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I am very excited. Yesterday I submitted my application to run in the Marine Corps Marathon! I got in!!!! I have tried for a few years to get into this marathon and no luck. There will be 30,000 runners! I am soooooo excited that I made it. Now just to train.

*looks for TBFOF*

Whoo! *victory jigs for Horatio* n_n

Thank you. I have to be totally prepared by the 29th of October! It is such a short time.

Yay! But what exactly is the Marine Corps Marathon?

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Hey Topazia and Jesusfreak... so happy to see you, but I am off to dinner. Talk to you later!

Unless I have my GMT-EST wrong (which I probably do) it is getting up to the time! Or not, it is 23:33 here, so minus 5 hours... it is 18:33 at Eastern Standard Time. SO not near it then. Well, enjoy the last 3 hours of waiting, I need sleep. I expect a full report, and Horatio dead from the genius of the episode by Sunday at the latest.

A full report will be on your desk in the morning, sir.

And where perchance is it? Britain has just been taken over by the Cybermen and Bluetooth and all I can care about is where a report is? *gets Cyber-zapped* Ow.

I just wanted to watch it a second time! :lol:

*wondered if he would really check*

Of course I would. After watching the return of the cybermen of course. Anyway, did you really love the two parter that much Horatio?

How phenomenal! I love the two-parter! What an outstandingly fantastically superb ending! Such a great surprise!!!!!! :D:D:D

Aber, wo in die Welt die Wulf ist?

(but, where is the world is the wolf?)

Come on MW, we need to know what you thought!

What I thought of what where?

Dr. Who?????????? :lol:

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Hey Topazia and Jesusfreak... so happy to see you, but I am off to dinner. Talk to you later!

Unless I have my GMT-EST wrong (which I probably do) it is getting up to the time! Or not, it is 23:33 here, so minus 5 hours... it is 18:33 at Eastern Standard Time. SO not near it then. Well, enjoy the last 3 hours of waiting, I need sleep. I expect a full report, and Horatio dead from the genius of the episode by Sunday at the latest.

A full report will be on your desk in the morning, sir.

And where perchance is it? Britain has just been taken over by the Cybermen and Bluetooth and all I can care about is where a report is? *gets Cyber-zapped* Ow.

I just wanted to watch it a second time! :lol:

*wondered if he would really check*

Of course I would. After watching the return of the cybermen of course. Anyway, did you really love the two parter that much Horatio?

How phenomenal! I love the two-parter! What an outstandingly fantastically superb ending! Such a great surprise!!!!!! :D:D:D

Aber, wo in die Welt die Wulf ist?

(but, where is the world is the wolf?)

Come on MW, we need to know what you thought!

What I thought of what where?

Dr. Who?????????? :lol:

Come on MW, tell!

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I am very excited. Yesterday I submitted my application to run in the Marine Corps Marathon! I got in!!!! I have tried for a few years to get into this marathon and no luck. There will be 30,000 runners! I am soooooo excited that I made it. Now just to train.

*looks for TBFOF*

Whoo! *victory jigs for Horatio* n_n

Thank you. I have to be totally prepared by the 29th of October! It is such a short time.

Yay! But what exactly is the Marine Corps Marathon?

It is a race for runners that is just over 26 miles. Of course, the super runners will complete the course in approximately 2 hours and 10 minutes, but I will be the last group to finish. My goal is just to complete the course. For me, it will probably around 5 plus hours. The word is that when you are doing your first marathon, this is the one to do as the spirit of the Marine Corps group far surpasses any other marathon in existence. So, as this is my first marathon and it falls on my birthday, I really want to run in it and just finish. I don't care if I am last, I just want to cross that finish line!!!

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I am very excited. Yesterday I submitted my application to run in the Marine Corps Marathon! I got in!!!! I have tried for a few years to get into this marathon and no luck. There will be 30,000 runners! I am soooooo excited that I made it. Now just to train.

*looks for TBFOF*

Whoo! *victory jigs for Horatio* n_n

Thank you. I have to be totally prepared by the 29th of October! It is such a short time.

Yay! But what exactly is the Marine Corps Marathon?

It is a race for runners that is just over 26 miles. Of course, the super runners will complete the course in approximately 2 hours and 10 minutes, but I will be the last group to finish. My goal is just to complete the course. For me, it will probably around 5 plus hours. The word is that when you are doing your first marathon, this is the one to do as the spirit of the Marine Corps group far surpasses any other marathon in existence. So, as this is my first marathon and it falls on my birthday, I really want to run in it and just finish. I don't care if I am last, I just want to cross that finish line!!!

Wow, a particuarly tough course too I expect. Not just running round London. And it falls on your birthday too? Sounds exciting, full of tension, drama, sweat and... people running. But won't it be hard for a hamster to run all that distance? Oh, and I'm sure you'll do brilliantly Horatio, after all you are a super-fit, FedEx flying pilot-hamster.

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I am very excited. Yesterday I submitted my application to run in the Marine Corps Marathon! I got in!!!! I have tried for a few years to get into this marathon and no luck. There will be 30,000 runners! I am soooooo excited that I made it. Now just to train.

*looks for TBFOF*

Whoo! *victory jigs for Horatio* n_n

Thank you. I have to be totally prepared by the 29th of October! It is such a short time.

Yay! But what exactly is the Marine Corps Marathon?

It is a race for runners that is just over 26 miles. Of course, the super runners will complete the course in approximately 2 hours and 10 minutes, but I will be the last group to finish. My goal is just to complete the course. For me, it will probably around 5 plus hours. The word is that when you are doing your first marathon, this is the one to do as the spirit of the Marine Corps group far surpasses any other marathon in existence. So, as this is my first marathon and it falls on my birthday, I really want to run in it and just finish. I don't care if I am last, I just want to cross that finish line!!!

Wow, a particuarly tough course too I expect. Not just running round London. And it falls on your birthday too? Sounds exciting, full of tension, drama, sweat and... people running. But won't it be hard for a hamster to run all that distance? Oh, and I'm sure you'll do brilliantly Horatio, after all you are a super-fit, FedEx flying pilot-hamster.

I run in my wheel every night about 4 to 5 miles, so the only obstacle I have is to keep from getting squished. So I have decided to run at the back of the pack. This way no one can step on me. :lol:

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I saw a full episode of Dr. Who! It was better than I thought it would be. The guy who is Dr. Who is alright as an actor, but the rest... well... seemed corny as the graphics. But I liked the story. So it's all gewd. Would anyone care to explain TARDIS?

Here's what I thought of it. lol. Anyways, I haven't watched another ep. yet, I've been too busy with other stuff.

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I saw a full episode of Dr. Who! It was better than I thought it would be. The guy who is Dr. Who is alright as an actor, but the rest... well... seemed corny as the graphics. But I liked the story. So it's all gewd. Would anyone care to explain TARDIS?

Here's what I thought of it. lol. Anyways, I haven't watched another ep. yet, I've been too busy with other stuff.

Hopefully you will see one more episode!

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I saw a full episode of Dr. Who! It was better than I thought it would be. The guy who is Dr. Who is alright as an actor, but the rest... well... seemed corny as the graphics. But I liked the story. So it's all gewd. Would anyone care to explain TARDIS?

Here's what I thought of it. lol. Anyways, I haven't watched another ep. yet, I've been too busy with other stuff.

Darn, I thought you might have seen the brilliant two parter of The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances. Incidentally, Horatio, what did you think of Boom Town? Exploring the Doctor's character more than anything else in that episode. (plus, next week, Reality TV gets out of hand and an old enemy returns)

Do you have Big Brother over there?

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I saw a full episode of Dr. Who! It was better than I thought it would be. The guy who is Dr. Who is alright as an actor, but the rest... well... seemed corny as the graphics. But I liked the story. So it's all gewd. Would anyone care to explain TARDIS?

Here's what I thought of it. lol. Anyways, I haven't watched another ep. yet, I've been too busy with other stuff.

Darn, I thought you might have seen the brilliant two parter of The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances. Incidentally, Horatio, what did you think of Boom Town? Exploring the Doctor's character more than anything else in that episode. (plus, next week, Reality TV gets out of hand and an old enemy returns)

Do you have Big Brother over there?

I have to watch Dr. Who on Sunday. For some reason I thought yesterday was Thursday. :rolleyes:

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I saw a full episode of Dr. Who! It was better than I thought it would be. The guy who is Dr. Who is alright as an actor, but the rest... well... seemed corny as the graphics. But I liked the story. So it's all gewd. Would anyone care to explain TARDIS?

Here's what I thought of it. lol. Anyways, I haven't watched another ep. yet, I've been too busy with other stuff.

Darn, I thought you might have seen the brilliant two parter of The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances. Incidentally, Horatio, what did you think of Boom Town? Exploring the Doctor's character more than anything else in that episode. (plus, next week, Reality TV gets out of hand and an old enemy returns)

Do you have Big Brother over there?

I have to watch Dr. Who on Sunday. For some reason I thought yesterday was Thursday. :rolleyes:

You're going so fast that time no longer goes at quite the same speed for you, Horatio?

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I saw a full episode of Dr. Who! It was better than I thought it would be. The guy who is Dr. Who is alright as an actor, but the rest... well... seemed corny as the graphics. But I liked the story. So it's all gewd. Would anyone care to explain TARDIS?

Here's what I thought of it. lol. Anyways, I haven't watched another ep. yet, I've been too busy with other stuff.

Darn, I thought you might have seen the brilliant two parter of The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances. Incidentally, Horatio, what did you think of Boom Town? Exploring the Doctor's character more than anything else in that episode. (plus, next week, Reality TV gets out of hand and an old enemy returns)

Do you have Big Brother over there?

I have to watch Dr. Who on Sunday. For some reason I thought yesterday was Thursday. :rolleyes:

You're going so fast that time no longer goes at quite the same speed for you, Horatio?


Sometimes it feels that way

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I am very excited. Yesterday I submitted my application to run in the Marine Corps Marathon! I got in!!!! I have tried for a few years to get into this marathon and no luck. There will be 30,000 runners! I am soooooo excited that I made it. Now just to train.

*looks for TBFOF*

On a related note, me and 3 other scouts in my patrol were the colorguard in the Relay for Life. I carried patrol colors, my friends zack and miller carried the state and country colors, respectively. The third friend, Iain, called out the orders and such. We marched around a quarter-mile track, much fun. ^.^ Afterwards, we got pit beef sandwiches. But they didn't have bbq sauce :(. And in case you didn't know, relay for life is an organization that raises money for cancer patients and stuff like that. it was great. :)

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I am very excited. Yesterday I submitted my application to run in the Marine Corps Marathon! I got in!!!! I have tried for a few years to get into this marathon and no luck. There will be 30,000 runners! I am soooooo excited that I made it. Now just to train.

*looks for TBFOF*

On a related note, me and 3 other scouts in my patrol were the colorguard in the Relay for Life. I carried patrol colors, my friends zack and miller carried the state and country colors, respectively. The third friend, Iain, called out the orders and such. We marched around a quarter-mile track, much fun. ^.^ Afterwards, we got pit beef sandwiches. But they didn't have bbq sauce :(. And in case you didn't know, relay for life is an organization that raises money for cancer patients and stuff like that. it was great. :)

I am glad you participated! Next year make sure you bring some BBQ sauce so you won't be disappointed! :lol: I am very familiar with Relay for Life as they train people to run in marathons. A couple of my friends raised money through Relay for Life.

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I am very excited. Yesterday I submitted my application to run in the Marine Corps Marathon! I got in!!!! I have tried for a few years to get into this marathon and no luck. There will be 30,000 runners! I am soooooo excited that I made it. Now just to train.

*looks for TBFOF*

On a related note, me and 3 other scouts in my patrol were the colorguard in the Relay for Life. I carried patrol colors, my friends zack and miller carried the state and country colors, respectively. The third friend, Iain, called out the orders and such. We marched around a quarter-mile track, much fun. ^.^ Afterwards, we got pit beef sandwiches. But they didn't have bbq sauce :(. And in case you didn't know, relay for life is an organization that raises money for cancer patients and stuff like that. it was great. :)

I am glad you participated! Next year make sure you bring some BBQ sauce so you won't be disappointed! :lol: I am very familiar with Relay for Life as they train people to run in marathons. A couple of my friends raised money through Relay for Life.

That's good, it is a good thing to do. They were talking about how there was one guy, i think he was a gym teacher, who walked for 24 hours. He raised a total of $27,000 dollars. It was CrAzY. :wacko:

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I am very excited. Yesterday I submitted my application to run in the Marine Corps Marathon! I got in!!!! I have tried for a few years to get into this marathon and no luck. There will be 30,000 runners! I am soooooo excited that I made it. Now just to train.

*looks for TBFOF*

On a related note, me and 3 other scouts in my patrol were the colorguard in the Relay for Life. I carried patrol colors, my friends zack and miller carried the state and country colors, respectively. The third friend, Iain, called out the orders and such. We marched around a quarter-mile track, much fun. ^.^ Afterwards, we got pit beef sandwiches. But they didn't have bbq sauce :(. And in case you didn't know, relay for life is an organization that raises money for cancer patients and stuff like that. it was great. :)

I am glad you participated! Next year make sure you bring some BBQ sauce so you won't be disappointed! :lol: I am very familiar with Relay for Life as they train people to run in marathons. A couple of my friends raised money through Relay for Life.

That's good, it is a good thing to do. They were talking about how there was one guy, i think he was a gym teacher, who walked for 24 hours. He raised a total of $27,000 dollars. It was CrAzY. :wacko:

$27,000 !!! How fantastic! I am so impressed!

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TGHL... I didn't think I was going to make it until midnight to watch Dr. Who!!! I nodded off and woke up at 23H55. Five minutes to spare! What a spectacular episode! I wish I had seen it on Friday as I would have watched it both Friday and Sunday. If they get better than this, we are in for a phenomenal season!

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TGHL... I didn't think I was going to make it until midnight to watch Dr. Who!!! I nodded off and woke up at 23H55. Five minutes to spare! What a spectacular episode! I wish I had seen it on Friday as I would have watched it both Friday and Sunday. If they get better than this, we are in for a phenomenal season!

Well, it may interest you to know that while this series hasn't cracked the 10 million viewership figure yet, it has beaten last year's ratings every time when compared to the episode this time last year. It is doing brilliantly. And that might have something to do with the quality of the episodes. Next week's for example involves the coronation of HM Queen Elizabeth II, an alien intelligence that travels over the airwaves and some Men in Black. Oh that's my next week of course, you get something very familiar and evil.

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So, Horatio, what did you think of that news article?

Ohhh my goodness!!! What a great article. I have asked HampsterKing to allow me to show it for everyone to read. That is sooooooooo cool! I am anxiously awaiting for HampsterKings reply. Thank you so much. I would love to have a room like that. :lol::lol::lol:

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hi horatio hi anyone else whos reading this topic right now at this very minit :excl::lol::excl:

xxCHARLIExx (ukgal09)


Hello! n_n I see you've ventured out onto the rest of the boards! Yaaay!

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hi horatio hi anyone else whos reading this topic right now at this very minit :excl::lol::excl:

xxCHARLIExx (ukgal09)


Hello! n_n I see you've ventured out onto the rest of the boards! Yaaay!

Perhaps I should put out a plate of cookies here for all who wander in. Would you care for a little nip tac sprinkled on top or yours - Kat - ?

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hi horatio hi anyone else whos reading this topic right now at this very minit :excl::lol::excl:

xxCHARLIExx (ukgal09)


Hello! n_n I see you've ventured out onto the rest of the boards! Yaaay!

Perhaps I should put out a plate of cookies here for all who wander in. Would you care for a little nip tac sprinkled on top or yours - Kat - ?

Heck yes I would. :o

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hi horatio hi anyone else whos reading this topic right now at this very minit :excl::lol::excl:

xxCHARLIExx (ukgal09)


Hello! n_n I see you've ventured out onto the rest of the boards! Yaaay!

Perhaps I should put out a plate of cookies here for all who wander in. Would you care for a little nip tac sprinkled on top or yours - Kat - ?

Heck yes I would. :o

*prepares a basket of nip tac cookies for - Kat - *

Here you go! :lol:

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hi horatio hi anyone else whos reading this topic right now at this very minit :excl::lol::excl:

xxCHARLIExx (ukgal09)


Hello! n_n I see you've ventured out onto the rest of the boards! Yaaay!

Perhaps I should put out a plate of cookies here for all who wander in. Would you care for a little nip tac sprinkled on top or yours - Kat - ?

Heck yes I would. :o

*prepares a basket of nip tac cookies for - Kat - *

Here you go! :lol:

*stores basket in a vault*

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hi horatio hi anyone else whos reading this topic right now at this very minit :excl::lol::excl:

xxCHARLIExx (ukgal09)


Hello! n_n I see you've ventured out onto the rest of the boards! Yaaay!

Perhaps I should put out a plate of cookies here for all who wander in. Would you care for a little nip tac sprinkled on top or yours - Kat - ?

Heck yes I would. :o

*prepares a basket of nip tac cookies for - Kat - *

Here you go! :lol:

*stores basket in a vault*

I hope that vault is secure. :lol:

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*whacks head on wall* I keep forgetting about Dr. Who. But hey, now that Grey's Anatomy has finished the season, I can watch Dr. Who reruns on Sunday nights instead, seeing as I keep on forgetting on Fridays.

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Message to MW;

Watch the re-runs of some good Doctor Who episodes on the Sci-Fi Channel on Friday 16th June.


What happened this week-end???????


Oh no? whatever shall we do?

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Message to MW;

Watch the re-runs of some good Doctor Who episodes on the Sci-Fi Channel on Friday 16th June.


What happened this week-end???????


Oh no? whatever shall we do?

I am devastated!!!!!!! :lol:

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Message to MW;

Watch the re-runs of some good Doctor Who episodes on the Sci-Fi Channel on Friday 16th June.


What happened this week-end???????


Oh no? whatever shall we do?

I am devastated!!!!!!! :lol:

I can tell, you are just sad and lifeless if you don't get your who! :lol:

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Message to MW;

Watch the re-runs of some good Doctor Who episodes on the Sci-Fi Channel on Friday 16th June.


What happened this week-end???????


Oh no? whatever shall we do?

I am devastated!!!!!!! :lol:

I can tell, you are just sad and lifeless if you don't get your who! :lol:

The problem is the episodes were really getting great, no phenomenal!

There is not much on the tele that I like to watch. Bloomberg 24 hour program, nova, discovery, history and Tim Russert and of course Dr. Who!

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Message to MW;

Watch the re-runs of some good Doctor Who episodes on the Sci-Fi Channel on Friday 16th June.


What happened this week-end???????


Oh no? whatever shall we do?

I am devastated!!!!!!! :lol:

I can tell, you are just sad and lifeless if you don't get your who! :lol:

The problem is the episodes were really getting great, no phenomenal!

There is not much on the tele that I like to watch. Bloomberg 24 hour program, nova, discovery, history and Tim Russert and of course Dr. Who!

Wait and ye shall recieve.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Quite transincindentally Horatio, how are the final episodes of Doctor Who? I'm currently in between a two parter on a planet stuck in orbit round a Black Hole. It is not nice here. Too many galaxies being boiled down into their component parts above my head for my liking.

Last week was phenomenal and I am waiting for tonight's show.

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oh it was good








a little Deus Ex Machina how they destroyed the Daleks, if they were completely destroyed. but still pretty good.

hopefully the won't keep us waiting too long for the next season.

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oh it was good








a little Deus Ex Machina how they destroyed the Daleks, if they were completely destroyed. but still pretty good.

hopefully the won't keep us waiting too long for the next season.

I loved it! They better not keep us waiting too long! :lol:

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They'd better not, it truely is a magnificent series. Look out for any advertisements about "The Christmas Invasion" because that will be the first episode shown for the second series. Incidentally, Australia has atrted showing the second series as has Canada and Finland, so if you are planning a short break....

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*wonders where everyone is*


They are wandering about somewhere. They could also be on vacation!

They need to come here!


I'm leaving saturday to go down to grayson highlands for a week!

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*wonders where everyone is*


They are wandering about somewhere. They could also be on vacation!

They need to come here!


I'm leaving saturday to go down to grayson highlands for a week!

Hey! You aren't permitted to leave! Unless of course you take me. :lol:

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slowly improving. went to the dermatologist again today, she went after it pretty hard, so I'm kinda sitting on the couch resting.

Those are pretty painful. I couldn't do what you are doing. Good thing hamsters don't get warts. :lol:

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*wonders where everyone is*


They are wandering about somewhere. They could also be on vacation!

They need to come here!


I'm leaving saturday to go down to grayson highlands for a week!

Hey! You aren't permitted to leave! Unless of course you take me. :lol:

Well, I would if I could, but there are several problems with that, such as you being in floridaland, and me being in maryland. That is just a little inconvenience. :lol:

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*wonders where everyone is*


They are wandering about somewhere. They could also be on vacation!

They need to come here!


I'm leaving saturday to go down to grayson highlands for a week!

Hey! You aren't permitted to leave! Unless of course you take me. :lol:

Well, I would if I could, but there are several problems with that, such as you being in floridaland, and me being in maryland. That is just a little inconvenience. :lol:

Have you ever heard of air travel? I could be there in a flash! :lol:

*gets airplane preflighted*

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I'm looking at some of the 40 odd new animal and plant species found in the Caingorm Mountains here in Britain and then I'm finishing off my exams! WHHHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEE! No more exams after Friday and then I get to do whatever I want until September. I think I might go round Europe, perhaps into Russia, down into China and Japan, and then through the Americas before finally coming back up through Cape Town and South Africa and back to Blighty. Oh just wait, I can't. I have no cash. Oh well.

Incidentally; World Cup. I hate it. Boring. Boring. Boring. I hate football. I hate people who keep saying that England will win it this year, despite the fact our team is made up of dribbling morons who can't spell their own names, colour in or ride a bicycle. And then there's the hype surrounding Wayne Rooney. That man would have made Charles Darwin happen. And when I say man, I mean wee baby. Who cannot talk, has ears the size of Bournemouth and his often earning so much from his life that he can afford to crash 5 Ferraris and a Porsche. In one minute. All his. He is so stupid that the laws of Physics don't even bother trying to exert themselves on him. At least our football supporters haven't rioted... yet. No, this year all our hooligans have been beaten to a pulp with truncheons if they even went near an airport. And this year it is Poland who are being clamped down on and locked in a small cupboard. The Germany-Poland match is on I think and already the Polizei have had to arrest over 100 Poles. The problem with the Polish hooligans is that they;

Are angry about the World Wars and German invasions of Poland.

Are mostly Neo-Nazis. Seriously, if you want to meet a Neo-Nazi, try a Polish Football hooligan's pub.

*sigh* Can't we all just forget the war?


In other news, which will delight Master Horatio, I may be buying an Intel MacPowerBook Pro. I have finally crumbled into the sleek design and the fact it is both cheap by laptop standards, that I can get an OS on it that works and that it is the Pro edition which means it won't take 10 years just to boot up. However, I like the idea of running Windows in an open window and then for most of my work use the Apple OS (maybe I'll wait until the new OS Lepoard is released...).

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In other news, which will delight Master Horatio, I may be buying an Intel MacPowerBook Pro. I have finally crumbled into the sleek design and the fact it is both cheap by laptop standards, that I can get an OS on it that works and that it is the Pro edition which means it won't take 10 years just to boot up. However, I like the idea of running Windows in an open window and then for most of my work use the Apple OS (maybe I'll wait until the new OS Lepoard is released...).

You will love it! I have just inherited the G4 and Mac PowerBook Pro G5 17" arrived last week. Very snazzy! When you get this new laptop, it will absolutely dazzle you!!! Look for the itty bitty built in camera lens. I almost missed it. It boots up incredibly fast. Mac recommends not shutting your laptop down, but just putting it to sleep.


As for football... my feeling on sports is ... *puts duct-tape over mouth before I get in trouble*!


Hey... inquiring minds want to know. What is happening on Doctor Who????????? Is Chris Eggleston (sp?) gone? I really liked him as Dr. Who! Tell me or else!

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Alex took Guitar Hero and the memory card to Tennessee. ;_; Now I can't play GH or DDR! *clings to nearest person and sobs uncontrollably*

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Alex took Guitar Hero and the memory card to Tennessee. ;_; Now I can't play GH or DDR! *clings to nearest person and sobs uncontrollably*

poor you. :( but why can't you play DDR?

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Alex took Guitar Hero and the memory card to Tennessee. ;_; Now I can't play GH or DDR! *clings to nearest person and sobs uncontrollably*

poor you. :( but why can't you play DDR?

'Cause all of my favorite songs that I've unlocked I can't play.


And I have no idea, Horatio. x_x

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In other news, which will delight Master Horatio, I may be buying an Intel MacPowerBook Pro. I have finally crumbled into the sleek design and the fact it is both cheap by laptop standards, that I can get an OS on it that works and that it is the Pro edition which means it won't take 10 years just to boot up. However, I like the idea of running Windows in an open window and then for most of my work use the Apple OS (maybe I'll wait until the new OS Lepoard is released...).

You will love it! I have just inherited the G4 and Mac PowerBook Pro G5 17" arrived last week. Very snazzy! When you get this new laptop, it will absolutely dazzle you!!! Look for the itty bitty built in camera lens. I almost missed it. It boots up incredibly fast. Mac recommends not shutting your laptop down, but just putting it to sleep.


As for football... my feeling on sports is ... *puts duct-tape over mouth before I get in trouble*!


Hey... inquiring minds want to know. What is happening on Doctor Who????????? Is Chris Eccleston (sp?) gone? I really liked him as Dr. Who! Tell me or else!

Do you actually get paid for all these plugs you do? I mean you do Apple, FedEx and the ilk, so you must be getting some bonus for doing it. Right? Or am I just overly suspicous?


Resist the urge Horatio. Moderators take an oath of impartiality and so must not state opinions. Except on the enrvironment.


Did you see the last episode of Doctor Who? Well, if you did, you know the answer to Christopher Eccleston's fate. (He was forced to regenerate and now you have a new boy called David Tennant. Makes a good doctor. Very good, not as good as Christoper Eccleston, but still good.)


As to what is happening;

Last episode saw the Doctor deliberately cause a planet to fall into a black hole along with The Beast, who you may also know as Satan. Rose deliberately shot a spaceship's window causing someone to asphyxiate and get sucked outside. There was also a slave race called the Ood (how Ood) who were possessed by the Beast and killed some people.


Next episode features a monster which absorbs people into its skin and is obsessed with the Doctor.

The episode after that is features the London (not New York) 2012 olympics.

Then the final two episodes which feature the Cybermen.

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In other news, which will delight Master Horatio, I may be buying an Intel MacPowerBook Pro. I have finally crumbled into the sleek design and the fact it is both cheap by laptop standards, that I can get an OS on it that works and that it is the Pro edition which means it won't take 10 years just to boot up. However, I like the idea of running Windows in an open window and then for most of my work use the Apple OS (maybe I'll wait until the new OS Lepoard is released...).

You will love it! I have just inherited the G4 and Mac PowerBook Pro G5 17" arrived last week. Very snazzy! When you get this new laptop, it will absolutely dazzle you!!! Look for the itty bitty built in camera lens. I almost missed it. It boots up incredibly fast. Mac recommends not shutting your laptop down, but just putting it to sleep.


As for football... my feeling on sports is ... *puts duct-tape over mouth before I get in trouble*!


Hey... inquiring minds want to know. What is happening on Doctor Who????????? Is Chris Eccleston (sp?) gone? I really liked him as Dr. Who! Tell me or else!

Do you actually get paid for all these plugs you do? I mean you do Apple, FedEx and the ilk, so you must be getting some bonus for doing it. Right? Or am I just overly suspicous?


Resist the urge Horatio. Moderators take an oath of impartiality and so must not state opinions. Except on the enrvironment.


Did you see the last episode of Doctor Who? Well, if you did, you know the answer to Christopher Eccleston's fate. (He was forced to regenerate and now you have a new boy called David Tennant. Makes a good doctor. Very good, not as good as Christoper Eccleston, but still good.)


As to what is happening;

Last episode saw the Doctor deliberately cause a planet to fall into a black hole along with The Beast, who you may also know as Satan. Rose deliberately shot a spaceship's window causing someone to asphyxiate and get sucked outside. There was also a slave race called the Ood (how Ood) who were possessed by the Beast and killed some people.


Next episode features a monster which absorbs people into its skin and is obsessed with the Doctor.

The episode after that is features the London (not New York) 2012 olympics.

Then the final two episodes which feature the Cybermen.

I would love to be paid for endorsements. But I have not seen the advert companies pay hamsters. Geckos yes, hamsters not yet.


Opinions... none on politics, religion and sex. I love my Mac and love FedEx, so I slip up every now and then. :lol:


I am so sad Christopher Eccleston is gone. He was a great Doctor! I saw the last episode, but did not want to believe my eyes. In fact, I saw it twice. I guess they didn't pay him enough money to stay.


Thank you for the update on the upcoming episodes, I do appreciate the glimpse into the future! :lol:

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In other news, which will delight Master Horatio, I may be buying an Intel MacPowerBook Pro. I have finally crumbled into the sleek design and the fact it is both cheap by laptop standards, that I can get an OS on it that works and that it is the Pro edition which means it won't take 10 years just to boot up. However, I like the idea of running Windows in an open window and then for most of my work use the Apple OS (maybe I'll wait until the new OS Lepoard is released...).

You will love it! I have just inherited the G4 and Mac PowerBook Pro G5 17" arrived last week. Very snazzy! When you get this new laptop, it will absolutely dazzle you!!! Look for the itty bitty built in camera lens. I almost missed it. It boots up incredibly fast. Mac recommends not shutting your laptop down, but just putting it to sleep.


As for football... my feeling on sports is ... *puts duct-tape over mouth before I get in trouble*!


Hey... inquiring minds want to know. What is happening on Doctor Who????????? Is Chris Eccleston (sp?) gone? I really liked him as Dr. Who! Tell me or else!


I am so sad Christopher Eccleston is gone. He was a great Doctor! I saw the last episode, but did not want to believe my eyes. In fact, I saw it twice. I guess they didn't pay him enough money to stay.


Thank you for the update on the upcoming episodes, I do appreciate the glimpse into the future! :lol:

Geckos get paid for endorsments?


It must drive you insane at times, being unable to speak, but having to moderate everyone else's posts.


Oh no, he was payed quite a large sum of cash, but right from the start he said he was leaving after one series because otherwise he'd get type cast and would end up playing Sci-Fi for the rest of his life. Like other people who did the Doctor for example Patrick Troughton got stuck in the role and spent the rest of his life working off the fact he had been Doctor Who. Or at least until he died of a heart attack at a Who Convention in San Fran.


There is a fact which you may want to know, but I am not sure. Close your eyes at this point if you want to keep it a suprise.











Rose is leaving at the end of Series 2








Also rumours suggest that the Sci Fi channel will be airing the second series in October, but no confirmation yet

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Alex took Guitar Hero and the memory card to Tennessee. ;_; Now I can't play GH or DDR! *clings to nearest person and sobs uncontrollably*

poor you. :( but why can't you play DDR?

'Cause all of my favorite songs that I've unlocked I can't play.


And I have no idea, Horatio. x_x

I figured if he was in Memphis, I would find your brother and send him home! :lol:

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Alex took Guitar Hero and the memory card to Tennessee. ;_; Now I can't play GH or DDR! *clings to nearest person and sobs uncontrollably*

poor you. :( but why can't you play DDR?

'Cause all of my favorite songs that I've unlocked I can't play.


And I have no idea, Horatio. x_x

I figured if he was in Memphis, I would find your brother and send him home! :lol:

Uh, look and see if anybody is getting married in Memphis. If there is, go to the wedding, and if you see a tall guy with dark hair and a beard, tell him that Katie needs the memory card.

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Alex took Guitar Hero and the memory card to Tennessee. ;_; Now I can't play GH or DDR! *clings to nearest person and sobs uncontrollably*

poor you. :( but why can't you play DDR?

'Cause all of my favorite songs that I've unlocked I can't play.


And I have no idea, Horatio. x_x

I figured if he was in Memphis, I would find your brother and send him home! :lol:

Uh, look and see if anybody is getting married in Memphis. If there is, go to the wedding, and if you see a tall guy with dark hair and a beard, tell him that Katie needs the memory card.

:lol: LOL :lol:

Sure! I can do that. Do you think I can crash the reception?

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Alex took Guitar Hero and the memory card to Tennessee. ;_; Now I can't play GH or DDR! *clings to nearest person and sobs uncontrollably*

poor you. :( but why can't you play DDR?

'Cause all of my favorite songs that I've unlocked I can't play.


And I have no idea, Horatio. x_x

I figured if he was in Memphis, I would find your brother and send him home! :lol:

Uh, look and see if anybody is getting married in Memphis. If there is, go to the wedding, and if you see a tall guy with dark hair and a beard, tell him that Katie needs the memory card.

:lol: LOL :lol:

Sure! I can do that. Do you think I can crash the reception?

lol, reception crashers.

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Alex took Guitar Hero and the memory card to Tennessee. ;_; Now I can't play GH or DDR! *clings to nearest person and sobs uncontrollably*

poor you. :( but why can't you play DDR?

'Cause all of my favorite songs that I've unlocked I can't play.


And I have no idea, Horatio. x_x

I figured if he was in Memphis, I would find your brother and send him home! :lol:

Uh, look and see if anybody is getting married in Memphis. If there is, go to the wedding, and if you see a tall guy with dark hair and a beard, tell him that Katie needs the memory card.

:lol: LOL :lol:

Sure! I can do that. Do you think I can crash the reception?

lol, reception crashers.

Of course! Weddings always have great nuts. So, I figured if I am going to ask for the memory card, I might as well get a meal out of it! LOL

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Alex took Guitar Hero and the memory card to Tennessee. ;_; Now I can't play GH or DDR! *clings to nearest person and sobs uncontrollably*

poor you. :( but why can't you play DDR?

'Cause all of my favorite songs that I've unlocked I can't play.


And I have no idea, Horatio. x_x

I figured if he was in Memphis, I would find your brother and send him home! :lol:

Uh, look and see if anybody is getting married in Memphis. If there is, go to the wedding, and if you see a tall guy with dark hair and a beard, tell him that Katie needs the memory card.

:lol: LOL :lol:

Sure! I can do that. Do you think I can crash the reception?

lol, reception crashers.

Of course! Weddings always have great nuts. So, I figured if I am going to ask for the memory card, I might as well get a meal out of it! LOL

Go for it. See if you can get Guitar Hero, too.

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Alex took Guitar Hero and the memory card to Tennessee. ;_; Now I can't play GH or DDR! *clings to nearest person and sobs uncontrollably*

poor you. :( but why can't you play DDR?

'Cause all of my favorite songs that I've unlocked I can't play.


And I have no idea, Horatio. x_x

I figured if he was in Memphis, I would find your brother and send him home! :lol:

Uh, look and see if anybody is getting married in Memphis. If there is, go to the wedding, and if you see a tall guy with dark hair and a beard, tell him that Katie needs the memory card.

:lol: LOL :lol:

Sure! I can do that. Do you think I can crash the reception?

lol, reception crashers.

Of course! Weddings always have great nuts. So, I figured if I am going to ask for the memory card, I might as well get a meal out of it! LOL

Go for it. See if you can get Guitar Hero, too.

*gets a sticky note... writes description, memory card and Guitar Hero*

*starts looking for all weddings in the Memphis area*

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Alex took Guitar Hero and the memory card to Tennessee. ;_; Now I can't play GH or DDR! *clings to nearest person and sobs uncontrollably*

poor you. :( but why can't you play DDR?

'Cause all of my favorite songs that I've unlocked I can't play.


And I have no idea, Horatio. x_x

I figured if he was in Memphis, I would find your brother and send him home! :lol:

Uh, look and see if anybody is getting married in Memphis. If there is, go to the wedding, and if you see a tall guy with dark hair and a beard, tell him that Katie needs the memory card.

:lol: LOL :lol:

Sure! I can do that. Do you think I can crash the reception?

lol, reception crashers.

Of course! Weddings always have great nuts. So, I figured if I am going to ask for the memory card, I might as well get a meal out of it! LOL

Go for it. See if you can get Guitar Hero, too.

*gets a sticky note... writes description, memory card and Guitar Hero*

*starts looking for all weddings in the Memphis area*

Whooo! Memory card and Guitar Hero!

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Alex took Guitar Hero and the memory card to Tennessee. ;_; Now I can't play GH or DDR! *clings to nearest person and sobs uncontrollably*

poor you. :( but why can't you play DDR?

'Cause all of my favorite songs that I've unlocked I can't play.


And I have no idea, Horatio. x_x

I figured if he was in Memphis, I would find your brother and send him home! :lol:

Uh, look and see if anybody is getting married in Memphis. If there is, go to the wedding, and if you see a tall guy with dark hair and a beard, tell him that Katie needs the memory card.

:lol: LOL :lol:

Sure! I can do that. Do you think I can crash the reception?

lol, reception crashers.

Of course! Weddings always have great nuts. So, I figured if I am going to ask for the memory card, I might as well get a meal out of it! LOL

Go for it. See if you can get Guitar Hero, too.

*gets a sticky note... writes description, memory card and Guitar Hero*

*starts looking for all weddings in the Memphis area*

Whooo! Memory card and Guitar Hero!

Any other requests for my list? :D

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Alex took Guitar Hero and the memory card to Tennessee. ;_; Now I can't play GH or DDR! *clings to nearest person and sobs uncontrollably*

poor you. :( but why can't you play DDR?

'Cause all of my favorite songs that I've unlocked I can't play.


And I have no idea, Horatio. x_x

I figured if he was in Memphis, I would find your brother and send him home! :lol:

Uh, look and see if anybody is getting married in Memphis. If there is, go to the wedding, and if you see a tall guy with dark hair and a beard, tell him that Katie needs the memory card.

:lol: LOL :lol:

Sure! I can do that. Do you think I can crash the reception?

lol, reception crashers.

Of course! Weddings always have great nuts. So, I figured if I am going to ask for the memory card, I might as well get a meal out of it! LOL

Go for it. See if you can get Guitar Hero, too.

*gets a sticky note... writes description, memory card and Guitar Hero*

*starts looking for all weddings in the Memphis area*

Whooo! Memory card and Guitar Hero!

Any other requests for my list? :D

Nope. I think that's all. ^^ Maybe a piece of cake, if there is some way to transport it.

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Any other requests for my list? :D

well, could you bring me back a piece of wedding cake? :lol:


*adds one entire layer of the wedding cake to the list, enough for everyone here*



I talked to him yesterday. He was very unsympathetic about my predicament. ._.;;

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Any other requests for my list? :D

well, could you bring me back a piece of wedding cake? :lol:


*adds one entire layer of the wedding cake to the list, enough for everyone here*



I talked to him yesterday. He was very unsympathetic about my predicament. ._.;;

Did you warn him about a hamster who was going to crash his reception?!?!? :lol:

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Any other requests for my list? :D

well, could you bring me back a piece of wedding cake? :lol:


*adds one entire layer of the wedding cake to the list, enough for everyone here*



I talked to him yesterday. He was very unsympathetic about my predicament. ._.;;

Did you warn him about a hamster who was going to crash his reception?!?!? :lol:

Naw. I figure that will be my revenge for him not being nice to me on the phone. >:D

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Any other requests for my list? :D

well, could you bring me back a piece of wedding cake? :lol:


*adds one entire layer of the wedding cake to the list, enough for everyone here*



I talked to him yesterday. He was very unsympathetic about my predicament. ._.;;

Did you warn him about a hamster who was going to crash his reception?!?!? :lol:

Naw. I figure that will be my revenge for him not being nice to me on the phone. >:D

LOL... good one! I like your thinking!


in any case you could wear your red robes and crucifix. cause, you know..

(everyone, all together now..)

ROFOCL! Wouldn't that be a bit obvious? :lol::lol::lol:

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ROFOCL! Wouldn't that be a bit obvious? :lol::lol::lol:

yeah, but probably still unexpected.

unless he's really into the middle ages.

in that case you might just be alble to slip in and out completel;y unnoticed.

I think I will go for making a statement, especially if I am taking a layer of the wedding cake!

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ROFOCL! Wouldn't that be a bit obvious? :lol::lol::lol:

yeah, but probably still unexpected.

unless he's really into the middle ages.

in that case you might just be alble to slip in and out completel;y unnoticed.

Alex is pretty into history and stuff. He'd probably know what you're talking about. I, however, have no idea. x_x It sound familiar, though...

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I was just wondering... who likes tomato sandwiches? :lol:

I've never had one, but I like tomatos, and I like sammiches, so clearly, I would like tomato sammiches.

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I was just wondering... who likes tomato sandwiches? :lol:

I've never had one, but I like tomatos, and I like sammiches, so clearly, I would like tomato sammiches.

Sometimes I toast the bread and sometimes I don't. Sometimes I add some swiss cheese. Sometimes I skip the bread altogether and just take a bite out of the tomato like it is fruit! But always, a great big beefsteak tomato sandwich is best with mayonnaise!!!

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I was just wondering... who likes tomato sandwiches? :lol:

I've never had one, but I like tomatos, and I like sammiches, so clearly, I would like tomato sammiches.

Sometimes I toast the bread and sometimes I don't. Sometimes I add some swiss cheese. Sometimes I skip the bread altogether and just take a bite out of the tomato like it is fruit! But always, a great big beefsteak tomato sandwich is best with mayonnaise!!!

I love tomatos. x_x I eat them like fruit all the time.

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I was just wondering... who likes tomato sandwiches? :lol:

I've never had one, but I like tomatos, and I like sammiches, so clearly, I would like tomato sammiches.

Sometimes I toast the bread and sometimes I don't. Sometimes I add some swiss cheese. Sometimes I skip the bread altogether and just take a bite out of the tomato like it is fruit! But always, a great big beefsteak tomato sandwich is best with mayonnaise!!!

I love tomatos. x_x I eat them like fruit all the time.

I suppose I shouldn't say this bad word, but I love putting salt on them! :lol:

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I was just wondering... who likes tomato sandwiches? :lol:

I've never had one, but I like tomatos, and I like sammiches, so clearly, I would like tomato sammiches.

Sometimes I toast the bread and sometimes I don't. Sometimes I add some swiss cheese. Sometimes I skip the bread altogether and just take a bite out of the tomato like it is fruit! But always, a great big beefsteak tomato sandwich is best with mayonnaise!!!

I love tomatos. x_x I eat them like fruit all the time.

I suppose I shouldn't say this bad word, but I love putting salt on them! :lol:

I do, too! It's so tasty! XD

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I was just wondering... who likes tomato sandwiches? :lol:

I've never had one, but I like tomatos, and I like sammiches, so clearly, I would like tomato sammiches.

Sometimes I toast the bread and sometimes I don't. Sometimes I add some swiss cheese. Sometimes I skip the bread altogether and just take a bite out of the tomato like it is fruit! But always, a great big beefsteak tomato sandwich is best with mayonnaise!!!

I love tomatos. x_x I eat them like fruit all the time.

I suppose I shouldn't say this bad word, but I love putting salt on them! :lol:

I do, too! It's so tasty! XD

So glad to hear that! For many people, salt is a bad word. LOL

Have you ever tried salt on watermelon? Really tasty!!!!!!

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I was just wondering... who likes tomato sandwiches? :lol:

I've never had one, but I like tomatos, and I like sammiches, so clearly, I would like tomato sammiches.

Sometimes I toast the bread and sometimes I don't. Sometimes I add some swiss cheese. Sometimes I skip the bread altogether and just take a bite out of the tomato like it is fruit! But always, a great big beefsteak tomato sandwich is best with mayonnaise!!!

I love tomatos. x_x I eat them like fruit all the time.

I suppose I shouldn't say this bad word, but I love putting salt on them! :lol:

I do, too! It's so tasty! XD

So glad to hear that! For many people, salt is a bad word. LOL

Have you ever tried salt on watermelon? Really tasty!!!!!!

Nope. I'll have to try it. o.o


Have you ever had soy sause on pinnapple? That's really good, too.

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I was just wondering... who likes tomato sandwiches? :lol:

I've never had one, but I like tomatos, and I like sammiches, so clearly, I would like tomato sammiches.

Sometimes I toast the bread and sometimes I don't. Sometimes I add some swiss cheese. Sometimes I skip the bread altogether and just take a bite out of the tomato like it is fruit! But always, a great big beefsteak tomato sandwich is best with mayonnaise!!!

I love tomatos. x_x I eat them like fruit all the time.

I suppose I shouldn't say this bad word, but I love putting salt on them! :lol:

I do, too! It's so tasty! XD

So glad to hear that! For many people, salt is a bad word. LOL

Have you ever tried salt on watermelon? Really tasty!!!!!!

Nope. I'll have to try it. o.o


Have you ever had soy sause on pinnapple? That's really good, too.

No, but I will have to try that!

*runs into my cage kitchen and pulls out some pineapple and some soy sauce*

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I was just wondering... who likes tomato sandwiches? :lol:

I've never had one, but I like tomatos, and I like sammiches, so clearly, I would like tomato sammiches.

Sometimes I toast the bread and sometimes I don't. Sometimes I add some swiss cheese. Sometimes I skip the bread altogether and just take a bite out of the tomato like it is fruit! But always, a great big beefsteak tomato sandwich is best with mayonnaise!!!

I love tomatos. x_x I eat them like fruit all the time.

I suppose I shouldn't say this bad word, but I love putting salt on them! :lol:

I do, too! It's so tasty! XD

So glad to hear that! For many people, salt is a bad word. LOL

Have you ever tried salt on watermelon? Really tasty!!!!!!

Nope. I'll have to try it. o.o


Have you ever had soy sause on pinnapple? That's really good, too.

No, but I will have to try that!

*runs into my cage kitchen and pulls out some pineapple and some soy sauce*

When you first hear about it, it sounds really weird, but when taste it, it's really good, as long as you don't get too much soy sause.

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I was just wondering... who likes tomato sandwiches? :lol:

I've never had one, but I like tomatos, and I like sammiches, so clearly, I would like tomato sammiches.

Sometimes I toast the bread and sometimes I don't. Sometimes I add some swiss cheese. Sometimes I skip the bread altogether and just take a bite out of the tomato like it is fruit! But always, a great big beefsteak tomato sandwich is best with mayonnaise!!!

I love tomatos. x_x I eat them like fruit all the time.

I suppose I shouldn't say this bad word, but I love putting salt on them! :lol:

I do, too! It's so tasty! XD

So glad to hear that! For many people, salt is a bad word. LOL

Have you ever tried salt on watermelon? Really tasty!!!!!!

Nope. I'll have to try it. o.o


Have you ever had soy sause on pinnapple? That's really good, too.

No, but I will have to try that!

*runs into my cage kitchen and pulls out some pineapple and some soy sauce*

When you first hear about it, it sounds really weird, but when taste it, it's really good, as long as you don't get too much soy sause.

Actually it didn't sound weird at all. There is a really delicious Chinese dish that has pineapple and a soy type sauce.

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I was just wondering... who likes tomato sandwiches? :lol:

I've never had one, but I like tomatos, and I like sammiches, so clearly, I would like tomato sammiches.

Sometimes I toast the bread and sometimes I don't. Sometimes I add some swiss cheese. Sometimes I skip the bread altogether and just take a bite out of the tomato like it is fruit! But always, a great big beefsteak tomato sandwich is best with mayonnaise!!!

I love tomatos. x_x I eat them like fruit all the time.

I suppose I shouldn't say this bad word, but I love putting salt on them! :lol:

I do, too! It's so tasty! XD

So glad to hear that! For many people, salt is a bad word. LOL

Have you ever tried salt on watermelon? Really tasty!!!!!!

Nope. I'll have to try it. o.o


Have you ever had soy sause on pinnapple? That's really good, too.

No, but I will have to try that!

*runs into my cage kitchen and pulls out some pineapple and some soy sauce*

When you first hear about it, it sounds really weird, but when taste it, it's really good, as long as you don't get too much soy sause.

Actually it didn't sound weird at all. There is a really delicious Chinese dish that has pineapple and a soy type sauce.

Oh. Well, everybody else I tell about it thinks it sounds wierd. ._.;; But seriously, you should try it. n_n

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I was just wondering... who likes tomato sandwiches? :lol:

I've never had one, but I like tomatos, and I like sammiches, so clearly, I would like tomato sammiches.

Sometimes I toast the bread and sometimes I don't. Sometimes I add some swiss cheese. Sometimes I skip the bread altogether and just take a bite out of the tomato like it is fruit! But always, a great big beefsteak tomato sandwich is best with mayonnaise!!!

I love tomatos. x_x I eat them like fruit all the time.

I suppose I shouldn't say this bad word, but I love putting salt on them! :lol:

I do, too! It's so tasty! XD

So glad to hear that! For many people, salt is a bad word. LOL

Have you ever tried salt on watermelon? Really tasty!!!!!!

Nope. I'll have to try it. o.o


Have you ever had soy sause on pinnapple? That's really good, too.

No, but I will have to try that!

*runs into my cage kitchen and pulls out some pineapple and some soy sauce*

When you first hear about it, it sounds really weird, but when taste it, it's really good, as long as you don't get too much soy sause.

Actually it didn't sound weird at all. There is a really delicious Chinese dish that has pineapple and a soy type sauce.

Oh. Well, everybody else I tell about it thinks it sounds wierd. ._.;; But seriously, you should try it. n_n

Today I did and it tastes phenomenal!!!!!!!!! I would never have thought of this one! Thanks!!!

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I was just wondering... who likes tomato sandwiches? :lol:

I've never had one, but I like tomatos, and I like sammiches, so clearly, I would like tomato sammiches.

Sometimes I toast the bread and sometimes I don't. Sometimes I add some swiss cheese. Sometimes I skip the bread altogether and just take a bite out of the tomato like it is fruit! But always, a great big beefsteak tomato sandwich is best with mayonnaise!!!

I love tomatos. x_x I eat them like fruit all the time.

I suppose I shouldn't say this bad word, but I love putting salt on them! :lol:

I do, too! It's so tasty! XD

So glad to hear that! For many people, salt is a bad word. LOL

Have you ever tried salt on watermelon? Really tasty!!!!!!

Nope. I'll have to try it. o.o


Have you ever had soy sause on pinnapple? That's really good, too.

No, but I will have to try that!

*runs into my cage kitchen and pulls out some pineapple and some soy sauce*

When you first hear about it, it sounds really weird, but when taste it, it's really good, as long as you don't get too much soy sause.

Actually it didn't sound weird at all. There is a really delicious Chinese dish that has pineapple and a soy type sauce.

Oh. Well, everybody else I tell about it thinks it sounds wierd. ._.;; But seriously, you should try it. n_n

Today I did and it tastes phenomenal!!!!!!!!! I would never have thought of this one! Thanks!!!

Yaaaaay! :D You're welcome!


And Guitar Hero Alex came home, too!

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I was just wondering... who likes tomato sandwiches? :lol:

I've never had one, but I like tomatos, and I like sammiches, so clearly, I would like tomato sammiches.

Sometimes I toast the bread and sometimes I don't. Sometimes I add some swiss cheese. Sometimes I skip the bread altogether and just take a bite out of the tomato like it is fruit! But always, a great big beefsteak tomato sandwich is best with mayonnaise!!!

I love tomatos. x_x I eat them like fruit all the time.

I suppose I shouldn't say this bad word, but I love putting salt on them! :lol:

I do, too! It's so tasty! XD

So glad to hear that! For many people, salt is a bad word. LOL

Have you ever tried salt on watermelon? Really tasty!!!!!!

Nope. I'll have to try it. o.o


Have you ever had soy sause on pinnapple? That's really good, too.

No, but I will have to try that!

*runs into my cage kitchen and pulls out some pineapple and some soy sauce*

When you first hear about it, it sounds really weird, but when taste it, it's really good, as long as you don't get too much soy sause.

Actually it didn't sound weird at all. There is a really delicious Chinese dish that has pineapple and a soy type sauce.

Oh. Well, everybody else I tell about it thinks it sounds wierd. ._.;; But seriously, you should try it. n_n

Today I did and it tastes phenomenal!!!!!!!!! I would never have thought of this one! Thanks!!!

Yaaaaay! :D You're welcome!


And Guitar Hero Alex came home, too!

Grab everything you need while Alex is in a happy mood!!! :lol:

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I was just wondering... who likes tomato sandwiches? :lol:

I've never had one, but I like tomatos, and I like sammiches, so clearly, I would like tomato sammiches.

Sometimes I toast the bread and sometimes I don't. Sometimes I add some swiss cheese. Sometimes I skip the bread altogether and just take a bite out of the tomato like it is fruit! But always, a great big beefsteak tomato sandwich is best with mayonnaise!!!

I love tomatos. x_x I eat them like fruit all the time.

I suppose I shouldn't say this bad word, but I love putting salt on them! :lol:

I do, too! It's so tasty! XD

So glad to hear that! For many people, salt is a bad word. LOL

Have you ever tried salt on watermelon? Really tasty!!!!!!

Nope. I'll have to try it. o.o


Have you ever had soy sause on pinnapple? That's really good, too.

No, but I will have to try that!

*runs into my cage kitchen and pulls out some pineapple and some soy sauce*

When you first hear about it, it sounds really weird, but when taste it, it's really good, as long as you don't get too much soy sause.

Actually it didn't sound weird at all. There is a really delicious Chinese dish that has pineapple and a soy type sauce.

Oh. Well, everybody else I tell about it thinks it sounds wierd. ._.;; But seriously, you should try it. n_n

Today I did and it tastes phenomenal!!!!!!!!! I would never have thought of this one! Thanks!!!

Yaaaaay! :D You're welcome!


And Guitar Hero Alex came home, too!

Grab everything you need while Alex is in a happy mood!!! :lol:

He's upstairs right now. >.>;; But I'm gonna play Zoo Tycoon. I put all the angry people in a cage with a moat so they can't escape, and I'm wondering if they're still mad.

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I would try the pineapple with soy sauce thing you guys were talking about earlier, except I'm allergic to soy. I can eat a little, but soy sauce is too much for me. >:-(

I am sorry to hear this. Allergies are such a pain.

Yeah, especially soy allergies. I get all red and whatnot.

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I was just wondering... who likes tomato sandwiches? :lol:

I've never had one, but I like tomatos, and I like sammiches, so clearly, I would like tomato sammiches.

Sometimes I toast the bread and sometimes I don't. Sometimes I add some swiss cheese. Sometimes I skip the bread altogether and just take a bite out of the tomato like it is fruit! But always, a great big beefsteak tomato sandwich is best with mayonnaise!!!

I love tomatos. x_x I eat them like fruit all the time.

I suppose I shouldn't say this bad word, but I love putting salt on them! :lol:

I do, too! It's so tasty! XD

So glad to hear that! For many people, salt is a bad word. LOL

Have you ever tried salt on watermelon? Really tasty!!!!!!

Nope. I'll have to try it. o.o


Have you ever had soy sause on pinnapple? That's really good, too.

No, but I will have to try that!

*runs into my cage kitchen and pulls out some pineapple and some soy sauce*

When you first hear about it, it sounds really weird, but when taste it, it's really good, as long as you don't get too much soy sause.

Actually it didn't sound weird at all. There is a really delicious Chinese dish that has pineapple and a soy type sauce.

Oh. Well, everybody else I tell about it thinks it sounds wierd. ._.;; But seriously, you should try it. n_n

Today I did and it tastes phenomenal!!!!!!!!! I would never have thought of this one! Thanks!!!

Yaaaaay! :D You're welcome!


And Guitar Hero Alex came home, too!

Grab everything you need while Alex is in a happy mood!!! :lol:

He's upstairs right now. >.>;; But I'm gonna play Zoo Tycoon. I put all the angry people in a cage with a moat so they can't escape, and I'm wondering if they're still mad.

LOL! I did that once on Roller Coaster Tycoon. I made this maze thing that led to a Roller Coaster and trapped people in it, and then I made it so there was no exit. XD :lol:

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I would try the pineapple with soy sauce thing you guys were talking about earlier, except I'm allergic to soy. I can eat a little, but soy sauce is too much for me. >:-(

I am sorry to hear this. Allergies are such a pain.

Yeah, especially soy allergies. I get all red and whatnot.

:( Oh, how unpleasant! :(

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I was just wondering... who likes tomato sandwiches? :lol:

I've never had one, but I like tomatos, and I like sammiches, so clearly, I would like tomato sammiches.

Sometimes I toast the bread and sometimes I don't. Sometimes I add some swiss cheese. Sometimes I skip the bread altogether and just take a bite out of the tomato like it is fruit! But always, a great big beefsteak tomato sandwich is best with mayonnaise!!!

I love tomatos. x_x I eat them like fruit all the time.

I suppose I shouldn't say this bad word, but I love putting salt on them! :lol:

I do, too! It's so tasty! XD

So glad to hear that! For many people, salt is a bad word. LOL

Have you ever tried salt on watermelon? Really tasty!!!!!!

Nope. I'll have to try it. o.o


Have you ever had soy sause on pinnapple? That's really good, too.

No, but I will have to try that!

*runs into my cage kitchen and pulls out some pineapple and some soy sauce*

When you first hear about it, it sounds really weird, but when taste it, it's really good, as long as you don't get too much soy sause.

Actually it didn't sound weird at all. There is a really delicious Chinese dish that has pineapple and a soy type sauce.

Oh. Well, everybody else I tell about it thinks it sounds wierd. ._.;; But seriously, you should try it. n_n

Today I did and it tastes phenomenal!!!!!!!!! I would never have thought of this one! Thanks!!!

Yaaaaay! :D You're welcome!


And Guitar Hero Alex came home, too!

Grab everything you need while Alex is in a happy mood!!! :lol:

He's upstairs right now. >.>;; But I'm gonna play Zoo Tycoon. I put all the angry people in a cage with a moat so they can't escape, and I'm wondering if they're still mad.

LOL! I did that once on Roller Coaster Tycoon. I made this maze thing that led to a Roller Coaster and trapped people in it, and then I made it so there was no exit. XD :lol:

XD I would always make two parks in Roller Coaster Tycoon. My good one, that everybody loved and came to a lot, and my evil one, where all the rides were death traps.

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I would try the pineapple with soy sauce thing you guys were talking about earlier, except I'm allergic to soy. I can eat a little, but soy sauce is too much for me. >:-(

I am sorry to hear this. Allergies are such a pain.

Yeah, especially soy allergies. I get all red and whatnot.

:( Oh, how unpleasant! :(

>:o How dare she be allergic to things!

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I would try the pineapple with soy sauce thing you guys were talking about earlier, except I'm allergic to soy. I can eat a little, but soy sauce is too much for me. >:-(

I am sorry to hear this. Allergies are such a pain.

Yeah, especially soy allergies. I get all red and whatnot.

:( Oh, how unpleasant! :(

>:o How dare she be allergic to things!

Exactly what I was thinking!!!!!!

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I would try the pineapple with soy sauce thing you guys were talking about earlier, except I'm allergic to soy. I can eat a little, but soy sauce is too much for me. >:-(

I am sorry to hear this. Allergies are such a pain.

Yeah, especially soy allergies. I get all red and whatnot.

:( Oh, how unpleasant! :(

>:o How dare she be allergic to things!

Exactly what I was thinking!!!!!!

I saw we throw her in the mines and put her to work for her insolence!

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I would try the pineapple with soy sauce thing you guys were talking about earlier, except I'm allergic to soy. I can eat a little, but soy sauce is too much for me. >:-(

I am sorry to hear this. Allergies are such a pain.

Yeah, especially soy allergies. I get all red and whatnot.

:( Oh, how unpleasant! :(

>:o How dare she be allergic to things!

Exactly what I was thinking!!!!!!

I saw we throw her in the mines and put her to work for her insolence!

You probably wouldn't want to do that... isn't she in your mafia???? What if she creates a mine mutiny?

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chtspking 0f w31rd fuds... i like ketchup on my eggs!! it is funny some people i know find that weird. But i also like super-toast, an invention of my dads- toast with butter, jelly, ketchup, eggs, hashbrowns, and bacon. but all on the toast. =O


on rollercoaster tycoon... my brother had a park with about 2000 people in it. SO he saved it first, then put in a whole bunch of those signs that keep people from going somewhere, so that they were all in a single spot. he took out everything around them, and set up a balloon stall. he waited until almost all of them had a balloon, then he put some water under the path, and took out said path! you can figure out the rest...






































...lots of flying balloons! wwhhheeee!!!=3

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I would try the pineapple with soy sauce thing you guys were talking about earlier, except I'm allergic to soy. I can eat a little, but soy sauce is too much for me. >:-(

I am sorry to hear this. Allergies are such a pain.

Yeah, especially soy allergies. I get all red and whatnot.

:( Oh, how unpleasant! :(

>:o How dare she be allergic to things!

Exactly what I was thinking!!!!!!

I saw we throw her in the mines and put her to work for her insolence!

You probably wouldn't want to do that... isn't she in your mafia???? What if she creates a mine mutiny?

She's the only one in there. ._.;; It would be a pretty small mutiny.

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I would try the pineapple with soy sauce thing you guys were talking about earlier, except I'm allergic to soy. I can eat a little, but soy sauce is too much for me. >:-(

I am sorry to hear this. Allergies are such a pain.

Yeah, especially soy allergies. I get all red and whatnot.

:( Oh, how unpleasant! :(

>:o How dare she be allergic to things!

Exactly what I was thinking!!!!!!

I saw we throw her in the mines and put her to work for her insolence!

You probably wouldn't want to do that... isn't she in your mafia???? What if she creates a mine mutiny?

She's the only one in there. ._.;; It would be a pretty small mutiny.

MegaWolf is the only one in your mafia?????????

What happened to me? (with the question mark?) :lol:

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I would try the pineapple with soy sauce thing you guys were talking about earlier, except I'm allergic to soy. I can eat a little, but soy sauce is too much for me. >:-(

I am sorry to hear this. Allergies are such a pain.

Yeah, especially soy allergies. I get all red and whatnot.

:( Oh, how unpleasant! :(

>:o How dare she be allergic to things!

Exactly what I was thinking!!!!!!

I saw we throw her in the mines and put her to work for her insolence!

You probably wouldn't want to do that... isn't she in your mafia???? What if she creates a mine mutiny?

She's the only one in there. ._.;; It would be a pretty small mutiny.

MegaWolf is the only one in your mafia?????????

What happened to me? (with the question mark?) :lol:

No, she's the only one in the mines.

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I would try the pineapple with soy sauce thing you guys were talking about earlier, except I'm allergic to soy. I can eat a little, but soy sauce is too much for me. >:-(

I am sorry to hear this. Allergies are such a pain.

Yeah, especially soy allergies. I get all red and whatnot.

:( Oh, how unpleasant! :(

>:o How dare she be allergic to things!

Exactly what I was thinking!!!!!!

I saw we throw her in the mines and put her to work for her insolence!

You probably wouldn't want to do that... isn't she in your mafia???? What if she creates a mine mutiny?

She's the only one in there. ._.;; It would be a pretty small mutiny.

MegaWolf is the only one in your mafia?????????

What happened to me? (with the question mark?) :lol:

No, she's the only one in the mines.

Ohhhhhh, would you be needing any help tossing her down there? LOL

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I would try the pineapple with soy sauce thing you guys were talking about earlier, except I'm allergic to soy. I can eat a little, but soy sauce is too much for me. >:-(

I am sorry to hear this. Allergies are such a pain.

Yeah, especially soy allergies. I get all red and whatnot.

:( Oh, how unpleasant! :(

>:o How dare she be allergic to things!

Exactly what I was thinking!!!!!!

I saw we throw her in the mines and put her to work for her insolence!

You probably wouldn't want to do that... isn't she in your mafia???? What if she creates a mine mutiny?

She's the only one in there. ._.;; It would be a pretty small mutiny.

MegaWolf is the only one in your mafia?????????

What happened to me? (with the question mark?) :lol:

No, she's the only one in the mines.

Ohhhhhh, would you be needing any help tossing her down there? LOL

Oh, probably a few people. But it would be funny to get a huge crowd of people just to throw one person in, though.

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I would try the pineapple with soy sauce thing you guys were talking about earlier, except I'm allergic to soy. I can eat a little, but soy sauce is too much for me. >:-(

I am sorry to hear this. Allergies are such a pain.

Yeah, especially soy allergies. I get all red and whatnot.

:( Oh, how unpleasant! :(

>:o How dare she be allergic to things!

Exactly what I was thinking!!!!!!

I saw we throw her in the mines and put her to work for her insolence!

You probably wouldn't want to do that... isn't she in your mafia???? What if she creates a mine mutiny?

She's the only one in there. ._.;; It would be a pretty small mutiny.

MegaWolf is the only one in your mafia?????????

What happened to me? (with the question mark?) :lol:

No, she's the only one in the mines.

Ohhhhhh, would you be needing any help tossing her down there? LOL

That reminds me: I was reading comics about a Stick Figure named Bob, and in one comic, he got thrown into a dumpster and he found a Lite Brite. :lol:

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I would try the pineapple with soy sauce thing you guys were talking about earlier, except I'm allergic to soy. I can eat a little, but soy sauce is too much for me. >:-(

I am sorry to hear this. Allergies are such a pain.

Yeah, especially soy allergies. I get all red and whatnot.

:( Oh, how unpleasant! :(

>:o How dare she be allergic to things!

Exactly what I was thinking!!!!!!

I saw we throw her in the mines and put her to work for her insolence!

You probably wouldn't want to do that... isn't she in your mafia???? What if she creates a mine mutiny?

She's the only one in there. ._.;; It would be a pretty small mutiny.

MegaWolf is the only one in your mafia?????????

What happened to me? (with the question mark?) :lol:

No, she's the only one in the mines.

Ohhhhhh, would you be needing any help tossing her down there? LOL

That reminds me: I was reading comics about a Stick Figure named Bob, and in one comic, he got thrown into a dumpster and he found a Lite Brite. :lol:

Hooray Lite Brites!

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I would try the pineapple with soy sauce thing you guys were talking about earlier, except I'm allergic to soy. I can eat a little, but soy sauce is too much for me. >:-(

I am sorry to hear this. Allergies are such a pain.

Yeah, especially soy allergies. I get all red and whatnot.

:( Oh, how unpleasant! :(

>:o How dare she be allergic to things!

Exactly what I was thinking!!!!!!

I saw we throw her in the mines and put her to work for her insolence!

You probably wouldn't want to do that... isn't she in your mafia???? What if she creates a mine mutiny?

She's the only one in there. ._.;; It would be a pretty small mutiny.

MegaWolf is the only one in your mafia?????????

What happened to me? (with the question mark?) :lol:

No, she's the only one in the mines.

Ohhhhhh, would you be needing any help tossing her down there? LOL

That reminds me: I was reading comics about a Stick Figure named Bob, and in one comic, he got thrown into a dumpster and he found a Lite Brite. :lol:

Hooray Lite Brites!

Don't think you will find any Lite Brites down in the mine, - Kat - has already cleaned the mine!

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I would try the pineapple with soy sauce thing you guys were talking about earlier, except I'm allergic to soy. I can eat a little, but soy sauce is too much for me. >:-(

I am sorry to hear this. Allergies are such a pain.

Yeah, especially soy allergies. I get all red and whatnot.

:( Oh, how unpleasant! :(

>:o How dare she be allergic to things!

Exactly what I was thinking!!!!!!

I saw we throw her in the mines and put her to work for her insolence!

You probably wouldn't want to do that... isn't she in your mafia???? What if she creates a mine mutiny?

She's the only one in there. ._.;; It would be a pretty small mutiny.

MegaWolf is the only one in your mafia?????????

What happened to me? (with the question mark?) :lol:

No, she's the only one in the mines.

Ohhhhhh, would you be needing any help tossing her down there? LOL

That reminds me: I was reading comics about a Stick Figure named Bob, and in one comic, he got thrown into a dumpster and he found a Lite Brite. :lol:

Hooray Lite Brites!

Don't think you will find any Lite Brites down in the mine, - Kat - has already cleaned the mine!

But Lite Brites are fun! :o

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I would try the pineapple with soy sauce thing you guys were talking about earlier, except I'm allergic to soy. I can eat a little, but soy sauce is too much for me. >:-(

I am sorry to hear this. Allergies are such a pain.

Yeah, especially soy allergies. I get all red and whatnot.

:( Oh, how unpleasant! :(

>:o How dare she be allergic to things!

Exactly what I was thinking!!!!!!

I saw we throw her in the mines and put her to work for her insolence!

You probably wouldn't want to do that... isn't she in your mafia???? What if she creates a mine mutiny?

She's the only one in there. ._.;; It would be a pretty small mutiny.

MegaWolf is the only one in your mafia?????????

What happened to me? (with the question mark?) :lol:

No, she's the only one in the mines.

Ohhhhhh, would you be needing any help tossing her down there? LOL

That reminds me: I was reading comics about a Stick Figure named Bob, and in one comic, he got thrown into a dumpster and he found a Lite Brite. :lol:

Hooray Lite Brites!

Don't think you will find any Lite Brites down in the mine, - Kat - has already cleaned the mine!

Actually, I'm not really sure what's down there. o.o I've never been, myself...

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I would try the pineapple with soy sauce thing you guys were talking about earlier, except I'm allergic to soy. I can eat a little, but soy sauce is too much for me. >:-(

I am sorry to hear this. Allergies are such a pain.

Yeah, especially soy allergies. I get all red and whatnot.

:( Oh, how unpleasant! :(

>:o How dare she be allergic to things!

Exactly what I was thinking!!!!!!

I saw we throw her in the mines and put her to work for her insolence!

You probably wouldn't want to do that... isn't she in your mafia???? What if she creates a mine mutiny?

She's the only one in there. ._.;; It would be a pretty small mutiny.

MegaWolf is the only one in your mafia?????????

What happened to me? (with the question mark?) :lol:

No, she's the only one in the mines.

Ohhhhhh, would you be needing any help tossing her down there? LOL

That reminds me: I was reading comics about a Stick Figure named Bob, and in one comic, he got thrown into a dumpster and he found a Lite Brite. :lol:

Hooray Lite Brites!

Don't think you will find any Lite Brites down in the mine, - Kat - has already cleaned the mine!

Actually, I'm not really sure what's down there. o.o I've never been, myself...

*is shocked*

So this in fact could be a holiday for Mega Wolf!

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I would try the pineapple with soy sauce thing you guys were talking about earlier, except I'm allergic to soy. I can eat a little, but soy sauce is too much for me. >:-(

I am sorry to hear this. Allergies are such a pain.

Yeah, especially soy allergies. I get all red and whatnot.

:( Oh, how unpleasant! :(

>:o How dare she be allergic to things!

Exactly what I was thinking!!!!!!

I saw we throw her in the mines and put her to work for her insolence!

You probably wouldn't want to do that... isn't she in your mafia???? What if she creates a mine mutiny?

She's the only one in there. ._.;; It would be a pretty small mutiny.

MegaWolf is the only one in your mafia?????????

What happened to me? (with the question mark?) :lol:

No, she's the only one in the mines.

Ohhhhhh, would you be needing any help tossing her down there? LOL

That reminds me: I was reading comics about a Stick Figure named Bob, and in one comic, he got thrown into a dumpster and he found a Lite Brite. :lol:

Hooray Lite Brites!

Don't think you will find any Lite Brites down in the mine, - Kat - has already cleaned the mine!

Actually, I'm not really sure what's down there. o.o I've never been, myself...

*is shocked*

So this in fact could be a holiday for Mega Wolf!

It very well could be. I should probably look into that at some point.

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*attempts to rescue MW from KAt's micicle mine.*

Is that was it is? Hmm. I have no use for micicles. She's free to go. For now.

Dr. Wolf may not want to go, she has a passion for micicles you know. :lol:

*sees Jesse coming to join MegaWolf in - Kat's - micicle mine*

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*looks around, sees Mega Wolf down in the mine with cherry micicle juice dripping from her jowls, decides this is a great time to go for a long run in the wheel*


See you in a couple of hours. Need to do at least 8 miles. :D

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*looks around, sees Mega Wolf down in the mine with cherry micicle juice dripping from her jowls, decides this is a great time to go for a long run in the wheel*


See you in a couple of hours. Need to do at least 8 miles. :D

8 miles?!

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*looks around, sees Mega Wolf down in the mine with cherry micicle juice dripping from her jowls, decides this is a great time to go for a long run in the wheel*


See you in a couple of hours. Need to do at least 8 miles. :D

8 miles?!

Actually I only managed about 7.2. For some reason it was a bit tougher today than usual. I always try and go around 14H00 when it is the hottest. My thinking is if I can do my mileage at the hottest part of the day, then everything else will be easy. :lol:

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*looks around, sees Mega Wolf down in the mine with cherry micicle juice dripping from her jowls, decides this is a great time to go for a long run in the wheel*


See you in a couple of hours. Need to do at least 8 miles. :D

8 miles?!

Actually I only managed about 7.2. For some reason it was a bit tougher today than usual. I always try and go around 14H00 when it is the hottest. My thinking is if I can do my mileage at the hottest part of the day, then everything else will be easy. :lol:

Only, 7.2, I love that. :lol:

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*looks around, sees Mega Wolf down in the mine with cherry micicle juice dripping from her jowls, decides this is a great time to go for a long run in the wheel*


See you in a couple of hours. Need to do at least 8 miles. :D

8 miles?!

Actually I only managed about 7.2. For some reason it was a bit tougher today than usual. I always try and go around 14H00 when it is the hottest. My thinking is if I can do my mileage at the hottest part of the day, then everything else will be easy. :lol:

Only, 7.2, I love that. :lol:

This Sunday I need to do 13. I don't think I will wait until mid-day. This will need to be a morning run. :lol:

And another thing, this is not the speed of TBFOF, this is the speed of an eighty-nine year old in a walker!


Lexxy...... up late I see!

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yep, you caught me. kinda waiting on another page, and so I thought I'd see what if anything had come down in the hours since I was last here..

:lol: LOL :lol:

Actually you caught me. I couldn't sleep, got up, put on some coffee and decided to take a quick look here... voila. I was sitting in the dark and hear the pitter-patter of hammie feet and realized one of my friends, Houdini, was here with me. She is now in her ball getting ready to head back to her cage.


I might disappear. Nice seeing you again! :D

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*looks around, sees Mega Wolf down in the mine with cherry micicle juice dripping from her jowls, decides this is a great time to go for a long run in the wheel*


See you in a couple of hours. Need to do at least 8 miles. :D

8 miles?!

Actually I only managed about 7.2. For some reason it was a bit tougher today than usual. I always try and go around 14H00 when it is the hottest. My thinking is if I can do my mileage at the hottest part of the day, then everything else will be easy. :lol:

Only, 7.2, I love that. :lol:

This Sunday I need to do 13. I don't think I will wait until mid-day. This will need to be a morning run. :lol:

And another thing, this is not the speed of TBFOF, this is the speed of an eighty-nine year old in a walker!


Lexxy...... up late I see!

this reminds me of my vacation! need to post a topic bout dat. you will see how it relates.... muahahaha...

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*looks around, sees Mega Wolf down in the mine with cherry micicle juice dripping from her jowls, decides this is a great time to go for a long run in the wheel*


See you in a couple of hours. Need to do at least 8 miles. :D

8 miles?!

Actually I only managed about 7.2. For some reason it was a bit tougher today than usual. I always try and go around 14H00 when it is the hottest. My thinking is if I can do my mileage at the hottest part of the day, then everything else will be easy. :lol:

Only, 7.2, I love that. :lol:

This Sunday I need to do 13. I don't think I will wait until mid-day. This will need to be a morning run. :lol:

And another thing, this is not the speed of TBFOF, this is the speed of an eighty-nine year old in a walker!


Lexxy...... up late I see!

this reminds me of my vacation! need to post a topic bout dat. you will see how it relates.... muahahaha...

Please get that topic up!


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yep, you caught me. kinda waiting on another page, and so I thought I'd see what if anything had come down in the hours since I was last here..

:lol: LOL :lol:

Actually you caught me. I couldn't sleep, got up, put on some coffee and decided to take a quick look here... voila. I was sitting in the dark and hear the pitter-patter of hammie feet and realized one of my friends, Houdini, was here with me. She is now in her ball getting ready to head back to her cage.


I might disappear. Nice seeing you again! :D

I was up 'till three last night. O.o


*~*Psycedelic Luau*~*

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yep, you caught me. kinda waiting on another page, and so I thought I'd see what if anything had come down in the hours since I was last here..

:lol: LOL :lol:

Actually you caught me. I couldn't sleep, got up, put on some coffee and decided to take a quick look here... voila. I was sitting in the dark and hear the pitter-patter of hammie feet and realized one of my friends, Houdini, was here with me. She is now in her ball getting ready to head back to her cage.


I might disappear. Nice seeing you again! :D

I was up 'till three last night. O.o


*~*Psycedelic Luau*~*

Are you tired today? :lol:

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yep, you caught me. kinda waiting on another page, and so I thought I'd see what if anything had come down in the hours since I was last here..

:lol: LOL :lol:

Actually you caught me. I couldn't sleep, got up, put on some coffee and decided to take a quick look here... voila. I was sitting in the dark and hear the pitter-patter of hammie feet and realized one of my friends, Houdini, was here with me. She is now in her ball getting ready to head back to her cage.


I might disappear. Nice seeing you again! :D

I was up 'till three last night. O.o


*~*Psycedelic Luau*~*

Are you tired today? :lol:

No, I drank about 90 Mountain Dews. BTW, can a hamster with a Black torso and a brown head exsist? I want one.


*~*Psycedelic Luau*~*

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yep, you caught me. kinda waiting on another page, and so I thought I'd see what if anything had come down in the hours since I was last here..

:lol: LOL :lol:

Actually you caught me. I couldn't sleep, got up, put on some coffee and decided to take a quick look here... voila. I was sitting in the dark and hear the pitter-patter of hammie feet and realized one of my friends, Houdini, was here with me. She is now in her ball getting ready to head back to her cage.


I might disappear. Nice seeing you again! :D

I was up 'till three last night. O.o


*~*Psycedelic Luau*~*

Are you tired today? :lol:

No, I drank about 90 Mountain Dews. BTW, can a hamster with a Black torso and a brown head exsist? I want one.


*~*Psycedelic Luau*~*

90 Mountain Dews????? And you actually got to sleep in the same week? Oh my!


I believe xMyOwnMindx had a black and brown hammie. I have two friends named Huette and Houdini, they have grey and white heads and backs and tannish brown bottoms. :lol:

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yep, you caught me. kinda waiting on another page, and so I thought I'd see what if anything had come down in the hours since I was last here..

:lol: LOL :lol:

Actually you caught me. I couldn't sleep, got up, put on some coffee and decided to take a quick look here... voila. I was sitting in the dark and hear the pitter-patter of hammie feet and realized one of my friends, Houdini, was here with me. She is now in her ball getting ready to head back to her cage.


I might disappear. Nice seeing you again! :D

...You couldn't sleep, so you just got coffee?

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yep, you caught me. kinda waiting on another page, and so I thought I'd see what if anything had come down in the hours since I was last here..

:lol: LOL :lol:

Actually you caught me. I couldn't sleep, got up, put on some coffee and decided to take a quick look here... voila. I was sitting in the dark and hear the pitter-patter of hammie feet and realized one of my friends, Houdini, was here with me. She is now in her ball getting ready to head back to her cage.


I might disappear. Nice seeing you again! :D

...You couldn't sleep, so you just got coffee?

Sure, why not? :lol:

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