her food, which the veterinarian said helps to keep weight on her. When she passes away, I will certainly be sad. I am not ready for that day.


Hiero 1.jpg Hiero 2.jpg

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Thank you. His pal, Hiero was purchased about one week earlier than Hedwig, and she has tumors. Because of this condition, she has lost all her hair, save a little tuft at her tail and her head. She feels good and displays no symptoms of being ill, so the veterinarian said not to worry. She is not in pain. We feed her fat, mixed in with her food, which the veterinarian said helps to keep weight on her. When she passes away, I will certainly be sad. I am not ready for that day.


attachicon.gifHiero 1.jpg attachicon.gifHiero 2.jpg

So sorry to hear about Hedwig's passing, Horatio. :(

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Thank you TBFOF. So nice to see you again. What has been happening with you? Please do fill us in on things!

Not too much on my front. I just finished my last full semester of college. Starting January 6th, I'm doing a six month internship at Elizabeth Arden in Stamford, CT as a demand planning intern. I'm having pretty mixed emotions about it. It's an incredible opportunity and I really know that I'm going to learn a lot from it, but I feel like I'm going to miss out so much on what would be my last semester in Boston.


Since Northeastern requires you to complete two six month internships, the whole program takes five years. I came in with quite a few AP credits, so I effectively took 48 credits my freshman year and 41 my sophomore year since I did that China program in the summer, so I'm going to complete everything in 4 years and two/three months.


I had somewhat of a conflict with my advisors when I switched from the French to Chinese program, as one told me I could and then later the head of the department told me I couldn't, so my schedule got kind of messed up over the past year, and as a result, I haven't been on the same schedule as my friends in almost a full year.


Now that I'm moving to Connecticut and will be graduating in the summer, I'm kind of bummed that I won't be with my friends, yet again. As happy as I am with my choice to have gone to Northeastern and all of the incredible opportunities it has given me, it's just kind of saddening that I was only in classes with the majority of my friends for only three or four semesters out of what would have been eight had I gone to a more traditional school.


That being said, this internship is one of the most coveted and competitive partnerships that the business program has to offer, so I'm incredibly happy that I get the chance to work with them. In the past, they've also tended to hire the majority of the interns they've had, which would absolutely be incredible if I got a job offer from them. Moreover, during my interview process, the head of the supply chain department asked quite a bit about my interest in Chinese and if I would have any interest in living there after graduation. He mentioned an office in Shanghai and seemed to really be interested in whether or not I'd want to work in China, so, without getting my hopes up, the possibility of a job offer in China would just be a dream come true.


At this point though, I'm just going to enjoy the rest of my winter vacation and work my butt off as much as I can and just see what the future brings.





How have you been Horatio? Any exciting/new travels recently?

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WOW!!! I am so very impressed! You are very smart and extremely talented and I can guarantee that although you did not spend all eight semesters with your friends, you will remain friends throughout your life. The great news is that you have almost instantaneous contact through email and of course there is Facetime, so you have a terrific way to stay in touch with your friends worldwide.


What an accomplishment you have achieved with your studies!!! Impressive! You have really worked very hard to be a success in your education, and I do believe it has paid off. Finishing early like you have will give you an edge on other people your age. I am so proud of you that you worked so very hard.


Your intern opportunity is phenomenal! I know you will impress them and I do believe you made the right choice with your China program choice. Hopefully you move to Shanghai. Although, Stamford is an extremely nice town. You win no matter what, "when" they offer you a permanent job. I have total faith in you and I believe with all my heart you will be a success!!! We would love to have you post a picture of yourself.


As for me, same old stuff, same old places. We are selling our Tennessee house and these people do not even want to look at a place if you have not totally renovated it. So, we are packing up to move everything into storage, renovate and then just move enough back to stage the house for sale. What a total pain in the neck. One of my colleagues reduced his house by one third, just to sell it fast, and because it was not totally renovated, no one would even look at it. He had it on the market for two years. After he renovated it, it sold the very first morning after the renovation was complete. We have decided to learn from his experience and renovate first.


Still trying to move to Germany. Hopefully I will be able to accomplish the move this year. My paws are crossed. Other than that, everything is good. Next year I hope to be my best ever. May this be the same for you!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Okay... I am tired of the cold already. It is only February and I want summer to be here. It was in the fifties in Florida and I had on three layers of clothing. Now, for all you people who have really low temperatures, I know this is spring weather to you, but to a Florida hamster, this is cold, cold, cold!!!

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  • 1 month later...

Yesterday was the start of the MotoGP season. It was a very exciting race with outstanding performances by Valentino Rossi and Dani Pedrosa. Unfortunately there were many crashes and hopefully no one was seriously hurt. Jorge Lorenzo started out with a dart for the front and crashed out in the very first lap. How disappointing. I am looking for the next race in Austin, Texas. It would be exciting to attend one of these races.

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Is spring coming? I have always been told, do not plant any new plants until after the 15th of April. Well, the warm temperatures fooled me. Yes, I knew better. But... I planted my little plants anyway. Well, it is really, really cold. The temperatures went down into the twenties. The only way I could protect the little plants was to take blankets and cover them up. Please cross your fingers, I hope my little plants make it.

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Spring is such a great season! I have been goofing off taking photographs of every flower I can find. Good thing that I have a digital camera. I would have never been able to afford developing the pictures. When I get a good photograph, I will post it. :)

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OKAY!!!!!!!!!!! I am happy!!!!! Yesterday was Free Comic Book Day and I was fortunate to secure a copy of The Mouse Guard! How exciting!!!!


Today, the guys, who were supposed to install my irrigation system over a week ago, are outside working. The irrigation system should be fully operational by the end of the day tomorrow!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yesterday it rained, and rained, and rained. Then it rained some more. I have some very happy flowers!!!!! The really terrific thing was that my irrigation system, which was supposed to run in the night, did not. My rain guage was filled and it sent a wireless signal to the box, not to water. How cool is that!!!! I just love my new irrigation system!

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:lol: YES!!! We are enjoying ourselves. It is the terrorist cats that cannot read the posted signs saying "No Cats Allowed" who keep coming in and trying to eat my little baby chipmunks and birds. It is not like the cats are strays and are hungry. They just love scaring my little critters. So, my little baby chipmunks and baby birds are not very happy right now. I am thinking some big owl statues might deter the cats. What do you think?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Update to the update... flowers planted, irrigation system working perfectly and the bushes are starting to take hold. Soon it will be picture time.


As for other things, not much new to report. Increased my workout on the Octane machine and now I feel almost as if I am sore on every part of my body. The muscles were very happy doing a little workout, now they are crying because it is three times as long. This too shall pass.

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  • 2 weeks later...

And for other news... well, there just is not much. My flowers are continuing to thrive. My grass looks good and I am one happy, happy person!!!


Hope you all wished your father, grandfather and all male family members, a Happy Father's Day. Please take an extra moment to tell your father how very special he is.

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Oh my goodness!!! I think about you all the time, wondering if we have crossed paths in China or somewhere else. How are you? What are you doing? What is going on in your life? Please do stop in more often and let us know how you are! We miss you!!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Happy Fourth of July!!!!!


A day late! Ooops! Too much cooking out on the grill, too much running around and having fun! Watching all the fireworks displays and enjoying the day off!

What a great day!


Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday!!!



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Here we are, a couple days after the holiday, and people are still setting off fireworks. My neighbor must have bought a container load, as they have been setting off their fireworks for almost three days straight. They started the day before the holiday and have had a non-stop party ever since. :o

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  • 1 month later...

Of course I went! It was crazy!!!! Oh my goodness there were so many people and lines for everything! I must say that it is something you have to experience. Talking about it does not adequately describe how it is to be there. Insane!!! Zillions of costumes, zillions of artists, authors, publishers, etc., so many booths that it takes forever to get from one side of the convention center to the other! I was walking outside the convention area and it still took me twenty minutes to go from one side to the other! If you tried to get from one side to the other where the displays were, it would take over an hour!!! The most incredible, insane convention I have ever attended! I tried to get these Mattel dolls and I was on line numerous times, the second to last time I got up to being number one in line and they ran out. AAAAAAAGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH! I had to get back in line the next day. But, there was no line. You had to walk in a circle and hope to get picked. Luckily after two hours of walking, I was picked. Crazy!!! But I got those dolls!!!


What is really crazy is the fact that people who sell on ebay are getting in line over and over with their whole families and they are buying as many each as they can. What Mattel should do is only permit so many per address and you should have to show identification. This would stop those people from stealing from people who can not attend by doubling the price on ebay. The guy in front of me in line had made it all the previous days and he was back again. He was trying to get me to buy some dolls for him so he could sell them on ebay. I refused because I remember how I felt the day before when they ran out just before they got to me. All because the ebay sellers were buying all the dolls up. So I hoped that someone further down the line would be able to get some dolls after being in line for hours. That was my only complaint.

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>< The people who buy for the secondary doll market have little to no concern for people who actually want dolls. They just want to make money. People like that really annoy me.


I still wanna go to SDCC some day, though 8D

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Annoy you?!?!?!? I was really, really annoyed! Especially when they are in line trying to get people to purchase three, (the limit per person), of one doll or another. Mattel has said that next year, they plan on offering the dolls from SDCC on line. When, I am not sure, but I am going to try and follow it.


You should definitely put this on your list. It is something that every person should try at least once!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Today I decided to take a long walk. While walking I saw something of interest. There was a medium sized cat staring intently at a drainage trough. All of a sudden, without breaking his gaze, the cat started to back up very, very slowly and very stealthily. Wanting to see what the cat was looking at, I saw a rat that was bigger than the cat! The rat did not pay any attention to the cat, and the cat knew that he would not win that fight, so the cat decided to slowly retreat out of the rat's line of sight. It was quite interesting to watch. And yes, it was a very, very big rat!

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I have a confession to make...



I am addicted to Latte Art! The artist's who create these wonderful works of art in a coffee cup are simply incredible. There are a number of artists in Japan, and in other countries, who create these magnificent artworks, only to have them disappear in a short time. I am posting a few photographs here of the fantastic coffee latte art, some I have had the pleasure of drinking and some are screen-shotted because they were so terrific and I just wanted to share the work of these incredible artists.






Fantastic cappuchino artwork!


Screen Shot 2014-09-02 at 2.22.13.png



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  • 2 weeks later...

So... I have decided that I want to learn Latte Art. Looking online, I find Barista schools are a big, big business. Lots and lots of money. Too much to pay just to learn how to make a pretty picture on a cup of espresso. Or so I thought!!! Well, I went down to my local mall, bought an espresso machine, not really expensive, traveled to Whole Foods, purchased my milk and Lavazza (Italian) ground coffee, then headed home to try my hand at Latte Art. After getting home and reading all the instructions, I attempt to brew my first cup of espresso. DUD!!! You need an expensive espresso machine to make the wonderful crema on the espresso required to make Latte Art. Plus, you need to know lots and lots about the best espresso beans and how to make a perfect cup of milk. At home I can waste a little, as I will drink it. In a business, this means profits going down the drain. Those expensive Barista Schools? Definitely worth the money if you own a coffee business. There is so much more to Latte Art than I thought.


Yesterday, after my DUD of an espresso, I cleaned the machine and repackaged it up to return today. I did ask the lady before I purchased the machine yesterday, if I could not make a good cup of espresso, would I still be able to return the machine. She said yes. Today, it goes back.


My Latte Art career... over before it began. If I want to do Latte Art, I will have to get a job as a Barista and use the commercial machine in the coffee shop. I can not see this happening any time soon.

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Yesterday, I was one of the first people to receive their new iPhone 6!!! My choice was for the straight 6 not the larger 6 Plus. I use my iPad and did not see a need for the larger iPhone. This new iPhone has been designed to be very sleek and very thin. Quite nice!!! There are some really terrific new features, so I look forward to learning all the things this iPhone can do!

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Yesterday I decided that I needed to take a look at possible new family members. Whilst I was at the local pet store, I met a very nice boy who was interested in hamsters. The day ended up becoming a most wonderful experience. He picked out a beautiful blonde and white hammie and I was able to give him some hamster stuff and some initial guidance. This hamster is going to have a wonderful new buddy and the young man will have a new best friend!!! What a great new family this adorable hamster has had opportunity to join. Overall my day was a huge success!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Has anyone ever been in a lava tube? Today I am going to be able to see the inside of one in Utah! I am really excited to take this adventure. On Wednesday, I drove from Memphis, Tennessee to Cedar City, Utah. As I was passing through New Mexico, I saw many remnants of lava flows.


Here is one, right along the Interstate.




Up close to another lava flow and a piece of lava.





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Here are a couple photographs from the Petrified Forest National Park. What a fantastic park! It is against the law to remove any pieces of rock/petrified wood from the park. If you want a piece of petrified wood, you can purchase pieces from many of the stores outside of the park. I bought a couple pieces. :blush:







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Has anyone ever been in a lava tube? Today I am going to be able to see the inside of one in Utah! I am really excited to take this adventure. On Wednesday, I drove from Memphis, Tennessee to Cedar City, Utah. As I was passing through New Mexico, I saw many remnants of lava flows.


Yes, I've been in one. On Rangitoto Island, New Zealand. :D


Just wanted to pass by and say hello. I didn't forget you. ;)

Don't remember when I passed by last time, must be quite a while ago. Well, what happened in the meantime? Not that much actually. Work and work. I'm finally getting some nice results now, after lets say 90% of my work during the last 2.5 years turned out to be useless. Well, that's science. But as I said, we're getting really nice results now, it's just some more work to complete the project. It just got extended until end of July next year.


I was very excited to learn that one of the recent Nobel prize laureates is working nearby at the Max Planck Instiute. And we actually have a collaboration ongoing with some of the people of his department. How cool is that? The guys were at our lab just a few hours before and showed us their latest results and some really awesome microscopy pictures. I actually also have been there already and saw those fancy new microscopes they are working with.


What else happened? Well, I had some nice short trips to Berlin, Hamburg (check out "Miniatur Wunderland official video" on youtube, that's a must-see in Hamburg), Goslar, Duderstadt and Einbeck. And I went for holiday at the Wadden Sea National Park in the north of Germany. I have tons of photos and actually really awesome ones. A friend (well, another thing that happened, we met online at a dating website and in the end she didn't turn out to be my girlfriend, but at least a very good "normal" friend) has a good camera and loves taking photos.

Yesterday I went to a new motorbike museum. Really nice. And today I went mushroom-pcking with a friend, as I did quite often recently because it's mushroom season at the moment. Oh yes, I also went for a couple of rides on my little Honda, too.

So as you see, my weeks are packed with work and my weekends are packed with fun. :D

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  • 4 weeks later...

Leguan!!!!! How wonderful to see you again!


Lava tubes are so interesting!!! How fortunate you are to have gotten to see one!


Congratulations on the extension of your project!!! Very, very impressive!!! Please do keep us posted on how it finally turns out. July is really, really close. I hope that you get everything completed that you hope to do.


WOW!!! A collaboration with some of the people in the department of a Nobel Laureate?!?!?! Wonderful!!! I would love to hear all about this collaboration, when you are permitted to talk about it. Those microscopes must be incredible. You would love to have those in your lab!


Berlin, Hamburg, are two cities I have been to. I lived in Berlin for a while, and loved it. Do you know Baltrum in the North Sea area? My cousin lives there. Beautiful area! The other three cities, I have not visited. I suppose they are beautiful!


Making a good friend is always nice. I would love to see her photographs. Sorry it did not work out one way, but the other way is even better. It would be great to go to a motorbike museum. Where was this? I see you really enjoyed yourself. Mushroom picking... I would have to have someone check to make sure that I picked only good mushrooms and nothing poisonous. LOL. What a fantastic way to enjoy your weekend!!!


Had some computer problems, all self-induced. OUCH!!! I was out of commission for a bit. The only way I could do things was via the iPad and iPhone. Now I am back and very happy that my laptop is running without any operator induced problems.


As for here, just the same old thing. Not much is new. I am having lots of fun taking photographs, but I am not very good. It takes me 1000 shots to come up with one good picture. I am working on a better ratio, but the learning process is not as fast as I would like. Friends of mine are getting married and they asked if I would take pictures, I tried to decline, but they said I could not decline. Lots and lots of pressure. My plan is to use a video along with my camera. Double the chance of coming up with one good photograph. I just cannot miss any good shots. AAAAARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!!


My plan is to head to Germany for a couple weeks in the spring. I am looking forward to seeing my cousin, then travel around within Germany. Perhaps we can meet for coffee and if I come closer to summer, a bike ride. I will keep you posted on my plans.


Must run and get some work accomplished. I will be back tomorrow.

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This past week, I decided to get a fish eye lens. The decision was a tough one and I wanted to think about what I would be taking pictures of and how many times I would be using this lens. If not the fish eye, the other option was a better telephoto lens. So, I spoke with a really terrific lady at Nikon and she told me how to do both! WOW!!! She suggested a teleconverter and the fish eye lens. This way, I could get the benefits of two lenses!!! The teleconverter would go onto my telephoto lens and I would get the benefits of a much longer lens. Now, I am waiting for the fish eye lens and the teleconverter to arrive.


On Wednesday, we are flying to Los Angeles for a wedding. It is pretty exciting. My friends are getting married on Manhattan Beach! Pictures of the wedding area will be posted upon my return. They asked me to take pictures and I suggested that they hire a professional. Made me way too nervous to take the most important photographs documenting someone's important event. So, I said I would attempt to take some photographs along with the photographer to see if anything comes out okay. Phew!!!

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I was in Manhattan Beach last night for dinner! I just moved out to LA a little over a month ago. Maybe we saw each other and didn't even realize it. :blink:


Manhattan Beach isn't that small, so probably not. But ya never know! Unless of course you weren't in Manhattan Beach last night. Then I guess we do know.



This past week, I decided to get a fish eye lens. The decision was a tough one and I wanted to think about what I would be taking pictures of and how many times I would be using this lens. If not the fish eye, the other option was a better telephoto lens. So, I spoke with a really terrific lady at Nikon and she told me how to do both! WOW!!! She suggested a teleconverter and the fish eye lens. This way, I could get the benefits of two lenses!!! The teleconverter would go onto my telephoto lens and I would get the benefits of a much longer lens. Now, I am waiting for the fish eye lens and the teleconverter to arrive.


On Wednesday, we are flying to Los Angeles for a wedding. It is pretty exciting. My friends are getting married on Manhattan Beach! Pictures of the wedding area will be posted upon my return. They asked me to take pictures and I suggested that they hire a professional. Made me way too nervous to take the most important photographs documenting someone's important event. So, I said I would attempt to take some photographs along with the photographer to see if anything comes out okay. Phew!!!

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Horatio!!!! I wish I had been more active on the board recently. In addition to being in Manhattan Beach last night, I was in Cedar City, UT on Friday October 3rd. Maybe I saw you there too! I drove from New York to LA between Tuesday and Saturday.


Has anyone ever been in a lava tube? Today I am going to be able to see the inside of one in Utah! I am really excited to take this adventure. On Wednesday, I drove from Memphis, Tennessee to Cedar City, Utah. As I was passing through New Mexico, I saw many remnants of lava flows.


Here is one, right along the Interstate.




Up close to another lava flow and a piece of lava.





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I was bad and took some of these photos while driving. Shame on me. Don't take after me, children. :P But I did wait until I was pulled over to edit them for instagram, if that's any consolation.


The photos aren't the best quality, since they've been edited/filtered/etc. for Instagram. I would've attached the originals, but most were crooked/blurry/had reflections from my windshield.




Pennsylvania. My last bit of beautiful fall foliage before entering the barren Midwest.



Ohio. No offense to anyone that's from there, but I couldn't wait to get out of there.



St. Louis.



A little tornado warning to spice up my miserable drive thru Missouri/Kansas.



Colorado. I've never been and I fell in love with it. It's so, so beautiful, in so many different ways.



More Colorado.



Western edge of Colorado.



Beginning of Utah.



Some more Utah.






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TBFOF!!!! Welcome back!!! As always, we love your photographs, even if they are edited for Instagram. :-) Thank you for pulling over to do your editing!


Our paths seem to be crossing!!! I noticed that you posted from Manhattan Beach on the 15th. You are not going to believe this, but I was at a wedding held on Manhattan Beach on the 14th!!!! Oh my goodness! I can not believe we are so close, perhaps even seeing each other without knowing it! Cedar City... did you go up to Cedar Breaks? Were you able to stay there for a bit and do some hiking? It appears that you zoomed your way across America. To fill you in on some details... Ohio has some beautiful countryside. Which is not along the interstate. After Utah, which way did you head? Did you take I-40 into Los Angeles?


We are thinking of looking for a place in Westwood, down the street from UCLA. I have a friend who has a condominium there, and we would like to live in that general area. Manhattan Beach would be a nice place to live, but there is no way we could afford to live there.


TBFOF, really need to stay in touch. Perhaps the next time I am out your way, we can get together for coffee.

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My friend's got married on Manhattan Beach, California on the 14th. The wedding was held on the beach. It was really great! Afterwards, we headed to Disneyland for the wedding dinner. Here is a photograph of heart on the beach before the couple arrived.




The bridal bouquets.


DSCN1314 - Version 2.JPG


Here is a picture of the wedding cake after the first piece was cut. And the first piece of cake on the plate.


DSCN1370.JPG DSCN1378 - Version 2.JPG





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Tomorrow is Thanksgiving... we have already started having holiday treats. OH NO!!!! I really do not like the holidays... too many goodies to indulge in and I have no willpower whatsoever. Today, holiday cookies, which were yummy and hot blueberry pie with vanilla bean ice cream. Tomorrow, pumpkin pie, pecan pie and apple pie with hard sauce. I am in such big trouble!!!!

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I did not go out shopping on Black Friday, too many crazies on the road. I did go to the gym and thought I was going to get killed before I made it the very short distance there. Some lady on her cell phone did a u-turn across six lanes of traffic, causing people to slam on their brakes in both directions. As soon as I got out of the gymI drove straight home, pulled my car into the garage and parked it until I had to go to the gym the next day. I guess the sale was in the opposite direction from where the lady was headed.


On Cyber Monday, I did do some shopping, but not much. I missed a couple of the sale items I wanted, but I did go to the gym! :lol: I guess my priorities were not on doing Cyber Monday shopping.


If you like doodle art... check out Kerby Rosanes. Great doodle artist!

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  • 2 weeks later...



Ok, quite delayed, but here's some photos coming. I have soo many, so I could just choose a few. And I had to resize them, the original ones have way better resolution.

The photos are from my trip to the North Sea in August.

I would love to show you more, but its really annoying to resize and upload them one by one...


post-4911-0-45812800-1419163914_thumb.jpgpost-4911-0-13855700-1419163921_thumb.jpgpost-4911-0-28863600-1419163928_thumb.jpgpost-4911-0-10291200-1419163934_thumb.jpgpost-4911-0-40075400-1419163941_thumb.jpgpost-4911-0-80692600-1419163947_thumb.jpgpost-4911-0-27598700-1419163955_thumb.jpgpost-4911-0-11182200-1419163964_thumb.jpgpost-4911-0-71406600-1419163969_thumb.jpgpost-4911-0-13597600-1419163977_thumb.jpgpost-4911-0-74127400-1419163987_thumb.jpgpost-4911-0-89872900-1419163993_thumb.jpg post-4911-0-65421500-1419164215_thumb.jpg


As for the collaboration with the lab using super resolution microscopy, I'm afraid that I'm not allowed to tell you any details before the results are published.



Well well, Christmas is getting closer. I have to work until tuesday and then I'll drive home to my family at 24th. Hopefully this time I'll have more luck with the car. Last time my old car broke down on the highway and my "new" one is also a crappy old one... Lets see. I hope the Autobahn 7 will be reopened until then. There was a big accident just very close to Göttingen on friday and its closed in both directions since then. A truck crashed through the separation between both directions, lying on its side over all 6 lanes and catching fire. It carried rat poison. Due to the fire, toxic gases evaporated. The salvage is still ongoing and then the asphalt needs to be replaced, which will take a while. There is really massive chaos going on at the moment. The A7 is one of the most important North-South connections in Germany and quite prone to traffic jams under normal conditions already. And it is holiday season with increased traffic...





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Thank you so very much for the phenomenal photographs!!! The sunset is my favourite!!! Do you know the island Baltrum, near where you were at the North Sea? My cousin lives there.


I totally understand about your having to keep mum about your work. Please let us know when you are published and where we can find your work!!!


You have our best wishes to get home safe for the holidays! The truck accident with the fire and rat poison created such a mess for everyone. I do understand about having to replace/repair the asphalt. My father owned an asphalt paving business, so I do understand this situation very well.


We are thrilled to see that your life is going so well. It looks like you had a wonderful trip to the North Sea! I know it took quite a bit of effort to resize all those photographs, but we really appreciate everything you did do so that we may see the images from your trip. Thank you again.


Have a most Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!!!

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Yes, the sunset is my favorite, too. Really awesome with all the clouds and the reflections at low tide. In reality, it looked even better. And then imagine the wind blowing and the smell of the sea. Really awesome.


I've been to Baltrum years ago. I actually walked there. :D At low tide, you can take a guided tour through the mudflat and just walk to the island. ^^


I'm still in the office at the moment, but just about the finish for this year. Just have to write an email to my boss and then I'm done. Everything is prepared quite well.

I'll be quite busy at home visiting everybody and celebrating and so on (there's also a birthday and stuff), so I already wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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My sincerest apologies...somehow I deleted my Merry, Merry Christmas post.


Here it is again, belated, as I do not know what I did to delete it.




I would like to wish everyone a most Merry, Merry Christmas! May you find a day filled with lots of love and happiness.



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Leguan, you are such a talented photographer! Thank you again for taking the extra time to share your photographs. I need to visit my cousin in Baltrum. Perhaps I will wait until the summer.


Glad to know that you are home for the holidays. This will be really wonderful! A visit home with family and friends, always recharges the soul. My holidays were quiet and filled with too much food. The first of the year is always the day I start on a diet to shed those extra pounds that I gained from November through December. In addition, I also make the promise not to eat so much the next holiday.


We will talk to you in 2015, so I hope you had a great time home and we look forward to hearing from you.

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Happy New Year!


I've been on a party at New Years Eve and enjoyed the fireworks. Driving back home was really tough, though. It was extremely foggy. In some areas, I could only see the road marks directly in front of the car and had to drive at walking speed. So at this speed it actually wasn't a problem at all that the roads were extremely icy and slippery. :D

They even closed some sections on the Autobahn to prevent accidents. Good decision, because the rescue teams would also struggle and take lots of time to get there...


Otherwise, I really enjoyed the time with my family and friends. I went iceskating for the first time, it really is fun and I didn't do as bad as I thought I would. :D


Now I'm back in Göttingen, going back to work tomorrow. I already passed by and checked my plants, they are prefectly fine. :)

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Your niece is adorable!!! Thank you for the great photographs!!! I think the little thing she is sitting on is a great invention! You can push her around on the ice! Nice!!!


Did your plants miss you??? Good to hear that they were all in great shape when you arrived back. That means your study is right on track. A few less headaches for you to deal with.


So good to hear that you made it home safe and sound. In MIchigan there was a minivan that rear-ended a semi-tractor trailer. The weather conditions were snow and ice. The driver of the tractor trailer had no idea that the trailer was dragging a minivan that had gotten wedged under the back end. The driver of the minivan called the 911 emergency number and after sixteen miles of dragging the minivan, the police were able to stop the tractor trailer driver.


Today in Memphis the temperatures dipped down to -12 degrees Centigrade. We also had some snow flurries, that did not amount to anything, but the drivers here are not accustomed to driving in winter conditions. Every time there is rain, black ice or snow, there are hundreds of accidents. When there is fog, no one slows down and it is really a mess. There was one six mile stretch of road where there were over 115 accidents in eight hours. Additionally, the road is an interstate freeway, with very few curves.


New Year's Eve was a stay at home night. Nice and quiet. I would like to be in a community where everyone uses a bicycle. Now that would be fun!!!

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Snow Flurries.jpg


For people in Memphis, this is miserable weather. For people who get lots and lots of snow, this is absolutely nothing. For me, I went to Whole Foods, bought some gluten free bread and soup and went back home. Still really, really cold today! I am anxiously awaiting summer.

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Ohhhhhhhhhhh nooooooooooo...


Today did not go as planned. We only moved 80 percent of the boxes. The mover brought the "small" truck and did not have room to move the rest of the boxes and the furniture. So, my fears were realized... we are finishing the move on next Tuesday.


Boo Hoo!

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Hoshe~ What a cutie <3 And so is your niece, Leguan! I'm with Horatio, I love the little ice scooter thing XD


We spent New Years with a bunch of friends, it was quiet but lots of fun. And it's been really, really cold here. Not much snow, but some ice, and it's been below 0 most nights. It makes my car hard to start :wacko:

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Update to the update...


It is Saturday, and I am still boxing. HELP!!!!


We started to redo the bedroom, and that is when everything went downhill. We redid the ceiling with new sheetrock and it looked great. Then as we were re-insulating the attic, one of the workers fell through the new sheetrock. Luckily, no one was hurt. But... we now had to re-do a few pieces of the sheetrock. We moved onto the bathroom and started the demolition there.


Well, back to packing.

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Happy Sunday...


Today the boxing continues. So slow... so very, very slow. If I am able to complete a large number of boxes today, I will be very, very happy. The mover comes again on Thuirsday. Hopefully I will be ready. Anyone volunteering to help?

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Today is Monday and the boxing continues. I still feel as if I am behind in boxing. No matter how many hours each day I put in boxing, it still feels like I have accomplished so little. The good news is that the completed box total is increasing. The ultimate feeling of accomplishment will occur when the house is ninety-nine percent empty on Thursday. Only the room I am sleeping in and the bathroom will be occupied. Everything else should be completely empty. That is my goal!!!

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Today is Monday and the boxing continues. I still feel as if I am behind in boxing. No matter how many hours each day I put in boxing, it still feels like I have accomplished so little. The good news is that the completed box total is increasing. The ultimate feeling of accomplishment will occur when the house is ninety-nine percent empty on Thursday. Only the room I am sleeping in and the bathroom will be occupied. Everything else should be completely empty. That is my goal!!!



I must've missed something -- where are you moving to Horatio?




My computer is on 4% and my charger is out in the car, so I'm hoping to make this post short, sweet, and to the point and get it in before it dies. Quick update on me - long story short - I ended up not liking Los Angeles that much when it came down to the day to day grind, so I drove myself back across the country to New York right before Christmas. I'm home living with my mother for a little until I get everything settled and find a place down in the city. I'm so so so happy with my decision to come back. LA just simply can't compare to NY.

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TBFOF!!!!! You drove back across the country and did not stop in Memphis so we could have coffee together?????


New York City is the greatest city in the world! No other city compares to New York! To me, the best part of this city is the culture. I can never get enough of the cultural aspects, museums, arts, music, theatre... just to start. I love opera, ballet and plays. I could very easily live in New York City if I could afford it. I love Paris, love Berlin, London, San Francisco, Portland, Seattle, Miami, Hong Kong, Tokyo, but no city is as wonderful as New York City!!! You are going to have a fantastic time living there! Take your time, save up some money at home, and when you are ready, you will find the perfect place. Thank you for the update!!!


As for me... we have had two homes. One in Florida and one in Memphis. Time to consolidate to just one place. We worked in Memphis and lived in Florida. It will be nice to pay just one bill for electric, one bill for cable, etc.. I am looking forward to having all my life in one spot.

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