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Horatio's Adventure

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Chapter 1

Horatio woke up, ready to start a new night of modding. He glanced around his cage, looking for a few forgotten sunflower seeds.

Under my food bowl, he remembered.

He started to walk towards his bowl, but a sudden outside movement caused him to look towards the door.The door was open!

A chance to see the world, Horatio thought. Of course though, I must bring my Mac or hoops_ahsirt would unceasingly complain.

First, Horatio rummaged for his sunflower seeds. Then, he packed up his Mac and his chainsaw and was ready to go.

[Any tips?]

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Chapter 1

  Horatio woke up, ready to start a new night of modding. He glanced around his cage, looking for a  few forgotten sunflower seeds.

  Under my food bowl, he remembered.

  He started to walk towards his bowl, but a sudden outside movement caused him to look towards the door.The door was open!

  A chance to see the world, Horatio thought. Of course though, I must bring my Mac or hoops_ahsirt would unceasingly complain.

  First, Horatio rummaged for his sunflower seeds. Then, he packed up his Mac and his chainsaw and was ready to go.

[Any tips?]


I really like this. Please, please, please continue! :D

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Chapter Two

Horatio started to scuttle out of his cage, but then remembered the two foot drop. (Keep in your mind that two feet is VERY tall for a hamster.) Then he remembered the mice that took up residence under Patricia's bed.

"Hello, mice?" Horatio called out with a bit of fear.

"'Ello?" said a large-ish gray mouse.

"Excuse me, but could you please help me get down? I would like to see the world and.."

The mouse interrupted.

"You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours."

Horatio answered, puzzled. "I don't want you to scratch my back, can you please help me down?"

The mouse rolled his eyes.

"Send me some of those tasty sunflower seeds and I'll see what I can do."

"Oh," said Horatio. He tossed down two of his precious seeds.

The mouse called out. A large group of mice assembled and made a ladder consisting of mice.

"Oh, thank you!" Horatio exclaimed as he hurried to the door.

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Chapter Two

Horatio started to scuttle out of his cage, but then remembered the two foot drop. (Keep in your mind that two feet is VERY tall for a hamster.) Then he remembered the mice that took up residence under Patricia's bed.

"Hello, mice?" Horatio called out with a bit of fear.

"'Ello?" said a large-ish gray mouse.

"Excuse me, but could you please help me get down? I would like to see the world and.."

The mouse interrupted.

"You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours."

Horatio answered, puzzled. "I don't want you to scratch my back, can you please help me down?"

The mouse rolled his eyes.

"Send me some of those tasty sunflower seeds and I'll see what I can do."

"Oh," said Horatio. He tossed down two of his precious seeds.

The mouse called out. A large group of mice assembled and made a ladder consisting of mice.

"Oh, thank you!" Horatio exclaimed as he hurried to the door.

good job! put up chapter three I can't wait! :):D

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Chapter 3

Luckily, the door was partially open, just enough for Horatio to squeeze through. He glanced about. His ears twitched, hearing the many sounds of the house.

He creeped along the hall, hoping no one, human or animal, would discover him.

Voices mumbled in a nearby room. A door creaked open.

"Well, see you later," a human voice echoed, hurting Horatio's ears.

My chance!, Horatio thought.

A heavy shoe plodded down next to the blond hamster. He first froze, then took the oppurtunity to jump.

A burst of energy, much like the ones he got while eating chocolate, traveled from his toes to the ends of his ears.

He nearly missed, but grabbed onto a shoelace and pulled himself up.

Ooh Nikes, Horatio thought.

The shoe and human in it walked down a dark sidewalk. Horatio saw his oppurtunity to jump and took it. He landed safely in soft grass.

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Chapter 3

Luckily, the door was partially open, just enough for Horatio to squeeze through. He glanced about. His ears twitched, hearing the many sounds of the house.

He creeped along the hall, hoping no one, human or animal, would discover him.

Voices mumbled in a nearby room. A door creaked open.

"Well, see you later," a human voice echoed, hurting Horatio's ears.

My chance!, Horatio thought.

A heavy shoe plodded down next to the blond hamster. He first froze, then took the oppurtunity to jump.

A burst of energy, much like the ones he got while eating chocolate, traveled from his toes to the ends of his ears.

He nearly missed, but grabbed onto a shoelace and pulled himself up.

Ooh Nikes, Horatio thought.

The shoe and human in it walked down a dark sidewalk. Horatio saw his oppurtunity to jump and took it. He landed safely in soft grass.


*runs and double checks the cage doors on all the hammies*

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Chapter 3

Luckily, the door was partially open, just enough for Horatio to squeeze through. He glanced about. His ears twitched, hearing the many sounds of the house.

He creeped along the hall, hoping no one, human or animal, would discover him.

Voices mumbled in a nearby room. A door creaked open.

"Well, see you later," a human voice echoed, hurting Horatio's ears.

My chance!, Horatio thought.

A heavy shoe plodded down next to the blond hamster. He first froze, then took the oppurtunity to jump.

A burst of energy, much like the ones he got while eating chocolate, traveled from his toes to the ends of his ears.

He nearly missed, but grabbed onto a shoelace and pulled himself up.

Ooh Nikes, Horatio thought.

The shoe and human in it walked down a dark sidewalk. Horatio saw his oppurtunity to jump and took it. He landed safely in soft grass.



*waits patient;y for chapter 4* *almost bursts*


i can't wait any longer

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Chapter 4

Horatio sat for a moment on the ground, realizing what he had just done. A timer went off in his head and he opened his laptop out of habit.

Moderating time, Horatio thought.

A few hours later, Horatio woke up, realizing that he had fallen asleep on the keyboard. He pondered how he would ever get to Orlando. A yellow car passed by.

That's it!, Horatio thought. I'll take a cab!

After this absurd solution, Horatio fell asleep, not able to notice the yellow eyes watching him.

As the sun rose, Horatio awakened. He glanced about, eyes fixing themselves on a cat preparing to pounce.

His hammy instincts took over and he scrambled to a nearby bush. He watched the feline terror, holding his breath, as it looked for him.

Whew, that was close!, Horatio thought as he watched the cat go back to where ever it came from.

Horatio, cautious as a result of the close encounter, wondered how he would catch a cab.

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Chapter 4

Horatio sat for a moment on the ground, realizing what he had just done. A timer went off in his head and he opened his laptop out of habit.

Moderating time, Horatio thought.

A few hours later, Horatio woke up, realizing that he had fallen asleep on the keyboard. He pondered how he would ever get to Orlando. A yellow car passed by.

That's it!, Horatio thought. I'll take a cab!

After this absurd solution, Horatio fell asleep, not able to notice the yellow eyes watching him.

As the sun rose, Horatio awakened. He glanced about, eyes fixing themselves on a cat preparing to pounce.

His hammy instincts took over and he scrambled to a nearby bush. He watched the feline terror, holding his breath, as it looked for him.

Whew, that was close!, Horatio thought as he watched the cat go back to where ever it came from.

Horatio, cautious as a result of the close encounter, wondered how he would catch a cab.

Oh...... a cat!!!!! Now I need to see Chapter 5!!! Please. :D

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Chapter 5

Horatio looked over by the street, trying to formulate a plan. He saw a bright yellow flyer and walked to it. It was an advertisement for the local taxi cab company. (How lucky!) It stated the address, only a few blocks away.

How lucky!, Horatio thought.

Now, how to get three blocks away. It would be challenging to walk there on those stubby things hamsters call legs, but what choice did he have?

Wait, Horatio thought. I know!

He rummaged in his laptop case.

I knew this mind controlling device would come in handy someday!, he thought.

He heard laughter and a loud squealing noise and turned around quickly.

A child!

He pushed the big red button on the shiny silver box. He then aimed it at the boy. The boy turned toward Horatio.

Horatio said, "Pick me up."

The boy did so.

"Carry me to West Cabbie Lane."

To make a long story short, the boy carried Horatio to the Taxi Company. Horatio pushed the button labeled "go home and forget everything".

Horatio watched a man go towards a taxi. He listened in.

"How much would the fare be to go to Orlando International Airport?" the man asked.

"Forty bucks plus tax and my tip," a gruff, unshaven cabbie replied.

Here we go!, thought Horatio.

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Chapter 5

Horatio looked over by the street, trying to formulate a plan. He saw a bright yellow flyer and walked to it. It was an advertisement for the local taxi cab company. (How lucky!) It stated the address, only a few blocks away.

How lucky!, Horatio thought.

Now, how to get three blocks away. It would be challenging to walk there on those stubby things hamsters call legs, but what choice did he have?

Wait, Horatio thought. I know!

He rummaged in his laptop case.

I knew this mind controlling device would come in handy someday!, he thought.

He heard laughter and a loud squealing noise and turned around quickly.

A child!

He pushed the big red button on the shiny silver box. He then aimed it at the boy. The boy turned toward Horatio.

Horatio said, "Pick me up."

The boy did so.

"Carry me to West Cabbie Lane."

To make a long story short, the boy carried Horatio to the Taxi Company. Horatio pushed the button labeled "go home and forget everything".

Horatio watched a man go towards a taxi. He listened in.

"How much would the fare be to go to Orlando International Airport?" the man asked.

"Forty bucks plus tax and my tip," a gruff, unshaven cabbie replied.

Here we go!, thought Horatio.



oooh. so exiting. what happens next?

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Chapter 6

The man said, "Okay, let's go."

The cabbie and man walked over to the taxi. Horatio jumped in as soon as they opened the door.

Two hours later, as Horatio hid under the seat, the cab came to a halt. He held on tightly as not to get thrown into view of the humans. He heard the rustle of a wallet and saw crisp bills exchange hands. The man opened his door and Horatio hopped after him. Using the method seen previously, Horatio worked his way onto the man's Adidases.

He felt sick as he was jarred back and forth. Finally, they stopped moving. Horatio jumped off the shoes and settled under the man's seat. There were delicious crumbs under there and it was time for lunch.

Horatio fell asleep within three minutes of his feast. He woke up, feeling the floor rumble. The rumbling abruptly stopped as they flew into the air. Horatio's ears popped.

Wait a minute, thought Horatio. Where am I going?!

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(NOT a part of the story)

So, how is it so far? Should I continue? Any ideas for where Horatio should go? Input please. :)  :D

777777777777777777777 right the chapter!!!!!!!!!! I'm anxious to know were Horatio iz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!777777777777777777777777 0_0 :lol:

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When you get to Disneyworld... come and visit!  :lol:

It would be awesome if me and dog_lover went to disney at the same time and I accedentally spilled something on her and I had no clue who she was and she came back to HD and wrote about me spilling stuff on her! aNYWAY, Horatio's either going to NY or Fresno, CA...unless you get me a better idea.Or any idea... :):D

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what a great idea!!  :D

ps even if you were joking i want it to happen!

*hops in jet and flies to Scotland*

Here I come!


I have a good idea... I will practice with my paint program and try and create something for you. No promises as I am just learning. The pen is giving me a really hard time. I am unable to do what I want as it is not as easy as with a pen. Once I master it, then I will get better. Give me some time.

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If Horatio goes to new york, Be careful, Thats where I got my Mushroom!

Mushroom: JapanCat PitchBlack, Top_banana is here!

Me: Dont worry, If she says another mean thing about you and not me,

You can go control her brain! *hopes so*

Mushroom: I heard that...



mushroom: Hello

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Chapter 7

"Now arriving in Scotland," the flight attendant said.

Horatio felt slightly sick.

Wait, Horatio thought. This is where top_banana lives!

He exited off the plane, confused as of where to go in such a big place.

How will I find TB?, he thought.

He scurried about the airport when he saw a sign that was purple and orange.

My colors, he thought. But what does it say?

He moved closer. A girl was holding up an orange and purple sign. It said Horatio in big orange letters.

That must be dippy_hippy, he thought. Because top_banana's in the hospital

Horatio greeted the girl. She picked him up and said, "Come on Mom, TB's guest is here."

Her mom looked around and spotted the small blond hamster. She did a double-take, and decided it was a big joke. She decided to go along with it.

They stopped at a very official looking hospital and went on the elevator.

"Horatio!" exclaimed the wounded hampsterdancer. "I've been waiting for you to moderate!"

Dippy_hippy's mom left to get a cup of black coffee.

[Lemme think up the rest!]

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Chapter 7

"Now arriving in Scotland," the flight attendant said.

Horatio felt slightly sick.

Wait, Horatio thought. This is where top_banana lives!

He exited off the plane, confused as of where to go in such a big place.

How will I find TB?, he thought.

He scurried about the airport when he saw a sign that was purple and orange.

My colors, he thought. But what does it say?

He moved closer. A girl was holding up an orange and purple sign. It said Horatio in big orange letters.

That must be dippy_hippy, he thought. Because top_banana's in the hospital

Horatio greeted the girl. She picked him up and said, "Come on Mom, TB's guest is here."

Her mom looked around and spotted the small blond hamster. She did a double-take, and decided it was a big joke. She decided to go along with it.

They stopped at a very official looking hospital and went on the elevator.

"Horatio!" exclaimed the wounded hampsterdancer. "I've been waiting for you to moderate!"

Dippy_hippy's mom left to get a cup of black coffee.

[Lemme think up the rest!]


This is really great, I am looking forward to the next part. :D

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Chapter 7

"Now arriving in Scotland," the flight attendant said.

Horatio felt slightly sick.

Wait, Horatio thought. This is where top_banana lives!

He exited off the plane, confused as of where to go in such a big place.

How will I find TB?, he thought.

He scurried about the airport when he saw a sign that was purple and orange.

My colors, he thought. But what does it say?

He moved closer. A girl was holding up an orange and purple sign. It said Horatio in big orange letters.

That must be dippy_hippy, he thought. Because top_banana's in the hospital

Horatio greeted the girl. She picked him up and said, "Come on Mom, TB's guest is here."

Her mom looked around and spotted the small blond hamster. She did a double-take, and decided it was a big joke. She decided to go along with it.

They stopped at a very official looking hospital and went on the elevator.

"Horatio!" exclaimed the wounded hampsterdancer. "I've been waiting for you to moderate!"

Dippy_hippy's mom left to get a cup of black coffee.

[Lemme think up the rest!]




oooh. how exiting!! dippy_hippy will be over the moon when she finds out she's in the story!!! me spiffy-keen

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It would be awesome if me and dog_lover went to disney at the same time and I accedentally spilled something on her and I had no clue who she was and she came back to HD and wrote about me spilling stuff on her!

:lol::lol::lol: ill look for you the next time i go...and ill be sure to wear some old clothes !!!! (so my nice ones dont get stained...what were you planning on spilling on me anyway? :huh: )

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:lol:  :lol:  :lol: ill look for you the next time i go...and ill be sure to wear some old clothes !!!! (so my nice ones dont get stained...what were you planning on spilling on me anyway? :huh: )

After you get your old clothes ruined at Disney, come to my house for a visit!!! :D

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After you get your old clothes ruined at Disney, come to my house for a visit!!!  :D

And I'll follow her 'cause I'd like to see the mysterious blonde hammy who can read and moderate. (Sad that you can't have a pic of yourself on here 'cause you're under 18. Speaking of which, why do you let pictures of peoples' hamsters through...) :):D

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(Sad that you can't have a pic of yourself on here 'cause you're under 18. Speaking of which, why do you let pictures of peoples' hamsters through...) :)  :D

You are always one step ahead of me! :lol::lol::lol: I will ask HampsterKing if he will allow a 3 1/2 year old hammies pic to be here! You get The Gold Star Award for that one!!! :D

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Chapter 8

"What's up with her?" Horatio asked.

"Well, most people don't view conversations between blonde hamsters and banana people," responded TB.

Horatio blinked in surprise.

I wonder why, he thought.

"Oh yes, I'm here to sign your cast!"


Horatio scrambled up onto TB's bed. As soon as he signed the cast, Top_banana jumped up.

"I can go now! Your signature healed me!" exclaimed TB.

Horatio blinked twice in surprise.

"Well, if you don't need me, I suppose I'll go visit New York for a while."

Top_banana nodded. The three exchanged their goodbyes and hugs and Horatio left. As he left, dippy_hippy's mom came in screaming.

"NOOOO! Is he gone yet??" exclaimed the terrified woman.

"Calm down, Mom."

Horatio sped out of there, thinking of how to get to NYC.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Chapter 8

"What's up with her?" Horatio asked.

"Well, most people don't view conversations between blonde hamsters and banana people," responded TB.

Horatio blinked in surprise.

I wonder why, he thought.

"Oh yes, I'm here to sign your cast!"


Horatio scrambled up onto TB's bed. As soon as he signed the cast, Top_banana jumped up.

"I can go now! Your signature healed me!" exclaimed TB.

Horatio blinked twice in surprise.

"Well, if you don't need me, I suppose I'll go visit New York for a while."

Top_banana nodded. The three exchanged their goodbyes and hugs and Horatio left. As he left, dippy_hippy's mom came in screaming.

"NOOOO! Is he gone yet??" exclaimed the terrified woman.

"Calm down, Mom."

Horatio sped out of there, thinking of how to get to NYC.



yea! u put new york in!!! (how about a plane? or a boat? or....a hot air balloon!)

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Chapter 8

"What's up with her?" Horatio asked.

"Well, most people don't view conversations between blonde hamsters and banana people," responded TB.

Horatio blinked in surprise.

I wonder why, he thought.

"Oh yes, I'm here to sign your cast!"


Horatio scrambled up onto TB's bed. As soon as he signed the cast, Top_banana jumped up.

"I can go now! Your signature healed me!" exclaimed TB.

Horatio blinked twice in surprise.

"Well, if you don't need me, I suppose I'll go visit New York for a while."

Top_banana nodded. The three exchanged their goodbyes and hugs and Horatio left. As he left, dippy_hippy's mom came in screaming.

"NOOOO! Is he gone yet??" exclaimed the terrified woman.

"Calm down, Mom."

Horatio sped out of there, thinking of how to get to NYC.



yea! u put new york in!!! (how about a plane? or a boat? or....a hot air balloon!)

I like that last one. :):D Now I have to think...

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  • 4 weeks later...

Chapter 9

Horatio got outside without getting crushed or killed, so he took a rest on a rock outside.

Hmm. I need a plan, he thought. Then again, I made it from Florida to Scotland without one.

He lay on his back, gazing at the sunny blue sky. He watched some hot air balloons drift lazily through the air. Then, it hit him. Literally. One of the hot balloon men's compasses landed on his little hammy foot.

"Ouch!!" Horatio exclaimed.

Wait, he thought. Hot balloon travel!






Sorry 'bout the shortness. It's some kind of suspense. Somewhere. :):D



Eew, my cat is puking and I'm home alone.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Chapter 10

He watched the balloons for a while, trying to figure out where they were taking off from. He saw a blackish dot over where they were coming from and figured that was the place. He realized that it was impossible to go that far on his feet. But how else could he get there? He plopped back down onto the rock, his mind wandering.

Hey, I wonder if Top_Banana can drive a car, he thought. I don't think legally, (I forgot how old she was...not on the calendar) but illegal is always faster.He snuck back into the hospital and hopped onto the desk. She had already left, but Horatio could still find where she was. Horatio jumped on the keyboard and typed in TB's human name. It came back with statistics and her address.

"Yes!" Horatio exclaimed. It was near the hospital, about a block away. He nibbled on the assorted nuts on the secretary's desk and ran to find Top_Banana.

He paced himself, but halfway he felt tired. He saw a bird bath. Horatio climbed up a sapling and took a drink. Refreshed, he continued until he arrived. TB was sprawled on the ground looking at the sky.

"Hello Horatio, what brings you here?" she asked.

"Can you drive?" he asked her.

"Not legally," she said squirming. "But yeah, I can."

"Good," said Horatio, and started explaining his plan.

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  • 2 months later...
Aww, DL had to come and ruin my procrastination. The next chapter should be written by Tuesday, and if it's not, uhh... hold me for ransom or something.



Random fact: I just saw HK on for the first time.

lets bring this topic back to life! comon, post, people! :D

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Aww, DL had to come and ruin my procrastination. The next chapter should be written by Tuesday, and if it's not, uhh... hold me for ransom or something.



Random fact: I just saw HK on for the first time.

lets bring this topic back to life! comon, post, people! :D

*hands Dog lover some fresh baked cookies*

Thank you! :D

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Chapter 11

They jumped in TB's mom's van, after Top Banana searched the house for the spare key.

"I'm not sure how good of a driver I'll be," TB told Horatio.

"As long as it's half-way decent, it'll be okay," Horatio replied.

They jumped in and started out slowly, TB getting used to the controls. As she got more comfortable, she went faster. Horatio made sure his seat belt was securely fastened.

After thirty minutes, TB parked beside a hot air balloon headed to New York.

"Are you sure this is going to NY?" Horatio asked nervously.

"Yes, I heard those men over there talking."

"Bye, TB, hope to hear from you again soon!" Horatio said, giving her a hug.

"Be safe, Horatio!" Top Banana replied, and Horatio crawled up and into the balloon.

"Get ready to go," a man said.

"In fifteen minutes," replied man number two.

Horatio tried to find a good small safe place. The first man had a basket filled with flowers. Horatio read the card.

"To Marie. Happy Anniversary!" it read. Horatio crawled in the bottom, curled up, took a deep breath of the heavily scented air and fell asleep.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Chapter 11

They jumped in TB's mom's van, after Top Banana searched the house for the spare key.

"I'm not sure how good of a driver I'll be," TB told Horatio.

"As long as it's half-way decent, it'll be okay," Horatio replied.

They jumped in and started out slowly, TB getting used to the controls. As she got more comfortable, she went faster. Horatio made sure his seat belt was securely fastened.

After thirty minutes, TB parked beside a hot air balloon headed to New York.

"Are you sure this is going to NY?" Horatio asked nervously.

"Yes, I heard those men over there talking."

"Bye, TB, hope to hear from you again soon!" Horatio said, giving her a hug.

"Be safe, Horatio!" Top Banana replied, and Horatio crawled up and into the balloon.

"Get ready to go," a man said.

"In fifteen minutes," replied man number two.

Horatio tried to find a good small safe place. The first man had a basket filled with flowers. Horatio read the card.

"To Marie. Happy Anniversary!" it read. Horatio crawled in the bottom, curled up, took a deep breath of the heavily scented air and fell asleep.

i love this story...lol

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Chapter 11

They jumped in TB's mom's van, after Top Banana searched the house for the spare key.

"I'm not sure how good of a driver I'll be," TB told Horatio.

"As long as it's half-way decent, it'll be okay," Horatio replied.

They jumped in and started out slowly, TB getting used to the controls. As she got more comfortable, she went faster. Horatio made sure his seat belt was securely fastened.

After thirty minutes, TB parked beside a hot air balloon headed to New York.

"Are you sure this is going to NY?" Horatio asked nervously.

"Yes, I heard those men over there talking."

"Bye, TB, hope to hear from you again soon!" Horatio said, giving her a hug.

"Be safe, Horatio!" Top Banana replied, and Horatio crawled up and into the balloon.

"Get ready to go," a man said.

"In fifteen minutes," replied man number two.

Horatio tried to find a good small safe place. The first man had a basket filled with flowers. Horatio read the card.

"To Marie. Happy Anniversary!" it read. Horatio crawled in the bottom, curled up, took a deep breath of the heavily scented air and fell asleep.

i love this story...lol


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  • 2 weeks later...

Chapter 12

Horatio awoke to the balloon landing in a sunny field. He glanced around and scurried out of the basket. He remembered he hadn't moderated in days, so he took out the laptop and began.

He was relieved to find that HK had moderated some. The posters were wondering where he had gone.

"I'm going to New York," he typed. "If you see a hamster running around, it's me!"

He heard a noise behind him and quickly shut down and turned around. A map was flying through the air.

He jumped on it and held it down. It was a road map of New York.

I can't drive, thought Horatio. And TB's not here with me. How do I get where I need to be?

He looked up from the map thoughtfully and saw the hot balloon man walking to a car, hitchhiking. Horatio jumped on the man's dress shoes.

"Going to New York City?" the man asked.

"Yes," replied the other man. "Would you like a ride?"

"Please," replied the hot balloon man. Horatio and the man got into the car and rode away.

Horatio pressed his little nose to the window. He saw some kids, who waved and then, with a look of surprise, ran after the car. The driver stopped.

"Anything I can do for you three?" he asked.

"Yes," said the girl in front, who had blonde hair. "That's our hamster in your car." She pointed at Horatio and grabbed him through the window, which the driver rolled down.

"Hey, Horatio!" she said. "I'm Dog Lover, and these are ConverseAllStar and TBFOF!"

[And now is the part when DL needs to explain a bit about ConverseAllStar... What color hair does she have? Thanks in advance. :):D ]

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[And now is the part when DL needs to explain a bit about ConverseAllStar... What color hair does she have? Thanks in advance.  :)  :D ]

sorta dark blonde...and shes tall & tan...and i havent met TBFOF

Thank you. :)

Yeah, I saw you mentioned that a while back in some topic. We can pretend you've met him... Or pretend the third person is CAS's or your mom. You make the decision, if you would like.

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[And now is the part when DL needs to explain a bit about ConverseAllStar... What color hair does she have? Thanks in advance.  :)  :D ]

sorta dark blonde...and shes tall & tan...and i havent met TBFOF

Thank you. :)

Yeah, I saw you mentioned that a while back in some topic. We can pretend you've met him... Or pretend the third person is CAS's or your mom. You make the decision, if you would like.

how about her dog jake the jack russell terrier who's REALLY REALLY REALLY hyper? (and cute)

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[And now is the part when DL needs to explain a bit about ConverseAllStar... What color hair does she have? Thanks in advance.  :)  :D ]

sorta dark blonde...and shes tall & tan...and i havent met TBFOF

Thank you. :)

Yeah, I saw you mentioned that a while back in some topic. We can pretend you've met him... Or pretend the third person is CAS's or your mom. You make the decision, if you would like.

how about her dog jake the jack russell terrier who's REALLY REALLY REALLY hyper? (and cute)


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[And now is the part when DL needs to explain a bit about ConverseAllStar... What color hair does she have? Thanks in advance.  :)  :D ]

sorta dark blonde...and shes tall & tan...and i havent met TBFOF

Thank you. :)

Yeah, I saw you mentioned that a while back in some topic. We can pretend you've met him... Or pretend the third person is CAS's or your mom. You make the decision, if you would like.

how about her dog jake the jack russell terrier who's REALLY REALLY REALLY hyper? (and cute)


will there be a next chapter??????? im waiting (im)patiently!!

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[And now is the part when DL needs to explain a bit about ConverseAllStar... What color hair does she have? Thanks in advance.  :)  :D ]

sorta dark blonde...and shes tall & tan...and i havent met TBFOF

Thank you. :)

Yeah, I saw you mentioned that a while back in some topic. We can pretend you've met him... Or pretend the third person is CAS's or your mom. You make the decision, if you would like.

how about her dog jake the jack russell terrier who's REALLY REALLY REALLY hyper? (and cute)


will there be a next chapter??????? im waiting (im)patiently!!

hoops?!?!? you're killing me here!

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[And now is the part when DL needs to explain a bit about ConverseAllStar... What color hair does she have? Thanks in advance.  :)  :D ]

sorta dark blonde...and shes tall & tan...and i havent met TBFOF

Thank you. :)

Yeah, I saw you mentioned that a while back in some topic. We can pretend you've met him... Or pretend the third person is CAS's or your mom. You make the decision, if you would like.

how about her dog jake the jack russell terrier who's REALLY REALLY REALLY hyper? (and cute)

'Kay then.

...Was he wearing human clothes? :huh:


[And now is the part when DL needs to explain a bit about ConverseAllStar... What color hair does she have? Thanks in advance.  :)  :D ]

sorta dark blonde...and shes tall & tan...and i havent met TBFOF

Thank you. :)

Yeah, I saw you mentioned that a while back in some topic. We can pretend you've met him... Or pretend the third person is CAS's or your mom. You make the decision, if you would like.

how about her dog jake the jack russell terrier who's REALLY REALLY REALLY hyper? (and cute)


will there be a next chapter??????? im waiting (im)patiently!!

hoops?!?!? you're killing me here!

Apologies! I'm at my grandmother's this week (until tomorrow) and haven't been able to be online as much.

I will continue the story as soon as I can!

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[Okay, so TBFOF is now CAS's dog. Named Jake. :) ]

Chapter 13

"Oh, don't worry about Jake," said CAS, noticing how Horatio looked at the dog. "He's friendly."

"Thank goodness," he said, smiling at the two friends and their canine companion.

"So, why are you here?" asked Dog Lover.

"I'm trying to see the world," replied Horatio.

"The WORLD?!" said DL. "You're a hamster! How could you see the whole world?!"

"Well, it seems to be going well so far," said Horatio.

"As long as you're not hurt... and you moderate," said DL. Horatio pulled out his laptop.

"I ought to do that, huh?" said Horatio.

"How will you be getting to your next destination?" asked Converse All Star.

"Well... I don't exactly know yet. I don't know where I'm going either," said Horatio. CAS and DL's jaws dropped. A small hamster travelling the world and he didn't even know where he was going or how he would get there?

I wonder where to go next, thought Horatio.


[so, where do you want to go next, Horatio? :) ]

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[Okay, so TBFOF is now CAS's dog. Named Jake. :) ]

Chapter 13

"Oh, don't worry about Jake," said CAS, noticing how Horatio looked at the dog. "He's friendly."

"Thank goodness," he said, smiling at the two friends and their canine companion.

"So, why are you here?" asked Dog Lover.

"I'm trying to see the world," replied Horatio.

"The WORLD?!" said DL. "You're a hamster! How could you see the whole world?!"

"Well, it seems to be going well so far," said Horatio.

"As long as you're not hurt... and you moderate," said DL. Horatio pulled out his laptop.

"I ought to do that, huh?" said Horatio.

"How will you be getting to your next destination?" asked Converse All Star.

"Well... I don't exactly know yet. I don't know where I'm going either," said Horatio. CAS and DL's jaws dropped. A small hamster travelling the world and he didn't even know where he was going or how he would get there?

I wonder where to go next, thought Horatio.


[so, where do you want to go next, Horatio? :) ]

[ Paris, Iceland, Germany, Alaska... you pick. I will go anywhere!!!!!! :D ]

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[Okay, so TBFOF is now CAS's dog. Named Jake. :) ]

Chapter 13

"Oh, don't worry about Jake," said CAS, noticing how Horatio looked at the dog. "He's friendly."

"Thank goodness," he said, smiling at the two friends and their canine companion.

"So, why are you here?" asked Dog Lover.

"I'm trying to see the world," replied Horatio.

"The WORLD?!" said DL. "You're a hamster! How could you see the whole world?!"

"Well, it seems to be going well so far," said Horatio.

"As long as you're not hurt... and you moderate," said DL. Horatio pulled out his laptop.

"I ought to do that, huh?" said Horatio.

"How will you be getting to your next destination?" asked Converse All Star.

"Well... I don't exactly know yet. I don't know where I'm going either," said Horatio. CAS and DL's jaws dropped. A small hamster travelling the world and he didn't even know where he was going or how he would get there?

I wonder where to go next, thought Horatio.


[so, where do you want to go next, Horatio? :) ]

[ Paris, Iceland, Germany, Alaska... you pick. I will go anywhere!!!!!! :D ]

[Ooh, Paris sounds good. But I'll probably have to stop sometimes in the story to ask you about it, if that's okay with you. :) ]

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[Okay, so TBFOF is now CAS's dog. Named Jake. :) ]

Chapter 13

"Oh, don't worry about Jake," said CAS, noticing how Horatio looked at the dog. "He's friendly."

"Thank goodness," he said, smiling at the two friends and their canine companion.

"So, why are you here?" asked Dog Lover.

"I'm trying to see the world," replied Horatio.

"The WORLD?!" said DL. "You're a hamster! How could you see the whole world?!"

"Well, it seems to be going well so far," said Horatio.

"As long as you're not hurt... and you moderate," said DL. Horatio pulled out his laptop.

"I ought to do that, huh?" said Horatio.

"How will you be getting to your next destination?" asked Converse All Star.

"Well... I don't exactly know yet. I don't know where I'm going either," said Horatio. CAS and DL's jaws dropped. A small hamster travelling the world and he didn't even know where he was going or how he would get there?

I wonder where to go next, thought Horatio.


[so, where do you want to go next, Horatio? :) ]

[ Paris, Iceland, Germany, Alaska... you pick. I will go anywhere!!!!!! :D ]

[Ooh, Paris sounds good. But I'll probably have to stop sometimes in the story to ask you about it, if that's okay with you. :) ]

Absolutely!!!!!!!! Ask away!!!!!!

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[Okay, so TBFOF is now CAS's dog. Named Jake. :) ]

Chapter 13

"Oh, don't worry about Jake," said CAS, noticing how Horatio looked at the dog. "He's friendly."

"Thank goodness," he said, smiling at the two friends and their canine companion.

"So, why are you here?" asked Dog Lover.

"I'm trying to see the world," replied Horatio.

"The WORLD?!" said DL. "You're a hamster! How could you see the whole world?!"

"Well, it seems to be going well so far," said Horatio.

"As long as you're not hurt... and you moderate," said DL. Horatio pulled out his laptop.

"I ought to do that, huh?" said Horatio.

"How will you be getting to your next destination?" asked Converse All Star.

"Well... I don't exactly know yet. I don't know where I'm going either," said Horatio. CAS and DL's jaws dropped. A small hamster travelling the world and he didn't even know where he was going or how he would get there?

I wonder where to go next, thought Horatio.


[so, where do you want to go next, Horatio? :) ]

Woo. I have four legs and can pee anywhere I want. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...
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  • 3 weeks later...

hoops? where are you?!?!?!?!

I have been missing her and a few other people. :(

did u miss me Horatio? Ive been absent

I absolutely, positively missed you!!!

I had thought I mentioned missing you in another post. I must be slipping!! :lol:

Please tell me you are here to stay for a while. :D

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hoops? where are you?!?!?!?!

I have been missing her and a few other people. :(

did u miss me Horatio? Ive been absent

I absolutely, positively missed you!!!

I had thought I mentioned missing you in another post. I must be slipping!! :lol:

Please tell me you are here to stay for a while. :D

Most likley...Not. :(

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hoops? where are you?!?!?!?!

I have been missing her and a few other people. :(

did u miss me Horatio? Ive been absent

I absolutely, positively missed you!!!

I had thought I mentioned missing you in another post. I must be slipping!! :lol:

Please tell me you are here to stay for a while. :D

I feel special now :)

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hoops? where are you?!?!?!?!

I have been missing her and a few other people. :(

did u miss me Horatio? Ive been absent

I absolutely, positively missed you!!!

I had thought I mentioned missing you in another post. I must be slipping!! :lol:

Please tell me you are here to stay for a while. :D

I feel special now :)

You should! You came back and so did Hoops!

What a great day!!!!! :D

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Me too.

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