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Update to the update to the update...


Today the movers are coming, again. This is move number four or five. We have had so many mini-moves that I cannot remember how many we have had.


Yesterday was a fiasco. Nothing went right, save my morning coffee. More boxes were to be delivered, but that failed. The driver said he needed a smaller truck to get into our location. What is so strange, the three previous deliveries were all accomplished by an eighteen-wheel semi. That tractor-trailer driver had no problem whatsoever getting in. So, they have my stuff on a "smaller" truck for delivery today. The delivery window... late morning, early afternoon. Do I believe this????? NO! My feeling is that the truck will arrive after the movers have come and gone.


Ouch! I already have aggravation, and it started with the first phone call, which arrived before seven in the morning. I want to crawl back into bed, but this is not an option.


Ideas anyone?

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The movers came and the movers left, with two more "mini" moves to go. I have the balance of the condominium, which should take about two hours, then when the time comes, move out of my room into a hotel. This should take about two hours. Hopefully the last part of packing to do for the next three days. After all this, I realized that the most important container with my clothes for the month, went into storage. AAAARRRGGGGGHHH! And they placed those containers at the very, very back of the storage unit. Oh my!!! How frustrating!!! I believe there is no way I can get that continer out. *cries*

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Wednesday update... the dumpster was full and it is now gone. The old kitchen cabinets were donated to a person who had no kitchen cabinets at all. The dishwasher and microwave went with the cabinets. The refrigerator will go to the same person as soon as the kitchen has been completed. The stove was given to a different person who needed one desperately. Overall, I am quite pleased as everything is being reused. From the bathroom, the old bathtub and vanity counter were given to someone. The only thing that went into the dumpster was the vanity bottom which had water damage and fell apart as we were removing it. Nice.


I am still boxing. Oh my... this is so, so boring and tedious. You have to know that I am very, very tired of boxing. Haagen Dazs Vanilla Bean ice cream sure does make me feel happy!


As for other news, the daffodils began poking the heads out of the ground. What a glorious sight! I was supposed to plant my seeds, and procrastinated, so now I am making sure we do not have any more freezing temperatures, before making a commitment to place these seeds in the ground.


My hibiscus is struggling to make it indoors, but it is still hanging on. The goal is to take it to Florida, perhaps in a couple months. My pitcher plants are beginning to show lots of new growth, so hopefully, I will be able to transition them to Florida as well. The Norfolk pine is still pretty happy, so not worries there. This tree will be planted along the river in Florida where is should be extremely happy.


Hoshe the hamster has worked hard to train me correctly. She gets into her ball twice daily and in the morning we play a game where she gets into the ball, back into her cage, back into the ball, back into the cage, until about noon. She is supposed to be nocturnal, but I am unable to convince her that she really wants to go to sleep in the morning.


That is about all the news. I am looking forward to warm weather!!!

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Hooray!!! Today we made progress on the kitchen! We have moved all the wires, insulated the walls and tomorrow we are ready for the sheetrock installation. It will be so exciting to have the walls finished just prior to installation of the cabinets. Pictures to follow when the walls are complete.

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Decided to take a digital photography course at Memphis College of Art. Really terrific professor, who has been teaching this course for over ten years and continues to do so because she enjoys the involvement with the community.


Our homeword on Tuesday was to take thirty photographs of something in our house, that we could view from the sides and top. Keep the shutter speed and the ISO at the same setting, but vary the aperature. Very, very interesting. Of course, if thirty photographs work good, then one hundred thirty will work that much better. OUCH!!!!! I decided to pick up some exotic fruit from Whole Foods. I loaded a wire basket with the fruit and placed it outside on the table. Waiting for the sun to set, I decided just to leave the basket outside. When I went out later, there was a squirrel sitting in the basket having the feast of his life. Of course, he scampered off before I could take a great picture, but it was a terrific visual sight! Unfortunately, the squirrel took bites in all the wrong places. So, my next set of photographs will be the basket with "bite-mark" fruit!


On another note, the police were across the street from our house yesterday. The construction workers doing my renovation mentioned that they noticed the three police cars there almost all day. In jest, I said "we do not have crime here, the only reason the police come out is if someone has passed away." Well, I am sad to say, my friend Mrs. Ann Brown, passed away. I know that she is in much better place. She had been having some health problems and this was very tough on her. May Mrs. Brown rest in peace.

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The renovation continues... oh my!!! Dust, dust and more dust! I am so tired of sheetrock dust! But, this is the small, or should I say huge, price to pay for living where your renovation is occurring. I am so happy for this weekend!!!


Now for photography class... this is such a fun class!!! I am glad that the professor has decided to allow us to turn in our homework on Tuesday. I took too many photographs, and think I could have done much better. So, this weekend, I plan on taking more photographs. Perhaps I can do much, much better.

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Memphis had a blast of winter, no snow, but lots of sleet, ice pellets and freezing rain. The roads became skating rinks. I stayed in and worked on boxing stuff. The temperatures are way, way, way below freezing and whatever melted yesterday, refroze last night. Today, I plan on staying in until I think that the roads are clear enough for the idiots behind the wheel not to attempt to kill me.


This was the beginning of the precipitation. It got quite a bit worse.


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Yesterday I had an incredible experience. There is a Carolina Wren that I have had some interaction with. This little bird has had me stick my finger into a plant where he was sleeping and scaring the little bird. On another occasion, I brought that same plant into the house when he was sleeping in it. That was quite a difficult situation of trying to get him out of the house. Then I decided to put up a little bird house with some hamster paper bedding and some cotton, that he has been using. In addition, I bought a feeder just for him where I place meal worms. Yesterday, I did not put out worms as I thought they would freeze to death before the bird was able to feed. When I went outside, I saw him. He started chirping at me, coming closer and closer. I went inside and filled up his container with meal worms. He then permitted me to photograph him, within three feet while he ate his worms. I took about a one minute video of him. Here is a still photograph of him.


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Florida was wonderful!!! I sat drinking my morning coffee looking at the sun rising over the river, with blue skies and palm trees. Absolutely wonderful. Now, back in Memphis it has been raining, and they are predicting so much rain that we will have the possibility of flooding the next three days. Oh, time to go back to Florida.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh no. Another parallel to Christmas. There was again a severe accident on the Autobahn 7 yesterday, not far from the place where the accident before Christmas happened. And again, the road is blocked for an uncertain time.

This means to avoid the area and all the chaos, I'll have to drive rural roads through a mountain area where they have for sure more snow than here...

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Leguan, I wish you a most happy and joyous Easter. Your Christmas Cactus sees the snow outside and has it's holidays confused. But, I will say, you must be feeding it all the right nutrients, it looks beautiful!!!


As for Memphis... it is spring and a local place called Dixon Gallery and Gardens, planted 150,000 tulip bulbs. Oh my goodness, absolutely magnificent! I attempted to upload my photographs, but I am having some problems. I will try again tomorrow.


As for you, please drive safely on those rural roads. I hope you and your family have a wonderful Easter.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Beautiful hibiscus, H!


Hibisci? Hibiscuses?

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I attempted to reply to you yesterday, and I was uploading a hibiscu_____ picture that was far too large. Later today I will attempt a smaller version.


As for hibiscus, hibiscus, hibiscuses... you are the English language genius. I played violin for the school theatre in order to pass my English class. :lol:


By the way, have you read the book, Eats Shoots and Leaves? Great book. It is about punctuation. What really is bothering me lately is the lack of the use of commas. For example, I am taking an online course and in the discussion group, a majority of people think that they are texting and that every character counts. When a comma is desperately needed, as the meaning of the sentence changes, the student does not use any. This means that you could take their sentence two ways. Aaaaaarrrrggggghhhhh!

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That hamster muffin is too lifelike! I wouldn't be able to eat it XD And what beautiful flowers!


And YES please, please use your oxford commas. There are so many cases where it just doesn't make sense if you leave them out. There's a rather famous example but it's a bit inappropriate.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Eats Shoots and Leaves is a great book by Lynne Truss. She has also written another great book called, Talk to the Hand: The Utter Bloody Rudeness of the World Today, or Six Good Reasons to Stay Home and Bolt the Door.


I do know of one of those inappropriate examples of the use of the comma. What I find totally frustrating is to be taking a university online course, and you will find people who use no commas whatsoever. Really? Do they think they are texting their assignments? Grrrrrrr.

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Okay... enough of this online education. It seems that the harder I study, the slower I get. For example, we are only supposed to spend ten to fifteen hours a week on one particular course. Except the university has changed over the best, faster method of reading new discussion group posts, and placed this scrolly thread. The worst junk I have ever seen. It is so tedious to scroll through one hundred and fifty plus posts. That discussion group alone, takes hours. AND... you are supposed to read all of your classmates posts. GRRRRR.


I just had to vent. :wacko::wacko::wacko::blink::blink::blink:

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Yesterday as I was getting ready to put up Happy Fourth of July greetings, we had an enormous downpour. In fact, it rained almost all day. In the evening as people are thinking about heading out for fireworks, the sky cleared. This was terrific for all those people, like - Kat -, who can not exist without their pyrotechnic Fourth of July fix. The fireworks display went off, but alas, I stayed in. I had no desire to sit on wet ground, or stand on wet ground, to watch the display. Instead, I did my homework.

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The humidity is really high. Memphis is sticky. I have set up four bird baths, and the birds are pretty happy! The water sprinkler fills the bird baths every other night, so they are always full. It is not recycled water, but fresh water, so this makes the birds very excited to have a full place to play and fresh water to drink.


My flowers are doing okay, at least they are watered.

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If anyone is reading this, please help by registering and voting every day until the end of July.


Scott County Humane Society rescues dogs, cats and other animals from kill shelters. They do not kill any animal. This is a very small humane society, with very little extra funds. They need your help. Kuranda is a company that makes beds for dogs and other animals, and each month, they donate five beds to the winner of the vote. Right now, Scott County is in second place. They need these beds desperately. You can make sure they get five beds by voting and putting Scott County Humane Society in first place. Would you please help by voting for Sit A Spell every day until the end of July? I would appreciate your vote to help trying to win this contest. It ends in July, so please do not hesitate to vote. Please vote to day and every day.


Here is the link: https://kuranda.com/blog/dog-of-the-month


Thank you!


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Sit A Spell - Scott County Humane Society.jpg

If anyone is reading this, please help by registering and voting every day until the end of July.


Scott County Humane Society rescues dogs, cats and other animals from kill shelters. They do not kill any animal. This is a very small humane society, with very little extra funds. They need your help. Kuranda is a company that makes beds for dogs and other animals, and each month, they donate five beds to the winner of the vote. Right now, Scott County is in second place. They need these beds desperately. You can make sure they get five beds by voting and putting Scott County Humane Society in first place. Would you please help by voting for Sit A Spell every day until the end of July? I would appreciate your vote to help trying to win this contest. It ends in July, so please do not hesitate to vote. Please vote to day and every day.


Here is the link: https://kuranda.com/blog/dog-of-the-month


Thank you!


Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who voted. We are just a few votes in first place. Please everyone keep up the voting! This little humane society needs our help and voting is the way we can show our support.


Thank you again to everyone!



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Scott County Humane Society.png

attachicon.gifSit A Spell - Scott County Humane Society.jpg

If anyone is reading this, please help by registering and voting every day until the end of July.


Scott County Humane Society rescues dogs, cats and other animals from kill shelters. They do not kill any animal. This is a very small humane society, with very little extra funds. They need your help. Kuranda is a company that makes beds for dogs and other animals, and each month, they donate five beds to the winner of the vote. Right now, Scott County is in second place. They need these beds desperately. You can make sure they get five beds by voting and putting Scott County Humane Society in first place. Would you please help by voting for Sit A Spell every day until the end of July? I would appreciate your vote to help trying to win this contest. It ends in July, so please do not hesitate to vote. Please vote to day and every day.


Here is the link: https://kuranda.com/blog/dog-of-the-month


Thank you!


Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who voted. We are just a few votes in first place. Please everyone keep up the voting! This little humane society needs our help and voting is the way we can show our support.


Thank you again to everyone!



Here is a post from the contest website. Please read it and please vote.



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attachicon.gifSit A Spell - Scott County Humane Society.jpg

If anyone is reading this, please help by registering and voting every day until the end of July.


Scott County Humane Society rescues dogs, cats and other animals from kill shelters. They do not kill any animal. This is a very small humane society, with very little extra funds. They need your help. Kuranda is a company that makes beds for dogs and other animals, and each month, they donate five beds to the winner of the vote. Right now, Scott County is in second place. They need these beds desperately. You can make sure they get five beds by voting and putting Scott County Humane Society in first place. Would you please help by voting for Sit A Spell every day until the end of July? I would appreciate your vote to help trying to win this contest. It ends in July, so please do not hesitate to vote. Please vote to day and every day.


Here is the link: https://kuranda.com/blog/dog-of-the-month


Thank you!


Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who voted. We are just a few votes in first place. Please everyone keep up the voting! This little humane society needs our help and voting is the way we can show our support.


Thank you again to everyone!



Here is a post from the contest website. Please read it and please vote.



Please keep voting!!! Today is the 17th and we still have a couple weeks to go. For the Scott County Humane Society to win this contest is very important. They desperately need these beds. Thank you.

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Scott County Humane Society rescues dogs, cats and other animals from kill shelters. They do not kill any animal. This is a very small humane society, with very little extra funds. They need your help. Kuranda is a company that makes beds for dogs and other animals, and each month, they donate five beds to the winner of the vote. Right now, Scott County is in second place. They need these beds desperately. You can make sure they get five beds by voting and putting Scott County Humane Society in first place. Would you please help by voting for Sit A Spell every day until the end of July? I would appreciate your vote to help trying to win this contest. It ends in July, so please do not hesitate to vote. Please vote to day and every day.


Here is the link: https://kuranda.com/...og-of-the-month


Thank you!


We are behind by about fifty votes, but we can catch up if everyone votes. Please help the Scott County Humane Society and vote every day until the end of July.

Thank you so much!


Scott County Humane Society.png

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Scott County Humane Society rescues dogs, cats and other animals from kill shelters. They do not kill any animal. This is a very small humane society, with very little extra funds. They need your help. Kuranda is a company that makes beds for dogs and other animals, and each month, they donate five beds to the winner of the vote. Right now, Scott County is in second place. They need these beds desperately. You can make sure they get five beds by voting and putting Scott County Humane Society in first place. Would you please help by voting for Sit A Spell every day until the end of July? I would appreciate your vote to help trying to win this contest. It ends in July, so please do not hesitate to vote. Please vote to day and every day.


Here is the link: https://kuranda.com/...og-of-the-month


Thank you!


We are behind by about fifty votes, but we can catch up if everyone votes. Please help the Scott County Humane Society and vote every day until the end of July.

Thank you so much!


attachicon.gifScott County Humane Society.png

Please, please vote! We need your help. We can not get the beds for the Scott County Humane Society without every one voting. Please vote every day until the end of July! Thank you so very much!

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Scott County Humane Society rescues dogs, cats and other animals from kill shelters. They do not kill any animal. This is a very small humane society, with very little extra funds. They need your help. Kuranda is a company that makes beds for dogs and other animals, and each month, they donate five beds to the winner of the vote. Right now, Scott County is in second place. They need these beds desperately. You can make sure they get five beds by voting and putting Scott County Humane Society in first place. Would you please help by voting for Sit A Spell every day until the end of July? I would appreciate your vote to help trying to win this contest. It ends in July, so please do not hesitate to vote. Please vote to day and every day.


Here is the link: https://kuranda.com/...og-of-the-month


Thank you!


We are behind by about fifty votes, but we can catch up if everyone votes. Please help the Scott County Humane Society and vote every day until the end of July.

Thank you so much!


attachicon.gifScott County Humane Society.png

Please, please vote! We need your help. We can not get the beds for the Scott County Humane Society without every one voting. Please vote every day until the end of July! Thank you so very much!




Please, today is the 21st, we need your help to keep voting every day through the end of July. Please vote! Thank you.

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Sit A Spell


Sit A Spell  - Scott County Humane Society.jpg


Please send this to all forms of social media. We need your help desperately! There is one other close contender and we need to keep ahead of them in order to win.


Scott County Humane Society rescues dogs, cats and other animals from kill shelters. They do not kill any animal. This is a very small humane society, with very little extra funds. They need your help. Kuranda is a company that makes beds for dogs and other animals, and each month, they donate five beds to the winner of the vote. Right now, Scott County is in second place. They need these beds desperately. You can make sure they get five beds by voting and putting Scott County Humane Society in first place. Would you please help by voting for Sit A Spell every day until the end of July? I would appreciate your vote to help trying to win this contest. It ends in July, so please do not hesitate to vote. Please vote to day and every day.

Would you please vote for Sit A Spell. Would you please vote everyday until the end of the month.
Thank you!
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Sit A Spell


attachicon.gifSit A Spell - Scott County Humane Society.jpg


Please send this to all forms of social media. We need your help desperately! There is one other close contender and we need to keep ahead of them in order to win.


Scott County Humane Society rescues dogs, cats and other animals from kill shelters. They do not kill any animal. This is a very small humane society, with very little extra funds. They need your help. Kuranda is a company that makes beds for dogs and other animals, and each month, they donate five beds to the winner of the vote. Right now, Scott County is in second place. They need these beds desperately. You can make sure they get five beds by voting and putting Scott County Humane Society in first place. Would you please help by voting for Sit A Spell every day until the end of July? I would appreciate your vote to help trying to win this contest. It ends in July, so please do not hesitate to vote. Please vote to day and every day.

Would you please vote for Sit A Spell. Would you please vote everyday until the end of the month.
Thank you!



These are the last few days of this contest. We need your help. Please vote every day through the end of July!

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Sit A Spell


attachicon.gifSit A Spell - Scott County Humane Society.jpg


Please send this to all forms of social media. We need your help desperately! There is one other close contender and we need to keep ahead of them in order to win.


Scott County Humane Society rescues dogs, cats and other animals from kill shelters. They do not kill any animal. This is a very small humane society, with very little extra funds. They need your help. Kuranda is a company that makes beds for dogs and other animals, and each month, they donate five beds to the winner of the vote. Right now, Scott County is in second place. They need these beds desperately. You can make sure they get five beds by voting and putting Scott County Humane Society in first place. Would you please help by voting for Sit A Spell every day until the end of July? I would appreciate your vote to help trying to win this contest. It ends in July, so please do not hesitate to vote. Please vote to day and every day.

Would you please vote for Sit A Spell. Would you please vote everyday until the end of the month.
Thank you!



The days until the contest end are very few. Please keep voting every day! This human society really, really needs your help.

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Sit A Spell


attachicon.gifSit A Spell - Scott County Humane Society.jpg


Please send this to all forms of social media. We need your help desperately! There is one other close contender and we need to keep ahead of them in order to win.


Scott County Humane Society rescues dogs, cats and other animals from kill shelters. They do not kill any animal. This is a very small humane society, with very little extra funds. They need your help. Kuranda is a company that makes beds for dogs and other animals, and each month, they donate five beds to the winner of the vote. Right now, Scott County is in second place. They need these beds desperately. You can make sure they get five beds by voting and putting Scott County Humane Society in first place. Would you please help by voting for Sit A Spell every day until the end of July? I would appreciate your vote to help trying to win this contest. It ends in July, so please do not hesitate to vote. Please vote to day and every day.

Would you please vote for Sit A Spell. Would you please vote everyday until the end of the month.
Thank you!



The days until the contest end are very few. Please keep voting every day! This human society really, really needs your help.




Sit A Spell


attachicon.gifSit A Spell - Scott County Humane Society.jpg


Please send this to all forms of social media. We need your help desperately! There is one other close contender and we need to keep ahead of them in order to win.


Scott County Humane Society rescues dogs, cats and other animals from kill shelters. They do not kill any animal. This is a very small humane society, with very little extra funds. They need your help. Kuranda is a company that makes beds for dogs and other animals, and each month, they donate five beds to the winner of the vote. Right now, Scott County is in second place. They need these beds desperately. You can make sure they get five beds by voting and putting Scott County Humane Society in first place. Would you please help by voting for Sit A Spell every day until the end of July? I would appreciate your vote to help trying to win this contest. It ends in July, so please do not hesitate to vote. Please vote to day and every day.

Would you please vote for Sit A Spell. Would you please vote everyday until the end of the month.
Thank you!




Please vote for Sit A Spell. We need your help! This contest is almost over and we are thirty votes behind. Please vote today and every day through the end of the month.

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Sit A Spell


attachicon.gifSit A Spell - Scott County Humane Society.jpg


Please send this to all forms of social media. We need your help desperately! There is one other close contender and we need to keep ahead of them in order to win.


Scott County Humane Society rescues dogs, cats and other animals from kill shelters. They do not kill any animal. This is a very small humane society, with very little extra funds. They need your help. Kuranda is a company that makes beds for dogs and other animals, and each month, they donate five beds to the winner of the vote. Right now, Scott County is in second place. They need these beds desperately. You can make sure they get five beds by voting and putting Scott County Humane Society in first place. Would you please help by voting for Sit A Spell every day until the end of July? I would appreciate your vote to help trying to win this contest. It ends in July, so please do not hesitate to vote. Please vote to day and every day.

Would you please vote for Sit A Spell. Would you please vote everyday until the end of the month.
Thank you!





Only three days remaining... please vote every day for the next three days. This little humane society is run by volunteers. No paid employees. The had a fire last December and are trying to rebuild. Please help. They need these beds so very much. Thank you.

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  • 3 weeks later...

TBFOF... how are you??? What are you doing??? How is life??? Please fill us in on all the details.


Yes, Utah is a very beautiful state, with so many hidden treasures. I am trying very hard to learn how to take the best photographs in the Utah landscape. When you get into a slot canyon, unless the sun is at the perfect location, the perfect photograph will be elusive. In one instance, I picked up my flash and then decided that I did not want the extra weight. What a huge mistake this was. We started the hike pretty early, so the sun was not overhead to light up the canyon when we were there, both coming and going. And it is not like you can just do this later later. Some of these hikes are at least a couple hours in and a couple hours out. This does not count the time spent taking photographs. Some of the hikes are considerably more difficult. There are a number of slot canyons that are very technical. On top of this, it is imperative that you watch the weather at least two to three hours away. If there is a rain storm that might arrive, you need to skip that hike. What appears as a small trickle of a stream that is inches deep, will be a wall of water that you would not be able to escape. Growing up on the water, I love the ocean and the beaches. But, being out in Utah is equal in beauty and very awe inspiring.

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Ooh I cant wait to see them! I haven't been to a con but I want to when the timing is right.

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I went to the Baltimore Comic Con and had a great time! Fortunately I bought the yearbooks, and totally forgot to get my books signed. The various author and illustrators will only sign books at the Comic Cons, so this means that I will have bring the books to another Comic Con. They were very, very heavy. I am not looking forward to having to carry them to another event.

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Until I get the problem of uploading photographs to the board resolved, I will have to entertain you with other things. LOL. Hamster update... I rescued a "extreme biter" yesterday. The pet store called me and asked if I would like to adopt this "extreme biter" because I guy wanted to buy it to feed his snake. Of course, I ran down to pick her up. Robo... oh, no, a Robo. Well, she is in her new home and I have given her lots of entertainment. A wheel, many toys, wooden chews lava blocks and lots and lots of food, seeds, nuts and treat items. When I put the iPhone in her tank to take her picture, I was afraid she was going to bite it, but thankfully, she only was interested in getting too close for me to take a photograph, but just wanted to smell. it. Perhaps there is hope for her to stop her biting and start being a nice hammie girl. Right now, I am trying to think of a good name for her. The qualifier, it must start with an H. I have used up almost all the American, English and Spanish names, I am looking at Norwegian and Japanese names. Any ideas?

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  • 2 weeks later...



Well, time is flying by. It is almost the entire holiday season. Has anyone started their holiday shopping? I do not even want to think about it.


Here is the news... I am going to Death Valley for five days on a photography workshop. This should be really interesting. Hopefully, I will learn something. The worst part of the five days is that we are totally off the grid. I mean, absolutely, positively, no service. Not a drop of connectivity. They have a pay phone in the hotel lobby. Not one room has a telephone. So, when I say, no service, I mean this is totally off the grid. LOL!!! Will I last? I have no choice... I am not driving. When I return, I hope to have a couple photographs that are worth posting.


After the five days in Death Valley, I am heading for the California coast to try and take some photographs of the Pacific Ocean. Then back home to my renovation project.

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  • 1 month later...

Is everyone ready for the holidays? Do you have all your holiday shopping done? My Christmas card list keeps growing and I have not sent out one yet. Time to spend the weekend writing out Christmas cards. Well, my little hamster's, Hafden and Hajar, bark. Almost like prairie dogs, they bark at each other. it is really interesting, if I give a blueberry to one hamster, she immediately starts informing the other that a treat is coming. When they are in their balls, they bark so much. At first I thought that perhaps they were coughing because I there might be dust on the floor, but I started vacuuming just prior to them getting into the ball, so I knew that was not the answer. Then I spoke with my veterinarian. He listened and told me that they were barking. It is so wonderful to listen to them talk with each other.

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I'm just about there. I still have to buy gifts for my dad and a friend, but then we're done! I've been very busy at work. I was the temporary supervisor over layaway, so I've been able to make enough money so Sean and I can have a good holiday season. We're in our own place (FINALLY!!) and we just found out some amazing news. I'm pregnant! :D It's adorable to imagine your little babies barking at each other. How smart! Hope you're having a great night!

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What a wonderful post! How terrific that you are pregnant. Hope the temporary supervisor position was not too stressful. Now you can go back to a less stressful position. It sounds like you both are well on your way to having a great home for your little baby to grow in. Please let us know how your pregnancy is coming along.


This will be a wonderful Christmas for you and Sean.

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Hohoho. :D Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone! Enjoy your holidays!


Long time no see, but I'm still alive. ^^

I've been quite busy, but everything is fine here. I graduated in September and the project got extended for two years, so I'm continuing as a postdoc and staying in Göttingen.

Driving back home to my family for Christmas and New Year tomorrow. I'm really looking forward to some holiday.




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Hohoho. :D Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone! Enjoy your holidays!


Long time no see, but I'm still alive. ^^

I've been quite busy, but everything is fine here. I graduated in September and the project got extended for two years, so I'm continuing as a postdoc and staying in Göttingen.

Driving back home to my family for Christmas and New Year tomorrow. I'm really looking forward to some holiday.




Hohoho back to you!!! So happy to see you have stopped in.


Congratulations on your graduation!!! And more congratulations that your project has been extended and you are continuing on postdoc!!! So from now on we are to address you as Dr. Leguan.


Please be careful driving home and enjoy your time with family. Please do stop back in and keep us posted.

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Very strange day I experienced today, I was walking in the park looking for dead flowers to photograph and I started thinking about how most of the members who joined the boards ten to fifteen years ago, have grown up and moved on in life. It made me wonder what everyone is doing. A few people I know about, but so many, I have no idea what they have been doing for the last five plus years. If anyone stops in... please say hello and let us know what you are doing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi there! Update in my life. I'm almost 13 weeks along. I'm finally starting to feel human again after weeks of near-constant pain and exhaustion. Baby is healthy and growing. Through some lapse in communication I'm still getting paid for the supervisor position from back in December. I did tell two managers about it, but I think they forgot to follow up. As far as I care, I did my part and if they forget then oh well I'm not going to complain about the huge pay difference in my favor ;)


We had an ultrasound on Wednesday, and we saw the baby! It was sooo cute! We could see its eyes and could just about make out tiny little arms and legs crossed in lotus position. We even saw the heart beating!!! The nurse said baby was probably sleeping bc it wasn't moving at all, but she said it was healthy and right on target. In other baby-related news, I've discovered I'm much more willing to take my vitamins if they don't smell like bad fish. The new ones I bought are gummies so they don't feel like medicine even though they contain the all-important DHA for baby's brain.


I'm quite happy with life circumstances lately. We have a nice apartment that we can afford, we're both healthy, our cats are behaving (because one of them has a history of behaving badly when she's stressed, we're pleased to see she's not acting out), and we're both about to get a huge raise in a couple of weeks.


I saw my grandmother today. Finally gave her her Christmas present (yes.... I'm a bad granddaughter) and a copy of the ultrasound picture. I've been showing like everyone at work and last night I came to the conclusion that I need to learn more ASL if I'm to communicate with the nice overnight lady in housewares. Because she is deaf and she must be lonely if nobody but one person in the store knows enough signs to have a conversation.


Baby picture:


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Dear Topazia,


What a wonderful post! Thank you so very much for the update.


The baby is wonderful and what a great ultrasound! Whoo Hoo!!! How exciting! It sounds like your life is really getting on the right track with everything falling into place in a positive manner. This is wonderful. Vitamins... some smell so bad, like you said 'bad fish' smell. I took one vitamin and it made me burp this horrendously awful cod liver oil smell/taste. It was so bad, that I have never forgotten that experience. You fill one of those bad vitamin squares and you immediately search for some other method to take the all important vitamins. Are there any foods, vegetables, fruits or proteins that also give you the important DHA? At least with the gummies, it makes the vitamins palatable.


I hope that your company can not ask to take back an over-payment. That would be really awful. You did everything right, so you are off the hook. Good news that you are getting another pay raise in a couple weeks. That will be very, very nice. As for learning ASL, I applaud you. Everyone should learn to sign. You are wonderful to take on this challenge. Please let me know how you are coming along with it. I have a friend who teaches a special education class, and she teaches all the kids to sign. For some of the children who either will not or can not communicate through speech, they communicate through signing very well. She has taught me a little bit of signing. You will do well. I have total faith in you. Your colleague will be thrilled that you are making the effort, and I am certain that she will be more than happy to help in any way she can.


Hmmmm, Christmas in February. Well, at least you made it to see her. She must have been so very happy to see both you and the ultrasound. It must have been a very good day for both you and your grandmother.


Lastly, the cats... perhaps they like their new home and do not have stressful sounds around. Something is happening for the best, and the cats are sensitive to these things, so, it must all be good.


This has been a wonderful day hearing from you. Congratulations on the wonderful ultrasound and thank you again for sharing it with us. I am thrilled to see your post and hearing all the wonderful news you have bestowed upon us. This makes me feel terrific. What a great way to end the day... on an up-note!


Please do stop in again as we love hearing from you.


Take care,



P. S. If you need a Godhamster when the baby is born, I know someone who is available. :D H.

Hi there! Update in my life. I'm almost 13 weeks along. I'm finally starting to feel human again after weeks of near-constant pain and exhaustion. Baby is healthy and growing. Through some lapse in communication I'm still getting paid for the supervisor position from back in December. I did tell two managers about it, but I think they forgot to follow up. As far as I care, I did my part and if they forget then oh well I'm not going to complain about the huge pay difference in my favor ;)


We had an ultrasound on Wednesday, and we saw the baby! It was sooo cute! We could see its eyes and could just about make out tiny little arms and legs crossed in lotus position. We even saw the heart beating!!! The nurse said baby was probably sleeping bc it wasn't moving at all, but she said it was healthy and right on target. In other baby-related news, I've discovered I'm much more willing to take my vitamins if they don't smell like bad fish. The new ones I bought are gummies so they don't feel like medicine even though they contain the all-important DHA for baby's brain.


I'm quite happy with life circumstances lately. We have a nice apartment that we can afford, we're both healthy, our cats are behaving (because one of them has a history of behaving badly when she's stressed, we're pleased to see she's not acting out), and we're both about to get a huge raise in a couple of weeks.


I saw my grandmother today. Finally gave her her Christmas present (yes.... I'm a bad granddaughter) and a copy of the ultrasound picture. I've been showing like everyone at work and last night I came to the conclusion that I need to learn more ASL if I'm to communicate with the nice overnight lady in housewares. Because she is deaf and she must be lonely if nobody but one person in the store knows enough signs to have a conversation.


Baby picture:




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Tuna and other fish contain Omega-3s, which is what DHA is, one type of Omega-3. You can also find it in certain tree nuts (walnut and brazil, especially). I don't care for fish, except tuna, but I can only eat so much because of the mercury, particularly now that there's a tiny developing brain I don't want to addle. Other than DHA and a couple other preg-specific vitamins, as long as I intake enough of all the vitamins and minerals you're supposed to have anyway, both Tiny and I will be healthy. My biggest concern right now is iron and calcium. The gummies don't have either. Iron is hard on the stomach, so I don't really want to add it as a supplement, but I don't eat much read meat, which is the easiest source. Calcium I have a Tums supplement (because you can use Tums as a supplement, how cool is that?) but it tastes awful and gives me heartburn (why???) so I'm searching for a cal-citrate solution.


I discovered that Ricola cough drops cure heartburn faster and longer than chalk tablets.


I don't really see how they could ask for the money back, since it's their fault. If they were to try, I'd have to sign off on it and I'd flat out refuse. I've probably been paid a couple thousand bucks in the last month and a half over what I'd normally get (because eight extra hours plus a four dollar raise adds up really quickly) and there's no way I'd be able to cough it back up.


I know a little ASL because I used to babysit a deaf boy. But I've forgotten a lot of it, and other than Thank You, You're Welcome, Sorry, It's Slow, and I Want Lunch/Break, there isn't much use for it at work (one of my sup's knows sign language and rather than have her walk across the entire store or me shout, I can tell her what I need). We have a few deaf customers than come through me regularly, because they know I'll leave them alone but I'm happy to help if they need it. And one of them is very friendly and encourages my very poor attempts at communication. I found out recently he has four kids. I plan to teach our little one ASL because it will reinforce language skills and allow him/her to communicate better before speech and vocabulary are strong enough.

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What a wonderful idea about teaching the little one to sign. My friend, the special education teacher, said doing what you are planning to do, is an excellent idea. She said that young children will learn how to sign and communicate before speaking and this is a wonderful way to develop their communication skills. Great idea you have. *applause* What also impresses me, is that you are making strides with some of your hearing impaired customers, understanding what each person needs, and reacting accordingly. You are quite astute and taking the time to understand the various needs of your customers is absolutely wonderful. I can not say enough about you and your efforts. You have mastered the art of being there, without hovering.


As far as overpayment, you will cross that bridge when you come to it, but most likely, it will not be a problem. If is just me thinking of all the what-ifs.


Eating the right amount and type of vitamins is so very difficult. But... what a stellar discovery that Ricola gets rid of heartburn!!!! Any flavour in particular? Original version, perhaps? Tums, not the best way to take calcium. There was a calcium chew that was really good. I am trying to remember which one it was, but I always wanted to eat more than the allotted amount. They tasted almost like candy. Tomorrow I will head to Rite Aid and look for the particular one that tasted great and report back to you. The drawback is that the chews cost a little more than the pills. Do you drink milk, eat yogurt or cheese? I have not researched the subject, but as I recall oranges/orange juice were also good sources, as was tofu. The problem is the only place I will eat tofu is Japan. For some reason, Japan has the most delicious tofu. There are some fruits, vegetables, beans, leafy greens, nuts and a couple other foods that have calcium. We have a fig tree and I eat a million figs. It would take too long for this baby, but you can always grow a fig tree in your backyard. Your doctor should be able to guide you as to which other sources that should be available. You do not like fish, but salmon is a wonderful source of many things. Do you eat many almonds? I think that almonds are a terrific food which fills a few different categories.


You brought up mercury. Is there a particular type of fish or a certain area where fish contain higher levels of mercury than others? My favourite fish is salmon and I would hope that there are not high levels of mercury in salmon. If you can recommend any particular reading material on the levels of mercury in fish, that would be terrific. Mostly, I have not eaten red meat, save perhaps once a year. There are flashes of weakness in me when I smell red meat, such as a hamburger, being cooked on the grill, but it passes rather quickly. Meat, in general, is something which I have not been eating much of for the last few years. Chicken breasts are my meat of choice. I have discovered a method of cooking the chicken breast, that is absolutely incredible. The chicken breast is so tender and moist, that I actually like them. Enough on food.


Well, that about covers everything for today... so I will hope that you stop back in and visit.

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Congratulations! I have been keeping up with your baby updates elsewhere as well, but I don't know that I've actually said anything about it yet XD I'm happy for you guys!


I took an ASL class in high school and enjoyed it a lot! Unfortunately that was also the year that I got really sick and I missed a chuck of it :c We would have some deaf regulars come in at the store I used to work at and I would always wish I'd remembered more.

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I'm quite pleased with my ability to help them. I think they are too, or they'd just use the other self-check and avoid me. I'm looking forward to learning more with my baby.


Original Ricolas are the ones I use. I'm sure other flavors are just as good. I know calcium citrate is much better than Tums, it's just harder to find cheap and I'm lazy and haven't looked yet. I'm getting more calcium right now because I discovered these fruit trays at work that have cheese in them and it's really good. Fortified OJ does have calcium. I don't like tofu or nuts, though.


Mercury is most prevalent in wild-caught predator fish like tuna, sword, and I think mahi mahi (don't quote me on that one). The bigger they get the more they accumulate because it's naturally occurring in marine wildlife. Albacore tuna is the worst because it's the largest species. Yellowfin is moderately better, but skipjack is the best easily available species in terms of mercury because it's the smallest, not to mention the fact that it's the highest in population and more sustainably caught than either yellowfin or albacore. I can't remember if salmon is bad with mercury, but I know it's better than tuna. But I don't like it so I won't eat it. Whitefish tend to be better. Tilapia, swai, cod, pollock, etc. I like red meat but I'm lazy and don't want to buy ground beef. Chicken is comparable to red meat in terms of iron, and it's easy to store when we don't use much.


I wish we had ASL as a language option in my school. We only had French, Latin, and Spanish. If they had ASL, I'd know sooo much more than I do. Kinda jealous there, Kat :P


Baby update! I went to the doc the other day and baby didn't want to have heart checked. It kept swimming past the doppler. She caught it eventually, and HR was healthy at 147. We're supposed to find out (if someone wants to be forthcoming with it) what we're having next month. I have spontaneously sprouted a puffy belly overnight, but I think it's mostly bloating. It was bigger yesterday than it is today. And I'm going to have to shop for new underclothes very soon :( (Is that too much for this site? It's vague... and we're pretty much adults here anyway?) My cat has finally learned not to squish me in my sore spots, but now the other one likes to jump on us in bed. She ALWAYS lands on me. Ow.


Other life update... idk. There's both so much and not much going on. Work, normal. School, getting back on track. Baby, stealing more calories than before (it's hard to eat enough for me plus a tiny quasi-parasitic human). I've been in a creative mood lately. I was inspired to write some fantasy while chatting with an old friend the other night, and now I'm seeing people in the store that are just begging to have a story written about them. The old cowboy who still gets dapper on Sundays, and the mousy young librarian who wears grandma dresses and shawls are so far my favorites. I am sharing some of my work with friends that I can't put on here (just trust me. I'd get my furry little hamster behind banned with one page... language, violence, psych issues, suicide, etc. Yeah I have a fun mind.) so I'm going to be getting feedback on recent work. I have pretty much started to hate my old writing because it reads like a fifteen year old wrote it (shocker, I was fifteen when I wrote it!) and I've improved so much I don't even know how to fix it without revamping the whole story and I don't want to do that. Ugh...creative people problems.


Weather here has been interesting. Cold, hot, nice, dry, SO RAINING, dry, dry, look winter!, hot, cold, and then today it was all of the above. It started my yearly supply hoarding urge. Not that we have ever actually hoarded supplies, just that I want to every year because it's been over ten years since the last major hurricane wiped through Florida. Seriously, bro. We're due. I'm going over a mental list that will be most likely ignored (although I can probably get him to go along with me more now that we're gonna have a kid right in the middle of storm season.) because my impending doom feeling has been wrong for the last five years.


I got a new phone! Okay well I broke my old one (again. This time it was my fault.) so we paid it off and got him the Note because he wanted it and I took his S6 because I needed something that didn't threaten me with glass splinters and even though it's SO HUGE it's much better and nicer and more functional than my last one. I learned my lesson. Size is not as important as quality. (I have small hands...I got the S4 mini. Don't do that.)

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Wonderful news! It is such a good feeling to be able to communicate with someone who you would otherwise not be able to. It would be a terrific option to have sign language as a language option taught in the schools. Perhaps this is something I will try to convince the school board in my town to consider this.


Original Ricolas... great information to know. Thank you! That is like original Bounce dryer sheets are great for keeping mosquitos away. My lawn service guy uses these to keep the mosquitos away. He places one or two around his collar and a few in other places. For whatever reason, the mosquitos do not like the smell of the original Bounce dryer sheets. With the Zika problem, this is a good technique.


In Japan, tofu is phenomenally delicious. It is sooooooo good, that I could eat it a number of times per day. Tofu in the USA, seems to taste different. In Miso soup, I like the tofu. Have you tried Miso soup? This is a soup that I would try at least once because it has great greens in it. You might like Miso soup. You do not like nuts? WOW! I could not live without nuts. You do not like all nuts or just certain nuts? One of my favourites are almond slivers on salads.


Baby update... outstanding! From the sounds of it, you are right on track and your doctor is happy with the growth of the baby. I see your baby has a mind of his/her own. Not telling allowing his/her heartbeat to be read until he/she was ready. LOL!!! This reminds me of my sister, when she was pregnant with my nephew. My sister and brother in law could not decide whether or not they wanted to know. They went back and forth, and when they finally decided that they would find out, my nephew crossed his little hands and kept everyone from knowing. So, they decided not to know until he was born.


Cats... ha, ha, ha... there is always one who is clueless. It will be nice if your cat learns that the belly area is not a trampoline.


As for school, work, writing and all else. Great to hear that things are getting back on track. It sometimes takes time to get things back in line. I am pleased to hear that your creative juices are flowing and you are doing more writing. When you look back on your writing as a fifteen year old, it is quite a good feeling to seem just how much you have improved. I would not want to have you rewrite your original work until the spirit moves you to do so. When the feeling strikes you, then the time will be right. It would be wonderful to read your work. Having seen how your have improved over the years, I would love to read your current work.


Weather, just wait until you are pregnant in the heat of the Florida summer. The hoarding urge, I can understand how you are thinking ahead with the hurricane season. In my mind, you can never have too much water, other supplies, etc.. To me, a hoard of fresh bottled water is mandatory. Mostly I buy the huge bottles of water for hoarding, no small bottles. Of course there are the other needed items, and I have lots of the other items on the hurricane list. So, you are not alone. I do remember being through the year of all those hurricanes, and we were without electricity quite a bit.


Another new phone... do you place it in a case? One good method to avoid the glass shattering is to purchase a screen protector. This keeps you safe from the glass shards. You need a case by Ruggard or one of these other case companies that make the phone nearly indestructible.


As for things here, I have two hamsters that are the most vocal and greatest little sisters. Of course, they are each in their own home, but they bark at each other quite a bit. Just like prairie dogs, they bark back and forth to each other. Mostly they bark when they seem to be happy. Not a fear or warning bark, but a happy bark. Hafden and Hajar, are simply the most communicative hamsters I have ever had as part of the family.


This past week I was out in Death Valley looking at the wildflowers. The flowers are gorgeous. It is the year of a superbloom. There was so much flooding last year that this year the flowers are just incredibly beautiful. What is most disturbing are the people who do not look down and just step all over flowers to get to the one flower they want to photograph. REALLY????? Look down people. Please do not step on the flowers anywhere. How do you think they go to seed? Pictures to follow later. It is my goal to head back out to photograph more of the flowers.


Not much else to report, all things are still the same.

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I was actually pretty lucky in that my school had a nice selection of languages. Of course the standard Spanish and French were offered, and we had Latin as well. The ones I remember having were ASL, Japanese, German, and Chinese (I think Mandarin? I don't remember exactly which one). I took ASL for one semester and Japanese for all three years, they were really fun! I had a friend who took both German and Latin and she enjoyed them as well. I want to say we had at least one more but I don't remember what it was...

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How terrific that you studied ASL. Most likely Mandarin was offered as Cantonese is not as popular. Plus I believe the Chinese government is pushing Mandarin.


We should all be required to study ASL. How terrific if everyone knew ASL and could communicate with people with hearing problems.


To update, I spent a few days back out in Death Valley. What a wonderful place. Most people are there, simply for the superbloom of flowers. For me, I love the environment, the scenery and the harshness of it all.





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Good morning! You're about twelve hours closer to my brother than I am! *suddenly sad. I miss him.* Hope you're enjoying your travels out there!

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You should make a point of visiting your brother. Of course, right at the moment, it is very hard for you, and will only become more difficult when you have the baby to consider. But... perhaps you can start planning for later.


I am back in Memphis, and miss the large, open spaces. You have no conception of just how magnificent the country is, until you drive through the west. With towering condominiums, and urban sprawl, a person has no true conception of how much land they are traversing. With open land, framed by mountains, you certainly get an idea of how minute you are as a creature.


What day has the doctor said the baby is due? How are you feeling? Did both your raises come through? Hope all is going well for you.

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I know I need to see him. I want to go. Good luck convincing my job to let me vanish for a week, though. It won't be hard setting up maternity leave, but for a nonmedical vacation? As if.


Doc says Aug 17, with two week radius around that. So pretty much the month of August. I'm feeling pretty good, still have a sore back but my energy is coming back. Yes, we are now making even more money. Of course, I'm sacrificing most of the new raise because I'm transferring to a different store. I like the money, but I need to do something new or I'm not going to keep working. And the people are nicer at the other store anyway. I'll still be making more than I was in February, though! :D

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Ha, ha, ha... they will not give you time off because they like you? I will tell them what a great employee and person you are and that you need to be able to take off and see your brother. Most likely, they will not care what I have to say, but you never know. Of course, they will be thinking that you will take a week off now and then take maternity leave... perhaps not.


The middle of August. The time is flying by for almost everyone but you. Five months seems like a short time. For you this will seem like an eternity.


Ouch... I am sorry that you have to sacrifice most of your new raise because of a transfer. Did you request the transfer or does your employer transfer you when they want to? Good luck on the new store. It will be very good to work with people who are nicer. That does make life considerably easier.


Hopefully you are voting in the primary tomorrow. I am making sure that I vote. This primary will be very important.

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I can't vote in the primaries because I'm not a member of the two main parties. (I hate bipartisanship, btw, not fair to citizens but let's not get into politics)


I did request a transfer back in November and they're just now getting around to finding a spot for me, so kind of both. I'm fine with losing part of my raise, it's a far higher pay rate than what faced me had I not been left where I am.

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Good news that you have your transfer and I do believe that you will get back on the raise track soon.


As for primaries, I do not care under which party I am registered, I vote for the candidate that I have researched and believe will do the best job. Thank goodness that you can pull the levers for the people you like the best, not the party you are registered under.


Today was a mixed bag of problems. I came down to Florida to vote and somehow, although I had my voter's registration card and my driver's license, they could not find me in the computer. Hence, my vote became a 'provisional' vote. That was very frustrating. How could they not find me? The one lady told me to call the voters registration board after seventy-two hours. I do know that I need to get this fixed before the election in November. GRRRRRRR!


All day, I walked through this one room and had not noticed a water leak in one wall. There was no water on the floor, just the plaster wall bubbling. When I was getting ready to leave for Tennessee, I thought I needed to check out the bathroom and flush the toilets, when I walked into the bathroom that backed up to the wall that was bubbling, I saw that there was a major water leak and it will not stop. I have a bucket but that is like sticking my pinky finger into a hole in the Hoover Dam. Now I am searching for the tool that turns the water off at the street.


Great thing that I came home, because if I had not, this mess would have been so much worse. At least it was confined to the wall and the bathroom.

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Oh no! It's a very good thing you came home when you did! I hope you get it fixed posthaste!


So I haven't been transferred, but they finally took the supervisor position away from me. Still only lost 10% though, which is what I was expecting with any move. Now I have to go submit the request AGAIN and make sure my manager approves it AGAIN because I've been in a position for less than six months AGAIN. Yes, I'm irritated. Although, depending on what the manager from the other store pulls me over to do, this could work out in my favor because I could be getting a promotion, meaning that the 10% I just lost and was going to lose anyway will be less because if I get a promotion from where I'm at, I'll get some kind of raise even though I'm making more than base pay of any position except service area supervisor or support manager. Either way, I won't lose any more money, and I'm still making very much enough. Plus, they said they're going to be scheduling more people over there so I'll have help and I won't have to always get up at 6:freakin20 every dadgum morning. (I HATE getting up early) And the biggest relief was that she said I won't be put back on register. When they told me they were dropping me to cashier job code, that was the biggest point of contention in my head. I was willing to take a ridiculous pay cut, screw up my transfer, and be trapped for a year, but if they were going to put me on register I was going to throw a fit. I didn't have to. I just asked about it and she was like "why would we do that? You're trained over there and you know your job." HUGE relief.


Baby update: WE FELT IT KICK!!!! OMG! I've been feeling "somersaults" in my tummy for a couple weeks and assumed it was baby movement because that's what other moms say online. Last night after dinner I was poking random spots (they can kinda feel it and sometimes push back) and one spot pushed back. I left my hand there and it did it again, so I grabbed Sean's hand and made him try, and it did it again!!! :D:o:wub: Today it hasn't been close to the surface, but I've kinda felt a little squirming today too.


I can usually tell where seamonkey is because I can feel a density change from other spots in the area. Sometimes it's further back toward my spine and harder to tell, but it's fun to try. And yes, it's seamonkey until we find out the gender. It was squid for the first twelve weeks, but now it looks human so something reminiscent of primate anatomy (even though those are brine shrimp) is necessary.


Also, I went to a local gyro place for the first time tonight, and it was delicious and affordable and really nice and clean. Found out they deliver, but I don't have cash for a tip so I had to drive the five minutes to get there (sigh, lazy girl problems). 5/5, will def visit again. It's a locally owned Mediterranean place, so falafel, baba ghanouj, and some other regional dishes were available. I went with shawarma because chicken. I was impressed.

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Did you see me waving to you as I drove north through your town? This morning I left Florida and headed back to Memphis. Too long a drive when you do not sleep good the night before, but I am here.


You are in my thoughts and prayers for a very positive outcome of your job situation. Let us hope that it works out better than you imagined. You are smart, talented, conscientious and know your job. They would be idiots to place you on a cash register with your abilities. Very good news that the supervisor could see this. I will be so happy to hear that you change stores, get the promotion and make more money!!!


You and Sean must be so excited feeling your little 'sea monkey' moving around. What a fantastic moment for you both, to feel the kick, push, movement. Now you know your little one is really developing into a person. This is the best news ever!!! I love the nickname 'seamonkey'. You are so creative! Please keep us posted so that we may share in the excitement!!!


My little 'girls' are such a communicative duo. These hamsters bark to each other. It is so much fun to listen to them talk back and forth. I need to take some photographs of them. The are black and white in colour and are sisters. Of course, they live separately, but they are very happy when they get into their balls, see each other and then get back into their own homes.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I hope you enjoyed your trip to Australia and New Zealand. They are such pretty places in pictures; someday I'd like to go.


So, we found out. It's a girl!post-5155-0-47199500-1461692081_thumb.jpg


This is MacKenzie Layne [lastname]. :3 She's the prettiest little girl. And so active! She wouldn't stop squirming when the lady was trying to take her pictures. But she wasn't shy, not in the least, so we definitely know she's a girl. The "ball" over her chest is either a slice of her arm or her fist. You can see the umbilical cord next to that.


Ultrasounds are sooo sharp now! We could see so much detail it was crazy! When the tech was taking her skull measurements, I was able to see actual brain structures, like squiggles and everything, not just the two hemispheres, which she was looking for. And her toes were wiggling LOL!

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  • 3 weeks later...

WOW!!!!!! Congratulations! How exciting! Beautiful name. I vote for the ball over her chest being a fist. How exciting it is to see her toes wiggling and all the insides of her brain. Technology is so incredible.


As for my trip... outstanding. But... the lack of internet connection meant that I was cut off from the world for quite some time. When I could get on, it took forever and ever and ever, then each page took so long to load that I was realizing how we are so accustomed to lightning fast connectivity speeds.


Most of my time was spent in New Zealand, which is such a beautiful country. Mostly because it has not been overrun by condominiums on the shorelines. You are able to see pristine beauty in it's natural form. Then as soon as I returned, I headed for Yosemite. Another location with almost no connectivity whatsoever. It made New Zealand look progressive. My goal was to take photographs, but mostly I hiked and searched for photograph opportunities. There was rain and drizzle all but one morning, so no gorgeous sunrises to photograph. Lots and lots of grey fog though.


The hiking was fantastic, save the fact that my camera gear backpack weighed about twenty kilos and my tripod two and one-half kilos. This amount of weight tired me out after about five to ten miles of hiking per day. If it was flat, no problem. But, it was hills, rocks and other obstacles. Overall, at night, after a really, really hot shower, I collapsed into bed only to be up by 04H00. Good thing there were no televisions or internet in the rooms.


I do apologize for being away for so long, and I am happy to be back in the land of connectivity, so please let me know how you are feeling and how life is treating you. How is the new job location going? Do you like the place where you are now? Take care.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello hello! I hope you found beautiful things to take pictures of! I'm so excited... I'm 32 weeks along, and baby girl is just loving to move around. Now to get her to move for my mom... :D I made Sean a video for Sunday. I hope he likes it. It's sappy and very short. Be safe in your travels, H!! :D:D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ooooohhhhh!!! We want to see the sappy, short video! Thirty-two weeks, wow!!!, the day is almost here. How are you feeling? How is everything? Please let us know how you are doing. We are excited for you! We want to be the godparents!!! LOL!!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'll have to find the link to the YouTube video when I get home if you wanna see the sappy video lol. Makenzie is due Aug 17. I'll most definitely let you guys know when she comes!

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I see you, tbfof!

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I'll have to find the link to the YouTube video when I get home if you wanna see the sappy video lol. Makenzie is due Aug 17. I'll most definitely let you guys know when she comes!



August 17th... almost here!!! I have been on pins and needles thinking Makenzie was due in July, and we had not heard anything. One more month to go. Ohhhhhhh my! We hope to hear from you the moment she appears into the world. :)

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Photographic adventures continue... I am on my way out to Lone Pine, California to attempt to take photographs of the Milky Way. There are also some Delta Aquariids meteor shower should peak last night, with some good opportunities tonight and tomorrow night for a meteor or two to appear in the shot. I am hoping that I am very lucky and one or two meteors appear in my photographs in the next couple of nights. My paws are crossed.

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I went to the doctor the other day and kiddo can come any time she feels like. She's not allowed to come before Monday or at least Sunday night though because tomorrow is the shower and I don't want to miss it. I'm feeling fine, albeit drained super easily and like there's a very squirmy bowling ball strapped to my gut. Sean is getting so antsy! I feel bad because the whole Can Come Anytime But No Way To Tell When thing has him feeling out of control and therefore very grumpy. I'm just nervous bc now I have to figure out how to keep a human alive.


Your adventures sounds like so much fun! I how you catch a meteor too!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Here she is: the prettiest little girl in the whole world. Mackenzie Layne [last name].


And holy crap was she a source of excitement when she made her grand entrance. I was in labor for only 3 hours and 16 minutes. They didn't have time to drug me. The doc barely made it in the room in time to *ahem* catch.


But aside from some sore stitches and anemia, I feel pretty darn good.


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Topazia!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! Yes, I had to scream!!! What a beautiful baby girl, with a terrifically beautiful name! I am so happy to hear that she arrived fast and no one had time to wait around for her arrival. And the great news, mother and baby are doing phenomenally well!!! This is the greatest news I have heard. My apologies for being late to congratulate you, but I was away from the internet for almost three weeks. I left in the beginning of the month of August and am planning on returning home by the weekend. I have been attempting to take good photographs. LOL!!! I figure if I take enough photographs, one of them should turn out okay. But it is a wonderful excuse for wandering aimlessly around the country.


Thank you for letting us know and again, congratulations on the birth of the most beautiful and precious little girl!!!

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I went to the doctor the other day and kiddo can come any time she feels like. She's not allowed to come before Monday or at least Sunday night though because tomorrow is the shower and I don't want to miss it. I'm feeling fine, albeit drained super easily and like there's a very squirmy bowling ball strapped to my gut. Sean is getting so antsy! I feel bad because the whole Can Come Anytime But No Way To Tell When thing has him feeling out of control and therefore very grumpy. I'm just nervous bc now I have to figure out how to keep a human alive.


Your adventures sounds like so much fun! I how you catch a meteor too!


This made me laugh so very hard! Now you know who is really in charge! And no... it is neither you nor Sean. LOL!!! "A squirmy bowling ball strapped to your gut", what a description! Good thing I was not drinking coffee as you made me chuckle.

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Okay... here is the latest. I have been wandering around the country, well mostly the west coast part of the U.S.A., taking photographs. Oregon has a coastline that is extremely beautiful. I fell in love with some of the most terrific starfish and anemones. They are hard to photograph unless you have a waterproof camera. But, when I can figure out why my photographs will not post to the boards, I will put up a million photographs for all to see.

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Ooh I can't wait to see them all! You have the neatest adventures. The west coast sounds amazing. If it weren't for earthquakes, I'd love to live there.


We're all home, have been for just over a week. Mackenzie is happy and healthy and perfect. She eats well, isn't fussy as long as she's fed and clean, and she sleeps well at night. I set my alarm to feed her but she wakes herself up just before. She's so strong! She can move her head remarkably well for 11 days old and her leg control is so good she could probably move herself if she had the arm strength to lift her torso. All that kicking and squirming paid off lol! Sean shaved his beard yesterday but while he had it, she was able to deliberately reach for it.

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