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Best friend of horatio club!

PARIS !!!!!  

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YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!!! YOU'RE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!

Figured that would be your reaction. It's another automated message for when people are back, just changing the name every time. :lol:


BTW, at first whe I red the color, "orange red", I thought at first "orange-ered". At least the sound of it.

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Figured that would be your reaction. It's another automated message for when people are back, just changing the name every time. :lol:


BTW, at first whe I red the color, "orange red", I thought at first "orange-ered". At least the sound of it.

*notices that TGHL is rubbing off on MegaWolf*


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What? The fact that MW is noticing that you are automating your messages?

She not only noticed, she posted. I think you have put something in her micicles and are controlling her mind. :lol::lol::lol: She is switiching sides... departed S.A.N.I.T.Y. and slid over to the dark side. :o

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She not only noticed, she posted.  I think you have put something in her micicles and are controlling her mind.  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  She is switiching sides... departed S.A.N.I.T.Y. and slid over to the dark side.  :o

No, Horatio.

1) I don't have access to the micicle stores

2) We are not called the Dark Side, we are the Sheena side!

3) I did not influence MW using drugs, she switched under the influence of the power of Sheena!

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No, Horatio.

1) I don't have access to the micicle stores

2) We are not called the Dark Side, we are the Sheena side!

3) I did not influence MW using drugs, she switched under the influence of the power of Sheena!

*thinks about this*

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:lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Just an evil laugh, not an evil hamster.

*thinks about Katdacatis#1 and decides to ask her about Ninja Hamster training*

Before learning how to become a ninja Hamster you must first learn how to........

Get stuck in an ingenous torture chamber and be subsequently mutilated by the spiky walls!

*Horatio gets trapped in an ingenous torture chamber*

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Before learning how to become a ninja Hamster you must first learn how to........

Get stuck in an ingenous torture chamber and be subsequently mutilated by the spiky walls!

*Horatio gets trapped in an ingenous torture chamber*


Hold on a minute. I need to get some training first!

*calls Katdacatis#1 AND Arkcher*

Au secours! Au secours!

Help! Help!

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Before learning how to become a ninja Hamster you must first learn how to........

Get stuck in an ingenous torture chamber and be subsequently mutilated by the spiky walls!

*Horatio gets trapped in an ingenous torture chamber*

At first when I saw the word ingenious, I thought it said igneous, the rock! :lol: I keep reading things wrong.

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Katdacatis#1, where are you?  You are my Ninja Hamster teacher.  See I am already in training!post-678-1111341913_thumb.jpg

XD Remember, it's 3 sets of 15.


*uses her mad ninja skillz to get Horatio out of the tourturey place*

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*strategically places Anti-Quozial favorite food in path*

*monkeys stop their mission and begin devouring the Apple Bananas*

*hopps into the helicopter as Horatio flys us away* *James Bond theme plays*

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*shows Katdacatis#1 the computer panel for the deployment of all sorts of missiles, guns and lasers*

Their all yours.  Have at it!  Monkeys to your right!  :o

FYI you are all NUTS!!! have some all-natural cheese puff awards


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*shows Katdacatis#1 the computer panel for the deployment of all sorts of missiles, guns and lasers*

Their all yours.  Have at it!  Monkeys to your right!  :o

Yay for dangerous weaponry in the hands of a pshycotic, Claymore-wielding ninja cat! : D

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*anti-air missiles fly out from the Mech Warriors on the ground below*

*Fighter Phoenixs fly to take helicopter down* *Monkeys latch onto the helicopter and start melting the metal away*

*detonates an atomic bomb* Wheeeee!

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This is a sentimental random post.


Sitting up in bed last night, I thought of all the people here at HampsterDance and it occurred to me that if I escaped from my cage and got run over by a speeding dumpster, then no one would know how much I appreciate them.  I would be a squashed hamster beneath a dumpster wheel.  So, for all of you who hate mushy sentimental posts.... STOP reading now!  But for everyone else, keep reading please.


It is the middle of the night, the cage is quiet, there is nothing to interrupt the peace except for random thoughts trampling my brain.  I started thinking of you all and I thought it was time for me to say "Thank you to everyone here at HampsterDance."  I really appreciate all the friendships that have developed.  It is amazing how I can feel just how special each and every person is to me even though I am looking at a computer screen and have never met you face to face.  I would have never thought this possible.  Every day, I look forward to modding.  I miss someone if I do not see their posts in the queue.  When life is getting someone down, if things are going great, it shows.  Your words reflect your inner soul.  My heart feels the pain or joy along with you.  When I see the stories, poems, art, songs created by everyone, I love each and every pic, word, letter, thought and note.  When you hurt, I want to give you a hug and let you know that you are not alone.  When things are overwhelming and you are troubled, I sincerely hope that you know someone cares.  I may not be able to do anything, but I am a great listener.  I give you my word that I will be here for you should the need arise.  And to the pesky Phoenix... you challenge me to think.  This always makes me smile.


Well anyway, I just wanted everyone to know what I was thinking. 


Lots of love in friendship...

Horatio  :D

I pour out my heart and the only person to respond is TGHL.... :huh::huh::huh:

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This is a sentimental random post.


Sitting up in bed last night, I thought of all the people here at HampsterDance and it occurred to me that if I escaped from my cage and got run over by a speeding dumpster, then no one would know how much I appreciate them.  I would be a squashed hamster beneath a dumpster wheel.  So, for all of you who hate mushy sentimental posts.... STOP reading now!  But for everyone else, keep reading please.


It is the middle of the night, the cage is quiet, there is nothing to interrupt the peace except for random thoughts trampling my brain.  I started thinking of you all and I thought it was time for me to say "Thank you to everyone here at HampsterDance."  I really appreciate all the friendships that have developed.  It is amazing how I can feel just how special each and every person is to me even though I am looking at a computer screen and have never met you face to face.  I would have never thought this possible.  Every day, I look forward to modding.  I miss someone if I do not see their posts in the queue.  When life is getting someone down, if things are going great, it shows.  Your words reflect your inner soul.  My heart feels the pain or joy along with you.  When I see the stories, poems, art, songs created by everyone, I love each and every pic, word, letter, thought and note.  When you hurt, I want to give you a hug and let you know that you are not alone.  When things are overwhelming and you are troubled, I sincerely hope that you know someone cares.  I may not be able to do anything, but I am a great listener.  I give you my word that I will be here for you should the need arise.  And to the pesky Phoenix... you challenge me to think.  This always makes me smile.


Well anyway, I just wanted everyone to know what I was thinking. 


Lots of love in friendship...

Horatio  :D



wow! that post was as mushy as mashed potatoes. there are some people on hampser dance. not mentioning any names :rolleyes: . who get on my nerves but i can't imagine my life without you guys now

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ML, Mullaypop and I are supposed to start posting soon but noone has showed up yet... were meeting at 830 florida time remember??????????? :(

The problem is that someone I know posted one post in every single topic on the board, and they have my attention there. :lol::lol::lol: Would you know who that might be? :lol::lol::lol:

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I thought i would drop in... just to say hi... im making a game for Starcraft so i can be cool... but HD is my first love and it comes first i thank hoops_ashirt for reminding me to come...

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My apologies for not being here consistently. There was a little emergency at my house. A friend of mine bought a hammie at the pet store. It had babies and she almost dumped the babies in the garbage. They had to bring the parents and babies over to my house right when I promised to be moderating your posts. I am sorry that I could not be as fast as I should have been.

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My apologies for not being here consistently.  There was a little emergency at my house.  A friend of mine bought a hammie at the pet store.  It had babies and she almost dumped the babies in the garbage.  They had to bring the parents and babies over to my house right when I promised to be moderating your posts.  I am sorry that I could not be as fast as I should have been.

its ok im glad ur helping hamsters! :D

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My apologies for not being here consistently.  There was a little emergency at my house.  A friend of mine bought a hammie at the pet store.  It had babies and she almost dumped the babies in the garbage.  They had to bring the parents and babies over to my house right when I promised to be moderating your posts.  I am sorry that I could not be as fast as I should have been.

Gaa! I wish I had known that! I wouldn't have been such a brat about modding posts. I'm sorry and I hope the babie hamsers are okay. ;.;

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Gaa! I wish I had known that! I wouldn't have been such a brat about modding posts. I'm sorry and I hope the babie hamsers are okay. ;.;

The babies are okay now. They are at my house with the parents. Five little grey dwarf hammies.

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My apologies for not being here consistently.  There was a little emergency at my house.  A friend of mine bought a hammie at the pet store.  It had babies and she almost dumped the babies in the garbage.  They had to bring the parents and babies over to my house right when I promised to be moderating your posts.  I am sorry that I could not be as fast as I should have been.

:o *Speechless*

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The babies are okay now.  They are at my house with the parents.  Five little grey dwarf hammies.

hammies? WHERE HAMMIES??? I WANT BABY HAMMIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!


(aka complete and total nutty lunatic) :lol::lol::lol::P:P:P

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This is a sentimental random post.


Sitting up in bed last night, I thought of all the people here at HampsterDance and it occurred to me that if I escaped from my cage and got run over by a speeding dumpster, then no one would know how much I appreciate them.  I would be a squashed hamster beneath a dumpster wheel.  So, for all of you who hate mushy sentimental posts.... STOP reading now!  But for everyone else, keep reading please.


It is the middle of the night, the cage is quiet, there is nothing to interrupt the peace except for random thoughts trampling my brain.  I started thinking of you all and I thought it was time for me to say "Thank you to everyone here at HampsterDance."  I really appreciate all the friendships that have developed.  It is amazing how I can feel just how special each and every person is to me even though I am looking at a computer screen and have never met you face to face.  I would have never thought this possible.  Every day, I look forward to modding.  I miss someone if I do not see their posts in the queue.  When life is getting someone down, if things are going great, it shows.  Your words reflect your inner soul.  My heart feels the pain or joy along with you.  When I see the stories, poems, art, songs created by everyone, I love each and every pic, word, letter, thought and note.  When you hurt, I want to give you a hug and let you know that you are not alone.  When things are overwhelming and you are troubled, I sincerely hope that you know someone cares.  I may not be able to do anything, but I am a great listener.  I give you my word that I will be here for you should the need arise.  And to the pesky Phoenix... you challenge me to think.  This always makes me smile.


Well anyway, I just wanted everyone to know what I was thinking. 


Lots of love in friendship...

Horatio  :D



so now what kind of person do you think i am?? just from hampsterboards? do you think i'm shy?? do you think i'm the sort of person who never gets down?

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so now what kind of person do you think i am?? just from hampsterboards? do you think i'm shy?? do you think i'm the sort of person who never gets down?

I think you are an intelligent, nice person who has a great personality and superb sense of humor. No, not just from HamsterDance Boards. Are you shy, I would guess not, but that would be hard to tell. Everybody gets down now and then. Some more than others and some less than others.


My thoughts were to let people know just how much they meant to me.

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