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Who is your favorite band or artist listed here?


Who is your favorite band or artist listed here?  

14 members have voted

  1. 1. Who is your favorite band or artist listed here?

    • 1. The Who
    • 2. Jimmi Hendrix
    • 3. Kansas
    • 4. Bosten
    • 5. Pink Floyd
    • 6. Led Zepplin
    • 7. The Eagles

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Skwerlhugger Will has created this poll.  Please pick your favorite band or artist from the list.


Thanks for voting!

We dont need no education! PINK FLOYD 4EVER!

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actually, they are all good, I think Tommy is one album everyone should listen to, I just like to play with the band's name a little when I have the chance.

meat loaf is okay, although I don't think he will ever really recover from the "Bat out of..." tour.

Arkcher, what music exactly do you listen to anyways?

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actually, they are all good, I think Tommy is one album everyone should listen to, I just like to play with the band's name a little when I have the chance.

meat loaf is okay, although I don't think he will ever really recover from the "Bat out of..." tour.

Arkcher, what music exactly do you listen to anyways?

Tommy is great!!! :D


Meatloaf... :lol::lol::lol:

*remembers one particular song on that album*

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actually, they are all good, I think Tommy is one album everyone should listen to, I just like to play with the band's name a little when I have the chance.

meat loaf is okay, although I don't think he will ever really recover from the "Bat out of..." tour.

Arkcher, what music exactly do you listen to anyways?

My two favorite bands are They Might Be Giants and Linkin Park. And a small variety of toehr bands, of which I only like about one of their songs.

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Argh. I hate that song. Get it out of my head!!!!


Today my brother took me home today. He was listening mudvayne (very...erm..hard rock), so I was just banging my head at as every middleschooler walked by. :P

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I hate New Rock. And Country. Country.. No, wait CHILFDRENS is a disgrace to other types of Music! * Points to Dance *

So, if you think Children's music is a disgrace to other types of music, where do young kids start? Isn't it just a stepping stone to other music? :huh:

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My father never wanted me to go through his old records.


Now, parents don't really care what their 10-year-old son or daughter listen to. As my brother says, "They really have no control over it." But they should. 10 year olds shouldn't be listening to what they do. (i.e. MCR, Green Day, ect. ect)

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yes, it all comes down to the fact that something happened in the late seventies/early eighties, major musicians lost the ability to discuss certain topics subtly, of course, nowadfays, people are so dense they can't do that, I tell you knopw, if I ever become a popular musicain, I will likely be a one-hit wonder, because my second major song will have some naught bits that are edited out and change the whole meaning.

I asume you know my position on the mandatory digital censorship issue?

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yes, it all comes down to the fact that something happened in the late seventies/early eighties, major musicians lost the ability to discuss certain topics subtly, of course, nowadfays, people are so dense they can't do that, I tell you knopw, if I ever become a popular musicain, I will likely be a one-hit wonder, because my second major song will have some naught bits that are edited out and change the whole meaning.

I asume you know my position on the mandatory digital censorship issue?

So, do I get a signed copy of your first record and a back stage pass? :D Or will you simply forget about me. :unsure:

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of corse you would get theml, but as it stands now, it's somewhat more likely that I will build a really unique hotel, which would attract all kinds of interesting people. and give us a place to hold the convention.

man I am typing badly today.

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  • 1 year later...

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


*Basks in old memories*


Sigh....this is where I first told you guys how much I love Pink Floyd. :D


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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woot fer Jimmi Hendrix! PURPLE HAZE BaBY! LOL

*~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~*


There. Is. Only. One. M. in. JIMI!


*~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*

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