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Best friend of horatio club!

PARIS !!!!!  

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  1. 1. Should I move to Paris?

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    • No
    • I don't know.

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Whatever you do, don't put holes in the box like the guy who shipped himself via Airborne did. He had made it to his destination and as the two guys were at the door delivering the box at the door, he looked out one of the holes straight into the eyes of one of the delivery guys. Caught! The delivery guy knew he had made eye contact and called the police. Ooops.


So, please do not put in air holes where you can look out.

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Being a hamster without another hamster friend is pretty lonely. Today I brought home a cute little blonde and white gorgeous hammie to share my humble abode. It was really tough as there was an adorable grey with a terrific personality, but the blonde and white, was pretty vocal and that reminded me of Huette. Soooooo, I am now thinking of an 'H' name that has not been used before, and I have gone through a whole lot of 'H' names. This one will be tough.


Pictures to follow in a couple days after she settles into her new home.

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Has Haley been used yet? (Or Hale if it's a boy)

Unfortunately. Haley was used. But, Hale... that's a great name. I will have to keep that in my hammie name list, especially because it is one syllable. Thank you!


For other news... I had my six month simulator checkride today. Passed. Although I studied, I felt like I was more rusty than I should be. Next simulator checkride is in six months. Wednesday morning I have an airplane line check. Just the thought of it makes me tired already.

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What "H" names have been used?

Oh my... about forty or fifty. I am looking on this website for some scandinavian, norse, greek or possibly Japanese names. Something quite different. For example... Humi.


Jesusfreak came up with a good one... Hale. I like that one.

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Okay... an update. I am in Dubai. Interesting city. We arrived at about 05H00 Dubai time and all was fairly quiet. I had a terrific breakfast and now, twelve hours later, I am not thinking about dinner. We leave here about 04H00 the day after tomorrow. It will be great to fly into Delhi in the daylight. My only concern will be the language. Although they speak English, the accents are a little difficult for me.


The Paris domicile is out and in it's place is Cologne. There is supposed to be a bid out for this new domicile. I am really considering downgrading from the B-777 down to the B-757 and move to Cologne. This would be a fantastic opportunity and I would love being in Germany. The bid is due out any day, so a decision will have to be made. My senority is such that I would be able to hold a slot in Cologne, I will only have to make a serious decision. The good news is that the flights will be short... none of these sixteen hours in an airplane. The bad news is that I will take a pay cut. A fairly big pay cut to move there as I am changing from a wide-body airplane down to a narrow-body airplane. Big decision.


On another note, last night before we departed Memphis, the bad weather hit. We were delayed two hours before flying non-stop from Memphis to Dubai. The tornados were quite destructive and luckily we were able to miss the bad weather. The news reports show the different states and sadly the loss of life. The people who suffered in this bad weather will be in my thoughts, hearts and prayers.

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O: So would you be moving your routes to Germany, or actually getting a house and living there?


I'm glad you're enjoying Dubai! It seems like it would be an exciting place. Good luck with the accents.


I knew a few people down south who were near the storms, it must have been scary...

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Different airplane with different routes. The B-757 would have routes based in Europe. Short flights... Cologne as the hub, flying to Paris, Tel Aviv, Athens and other such cities around the European area.


Frankly, I was getting really, really tired of hearing the tornado sirens. They had been going on for days. More than two or three times per day. I hope your friends are okay. The house is only a structure and it can be replaced. Lives are quite a different matter.


Dubai is interesting. Delhi will be interesting. From what the other people who fly here suggest, that you do not leave the hotel compound, for many reasons. Safety being first, but getting "Delhi belly" being second.

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Tonight I ate in the hotel. It was a really interesting buffett... Indian, Chinese, Mongolian, Japanese, Italian, Mexican and some other food from somewhere I cannot remember. What a mixture of spices and various foods. I had to make sure that I did not eat too much, just a few tastes of some of the more interesting foods.

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Wow, that's quite a variety XD I hope you stay safe and healthy in Dehli. As far as I know, everybody I know from that area is safe, but I was very sad to hear about all the lives lost.

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Too many choices for one meal. I was happy that I limited my selections to only a taste of a few, which ended up being more than I really wanted. It tasted delicious.


I have some friends in northern Alabama who I have been trying to get in touch with, but so far have been unsuccessful. There are over one million people without electricity in Alabama. The town my friend's live in, was particularly hard hit by the tornado, so I am anxious to hear from them, to know they are okay.

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Glad to be home! :) The trip was Dubai, Delhi, Paris, returning back to Memphis. Very interesting trip. Not much to say. Found a Dunkin Donuts in Dubai, with coffee that tasted just like I was in the USA!!! Of course. :) Delhi, you do not leave the hotel compound, so we were trapped for two days in the hotel. This was not so bad as I only did three things... slept, ate and went to the gym. Paris, of course, was outstanding and I saw some of my friends who I had not seen in a long time, and walked all over the place and ate exceptional food.


This whole month I am on reserve, so we will see where I end up.

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It is totally amazing to walk around Paris... even for a day. Most places I enjoy walking around and finding a place to have a cup of coffee. My friend Carole and her sister Florence, have taken over their parent's brasserie. The next time I go to Paris, I will take a photograph and post it. The Eiffel Tower now has a light show of white sparkling lights that runs for the first five minutes of every hour. When I saw it, I thought of you - Kat -, all the sparkly lights.

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That sounds so pretty *0* and sparkly is one of my favorite colors. And I'm so unsophisticated, I just had a cup of coffee for the first time in years a few days ago and had to drown it in sugar XD

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Next time I will take my camera and produce a short video. Just long enough to let you see it, and short enough that it will be able to appear here.


LOL... you are probably much more sophisticated drinking tea. :D The coffee I make at home is Butter Rum and not really strong, so I would say I am unsophicated as well. For me, I really love the way coffee tastes and could drink it any time of the day.

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Unfortunately I only speak one language. :( But, I know a few words and phrases in each language of the country I visit. For example, I know hello, please, thank you, my name is Horatio, how can I get to the _________ (fill in the name of the hotel), how to order coffee, and a few others. French and German, I have a better grasp of as I took a couple courses and have more friends there. English is really a worldwide language. You will find that in many countries, a good number of people speak two or more languages, English being one.


My worst languages are Russian and Chinese. These two countries have languages that seem to be much more difficult for me to grasp. Perhaps that is because I do not spend much time there. The other problem is when I switch between countries with similar languages, such as Spain, Italy, France, often I will use words from French when trying to speak Italian or Italian when trying to speak Spanish. There are some words that are quite similar. This problem would happen when I would be switching countries every day or so. For example, in France one day, Italy the next, followed by Russia, France, Portugal and so on. German seems a bit easier for me and I am able to understand and commuicate my basic words, but almost every German speaks better English than I do, so I do not get a chance to practice their language as much as I would like.


In my travels I have found that if I am respectful and attempt to communicate several words in the language of the country I am visiting, it helps immensely. I try never to be the ugly American who only speaks English and expects people of that country to accommodate me. When you try and speak a few words in the language of the country you are visiting, you will find out just how many people speak English.


I do have some friends who do not speak English. We communicate with me knowing a few words, carrying a language dictionary, pad and paper and looking up words and drawing pictures. When this happens I am certain this is pretty hilarious for someone to watch. But usually we are successful.

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Chinese is just a tough language with all the inflections you need to learn. The same word with a different inflection means the difference between calling someone a mother, or a horse. So yeah, that's not just you. :rolleyes:


It makes sense though, about knowing a few words in the language. Americans have a pretty bad stereotype in most other countries.

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You brought up a excellent point about all the inflections, as I had not thought about that. :lol: I had enough problems with the different sounds in French and Spanish, you can change a word with the wrong vowel. :lol: This lesson was one I learned the hard way. :rolleyes:


Americans have a well-earned bad reputation. There are a number of occasions that I have witnessed Americans being just plain rude. Most often it is just lack of respect for other people and taking time to learn the customs, mores and ways of each country. For example, when you walk into a shop in France, you greet the shopkeeper with a hello. Saying 'bonjour' really opens a lot of doors. When I entered someone's shop, I would just say in French, 'hello, may I please look around your shop?', and this usually worked wonders.


On a lighter note, when I tried to read a phrase from the language book, sometimes I would absolutely murder the language which would make the person I was trying to communicate with, smile. This really was a great way to meet people. I have said some really interesting stuff. :lol: Once in Germany I was trying to order something off the menu and I think I ordered old smelly shoes or something like that. The wait staff really started laughing and I loved going back to that restaurant.

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Hehe that reminds me of one time when we had a party at my house, and my sister's friend found out that Ian (remember Ian?) speaks Hebrew. Said friend started spouting Hebrew-sounding gibberish, and accidentally ended up saying, "we are the cheese," or something to that effect. :lol:

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Hehe that reminds me of one time when we had a party at my house, and my sister's friend found out that Ian (remember Ian?) speaks Hebrew. Said friend started spouting Hebrew-sounding gibberish, and accidentally ended up saying, "we are the cheese," or something to that effect. :lol:



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XD I had been wondering about that, too. A looong time ago, someone my dad works with told my dad about a hiking trip he took and his tour guide was French and didn't speak much English. My dad's coworker tried to say something along the lines of "I am very tired" but his tour guide looked at him weird and sort of ignored him and kept going. He later found out that he'd actually said "I am very pregnant." XD


I can't see the picture D: maybe the board is just loading weird for me right now.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Now that things have settled down, the reality sets in. :(


*gigantic hugs*

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My Memorial Day was spent relaxing, thanks to our troops ^^ And also because my friend who had lost her cat found her in the morning x___x

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My Memorial Day was spent working in my office supply store.

:( No cookouts for me.

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I'm sensing a theme here... :P

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that stinks.


I vote real life off the island. we can all come here and have funs! and money will just appear and we'll all be happy :D


No? meh. that's ok. real life is usually pretty fun.

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Here I sit in this wonderful little coffee place, in Traverse City, Michigan. A couple of days ago I decided to attend my first comic convention. So, I reserved a jumpseat from Memphis to Grand Rapids, then drove a couple hours and voila... here I am.


Fortunately for me, of the hotel choices listed, I selected the correct hotel to book a room. The exact hotel where the convention is being held. David Petersen, the author and illustrator of The Mouse Guard, is going to be here and he will do one or two commissions. I will have to be the first person in line to ensure that I can get one of his commissions. Wish me luck.


This should be quite interesting as I have heard many terrific things about comic conventions. So, I will keep you updated with the event. Perhaps I will be able to snap a picture or two.

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What a happy hammie I am!!!!!!!!!!!!


Of course I was the first person in line. And I met David Petersen and his wife. Requested my commission with a mouse from the Mouse Guard and a frog/toad. Absolutely, positively the most fantastic piece of art... beyond what I could have imagined he would draw. Even better is the fact that he will be including it in next year's sketchbook. I must say that the art took my breath away!


Overall, the comic convention is something that I recommend you put on your 'to do' list. This is the most fun I have had in quite a long time. The art is amazing and within the price range of everyone!!! The prices start at five dollars for a small sketch and go up. But you can get an original piece of phenomenal art and get to meet the artist, illustrator, author. The people I met are absolutely wonderful and I had two days of a time I will definitely repeat.


Now for Traverse City... wow! Michigan is beautiful and they love their state parks. How amazing!!! This is a most beautiful state, with so much to do. This city and the surrounding towns are really terrific. The people are so very nice and if this state just was not soooooo cold in the winter, I would make this my home. At the moment I am having coffee at a place called "Crow About It Coffee & Cakes". Just the place everyone wants to go for their anytime coffee or tea. It is a family run business where the customer is their priority.


Last night I had dinner in a place called The Jolly Pumpkin. Stellar!!! They had to roll me out of the place. Of course, you all know that I work in one of the best cities for ribs... Memphis, but the ribs I had last night far exceeded any ribs I have ever tasted. They sit the ribs on some of the tastiest french fries, and no... no ketchup, mustard, condiment required. Accompanying this is a cole slaw that is perfect. They add a special ingredient that cuts the sugar found in most slaws. There was not any room for anything else, but of course, the Cherry Cheese Pie was highly recommended. So, after a cup of coffee, NOT STARBUCKS, I had a piece of the taste sensation that sent my tastebuds into a frenzied tizzy. Oh my! This wonderful superbly delicious dessert was such a delight I had to make sure that every bite was devoured. The crust is this semi-crunchy, perfect base for the creamy pie filling. This filling is topped with whole cherries and a juice that covers the filling. The piece of pie is sitting on a touch of rhubarb puree. What a mixture of tastes... sweet, tart, semi-crunchy, creamy... all in one bite! A slice of heaven on a dessert plate. Perfect.


Today I plan on heading for the northwest coast of Michigan to Sleeping Bear Dunes and then down the west coast until I get back to Grand Rapids. The thought of staying one more day in this great state is rolling around in my mind. Perhaps.


Pictures to follow.

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Can't wait to see the pictures! there needs to be a way to taste things over the internet, you could have gotten us a piece of pie too XD

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:lol: No problem. Next time I will place a take-out order of pie for you. :lol:


Here are a couple pictures of the Sleeping Bear Dune. This one you are permitted to climb. It is a whole lot steeper and higher than the picture makes it look. Look at the people climbing the hill.


Dune 1.jpg Dune 2.jpg


This is the view from the top. Take a look at the road and the cars for comparison.


View From The Top.jpg


Here is a tree root.


Tree Roots.jpg


This last one is of a squirrel or woodpecker condo. :D


Squirrel Condo.jpg

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  • 2 weeks later...

Returned from Japan and it took me two days to get back to sleeping on our schedule... now I have to go the other way. At least it is only six hours difference. On my way to the airport to deadhead to Paris.


Will fill you in from the airport. Heading from Memphis to Atlanta, then on to Paris.

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Delta can take a great flight and mess it up. We were late leaving, then there was a thunderstorm in Atlanta and we had to hold. Ultimately I had to run. Got to the gate with about 15 minutes before they closed the door. I hate running for a flight.

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That was one nice thing about working nights: I was able to sleep any time of day, and could adapt to new sleep schedules fairly easily by staying up longer or sleeping in.

Belva and Hagar would love you being on their schedule! :lol:

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Yesterday we left Memphis, heading for Seoul, Korea. We were able to see the fringes of the typhoon just off the coast of Japan.


Here is a satellite image from the NOAA site of the typhoon.




After arrival at the hotel, I headed for Dunkin Donuts for a really good cup of coffee. Tomorrow, I deadhead to Shanghai. What an amazing city. I always love walking all over the place here. After resting a day, I will be flying from Shanghai to Anchorage, quick rest and fly back from Anchorage to Osaka, Japan. Osaka is one of my favorite places to visit. I am looking forward to my arrival in this city. Shakers, a "Lego" type cafe near to the hotel is number one in Latte Art.


Here are a couple pictures...


IMG_0037.jpg IMG_0060.jpg IMG_0062.jpg


Keep you updated with news from the road.

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Yesterday we left Memphis, heading for Seoul, Korea. We were able to see the fringes of the typhoon just off the coast of Japan.


Here is a satellite image from the NOAA site of the typhoon.




After arrival at the hotel, I headed for Dunkin Donuts for a really good cup of coffee. Tomorrow, I deadhead to Shanghai. What an amazing city. I always love walking all over the place here. After resting a day, I will be flying from Shanghai to Anchorage, quick rest and fly back from Anchorage to Osaka, Japan. Osaka is one of my favorite places to visit. I am looking forward to my arrival in this city. Shakers, a "Lego" type cafe near to the hotel is number one in Latte Art.


Here are a couple pictures...


post-678-0-74588600-1311185004_thumb.jpg post-678-0-26096200-1311185142_thumb.jpg post-678-0-71719700-1311185222_thumb.jpg


Keep you updated with news from the road.


Take me with you to Shanghai!!!!

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Yesterday we left Memphis, heading for Seoul, Korea. We were able to see the fringes of the typhoon just off the coast of Japan.


Here is a satellite image from the NOAA site of the typhoon.




After arrival at the hotel, I headed for Dunkin Donuts for a really good cup of coffee. Tomorrow, I deadhead to Shanghai. What an amazing city. I always love walking all over the place here. After resting a day, I will be flying from Shanghai to Anchorage, quick rest and fly back from Anchorage to Osaka, Japan. Osaka is one of my favorite places to visit. I am looking forward to my arrival in this city. Shakers, a "Lego" type cafe near to the hotel is number one in Latte Art.


Here are a couple pictures...


IMG_0037.jpg IMG_0060.jpg IMG_0062.jpg


Keep you updated with news from the road.


Take me with you to Shanghai!!!!

Sure... but it will have to be the next time as I am in Shanghai at the now. One of the aspects of Shanghai I love is how the city uses neon on the buildings and bridges.

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Sitting here in the hotel in Shenzhen, I was lucky enough to receive a corner room with this fantastic panoramic view! There is a mini theme park out one window with a KFC and a 7-11. :lol: Out the other window are other hotels and residences. This one building has a pagoda type structure on the top. Really interesting. I will take some pictures. It would be great if I could job through the park, but for some reason, I think it just might not be permitted. I will have to ask.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Saturday morning I flew to Anchorage, Alaska. After I got there I was unable to get to sleep so I went out and had breakfast. I walked from the hotel to the City Diner and had eggs, reindeer sausage and some tomatoes.


City Diner Breakfast.jpg


After breakfast, it was raining, so I elected to take a taxicab back to the hotel. Tried to sleep, but it was difficult, so I tossed and turned until about two hours before I was to be picked up for my deadhead back to Memphis. After my shower, the phone rang and the first officer wanted to grab dinner, so with one hour before pickup, we went to Humpy's and had an amazing dinner. Grilled halibut, steamed veggies and some tomatoes and lots of fresh brewed ice tea. Anway, I headed for the airport and my deadhead to Chicago's O'Hare airport on American. The flight was delayed, then the worst service in the industry. I don't like eating on the airplane so I was thrilled I had a great dinner. We arrived in Chicago and now for my second leg to Memphis on United Express. The flight was terrific with the best flight attendant ever! The American flight attendant's could learn a lot from this guy, he was amazing! To get to the point, when I got home, took a quick shower, at a little food and then fell asleep... until this morning. I woke up a couple times, but overall, it was nineteen hours. Still tired, I could stay in bed longer, but I have to arrange my sleep so that I can go to bed really early tonight as I have a trip to Korea in the morning.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I enjoy reading about your travels and seeing the pictures, it's always exciting. ^_^

I second. ^_^

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Well, I have been collecting my miscellaneous photos that are scattered all over my various photo devices. After returning from China and getting sick, AGAIN, I figured that I needed to organize my stuff before I forget where the pictures were taken. My thought was create folders, Korea, Shenzhen, Hong Kong, etc, then put the appropriate pictures into each folder. Before you say it, yes, it does take me a little time to organize my thoughts into a good pattern. Anyway, better late than never.


So, before the week is out, I should have some more pictures posted for everyone to view. :o

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*tries to think how to answer this question while wearing my Kia Hamstars t-shirt and matching hat*


Ummmm... let me think a minute...
















*one nanosecond passes*









I absolutely love it!!!!!

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*is soooo embarrassed*


Unfortunately I fall into this category. But my dream car is the Smart Car. I have wanted a Smart Car years before they were ever introduced into the American market. Unfortunately I have a great car that works well with absolutely no problems, so I cannot see any reason to change. But if I did... *guilt invades*

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Every day I'm shufflin' *breaks out into the dance*


That commercial is pure gold. Have you seen the music video for that song? The band's name is LMFAO. No lies!

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*is hiding with a very, very red face*


After I viewed the commercial, I went to iTunes and downloaded the song into my music folder.


To make matters worse, the transmission went on the car. So, to make matters worse, I put the repair on hold and went down to the Kia dealer to look at a Soul.

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Oh nice. Well, it's nice to know that Kia's doing well. what color do you want? They're not terrible cars... I want a Mazda 2 though. (so CUTE!!) They're tiny and little and come in this gorgeous bright green. (They're kinda like a honda fit only mazda and better.)


I'm sorry your trans went out. That stinks.

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My favorite colour is black. LOL The car is repaired and it was not the transmission... it was the computer that controls the transmission. Not quite as expensive, but pretty pricey all the same. The car is repaired and I have it back in my paws.


This past weekend, I went up to Detroit to the COBO Center for another comic convention. Just for one day and the convention was amazing!!! Had an incredibly wonderful time! The best part was the fact that I brought Florida weather up to Detroit and the day was spectacular! Sunny, warm and just an overall fantastic day. Bought a couple more Mouse Guard pieces of art.

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Nice! I'm glad you had a great time!


Glad your car's fixed :)

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XD every time I see those commercials I think of you, Horatio. And my hamster, since the blond one looks a lot like her.


Sorry about the car problems, glad it's fixed!

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I have received my order confirmations for two of the new iPhones to be delivered to my home on the 14th.

Life is sooooooo good!



And yes... the truth is out, I am an Apple tech junkie. :rolleyes:

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YEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!! I am soooooooo excited! The iPhone has an 8 Megapixel camera which is amazing. Also, Apple has started iMessage where you can text unlimited to any other iPhone over WiFi for FREEEEEEEEEE! No phone company.


Pictures to follow.

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The iPhone is amazing!!!! Siri is so incredible!!! The camera takes such good pictures that I do not have to carry my Nikon Cool Pix with me.


So... I get my two new iPhones and set them up with iTunes on my laptop. This took just about one minute or less on each phone. On the way back to the airport, I need to get gas, so I pull into the gas station and up to the pump. I search through my backpack, get my wallet and pull out a card to use at the pump. Fill up the car, which thankfully does not cost much as I have a little Toyota Echo, and run inside for a cup of coffee. Now I am only two minutes from the FedEx facility and my ride to Memphis. The flight is short and in no time at all I am back at the crash pad. When I get up the next morning, I am getting ready to head to the Apple store to get one of the iPhones transferred over to my friend's number. Well... I left the iPhone in the car in Florida. :rolleyes: So, I figure that I will just buy another one at the Apple store and have that one transferred over. (Some things are better off left unsaid.) The Apple store line was short and I tell my friend to drop me off and I will call when I am finished and need to be picked up. Apple really had things organized as the line moved quickly and I was speaking with a representative in short order. I get another iPhone, 64GB Black with AT&T, and now it is time to pay. Searching through my backpack, I realize that I left my wallet in the car... in FLORIDA!!!!! o: But, I have my passport, a check and know my driver's license by heart. Luckily I get the new iPhone, get all the phone lines straightened out and try calling for a ride home. My friend is hanging out, outside the house, and as such, does not hear the inside land line. As it is only a mile, and a gorgeous day, I begin the walk home. When I reach the library, about half way, my friend shows up and gives me a ride for the last bit.


Now, I have no license, no cards, no blah, blah, blah... and have to ride the airplane back down to Florida, get my wallet out of my car and ride back. If I had not been in such a hurry, I would not have to make a second trip.


The good news about all this is the fact that beginning next month, Apple has created iMessage, so two iPhones can text FREE UNLIMITED... anywhere in the world!!!!!!!!!!!!! The only caveat is that you must use WiFi. Not a problem!!! I can do that. :) Genius, simply genius.


Anyway, back to your question. The iPhone 4S is such am improvement. Siri can answer many, many questions and is pretty quick. If you allow the location services to operate, you just speak to Siri and say, for example, "Pizza" and she will reply something such as this, "There are fourteen pizza places near you." The list of fourteen pizza places appears with names, addresses and phone numbers. Very sweet!!! What I like even more is that fact that if a text message appears when you are not using your phone, you can just slide your finger across the text and it takes you there. If it is an incoming call, then you can slide your finger across the call an either listen to the message or call back. No need to enter the phone and then go to the department where the text or call is located. Siri will write text messages and send them, memos, dial calls... the list goes on and on. Plus it is fast. I love this new product!


Time to play Pocket Frogs.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My mother, for whatever reason, decided to get the 4S. She also has an iPad she only somewhat understands. It's pretty funny, actually, because I'm not really sure what she'll use it for, but she seems amused by it so far. :lol:

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I made you a present! I hope you like it. :)


Happy birthday!


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My mother, for whatever reason, decided to get the 4S. She also has an iPad she only somewhat understands. It's pretty funny, actually, because I'm not really sure what she'll use it for, but she seems amused by it so far. :lol:


Teach her to use Siri. Your mother will love this feature!!! For example, hold the home button until you hear the double tone and then speak something like "Pizza". Siri will reply with an answer such as this... "There are a number of pizza places near you." The list will appear with an approximate distance from your location. When you touch one of the choices, a map will appear and then you will be able to select the name and the rest of the information will appear. Address and phone for a start.


If you tell Siri to call Mega Wolf and you are in your mother's address book, then the iPhone will automatically dial you. The great feature is when an incoming call appears on the home screen, all you have to do is slide the green dot and you are dialing the call. No need to enter past the home page and into your address book. This bypasses all those steps. If you get a text, just slide the green dot and you will read the entire text. There are so many different and wonderful aspects to this iPhone, I cannot even begin to tell you. Help your mother discover just how superb her iPhone is.

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You're welcome! I'm glad you liked it.


It's a shame you don't work for Apple :P you're a great salesperson.

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Lol true :)

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Dead board! I must revive it! *performs CPR to computer* doctor, it isn't responding! I need 40 ccs of adrenaline and a lidocaine drip, stat! :)

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This has been a crazy two weeks. I started with the preparation for an estate sale. Monday and Tuesday were long days with lots of rearranging of furniture, unpacking and cleaning of dishes. Wednesday we headed up to Cape Girardeau, Missouri for scheduled maintenance on both bikes. Memphis was not cold and it seemed like when the sun peaked it's head over the horizon, it would be warming up nicely. WRONG!!!!! Whoa... about twenty miles into Arkansas, I could not feel my hands. The temperatures were low and the wind whipping across the farmland was more than I really cared to deal with. Plus, my bike has hand warmers and they were on full blast. It was really important that I exit at the next exit, where I might add, there was nothing as far as gas, food, etc., just to warm my hands up. My hands were devoid of feeling. I was surprised that I was able to stop the bike. It took a few minutes to get some feeling and then back on the road until the next place where I could get a cup of coffee and run my hands through warm water to defrost them. We stopped at a Burger King where I spent about ten minutes in the bathroom with my hands located under a steady stream of warm water, and then another ten minutes holding a steaming cup of coffee and we were ready to hit the road again. We stopped a couple more stops for hand warming sessions and then finally, we arrived at the BMW shop... about two hours later than scheduled. Well, the service manager advised me that we arrived a day late, we were "on his calendar for the day prior". AAAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!! If I had known this, I would have slept in and my hands would have never experienced the bone-chilling cold. Now that we were there, we needed an alternate plan which resulted in the a rental car and a drive back to Memphis. Back to work preparing for the estate sale, the estate sale on Saturday and Sunday, Monday clean-up and then back to Cape Girardeau on Tuesday. This time my bikes were ready, all maintenance completed, but I was driving up and riding back solo. One of my bikes is still up there. :rolleyes: No help for the return trip. I made a stop on the way back at a place for lunch that served so much food that I could only eat about one-fifth of what was on my plate. It was really tasty, but way, way, way too much food. Just about everything on the menu costs $9.99, give or take a couple cents, but they all come with free sides. The waiters come around with these huge 'buckets' of: macaroni and tomato, fried okra... and a zillion other items, and they just ladle on the sides. Then if you want some hot rolls, the waiter comes out of the kitchen with a cart and about ten dozen or so rolls, and throws them to you. Of course, you need to catch it. That is the scary part... some people move their hands at the last minute and miss the roll. These roll throwers are so good, that wherever you put your hands at the time the roll is released, if you do not move, the roll will land in your hand. One lady would hold her hands in front of her face and then just as the roll was a nano-second away from being caught, she would move her hands. Twice the roll hit her in her face. Finally, the waiter did the unthinkable, he hand delivered two rolls to her.




Now, you will look at the picture and think, that is not much food, but notice the roll is much larger than the monkey dish and realize that the roll is about the size of a softball plus. Because the picture is not three dimensional, you have no idea just how high the pork is piled. Believe me, it is about five pounds of pork. And, I had already eaten about one-fifth of it.

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Wow! Sounds like you had a busy several days! Aww I wanna go to the roll-throwing restaurant! I think I've seen it featured on tv on one of those obscure but amazing restaurant shows.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yesterday evening we flew from Narita, Japan to Shanghai, China. Although I did not eat in the hotel, I took a look at the wonderful American style Thanksgiving dinner they presented in the hotel restaurant. If it would not have looked so tacky, I would have taken pictures. :lol: But I will say, the presentation was spectacular with way too many choices. :)


Hope you all had a terrific day!

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So, we arrived home and it took me a few hours to get to sleep. So around 05H00 I finally nodded off, and woke up about 14H00. Then it was taking a nap on the living room sofa, waking having some coffee, napping again, more coffee, napping then finally aorund 03H00, I headed off to bed. At 07H00 I woke up feeling like I had slept for twenty hours straight, which of course, I had not, took a shower and headed out for breakfast. After stopping at Whole Foods and buying a couple things, I headed back home for another nap on the sofa. As it is night time, I am ready for more coffee and more naps. It is really hard to get back on a USA sleep schedule.

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Good luck on returning to a regular sleep schedule! Thanksgiving sounds like it was interesting. :lol:

Coffee and naps sound pretty great in my life. Actually, I always have a 5 Hour Energy just in case I have a particularly crazy day. :blink:

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Well, my schedule for December was just published. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! I leave for Narita on the 20th and spend Christmas traveling between Narita, Japan and Shenzhen, China. I get to the hotel late on Christmas night and then spend the next two days there. The bad news is that this hotel is where I experienced the worst food poisoning of my life... so I am not so anxious to eat anything there. I return home late on the night of the 27th and head back out on the morning of the 30th back to Narita. I spend New Year's Day traveling between Narita, Japan and Hong Kong and have a return flight on the 3rd of January. Oh well, I had hoped not to work all the holidays, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's Eve, but oh well. C'est la vie.


Tomorrrow I get to try and trip trade for a trip much earlier in the month, but I am certain that I am not the only one trying to get off Christmas. Let's see what happens. Wish me luck!!!

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Greetings from Osaka!!! I just came back from my absolute favourite coffee shop in the entire world... Shakers. Today I met the owner's of Shakers and they are wonderful!!! The lady who always welcomes me back was working and I was informed that she has been promoted to manager. She is fantastic and has the ability to remember everyone who enters. Will post pictures of my coffee later. After leaving Shakers, I headed for the most incredible grocery store... if you can call it that. This grocery shop is more like a food store comprised of vendor booths. I am a frequent customer at Peck's, a Milano, Italy vendor. Today I had shrimp in sort of guacamole type base and an apple, walnut, ziti, blue cheese type salad. Oh my, the apple combination was supreme. My taste buds were on overload.


Anyway, I am headed out for a walk about town, so pictures of my coffee will have to wait.

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The way they interact is with extreme courtesy and consideration for other people. The most amazing thing was that the mall was packed with lots of people, but no one touched another. There was a sense of personal space and regard to the personal space of others. In general, Americans are quite rude as compared with the Japanese.

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America is generally full of rude people, unfortunately. Everyone is just willing to push and shove for things they want. Also, on a slightly random note, Americans need to respect their elders much better. All people ever do is poke fun at what they're not capable of instead of honoring what wisdom they have to contribute.

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You are so right. Japan is very traditional and people have so much respect for their elders and authority.


On another note,while in Japan, I noticed how immaculate the country is. We left there and went to Singapore, which is supposed to be ultra clean, and it was no where as clean as Japan. Singapore has lots of cigarette butts everywhere. You cannot throw gum on the street, but somehow a cigarette butt is okay. Weird.

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Yesterday I finally received my birthday present... a wide angle lens. Totally the most amazing lens I have ever used. It is so incredible with so many, many options. It is going to take me a zillion years to learn how to use it. Nikon took almost two months to send it, but now that I have it in hand, I am one happy hammy.


Pictures to follow. :)

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It is true that the Japanese are an extremely polite people. We actually talked about that a few times when I took classes in high school. Because of all the mountains and rocky areas, a large chunk of the population lives on around 2% of the land. When there are so many people living right on top of each other like that, they HAVE to be polite, or they'd kill each other XD

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Perhaps there is a little more to it than that, for example, the Chinese have more people squished into a smaller space and they are no where as courteous and polite as the Japanese. The Japanese have a culture based on tradition and this is very evident in many aspects of their life. What are your thoughts on this? Another thought is that there are lots and lots of people in New York City. :lol:

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Haha, even better point. But maybe it depends on the method of crowding? As in, choice vs. necessity? In Japan, there's not as much room to move away from it, but in China and New York City, it's more of a push to get into a particular spot.

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...We can "like" each others posts? Haha, weird!

Since I'm not marching this summer, my friend and I are probably going to travel somewhere. We still can't make a decision as to where, though, because of cost considerations. I'd like to head off to Japan, but that would probably be on the more expensive side. :lol:

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Unfortunately, I tried to like your post, my first one EVER... and here was the message I received...


Screen shot 2011-12-19 at 5.21.16 PM.png


and it will not even let me attach anything. :(


So, I clicked on the "advanced loader using Flash 9" and voila, the option to add into post appeared!


Actually you might be able to find some low fares. I would really recommend Japan. Of course, I love Paris, all of France, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, and, and, and... :)


Oh, and you had better ask - Kat - to go with you, she is fluent in Japanese and traveling there is #1 on her list.

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