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My grandma's pet bird

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Tought I could share this with you guys.

I saw this the other day and I'm kinda amazed-shocked by that.


My grandmother has a pet bird. I don't know their proper names in english. I believe is "parrot". The kind of birds pirates used to have on their shoulders? :lol:


Well, it can say a few words, whistle a few tunes and stuff, but what I found amazing is that she eats CHICKEN!



KFC like fried chicken. The bird grabs the pieces with its leg and starts eating them bit by bit. :blink:

Is that wicked or what?

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Tought I could share this with you guys.

I saw this the other day and I'm kinda amazed-shocked by that.


My grandmother has a pet bird. I don't know their proper names in english. I believe is "parrot". The kind of birds pirates used to have on their shoulders?  :lol:


Well, it can say a few words, whistle a few tunes and stuff, but what I found amazing is that she eats CHICKEN!



KFC like fried chicken. The bird grabs the pieces with its leg and starts eating them bit by bit.  :blink:

Is that wicked or what?


I didn't know birds would eat chicken!

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