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Hampsterdance Discussion Board

Website FAQ!

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(Yes, I'm trying to out-do Cheesemaster. Muhahahaha.)


There seem to be a lot of new people here who are somewhat clueless! Get so confused and then leave. Hopefully this topic will change that. Woohoo.


I've taken note of the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) that people ask the admins, members, Horatios or whoever else they can get hold of, And there are more topics than necessary about that than there needs to be.




Im making this topic and answering your frequently asked questions.


1. Why arent my posts going up immediately?

You did not do anything wrong, you werent rejected or something, And no, we're not as lazy as you think! The admin, HampsterKing (And his admin-helper people HampsterWeb and 'stewart') have disabled the boards posts to go up immediately. This is only for your own protection.

If not, Then there would be nothing to keep any like... 30 year old peoples from contacting you privately. They could get personal information from you. That is bad. Yes.

It is also so the Moderators can filter out most offensive or profane language on the board.

Or any language at all! If you are bilingual, Then heck with that. Talk english. If you must, Then speak whatever other language needed, And either You or Horatio WILL put a translation on.


2. You mispelled 'hamster'!

We know that. If you look closely, This is not a site about hamsters specifically. This is for Hampton and the hampsters music band.

There is a P in the Hamster name, because that is what Hamptons last name is (or something like that.) And since he made a lot of the website on his own, You'd think that a hamster than can type and operate a computer independantly could have some things their way! So theres a P in their name.


3. Whats all this Sanity talking I hear from you?

Its somewhat a long story, But i'll try to keep it short...

Super_Katie, A very spiffy member who is no longer here, (For reasons not even I know about) was posting about a t-shirt she either had, saw, or bought at a mall. It read 'one by one the penguins take my sanity'. Quite a hilarious shirt. (I want one!) The moderator at the time, Sheena (I'll post about her later) commented that it was fairly hilarious, agreeing with Super_katie.

Anyway. In other topics, many minutes later, Sheena was talking about how she might be a penguin! =o

Super_katie reminded Sheena that penguins steal sanities! Ba-da-dum.

Sheena was located in... well, Somewhere in UK, england or somewhere (I dont know everything, okay?) Where penguins are not.

Super_katie persisted that Sheena is a penguin! Sheena is a BRITISH penguin! aaaaaaaahhhhh.

Penguins steal sanities! British penguins do too.

Now, Sheena has a Cool Box, which does have a fairly cool design print on its sides (Of british stuffs and penguin-age) And it refridgerates the sanities inside to preserve their spiffiness, Leaving their previous owners sanity-less.

Thus, Insane.

Its pretty much either an inside joke or running gag throughout the site here.


4. Where is Sheena?

Sheena is on a big huge long vacation 'holiday' perpetually, And will be returning... Well, We dont know when Sheena shall return.


5. So that means that my sanity is safe?

NO! It is never safe here! Sheena's helper/underlings people go around stealing sanities to fill in for Sheena. The Grim Hamster Lord (a.k.a. TGHL) is collecting sanities as we speak! or type/read. So keep yours safe!


6. What happens if my sanity gets taken?

Then you're insane.


7. ... Moving away from that subject now, I-



8. ... Anyway, I was wondering why are Private Messages (PMs) not allowed here!?

Because then you would be able to send and receive messages from people you dont know. Again, its for your protection.


9. Why not share e-mail adresses and Instant Message names?

For your protection! How many times must i say this?


10. Do you like beans?




Hampton and the Hampsters are a kid-based band, Therefore, They have a lot of young fans. We dont really want to get lynched by angry parents for exposing their kids to bad... things. Its HK's policy, So just live with it.


12. What about freedom of speech? I can post whatever I want to post here!

Correction- You can NOT post anything you want. By agreeing with the terms and conditions, You have agreed to post these watered-down contents. If you want to post all this stuffs- Make your own message board! Do it somewhere else!


13. Can i link my website to the boards here?

No. Again, For yours and this boards members protection.


14. This is stupid! I'm leaving.

What, the topic, or the board here?

If the topic, Then go somewhere else and post stuff. Whee.

If the boards, theeeennnnn... Bye!


15. Theres a question that isnt on here that I need answered! Aaaaaahhhhhhh

I has the solution! DO NOT post your question here. Rather, Ask me anything you want to, in index.php?showtopic=2002&st=0 that topic. Its full of spiffy.




Hope that'll clear some things up...

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15. Theres a question that isnt on here that I need answered! Aaaaaahhhhhhh

I has the solution! DO NOT post your question here. Rather, Ask me anything you want to, in [deleted by Horatio]

Hope that'll clear some things up...

It wasnt supposta be Img tag. URL. Horatio, Fix it. ;_;

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(Yes, I'm trying to out-do Cheesemaster. Muhahahaha.)


There seem to be a lot of new people here who are somewhat clueless! Get so confused and then leave. Hopefully this topic will change that. Woohoo.


I've taken note of the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) that people ask the admins, members, Horatios or whoever else they can get hold of, And there are more topics than necessary about that than there needs to be.




Im making this topic and answering your frequently asked questions.


1. Why arent my posts going up immediately?

You did not do anything wrong, you werent rejected or something, And no, we're not as lazy as you think! The admin, HampsterKing (And his admin-helper people HampsterWeb and 'stewart') have disabled the boards posts to go up immediately. This is only for your own protection.

If not, Then there would be nothing to keep any like... 30 year old peoples from contacting you privately. They could get personal information from you. That is bad. Yes.

It is also so the Moderators can filter out most offensive or profane language on the board.

Or any language at all! If you are bilingual, Then heck with that. Talk english. If you must, Then speak whatever other language needed, And either You or Horatio WILL put a translation on.


2. You mispelled 'hamster'!

We know that. If you look closely, This is not a site about hamsters specifically. This is for Hampton and the hampsters music band.

There is a P in the Hamster name, because that is what Hamptons last name is (or something like that.) And since he made a lot of the website on his own, You'd think that a hamster than can type and operate a computer independantly could have some things their way! So theres a P in their name.


3. Whats all this Sanity talking I hear from you?

Its somewhat a long story, But i'll try to keep it short...

Super_Katie, A very spiffy member who is no longer here, (For reasons not even I know about) was posting about a t-shirt she either had, saw, or bought at a mall. It read 'one by one the penguins take my sanity'. Quite a hilarious shirt. (I want one!) The moderator at the time, Sheena (I'll post about her later) commented that it was fairly hilarious, agreeing with Super_katie.

Anyway. In other topics, many minutes later, Sheena was talking about how she might be a penguin! =o

Super_katie reminded Sheena that penguins steal sanities! Ba-da-dum.

Sheena was located in... well, Somewhere in UK, england or somewhere (I dont know everything, okay?) Where penguins are not.

Super_katie persisted that Sheena is a penguin! Sheena is a BRITISH penguin! aaaaaaaahhhhh.

Penguins steal sanities! British penguins do too.

Now, Sheena has a Cool Box, which does have a fairly cool design print on its sides (Of british stuffs and penguin-age) And it refridgerates the sanities inside to preserve their spiffiness, Leaving their previous owners sanity-less.

Thus, Insane.

Its pretty much either an inside joke or running gag throughout the site here.


4. Where is Sheena?

Sheena is on a big huge long vacation 'holiday' perpetually, And will be returning... Well, We dont know when Sheena shall return.


5. So that means that my sanity is safe?

NO! It is never safe here! Sheena's helper/underlings people go around stealing sanities to fill in for Sheena. The Grim Hamster Lord (a.k.a. TGHL) is collecting sanities as we speak! or type/read. So keep yours safe!


6. What happens if my sanity gets taken?

Then you're insane.


7. ... Moving away from that subject now, I-



8. ... Anyway, I was wondering why are Private Messages (PMs) not allowed here!?

Because then you would be able to send and receive messages from people you dont know. Again, its for your protection.


9. Why not share e-mail adresses and Instant Message names?

For your protection! How many times must i say this?


10. Do you like beans?




Hampton and the Hampsters are a kid-based band, Therefore, They have a lot of young fans. We dont really want to get lynched by angry parents for exposing their kids to bad... things. Its HK's policy, So just live with it.


12. What about freedom of speech? I can post whatever I want to post here!

Correction- You can NOT post anything you want. By agreeing with the terms and conditions, You have agreed to post these watered-down contents. If you want to post all this stuffs- Make your own message board! Do it somewhere else!


13. Can i link my website to the boards here?

No. Again, For yours and this boards members protection.


14. This is stupid! I'm leaving.

What, the topic, or the board here?

If the topic, Then go somewhere else and post stuff. Whee.

If the boards, theeeennnnn... Bye!


15. Theres a question that isnt on here that I need answered! Aaaaaahhhhhhh

I has the solution! DO NOT post your question here. Rather, Ask me anything you want to, in index.php?showtopic=2002&st=0 that topic. Its full of spiffy.

Hope that'll clear some things up...

16. Help! There is a Weirdo Threating me to Smother me With False Morales!

DO NOT WORRY. It is just Mushroom_king, and she is totally Insane. But she is good... I think...

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16. Help! There is a Weirdo Threating me to Smother me With False Morales!

DO NOT WORRY. It is just Mushroom_king, and she is totally Insane. But she is good... I think...

Um... wait. You're a girl? o_O. That whole KING thing is a bit misleading.

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  • 2 weeks later...
ZZZZZ Gotta sleep.

Sleep is for the weak. Better spend your time by plotting world domination. -has about 38 world domination plans made, with about 20 doomsday weapons construction plans, and many evil-villains-for-hire contact information- I just never do dominate teh world, just plan for it.

I should sell these blueprints and plans and such to evil peoples like TGHLs or Space Pirates. o_o; Get some more moneys. Hawt time.

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  • 2 months later...
ZZZZZ Gotta sleep.

Sleep is for the weak. Better spend your time by plotting world domination. -has about 38 world domination plans made, with about 20 doomsday weapons construction plans, and many evil-villains-for-hire contact information- I just never do dominate teh world, just plan for it.

I should sell these blueprints and plans and such to evil peoples like TGHLs or Space Pirates. o_o; Get some more moneys. Hawt time.

I have 100 Evil world domanation plans. Many involve bringing back te 80's.

I have 900 Doomsday weopens. Oh yea. I have the How to be a Vilin book.

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ZZZZZ Gotta sleep.

Sleep is for the weak. Better spend your time by plotting world domination. -has about 38 world domination plans made, with about 20 doomsday weapons construction plans, and many evil-villains-for-hire contact information- I just never do dominate teh world, just plan for it.

I should sell these blueprints and plans and such to evil peoples like TGHLs or Space Pirates. o_o; Get some more moneys. Hawt time.

I have 100 Evil world domanation plans. Many involve bringing back te 80's.

I have 900 Doomsday weopens. Oh yea. I have the How to be a Vilin book.

An ebbil villain who can't spell domination or villain? What is this world coming to?

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ZZZZZ Gotta sleep.

Sleep is for the weak. Better spend your time by plotting world domination. -has about 38 world domination plans made, with about 20 doomsday weapons construction plans, and many evil-villains-for-hire contact information- I just never do dominate teh world, just plan for it.

I should sell these blueprints and plans and such to evil peoples like TGHLs or Space Pirates. o_o; Get some more moneys. Hawt time.

I have 100 Evil world domanation plans. Many involve bringing back te 80's.

I have 900 Doomsday weopens. Oh yea. I have the How to be a Vilin book.

An ebbil villain who can't spell domination or villain? What is this world coming to?

The persistant lack of intelligence strikes again! -panicks- :o

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ZZZZZ Gotta sleep.

Sleep is for the weak. Better spend your time by plotting world domination. -has about 38 world domination plans made, with about 20 doomsday weapons construction plans, and many evil-villains-for-hire contact information- I just never do dominate teh world, just plan for it.

I should sell these blueprints and plans and such to evil peoples like TGHLs or Space Pirates. o_o; Get some more moneys. Hawt time.

I have 100 Evil world domanation plans. Many involve bringing back te 80's.

I have 900 Doomsday weopens. Oh yea. I have the How to be a Vilin book.

An ebbil villain who can't spell domination or villain? What is this world coming to?

The persistant lack of intelligence strikes again! -panicks- :o

Persistent, Arkcher. Even you. I spell check my writing.

*brags for no apparent reason*


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I spell check my writing.

:lol::lol: Always ?!?!?!? :lol::lol:

*runs off to find a Topazia Typo*

Well, now, anyway. Remember that "IMPERFECTION" poem I wrote like four times coz I kept finding typos? I deleted the first ones after you let them through and only kept the last one... the perfect one.


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  • 5 months later...
(Yes, I'm trying to out-do Cheesemaster. Muhahahaha.)


There seem to be a lot of new people here who are somewhat clueless! Get so confused and then leave. Hopefully this topic will change that. Woohoo.


I've taken note of the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) that people ask the admins, members, Horatios or whoever else they can get hold of, And there are more topics than necessary about that than there needs to be.




Im making this topic and answering your frequently asked questions.


1. Why arent my posts going up immediately?

You did not do anything wrong, you werent rejected or something, And no, we're not as lazy as you think! The admin, HampsterKing (And his admin-helper people HampsterWeb and 'stewart') have disabled the boards posts to go up immediately. This is only for your own protection.

If not, Then there would be nothing to keep any like... 30 year old peoples from contacting you privately. They could get personal information from you. That is bad. Yes.

It is also so the Moderators can filter out most offensive or profane language on the board.

Or any language at all! If you are bilingual, Then heck with that. Talk english. If you must, Then speak whatever other language needed, And either You or Horatio WILL put a translation on.


2. You mispelled 'hamster'!

We know that. If you look closely, This is not a site about hamsters specifically. This is for Hampton and the hampsters music band.

There is a P in the Hamster name, because that is what Hamptons last name is (or something like that.) And since he made a lot of the website on his own, You'd think that a hamster than can type and operate a computer independantly could have some things their way! So theres a P in their name.


3. Whats all this Sanity talking I hear from you?

Its somewhat a long story, But i'll try to keep it short...

Super_Katie, A very spiffy member who is no longer here, (For reasons not even I know about) was posting about a t-shirt she either had, saw, or bought at a mall. It read 'one by one the penguins take my sanity'. Quite a hilarious shirt. (I want one!) The moderator at the time, Sheena (I'll post about her later) commented that it was fairly hilarious, agreeing with Super_katie.

Anyway. In other topics, many minutes later, Sheena was talking about how she might be a penguin! =o

Super_katie reminded Sheena that penguins steal sanities! Ba-da-dum.

Sheena was located in... well, Somewhere in UK, england or somewhere (I dont know everything, okay?) Where penguins are not.

Super_katie persisted that Sheena is a penguin! Sheena is a BRITISH penguin! aaaaaaaahhhhh.

Penguins steal sanities! British penguins do too.

Now, Sheena has a Cool Box, which does have a fairly cool design print on its sides (Of british stuffs and penguin-age) And it refridgerates the sanities inside to preserve their spiffiness, Leaving their previous owners sanity-less.

Thus, Insane.

Its pretty much either an inside joke or running gag throughout the site here.


4. Where is Sheena?

Sheena is on a big huge long vacation 'holiday' perpetually, And will be returning... Well, We dont know when Sheena shall return.


5. So that means that my sanity is safe?

NO! It is never safe here! Sheena's helper/underlings people go around stealing sanities to fill in for Sheena. The Grim Hamster Lord (a.k.a. TGHL) is collecting sanities as we speak! or type/read. So keep yours safe!


6. What happens if my sanity gets taken?

Then you're insane.


7. ... Moving away from that subject now, I-



8. ... Anyway, I was wondering why are Private Messages (PMs) not allowed here!?

Because then you would be able to send and receive messages from people you dont know. Again, its for your protection.


9. Why not share e-mail adresses and Instant Message names?

For your protection! How many times must i say this?


10. Do you like beans?




Hampton and the Hampsters are a kid-based band, Therefore, They have a lot of young fans. We dont really want to get lynched by angry parents for exposing their kids to bad... things. Its HK's policy, So just live with it.


12. What about freedom of speech? I can post whatever I want to post here!

Correction- You can NOT post anything you want. By agreeing with the terms and conditions, You have agreed to post these watered-down contents. If you want to post all this stuffs- Make your own message board! Do it somewhere else!


13. Can i link my website to the boards here?

No. Again, For yours and this boards members protection.


14. This is stupid! I'm leaving.

What, the topic, or the board here?

If the topic, Then go somewhere else and post stuff. Whee.

If the boards, theeeennnnn... Bye!


15. Theres a question that isnt on here that I need answered! Aaaaaahhhhhhh

I has the solution! DO NOT post your question here. Rather, Ask me anything you want to, in index.php?showtopic=2002&st=0 that topic. Its full of spiffy.




Hope that'll clear some things up...

17. HELP! I just got put in the Meat Grinder and Died! ;_;

You really shouldn't be hanging around Mushroom_king when she's had to much Sugar. Bad you. You be dead.

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ZZZZZ Gotta sleep.

Sleep is for the weak. Better spend your time by plotting world domination. -has about 38 world domination plans made, with about 20 doomsday weapons construction plans, and many evil-villains-for-hire contact information- I just never do dominate teh world, just plan for it.

I should sell these blueprints and plans and such to evil peoples like TGHLs or Space Pirates. o_o; Get some more moneys. Hawt time.

I have 100 Evil world domanation plans. Many involve bringing back te 80's.

I have 900 Doomsday weopens. Oh yea. I have the How to be a Vilin book.

An ebbil villain who can't spell domination or villain? What is this world coming to?

The persistant lack of intelligence strikes again! -panicks- :o

I can spell now. O_o

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